nahjul balaaghah about the holy quran by a.s. hashim. md

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran By A.S. Hashim. MD

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Nahjul Balaaghahabout the Holy Quran

By A.S. Hashim. MD

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran


الرحيم الرحمن الله بـســـم

In the Name of God,

Lord of Mercy and

Lord of Grace

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

Nahjul Balaaghah

Nahjul Balaaghah, a highly valued book, consists of:– 254 sermons, – 48 letters, and – 212 sayings of Imam Ali

Nahjul Balaaghah is unique to Imam Ali

None of the Sahaaba was ever able to produce anything like it:1. neither in substance

2. nor in literary eloquence.

No wonder Ali was referred to as:1. Sayyid al-Bulaghaa' (Pinnacle of Literary Expression) and

2. Sayyid al-Fu'qahaa, (Pinnacle of the Jurisprudents)

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

References about the Holy Quran

Nahjul Balaaghah contains 21 references about the Holy Quran, 12 of which appear here

The quotes appear in various sermons, – said at variable occasions and – about different subjects.

1. The Arabic quotes are from the book of Nahjul Balaaghah, by Dr. Subhi Al-Salih, and so is the numbering of the sermons and pages, 1st Edition, Beirut 1967.

2. The Number of the sermons may differ by a factor of 1 in other volumes of Nahjul Balaaghah

3. The references are quotes by Abd al-Zahra' al-Husayni in vols. I & IV of his work (see, internet)

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

Time Element

The majority of Ali's sayings and speeches were stated:– During his Khilaafah when in Kufa, – At Different Places– At Different Occasions– Often at Khutba of Jumu’ah

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 1, Page 45 Ali: about the Holy Quran #1

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Harrani, Tuhaf, 57;

2. al-Kulayni, Usul al-Kafi, I, 140;

3. al-Qadi al-Quda`i, Dustur, 153;

4. al-Razi, Tafsir, II, 164;

5. Ibn Talhah, Matalib;

6. al-Zamakhshari, Rabi`, I, bab al-sama' wa al-kawakib;

7. al-Wasiti, `Uyun, see al-Majlisi, Bihar, vol.77, 300, 423;

8. al-Rawandi, Sharh, see Kashif al-Ghita', Madarik, 69;

9. al-Tabarsi, al-'Ihtijaj, I, 150

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 1, Ali: about the Holy Quran #1

The Book of God clarifies to you what it permits and prohibits, its obligations and discretion, its repealing injunctions and the repealed ones, its permissible matters and compulsory ones, its particulars and the generic, its lessons and illustrations, its long and the short ones, its clear and obscure ones, detailing its abbreviations and clarifying its obscurities

In it there are verses whose knowledge is obligatory and others whose ignorance by people is permissible. It contains what appears to be obligatory but its repeal is signified by the Prophet's Sunnah or otherwise what appears compulsory according to the Prophet's action but the Book allows not following it……

]: !م ] ف#يك !م %ك ب ر& &اب& #ت كو&ح&رام&ه!، &ه! &ل ح&ال 0 %نا &ي م!ب&ه!، #ل و&ف&ض&ائ #ض&ه! ائ و&ف&ر&و&م&ن س!وخ&ه!، خ&ه! &اس# و&ن

#م&ه!، ائ و&ع&ز& خ&ص&ه! و&ر!ه! &ر& ب و&ع# و&ع&ام<ه!، و&خ&اص<ه!

&ه! ل س& و&م!ر &ه!، &ال م ث& و&أ

&م&ه! و&م!ح ك و&م&ح د!ود&ه!،&ه!، ج!م&ل 0 را م!ف&س% #ه&ه!، اب &ش& و&م!ت

. غ&و&ام#ض&ه! 0 %نا &ي و&م!بع#ل م#ه#، &اق! م#يث م&أ خ!وذ &ي ن& ب

في &اد# الع#ب ع&ل&ى ع و&م!و&س<في م!ث ب&ت &ي ن& و&ب #ه#، ه ل ج&

و&م&ع ل!وم ض!ه!، ف&ر الك#تاب#خ!ه!، &س ن <ه# ن Tالس في

&خ ذ!ه!، أ <ة# ن Tالس في و&و&اجبالك#تاب# في خ<ص و&م!ر&

!ه! ك &ر ….ت

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 86, Page 117 Ali: about the Holy Quran #2

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Dinawari, Akhbar, 145;

2. al-Harrani, Tuhaf, 100, 101;

3. al-Barqi, al-Mahasin, 233-4;

4. al-Mufid, al-Majalis, 120;

5. al-Tabarsi, Mishkat, 156;

6. al- 'Amidi, Ghurar.

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 86, Ali: about the Holy Quran #2

Verily, Allah has not created you in vain nor left you unbridled nor alone in blinding ignorance. He has defined for you the legacies, knows your works, and ordains your life span.

Allah has sent down to you the Book explaining everything, and made His Prophet live among you for a lengthy time till the Prophet completed for Him and for you the message, namely the religion that God likes,

and Allah clarified through him His good acts and bad acts, His prohibitions and His commands. So, Allah placed before you His arguments and exhausted His excuses. He put forth before you His promises but also warned you of severe retribution

&م ل &ه! ان ب ح& س! الله& #ن< ف&إ!م ك ك &ت ر! ي &م و&ل ،0 &ثا ع&ب !م !ق ك ل &خ ي

ف#ي !م &د&ع ك ي &م و&ل س!دى0،س&م<ى ق&د ع&مى0، & و&ال &ة ه&ال ج&

، !م &ك أع م&ال #م& و&ع&ل ، !م ك &ار& آث ، !م &ك ال آج& &ب& &ت و&ك

،0 &انا #ب ي ت &اب& #ت ال ك !م! &ي ك ع&ل ل& &ن ز& و&أح&ت<ى ،0 م&انا &ز أ <ه! #ي &ب ن !م ف#يك و&ع&م<ر&

ل& أن ز& &ما ف#ي ـ !م &ك و&ل &ه! ل ك م&ل&& أ

] <ذ#ي ] ال &ه! د#ين ـ #ه# &اب #ت ك م#ن ه#، #نف س# ل ض#ي& ر&

#ه# ان #س& ل ع&ل&ى ـ !م &ي ك #ل إ ن ه&ى& و&أ

& ع م&ال# اال م#ن& <ه! اب م&ح& ـه!، و&ام#ر&

& و&أ &ه! &و&اه#ي و&ن &ار#ه&ه!، و&م&كة&، ال م#ع ذ#ر& !م! &ي ك #ل إ &لق&ى ف&أ

و&ق&د<م& ال ح!ج<ة&، !م! &ي ك ع&ل <خ&ذ& و&ات&ي ن& ب !م ك ن ذ&ر&

& و&أ #ال و&ع#يد#، ب !م &ي ك #ل إ. ديد ش& ع&ذ&اب &د&ي ي

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 91, Page 125 Ali: about the Holy Quran #3

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Mas`adah ibn Sadaqah, author of Khutab Amir al-Mu'minin;

2. Ibn `Abd Rabbih, al-`Iqd, II, 406;

3. al-Saduq, al-Tawhid, 34;

4. al-Zamakhshari, Rabi`, I, bab al-mala'ikah;

5. Ibn al-'Athir, al-Nihayah, discusses its unusual (gharib) phrases in several places;

6. Ibn Tawus, Faraj al-mahmum, 56.

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 91, Ali: about the Holy Quran #3

Be confined to the Quran’s attributes and seek light from its guidance. Leave it to Allah what Satan has prompted you to seek which neither the Quran enjoins you to seek nor the Sunnah of the Prophet and Imams of guidance. This in deed is the extreme limit of Allah's claim upon you.

Be aware that the firm in knowledge are those who refrain from opening the barriers against the unknown, and their acknowledgement of ignorance about the hidden unknown prevents them from further probe. Allah praises them for their admission that they are unable to get knowledge not allowed to them….

: <ك& د&ل ف&م&ا #ل! ائ الس< Tه&ا ي& أ ف&ان ظ!ر

#ه# ب &م< ف&ائ ت #ه# ص#ف&ت م#ن &ي ه# ع&ل آن! ال ق!ر و&م&ا #ه#، &ت ه#د&اي !ور# #ن ب &ض#ىء ت و&اس

&ي س& ل م#م<ا ل م&ه! ع# ي ط&ان! الش< <ف&ك& &ل ك & و&ال ض!ه!، ف&ر &ي ك& ع&ل &اب# #ت ال ك ف#ي

#ي% <ب الن <ة# ن س! ) ف#ي وآله( عليه الله صلىل م&ه! ع# ف&ك#ل ه!، &ر! ث

& أ ال ه!د&ى #م<ة# &ئ و&أ#ك& ذل #ن< ف&إ &ه!، ان ب ح& س! الله# #ل&ى إ

. &ي ك& ع&ل الله# ح&ق% &ه&ى م!ن تف#ي خ#ين& اس# الر< &ن< أ &م و&اع ل

ع&ن# &اه!م &غ ن أ <ذ#ين& ال ه!م! # ال ع#ل مد!ون& &ة# وب ال م&ض ر! د&د# Tالس # #ح&ام اق ت

!وا ه#ل ج& م&ا &ة# #ج!م ل ب ار! # ق ر& اال ، !وب# ال غ!ي ، م&ح ج!وب# ـ ال ال غي ب# م#ن& ه! ير& &ف س# ت

اف&ه!م #ر& اع ت ـ &ع&ال&ى ت ـ الله! ف&م&د&ح&!ح#يط!وا ي &م ل م&ا &او!ل# &ن ت ع&ن #ال ع&ج ز# ب

،0 ع#ل ما #ه# ….ب

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 110, Page 164 Ali: about the Holy Quran #4

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Harrani, Tuhaf, 104;

2. al-Saduq, Man la yahduruh, I, 131;

3. al-Saduq, `Ilal, 114;

4. al-Barqi, al-Mahasin, 233;

5. al-Tusi, al-'Amali, I, 220.

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 110, Ali: about the Holy Quran #4

Learn the Quran for it is most superb of discourses, and understand it thoroughly for it is the wellspring of the hearts.

Seek the cure from its beacon for it is the remedy for the hearts.

Recite it well for its narration adorns you with so much benefit.

For certainly a scholar who does not apply his knowledge is like the straying ignorant who finds no relief from his ignorance,

But on the learned the plea of Allah is greater and the grief more incumbent, and he is more blameworthy before Allah.

<ه! #ن ف&إ آن ال قر <م!وا &ع&ل و&تف#يه# &ف&ق<ه!وا و&ت ، ال ح&د#يث# &ح س&ن! أ

، ال ق!ل!وب# #يع! ب ر& <ه! #ن ف&إ<ه! #ن ف&إ !ور#ه# #ن ب ف!وا &ش ت و&اس

الصTد!ور#، ف&اء! ش#&ن ف&ع! أ <ه! #ن ف&إ &ه! &و&ت #ال ت !وا ن &ح س# و&أ

. ال ق&ص&ص##غ&ي ر# ب ال ع&ام#ل& #م& ال ع&ال #ن< و&إ

<ذ#ي ال #ر# ائ ال ح& &ال ج&اه#ل# ك ل م#ه# ع##ه#، ه ل ج& م#ن &ف#يق! ت &س ي & ال

، &ع ظ&م! أ &ي ه# ع&ل ال ح!ج<ة! &ل# بع&ن د& و&ه!و& ، م! &ل ز& أ &ه! ل ة! ر& و&ال ح&س

ل و&م! & أ . الله#

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 125, Page 182 Ali: about the Holy Quran #5

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Tabari, Ta'rikh, VI, 37, events of 37 H.;

2. Sibt ibn al-Jawzi, Tadhkirah, 100;

3. al-Mufid, al-'Irshad, 157;

4. al-Tabarsi, al-'Ihtijaj, I, 275.

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 125, Ali: about the Holy Quran #5

We did not name people as arbitrators but we named the Quran the arbitrator. The Quran is a book covered between two flaps, and it does not speak. It should have an interpreter. Men have to interpret on its behalf.

When these people invited us to name the Quran as the arbitrator between us, we could not be the party turning away from the Book of Allah, since Allah has said: “. . . And then if ye quarrel about a thing refer it to Allah and the Prophet . .”

Reference to Allah means that we decide according to the Quran while reference to the Prophet means that we follow his Sunnah.

<م&ا #ن و&إ ، ج&ال& الر% # %م !ح&ك ن &م ل <ا #ن إ . آن! ال ق!ر وهذ&ا آن& ال ق!ر &ا <م ن ح&ك

&ي ن& ب uور! ت م&س vخ&ط ه!و& <م&ا #ن إ & و&ال ان، #ل#س& ب &ن ط#ق! ي & ال ، &ي ن# الد<ف<ت

&ن ط#ق! ي <م&ا #ن و&إ ج!م&ان، &ر ت م#ن &ه! ل !د< ب. ج&ال! الر% ع&ن ه!

&ن أ #ل&ى إ ال ق&و م! &ا د&ع&ان &م<ا و&ل!ن# &ك ن &م ل آن& ال ق!ر &ا &ن &ي ن ب %م& !ح&ك ن&اب# #ت ك ع&ن &و&ل%ي& ال م!ت ال ف&ر#يق&

: &ه! ان ب ح& س! الله! وق&ال& #ن ( الله#، ف&إالله# #ل&ى إ دTوه! ف&ر! ي ء ش& في !م ع ت &از& &ن ت

( ول# س! &ن و&الر< أ الله# #ل&ى إ دTه! ف&ر& ،#ل&ى إ دTه! و&ر& #ه#، &اب #ت #ك ب !م& &ح ك ن; #ه# <ت ن بس! &أ خ!ذ& ن &ن أ س!ول# الر<

&اب# #ت ك ف#ي #الص%د ق# ب ح!ك#م& #ذ&ا ف&إ#ه#، ب <اس# الن Tح&ق& أ &ح ن! ف&ن الله#،

&ح ن! ف&ن #ه# ول س! ر& <ة# ن بس! ح!كم& #ن و&إ. #ه# ب &ه!م و ال

& أ

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 133, Page 191 Ali: about the Holy Quran #6

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-'Amidi, Ghurar, 77;

2. See Ibn Abi al-Hadid, Sharh, II, 386.

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 133, Ali: about the Holy Quran #6

The Book of Allah is among you.

It speaks, whose tongue does not falter. It is a house whose pillars cannot be demolished, and a power whose supporters cannot be routed.

A part of the same sermon about the Holy Prophet

Allah deputized the Prophet after a gap from the previous prophets when there was much disparagement among the people.

With him Allah exhausted the series of prophets and ended the revelation.

So the Prophet struggled for God’s Cause against those who were turning away from God and the ones equating others with Him.

&ي ن& ب الله# &اب! #ت و&ك ، !م ظ ه!ر#ك

& أ!ه!، ان ل#س& &ا &ع ي ي & ال uاطق& ن!ه!، &ان ك ر

& أ !ه د&م! ت & ال uي ت& و&ب. !ه! &ع و&ان أ م! !ه ز& ت & ال vو&ع#ز

] الله: ] رسول في منهاة ف&ت ر& ح#ين# ع&ل&ى &ه! ل س& ر

& أم#ن& ع &از! &ن و&ت ، ل# س! Tالر م#ن&

، & ل س!ن# اال ، ل& س! Tالر #ه# ب ف&ق&ف<ى

ال و&ح ي&، #ه# ب &م& ت و&خ&الله# ف#ي ف&ج&اه&د&

#ين& و&ال ع&اد#ل ع&ن ه!، #ر#ين& ال م!د ب#ه#. ب

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 133, Page 192 Ali: about the Holy Quran #7

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-'Amidi, Ghurar, 77;

2. See Ibn Abi al-Hadid, Sharh, II, 386

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 133, Ali: about the Holy Quran #7

By the Book of Allah and through it you truly see, you truly speak, and you truly hear.

One part of it speaks for the other part, and one part of it testifies to the other. The Quran does not create variables about Allah nor does it mislead its followers from the path of Allah.

You have joined each other in rancor towards each other and in the growth of malice among yourselves. You have concurred with each other in the passion for desires and caused enmity against each other for the sake of hording wealth.

The devil has enamored you, and deceit has misdirected you. I seek help from Allah for myself and you.

#ه#، ب ون& !ب ص#ر! ت الله# &اب! #ت كم&ع!ون& &س و&ت #ه#، ب &ن ط#ق!ون& و&ت

#ه#، ب&ع ض، #ب ب &ع ض!ه! ب &ن ط#ق! و&ي

&ع ض، ب ع&لى &ع ض!ه! ب ه&د! &ش و&ي & و&ال الله#، ف#ي &ل#ف! ت &خ ي & و&ال. الله# ع&ن# #ه# ب #ص&اح# ب !خ&ال#ف! ي

ال غ#ل% ع&ل&ى !م ت &ح اص ط&ل ق&د#ع&ى ال مر &ت& &ب و&ن ، !م &ك &ي ن ب &ما ف#ي

!م &ص&اف&ي ت و&ت ، !م #ك د#م&ن ع&ل&ى!م &ع&اد&ي ت و&ت ، اال م&ال& ح!ب% ع&لى

. & م و&ال# اال &س ب# ك ف#ي ، #يث! ب ال خ& !م! #ك ب &ه&ام& ت &ق&د#اس ل

و&الله! ، ور! ال غ!ر! !م! #ك ب &اه& و&ت&ف س#ي ن ع&ل&ى &ع&ان! ت ال م!س

!م ك &ن ف!س# و&أ

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 156, Page 219 Ali: about the Holy Quran #8

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Tusi, Talkhis al-Shafi, I, 326;

2. al-Hilli, Mukhtasar Basa'ir al-darajat, 195;

3. al-Tabarsi, al-'Ihtijaj, I, 326;

4. al-Muttaqi, Kanz, VIII, 215;

5. al-Majlisi, Bihar, bab al-fitan wa al-mihan, 448.

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 156, Ali: about the Holy Quran #8

Adhere to the Book of Allah

for it is the potent rope, and the clear beacon, and the befitting remedy, and the quencher for thirst of knowledge,

The Quran is the protection for its adherents and the deliverer for its devotees.

The Quran is straight without a curve and it does not deviate as to need correction.

Neither the frequency of its repetition nor the listening to it makes you weary.

He who speaks according to the Quran, speaks the truth and he who acts by it is up front and ahead in his affairs

الله#، &اب# #ت #ك ب !م &ي ك و&ع&لTور! و&الن ، #ين! ال م&ت ب ل! ال ح& <ه! #ن ف&إ

<اف#ع!، الن ف&اء! و&الش% ، #ين! ال م!ب<اق#ع!، الن Tي و&الر%

، &م&س%ك# #ل م!ت ل و&ال ع#ص م&ة! ، &ع&ل%ق# &ل م!ت ل <ج&اة! و&الن

&ز#يغ! ي & و&ال ، !ق&ام& ف&ي Tع و&ج& ي & ال ، &ب& &ع ت ت !س ف&ي

د%، الر< ة! &ث ر& ك #ق!ه! ل !خ ت & و&ال ، م ع# الس< !وج! و&و!ل

و&م&ن ص&د&ق&، #ه# ب ق&ال& م&ن . &ق& ب س& #ه# ب ع&م#ل&

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 176, Page 252 Ali: about the Holy Quran #9

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Zamakhshari, Rabi`, I, 219;

2. al-Kulayni, Usul al-Kafi, II, 443;

3. al-Barqi, al-Mahasin, 6;

4. al-Saduq, al-'Amali, 153;

5. al-`Ayyashi, Tafsir, II, 262;

6. al-Harrani, Tuhaf, 71.

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 106, Ali: about the Holy Quran #9

This Quran is an adviser who deceives not, a leader who misleads not, and a narrator who speaks no lie.

When you study this Quran you attain one or lose one ─attain a guidance or eliminate a spiritual blindness.

Also know that besides the Quran no one will be in need, nor will there be a wealth for guidance before the Quran.

Therefore, seek its remedy for your ailments and seek its assistance in your distresses. It contains a cure for the biggest ailments, namely disbelief, hypocrisy, temptation, and misguidance.

ه!و& آن& ال ق!ر هذ&ا &ن< أ &م!وا و&اع ل ،Tغ!ش& ي & ال <ذ#ي ال <اص#ح! الن ، Tض#ل! ي & ال <ذ#ي ال و&ال ه&اد#ي

، &ك ذ#ب! ي & ال <ذ#ي ال ! مح&د%ث! و&ال uد &ح& أ آن& ال ق!ر هذ&ا ج&ال&س& و&م&ا : !ق ص&ان ن و

& أ &اد&ة #ز#ي ب ع&ن ه! ق&ام& > #ال إ!ق ص&ان ن و

& أ ه!دى0، ف#ي &اد&ة ز#ي. ع&مى0 م#ن

&ح&د أ ع&ل&ى &ي س& ل <ه! ن& أ &م!وا و&اع ل

& و&ال ف&اق&ة، م#ن آن# ال ق!ر &ع د& ب ; غ#نى0 م#ن آن# ال ق!ر ق&ب ل& الح&د ، !م #ك د و&ائ

& أ م#ن ف!وه! &ش ت ف&اس ، !م #ك & و&ائ ال ع&ل&ى #ه# ب !وا &ع#ين ت و&اس

&ر# ك ب& أ م#ن ف&اء0 ش# ف#يه# ف&إن<

%ف&اق!، و&الن !ف ر! ال ك و&ه!و& الد<اء#، ، &ل! و&الض<ال Tو&ال غ&ي

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 176, Page 252 Ali: about the Holy Quran #10

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Zamakhshari, Rabi`, I, 219;

2. al-Kulayni, Usul al-Kafi, II, 443;

3. al-Barqi, al-Mahasin, 6;

4. al-Saduq, al-'Amali, 153;

5. al-`Ayyashi, Tafsir, II, 262;

6. al-Harrani, Tuhaf, 71.

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 176, Ali: about the Holy Quran #10

Know that the Quran intercedes and its intercession will be accepted. It is a speaker who is sure. For him whom the Quran intercedes on the Day of Judgment, its intercession would be accepted. And for the one about whom the Quran speaks ill, he shall testify to it.

On the Day of Judgment it will be announced: "Beware. The cultivator of a crop deals with its consequence except the cultivator of the Quran."

Therefore, be among the cultivators of the Quran and its devotees. Make it your guide towards Allah. Seek its advice, do not trust your views against it. and regard your wishes in the matter of the Quran as deceitful.

uاف#ع ش& <ه! ن& أ &م!وا و&اع ل

،uم!ص&د<ق uل# و&ق&ائ ،uف<ع م!ش&آن! ال ق!ر &ه! ل ف&ع& ش& م&ن <ه! ن

& و&أف#يه#، ف%ع& ش! &ام&ة# ال ق#ي &و م& ي

&و م& ي آن! ال ق!ر #ه# ب م&ح&ل& و&م&ن &ي ه، ع&ل ص!د%ق& &ام&ة# ال ق#ي

&و م& ي &اد م!ن &اد#ي !ن ي <ه! ف&إنح&ار#ث: !ل< ك إن< & &ال أ &امة# ال ق#ي&ة# و&ع&اق#ب #ه# ث ح&ر ف#ي &لى0 م!ب ت

; ال ق!رآن# &ة# ث ح&ر& غ&ي ر& #ه#، ع&م&ل#ه# &ت ث ح&ر& م#ن !وا !ون ف&ك

ع&لى Tوه! &د#ل ت و&اس &اع#ه#، &ت ب و&أع&لى &ن ص#ح!وه! ت و&اس ، !م %ك ب ر%

&ي ه# ع&ل <ه#م!وا و&ات ، !م ك &ن ف!س# أف#يه# وا Tغ#ش& ت و&اس ، !م اء&ك آر&

!م &ه و&اء&ك أ

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 176, Page 254 Ali: about the Holy Quran #11

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Zamakhshari, Rabi`, I, 219;

2. al-Kulayni, Usul al-Kafi, II, 443;

3. al-Barqi, al-Mahasin, 6;

4. al-Saduq, al-'Amali, 153;

5. al-`Ayyashi, Tafsir, II, 262;

6. al-Harrani, Tuhaf, 71.

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 106, Ali: about the Holy Quran #11

Allah the Glorified, has not admonished anyone more than in this Quran, for it is the firm rope of Allah and His trustworthy means.

The Quran is the wellspring of the hearts and fountainhead of knowledge. There is no other polisher for the heart than the Quran, and although those who remembered it had passed away, those who forget or pretend to have forgotten it have remained.

If you see any good give your support to it, but if you see evil evade it, because the Messenger of Allah used to say:

”O' son of Adam, do good and evade evil; by doing so you will be treading correctly."

&ع#ظ ي &م ل &ه! ان ب ح& س! الله& #ن< و&إ<ه! #ن ف&إ ، آن# ال ق!ر هذ&ا #م#ث ل# ب 0 &ح&دا أ

!ه! &ب ب و&س& ، #ين! ال م&ت الله# ب ل! ح& ، & م#ين! اال

#يع! &اب &ن و&ي ، ال ق&ل ب# #يع! ب ر& و&ف#يه# uء& ج&ال #ل ق&ل ب# ل و&م&ا ،# ال ع#ل مذ&ه&ب& ق&د <ه! ن

& أ م&ع& ه!، غ&ي ر!ون& <اس! الن &ق#ي& و&ب ، ون& %ر! &ذ&ك ال م!ت

. ون& &اس! &ن ال م!ت و#& أ

!وا &ع#ين ف&أ 0 ي را خ& !م &ي ت أ ر& #ذ&ا ف&إ 0 ا �ر ش& !م &ي ت أ ر& #ذ&ا و&إ &ي ه#، ع&ل

ول& س! ر& ف&إن< ع&ن ه!، !وا ف&اذ ه&ب) الله# وآله( عليه الله &ان& صلى ك

: &ق!ول! يي ر&» ال خ& اع م&ل# ، آد&م& &اب ن& ي

uج&و&اد &ن ت& أ #ذ&ا ف&إ ، ر< الش< و&د&ع#»uق&اص#د .

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 183, Page 265 Ali: about the Holy Quran #12

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Zamakhshari, Rabi`, I, 53;

2. Ibn al-'Athir, al-Nihayah, V, 299;

3. al-Bahrani, Tafsir al-burhan, I, 9, from a source other than Nahj.

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

In Sermon 183, Ali: about the Holy Quran #12

The Quran commands as well as forbids remains silent yet also speaks. It is the proof of Allah before His creation. Allah has taken from people a pledge by it, and held them as hostages by its covenant. He has completed through it His religion. Allah let the Prophet leave this world when he had conveyed to the people all His commands of guidance.

Therefore regard Allah and hold Him Supreme as He has held Himself Supreme

Allah has not concealed a thing of His religion from you, nor has He left out a thing which He likes or dislikes, without making for it a clear guidance and a definite sign which either refrains from it or calls towards it.

، uاج#ر ز& uآم#ر ف&ال ق!رآن!الله# ح!ج<ة! ،uاط#ق& ن uو&ص&ام#ت

&ي ه#م ع&ل &خ&ذ& أ ل ق#ه#، خ& ع&ل&ى&ي ه# ع&ل &ه&ن& ت و&ار م#يثاق&ه!،

م& و&أك ر& ه!، !ور& ن &م< &ت أ ، ه!م &ن ف!س& أ<ه! #ي &ب ن &ض& و&ق&ب &ه!، د#ين #ه# الله( ب صلى

( وآله ال خ&ل ق# عليه #ل&ى إ غ& ف&ر& و&ق&د . #ه# ب ال ه!د&ى # &ام &حك أ م#ن

م&ا &ه! ان ب ح& س! م#نه! ف&ع&ظ%م!واه#، &ف س# ن م#ن ع&ظ<م&

0 يئا ش& !م ع&ن ك !خ ف# ي &م ل <ه! #ن ف&إ 0 يئا ش& ك &ت ر! ي &م و&ل #ه#، د#ين م#ن

&ه! ل و&ج&ع&ل& > #ال إ &ر#ه&ه! ك و & أ &ه! ض#ي ر&

&م&ة0، م!ح ك &ة0 و&آي ،0 &اد#يا ب 0 &ما ع&ل&ي ه#، #ل إ &د ع!و ت و

& أ ع&ن ه!، ج!ر! &ز ت

Nahjul Balaaghah about the Holy Quran

Be in Allah’s Care

Thank you and May God Bless you.

Dr. A.S. Hashim