name in the center of matterville, there is a

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  • 8/14/2019 Name in the Center of Matterville, There is A


    Created by Kathleen Crawford , 1994

    Name _____________________________

    In the center of Matterville, there is aplace called the Nucleus Arcade, where twomembers of the Atoms Family like to hangout. Perky Patty Proton, like her sisters, isquite large with a huge smile and eyes thatsparkle (+). Patty is always happy and has avery positive personality. Nerdy NeldaNeutron is large like Patty, but she has aboring, flat mouth and eyes with zeroexpression (o). Her family is very apatheticand neutral about everything. Patty, Nelda,and their sisters spend all their time at thearcade.

    Around the Nucleus Arcade, you willfind a series of roadways that are used byanother member of the Atoms Family,Enraged Elliott Electron. Elliott races madlyaround the Arcade on his bright red chrome-plated Harley-Davidson. He rides so fast thatno one can be sure where he is at any time.Elliott is much smaller than Patty and Neldaand he is always angry because these biggerrelatives will not let him in the Arcade. Hehas a frown on his face, eyes that are squintedwith anger, and a very negative (-) attitude.

    The first energy street can only holdonly two Electron brothers. The secondenergy street, called the Energy Freeway, canhold 8 brothers. The third energy street, calledthe Energy Superhighway, can hold 18 of thebrothers.

    The morale of Matterville is stable aslong as each negative Electron brother isbalanced out by one positive Proton sister.The number of residents in Mattervilledepends on the Proton and Neutron families.

    Challenge: What would happen to the moraleof Matterville if one Elliott Electron waskidnapped?



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  • 8/14/2019 Name in the Center of Matterville, There is A


  • 8/14/2019 Name in the Center of Matterville, There is A


    Created by Kathleen Crawford , 1994

    In the center of Matterville, there is aplace called the Nucleus Arcade, where two

    members of the Atoms Family like to hangout. Perky Patty Proton, like her sisters, isquite large with a huge smile and eyes thatsparkle (+). Patty is always happy and has avery positive personality. Nerdy NeldaNeutron is large like Patty, but she has aboring, flat mouth and eyes with zeroexpression (o). Her family is very apatheticand neutral about everything. Patty, Nelda,and their sisters spend all their time at thearcade.

    Around the Nucleus Arcade, you willfind a series of roadways that are used byanother member of the Atoms Family,Enraged Elliott Electron. Elliott races madlyaround the Arcade on his bright red chrome-plated Harley-Davidson. He rides so fast thatno one can be sure where he is at any time.Elliott is much smaller than Patty and Neldaand he is always angry because these biggerrelatives will not let him in the Arcade. Hehas a frown on his face, eyes that are squinted

    with anger, and a very negative (-) attitude.The first energy street can only holdonly two Electron brothers. The secondenergy street, called the Energy Freeway, canhold 8 brothers. The third energy street, calledthe Energy Superhighway, can hold 18 of thebrothers.

    The morale of Matterville is stable aslong as each negative Electron brother isbalanced out by one positive Proton sister.The number of residents in Matterville

    depends on the Proton and Neutron families.Challenge: What would happen to the moraleof Matterville if one Elliott Electron waskidnapped?

  • 8/14/2019 Name in the Center of Matterville, There is A


    Created by Kathleen Crawford , 1994

    The morale of Matterville is stable as long as it has thesame number of protons (+) and electrons (-).

    If someone kidnaps one Elliott Electron, the morale of Matterville would become positive (more protons).

    If one Elliott Electron were to move to Matterville, themorale would be negative (more electrons).

    Energy Freeway Can hold up to 8 electrons

    Nucleus Arcade Contains protons & neutrons

    Energy Street Can hold up to 2 electrons

    Energy Superhighway Can hold up to 18 electrons