naqsh i rustam3


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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): you!Naqsh-i Rustam (in English, the Throne of Rustam) was considered a sacred mountain range in the Elamite periods (early first millennium BCE). The façades of Naqsh-i Rustam became the burial site for four Achaemenid rulers and their families in the fifth and fourth centuries BCE, as well as a major center of sacrifice and celebration during the Sasanian period between the third and seventh century CE.Naqsh-e Rustam, un fel de Vale a Regilor persani, un loc sacru unde sunt înmormântaţi Darius cel Mare şi succesorii săi. Mormintele sunt tăiate în stâncă şi amplasate la înălţime.The Battle of Gaugamela took place in 331 BC between Alexander the Great and Darius III of Persia. The battle, which is also called the Battle of Arbela, resulted in a massive victory for the Macedonians and led to the fall of the Persian Empire. After the battle, Parmenion rounded up the Persian baggage train while Alexander and his own bodyguard pursued Darius. As at Issus, substantial amounts of loot were gained following the battle, with 4,000 talents captured, as well as the King's personal chariot and bow. The war elephants were also captured. In all, it was a disastrous defeat for the Persians and one of Alexander's finest victories.Darius had managed to escape the battle with a small core of his forces remaining intact. The Bactrian cavalry and Bessus managed to catch up with him, as did some of the survivors of the Royal Guard and 2,000 Greek mercenaries.At this point, the Persian Empire was divided into two halves–East and West. On his escape, Darius gave a speech to what remained of his army. He planned to head further east and raise another army to face Alexander, assuming that the Macedonians would head towards Babylon. At the same time, he dispatched letters to his eastern satraps asking them to remain loyal.The satraps, however, had other intentions. Bessus murdered Darius before fleeing eastwards. When Alexander discovered Darius murdered, he was saddened to see an enemy he respected killed in such a fashion, and gave Darius full burial and ceremony at Persepolis, the once ceremonial capital of the Persian Empire, before angrily pursuing Bessus, eventually capturing and executing him the following year. The majority of the remaining satraps gave their loyalty to Alexander and were allowed to keep their positions. The Persian Empire is traditionally considered to have ended with the death of Darius.


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The practice of rock carving as a form of artistic expression, already known in ancient Persia, found a new and splendid lease of life during the Sassanid period. These carvings are notable not only for their great number but also for their enormous dimensions and compositional excellence.

Basoreliefurile sculptate în stâncă, formă majoră de exprimare artistică practicată în Persia antică, a cunoscut în perioada Sasanidă o înflorire deosebită. Aceste sculpturi sunt notabile, nu numai datorită numărului mare, dar, de asemenea, pentru dimensiunile lor de-a dreptul enorme şi pentru excelenta realizare şi compoziţie

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Naqsh-i Rostam is a precipitous cliff at the south side of the Husain Kuh, located north of Persepolis, Iran, with rock reliefs ranging from Elamite (second millennium BCE) to Sasanian times (fifth century CE). Surrounding it are other rock installations and some Achaemenid and Sasanian architecture, most of which lies under several meters of debris and has not yet been excavated.

Naqsh-i Rostam este o stâncă abruptă situată în partea de sud a munţilor Kuh Husain, la nord de Persepolis. Aici se găsesc basoreliefuri Elamite săpate în stâncă (mileniul II î.Hr.), morminte ahemenide şi reliefuri Sasanide (secolul V d.Hr). Există şi alte basoreliefuri în împrejurimi precum şi unele construcţii ahemenide şi sasanide la o adâncime de câţiva metri în pământ, care nu au fost încă scoase la lumină.

Tomb II. Artaxerxes I?

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Tomb II. Artaxerxes I?

Tomb I. Darius II?

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Naqsh-i Rustam, probably the ancient Nupistaš, is situated about five kilometers northwest of Persepolis, the capital of the ancient Achaemenid empire. As is shown by a pre-Achaemenid relief and several old graves, Naqsh-i Rustam was already a place of some importance when king Darius I the Great (522-486) ordered his monumental tomb to be carved into the cliff, which is known as the Huseyn Kuh.High above the ground there are four crosses carved in to the sheer rock face.

Naqsh-i Rustam, probabil vechiul Nupistash, este situat la aproximativ cinci kilometri nord-vest de Persepolis, capitala imperiului antic ahemenid. După cum indică un basorelief pre-ahemenid, Naqsh-i Rustam era deja un loc de o anumită importanţă atunci când regele Darius I cel Mare (522-486) a ordonat să-i fie sculptat în stânca numită azi Kuh Husein mormântul monumental.Mult deasupra solului, există patru „cruci” sculptate în faţa stâncii.

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Although Tomb I (left) and II (right) have no inscriptions that may help us identify its owners, they probably belonged to Darius II Nothus (423-404) and to Artaxerxes I Makrocheir (465-424). Like Tomb IV, which is generally attributed to Xerxes (486-465), they are almost exact copies of the final resting place of Darius the Great.

Deşi Mormintele I (stânga) şi II (dreapta) nu au inscripţii care ar putea ajuta la identificarea lor certă, ele au aparţinut probabil lui Artaxerxe I Makrocheir (464-424 î. H.), fiul şi succesorul lui Xerxes I şi al prineţesei Amestris şi lui Darius II Nothus (423-404), fiul acestuia.Ca şi mormântul IV, care este, în general, atribuit lui Xerxes (486-465), ele sunt copii aproape exacte ale locului de veci al lui Darius cel Mare (mormântul III).

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Tomb II (Artaxerxes I (465-424)

Known locally as the Persian Crosses, these are the tombs of Achaemenid monarchs. This realm, also known as the Persian Empire, persisted until the third century BCE and its rulers included names we still recognize today, such as Cyrus, Xerxes and Darius (all referred to as The Great). At the center of each of the crosses the entrance to each of the tombs is still visible.

Cunoscute pe plan local drept crucile persane, acestea sunt mormintele regilor ahemenizi. Acest Imperiu, cunoscut sub numele de Imperiul Persan a rezistat până în secolul III î.Hr când a fost cucerit de Alexandru cel Mare, devenind o parte a lumii elenistice. Printre conducătorii săi se numără nume pe care le recunoaştem şi astăzi, cum ar fi Cyrus, Xerxes sau Darius (toate denumite în continuare „cel Mare”). În centrul fiecărei cruci se vede intrarea în fiecare dintre morminte.

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The upper register is identical to the relief of Darius' tomb: the king is standing in front of an altar, praying to the supreme Ahuramazda and sacrificing to the holy fire. In his right hand, the king has his bow, the royal attribute par excellence. Again, the plaform is carried by people that represent the subject nations. The symbol in the upper right corner represents the moon.

Registrul superior este identic cu basorelieful de la mormântul lui Darius: regele este în picioare în faţa unui altar, rugându-se zeului suprem Ahuramazda şi aducând sacrificii focului sacru. În mâna dreaptă are arcul, un atribut regal prin excelenţă. Şi aici plaforma este purtată de oameni care reprezintă popoarele supuse. Simbolul din colţul din dreapta sus reprezintă luna.

Achaemenid Empire around the time of Darius the Great and Xerxes

Tomb II (Artaxerxes I (465-424)

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Tomb II (Artaxerxes I (465-424)

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Tomb II (Artaxerxes I (465-424)

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Tomb II (Artaxerxes I (465-424)

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Tomb II (Artaxerxes I (465-424)

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Tomb II (Artaxerxes I (465-424)

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Tomb II (Artaxerxes I (465-424)

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Again, the plaform is carried by people that represent the subject nations.

Platforma pe care se află regele este dusă pe umeri de reprezentanţii naţiunilor care formează imperiul

Tomb II (Artaxerxes I (465-424)

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Tomb II (Artaxerxes I (465-424)

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Tomb II (Artaxerxes I (465-424)

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Tomb III. Darius I

Tomb II. Artaxerxes I?

Tomb IV. Xerxes

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Tomb II. Artaxerxes I?

Tomb III. Darius I

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In 1923, the German archaeologist Ernst Herzfeld made casts of the inscriptions on the tomb of Darius I. Since 1946, these casts are held in the archives of the Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, DC.Naqsh-e Rustam was excavated for several seasons between 1936 and 1939 by a team from the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, led by Erich Schmidt.

În 1923, arheologul german Ernst Herzfeld a făcut mulaje după inscripţiile de pe mormântul lui Darius I. Din anul 1946, aceste mulaje se află în arhivele din Muzeul de Artă Asiatică a Institutului Smithsonian, din Washington, DC (Galeria de Artă Freer s-a alăturat galeriei Arthur M. Sackler, formând împreună Muzeul de Artă Asiatică a Institutului Smithsonian).Naqsh-e Rustam a fost excavat în mai multe etape între 1936 şi 1939 de către o echipă de la Institutul Oriental al Universităţii din Chicago, condusă de Erich Schmidt.

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Tomb I. Darius II?

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Each tomb could contain three to nine people. The later Achaemenid kings, Artaxerxes II Mnemon, Artaxerxes III Ochus and Darius III Codomannus were probably buried in tombs at Persepolis.Archaeologists are almost certain that the tombs were closed after the burial. After Alexander the Great had overthrown the Achaemenid empire, the doors were smashed and the tombs were looted.

În fiecare mormânt s-au aflat trei, până la nouă persoane. Regii ahemenizi de mai târziu, Artaxerxes II Mnemon, Artaxerxe III Ochus şi Darius al III-lea Codomannus au fost probabil îngropaţi în mormintele de la Persepolis.Arheologii sunt aproape siguri că intrările în morminte au fost zidite după înmormântare.După ce Alexandru cel Mare a cucerit imperiul ahemenid, uşile zidite au fost sparte, iar mormintele au fost jefuite.

Tomb I. Darius II?

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The entrance leads in to a small chamber in which the king would be laid in his sarcophagus. To indicate that it was a king’s tomb, the horizontal arch at the top of the relief is thought to be a reproduction of the one which lay above the entrance to the palace located in Persepolis. Yet the tombs are empty now – and have been for a considerable time. When the Persian Empire was defeated by Alexander the Great they were desecrated and their precious contents stolen. Perhaps they were too obvious a target to remain unspoiled for long.

Intrarea conduce la o încăpere mică unde se află sarcofagul regelui. În partea superioară a basoreliefului este o un arc orizontal (considerat a fi o reproducere a celui aflat la intrarea în palatul din Persepolis) care indică faptul că este vorba de un mormânt regal. În prezent mormintele sunt goale şi au fost aşa o perioadă considerabilă de timp. Atunci când Imperiul Persan a fost cucerit de către Alexandru cel Mare ele au fost profanate şi conţinutul lor preţios jefuit. Poate au fost un obiectiv prea evident pentru a rămâne intact

Tomb I. Darius II?

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Tomb I. Darius II?

The middle register, which gives access to the burial chamber, is adorned with a relief representing a building facade. Erich F. Schmidt (1970, p. 81) has shown that the model for it was the facade of the residential palace of Darius at Persepolis (tacara: a portico with two rows of four columns in antis).

Registrul de mijloc, care asigură accesul la camera de înmormântare, este împodobit cu un relief reprezentând faţada unei clădirii. Erich F. Schmidt (1970, p. 81) a arătat că modelul a fost faţada sudică a palatului rezidenţial al lui Darius de la Persepolis (tacara: un portic cu două rânduri de patru coloane).

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Tomb I. Darius II?

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Tomb II (Artaxerxes I (465-424)

Tomb I. Darius II?

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Tomb I. Darius II?

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Tomb II. Artaxerxes I?

Tomb III. Darius I

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The Kabah-i Zardusht is a square tower (12.50 m high and 7.32 m wide)

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The Kabah-i Zardusht is a square tower (12.50 m high and 7.32 m wide) with reinforced corners that stands on a three-stepped base. It is built of light-colored stone with false windows in dark stone. Most of the tower is solid, but in the upper half a small room with a door facing the cliff can be reached through a stone staircase. An identical monument was built at Pasargadae (Zendan-i Sulaiman). The purpose of these towers is not known, but it has been proposed that it was either a royal tomb, a depository for objects of dynastic or religious importance, or a fire sanctuary. The third can be ruled out because there is no ventilation or outlet for smoke or gases. In the Sasanian period inscriptions of Shapur I and Kartir the high priest were cut Into the tower.

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Text : Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foi oreanuş

Nicoleta Leu

Internet (slides 1,5,7)Copyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foi oreanuş Vangelis - The Drums Of Gaugamela