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According to Wikipedia, the technology has more than one meaning. One of the definitions of the promotion and application of tools, machines, equipment and processes to assist in healing the problems of people. As a human activity, technology predates than science and engineering. Usually associated with the term technology inventions and gadgets using recently discovered process and scientific principles. So, we see the changes in technology that increases our knowledge here. (Wikipedia). With technology, it emerged the creation and development of innovative equipment. Everything has a beginning and innovation. Like computers, we know that before it became a full electronics, many years before it first formed. Entering the 20th century, began the period Electronic Devices. According to Scribd, over just a few decades it has grown and met and became a common part of everyday computer living of the people. This is a device that takes the work of a man. The word computer means that something which calculates and provides a logical base on the result came by and processed. (Scribd, 2009) believe that the abacus is considered a computer in the past because its purpose is to facilitate the calculation of the merchants. At present, the abacus is not considered because the computer was already accomplished its gap computer. Improved, accelerated, and easier result several centuries studying the mechanism of computer versatility of it is to make a result of being persistent people. Counted the thing that created one of the best people because it was a powerful device that operates in almost all parts of the world to become better and easier life. (Scribd, 2009) eliminates the ability to use the computer to do a world where users can make visually the human imagination. Because of this intention, born the Virtual World or better known as Virtual Reality. In this world, people have access to a world of conceiving by watching or walking through the help of monitors or televisions used in Computer. Later, came the ideas that can also be used to play virtual reality and the imagination of human migration. (Scribd, 2009) When created computers, many things also have made and thrive. Such as videogames or online games, it also has roots. Based on the foregoing, the researchers discovered this source of Online Games that just sustained invented in ancient times and

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According to Wikipedia, the technology has more than one meaning. One of the definitions of the promotion and application of tools, machines, equipment and processes to assist in healing the problems of people. As a human activity, technology predates than science and engineering. Usually associated with the term technology inventions and gadgets using recently discovered process and scientific principles. So, we see the changes in technology that increases our knowledge here. (Wikipedia). With technology, it emerged the creation and development of innovative equipment. Everything has a beginning and innovation. Like computers, we know that before it became a full electronics, many years before it first formed. Entering the 20th century, began the period Electronic Devices. According to Scribd, over just a few decades it has grown and met and became a common part of everyday computer living of the people. This is a device that takes the work of a man. The word computer means that something which calculates and provides a logical base on the result came by and processed. (Scribd, 2009) believe that the abacus is considered a computer in the past because its purpose is to facilitate the calculation of the merchants. At present, the abacus is not considered because the computer was already accomplished its gap computer. Improved, accelerated, and easier result several centuries studying the mechanism of computer versatility of it is to make a result of being persistent people.Counted the thing that created one of the best people because it was a powerful device that operates in almost all parts of the world to become better and easier life. (Scribd, 2009) eliminates the ability to use the computer to do a world where users can make visually the human imagination. Because of this intention, born the Virtual World or better known as Virtual Reality. In this world, people have access to a world of conceiving by watching or walking through the help of monitors or televisions used in Computer. Later, came the ideas that can also be used to play virtual reality and the imagination of human migration. (Scribd, 2009) When created computers, many things also have made and thrive. Such as videogames or online games, it also has roots.Based on the foregoing, the researchers discovered this source of Online Games that just sustained invented in ancient times and grew many people using computers and playing online games with their decades past.

A literature review is designed to identify related research, to set the current research project within a conceptual and theoretical context.The second chapter should start with a brief introductory paragraph concerning the researchers exploration of related literature and studies on the research problem; state the main coverage of said chapter; should be organized thematically to confirm to the specific problems; should synthesize evidence from all studies reviewed to get an overall understanding of the state of the knowledge in the problem area; should be limited within the last ten years; should include a clinching statement showing how the related materials had assisted the researchers in the present study at the last part.How to Write the Introduction of a Review of Related Literature Identify the general topic of the sources under discussion. Thus, you will provide the context of your review of related literature; Discuss what was already presented about the topic of your paper: conflicts in a theory, conclusions, gaps in research and scholarship, etc. Explain why the literature used is worth reviewing.How to Write the Body of a Review of Related Literature Group the sources according to their common dominators (approaches, objectives or any specific chronologies); Give the examples of how to sort out these groups. Use quotations, evidences, data, etc. They will make your review of related literature more valid.How to Write the Conclusion of a Review of Related Literature Summarize the contributions of the literature sources made to the area of study you investigate. Maintain the central focus in the Introduction; Give a kind of insight into the relationship between the topic of your review and a larger study area (e.g. a discipline, a scientific endeavor, etc.FORMAT: top, right, left, and bottom margins, 1 inch chapter headings and subheads: use consistent style and spacing (Based on APA Style) typeface used throughout research paper is consistent 1.5 space all text (exceptions: quotations of four lines or longer and references) page numbers at least one inch from the edge of the paper no form of correction fluid is to be used