national institute of soyapango

National institute of soyapango English one Homework: issuu three Student’s name: David Ricardo Arevalo Diaz Teacher’s name: Jorge albert Mira Cortez

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Page 1: National institute of soyapango

National institute of soyapango

English one

Homework: issuu three

Student’s name:David Ricardo Arevalo Diaz

Teacher’s name:Jorge albert Mira Cortez


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Customs and traditions

Salvadoran traditions and customs allow to discover the national soul that permeates through the wishes and hopes, joys and sorrows, fears and struggles, Warrior instincts and religious feelings, expressing them and know their culture. Customs, typical meals, traditional festivals, traditional dances and typical characters and legends are presented in this section.

The most relevant customs include the following: funeral and Novenas of the dead, the dead, celebration of posadas, enflorar bankruptcy of Piñatas and shells, the monkeys of Corpus and pilgrimages to Esquipulas.

The Savior so small in territory, but large by his hard-working, full of surprises, people expressed in many ways their national culture through its customs which transmits their desires, hopes and joys.Customs: it is a constant repetition of an act which, with the passage of time becomes obligatory need collective sense and support of collective power.

Among the most relevant traditions are mentioned:· Pilgrimages· Dances or dances· Celebration of posadas

Customs have origins within each town, arise in social groups and effective accommodation, widespread and prolonged in time.Some types of customs in el salvador areEnflorar the dead on November 2.

 Santa Ana

types of custom Department

The talcigüines of santa Ana

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In texistepeque, santa Ana have nice habit of presenting each Holy Monday in theatrical form the talcigüines .which means in nahuat language Deviled men, who take to the streets clean of sins to passers-by in the city, who become actors when they are hit by the disguised. In the tradition a person represents Jesus tries to appease the talciguil that represents the evil attacks.


The lanterns of the ahuachapanecos

This celebration dates from many years ago, the party consists of Catholic believers put into their houses or trees very elaborate lanterns with Chinese paper of very bright colors and within it is a lighted candle, do it in honor of the celebration of the birth of the Virgin Mary.According to that when there was no electricity they placed torches with resin of pine doors, then they went in procession with torches through the streets of the town from there depends on pretty custom that every year made the ahuachapanecos.


The Holy burial of the sonsonatecos

The sonsonatecos have a habit to once a year the dramatization of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ directed by the Church of Sonsonate. They are in one of the first places in the world to represent death and resurrection of Jesus. They loaded the body of Jesus on his shoulders when the procession.

Via crucis in Sonsonate.

On the popular religious manifestations, popular literature, music, dance, oral tradition, etc.

Oral tradition: Tales: Uncle rabbit, coyote, uncle Tiger.

Legends: The Siguanaba, the Cipitío, Elf, just judge overnight, the Cadejo, The squeaky wagon, the Cuyancúa, The Screamer, ashtray, the Managua, the Tamale, the Partideno, la Llorona, click, the Virgin of the water .

Idioms: popularly known as caliche

Patron Saint:

Each municipality is dedicated to a patron saint and is held annually. Among the most important:

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Festivities dedicated to the Savior of the world known as festivals August (in San Salvador and national holiday).

Fiestas Julias: dedicated to Santa Ana, in the city of the same name.

Patron Saint festivities of San Miguel in honor to the Virgen de la Paz is held where the Carnaval de San Miguel .

Religiosas-populares celebrations: the day of the cross, celebration of Holy week, the Talcigüines, etc.

Dances: are recorded around thirty, among the most traditional: dance of the stories, the escutcheon, the partisan, The Torito Pinto, the Tiger and the deer, the Negritos, the Gigantona, the feathered etc.

Musical instruments: the wow, The cane whistle, The Sackbut, donkey jaw or Charrasca, etc.

Relative to popular festivals, brotherhoods , games, markets, etc.

Games: Traditional toys: the capirucho, the Yo-Yo, The spinning top, the chibolas, the piscucha.

Gang games: Blind hen, RID thief jumps donkey.

Rounds: The Pilgrim mother, Doña Ana, Chanchavalancha, Orange sweet and Ton-Ton.

Games for adults: the deck, racing tape, dice, the fireballs of Nejapa .

Guilds: There are about sixty confraternities, among the most traditional ones are: the brotherhood of izar, Santo Domingo de Guzmán, San Antonio de el Monte, Sonzacate, Panchimalco.

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Means of transport: generic refers to the means of transportation of people or goods from one place to another.



Means of transport can be classified as:

Aquatic, such as: human, boat, yacht, boat, submarine Terrestrial, such as: automobile, bicycle, motorcycle, train, tank, feet, etc. Air, such as: aircraft, helicopter, hot air balloon, combat aircraft, etc. Animal traction: carriages, sleighs, carts, etc.

And with the help of technology, there will be some hybrids is that may be aquatic and water or air and land at the same time, etc.



2. Water transport

HistoryThe arrival of the Europeans - Spanish and

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Portuguese - throughout almost all America produced large changes in means of transport. The primary mode of communication was the sea, since it was more efficient and fast for natural harbours and places in which ports, both sea and the American rivers were built.

Channels:Created for the easy water transport medium. The opening of this waterway was created for a considerable reduction of the travel time in goods traffic by sea to scale world. In Latin America, the Amazon and Paraná rivers are important waterways of navigation, but without doubt the most important channel is the channel of Panama. This connects the Atlantic with the Pacific across the Panamanian isthmus. Early development of water transport was stimulated by the tendency of people to concentrate on the coasts or waterways. The ancient Romans used sailing boats equipped with several banks of oars to transport their armies to Carthage and other theatres of operations. Ship construction and rigging and manipulation of candles were improving over time. With these changes, together with the adoption of the compass seafood, made possible the navigation in the open sea without sighting the coast. As it happened during the antiquity in the Mediterranean and other parts of the world, the fact that colonial settlements in the Americas were usually established on the coasts, rivers and lakes, was to cause and consequence that the routes of transport in the colonies were the natural waterways, and more efficient modes of travel were made by boat.

The raftTaking into account that our planet is covered by water, two-thirds, man has sought the way oftravel on the water .The first ship was certainly a floating trunk which would lead with hands and feet. Then they thought that the one uniting several trunks with ties could build a firm platform or raft (as it was called).Rafts were built in Egypt with bundles of cane, elsewhere the trunks are recessed to be boats or canoes.

First boats1200 years before Christ, the Phoenicians were early seafarers who used the wooden Cedar to build large, strong boats to venture beyond their limits marine.The Vikings, built on a structure of solid wood that resembled our spine. The Vikings were tall, strong and sturdy, this, allowed that they empuñaran huge oars they hoisted the square sails, came from the coast of North-Eastern Europe and were responsible for raiding the coasts of all Europe.

SteamboatsDuring the 19th century occurred great advances thanks to the technology product to steam power. The Clermont, efficient first Steamboat, was built by the American inventor Robert Fulton. It made its maiden voyage in 1807 by the Hudson River from New York City to Albania, which made the trip distance of return of nearly 483 km. 62 hours.

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The first boat to use steam propulsion in a trans-Atlantic crossing was the American ship Savannah in 1819, although the candles used during part of the 29 days of travel. Towards 1840, while a steamboat could make six trips between America and Europe, at the same time a glider could do only three.During the 1870s, he came to the shores of the Río de la Plata the French ship Le Frigidaire, which included a cold. This produced a breakthrough in the mode of production in the sector of meats, which may not already had to salt for export. Other perishable products were benefited with cooling .

Modern boatsDiesel engine meant for modern ships more economical operation that has largely replaced the steam engines . The use of nuclear power in vessels is currently restricted to military vessels. Other developments in modern navigation are hovercraft, boat travelling on an air cushion to a few inches of water or the ground; equipped with reactors or with wings like an airplane or studs that, at a certain speed, they raise the town's water to reach higher speeds.

YachtsWithin the latest advances of man by water transport, we find the yachts that are small vessels intended for the use of a small Group of people, are equipped with the latest technological advances and can navigate at sea.

Moto skiAnother important invention is the moto ski, which is the result of the search for human beings create devices for your amusement, is also used as a means of saving people with a water accident since they are faster and slightly larger (for these uses).

3. ground transportation

HistoryIn the 20th century training and installation of large corporations from manufacturers has given a boost to the production of vehicles both for home use and for public transport and goods, as well as the export to third countries. With the economic growth of recent years is expected Brazil and Argentina to reach levels of use of vehicles to the same level as the more developed countries in a short time.

RoadIn the original thirteen American colonies, which extended westward to the Mississippi River, the primary mode of transportation was by reata of Pack animals and horses on the trails of the native Americans.About 1800 roads of land were made to remove the weeds and trees of these trails. Many of these roads, however, were almost impassable during periods of bad weather. In 1820, the improvement of roads as turnpikes (motorways), in which private companies were charging a toll by having them built, connected cities key to beating the rest of roads.

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Land transport was developed more slowly. For centuries traditional means of transportation, restricted to ride on animals, carts and sleds pulled by animals, rarely exceeded an average of 16 Km/h. Ground transportation improved bit-1820, year in which the British engineer George Stephenson adapted a steam engine to a locomotive and began, between Stockton and Darlington, England, the first steam railway.He has been in the 20th century when most has been developed road network in Spain. Successive Governments have made big investments to get a basic way of large capacity (motorways and dual carriageways) allowing the displacement of large numbers of people and goods through the territory Spanish with motorization levels close to the large industrialized countries.In Latin America, the horse, the Mule and transportation on wheels were introduced by Spanish and Portuguese. They took many times routes built by the Indians.In the 18th century there were roads that linked the current Argentine cities of Tucumán and Buenos Aires, Mexico city with its neighbouring Guadalajara and Jalapa, as well as the Andean Lima (Peru) and Paita. Coastal roads were built also in Brazil.Despite this, many Latin American countries now have systems of highways more or less acceptable, being Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, the countries with the largest number of kilometers of roads improved and asphalted. In 1928, it was agreed between the countries sector build a Pan-American Highway that unites the continent from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Already in 1940, 62% of the section corresponding to Central America was paved and 87% of South America.

Drag / wheelThe beginning of the transportation occurred when our ancestors came down from the trees and started his nomadic life.Man forced the man to move to ensure its food, this home form of transport into something their food already in yes man is weak as animal transport.Wheel, important invention that man invented 5,500 years ago and this started a change in the means of transport and thus able to move from one side to another food easier and faster.

Animals as a means of transportBecause of that man had enough strength to load and transport food or utensils for themselves was not the need to tame the animals.The dog was the first animal that domestic man, then I use large and strong animals for transporting extremely heavy things together with the same man. And well as ideo how that just transported things, if not that also take advantage of the man as food, because feeding than animals produced or killing them to take advantage of as well the meat and skin for different uses.

First stepsWith the coming of the trade, the human being became the need of establishing trade routes and in addition to creating the first proceedings pulled by horses to be

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transported from one side to another to the same people and their belongings or goods.

RailwayAround 1830, shortly after the Stephenson railway line started to give service in England, there was in United States 1,767 Km away from steam railways. In 1839, the route had increased to 8,000 km. and from 1850 until 1910 railroad growth was spectacular. The construction of the railway stimulated largely the colonization and development of the West. The first United States Railroad was established in 1827, while the real development began July 4, 1828, with the railroad between Baltimore and Ohio.The introduction of the railway in Spain was relatively quick. It was in part stimulated by lack of waterways inland waterways, in contrast to other countries in the area. The first railway line was inaugurated in 1848 between the cities of Barcelona and Mataró. Towards 1870 already had a network that was the third extension of Europe, after England and France. However, the decision taken in 1844 equip with a track width to the Spanish network of railway other than the European continent isolated to Spain from the rest of the continent by this mode of transport.After a century of operating private railroad, 1941 creates the network of Spanish railways (RENFE), company of character State for the exploitation of a large part of the railway path. In recent decades, the improvement of the road infrastructure and the increase of motorization of households and businesses have meant a decrease in the number of travellers and goods transported by train. However, the implementation of services of high speed in recent years has meant a considerable recovery of travellers in very specific network routes.In 1850 this mode of transportation began its expansion in Latin America. The rail network - funded capital French, English or American--even though it benefited from the carriage of goods and passengers, was usually designed in response to business needs of their owners and countries of origin and not tending to the needs of Latin American countries. In Argentina, the railroads had their terminals in port cities: Buenos Aires and Bahía Blanca, on the coast, and Rosario on the Paraná River. The same thing happened in the Uruguayan city of Montevideo. In Brazil, the rail network stretched across the plateau of São Paulo, since there the precious coffeeproduction was concentrated. The Mexican case is paradoxical, given that the same railways used for transporting products ended up being, principles of century, the fundamental basis of the transport of the revolutionary Emiliano Zapata.It was 1945 when railways began to be deficient, giving way to the road transport, both passengers how - and above all - of goods. In this way, and already not proving them beneficial to their owners, almost all the rail system of Latin America was State, often under a false nationalist discourse .

BikeHe saw the need to transport the man individually and in 1818 Draisienne invented the forerunner of the bicycle. Two-wheeled vehicle, placed one in front of another,

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a seat, handlebars to drive with pedals to propel it. We also found the unicycle and motorcycle.

Motorcycle2, 3 and 4 wheel vehicle, self-propelled, via and sometimes can be used by 2 people and they now reach a speed of 100 Km per hour.

AutomobileThe man seeking the way to invent a machine that transported it quickly and easily without the need to use animals.In 1882, with the discovery of oil, Gottlielo Damler discovered that you using oil, could promote a faster piston slowly were emerging more inventions with the application of oil and good cheap steel that was the one I use in its production of Henry Ford, so the car was created.The wars developed new kinds of vehicles, such as tanks and buses.Then emerged varieties of cars and the automotive industry today is one of the great and important in the world, was considered as a luxury and now can be seen that today having a car is not a luxury, but it is a necessity.

Urban transportAlready a that nowadays there is too much population, the authorities were in the need for urban transport for the high number of inhabitants and also the need in that they are forced to travel long distances. Either a bus or a combination.

The metroIt has been effective in large cities transport that consume electricity, is established under the ground and the cost of maintenance is low and does not pollute.

Bullet trainWe can observe the evolution of the railway which has been perfected and is more usual in Japan .


Transport aero

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HistoryAir transport is the way modern transportation that quickly developed. Although the pioneers of aviation in the United States, Orville and Wilbur Wright made the first flight in the machine heavier than air at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the year 1903, was not until after the first World War when the air transport reached a prominent place in all countries.After the II World Guerra commercial air carriers received even greater impetus when the propellers of airplanes became larger and efficient. A breakthrough occurred in 1958 with the opening, by British and American, airlines of the reaction for commercial transport aircraft. Apart from the supersonic aircraft, a major advance in air travel was the Introduction, in 1970, of the Boeing 747, called reactor jumbo jet, which can carry from 360 up to more than 500 passengers on regular flights.In Spain also has important mode of air transport, both domestic and international. The first is Basic for relations between the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands with the Peninsula island Territories; Moreover, the distances on the Peninsula between the capital and the coastal towns have made profitable travel by plane. International knots have increased more and more its importance due to the strategic location of the Peninsula in the world, above all in relations between Latin America and European countries, to the fact that is a great world tourist destination.Air transport has also had tremendous growth in the past 40 years in Latin America. Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela are the countries with the largest number of kilometers flown on regular airlines. The large Latin American cities (city of Mexico, Buenos Aires, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro) are the main point of origin and destination of the region, although regularly its Airlines carried out flights to far East, Middle East, Europe, United States and Canada. Colombia, in 1919, was the first country that had commercial airlines.

First aircraftOne of the oldest dreams of man has been the fly and this is how it starts a constant search to invent devices enabling it to traverse the air.Lilienthal, inspired by birds, I think a glider with streamline used today for the same aircraft.Also Leonardo Da Vinci that was a precursor to the creation of aircraft. The first powered flight was made by the brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright, on December 17, 1903 that lasted only 12 seconds.

Hot air balloonsIn 1700 was when I will experiment using lighter than air balloons and thus was invented the hot air balloon. It was both elevated by hydrogen balloons boom think a balloon's passengers, but to insecure of this means of transport currently used as a means of fun.

Aircraft propeller and helicopterThey arise in the first world war, but in the second world war it is when it is carried to its limit to propeller-powered aircraft.

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Today it has been supplanted by the jet propulsion engine-powered aircraft.The helicopter, reaches perfection in the second world war, now serves as effective means of transportation and service in big cities due to which the majority of buildings and hotels have them.

Modern aircraftThe aeronautical industry, has achieved an important relevance since manufactured aircraft as fast as the speed of light, ships explorers of space, large ships for passengers who give back to the world.The most important passenger planes include:

Boein 747 or Jumbo Jet The Concorde (French) Tupolev TU-144 (Russian)

On October 4, 1957, Russia sent the first artificial satellite of the Earth , and since man has sought the way of traveling into space.It is April 12, 1961, when the Vostoki rose from the launch pad and after one hour and 48 minutes back after the turn to the world, is important since it had a passenger who was Yuri Gagarin.So now man seeking to invent ships carrying it beyond our planet.


Climate and seasons

It is possible that you've heard that it always rains in the United Kingdom. It is fair to say that it rains a lot, and it may be cloudy, but it is also said that London has a drier climate than Rome, New York, Brisbane, Rio de Janeiro and Tokyo.

The reason why people associate the United Kingdom with rain is that here the weather is very unpredictable. It can rain at any time of the year and at any time of the day. You can wake up to a blue sky and get soaked by the rain a few hours later.

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But with the right clothes and the right attitude, you can enjoy the United Kingdom with any climate. There are many better things to laze on the banks of the River, dancing in the mud during a music festival or make a snow ball war.

Climate variability

While the climate of the United Kingdom is unpredictable, it is generally not very extreme. In summer, the average temperature varies from 9 to 18 degrees Celsius

(48-64 degrees Fahrenheit). Sometimes, it can reach 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) during a heat wave, but it is rare to occur.

In winter the average temperature is from 2 to 7 degrees Celsius (36-45 degrees Fahrenheit), but temperatures often drop to below 0 degrees Celsius (36 degrees Fahrenheit). Fortunately, most of the houses, buildings, trains and buses have good heating systems.

The northern part of the United Kingdom has temperatures slightly below the southern zone, and the rains are slightly lower in the East and in the South. In general there are small differences between the different regions, but have more snow, rain and wind in the mountain areas.

If you want to see the prediction of time and statistics, visit the page Met Office web or page website BBC weather, or listen to local radio stations.



         Spring (March, April and may) is the time of sudden rain and trees and plants that bloom.

         Summer (June, July and August) is more warm season from the United Kingdom, with long sunny days, occasional storms and, some years, heat waves.

         Autumn (September, October, and November) can be tempered and dry or wet and windy. In this season the leaves fall from the trees and drops the temperature.

         Winter (December, January and February) is the coldest station of the United Kingdom, with very low temperatures, icy days and sporadic snowfall.

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The light of the day

Daylight hours are a big difference throughout the year in the United Kingdom.

         Longer daylight hours are June 21. On this day, the sun rises before the 05.00 hour and gets after 21.00 hours.

         Shorter daylight hours are on December 21. On this day, the sun rises approximately at 08.00 hours and gets around 16.00 hours.

Take precautions

While in the United Kingdom the climate is generally temperate, you should take some precautions.

On sunny days or when it's hotuse sunscreen or cover with clear and light clothing. Even if you do not feel heat, unprotected skin can burn quickly if it is exposed to the Sun. It is also a good idea to wear a hat to prevent heat stroke and drink water to avoid dehydration. 

On cold days, ice cream or when snow you have to consider the following:

o Wear several layers of clothing, a thick coat and a scarf, hat and gloves to keep you warm.

o Invest in a warm duvet or blankets for your bed.o If you wash you hair, dry it before leaving your home. Wet hair can do

to lower your body temperature.o Streets and roads can be frozen. To walk, wear shoes with good grip

(for example, shoes with rubber soles and rough surface). o Drive a car on the snow or ice can be dangerous. Take a look at

these Tips. In adverse weather conditions, it is advisable to use public transport or prevent travel.

o In general, public transport in the United Kingdom is good throughout the year, but when it snows much, there are lots of ice or mist, you can have delays or cancellations.

In rural areas should be prepared for all types of weather. Even when the prognosis has announced a sunny day, suddenly, there may be a thick fog, strong winds or heavy rains. Make sure you have shoes comfortable, waterproof with solid hold, a raincoat and a warm sweater.

If you're going to go to some remote place, take a compass, a map (Ordnance Survey map search), some supplies of food, and tell other people where you will go.

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