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National Programme


Mid-Day Meal in Schools (MDMS)

Annual Work Plan & Budget

2009 – 10



Mid - Day Meal Scheme

Annual Work Plan and Budget


1. Introduction

1.1 Brief history objectives and rationale of the Mid - Day Meal


The Mid-Day Meal (MDM) programme is being implemented in the State

since January 2005, after the notification by the State Government on 18

December 2004 to implement the MDM in all primary schools in Bihar.

Earlier in 2003-04, the State had experimented with provision of cooked

meal in about 2531 schools spread over 30 blocks in 10 districts. It was

later scaled up to all of 15,000 schools in these districts, covering about 30

lakh children. Further, the programme was implemented in all the 38

districts of Bihar in the year 2007-08. At present, 14299885 enrolled

children of primary schools (Table:AT-4) and 4202700 enrolled children

of upper primary schools (Table:AT-4A) are covered under MDM scheme

in 71385 government and government aided primary schools and AIE

Centres (Table:AT-3) and 20824 government and government aided upper

primary schools and AIE Centres (Table:AT-3A). The State in the year

2008 has implemented the MDM programme in all the government and

government aided primary schools, upper primary schools, AIE centres,

alongwith government aided Sanskrit schools, Madarsa and Maqtabs,

covering the children of 6-14 years age group.

The MDM scheme is guided by the principle that all children have Right to

Life, Food, Education and Development. These fundamental human rights

of the children are enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the


Child (CRC), the Indian Constitution and also in pronouncements of the

Supreme Court.

The State, therefore, is committed to provide food and education to all

children. This is the basic philosophy behind providing mid-day meal to all

children in primary and upper primary schools in the state, where 42% of

the population live below the poverty line. At present, Mid Day Meal

Programme is being implemented in all the districts (38) of Bihar. The

State Government has established a Mid-Day Meal Cell in the Secretariat

for the Monitoring and Supervision of the programme. The State

Government has also formed a Society named “Bihar Rajya Madhyanha

Bhojan Yojana Samiti”, to implement and supervise MDM scheme in the


The main objective of the Mid-Day Meal (MDM) programme is to bring

all children in the primary schools with three major objectives:

a) Child nutrition,

b) Educational advancement, and

c) Social equity.

Also, the Mid-Day Meal Scheme is viewed as an opportunity to

inculcate hygiene and sanitation practices among children.

1.2 Demographic Profile of the State:

Bihar is located in the eastern part of the country (between 83° 30' to 88° 00' longitude). It is an entirely land–locked state, although the outlet to the sea through the port of Kolkata is not far away. Bihar lies mid-way between the humid West Bengal in the east and the sub humid Uttar


Pradesh in the west, which provides it with a transitional position in respect of climate, economy and culture. It is bounded by Nepal in the north and by Jharkhand in the south. The Bihar plain is divided into two unequal halves by the river Ganga which flows through the middle from west to east.

Physical FeaturesLongitude  24° 20' 10" 27° 31' 15" N

Longitude 83° 19' 50" - 88° 17' 40" E

Rural Area 92,257.51 sq. km

Urban Area 1,095.49 sq. km

Total Area 94,163.00 sq. km

Height above Sea-Level  173 Feet(52.73 Meter)

Normal Rainfall 1,205 mm

Avg. Number of Rainy Days  52.5 Days in a Year

1.3 Social and economic indicators in the State, including literacy rates,

health indicators (IMR, MMR), sex ratio, poverty ratios, etc:

Indicators Bihar

Total population (Million) 82.88

Rural Population (%) 89.6

Birth rate 30

Child population (0-4 Years), (Million) 12.0

Sex ratio (all) 921

Sex ratio (0-6 years) 942

Life expectancy at birth: Male 61.4

Life expectancy at birth: Female 59.5

Infant mortality rate 62


Underweight children (below 3 years), (%) 58.4

Gross enrollment ratio (6-14 years,%) 80.42

Complete immunization (all) Before 24

months), (%)32.8

Maternal mortality rate (MMR) 371

Source : Census 2001, NHFS III , DISE data 2006-07

1.4 Nutritional Status, including data on malnutrition, anaemia,

Vitamin A, other micro-nutrient deficiencies, etc:

The nutritional objective of the scheme in Bihar is to raise the calorific

and protein intake of the children along with micro-nutrients to address

malnutrition and malnourishment. The issue is of great relevance in Bihar

as 58.4% of the children are malnourished (NFHS-III, 2005-06).

The State has started School Health Program with the help of health

department. UNICEF has provided the service of a Consultant for the

School Health Program in the State.

1.5 School data, including (i) number of Primary schools, Upper

Primary schools, High school (Government, EGS and AIE Centres),

(ii) enrollment (by category, gender for each stage), (iii) drop-outs (by

category, gender for each stage):

(i) There are 71385 Primary schools including 1430 government aided

schools and 2882 AIE Centres in the State of Bihar (Table: AT-3).

There are 20824 Upper Primary schools including 1338 government

aided schools and 131 AIE Centres in the State (Table: AT-3A).


(ii)14299885 children are enrolled in Primary Schools (Table:AT-4) and

4202700 children are enrolled in Upper Primary Schools (Table:AT-


(iii) In I-V class the dropout rate is approximately 32% and out of school

children are 10% (approx).

2. Description and assessment of the programme implemented in the

current year (2008-09):

The Human Resource Development Department of the State Government is the

Nodal Department for the Mid-Day Meal Scheme at the State level. A State

Level Steering – cum - Monitoring Committee monitors the programme. The

District Magistrate is the Nodal Officer of the scheme at the District level. The

Mid-Day Meal Programme is monitored at District and block levels by Steering-

cum-Monitoring Committees.

In year 2006-07, a State level “MDM Cell” was constituted in the leadership of

Director Primary Education in Bihar. Considering the immensity of the

programme in the year 2007-08 the State Govt. created a separate MDM

Directorate under the “Human Resource Development Department” of the State

under a separate Director with a State Programme Coordinator, four Assistant

Programme-Coordinators, to assist him with a team two junior Monitoring

officers, one Assistant, one Accountant, two peons and three Computer

Operators. A Society named “Bihar Rajya Madhyanha Bhojan Yojana Samiti”

has been formed and registered under the Society Registration Act, 1860 to

implement MDM Scheme in the State. At district level a MDM Cell has been

constituted under the leadership of S.D.E.O/R.E.O who is assisted by one District

Co-ordinator, one Accountant-cum-Computer Operator and two Resource


Persons. At Block level MDM Cell is headed by B.E.E.O who is assisted by one

Resource Person.

At school level under the guidance of Vidyalaya Shiksha Samiti (VSS), Mata

Samiti / Mahila Samakhya / Self Help Group is assisting in preparing Mid Day

Meal and its distribution. It is an important step for ensuring community

participation in the programme. In a few blocks of a few districts some NGOs

have been allotted this work who prepare the meal in centralized kitchen and

serve the students.

2.1 Calorific/Protein value of the MDM and Menu Prescribed:

Following menu of Mid-Day Meal is suggestive, which is must to be provided by

the VSS/ Mata Samiti/ Mahila Samakhya /SHG/NGOs with temporary slight

variations according to local situation, needs and availability:

This menu is regularly practiced throughout the State. Contents of Protein and

Calorie as shown in the above table are in accordance with the quantity of meal

for class I-V. For Class VI-VIII, prescribed contents of Protein (20gm) and

Calorie (700) are fulfilled with increased quantity of meal. Break-up of nutrition

Menu Nutritional Protein Assessment Kilo CalorieSabji, Rice, Dal

Pulao12.8 gram


Rajma, Rice 13.6 gram 493.8

Sweet Rice 13.1 gram 605.2

Soyabin, Rice 18.6 gram 529.5

Rice, Dal, Sabji 12.0 gram 450

Khichri, Chokha 12.0 gram 450

Karhi, Rice 12.0 gram 450

Daliya 12.0 gram 450

Chola, Rice 12.0 gram 450


content and cost of meal per child per day as per State Nutrition/Expenditure

Norm including Central Assistance and State Contribution (unit cost) has been

shown in the table: AT-1.

2.2 Regularity and wholesomeness of mid-day meals served to children;

reasons for programme interruptions, if any:

This year abnormal flood and heavy rains created situations for the interruption in

the MDM programme in a lot of districts of North Bihar on rampant basis. At

least 50% transport subsidy should be released with cooking assistant to meet the

hardship in lifting of food grain. Short span of time for lifting of food grain

affected the lifting of food grain, which caused interruption in the implementation

of the programme. Also, curtailment in the allocation of food grain has badly

affected the implementation of the programme in the State.

2.3 Number of Children (class, category and gender wise) who participated

in the programme, separately for Primary and Upper Primary in EBBs:

1. No. of children availing Mid-Day Meal as on 31.12.2008 (Pry + U. Pry)

  SC ST OBC Minority Others Total(1) (2) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)Boys 1151538 106065 3152976 962930 854172 6227681Girls 888495 84724 2480731 788188 639190 4881328Total 2040033 190789 5633707 1751118 1493362 11109009

2.4 Food grains management, including adequacy of allocation, timeliness of

lifting, transportation and distribution, and suitability of storage at

different levels:

The food grains are allotted to the Districts by Govt. of India, based on the

enrolment. It is then sub-allotted by the District Magistrate to the blocks. On

receiving the information on sub-allotment, the State Food Corporation (SFC)


lifts the food grains from the FCI godowns. Till January 2008 from SFC

godowns food grains were lifted by the PDS Dealers who then supplied them to

the Schools. On finding some evils in the system the State govt. decided to get

the food grains lifted by the Block Education Officers instead of the PDS dealers

to ensure timeliness of the lifting, and adequacy of the quantity and quality of the

food grains. To facilitate transportation of the food grains a decision was taken to

pay the BEEOs the transportation cost as Rs. 40/- per quintal, the rest Rs. 35/-

per quintal, goes to the SFC. Newly Constructed Kitchen-cum-store rooms have

been provided with sufficient place for storing foodgrains. To fight against any

possibility of the misuse of foodgrains it has been decided that the FCI will stamp

‘MDM’ on every bag in red colour. Further, in the year 2008 the responsibility of

lifting food grain from SFC and distribution of the same to schools was given to

private contractors at block levels.

At least 50% transport subsidy should be released with cooking assistant to

meet the hardship in lifting. Short span of time for lifting of food grain affected

the lifting of food grain, which caused interruption in the implementation of the

programme in the current year. Also, curtailment in the allocation of food grain

has badly affected the implementation of the programme in the State.

2.5 Central Assistance received and utilized towards (a) cooking costs, (b)

kitchen shed construction, (c) procurement of kitchen devices, (d)

management, monitoring and evaluation. (e) Transport subsidy:

(Rs in Lakh)

Item Central







(a) Cooking cost 13042.47 13042.47

(b) Kitchen shed 18646.80 0.00 In process

(c) Procurement 238.85 0.00 In process


of kitchen device

(d) MME 786.472 643.34 Rest in


(e) Transport subsidy

1453.175 1406.57 Rest in


2.6 State budget Provisions and expenditure in 2007-08 towards

reimbursement of Central Assistance (b) State contribution:

1) Cooking Cost: Primary (Rs in Lakh)

Year Allocations in State/UT Budget Total Expenditure

Central Assistant





1 2 3 4 5

2006-07 25876.75 16177.18 42053.93 41454.03

2007-08 28318.17 19400.00 47718.17 47718.17

2008-09 23585.62 14927.61 38513.24 38423.36

2009-10 47332.66 29957.38 77290.04 Not Applicable

2) Cooking Cost: Upper Primary ( Rs in Lakh)

Year Allocations in State/UT Budget Total Expenditure

Central Assistant State Total


(Reimbursement) Contribution

1 2 3 4 5

2007-08 4831.84 2415.92 7247.76 0




12208.75 5812.69 18021.44 12207.16

2009-10 17682.02 8749.44 26431.46 Not Applicable

* Remarks:

1. The amount received for cooking assistance – Central share was @ Rs.

1.58/child / day and state share was @ Rs. 1.00/child/day.

1) Amount for the construction of Kitchen Shed received in the

January 2009, sanctioning of the amount is in process.

2) Sanctioning of rest amount for the Management, Monitoring and

Evaluation is in process.

3) Sanctioning of rest amount for the Transportation cost is in


4) All the central assistance should be released in the shape of Draft

directly to the “Bihar Madhyanha Bhojan Yojana Samiti” to

avoid delay.

2.7 System for release of funds provided under Cooking Costs (Central

and State) is as follow:

(a) At first, required state share is allocated as Budget Provision.

(b) Then, we get Out lay of required State share .

(c) For sanctioning of fund we have to reach State Empowered

Committee & State Cabinet through Sanlekh.

(d) Then for sanctioned amount from State Cabinet, Sanctioning

letter is issued.

(e) After sanctioning of amount, an allotment letter is issued to

withdraw the amount from treasury.


(f) After withdrawing the fund, it is sent to Districts by the “Bihar

Rajya Madhyanha Bhojan Yojana Samiti”, Patna.

(g) The above process takes more time to release the fund to the

Districts. To avoid this delay, Central Assistant should be

released directly to the “Bihar Rajya Madhyanha Yojana

Samiti”, Patna.

(h) At least 50% of Transportation Cost should be released with

cooking cost.

2.8 System for procuring cooking ingredients (fuel, condiments, oil, etc.),

Commodities, which are centrally purchased and supplied to schools

or locally purchased at school level and rate of cooking cost per child

per day provided at school level:

At School level Cooking ingredients like oil, fuel, condiments etc. are

locally perchased by the VSS, MATA SAMITIs and the other agencies

engaged in MDM Cooking process as all these things are easily

procurable in local markets everywhere. For Primary school children Rs.

2.58 per meal per child and for upper primary Rs. 3.10 per meal per child

is provided to the schools.

2.9 System for cooking, serving and supervising mid day meals in the


In the schools where NGOs serve the MDM they cook it in their

centralised Kitchen, whereas in other schools VSS employs their own

cook and MATA SAMITIs/SHGs/Mahila Samakhayas cook and serve


themselves. VSS , Resource persons of Block level, BEEOs and SDEOs

regularly supervise and inspect the whole operation.

2.10 Status of construction of kitchen sheds from (i) funds released under

the Mid Day Meal Scheme, and (ii) funds from other development

programmes, such as SGRY, BRGF, etc. Details of activities through

convergence with other developmental programmes in provision of

drinking water, toilets etc:

In the year 2006-07 and 2007-08 funds from MDM Scheme were

released to 31109 Schools. In the year 2008-09 the amount for 31078

kitchen sheds has been received and releasing of this amount to the

districts is in process.

2.11 Status of procurement of kitchen devices from (i) funds released

under the Mid-Day Meal Programme (ii) other sources:

In 62785 Primary and Upper Primary Schools, fund has been provided

for kitchen devices out of MDM fund upto 2007-08 and fund for 4777

schools is being released in 2008-09.

2.12 Capacity building and training conducted for different categories of

persons involved in the Mid Day Meal Programme under

programmes of SSA, DIETs, etc:

In order to make a good monitoring system the Resource persons and

BEEOs, in particular, have been given vigorous training at District and

State level regarding maintains of nutrition level, hygiene, cleanliness in

MDM, and identifying cases of malnutrition and pediatric diseases.

2.13 Management Information System at School, Village/Gram

Panchayat, Block, District and State level:


We get progress report in form “K”, “Kh” and “Ga” from school, Block

and District level respectively, which in itself is much informative.

Resource Persons do the data collecting and reporting work on priority


2.14 Systems to ensure transparency and openness in all aspects of

Programme implementation, including inter alia, foodgrains

management, ingredients procurement, cooking and serving,

appointment of cooking staff, construction of kitchen sheds,

procurement of cooking devices:

So far foodgrain management is concerned now the Private Contractors

have been entrusted to offtake foodgrains from SFC and distribute the

same to schools. Ingredients procurement, cooking and serving and

appointment of cooking staff in done by the MDM preparing agencies

and the construction of kitchen shed is done by VSS.

2.15 Measures taken to rectify:

(a) Inter-district low and uneven utilization of food grains and

cooking cost.

(b) Intra-district mismatch in utilization of food grains and cooking


(c) Delay in delivering cooking cost at school level.

(a) More often due to flood conditions during monsoon season, and non

availability of Godown of the SFC for storage of foodgrains at all Block

headquarters create conditions of low and uneven utilization of

foodgrain and cooking cost.

SFC has been requested to keep sufficient food stock in the Godowns

and take action to provide new Godowns.


(b) After finding the instance of mismatch in utilization of cooking cost

and foodgrains close monitoring is conducted and explanations asked

and appraised.

(c) This type of instances do not happen due to already timely remittances

of cooking cost.

2.16 Overall assessment of the manner in which implementation of the

programme is contributing to the programme objectives and an

analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the programme


To improve the implementation of the scheme many important decisions

have been taken:-

1. Private contractors will off take rice from SFC godowns and

make the delivery to schools directly.

2. One full time Officer (Sub Divisional Education Officer/

Regional Education Officer) has been made in charge of MDM

at district level.

3. Two resource persons at District level and one resource person at

Block level has been appointed on contract basis for regular

monitoring and support. In Addition, one District Co-ordinator

and one Accountant-cum- Computer operator have been

appointed on contract basis at district level.

4. Many others steps – Convergence with other departments, NGOs

help, external evaluation, Sample audit etc. have been taken for

the improvement in the scheme.

2.17 Impact of Mid Day Meal Scheme such as increase in enrollment,

attendance, retention, learning level etc., reduction in drop-out,

increase in nutritional status etc:


The Evaluation studies conducted by Govt. of India and the Audit Report

of Accountant General Bihar conclude that there is increase in Enrollment,

Attendance and Retention. We do not have proper research finding about

learning level and nutritional status. However, the State is trying its best to

find it out. According to Para 11.3 of the C & AG Report No. PA – 13 of

2008, drop out rate has declined in rural schools.

2.18 Details of Evaluation studies conducted and summary of its findings:

Evaluation Report of Dr. Saxena and Harsh Mander, 2007:

(a) 80% of surveyed schools provide hot cooked meal.

(b) About 70% children, teachers and guardians accept that menu is


(c) 60% children said that green vegetables are provided under MDM


(d) Rs 0.50 per child per day or Rs 1500 per month honorarium is paid to


(e) About half of the schools have kitchen sheds.

(f) 80% children paid attention on cleanliness and they were disciplined.

(g) In general (95%), there was no discrimination in serving MDM.

(h) Off take of food grain is 72%.

(i) 67.9% enrolled children of Primary and Upper Primary schools avail

MDM in Bihar.

Evaluation Report of “ACER”:

According to the evaluation report of “ACER” coverage of MDM

Programme has increased from 38.4% to 62.7% during 2005- 2007.

2.19 Brief write up on best practices followed in the State:

There are many examples of good practices in some of the schools in each

district as community support, support of individuals in cooking, providing


materials and serving rich food to the students. In Jehanabad district many

schools serve local fruits and toffy to the students in the closing time of the

schools other than MDM.

In Gopalganj there are many examples of free contribution of vegetables

by local farmers. In some of the schools children’s parliament (Bal Sansad)

helps in distribution of foods to children.

2.20 Instances of unhygienic food served, children falling ill, sub-standard

supplies, diversion/misuse of resources, social discrimination and

safety measures adopted to avoid recurrence of such incidents:

There was one instance of around 80 children falling ill in Vaishali district,

where enquire was conducted by Director, MDM and it was found that the

illness was very minor in nature and children were released from hospital

on the same day. The State government has given strong instructions for

serving of hygienic food to the children. The headmasters/head teachers

and local Mata Samiti persons have to taste the food daily before

distribution to the children.

2.21 Extent of involvement of NGOs and Civic Body Organizations


Bihar government has extended the service of NGOs in urban and semi-

urban areas in five districts of the State, i.e, Muzaffarpur, Saran, Gaya,

Darbhanga and Bhagalpur for the implementation of MDM programme in

a better way. Civic bodies like Gram Panchayats and PRI representatives

are also supporting us in monitoring the scheme.

2.22 Status of School Health Programme with special focus on provision of

micro-nutrients, Vitamin-A, de-worming medicine, Iron and Folic

acid, Zinc and recording of height, weight etc:


We are in the process of getting help of the health department in near

future for provision of health cards to the children, in which the special

focus will be given for the provision of micro-nutrients, de-worming

medicines etc. Weighing machines are being purchased for schools. One

Consultant, from UNICEF to MDM Bihar, is working to monitor School

Health Program in the State.

2.23 Steps taken to strengthen the monitoring mechanism in the Village,

Block, District and State level and status of constitution of SMCs at

these levels. Details of such meetings:

For strengthening the management and monitoring system from school to

state level SMCs are constituted and their monthly meetings are being

organized regularly.

2.24 Arrangement for departmental inspections to MDM centres and

percentage of schools inspected and summary of findings and remedial


Departmental Officers inspect schools regularly. In some cases it was

reported that VSS because of lapse of its tenure ceased to lend its support.

There are some cases of irregular supply of foodgrains. In those cases

officers at district level take immediate action and some time also seek

help of the higher officers from state level for restoration of the supply.

2.25 Note on Action Taken on the findings of National Level Review

Meeting held at New Delhi on 1st August, 2008 and Regional Review

Meetings held on 4.7.08, 15.10.08, 6.11.08 and 29.11.2008:

State level meetings of the district MDM officers were called upon to discuss strategies to act on the findings of the National Level Review Meeting held at New Delhi on 1st August, 2008 and Regional Review Meetings held on 04.7.08, 15.10.08, 06.11.08 and 29.11.2008. Now we


have a better delivery and monitoring system for the effective implementation of the Scheme in the State.

2.26 Feedback/comments in respect of report of Monitoring Institutions

designated for your State/UT to monitor implementation of MDM and

action taken thereon:

We have feed back from different institutions that evaluated the MDM

programme. They all accepted that the Enrollment and the Retention of the

children in the schools has improved. There are many good examples, but

in some unavoidable circumstances there are irregular serving of food to

the students too. We have identified the specific problems and will be able

to improve it.

It may, however, be noted that many districts of Bihar are seriously

flood hit districts, where during monsoon season all the normal activities

are gravely jeopardised. During May to September of 2008 Bihar has

suffered the worst ever flood condition in the living memory. And during

this period, food grain transportation and Mid-Day Meal cooking have

been paralysed affecting the programme for many weeks on and off

causing fall in consumption of the MDM and ultimately pulling down the

overall consumption of the MDM in the state in the year 2008-09.

Following strategies have been adopted for the better implementation

of the Mid-Day Meal Programme in the State:

(a) A Society named “Bihar Rajya Madhyanha Bhojan Yojana Samiti” has

been formed for the better implementation of the MDM Scheme in the State,

(b) Capacity Building of all the Members of MDM cell from state to block,

(c) Increase community participation,

(d) Improve quality of the meal,

(e) Increase transparency,

(f) Improve public satisfaction,


(g) Established Convergence between different departments,

(h) Promote Innovative approaches,

(i) Involvement of PRIs for sustainability of the programme, and

(j) Private Contractors have been assigned the duty of lifting food grain from

SFC and distribute the same to schools.

(k) Strengthen monitoring, assessment and evaluation through increasing

man power.

The macro heads mentioned above will be followed in each and every step

of the implantation of the MDM programme. Various capacity building

programmes will be organized to strengthen CRCC, MATA Samooh/

MATA Samiti, Mahila Samakhya, SHG etc. We are also looking for the

convergence with other departments for availability of quality and safe

drinking water in the schools.

The State Government is implementing the MDM scheme in selected

schools in some of the districts through SHGs / Mahila Samakhyas / Mata

Samitis. This is expected to further improve the community participation,

quality of the meal, transparency and stakeholder satisfaction. The formation

of Mata Samitis in different schools of different districts has already been

done. Service of NGOs in the implementation of MDM Programme has been

extended to urban and semi-urban areas of five districts of the State, i.e.,

Muzaffarpur, Saran, Gaya, Darbhanga and Bhagalpur. “Bihar Rajya

Madhyanha Bhojan Yojana Samiti” has been formed and is implementing

and monitoring for the better implementation of the programme in the State.

Private Contractors have been assigned the duty of lifting food grain from

SFC and distribution of the same to schools. Man power has been increased

from State to Districts level for better Management and Monitoring of the



Mid-Day Meal SchemeAnnual Work Plan and Budget 2009-10


Sl. No. Table Particulars1 AT-1 General Information-2008-092 AT-2 Details of Provisions made in the State Budget 2009-103 AT-3 & 3A COVERAGE (No. of Institutions covered)

[Primary & Upper Primary]4 AT-4 & 4A District-wise information on Enrollment and Children availing MDM for

2008-09 [Primary & Upper Primary]5 AT-4B & 4C No. of Children as per Annual vs. actual no. of Children availing MDM

[Primary & Upper Primary] 6 AT-5 & 5A Annual Plan Vs. PERFORMANCE (PY & U PY)7 AT-6 & 6A Utilization of foodgrains (PY & U PY)8 AT-7 & 7A Utilization of Cooking Cost (PY & U PY)9 AT-8 & 8A Reconciliation of Food grains utilization vis-a-vis No. of meals served.

(PY & U PY)10 AT-9 & 9A Reconciliation of Cooking cost expenditure vis-a-vis No.of meals


served (PY & U PY)11 AT-10 & 10A Reconciliation of Food grains utilisation vis-à-vis Cooking Cost

utilisation.(PY & U PY)12 AT-11 Utilisation of Central Assistance towards Transportation (Classes 1-

VIII)13 AT-12 Utilisation of Central Assistance towards MME (Classes 1-VIII)14 AT-13 Utilisation of Central assistance towards construction of kitchen sheds 15 AT-14 Utilisation of Central assistance towards Procurement of kitchen

devices 16 AT-15 Number of School Working Days (Primary Stage)17 AT-15A Number of School Working Days (Upper Primary Stage)18 AT-16 Requirement of Central Assistance towards Foodgrains, Cooking

Assistance & Transport Assistance for 2009-10 for Primary Stage (Classes 1-V)

19 AT-16A Requirement of Central Assistance towards Foodgrains, Cooking Assistance & Transport Assistance for 2009-10 for Upper PrimaryStage (Classes VI-VIII)

21 AT-17 Kitchen Shed Construction during 2009-10 in Primary & UpperPrimary Schools (Govt and Local Body only)

22 AT-18 Kitchen Devices Procurement during 2009-10 in Primary & UpperPrimary Schools (Govt and Local Body)

23 AT-19 Assistance for Management Monitoring and Evaluation 2009-10 forPrimary + Upper Primary Stage


List of deficiencies in AWP&B 2009-10

State: BIHAR

1) Please refer Table AT -2,1 and 2 there are variation in proposed allocation of central assistance towards cooking cost 2009-10:

Stage As per AWP&B 2009-10 cental


Proposed central share

As per AWP&B 2009-10

state share

Proposed state share

1 2 3 4 5Primary 47332.66 32738.47 29957.38 20720.55Upper Primary 17682.02 11726 8749.44 5583.80

2) Please refer Table AT -3, column 13 there are variation in the number of institutions

regularly serving MDM. This may kindly be clarified that why 13724 institutions are not providing MDM. Further, no reasons of difference have been provided.

Year AWP&B 2009-10Total no. of institutions


Total no. institutions

regularly serving MDM

Difference (71385-57661)

2009-10 71385 57661 13724

3) Please refer to the Table number AT-4 there is a variation observed in the given table: This may kindly be clarified that why only 58% children are availing MDM.

Total enrollment No of children availing MDMAWP&B 09-10

Govt+LB +GA

AIE Total Govt+LB+GA AIE Total Diff

14182070 117815 14299885 8307626 13881 8321507 58.19

4) Please refer Table AT -4 A, there is a variation observed in the given table.In the column number 6 the total enrollment is given 4202700 , but only 2242492 (53%)children are availing MDM. This may kindly be clarified.

5) In Table number AT-4B, column number 5, the total number of primary children according to AWP&B 08-09 is given 13870190, although the figure is 6879083.This may kindly be clarified.


6) Please refer to the table number AT-4C column 5 ,the total number of Upper Primary children shown as per AWP&B -08-09 is 3880189, although the figure is 26,79,121. This may kindly be rectified.7) In the table number AT-5, column number 3, number of approved children according to AWP&B 08-09 is given 13870190 although the correct figure is 68,79,083.Further the number of meals to be served is given as 3009831230. But it may be 68,79,083x217= 1492761011. Further the number of working days as approved for 1.4.08-31.12.08 is 182 days , but MDM was served for 179 days this may kindly be clarified.

8) In the table no AT-5A column 3 the no of children as per AWP&B08-09 is given as 3880189 and the no of meals to be served is given as 842001013. Further the correct figure may be 26,79,121 x217=581369257.Further, the number of working days as approved for 1.4.08-31.12.08 is 182 days , but MDM was served for 179 days this may kindly be clarified.

9) In the table number AT-6 column the Annual allocation of foodgrain is shown as 222540.12 MT., although the figure is 236481.50 MT.This may kindly be clarified.10) In the same above mentioned table at column no4 of opening balance ,the figure given is 15041.10 . Although the figure may be 1349.87 This may kindly be clarified. 11) In the same table of AT-6 in column number 5 the figure of foodgra in lifting is given as 102000.91. As GOI records the figure is 111366.21. Further the column of Balance stock is left blank .This may kindly be clarified. 12) In the table number AT-7 column 4district wise Opening balance Total Unspent Balance as on 31.12.08 ,column 7 has not been provided. This may kindly be clarified.

13) In the table number AT-7A districtwise information of total unspent Balance on 31.12.2008 has not shown. This may kindly be clarified.

14 ) In the table number AT-8 column no 5 of actual consumption of food grains MTs has been left blank. Further the reasons for difference and nature of corrective measures taken or proposed to be taken to reconcile the food grain utilization has not shown .This may kindly be clarified.

15) In the table number AT-8A, column no 5 of actual consumption of food grains MTs has been left blank. Further the reasons for difference and nature of corrective measures taken or proposed to be taken to reconcile the food grain utilization has not shown .This may kindly be clarified.

16) In the table number AT-9 column 4 expected cooking cost may be 39812.58, although the shown figure is 38870.99 .Further district data of actual cooking cost has not been provided. Furthermore, the reasons of difference and nature of corrective measures taken or proposed to be taken to reconcile the food grain utilization has not shown .This may kindly be clarified.

17) In the table number AT-10 column no 5 &6 the %utilization of foodgrains and % utilization of cooking cost respectively has not been provided district wise. Further the


reasons of difference and nature of corrective measures taken or proposed to be taken to reconcile the food grain and cooking cost utilization has not shown .This may kindly be clarified.

18)In the table number AT-14 total allocation physical has been given 67561 and financial allocation is givenas 3378.07 , but the actual amount according to GOI is 62784 and 3190.20 Lakh. This may kindly be clarified.

19) In the table number AT-16 column number 10 the total foodgrain amount is given 206400.21MTs. , but the correct figure may be 207205.52MTs. In the column number 13, of the same table the amount needed for cooking assistance is given 32611.23, but actual figure may be 3273.84 lakh. Further the amount of Transport assistance may be 1554.04 lakh rather than 1548.00.

20) In the table number At-16A column number 10 the total amount of foodgrain required is shown as 55744.772MTs, although the figure may be 83757.70MTs. In the column number 13, of the same table the figure of Cooking assistance is shown as 17706.40 Lakh, but actual figure may be 17725.99 Lakh. Further in thhe column number 14 of the same table the figure for Transport assistance is given as 418.09 Lakh, but the actual figure may be 628.17 Lakh.

21) In the table number AT-19, amount proposed for MME is given 833.11 Lakh, but the actual figure may be 1127.69 Lakh. This may kindly be clarified.




F. No. 1-1/2009-EE-5(MDM-1-2)Government of India

Ministry of Human Resource DevelopmentDepartment of School Education & Literacy

MDM Division****

Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-11000112th March, 2009


Shri Anjani Kumar SinghPrincipal Secretary,Primary & Adult Education Department,Government of Bihar,New Secretariat, Patna-800015Bihar

Subject: Mid-Day-Meal Scheme - Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B) 2009-10-Meeting of MDM-Programme Approval Board. (MDM-PAB) meeting - List of deficiencies in the AWP&B 2009-10 - reg.


The undersigned is directed to refer to the above mentioned subject and say that this Department has carried out a preliminary appraisal of the MDM-AWP&B 2009-10, furnished by the State of Bihar vide letter no. 8/MDMc-31/09-36 dated 02.03.09 and identified certain deficiencies/anomalies in the information provided therein.

List of such deficiencies/anomalies are enclosed herewith for your information. Kindly provide the necessary clarification on the above at the earliest to enable this Department to prepare the Appraisal report for the MDM-PAB meeting. Please treat the matter MOST URGENT.

Yours faithfully

(Arvind Suri)Director (MDM)

Copy to: Shri. Anand Kishore, Director (Mid-Day-Meal) Government of Bihar, New Secretariat, Patna -800015.


F. No. 1-3/2009-EE-5(MDM-1-2)Government of India

Ministry of Human Resource DevelopmentDepartment of School Education & Literacy

MDM Division****

Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-11000113th March, 2009


Shri. K.L. Sayed Mohammad KoyaSecretary (Education),UT of Lakshadweep,Education Department,Kavarati-628 555.

Subject: Mid-Day-Meal Scheme - Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B) 2009-10-Meeting of MDM-Programme Approval Board. (MDM-PAB) meeting - List of deficiencies in the AWP&B 2009-10 - reg.


The undersigned is directed to refer to the above mentioned subject and say that this Department has carried out a preliminary appraisal of the MDM-AWP&B 2009-10, furnished by the UT of Lakshadweep vide letter no. 227/5/2008-Edn.(AW)(Part.) dated 19.02.09 and identified certain deficiencies/anomalies in the information provided therein.

List of such deficiencies/anomalies are enclosed herewith for your information. Kindly provide the necessary clarification on the above at the earliest to enable this Department to prepare the Appraisal report for the MDM-PAB meeting. Please treat the matter MOST URGENT.

Yours faithfully

(Arvind Suri)Director (MDM)

