natural home remedies for acid reflux


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Post on 07-May-2015



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Natural home remedies for acid reflux


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Page 2: Natural home remedies for acid reflux

The acid solution that splashes up into the esophagus causes inflammation, irritation and scarring.

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Here are some of the best natural home remedies to try for the occasional bout of acid reflux:

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1. Lose weight. Studies show losing 10 percent of your body fat can improve acid reflux symptoms.

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2. Try eating raw almonds: an alkaline-producing food that can balance your pH because they are a good source of calcium

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3. Drink two ounces of unprocessed aloe vera juice daily.

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4. Start your day with a cup of warm water and fresh lemon juice. “By drinking this on an empty stomach 15 to 20 minutes before eating anything else, the body can naturally balance out its acid levels”

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5. Try a tablespoon of baking soda in a half cup water — not tasty but effective.

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6. Take 1 to 2 teaspoons daily of apple cider vinegar. It’s great mixed with honey in tea or instead of lemon in tea.

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7. Eat a Red Delicious apple after problematic meals.

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8. Supplement with Saccharomyces boulardii, a probiotic strain specifically for the small intestine, to help optimize absorption of key vitamins for optimal digestive health

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9. Chew a stick of gum after meals to increase saliva production, which research shows can reduce acid levels in the esophagus.

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10 . Sleep on your left side. Studies found sleeping on your stomach or right side can cause additional pressure that increases GERD symptoms.

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Quit smoking Don't wear clothing that is too tightDon't exercise directly after a mealDon't lie down right after eating or eat within three hours of bedtimeElevate the head of your bed if you're a night time refluxer.

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Consult your Doctor if symptoms does not subside with Home


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