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  • 7/29/2019 naxatra


    Ashvini Bharani Krittika Rohini 0 Aries -13.20 Aries 13.20 Aries - 26.40 Aries 26.40Aries - 10.00 Taurus 10.00 Taurus - 23.20 Taurus

    Name & Born of a female horse She-who-bears The Cutters Red woman (Ri, Lr)

    Letter Horse-woman (A;AA;I) Bearing (EE) (AI) The Growing One

    Stars Hamal / Sheratan 35,39,41 Arietes Pleiades Aldebaran (Hyades)

    Symbol Horse's head Vagina / Boat Razor/Blade/Knife Ox-carrier(trade,transport)

    Body part Upper feet Lower feet Head Forehead

    Devta Ashvini Kumars Yama Kartikkeya / Agni Prajapati / Brahma

    Mode Active (spontaneous) Balanced (extreme) Active (critical) Balanced (productive)

    Caste Male Merchant (religious) Female Outcaste (sensual) Female Priest (materialist) Female Servant (ascetic)

    Humor Vata Pitta Kapha Pitta

    Guna RRR (Fire) RRT (Earth) RRS (Earth) RTR (Earth)

    Gana Deva Manush Rakshash Manush

    Dispostion Small & Agile Wrathful &Passionate Common Fixed & Upright

    Planet (LD) Ketu (1) Venus (4) Sun (6) Moon (2)

    Animal Horse Elephant Goat/Sheep Cobra

    Shakti Quicklyreaching/Goinginto Taking away / Removing Burning Growing

    Above Those to be healed Removal of life from body Heat Plants

    Below Healing therapies Carrying soul to ancestors Light Waters

    Result world free from disease moving to next world Burning/Purification Creation

    Gotra Rsi Marichi (Ray of light) Rsi Vashishta(wealthiest) Rsi Angiras (Fiery One) Rsi Atri (Who Consumes)

    I Rsi Marichi (Light) Ashvini Pushya

    II Rsi Vasishtha (Wealthiest) Bharani Ashlesha

    VI Rsi Angiras (Fiery One) Krittika Magha

    VII Rrishi Atri (Who Consumes) Rohini Purva Phalguni

    III Rsi Pulastya (Smooth Hair) Mrgashirsha Uttar Phalguni

    V Rsi Pulahu (Connector of Space) Ardra Hasta

    IV Rsi Kratu (The Inspirer) Punarvasu Chitra

  • 7/29/2019 naxatra


    Punarvasu20.00 Gemini - 03.20 Cancer

    Good/Wealthy again

    Visible infinity(AU)

    Castor & Pollux

    Quiver of arrows




    Male Merchant (materialist)


    RSR (water)



    Jupiter (8)



    Wind / Air

    Wetness / Rain


    Rsi Kratu (the Inspirer)

  • 7/29/2019 naxatra


    Pushya Ashlesha Magha03.20 Cancer - 16.40 Cancer 16.40 Cancer - 30.00 Cancer 0 Leo - 13.20 Leo

    Name & Nourisher / Nurturing Coiling, Clinging Magnanimous

    Letter Yielding / Flower (K) Entwining (D) Mighty

    Stars M-44 star cluster Hydra Regulus

    Symbol Milk-yielding udder of cow Coiled Snake Throne

    Body part Face Ears Lips & Chin

    Devta Brihaspati Nagas Pitris

    Mode Passive (soothing) Mysterious (paranoid) Achievement

    Caste Male Warrior (Religious) Female Outcaste Female Servant (Materialist)

    Humor Pitta Kapha (Watery) Kapha

    Guna RST RSS TRR

    Gana Deva Demon Demon

    Dispostion Small & Agile Intense & Pitiless Wrathful &Passionate

    Planet (LD) Saturn (10) Mercury -moon- (9) Ketu (new moon)

    Animal Goat Cat Rat

    Shakti Creative Vital Lustration Dissolving with poison Dismissing with Liberty

    Above Sacrificial worship Approach of Serpent Mourning

    Below The Worshipper Anxiety & Trembling Leaving the body

    Result Creation of spiritual energy Destruction of Victim Death

    Gotra Rsi Marichi (light) Rsi Vashishta(wealthiest) Rsi Angiras (Fiery One)










  • 7/29/2019 naxatra


    PurvaPhalguni UttarPhalguni Hasta Chitra13.20 Leo - 26.40 Leo 26.40 Leo 10.00 Virgo 10.00 Virgo - 23.20 Virgo 23.20 Virgo 06.40 Libra

    Lower Reddish One Upper Reddish One (CHH) The Hand (Jh, Ny) Glittering Shimmering

    Fig Tree Sapling (Ch) Fruit bearing fig tree (J) Laughter Elephant Pictures (T, Th)

    Zosma, Shertan Denebola + 93Leonis Corvi The Crow Spica

    Front legs of Diwan Hind legs of a diwan Potter's Wheel Big Jewel / Pearl

    Right Hand Left Hand Fingers Neck

    Bhaga Aryaman Savitar The Vivifier Vishvakarma

    Balancing (comfort) Contract making/sealing Passive Making beautiful forms

    Female Priest (Sensual) Female Warrior Male Merchant (Ascetic) Female Farmer

    Pitta Vata Vata Pitta

    TRT (water) TRS TTR (fire) TTT (Fire)

    Human Human Deva Demon

    Wrathful &Passionate Fixed & Upright Small & Agile Sweet & Friendly

    Venus (13) Sun (12) Moon (12) Mars (9)

    Rat Cow Buffalo Tiger

    Prajanana - Procreation Collecting & Allocating Gaining Collecting Merit

    Wife - Female Wealth from spouse's family Attainment of object Law

    Husband - Male Wealth from own family Process of attainment Truth

    Creation of foetus Weath accumulation Put object of desire in hand Honour

    Rsi Atri (Who Consumes) Rsi Pulastya (Smoothair) Rsi Pulahu (connector of space) Rsi Kratu (the Inspirer)

    Perfection of form


  • 7/29/2019 naxatra


    Svati ViShaka(Radha) Anuradha Jyeshtha06.40 Lib - 20.00 Lib 20.00 Libra - 03.20 Scorpio 03.20 - 16.40 Scorpio

    Name & Delicate, Tender (Ksh) Forked, Ramification Following success

    Letter Independent, Sword (Radha) (Dh, N) (T. Th, D)

    Stars Arcturus North Scale/South Scale Akrab,Isidis,Pi-sco.

    Symbol Sapling in wind/Coral Decorated Gateway Staff , Lotus (gateway)

    Body part Chest Breast Stomach Right Side

    Devta Vayu Indra & Agni Mitra

    Mode Balance(procrastination) Goal-Orientated(Fixated) Communal exploration

    Caste Female Butcher (materialist) Female Tramp (Religious) Male Servant (Religious)

    Humor Kapha Kapha Pitta


    Gana Deva Demonic Deva

    Dispostion Moveable Common Sweet & Friendly Intense & Pitiless

    Planet (LD) Rahu (7) Jupiter (6) Saturn (12) Mercury

    Animal Buffalo Tiger Deer

    Shakti Scattering to the Winds Entering - Pervading Worshipping

    Above Dispersal (centrifugal) Plowing/Cultivation Ascension

    Below In-Form (centripetal) Harvest Descension

    Result Gyration about point Fruit of Harvest Honor & Abundance

    Gotra Rsi Marichi (light) Rsi Vashishta Rsi Angiras (Fiery One) Rsi Atri (Who Consumes)

    Balancing pivot of zodiac Impending changes Putting in right place

    Abode of Saraswati Radical Psychological








  • 7/29/2019 naxatra


    Mula PurvaAshada UttarAshada00.00 Sag - 13.20 Sag 13.20 Sag - 26.40 Sag

    Innermost core (B)

    Root, Centre (N, P) Former Invincible One

    Shaula Kaus Australis,Media

    Tied bunch of roots/crouching lion Winnowing basket, Tusk

    Left Side Back Waist

    Nirriti, Alaxmi Apah, Mermaid

    Active Balanced

    Eunuch Butcher (Sensual) Female Priest (Ascetic)

    Vata Pitta


    Demonic Manush

    Intense & Pitiless Wrathful &Passionate Fixed & Upright

    Ketu Venus Sun

    Dog Monkey Mongoose

    To Ruin/Destroy Invigorating

    Breaking things apart Strength

    Crushing things Connection

    Power to destroy Gain of Lustre

    Rsi Pulastya (Smoothair) Rsi Pulahu (connector of space) Rsi Kratu (the Inspirer)

    feet of Naxatra Purush

  • 7/29/2019 naxatra


    Shravana Dhanista Shatabheesaj10.00 Cap - 23.20 Cap 23.20 Cap. - 06.40 Aqr. 06.40 Aqr. - 20.00 Aqr.

    Name & Hearing (M) Wealthiest Hundred Physicians (L)

    (Letter) The One Who limps Most famous (Y; R) Possesing a hundred Stars

    Stars Aquilae Delphini Gamma aquarii (sadachbia)

    Symbol 3 footsteps/Trident/Ear Damaru Empty circle

    Body part Genitals Anus Right Thigh

    Devta Vishnu Eight Vasu's Varuna

    Mode Passive (organisational) Active (rhythm) Cruel, Electric, Secret

    Caste Male Tramp (materialist) Female Farmer (religious) Eunuch Butcher (religious)

    Humor Pitta Vata

    Guna STR (air) STT (ether) STS (ether)

    Gana Deva Demon Demon Dispostion Moveable Moveable Moveable

    Planet(LD) Moon (3) Mars (8) Rahu (14)

    Animal Monkey Lion Mare

    Shakti Invincibility Giving fame & abundance Healing

    Above Goals / Seeking Birth Pervasion over all

    Below Achieve goals / The paths Prosperity Support of all

    Result Connection of all things Bringing people together World free of calamity

    Gotra Rsi Vashishta Rsi Angiras (Fiery One) Rsi Atri (Who Consumes)

    ears of naxatra-purush Back of Naxatra-Purush laughter of Naxatra-Purush

    Sathabhisha is white with the

    face of a horse. Her garments

    are blood-red. In her two hands

    she holds a noose and a vessel

    She rides a dolphin like animal

  • 7/29/2019 naxatra


    Purva Bhadrapada Uttar Bhadrapada Revati20.00 Aqr. - 03.20 Pisces 03.20Pisces - 16.40 Psces 16.40 Pisces - 30 Pisces

    The One who has, the The One who has the Wealthy (A; AA; KSH)

    prior, auspicious feet (V; SH) latter, auspicious feet (S; H) The Abundant

    Pegasus (Markab,Scheat) Algenib, Alpheratz Zeta Piscium

    Front part of funeral cot, Sword Back part of funeral cot Fish in water, Naggara drum

    Left Thigh Shins Ankles

    Aja Ekapad / Rudra Ahir Budhnya Pushan

    Diabolical --- Transformation Wisdom, wise old man, cunning Refined

    Male Priest (materialist) Male Warrior (materialist) Female Servant (ascetic)

    Vata Pitta Kapha

    SSR (ether) SST (ether) SSS (ether)

    Human Human DevaWrathful &Passionate Fixed & Upright Sweet & Friendly

    Jupiter (14) Saturn (9) Mercury (15)

    Lion Cow Elephant

    Raise evolutionary level Bring rain Nourish through milk

    What is good for all people Raining clouds Cows

    What is good for the Gods Growing plants Calves

    Support all people Stability of the 3 worlds Nourishment of the world

    Rsi Pulastya (Smoothair) Rsi Pulahu (connector of space) Rsi Kratu (the Inspirer)

    Ribs of Naxatra-Purush

    Man with 2 faces Uttarbhadra has the face of a don Revati has the face of a camel

    key. She holds a damaru and fair skin and a loud voice

    a vessel. She rides a bull She holds a lotus and a pot

    and rides an elephant

  • 7/29/2019 naxatra
