nb bomoc ila ir jreh i ciis i j dri - pagenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7r4x54gj4c/data/0501.pdf · veal...

Iii 1 f qw qn qt if IJ i J ir i j t t i t j jI I r I t I C t I i 0 t H ELEVEN ADRIFT 48 HOURS IN YACHT PI Rr OF YOUNG FOLKS HAVE + sIPLgtANTEXPERIENCE ON LONO < iSUANb SOUND SUFFER FOREOOD AND DRINK JreH Wornoit Tbrti Their Skirts Into Ships to Be Stuffed Into the Open Scams of Their Stnk Ing Craft IirtdcrpoJt GoanUattwwt r sate ufff Id ky wlad aid waves of Long Island aWe1it a 1sflpg P4 adth out f J et WJUQJDe < S beers 11 at the hest kawrn > CMIti B people of the I city wide towed m the other day In tko flGell ysoHuMaxy Soil overcome by JlhAIlI sad expNure Alt were ta aitoh ooadlttoo that they lta uit taeli korti Ib IoiteIIt I t > step Mt tnru k of water which throat reed IIhlp them Job 1 < ao4or Bwaor of the Mary f hell fcv u Merry party of youax folks al fe > z wit at broakfast Saturday inort rK Tkea he Imltetl tkean aboard hit joi 1 tcr a salt It was Ilk plan < o no S fr aa Btaek Rock harbor and rotam rip of throe houra at the tybst IK > UP proviataHM were pnt on board M r did tko yacht earr > the vtvnl cask of water aoarooiy bad the Wary Dell 1ft har tjojr wkc a tbuaderetorw came up and the wtad bwwtag almost a hurricane dIMe the yacht try ewt of the course Mr Lovaader an osp drnoed yachts man had ids boat welt In hand and It ride out the heavy sea following the squall without dtflCNlty- JIc so power tad the Wary null I horded back toward DrldRoport than naBtker tajoftU more TteJent than the first ftraok him Squall after squall each worse than the oUter followed They teaUUM all aflenwon When Dtxht alUM the yaokt war far adrift oo Ute tooad the aea ntamtoR heavy sal tile party without food or water To add M the peril these was aot a- dropt oil MY a kutera aboard Nte icaal lamp eouU be set and uI were la darker of being ma dews Tko wild died aa > Sunday dawned and all daw she Mary IleN lay t- rained off the LOBE Iitaod ooaat UB able to make shore SuOrriBr ter water becaMe latenoo kuodtv wit oilseed bat It was water tbv wauo i mot GIRLS ENGAGE IN RING BOUT OVER YOUNG MAN IOWA GIRLS JAB AND UPPERCUT UNTIL FRIENDS STOP CONTEST MrJau OraI city sad Mla Opal Malt ftmfiht a f 011 r rthl batMc a daylight the other in th > prrace of a number mjnu t men and tholr woaon j Mlsc Adair Drew First Blood friends fhn two young women bad been at oola for a long time and decided to settle theIr grudge by Mar gels of QuoeniDury rule lloth are of athlotlc build and have devoted mush time to physical oulturo and gymnaatks EfTorJa werp made by tho friends of the girth Just Ucforo they entered tho ring to hare them abandon the tight but both tatted to do ao Instating that the affair had gone too far to be nettled In aay other way The mill was fought near the oUr limits In u Hoot tins an old clothes- line being used for roping In tho arena It was to have gone the limit hut police Interference was feared aa a farmer waa seen approaching carry tug A milking stool The referee a wolf known man about town oajle4 the tight off and declared all bets off Iliir deciiilfm caused cgnsldprabU llleaIhfuton among the backers of the it0nojrapber aa she draw tint blood BiftJ eoofcdB clean knockdown tit the third roundMorofnw MiasCraw lord to trtft tBo count of eight before ajcltlnc to her feeL the music teach Vale Oaaekur nftcrnpoa a krcet BOMOC Up asjtt the yttoht was aoBled toward hole Who Dilrty I la tko Mid dle of the oed the wind died attain AttOMfKa wore Made 10 aktsml 1 Mws4iic atenmers INH wltkowt eneceon aa4 Itt alAI ftwMl the yacht drlftlttg IN a dead oalm- Unrknooo had aot la whoa Mr Lev adder MMod that tko heavy seas of the eight hetoro laM ODTIMR aowo aoame and tile yacht wee MNme The wom en tore up Mr aklrta wklek the MOD forced Into tko seams atopolog the water la tko dtukt a Uta aid several nta1N era paaaed sloe to the yackt hot hats were unaaewerrd drI Squall After Squall Struck the Yacht tile drifting yacht and lie captain wit astooteked to see MO algae r Ufa aboard He went awogelde and found tko oottre part overcome by exhaiM UOH aad expoooro lying OB tko caMa AntThe kit fIr of everrtiedy was for wafer soul after they had Mea eared or ad Met the We stew could tko Gin towed the yacht IBM Mrttce port karkor- AMkvlaaoea were tee towed lor aad those who wore tee IU to be loot bus were take to koopttabi The party eoejotsled of the lat proMlBOBt yoaag society people of tko city nod aM lire la tko neat exoloetre- aecUoo I rs adhereota however rtalMOd that she woe repeotodly 1 fouled ad that tko tactic of kor oppeooBt IN the ttat wero 4ecideeHr uofalr la proof of their elstms they potaled to Ute fart that whist Ute two gtria wore oarrtod to tketr ooraera MlM Adair bad a kandfiM of the othora hair NotMpc YoU looking to make the tight aa near llkw a ant slpoal prioa i Tight as pototkle Haok gW hod her aooonda with patki and apaanee and aotfAiod tkair Bomota b jftoaatog 41 11 cola Tko tfSNtktO M MM la have started over a yowsg man CATCHES RUNAWAY CAR Heroic Section Boss In Pajamas Pursues the Demon Coach St Louis Not Mace the heel board Introduced Ute InnovatM of a woman teacher In tko pMkMo sekoota of Mlllatadt has there teNt ao mock excUemont In that village aa there was tho other morning Men of Mlll ¬ stadt were peacefully sleeping a steep that was made soond by the fileaatiroa of a Sunday In a tows where tko lid I Is not known From each back yard a4gna that this was wash day were apparent nod the women of Mlllatadt were early at work It waa tho Industrious women In fact who formed the audience for a ono man performance given by Peter Swlnderman proto of high joints and low ccntsra for the Mobile tt Ohio railroad who aa section hose reigns supremo over his portion of the IOild bedi i Al MIIMadl Ihwo Ii an englne and a coach left nightly to be run to tho qty In Ute morning On thla morning the wftokman Christ ltlO1 had In cited the engine to go up to tho water tank and get a drink preparatory to the morning run When the engine had boon detached the coaah started toward High Prairie on an excursion of IU own and Swlnderman knowing that no train should be passing at that hour Jumped out of bed aa the coach pasted his door and with his pajamas nattering In the morning breese gave chase Ho oanght the oar and applied the brakes TIle Jour ¬ nay back up the track to his houso was fun for tbo audience although ombarroaelng to the sentlon boa Well Posted I represent the AntlDlllboard league announced the atrangor We wish to beautify American landscape Are there many people agalnet bill hoards In this town tOO Wa11 should say III replied the postmaster qf Daoon Rfilga Go over in the ImbUe square and yt will find a hundred against them new if it wasnt for the billboards tho loafers wouWat hero arty ilaQe to leAD 1 BgWost wlion they are Jlfod from do log asttlac TRY THIS ASPARAGUS LOAM Jew and Delicious Way of Preparing the VegltAblI reek three rupa of asparagus lips mill tender then drain Croum Awo- eaupeoos rack of non awl Miller Kid onehalf traepoen of aaUfa dnkh if paprika sad a cup of hot Milk Add ko Milk slowly stirring nn the time oJ liar live nlMOH > vjlomov E from ko nap add fonr woJlbeaten eggs i mp of hpav ewa Upa and a ten peon of okopped paretey Hotter veil a small bowl and line It with the oenalndor of tile apparatus tlpa If ko tips WIN not adhere readily to- e 11 Btdea of the bowl dip tkoM In tke man New pour In tko naparagNo god MHOO cover with a Ides of sited spot stand bewl I In not water nod rook In eool even for II Msniitoe Tlrn >Ut of the howl and oonw with the nAwwIng moo Meat two tenoponno of butler Id a NOBM beta In tko yolks of twe afters fa0 at a tiles and bent with tko tat ter very there ngkly Add anw n tout zralna of tko salt neat pepper lteoe the bowl 1 rontntaong HMJ ovor iratcr and add slowly a cop aid a I 1Mft > f bulling water Aa now M tko millers tfcnkMts roMOVo elf adfl a shlpoos of lento joke DIRECTIONS FOR VBAL SAVORY Is Appetizing Dish If Prepared In Proper Manner Veal aviary aoeovdlBC to Vague Is ifter tUMjt dlrordontv Out thtoo- umts ot raw veal asHl hill aa fnok lam late asnall plate Cot six hard boned asp Into dive lay port of them In tko bettor of a weFbuter0d rtkenware dish Ht HMtot he rawe- rdpl sprinkle wttk a little taWtod partey tea pot n n layer of the vest I sad Mont with salt said pepper to eeason treccod wttk liaise aka nate layers nattl aM It nsod the qd- 4Jst enongk water to cover IL nod on tableapoonfnl of tamer rolled In one taklespaonful of Boor and divided Into tiny BortloeM dotted over the top Tie a buttered paper over the disk sad kako ore nonr or a Mttlo longer la I good oven HOMOVO tko paper ay a plate over the meat with a wept to keep It In pate and tot It remain another hour la a buy also wen iVkeo itmto cold tva It out en a sli Tee dish and ganUek with assN wt uce leave Spat with a BfBeajfBl 1- cold cooked pea dfoaeod wkh a Mt UIt mayonnaise Egg Salad Wbtte this Is a Itttlo too koartr tie a dinner salad Ilk Dist Use tfsmc lr the Sunday Btgait supper tints the eggs hanl ronwvo tko nkotta ont M latvea crosswise or leiBjtkwIiOt and take cut tko yolVa Itnak tko yolfca rtng a silver fork UMM scam Wit- hhissed show bow with a MUle of ta- n rind aaoeo ffejM Ute hoW a Itt M melted butter salt nod psfonr must U- HIINd Minced ollvos Kotnm to tko whites of ow arrango on a bed of Klnoo or errs drew with nonck ronasBc or Mayonnnlx tt no savor have koon used la Ala g of tko egg a ow ttvos or plMolns soaUornd Bvet the sntad Mid to lie IIi Nasturtium Salad This U a delfektfnlly spicy soind and moot docorauve for tko afrnidny ot oMpany dlemer lIck a gooeUy sic LunaF Af I ne sl IVanA Mftl nBV jBIB OBiBBlBl SSJI BBMJ WaeSBBN wen A oifc water stud nrnkoOfr Ar raise la a aknllow gjnao dish law s- aid ftoweru fonnlnc n border and stems mnntnc If tko tooter of tk4 dwk Tat I14Bold koHsd potatoes lad HkMtkHi Take as- ejoal BMBkot of tBwnefea sad sewe Tken casing poUloea sued toMBBlai In alternate unto oovorlnc tke aUMs of tko BaotBttlBM apt sort with a UUlo MtM o Vn > Bd pen Drooa why KreM tfroanna and IeAe reel eokl To Can Beets Mail Meta are tko Ust for can nlsy Walk as Bnr pronnt na and earl an fish of stalk at top to pH rent Moodlna Den In sUgfitly celled water peel M for tile table Have ready In a nelgkkortng saurepaa onongk older vlnenar to corer the beets You mast wee your own udg moat aa to quantity To each qoarl of vinegar add two taMeapooofuls M sugar a teaspoonful of strained onion juice and n tcanpoonful each of par per and salt Ilrlng the vlnsar is the bon Pack tIe keota while tat Into heated cut and over with the vlneear trout the bpMing saHcepaa Raspberry Popovers Iloal three loa tight but not ai light as for enke add two cupful ol Milk and boat again then add > we cupfuls ot sifted pour a little salt and beat all smooth Pow Into hot but terod gem pans and bake In a mod r ate oven Take from tho oven when done and with a sharp knife split one side and flll with sweetened rasIhsr non Duet powdered sugar over and sane at ones Stuffed Red Peppers Cut some largo rod poppers Intc halt longtkwlm and take out the seeds make two cupful of floe soil bread crumbs moisten with half a mi of oroam aeaeon with salt and pepper and add two chopped fresh mush rooms or more Put Into a shallow pan drop A bit ot butter on earl and bake till light brown Harper luiar Keep Pie Juice from Running When batting fmlt pIN take a strip of white muslin about an Inch and a half wjde Dip lfi 1 In Iced wateet put It around thottdgo of tho pie and not ono drop ofJufoo wlll oscape The iluth easily la rctnovol niter plo It baked TEN YEARS OP PAIN Unable to Do Cveri Housework Be cause of Kidney Troubles s t Mrs Margaret Bmmerieh of Clln ton lit Napoleon 0 says Por flftn years 1 tIfCrom iromMet My hook pained me terribly livery turn or move caused sharp shooting pains I Mr oyoflBhl was poor dark pair appeared before me and I had Ulwjr spell For ten Ura I rould Mt do boneowork and Mr two yearn did not lot out of the hnc n kidney secretion woro Irregular and deotera wore Mt holplag MO Donna Kidney 1ltts brooght tlte qtlNk rllef and Anally cured we Thy saved my life MM By aM dealers M cents a box lMter4IUb t Co IwJTBlo X Y He Wit Not to Blame Little HartholaMeWs mother over hard Mm Bwontina MM a mole hirer oars tke OeveMnd lender lie disptoretl a Money that ewerwkolMr her Sfco took hint to tab eapttwiB Ute wtekedBoea of pntfanltr as well as to VHfeMrttr MM asked MM where IM had toamod all tkoe dreadful 1 words ttftrtkotoMew aanounred that Cavort MM of Mt playMBtOB had uosjbt MM CavevfB Mother was- oteaibtway mfcwoed sod Cavort woe kiMmht te heels Hi YlQelIIlIilY dl nkd kavtnc UiifMTiod ItartkoUmaw sail neither throats MT tow scold Malta Ma eoofwn At toot ko hovel oat 1 dUtat tell BartlMMMOw say vac wordc Why ihiMkl I mww how to OWM any fcMter u n too dens Haont Ml fotkor tit an amwMMIe toor Late Already Five Mtnoio attar tko lardy psog had Mnwfc tko tin laical I of the ebsol wsd we4Ma>g throoidh tko lower hall whn he aaw a podgy ItttM fatto rasapomg toward tko Ant made moM M tact aa Mo tat pope saki 1 rarry MM See bee eo yoawg Man I I- want to talk ta> you soiled tko pM rlpal to Ute Isle enter I kntat gut tIe to talk to ye PM into alroadjr rvotted Ute kroatkkMo ktfor aa Ute dnr of Ma OMOBTSBM OMee4Tb ante Never Touched Him I ho MBjBi took tko tow na ror I koojgkt of yn laot Musk MM the BMB with tfco tjd wHajjin YOB ooM yon won d ntSt ley puss y It n wooot MtWnetMT Yes thats what I M JtIIIN the dahtr but t assure yso lb racer was perfttaOy atitiasisry la w err reioeet Left Army fir Peek Trade AMdae HlilisIA an adatsusatt- eAsaisat of a HMtgartao kawoar rh- ohest Ma calmed iAs eotSuNtMs te icaaiMi aa apprstko to a pork botch- er to BodMiil H- Ihe aora ko on not oo Ma pay KM a year sad that he oeaMurs a talai of ieiifgEie aced energy as do woU 1o the tINt tnItI Net His Element Mad It Irv yes assay aoJd th- pWaiNkispkt s w11 yea I I ti- ns M ad taM a katkrI- lodfaoo I aMy drew MMOOK M W Ml toUkotoki A lath Awl la H a MitMhIJ yw take me tern ko sited latterly Red Epa used tint 1r fA wuth leasdl i- iim a bet sill iar Lssrsehs is t thet area UIIt Itllp- I t she sup koar ht et task 0 N rgey Ma Mil it r M Mli HfAal Ma tf4a B by lieS Liusone- dia Taupe Ins Yet Yet I Mppooc paid Mrs Ttattlefgli who yon die you sagest to moot an yews husoodr- Yet are very rodo retorted Mra Mttokwoddo Wkoo I dlo I expect to- go to koavoai YowifiTa Magaotae Largo Sum for Pasteur Institute Daniel tune the Jwtsh linker a ill philanthropist of Parts who roc stty died Mi a will in which he dUpoei of ll3Moww going Iiowoe9 to the Pasteur Institute lUCKS APU DINE iMNcountr CUR- ESQeadnchesnnd I Indldcstlon TiitlWttUIOc AKnuiUti 20 Tec- vmBORAX Mule liSoklNO7laourenlrplctureTRLI fACIflC COAST BOIAX CO CHICAGO Architects and Closets An architect says a writer com plains that women have a mania for Besets and that when a woman Is I al ¬ lowed any liberty In the matter she changes his whole architectural plan In order to make room for tllttftl This be says makes him a laughing stock among his fellow architects This II very Interesting but why do archlter U make plans It not to make every effort thoMsetvoa to secure eoBvenlencea 1 house tally be srehltMtnrally perfect nod yet not fit to pre la and It certain ly la ROt It than U not 1501 room enough One to Reckon With TNt a HUM Rill who pare her folk a Bkoek the other dr- Mo I want a balking atitt she told MYmt shant have any Ma replied Then Ill go bathing without one The bathing suit rariter la now bo Ing arbitrated J Sld i eMa Man You to M d w r- t W N M Ie W we of w- Bed LILT wOl < Mre h MM w Iii t to kt I aMd r rea M M VP M N Y a A 1 THE TULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIAN- AN OHLKANS HDMi n MAiuiiiun u n TM 1 a t f 11 p N 11 Ik I ki r t of I I ht f UIr s I rut I 111141 IN M JI IitItIf r suf tt Po N IIA d + fluor h I d- ANKtH r will M 1trrr > 1 wow IeI- r CM q eeei MMWMdul ro- un rf 1 plwr I AIN a w l e 4c- wa I a eo d II aftera- ONMalakta It I Ji a Apf MM pceSkIhrtUb ewdtr- s ts a naurr kuler r I i I SDNORD6FTiiBSOmi i ir ir rs ojis a HOGLESS i LARD US INSWCTION Ttif 50imiERNan70N OILCO XIVW> WAXNAH AlUfW NTVOatVCS us esraesr F very Can Kajin Coffee taws I i guaranteed Ia be NnlcordCs- willa Food and Act el Can Cresi June 1906 No W6J J I COUUUEaa tea1eew CO fN o I DEFIANCE STMCH I SICK EApI I I CARTERS I BTrLEIVER I i i little hilI d I Ita Nb I I Slf All Plll ll DDSE Es I C tElis ma rOIIIlUItttI zttM hrLrAIYr 1n TYetrfrilalIrihf SYIIIPSSE Genulflo Mils BUt Fac Slnkkgl ht REFUSE SUBSTITUTU PIUiIc w Nlwtleyll e I N1r n 4 = w- CATOR RIA For Infante and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho- Signature of i In- Use For Over Thirty Year- slCASTORIA ea arye 4p a1 Young Success Culls Birniinf4hnni Alabama Tfr r 1 dfdde rfWr tr1ffle a pow Mrfr Iwefetrf t e ejlet tMetIMOa us TIUGn YOU nOOKKrlliriNO AND 5TIINOORURT- Wt ael pow M4 tc MrM- MWHURLKK t HUdlNMC OOUMOE 1Wmush rldl i to alasNwr An nu wow n 0151p ILllpu MpnyN GOVEBNMEJfT nX NOW rf Drugs 33 send COrrog cos uK t U91t1 1 DistinctiveStyle 101rl a I- w t t r C l- x I- ss l pro tt- l Atr gelid ect 1 Stll1II N Miter hoes I a- teu for WI are t t r signs beat of wiSWfu s r worhmes t InNAIIlt roc rI i you betabes CirrulhcrsJonesShocCo MEMPHIS sT tOVII = i I DONTTASTE TASTEGOOD f 1tN tag Ik 7 dal- west N I I WhynNaeNyearVNItbus I bo- ttIH I Mwt I Itf1W r r- twdehl Tut f S ° Ht II the tIN 7w Me I Richs Tasteless Chill Tonic It will eel Ju A II 4 fllha l 7 f e11H S50s end uwteNrhtea IIItt 1111 611 t C uMII N SPURLOCKNFAL CO pas TaAaef e I R1HTIUB k GIN INy Al lit I TVt CIIs t f I e r 1f 1- ra i P1r 1 SI- t r sr Ins

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Post on 30-Jun-2020




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Page 1: Nb BOMOC Ila ir JreH i CIIs i J drI - Pagenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7r4x54gj4c/data/0501.pdf · Veal aviary aoeovdlBC to Vague Is ifter tUMjt dlrordontv Out thtoo-umts ot raw veal asHl hill

Iii 1f































JreHWornoit Tbrti Their Skirts Into Shipsto Be Stuffed Into the Open

Scams of Their StnkIng Craft

IirtdcrpoJt GoanUattwwtr sateufff Id ky wlad aid waves of Long

Island aWe1it a 1sflpg P4 adthout f J et WJUQJDe < S beers 11 atthe hest kawrn >CMIti B people of the I

city wide towed m the other day In tkoflGell ysoHuMaxy Soil overcome by

JlhAIlI sad expNureAlt were ta aitoh ooadlttoo that they

lta uit taeli kortiIb IoiteIItI

t >

step Mt tnru k of water which throatreed IIhlp them

Job 1 < ao4or Bwaor of the Mary f

hell fcv u Merry party of youax folksal fe > z wit at broakfast Saturdayinort rK Tkea he Imltetl tkean aboardhit joi 1 tcr a salt It was Ilk plan<o no S fr aa Btaek Rock harbor androtam rip of throe houra at thetybst IK > UP proviataHM were pnt onboard M r did tko yacht earr > thevtvnl cask of water

aoarooiy bad the Wary Dell 1ft hartjojr wkc a tbuaderetorw came up andthe wtad bwwtag almost a hurricanedIMe the yacht try ewt of the courseMr Lovaader an osp drnoed yachtsman had ids boat welt In hand and Itride out the heavy sea following thesquall without dtflCNlty-

JIc so power tad the Wary nullI

horded back toward DrldRoport thannaBtker tajoftU more TteJent than thefirst ftraok him Squall after squalleach worse than the oUter followedThey teaUUM all aflenwon

When Dtxht alUM the yaokt war faradrift oo Ute tooad the aea ntamtoRheavy sal tile party without food orwater

To add M the peril these was aot a-

dropt oil MY a kutera aboard Nte

icaal lamp eouU be set and uIwere la darker of being ma dewsTko wild died aa> Sunday dawned

and all daw she Mary IleN lay t-

rained off the LOBE Iitaod ooaat UB

able to make shoreSuOrriBr ter water becaMe latenoo

kuodtv wit oilseed bat It waswater tbv wauo i mot





MrJauOraIcity sad Mla Opal Maltftmfiht a f 011

rrthl batMc a daylight the otherin th > prrace of a number

mjnu t men and tholr woaon j

Mlsc Adair Drew First Blood

friends fhn two young women badbeen at oola for a long time anddecided to settle theIr grudge by Margels of QuoeniDury rule lloth areof athlotlc build and have devotedmush time to physical oulturo andgymnaatks

EfTorJa werp made by tho friends ofthe girth Just Ucforo they entered thoring to hare them abandon the tightbut both tatted to do ao Instatingthat the affair had gone too far to benettled In aay other way

The mill was fought near the oUrlimits In u Hoot tins an old clothes-line being used for roping In thoarena It was to have gone the limithut police Interference was feared aaa farmer waa seen approaching carrytug A milking stool The referee awolf known man about town oajle4the tight off and declared all bets off

Iliir deciiilfm caused cgnsldprabUllleaIhfuton among the backers ofthe it0nojrapber aa she draw tintblood BiftJ eoofcdB clean knockdown

tit the third roundMorofnw MiasCrawlord to trtft tBo count of eight beforeajcltlnc to her feeL the music teach

Vale Oaaekur nftcrnpoa a krcetBOMOC Up asjtt the yttoht was aoBledtoward hole Who Dilrty Ila tko Middle of the oed the wind died attainAttOMfKa wore Made 10 aktsml1 Mws4iicatenmers INH wltkowt eneceon aa4

Itt alAI ftwMl the yacht drlftlttg IN

a dead oalm-Unrknooo had aot la whoa Mr Lev

adder MMod that tko heavy seas of theeight hetoro laM ODTIMR aowo aoameand tile yacht wee MNme The women tore up Mr aklrta wklek the MOD

forced Into tko seams atopolog thewater

la tko dtukt a Uta aid several nta1Nera paaaed sloe to the yackt hot hatswere unaaewerrddrI

Squall After Squall Struck the Yacht

tile drifting yacht and lie captain witastooteked to see MO algae r Ufaaboard He went awogelde and foundtko oottre part overcome by exhaiMUOH aad expoooro lying OB tko caMa

AntThe kit fIr of everrtiedy was forwafer soul after they had Mea earedor ad Met the We stew could tkoGin towed the yacht IBM Mrttceport karkor-

AMkvlaaoea were tee towed loraad those who wore tee IU to be lootbus were take to koopttabi

The party eoejotsled of the latproMlBOBt yoaag society people of tkocity nod aM lire la tko neat exoloetre-aecUoo

I rs adhereota however rtalMOd thatshe woe repeotodly1 fouled ad thattko tactic of kor oppeooBt IN the ttatwero 4ecideeHr uofalr la proof oftheir elstms they potaled to Ute fartthat whist Ute two gtria wore oarrtodto tketr ooraera MlM Adair bad akandfiM of the othora hair

NotMpc YoU looking to make thetight aa near llkw a ant slpoal prioa i

Tight as pototkle Haok gW hod heraooonda with patki and apaanee andaotfAiod tkair Bomota b jftoaatog 4111

colaTko tfSNtktO M MM la have started

over a yowsg man


Heroic Section Boss In PajamasPursues the Demon Coach

St Louis Not Mace the heelboard Introduced Ute InnovatM of awoman teacher In tko pMkMo sekootaof Mlllatadt has there teNt ao mockexcUemont In that village aa therewas tho other morning Men of Mlll ¬

stadt were peacefully sleeping a steepthat was made soond by the fileaatiroaof a Sunday In a tows where tko lidIIs not known

From each back yard a4gna that thiswas wash day were apparent nod thewomen of Mlllatadt were early atwork It waa tho Industrious womenIn fact who formed the audience fora ono man performance given byPeter Swlnderman proto of highjoints and low ccntsra for the Mobilett Ohio railroad who aa section hosereigns supremo over his portion of theIOildbedii

Al MIIMadl Ihwo Ii an englne anda coach left nightly to be run to thoqty In Ute morning On thla morningthe wftokman Christ ltlO1 had Incited the engine to go up to tho watertank and get a drink preparatory tothe morning run When the enginehad boon detached the coaah startedtoward High Prairie on an excursionof IU own and Swlnderman knowingthat no train should be passing atthat hour Jumped out of bed aa thecoach pasted his door and with hispajamas nattering In the morningbreese gave chase Ho oanght theoar and applied the brakes TIle Jour ¬

nay back up the track to his housowas fun for tbo audience althoughombarroaelng to the sentlon boa

Well PostedI represent the AntlDlllboard

league announced the atrangor Wewish to beautify American landscapeAre there many people agalnet billhoards In this town tOO

Wa11 should say III replied thepostmaster qf Daoon Rfilga Go overin the ImbUe square and yt will finda hundred against them new if itwasnt for the billboards tho loaferswouWat hero arty ilaQe to leAD 1BgWost wlion they are Jlfod from dolog asttlac


Jew and Delicious Way of Preparingthe VegltAblI

reek three rupa of asparagus lipsmill tender then drain Croum Awo-

eaupeoos rack of non awl MillerKid onehalf traepoen of aaUfa dnkhif paprika sad a cup of hot Milk Add

ko Milk slowly stirring nn the time

oJ liar live nlMOH> vjlomov E fromko nap add fonr woJlbeaten eggs

i mp of hpav ewa Upa and a tenpeon of okopped paretey Hotterveil a small bowl and line It with theoenalndor of tile apparatus tlpa Ifko tips WIN not adhere readily to-

e11 Btdea of the bowl dip tkoM In tkeman New pour In tko naparagNogod MHOO cover with a Ides of sitedspot stand bewl IIn not water nodrook In eool even for II Msniitoe Tlrn>Ut of the howl and oonw with thenAwwIng moo

Meat two tenoponno of butler Id aNOBM beta In tko yolks of twe aftersfa0 at a tiles and bent with tko tatter very there ngkly Add anw n toutzralna of tko salt neat pepper lteoethe bowl1 rontntaong HMJ ovoriratcr and add slowly a cop aid a I1Mft> f bulling water Aa now M tkomillers tfcnkMts roMOVo elf adfl ashlpoos of lento joke


Is Appetizing Dish If Prepared InProper Manner

Veal aviary aoeovdlBC to Vague Isifter tUMjt dlrordontv Out thtoo-

umts ot raw veal asHl hill aa fnoklam late asnall plate Cot six hardboned asp Into dive lay port ofthem In tko bettor of a weFbuter0drtkenware dish Ht HMtot he rawe-rdpl sprinkle wttk a little taWtodpartey tea pot n n layer of thevestI sad Mont with salt said pepperto eeason treccod wttk liaise akanate layers nattl aM It nsod the qd-4Jst enongk water to cover IL nodon tableapoonfnl of tamer rolled Inone taklespaonful of Boor and dividedInto tiny BortloeM dotted over the topTie a buttered paper over the disksad kako ore nonr or a Mttlo longer laI good oven HOMOVO tko paper aya plate over the meat with a weptto keep It In pate and tot It remainanother hour la a buy also weniVkeo itmto cold tva It out en a sliTee dish and ganUek with assN wtuce leave Spat with a BfBeajfBl 1-

cold cooked pea dfoaeod wkh a MtUIt mayonnaise

Egg SaladWbtte this Is a Itttlo too koartr tie

a dinner salad Ilk Dist Use tfsmc lrthe Sunday Btgait supper tints theeggs hanl ronwvo tko nkotta ont Mlatvea crosswise or leiBjtkwIiOt andtake cut tko yolVa Itnak tko yolfca

rtng a silver fork UMM scam Wit-hhissed show bow with a MUle of ta-n rind aaoeo ffejM Ute hoW a Itt M

melted butter salt nod psfonr must U-

HIINd Minced ollvos Kotnm to tkowhites of ow arrango on a bed of

Klnoo or errs drew with nonckronasBc or Mayonnnlx tt no savor

have koon used la Ala g of tko egg aow ttvos or plMolns soaUornd Bvet

the sntad Mid to lieIIiNasturtium SaladThis U a delfektfnlly spicy soind

and moot docorauve for tko afrnidny otoMpany dlemer lIck a gooeUy sic


wen A oifc water stud nrnkoOfr Arraise la a aknllow gjnao dish law s-

aid ftoweru fonnlnc n border andstems mnntnc If tko tooter of tk4dwk Tat I14Bold koHsdpotatoes lad HkMtkHi Take as-

ejoal BMBkot of tBwnefea sad seweTken casing poUloea sued toMBBlaiIn alternate unto oovorlnc tkeaUMs of tko BaotBttlBM apt sortwith a UUlo MtM o Vn> Bd penDrooa why KreM tfroanna and IeAereel eokl

To Can BeetsMail Meta are tko Ust for can

nlsy Walk as Bnr pronnt na andearl an fish of stalk at top to pHrent Moodlna Den In sUgfitly celledwater peel M for tile table Haveready In a nelgkkortng saurepaaonongk older vlnenar to corer thebeets You mast wee your own udgmoat aa to quantity To each qoarlof vinegar add two taMeapooofuls M

sugar a teaspoonful of strained onionjuice and n tcanpoonful each of parper and salt Ilrlng the vlnsar isthe bon Pack tIe keota while tatInto heated cut and over with thevlneear trout the bpMing saHcepaa

Raspberry PopoversIloal three loa tight but not ai

light as for enke add two cupful olMilk and boat again then add > wecupfuls ot sifted pour a little salt andbeat all smooth Pow Into hot butterod gem pans and bake In a mod r

ate oven Take from tho oven whendone and with a sharp knife split oneside and flll with sweetened rasIhsrnon Duet powdered sugar over andsane at ones

Stuffed Red PeppersCut some largo rod poppers Intc

halt longtkwlm and take out theseeds make two cupful of floe soilbread crumbs moisten with half a miof oroam aeaeon with salt and pepperand add two chopped fresh mushrooms or more Put Into a shallowpan drop A bit ot butter on earl andbake till light brown Harper luiar

Keep Pie Juice from RunningWhen batting fmlt pIN take a strip

of white muslin about an Inch and ahalf wjde Dip lfi1 In Iced wateet putIt around thottdgo of tho pie and notono drop ofJufoo wlll oscape Theiluth easily la rctnovol niter plo Itbaked


Unable to Do Cveri Housework Because of Kidney Troubles

s t

Mrs Margaret Bmmerieh of Clln

ton lit Napoleon 0 says Por

flftn years 1 tIfCromiromMet My hook painedme terribly liveryturn or move causedsharp shootingpainsI Mr oyoflBhlwas poor dark pairappeared before meand I had Ulwjrspell For ten Ura

I rould Mt do boneowork and Mr twoyearn did not lot out of the hncn kidney secretion woro Irregularand deotera wore Mt holplag MO

Donna Kidney 1ltts brooght tlte qtlNk

rllef and Anally cured we Thysaved my life

MM By aM dealers M cents a box

lMter4IUb t Co IwJTBlo X Y

He Wit Not to BlameLittle HartholaMeWs mother over

hard Mm Bwontina MM a molehirer oars tke OeveMnd lender liedisptoretl a Money that ewerwkolMrher Sfco took hint to tab eapttwiBUte wtekedBoea of pntfanltr as wellas to VHfeMrttr MM asked MM whereIM had toamod all tkoe dreadful 1

words ttftrtkotoMew aanounred thatCavort MM of Mt playMBtOB haduosjbt MM CavevfB Mother was-

oteaibtway mfcwoed sod Cavort woekiMmht te heels Hi YlQelIIlIilY dlnkd kavtnc UiifMTiod ItartkoUmawsail neither throats MT tow scoldMalta Ma eoofwn At toot ko hoveloat 1 dUtat tell BartlMMMOw sayvac wordc Why ihiMkl I mww howto OWM any fcMter un too densHaont Ml fotkor tit an amwMMIetoor

Late AlreadyFive Mtnoio attar tko lardy psog

had Mnwfc tko tin laicalI of the ebsolwsd we4Ma>g throoidh tko lower hallwhn he aaw a podgy ItttM fattorasapomg toward tko Ant made

moM M tact aa Mo tat pope saki1

rarry MM See bee eo yoawg Man II-

want to talk ta> you soiled tko pMrlpal to Ute Isle enter I kntat gut

tIe to talk to ye PM into alroadjrrvotted Ute kroatkkMo ktfor aa Ute

dnr of Ma OMOBTSBM OMee4Tbante

Never Touched HimI ho MBjBi took tko tow

na ror I koojgkt of yn laot MuskMM the BMB with tfco tjd wHajjin

YOB ooM yon won d ntSt ley puss y

It n wooot MtWnetMTYes thats what I M JtIIIN the

dahtr but t assure yso lb racerwas perfttaOy atitiasisry la w errreioeet

Left Army fir Peek TradeAMdae HlilisIA an adatsusatt-

eAsaisat of a HMtgartao kawoar rh-ohest Ma calmed iAs eotSuNtMs teicaaiMi aa apprstko to a pork botch-er to BodMiil H-

Iheaora ko on not

oo Ma pay KM a year sad thathe oeaMurs a talai of ieiifgEie acedenergy as do woU 1o the tINt tnItI

Net His ElementMad It Irv yes assay aoJd th-


w11 yea I I ti-ns


ad taM a katkrI-lodfaoo I aMy drew MMOOK M W

Ml toUkotokiA lath Awl la H a MitMhIJ yw

take me tern ko sited latterly

Red Epaused tint1r fA wuth leasdl i-

iimabet sill iar Lssrsehs is t

thet area UIIt Itllp-I t she supkoarht et task

0 N rgeyMa Mil it r

M Mli HfAal Ma tf4a B by lieS Liusone-dia Taupe Ins

Yet YetI Mppooc paid Mrs Ttattlefgli

who yon die you sagest to moot anyews husoodr-

Yet are very rodo retorted MraMttokwoddo Wkoo I dlo I expect to-

go to koavoai YowifiTa Magaotae

Largo Sum for Pasteur InstituteDaniel tune the Jwtsh linker aill

philanthropist of Parts who roc sttydied Mi a will in which he dUpoeiof ll3Moww going Iiowoe9 to thePasteur Institute



ESQeadnchesnndI IndldcstlonTiitlWttUIOc AKnuiUti

20 Tec-vmBORAX



Architects and Closets

An architect says a writer complains that women have a mania forBesets and that when a woman IsI al ¬

lowed any liberty In the matter shechanges his whole architectural planIn order to make room for tllttftl Thisbe says makes him a laughing stockamong his fellow architects This IIvery Interesting but why do archlter Umake plans It not to make every effortthoMsetvoa to secure eoBvenlencea 1house tally be srehltMtnrally perfectnod yet not fit to pre la and It certainly la ROt It than U not 1501 roomenough

One to Reckon With

TNt a HUM Rill who pare herfolk a Bkoek the other dr-

Mo I want a balking atitt shetold

MYmt shant have any Ma repliedThen Ill go bathing without oneThe bathing suit rariter la now bo

Ing arbitrated





ManYou to

M d w r-t W N M Ie W we of w-



wOl < Mre h MM w Iii t to ktI aMd r rea M M VP M N Y a

A 1


HDMi n MAiuiiiun u nTM 1 a t f 11 p N 11

Ik I ki r t of II ht f UIr s I rutI 111141 IN M JI

IitItIf r suf ttPo N IIA d +

fluor h I d-


will M 1trrr > 1 wow IeI-r CM q eeei MMWMdul ro-

un rf 1 plwr I AINa w l e 4c-wa I a

eo d II aftera-ONMalakta It I Ji a ApfMM pceSkIhrtUb ewdtr-s tsa naurr kuler r



rs ojisaHOGLESS



us esraesrF very Can

KajinCoffeetaws I

i guaranteed Iabe NnlcordCs-willa Food and

Act el CanCresi June 1906 No


tea1eewCO fN o








little hilI


I Ita


Slf All Plll ll DDSEEs I

C tElis






Genulflo Mils BUtFac Slnkkgl


PIUiIcw Nlwtleyll eI N1r n 4

= w-

CATORRIAFor Infante and Children

The Kind You Have

Always Bought

Bears tho-



i In-


For Over

Thirty Year-

slCASTORIAea arye 4p a1

Young SuccessCulls Birniinf4hnni Alabama

Tfr r 1 dfdde rfWr tr1fflea pow Mrfr Iwefetrf t eejlet tMetIMOa


Wt ael pow M4 tcMrM-MWHURLKK




alasNwrAn nuwow






Drugs33 send


cos uK





101rla I-

w t t rC l-

x I-



tt-lAtrgelid ect

1 Stll1II

N Miter hoes I a-

teu for WI are t t rsigns beat of wiSWfu s rworhmes


InNAIIlt roc rI iyou betabes

CirrulhcrsJonesShocCoMEMPHIS sT tOVII





f 1tNtag Ik 7 dal-west N


I WhynNaeNyearVNItbusI bo-

ttIHI Mwt I Itf1W r r-

twdehl Tut f S °

HtII the tIN 7w Me

I Richs TastelessChill Tonic

It will eel Ju AII 4

fllha l 7

f e11H S50senduwteNrhtea

IIItt 1111 611tCuMII N


pasTaAaef e






lit I














