negap conference 2012: critical engagement: social media bootcamp


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Starting and maintaining a successful social media presence within graduate admissions can often feel like fishing without a pole. You know the students are out there, they’re hungry and swimming for content, but you might not even be on the boat, let alone have any bait. Join this session to learn how to get started and successfully maintain social media, discover which channels may be most productive for your audiences, and uncover the secrets to curating content with little effort. Presented by Marcus Hanscom, Associate Director of Graduate Recruitment and Outreach at the University of New Haven in West Haven, CT.


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The University of New Haven

• Private, nonprofit university in West Haven, CT

• 1,800 graduate students

• Centralized graduate admissions

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• Who, what, where, when, why• …and How.• Content strategies for engagement• Q&A

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Learning Outcomes

• Learn how to use the primary social networks to your advantage

• Identify the best channels for your audiences• Develop successful content curation strategies

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“Powerful forces are calling into question higher education’s business model and raising new expectations for the quality and efficiency of

service delivery. Institutions failing to navigate these changes are likely to find the road ahead

increasingly difficult.”

Personalization Offers A New Vision for Relationship Management. Ovum Whitepaper. © Ovum Published (03/2012).

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“…institutions must take, without the luxury of added resources, a far more personal and proactive approach to managing student

relationships than traditionally has been done in the past.”

Personalization Offers A New Vision for Relationship Management. Ovum Whitepaper. © Ovum Published (03/2012).

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“As with any difficult or turbulent time, organizations that refocus on basics such as

delivering quality services and cultivating long-term relationships with their customers are

likely to come out of the experience better and stronger.”

Personalization Offers A New Vision for Relationship Management. Ovum Whitepaper. © Ovum Published (03/2012).

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SOCIAL MEDIA BASICSWhat the #$*& is a tweet?

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What is social media?

Forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging)

through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages,

and other content (as video)

* Merriam Webster Online Dictionary

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Defining Social Media

• Social interaction• “Highly accessible communication…”• User-driven• Transparent• Engaging and interactive• “Communicate in all directions…”• “Real-time communication…”• “Variety of content…”

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The Largest SM Channels

• Facebook – 7 billion users• Twitter – 182 million users• Pinterest – 104 million users• LinkedIn – 86 million

* Courtesy of 4/6/2012

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• Full profiles that allow users to “like” and share content

• Connect with friends, family, brands

• Controlled privacy• Share status updates,

photos, articles, links86% Age 25 or older (46% are 45+)57% female / 43% male24% have a bachelor’s or master’s degree

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• Short messages of 140 characters

• “Follow” other people/brands

• #Hash tags link trending topics

• Great resource for content, professional development, branding

81% Age 25 or older (33% are 45+)59% female / 41% male24% have a bachelor’s or master’s degree

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• “Pin” favorite content – photos, recipes, etc. – on boards

• Users follow boards or other users

• Informal, fun• Great branding channel,

but is not for advertising

90% Age 25 or older (55% are 25-44)82% female25% have a bachelor’s or master’s degree

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• The “professional” network

• Profiles are essentially a long-form resume

• Connect with other professionals for networking

• Discussions, job search, recommendations

47% Age 25-44 (49% are 45+)50/50 Gender Breakdown50% have a bachelor’s or master’s degree

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Other Networks to Consider

• Google+– Similar to Facebook– Group friends/brands into “circles”

• foursquare– Allows users to “check in” to your

institution/office– Can be used for specials as incentives to visit

• YouTube– Video sharing on your “channel”

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HOW TO DO ITI’ve never used a fishing pole before

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The Groundwork

• What is your goal with social media?– Awareness? Engagement with prospective

students/current students/alumni/community?• What metrics are important to you?• Who will be participating/responsible for

content?– Faculty/staff, student employees, current

students, alumni?

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• Keep your online presence uniform as much as possible in look, feel, and “talk”

• At UNH:–––

• Brand consistency in identity and message is critical

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• Need a personal page first as administrator

• Then establish a brand page

• Timeline cover photo should represent who you are, your experience

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Courtesy of Danielle Glick

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• Personal administrator account not required

• Can customize profile image and background

• Can link to a cell phone number for updates

• Consider a widget on your website

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• Request an invite• Set up as brand page• Pin content from the

web or upload photos representing you

• Keep it fun, informal• Ideas for content:– Local things to do– Campus event photos– Great “eats”

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• Need an administrator before creating a group page

• Group can become far-reaching:– Prospective/Current

students– Alumni– Faculty/staff– Recruiters

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General Tips

• Be open to mobile– Purchase smart phones for staff responsible for SM


• Set up vanity URLs for promotion–

• Flexibility on time commitment and early expectations

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WHAT TO POSTWhat do I use for bait?

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• What is your voice?• Echo your brand, mission• Communicating should reflect your service,

campus experience• What is your brand message?

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Types of Content (According to MH)

• Direct self promotion• Indirect self promotion• “Altruistic” self promotion

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Direct Self Promotion on SM

• Events• Admissions Announcements• Grad Fair Attendance• “Leeching” on other content• Interactions with prospective students

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Grad Fair Attendance

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Content “Leeching”

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Interactions with Prospective Students

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Interactions with Prospective Students

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Indirect Self Promotion on SM

• University News• Student News (Research, Study Abroad, etc.)• Faculty News (Research, Promotions, etc.)• Alumni News • Event Photos

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Indirect Self Promotion on SM

• Location information• Interactions with current students• Contests– Do not necessarily have to be related to your


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Indirect Self Promotion on SM

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“Altruistic” Self Promotion on SM

• Graduate School Tips• Financial Aid Tips• News related to your programs• Job Postings

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Twitter Potpourri

• Use #hashtags in your tweets– ie. #iopsychology or #emergencymanagement

• Follow industry news and industry leader Twitter accounts– Example: @forensicnews– RT relevant content to your followers

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Finding Content

• Alerts and searches for content– Google Alerts– Create searches on Twitter related to programs,

industry, your institution, and more• Check your Facebook news feed and your

followers’ pages• Be open to creativity• Enlist student help

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Social Media Advertising

• Creating a first ad– Demographic targeting– Geo-targeting

• Ways to use these ads– Program Awareness– Brand Awareness– Recruitment Fairs– Webinars / Open Houses / Recruitment Events

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Social Media Advertising Channels

• Be mindful of platform and audience• Costs: CPM vs. CPC

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Try this…

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Suggested Social Media Tools

• Hootsuite• TweetDeck•• Facebook

Insights• SocialBro• Klout• Radian6

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Thank you.


Contact Information:Marcus HanscomUniversity of New [email protected]@marcushanscom

All social media demographic data provided courtesy of via