neptune worksheet 3


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Post on 30-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Neptune Worksheet 3

Fill In the Blanks for Neptune

1. Neptune was originally only the god of ______________.

2. Later Neptune was made god of the ______________when he became associated with the Greek god Poseidon.

3. Scientists believe that there is a very large ______________ ocean under Neptunes clouds.

4. Neptune has a _______________ ______________ much like the storm on Jupiter. storm on Jupiter.

5. We do not know how long this storm has been ______________ because Neptune is so far away.

6. We could not get a good look at Neptune until modern times when we were able to send ______________ explorers out.

7. Neptune was discovered by ______________ and ______________ in 1846.

8. Neptune has ______________ rings that circle it. 8. Neptune has ______________ rings that circle it.

9. Neptune has ______________ moons.

10. Because Neptune is so far away it is ______________ to see all that surrounds this planet.

11. Neptune is a ______________ planet.

12. Some of the names of Nuptune’s moons are ______________ and ___________.

13. A space shhip named ______________ discovered Neptune’s four rings.

14. Neptune has many ______________raging. 14. Neptune has many ______________raging.

15. Neptune has cold winds that blow _______________ miles per hour.