never mind the nooboos. part six

In which some stuff happens and I loose all use of my toes.

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Post on 08-May-2015



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Page 1: Never Mind The Nooboos. Part Six

In which some stuff happens and I loose

all use of my toes.

Page 2: Never Mind The Nooboos. Part Six

Hey Genie.

'Oh, you again?'

Still hoping that my laptop gets abducted and you get adopted

by a kind player?


Never gunna happen. So, welcome back to

Never Mind the Nooboos. We're on

baby(s) H at the moment, so let's dive

right in as we wait for their birth.

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Straight off the newly lycanized

(yes, that's a word) Klaus decides to

take out his anger on Pepper Stoker of my

Tickety Boo OWBC. Poor

Pepper. She's had the fear to become a Werewolf since her

dad was bitten.

'First you abandon my family, and now


I never abandoned you. I took a break.

And it's not my fault the Havars are


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'Go Dad!'

'Kick her leafy ass!'

To remind you, the blonde is Gravity,

youngest legit child so far, and the green witchy looking alien

is Gienah, Klaus's alien baby.

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'Lady, you're all hairy like my mum.'

'Don't make me eat you kid.'

'You smell like my mum too. It's not


'Really. I will devour you.'

'I'd like to see you try.'

Have I mentioned that Gravity is my new fav? One nice point. ONE! I luffs


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Oh dear. Sorry Pepper.

'A wibble!'

Clay is gunna kill me.

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And here we go! Finally, a new child!




Very good.

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Last time we started on English National Heroes.

We’ve had Francis Drake, The Duke of

Marlborough and The Duke of Wellington


-Admiral Lord Nelson (1758-1805)

Horatio Nelson was a sickly child, born in

Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk. When his

parents asked his uncle, Maurice Suckling, to take

the 12-year-old Horatio into the Royal Navy he

replied, “What has poor Horace done, who is so weak, that he should be

sent to rough it out at sea?” Even when he was a famous naval leader he

suffered from sea sickness. He also suffered

from dysentery, yellow fever, depression, scurvy

and malaria, meaning that by the time he fought

Trafalgar he had lost most of his teeth, his right arm below the elbow and the

sight in one eye.

I think that’s the point where I would just give

up and call it a day.

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Repoman. It's been a while. I haven't seen you since Genie and

Klaus were in college.


Take whatever you like. You're too

awesome to argue with.

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Since Gravity skills fast and is my

favourite (suck it Carrie! You've been

replaced), and Gienah's skills don't count as points, I let

them skill the old fashioned way.

'We appreciate it, Human Alice.'

Thanks Alien Gienah.

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Great. I was hoping it'd be the other guy.

But no, it's the weirdo with a crush

on Klaus.

Oh wells. Let's get this over with.

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'What? It worked last time.'

Grr. Just get it out there and chat up the


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'So, given up on me yet? I'm really not

worth it, as my wife will happily tell you.'

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'Sir, you are the prettiest man I have ever met and I must

have you.'

'*gulp* Crap. Alice?'

Humour him for now. Maybe I can

get you a cowplant for next time. He's

starting to creep even me out.

Regardless Gienah and Gravity got in.


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'Look Gienah! Mum and Dad are making

out again.'

'Gravity, they do that all the time. It's not worth looking at.'

'Darn. Umm...Alice's simself is back and she's doing the hula in her underwear.'

'Again, that happens all the time.'


'Look! Normality!'

'Crap! Where?'

'He he he. Sucker.'

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Poor Toffee. She passed out after work. It was rather sad, but

not sad enough for me to do something

about it.

At least Cookie thought it was


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Yes Gienah.

'I have the feeling that Gravity is not

being totally honest in this game.'

Really? What a shock.

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'Dad, did you get another alien without

telling me?'


Silly guys. I gave Gienah a makeover,

to make her look more alien and less evil witch. Isn't she


'Not as cute as me.'

Gravity, no one is as cute as you.

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'Alice? What?'

Whoops. Seems Klaus got himself

abducted again.

'Again? hurts.'

Hey, you're the perv who keeps rolling up

wants to go back to the aliens.

I would have taken pictures, but at this point I still had the

special events camera on. The alien

animations are awesome.

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Hooray! Birthday time again.

Oh the joy.

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Awwww. Gienah. You are so pretty.

'Yes I am.'

And now you're leaving.


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'Bye Gravity. See you later little bro.'

Aww. These two are so close. Closer than

any of the other siblings.

So sweet. Poor Gravity is gunna miss


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Genie completed another LTW.

Woot! What now?

'I wanna be Criminal


Oddly enough it suits her pretty well.

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Because I'm lazy, we get rid of Toffee and


Shame, but they were a


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Nelson hated the French. He once

advised a new midshipman: “There

are three things, young gentleman,

which you are constantly to bear in

mind. First, you must always implicitly

obey orders, without attempting to form

any opinion of your own respecting their propriety. Secondly,

you must consider every man your

enemy who speaks ill of your king; and,

thirdly, you must hate a Frenchman as you

do the devil.”

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To Nelson it seemed that the French were hypocrites, boasting

“rights” and “liberty” while committing

mass murder. In 1799 he wrote: “Down,

down with the damned French

villains. Excuse my warmth, but my

blood boils at the name of a

Frenchman. I hate them all - Royalists

and Republicans.” He once took a holiday

in France because, he said, “I want to be

proficient in the language, which is my only reason for

returning there. I hate their country and their manners.”

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'Shh! I want to get this thing done before

I give birth.'

And your wife currently giving


'She's had god knows however many kids



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Okay, first we have Heath, named after

Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights.

He's blonde, skintone one and blue eyed.

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Next we have the only girl of the trio,

Harley. She's named after Harley

Davidson motorbikes.

Skintone four, blue eyes and red hair.

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And last we have little Harry, named

after one of my brothers, not Harry


Skintone four, blonde, green eyes.

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And straight away these two go for

some scary hairball woo hoo.


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To keep these two amused during the

day, I let them fish.


Make. I make them fish.

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Now I see where Admes got his fishing

skills from.

'Who threw their boots in our little


That is a good point well made.

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Oh, Klaus.

'My bum hurts.'

He really is the most pathetic thing ever,

isn't he?

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Nelson, like all humans, had some

flaws in his character. Firstly he was

obsessed by etiquette to a scary degree. If

the proper amount of guns weren’t fired

upon the British fort to acknowledge His Britannic Majesty’s

flag it was taken as a national insult. He

even fired upon the British fort at

Barbados in 1784 because they

neglected to salute a schooner leaving port

under the flag of France.

He was also an adultery, humiliating

his wife Fanny by conducting public

tours with his married lover, Emma

Hamilton. He and Emma even had a daughter, Horatia,


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'Oh, hey Alice.'

'Don't be like that. We're all amigos



'Okay, maybe I'll go talk to Gravity and


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Speaking of Gravity, he has his first

girlfriend. Isn't she cute?

'I'm the Meadow Thayer of this


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And Klaus hits another LTW.

'I wanna be Prestidigator.’


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What's this?

Gravity is playing even though his skills

are not maxed?

Well, he's so awesome I decided to

let him flirt with his girley friend.

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'It tickles!'

Gravity really is a lady's man, pure and


Another reason I love him.

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And here is the main reason I love him.

'Kid, I just came to see if Alice was here!

No need to pummle me!'

Poor Xaviar.

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'Whoops. My mistake.'

Can I hug you?

'Later. There's plenty of Gravity to go


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Random dancing interlude.

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In case you were wondering, Klaus

does still stalk Regina, and does still

watch her sleep all the time.

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Okay, birthdays happened and I

apparently missed them.

Here's Heath.

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'I love everyone.'

Shut it kid.

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'I'm going to use this brick to throw at


Very good, Heath. Aim for the face.

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And here's Harley, who refused to open

her eyes for me to get a picture.

'Bwa ha ha ha!'

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'We must get rid of Harry. He makes us

look bad.'

'I thought we wanted to look bad.'

'Fine, he makes this family look good,

and we cannot have that!'

'I know what you mean, Heath. He

must be...taken out of the picture.'


'We must...steal his screentime.'

'Oooh. I like it.'

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I got my hug.


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'I like that he doesn't wear a shirt.'

My simself is such a super perv.

Just like the real me. *wipes tear*


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These are Nelson’s four greatest victories,

commemorating in bas-reliefs at the base of Nelson’s Column in

Trafalgar Square, London.

Cape St Vincent, 1797 Fought aboard HMS

Captain against the Spanish off the

southern coast of Portugal.

The Nile, 1798 Aboard HMS

Vanguard against the French in the Bay of Aboukir on Egypt’s

Mediterranean coast.

Copenhagen, 1801

Aboard HMS Elephant against the Danes.

Trafalgar, 1805 Aboard HMS Victory

against the French and Spanish at the mouth of

the Mediterranean.

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Klaus, you are slacking! Look at

your sons!

'Fishing. Let someone else deal

with it.'

Like who? Regina?

'Shh. Fishing.'

*sigh* He's hooked (sorry for the pun).

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'Hello everyone.'

Here is, for those of you who don't know,

Regina and Klaus's granddaughter, Ruby,

the only kid of Bellatrix and Jerry.

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'So, I'm like...your uncle?'

'Yeah. Mum says time is all messed up around here. They're

working on fixing that.'

'Good, because it's kinda creepy.'

'Tell me about it. I'm way older than you, and yet you'll be an

adult way before me.'

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Mechanical and all is done.

Nelson’s biggest achievement is said to be his victory at

Trafalgar. 27 British ships faced 33 French

and Spanish with 2,640 guns to

Nelson’s 2,150. Despite this, no

British ships surrendered, opposed

to the 17 enemy vessels captured.

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Genie scored another LTW, and

now wants to be Supreme Nerd.


Fine. She wants to be a Game

Designer. Same thing, really.

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This is where I noticed that Klaus

had glitched (the first pregnancy

glitch of the challenge! YAY) so

we had him move out temporarily to

give birth.

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And here we have Hydrus, a little girl. I finally got a multi PT hack that didn't crash my game, so she'll be pretty. She has alien

skin and eyes, and the brown hair of her

alien padre.

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'What? I like attacking people.'

Poor guy. This neighbourhood has

more werewolves than an apocalypse neighbourhood has


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'I like the green ones, because I

didn't have to give birth to them.'

Nice sentiment there, Genie.

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Moar aliens. Yeah, that is another of Gravity's nieces,

Bennie's alien spawn Avalon.

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Obviously she's from a time when I had the

Maxis PT.

Still, she's rather cute.

'Kill all humans?'

No honey. Not yet.

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Birthday time.

'I want babes, babes and babes.'

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*swoon* Gravity, I love you.

'Hey, call me when I get to college, baby.'

*giggle* I sure will.

He rolled Romance, duh. Another reason for me to love him.

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And the triplets grew up too.



You don't get to talk to the people.

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'I am the greatest because I'm evil and


That she is.

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And Heath.

'Alice likes me because I'm smart,

handsome and mean.'

Yes I do.

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One last cake and then this chapter is

about over.

You really have a thing for aliens, huh

Gravity. You were BFF with Gienah, and now Hydrus.

'They're nice.'


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Isn't she a gem?

'I want to drink his blood.'

Honey, you're an alien, not a vampire.


Run Gravity!

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Woot woot woot.


'Education Minster.'

*sigh* Again?


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And here we go.

L-R, B-F that is...confusing.

Harley, Hydrus, Klaus, Regina, Heath

and Harry.

Points are thus:

Good Birthday Memories : 42 (42

points) A+ Report Cards : 31

(15.5 points) Skills Maxed : 84

(252 points) Family Friends : 22

(11 points) LTW : 10 (30 points)

Dream Dates : 9 (9 points)

Total : 359.5