new era interactive english level 4 unit 12 just being honest liu yan school of foreign languages...

New Era Interactive English Level 4 Unit 12 Just Being Honest Liu Yan School of Foreign Languages CCNU

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Page 1: New Era Interactive English Level 4 Unit 12 Just Being Honest Liu Yan School of Foreign Languages CCNU

New Era Interactive English

Level 4

New Era Interactive English

Level 4

Unit 12

Just Being Honest

Liu Yan

School of Foreign LanguagesCCNU

Page 2: New Era Interactive English Level 4 Unit 12 Just Being Honest Liu Yan School of Foreign Languages CCNU

Class-meeting ObjectivesClass-meeting Objectives

Topic: When you love somebody … Vocabulary: Phrases with break

Function: Talk about intentions and plans Wish someone luck Pronunciation: Stress in phrasal verbs

Vowels followed by -r

break a habit, break a law, break a promise, break a record, break a story, break a sweat, break new ground, break somebody's heart,break the ice, break the news to somebody

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Teaching Steps

Warm-up (3 minutes)

Video Review (5 minutes)

Activities (27 minutes)

Activity 1: Pair Work (1)

Activity 2: Pair Work (2)

Activity 3: Group Work

Listening Task (6 minutes)

Appreciation (3 minutes)

Assignment (1 minute)

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Warm-up: Brain Teaser

U (You)

A hot dog.


4. Who always drive his customers away?

5. How do movie stars keep cool?

A Taxi-driver.

With all their fans.

1. Which letter is not me?

2. What dog never can bite or bark?

3. What flies without wings?

Solve this puzzle:

Another two: Keep going:

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Video Review

What does Patty suggest Nick doing to Talia?

She suggests that Nick speak with Talia.

Is Talia moving to Chicago for her new job? Why or why not?


No. Because Tony matched Newsbeat’s offer, she turned it down.

Retell the story

health clubqualifying soccer mews reporter offer a new jobmovesuggestTalia’s officedecisioninterruptspend more timeturn down job offer matchhonestquality

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Announcer on TV: Glitter … the perfect toothpaste for the perfect smile.Jackie on TV: Remember, all that glitters is not


Nick: Patty, could you ___________________ a little?

Patty: Oh, sure, Nick. It seems like yesterday when

you were asking me to ________ the volume.

Nick: Huh?Patty: You member! The day when you __________

Jackie Bishop on TV.

Nick: Oh, yeah, that! In a way it DOES seem like just yesterday. But a lot has happened since then.Patty: Oh, I know. Like, now you can see Jackie

Bishop on TV all the time!

Nick: Yup, in that __________ toothpaste commercial. Well, I guess things have worked out for her.

Patty: Seems so. And they’ve worked out OK for

you, too, right? I mean, you DID score the

____________ in the qualifying match.

Nick: Yes, but ___________, we DIDN’T make it to the finals.

Patty: No, but there’s always next time.

Nick: That’s right, there’s always next time …

Script 1

turn the volume down

turn UP

Patty: Oh, you know who else I see on TV a lot now? _____________________

__________. What’s her name again? Talia something?Nick: Talia Santos. Yeah, I heard she’s

been working really hard. __________________________

__________. And now she’s going to be moving.Patty: It sounds like you need to speak with her.Nick: You’re right, Patty. I’ll see you later.Patty: Bye, Nick. Hey! ________________




winning goal


That reporter who broke the story

I haven’t had a chance to see her much lately

Let me know how things turn out.

turn the volume down: reduce the sound level of a TV, radio, or stereo etc.turn up: to intensify or increaseturn out: to happen, to have a final result

It seems like yesterday I feel like it happened very recently (though it didn’t)

in a way: in a sense, to a certain extent

Yup: (very informal) yes

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Script 2

Talia: Nick! Hi! ___________________ call you.

Nick: Oh, hi. Well, Amy called me. She told me the news. She said she’s got your job as a researcher.

Talia: That’s right. Isn’t it great?

Nick: Yeah, yeah ... she told me the news about you. When are you moving?

Talia: Not until next week.

Nick: Oh. Is there somewhere we can go for a few minutes?

Talia: Sure. Here, come in here.

Nick: So Amy told me you _________ from Newsbeat. Where are they? Atlanta?

I’ve been meaning to

got an offer

Talia: No, Chicago.

Nick: Right, Chicago. Anyway, she said they want you to start right away.

Talia: True. But Nick, I …

Nick: Wait, Talia. I have to tell you how I feel.

Talia: OK. Go ahead. I’m listening.

Nick: I know __________________, but it’s only because I didn’t want to

___________. I know how important your career is to you.

Talia: What are you talking about, Nick?

Nick: What I’m trying to say is, I want to spend more time with you. I don’t want you to move.

Talia: Good. Because THIS is where I’m movi


Nick: Huh?Talia: THIS, this is my new office.

I _______ Newsbeat_______. Tony said

he’d ________________.

Nick: So in other words ... ______________ ____________

Talia: No. As usual, you were just being hone

st. It’s one of the___________ I like most

about you.

I haven’t been in touch

get in the way

turned downmatch their offer

I just made a fool of myself


turn down: to refuse an offer or opportunit


in other words: to say it another way

make a fool of oneself: to do something sil

ly or embarrassing in front of other people

go ahead: (spoken) to start; please do it

be in touch (with): in continuing

communication with someone by


get in the way: to obstruct; to make things


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Activity 1: Pair work (1)Questionnaire – A Place where I go

Step 1 Work alone. Fill in the blanks with where or when, Then write your answers in the chart.

Example A: Tell me about a year when you made a lot of changes. B: I made a lot of changes in 2001. I changed jobs.

Step 2 Take turns finding out your partner’s answers. Take notes.

Step 3 Find a new partner. Tell your new partner about your first partner, using adjective clauses with when and where:

A year when Tanya made a lot of changes was 2001. She changed jobs.

Tell me about… Your answersYour partner’s answers

A year ______ you made a lot of changes

A place ______ you spent a lot of time in your childhood

A time of day ______ you work best

The town or city _______ you grew up

A place _______ you usually go with your friends

A place _______ you go to be alone

A time of day _______you relax

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Activity 1: Pair work (2)Roommate Wanted

Imagine that you and your partner are Jenna’s roommates. Jenna is transferring to a new school at the end of the semester. You know she posted an ad on the web tofind a roommate. When you and your partner were surfing the web, you found theinformation below. It’s all wrong! Take turns talking about Jenna’s information. Useauxiliary verbs for emphasis to talk about what you know is true about Jenna.

Find a RoommateFind a Roommate

Roommate Profile: JEENA GREENE• I have a lot of furniture.• I don’t often invite friends to my apartment.• I’m home most weeknights.• I go away on weekends.• I won’t use the kitchen much.• I don’t play loud music.• I keep my room neat.• I’ll share phone and Internet expenses.• I’ve always paid my rent on time.


It says Jenna has a lot of furniture, but she doesn’tdoesn’t have a lot of furniture.

Reference answers

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Reference Answers – Roommate Wanted

It says Jenna has a lot of furniture, but she doesn’t have a lot of furniture.

It says Jenna doesn’t often invite friends to her apartment, but she does often

invite friends to her apartment.

It says Jenna is home most weeknights, but she isn’t home most weeknights.

It says Jenna goes away on weekends, but she doesn’t go away on weekends.

It says Jenna won’t use the kitchen much, but she will use the kitchen a lot.

It says Jenna doesn’t play loud music, but she does play loud music.

It says Jenna keeps her room neat, but she doesn’t keep her room neat.

It says Jenna will share phone and Internet expenses, but she won’t share

phone and Internet expenses.

It says Jenna has always paid her rent on time, but she hasn’t always paid her

rent on time.

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Activity 2: Group workGraduation Party – Keep in Touch

Directions: Imagine that you are graduating from college with bachelor’s degree in journalism. Now you mingle with each other at your graduation party. You are telling each other your future plans according to the situations listed below. You give your best wishes to each other. Work in groups of 4 to role play it.

Student A You’re going to be doing an internship at Talkweek magazine over the summer.

Student B You’ve applied to some graduate schools. You plan to get a graduate degree in business administration.

Student C You’re going to be working as a broadcaster for Rainbow TV Network.

Student D You’re going to be working as a photographer for New Life Daily.

Sample dialogueUseful Patterns

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Useful Patterns

I’ve been meaning to …,I’ve been planning to call you,I’ve been wanting to …,

Talking about intentions Asking about plans

What are you planning to do?What are you going to be doing after this?Do you have any plans for the future?What are your plans?

but things keep coming up.but I haven’t had time.but I keep forgetting.

Talking about plans

I hope to getI may just getI intend to get a job.What I plan to do is getI’m thinking of getting

Let me know what happens.Let me know how things turn out.Let me know how everything goes.Keep me posted.Keep in touch.

Wishing someone good luck

Good luck.Best of luck to you.I hope things turn out well for you.I’m sure everything will work out.

Wishing someone good luck

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Sample Dialogue – Graduation Party

A: Hi! Congratulations!

B: Congratulations to you, too. I’ve been meaning to call you, but I haven’t had time. So, what are you

going to be doing after graduation?

A: Oh, I’m doing an internship at TalkWeek magazine for the summer. I hope to get a job there by the

end of the summer. How about you? What are you planning to do?

B: I’ve applied to some graduate schools. What I plan to do is get a degree in business administration.

A: That’s great. I hope things turn out well for you.

B: Thanks. Best of luck to you, too.

C: Hey, Donnie. Are you enjoying the party?

D: Yeah, it’s great. This might be the last time I see some of these people for a long time, so I’ve been

pretty busy. I haven’t had much time to taste the food.

C: I know what you mean. I can’t believe that all of us are finally graduating. Do you have any plans for

the future?

D: Well, I’m going to work as a photographer for New Life Daily.

C: Cool! I know you have been dreaming to be a photographer.

D: Thanks. Do you have any plans for the future?

C: Yeah. I’m going to work as a broadcaster for Rainbow TV Network.

D: I’m sure everything will turn out well for you.

C: Thank you. Wish you make it as a big time photographer.

D: Let me know how everything goes.

C: OK. Keep in touch.

A & B: Hey, guys. Why not toast together?

C & D: Sure. Cheers!

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Listening Task

Excerpted fromLove Actually

You don’t like me.


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You don’t like me.

Juliet: Banoffee pie?

Mark: No, thanks.

Juliet: Thank god, _____________________________ if

you'd said yes.

Mark: Right, well. Lucky you.

Juliet: Can I come in?

Mark: Er, yeah! Well, I'm a bit busy.

Juliet: I was just passing and I thought we might

check that video thing out. I thought I might be

able to swap it for some pie or maybe munchies?

Mark: Actually I was being ___________. I don't know wh

ere it is. I'll have a look around tonight.

Juliet: Mark, can I say something?

Mark: Yeah.

Juliet: I know you're Peter's best friend and I know

you've never ________ warmed to me. Look, don't,

don't argue. We've never got friendly. But I just

wanted to say, I hope that can change. I'm nice, I

really am. __________ my terrible taste in pie and...

it would be great if we could be friends.

Mark: Absolutely, absolutely.

Juliet: Great.

Mark: Doesn't mean we'll be able to find the video,

though. I had a real search when you first called

and couldn't find any ________ so...

Juliet: This one says Peter and Juliet's wedding.

Do you think we might be ________________?

Mark: Err, yeah, well... wow. That- that could be it.

Juliet: Do you mind if I...?

Mark: I've probably taped it over it. Almost

everything's episode of west wing on it now. Oh.

Juliet: Oh bingo. That's lovely. Well done you. Oh,

that's ________. Thank you so much, Mark.

This is exactly what I' was hoping for. I look

quite pretty. You've __________________,

haven't you? They are all of me.

Mark: Yeah, yeah, yes.

Juliet: But, you never talked to me. You always talk

to Peter. You don't like me.

Mark: I hope it's useful. Don't show it around too

much. Needs a bit of editing. Look, I got to

get a lunch, early lunch. You can just show

yourself out, can't you?

__________________________, you see.

you would have broken my heart

Check sth. Out: to examine or investigate, here, it means to find

on the right path; make the right decision/choice

Swap sth. for sth.: to exchange sth. for sth.

“ 用……换……”


Don’t show off around. 不要到处炫耀。


Apart from


on the right track


It’s a self-preservation thing

I did make great efforts to look for 我费了好大的劲找…


stayed rather close

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Appreciation: Pretty Boy I lie awake at night

See things in black and white I've only got you inside my mind You know you have made me blind

I lie awake and pray That you will look my way I have all this longing in my heart I knew it right from the start

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you Pretty pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside Make me stay right beside you I used to write your name

And put it in a frameAnd sometime I think I hear you call Right from my bedroom wall

You stay a little while And touch me with your smile And what can I say to make you mine To reach out for you in time

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you Pretty pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too

…. Oh pretty boy Say you love me too

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Prepare for a two-minute speech on the topic:

Online dating

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Thank You!