new hampshire statewide interoperability executive committee … · 2019. 9. 20. · new hampshire...

New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting September 20, 2019 9:00 AM NHFA Classrooms 5 & 6 I. Welcome and Introduction The meeting was called to order at 9:06 AM. II. Accepting Minutes from May 10 th A motion was made to accept the minutes by Doug Hackett, and seconded by Captain Feole. All voted in favor, with the exception of Carol Miller who abstained, the minutes are approved. III. New Hampshire Updates – John Stevens, SWIC/SPOC On September 10 th and 11 th the FirstNet seminar was held. The first day was for public safety in New Hampshire, the second day New England SWICs and their teams attended. Ed Parkinson, Executive Director, from FirstNet and Stacy Schwartz, Vice President for AT&T's Public Safety and FirstNet Division made presentations. Overall the seminar was well received. We have a COMT Workshop coming up on October 21-25. The TIC-FOG was released on Monday by email to police, fire and EMS. We are exploring the possibility of printing, but special water-resistant paper is required which drives up the printing costs. If you have any input or questions on LMR or LTE developments, please reach out to the SWIC’s office. IV. P25 Update – Art Durette, Division of Emergency Services and Communications This project involves an overhaul of the existing system, and a geo-redundant interoperable core. The mountain top radios and consoles are being replaced. There will be a PTT system, deployable console, and troop station stand alone radios. Captain Feole asked about PTT over broadband. Art answered that it will work on both, it’s a WAVE app, and they’re exploring how to make it compatible with other apps. V. Working Groups Status Updates Radio Frequency Communications WG – Jon Goldman The IFWG continues to monitor changes to department frequencies that are housed in the state programming matrix. Recently (August) Rockingham County SO changed their Seacoast “fire” frequency to a repeater, and it seems to have gone off without a hitch. Congratulations to Tobias Danhaussen for a seamless transition. We have had some discussion with NHFG regarding F&G2. With discussion between the IFWG and NHFG leadership, they will be making the change of the channel name to FGTAC2 going forward, and it will be replaced in the matrix with that name. We are currently monitoring Laconia PD, Salem FD, Windham FD, and Londonderry FD for some anticipated frequency changes when their projects are completed. We continue to monitor with the reprogramming grant, and defer to Dave Rivers or Jim Kowalik on that, as they are working through the Bureau of Interoperability in coordinating that project. We have also continued to work with the NHTOA and Captain Feole to work on a statewide SOU matrix, and Rick Todd is in discussion with the NH Civil Air Patrol so we can work with them to better communicate with their assets when deployed, or on

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Page 1: New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee … · 2019. 9. 20. · New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting September 20, 2019

New Hampshire

Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting

September 20, 2019 9:00 AM

NHFA Classrooms 5 & 6

I. Welcome and Introduction

The meeting was called to order at 9:06 AM.

II. Accepting Minutes from May 10th

A motion was made to accept the minutes by Doug Hackett, and seconded by Captain Feole.

All voted in favor, with the exception of Carol Miller who abstained, the minutes are approved.

III. New Hampshire Updates – John Stevens, SWIC/SPOC

On September 10th and 11th the FirstNet seminar was held. The first day was for public safety in New

Hampshire, the second day New England SWICs and their teams attended. Ed Parkinson, Executive

Director, from FirstNet and Stacy Schwartz, Vice President for AT&T's Public Safety and FirstNet

Division made presentations. Overall the seminar was well received. We have a COMT

Workshop coming up on October 21-25. The TIC-FOG was released on Monday by email to

police, fire and EMS. We are exploring the possibility of printing, but special water-resistant

paper is required which drives up the printing costs. If you have any input or questions on LMR or

LTE developments, please reach out to the SWIC’s office.

IV. P25 Update – Art Durette, Division of Emergency Services and Communications

This project involves an overhaul of the existing system, and a geo-redundant interoperable core.

The mountain top radios and consoles are being replaced. There will be a PTT system, deployable

console, and troop station stand alone radios. Captain Feole asked about PTT over broadband. Art

answered that it will work on both, it’s a WAVE app, and they’re exploring how to make it

compatible with other apps.

V. Working Groups Status Updates

Radio Frequency Communications WG – Jon Goldman

The IFWG continues to monitor changes to department frequencies that are housed in

the state programming matrix. Recently (August) Rockingham County SO changed their

Seacoast “fire” frequency to a repeater, and it seems to have gone off without a hitch.

Congratulations to Tobias Danhaussen for a seamless transition. We have had some

discussion with NHFG regarding F&G2. With discussion between the IFWG and NHFG

leadership, they will be making the change of the channel name to FGTAC2 going

forward, and it will be replaced in the matrix with that name. We are currently

monitoring Laconia PD, Salem FD, Windham FD, and Londonderry FD for some

anticipated frequency changes when their projects are completed. We continue to

monitor with the reprogramming grant, and defer to Dave Rivers or Jim Kowalik on that,

as they are working through the Bureau of Interoperability in coordinating that project.

We have also continued to work with the NHTOA and Captain Feole to work on a

statewide SOU matrix, and Rick Todd is in discussion with the NH Civil Air Patrol so we

can work with them to better communicate with their assets when deployed, or on

Page 2: New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee … · 2019. 9. 20. · New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting September 20, 2019

New Hampshire

Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting

September 20, 2019 9:00 AM

NHFA Classrooms 5 & 6

patrol. The IFWG also has had some preliminary discussion in how we can account for

PTT devices with ASTRO ID’s.

Operations WG – George Feole

The WG continued work on the deployable asset’s request/notification document. The

committee met again with the AT&T Response Group and reviewed available options for

the assets beyond the COLT currently deployed in NH. Work continues regarding the

COAMs options, a meeting is scheduled for Oct. 15th, when those options become clear

as to what will actually be available in the state, we will be in a position to finalize the


Captain George Feole met with the NHTOA communications committee twice since we

last met. A SWAT zone has been clearly defined for all SWAT responders. The committee

will be meeting again on Sept 24th. The committee hopes to finalize that zone by the end

of September for recommended adoption by the NHTOA at their October 2019 meeting.

The committee will then focus on protocols for the use of common operating channels

during multi-team deployments by utilizing channels in the newly defined SWAT zone or

Statewide Zone H channels with the goal of having those protocols adopted by the


COML Sub-committee – Cecily McNair

The COML sub-committee has not met since May. The COML course was held

with 19 students attending. The COMT course is upcoming on October 21 to

25th, with 16 students enrolled. Lastly, there is a COMU exercise scheduled for

December 4th and 5th.

Data Communications WG – Carol Miller

The Working group continues to meet with AT&T on a quarterly basis to discuss the

status of the NH FirstNet build and implementation.

AT&T is approximately half way through it’s 5 year build in NH. In all there are 34 new

FirstNet sites, 11 NEWN sites through acquisition, and 15 GNWW sites and 1 new

colocation site in Milan for Coos County. In addition a site was added in Bristol in

response to community need. A total of 61 sites will be turned up under the FirstNet


Of the 34 FN sites that we are tracking, all are in various stages of permitting and

construction. None of these sites or the GNWW sites have turned on band 14. There are

5 sites that have proven difficult to get approvals for reasons ranging from full capacity

Page 3: New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee … · 2019. 9. 20. · New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting September 20, 2019

New Hampshire

Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting

September 20, 2019 9:00 AM

NHFA Classrooms 5 & 6

to conservation lands. More work will need to be done to move these forward to


Business as Usual sites continue to be retrofitted and developed under AT&T coverage

plans. Of the 337 BAU sites 97 sites have been retrofitted with Band 14 Overlay covering

67 towns with 75 more sites planned by the end of 2019.

18 new sites planned by year end – 9 are BAU builds and 9 are FirstNet build sites.

Statewide there are 967 subs and 72 primary/secondary agencies on the band 14


Apps Sub-committee – Art Durette

Although we have not convened this summer, we continue to explore

applications that can improve interoperable communications and public safety


Various PTT apps are being used throughout the state and we are exploring

methods for those apps to interoperate with each other as well as across

different networks.

Several agencies are using location systems.

Integration platforms are being used to share multimedia amongst some

agencies particularly in Grafton County.

A motion was made to approve the working group updates by Dan Eaton, and seconded by

Doug Hackett. All voted in favor. The updates are approved.

VI. Radio Reprogramming Update – David Rivers and James Kowalik, DESC

Thus far 7,737 radios have applied 71 police, 124 fire/EMS agencies, but they are still getting

applications. They have personally called all agencies. Opt-out radio totals are 964. 34 agencies are

opting out but have not provided numbers. Currently the radios to be reprogrammed by county are

as follows: Belknap: 918, Carroll: 662, Cheshire: 837, Coos, 361, Grafton: 760, Hillsborough: 859,

Merrimack: 1072, Rockingham: 1337, Strafford: 780, and Sullivan: 231. David Chase asked if they

could characterize the opt-out reasons. Dave answered that many people have maintenance

agreements, and some people have already updated their programming. The MOU explains to

people they need to comply with the code-plug through the grant or on their own, or they won’t be

Page 4: New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee … · 2019. 9. 20. · New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting September 20, 2019

New Hampshire

Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting

September 20, 2019 9:00 AM

NHFA Classrooms 5 & 6

recommended for future communications grants. The MOA states that in order for an agency to be

reimbursed the agency needs to submit proof of complying with the Moodle training, PST and FST

offers the online training. They met with Captain Rousseau and have identified areas that need to be

updated in the training. Jim and Dave will be available for one-on-one training. They’re also working

on a “train the trainer” program to bring individuals in for training. The final matrix will be available

in the beginning of October.

VII. Broadband Cellular Service via Blimp Presentation – Joe Ryan, VP of Business Development

General Council, Altaeros

Altaeros is a startup in Somerville founded out of MIT. The last two years they have built out and

tested their blimps. The blimp in Freemont, NH was built to test for wireless carriers in the area. The

idea is to have the blimp arrive on a COW in the back of a truck, fill it up with air and launch it to

provide coverage. The goal is to have the blimp cover a rural area that would typically need 8-10

sites to cover. They have tested with IoT providers, received FAA and FCC clearance. They were able

to test the blimp in the winter weather; the performance has met and exceeded expectations. The

blimp stays up for 30 days at a time, it comes down automatically and gets topped off with helium

and then can go back up. Captain Feole asked how high does it fly? Joe answered 250 meters, which

fits within FAA guidelines. Art Durette asked what the max wind speed is? Joe answered, 80 MPH

and that the blimp will automatically come down. It also takes weather info from NOAA, and the

blimp also knows to go back up after the weather subsides. John Stevens asked if they anticipate

testing other sites? Joe answered they could possibly be testing a portable system in NH, possibly

another one in NH in the near future. Cecily McNair asked, if they anticipate any issues with the FAA

in regard to the deployable blimp? Joe answered they have a waiver with the FAA, there could be

issues bringing it up, but they would work with the FAA. Jon Goldman asked what happens if it gets

shot? Joe answered, it doesn’t pop there will be a slow leak and it would go down, it takes about an

hour to patch. Jon Goldman asked if they have any plans to have them mesh with multiple blimps?

Joe answered, they have plans to have microwave connections.

VIII. FirstNet Update – Gary McCarraher, Region I Coordinator, FirstNet

Gary thanked John Stevens for the hospitality shown during the seminar. FirstNet wants input from

public safety to make the network better. The FirstNet Board met on Wednesday and has authorized

the reinvestment process to begin focused on deployables and 5G. They’ve had discussions with

AT&T to expand the deployable fleet, and to upgrade the core to 5G capacity. Doug Aiken asked

when 5G will be available to all of public safety, as he has heard it could be ten years or more. Gary

answered that they are building it at the core and RAN level now.

IX. AT&T Presentation – Lisa Benincasa, FirstNet Principal Consultant, AT&T

AT&T has heard great responses from first responders in NH and across New England regarding the

seminar, and many have been inquiring about demos. There are currently over 1,000 users in NH.

Page 5: New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee … · 2019. 9. 20. · New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting September 20, 2019

New Hampshire

Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting

September 20, 2019 9:00 AM

NHFA Classrooms 5 & 6

X. Drone Presentation – Skip Christenbury, Chief Technology Officer, Strafford County Sheriff’s Office

New England is behind on their drone programs. A small number of agencies in NH have been

involved with drones. Strafford County Sheriff’s Office decided to fund in-house, the strings attached

to a federally funded drone program wouldn’t fund any drones that were made overseas. American

made drones are 2-3 times the price, they don’t have all the features, and they are limited in

functionality. You can regulate where drones launch and land. In his experience during 1 out of 4

flights, an issue arises which is why it is important for individuals to practice regularly. An FAA 107

license is the recommended path. If the bloodhound unit gets deployed, the drone goes too in

Stafford County as it provides a great deal of situation awareness, particularly at night.

XI. New Business

Director Mark Doyle: P25 update, troops A, B, C, D and E have been cut over. The transition has been

seamless. Troop F is slated for Oct 7-10. Both cores will be up and running. The cut over plan is on

schedule. The troop E dispatcher will be in the Laconia PSAP, where there will be two console

stations. There has been a noticeable improvement in audio quality. They are identifying coverage

gaps, and have a strategic plan to make enhancements. The WAVE system will be spun up for LMR

and LTE. WAVE training will be provided. When APEX radios become available they will be installed

at pre-identified mountain top sites. Motorola has been a great partner.

Department of Justice: Jessica King will take over for Nancy Smith, Takhmina Rakhmatova will be the

replacement for Dianne Martin.

Bill Wood: There is a lot going on in EMS, particularly with applications between hospitals and

ambulances. A lot of testing is ongoing, and progress is being made.

Carol Miller: Recently appointed to the 5G commission. They are looking at RF effects of 5G.

Marty McLain: The latest version of the National Emergency Communications Plan should be out

within 2 weeks. They’re still looking for a Region I Coordinator, the process to apply will be posted


XII. Next Meeting Date

November 15th, 9:00 AM, NHFA Classrooms 5 & 6

XIII. Adjourn

A motion to adjourn was made by Doug Hackett and seconded by Cecily McNair. The meeting

concluded at 11:32 AM.

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Page 7: New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee … · 2019. 9. 20. · New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting September 20, 2019
Page 8: New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee … · 2019. 9. 20. · New Hampshire Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC) Meeting September 20, 2019