new paleomagnetic results for tertiary magmatic rocks of ... · Фрушка гора. geolo[ki...

New paleomagnetic results for Tertiary magmatic rocks of Fruška Gora, Serbia VESNA CVETKOV 1 , VESNA LESIĆ 2 & NADA V ASKOVIĆ 3 Abstract. Fruška Gora Mountain is a large scale antiform located at the southeast part of the Pannonian Basin between the Danube and Sava Rivers. It is built of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks with Neogene sedi- ments on all sides and at the flanks. The Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks are largely metamorphosed (age of the metamorphism is early Cretaceous) and they are intruded by Eocene/Oligocene latites and rhyodacites and Badenian basaltic trachyandesite. On Fruška Gora two major structural units are observed, the northern and southern structural units which are divided by the Srem dislocation striking NNW–SSE. The Tertiary magmatic rocks located on both sides of this dislocation were the subject of paleomagnetic analysis. Tectonically meaningful paleomagnetic directions are obtained from latites and rhyodacites, while basaltic trachyandesite has a secondary remanent magnetization. The obtained overall-mean paleomagnetic direction, after applying the correction for the general tilt of the Lower Miocene sediments, suggests a clock- wise rotation (D = 210°, I = –45°, k = 21, α 95 = 14°) of 30° with respect to the present North of blocks on both sides of the Srem dislocation. The fact that close to the end of Miocene–Early Pliocene Fruška Gora rotated in a counterclockwise direction for 40° with respect to the present North means that all of Fruška Gora rotated in a clockwise direction for 70° with the respect to the present North in a short time after the intrusion of Eocene/Oligocene magmatic rocks and before Middle Miocene. Key words: Tertiary, magmatic rocks, Srem dislocation, paleomagnetic measurements, paleorotation, Fruška Gora Mt. Апстракт. Фрушка гора је велика антиформа у јужном Панонском басену, између Дунава и Саве. Изграђена је од палеозојских и мезозојских стена док су јој стране прекривене неогеним седиментима. Већина палеозојских и мезозојских стена су метаморфисане (током ранокредног метаморфизма), а најзначајније постметаморфне стене су еоценско-олигоценски латити и риодацити, и баденски базалтни трахиандезити. У структурном плану на Фрушкој гори истиче се Сремска дислокација, пружања ССЗ–ЈЈИ, која Фрушку гору дели на северну и јужну структурну јединицу. Терцијарни магматити са обе стране ове дислокације били су предмет детаљних палеомагнетских испитивања. Тектонски значајни палеомагнетски правци утврђени су код латита и риодацита, док је код базалтних трахиандезита издвојена секундарна реманентна магнетизација. Добијени општи–средњи правац, на- кон тектонске корекције генералним елементима пада доњомиценских седимената, указује на ротацију у смеру кретања казаљке на сату (D = 210°, I = –45°, k = 21, α 95 = 14°) од 30° у односу на савремен правац севера блокова са обе стране Сремске дислокације. С обзиром да је крајем миоцена–раног плиоцена Фрушка гора ротирала 40° у смеру супротном од кретања казаљке на сату у односу на савремен положај севера, може се закључити да је цела Фрушка гора ротирала 70° у смеру кретања казаљке на сату у односу на савремен правац севера у веома кратком периоду, после интрузије еоценско/олигоценских магматита а пре средњег миоцена. Кључне речи: Терцијар, магматити, сремска дислокација, палеомагнетска мерења, палеоротација, Фрушка гора. GEOLO[KI ANALI BALKANSKOGA POLUOSTRVA ANNALES GÉOLOGIQUES DE LA PÉNINSULE BALKANIQUE 73 99–108 BEOGRAD, decembar 2012 BELGRADE, December 2012 1 Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Ðušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Republic Geodetic Authority, Department of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Bul. vojvode Mišića 39, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] 3 Department of Petrology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Ðušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.2298/GABP1273099C

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Page 1: New paleomagnetic results for Tertiary magmatic rocks of ... · Фрушка гора. GEOLO[KI ANALI BALKANSKOGA POLUOSTRVA ANNALES GÉOLOGIQUES DE LA PÉNINSULE BALKANIQUE 73 99–108

New paleomagnetic results for Tertiary magmatic rocks ofFruška Gora, Serbia


Abstract. Fruška Gora Mountain is a large scale antiform located at the southeast part of the PannonianBasin between the Danube and Sava Rivers. It is built of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks with Neogene sedi-ments on all sides and at the flanks. The Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks are largely metamorphosed (age of themetamorphism is early Cretaceous) and they are intruded by Eocene/Oligocene latites and rhyodacites andBadenian basaltic trachyandesite. On Fruška Gora two major structural units are observed, the northern andsouthern structural units which are divided by the Srem dislocation striking NNW–SSE.

The Tertiary magmatic rocks located on both sides of this dislocation were the subject of paleomagneticanalysis. Tectonically meaningful paleomagnetic directions are obtained from latites and rhyodacites, whilebasaltic trachyandesite has a secondary remanent magnetization. The obtained overall-mean paleomagneticdirection, after applying the correction for the general tilt of the Lower Miocene sediments, suggests a clock-wise rotation (D = 210°, I = –45°, k = 21, α95 = 14°) of 30° with respect to the present North of blocks onboth sides of the Srem dislocation. The fact that close to the end of Miocene–Early Pliocene Fruška Gorarotated in a counterclockwise direction for 40° with respect to the present North means that all of Fruška Gorarotated in a clockwise direction for 70° with the respect to the present North in a short time after the intrusionof Eocene/Oligocene magmatic rocks and before Middle Miocene.

Key words: Tertiary, magmatic rocks, Srem dislocation, paleomagnetic measurements, paleorotation,Fruška Gora Mt.

Апстракт. Фрушка гора је велика антиформа у јужном Панонском басену, између Дунава и Саве.Изграђена је од палеозојских и мезозојских стена док су јој стране прекривене неогеним седиментима.Већина палеозојских и мезозојских стена су метаморфисане (током ранокредног метаморфизма), анајзначајније постметаморфне стене су еоценско-олигоценски латити и риодацити, и баденскибазалтни трахиандезити. У структурном плану на Фрушкој гори истиче се Сремска дислокација,пружања ССЗ–ЈЈИ, која Фрушку гору дели на северну и јужну структурну јединицу. Терцијарнимагматити са обе стране ове дислокације били су предмет детаљних палеомагнетских испитивања.Тектонски значајни палеомагнетски правци утврђени су код латита и риодацита, док је код базалтнихтрахиандезита издвојена секундарна реманентна магнетизација. Добијени општи–средњи правац, на-кон тектонске корекције генералним елементима пада доњомиценских седимената, указује на ротацијуу смеру кретања казаљке на сату (D = 210°, I = –45°, k = 21, α95 = 14°) од 30° у односу на савременправац севера блокова са обе стране Сремске дислокације. С обзиром да је крајем миоцена–раногплиоцена Фрушка гора ротирала 40° у смеру супротном од кретања казаљке на сату у односу насавремен положај севера, може се закључити да је цела Фрушка гора ротирала 70° у смеру кретањаказаљке на сату у односу на савремен правац севера у веома кратком периоду, после интрузијееоценско/олигоценских магматита а пре средњег миоцена.

Кључне речи: Терцијар, магматити, сремска дислокација, палеомагнетска мерења, палеоротација,Фрушка гора.



BELGRADE, December 2012

1 Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Ðušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.E-mail: [email protected]

2 Republic Geodetic Authority, Department of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Bul. vojvode Mišića 39, 11000 Belgrade,Serbia. E-mail: [email protected]

3 Department of Petrology, Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Ðušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.E-mail: [email protected]

DOI: 10.2298/GABP1273099C

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Magmatic rocks of Paleogene to Early Miocene havea wide spatial distribution in the Pannonian Basin.These rocks are mostly covered by Neogene sediments,very rarely exposed on the surface. They built up a rel-atively huge zone which strikes parallel to major tec-tonic lines i.e. along the Balaton (BF), Mid-Hungarian(MHF), Sava (SF) and Drava (DF) fault (see KOVÁCS etal. 2007, Fig. 1). The Neogene sedimentary cover wasdeposited during back-arc collapse associated with thesubduction and roll-back recorded in the externalCarpathians (KOVÁCS et al. 2007).

Eocene/Oligocene-Miocene magmatic rocks formedduring postcollisional setting in the Serbian part of theSouth Pannonian Basin are accessible for paleomagnet-ic investigation on Fruška Gora (FG). The main aim isthe reconstruction of the amount and the direction ofthe paleorotation after the intrusion (Fig. 2).

Previous paleomagnetic research of Fruška Gora(LESIĆ et al. 2007; CVETKOV et al. 2004) has shownthat the Upper Cretaceous flysch (with an overprintcomponent) and the Rakovac latites which intrudethem have rotated in a clockwise direction (D = 220°,I = –43°, k = 25, α95 = 16°). Because this observationis made only on paleomagnetic data obtained for theblock north of the Srem dislocation located in thenorthern Fruška Gora structural unit, an additionalpaleomagnetic investigation was carried out to showwhether the clockwise (CW) rotation obtained for theperiod after the intrusion of latites during Oligocene––Early Miocene was a consequence of regional move-

ment or relative movement of the block with respectto the rest of Fruška Gora. The investigation was car-ried out on magmatic rocks situated south of the Sremdislocation (the southern FG structural unit) and northof the Srem dislocation beneath the Petrovaradinfortress. Also, magmatic rocks exposed in the far east


Fig. 1. Major tectonic units and spatial distribution of Paleogene to mid-Miocene magmatic rocks of the Pannonian Basin(after KOVÁCS et al. 2007).

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of the FG on the right bank of the Danube River wereinvestigated. According to MAROVIĆ et al. (1996 basedon the position of the Neoalpine structures in the areaof Vojvodina – the Serbian part of the South PannonianBasin (Fig. 2)), they belong to Fruška Gora.

Geological background

Magmatic rocks of the Fruška Gora have been thesubject of geological investigation since the secondhalf of the 19th century, when the first geological mapsof Fruška Gora were made (LENZ 1874, KOCH 1876)and the massive eruptive rocks were separated.Petrological characteristics and the origin of these vol-canics classified as trachyte, latite or trachyandesite aredescribed by KIŠPATIĆ (1882), TUĆAN (1907) and KNE-ŽEVIĆ et al. (1991). There, on a relatively small area(80 km long and only 15 km wide), so far two vol-canic phases during Tertiary time have been distin-guished. The first one is related to the extrusions oflatites, dacito-andesite and rhyodacites in Oligocene(31.6–36 Ma), and the second to the extrusion of ba-saltic trachyandesite in Miocene i.e. in Badenian time(KNEŽEVIĆ et al. 1991, MATOVIĆ & MILOVANOVIĆ 1998;VASKOVIĆ et al. 2010). These volcanics are linked,spatially and temporally, with the same rock typesevolved during Paleogene–Early Miocene within thePannonian basin (KOVÁCS et al. 2007).

The main feature of this tectonic phase is oppositerotations of Alcapa and Tisza-Dacia microplates with-in the Carpathian–Pannonian area (MÁRTON, 1987;CSONTOS et al. 2002). The paleomagnetic data record-ed in Paleogene–early Miocene rocks (MÁRTON,1987) imply that these microcontinents were detachedfrom the Dinarides and pushed/rotated into theCarpathian embayment (KOVÁCS et al. 2007).

There is still no agreement about the geotectonicaffiliation of Fruška Gora. The reported structural re-lationships of the pre-Tertiary formations, their litholog-ical and petrological features, age and paleontologicaldata imply the existence of several opinions about itsgeotectonic evolution. The FG is exposed on the mostnorthern part of the Western Vardar Zone (KARAMATA &KRSTIĆ 1996; DIMITRIJEVIĆ 1997) where the closure ofthe Vardar Ocean started in Early Cretaceous (123 ± 5Ma) by the subduction of the oceanic crust towards theNE (MILOVANOVIĆ et al. 1995) and ended by the obduc-tion with the northern vergence just above the Peri-adriatic suture (GRUBIĆ et al. 1998). According to PAMIĆ

(2000), the FG belongs to the Sava Zone recorded as aLate Cretaceous-Early Paleogene back-arc basin opentill Middle Miocene, formed by the collision of the In-ternal Dinarides and Tiszia. Recently, the increasinglyaccepted point of view is of SCHMID et al. (2008) whoalso consider the FG ophiolites as a part of the internalSava Zone, a tectonic unit formed by the collision ofTiszia and the Dacides with the internal Dinarides.

New paleomagnetic results for Tertiary magmatic rocks of Fruška Gora, Serbia 101

Fig. 2. Geological sketch map of Fruška Gora (FG) (after ČIČULIĆ-TRIFUNOVIĆ & RAKIĆ 1971, 1984; PETKOVIĆ et al. 1976;DIMITRIJEVIĆ 1997) with paleomagnetic sampling localities.

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East–west extending Mt. Fruška Gora is bound bythe Danube River on the north and Telek hill on thewest. At the easternmost side, at the village Stari Slan-kamen, it is bordered by the right bank of the Danube.Its northern and southern sides are bound by regionalnormal faults (Fig. 2). Upper Cretaceous and olderrocks are strongly tectonised (DIMITRIJEVIĆ 1997).The Tertiary tectonic movements caused breaking ofthe FG into sub-blocks which are overlain by Neoge-ne sediments.

The FG is made of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Ter-tiary lithological units. The oldest, Paleozoic meta-morphic rocks are in tectonic contact with Triassic se-diments (Fig. 2). Triassic sediments are mainly devel-oped on the southern slopes. Upper Triassic throughmid-Jurassic is not exposed. In the central part theUpper Jurassic basic magmatic rocks and serpentinisedperidotites (ophiolites) occur in three zones. Two typesof Cretaceous development are found in the tectonicunits separated by Srem dislocation (Fig. 2). The first(south of SD) comprises shallow water clastics and reeflimestones, the second (north of SD) deep-water flyschdeposits. During the Eocene–Miocene latites (KNEŽE-VIĆ et al. 1991) and dacito-andesites are extruded. Theirpyroclastics can be found on the northern slopes ofFruška Gora (PETKOVIĆ et al. 1976).

The latites of Rakovac occur in the central part ofFruška Gora, in the form of elongated bodies strikingE–W, or as small intrusions below the Petrovaradinfortress. They are intruded into Triassic limestones,Upper Jurrasic serpentinites and Upper Cretaceous fly-sch. Based on data obtained from boreholes SIMIĆ &

SIMIĆ (2002) reported the occurrence of Rakovac latitesin the form of clustered dikes which form conjugatepairs in the deeper levels and make up a larger body. Thelatites occurring as nearly vertical dykes below thePetrovaradin fortress have the same features as the pre-viously (PETKOVIĆ et al. 1976; VASKOVIĆ et al. 2010).ČIČULIĆ & RAKIĆ (1971) determined Tertiary magmaticrocks south of the Srem dislocation as dacites andandesites. Later on VASKOVIĆ et al. (2010) classifiedthem as rhyodacites (Fig. 3). These rocks occur alongthe regional fault zone striking E–W, which spreadsfrom Hopovo to the valley of the Beli potok in the areaof Jazak village (ČIČULIĆ-TRIFUNOVIĆ & RAKIĆ 1971).According to the position of these magmatic rocks withthe respect to the Paleozoic, Triassic and Lower Mio-cene rocks as well as the presence of accessory mineralsin bentonites of the Vrdnik coal-bearing Miocene series,the extrusion of dacito-andesite (i.e. rhyodacite afterVASKOVIĆ et al. 2010) occurred in several phases duringOligocene–Mid Miocene (ČIČULIĆ-TRIFUNOVIĆ & RA-KIĆ 1971; PETKOVIĆ et al. 1976). Recently, VASKOVIĆ etal. (2010) have limited their age to Oligocene, althoughadditional isotopic age data is required, e.g. K–Ar.

The magmatic rocks on the right bank of the DanubeRiver in the vicinity of Stari Slankamen, not mapped onthe basic geological map of SFRJ, sheet “Inđija”


et al. 1984), are classified asbasaltic trachyandesites (VA-SKOVIĆ et al. 2010) probably ofMiocene age (Fig. 3).

Lacustrine sediments of Lo-wer Miocene age and Badeni-an to Pontian sediments occurat the marginal parts and in thebase of FG. Pliocene is repre-sented by lacustrine Paludianbeds.

Based on the difference inthe development of geologicalformations, their position andcharacteristics of tectonic cor-relations, PETKOVIĆ et al.(1976) and DIMITRIJEVIĆ (1997)distinguish two major struc-tural units (blocks) on theFruška Gora: the northernFruška Gora structural unitnorth of the Srem dislocation(SD) and the southern FruškaGora structural unit south ofSD (Fig. 2).

Materials and Methods

Tertiary magmatic rocks, which are the subject ofour investigation, were sampled from the northern


Fig. 3. Classification of the volcanics from the Mt. Fruška Gora according to SiO2 vs.(Na2O + K2O) diagram (LA MAITRE et. al. 1989).

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side of FG, latitic dykes (locality 1) below thePetrovaradin fortress, rhyodacites (locality 2) nearJazak from the south side of FG, and on the eastbasaltic trachyandesites (locality 3) near village StariSlankamen (Fig. 2).

For measuring the magnetic susceptibility, MFK1-Akappabridge (AGICO instrument) was used. The JR-5spinner magnetometer (AGICO instrument) was usedto measure the natural remanent magnetization beforedemagnetization (NRM) and remanent magnetization(RM) after each step of demagnetization. The intensityand the direction of the RM (shown by the angle of dec-lination (D) and inclination (I)) was measured aftereach step of demagnetization. For demagnetization analternating field demagnetizer (AFD300, Magnon in-strument) was used.

First the NRM of each specimen was measured, fol-lowed by the measurement of magnetic susceptibility.Then, pilot specimens from each locality were subject-ed to detailed stepwise alternating field (AF) demagnet-ization until the RM signal was lost. Based on thebehavior of pilot specimens, steps for AF demagnetiza-tion of the remaining specimens were chosen.

It was important during demagnetization to removeany secondary magnetization and identify the charac-

teristic remanent magnetization (ChRM, remanencepreserved in the sample). The demagnetization curveswere analyzed using principle component analysis(KIRSCHVINK 1980) to determine the ChRM and thensubjected to statistical evaluation (FISHER 1953) todetermine the mean paleomagnetic direction on local-ity level and the overall-mean paleomagnetic direc-tion for all localities.

Paleomagnetic sampling,measurements and results

We drilled 33 cores from 3 localities using a por-table drilling machine and oriented the cores with themagnetic and sun compasses in the field (Fig. 2). La-tites (locality 1) were sampled from two dykes (sincethe distance between them was a few meters they areregarded as one locality with two sampling sites).From the first dyke, which was visually fresher, 7 co-res were drilled and from the second dyke 3 coreswere drilled. The value of magnetic susceptibility va-ries from 34450–53420 × 10–6 SI and the intensity ofNRM from 300–600 mA/m. The maximum field usedfor demagnetization of specimens from the first dyke is

70 mT, while for the seconddyke it was 210 mT.

After AF demagnetization,contrary to our expectation on-ly the specimens from the sec-ond dyke had ChRM (Fig. 4).

Specimens from the first dy-ke had a secondary remanentmagnetization which over-printed the primary one. Incli-nations of four specimens weretoo shallow, while the otherthree had declinations and in-clinations which coincide withthe local geomagnetic field(Fig. 4).

The microscopic inspectionof latite thin sections showsthat the samples from the firstdyke are hydrothermally al-tered and that their central partis highly calcitised (80 vol.%).Phenocrysts of amphibole andpyroxene are generally partlyto completely chloritised andcomprise secondary magne-tite. The latite samples fromthe second dyke were muchfresher under the microscope.The remanent magnetizationis of normal polarity (Table 1).

Three good results of tenindicate that the mean paleo-

New paleomagnetic results for Tertiary magmatic rocks of Fruška Gora, Serbia 103

Fig. 4. Fruška Gora, latites. Typical demagnetization curves. Key: Upper row – Zij-derveld diagrams (full/open circles: projection of the NRM in the horizontal/verticalplane). Lower row – Normalized NRM intesity as a function of demagnetizing field.In0 - initial intesity of the NRM.

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magnetic direction is of low confidence (MÁRTON

1993), but if we take into account that the definedChRM for specimens from the second dyke coincidewith the primary remanent magnetization of Rakovaclatites (LESIĆ et al. 2007) then it is justified to use themean paleomagnetic direction for latites (locality 1)for defining the overall mean paleomagnetic directionfor magmatic rocks of Fruška Gora.

Rhyodacites (locality 2) were sampled from the mid-dle part of the Beli potok stream. Although the rockslooked altered on the surface, the crushed surface isfresh which was proven by petrological analysis. Thetraces of alteration are recorded only on plagioclasephenocrysts in the form of micron-sized flakes ofsericite. The position of the dyke in the field could notbe precisely defined due to thick cover - for that reasonwe sampled only four sites along the stream and drilledall together 15 cores. The value of magnetic suscepti-bility varies from 50.76–67.68 × 10–6 SI and the initialintensity of NRM from 1.99–5.71 mA/m. The maxi-mum field used for demagnetization is 100 mT. Duringdemagnetization, the demagnetization path in all speci-mens decayed towards the origin of Zijderveld diagram(Fig. 5). The remanent magnetization is of reversalpolarity (Table 1).

The outcrop of basaltic trachyandesites (locality 3) isaround 15 m long and 10 m high. Mainly it is coveredwith young loess sediments. On the crushed surface,rocks are fresh and dark gray in color. Eight cores fromthree sites were drilled. The value of magnetic suscep-tibility varies from 39770–45310 × 10–6 SI and the ini-tial intensity of NRM from 947–1148 mA/m. The max-imum field used for demagnetization is 15 mT. Duringdemagnetization, the demagnetization path in allspecimens did not decay towards the origin, whichpointed to a magnetization probably acquired due toweathering and alteration. Also, the direction of the

RM coincides with a N–S direction which supportsthe premise that the overprint was acquired in themagnetic field of present day Earth (Fig. 6, Table 1).

Discussion and conclusions

The new results of paleomagnetic investigation ofTertiary magmatic rocks from Fruška Gora can bedivided into two groups. The first group comprises theresults obtained from basaltic trachyandesites (locali-ty 3) near Stari Slankamen – it is characterized by theremanent magnetization with high positive inclinationand declination slightly deviated from the North, mostprobably acquired in the present day geomagneticfield during weathering. The second group comprisesresults obtained from latites (locality 1) below thePetrovaradin fortress from the north side and the rhy-odacites (locality 2) from the south side of the crest ofFruška Gora – it is characterized by a stable remanentmagnetization which is parallel with the vector of pri-mary remanent magnetization of Rakovac latites(quarries Srebro, Kišnjeva Glava and Gradac) and theUpper Cretaceous flysch (with an overprint compo-nent) intruded by the Rakovac latites (CVETKOV et al.2004; LESIĆ et al. 2007).


Table 1. Summary of locality mean palaeomagnetic direc-tions, based on the results of principal component analysis(KIRSCHVINK 1980). Key: n/n0 - number used/collected (thesamples are independently oriented cores); D, I - declina-tion, inclination; k and α95 - stastistical parameters (FISHER

1953); * directions are used in paleomagnetic interpreta-tion.

Fig. 5. Fruška Gora, rhyodacites. Typical demagnetizationcurves. Key as for Fig 4.

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Latites below the Petrovaradin fortress have easter-ly oriented declination like the rhyodacites and themain latitic mass of the Rakovac but the polarity ofthe ChRM is positive (Table 1). According to the min-eralogical-petrological and isotopic K/Ar data (KNE-ŽEVIĆ et al. 1991; VASKOVIĆ et al. 2010) and also theposition of the studied localities on magnetostrati-graphic scale (C12-R, C13, C15 and C16-NR1, OGG

et al. 2008) it can be concluded that latites from Mt.Fruška Gora came from the same magmatic sourceand that they extruded during the same tectonic activ-ity, at one of the three mentioned changes of the polar-ity of the Earth’s magnetic field. The difference in thepolarity of the primary remanent magnetization oflatite dykes below the Petrovaradin fortress and theconsiderably bigger latite mass of Rakovac is mostprobably due to the faster cooling down of the formerfrom the latter.

The overall-mean paleomagnetic direction of mag-matic rocks from Fruška Gora with respect to theNorth suggests a considerable CW rotation of about91° (Fig. 7). Considering that the Lower Miocene sed-iments are tilted and assuming that the magmaticrocks were affected by the same tectonic event, a tiltcorrection can be applied on the obtained direction for

magmatic rocks. The tilt cor-rection for the structural ele-ments of Lower Miocene sedi-ments (tilt angle of 41° towards3° N) was statistically calculat-ed from the data read from thebasic geological map of SFRJ,sheet Novi Sad 1:100 000 (ČI-ČULIĆ-TRIFUNOVIĆ 1984). Afterapplying the tilt correction, theoverall mean paleomagneticdirection for magmatic rocks(D = 210°, I = –45°, k = 21,α95 = 14°) exhibits a moremoderate CW rotation of 30°with respect to the North. Thefact that close to the end ofMiocene-Early Pliocene Mt.Fruška Gora rotated in a coun-terclockwise direction for 40°with the respect to the presentNorth (LESIĆ et al. 2007) sug-gests a total of 70° of clock-wise rotation for the periodafter the intrusion of magmat-ic rocks and before mid-Mio-cene.

The latest Miocene–pre-middle-Pliocene counterclock-wise rotation of Mt. FruškaGora which affected the Mio-cene and Mesozoic sedimentsis not recorded by the magma-

tic rocks. The reason for this most probably lies in themagnetic characteristics of the NRM of the studiedmagmatic rocks.

Since the paleomagnetic investigations were car-ried out on both sides of the Srem dislocation, both inthe northern and southern Mt. Fruška Gora structuralunits, the obtained CW rotation is of regional signifi-cance and is connected to the period of the end ofEocene–beginning of Oligocene till the beginning ofmid-Miocene. Then the CCW rotation of Mt. FruškaGora begins, most probably induced by the influenceof the Adriatic microplate (MÁRTON 2005; MÁRTON etal. 2011).

When analyzing the extensional structures in theterritory of Vojvodina (Serbian part of the SouthPannonian Basin) MAROVIĆ et al. (1996, 2007) con-cluded that the beginning of bending and movementof the pre-Neogene basement south of the Trans–Ba-nat–Bačka dislocation is a consequence of the incor-poration of Tiszia in the southern part of the futurePannonian Basin system during Upper Paleogene–Lo-wer Miocene. The eastward movement of Tiszia andthe CW rotation led to the transportation of southeast-ern Pannonian units towards NE with progressiveeastward and southeastward movement which, ac-

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Fig. 6. Fruška Gora, basaltic trachyandesites. Typical demagnetization curves. Keyas for Fig 4.

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cording to the authors, represents in fact a clockwiserotation.


We thank Dr. LÁSZLÓ CSONTOS and Dr. EMŐ MÁRTON fortheir constructive reviews that helped improve the manu-script. This work was partially financed by the Ministry ofEducation and Science, Project No. 176016 (grant to VESNA



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Fig. 7. Fruška Gora, magmatic rocks of Eocene/Oligoceneage and Upper Cretaceous flysch. Locality mean paleo-magnetic directions with α95 for: latite beneath the Pe-trovaradin fortress (1) originally of reversed polarity andrhyodacites (2) – present study; Rakovac latites: quarriesSrebro (Rs), Kišnjeva Glava (Rk), Gradac (Rg) and UpperCretacous intruded flysch: quarries Srebro (Fs) and Kišnje-va Glava (Fk) after LESIĆ et al. (2007). The overall-meanpaleomagnetic direction (square) with α95 is also ploted.Key: open circles: negative inclination. Stereographicprojection.

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Нови палеомагнетски подаци изтерцијарних магматита Фрушке горе,Србија

Само на неколико места у јужном Панонскомбасену, као што је на Фрушкој гори, терцијарнимагматити нису покривени неогеним седиментимаи доступни су за палеомагнетска испитивања сациљем реконструкције њихове кинематичке ево-луције. Фрушка гора је једна велика антиформа,пружања И–З, која је са севера ограничена Дуна-вом, западну границу чини брдо Телек, а источнудесна обала Дунава код Старог Сланкамена. Наоснову разлика у развићу геолошких формација,њиховог распореда и карактеристика тектонскиходноса, ПЕTКОВИЋ и др. (1976) и DIMITRIJEVIĆ (1997)издвајају две главне структурне целине (блока) – се-вернофрушкогорску структурну јединицу северноод сремске дислокације и јужнофрушкогорскуструктурну јединицу јужно од сремске дислокације.Током еоцена–олигоцена у палеозојске–мезозојскетворевине екструдовани су вулканити латитског(KNEŽEVIĆ et al. 1991) и риодацитског (VASKOVIĆ etal. 2010) типа који су уједно и најстарије вулканскестене у јужном делу Панонског басена (MATOVIĆ &MILOVANOVIĆ 1998). У близини села Стари Сланка-мен јављају се базалтни трахиандезити миоценскестарости (VASKOVIĆ et al. 2010).

Током ранијих палеомагнетских истраживања(CVETKOV et al. 2004; LESIĆ et al. 2007) испитана јеглавна латитска маса тзв. Раковачки латити (каме-ноломи Сребро, Кишњева Глава и Градац и кредниседименти у њиховој околини на које су латитиизвршили магнетски “overprint”) северно од Срем-ске дислокације. Нова палеомагнетска испитива-ња, представљена у овом раду, обављена су на ло-калитетима знато удаљеним од главне латитскемасе и на вулканитима са јужне стране Сремскедислокације. Узорковани су латити испод Петро-варадинске тврђаве који се јављају у виду скоровертикалних дајкова који пресецају базичне маг-матске стене горњотријаске или јурске старости,базалтни трахиандезити код Старог Сланкамена ириодацити код Јаска који су утиснути дуж регио-налне раседне зоне пружања И–З.

Укупно је избушено 33 оријентисана језгра којасу подвргнута стандардним лабораторијским ис-питивањина: мерење иницијалне вредности магнет-ске сусцептибилности, интезитета реманентне маг-нетизације у домену тоталне природне реманентнемагнетизације као и након сваког корака демагне-тизације у наизменичном магнетском пољу.

Добијени резултати се могу поделити у две гру-пе. У првој групи су подаци из базалтних трахи-андезита Сланкамена који се одликују високомпозитивном инклинацијом и деклинацијом незна-

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тно отклоњеном од севера, највероватније стече-ном у савременом геомагнетском пољу приликомповршинског распадања стена. У другој групи сурезултати, добијени из латита испод Петровара-динске трђаве и риодацита Јаска, коришћени утектонској интерпретацији. Положај стабилне ре-манентне магнетизације друге групе колинеаран јеса вектором примарне реманентне магнетизацијеРаковачких латита (CVETKOV et al. 2004; LESIĆ et al.2007), с том разликом што латити испод Петро-варадинске тврђаве поседују позитиван поларитетпримарне реманентне магнетизације. На основуминералошко-петролошких (VASKOVIĆ et al. 2010)и изотопских (К/Ар метода, KNEŽEVIĆ et al. 1991)испитивања и положаја испитиваних локалитетана магнетостратиграфској скали (C12-R, C13, C15и C16-NR1; OGG et al. 2008) може се закључити дафрушкогорски латити потичу из истог магматскогизвора, да су утиснути током исте тектонске ак-тивности, на граници једне од три промене пола-ритета магнетског поља Земље, при чему се жичнапојава латита испод Петроварадинске тврђаве нај-вероватније брже охладила од знатно веће Рако-вачке масе, што је произвело разлику у поларитетупримарне реманентне магнетизације.

Општи средњи правац вулканита Фрушке горе уодносу на савремен правац севера указује на зна-

тну ротацију, од 91° у смеру кретања казаљке насату. С обзиром да су доњомиоценски седиментидеформисани и ако претпоставимо да су магматскестене захваћене истом тектонском фазом, може сеприменити корекција за тектонику добијена ста-тистичком анализом елемената склопа доњомио-ценских седимената очитаних са ОГК лист НовиСад 1: 100 000 (ČIČULIć-TRIFUNOVIĆ & RAKIĆ 1971).Елементи за ову корекцију су падни угао од 41° иправац пада од 3° северно. Након примењенекорекције, добијена је умеренија ротација општегсредњег правца вулканита (D = 210°, I = –45, k = 21,α95 = 14°) од 30° у смеру казаљке на сату, штоуказује на укупну ротацију од око 70° у смеру ка-заљке на сату, за период после екструдовања вулка-нита и пре средњег миоцена, с обзиром да је Фру-шка гора претрпела хоризонталну ротацију од 40° усмеру супротном од кретања казаљке на сату крајеммиоцена почетком плиоцена (LESIĆ et al. 2007).

Палеомагнетска испитивања су обављена са обестране сремске дислокације а добијена ротација управцу казањке на сату је од регионалног значаја ивезује се за крај еоцена/почетак олигоцена допочетка миоцена, када доминанту улогу преузимаротација у смеру супротном од кретања казаљке насату услед утицаја Јадранске микроплоче (МÁRTON
