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  • 8/10/2019 New Tailings R_Lahaie.pdf


    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    1( New Tailings Concepts


    International Oil Sands Tailings ConferenceEdmonton, Alberta December 9, 2008

    Syncrude Canada Ltd. New Tailings Concepts

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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    2( New Tailings Concepts



    Syncrude has been working closely with internal experts,other Oil Sand developers, and with a number of third parties,notably:

    Randy Mikula - CanmetENERGY

    David Carrier - Argila Enterprises Ed McRoberts - AMEC

    Gord McKenna - BGC Engineering

    Glen Welch Pocock Industrial

    Along with;University of Alberta, University of Saskatchewan, OKaneConsultants, Barr Engineering.

  • 8/10/2019 New Tailings R_Lahaie.pdf


    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    3( New Tailings Concepts



    Update on two of the several tailings technologies

    Syncrude is actively progressing through lab andfield trials:

    MFT Centrifuge

    MFT Accelerated Dewatering

  • 8/10/2019 New Tailings R_Lahaie.pdf


    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    4( New Tailings Concepts


    Syncrude Tailings R&D is focused on anumber of parallel fronts.

    progressing tailings technologies aimed at meeting ourReclamation and Closure plans

    Two technologies Syncrude is actively investigating are;

    1) MFT Centrifuge and,2) MFT Accelerated Dewatering

    these MFT dewatering technologies, are primarily targeting

    possible implementation at Syncrudes Mildred Lake operationbut we see the potential application at other Syncrude leases.

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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    5( New Tailings Concepts


    MFT Centrifuge Process overview

    Syncrudes vision for MFT Centrifuge - a two step process;

    Step 1: MFT dewatering utilizing horizontal solid bowl scroll

    centrifuge technology with flocculent addition forming 2 streams:

    MFTNominal >30wt% solids Centrate to

    Settling BasinNominal 1.0 %wt solids

    Cake - Soft Soil

    Nominal 60wt% solids




    Relatively solids free water

    having 0.5% to 1.0% wt solids

    returned to the tailings water

    system for recycle.


    60%wt solids - soft soil material

    capturing greater than 95% of

    the solids. Cake is almost the

    original volume.

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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    6( New Tailings Concepts


    MFT Centrifuge Process overview

    Step 2: Subsequent dewatering of the cake by natural

    processes; consolidation, desiccation and freeze thaw via

    either/ or: 1 to 2 metre annual layers or lifts, delivering a trafficable

    surface that can be reclaimed terrestrially;

    A very thick, potentially 30 metre layer deposited in the minedout pits where, with time, consolidation further dewaters the

    cake to deliver a deposit that can be reclaimed terrestrially or

    by water capping.

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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    7( New Tailings Concepts


    MFT Centrifuge Completed Testing

    2005 MFT Centrifuge bench trials Continuous feed bench scale centrifuge test at @ CanmetENERGY

    2007 MFT Centrifuge Field test

    Initial feasibility studies via a 2 week test using relatively largeoilfield centrifuges

    2008 MFT Centrifuge Field test a 2 month test focusingon: MFT flocculation and centrifuge process;

    Preliminary cake transportation assessment - conveyors andpositive displacement pumps / pipeline;

    Providing material to;

    Determine deposit performance subjected to natural consolidation,desiccation and freeze thaw; and

    Longer tem monitoring to assess environmental issues.

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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    8( New Tailings Concepts


    Two pods of oilfield scale centrifuges were operated inparallel;

    1. Two Alfa Laval Lynx 40s (nominal 400 mm dia.) runningin parallel and operated by BOS Solutions Inc.

    Prime focus was to provide centrifuge cake for:

    transportation assessment conveyor and positive displacement pump /

    pipeline studies Bulk materials for geotechnical and environmental studies.

    2. Single MiSWACO 518 centrifuge ( nominal 355 mm dia.) Advance MFT flocculation and MFT centrifuge process

    understanding: Flocculent optimization studies

    Centrifuge operational parameter assessments.

    2008 MFT Centrifuge Field Test - Scope

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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    9( New Tailings Concepts


    2008 MFT Centrifuge Test site

    2008 MFT Centrifuge Field Test

    Plant Arrangement

    Test Plant

    Interim MFT

    supply pondMFT & process

    water tanks

    Centrifuge cake


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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    10( New Tailings Concepts


    Video of BOS Solutions Centrifuge operation, conveyor and deposit formationVideo of BOS Solutions Centrifuge operation, conveyor and deposit formation

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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    11( New Tailings Concepts


    2008 MFT Centrifuge Positive Displacement Pump


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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    12( New Tailings Concepts


    Note: immediate additional water release(no rain experienced prior to photograph)

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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    13( New Tailings Concepts


    Compile 2008 centrifuge process data with the report earlyin 2009 Preliminary results show promise

    Technology is robust

    Flocculent consumption reducing with machine performance

    Machine solids throughput on target / high solids capture in cake

    Centrifuge cake transportation and deposits

    Preliminary results are encouraging and equipment scoping studiesare planned for 2009

    Geotechnical monitoring will continue into late 2009.

    Multi year environmental assessments are underway with

    internal experts, academic partners and consultants. Centrifuge scale up studies possible 2009 testing.

    Scale up required from the nominal 400 mm to 1000 mm diametermachines.

    MFT Centrifuge looking ahead

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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    14( New Tailings Concepts


    MFT Accelerated Dewatering Process overview

    Utilized in Florida phosphate industry:

    30m+ deep impoundment constructed in the mined out pit and filled with MFT;

    Water removal is enabled and actively managed via decant structure and rim ditching;

    Results in a reduction of MFT volume by up to 50% after some 3 to 5 years; Delivers a soft soil material, that when suitably capped, can be reclaimed terrestrially;

    Offers promise for implementation in Syncrudes mined out pits.

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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    15( New Tailings Concepts


    Process testing at CanmetEnergy:

    Small scale drying experiments to assess impacts of chemical amendment optimization; and

    Large lab test (bins) carried out to provide data to allow full scale projections.

    Significant improvement in MFT volume reduction was observed

    2 to 5 times increase in net consolidation

    Process likely scale sensitive

    MFT Accelerated Dewatering

    Completed Lab Testing

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    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    16( New Tailings Concepts


    Construction planned: 80m x 80m x 10m deep MFT test pond constructed

    and filled in 2009 and operated for several years;

    Objective: to provide planning and geotechnical parameters and to act as a

    platform on which environmental assessments can be carried out over the

    complete development cycle pond filling through to reclamation.

    2009 MFT Accelerated Dewatering

    Field Test - Scope

  • 8/10/2019 New Tailings R_Lahaie.pdf


    OSTRF ConferenceDecember 7-10, 2008

    17( New Tailings Concepts


    Summary quotes from Al Fairs Summary

    No silver bullet it will take more than one technology to deal with oil sands tailings

    Syncrude is progressing MFT Centrifuge, MFT Accelerated Dewatering along with

    CT and other technologies.

    Different MFT management technologies will need to be used at different sites, dependent of

    site specifics (i.e. existing MFT inventories, presence of an upgrader, (heat integration) nature

    of ore body, lease geography etc.).

    Mildred Lake operations has a relatively large legacy MFT volume, therefore it is the

    prime candidate for possible implementation of these technologies.

    It will take time to develop and commercially implement the various MFT management


    Development plans for these technologies will take several years as the operational

    and environmental details need to be well understood before implementation.

    Syncrude is committed to successfully managing its tailings in a manner that meets the needs of

    the environment and our stakeholders.

    These R&D activities are major undertakings emphasizing Syncrudes commitment

    to meeting its Closure Plan obligation.