new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1856-10-24....flfcw-yorr tribune. f*jb nftc-yokk nun tributs...

flfcW-YORR TRIBUNE. f*JB NFTC-YOKK nun TRIBUTS F- .: i'H" j r\ fry MORM1NQ »«0 ITEMING iBareo*« r.t. »rrr.o.1 BI BEI r :.fy a. McRLJTjkTH, ¦ t»» ram m .. naatB at *»*«*!' *»t> naeea ITI* » » T* TMt CITV HaLl., ¦I d»r*er» 'i >. i r--.-» |3|| »I PaBtrnbor* 8* per MI»-** in *dl BM* F*»r .«* month*, .*> .TOR ITEtt-VOHH tTKRKI.f TBI««"*«» a VT.rt LaKOI PAPE! rou nil* < ointry. peht.ahe.1 .rr, SaTiar-tv M k v .».. ^ L' - P'j * , ,'t IT Hill., il »<l»»r.rr Thr-e i ;«». f.,f 8-V », AI Tr. ^.k-JAU; .r.d , pto* r TH e yand tr » t.n.r >. r which It I* a A"r, »¦ PtH LINK *EEkL1 IUtt»I a*Bl O.NK l>OLi.ab F*»* 1»'** teeb fnt«rtl. c _ TÜR r4FTl|.W»vKMI.V TMIir« §4» Coptee. S.x trat». THE ..t.W-VOKK TBinr-IF a a . r a LI Fol Mid OIEOOH, AHO 111 r v R * BÄK DM Ii H IRLANDS M.i a-n*r for Aaptn- J^C i #1*»par Biatla Copie* Bia < en-a. IHf KFW-VOKK TRIKLrTK Ml BOBOPEAN CIECOLAVIOM a> paAtwkad aa thr d»par?or<- al ev. >, Mai! aHtaaajaa for Liverpool, at . '. p»i annum. ,->..*«» m.luded Sin»)e <>>p*ra. Hi» Cent*. Special Noticee. I.'. i.l.h. im »Im.. NMltAl nt Wii 11 in-!. k-I. Tfr R.paUKai.a..f M,.-Ff. .'. Didn't of B-aH.alvn will hold a Mara Miatlaa aadar tba direction od tb- Oaatral R.p.bliran a.'*»:. v .¦¦> <..¦. SATUM-DAa* EV'ENIHO, Od y, iia ateeffai »i'l l*- railed ". order%t floVtark. The Hm HENRY Ull.MiN r B Beriatotrrrow MaaaaektttMtta, Uov FOB D of Okie aad CHAl'MCEf SHAFFER, i«i af N. w-York, wtll addre*a In» n.e>'i-k Bl »l» w. b- laaaatadtot IM I...1HI, *liu ar.- raraited to an. aal Ward Claka ar< re- ol.' »t<d to rcaa h Iba krall at 7 «.rJ.« k. THU- W PNI.D Pr.aidaRt (i II Kfiiik >- 8 B. H'oimott.m j rrUro .. Ihr I ... ri,« nih Krtnlnr Mretltia I'M- 0 1(1 Ali N B . K I MONI AMi DAYTUM 4 ESTHAL NION will ba b. Id at taa Broadway 1 arrroe. lie, .., PBIDAY EVENINO, lift id, at o't I. rk. Tb» Oall.-rv r-arrvr.t f ,r Lad.ra. Tha anrr.ii.« will ba add rret.-d by Ibe Hon. «ASSI 1 M ( LAY aad otbrt dia'ii.tnial.rd tkera Sinn.-i by thr Oiea Clak. By r.i. r B. V. MAJflEEEE, Frea't D H OiLum m>> --. flrad-QuarlrrN. No A"U Broadway. I Mai /AMK 8 R. WIMTiN'l A .MeetliiA of Ihr» Mral *Vnrd Kennbllooni A«a. elation wtil b< h.M a- N<- Si Qieeowaftb-at aa FRIDAY f \ . NINfl Ihr ri'b Inat at 71 a*aloi « ma v«a /.im ,8. II 'JARI.K'K Cbairrnan. 11,. Fifth Hor.l Ift puliliran ( lub of llroaklvn will Im Id Bt r.rular BteeBWaTrlIB (Friday; KVKNINO, Oct. .4 a' *i "'rl. ch, at tba rtornai al Hadaeaar. and Na-.a-i-.. V\n. »I Burl.lih aid Cl.aoro.-y Shaflrr. rat].., of Nrw-Vork, ata»aaawlad toaddroaaaba maeiiaa TkwrotVrt af tb* Ward ... .aaitr.l ... I. j i.' OKOIU1K U Ml.AD, Prn't. I Hit C Sawvi a S.-c'v. f'iahlh U nrtl If |> n Ii i< .«ri A--.iimiI.iii. \ .-. . t.l iL«- alr v. A»toii .lion am aeld I >! butno .., at lor uofth- w.f eoraaa Mr. araa at Mei r iU an FRIDAY RVEMINO, 0. t 24. at 7j »..lock. Faaetual trAeadanrie i> rtqaeatad, at 1. .tn.. it "t ni.p-.iiaj -. wi.. be Iran**' U d. Jo,.» J Shau. / HENRY DAi ID. Pr «. W«. R. Enir.. ,' . _ Holly I Hn|!> !! . Rrpuhll - f tb. Utk M ird, BteaAJvn, THIS r"\ EM NO at their Ran. be on tba eat aer af I rxferd »t. aad I- af) n a\ Tl.r at. rtin» will tw a by tba Una, E D. CUL.VEE Front *eatt reterred for tbt Udtea, _ W. B. BILLINGS, nt. Fourir<-afk Ward Frt'moni .... lln.ton I nion < iHttd >.»ir Mr. ini FRIDAY l.\ EN I NO, Oct. BL «t II..- X Vih Ward Bo at. -. net (Irai.d and E.i.abetb tt*. Ail 'rar H'jiubli. ana. d<> not fail to be promt. I'.Km Dtwaoa,8* t\ M PALMER, Fr> l't. Orru r oi < imk oi d MMoa Coi a. it,, < >. t ... 4 To (br Elri tora ol Ihr I lly and I <»uni« of Nrvr. York. An .nor haetaa oceaned in a ftw at the p .ntr.i ea.pitt el tbe " Pra.*. .. Direttloaa to Intpeetaa*," Ac., whirb Sty td n,..n* ¦ 'hr t .riria ion and printiii* ol ballot. !.,r ll.r .It.of ('. i.i'r.ain. i. aotlra it heresy yiven ttl»t the b in, i-f Ibebalb't tiaald at a* foUowti To br inter*, d on -br ..I Iba ballot when foldrd: " t'ONORE JS-Nvaiai a Tiiki. BJ('r, Ba MtitV to i. ad at follow.; "F.r 11. [ - r'..-, v.- it. 4 '--Lf r.-aa,'* (One aaaaa ) Tt. |V v. e) rrr, tJttl trill b-- aiade in the tnbteou.-'t itaue of nrtr dii.xtio. t. D T. \ ALENTINE, Clerk ( C I anlribuiioii*. lor Km-,-. ( lotbin«< and 1'ro ttaloha. Kran the Mi..wii |: it) TUE c ITIZENb OF THE FREE STATES. " Tbe und. r.i.n~l rABaaaaa «.i KatMaa, feeMaa the n«->-t*lty af a aewer! of artioii, and aa liaatdialt . (tor' in order to tup- ply tbe aniiripatrd want* of ur hfttblta in Kanaat duiiut wa aotriini Wn.t.-r. hrg laati la appeal to all the ti.I*oi Fur d'-n. io inn... dial, ly f rwar I Iben r..i,trihuti.>i,t t- th. National 4'..a>ail'l.e at t bit t*o, wln< h «'..n.n.ittee it ac'in* in aoiicert with tl..- t. r.irai t u.u.itl. in the Tertilory. We her thai all rontrihu'lont be tent ihr. u*li Ihr National Kanaat Committee tu.a u..t BMeaajb atdil.I aaltai liiey aio fully autboiited Si tald Naih-i.a t ..ttnoi u . I ( POMROT. T B ELDRfDOE, '.EOBEE1 MORROW, .1 M WINCflELL "B. W. El.DlllDOE " rilF Hf W POEM CITY AND COL'NTT KANSAS C OMMITTEE aa*. opei.* oaloa al NO IVtU WEATT BROADWAY, and will tak* tbarpt ol all eOBtlibationi for tin- above object. Friend* of tb. caute al a dialanc- had b. tt. r a. nd their ata> Inbatioiit dir..) to Chatafp; tbey will f.. aafely, il pr-pi-rly hoard aad dir.-rt.-d to V». F M AENI, Chltafo, arho Ii Oen- tral Trai.ipertaiion Aaea af tat Nati aal Kai ... i imittea, Thr eiinit. , I lafjiipiiilillnll b it.t tr.-nt, new Oarmrnta are eehettrd V\ arm SUirkinn*, ttron* Boola and Bhoea, Blatiketa, Plain rl Sbinr. and the. ,de Cl .tliiim ire all wautmi. 6. wiih (Ucle* of the varioua r.'lixioiia to. letua are invited to ...operate. Let hem t*)M :.i ¦etraai *. ud |ood* Ii Pair* h*> arid h. aid of Kaniat. l.-t oi inhuiiont taken up la otn abuichet. Irl the rltrav "I all d< aattalaatloaa make iptrlal pee tenal aSttUaM in behalf af that *r.-al i-aute let all food «---Tii.-n b.Lnf.-at ibeaaaareiaika al.- rt. Ie4 Iber* be aa aantett and no awetiat. .tt. ri mad. i- |.r. .i le t. r M,.- tuflvring m Kanaaa KOI Li M KW (Mill, I 7JIMH.ORF. Mi N AM FF, I New-York City aiidCoimlv CHARM'S a DANA. } Kaueaa Commiti.. .ell \|.Hi .- hya1t. :*.>' Waat Broadway, N. Y. tlx.AM KEl't llt'M. / Frrparr lor ihr Election '. t\ .. *r.- aow fully prepan d in . m ry sVpatiaaeai tt turuith Poii'icai Couiu.ii laat artIk atari d.». nption ol PKINTINii. P-.-t. TlrBsll, Ctroolara, id et. ry it>l<, f»r ail partlet, bj " AoaM. tjafcl timr. HAKF.R A OODWIN Piin rr.. Tribune Buiidiiift. ¦AMMEI RILLS tor Election Poll* n ptper or mn.lln. triy . heap. Tb«- I'tit-iiilt. of i.iMi.l rrinliiiK al L«W PrlctM Met daily; at JOHN w. OUVER'8 HEADQUARTEIE, Mo <" Al n at eatt < f Nattan-tf. Tl. krt. bv the MiÜion, Pottrrj by lit Cartload, t 'in attar by Iaa) Carpa, N.w Typaa, \\ hit.- Faper, Bla.k Ink. and Si. am Machin. iy, aktUfall] dir.-. l.-d 1.. KT II it. I,Ie CiuiipaUii Klutia mill l.ttutiera, (>t ail Bsata, Ham at liaitasta. ke.-.y ta* ata, and sttU lo * tkt MIT Ot Till ol \TkV. HOJf It A ORAHAM, Flax. Sittial and Bannet Maker* N I Deal .; New .'..rk. Kriir.hlicitn« I Cel ai I art BANNEB BILLS t - t .üb Kot.uit. Fahthi Mr.!, ua* a Batera! eerielie*. All rtdritedaadaltractive. B AKER A OODWIN, Friatata, l'ub iaa Haildnn*. Kri 1 IIm-Iihiiiiii ! h illui.tre ' I' bear in n n d the lie INDI A Kl BBRB BANP8 Lr lying l lecti. u Hailot* eaa Ie ob aiaed it. toy quauti'v at the Rt'B- BEB 8TORE. Mo. »7 Broadway, oaayahe th* rahei lit. Ili.r..i. L..t..r.-a THIS E > F.NINU a tbt BROOK. I i N A 1 liE.N.t-.l M Suhiei-t: "Heaf.M T br Mgrt* i ' licit** II. Ilurri». aCnriil sa s p-.a.i teatSABkATH IfOBNINO and EVENING tb* > ii»t M L Ctinre* J<ba-et., belweatt Naaaaa aad Wtlllaaa- ttl. Berti.. i lo r. uim. lo .- tt il'g a. Bt and 7 p. BL Sttan«. II k (Bed to attt ud. Seil« tree. Nalkr.-A ineetln* ol the rRFisBl l^llTl tN and COS- -HK.A1 InNAL l NION it now held In Ibe Bbtloh Frtthytt Cbareb .rn.-r of Prime and Marion-et*. MOKNfNO SKSSItlN .oil. .. n, ea at üj ; a.i|ourot at UA o'clock Mr.: ia the A FT! KNiMiN a- . .,.,1 aAJoura al i. P reacMat in uir 1 \ I NINO atigoVl- k. LBSMfAB1 fair. T... Ladl.led with I Slrtt Pre. » Ibur.b and S-m-I, 'y are uow hoiding a F AI It at ttrir t bui. h iu BsjMivaa st», batwaea Priaoa and H ... la to r. ulil.ue up. n Ihe reii.«nid> r of tint Week, fro.u ItolOo'l . p. u. T he |.i..reed* t.- l~- drtotrd lo the hesefil ol !hr Cburck Adaaittaaci. Il|« ata Tara.i l'ri/e-.. Tarnet l'ri/t-a.-Spl. adid patterai oi twa ata-»il t opt, Ooblttt, Caster* ra* Cake Baaken Pud . it. ».* 8tta, a, , h rtal. by LUCIUS II ART. N..«. luidg BarBagt-ellp. « Bf A'"*"l-.utnrd in.v:ini"T.i I he Bv-.rdeT.J'^il^ ^ Wm Tat lob, Atjt. ¦ ra« MOND t Waaird A I'AKTNEK.uh"^^- .AVI *r H.uirJ b; amp.. Krai E.taTr t d w " V ? '" tull.t A-ldt. ss 0 TV.I Ofhce Vth r"i QatnnofinfmB. 1AST WEEK -I Ike GREAT FAIR of tksi J ftlERH AN INSTITt TEat th. CBYSTAL l'*| äcr LASTOBAND OOBI KRT "y DOOWORTH'8 BAND u >Hii>At EkhiMNtl Ort. *M citattaenriuaat7tu'elooA 1 P B O It ¦ A M ME. Paar Fiawr. I 4'iy*'al Palarr Mar- tt.t Bark . ^, Jlu PMbiaata,BmbbIbaBraraf the No-th.M- j tha r.r. free* L iBajvtaata '.Verjj 4 Itter P'uka.H. B. D. lw.rtb Ail*, from D.i. Giovanni " Votkfai toriao*.Metart 8 Wedding Match.M. Paar Sr. oan. 7. F.. 'atia Ir on |(,p\an Win Ale.O. .K BtiaUW 5 4»lr. - L t. '. i Humper".E. p a Mi-.uii lv. (-. aaa t"....rt 10 Vl'.aitn Ki«olett. . V .-r Ji II. T. monia Puika.Km-ajn* 12 Fit 1.. Na a. 4 - PaBa)*ilb*a Baad arBI Baadhaaa ea BATUKDAV E\ ENI Nil A. .»»« SAeriit*. , ^ ..I BTaBt. DURSKLlKiKF OAU.KKY N,. d!f7 BriNtaiway. eobtataa ton of tbe kr-rat PA.N llNl*S earr pa' »p-. MHtXi. J.M, U. aa-i1 A>^V,. AttaWlBaAVa ü) HA.IA. MLLK. TCRE8A PARODI* SECOND und a.'! I,AST tr*A"D I ONI r.RT ..r. FRIDAY 0 -I PRl (iKAMMK -mit Dal I. " Si..l* Peppa d»i mi., bnt." from J. PeheV fi.Kirn S 1. MQHINI. » Souvenir de Mriirt3.PAUL J' LIEN.Aliud 3. "At rr.i.n hia1' .Pr pr.et_Mil* PARODI M'»"b*»f 4. " A- %'--li. 11. Pleat! Magi s r TIBERINI. ...M»»er» A Gip.y Soi.gtrou. " L'Etoüedu Nord".M-yerborr M PARODI. «. A Ten pef bj a TftfOt".«.'»« " n 7 li-ki.d 1 rretto, fmtn " A"i'a".\*ri; M PARODI and S .1 TIBKRINI . . B * BEKNARDI. Pakt Sr.cov:, R Romania-Lucre a-i»Br.rrl*...r3jj TIBERINI ...Dotrlawtti 9. Ari».s.». BEBMABDI in UMaraelllaiae.Mile. PARODI IL Fei .». 1 B Pat ittee. PATTL JULIEN.Albvd i.. CeJebrated Conti« TeTMtlno, Veda 11 v.a dl au, Hk. Ha IU Ha .- M PABOD1, W«. T1BEEIN1 end Big. MOEIHL STlfAKOSCM " OKAND CONCLKT COM¬ PANY Th< peblic er«- raepeetfdlly ii. formed thet Ulli tEsSBA PABODI Wlil riri tf, w Y' rk bi-r BECVNO end last GRAND CONCERT. Or. FRIDAT EVEN1BO, Oct 24. At N.l.lo'e Saloon. ea«iateii by Bignort TIBEB1NI, BERNARDI MORIHI, PAUL JULIEN. TeWwkoleBPder tbe direction of.M. BTRAKOBCH Mlli TKRXBA PARODI trill riage* ihn eeoeeeo* far the Ittt ai.d only tlaae, b> general raqaret, tb. celebrated Frrncu National Hymn, LA MARSEILLAIBE, wl ich bet l n rrm-.l with il»* tr> t-.-at .r.ihu.ieam when and when rrr aar.t by M la, Pan.iii. Admteetoa a>l. Beat* mar be eocBti d eritboal extra .harre, ettbe Mi.>i< end Pitt,.,Start of Meeara, HALL k son, Mo, i'j* Br »daray. Do. ra .,{,. u at 7. Cajnrert »Ulmet,, et at S '>'(.'..< k. N1 ll la o - g A k i> en . . Do. rt open at OJ to eoeaaeew .. et 7J. Tick- 1.So BeBta I RIDAl i \ I- NINO.O. . 24,1141 BRILLIANT ATTRACTlOaj FOB T 11K BKNEFIT OF FRANCOIS RAVEL, on whli h orcation the celebrated o A B R I E L RAN 1 [1 trill appear in two i-barm-fere. Ala-, aeafatad by the eminent artilta, N THERESA ROREBT yoi'no HENGLEB ai d IKR11MK HAVEL. '1 HE Si HOOLM kRTI l( Matter Tricki.PraneoieJ Dr. Bir. b.Jeron.. TIOHT-ropk. a.b.. h GABRIEL R W el w.lidaiiea bit cel-brated HORN¬ PIPE. »01 NO HI HOLER M Ii v <, M A CHIAR IN I. NEW D|\ EBTIS8EMKNT. Mlli ROBERT and tbe 1 utlre BALLET COMPANY IOTA ARRAOONAISE, Bv M. Mar/etti, Mire Julia l- M. Franooil Ravel and M H. . I NoL-ai -VENT. Tol-BB Vent.GABRIEL RAVEL In wbiih he aviil introduce hit treat feat 011 la BAHRE I Hi Riyl E. To-morrow.GERMAN OPERA NIGHT..MABTHA Ran Hiaau MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYBand FRIDAYS. German (ii*ra Nithta.TCES0AY8, THURSDAYS and SATt RDAY8. N liilaO'" (iAKDKN.(iKKMAN OPERA.. B A II II ll A V, Oct. 2 4, 8 appearance ed M'LI.F. JOHANNSFN, \A1 n a Ul be preeented Floti u'a pop ilai Opera. Irl 1 R T H A. MARTHA.M'LLE JOHAHNSEN NANCY. MME v BERKEL Dvreetoi.CARL BERGMANN. ALTERATION OK PRICES In compliance with very general rrqin a-, ihr Management ef ÜM 01 in an I>p. raannouuet tbe fall wir f SCALE OP PRICES: 1" IIb Dr..« Cr. .e l Parquet.One Dollar F.wh C.ket rstltluai ibe baldei la a Reierv.-d Seat. To the Ftn.lly Cir I.Kifty Cenra To Iba I p[H r Box..Twenty fiy. t entt Fiifranre la UpfWl Boi.t in Ctoea] .' Tick, ti may had at NibVa and at k Son't, No. 2i9 Broadway. BURTONNEW t1ieatkb. BrcaUway.. MBS. 1 L DAVENPORT aanaoaWCae her ben. tit nul.t at ÜM ab-.w ele.ant plan- of public ainuai-ment, on FRIDAY. Of r. 24, when will be nr. aente 1 Sberidan'l eleaanl Com. '\ THE. SCHOOL FOR MAS DAL. raat to Ike lull extent o| tlna admnabl.- -ompnuv. Sir PctCI Teaale.Mr. Mark Smith Sir OHrer Hurfara-.Mr. Horton Cbarlea Slltlare.Mt V. D.vetip ut BwbMB.Mi C Fitlier Crabtrrc.Mr. T. Pia. id.- Sil Benjamin.Mr. Howard Motea..t.Air J.Moor, ! Tr.p.Ml B Lady Teaxfa.Mr.. E Dav. Daort Mr«. Candour.Mr-. A Park« Lady Sneeiwell.. .Mra. Haabei Maria_Mir* Louiaa Howard dl. r Brat appi araxi <¦). To eOAV lüde w ith tbe capital far. f. THE. WHITES AND THE BROWHS In which M11. c. Howard and Hie* P llj Maraball will appear. Heteial beautiful daaaea, and a lnni.,1'1. pleceeof BtBaae by tb. On In tra. w ill be glren dering tbe .-v.-niiij. On MONDÄN Mi. It...« man't oti.-inal roinedv, in tine, acta, of BELP with a lull caat. new acetier J and uppointment.. BI KTON 4 NF.W 'i llKA I ER~ Itroadwas.. MKS E L D.W EN PORT announce! her.l rnei.. nlgbl at tie above el. gan' phi"- of public ati u.ein. i.t, On FRIDAY, Oct. 24. when will b> preeented Sbnidan'a rlrfinl ( oliiedy, THE SCHOOL FOB SCANDAL, nit to tlie full . xt. ul ol Lie adniii.ilue Company. Sit Pi-Ut T.a/le.Mr. Mark Smith S;t oiiv. r Surface.Mr. Barton Cbarlei iarfaag.Mr. E. DBreaiport Joeeph Surlace.Mr C. Fith.-r Crabtrer.Mr. T. P m le Hi H. -am n Mr Howerd Mueei. Mi. .1 MooralTrlp.....Mr. Set. hell Lady Teaale...Mra. Devrnporl Mr. Cendoor.. Mn A Park-r Leu> Sue. iwi 11. .Mr» Hiubea Maria ...Miel Loniea Howard (Her Brat appeaiaure). To eoBMalade with a capital farce. IL \ Book now. p. a, and .eaia may be e.-eurej. BKorOHÄaM.» IKIWKKY THKA'I'KK..Dri-s-i Circle and Orchestra Seati. 'ai reell; Boxe*, ¥>: Pit and Gallery, |B|| Private Boxn, OS. Ai.ifhtios oi TiMt . D or. ». 7 THIS EN ENI NO: BEHEKI r OF T. D RICE. 1 II I DEMON LOVER. Ebrenlieht.Mr. Brwutliam Angela.. Mi«. Kate THE VIRGINIA Ml MMY. Glugel lliue....Mr T D. Bice Luc«.Mlaa E. Reieuolda w ABLCH K OP THE GLEN. IiURDY'- NATIONAL THEATER.. Drraa Cir lea, -."> la Orebiagn Chain, 50 eoate; Pit, i-ei.te.-THIS EVI NINO at71o'«lorb- DKED. OB, Thi DlaMat Swaair. Tom l^it.I etdeiia llowai.l Nn.a Gold n...Miat Hathaway To be loilowid bj tbi . "Ii.. Pantomlmaol MON8 DE CHALK M E AI X. RlBBlml.0. I.. En Liaette.Mitt A Price ALONZO THE BBAVE asi.Tiia PAIR IMOOINE Abdallah.Mr J. II. Allen |,.Miaa Hathaway Bahn I m s am kmc an m lrsk UM.. BJ M F N not .> Si C< ESS -WONDERFUL AP IT. AI BE DI'. ED, Or, Thi PiaMal Bwamp. - GENERAL TOM Till MBit thai bar*, lerol Torn Tit PBIDAY, Ortobi 24.EVENING at 1 ,k. DEED) A Tall oi tux Dtaaiai Bwi*ir_drinntiledaiprntdj torthit eetebliebBtenl and produced wi-h new S.-.terv. ha, THE AITEBNOON at S o'tlock.TOM THl'MB in blaoBiaaeen li rtainmenl. SON OS. I'ANi l B Ml HEIOHBOB'S u IFF THE LARGEST SHAKES IN nil' WOULD Tbe DW.arf LADY the HAPPY FAMI1.N 4. a Admittance to everylhiug. 25 < la. Children under ten. 12g rentt. \\' Ö 0 D A M A K S H r f Jl \ EHILE COMEDIAHS PROADVN At N A Kl Eli ES. Ho. 471 Broadway HENRI WOOD.Leaeeeand Boataeaw M.a.r r I! 0. MARSH.Ac-it t Mai.ager F.r.t \N e*k 11 the P 11 A N T O M I HIP. »Ith GEORGE. MARY and LOUSE k^the prm.ipal iiiarac- lira. To conclude »i Ii the Farce of THE IRISH BROO.MMAK1R. Dr<irt op«B a' t>|. to commence at 7j o'< k Tickela.25 cent*. AIM IN " THREE GRAND P1CTURES- TiiE last 3\ DOMENT, THE ckkat PAY OK his WBLATba, THE PI. »ins Off HEAVEN. At WILLIAMS. STENENS WILLIAMS b Co.. No. 353 Broadway. Admit.ion 11* tite. H.-nrt of Fxhitr'ion fr -r,i 9 a.m. t. 9p.m I AM WEEK ol Lbe GREAT FA IK..Tbc aLd Urrat Fail it] AMERICAN IHSTITTTR. i i . the Cuatal Falece, will POSITIVELY eioae aa Saturday ereu- ma, Orr. iN. DoUwort u'a Bead will periorm ev.-rv evening during the weeb. liRAND CONCERT on Friday evening, ,»g a: 7| e'tk Admiteioii 25 rente, cL.l.irt ¦ half price. 4 mikk ANn'sTiTirrK.. Thi- .m.owin«; n Ta-rd ,S,'U"S" UATCa the AMERICAN INSTI- il IE will I.-held at Harien, tue 24th mat. et ttoOB The .ronnd a. lected la in Iba resj ., |e« Btrat H uae. neer the RaR- road Biidie n the domaina of the Uta Charlet Heary Hall. ABBOTT» CELEBRATED EGYPTIAN " >K, « .. J eed laetracitr*«aUuaatioa la u. ,7: ""rn "LP""" «I V.rary tute end reiine- ¦ « . thg StuTt. ..,[ |...t,.u,... rt, Headway. AtattiL0 K * Y ~r~ Music . . ta i ! l^fAta of the Öftere, fct c aaeaaaga, Ug> ;;^;ud\n,c'a,ht:,1*:wo ,or ^ £ *~ - & n«-«' ark j / . , v B*, L RaUBOM. Th'P^' . I bee baw lucedto R798, taawBdnkal *, tbe prlrUl tea ,.f lbe Bara, BappeT R.- mt and CU tk Roomt, j£F**>?- '*^^_>»*r^-aat1 a.-.r,.... App.y to N. U. V* ULFA, «I ihr aa^-wic a-vutAwtut, .Nv I Saati N. \\'AI.I. \( h - THEA! ER.Duo.¦ opes it6|i »».:.-. »¦ " r <«.'..¦ MR W IXLA< K Bhalsptar*/* wttriineent po*rj -¦».. ;.. H a MI.KT Bhthtly riCt.Ved by houses crowded to the c-iling. with tb* aeaBOaetJBthBM of »pp:»i,*e. TV L**.. w aM tkerrh I* rr*pe>7ftilly rail the attention of thoaewiio dV- air* 10 ... ti. > Tiifdy represented witli at. urq -ombina- Ilm ofeast, scenery, '.¦iitnin» and *ener»l k monri, tout* ILL* LI rrment f Tür. LAST TUo WIGHTS, FRIDAY. Oct. H, tod SATURDAY.Oct :v HAMLET.Mr. WU-UCK POLONIES.Mr. BLAKE WALOOT Mr. H-k-y. Mr. It, Mr. So-m-m M- ». H ..Uui. ten j H A!.-1..*! l.v' ii'e mernVrt .t oir.puiy in to* east a favorite Farr* -ach r.uht. Boi bmh a!w»,a open three da.i bj advar.r. The f aw .-r-er. « *-. v t- pr. 'ara'i r.' *T)*eT- , i . Ml < H ADO ABOUT NOTHING O iman1. FI»t, TDK IRON I HEST the cel*bret< ! drama, tirtt in two ytart.i don CESAR DE ra/.AN._ f>K KLEY " SE RE.NADE Ris.NEW HALL, every night THII WEEK Tb* Orit.d BnlcKiua oa tb* Op- r* of TRo\ ATORE PrriMrir f wi.i-h NEGRO MINSTRELSY. Concert cea* men. ta a: la k la mhaanal DEED Or, Tat DtaaiAL BwtHT. G~EÖ7T'HRISTY and W<)< >D * MINVrRELS, ' No. 444 Broadway, open every evening, with a w..l selected Fngrantaa* eom « ».*.n a n-w tod very tangLe:.e Aftanaaoa HENBY WOOD, Baaiaeaa Manu-r oeu CH r ST Y Mar.aa-. PHILHARMONIC soil IETY.FIETErT\f11 I season IBM aad IfaTL.The Board of Direetarsniaul luiiy inloim tl.t ir tnembt ra ar.a :&e public, that, saost el the Stoeabl ;d. ra of rh* A.%.Vmv <.f Majtic hav very pr mptly aad wiMir.sly (igjaed a waiver of their ruht« to free adralsatna ail occasions of th» PhtlhertBtak Baeiety** aaaforaraaeea. Trier» aril] in- no rata rv. d a.are. Bv order, L. SI'Ifclt. rwr. Xcto Pnblications- rpHE NEW-YORK LEDOER i- oa ibb r.-r} J t< .pmoet wave of preapailty aad popnlsillj [tt aetr taa- BtrBjertteaat in By 'l.ousandt, and ifa old SBBBCjjheiS tr-.w .re aid ri.or- rata Maasfat in it a pruia.-. "Mv wife car.- r-r Bf without THE LF.Df.ER." »ritee . *rntl-uian fr.m Wa> (t r tii W. al! oa,;, h eat'tlv tor the arnva. .f SBf prt paper .the teaotif .1 LEDOER. 'w.-it.aa ady fi bj .V.» lia-upthire. It. ud you 8-M, far twaarty eapiaa of THE l.KDOER-ail to ron nr. 1 e with the story of Orion the flold Beater. There haa l.-er. l.ut eat SOpy taken hitherto bt IBM pla«e. hut you *ee how THAT ONE bat liegun to tpr ut." wri'ea a Nor'u t'aro- NbBbb. "The tirtt IMb|Btj cbtldif say whaa Iaoaaa aaaat .». rj TLe.d,> BafJM Father, batt pa i pot THE LED'JE It " ^wm the day the paper arrrttB ia sow rtulad 1LEDOER-DA V 1.;, the wi.oie tan,11y ." ».,?.. . r/V.iiai o n IVn n-.:vil t And in fa t. thii if the Way Ussy ALL BflMa, I- tft all pointa of the f mpax and from a!! bbc Maus at U.e eooatry. The quea'ioti .. ,._,r.. »; fled " Eioera. n aould lav.that THE NEW i ORK LEDGEB la tb. FAVORITE FAMIL1 FttFJ R of th.- Dahttv It eottt ONLY FOUR CRNTi Read tfca :-. w flfatj enaaaaertead it. thit w.-ek'. r.umk»n mow rea.i\ i, hy the popular author of "Th.- TYstrhaaaii." rnti'V'l EMMA DAVIF Or, Tail Uscaaa abb sub VicTtaia. ItMaebataBiraj Tale._ _ »THE F1RES1DE8 OF THE KEVoLlTION. J Bj Mrs i y ELLB1 Author Bf "The Wom.n of tbä Revol-ition,'' la eevaaaaaasad in MRS ST E P H E N I * ILLU8TEATED NEW MONTHLY Fo» Novr.MstB. Mra. Eilet, air.-e the pohliratU.n M Btt pr. vi.nit vol-imea, hi, f»«D Sollet flag tr-tii private BBareafl material Sat BBatbSB *t aketeh'. under the above title, which include* many alven ti.r- *. t. i.«. eapl.-it*. Ac., taken from tBsBptof th-- iui\ivot* «r their deacendai.t*. and hith. rt«. unp ibliahed. Tbia BBtfaB 8 p..| it will prove of the srertteat Intereat. li; ('. r t* per Month. _Nq Na--,u .t N. Y. 11 tAÜE, WAS SEE.N, IT CONQUERED.. N.\ . m the Lietorv ot llirrat.ire, »a« their aaytains An ontin nelly and Incraaalagly »uerr**ful aa that in.«t popular of all i. ttal publications, the new-york ledoek* Thi«v.e. k'. Numb-r, bow ready,eoaitaatsa, hiadtBtieaittB Lost* ..I ..ti. r go...) thins t*aitinned froan last aretb, the b> gin- i ing of A NEW >-IORV. Fy the author of " The Watl Ltnan " entitled. E m ma DAVIS; Or, Tnr DSCBBB »»n Big Vinttts. A Talc tl at will bateraat and iu.tru. t all elaa*.-. of IBAdBtB, OEION THE i SOLD HEATER. it caarTuvaB. FANNY FEHN--.;; 'Bbetebata1 fet THE I. Ein; ER. THE LEDOER i* said by all N-wiven 1. r. at Four Cent*. ROSS A TOI'SEY, Oenrral Agent*. N MM Nassau St. -Imm: c o n v i f~f ,s ii i pT- X By Mrs. As* S STrrm \ < At read by Mita Etmunde at tat fab- rLKle, It published in M R S ST E P H E N I I I.LI ST It A TED NEW MONTHLY Eos NotBataaa. 12j frnta. fj'HE NEW-YORK LEDGER J. atiother New S-jry, gotBBaaacad Thit M rrnng, by the sutboi f The WatehBtaSt," entitled I M M A h.Wls; oa, THE BUBEI AND IMS \ ICTIBJB, A no.t beautiful aid ta.cii.atia; Ta'.- M Domestic, Op-ruti.-- .Siva M: ... Lif- A;..i i. graphtrail] lUoetratal by Thwaitr*. THE ITDOrialatiitaadMaa¦nttnM "OEION THEOOLD BEATER ." linsylllS S'one. by ( OBIi. Mr- \ ADOHAM, and Mitt GIBBON FANNY IHtN> Bht* et| P.*m* by ALU E I A H I \ tad an BBtBtttttt Varbst] M thr ni it katereat.n* spa. k h: i .r .1 kaatiaellra Readte| Matter THE 1.1 DOER 1. r sale by all New-lealcra. Price. ONLY EOI R CENTS. I^HE TRIBUNE (late WWg) ALMANAC tor l MBB. FIFTEENTH edition. FwbHebet Ph.. Day lu addition to the u* ia. I airLd.-r pu.a at. I \-r r, Cal- Calstloe*, Iba* Work rotitam*: t LASSII IED LISTS OP ThF HEMBER9 OF THE SIN- natk aND HOI se ok REFRF.SENTATI' r .> OOVEBNMENT ok THE UNITED ATATMB EXECU* TIVI AND Jl DI» LAX Till MUS ENACTED BY THE SECOND SESSION OF Tili XXXII1D ( oNiiKi SS BTATE mil 1 H NM EMS.A List ot S-t-.-s ui-i tv.r Capita'.!. (». \. T.n.- . I H .t :.. M-»-: nfletii all . k THE POFL'LAB \«'ii. l"'K PUESil'ENT BY STATES for I »41. '». »r d j.. ll.ii tion BETCRNS EROM all THE "TtTESIN THE UNION (wherein elect! newer- bald tar IBBt). rata* tu.,« compiled and -. n.par.u* l- ru.rt e.-cuott*. *a- rrreaaii r THE TRIBI NE ALM.IN \C THE u \"n IN THE F lBT.A Critical an I Hist rtea) Beriew of tb* War betweet Bnsai* sad tbi 41 t A HI8TOET of Kansas TKRi.lToR.-B- i-a- » . ü 1 and car. fully pr. pared Btatetrn et, rr;bra. is* the Charactrr, 1 ,.ir at.-. Battatnil Ac ol Kai.ea. . alt... at. arc -i-t of the Legialatloa aad rsdtlng s iegah t. tt T-nrory teneraily. GOV ERNMENTS OP EUEOFE. lacludii * Nim » and Titlet of Buverrlgn*, Nsm.-s of Siatr*. F .rm* of Government, Baaare Milet P.-p--»,.--ti K- . t AMERICAN HIBToR. iNHKiii p - larta ha tat Settlement and Pr.-ar.»* f Iba I alttd ?tate». ORIGIN OF PLANTS.Th* Nativitt .t :ae Pr atteaat l'*efu Plaaie AN ARTICLE showing the glAVra-at BtoAea f \\Vi«h-.a..d Maasaia* la ass t".. ».-. .. i .-_ r-t .: E.: pe bbM Am.-r.a , , WHAT BHALL WE EAT?.T as aaoviai tat Fi t chief articlea afV ad bj New York iO. tub*:. 1 v aci rh- propor-ion of BMUllhsBt saattet ir. . *.n attic.. BOiuLE C0FIE8 Uk real* 81 per dtiten *7p rl <>. rottat- i n the ALMANAC Km: ra''-. pt> pali. or 2 o tra ce< h ab. r: not prepaid. -au N B-Manv ratjrirt made f..r bark aim be r* aa THE \\ HIG ALMANAC w. .at. aad] ta* dab c p.e. I tat yea IMBAJ, l*.Yi . l»M. i'nee IB] r. BU eoch. GREF.LEY A McELRATH, TribeLe Oflc- N-w York. rpHE GRAND SECRE1 Baa be -.-J at Jt. .ast n.r m.aint * univ.r**:!\ p>'polar newspaper aad tat reti.t B THE NEW-YUEN LKDuEK. wni«a *i leeea b> ai. bj aBpatttof :;.c . mtZJ and wread at. et*. --, Bets wkii h t.ust b. s^,n to be app.-eru>d. Tar m-ttto o THE LEDGEB .* Pert .. i f and tBat tt eoaaaa at ¦aar aBtlag this atpfl^l"* e* ytbiit huroan ran. abundantly alow:, hy tt| VBOI mm -l titee*** It ha* the beet writer, and the let! artit'*, and it printed SSJ Bat baiida.roet- ptpr tad ttpe of any paper in the world. In the aambp* »i i .t U . atert r .:.».. rj *j *-ae r>pai*r aiitb. r .1 It. Wat. Li. at. .* ..c-d. called EMMA DAVIA Or Tut uabbsb tan his V |g rtws alao. e»re of OR 11 N THE GOLD BE AT> H KANN. FERN - Sa-t a ALICE CABY*8 Foeeae, * : ajpItts fltorbat ay COBB Mr* VAUOHAN, Mist GIBSON ab«! * Met ONaVT fOUl cum rffi h k h B W-to R K ledoeb .... , T: . U. cheer.." '-t. .~i EMMA D A V18; ob. THK i si RLE and HLS VICTIM'" a n..t: beau'.ii-i Bbb ' ml Taj* *f DeWaWtfhk, 0 jer. n»t»: iad MUHwi un-. Ar rrepticeJiy Ü .etra'ed bv Ttweitea. THE LEDOEB alao eentain» more of ORION THE OOLD- BF ATEEr" complete Stanke« by COBB Mr» VAl'OHAN and Mi». OIMOR FANNY rER.N I >*. bsa P en:» by ALICE 1 AREY »od an :nauje: ». I ..'.' A 'harn itmte." »tii|. iperk- lint and iB»truetive Reeding Mattet. THE LEDGER f-r "> »y a.: n»w..:.-e:. re. pr , ONLY FOI'R (T.NT<. -" n » TT7F FFT. DB. J08EPH P. TH«>Mr-"V< BE BMOM : DOEJ CHRISTIANITY SANCTION * A*-» at the B* BB4 F.uitwn SB band. r 1 Pahuehed by JOSEPH H LA I'd n" B»* S-wY r«. rp g k is E W-Y (> K K ledoeb J a; he- New .-. ¦aaaaaaed Tb . M ming, by the lthvref "The Watchman." entitled EMMA DAVIS, oa. THE I SIKF.R AND HIS VICTIMS, aaaaj bee-t" .- and fae.--.uat.:.« Tale of D jrn.»-.. Operatic Naval. BBel Military Life, Bad ii graphically illuetreted by Thwaite». IHK LEDGER eiaoronte.neuioreot " ORION TUE OOLD- HEATER." <¦. mpl.'eS-. it . OBB M-i. VAl'OHAN » M UIBBOB FANNY FERN'S Banti b**; Po. ma by ALICE CAREY; »!!.: a: iwnienee »efp-j I'.ne m. ¦'. .uteree'ma. »patr. t tad ii.i'ruriive Read-.r.c Mefer. THE LEDOEB ia fcf aale by all Newed al.ra. p-,.. ONLY FOI'R CENTS. J i»t Pubiiehed. I A I' V A N G F L I NE . la A LAY OF THE APALACHIANSj THE HOI'RS and other PoernM Bi the R, t. L"i la L. Nohlf. Oae VoL P. ice 75 Cent*. sHELDON. IU.AKEMaN k Co., Publleher« n IIANaeeau-ei n. Y. T HE PASSIONS <»F H V M A N I T Y «»t. i> by Sri va»f» < o««, jr., anich ia now hein* pnhiiah.-d in THE NKW ^ cJliK LEIM IEB, Entitled, ORION. THE GOLD BHATEII; Or, Tai E Hia»T» can Fa l -i A Tale oi City Life. Thla thril ,i $ paint, in the moa- ejtwrtafty naturalcoi.r«, th« Sernucir.c Spirit t I. v. . tb' Terrible Power o: Afaricat laaawatj kar*aaaaa, tie s. a-h::..r. Wittums AwMsa at Hat>. the e\er endjnni PaaVHtJ ot Piiendahlp. In to t, r»er> pa*ai..i,, b. pe a.ol a\ mpatby of human ir> r: r. aa it were, in Tuia Tale of HI MAN WOKS AM) RABTBLY JOTS, b aduitiou to thie tiKEAT STOKY. THE LEDGER al».r contain, the ronimeneemei . of a NEW TALK, bytheaatbor of "The Wati hman " er rB I, r M M \ D A \ I s Or, Thk Dmil aaD hi> \kitM- Readr THIS MOUSING, v. I f r .a!.- »er-, ia:.. r- I'M I ED s i A T ES LA W 8 %J Sat' pubiutbed by LITTLE. B H o W N k Co.. No. 11.' Waahr.«fo:; *'.. Roaton. THE bTATUTEU AT LAIIOE, TREATIES of THE HNPTW) STATES OF IMBBIl i iraatrarlai wRb 'be Pir.t Saaatoa of tbo 9Btk Caatanaa; It&A M. Carefully collated with the oriiinaie at WeauinjtoB. BdHed i.) Oeewaa Minot, Coun«<r at Law. Pamphlet. Pnre, fl. n^lTh NI W -ViiKK LEDOEB JL Baa anolter Ne* WaMTJ, IBaBuiei.ce.l Tiiia MBILii t. b> tb" aatb ,r ,,f .. Th> Watchman." en itled i; m Sal a DAVIS; ob. 1 HE I M BEB \M> His \ ICTTMS, A BaBBl beautiful Irnl faa. ,natii,ti Tale ei D meitic. Operalii BatrBa, and Military Life. And (rapl.i' ally illuatrated by Tnwaito». The LEDOER.. .... ntain» more,,I ORION THE OOLD- BEA1ER et ii,,.. .. Sb n. i b. ( «Hill M . V ai QUAN, and Maaa GIBBON i FANNY TEEN'S Baad i' u* by ALICE AREY , and an imnonae variety of tbo mo-t in'ereetin( aperkliua. aad iualroctive Readme Matter. THE LEDOER ia i. r aala hv .ail N.w.dealera. Pri. .. ONLY Fol R CENTS N KW h (> N G H by S. M A Ii K 8 i' E 1 M Ibcei .a. h. M ... tie,. TLIuklai of Old TtnM " Sparkica Sun.lav Nicht." Hi.. ail Alone, llei- A»i ... Vale." " Ela'a Cottare." "The Bible." " Rrtcnt So.i.m. r Nicht." 'Brothera. Farewe'l." "Jennie Le*.M ptl Coam Iboi I., ve" Ail lbe Mtiaac pabiiaBed in tbe 'uit« Btateeal tie ...«e.t rat.-a. COOK k BRO No. am Hi. adway, 2 aOOfl ebooe Grand et rn U E N E \V-Y Ii I! K I. E I) (', E K A bbb BBnlber New aHarj .aaawaetiead Taia M m.:.*-. '.y t.-.. .bor of - The Wat. htnan," ent.lled K M Bkl A D A A IS; aa, THE USURER AND HH VICTIMS. A Banal bujHlflll iBll fcailBBtlBB TBIb f Doueetic Operatic. Naval and Mi.itary Lite. And ia »rapti. a. y HI ..'rat. d b] Thwaitee. THE LEDGER ai»o contain - more of " ORION. THE GOLD¬ BEATER ." at r; alt e .Vörie» I v COBB Mr.. VAl'OHAN. an 1 Um GIBBON fA.NNY FEHN 'S Sa-' he, PosaM by ALICE t AREY; and an in.neiiee varietv at IBB mo.t ii.tercatiua" . pal k'.it i, ar.'l .1 .- raettfB R' adinf M after. THE LEDOER lor aal. hv all N. w.dea .1.. Price ONI I POUB CENTS. R BPUBLICAN DOC DM F N T s. FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN -Pnce- *> d. aen. ^ IBB .>> l'en>> ,.*oc. B V #.H '»I 7 on 2 if> Lita at Co!. Ptamo: ._. I». bt.e edi'l c wt'h Lif»ofC< i Fr, m- n'in Oermeu. Life it Praaaowl m Weiah. I inner*« Sp» .. l: The Crtaeeai|.at K IBBBB BuiUL-r . Speech. In W.-teb. .. ; t t e Couireaaiona. Coinnajtte* "1 KaJ a .». A Traa-r i.r AmerVeut- Containin» tte Hon. E B. M' re an a Speech >n tue II an ofR*| .. Mil .-j P. " aad Ova r.-- La b u c . m.afler'. Re%». ,,, KitWm . Fu.u. r> an J Irnaela t.and th- Ai bV ü ol tbe Kr.ow Bothini Su'e ( nver.- O ' a' Syra. -.a, | m- Raa. latiotil M aarfa a Bully Bro I- . Jaa-a.-d.| Aaaai.u do Sen* t Sa*tlB*l to Jeme» Boctal an : Hi, D-a trmea and Pcncj aa Eanani:ed by Hiin-eif and .. .. Tl U ,.. 1 Mr.B11 ruaa as'l .BI BJ 1 » 2 3* 2 50 to 11 'W 2U 20 M 21/ o»i 2- 1 22> I" 00 I 25 1 25 W 00 '* 1 25 N 1 25 1" BB ]A I 25 10 00 f Pi ralOrai g klaOereaa]Menlieilii In U»oc. I aeljina Csba. trie Ple'torm; hia Sp.-e.b ret, n.-tLi hia owu iilenu- tj. (j. vertor vv ,.,.-. S^-etb makee**/] Mr BarbarMl Pteeton BrntduFe Lot- :. u. ka> r. and Hon. A. G. Bron 1 Lettel t M .... n:--.- n-« u ; r.:i.| Mr. Bu- hanaa Dr '.o u. (Jem an. i l ".la* a ap. eck n ine Leaf . f KaJ aaa. J S. wara'i Sfaaecn on the Immediate Ad- j ¦lee I >t bla: aaa aa a I Tl - 1 ¦. loaal Candid reo: Got. } Rr, der ;r- kkTor of ProaaaaBt: Reaeona f.,r t:e..rir.» Fremont and Dayton f* The P. , V\-nttOe I the * S" I kaoderii Dea crerr the Ally rBTervrr: 1 Speecb Boa. ML W Tappan of' Nra Uan.r»i.ire y A l!y rj I tte ITliuaaJe f r S*every PllBnawTB M R**trl'tlon lr i'e ft i'a-ee. Cob eklad fr-m Aotbeotnt Do-rumenta. by Hc.-a, (ir'-.ev Hin.e .. pie. Fifty Camte. A a., .raera eritli »a»n lo.i-aw1 GRFELEYk M ELRATH, Tnhuae Otfi.-«. _ New Y .rk. I1 B V. N F W-Y <? R K LEDOEB a.-an..rte- Lew .. ry, eor im.nre.i Thia Mortunat, b> th- kBJtl : ! The VV at Omar. " ' ntltled EMMA H.WIS: OB THE DBUBEB AND BIS v itTl.M- A Baa' Ua^- and Uacnatina Tal- at Dviu-,:.. i.ipe.-a Na\a.. a. 1 lORtef] Life, A. '. rrapbi. illv il.u»t.-at,d by Tbaaatea. THE LEDOER .1». eaBaBabW more of "ORION THE COLD-BEAT. R." ]i Biel it i St. rta* by <"OBB Mr. I aL'i.han aad MaajOIBSON fasst FER.vs BaadeBM Poen. ty ALICE CaiBEl andm :rumenae vane.y M :Bemo«t aaBrre,' ¦¦... ipeflJttg tad LBetn t.v-R. adi-k Ma."-- THE LEDGER kj I r BaM by kl\ N-a.deaier*. Pre.. _ONLY FOI'R CENTS._ KIOOTJIB A KFIJ.OGO." PI*BLISHFRS, BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS, and BLaiNK-BooB MANCFAl TER! RS "tfer epeciel indaeeroexte to tne Book .taaa, uix^jsw ^ W.wsai ;.t* ata F-wj, iu. Ztc Mitt TilababtL A B 1) LUE i ART vui.e-t. r THK NEW .0.1K L: l)>*?...» VY TUT NEW YORK LvPOKR. 'AI L EARL.. Lf löäm tot THK NF.W.yo.TK LErv.ER. OKT tent thk NEW YORK i.fookr. r;MI- E>< >N BEN>*ETT~wTit*< for -a« thf nfw YORK lfpokr. FANNY FERN trritM 11 thk nkw york ledger fTJREAT ii THE NFW YORK LBDOl H, HFREY Bp, if tor want the new york lkivifk. ILLUSTRATIONS abound in 1 the ne». york ledoer I (»KFS bib pi) ntit'ul iu THE NEW.YORK I.EPilKR. ITING8 Emperor* quarrel over LB THE NEW YORK LEDOER. OOK OFT for Ütii wtvk'i« Li NEW YORK LRDOER BIGOlTOCT~writei f.-r THE NEW ORK LEDGEB. M 0 k'oRODY should be withottt > the new york ledoer. BION TUE GOLD-BEATERitbfavoritewith radcreofTHE NEW YORK LEDGER. IK)LITICAL exeiteoenta oalv tomse the hint- eet in THE NEW YORK LEDGEE FEEN VICTORIA can't get bIom without THE NK.w york LEDGEB. 1VEB8 of ink are required to supply the new UiKK LEDGER a R SYLVANU8 COBB, jr.. writes tor THE NEW Yl YORK l.K.piiFR. rpHE ru*h in itwr»M*üig for THE NEW , OKK l.F.DilKrt TNIVEBSALLY liked ii J the new TOBE LEDGER ICTOBY perehet oa the bmuier of THE NEW YORK LEDGER. V w FJ.( < 'ME to nil is THE NEW YORK LEDOEB. STCEEDINGLY popular it V HIE NEW YORK LEDGER. /OFM; AND OLD ni-h for I THE NEW YORK LEDOEB, z EALOl'8 neu imen ««'ll THE NEW.YORK LEDGER. ALL Um ivorld ia n«tomKhe«l at THE NEW Y ORK LEDGEB. n B a - i bc erat U OCHIIBERTH « Co.. OBEAT MUSIC ?5 DEPOT, No SM Broadway. Puhli.heie f>r T" ye»r« »t Han lur« ar.J Leipaic, otVf 'h« leu. »t atock in la* f :it.-d Stafae (or,.- bIIRm WOlk») beeide MM*of our own publice- ti< Hi. Taoat waatbap pood Maiic ar* invited ta «eie-t Data our eaariooe St.te, or e.neapouu wub am. Catalogue eratie The < irtulellnk Mu»l«-el Library offen 'vyem) dtetlmt worke. Terme: 0m year, e>u IwttB »>'. WOftk ot Miuk pBtkt)l »ik BkoafAe, *r>. FREMONT NOT A ROMAN CATHOLIC-. M)otBB*Vaea a Raman Catholic; eon»i»»iu| chiefly ol ewora teetiiuony. iu apainpbli t of four pe«i a. Peraona in wan: of thia document, aboii.1 tend in tbrir ordere without delay. Price per th»uaend, S3. OB EEL V k MrFLRATH. Tribune Qaj.w. rpBE ILLUSTRATED HYDROPATHIC E.V- j. CY('LOPEDIa k Complete ByBtaai »f Hydropathy auj Byi>a*. By R T 'l BALL, M D. On- large vol. wtth aaar l> I.ikmi pa<ef. Illmtra'ed with J'. Engravinta- Priea BI . HvFOWLER IBO WELLS, No aw Broadway. '.The moat taiBBBIfBeBaagB and pop ilar w-.rk yet p iMIahed .- vVetet-Cere Or all the pahlloatlraae win^h Bavo ettaiaed ¦ach a wide popularity, aa leeucd bv FOWLEB kBD WELLS, Bi B* »re Bjori ed»pteil to c< tier»l ufiliiy Mi»n IbJi IB k, B iiipro- h- DeiTe Bad ». U »rrmn«e.l Ency. 1. pedie." | N. Y. Tribune. rpHE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE X FOR OCTOBER i\ < Irrulntton.17.1,110«. The Neyv-Yobb WtfJOkXT Tbjblke for tkii ireek ronUini \\.< foOarMiBg: I. LEADlNo kBTICLEB: The Leaawa of the Diy; Idaae lanaaatlal A N.-w Siave 8'ate; Burhaiiau'l A' troedenlei A N-w Ptaal. Brea.1 Mikii.i Ste. A La»' Word Kaina» C-.rre»poud»uce. II. .KANSAS Mat .-.«ra and C ..' t tbj*BotaWBatf t ana. A Bordttl BlaOtttlBI W hat Oeary ia D'Min, L. avina Ka .aa», An Attempt at Prophecy Arr.-»t ot En* Stat- Imu.igran-.a. [TJ..BEVIEW Ob I HE WEEK: Oivii.a in a coielenaed and coUf pi. uoua fcfan tue latear ajad moat important eeeuta that have trampareal bi Bm * By, Lured S'atea. and Europe. [V..POETBY1 Er. . Soil Son. D.-ad. V THE 1 RIME OP EXTENDING BLaVERT: A Sern- n b> the Rev 0*0. B Cheever D D. VI..AN APPEAL EOR PEACE AND FREEDOM: A.:dre«- of the Republl an State Committee of N.u York. VII. TO THE REPCBLM ANS OF INDIANA. VIII. TO TBE^BEPI Biall ANS Ob OHIO. 1X..OEN 1 RBI AM» JOHN VAN BDBEN. X..POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE: P aaaylraaala I liaa Ohio. I..¦liana. Plawida. XI THIR1 V-FIFTH CONOBEBB XII. <I.A\ EBV IN m< Alt AGOA. MM. THE TattHI NE KANSAS POND, XIV plan POI FINAL OHOANI/ATION X\. A LETTE I PBOM THE BEV, H. CLAV DEAN XVI..PRO« LAMATION Bv a-a Esawilewey Myron H t .ai* Guveraor of tba Btata of Bew-YavR. XVII..THE LATEST NEWS BY TEI.EORAPH IVII1..THE OBEAT PBENCH RAILROAD PBAUD Ifaatanb aa Pre |< -Dkao vfr) of aPortionof .h. M i.? v XJX..ABTEBIAN ELL-ON THE PLA INI XX REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS: Arcti* Ea- plorati-nr-Bv Ken: Kane bj D. D.S % XXJ..AMERICAB COPTRIOBT IB i ANADA A Le- ter from Our Own < .n-iponi. at XXII.-THE KAN-AS EMIOBANTS: Bv L MarUCbild. XXIII. < Oli'iN MANUPACTUBE IN BRAZIL: « ,rr«- aanjaaVna f 11* S Y TllBataa. XXIV. .SLAVERY IN OREGON Corr.ap.,: Ie... e .f The N Y Tribune. XXV. LOUIS NAPOLEON IV THE PYRENEES XXVI. .THE POLAND TBAOEDTi IbdUa Mavraar. XXVII. 0B1ENTAL ( OOKERY XXVIII..MISI ELLANEOUS Th- Nat iraoza-.-m Law, Ta. I entra! >u: RXIXa.COMMERI IAL MATTER-' Pall R.p r.» of taa Bto< a .Vf n.v CoatOB, Gtaia ( a'tle ai.d utuex Mar¬ ke!« ap.,:a. Refkor. d for The Tr.h ine. St I-'. »IeTlo\». Ol e p - e-..t. Tt,ree eop'ef. a»A : ta, 981 Ten p. . k*|«. S:n#le pie». ii, wrapper*. <-a.a h.- .,br*lne.| ar Iba flnn-ar In .: e I' .1 .. a:.kB OBV - UUf BV r;.r I Price «a} eta. -fin*: IXris FINE-ARTS.-A collection of PICTTTRES, .v Mr 1». H Ha on' he on vw .r, MON¬ DAY -Le »-!, inat., aLd after a'-1-OaJl'ry of (»OCPIL a I o N «4 B- adwiv Tne p ,n<ic are invi-ed ... eia-utO" IBaa B Lane. TLe Pi tu... are for eihitnuou oia.y and not for aa'e. Printing CHEAP I'KINTIM.-At N-. « VUf'^-''- tarda. »1 ibm f) per' .«». Bin r-a!» " *7 P"» Bag . t ' V-.'.VfE--.-- L^GHAVINO BRd PBDTTINO HALF PRICE. JL-< W. ,ic.t f. a- n,,me, Ad lr. aa and Aut *apb Car jkvWad «Uaa«8utio*ery, Buaicea» Card«, kx.. a'. KELLY -i.«!! Kultam at TRHll^lTBTTrDLNOS.-Fläl-n WO >f erera -leaer.ntaoc feo rx a ark t* a 3o< k. ai tue LoW«at Caaavi ^ ju-aenntkon «'»AgKK fc IS TnSua, Ban dKa. Q K PER RE.*nM for BILI/-HEADS, $1 ',0 per 9ij Iba n.^d for l ABDS. Cbwra ara. Beeeipta Labela ant. ;V-^.j .^ar.avfcVaai^ 8 Franzi OBlcc aVYaMaaVM^RLI 6tati0nrrT) and /annj %3ooo9 Hi WNE A RA8BB0Ü1 k. IiiHwbti' H%aT, . . n**Bd »ff« n V importers .. M 4 n UFAl Tl bees. eeVr fcr tele . » bob mt ¦ . r«ry *i y f t .-.iBotkf P.p,r K.i . .: S'ap * St*;.. ry '.*'.**. tTf P.,... Nr.. Draft m i » .r Scrppir.l r' . "P<» '<¦*' .tar -t m. Bio rand »m Ta - Beefef P'l « POO . BtateO, P-a k ret* Chea* aiw H*.k(an i r «r la k. and all */ ». . Btl * l-pt ky -kr trad. JUB I'RI N Tl no tr.d LI1H- KWr.Y IBOewied »i .,w I.;..* i r.u.«t. kt.u- "'».'*. t'. mil V t a, h » iu;rto rPCALI. BLANR~ BOOKS and PaT' >fH^ su»tt a janfs ami m,, Ku. <u ra.u.» at. a*e* »*i..*»B». Ord»ri r»ipv'i:.,ii t letted ßE ADS, BEA dT, BEADS, lAIRT Dc*J»t-riptio* P«.r aa»r by V P RBOWTA. _No. let Pearl-ec. New Tare, fj f A I 1 Ö N E K Y. Hl ANK Iii n >KS. A- kl «I I! I !\M y H AW s N .?: Cai al-aa . .. tm*x HR AMI H Op I ROOT *Ai HOST k Co Re. p . . < »¦ . «. ... f sr kPLii .id FANCY STATIONKEl Aceoee H i. v\ u, p.p.Leer ti «. i i n äff ». I U kt Nor**, l>-v*t BAU* oi Eict^*..*', A4» Prv I -1 all kmdt »' BlAJfJ kl arder. B Part* iratlvi urufkiwr» ol Blank t..- at H.a.aadI BANB PBJNTINO ibxkt. Bui H.t.t i ,r. A »'«rtpoed t.aiyp»e. lam ri ti. ti**i»»« a.acorr._ ^lEELE'* PATENT FEATHKRDl^TERfL^. A^ aTBXJtl a i a M»r .... -»rt He V- Sat*. f ft ,.-w Mai.leu aaa. Pcrfnmrrn Ii aOOUBACD"" ITALIAN MEDICATED SOAP il ;. . t uwa r*a TAN PIMPLKB PBP»:RI.FB, ERCTTIONS BALTBHBl'at, BtRHrKS ITCH, .'HAP3L CHAFES, TFNDER FLUSH. re.i.le brini 'hr arrj ta-et thafiui roaipoaad *>.* .i».u:.d t.Ot RAI DS POL DRH i|>r.'..t» n*ii 'r. in I- w forrh»»J», uppci Up», 't an« N It taaril an.', quick!* warraut.-d. I.IQ' \M LÜ>t..> ¦..;». ¦> "k* LILV WHITK tor rlual m\ at .i t. atr.i ta.-ra HAIB DYK taetai ) fatie *e*i trap. If hl keil to a saanttral Mark at brown, *ita»ul ttataiaa taat .k HAIR RJMTORATIVl Bail ta <t«w. au I a>ak*» . .1 wirrbaira .. | ... u filkt P i l»< i>Ol'RAl-lfB MtaUUAau drj»'. N< <T t\ A IKK R ST Ar.; Itora rV.Ba . « m . II tVli< a ra, a-.d Dl .«itata e»«-*raT?. BATH, WTNEOOP A Ob.a PKRKI MKRS aaa M AMU vACTUBiR 9 FINV EXTBAI TS FOR THE H tNI>KKRfHIK.F, C h tn'A I'.'wn a.irt. II*.t 1)1ia, Al ''Oar Üiia. An. Altv fK> pi ..ofLTON'fl KATHAIRt>N kc. 1". »l,.;rtü irad* ..* raapKtially .: ».!. -I to *t unlr.« aar .'d». tutb aa to ttpl* and m N.< At I ih. rt> M 9.0 Saxmtxi anb (Ptfjere. i PRICED 1 1ST Bf FLOWERDfG TKKFS«, A MIKI B> Ri'SKS. IIKOCiF Pt.tNTS. Ac tiAlahla Af tapi ipoear* .> k* f.. »a-drd aratai aa au» iBBraaBi ki* a CatalofBM ..f CHOICEST PRl'ITs, wtu »n**a. Car. riaae »f parkaa** paid to *o.u. B M WATSON. Old r. rjN reettea, Plymouth, Mate. I "J KK1 N SAN'O MAKI.-K. r t.-p drt'*, Wir . PJ '. r drain and OfaM Leaf)a. and t> r p. riiianrotly aatatoalaB .terttaaa4aroraoai aoila; .'..* p.. o. '.ut th* U**librul ami asarieal prvwrb ofaU kiaar ef Kruu Tr.-< . Orap* Mkaja, A a. S«* rlrcalare **nt rr** an appSratioa 'a OKO W. ATWOOO. No. 11= Cedar at., er TAPPKN TOWMBEMD, No. H Naaeaa-et, 117M. R. PRINCE «t Ca\, tlBahaatL B. T.. wil TT Barvari 'hrtr Cataiofue of KRITT and uRN vllKNTAI* TBEEB, r ot toy other aepartaaent el lartl Nuraarte*. t<>'pur> ..i.. rt of Tr**>* *vb.. kaeioe* S' ?Hiocclltincono. nil ti K 0 O T 9 i»tK ti ILL Not. II and !. F iltt a uid Nee, t? and «<t tl. .1 *tt. LtaaatT a\n CHBAPBaT aerait. t LI) 11 Nil S i O II K IN N K. W Vom. ai ti. rr*fj rail 11 Fatliionahl.' Frock tud Dr. t* Ceata M Suprr i Black Prraek a»tl Ceiorad Ctolh, ( m B"> 71 to «B OB N.a- Si\\ alkinaCoe'a,tot Fall and \V inter, ol t Film. Ribbed B.a.. i, A... t'roiii,... 4 75 to 11 OS Butiueaa Coeta uf erarj aWilprJo*. frwai. BIB to MBB OrrrC ut, a*w atyka *d aaa *u.t kaaaj Caat* lut.uoui. . a w to .«» Rt.iai t tilth.' N.w Btylae a treat ranet%, tr. ii..,afa. 7 00 to *) Oft 4 I. *k*. ret* Baa.W.. i BJ to js ao t itkk nel la B m » Paa'aleaaa. i M to d Paakk aabl* Fan. % Paatalei aa. J in tu i Oft Imiii.i »ik M irr Au'i.|ur Cathiiirr.'A.-. i to a 0t ' r.ul V.ttt. B.e.'ltil »»witarn». a* . ... 10» BOYS CLOTHINH H RNi-iliNi. homik ritAVKLivi -ii ttt Is. i 111 N A < a i., .p'.-i. OrriCI »i tmi Wnutm Mimii. Co ho W Wtii-ir. j Ni a Vota () 'oh. r ti, ItlM. 1 NOTICE ia Berajbi Bjivea, th*< f»llowiiiaT sT«'i K in tb* Wind*.., Mlaiaa Cntapaaj le*Hf4ka*a4 for 11 paj " * i tan aalet B pai Bk irax du«- 'be l*t Auautt, .... and tket tko aaaaa wiU br add at Publi. Aaemaa at '(>.» UBieaof ikoCoeapaa) oaTUEAwAT ihr^h NovemWr, IAA*, a. i.' o'. I... k m mil. i. ptwrloatl] ;..!>*! mm by paptaead of mm) at.. **m.'iit and rap -utr. Cert'hVa'e «"la**.. t rrtifi. at.'. Sharre, No. I*.. Ml No. 14. JO N". 7ft. «4 No. IM.219 No. KM. M No III.U» No. tW. At' M, 2"l.SI4 No. |8i.Hl» Ha. II. No. 211.sat lo* IM .#2 No. At.HI No. I-O. No. *4. A) No. 27.»I No. .17. |i)0 N.. «I . IB No. I).7» 17».1*5 B*l. Certaaeat*. Ska'**. No. »21. AO No 117.fas No. 121.70 No VI. 7D No. 2*T. Be, A>.AD _ NATHANIEL HAYPEM, Tiaaaaiii. VM'll AIIoN \V\MKI» l.y » v.-ry *N' Man. (Ararrlcea) la a WhoUaala Btore, at PORTER, op to a akr Ma tell |earraily iitafal; be It eel atraid of work ke*t r* fcr* ace (irra, Adaiaae P. f K., Triaaate Oaaee TTBAC71VK AUCTION HALB..THBI DAY at I"! o'clock. Ol n NIS MORRKI.I. Au ti .n..r. Ni W Nate* * IHH'SEIIOLD and rUBNIBHINw] GOODS in aeaeral ol roeewaud, aiaefc aralu it, ¦... »,.> « t rut ...I hair Mattreeare, Nantl* Oreameat* Oil Painttn**, Mnr. it I<r\ Baa Ifrer* \\ »r. |. i r*i N«. kit »* Bw* filth Bi iieelf Cerpt tk*| Cookbaa Btooa* are 'br aaaBoaa at Due .air. CataloguaewBa partteMw* T^rmi.f Sair-or*r BlOft, eilt aceraieaere IBtonth* N B .1 t.e attention af the public i* arelteo la tl.i* atla At l»o»i orb a II >i. *. Id 4 iaroleee of Havana I'lOAR** ia lota t.. fur »h. irtalr and "tail- a ebade* Hock, M klndt. Oeotor t ooa, A.iriioiir. r. I? LEOANT H RN1TI.RE al 4UCTIOB.--* 1* THIS DAY, al Mi ...* .t the W*r-r.i< Ujn, ltd Bn adwey, til: Elaborately canted F.t*«>'r*tLsidrl>"e/d*, Dlniu*j Table* and 4 hair.. BureaO* B> Waaht and*. Horn- Di'det, Turkkth Eaay Chein Parbtr rhaaib i and Library r re, ha ir*al raitsty S.-tt«, Chein Beehira, Ita T..a akole OMaola Ike b- at Baaaar, am hi he p,*m*rit .old. T t Hoi ..htov. An thraaer. PANORAMA al M CTION..T. C. H0Ü0H- i TOMwUleel in MORROW Si"ii.Uv,. ell* o'clock, at K. i' Naaa i-ot ) new I bee TA '.< 'kama neat ? J"1 w.'t, 'hr rla*.. *bjae ead Bitaiae noaipli ta fcr eajkiaatkea. Suld ercouat al aktAaeaee* the piayriatar. Iltiii II. Lernt A .. tloaoor. \RTTEBfi COLLECTION ot OIL PAJrTT- INOB U ib* STUDIO of J. P BEACMOMT.aoaL. N .. Atfl broa aa. ipfoetti Si. Sick .* II HENRY II LKED*J A Co »in ten at a Itoa, *t the abora plaee, nn TVESDAT, Oct. Ml, at II . it- e leotiea <s OR P.h.i.o*.. lemi too I4tAeaaaelteieef paiaDaa*and wi k*efe*tbfdfMfBatta*j P. Beaaaead *.% aaeapaAjAaa abewX IAO cAeaee peaaeal'erl afvan- u*l .refan .. tiooi* ti.. oo '. .od in imported and .e- lecAed by Mat boa* rerioae feteAca ttadio* aud rahtar'a, a w, . " Arr .t:.*r » ha I; a traall eid*, tpr by lluiitiuilon , aiol IbaoriatBti pr.i' I kit/O II»....t .Uy til* lat« Henry Inn an The tale will I,. Bread p.r !> ..i.ily wor'by 'It* allen- '.. n ..I loren of lae arte and «ii deairo.* of |r>*aeaain( aaa patatbAAa Ladot and (rntlemeu arr rrtperrfully ,n»itr.| to eiaw them at My '.unr, and CBIal | MM he ,b tn.e.i at our ftorr, No, it Na.tau ft., on. wrra , rrtl.,ua to the tele. WaLLiBoro* a Caaraa > intlaane* CHAMPAGNE CIOARM aud BRANDY at AICIION.THIS DAY at Me/eloek .' No ,7 De**»., m.r i i.i.. i.v... i. *t 4 .,Bre Cikory Baiiiiit. IT*ht Kit*. Rice Kl.,.r. AJaaotide, Mac- aroui. Ver.i.tcelll; alto, [IrtTT kr.i .<.-. V\ r r. i.iii < ,,ar. « hao.paaoe. Toba. . .. Ha war* rt.i. y bol.t, 4c. ROYAL MAIL 8TEAMHHIP PI IR8IA Flä» PERSIA. 4 h E .*.-.. Co ayBJ aal aat MEDBESDAY MORMM, r,e ^jrb i,,*t. atOo'ei.erk a. m, I:, aaeraaetcoel la* '.d- on th* Bar, paaaeuaar* caa au oa tct-d ¦ I ... t*tT aft. ri..».o o. a » .'ra/re f front "b* d"< < at Jareey i .ly. at lo t and a ft» w..i tat« BBBtjaah ua Wt m. ate! BotaJai I "' < k pre. karly. r N a It I) s. i HotrUa« «reaa. D.\\( |N(. M WOOL, at No Ka*f, llrh-*t., f Br .*.!*.»' ^ i H\RRI AI D reap.rtf.'|, »; aualaOkt*letntae and ia. public »n*» at. r\t,m, wttirorn- Batntr raw ...l in-' Day*.Wrdaeadey *j d Saturday, at It im *,..l J. u, for / La.ii* t tad Maatrr*. Mr ( bartwaed aaa fr- .. I .., i u. Ujr, a*, WwlBa ir. ulari ran I* ..'-'a n*d Mot.till So,r*ra. a. utual priiiihi OOIioTS, HEBEUMERtS.BialPATENT I Ml Ml INE DEALEBB <i dri fj .-toh. | BAU tit. <i r, that heal ob4tMaaVaaaaeetetyAn,a«*BataaaedL ¦d i ¦fMta in 'twry raepaaC Tb* aituarton i* Brat-ratet »,"H \ .!,»,.,« w ollrrrd t. mm a * BfBJBil Avv . jc ii ., mf Wl' Ola-. . r [,. V BrraoMO at ' n}> GA8T0N aiitl D. LECAT. pupil* of th*o a -.1 Dra Bicrd ,rd Vr,u-ai of Par.- No 1 ,7 ..... ">.*¦¦-*¦ *' ¦¦-f i,[.' U..I «1.1. e, h< . i'.. Wan. and 4 to t p tu. Privat- an I onude ,.l .;. i.tu.'f.. nt tor La<lira Ä I \i \ KKW AKl . IheTlMi.e re-ward voili km M ler.atraa afa/a?. . a.1 Cum pea l at Jrr**y Wj ol a PAtkAGl I BANE NOTES .', Mrrbaolee* Beak at N.aiii don* up in a yellow neprr dlr**'*d Wm. A. Prall, Ii. toil Mirkiaaa aaarked ri Baa.leal or «tolwa au ta* «ata .»t»e.L s. a... ,.. t..y f ., '. 't. on the M h inat. Ta* aotratrc <>t *ui*ii e*waa*B»aiAaaaj fid n.e dare and aaatbet raa be Id** IB*d by Aba hank No *,.r.-i.,nt »ill b*aakr«|o*t the rrt.irBi,i thr paeaejat. lax'wt ,*»rehl« U> any per*.« <. theeeaa* I * »VOODRCFK Aaabr<aal Bapaa Bteadoal Bkta Jrrary Raiirvtad. i JilTI AIlON W tM KI)-Hy t re.,,.-. -* % Oiil at 'ira' rat> LAI RDBJWA. I aa do ail kind* t < it jLi and an k»-hictii*'rc'.inu.ri.dr.' from net laat place. Caal i No, M aat TTaakkkftea ptaBB

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Post on 01-Sep-2020




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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1856-10-24....flfcW-YORR TRIBUNE. f*JB NFTC-YOKK nun TRIBUTS i» F-.: i'H" j r\ fry MORM1NQ »«0 ITEMING iBareo*« r.t. »rrr.o.1 BI BEI r:.fy


i» F- .: i'H" j r\ fry MORM1NQ »«0 ITEMINGiBareo*« r.t. »rrr.o.1

BI BEI r :.fy a. McRLJTjkTH,¦ t»» ram m .. naatB at *»*«*!' *»t> naeea

ITI* » » T* TMt CITV HaLl.,¦I d»r*er» 'i >. i r--.-» |3||»IPaBtrnbor* 8* per MI»-** in *dl BM* F*»r .«* month*, .*>

.TOR ITEtt-VOHH tTKRKI.f TBI««"*«»a VT.rt LaKOI PAPE! rou nil* < ointry.

peht.ahe.1 .rr, SaTiar-tv M k v .».. ^ L' - P'j *

, ,'tIT Hill., il »<l»»r.rr Thr-e i ;«». f.,f 8-V»,

AI Tr. ^.k-JAU; .r.d , pto* r TH eyand tr » t.n.r >. r which It I* p» a A"r, »¦ PtH LINK*EEkL1 IUtt»I a*Bl O.NK l>OLi.ab F*»* 1»'**

teeb fnt«rtl. c_

TÜR r4FTl|.W»vKMI.V TMIir«

§4» Coptee. S.x trat».

THE ..t.W-VOKK TBinr-IFaa . r a LI Fol Mid OIEOOH, AHO 111r v R * BÄKDM Ii H IRLANDS

M.i a-n*r for Aaptn-J^C i #1*»par Biatla Copie* Bia < en-a.


a> paAtwkad aa thr d»par?or<- al ev. >, Mai! aHtaaajaa for Liverpool,at . '. p»i annum. ,->..*«» m.luded Sin»)e <>>p*ra. Hi» Cent*.

Special Noticee.I.'. i.l.h. im »Im.. NMltAl nt Wii 11 in-!. k-I.

Tfr R.paUKai.a..f M,.-Ff. .'. Didn't of B-aH.alvn will holda Mara Miatlaa aadar tba direction od tb- Oaatral R.p.blirana.'*»:. v .¦¦> <..¦. SATUM-DAa* EV'ENIHO, Ody, iia ateeffai »i'l l*- railed ". order%t floVtark. TheHm HENRY Ull.MiN r B Beriatotrrrow MaaaaektttMtta,Uov FOBD of Okie aad CHAl'MCEf SHAFFER, i«i afN. w-York, wtll addre*a In» n.e>'i-k Bl »l» w. b- laaaatadtotIM I...1HI, *liu ar.- raraited to an. aal Ward Claka ar< re-

ol.' »t<d to rcaa h Iba krall at 7 «.rJ.« k.THU- W PNI.D Pr.aidaRt

(i II Kfiiik >-8 B. H'oimott.m j >« rrUro ..

Ihr I ... ri,« nih Krtnlnr Mretltia I'M- 0 1(1Ali N B . K I MONI AMi DAYTUM 4 ESTHAL NION willba b. Id at taa Broadway 1 arrroe. lie, .., PBIDAY EVENINO,lift id, at 7» o't I. rk. Tb» Oall.-rv r-arrvr.t f ,r Lad.ra. Thaanrr.ii.« will ba add rret.-d by Ibe Hon. «ASSI 1 M ( LAYaad otbrt dia'ii.tnial.rd tkera Sinn.-i by thr Oiea Clak.

By r.i. r B. V. MAJflEEEE, Frea'tD H OiLum m>> --.

flrad-QuarlrrN.No A"U Broadway.

I Mai/AMK8 R. WIMTiN'l

A .MeetliiA of Ihr» Mral *Vnrd Kennbllooni A«a.

elation wtil b< h.M a- N<- Si Qieeowaftb-at aa FRIDAYf \ . NINfl Ihr ri'b Inat at 71 a*aloi «

ma v«a /.im ,8. II 'JARI.K'K Cbairrnan.

11,. Fifth Hor.l Ift puliliran ( lub of llroaklvnwill Im Id Bt r.rular BteeBWaTrlIB (Friday; KVKNINO, Oct.

.4 a' *i "'rl. ch, at tba rtornai al Hadaeaar. and Na-.a-i-..

V\n. »I Burl.lih aid Cl.aoro.-y Shaflrr. rat].., of Nrw-Vork,ata»aaawlad toaddroaaaba maeiiaa TkwrotVrt af tb* Ward... .aaitr.l ... I. j i.' OKOIU1K U Ml.AD, Prn't.

I Hit C Sawvi a S.-c'v.

f'iahlh U nrtl If |> n Ii i< .«ri A--.iimiI.iii. \ .-. .

t.l iL«- alr v. A»toii .lion am b« aeld I >! butno .., at lor uofth-w.f eoraaa Mr. araa at Mei r iU an FRIDAY RVEMINO,0. t 24. at 7j »..lock. Faaetual trAeadanrie i> rtqaeatad, at

1. .tn.. it "t ni.p-.iiaj -. wi.. be Iran**' U d.Jo,.» J Shau. / HENRY DAi ID. Pr «.

W«. R. Enir.. ,' .


Holly I Hn|!> !! . Rrpuhll - f tb. Utk M ird,BteaAJvn, THIS r"\ EM NO at their Ran. be on tba eataer af I rxferd »t. aad I- af) n a\ Tl.r at. rtin» will tw a

by tba Una, E D. CUL.VEE Front *eatt reterred for tbtUdtea,



Fourir<-afk Ward Frt'moni .... lln.ton I nion< iHttd >.»ir Mr. ini FRIDAY l.\ EN I NO, Oct.BL «t II..- X Vih Ward Bo at. -. net (Irai.d and E.i.abetb tt*.

Ail 'rar H'jiubli. ana. d<> not fail to be promt.I'.Km Dtwaoa,8* t\ M PALMER, Fr> l't.

Orru r oi < imk oi d MMoa Coi a. it,, < >. t ... 4To (br Elri tora ol Ihr I lly and I <»uni« of Nrvr.

York. An .nor haetaa oceaned in a ftw at the p .ntr.iea.pitt el tbe " Pra.*. .. Direttloaa to Intpeetaa*," Ac., whirbSty td n,..n* ¦ 'hr t .riria ion and printiii* ol ballot. !.,r

ll.r .It.of ('. i.i'r.ain. i. aotlra it heresy yiven ttl»t theb in, i-f Ibebalb't tiaald at a* foUowtiTo br inter*, d on -br ..I Iba ballot when foldrd:

" t'ONORE JS-Nvaiai a Tiiki.BJ('r, Ba MtitV to i. ad at follow.;

"F.r 11. [ - .» r'..-, v.- it. 4 '--Lf r.-aa,'*(One aaaaa )

Tt. |V v. e) rrr, tJttl trill b-- aiade in the tnbteou.-'t itaue ofnrtr dii.xtio. t. D T. \ ALENTINE, Clerk ( C

I anlribuiioii*. lor Km-,-. ( lotbin«< and 1'rottaloha. Kran the Mi..wii |:

it) TUE c ITIZENb OF THE FREE STATES." Tbe und. r.i.n~l rABaaaaa «.i KatMaa, feeMaa the n«->-t*lty

af a aewer! of artioii, and aa liaatdialt . (tor' in order to tup-ply tbe aniiripatrd want* of ur hfttblta in Kanaat duiiut waaotriini Wn.t.-r. hrg laati la appeal to all the ti.I*oi Furd'-n. io inn... dial, ly f rwar I Iben r..i,trihuti.>i,t t- th. National4'..a>ail'l.e at t bit t*o, wln< h «'..n.n.ittee it ac'in* in aoiicertwith tl..- t. r.irai t u.u.itl. in the Tertilory. We her thai allrontrihu'lont be tent ihr. u*li Ihr National Kanaat Committeetu.a u..t BMeaajb atdil.I aaltai liiey aio fully autboiitedSi tald Naih-i.a t ..ttnoi u .


"B. W. El.DlllDOE "


NO IVtU WEATT BROADWAY,and will tak* tbarpt ol all eOBtlibationi for tin- above object.

Friend* of tb. caute al a dialanc- had b. tt. r a. nd their ata>Inbatioiit dir..) to Chatafp; tbey will f.. aafely, il pr-pi-rlyhoard aad dir.-rt.-d to V». F M AENI, Chltafo, arho Ii Oen-tral Trai.ipertaiion Aaea af tat Nati aal Kai ... i imittea,Thr eiinit. , I lafjiipiiilillnll b it.t tr.-nt, new Oarmrnta are

eehettrd V\ arm SUirkinn*, ttron* Boola and Bhoea, Blatiketa,Plain rl Sbinr. and the. ,de Cl .tliiim ire all wautmi.6. wiih (Ucle* of the varioua r.'lixioiia to. letua are invited to

...operate. Let hem t*)M :.i ¦etraai t» *. ud u» |ood* Ii Pair*h*> arid h. aid of Kaniat. l.-t oi inhuiiont 1» taken up la otn

abuichet. Irl the rltrav "I all d< aattalaatloaa make iptrlal peetenal aSttUaM in behalf af that *r.-al i-aute let all food «---Tii.-n

b.Lnf.-at ibeaaaareiaika al.- rt. Ie4 Iber* be aa aantett and no

awetiat. .tt. ri mad. i- |.r. .i le t. r M,.- tuflvring m KanaaaKOI Li M KW (Mill, I

7JIMH.ORF. Mi N AM FF, I New-York City aiidCoimlvCHARM'S a DANA. } Kaueaa Commiti...ell \|.Hi .- hya1t. :*.>' Waat Broadway, N. Y.tlx.AM KEl't llt'M. /

Frrparr lor ihr Election '. t\ .. *r.- aow fully prepan d

in . m ry sVpatiaaeai tt turuith Poii'icai Couiu.ii laat artIk atari

d.». nption ol PKINTINii. P-.-t. r» TlrBsll, Ctroolara, id

et. ry it>l<, f»r ail partlet, bj " AoaM. tjafcl timr.HAKF.R A OODWIN Piin rr.. Tribune Buiidiiift.

¦AMMEI RILLS tor Election Poll* n ptper or mn.lln.

triy . heap.Tb«- I'tit-iiilt. of i.iMi.l rrinliiiK al L«W PrlctM

Met daily; at JOHN w. OUVER'8 HEADQUARTEIE, Mo<" Al n at eatt < f Nattan-tf. Tl. krt. bv the MiÜion, Pottrrjby lit Cartload, t 'in attar by Iaa) Carpa, N.w Typaa, \\ hit.-

Faper, Bla.k Ink. and Si. am Machin. iy, aktUfall] dir.-. l.-d1.. KT II it. I,Ie

CiuiipaUii Klutia mill l.ttutiera,(>t ail Bsata, Ham at liaitasta.

ke.-.y ta* ata, and sttU lo* tkt MIT Ot Till ol \TkV.

HOJf It A ORAHAM,Flax. Sittial and Bannet Maker*

N I Deal .; New .'..rk.

Kriir.hlicitn« I Cel ai I art BANNEB BILLS t -

t .üb Kot.uit. Fahthi Mr.!, ua* a Batera! eerielie*. Allrtdritedaadaltractive. BAKER A OODWIN, Friatata, l'ub iaaHaildnn*.

Kri 1 IIm-Iihiiiiii ! h illui.tre ' I'bear in n n d the lie INDI A Kl BBRB BANP8 Lr lyingl lecti. u Hailot* eaa Ie ob aiaed it. toy quauti'v at the Rt'B-BEB 8TORE. Mo. »7 Broadway, oaayahe th* rahei

lit. Ili.r..i. L..t..r.-a THIS E > F.NINU a tbt BROOK.I i N A 1 liE.N.t-.l M Suhiei-t: "Heaf.MT br Mgrt* i ' licit** II. Ilurri». aCnriil sa s

p-.a.i teatSABkATH IfOBNINO and EVENING tb*> ii»t M L Ctinre* I« J<ba-et., belweatt Naaaaa aad Wtlllaaa-ttl. Berti.. i lo r. uim. lo .- tt il'g a. Bt and 7 p. BL Sttan«. II

k (Bed to attt ud. Seil« tree.

Nalkr.-A ineetln* ol the rRFisBl l^llTl tN and COS--HK.A1 InNAL l NION it now held In Ibe Bbtloh Frtthytt

Cbareb .rn.-r of Prime and Marion-et*. MOKNfNOSKSSItlN .oil. .. n, ea at üj ; a.i|ourot at UA o'clock Mr.: iathe A FT! KNiMiN a- . .,.,1 aAJoura al i. PreacMat in uir

1 \ I NINO atigoVl- k.

LBSMfAB1 fair. T... Ladl.led with I Slrtt Pre.» Ibur.b and S-m-I, 'y are uow hoiding a F AI It at

ttrir t bui. h iu BsjMivaa st», batwaea Priaoa and H ... lato r. ulil.ue up. n Ihe reii.«nid> r of tint Week, fro.u ItolOo'l .

p. u. T he |.i..reed* t.- l~- drtotrd lo the hesefil ol !hr CburckAdaaittaaci. Il|« ata

Tara.i l'ri/e-.. Tarnet l'ri/t-a.-Spl. adid patterai oitwa ata-»il t opt, Ooblttt, Caster* ra* Cake Baaken Pud. it. ».* 8tta, a, , h rtal. by LUCIUS II ART.

N..«. luidg BarBagt-ellp.«

Bf A'"*"l-.utnrd in.v:ini"T.i I he

Bv-.rdeT.J'^il^ ^

Wm Tat lob, Atjt. ¦ ra« MOND t

Waaird A I'AKTNEK.uh"^^-.AVI *r H.uirJ b; amp.. Krai E.taTr t d w

"V ? '"

tull.t A-ldt. ss 0 TV.I Ofhce Vth r"i


1AST WEEK -I Ike GREAT FAIR of tksiJ ftlERH AN INSTITt TEat th. CBYSTAL l'*| äcr


>Hii>At EkhiMNtl Ort. *M citattaenriuaat7tu'elooA 1

P B O It ¦ A M ME.Paar Fiawr.

I 4'iy*'al Palarr Mar- tt.t Bark . ^, Jlu

PMbiaata,BmbbIbaBraraf the No-th.M-j tha r.r. free* L iBajvtaata '.Verjj4 ItterP'uka.H. B. D. lw.rtb

Ail*, from D.i. Giovanni " Votkfai toriao*.Metart8 Wedding Match.M.

Paar Sr. oan.

7. F.. 'atia Ir on |(,p\an WinAle.O. .K BtiaUW5 4»lr. - L t. '. i Humper".E. pa Mi-.uii lv. (-. aaa t"....A« rt

10 Vl'.aitn Ki«olett.. V .-r JiII. T. monia Puika.Km-ajn*12 Fit 1.. Na a. 4 -

PaBa)*ilb*a Baad arBI Baadhaaaea BATUKDAV E\ ENI NilA. .»»« SAeriit*. , ^ ..I BTaBt.

DURSKLlKiKF OAU.KKY N,. d!f7 BriNtaiway.eobtataa ton of tbe kr-rat PA.N llNl*S earr pa' »p-.

MHtXi. J.M, U. aa-i1 A>^V,. AttaWlBaAVa ü) HA.IA.


PRl (iKAMMK -mit DalI. " Si..l* Peppa d»i mi., bnt." from J. PeheV fi.Kirn

S 1. MQHINI.» Souvenir de Mriirt3.PAUL J' LIEN.Aliud3. "At rr.i.n hia1' .Pr pr.et_Mil* PARODI M'»"b*»f4. " A- %'--li. 11. Pleat! Magi s r TIBERINI. ...M»»er»A Gip.y Soi.gtrou. " L'Etoüedu Nord".M-yerborr

M PARODI.«. A Ten pef bj a TftfOt".«.'»« " n

7 li-ki.d 1 rretto, fmtn " A"i'a".\*ri;M PARODI and S .1 TIBKRINI . . B * BEKNARDI.

Pakt Sr.cov:,R Romania-Lucre a-i»Br.rrl*...r3jj TIBERINI ...Dotrlawtti9. Ari».s.». BEBMABDIin UMaraelllaiae.Mile. PARODIIL Fei .». 1 B Pat ittee. PATTL JULIEN.Albvdi.. CeJebrated Conti« TeTMtlno, Veda 11 v.a dl au,

Hk. Ha IU Ha .-M PABOD1, W«. T1BEEIN1 end Big. MOEIHL


Th< peblic er«- raepeetfdlly ii. formed thetUlli tEsSBA PABODI

Wlil riri tf, n« w Y' rk bi-rBECVNO end last GRAND CONCERT.

Or. FRIDAT EVEN1BO, Oct 24.At N.l.lo'e Saloon. ea«iateii by


Mlli TKRXBA PARODI trill riage* ihn eeoeeeo* far theIttt ai.d only tlaae, b> general raqaret, tb. celebrated FrrncuNational Hymn, LA MARSEILLAIBE,wl ich bet 1» l n rrm-.l with il»* tr> t-.-at .r.ihu.ieam when and

when rrr aar.t by M la, Pan.iii.Admteetoa a>l. Beat* mar be eocBti d eritboal extra .harre,

ettbe Mi.>i< end Pitt,.,Start of Meeara, HALL k son, Mo,i'j* Br »daray.

Do. ra .,{,. u at 7. Cajnrert »Ulmet,, et at S '>'(.'..< k.

N1 ll la o - g A k i> e n ..

Do. rt open at OJ to eoeaaeew .. et 7J.Tick- 1.So BeBta


FRANCOIS RAVEL,on whli h orcation the celebrated

o A B R I E L RAN 1 [1trill appear in two i-barm-fere.

Ala-, aeafatad by the eminent artilta,N THERESA ROREBT

yoi'no HENGLEB ai d IKR11MK HAVEL.'1 HE Si HOOLM kRTI l(

Matter Tricki.PraneoieJ Dr. Bir. b.Jeron..TIOHT-ropk.

a.b.. h GABRIEL R W el w.lidaiiea bit cel-brated HORN¬PIPE.



IOTA ARRAOONAISE,Bv M. Mar/etti, Mire Julia l- M. Franooil Ravel and

M H. . INoL-ai -VENT.

Tol-BB Vent.GABRIEL RAVELIn wbiih he aviil introduce hit treat feat 011



N liilaO'" (iAKDKN.(iKKMAN OPERA..B A II II ll A V, Oct. 2 4,

8 appearance edM'LI.F. JOHANNSFN,

\A1 n a Ul be preeented Floti u'a pop ilai Opera.Irl 1 R T H A.


In compliance with very general rrqin a-, ihr Management efÜM 01 in an I>p. raannouuet tbe fall wir f

SCALE OP PRICES:1" IIb Dr..« Cr. .e l Parquet.One DollarF.wh C.ket rstltluai ibe baldei la a Reierv.-d Seat.

To the Ftn.lly Cir I.Kifty CenraTo Iba I p[H r Box..Twenty fiy. t enttFiifranre la UpfWl Boi.t in Ctoea] .'

Tick, ti may I» had at NibVa and at k Son't, No. 2i9Broadway.

BURTONNEW t1ieatkb. BrcaUway..MBS. 1 L DAVENPORT

aanaoaWCae her ben. tit nul.t at ÜM ab-.w ele.ant plan- of publicainuai-ment, on

FRIDAY. Of r. 24,when will be nr. aente 1 Sberidan'l eleaanl Com. '\

THE. SCHOOL FOR MAS DAL.raat to Ike lull extent o| tlna admnabl.- -ompnuv.Sir PctCI Teaale.Mr. Mark SmithSir OHrer Hurfara-.Mr. HortonCbarlea Slltlare.Mt V. D.vetip ut

.lof.phBwbMB.Mi C FitlierCrabtrrc.Mr. T. Pia. id.-

Sil Benjamin.Mr. HowardMotea..t.Air J.Moor, ! Tr.p.Ml BLadyTeaxfa.Mr.. E Dav. DaortMr«. Candour.Mr-. A Park«Lady Sneeiwell.. .Mra. Haabei Maria_Mir* Louiaa Howard

dl. r Brat appi araxi <¦).To eOAV lüde w ith tbe capital far. f.

THE. WHITES AND THE BROWHSIn which M11. c. Howard and Hie* P llj Maraball will appear.Heteial beautiful daaaea, and a lnni.,1'1. pleceeof BtBaae by

tb. On In tra. w ill be glren dering tbe .-v.-niiij.On MONDÄN Mi. It...« man't oti.-inal roinedv, in tine,

acta, of BELPwith a lull caat. new acetierJ and uppointment..

BI KTON 4 NF.W 'i llKA I ER~ Itroadwas..MKS E L D.W EN PORT

announce! her.l rnei.. nlgbl at tie above el. gan' phi"- of publicati u.ein. i.t,

On FRIDAY, Oct. 24.when will b> preeented Sbnidan'a rlrfinl ( oliiedy,

THE SCHOOL FOB SCANDAL,nit to tlie full . xt. ul ol Lie adniii.ilue Company.Sit Pi-Ut T.a/le.Mr. Mark SmithS;t oiiv. r Surface.Mr. BartonCbarlei iarfaag.Mr. E. DBreaiportJoeeph Surlace.Mr C. Fith.-rCrabtrer.Mr. T. P m le Hi H. -am n Mr HowerdMueei. Mi. .1 MooralTrlp.....Mr. Set. hell

Lady Teaale...Mra. Devrnporl Mr. Cendoor.. Mn A Park-rLeu> Sue. iwi 11. .Mr» Hiubea Maria ...Miel Loniea Howard

(Her Brat appeaiaure).To eoBMalade with a capital farce.

IL \ Book now. p. a, and .eaia may be e.-eurej.

BKorOHÄaM.» IKIWKKY THKA'I'KK..Dri-s-iCircle and Orchestra Seati. 'ai reell; Boxe*, ¥>: Pit and

Gallery, |B|| Private Boxn, OS. Ai.ifhtios oi TiMt.D !¦ or. ». 7 THIS EN ENI NO:


Ebrenlieht.Mr. Brwutliam Angela.. Mi«. Kate Reiit.ol.itTHE VIRGINIA Ml MMY.

Glugel lliue....Mr T D. Bice Luc«.Mlaa E. Reieuoldaw ABLCH K OP THE GLEN.

IiURDY'- NATIONAL THEATER..Drraa Cir lea, -."> la Orebiagn Chain, 50 eoate; Pit,

i-ei.te.-THIS EVI NINO at71o'«lorb-DKED. OB, Thi DlaMat Swaair.

Tom l^it.I etdeiia llowai.l Nn.a Gold n...Miat HathawayTo be loilowid bj tbi . "Ii.. Pantomlmaol

MON8 DE CHALK M E AI X.RlBBlml.0. I.. En Liaette.Mitt A Price

ALONZO THE BBAVE asi.Tiia PAIR IMOOINEAbdallah.Mr J. II. Allen |,.Miaa Hathaway

Bahn I m s amkmcan m lrsk UM..BJ M F N not .> Si C< ESS -WONDERFUL AP

IT. AI BE DI'. ED, Or, Thi PiaMal Bwamp. - GENERALTOM Till MBit thai bar*, lerol Torn TitPBIDAY, Ortobi 24.EVENING at 1 ,k. DEED) A

Tall oi tux Dtaaiai Bwi*ir_drinntiledaiprntdj torthiteetebliebBtenl and produced wi-h new S.-.terv. ha, THEAITEBNOON at S o'tlock.TOM THl'MB in blaoBiaaeenli rtainmenl. SON OS. I'ANi l B Ml HEIOHBOB'S u IFFTHE LARGEST SHAKES IN nil' WOULD Tbe DW.arfLADY the HAPPY FAMI1.N 4. a Admittanceto everylhiug. 25 < la. Children under ten. 12g rentt.


PROADVN At N A Kl Eli ES. Ho. 471 BroadwayHENRI WOOD.Leaeeeand Boataeaw M.a.r r

I! 0. MARSH.Ac-it t Mai.agerF.r.t \N e*k 11 the

P 11 A N T O M I HIP.»Ith GEORGE. MARY and LOUSE k^the prm.ipal iiiarac-lira.To conclude »i Ii the Farce of

THE IRISH BROO.MMAK1R.Dr<irt op«B a' t>|. to commence at 7j o'< kTickela.25 cent*.



Admit.ion 11* tite. H.-nrt of Fxhitr'ion fr -r,i 9 a.m. t. 9p.m

I AM WEEK ol Lbe GREAT FA IK..TbcaLd Urrat Fail it] AMERICAN IHSTITTTR. i i .

the Cuatal Falece, will POSITIVELY eioae aa Saturday ereu-

ma, Orr. iN.DoUwort u'a Bead will periorm ev.-rv evening during the weeb.liRAND CONCERT on Friday evening, ,»g a: 7|

e'tkAdmiteioii 25 rente, cL.l.irt ¦ half price.4 mikk ANn'sTiTirrK.. Thi- .m.owin«;

n Ta-rd ,S,'U"S" UATCa the AMERICAN INSTI-il IE will I.-held at Harien, tue 24th mat. et ttoOB The.ronnd a. lected la in Iba resj ., |e« Btrat H uae. neer the RaR-road Biidie n the domaina of the Uta Charlet Heary Hall.

ABBOTT» CELEBRATED EGYPTIAN" >K, « .. J eed laetracitr*«aUuaatioa la

u. ,7: ""rn "LP""" «I V.rary tute end reiine-¦ « . thg StuTt. ..,[ |...t,.u,... rt, Headway.

AtattiL0 K * Y ~r~ Music. . ta i ! l^fAta of the Öftere, fct c aaeaaaga, Ug>

;;^;ud\n,c'a,ht:,1*:wo ,or^£*~ -& n«-«'

ark j / . , vB*, L RaUBOM.Th'P^' . I bee baw lucedto R798, taawBdnkal

*, tbe prlrUl tea ,.f lbe Bara, BappeT R.- mt and CU tk Roomt,j£F**>?- '*^^_>»*r^-aat1 a.-.r,.... App.y to N. U.V* ULFA, «I ihr aa^-wic a-vutAwtut, .Nv I Saati N.

\\'AI.I. \( h - THEA! ER.Duo.¦ opes it6|i»».:.-. »¦

"r <«.'..¦MR W IXLA< K

Bhalsptar*/* wttriineent po*rj -¦».. ;..H a MI.KT

I« Bhthtly riCt.Ved by houses crowded to the c-iling. withtb* aeaBOaetJBthBM of »pp:»i,*e. TV L**..w aM tkerrh I* rr*pe>7ftilly rail the attention of thoaewiio dV-air* 10 ... ti. > Tiifdy represented witli at. urq -ombina-Ilm ofeast, scenery, '.¦iitnin» and *ener»l k monri, tout*ILL* LI rrment f


HAMLET.Mr. WU-UCKPOLONIES.Mr. WALOOTMr. H-k-y. Mr. d» It, Mr. So-m-m M- ». H ..Uui. ten j

H A!.-1..*! l.v' ii'e mernVrt .t oir.puiy in to*east

a favorite Farr* -ach r.uht.Boi bmh a!w»,a open three da.i bj advar.r.

The f aw .-r-er. « *-. v t- pr. 'ara'i r.' *T)*eT- ,

i . Ml < H ADO ABOUT NOTHING O iman1. FI»t,TDK IRON I HEST the cel*bret< ! drama, tirtt in two

ytart.i don CESAR DE ra/.AN._f>K KLEY " SERE.NADERis.NEW HALL,

every night THII WEEKTb* Orit.d BnlcKiua oa tb* Op- r* of

TRo\ ATOREPrriMrir f wi.i-h NEGRO MINSTRELSY. Concert cea*

men. ta a: la kla mhaanal DEED Or, Tat DtaaiAL BwtHT.

G~EÖ7T'HRISTY and W<)< >D * MINVrRELS,' No. 444 Broadway, open every evening, with a

w..l selected Fngrantaa* eom « ».*.n a n-w tod verytangLe:.e Aftanaaoa HENBY WOOD, Baaiaeaa Manu-r

oeu C H r ST Y Mar.aa-.

PHILHARMONIC soil IETY.FIETErT\f11I season IBM aad IfaTL.The Board ofDireetarsniaulluiiy inloim tl.t ir tnembt ra ar.a :&e public, that, saost el theStoeabl ;d. ra of rh* A.%.Vmv <.f Majtic hav very pr mptly aadwiMir.sly (igjaed a waiver of their ruht« to free adralsatna ailoccasions of th» PhtlhertBtak Baeiety** aaaforaraaeea. Trier»aril] in- no rata rv. d a.are. Bv order, L. SI'Ifclt. rwr.

Xcto Pnblications-rpHE NEW-YORK LEDOER i- oa ibb r.-r}J t< .pmoet wave of preapailty aad popnlsillj [tt aetr taa-BtrBjertteaat in By 'l.ousandt, and ifa old SBBBCjjheiS tr-.w

.re aid ri.or- rata Maasfat in it a pruia.-. "Mv wife car.- r-r

Bf without THE LF.Df.ER." »ritee . *rntl-uian fr.m Wa>(t r tii .¦ W. al! oa,;, h eat'tlv tor the arnva. .f SBf prt paper.the teaotif .1 LEDOER. 'w.-it.aa ady fi bj .V.» lia-upthire.It. ud you 8-M, far twaarty eapiaa of THE l.KDOER-ail to

ron nr. 1 e with the story of Orion the flold Beater. Therehaa l.-er. l.ut eat SOpy taken hitherto bt IBM pla«e. hut you *ee

how THAT ONE bat liegun to tpr ut." wri'ea a Nor'u t'aro-

NbBbb. "The tirtt IMb|Btj cbtldif say whaa Iaoaaa aaaat.». rj TLe.d,> BafJM '» Father, batt pa i pot THE LED'JE It "

^wm the day the paper arrrttB ia sow rtulad 1LEDOER-DA V1.;, the wi.oie tan,11y ." ».,?.. . r/V.iiai o n IVn n-.:vil t

And in fa t. thii if the Way Ussy ALL BflMa, I- tft all pointa ofthe f mpax and from a!! bbcMaus at U.e eooatry. The quea'ioti

.. ,._,r.. »; fled " .» Eioera. n aould lav.thatTHE NEW i ORK LEDGEB la tb. FAVORITE FAMIL1FttFJ R of th.- Dahttv It eottt ONLY FOUR CRNTi Readtfca :-. w flfatj enaaaaertead it. thit w.-ek'. r.umk»n mow rea.i\ i,

hy the popular author of "Th.- TYstrhaaaii." rnti'V'l EMMADAVIF Or, Tail Uscaaa abb sub VicTtaia. ItMaebataBirajTale._ _


Author Bf "The Wom.n of tbä Revol-ition,''la eevaaaaaasad in



Mra. Eilet, air.-e the pohliratU.n M Btt pr. vi.nit vol-imea, hi,f»«D Sollet flag tr-tii private BBareafl material Sat BBatbSB *taketeh'. under the above title, which include* many alventi.r- *. t. i.«. eapl.-it*. Ac., taken from tBsBptof th-- iui\ivot*«r their deacendai.t*. and hith. rt«. unp ibliahed. Tbia BBtfaB 8p..| it will prove of the srertteat Intereat.

li; ('. r t* per Month.

_Nq Na--,u .t N. Y.

11 tAÜE, WAS SEE.N, IT CONQUERED..N.\ . m the Lietorv ot llirrat.ire, »a« their aaytains An

ontinnelly and Incraaalagly »uerr**ful aa that in.«t popular of

all i. ttal publications,the new-york ledoek*

Thi«v.e. k'. Numb-r, bow ready,eoaitaatsa, hiadtBtieaittBLost* ..I ..ti. r go...) thins t*aitinned froan last aretb, the b> gin-i ing of

A NEW >-IORV.Fy the author of " The Watl Ltnan " entitled.

E m ma DAVIS;Or,

Tnr DSCBBB »»n Big Vinttts.A Talc tl at will bateraat and iu.tru. t all elaa*.-. of IBAdBtB,


FANNY FEHN--.;; 'Bbetebata1 fet THE I. Ein; ER.THE LEDOER i* said by all N-wiven 1. r. at Four Cent*.

ROSS A TOI'SEY, Oenrral Agent*.N MM Nassau St.

-Imm: c o n v i f~f ,s ii i pT-X By Mrs. As* S STrrm \ <

At read by Mita Etmunde at tat fab- rLKle,It published in


Eos NotBataaa.12j frnta.

fj'HE NEW-YORK LEDGERJ. atiother New S-jry, gotBBaaacad Thit M rrnng, by the

sutboi f The WatehBtaSt," entitledI M M A h.Wls;


A no.t beautiful aid ta.cii.atia; Ta'.- M Domestic, Op-ruti.--.Siva M: ... Lif-

A;..i i. graphtrail] lUoetratal by Thwaitr*.THE ITDOrialatiitaadMaa¦nttnM "OEION THEOOLD

BEATER ." linsylllS S'one. by ( OBIi. Mr- \ ADOHAM, andMitt GIBBON FANNY IHtN> Bht* et| P.*m* by ALU EI A H I \ tad an BBtBtttttt Varbst] M thr ni it katereat.n* spa. k

h: i .r .1 kaatiaellra Readte| MatterTHE 1.1 DOER 1. r sale by all New-lealcra. Price.



FIFTEENTH edition.FwbHebet Ph.. Day

lu addition to the u* ia. I airLd.-r pu.a at. I \-r r, Cal-Calstloe*, Iba* Work rotitam*:t LASSII IED LISTS OP ThF HEMBER9 OF THE SIN-

natk aND HOI se ok REFRF.SENTATI' r .>



BTATE mil 1 H NMEMS.A List ot S-t-.-s ui-i tv.r

Capita'.!. (». \. T.n.- . I H .t :.. M-»-:nfletii all . k

THE POFL'LAB \«'ii. l"'K PUESil'ENT BY STATESfor I »41. '». »r d j..

ll.ii tion BETCRNS EROM all THE "TtTESINTHE UNION (wherein elect! newer- bald tar IBBt). rata*tu.,« compiled and -. n.par.u* l- ru.rt e.-cuott*. *a-

rrreaaii r THE TRIBI NE ALM.IN \CTHE u \"n IN THE F lBT.A Critical an I Hist rtea) Beriew

oftb* War betweet Bnsai* sad tbi 41 t

A HI8TOET of Kansas TKRi.lToR.-B- i-a- » . ü 1and car. fully pr. pared Btatetrn et, rr;bra. is* the Charactrr,1 ,.ir at.-. Battatnil Ac ol Kai.ea. . alt... at. arc -i-t of the

Legialatloa aad rsdtlng s iegah t. tt T-nrory teneraily.GOV ERNMENTS OP EUEOFE.lacludii * Nim » and Titlet

of Buverrlgn*, Nsm.-s of Siatr*. F .rm* of Government,Baaare Milet P.-p--»,.--ti K- . t

AMERICAN HIBToR. iNHKiii p - larta ha tatSettlement and Pr.-ar.»* f Iba I alttd ?tate».

ORIGIN OF PLANTS.Th* Nativitt .t :ae Pr atteaat l'*efuPlaaie

AN ARTICLE showing the glAVra-at BtoAea f \\Vi«h-.a..dMaasaia* la ass t".. ».-. .. i .-_ r-t .: E.: pe bbMAm.-r.a , ,

WHAT BHALL WE EAT?.T as aaoviai tat Fi t

chief articlea afV ad bj New York iO. tub*:. 1 v aci rh-

propor-ion of BMUllhsBt saattet ir. . *.n attic..BOiuLE C0FIE8 Uk real* 81 per dtiten *7p rl <>.

rottat- i n the ALMANAC Km: ra''-. pt> pali. or 2 o tra

ce< h ab. r: not prepaid. -auN B-Manv ratjrirt made f..r bark aim be r* aa THE

\\ HIG ALMANAC w. .at. aad] ta* dab c p.e. I tat yeaIMBAJ, l*.Yi . l»M.

i'nee IB] r. BU eoch.GREF.LEY A McELRATH,

TribeLe Oflc- N-w York.

rpHE GRAND SECRE1 Baa be -.-J atJt. .ast n.r m.aint * univ.r**:!\ p>'polar newspaper aad tat

reti.t B THE NEW-YUEN LKDuEK. wni«a *i leeea b> aBpatttof :;.c . mtZJ and wread at. et*. --,

Bets wkii h t.ust b. s^,n to be app.-eru>d. Tar m-ttto o

THE LEDGEB .* Pert .. if and tBat tt eoaaaa at ¦aar

aBtlag this atpfl^l"* e* ytbiit huroan ran. I» abundantlyalow:, hy tt| VBOI mm -l titee*** It ha* the beet

writer, and the let! artit'*, and it printed SSJ Bat baiida.roet-

ptpr tad ttpe of any paper in the world. In the aambp*»i i .t U . atert r .:.».. rj *j *-ae r>pai*raiitb. r .1 It. Wat. Li. at. .* ..c-d. called EMMADAVIA Or Tut uabbsb tan his V |g rtws alao. e»re of


ALICE CABY*8 Foeeae, * : ajpItts fltorbat ay COBB Mr*

VAUOHAN, Mist GIBSON ab«! * Met ONaVT fOUlcum

rffi h k h B W-to R K ledoeb.... , T: . U. cheer.." '-t. .~i

EMMA DA V18;ob.


a n..t: beau'.ii-i Bbb 'aac.netml Taj* *f DeWaWtfhk, 0jer.n»t»: iad MUHwi un-.

Ar rrepticeJiy Ü .etra'ed bv Ttweitea.

THE LEDOEB alao eentain» more of ORION THE OOLD-

BF ATEEr" complete Stanke« by COBB Mr» VAl'OHAN and

Mi». OIMOR FANNY rER.N I >*. bsa P en:» by ALICE1 AREY »od an :nauje: ». I ..'.' A 'harn itmte." »tii|. iperk-lint and iB»truetive Reeding Mattet.THE LEDGER f-r "> »y a.: n»w..:.-e:. re. pr ,

ONLY FOI'R (T.NT<.-" n »


* A*-» at the B* BB4 F.uitwn SB band.

r 1 Pahuehed by JOSEPH H LA I'dn" B»* S-wY r«.

rp g k is E W-Y (> K K ledoebJ a; he- New .-. ¦aaaaaaed Tb . M ming, by the

lthvref "The Watchman." entitledEMMA DAVIS,


THE I SIKF.R AND HIS VICTIMS,aaaaj bee-t" .- and fae.--.uat.:.« Tale of D jrn.»-.. Operatic

Naval. BBel Military Life,Bad ii graphically illuetreted by Thwaite».

IHK LEDGER eiaoronte.neuioreot " ORION TUE OOLD-

HEATER." <¦. mpl.'eS-. it . OBB M-i. VAl'OHAN »

M UIBBOB FANNY FERN'S Banti b**; Po. ma by ALICE

CAREY; »!!.: a: iwnienee »efp-j I'.ne m. ¦'. .uteree'ma. »patr.t tad ii.i'ruriive Read-.r.c Mefer.

THE LEDOEB ia fcf aale by all Newed al.ra. p-,..ONLY FOI'R CENTS.

J i»t Pubiiehed.I A I' V A N G F L I N E .la A LAY OF THE APALACHIANSj

THE HOI'RS and other PoernMBi the R, t. L"i la L. Nohlf. Oae VoL P. ice 75 Cent*.

sHELDON. IU.AKEMaN k Co., Publleher«n IIANaeeau-ei n. Y.


«»t. i> by Sri va»f» < o««, jr., anich ia now hein* pnhiiah.-d in

THE NKW ^ cJliK LEIM IEB,Entitled,


Tai E Hia»T» can Fa l -i

A Tale oi City Life.

Thla thril ,i $ paint, in the moa- ejtwrtafty naturalcoi.r«,th« Sernucir.c Spirit t I. v. . tb' Terrible Power o: Afaricat

laaawatj kar*aaaaa, tie s. a-h::..r. Wittums AwMsa at

Hat>. the e\er endjnni PaaVHtJ ot Piiendahlp. In to t,

r»er> pa*ai..i,, b. pe a.ol a\ mpatby of human ir> r: r. aa

it were, in Tuia Tale ofHI MAN WOKS AM) RABTBLY JOTS,

b aduitiou to thie tiKEAT STOKY. THE LEDGER al».r

contain, the ronimeneemei . of a NEW TALK, bytheaatborof "The Wati hman " er rB I,

r M M \ D A \ I s

Or,Thk Dmil aaD hi> \kitM-

Readr THIS MOUSING, v. I f r .a!.- »er-, ia:.. r-

I'M I ED s i A T ES LA W 8%J Sat' pubiutbed by

LITTLE. B H o W N k Co..No. 11.' Waahr.«fo:; *'.. Roaton.


iraatrarlai wRb 'be Pir.t Saaatoa of tbo 9Btk Caatanaa;It&A M. Carefully collated with the oriiinaie at WeauinjtoB.BdHed i.) Oeewaa Minot, Coun«<r at Law.

Pamphlet. Pnre, fl.

n^lTh NI W -ViiKK LEDOEBJL Baa anolter Ne* WaMTJ, IBaBuiei.ce.l Tiiia MBILii t. b> tb"aatb ,r ,,f .. Th> Watchman." en itled

i; m Sal a DAVIS;ob.

1 HE I M BEB \M> His \ ICTTMS,A BaBBl beautiful Irnl faa. ,natii,ti Tale ei D meitic. Operalii

BatrBa, and Military Life.And i» (rapl.i' ally illuatrated by Tnwaito».The LEDOER.. .... ntain» more,,I ORION THE OOLD-

BEA1ER et ii,,.. .. Sb n. i b. ( «Hill M . V ai QUAN,andMaaa GIBBON iFANNY TEEN'S Baad i' u* byALICEAREY , and an imnonae variety of tbo mo-t in'ereetin(

aperkliua. aad iualroctive Readme Matter.THE LEDOER ia i. r aala hv .ail N.w.dealera. Pri. ..


N KW h (> N G H by S. M A Ii K 8 i' E 1 MIbcei t» .a. h. M ... tie,.

TLIuklai of Old TtnM" Sparkica Sun.lav Nicht."Hi.. ail Alone, llei-

A»i ... Vale."" Ela'a Cottare.""The Bible."" Rrtcnt So.i.m. r Nicht."

'Brothera. Farewe'l." "Jennie Le*.Mptl Coam Iboi I., ve" Ail lbe Mtiaac pabiiaBed in tbe

'uit« Btateeal tie ...«e.t rat.-a.COOK k BRO No. am Hi. adway, 2 aOOfl ebooe Grand et

rn U E N E \V-Y Ii I! K I. E I) (', E KA bbb BBnlber New aHarj .aaawaetiead TaiaM m.:.*-. '.y t.-..

.bor of - The Wat. htnan," ent.lledK M Bkl A DA A IS;


A Banal bujHlflll iBll fcailBBtlBB TBIb f Doueetic Operatic.Naval and Mi.itary Lite.

And ia »rapti. a. y HI ..'rat. d b] Thwaitee.THE LEDGER ai»o contain - more of " ORION. THE GOLD¬

BEATER ." at r; alt e .Vörie» I v COBB Mr.. VAl'OHAN. an 1

Um GIBBON fA.NNY FEHN 'S Sa-' he, PosaM by ALICEt AREY; and an in.neiiee varietv at IBB mo.t ii.tercatiua". pal k'.it i, ar.'l .1 .- raettfB R' adinf M after.

THE LEDOER i» lor aal. hv all N. w.dea .1.. PriceONI I POUB CENTS.


-Pnce-*> d. aen. ^ IBB .>> l'en>>,.*oc. B V #.H '»I

7 on2 if>

Lita at Co!. Ptamo: ._.I». bt.e edi'l c wt'hLif»ofC< i Fr, m- n'in Oermeu.Life it Praaaowl m Weiah.I inner*« Sp» .. l: The Crtaeeai|.atK IBBBB

BuiUL-r . Speech. In W.-teb... ; t t e Couireaaiona. Coinnajtte*

"1 KaJ a .».

A Traa-r i.r AmerVeut- Containin» tteHon. E B. M' re an a Speech >n tueII an ofR*| .. Mil .-jP. " aad Ova r.-- La b uc . m.afler'. Re%». ,,, KitWm .

Fu.u. r> an J Irnaela t.and th- Ai bV üol tbe Kr.ow Bothini Su'e ( nver.-O ' a' Syra. -.a, | m- Raa. latiotilM aarfa a Bully Bro I- . Jaa-a.-d.|Aaaai.u do Sen* t Sa*tlB*l to

Jeme» Boctal an : Hi, D-a trmea andPcncj aa Eanani:ed by Hiin-eif and

.. .. Tl U ,.. 1 Mr.B11 ruaa as'l

.BI .»

BJ 1 »2 3*

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20 M21/ o»i

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fPi ralOrai g klaOereaa]MenlieiliiIn U»oc. I aeljina Csba. trie Ple'torm;hia Sp.-e.b ret, n.-tLi hia owu iilenu-tj. (j. vertor vv ,.,.-. S^-etb makee**/]Mr BarbarMl Pteeton BrntduFe :. u. ka> r. and Hon. A. G.Bron 1 Lettel t M ....

n:--.- n-« u ; r.:i.| Mr. Bu- hanaaDr '.o u. (Jem an.

i l ".la* a ap. eck n ine Leaf .

f KaJ aaa. JS. wara'i Sfaaecn on the Immediate Ad- j

¦lee I >t bla: aaa aa a ITl - 1 ¦. loaal Candid reo: Got. }Rr, der ;r- kkTor of ProaaaaBt: Reaeonaf.,r t:e..rir.» Fremont and Dayton f*The P. , V\-nttOe I the * S" I

kaoderii Dea crerr the Ally rBTervrr: 1

Speecb Boa. ML W Tappan of'Nra Uan.r»i.ire y

A l!y rj I tte ITliuaaJe f r S*every PllBnawTB M R**trl'tlonlr i'e ft i'a-ee. Cob eklad fr-m Aotbeotnt Hc.-a, (ir'-.ev Hin.e .. pie. Fifty Camte.

A a., .raera eritli »a»n lo.i-aw1GRFELEYk M ELRATH,

Tnhuae Otfi.-«.


New Y .rk.

I1 B V. N F W-Y <? R K LEDOEBa.-an..rte- Lew .. ry, eor im.nre.i Thia Mortunat, b> th-

kBJtl : ! The VV at Omar."

' ntltledEMMA H.WIS:


A Baa' Ua^- and Uacnatina Tal- at Dviu-,:.. i.ipe.-aNa\a.. a. 1 lORtef] Life,

A. '. rrapbi. illv il.u»t.-at,d by Tbaaatea.THE LEDOER .1». eaBaBabW more of "ORION THE

COLD-BEAT. R." ]i Biel it i St. rta* by <"OBB Mr.I aL'i.han aad MaajOIBSON fasst FER.vs BaadeBMPoen. ty ALICE CaiBEl andm :rumenae vane.y M :Bemo«t

aaBrre,' ¦¦... ipeflJttg tad LBetn t.v-R. adi-k Ma."--

THE LEDGER kj I r BaM by kl\ N-a.deaier*. Pre..


BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS, and BLaiNK-BooBMANCFAl TER! RS "tfer epeciel indaeeroexte to tne Book.taaa, uix^jsw^ W.wsai ;.t* ata F-wj, iu.

Ztc Mitt TilababtL



LUE i ART vui.e-t. rTHK NEW .0.1K L: l)>*?...»


'AI L EARL.. Lf löäm totTHK NF.W.yo.TK LErv.ER.

OKT tentthk NEW YORK i.fookr.

r;MI- E>< >N BEN>*ETT~wTit*< for-a« thf nfw YORK lfpokr.

FANNY FERN trritM 11thk nkw york ledger


HFREY Bp, if tor wantthe new york lkivifk.

ILLUSTRATIONS abound in1 the ne». york ledoer

I (»KFS bib pi) ntit'ul iuTHE NEW.YORK I.EPilKR.

ITING8 Emperor* quarrel overLB THE NEW YORK LEDOER.

OOK OFT for Ütii wtvk'i«Li NEW YORK LRDOER


0k'oRODY should be withottt

> the new york ledoer.


IK)LITICAL exeiteoenta oalv tomse the hint-eet in THE NEW YORK LEDGEEFEEN VICTORIA can't get bIom without


1VEB8 of ink are required to supplythe new UiKK LEDGER

aRSYLVANU8 COBB, jr.. writes tor


rpHE ru*h in itwr»M*üig forTHE NEW , OKK l.F.DilKrt


ICTOBY perehet oa the bmuier ofTHE NEW YORK LEDGER.V

w FJ.( < 'ME to nil isTHE NEW YORK LEDOEB.



z EALOl'8 neu imen ««'llTHE NEW.YORK LEDGER.

ALL Um ivorld ia n«tomKhe«l atTHE NEW Y ORK LEDGEB.

n B a - i bc erat U

OCHIIBERTH « Co.. OBEAT MUSIC?5 DEPOT, No SM Broadway. Puhli.heie f>r T" ye»r« »tHan lur« ar.J Leipaic, otVf 'h« leu. »t atock in la* f :it.-dStafae (or,.- bIIRm WOlk») beeide MM*of our own publice-ti< Hi. Taoat waatbap pood Maiic ar* invited ta «eie-t Data oureaariooe St.te, or e.neapouu wub am. Catalogue eratie The< irtulellnk Mu»l«-el Library offen 'vyem) dtetlmt worke. Terme:0m year, e>u IwttB »>'. WOftk ot Miuk pBtkt)l »ik BkoafAe, *r>.


M)otBB*Vaea a Raman Catholic; eon»i»»iu| chiefly ol ewora

teetiiuony. iu apainpbli t of four pe«i a.

Peraona in wan: of thia document, aboii.1 tend in tbrir orderewithout delay.

Price per th»uaend, S3.OB EEL V k MrFLRATH. Tribune Qaj.w.

rpBE ILLUSTRATED HYDROPATHIC E.V-j. CY('LOPEDIa k Complete ByBtaai »f Hydropathy auj

Byi>a*. By R T 'l BALL, M D. On- large vol. wtth aaar

l> I.ikmi pa<ef. Illmtra'ed with J'. Engravinta- Priea BI .HvFOWLER IBO WELLS, No aw Broadway.'.The moat taiBBBIfBeBaagB and pop ilar w-.rk yet p iMIahed

.- vVetet-Cere Or all the pahlloatlraae win^h Bavo ettaiaed¦ach a wide popularity, aa leeucd bv FOWLEB kBD WELLS,Bi B* »re Bjori ed»pteil to c< tier»l ufiliiy Mi»n IbJi IB k, B iiipro-h- DeiTe Bad ». U »rrmn«e.l Ency. 1. pedie." | N. Y. Tribune.


< Irrulntton.17.1,110«.

The Neyv-Yobb WtfJOkXT Tbjblke for tkiiireek ronUini \\.< foOarMiBg:

I. LEADlNo kBTICLEB: The Leaawa of the Diy;Idaae lanaaatlal A N.-w Siave 8'ate; Burhaiiau'lA' troedenlei A N-w Ptaal. Brea.1 Mikii.i Ste.A La»' Word Kaina» C-.rre»poud»uce.

II. .KANSAS Mat .-.«ra and C ..' t tbj*BotaWBatft ana. A Bordttl BlaOtttlBI W hat Oeary ia D'Min,L. avina Ka .aa», An Attempt at Prophecy Arr.-»tot En* Stat- Imu.igran-.a.

[TJ..BEVIEW Ob I HE WEEK: Oivii.a in a coielenaedand coUf pi. uoua fcfan tue latear ajad moat importanteeeuta that have trampareal bi Bm * By, LuredS'atea. and Europe.


Sern- n b> the Rev 0*0. B Cheever D D.VI..AN APPEAL EOR PEACE AND FREEDOM:

A.:dre«- of the Republl an State Committee ofN.u York.


liaa Ohio. I..¦liana. Plawida.XI THIR1 V-FIFTH CONOBEBB



Ifaatanb aa Pre |< -Dkao vfr) of aPortionof.h. M i.? v


plorati-nr-Bv Ken: Kane bj D. D.S %XXJ..AMERICAB COPTRIOBT IB i ANADA A Le-

ter from Our Own < .n-iponi. atXXII.-THE KAN-AS EMIOBANTS: Bv L MarUCbild.XXIII. < Oli'iN MANUPACTUBE IN BRAZIL: « ,rr«-

aanjaaVna f 11* S Y TllBataa.XXIV. .SLAVERY IN OREGON Corr.ap.,: Ie... e .f The


I entra! >u:

RXIXa.COMMERI IAL MATTER-' Pall R.p r.» of taaBto< a .Vf n.v CoatOB, Gtaia ( a'tle ai.d utuex Mar¬ke!« ap.,:a. Refkor. d for The Tr.h ine.

St I-'. »IeTlo\». Ol e p - e-..t. Tt,ree eop'ef.a»A : ta, 981 Ten p. . k*|«.S:n#le pie». ii, wrapper*. <-a.a h.- .,br*lne.| ar Iba flnn-ar In

.: e I' .1 .. a:.kB OBV - UUf BV r;.r I Price «a} eta.

-fin*: IXris

FINE-ARTS.-A collection of PICTTTRES,.v Mr 1». H Ha on' he on vw .r, MON¬

DAY -Le »-!, inat., aLd after a'-1-OaJl'ry of (»OCPIL aI o N «4 B- adwiv Tne p ,n<ic are invi-ed ... eia-utO"IBaa B Lane. TLe Pi tu... are for eihitnuou oia.y andnot for aa'e.

PrintingCHEAP I'KINTIM.-At N-. « VUf'^-''-

tarda. »1 ibm f) per' .«». Bin r-a!» " *7 P"»

Bag . t ' V-.'.VfE--.--L^GHAVINO BRd PBDTTINO HALF PRICE.JL-< W. ,ic.t f. a- n,,me, Ad lr. aa and Aut *apb Car jkvWad«Uaa«8utio*ery, Buaicea» Card«, kx.. a'. KELLY -i.«!! Kultam at

TRHll^lTBTTrDLNOS.-Fläl-n WO >f erera-leaer.ntaoc feo rx a ark t* a 3o< k. ai tue LoW«at Caaavi

^ ju-aenntkon «'»AgKK fc IS TnSua, Ban dKa.

Q K PER RE.*nM for BILI/-HEADS, $1 ',0 per9ij Iba n.^d for l ABDS. Cbwra ara. Beeeipta Labela ant.

;V-^.j .^ar.avfcVaai^ 8 Franzi OBlcc aVYaMaaVM^RLI

6tati0nrrT) and /annj %3ooo9

Hi WNE A RA8BB0Ü1 k. IiiHwbti' H%aT,.

. n**Bd »ff« n V importers .. M 4 n

UFAl Tl bees. eeVr fcr tele . » bob mt ¦ . r«ry *i yf t .-.iBotkf P.p,r K.i . .: S'ap * St*;.. ry '.*'.**.

tTf P.,... Nr.. Draft m i » .r Scrppir.l r' . "P<» '<¦*'.tar -t m. Bio rand »m Ta - Beefef P'l « POO . BtateO,P-a k ret* Chea* aiw H*.k(an u» i r «r la k. and all */ ».

. Btl * l-pt ky -kr trad. JUB I'RI N Tl no tr.d LI1H-KWr.Y IBOewied »i .,w I.;..* i r.u.«t. kt.u-

"'».'*. *¦ t'. mil V t a, h .» » iu;rto rPCALI.

BLANR~ BOOKS and PaT' >fH^su»tt a janfs ami m,, Ku. <u ra.u.» at. a*e*

»*i..*»B». Ord»ri r»ipv'i:.,ii t letted

ßE ADS, BEA dT, BEADS,lAIRT Dc*J»t-riptio*

P«.r aa»r byV P RBOWTA.

_No. let Pearl-ec. New Tare,

fj f A I 1 Ö N E K Y. Hl ANK Iii n >KS. A-kl «I I! I !\M y H AW s

N .?: Cai al-aa .*xHR AMI H Op I ROOT *Ai HOST k Co

Re. p . . < »¦ . «. .» ... f sr kPLii .idFANCY STATIONKEl Aceoee H i. v\ u, p.p.Leerti «. i i n äff ». I U kt Nor**, l>-v*t BAU* oi Eict^*..*', A4»Prv I -1 all kmdt »' BlAJfJ kl arder.

B Part* iratlvi urufkiwr» ol Blankt..- at H.a.aadI BANB PBJNTINOibxkt. Bui H.t.t i ,r. A :» »'«rtpoed t.aiyp»e.

lam ri ti. ti**i»»« a.acorr._^lEELE'* PATENT FEATHKRDl^TERfL^.

A^aTBXJtl a i a M»r .... -»rt

He V- Sat*. f ft ,.-w Mai.leu aaa.



aOOUBACD"" ITALIAN MEDICATED SOAPil ;. . t uwa r*a TAN PIMPLKB PBP»:RI.FB,ERCTTIONS BALTBHBl'at, BtRHrKS ITCH, .'HAP3LCHAFES, TFNDER FLUSH. re.i.le brini 'hr arrj ta-etthafiui roaipoaad *>.* .i».u:.d t.Ot RAI DS POL DRH

i|>r.'..t» n*ii 'r. in I- w forrh»»J», uppci Up», 't an«

N It taaril an.', quick!* warraut.-d. I.IQ' \M

LÜ>t..> ¦..;». ¦> "k* LILV WHITK tor rlual m\at .i t. atr.i ta.-ra HAIB DYK taetai ) fatie *e*i trap.Ifhl keil to a saanttral Mark at brown, *ita»ul ttataiaa taat

.k HAIR RJMTORATIVl Bail ta <t«w. au I a>ak*»

. .1 wirrbaira .. | ... u filkt P i l»< i>Ol'RAl-lfBMtaUUAau drj»'. N< <T t\ A IKK R ST Ar.; Itora rV.Ba. « .» m . II tVli< a ra, a-.d Dl .«itata e»«-*raT?.



FINV EXTBAI TS FOR THE H tNI>KKRfHIK.F,C h tn'A I'.'wn a.irt. II*.t 1)1ia, Al ''Oar Üiia. An. Altv fK>

pi ..ofLTON'fl KATHAIRt>N kc.1". »l,.;rtü irad* ..* raapKtially .: ».!. -I to *t unlr.« aar.'d». tutb aa to ttpl* and m N.< At I ih. rt> M

9.0 Saxmtxi anb (Ptfjere.i PRICED 1 1ST Bf FLOWERDfG TKKFS«,A MIKI B> Ri'SKS. IIKOCiF Pt.tNTS. Ac tiAlahla Af

tapi ipoear* .> k* f.. »a-drd aratai aa au» iBBraaBiki* a CatalofBM ..f CHOICEST PRl'ITs, wtu »n**a. Car.riaae »f parkaa** paid to *o.u.

B M WATSON.Old r. rjN reettea, Plymouth, Mate.

I "J KK1 N SAN'O MAKI.-K. r t.-p drt'*, Wir. PJ '. r drain and OfaM Leaf)a. and t> r p. riiianrotly aatatoalaB

.terttaaa4aroraoai aoila; .'..* p.. o. '.ut th* U**librul amiasarieal prvwrb ofaU kiaar ef Kruu Tr.-< . Orap* Mkaja, Aa.S«* rlrcalare **nt rr** an appSratioa 'a OKO W. ATWOOO.No. 11= Cedar at., er TAPPKN TOWMBEMD, No. H Naaeaa-et,

117M. R. PRINCE «t Ca\, tlBahaatL B. T.. wilTT Barvari 'hrtr Cataiofue of KRITT and uRN vllKNTAI*TBEEB, r ot toy other aepartaaent el lartl Nuraarte*. t<>'pur>..i.. rt ofTr**>* *vb.. kaeioe* S'


nil ti K 0 O T 9

i»tK ti ILLNot. II and !. F iltt a uid Nee, t? and «<t tl. .1 *tt.

LtaaatT a\n CHBAPBaT aerait.t LI) 11 Nil S i O II K IN N K. W Vom.

ai ti. rr*fj rail 11Fatliionahl.' Frock tud Dr. t* Ceata M Suprr

i Black Prraek a»tl Ceiorad Ctolh, ( m B"> 71 to «B OBN.a- Si\\ alkinaCoe'a,tot Fall and \V inter,

ol t Film. Ribbed B.a.. i, A... t'roiii,... 4 75 to 11 OSButiueaa Coeta uf erarj aWilprJo*. frwai. BIB to MBBOrrrC ut, a*w atyka *d aaa *u.t kaaaj Caat*lut.uoui. . a w to .«»

Rt.iai t tilth.' N.w Btylae a treat ranet%,tr.ii..,afa. 7 00 to *) Oft

4 I. *k*. ret*Baa.W.. i BJ to js aot itkk nel la B m » Paa'aleaaa. i M todw»Paakk aabl* Fan. % Paatalei aa. J in tu i OftImiii.i »ik M irr Au'i.|ur Cathiiirr.'A.-. i to a 0t' r.ul V.ttt. B.e.'ltil »»witarn». a* . ... 10»BOYS CLOTHINH H RNi-iliNi. homik ritAVKLivi

-ii ttt Is. i 111 N A < a i., .p'.-i.

OrriCI »i tmi Wnutm Mimii. Co ho W Wtii-ir. jNi a Vota () 'oh. r ti, ItlM. 1

NOTICE ia Berajbi Bjivea, th*< f»llowiiiaTsT«'i K in tb* Wind*.., Mlaiaa Cntapaaj le*Hf4ka*a4 for

11 paj " * i tan aalet B pai Bk irax du«- 'be l*t Auautt,.... and tket tko aaaaa wiU br add at Publi. Aaemaa at '(>.»

UBieaof ikoCoeapaa) oaTUEAwAT ihr^h NovemWr, IAA*,a. i.' o'. I... k m mil. i. ptwrloatl] ;..!>*! mm by paptaead of mm)at.. **m.'iit and rap -utr.

Cert'hVa'e «"la**.. t rrtifi. at.'. Sharre,No. I*.. Ml No. 14. JON". 7ft. «4 No. IM.219No. KM. M No III.U»No. tW. At' M, 2"l.SI4No. |8i.Hl» Ha. II. >»No.211.sat lo* IM.#2No. At.HI No. I-O. *»No. *4. A) No. 27.»INo. .17. |i)0 N.. «I . IBNo. I).7»

N« 17».1*5 B*l. Certaaeat*. Ska'**.No. »21. AO No 117.fasNo. 121.70 No VI.7DNo. 2*T. 4» Be, A>.AD



VM'll AIIoN \V\MKI» l.y » v.-ry *N'...lyMan. (Ararrlcea) la a WhoUaala Btore, at PORTER, op

to a akr Ma tell |earraily iitafal; be It eel atraid of work ke*tr* fcr* ace (irra, Adaiaae P. f K., Triaaate Oaaee

TTBAC71VK AUCTION HALB..THBIDAY at I"! o'clock. Ol n NIS MORRKI.I. Au ti .n..r.

Ni W Nate* * IHH'SEIIOLD and rUBNIBHINw]GOODS in aeaeral ol roeewaud, aiaefc aralu it, ¦... »,.> « trut ...I hair Mattreeare, Nantl* Oreameat* Oil Painttn**,Mnr. it I<r\ Baa Ifrer* r» \\ »r. |. i r*i N«. kit »* Bw*filth Bi iieelf Cerpt tk*| Cookbaa Btooa* are 'br aaaBoaa at Due.air. CataloguaewBa partteMw* T^rmi.f Sair-or*r BlOft,eilt aceraieaere IBtonth* N B .1 t.e attention af the publici* arelteo la tl.i* atla

At l»o»i orb a II >i. *. Id 4 iaroleee of Havana I'lOAR** ialota t.. fur »h. irtalr and "tail- a ebade* Hock, M klndt.

Oeotor t ooa, A.iriioiir. r.

I?LEOANT H RN1TI.RE al 4UCTIOB.--*1* THIS DAY, al Mi ...* .t the W*r-r.i< Ujn, ltdBn adwey, til: Elaborately canted F.t*«>'r*tLsidrl>"e/d*, Dlniu*jTable* and 4 hair.. BureaO* B> Waaht and*. Horn-Di'det, Turkkth Eaay Chein Parbtr rhaaib i and Libraryr re, ha ir*al raitsty S.-tt«, Chein Beehira, Ita T..aakole OMaola Ike b- at Baaaar, am hi he p,*m*rit .old.

T t Hoi ..htov. An thraaer.PANORAMA al M CTION..T. C. H0Ü0H-i TOMwUleel in MORROW Si"ii.Uv,. ell* o'clock, atK. i' Naaa i-ot ) new I bee TA '.< 'kama neat? J"1 w.'t, 'hr rla*.. *bjae ead Bitaiae noaipli ta fcr eajkiaatkea.Suld *¦ ercouat al aktAaeaee* the piayriatar.

Iltiii II. Lernt A .. tloaoor.


broa aa. ipfoetti Si. Sick .* II HENRY II LKED*JA Co »in ten at a Itoa, *t the abora plaee, nn TVESDAT,Oct. Ml, at II . it- e leotiea <s OR P.h.i.o*.. lemi tooI4tAeaaaelteieef paiaDaa*and wi k*efe*tbfdfMfBatta*j P.Beaaaead *.% aaeapaAjAaa abewX IAO cAeaee peaaeal'erl afvan-u*l .refan .. tiooi* ti.. oo '. .od in imported and .e-

lecAed by Mat boa* rerioae feteAca ttadio* aud rahtar'a, a w,. " Arr .t:.*r » ha I; a traall eid*, tpr by lluiitiuilon , aiol

IbaoriatBti pr.i' I kit/O II»....t .Uy til* lat« HenryInn an The tale will I,. Bread p.r !> ..i.ily wor'by 'It* allen-'.. n ..I loren of lae arte and «ii deairo.* of |r>*aeaain( aaapatatbAAaLadot and (rntlemeu arr rrtperrfully ,n»itr.| to eiaw themat My '.unr, and CBIal | MM he ,b tn.e.i at our ftorr, No,it Na.tau ft., on. wrra , rrtl.,ua to the tele.

WaLLiBoro* a Caaraa > intlaane*


m.r i i.i.. i.v... i. *t 4 .,Bre Cikory Baiiiiit. IT*ht Kit*.Rice Kl.,.r. AJaaotide, Mac- aroui. Ver.i.tcelll; alto, [IrtTTkr.i .<.-. V\ r r. i.iii < ,,ar. « hao.paaoe. Toba. . .. Hawar* rt.i. y bol.t, 4c.

ROYAL MAIL 8TEAMHHIP PI IR8IA Flä»PERSIA. 4 h E .*.-.. Co ayBJ aal aat

MEDBESDAY MORMM, r,e ^jrb i,,*t. atOo'ei.erk a. m,

I:, aaeraaetcoel la* '.d- on th* Bar, paaaeuaar* caa au oa

tct-d ¦ I ... t*tT aft. ri..».o o. a » .'ra/re f front "b* d"< <

at Jareey i .ly. at lo t and a ft» w..i tat« BBBtjaahua Wt m. ate! BotaJai I "' < k pre. karly.

r N a It I) s. i HotrUa« «reaa.

D.\\( |N(. M WOOL, at No Ka*f, llrh-*t., f Br .*.!*.»' ^ i H\RRI AI D reap.rtf.'|, »;

aualaOkt*letntae and ia. public »n*» at. r\t,m, wttirorn-Batntr raw ...l in-' Day*.Wrdaeadey *j d Saturday, at Itim *,..l J. u, for / La.ii* t tad Maatrr*.Mr ( bartwaed aaa fr- .. I .., i u. Ujr, a*, WwlBair. ulari ran I* ..'-'a n*d Mot.till So,r*ra. a. utual

priiiihi OOIioTS, HEBEUMERtS.BialPATENTI Ml Ml INE DEALEBB <i dri fj .-toh. |BAU tit. <i r, that heal ob4tMaaVaaaaeetetyAn,a«*BataaaedL¦d i ¦fMta in 'twry raepaaC Tb* aituarton i* Brat-ratet

»,"H \ .!,»,.,« w ollrrrd t. mm a* BfBJBil Avv . jc ii ., mf

Wl' Ola-. . r [,. V BrraoMO at'

n}> GA8T0N aiitl D. LECAT. pupil* of th*oa -.1 Dra Bicrd ,rd Vr,u-ai of Par.- No 1 ,7 .....

">.*¦¦-*¦ *' ¦¦-f i,[.' U..I «1.1. e,h< . i'.. Wan. and 4 to t p tu. Privat- an I onude ,.l.;. i.tu.'f.. nt tor La<lira

Ä I \i \ KKW AKl . IheTlMi.e re-ward voili kmM ler.atraa

afa/a?. . a.1 Cumpea l at Jrr**y Wj ol aPAtkAGl I BANE NOTES .', Mrrbaolee* Beak atN.aiii don* up in a yellow neprr dlr**'*d Wm. A. Prall,Ii. toil Mirkiaaa aaarked ri Baa.leal or «tolwa au ta* «ata.»t»e.L s. a... ,.. t..y f ., '. 't. on the M h inat.Ta* aotratrc <>t *ui*ii e*waa*B»aiAaaaj fid n.e dare and aaatbetraa be Id** IB*d by Aba hank No *,.r.-i.,nt »ill b*aakr«|o*tthe rrt.irBi,i thr paeaejat. lax'wt ,*»rehl« U> any per*.«

<. theeeaa* I * »VOODRCFKAaabr<aal Bapaa Bteadoal Bkta Jrrary Raiirvtad.

i JilTI AIlON W tM KI)-Hy t re.,,.-.-* % Oiil at 'ira' rat> LAI RDBJWA. I aa do ail kind* t < it

jLi and an k»-hictii*'rc'.inu.ri.dr.' from net laat place. Caali No, M aat TTaakkkftea ptaBB