new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1871-09-26 [p 3].-_a_msxt«yiwa_, m; _tr__l_f railroad.87,...

-_a_Msxt«yiwa_, M; _tr__l_f Railroad. 87, aa« TttjOr avhvaala IteJ-TraaO. ._.. <>oM elotvsd at IIB. «U At***** Pott t^ay contains the following : "fa-r* ^^J_FrÄMl__^^ _-r_-T »hirh rsjlnu «»tit tbe aaiva-UiTf» of ui* f»«~ tram a Sour«, euiiunu w ...«jj. »a». . _.--_.*-»>,_. roau! SSon, w_lc_ points ME tooadwW$to» "^ -trm mtu roua* la this «Mxtatry a**rt ^¿TuTumnari. 1 aontheru tier of co-ntles in loara, wi saw roads la thü «xanatry atún fj-Tiûpogrl, ___aí proflt»4>i> »¡«^^i^_ÍX_Mfi^»W Turra and rtArarta .*fa.I&*ratX ttU «_cà «-.__--__¦«-."»A ____¿*_SS_»í#í!ig *____ -"Mili: lli-jca.»n«a»aT r--_»_»_, ,_. trlet h-rUwr _.>rt_ in t'-JV»»"?* í^uSo«, w»l *»<. Jf" __aa_-CAc_J r*cord, whe-toey, ..l^'t^t^__U>_, thoa ütat aaaal proi»arty, *r_in /^A!K_ii Runway is nsw Craaty ltaatv-iaae aM aaavy_ oanaot {all of ÍUaae, ^tíS?1íllS_ia_-^tito S__ .____**. aalatc kttrWy ?»^b^_'^____«o__, whose western »en_l__a wfll be .£^,J¡^ Vsrtoos other oonntwttorjs _>_clV root, soffle ltw.a_«_, », undertaken, add J^^^____iíí-Í^ah*W «--» aar--_« )?ow__ of %¡í_a- .fctaa-^tiMir-liaws as roDowt with foroer »^_d,: .,-_,*. I«-. aaw»J_ fl__ala_aB. lamt-K ..__«_. an « ii.«-*.tm ».to.sit .,«rn.*_t .M- "¦.KAiï.fssa-iB^ÎM u.r_B*n ».Titus* axmjm i«£*_J_r7 tts.ia.: __'___«. m -Mrttt.fM iTraa_jta ».»i .m sTTM.rn m. i*tiTi>o -S4.rM.iM B^t-jj-rs «îjwjee t'mmi» *aiJ«io nwt.oa* ».ne.» ti jan .«at êa'a'lOJI W.I411- M,_H.S4S ».IBB.tTT 4S.IB4.i_- C"'5:tB»«Si sstyrtjai i7.tto,s-i s-tMjH tyutjm u m.'UM.-a* -util» it.-a.Tst st.m.m *t,T»m aUsM-UB« t_J»417,4_* Kir-a.Mf ». 1-3.1.4 4&JMI »M ««riJtt".Ä!«a«» _aj.4T>,_n H.Mt.M S.114.71t ft.Ul.tlO ¿«.W »41iat» xsjtt,*4H »,049404 sr,a»Jill S__ m.Jil.*»,!»» mavxiti M_»»,<fB njmrn a»,n4.*-T jmi ft..»ii,i«».«a» t»js».*-o rr.4_t,44B si .a*« ,30 tt.wij-l isa. a._u»e»**vMa _7-.»_»vrn m^u,i-a ïltuïmi hu-Js. a««. 11..ri.oso.arä m.nxya um.TH si.twis* H.rnjn K_ «,-« rM_UL-rt> __,-rr,_T! 31.737*41 at^tB.ta» put. ts.-i7._i-.ii« nusti^m *..5t_,o4t si.tki.*«* t-.i-.are Si«-. »..m»m.VH _B.631.BBf U-BJVT Jl«r»3.7a_ ».m.fGt iii ._a_S4.-at »Mijtt,««« n,we,ns _ij_->jm M.Btbta* Ma»_iT»..tT_l.,f«3 *«,5Tt,«yH a-.t63.746 31,605.215 K.-tS.t«. __i»t*».j_j.T74.»ai un.tu m uti7,<«yf a_n._N uitstue aprii l..__Ua.,0» a_l,0__3n 17Jr75,C_t 31,575 April t..iit,TM,ttrr Mo.iin.ew 1s.s11.1a. si .sus «kaail 15..1U,».8_f ttaxastf ls,m,»M ilfitS i.V» 5.J7-.B43 SW.tftl S0.»C,»erT ianl 15..1U,».8_f Htv.wa.-H ls,lU.H4 Sl^tf.lIT t_ 534,143 AwriJ B.-*n,lH,7H MJffl.lM 13.Sf»,t78 31481,4M MrVK.TH aara H.jnsatjjt tnJHjut lshtoh *i,«61jh No,«hhi Mar «.._T.-_1.S40 »Bt,31t.T7t ILKnJrM 31.-M,3M ti.SHJll Mit B..t31.l_«,ai« _»j-l,»l l^lH.oa. 31.311,479 S4.233.I93 Mar H.-TJ-Ja»tJM 2*,*_).*..l 15.at_._U _ljr*)ti*)6 «.HlSt. M*r Ti. .2:_.»*fi.7_S 1.1,441,63t la.3BTi.114 31,071.244 a-_30.41f J«_» 3. .-41 ÏB-jMB HIJM1« n.-MBSO |f>.«St.7t. TP.ÍIBI.B33 Jaaa 10..A4'..tV4 _Jt Jsr3.siP.lA. 12.716,1-1 3U.74Ü,411 7..41ÍI.-H Jaae 17..Î43 Tri l«a tW 134;S3J 12,969 310 »(K7.098 7..171, »*H Ja** Hsjnijftt ufliujis 71._s1.1s» Jalv 1. 148,308,693 _K,237.9_| lt,M*,*51 30 494,457 71,348,-tt «faiy t..M,st-tas mm.m h.**«774 30.41 e9,9Tn,n» jay 1 ».._«,MM*» 301.-43.-». IBJJM-St 30.3S0.K1 70.K4.m« J«1» »..-55.736,063 3tt.UH.7S«l 18.1ti »97 »371.186 7.119.67« Jtlr ».._S7 0)f (D4 l«i.l--.»,HS 16.9t. 739 38 360.1» 73.» t:» t..tal 392.427 3U0.77" a*l 13.361,4*3 30,-».6a. 73._B-.4«J n..-M*«aso Jtrj.iao.seï I2.se1.749 »,sts.40t 7t.3S0.aoa I». J47,-.V» 470 3M.-17.4-» l,«1.W 30,2«-,_>2 »,t»S,»00 ». .14« 7i)9 SCO 3T6.M7'»» lOT/înM 30.IWI.t_n OtaS.M» t..J*9.77«.Ho ïatstMo ».isa.sai »».soo t..HU.01t,BOO 311.208,300 10.7-!,l«30 3B,144J00 6.,945 TOO M..*a.H_S,70li 31I.86tJi«T0 lO.tatt.aBO 30 129.700 (X1821 7m) «wp*. H.__7,_r7.4W>4,7U0 »jITS.IW »J01>0 *t,4»,300 TaMlx of the Aterage Amount of Loan», Specie., Circula¬ tion, Deposit», and Legal Tenders in the Banks of the City of Sets-lark for Iktuxck ending Saturday, Sept. », 1871. Loan* »n<1 DU. «pede. Lef^ea. Pepotlu. Circulatioa. Au»' rait a»pt. IV|r_ Babk*. a a 'a a BaakafN. V.13.694,800 1,879,200 1,173.800 ll,S4O.5O0 Mith-t.ut. 6,S81.iaO MerehiBUt'. «,«<_. 100 MerhtBir*-'. 6,147,000 Dalos. 4-40-Ot IHnk «ai Aaajne*... 9.i%C,600 Pbaaix. S,«MJ(J0 4.1».m t/afl.-BO Tr*d«_-_o'*. 3.416,111} »VBltsa.«,69S.300 iVaucal.7,061,SOt MrrrS Biebinrc. SJSt^OO Jü-llatia RKioa-l.. 3j>b-,ijuo JitckenkDiove. 2,626,100 at««*, k Tran«-.. l.ltSR.TOO -raawrek.. tVO.lOO 126.0(10 612.0U0 3,i:5 Odo aVBOO 1,441.960 6,373.900 Ifc.ttXi 1,122.900 4,Si_,<*a0 lsi.Hoo mum t.i».ioo 704^00 1,437800 6,479,900 WB.IO» fW.OOO »,TK,1()0 771.i«M I77,t»t 5__0.Si«) n.HX) 751,100 »,097,700 129.40(1 721,»* 1,719*00 18S.4O0 *,_'1,V* 4,975,100 9,200 TCt.tVa) t.Jlî.SOO 436.T.I0 1.485JW 676.300 2,0T3.4W 34*3,900 1,_M.7IKI 1&J00 as,«*) 843.6(a) 9.8O0 t7l*.l(i0 81 ('.BOO «-14.900 1.340 »15,900 7S6'.rJuÓ 117,94*3 rr.sw 14,000 -^*..-fflö H?S IBS TU Ward MttkatL SaakataiaK I... 4,696.700 «aaaric-a Rxc-uscio,iexi»>> cV-Bj-eia*.22J_n,e90 Mi-adwt». 7,400,300,«*» MeTonuk.3,874.100 4*a_Jk. .1,011.400 Baa- -atewalki.... ÍUUM jtTbat-aa.1.167.500 Ywpatrfc. UHaVIH a«nk Amaiioaa... -,419,1100 Haaortr..IJU.8O0 Jrriac. 2.4TH ut. Metropolit-a.lü.SOR.OuO «St)*e_f. 16B3.2O0 jS**«_a.2,31«.««a_ Market.. 3,l(_.i»tfr Bl. Hielo!**. 2.P7I.SOO SBjasSSji __»_>er.. 3,446,000 «.cJt. _irh__r» 2.879.5» «!>Btt_CBUl. 4 328^00 (»BlillD»-!. 2,Tir..-M0 «tMaaU!. lJ78,00t __ui_e.1JJ4..4O0 AlUaSt. l.ntiJIOO laaartaiBa Trader»!l,3*3,»raj Park.a_,415.1fK) Heeh. H. Aaaaaf. ljn.SH Oi.ieeT»'. 774JÍ00 JS*iib Rlrer. 1,395,50. jua Rivar. 1.H1.9H Manif. »_J Mercb. 1,515.400 Votitk National...21,307,300 4nuil N*-o_t!...12,-l-,U00 B-taa. aalioBal... 1,47..SOO MtaaKaUonal.... 7.1-S.BU0 Tim Kuio-il. 2,537.800 TtinlRttioiiaL.... a r. Kirk*a»-- i,»*i,(ao T__i.\a_.._». 3.»55,:»») *».»-» .N*_wn»l... ],-50,400 Kew lark Co. 1,187,609 <.en»»B A.arhcaui. 3.750.7W BbU'i Haul. I.HS.IW tftavTeaut. 623,900 IlarreaUi Wird... S63.400 Xftth Katioual... T72.200 AaeHeae N*tioB*L 9M «00 *-er__aa Hulk., iltja*» Mau. à Builder»'.. 1,468,460 449.900 486.400 254.800 195.TOO },900 m.m lTo.aio .Vrll.OOO 940,SOO *54._X> 845.-» »,915;-6u 4.7,C4» 1,349,30» »,783.1 W 333,106 M13.1W 7,339500 3,713,400 33,300 1J347J0O 6,5-5,*00 U)o,IMi 12.406 560 Ita 1,858,/O0 H9J06 3,456.400 »1.400 l.*38,4W _Bi,(W 3.544.9«) 5W.900 2,631.300 189^00 1.417.200 IU3Í0U 2,9M,000 »1.500 1,196,400 672.000 t.ltau.ltJO 512,500 1-49,-00 53115.000 1,372,400 63.500 338.ROO 1.30(1,800 130.400 2JÍ.-..3U0 1,191.100 569.900 2,021,6W Bal.0.4) 1.357.500 TTt.nOO 1.365.0W tm.iVO 1,954,900 «I.'»» 2,74)6.100 733,700 2,!«t>!i.(i0O 194,»») 1,151108 49*.a«3 1,819.500 B4« BOO SOÍ.»OS 169'jXa 3.441SB» lS.IM.eot 136,000 6.288JW »,Bt4,tSt «7,400 313JH 1,140.786 J10.600 743.300 178J» l,138JO0 J-H.OOO 869.9» 193,100 l.ZTi.OOO TOO St» .506 4.744.S00 17,5t».800 ».91S.400 48,000 3.324,000 11 772.000 _,617.«00 . :«S9,000 1,204.'«X) 268.000 K.SOO 1,770,34)0 6,091.100 87,200 1^J9,9I»J 5.23.,6<a 45,71») 2,U_,Ot» 6,560,206 700 309,300 937.06*1 113,600 l,('35.l»J0 3.162,109 Í5.500 7,760 Ht.BM ^000 ls.ieo lra.,000 102,160 t^BO tO.raJO 99,100 Sa ,300 10,400 47,900 90.81« 54 600 4,4« «O.BO t,40a 6,800 li.«. 14.806 J.900 7*3,300 481.310 4.3W 138.800 131.800 s.era 2«7'.»aj 187.500 3,900 444.100 744,800 732._)0 5,000 560 900 J38.9W 4.5O0 -»,000 »JOO «-BJ.fOO 813,700 304,500 1.9O0 10,906 tM.SOO 1J» »7JÓ. 6,400 3,000 S3,700 4J0t ;*c.ow i,i_t.*w 401.uki n*5,:«X) 293,400 3,481.900 . 1,720,51») M.300 718.300 1361100 637.100 166,000 450,400 339,800 164.100 . 1,107,1100 75,000 1,439,400 689.200 J».loO 784,0W K7.8O0 892.600 2K.000 ltu.000 6,300 250 000 446.000 Total»-. __*a»*ndU.ti__!_»..a3«-164 70O| U«iI Teadert.»58 421.300 arateie.. 9 57.,100|DejK*tt. 237.127.400 Cr-tlali-a.»*Jol.a-») .Ko report «bbma* _-t week. Ttie traiiaactloua at tbe Cleaiing-House for the past .w/furk compare as follows witta tbose of tbe previous week : « learlafi for lb* we«k e___r Bept. If. 1671.._.»«4,968.168 41 tVarlan tin Ihi wmk rntrlinr Sept. 23, 1871. 716,381.432 28 B*l__t_* ter _M week e-ataf Sept. 16.1871. M.354.054 V Mllntaltli Pit irvk rrlh* b-pu 23. 1871. 27,554.521 31 ? ' 1 BANKING AND HNANCIAL. Fiwt Mortgage S_nk_kg Fttîd Land Grant Bonds op Tire Et. Joseph and Denver Cin- Rahjioad Company, In Denomirationb op $1,000, $500 and flOO, can bow be had from tb. ___.er_iirne<i or thnniph the princrpal banbe and .rjankTTS of the T'nited States. The att*?Qtion of invostoTS is invited to the merits of tb««. Boüds, aacured lo' a firsl and unly morttrage ou the road, equipments, franchises and property of a trunk line of railroad which wil_*horten the distance \>etween New-York and San Francifico some 230 mile«, and in addition tbe mortgage to secure the Bonds aursaxa a land gralit of l^VOO.OOO acres of the most fer¬ nie land in the 'West, which is prohibitedfrom being .old at lease than four ($_.i dolíais per acre by the **n_iof the mortgage deed, and according to the prêtent market price of the Illinois Central Compa¬ ny's lamls is worth $18,750,000. This loan was origi¬ nally foT fci.-iOO.ijoo, but ha« been largely reduced by .ibacriptioiis of actual investor». The remaining 6^6___tee of the loan is offered at »ii and accrued in- Htett, bat the tight is reserved to advance the price »t any time, without notice. The Bonds have thirty year, to run ; bear 8 per *«>«. intaareet, payable in New-York, London or ï'r-nkfti-t-on-th* Main, at the option of the holder, ^tboat notice, free of taxes. Both P__j_c-pa_. and «^lattsT are Payable in Gold. They are Coupon -.onda, bat can be retristered with the coupons «*. «r can be registered with the coupon. OFF. .nd mtemt^^td to regittered owner. Imereat pay¬ able August 15 and February 15. A liberal «inking »aad, formed from the entire land aale«, in i«y_-ent «*w wbieh the bonds will be reoeived at par and ac- ' «aa* -.taraat, prov ides for the early ett__*u_eb__«snt .f this loan. <1>«a»te4»^Famert' Loan aad Trnat Company. T-tan bonds offer favorable _&duoe___nts to partie« \ ta -and Hbttx Prva-Twaarti««, or other high- to -«¦?artlnt THe-Twentia, the »Teetora realice I-rtaat *mme» th« p___d,__, ï p_r cant per an. *~m>f?m* *****>.** ««-»«etaetiaa«»eta w*«6'6>et seeoritT. Ma» eregan, ÙKtmtam, and full tntexnatio« af-Jiu-hed on aj>phcati<m. J*»* acts* aa s^aam^r the ^ « ^ ^^ »* buy-d sell* thstr rrtyular sWaaHs^i»,^, ^ «»« SÍJummhmué linear City 2_Hlr»__ Cttu+stmy thom « »A. Ruttaru BkMü Mm um, ouomi ut va and uc- .«-^t nmwmWn+tlmiuiwtMPsí. "ttummmUéí^lhmntmXt^UWamUL cbmatka-S a-*i> ohio*.ny»>.*umMsy-<xrntAL PACIPIOB. FArrKTrJO Orrtctic* Flffl. Se Haîch, ) Vo. B NAMAO-rTT., N«w-Yo_ut, r>,pt.8r,, 1871. S Of Um Fdtb_w Miujoiu Cta___MUand Ohio Hi- Pkb Cejct LoAlf bnt about $t\tmfiCû remain nn~ a*id, and this r-mainder will be taken np rapidly. Tb« fire yaaiV option luring «nptrott on all aeri _ of FrvE-TwiurrT Bonis», «xoept lBtts and IBS-, they are liable to be called in for payment. The rede_p- tion c4 100 miHiona Fivx-TwEKn*-» in ooin, and iba pnrcbaaea by the Ooyenunent during the en*uing -out month», with the premium thereon, will release about 160 mQliana of invested capital, independently of dividend and interoat paymenta. the grea-ter part of which moat afeek reinvrwtmemt. Tun CH-E-LU_u_b ajtd Ohio 8rx ra have abeoln tel y 80 je*»n to ron ; are wrrrv-ialiyaafe and anhäkle for steady investment«, and cam now be bought i 17 per oont lae« than T_*-Fo«t_*. -0 per cent leas than Fn-Twenties, 26 per cent koo than 8i_cs of 1881, and are eanally ave ho be paid, principal and inter- eat, in gold coin. Their amount ia limited by the trist deed to $15,000.000. Price (at present) OB and aocraed ratetest, -hat ia, with oonpon attached, payable Nov. 1. $1,000 Chesapeake and Ohio Bond costs to-day, $964 1ft. 9600 Chesapeake and Ohio Bond eosts to-day, 4X77 08. flOOChe-«-peake and Ohio Bond coat» to-day, 9*5 *_ Only s small amount of the latt«r denominatic-na remains, and no more can be made. Bonds are in coupons or registered form, asm« as Frv_-Tvr_CiTrtfl. Tu Central Pacific 8rx ran Chut Bokm are as safe for investment as Government 3onde. Their amount, fixed by act of Congress at 926.885.000, it se¬ cured by pi »pert., worth four times their value ; they can only be bought in the open market, and are becoming ecarcer in oonBe«_nouce of tbeir gradual absorption by investors here and in Europe ; thry have a ready market in all the principal money-cen¬ ter«, and have still twenty-four yean to ron ; th« earnings of the road are steadily increasing, and will probably xeaoh 910,000,000 for the current year, affording a handsome surplus after payment of ex¬ pense* and interest. Present price, 1011 to 103. When the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad ia com¬ pleted in 1872, aud the Bonds are dealt in st the Stock Exchanges of the world, we have no doubt they Will be equally popular with the Central Pa¬ cifies. Both principal and interest of the Central Pacific and Chesapeake ami Ohio Bonds, are spe¬ cifically payable in gold coin in New-York ; the in- «tereston the former being poid January and July, a^nd of the latter, Jiay and November, c^rreepondiiig with the two classes of Five-Twenties. We recommend either of them to our friends and customers with the same confidence that we did the Five-Twenty bonds, when we were selling milliona of them for the United States Government. We buy and sell Fiv«-Tw-_-»Ti-M, Ten-Forties, Eiohtt-Onrb, and Central or Western Pacific«, or receive them in rayment for OaVsmXpeake and Ohio Bonds at their current market price. Accounts of Banks, Bankers, and' others recen ixl, on which we allow Four per Cent interest. Certificate« of deposit issued and collection» made in all parte of the Union. Fisk d_ Hatcii. Harvey Fisk. A. S. Hatch. WtNSI/lW, LAME!« ¿L CO., NO. H7 PlN-t-BT., *H offer for sale at 90 cents and accrued interest in cur¬ rency, and recommend as an investment of the most undoubted character, the 7 Per Cent Bonds of the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad Company. They have 30 years to run, principal and interest payable in gold, conpon or registered, interest Octo¬ ber and April. They are secured by a first mortgage on 280 miles of finished road and 100 miles more in progress, and on a Land Grant of one million one hundred and sixty Qunteand acree at lumber land in Northern Michigan. The road extends from Fort Wayne, where it connects with the extensive system of roads centering at that point, northerly, and having been finished through the rieh agricultural region of Southern and Central Michigan, has now penetrated the Land Grant. The lands have been receutlv put upon the market, and are being rapidly sold. By the terms of the mortgage the proceeds of the land must be invest«*! by the Trustees in the purchase of the Bonds, which insures their constant re-purchase from the holders. This Land Grant is estimated to be worth 912.000,000, and is probably more available for immediate sale than any other Land Grant ever made to any company. The whole issue is Eight Million Dollars, of which more than six millions have been disposed of. This road is run as a oonnection of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, and the Pennsylvania Railrorul. and has the powerful support of those companies and their numerous affiliate«! lines. These Bonds have been »old in large lines to the most prudent in¬ vestors. To Investors : Howes Se Macy. 30 Wall-st.. Have for sale some very choice securities for invest¬ ment. Railroad Bond9. Guaranteed: City Bonds, Indorsed, etc., otc. Particulars furnished ou appli¬ cation at our office. Braeington, Cedar Rapids and Minnesota Seven ter Cent Gold Risking Fi-nd Bonds for sale at 90 and interest by Henry Clews A. Co., No. 22 Wall-st., New-York. Jackson Co. Missonu Eight Per Cent Bonds for sale by W. P. Converse & Co., 54 Pine-st. THE MARKKT8. ICarefall» HeDorled tor Ta« TaiRriaa. 1 Moxdat. Sept 2*. in. AFUF.H.Pot« are Inter »t t"S.»liä. Petrit are ti t* .:¦«*» 7». COT! liS.There «ra« t ftlr bannet« fur «jHit Cotton, tad priera ire t>. bisher; -ale». ¿.V*bair» (SKI (Utortttv fTfin,(1 lnrlsdlng 1.T74 for u port, 3t~ fereesaaoiptioa, and «7ae tpecalativB. Weqoute: t'« Ai«i.«ii.«. «rw-'iririu». Telle Ordlnei-.17| IT« ill »11« ixkhi omi-trr.l8« l8] ii.J is{ I*. MKWli¡-f.UM liri !«| 10} Mi'.din«.IH IM AH «i ill G..»« Mil-di!»« ..OKKEE Terr Ktul K AND HRA-.Tbc abernte ..f .uj.t.tlr. of Mau Extra la mor¬ ell, tul fe« Karoprio ordert can he tilled the U>« (Taries are «eaerallr Lin an li < r- i. ar'.r.ilirT ferlin« is ii..»! (ii. ir. «t the ¿loee tbe felt, tut fe« Karoprtn i.rdrr» cas be tiled the lo* »railes are rteermll, I..iw r «ni ti,cr» .».tradier frrlln« is ii..»! (; it the ¿loee tbe to.rtet «.« ttaau «_ »oit« tetrrr f»r t.i gradea «ader tilt} »tatt grade, are ttrtdr : «tin. .0.UK» bbl«. qaote hour ?»»bl ...:.S« e»r-e6 85 Otoo lau..»Ol ftnll 75*»» 10 Nu. i . « ma 6 25 Ohio loand-boo». ti- Sopertiif. I TO« 110 tra (SBrppiagl. IS»» 175 bute (Extra brtaSl... 6 4ba 6 ukin. K Trade knie. I «0» 7 00 »mu (Toon «o.i.I 85W : White Wheat. Kxtrt Weeta h_i.fi_t Ex«, b tod, « CO) Oh». lad omi Mlek. t «0» 7 10 »Iii.-eeot« Kurt«. I9S« 7 8* Doable kxtra do. do... 7 1»# 7 M Oeed cè.-r» Hpna« Ht. Loti». St-fli Kit«. I Bj a »lu Alan Kurt«.. « tod I it bl. Leal». Doable Bit. 7 lu- 7 «S Kilr» A-abrr ic-l-ttt. St. Loam, TripW Ex*. 7 -0* 9.3 Ohio »Bri Hie». I tatt 7 ti Grareee. Extn braas» 6 65» I 20 Ko-tbrre Floor ttronj. with t good dtaira. tor tbe lo« and media.. grade» »tire, K50 bbl». We qaetc : »»11. tiri «DOUtonretoa«. Bixed to «aaod Sap. »5 15Ï »C 10 t-ah.. AW» «adO».it»ie»a.E-aHaa« Et-stf».. »«J» IS» RicbsMBd Otmatrj, Extrs._,. I 319 7 H DrUartr»...,. 7 56* 8 50 Oeergi« aa«i Teataaeee. Rxtn tod »nallr. tan» 7 Ku Vbmi it »trady; atlee. 275 bhla. We qaote: -.«sws.a« IO*»« «i Stau «a« Pass.«« ttYmti 40 Gora Mail ti »na ; .tie», 775 bbl». We oeote: CorsMaal, isner..»- 70 903 79 Cora Meal, Brr». »4 «0 *S« 10 Cora Meei Weewra. ï M ¦ Î «5 Oata M_l. fe. pa , 19 C4 » M «0 rrrxMeaLWeatW. IS» 3 54 CoraFKrari. art». Mia». »UU. it » b*A. »W-«baat El ear M «allia« tlowlrat $3*U 75 «p 10« B. VEKIUHTP ti« »ere tetfre it *aC ma« Ott rsfixrmeela lo-dt» «me: lirtrsast kjS_., IM» rat««- Orale, ta priraa» Una» t»e .aalsal rata MM lid.; 6 «oti boxa» Caaaee, at «5, iib balas af Coitta. .t S [ ÍMÍTPark, tt*ru IO» tea Bott, it»/. T«l»»ad-ta: li.OBO bath. 114., nu. ma Um box«« C-eas» si M,,«taaa. Soo-ba-DBto« T«. Gitago«: 15.000 beak. O raia al ¡Id., till, lad 1,X« bbla. Eloar al Ir». exit TfetSarter» «ant: A Nar-aalaa hart (releti to Cnkler ardan, «ti» --»00 qrt. tarai«, »t »i9, tsetber, with isa» uri bark, um» IJ00 obi» Istasái a*, fra» fSkfaMafk »a Daakírt ae Barre, at ofÜ»__e, wMh UBtttaMÑEaEifigBSSI» EabMStb a eat«, ft- IfeO bbk fe hoot r-ltfetysia. f CaMtMM; a Urt rrf 5 MO bblt dt. froaa te»te port Cart, t a., aa arntt« «arm», lekaakilirl »ilswas f.ilisi-M »t-MPl .CfBJJC »ada kart Ihwlitssl Sa«« ¦_afetpfe» «rtk 2,01» hkla kasae« de.. to W-Wbae- «traac tad «ron at «a adrtae» of lfrtr sa Catiiaaat, st *¡t. <J»Ï_»-.. kmi W«SSSM Ml «7»a I mt *m A-bar fe i MI «it»* 1 C1 fe Attfer ai^i^Sw_s«_£w:'«s_^ «ts-k. Whjssn (Na. t) «fe -Uri»; M«a m opim oat staafe; .»Ire. »,l»«0 bat» al ti H-sU 15 1er We««era, sa» al '«»1 «k «te (Mi, «b4 km kaaa. asan st Ila mTtmmtmZmatr^^ r»fe fe mota. IU fe Miss», aa»»»»*- Is» *»_-, »tate at «ra Erl-a-uet, atlee. 1.1SBIraak.. Wsstaea^ali li fes,: t»om st mdti «ST Car« Is mat» ««<rr»i astaaaatjM taatk. «way m4 Voomooi at WarTlic.i WMttn «.M» Vi*m*t. ia stars, sa» TU * «le. tfesti Wasters TalW« T4r. c_«-_t«!v» »roe« ma aaai» n ¦¦¦ »na» «a» aaoo«i.TS waa»- rmokou m^H^t Wk-at.Wrin «.«_» IJ»».»I« MÎ7W OmmT.Jk..1.1*57» i.uoan iiiaa cn.taa «ms..lon-ea aastn uaaiaa mjub Ure... M.7«l ««,«71 ««-»I Jl.mtt Bario;. UJU ¦» latani »M Man. my>\ UiTTj m,»» \t\pri room.. »1,57» at,«« UJ4» un II ni Dry bmtn swat ka» »s ma»* omamm taw «fe (safe aa» &r,eVrÄÄ X-a^^^^L^ lTt%Xl!Ku?*mX£ ¦* ___««na«_» _*?* kwwa l*C kal»*, «at« lo «rrti«, *. pttvata BtrBa» WaqaatB! ¦n IM IM-BMHU.*.....#*»__1 «IT, ^aMAsaaa..pUBtH Saraalia._...,. .f-M 1| «t« »b*b_sa-_b_..r-U H I-f &Ä:::.7:::::S._.»> ¦SSiJS ..(.I. it 91t ..«-Uli «Hl ..roi* it a-o ..fall tS|Hfl . .¡-M H 13 «M -.«.» .»_. »tr m.. ima »~r. ¦¦*¦* ^[g^::::::::::a=S <S» ST*.-- O-r-Brl-M? H »Il CU)/_.*__«_,...a-*--«« HèMI -t-aa i bitbib Brasa. H«* NMMbI U ..e_n-_e/ Uè-V Oi.e_rr«K-T It »11 g^A-aa. a «A -W^ g O-abUa-Tl ".» _____.- H*btt, .r_»_t_ MOI Ititi t*««alg« it a-t«. 'l-n-i-_lirfawril-iTa li Bran :«__.. _0n____ ._ tp«4 at-V> .-.-ri». «a art«.*, tan». 1>»- aatBt>B^-hjSa--aBt*^__4_aa,lBlBB, Ht ka«. jfi Or-aïs at Ha.. Ha -tier nU for nain Ut«. ¦ata, «art*» H un C-BJrtB ¿t?» (Vw'i-Ûlf «161 obi-uara» «maa jfa__k «MBat*lU__16> f . EsfamB-_aafl. "-T^P"«¦.*"u . « 1(>**» '*i ****»+ «¦»aaa»»t»a«al»5 "«¦«Ha. r.«- ii.,,-...«.'¦-->.» Uaw .*»__; it _L-:t..T__*_>.^,^»l^^..^ ._.»«. i w*_?**l_*__,i*- u**» M**N .», ."¦ fli¦¦ «waa . *_ '«'f*- »»H- «.-, roar, d_7_t. <*^7»l%.iV>«r«s>. *. <-_ A...-»-at«; t_U &.*«¦_.Birt»,»¿t»_.ST«v j_-_H Waa*. ; «wAi*.?,^ -* bubb aal ¦a tef lUMl FAYAi m»Ö r-4U_"t ¡Tin». ___j ne Mia l_e_ Hi I »-, ft»a_^__i__isaa. jsiaja»,j.UAbhivji-. w «o »¡»J»».a*-.. «at*, it «T»_>«7 «It, *atH« Mila. -. alf tvtin. Batrtla T_r- awaâss a tat «a* H tait. «a*i st -ta, -U-* -M* Tu as« Pft-t «1. fj-JHtt OlX»H^'r_i«B_*on»Br»l1»>_*r _¦___¦ til lilli - Ira al Ha. for auk* aad He. fot bhla. Ma.ka._B te «-__;. Lan! la ana. 0_Mr Oil* ara ii. II. PBUVISJORS-P-rk te firaar: ____, 750 bhla. at «13 «_l_ »13 TS «"» rlww kba: «I49«15 for (W «oj «1» for PTuaai f M H for Kxtr» Pr___i «15 75 for Waa*«. Pn«ii___. $13 lot Tala M«* «11 forOtr; for fot««Til<.UT«i-t-« market li dall; t*jr..f_». M-TlsSB, fatOBBib«r,tt«l--Hi 1-0 Har..wa« «13_H, l_a bkl_ fwr Jaaaai-at (HA aWMt t-atrtllr «taadr, Wt iiaan* lote ara tall; aa.«, 71 .k1» rt «ra «Ii for Maia Maa*, ltd« 11*0 It for Kurt Me«. TtefB* Baef; nie«, le_ it »1«.¿1» for rrmt ntm, tua «-»««_) s_r béa Ham Mott Haaa lite«, 441 .bia at «It«* «li fat Old, lad 6* for Kew. (vi Mn_ .».*.__ Ba-aa ia trat «tea. M6 hnt» One U*. Cte*r *t_i-,, Um, tnni *.__.-___. £__f .KJbb«d Otr »l Bf*. »te*, 1 «) bona »kort Rib, deHrtrahle atTkleafo, for Irt» Bali *f Dfar-mher n Sie. ib-atad Bain inlnit HtTlie. tot Otts. lau. te ataavdr: «te«, HO bbU BBS tra. at M _f>4_ for No. I: Maate, for City; «i* 1*V. far-Orto artaw Btna, tai M«, far -ritte _ea*«rad, te fot«-» de- liien tbe B-j-ket tteadi) «lea, 150 te» foi Oatoratr, it lue., ISO bbte for Hir»-_«r, »t IBr. Imitn. te J«a_trr. a* au.. Mt Ma for »bratrr. n »it,, jV<j toa. priaa Bt___, al «%_, tad KN Ma, M ac-rra .. 0l1T_i_a*J _ÄTTTiai rraoLi PRT-tOLKCM u Ira _e_re Crada la balk la la Ot-t deaaad 4*1«. «an iraTttr qDOtxl at )4|¿rl4j_ on the Creek, tbe r-fln« quotelloa« ware «4 65- «4 70 »wt-ÜBper aad «4 _3to«4 U4. «a Lowrr. _e.De. e»oiw.«i_k. with2,^T«lkt_tfl,pt»_nt>,, to_«tî4«_: ve qwte 24|_» 24i_, an* «a*« at -ti'*-»-. Ntpbta* ia-ettra al lO-ttOl«. Ia Pb'U- delphi*, tbe aal« were 5U0 hbli., 144c.. act; 5.000 bbte Irtthalr Oetabar, it tate.: 3 000 !.__«.. Uil kaJf da, al 14,a, aad 3,500 Lilli Ntr.btb». Irai kill ot* October alMe. HlCa ia te« aclare bart tra; «lei H tea. C_r.Hr- it H-etle. »0 ban -t*t India al 6._>?», for aaafooa, aad 7| <n*_ te PaB-. rJI'OAB.Baw flanr». are rteidi on t badi of B,-.le for Mr M awad -ataiafi Bain, »IO kbda. at ».«Sie. for Oak«; H*Wie. *>r «^srio hi no. 11| all|c. f.n tlc_i<_ K_íie_. Rclaad ara *M*d; at b'«13|_ foi Ht rd». SKIFS.Goat li fra. witb a ttxvl iDqairr g nil*. SOO hei« Cnraeao 90 batea Menean, 10 bale« Parte, aad 10 bate* (jim: r«e_»~_, » kal« Ca¬ nco«, 16 bile» Vera (.ra*, 21 balea fHHeB» na New Oil««, aad 1*«. Kui ln.ii Pair there n link rleiat, «wm» chiefi te. Uie liffbt ttoek «m1 eitr*r_e »irwa ol' liulüera «tea, 1600 lb H__l lad Vtr« Ona. ltd 3.5*11 lb Tent tod rloatbera, ree».pit. 7 batet from Vera Cr»i, aad 10 batea froa Tant. We qaote DBBB. I um ne r BOAT Gold. H*_d_-__.40 ii «PftTtapleo.S6 _> H f t_ 'tr 43J MiU-aoro*..M 9 S3 Ani-attara..3»i _) » »iul.43 _) 43 Vert Ono..4P . . l*i.f-m .41 9 4t Porto Ctbello... 9 40 Para.40 » C1 Houtben. and Te__t.25 a 35 Vera Uro* .4» it Mi hue«« Arree.41 9 52 car. P«Tta..46 «ni C-raca-.SO » (ape.35 ta* 3* Madraa. raab.So » Pata», etch.43 <t 45 NK_D8 qalett Qot«, <nic. for Old aad Ila for Kew, Tiaiothi, ataait« -T-ABIlt ii Ira it it« Kefe. te Pria«. TALLOW qaiet bat tra «tea, 75,100 0) at 3',;:*»> WHIKKT te traer «tea 1.4 bbte at tbe. far lfew and tie. for Old. -tech. «Ubi 1,1** Bola ate__| wtlb »le. bid aad niaaed. NKW-YOKK CATTLE MARKET. __^«IrT_ FdS TRT. Wira EKDDIO MorTPAV. Pept _5, 1871. Bene*. Cowa Veu*. __*«« tad __aba Owl««. All kiada. «075 133 l,7»i n.rSB *> 313 aUO Thoa* ware sold at tit« following Beeie». Corry Veal*. Sheep. Rwlne. New. e«B-ri»»-l-T-rd».. .3,64t .. .. t.t4i 11470 Me.liiwle-.t.TM 413 llui_tr«dt_-*t _-«t*-I._...1,»7S 17 472 81 K.,ri -eifbth-it,. N. -lie» 31 73 SOO ill» Al Wttt tBjrtMwMl.- .. .. I «.Ml It».»«» Al rhiaberliB'l. U 33 5fiO 1.130 lurarite Dnvlina. 1.11« 7:51 HeaeipU _**«r_tk.9,650 US 1A6B H.653 25 4M At weeklr twe'ta UM reu 6,«47 ST 1.140 H.1SI 17,104 raic-s or CArrut to-dav. Prim« tai Eitr» BniVoe*.._. 11(<713I Pint t*»Mj.llj»'!* Mia «r Mt tar ««htr.^;^^.u....'Sifli T-at «fatdaiarr Una avala Oaaa. aaa Ow».t Httrtewi-W-M grade .*- Oatlte.61* I Th« |_aar_l tTarafa 5 !»« aarket to-day _______ a»... 16,«fll ______ MfBttfSaH-Ba.. «tait* Tbe a«a «f t*« «te» _N Ira«.1* eil, Whiri tub Catti.« akk Faoa- Illinois. 1,001 Teias, 1,303 ; Kentuik v, i486 ; Ohio. 649 ; Virulilla. 366 ; Indiano, 2-9 KfW-York, if« -, Missouri, 11) Mlc-lgan, __. _U_E\r_a.Total fur the week, «,075, of vr_ic_ 4,911 were on tbe inarki t today.109 cara at Com-iunlnaw, 94 at Oue-Hunflre-tb-*t., and 88 at Weehawken. «Irte feature of the day was thé annonce of the Jews, w_o wer* ob¬ serving one of tbeir religious days, and witliont them we only have half a market, as was shown by the fall yarda of cattle taj-uitrht. -.met-ing like 3.(100 cattle go over for a market tomorrow, to be Joined bv 46 cars expected at (.«.init-iinlpaw. These were kept hack, knowlag that they would not be wanted to-day. We have sel¬ dom seen snch an entire absence of lire to the trade. Almost the only demand was a mod¬ erate call for fat butchers' ttc«ni, and tbese were rather mnch so that, depressed as was the general market.4 a-Je. decline.a few really choloe animais went at 1 __ à i-f It took a very small number to till all such orders. We noticed a fat lot of T| cwt, Kentucky grade* offeriuff at lMailto., hut not picked up. Texsns, ot which about 1,000 were on sale, fared hardest. There waa a lot of poor ones holding with to. as the liest hld, while irir-itg 300 bead of 6. cwt. went at 731c. Most of the Texans were poor, and tuite tier* shnnned them. There will be quite a market toourrrow to sell off the atock which uaullay »roea on Monday. The weather ia neither warm and less favorable for trade. At Commun I paw the leading drovers were Allerton A Hherman, with 33 cars cattle ; J. K. McPberson, 16 cara ; J. H. Dalbey, 11 cara; J. J. Kent, 10 cars; £. Lou* and K (iallim'lier, ea< h 8 cara : l'oat A Co., Carpenter A Co., aad M. Dalton, 4 cars each ; J. E. Ford, 8. Moses, and J. A Judy, each 8 cars. Bales were light, hence only a few are given, vit: by Coney A Mcpherson, for themselves, 34« Illinois steers, 188 of them, scarcely 6 cwt, sold at 10 «Ho., and 60 prime, 7i cwt., atl2«_2_c.. save 8 at lljc., (W Virginia, for Post A Co., tit cwt., at l(H_'-<\; ni Ken- turky, iur HUmklue (ki., 7|ewt,, at 10t-*_i_.; KM iudi- ana, for J. J. Kent. 64} cwt., at MírlOc. R. Murray, for Bheruian A Allerton, M TIllnolB itwr-, "1 cwt., at lie., and 48 Kentucky tor J. A. Judy, 1. cwt. at lie. C. J. Fairan, for It Gallagher, 34 Ohio steers, 6) cwt., at ioie.,0. ft per cwt. J. H. Daloey was trying to sell 87 Illinois tteers,6.rwt., at loane. At One-Rundredth-ft Culver A Co. had 14 cars; I. A D. Wulxel, 11 cars, W. Thompson, li ears; T. Olllls. 9 cart: l;rui_ A Thompson. 7 cars; A. Mann A W. Fiten, e cara each ; Merritt A Bun hard, S cara; Healey A Co., 4 cara. Bales by W. Fitch, 71 fat cwt Illlaols ateers, at 11 _> 13c.; l8 of same weight, foin*, at 104c., with a car of n Cherokeia. 8a. », not sold, but Se. bid by a bologna mau. T. C Eastman sold 97 Illinois steers for A. Manu, 7| cwt. at io__"i3_c Culver A 0t> aoid 90 Illinois Bteera, flue, 8 cart,, at 114 13c., and of ¦ cwt,, choice, at iH-'iaie.. with 66 for Waixel li _»___.. on 7| cart., and ti of 6. cwt. at io ¿lie. Merritt A Burchard sold 69 Illinois sieers, 8 cwt., at inc., and BO for L A I> Waixel, 6J cwt. Illmol* cattle, at lOtfiiiv T. »lilli« had 86 nilnola «teers, 1,__6 li, sold st lOic 97 ._ per cwt,, 3S Cher-kne», 936 », at 7c, 66 li per cwt, and 80 Ohio. 1 jm fe. at 13 -JAc, , _. Wlltlam* A Valeirtiue sold 109 HUnoU cattle, 7) owt, at 184* Hie- 1 Mllrí U COWB.Dullness lt_the pn-vailing tone of the fresh cow trade. Cow beef It of little value, henos it Is hare trading "ft* dry tor fresh mllk-rs. Poor ob«« sell low, viz.: at tobmtto; fair to good. 8009^0, and rstalhu fur prime to ohoiar. J \'LaL H a fealln« of wra-tiieaa, ths weather being warm and unfavorable. A few dressed calves have alreatly been sent duw« ths river «a the boats, but it M too wara to send them with safety. When they do come freely they wlU lessen the prie* of live veals. Put eta te, Jrr «ey, and _v*Mylvax_a tal loh calve* sell at 1091040. J. V. Thurston sold M Bist« calve« at 10c.; 11« Mt Holly, hea-r, at 7i_>9r., and Ught at l«e.; Id« -tuo-aCo.. Penn., at IO»«. aver_«if.wlU H gx__* oalvea at .8 each. Burna à Klllatt «old lie" mixed cal rea at 111 13 average. Few«r grass calves «re somlng forward Ju»t SHEEP AlfÜ LAMBS-Tntal for the week, H.T09, sf which Wr-St tareak arere »ra the auarkek lvo-t__»-_f cars at Forty-elghthat, M «at Fortleth-tt, and Mun*} at Com- »u_îaaw. »emoet these there «rere severalI eua held Dom Maturday. The Htfhtt «hows very little ii any ohang«, thhtaMp as___g at OH«ie. ¡ rair^ .»*_; grad taio_oire,H_^t>, w1Uafsws_^_aaA«H_. Iamita vary from 6, to te., sol/ very Cfn,í.!__Una« ^fc.___eS°íll.* few MM-bb-b-B Th_: By Htxme «ad WmjL « Ohio sheep, TT fe, at He, 1 %%** tafe, at s_c, ; i__aa_a*. m u. at tf. l61 Cani-a lambs. W.fejjc. ; mea.. M », lAc M4 d«., 71 », «o. ; taiicTm .>, ti-., aadMp. . fe. st V _^tali^w«t>_r.ll»^a-#Maaat^^h«a4 ._,,_,_ J Kirby aoui lit Peuaaylvania thee P. « », at te 14. f cwt.; 47étmta ewaa, » fe. «ta.; 1»_«- H *a\o.; 300 Marj land, H -B41 fe. «a H«N<>4 *lMMQM¿»f-«» fe, at ahcr, m -_jn»»t_M, «»;MÍ_J%_f'».,»i ¦ tnfl7matm9nm,n* .nH_i«ytvitt>ti_»i KiÄi'S-."'«¥'*,^- H*>Hfe,att»e. ï_rwv-k. n ».ailie.; H do.. ¦«fS___K_B,--..H»-.,. H#u*Jn%^mWA'!tt¿ teil* ;_«^¿WA|S'«^g «'al al am week, pro 1 very U__t * as oom and ths fresh trade ThU Bth-ui-tad pt-sea, and i , M «J_aPBg£.g_2Pgg... Sarr » . 1} ah» »---¦ i." .r~"~* .»¦ an ran .4«. tas» C««a» .-/.f»»-*»..1 rig». _w-_»tx, «J4» hale. Coito;, l-l !7%V> __._. T__ ____.»*. * »»«a. irnxl Prat isi_».. THF. HTaT». Or TRADE »J?. _7i. __* "^ ¦*"* * *Wfl. »l»w_toa«a_ fe c*9_at io o par .*_*» UïHrxj-i, h«pi. M.H %. ¦-.C.»h «MMi it ill far ts-ffc- i^iî^-JS^ Ä_l^ "*"*". ,,w''lw,ir ***. .»^ .* P-an, «rsl. IB.a im..Etale» »y «all at Ht Ile. -.iTstLiTxiL, -MBH. -»-1*101, -».-»Oottoa opeaed «toady, Uplaad«. »R; l5E_l-OrUaat. Hi l_0-t»_.a«»A-»-^:--«»,--TalU«.««;3par-«t. »_. 2S- liMp «x~C_.o_.-Stf for *oa»7 htoia r.ea.Twa.1/ beafe SU la» lo. tan« of II old, »JJ ¡ISaTïi. ¦ Twr-rtSWS«, »»I fraa-nctwarr. »«pt -toiam gula» Flrt-Twa* beads «lesad al »ti for tb« Ihm of mm^mt-mmmmTo*^ iafe,-tÍM_»«»-Ofefesra»Tt«a-l«»i»Bl«fl«a. tosa««. e^-i-T-ii«»--_íT«tt««/»i<'^6/»B-ewt liiiirooLr«» ¡j -haa-a» Fla» «V-ta irw at 21, « per «rtrt. _Ur-M-«»e« P> ..let, M/1 par ewi LMrasa. Sept. »-»t-l»«.---_«ra»i Oil, »T.3<9£34;5 »er tia. Casaos H-e*B. B/S_IOy at» («L Lir.roei.. S«fi «S.Arrlred Mtea-Srrp Cel.rvto. frew He» Terk |k|)«. 13, wita l.5t4 bailee at .»too. DÜ.IESTIC afitnTR. P«in»«_r»u, Baal 16. (¿wart tra». Bart «teadr: Na. 1 al »M. Vtoo «-let sa» .teadr Baverlae. 759f .\ Nxtrtt »5 TH»«6 SO; .'.aarrlTaelo Hilra PiaiV». »«»?« 5», Wlaroeeto and Mintea-*», Ohio tad ladlaaa do.. »6 75907 50; Ptaer brtod«. «79»« BO. Wheat Stlr «.nil Stole lad r« Sed, él «T-»»l J»: Atabe«, . », While, «1 9)9*1 »5. Rrj held ti 85e. Cara la ¦oderaie rroaest¡ Tollo», T5»sV.. Mixed »«artera. TV. Oate dell, While »Wir. ; liad, 47a. Colea rerr Irai Rio. 1619171«. Lagt-erra. lite., fe. Swtr **t*k Vi* te flood fressfsf OaJba. ». a*.e. Pror-rleni dall Meas Pork keld «4 »14. LaiaJH«rMc frUo-ata ira; Crude, Ile; Relied, Hi.«!'- Wbiik» «eaitje it »5e. Aiatjrt, Sept.»..WVa« la fair wppl/«al m-rtst dill. Rreqniet tad inetuj-grd ¡ little oftriig. Cora ttradr »aire, 8,200 bart. Wooton kutta m private tina«, tod1 ear da. it Tie. Borter las» aeUrt | »aie». 5 can No. 2 Mi Howrd Bute U irrt.e al #1 02. OeU »teadr. »iib » aodema demandj »tie., 1 ear No 1 Wester« K 4S-.; ««0 bart. Obteago, tápala ti Ile., omi I ear Walu Htato, bagged, «t Ki. Cisriiritti. Sept. 25..¦ Plosr la farr detaind tod «dn-teed: P»_I1t, 20<-«- » Whritia-tlrdssut-l. aadadriaead to »1 33»01 35; kard'r tar onVrtl Corn li ftirdeatod ted Ina ti 53c Olia «teadr, al lil » . «laSai all ii nilli ii TUTIfli Pert.Drmtad light; bohlen St¬ il $12 75 Laid.Dentad light; boldrrt Ira il 12fe. Balk Meat quirt aad aarbiaa.-, »e «skaï nVaaod. Biroo quiet and ¦«-durar«!; BboaJdart aoaiaallr 71 «7|t-1 Clear Rib Side». 7>r., Clear «idee, »Jr. tat«d; no««].« exrer4 Clear klh Cidra. Lree Hot« traebenged. Cattle ¦aehssfed. Whisky in good drsuad attic., eloaat liuori.t. Balti «i.xx, Sept 25..Cotton loll tew Mlddllnr nomi-tür 1%. Pin« dall tad oacbaiigrd, Weatern Farolr», »712A_»&. Whett .teadj. Oom Ins. Ott« Ino it 52956«. Meta Pork Ina at ii« 25. Rasos trttre tad «ra ; «koalArr» le. ; Rib b dot, 8 |r. Clair Rib. ",<-. Him«.8»«ir-nired. 16*9 17*r. I «rd Ira tt lu a .nfc. Bitter in¬ da-«»- Wblrt» Iraor; ke- it fa Lodutimjx Sept. 26.- Tobieco.tU)m. 72 bids; Logt, $7 754 SI 25; Lo» heit, «OwS«: Lo» Medina to Mae, «9 M>a>#23 10. Begttag gale« bat Ira it *l7a#llfor rosad lota, Floor Ira ead ia tiird«aaad: Ertrt y.rtllj. »5 75»$8 Grail qolet trot Ira». Wheat- led ss4 Whit», «1 -»»el 35: other« aiebeaged. ProritisBS sebve. BteoB.SheOKlr;». 7]r. ; Clear Rib Side». Tie; Clear Sidra, H}r. for round Vm» stoked. Maa« saduagai- UrJ «s__ag«d. Port, *!.<*»»-< au. Whitkr, 9U. Ci.x»«_5D. «etpt. ti..Flear «sie« aal snekangwl. Wheat irtlr»; Nu. 1 Red Wioter. SI 40, No. S Red Witter. SI 36 rlo__ng Ina. Cara end OeH del) tod «ncb.nrrd Petrolram.Bellell «i««-)t tod Ira at tl*<ni»t. for car lola; erode Ira it »5 St Locu. Sept »..Elotr.Dratnd good it tau price« Whiter .«e- prrttM, 50»a« 73; Wiater Kxtn, 959S5 40; Wlatrr Doable Extra. »5 509#5 IO; Treble Inn. *)i DOSS« 65. Wheat eloeed liar«.; Ne. 3 Red. » 3L Oma lairtiTa, iif balk, Mixed, o. the tr.rk, ««9tk> Yellow, uehed. 52_r59<-. Oat» cloaad lover: No. 2. ti tkt ele- v«t»r. 3_|.i «hit«, aaeked. 40941e. Bailer Ina for bert <rsarlte»| luot-c for Prlae Mlsneaot«. Era Ira «id higher tt T0474& High- win«» ttif Ile. Heap oarhuged. Bwiri.f anehingrd. Tobiero ¦teadr. Park «teadr. Beena Ina; Johhiig out onie; let« of Skoehlers it 7|e. OI««r Rib SUlei, 8«. ; Clear Side». «1-.. Skoaldm for Oetoher, 71«. ¡ Clear Btdea, «ft. Urd Ira; order lau of Rrlaad al »te Keg. Ile. Hos»<l«t»t»t $1 759a« 25. Cattle aaeht-iged. Rrreipte.8.0»«} bhla. Praar. 51.000 bart. Wbaat. 14,0*- bart Ona, M.0O0 bath. O.l», 16,000 bass. Rr«. 4.WI bart B.rler kn.w.uxta. Baot. -6-Flo«r adrtaeajd lft-tle.: «prim Extra, 95 10 vif.5 «X Wbaat dall Ko. ». » l8, No. 1. 91 21. Oatt actire: No. 2. ¦»T Oonttaadr; Na. I Mixed, «Se. Rr«qni«; N». 1 «-fr. B.rler. Ne. I Sprtog 6-V.a Pro<r-«mi-| qeiet Hegi. «09«« 75. Reeeiate- 3 000 bblt Floor llS.OOn beth. Wheel rlbiparou-S 000 bhlx Floor, ¦MM tart. Watti. Pretghu m1.aead le. i Ba_Uo, Ut, to Oe»ago, Ile. rtippan aavllUag to coarrde the -.nore. Bsx-tux Beat. ».-leeeipta-Planr, I3.J00 hhlx; Wbet«. 203.000 bath.: Cor«, 103,000 bart; Otu, 144.000 b-th.i Borter. «7,000 bath.: Rrr, 41.000 bart. cTklpaeat» Wheat. Til 000 bart.! Cora, 40.000 baab.; Oat», 13 000 both Rra. 15.000 bauh. Rall rtipeeaw.Wheat. M 000 hart Gora. 38.Omi baah. Barlrr. 10.00» both. Orals ia ttore. Wheat, l&JOOObsrt. Cora. 185 Ott) bart., Cou, 56,000 bart.] Barler, 12,"00 hott; Er«, 10 000 both.. Mih. 1,000 bart. Caatl IMih-t. Wi.eal. 14r. (Jörn 13a; Otu, Ne., to Ne* 1er«. Floor »teed». Wbaat to gooti de-_»nd tad Ira: «.!.«. 16.000 bart. No. 2 Mi.iraakee tt $1 X, to MSN «5,010 kart Na. 1 Cíiomo at $ 1 34. bi «rrire ; li ».» bart. No. IChleag» It 91 34.9*1 J5; 15 «X boah. Red Wiater 91 42, Cora dall tad htwar: «le«. «OOOlW-h. No. » WaaHera at «1«. Oatt Ira; aa>e, JIM morn. No. 2 Mllins-. it «îfo.; 17,500 hart. No. 1 Chicago at «le. MOM haart do to arrW-It «te. Bjedall; ealee 8.000 bat-, Wesrasa aajrrlrato «eras it akaat T7e. Seed» ia rmtà draaaad aad «ril- In« it »3 for Tlaotkr. Btrter.Market bore-. Io. » Wtttera tad Otsa-M bsb-SsUt s*e. Port «ad Lan1 -rtm***. Htokvlaea. MSt-x lira. Wb»«t «rtir. tad tdraatw) ; «¦M« a «Stead <TÍ947t_ dorio« the «ftoraaoa Ira tt 47| it «Se. Otu deduaed; No » rJoead Ive. Rrt tatier, No. S closed «V. Btrrrr dall: Ne. «priai,«»!- Hi«¡h«i«M Ira at II«, roik »teadr 9lt«~«9fl3. (art tad »rllrr Ilrptaahrr. I-rd b»H IA*. Balk Meito-Shoaldert lna»r tt 61-.<4c Orr ¦¦¦ trore tod ira it 94 5«<->»« 75. Cattle euier tad el it %l Haiti 624. EreithU Ira Cora to Bnffilo. kr lV.i Wheat, U.a. Reralaa>-6.UiO bbb. Floar. 175.0M both m.000 bart. (Virn, 13-(Mu hart. Otu, M.fílaj burt. Bra 8-,ia» bart Barlrr rlhlpanU.9,' bM«. PVaar. 14 ID» TWr. Wkrat, 111,000 bart. Cor«. 17«.0W bosci. Ulta, Ii .au« both. Bj», IM,-»» bsak. bart Barlrr HhipartU.«,'OS Mila. PVar. \4 it* TV,rT 111,000 lim Dwraorr. Pest r -Whee« rtrndri Bxrn, SI 4HJ*\ 99i No. 1 White, »1 46J.Í* I 47: Aabrr Mleblg»«. el 40. Oo*S*o, Sept. 25..Floor atridr tad onebo»»yi nie« 1,000 bbla. it 97 fur Ne. 1 Hprng¡ *7 50 for Auber Winter; f 1 for it bur Wit t>r, 90 far Hoodlr rTxtra. Wheat Ira «elre. 1.00U bart. Ne. 1 Red Ohio at 91 50: Bo. 1 Mllanakee club tt ti 47. tom a-_uw«di lelea, 1.S90 bart. Tollo» «t »Sr. ; No. 1 Ilrlooi» held et -V. ra rosad lou. 6oe. Ii tar lou. Rtrirr filet ead «aabtigrd : alea. 1,000 bart. Ip-Lalte Cuida li »I. Hi. h wine« »-te. Ctaal Frelrtt«.Whett. 'H'. Cora tadRrr.»«.: Birle;.le. to Ne«r-Terk; Lmaher »4 to the Hodson. «.' tu Nr» York. K«ilra_ Preifhte.Floor to Booton. S3r.. to, »w Ter! «dr.. to Albanf. -Se. RrrelpU, t.r lakr-07 I«« bart Wheat. 10,00«) bert. Cora, «1.00» bssb. Birler 3:131 <m feet Lumber. Ship- arnu hr Ctaal-711)00 Lath. Wheal, tt.m bart. Biri«;. I .Ki MO feet Lanker. _ COTTON liU_Eri_ St. Lort« Sept. 29..Urtts» aocktnged Miildllng», I'.lr. B.ITIMORS. S.t '-...-I'ot.on Ira; MaMi »ra .¡./I"«. a«t rompu. 2ii:i^«l«; «roee. 30» bale« ; export« coatisua.. Lil«*,, «A hale«; iroek. I.«!* bait «lacmsiTi, BrpL »..Cotto« a »bade Inner Middini«.. Mir. N«w On »-«a Kept. 25..(otto» qolet: Mlddlllga. 19{TrUV ne«, receipla. 1,M>« b«J«; grata. 1.852 Ula») «iporu eet.lwiao.:,Jll bair», Mir». 300 Ule«; »tor-, 19 276 bali. «»TA»!.»«. Bart. 26.(ottoi «teadf, la fair luand: Mid_B«,17| '318«. aet raeetcu, 827 bola, exp-rts eoottwite.1.«01 Ule., ulet. 75 bein; »tort, «i») haïra. CBAS1.MT««, BepL ti..Cotton Ino; Muldllog», lljc- art rr- .eipti. 1,242 Ule«; exporto co»« »toe.1,423 bale»; «ale», 200 bola .tort, i Jim l-tiea. Nossolk, Kept. »..Telttra qalrt; Middllnn. I"|t »et reoelrto 1.168 Ule«; «jq«)rtt--e-iM«»_«i, «41 bel«; mm. M Ule«, «toe«, 3,001 balre. Wit-nir«rrria Sept tt -Catto« qaiet. MkUrlig«, ll^e. art rreejpU. U-UJat «ipom.cautv-M, 534 baie», ttlet, ITS Uki, itock, 1.4M hale«. PHU-tDBLra.. Sept. 2«..Cottaalm: Middkngt, _r|c Hurni, Sept 25.Cotton Ira; MlddMnp. 18«e. Barron, Mtmmm.C-tto»dall; __WUan.»t«.l KI lerelpt., " «let. gn.a», 33" Ulre ; «aloa, 150 bola. ; «lort 5.000 !,«>.. Musilx, Hep«. IS.-Cattai Ira I MrtUinji. I»K «el r»«Hpti. «04 balta «»porto oo-rltrite, lufi bala; ale«, M Ule», ttoch, «,311 Lncaviu.«. 8rpt M .Catto« Ira; Middliagi, IV 0«_.tb*t«<i Sept M,.Oottos qii't hat Ira Oood Ordimrv. If le., mt i-awtpu. I JW bair» exports coa-ttrlt«, 714 bti«. ulea, Mfea-aíl .tort 96» batet. Ar.rrrt. Baa. Ä-Cetlea qaiet-, M-_iig«, 171c; aet r-oripta, 210 bal«; tatet. 200 balee. _ ALBA-NT LUVBEB MAliKRT Ar- Mr wert ra-»«ff »rai. 2S TV satrket It Ira. aad «al.te 4a.rt.uva» «m reolited for alaa» al) qa»R ia »f'oal«r. Trade ha» bee» eetlre darlo« as« »eek. «ad . lirfe naabarof hear» iMiamte wsrsaato. -teal IS-lart baaids har« al- mab» of hetrr vxarrd ic, mon bell« t thort «opplr. Cnortr xr»-te» on irritiag tearre. 0»<Bg to a wirri»» of »«ter «A lb« -ill» »prao» ead hVinluc« «ra gaUii« rtort, toe rrenipU heing Ught. The uaortoieat le «ood. Prrlgbto «re .¦»tuaiil seiaf 11 Mowt: Te New-York. 91 W: te Norwich «id Middteto»a, »I 50 ; lo BmWapart aad New-Harm, 92 to Haytfurd tad Pr.,Ttd~r<, «3; to Philadilpki«, 91: to -artas. «4 M. mm; 95\ hird. Tk» rwwpa el sha «JaUretor'a 09c« liri*-' week «ere: Via Bite Canal. aÏBI.TE) fee« of Lo_.ber. 1,341 M. «hiigV* S30 0M Tt) of Max.I Vis C.BB-tla Caae-, »,1-t^ï» feet of Uabar. Tba «oUoviag ate «ke ralla« ortoa »1 the pruripal rtnl». Art food..... .T»40 0*99*3 W Pl»e. lOiart Boord. Block Walaal «ood. wa 75» feet.»- 00»en00 ¦tort Wateat. V....MW9 TOM Ptse. IMaeb Board» Birrt.'.. .JO "O9 »O». 10 feat..MIO» »M Beert .M009 »00 Pla«. 12-r»rt Board« B_«,«h*1...Ma/* SIM 13feM.I4M9 MM Ckei. «eed.SO «0 0 MOO Ptse. lfineb Sldlog.r W9 MM 55» iidaattBaMsH» » M Pisa. -Hart Skitw*. Chattaiu MOO«* «OOD alaeted .36 M9 UM Itaaatort Bsarda. art 149 M PU-, -fiart Httisg. Baalart WalfSvina, 1 ea-Sjaos .18 009 DM taTaart ÜÜT- 14 l_a.l-i»«_ Sidio« ..Uiioa UM' Healert J.1.1, 4i«.a 159 Plae. Mart Halag. , Hr«ur*joi»t. 3x«.a is» _Q_aamt**t\......._..Mimm 40D0 HlrkTIT.4»M9 4I00.I-S, Mart Htdiag, LaS%i_l»rt. -9 IM1 aatwa..TTTíIM» 21 M Look asr-aaadPtoe 19» I._*_».«¦ Boara», «art.. Ma |] Saste7?T.T.MM» MM'îpraaaPlaak. lr-rt iHá.tooi.Hwf 45M1 «art.. ta» M __,_,,,.-MM9 MM-T-ae« Pteak, 2-iart, Pro»'ttk aaallti.Maa» MM «a*.. JH* «0 ftoe ateetTr...«3M9 UM a-aasor». llart.MOO» «OM, RSï_-b.r.«M9, I..3SS09 Mon IrWaaaaoaaoi... UM- Bl M BE a*M rtatad 1 MB ino PtwT.apb'rd-etrlp». Ht»* MM «rlagto», extra, a-rad »«» «00 B5RSt 2 m^ÊÎmdTlkt Is PtÄt-t-erea;^ -S 5,_BSr?__^_*-* «» ABÍLKNB (EAR LIVE aTTOCX MA.KKT-Sarr IA ¿£*j STmlro Home Toomo-Jokm ¦>¦«.. 1, l»r««mrar h_f «aute-Thr ^aarat. a ikom Tard, Ihaaaa» <__at Mon 5_^^^ri_jBX^- ¦ Il II aaa*-^»«»j. I , -fuunuTij. WEKK.LY IOU-_SBP *tJÈ* aU6l8TÍl£P M-a«tt. B»ptiala ». ISTL w*.._,:;. ¦....Bjb a asea..9»4J«.a»« M 1.171.0»» » *W**A*Mmmmt*\**mW*.~. UB0.M0 t§eokm._.-v »jij-jiü^. TM.lMie 1.^^-^^rfl^^n»o_jr.B^r_«_L ^Ma^-a-Mw^aaaaja^^ P-rTÍD ÉOKDSTaJBO othtîr > fsva h»lS£rÍM»k ib« wníSfVVo* Af t_- ..ara» » . .-, _....i...._ anl-panl BAH. II *.".. .w ».i. «.« v. .anama aaa an <*»« omtk tim as the aaate air be c.ted. ¦ottoo »f toe tala Ht l-txBa-t. atribto .«kawiatttl to -ke |-< »tey af -eeoaber aait. «ill ka girts to Ike Ms.hilda«, har peeliea«wa . psblUhod ra Cao Orto of Oter«ta_ OVto, tai alao to ..»«.- "mt ra av» Uly »f Hom-tatb, »A Mm« .rty dpya motor» «bo **!_?j-** r^rsaa« 1«Ttaaaaj" ' ¦ ^Tb^afteMrsaM-«_b»^tod»»»-4«.yW hasmfnlL . _S__B **-» «w-_ 99911» 0»BBB_M «Mb «ay «._ a.* a». ¦f*V ali ligku to aart Kart «kail oat*, aad Iba Mort a. to «_¦ !_.*__*. »««is»« »ad bsaaSt «rev« Caapasy. «»-»T2r__:',._'> '-2-__?-rL_S__toJ!_ '-^-r_ I«»" r "aa.iwn-j ka C«apa#. «_roa.Tr af lb» __*'''* »wa* «Ma- _ J_-% J,^,d xLLINO-8 Waffl»«^^ __ p*A_ïï«^__<a®^^It . TEN PEE CENT FIRST .M^^S^.,-, W|M JACOB R. SHt_>-lERD A <3o ._ 9ANEEES, ' »a. 24 P-fR-ST., NEW TORE, u*\ Um. 1H k 1*7 LA BALLR-iT., OCR -HAND-BOOK OP IUJBQIS aacURTT.»" BEBT PRw« First Mortgage, Convertible, 7 PER CENT GOLD BONDS OR TER PEORÍA and rockisland bailway OF ILLINOIS. rir-t BCortfare Bonds . . - «1,500,000 Cspitai Stock._,ooo,ooo Til» i COMJPL -TEII Road 11 ailes la to»|«k. eesssetlag rta la. poTtaatdttea of Prori» an the Illino!« Birr» tad lock Itltod. Moll»« »ad -areapert oo toe Miatoalppt. Deeeaport, «a the eppoalti bart of the Rirer, it ecsiected by t railway bridge. TU _* roll of ton road »roi laid Jalr 7, 1171. and the lite io» open sad berag trprrttad »1th a tare »a «reeedlsf til int.paiton». ord« to pitee «aaa lb« »tad the large equipment aeeeaxtry for the boslaea «fired, «ad to eu a M nie« depots, ear «ad «agtae-lMwes, matMae-ibopa, Re., «rast to asy of the bett «Id route la tin eo_try, li so« rrqoired »f lilt, the (.aptay otTrr. throigh the itder-gaed, 91.S00.0OO eonrertible fast mongos* gold bead« «bick «mr the eirttre property «f the (.ipairy, tad te tea «kin 917.0M per ail«. PRESENT PRICE, 90» AND AC- cm ED INTEREST IN CURRENCY. PUsMpsl «al iaierett pa.rtl.te in eola it Rewïock or Losdoa, free of taz. Thit rood, opened for too taaeste local at well u through tr__e, io» offered, «¡11 prorr one of the aoe< proatibte In the Weat, trsrersisg ii doei « tee.n of con»try laiarpiaed is ftrtility of «t«l tad tgn- cal toni reaoorre«. already thickly popalited, tad la a Ugh Mata of cal- trestle«. Thit alf-rrldrs«, fra« «he art tket trery taaatea of the road paates tfaroogh raltirated laid«, «ad asar Ic-ritMag lavwaa aad rll- läget, «rit- t ltrge city tad t DArtgibl« rlrer «I «trt ead. la UM W«t h«T« etea heretofore sosttrw-tod tareigh »_M_- «ad _<_- tirtted region» of t. easstry, waattrae-tly hire had bo« little tocal tnSe to deprad «poa for ter»ral yean tfter eorntrnrtion. Bat the Peoría »ml Beek Utes* B«ilw«y te s tnt-r last CO.MP-.ET_D roa! vith NO PARALLEL, or COMPETÍKG LINE, tad RÜNW THROI'MH ONE OP THE RH'flEMT AGRI¬ CULTURAL. M AN I FACTURINti. AND MOST POP- I LO IS DISTRICTS IN THE WEST. Tku It sertMs thtt the loeal boslaea It already »ton than eaoagh to »litote the road. «bite the throagh «a.- te eatlmitrd, ti lu eo_e«o_ei oro «aaeroaa, «birt eaa be «era by a gltsee at toe nip. TMi road te a gras» erotrel boh. te «birt aaay al the prlaopol Hoot ern trilla aad diverge to til parts of toe contine««. We tartre tke ttteattea of l.eaten to «ki« leas. Re.{ »a.Bar «rlth «bo «with aad raaworeee of toe <_a__ry tloag the Ira« of to- rsllwsr, aad A MEMBER OF OCR FIRM HAVING MADE A CAREPtL EXAMINATION OF THE ROAD AND ITS PROPERTY, WB CAN WITH THE UTMOST CONFIDENCE RECOMMEND THE BONDS AS A PRIME BECtRITY, _.«_»._ axfc to-t7 eer-raJar. ATI aarketabk teemrlttea recetred to axe.aga tt tall role«, tad beads darrrered to til parto af«be «a.try fra« of express rtargoa. Maas, elm-trt, »«., «rto foil pr-coter» roletiag to« rood, raratehad aa tppDeattoa by the a.derttgaed, Piao.dol Agioto of the Ctapaay. TÜRNEB, BROTHERB, l__Urt« W$m 14 »>.tatm'it-, Mt H-SODfl, Iota, _. Nebrasta Railway FIB.TM0fin.0L.E0i. nf_B_i2WT 7 cam. Payaale la Nrtr-York City -tecwMkar and J mom. WHOLE 1KSIH.$8,000,000 This road ran« from Aleioadrl», Mo., »kerr It oeonrct» (rto Kookak) «ith the «borte»! rente» to the Etat, lad patting tbroogb the «artiest aet- t ed, «ssRhirst, tnd »»net poptloas tier of casrstt*» is the Bute of Iowa, ronnert« it »bitrtt City «ith tbe Midland Piciüe Railroad to Port Xetrnry, on the Cnlon Pirile Riilrotd foralng i direct bne froa San Prtarltre to Few-Tork ABOUT 100 -LI LEH SHORTER THAN ANT K.\If*TIMi BOLTE OF CONNECTED LINES. the roito rstrssetloas ire ¦«<> wHk tbe Hortb Ml»- Oari. Miaaan aad Miaialpa, tad ti. Loait aad Oaaha __¦¦_ The road «ill be ia operttioo froa Alexindrit to Meaphli. Mo., a dltttaee of 40 aitet, with- a ta» «ort», tad »ill be fully ceapletod aad eqabpaad to t connection »iib the North Mtuoart Railroad rM Eiltet) by Dec 1, which « ill t ltrge tad ptytng trafic. Toe «boto length if read, tacladisg brsacbes, «rill be MO au In The SCBSt'RIPTIONM ALREADY OBTAINED ALONO THE LINE AMOVNT TO 901 _.fXrO ON THE FIRHT 100 MILES »mi the «Ooapanj It Mural that lb« «toa- tie« »nt «ill ubarrtbe »sfiricnl to grade, bridge, tad tie the reaait-er of toe rood. The ofictel «tttlettr» of «becoaatM. tribatary to tkte lisa «bo* a popalstloa of tüjVA, sod th« toil It «atarptteed io iertilty. Thit cannot ful to tffonJ the road a Urge tod proltibte local betinea «bile tbe rtraatageana eowaatto»« Eta« tad Witt, artlag It ta laper tost tectioB of tbe trauma.atul lue, taut iasare m It alta a targa tbroogb batlnetx, We ero tstbaritsd for lb« prestal to tier throe brass »t tbe low pnce of M »nd tecrnrd int.rr.t, tad «e cul-¡emly rreom.ead tbea to¬ er. «« . mt- tal drartbto Mcarrty. GEORGE OPDYKE A CO., _M ltRflBBO-gt. ROBINSON, CHASE & CO., 1H B-OAD-ST.. orna ron i__ tub balahoe op th» _Q__Q1J_ATEB HQST.ÂGË Sinking Fund Bonds OP TUP Lake Shore ñau»'mimi RAlLWAY_COMPANY. COI PON BOMH4--U 4-mm.»«__ al »lu-, «MM.. late Ragittarad aotarity al eaeb ma» ia, 1 par eaat ter i mea. payable ass!-es«ajtly. Jatmtrj sad Jsry. RBGIHTERED BOND9-U Itia»!«iljisi «I 9199X »AM. tad *1«,M0 ( eoopoas), la tera mmUoi to Cxiad atatri ttegist.a Basa», lutit-ibte «a toe beak« of toe Caaiiya»daa_as»» at. -aWee. Isla iM, T per esa» par ss-aj«. »sjtkte «-rtoily, Jtstmrj, AptU. Jaly, aad». Tbe aantt of «bl« «.«.%. «al lb« poaaflar **nmm\Utt paaanaal by toe Bagkaayi I Rasa» M too pÉe.f ********* of lt-rrea lad »di PRO¬ TECTION oraloet LOSM »y PIRE, THEPT, »r Baa «ria.«oie». ********** li fc»e»»bly tomaoWm sad jutamrn larteteis. aaltaaw «wJlrwe._.»9ss»»»»»M<««lMM» rieiitox««I albeaarkj. mk% soi-sïT and mmm 1.1 co. or olio. First Mortgage 7 Per Cent GOLD BONDS. Tawt BeaJ W »««is asiajiiR»! «Marias, aoaseniac «teh «to Beba. aeras.OU« »t9 li» Ft.wetetaia Cotnl . ilrea. tboafc« sa arartk««» to« nat C«_l RMtl lraa Mlaes hebafiag to tor t.I Oaaaaay. fmala art 09 »a« r._r*.i br VKÄM1LYE 41 CO.. 1* atoájñ Naaaaa_aM-, N«w.Ysi_. 84II.\_S Bl VMS. 91Ua* bord» or cm or obwkm>. r. t. Here« per eaat aal _uI utemt, N»«-T«rk. 9M.0M COrPOR ROROa aa raamtod Real Etat» la IRRIA*A1»- OUS .-.»-»ato». lb* iastat, beef«« TER PNB CBR t IRTRR RKT par »bl» asstV.¦«._; la Rea-Tar«. ** .. E WOOD. 23 S_H«hit NEW-YORK STATE RAILROAD BOUNDS. A FM-OJISS HM. HIST MORTGAGE GOLD BONDS OP RONDOUT & OSWEGO RAILROAD. PRIX IP«I. AN» I\TK_l__HTPA« ADI.K l\ _M>1»H. fkrvea Per Caat Per Aaaaaa.FayaUe Wet! .1a)_-a1y. -' Tk_ toni uki Iii m lilka «a -to« ita r*t! ttlae ia. iu vtty pH-S_fSH fat-i* e»Teri»i « li da««, 100 ail« of Ike a«a tater» um «ble Ha* tarlwa«« Um Creal La*« aad doeji-witer B-tHaHH at* ia» H«Ana, tad «ftaiat _-taaCi-B.a_f tia*«, Cre«. and l)e_,«-*B it ¦Mai -___-_. mttuy éas*1 «at ft ita«. Fft 7 alba «fa*- raai li m taxi ia t «atrl tb»r««B> aad «tot*.-, t al a*__*i. mt KAKJtiHo albbady f . pat rWT or tub whom: aioobtt of THB 9'i,at)t),t)tya> or ruare hchtoaob ikimxi um nUOaf BMbb__L T_s____saa. ita nan auk aerertj _at- (a*., »ia: Ta Has-tim, 13 «__¦ WnHliBt. I ____¦ la Wiltaa 1 all«, aW -a-ttBf -rr_4«_i ft_a t-MUCir«- ».»»«, a «_-»r HHaHl wttt aka» *al HbJ«____b aaatMI-N, la to ft»-», be Ja*» I. UT». Il .0 ka ass af -ka taat b_)h raasa fal tk* e-tatrr, tra H* a__* ot Bo-. Bl -afead to fe»,S6S pwafi« af eiatatilil na-, -Tk« Bbb-b tr» «Maral By Trata D«*_ t_ _n Ftr-_rf IMS i, - Trat« C«t_«_bt, ...> timgtrttr Hbm1|iHib af Biasai-i Ha B__*W tad Oawate Co«,««.» tit tafe .*¦ war _er-_r» |H___H Tto tata« ia letataiiK) »as Beanad tattiaat. with Ute prtTflafa af »*»¦__. fe* prie« Wmfar ro* MALM ti EDWABD HAIGHT & Co., _Mo. f WfeP-fet. _franking -tonte» ttnù ßtwkttu. .10HN MUNROE & Co., ._»a, I WAUe«T., M _W.TOB__ .***. aialnUttm itlrt-ttot TriTtVrt aad Draw BlBa aa MlSlOt k C* , H_ 7 ___ Berlk*. ful*, ¦ad 4-ja_jTDMs. cvrumnkc«. _ 30 L_«bbi4-«_ Ttadn LOCKWOOD & Co. BANKERS« M__J_0___OWAY. MAKE COLLECTIONS Ob all Barts st tim C-ikad Stat« aad Oaa-tti BTJ. AID »SIX aa < i»'««i Orrieraaia-4, B_ilw»r, aad «_-n In ai11 L Turn «aw COLLBCT PiV-P-jtD«. aad aassaet a HH__I IbHIii-tafe-g ßAiVKl-VG BOE8E or Geo. Opdyke & Go, >«. 'a A».« AI -HT., CORNER OF CfiDAR-ST. IOC« PIB CXKT tater*« al-twwd «a ewm--j «er.-, «kjia «beck M«__t_ FB-STB ia VM1 MEUT, for mat *ad «_>er fiada tlwtra «a kaad. INVaSTllINT OBi'FRS «romp*!» «irc-ud UvrertoM-tt, «Bald, B_B_t ead .¦>« rleraritie». (vJtLBCnoB.I WAJIT-D OB CBICAOO. KBOKOK. DBF MOINK-, IOWA CTTT. ST JOSEPH, aad **a_r jr.!*- ia Uat WatBm Staba. TURNER BROTHERS, _f5*} »**.. {tf-S-r 14 Ñas san-s t., N. Y», (C«r. Fia^-at, «ppaalu D. « Tntmn.) I ntrraat alloa..*.«- on daily halanre«. «Ptyja- tl-t<_a_aa of JDapoatt t_au__l, avatilaU-l. at all hart naas- centre*. *_"o_l_ct_oi__ nude with prompt rrtm ¦_, _.t_-B__B, Honda. CAold, tX.c.,' Ifotatlbt «mai fHold on Ccr_->_n____oi_. __dvance* maile oat Approve. Seotxritiaa. Ki«ht »rat-iainl Talagraphic Tran*!* on Nan FVanclaco. Peair-ible Inveati-UBOt 8. euri tie's for Bal«. Vermilye & Co., BANKERS, l8 . l8 NASSAU-ST., N. .. d_a____» ia all uauie of qoviesmist sscibjti«. BLI AUX» .TILL OB OOtUflrtfIO» KiaWAT STOCKS, BOM»». A.\D(_0U, MAX». LIBIRAX A-eVAM-*-» lirr___JiT oa o_ro«n_. Ë-_-_-S-J -. Ë-ËSSb_ TNTÊKEST ÓN CITY St«_»CI_8.~The IatîrW I «a Oie atad* aad Stock» «I tbe Cita aad Coaatr of Kn-TiA tuoHoromirrl. lirTl. will -pul" ttial dar'.»» JOHH J. BKAD- LBY e*q.,C___!>tr_iiBof lot b.*0__a,ia tk* »* (o«rt liaw«. 11.. Ino»*- Bawk* will ne rio««. WiTDH«SDAY ea-a BO. UTI. ArireftrtW H. UMKrl Dent» ( ompUolU». Dtjiar-aaBt «f Pl»*«ee. (.oaptrolwr't» f«r-, fepi. l8. URI. Ta* 4* aaa Auhbb _____s5 «-Q.1 ¦ac-rriii'i Orrie*. «Tbicaoo. lu., An*- T. ltn. f COTICE TO STOCKHOr_D_.R8.-The Sto»*» X1 bold«««r__t_»a_fo aad Alt,.a a_0fB-d Caasao« tr«kt-*i«_- ti-_d Uni- CASH MVTDBJID of KIV.I Pr.R CBÜT, ri»e «f ti. run aiea« ta», »aas JH-HJ sa tta PwHiiul «at Ciaaia-Baek «4 fell t-auasT. atrt af isa aaniacB «f t_e Ita at fe-Htfe tar***a al is« tfum tf tiri Ca-jpaiT-a An_a llea-r*. M K. J-_n « Caap-»», W«. B i.l m»-«., atw-tuH Cm «a lb« 4tk tai «f i4««*«atiii _m t- *_*«_a « «H iwftaierwd at HH «t fe« ela** »f bart-sa tttn «* lb« lttk __l .. «_i-ktt-W-M-T*_«fBrBa^Hv_lka trnttt. aad »a-aaad tar a-Bât»'» «n IB. g dat »f S«Bt«ab«i aett. W _L LAB-UBrTB. »eer-t-r Oin- or ras *___M klor.T*iir Poal Co,. i 111 Bboabwat "«pt. a, I87L I THE Dire4^r»)of THE BPRIN^.VTOrXTAIN COAL CO. bate «bia dar dtelarad aa IXT_A HI» II'KMD af KIVK Pug C_aT(»-rre«i,iilae_tk Crua Ibe ant earaap of _- c*««m-j, «.-»_«« w Ik* *»_«kb»loe».«Md «rur lb« MH4- »«CO-»» !.«. neil, ia! kari ila- r-Kilrt. It'IWlu Ibe O-ollal Hoci «f »ti« «1 Coap-ar twaoti per *e»t Í* p-r eeat), awd t ntl lana* Ibu it.It-"*-' r«*)rd «o lb« i-ia «f Ocloa«. Tb« ti_n*T>r book* will be doutt froa ia* «U) Ik* lftk dai «f O_o- btr, twtk tay* -»t-a-t*- Ataaat. _CHA-XBs aCHTO». *_*a__T "- __asssH¡ tTATB ob San Cit0_nr*, T_«_*r«i Uariai-BiT. i <J«t_«a_t-. A C. Bep«. 11 l*7L I THE DiTEREST m_ituring Oct. 1.1871, upon rbe BO-DS of tbe STAT« of SOTTl CABOLIU A «ri« k* Bad is «old. «a asd aiWr O«*. 1. *l tbe -*aj__t b-bm II. U. r__Bja«a. ri-iBclal At«at «f tbe Kute. Bo. t Bat-**-*-. «-Tart *I_at Q. PAtSJU, lula Traaaaaa. THE COUPONS OF THE »NDIANAPOL. BLOkliaOTO» k W^i»T_BJf BAttWAT BOUT*, de« Oa 1 1B71, will pa_d m tail after tbat dal* oa HHHHHtB «I Iba Baal » Hoaae of TT-JIB« BBOTBafet, M fiaaS _B B. SMITH. Pr-B-i» _ e;»)" exchanoe-place, Sept. __, ufii.- »Je.» Tb*alai«!ta»Oat» 1 ar-aaaaa«aaaa«fUmokumOM ABT» CALIFOaUlA RAILBOAD COblr-AllT «rtB b* «id em tmtt «a aad«i-a_atsata. DUXXJfL, UOaOkM k O*. 5arjir_3» «lariKa A~Hu_NTÍC »AVliV^_írÍ¥£~ CkafeaaaBMii-, aad Baa Baa«»-, Baa-Tork. Opea daily. DtBsalra froa «1 It ...«OSTveritat. AU tmHill Billi aa tr Stfun Oct. 1 _>_4 ra_». i _ura»i aa /»w* HH_-*a SU PBB C-aiT ta-BBM iBawad. BAB-JSOB '.iALL. P-n-taal. r.D liur.Tm-r« ii _ J. P. Cavorma r«_r««-i- EXCEI-SK>E"8ÀVlN06 BANtC, 87Í 8iïtJ. .T-,,«_»-»er«f Twt-ir ikird-at. Osas dairr traa a. a. 1 a. tV, «adasHgtIOAT, WtDataOAT. tad «A.taiiAT IT0IK« fra« «ml «vetaek. Utttj «Hil BOW das«, ita ia OCTOBI 1. *. a-C-ata« !-«-_. u_-_--___- aftot-ad .* aa. S' IaÀÂTiA-aaa-rr, aV-aaay. tf. H. flAMMt \fETÏCr«)Lmk_8_^^ 1 -.»A aad 1 tj-avat«.. a. 1., «Bwalt« Oaapaa L_*S"iW. iBTB-uat t_____B_H OfeWBBfH I. aa lia«ra aaaa «a at kaB-W «Baa -»,*MB tapBaaH* sa -_¡BB-Bfe SrzPsaC-_-a-_aad«aailaaattf«taadaswatd. Oa*«*-tar«B- Ba-aoaaa _ulj traa !«_._.-> 1 r. a., aad «a Maars-raaad Pat» s_va baa lialn.- _ THIRD AVENUE flAVUfOS BAJíí-Coi-ar Tbita-re *_d Twt«i» _lr.k a. u»« -atara-ala*, a a I « bl. a_d -a katta. Wt«. «Sa^Bad »____.» rr-BÇtwBJ __JL»Í5_F bio»»ï Bai-usrraD »ow aiu»_AWi_r1__-»«tTni--i t-_». 1 Ml «er r«ai l.»Bi_al «»4 « »J __»__¦«! to »».«al _ wi"~_SP^5Stt!*^ National Saviii^-Baili T»» »»»»»lia»» »ara«» »»» »*..«9**». 3S_i»£EL5^w^-___ss_ 3SsS_^^Ä"__fÄ_P___^ ¦"^Ü _*4_t » .»*«-. .-* .»_5_*«*fV. ^M BB__fw____-l aa-, .t-tt-VABTHx «ata i-«BaWHBj| 4«S\ aSkWaW^9,9" -I-__WC_Ä«P

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1871-09-26 [p 3].-_a_Msxt«yiwa_, M; _tr__l_f Railroad.87, aa«TttjOr avhvaala IteJ-TraaO.._.. oMelotvsdat IIB. «UAt*****Pottoí t^aycontainsthefollowing

-_a_Msxt«yiwa_, M; _tr__l_f Railroad. 87, aa« TttjOr

avhvaala IteJ-TraaO. ._.. <>oM elotvsd at IIB.

«U At***** Pott oí t^ay contains the following :

"fa-r* ^^J_FrÄMl__^^_-r_-T »hirh rsjlnu «»tit tbe aaiva-UiTf» of ui* f»«~tram a Sour«, euiiunu w ...«jj. »a». . _.--_.*-»>,_. roau!SSon, w_lc_ points ME tooadwW$to» "^-trm mtu roua* la this «Mxtatry a**rt ^¿TuTumnari.


aontheru tier of co-ntles in loara, wi

saw roads la thü «xanatry atún fj-Tiûpogrl,___aí proflt»4>i> »¡«^^i^_ÍX_Mfi^»WTurra and rtArarta .*fa.I&*ratX ttU «_cà«-.__--__¦«-."»A ____¿*_SS_»í#í!ig

*____ -"Mili: I« lli-jca.»n«a»aT r--_»_»_, ,_.

trlet h-rUwr _.>rt_ in t'-JV»»"?* í^uSo«, w»l *»<.Jf"__aa_-CAc_J r*cord, whe-toey, ..l^'t^t^__U>_, thoa ütat

aaaal proi»arty, *r_in /^A!K_ii Runway is nsw

Craaty oí ltaatv-iaae aM aaavy_ oanaot {all ofÍUaae, ^tíS?1íllS_ia_-^tito S__ .____**.

aalatc kttrWy ?»^b^_'^____«o__, whose western

»en_l__a wfll be .£^,J¡^ Vsrtoos other oonntwttorjs_>_clV root, soffle ltw.a_«_, », h» undertaken, add

J^^^____iíí-Í^ah*W «--» aar--_« )?ow__ of

%¡í_a- .fctaa-^tiMir-liaws as roDowt with foroer

»^_d,: .,-_,*. I«-. aaw»J_ fl__ala_aB. lamt-K

..__«_. an « ii.«-*.tm ».to.sit .,«rn.*_t.M- "¦.KAiï.fssa-iB^ÎM u.r_B*n ».Titus* axmjm

.» i«£*_J_r7 tts.ia.:__'___«.m -Mrttt.fM iTraa_jta ».»i.m sTTM.rnm. i*tiTi>o -S4.rM.iM B^t-jj-rs «îjwjeet'mmi» *aiJ«io nwt.oa* ».ne.» ti jan .«at

êa'a'lOJI W.I411- M,_H.S4S ».IBB.tTT 4S.IB4.i_-C"'5:tB»«Si sstyrtjai i7.tto,s-i s-tMjH tyutjmu m.'UM.-a* -util» it.-a.Tst st.m.m *t,T»maUsM-UB« t_J»417,4_* Kir-a.Mf ». 1-3.1.4 4&JMI »M

««riJtt".Ä!«a«» _aj.4T>,_n H.Mt.M S.114.71t ft.Ul.tlO¿«.W »41iat» xsjtt,*4H »,049404 sr,a»JillS__ m.Jil.*»,!»» mavxiti M_»»,<fB njmrn a»,n4.*-Tjmi ft..»ii,i«».«a» t»js».*-o rr.4_t,44B si .a*«,30 tt.wij-lisa. a._u»e»**vMa _7-.»_»vrn m^u,i-a ïltuïmi hu-Js.a««. 11..ri.oso.arä m.nxya um.TH si.twis* H.rnjnK_ «,-« rM_UL-rt> __,-rr,_T! 31.737*41 at^tB.ta»put. ts.-i7._i-.ii« nusti^m *..5t_,o4t si.tki.*«* t-.i-.areSi«-. »..m»m.VH _B.631.BBf U-BJVT Jl«r»3.7a_ ».m.fGt

iii ._a_S4.-at »Mijtt,««« n,we,ns _ij_->jm M.Btbta*Ma»_iT»..tT_l.,f«3 *«,5Tt,«yH a-.t63.746 31,605.215 K.-tS.t«.__i»t*».j_j.T74.»ai un.tum uti7,<«yf a_n._N uitstueaprii l..__Ua.,0» a_l,0__3n 17Jr75,C_t 31,575April t..iit,TM,ttrr Mo.iin.ew 1s.s11.1a. si .sus«kaail 15..1U,».8_f ttaxastf ls,m,»M ilfitS

i.V» 5.J7-.B43SW.tftl S0.»C,»erT

ianl 15..1U,».8_f Htv.wa.-H ls,lU.H4 Sl^tf.lIT t_ 534,143AwriJ B.-*n,lH,7H MJffl.lM 13.Sf»,t78 31481,4M MrVK.THaara H.jnsatjjt tnJHjut lshtoh *i,«61jh No,«hhiMar «.._T.-_1.S40 »Bt,31t.T7t ILKnJrM 31.-M,3M ti.SHJllMit B..t31.l_«,ai« _»j-l,»l l^lH.oa. 31.311,479 S4.233.I93Mar H.-TJ-Ja»tJM 2*,*_).*..l 15.at_._U _ljr*)ti*)6 «.HlSt.M*r Ti. .2:_.»*fi.7_S 1.1,441,63t la.3BTi.114 31,071.244 a-_30.41fJ«_» 3. .-41 ÏB-jMB HIJM1« n.-MBSO |f>.«St.7t. TP.ÍIBI.B33Jaaa 10..A4'..tV4 _Jt Jsr3.siP.lA. 12.716,1-1 3U.74Ü,411 7..41ÍI.-HJaae 17..Î43 Tri l«a tW 134;S3J 12,969 310 »(K7.098 7..171, »*HJa** Hsjnijftt ufliujis 71._s1.1s»Jalv 1. 148,308,693 _K,237.9_| lt,M*,*51 30 494,457 71,348,-tt«faiy t..M,st-tas mm.m h.**«774 30.41 e9,9Tn,n»jay 1».._«,MM*» 301.-43.-». IBJJM-St 30.3S0.K1 70.K4.m«J«1» »..-55.736,063 3tt.UH.7S«l 18.1ti »97 »371.186 7.119.67«Jtlr ».._S7 0)f (D4 l«i.l--.»,HS 16.9t. 739 38 360.1» 73.» t:»

t..tal 392.427 3U0.77" a*l 13.361,4*3 30,-».6a. 73._B-.4«Jn..-M*«aso Jtrj.iao.seï I2.se1.749 »,sts.40t 7t.3S0.aoaI». J47,-.V» 470 3M.-17.4-» l,«1.W 30,2«-,_>2 »,t»S,»00». .14« 7i)9 SCO 3T6.M7'»» lOT/înM 30.IWI.t_n OtaS.M»t..J*9.77«.Ho ïatstMo ».isa.sai »».soot..HU.01t,BOO 311.208,300 10.7-!,l«30 3B,144J00 6.,945 TOO

M..*a.H_S,70li 31I.86tJi«T0 lO.tatt.aBO 30 129.700 (X1821 7m)«wp*. H.__7,_r7.4W>4,7U0 »jITS.IW »J01>0 *t,4»,300TaMlx of the Aterage Amount of Loan», Specie., Circula¬

tion, Deposit», and Legal Tenders in the Banks of theCity of Sets-larkforIktuxck ending Saturday, Sept.», 1871.

Loan* »n<1 DU. «pede. Lef^ea. Pepotlu. Circulatioa.



Babk*. a a 'a aBaakafN. V.13.694,800 1,879,200 1,173.800 ll,S4O.5O0Mith-t.ut. 6,S81.iaOMerehiBUt'. «,«<_. 100MerhtBir*-'. 6,147,000Dalos. 4-40-OtIHnk «ai Aaajne*... 9.i%C,600Pbaaix. S,«MJ(J04.1».m t/afl.-BOTr*d«_-_o'*. 3.416,111}»VBltsa.«,69S.300iVaucal.7,061,SOtMrrrS Biebinrc. SJSt^OOJü-llatia RKioa-l.. 3j>b-,ijuoJitckenkDiove. 2,626,100at««*, k Tran«-.. l.ltSR.TOO-raawrek.. tVO.lOO

126.0(10 612.0U0 3,i:5 OdoaVBOO 1,441.960 6,373.900Ifc.ttXi 1,122.900 4,Si_,<*a0lsi.Hoo mum t.i».ioo704^00 1,437800 6,479,900WB.IO» fW.OOO »,TK,1()0771.i«M I77,t»t 5__0.Si«)n.HX) 751,100 »,097,700

129.40(1 721,»* 1,719*0018S.4O0 *,_'1,V* 4,975,100

9,200 TCt.tVa) t.Jlî.SOO436.T.I0 1.485JW676.300 2,0T3.4W34*3,900 1,_M.7IKI1&J00 as,«*)


t7l*.l(i081 ('.BOO«-14.900



-^*..-fflö H?S IBS Na.fiTU Ward MttkatLSaakataiaK I... 4,696.700«aaaric-a Rxc-uscio,iexi»>>cV-Bj-eia*.22J_n,e90Mi-adwt». 7,400,,«*»MeTonuk.3,874.1004*a_Jk. .1,011.400Baa- -atewalki.... ÍUUMjtTbat-aa.1.167.500Ywpatrfc. UHaVIHa«nk Amaiioaa... -,419,1100Haaortr..IJU.8O0Jrriac. 2.4TH ut.Metropolit-a.lü.SOR.OuO«St)*e_f. 16B3.2O0jS**«_a.2,31«.««a_Market.. 3,l(_.i»tfrBl. Hielo!**. 2.P7I.SOOSBjasSSji __»_>er.. 3,446,000«.cJt. _irh__r» 2.879.5»«!>Btt_CBUl. 4 328^00(»BlillD»-!. 2,Tir..-M0«tMaaU!. lJ78,00t__ui_e.1JJ4..4O0AlUaSt. l.ntiJIOOlaaartaiBa Trader»!l,3*3,»raj

Park.a_,415.1fK)Heeh. H. Aaaaaf. ljn.SHOi.ieeT»'. 774JÍ00JS*iib Rlrer. 1,395,50.jua Rivar. 1.H1.9HManif. »_J Mercb. 1,515.400Votitk National...21,307,3004nuil N*-o_t!...12,-l-,U00B-taa. aalioBal... 1,47..SOOMtaaKaUonal.... 7.1-S.BU0Tim Kuio-il. 2,537.800TtinlRttioiiaL.... Om.oooa r. Kirk*a»-- i,»*i,(aoT__i.\a_.._». 3.»55,:»»)*».»-» .N*_wn»l... ],-50,400Kew lark Co. 1,187,609<.en»»B A.arhcaui. 3.750.7WBbU'i Haul. I.HS.IWtftavTeaut. 623,900IlarreaUi Wird... S63.400Xftth Katioual... T72.200AaeHeae N*tioB*L 9M «00*-er__aa Hulk., iltja*»Mau. à Builder»'.. 1,468,460



*54._X> 845.-» »,915;-6u4.7,C4» 1,349,30» »,783.1W333,106 M13.1W 7,339500 3,713,40033,300 1J347J0O 6,5-5,*00 U)o,IMi12.406 560 Ita 1,858,/O0

H9J06 3,456.400»1.400 l.*38,4W_Bi,(W 3.544.9«)5W.900 2,631.300189^00 1.417.200IU3Í0U 2,9M,000»1.500 1,196,400672.000 t.ltau.ltJO

512,500 1-49,-00 53115.000 1,372,40063.500 338.ROO 1.30(1,800 130.400

2JÍ.-..3U0 1,191.100569.900 2,021,6WBal.0.4) 1.357.500TTt.nOO 1.365.0Wtm.iVO 1,954,900«I.'»» 2,74)6.100733,700 2,!«t>!i.(i0O194,»») 1,15110849*.a«3 1,819.500B4« BOO SOÍ.»OS

169'jXa 3.441SB» lS.IM.eot136,000 6.288JW »,Bt4,tSt«7,400 313JH 1,140.786

J10.600 743.300178J» l,138JO0J-H.OOO 869.9»193,100 l.ZTi.OOO TOO

St» .506 4.744.S00 17,5t».800 ».91S.40048,000 3.324,000 11 772.000 _,617.«00. :«S9,000 1,204.'«X) 268.000K.SOO 1,770,34)0 6,091.10087,200 1^J9,9I»J 5.23.,6<a45,71») 2,U_,Ot» 6,560,206

700 309,300 937.06*1113,600 l,('35.l»J0 3.162,109




tO.raJO99,100Sa ,30010,40047,90090.81«54 6004,4«







560 900J38.9W







;*c.ow i,i_t.*w401.uki n*5,:«X)293,400 3,481.900. 1,720,51»)M.300 718.3001361100 637.100166,000 450,400339,800 164.100. 1,107,110075,000 1,439,400



250 000446.000

Total»-.__*a»*ndU.ti__!_»..a3«-164 70O| U«iI Teadert.»58 421.300arateie.. 9 57.,100|DejK*tt. 237.127.400

Cr-tlali-a.»*Jol.a-»).Ko report «bbma* _-t week.Ttie traiiaactloua at tbe Cleaiing-House for the past

.w/furk compare as follows witta tbose of tbe previous week :

« learlafi for lb* we«k e___r Bept. If. 1671.._.»«4,968.168 41

tVarlan tin Ihi wmk rntrlinr Sept. 23, 1871. 716,381.432 28

B*l__t_* ter _M week e-ataf Sept. 16.1871. M.354.054 VMllntaltli Pit irvk rrlh* b-pu 23. 1871. 27,554.521 31

? ' 1

BANKING AND HNANCIAL.Fiwt Mortgage S_nk_kg Fttîd Land Grant Bonds

op Tire

Et. Joseph and Denver Cin- Rahjioad Company,In Denomirationb op $1,000, $500 and flOO, can

bow be had from tb. ___.er_iirne<i or thnniph the

princrpal banbe and .rjankTTS of the T'nited States.The att*?Qtion of invostoTS is invited to the merits oftb««. Boüds, aacured lo' a firsl and unly morttrage ou

the road, equipments, franchises and property of a

trunk line of railroad which wil_*horten the distance\>etween New-York and San Francifico some 230 mile«,and in addition tbe mortgage to secure the Bondsaursaxa a land gralit of l^VOO.OOO acres of the most fer¬nie land in the 'West, which is prohibitedfrom being.old at lease than four ($_.i dolíais per acre by the**n_iof the mortgage deed, and according to theprêtent market price of the Illinois Central Compa¬ny's lamls is worth $18,750,000. This loan was origi¬nally foT fci.-iOO.ijoo, but ha« been largely reduced by.ibacriptioiis of actual investor». The remaining6^6___tee of the loan is offered at »ii and accrued in-Htett, bat the tight is reserved to advance the price»t any time, without notice.The Bonds have thirty year, to run ; bear 8 per

*«>«. intaareet, payable in New-York, London or

ï'r-nkfti-t-on-th* Main, at the option of the holder,^tboat notice, free of taxes. Both P__j_c-pa_. and«^lattsT are Payable in Gold. They are Coupon-.onda, bat can be retristered with the coupons«*. «r can be registered with the coupon. OFF..nd mtemt^^td to regittered owner. Imereat pay¬able August 15 and February 15. A liberal «inking»aad, formed from the entire land aale«, in i«y_-ent«*w wbieh the bonds will be reoeived at parand ac-


«aa* -.taraat, prov ides for the early ett__*u_eb__«snt.f this loan.

<1>«a»te4»^Famert' Loan aad Trnat Company.T-tan bonds offer favorable _&duoe___nts to partie«

\ ta -and Hbttx Prva-Twaarti««, or other high-

to -«¦?artlnt THe-Twentia, the »Teetora realiceJ» I-rtaat*mme» th« p___d,__, ï p_r cant per an.

*~m>f?m* *****>.** ««-»«etaetiaa«»etaw*«6'6>et seeoritT.Ma» eregan, ÙKtmtam, and full tntexnatio«

af-Jiu-hed on aj>phcati<m.

J*»* acts* aa s^aam^r the^«^^^»* buy-d sell* thstr rrtyular sWaaHs^i»,^, ^«»« SÍJummhmué linear City 2_Hlr»__ Cttu+stmy thom« »A. Ruttaru BkMüMm um, ouomi ut va and uc-

.«-^t nmwmWn+tlmiuiwtMPsí."ttummmUéí^lhmntmXt^UWamUL

cbmatka-S a-*i> ohio*.ny»>.*umMsy-<xrntALPACIPIOB.

FArrKTrJO Orrtctic* Flffl. Se Haîch, )Vo. B NAMAO-rTT., N«w-Yo_ut, r>,pt.8r,, 1871. S

Of Um Fdtb_w Miujoiu Cta___MUand OhioHi- Pkb Cejct LoAlf bnt about $t\tmfiCû remain nn~

a*id, and this r-mainder will be taken np rapidly.Tb« fire yaaiV option luring «nptrott on all aeri _

of FrvE-TwiurrT Bonis», «xoept lBtts and IBS-, theyare liable to be called in for payment. The rede_p-tion c4 100 miHiona Fivx-TwEKn*-» in ooin, and ibapnrcbaaea by the Ooyenunent during the en*uing-out month», with the premium thereon, will releaseabout 160 mQliana of invested capital, independentlyof dividend and interoat paymenta. the grea-ter partof which moat afeek reinvrwtmemt.Tun CH-E-LU_u_b ajtd Ohio 8rx ra have abeoln tely

80 je*»n to ron ; are wrrrv-ialiyaafe and anhäkle forsteady investment«, and cam now be boughti 17 per oont lae« than T_*-Fo«t_*.

-0 per cent leas than Fn-Twenties,26 per cent koo than 8i_cs of 1881,

and are eanally ave ho be paid, principal and inter-eat, in gold coin. Their amount ia limited by the tristdeed to $15,000.000. Price (at present) OB and aocraedratetest, -hat ia, with oonpon attached, payableNov. 1.$1,000 Chesapeake and Ohio Bond costs to-day,

$964 1ft.9600 Chesapeake and Ohio Bond eosts to-day,

4X77 08.flOOChe-«-peake and Ohio Bond coat» to-day, 9*5 *_Only s small amount of the latt«r denominatic-na

remains, and no more can be made. Bonds are incoupons or registered form, asm« as Frv_-Tvr_CiTrtfl.Tu Central Pacific 8rx ran Chut Bokm are

as safe for investment as Government 3onde. Theiramount, fixed by act of Congress at 926.885.000, it se¬cured by pi »pert., worth four times their value ;they can only be bought in the open market, and are

becoming ecarcer in oonBe«_nouce of tbeir gradualabsorption by investors here and in Europe ; thryhave a ready market in all the principal money-cen¬ter«, and have still twenty-four yean to ron ; th«earnings of the road are steadily increasing, and willprobably xeaoh 910,000,000 for the current year,affording a handsome surplus after payment of ex¬

pense* and interest. Present price, 1011 to 103.When the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad ia com¬

pleted in 1872, aud the Bonds are dealt in st theStock Exchanges of the world, we have no doubtthey Will be equally popular with the Central Pa¬cifies. Both principal and interest of the CentralPacific and Chesapeake ami Ohio Bonds, are spe¬cifically payable in gold coin in New-York ; the in-«tereston the former being poid January and July,a^nd of the latter, Jiay and November, c^rreepondiiigwith the two classes of Five-Twenties.We recommend either of them to our friends and

customers with the same confidence that we did theFive-Twenty bonds, when we were selling millionaof them for the United States Government.We buy and sell Fiv«-Tw-_-»Ti-M, Ten-Forties,

Eiohtt-Onrb, and Central or Western Pacific«,or receive them in rayment for OaVsmXpeake and

Ohio Bonds at their current market price.Accounts of Banks, Bankers, and' others recen ixl,

on which we allow Four per Cent interest.Certificate« of deposit issued and collection» made

in all parte of the Union.Fisk d_ Hatcii.

Harvey Fisk.A. S. Hatch.

WtNSI/lW, LAME!« ¿L CO.,NO. H7 PlN-t-BT., *H

offer for sale at 90 cents and accrued interest in cur¬

rency, and recommend as an investment of the mostundoubted character, the 7 Per Cent Bonds of theGrand Rapids and Indiana Railroad Company.They have 30 years to run, principal and interestpayable in gold, conpon or registered, interest Octo¬ber and April. They are secured by a first mortgageon 280 miles of finished road and 100 miles more inprogress, and on a Land Grant of one million one

hundred and sixty Qunteand acree at lumber land inNorthern Michigan. The road extends from FortWayne, where it connects with the extensive systemof roads centering at that point, northerly, andhaving been finished through the rieh agriculturalregion of Southern and Central Michigan, has now

penetrated the Land Grant. The lands have beenreceutlv put upon the market, and are being rapidlysold. By the terms of the mortgage the proceeds ofthe land must be invest«*! by the Trustees in thepurchase of the Bonds, which insures their constantre-purchase from the holders. This Land Grant isestimated to be worth 912.000,000, and is probablymore available for immediate sale than any otherLand Grant ever made to any company. The wholeissue is Eight Million Dollars, of which more thansix millions have been disposed of. This road is runas a oonnection of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne andChicago Railroad, and the Pennsylvania Railrorul.and has the powerful support of those companiesand their numerous affiliate«! lines. These Bondshave been »old in large lines to the most prudent in¬vestors.

To Investors :Howes Se Macy. 30 Wall-st..

Have for sale some very choice securities for invest¬ment. Railroad Bond9. Guaranteed: City Bonds,Indorsed, etc., otc. Particulars furnished ou appli¬cation at our office.

Braeington, Cedar Rapids and MinnesotaSeven ter Cent Gold Risking Fi-nd Bonds forsale at 90 and interest by Henry Clews A. Co.,No. 22 Wall-st., New-York.

Jackson Co. Missonu Eight Per Cent Bondsfor sale by W. P. Converse & Co., 54 Pine-st.

THE MARKKT8.ICarefall» HeDorled tor Ta« TaiRriaa. 1

Moxdat. Sept 2*. in.AFUF.H.Pot« are Inter »t t"S.»liä. Petrit are ti

t* .:¦«*» 7».COT! liS.There «ra« t ftlr bannet« fur «jHit Cotton, tad priera ire

t>. bisher; -ale». ¿.V*bair» (SKI (Utortttv fTfin,(1 lnrlsdlng 1.T74 for uport, 3t~ fereesaaoiptioa, and «7ae tpecalativB. Weqoute:

t'« Ai«i.«ii.«. «rw-'iririu». TelleOrdlnei-.17| IT« ill»11«ixkhi omi-trr.l8« l8]ii.Jis{I*. MKWli¡-f.UM liri!«|10}Mi'.din«.IH IM AH«i

illG..»« Mil-di!»«..OKKEE i» TerrKtul K AND HRA-.Tbc abernte ..f .uj.t.tlr. of Mau Extra la mor¬

ell, tul fe« Karoprio ordert can he tilled the U>« (Taries are «eaerallrLin an li < r- i. ar'.r.ilirT ferlin« is ii..»! ( «t the ¿loee tbefelt, tut fe« Karoprtn i.rdrr» cas be tiled the lo* »railes are rteermll,I..iw r «ni ti,cr» i» .».tradier frrlln« is ii..»! (; it the ¿loee tbeto.rtet «.« ttaau «_ »oit« tetrrr f»r t.i gradea «ader tilt} »tattgrade, are ttrtdr : «tin. .0.UK» bbl«. W« qaotehour ?»»bl ...:.S« e»r-e6 85 Otoo lau..»Ol ftnll 75*»» 10Nu. i . « ma 6 25 Ohio loand-boo». ti-Sopertiif. I TO« 110 tra (SBrppiagl. IS»» 175bute (Extra brtaSl... 6 4ba 6 7« ukin.K Trade knie. I «0» 7 00»mu (Toon «o.i.I 85W : 1» White Wheat. KxtrtWeeta h_i.fi_t Ex«, b tod, « CO) Oh». lad omi Mlek. t «0» 7 10»Iii.-eeot« Kurt«. I9S« 7 8* Doable kxtra do. do... 7 1»# 7 MOeed t» cè.-r» Hpna« Ht. Loti». St-fli Kit«. I Bj a »luAlan Kurt«.. « tod I it bl. Leal». Doable Bit. 7 lu- 7 «S

Kilr» A-abrr ic-l-ttt. St. Loam, TripW Ex*. 7 -0* 9.3Ohio »Bri Hie». I tatt 7 ti Grareee. Extn braas» 6 65» I 20Ko-tbrre Floor 1» ttronj. with t good dtaira. tor tbe lo« and media..

grade» »tire, K50 bbl». We qaetc :

»»11. tiri «DOUtonretoa«. Bixed to «aaod Sap. »5 15Ï »C 10t-ah.. AW» «adO».it»ie»a.E-aHaa« Et-stf».. »«J» IS»RicbsMBd Otmatrj, Extrs._,. I 319 7 HDrUartr»...,. 7 56* 8 50Oeergi« aa«i Teataaeee. Rxtn tod »nallr. tan» 7 1»

Ku Vbmi it »trady; atlee. 275 bhla. We qaote:-.«sws.a« IO*»« «i Stau «a« Pass.«« ttYmti 40Gora Mail ti »na ; .tie», 775 bbl». We oeote:

CorsMaal, isner..»- 70 903 79 Cora Meal, Brr». »4 «0 *S« 10Cora Meei Weewra. ï M ¦ Î «5 Oata M_l. fe. pa , 19 C4 » M «0rrrxMeaLWeatW. IS» 3 54CoraFKrari. art». Mia». »UU. it a« » b*A. »W-«baat El ear M

«allia« tlowlrat $3*U 75 «p 10« B.VEKIUHTP ti« »ere tetfre it *aC ma« Ott rsfixrmeela lo-dt»

«me: T« lirtrsast kjS_., IM» rat««- Orale, ta priraa» Una» t»e.aalsal rata MM lid.; 6 «oti boxa» Caaaee, at «5, iib balas af Coitta..tS [ W» ÍMÍTPark, tt*ru IO» tea Bott, it»/. T«l»»ad-ta: li.OBObath. 114., nu. ma Um box«« C-eas» si M,,«taaa. A»Soo-ba-DBto« T«. Gitago«: 15.000 beak. O raia al ¡Id., till, lad 1,X«bbla. Eloar al Ir». exit TfetSarter» «ant: A Nar-aalaa hart (releti toCnkler ardan, «ti» --»00 qrt. tarai«, »t »i9, tsetber, with isa» uri

bark, um» IJ00 obi» Istasái a*, fra» fSkfaMafk »a Daakírt aeBarre, at ofÜ»__e, wMh UBtttaMÑEaEifigBSSI»EabMStb a eat«, ft- IfeO bbk fe hoot r-ltfetysia.f CaMtMM; aUrt rrf 5 MO bblt dt. froaa te»te port I« Cart, t a., aa arntt« «arm»,

lekaakilirl »ilswas f.ilisi-M »t-MPl .CfBJJC»ada kart Ihwlitssl Sa«« ¦_afetpfe» «rtk 2,01» hkla kasae« de.. to

W-Wbae- I« «traac tad «ron at «a adrtae» of lfrtr saCatiiaaat, st *¡t.<J»Ï_»-..

kmi W«SSSM Ml «7»a I mt *m A-bar fe i MI «it»* 1 C1 fe Attferai^i^Sw_s«_£w:'«s_^«ts-k. Whjssn (Na. t) o» «fe -Uri»; M«a m opim oat staafe;.»Ire. »,l»«0 bat» al ti H-sU 15 1er We««era, sa» al i»'«»1 «k «te (Mi, «b4 km kaaa. asan st Ila

mTtmmtmZmatr^^r»fe fe mota. IU fe Miss», aa»»»»*- Is» *»_-, »tate at «ra

Erl-a-uet, atlee. 1.1SBIraak.. Wsstaea^ali li fes,: t»om st#¦ mdti «ST Car« Is mat» ««<rr»i astaaaatjM taatk. «way m4Voomooi at WarTlic.i WMttn «.M» s« Vi*m*t. ia stars, sa» TU*«le. tfesti Wasters TalW« a« T4r.c_«-_t«!v» »roe« ma aaai» n ¦¦¦ »na» «a» aaoo«i.TS waa»-

rmokou m^H^t -ÄWk-at.Wrin «.«_» IJ»».»I« MÎ7WOmmT.Jk..1.1*57» i.uoan iiiaa cn.taa«ms..lon-ea aastn uaaiaa mjubUre... M.7«l ««,«71 ««-»I Jl.mttBario;. UJU *« ¦» latani»MMan. my>\ UiTTj m,»» \t\priroom.. »1,57» at,«« UJ4»un

IIni Dry bmtn swat ka» »s ma»* omamm taw «fe (safe aa»

&r,eVrÄÄX-a^^^^L^ lTt%Xl!Ku?*mX£¦* ___««na«_» _*?* kwwa l*C kal»*, «at« lo «rrti«, *. pttvata BtrBa»

WaqaatB!¦n IMIM-BMHU.*.....#*»__1 «IT,

^aMAsaaa..pUBtH Saraalia._...,. .f-M 1| «t«»b*b_sa-_b_..r-U H I-f

&Ä:::.7:::::S._.»>¦SSiJS..(.I. it 91t..«-Uli «Hl..roi* it a-o..fall tS|Hfl. .¡-M H .» 13 «M-.«.» .»_. »tr m.. ima

»~r.¦¦*¦* ^[g^::::::::::a=S<S» ST*.-- O-r-Brl-M? H »IlCU)/_.*__«_,...a-*--«« HèMI

-t-aa i bitbib Brasa.


..e_n-_e/ Uè-VOi.e_rr«K-T It »11

g^A-aa. a «A -W^ gO-abUa-Tl


_____.-H*btt, .r_»_t_

MOI Ititi t*««alg« it a-t«. 'l-n-i-_lirfawril-iTali Bran :«__.. _0n____ ._ tp«4 at-V> .-.-ri». «a art«.*, tan». 1>»-aatBt>B^-hjSa--aBt*^__4_aa,lBlBB, Ht ka«. jfi Or-aïs atHa.. Ha -tier nU for nain Ut«.

¦ata, «art*» H un

C-BJrtB ¿t?» (Vw'i-Ûlf «161

obi-uara» «maa jfa__k «MBat*lU__16> f .» .EsfamB-_aafl."-T^P"«¦.*"u . « 1(>**» '*i ****»+ «¦»aaa»»t»a«al»5

"«¦«Ha. r.«- ii.,,-...«.'¦-->.» Uaw .*»__; it

_L-:t..T__*_>.^,^»l^^..^._.»«. i

w*_?**l_*__,i*- u**» M**N .», ."¦ fli¦¦ «waa . *_

'«'f*- »»H- «.-, roar, d_7_t. <*^7»l%.iV>«r«s>. *. <-_

A...-»-at«; t_U &.*«¦_.Birt»,»¿t»_.ST«v j_-_H Waa*. ;

«wAi*.?,^-* bubb aal¦a teflUMl

FAYAi m»Ö r-4U_"t ¡Tin». ___j ne Mia l_e_ Hi I »-,ft»a_^__i__isaa. jsiaja»,j.UAbhivji-. w «o »¡»J»».a*-..

«at*, it «T»_>«7 «It, *atH« Mila. -. alftvtin. Batrtla T_r-awaâss a tat «a* H tait. «a*i st -ta, -U-* -M* Tu as«Pft-t «1. fj-JHttOlX»H^'r_i«B_*on»Br»l1»>_*r _¦___¦ til lilli - Ira al Ha.for auk* aad He. fot bhla. Ma.ka._B te «-__;. Lan! la ana. 0_MrOil* ara ii. II.PBUVISJORS-P-rk te firaar: ____, 750 bhla. at «13 «_l_ »13 TS

«"» rlww kba: «I49«15 for (W «oj «1» for PTuaai fM H forKxtr» Pr___i «15 75 for Waa*«. Pn«ii___. $13 lot Tala M«* «11forOtr; for fot««Til<.UT«i-t-« market li dall; t*jr..f_». M-TlsSB,fatOBBib«r,tt«l--Hi 1-0 Har..wa« «13_H, l_a bkl_fwr Jaaaai-at (HA aWMt t-atrtllr «taadr, Wt iiaan* lote ara

tall; aa.«, 71 .k1» rt «ra «Ii for Maia Maa*, ltd« 11*0 It forKurt Me«. TtefB* Baef; nie«, 1» le_ it »1«.¿1» forrrmt ntm, tua «-»««_) s_r béa Ham Mott Haaa lite«,441 .bia at «It«* «li fat Old, lad 6* for Kew.(vi Mn_ .».*.__ Ba-aa ia trat «tea. M6 hnt» One U*. Cte*r*t_i-,, Um, tnni *.__.-___. £__f.KJbb«d Otr »l Bf*. »te*, 1 «)bona »kort Rib, deHrtrahle atTkleafo, for Irt» Bali *f Dfar-mher n

Sie. ib-atad Bain inlnit HtTlie. tot Otts. lau. te ataavdr:«te«, HO bbU BBS tra. at M _f>4_ for No. I: Maate, for City; «i* 1*V.far-Orto artaw Btna, tai M«, far -ritte _ea*«rad, te fot«-» de-liien tbe B-j-ket i» tteadi) «lea, 150 te» foi Oatoratr, it lue., ISObbte for Hir»-_«r, »t IBr. Imitn. te J«a_trr. a* au.. Mt Ma for»bratrr. n »it,, jV<j toa. priaa Bt___, al «%_, tad KN Ma, M ac-rra

.. 0l1T_i_a*J _ÄTTTiairraoLiPRT-tOLKCM u Ira _e_re Crada la balk la la Ot-t deaaad 4*1«.

«an iraTttr qDOtxl at )4|¿rl4j_ on the Creek, tbe r-fln« quotelloa«ware «4 65- «4 70 »wt-ÜBper aad «4 _3to«4 U4. «a Lowrr. _e.De.

e»oiw.«i_k. with2,^T«lkt_tfl,pt»_nt>,, to_«tî4«_: ve qwte 24|_»24i_, an* «a*« at -ti'*-»-. Ntpbta* ia-ettra al lO-ttOl«. Ia Pb'U-delphi*, tbe aal« were 5U0 hbli., 144c.. act; 5.000 bbteIrtthalr Oetabar, it tate.: 3 000 !.__«.. Uil kaJf da, al 14,a, aad 3,500Lilli Ntr.btb». Irai kill ot* October alMe.HlCa ia te« aclare bart tra; «lei H tea. C_r.Hr- it H-etle. »0

ban -t*t India al 6._>?», for aaafooa, aad 7| <n*_ te PaB-.rJI'OAB.Baw flanr». are rteidi on t badi of B,-.le for Mr M

awad -ataiafi Bain, »IO kbda. at ».«Sie. for Oak«; H*Wie. *>r «^sriohi no. 11| all|c. f.n tlc_i<_ K_íie_. Rclaad ara *M*d; at b'«13|_ foiHt rd».SKIFS.Goat li fra. witb a ttxvl iDqairr g nil*. SOO hei« Cnraeao 90

batea Menean, 10 bale« Parte, aad 10 bate* (jim: r«e_»~_, » kal« Ca¬nco«, 16 bile» Vera (.ra*, 21 balea fHHeB» na New Oil««, aad 1*«. Kui ln.ii I« Pair there n link rleiat, «wm» chiefi te. Uie

liffbt ttoek «m1 eitr*r_e »irwa ol' liulüera «tea, 1600 lb H__l lad Vtr«Ona. ltd 3.5*11 lb Tent tod rloatbera, ree».pit. 7 batet from Vera Cr»i,aad 10 batea froa Tant. We qaote

DBBB. I um ne r BOAT Gold.H*_d_-__.40 ii «PftTtapleo.S6 _> H f 'tr 43J MiU-aoro*..M 9 S3Ani-attara..3»i _) »»iul.43 _) 43Vert Ono..4P . .

l*i.f-m .41 9 4tPorto Ctbello... 9 40Para.40 » C1Houtben. and Te__t.25 a 35

Vera Uro* .4» it Mihue«« Arree.41 9 52 car.P«Tta..46 4» «niC-raca-.SO »(ape.35 ta* 3*Madraa. raab.So »Pata», etch.43 <t 45

NK_D8 qalett Qot«, <nic. for Old aad Ila for Kew, Tiaiothi,ataait«-T-ABIlt ii Ira it it« Kefe. te Pria«.TALLOW qaiet bat tra «tea, 75,100 0) at 3',;:*»>WHIKKT te traer «tea 1.4 bbte at tbe. far lfew and tie. for Old.

-tech. «Ubi 1,1** Bola ate__| wtlb »le. bid aad niaaed.


FdS TRT. Wira EKDDIO MorTPAV. Pept _5, 1871.Bene*. Cowa Veu*. __*«« tad __aba Owl««. All kiada.«075 133 l,7»i n.rSB *> 313 aUO

Thoa* ware sold at tit« following». Corry Veal*. Sheep. Rwlne.

New. e«B-ri»»-l-T-rd».. .3,64t .. .. t.t4i 11470Me.liiwle-.t.TM413llui_tr«dt_-*t _-«t*-I._...1,»7S 17 472 81K.,ri -eifbth-it,. N. -lie» 31 73 SOO ill»Al Wttt tBjrtMwMl.- .. .. I «.Ml It».»«»Al rhiaberliB'l. U 33 5fiO 1.130lurarite Dnvlina. 1.11«4» 7:51

HeaeipU _**«r_tk.9,650 US 1A6B H.653 25 4MAt weeklr twe'ta UM reu 6,«47 ST 1.140 H.1SI 17,104

raic-s or CArrut to-dav.Prim« tai Eitr» BniVoe*.._.11(<713IPintt*»Mj.llj»'!*Mia «r Mt tar ««htr.^;^^.u....'SifliT-at «fatdaiarr Una avala Oaaa. aaaOw».t a»Httrtewi-W-Mgrade .*- Oatlte.61* ITh« |_aar_l tTarafa 5 !»« aarket to-day _______ a»... 16,«fll______ MfBttfSaH-Ba.. «tait*Tbe a«a «f t*« «te» _N Ira«.1* eil,Whiri tub Catti.« akk Faoa- Illinois. 1,001 Teias,

1,303 ; Kentuik v, i486 ; Ohio. 649 ; Virulilla. 366 ; Indiano,2-9 KfW-York, if« -, Missouri, 11) Mlc-lgan, __.

_U_E\r_a.Total fur the week, «,075, of vr_ic_ 4,911 wereon tbe inarki t today.109 cara at Com-iunlnaw, 94 atOue-Hunflre-tb-*t., and 88 at Weehawken. «Irte featureof the day was thé annonce of the Jews, w_o wer* ob¬serving one of tbeir religious days, and witliont them we

only have half a market, as was shown by the fall yardaof cattle taj-uitrht. -.met-ing like 3.(100 cattle go over fora market tomorrow, to be Joined bv 46 cars expected at(.«.init-iinlpaw. These were kept hack, knowlag thatthey would not be wanted to-day. We have sel¬dom seen snch an entire absence of lire tothe trade. Almost the only demand was a mod¬erate call for fat butchers' ttc«ni, and tbese were mnch so that, depressed as was the generalmarket.4 a-Je. decline.a few really choloe animais wentat 1 __ à i-f It took a very small number to till all suchorders. We noticed a fat lot of T| cwt, Kentucky grade*offeriuff at lMailto., hut not picked up. Texsns, otwhich about 1,000 were on sale, fared hardest. Therewaa a lot of poor ones holding with to. as the liest hld,while irir-itg 300 bead of 6. cwt. went at 731c. Most of theTexans were poor, and tuite tier* shnnned them. Therewill be quite a market toourrrow to sell off the atockwhich uaullay »roea on Monday. The weather ia neitherwarm and less favorable for trade.At Commun Ipaw the leading drovers were Allerton A

Hherman, with 33 cars cattle ; J. K. McPberson, 16 cara ;J. H. Dalbey, 11 cara; J. J. Kent, 10 cars; £. Lou*Th_.anand K (iallim'lier, ea< h 8 cara : l'oat A Co., Carpenter ACo., aad M. Dalton, 4 cars each ; J. E. Ford, 8. Moses, andJ. A Judy, each 8 cars. Bales were light, hence onlya feware given, vit: by Coney A Mcpherson, for themselves,34« Illinois steers, 188 of them, scarcely 6 cwt, sold at 10«Ho., and 60 prime, 7i cwt., atl2«_2_c.. save 8 at lljc.,(W Virginia, for Post A Co., tit cwt., at l(H_'-<\; ni Ken-turky, iur HUmklue (ki., 7|ewt,, at 10t-*_i_.; KM iudi-ana, for J. J. Kent. 64} cwt., at MírlOc.R. Murray, for Bheruian A Allerton, M TIllnolB itwr-,

"1 cwt., at lie., and 48 Kentucky tor J. A. Judy, 1. lie.

C. J. Fairan, for It Gallagher, 34 Ohio steers, 6) cwt.,at ioie.,0. ft per cwt.J. H. Daloey was trying to sell 87 Illinois tteers,6.rwt.,

at loane.At One-Rundredth-ft Culver A Co. had 14 cars; I. A D.

Wulxel, 11 cars, W. Thompson, li ears; T. Olllls. 9 cart:

l;rui_ A Thompson. 7 cars; A. Mann A W. Fiten, e caraeach ; Merritt A Bun hard, S cara; Healey A Co., 4

cara.Bales by W. Fitch, 71 fat T« cwt Illlaols ateers, at 11 _>

13c.; l8 of same weight, foin*, at 104c., with a car of nCherokeia. 8a. », not sold, but Se. bid by a bologna mau.

T. C Eastman sold 97 Illinois steers for A. Manu, 7|cwt. at io__"i3_cCulver A 0t> aoid 90 Illinois Bteera, flue, 8 cart,, at 114

13c., and 7« of ¦ cwt,, choice, at iH-'iaie.. with 66 forWaixel a« li _»___.. on 7| cart., and ti of 6. cwt. at io ¿lie.Merritt A Burchard sold 69 Illinois sieers, 8 cwt., at

inc., and BO for L A I> Waixel, 6J cwt. Illmol* cattle,at lOtfiiiv

T. »lilli« had 86 nilnola «teers, 1,__6 li, sold st lOic 97 ._

per cwt,, 3S Cher-kne», 936 », at 7c, 66 li per cwt, and 80Ohio. 1jm fe. at 13 -JAc, , _.Wlltlam* A Valeirtiue sold 109 HUnoU cattle, 7) owt, at

184*Hie- 1Mllrí U COWB.Dullness lt_the pn-vailing tone of the

fresh cow trade. Cow beef It of little value, henos it Ishare trading "ft* dry tor fresh mllk-rs. Poor ob«« selllow, viz.: at tobmtto; fair to good. 8009^0, and rstalhufur prime to ohoiar. J\'LaL H a fealln« of wra-tiieaa, ths

weather being warm and unfavorable. A few dressedcalves have alreatly been sent duw« ths river «a theboats,but it M too wara to send them with safety. Whenthey do come freely they wlU lessen the prie* of liveveals. Put eta te, Jrr «ey, and _v*Mylvax_a tal loh calve*sell at 1091040. J. V. Thurston soldM Bist« calve« at 8»10c.; 11« Mt Holly, hea-r, at 7i_>9r., and Ught at l«e.; Id«-tuo-aCo.. Penn., at IO»«. aver_«if.wlU H gx__* oalvea at.8 each. Burna à Klllatt «old lie" mixed cal rea at 111 13average. Few«r grass calves «re somlng forward Ju»tSHEEP AlfÜ LAMBS-Tntal for the week, H.T09, sf

which Wr-St tareak arere »ra the auarkek lvo-t__»-_f cars at

Forty-elghthat, M «at Fortleth-tt, and Mun*} at Com-»u_îaaw. »emoet these there «rere severalI eua heldDom Maturday. The Htfhtt «hows very little ii anyohang«, thhtaMp as___g at OH«ie. ¡ rair^ .»*_; gradtaio_oire,H_^t>, w1Uafsws_^_aaA«H_. Iamita varyfrom 6, to te., sol/ very Cfn,í.!__Una« ^fc.___eS°íll.*few MM-bb-b-B Th_: By Htxme «ad WmjL « Ohiosheep, TT fe, at He, 1 %%** tafe, at s_c, ; 1» i__aa_a*. m tf. l61 Cani-a lambs. W.fejjc. ; mea.. M », lAcM4 d«., 71 », «o. ; taiicTm .>, ti-., aadMp. . fe. stV_^tali^w«t>_r.ll»^a-#Maaat^^h«a4 ._,,_,_J Kirby aoui lit Peuaaylvania thee P. « », at te 14. f

cwt.; 47étmta ewaa, » fe. a» «ta.; 1»_«- H *a\o.; 300

Marj land, H -B41 fe. «a H«N<>4 *lMMQM¿»f-«»fe, at ahcr, m -_jn»»t_M, «»;MÍ_J%_f'».,»i¦tnfl7matm9nm,n* .nH_i«ytvitt>ti_»i

KiÄi'S-."'«¥'*,^-H*>Hfe,att»e. ï_rwv-k.

n ».ailie.; H do..¦«fS___K_B,--..H»-.,.H#u*Jn%^mWA'!tt¿ teil*;_«^¿WA|S'«^g«'al al amweek, pro 1

very U__t* as oom and ths fresh tradeThU Bth-ui-tad pt-sea, and i

, M«J_aPBg£.g_2Pgg...

Sarr » . 1} ah» »---¦ i." .r~"~* .»¦ an ran .4«.tas» C««a» .-/.f»»-*»..1 rig». _w-_»tx, «J4» hale. Coito;, l-l!7%V> __._. T__ ____.»*. * »»«a. irnxl Prat isi_»..


»J?. _7i.__*"^ ¦*"* * *Wfl. »l»w_toa«a_ fec*9_at io o par .*_*»

UïHrxj-i, h«pi. M.H :» %. ¦-.C.»h «MMi it ill far ts-ffc-

i^iî^-JS^Ä_l^ "*"*". ,,w''lw,ir ***. .»^ .*

P-an, «rsl. IB.a im..Etale» »y«all at Ht Ile.-.iTstLiTxiL, -MBH. -»-1*101, -».-»Oottoa opeaed «toady,

Uplaad«. »R; l5E_l-OrUaat. Hil_0-t»_.a«»A-»-^:--«»,--TalU«.««;3par-«t.»_. 2S-liMp «x~C_.o_.-Stf for *oa»7htoia r.ea.Twa.1/ beafe SU la» lo. tan« of II

old, »JJ ¡ISaTïi. ¦ Twr-rtSWS«, »»Ifraa-nctwarr. »«pt t» -toiam gula» Flrt-Twa* beads «lesad al

»ti for tb« Ihm of 1»

mm^mt-mmmmTo*^iafe,-tÍM_»«»-Ofefesra»Tt«a-l«»i»Bl«fl«a.tosa««. e^-i-T-ii«»--_íT«tt««/»i<'^6/»B-ewtliiiirooLr«» ¡j -haa-a» Fla» «V-ta irw at 21, « per «rtrt.

_Ur-M-«»e« P> ..let, M/1 par ewiLMrasa. Sept. »-»t-l»«.---_«ra»i Oil, »T.3<9£34;5 »er tia.

Casaos H-e*B. B/S_IOy at» («LLir.roei.. S«fi «S.Arrlred Mtea-Srrp Cel.rvto. frew He» Terk

|k|)«. 13, wita l.5t4 bailee at .»too.

DÜ.IESTIC afitnTR.P«in»«_r»u, Baal 16. (¿wart tra». Bart «teadr: Na. 1 al »M.

Vtoo «-let sa» .teadr Baverlae. S« 759f .\ Nxtrtt »5 TH»«6 SO;.'.aarrlTaelo Hilra PiaiV». »«»?« 5», Wlaroeeto and Mintea-*»,Ohio tad ladlaaa do.. »6 75907 50; Ptaer brtod«. «79»« BO. WheatI» Stlr «.nil Stole lad r« Sed, él «T-»»l J»: Atabe«, . »,While, «1 9)9*1 »5. Rrj held ti 85e. Cara la ¦oderaie rroaest¡Tollo», T5»sV.. Mixed »«artera. TV. Oate dell, While »Wir. ;

liad, 47a. Colea rerr Irai Rio. 1619171«. Lagt-erra. lite., fe.Swtr **t*k Vi* te flood fressfsf OaJba. ». a*.e. Pror-rleni dallMeas Pork keld «4 »14. LaiaJH«rMc frUo-ata ira; Crude, Ile;Relied, Hi.«!'- Wbiik» «eaitje it »5e.Aiatjrt, Sept.»..WVa« la fair wppl/«al m-rtst dill. Rreqniet

tad inetuj-grd ¡ little oftriig. Cora ttradr »aire, 8,200 bart. Wootonkutta m private tina«, tod1 ear da. it Tie. Borter las» aeUrt | »aie». 5can No. 2 Mi Howrd Bute U irrt.e al #1 02. OeU »teadr. »iib »

aodema demandj »tie., 1 ear No 1 Wester« K 4S-.; ««0 bart. Obteago,tápala ti Ile., omi I ear Walu Htato, bagged, «t Ki.Cisriiritti. Sept. 25..¦Plosr la farr detaind tod «dn-teed: P»_I1t,

a« 20<-«- » Whritia-tlrdssut-l. aadadriaead to »1 33»01 35;kard'r tar onVrtl Corn li ftirdeatod ted Ina ti 53c Olia «teadr,al lil » . «laSai all ii nilli ii TUTIfli Pert.Drmtad light; bohlen St¬il $12 75 Laid.Dentad light; boldrrt Ira il 12fe. Balk Meat quirtaad aarbiaa.-, »e «skaï a« nVaaod. Biroo quiet and ¦«-durar«!;BboaJdart aoaiaallr 71 «7|t-1 Clear Rib Side». 7>r., Clear «idee, »Jr.tat«d; no««].« exrer4 Clear klh Cidra. Lree Hot« traebenged. Cattle¦aehssfed. Whisky in good drsuad attic., eloaat liuori.t.Balti «i.xx, Sept 25..Cotton loll tew Mlddllnr nomi-tür 1%.

Pin« dall tad oacbaiigrd, Weatern Farolr», »712A_»&. Whett.teadj. Oom Ins. Ott« Ino it 52956«. Meta Pork Ina at ii« 25.Rasos trttre tad «ra ; «koalArr» le. ; Rib b dot, 8 |r. Clair Rib. ",<-.Him«.8»«ir-nired. 16*9 17*r. I «rd Ira tt lu a .nfc. Bitter in¬

da-«»- Wblrt» Iraor; ke- it faLodutimjx Sept. 26.- Tobieco.tU)m. 72 bids; Logt, $7 754

SI 25; Lo» heit, t» «OwS«: Lo» Medina to Mae, «9 M>a>#23 10.Begttag gale« bat Ira it *l7a#llfor rosad lota, Floor Ira ead iatiird«aaad: Ertrt y.rtllj. »5 75»$8 Grail qolet trot Ira». Wheat-led ss4 Whit», «1 -»»el 35: other« aiebeaged. ProritisBS sebve.BteoB.SheOKlr;». 7]r. ; Clear Rib Side». Tie; Clear Sidra, H}r. for roundVm» stoked. Maa« saduagai- UrJ «s__ag«d. Port, *!.<*»»-< au.

Whitkr, 9U.Ci.x»«_5D. «etpt. ti..Flear «sie« aal snekangwl. Wheat irtlr»;

Nu. 1 Red Wioter. SI 40, No. S Red Witter. SI 36 rlo__ng Ina. Caraend OeH del) tod «ncb.nrrd Petrolram.Bellell «i««-)t tod Ira at

tl*<ni»t. for car lola; erode Ira it »5St Locu. Sept »..Elotr.Dratnd good it tau price« Whiter .«e-

prrttM, S« 50»a« 73; Wiater Kxtn, $« 959S5 40; Wlatrr DoableExtra. »5 509#5 IO; Treble Inn. *)i DOSS« 65. Wheat eloeedliar«.; Ne. 3 Red. » 3L Oma lairtiTa, iif balk, Mixed, o. the tr.rk,««9tk> Yellow, uehed. 52_r59<-. Oat» cloaad lover: No. 2. ti tkt ele-v«t»r. 3_|.i «hit«, aaeked. 40941e. Bailer Ina for bert <rsarlte»|luot-c for Prlae Mlsneaot«. Era Ira «id higher tt T0474& High-win«» ttif a« Ile. Heap oarhuged. Bwiri.f anehingrd. Tobiero¦teadr. Park «teadr. Beena Ina; Johhiig out onie; let« of Skoehlersit 7|e. OI««r Rib SUlei, 8«. ; Clear Side». «1-.. Skoaldm for Oetoher,71«. ¡ Clear Btdea, «ft. Urd Ira; order lau of Rrlaad al »te Keg.Ile. Hos»<l«t»t»t $1 759a« 25. Cattle aaeht-iged. Rrreipte.8.0»«}bhla. Praar. 51.000 bart. Wbaat. 14,0*- bart Ona, M.0O0 bath. O.l»,16,000 bass. Rr«. 4.WI bart B.rlerkn.w.uxta. Baot. -6-Flo«r adrtaeajd lft-tle.: «prim Extra, 95 10

vif.5 «X Wbaat dall Ko. ». » l8, No. 1. 91 21. Oatt actire: No. 2.¦»T Oonttaadr; Na. I Mixed, «Se. Rr«qni«; N». 1 «-fr. B.rler.Ne. I Sprtog 6-V.a Pro<r-«mi-| qeiet Hegi. 9« «09«« 75. Reeeiate-3 000 bblt Floor llS.OOn beth. Wheel rlbiparou-S 000 bhlx Floor,¦MM tart. Watti. Pretghu m1.aead le. i t» Ba_Uo, Ut, to Oe»ago,Ile. rtippan aavllUag to coarrde the -.nore.Bsx-tux Beat. ».-leeeipta-Planr, I3.J00 hhlx; Wbet«. 203.000

bath.: Cor«, 103,000 bart; Otu, 144.000 b-th.i Borter. «7,000 bath.:Rrr, 41.000 bart. cTklpaeat» Wheat. Til 000 bart.! Cora, 40.000baab.; Oat», 13 000 both Rra. 15.000 bauh. Rall rtipeeaw.Wheat.M 000 hart Gora. 38.Omi baah. Barlrr. 10.00» both. Orals ia ttore.Wheat, l&JOOObsrt. Cora. 185 Ott) bart., Cou, 56,000 bart.] Barler,12,"00 hott; Er«, 10 000 both.. Mih. 1,000 bart. Caatl IMih-t.Wi.eal. 14r. (Jörn 13a; Otu, Ne., to Ne* 1er«. Floor »teed». Wbaatto gooti de-_»nd tad Ira: «.!.«. 16.000 bart. No. 2 Mi.iraakee tt $1 X,to MSN «5,010 kart Na. 1 Cíiomo at $ 1 34. bi «rrire ; li ».» bart.No. IChleag» It 91 34.9*1 J5; 15 «X boah. Red Wiater 91 42,Cora dall tad htwar: «le«. «OOOlW-h. No. » WaaHera at «1«. Oatt Ira;aa>e, JIM morn. No. 2 Mllins-. it «îfo.; 17,500 hart. No. 1 Chicagoat «le. MOM haart do to arrW-It «te. Bjedall; ealee 8.000 bat-,Wesrasa aajrrlrato «eras it akaat T7e. Seed» ia rmtà draaaad aad «ril-In« it »3 for Tlaotkr. Btrter.Market bore-. Io. » Wtttera tadOtsa-M bsb-SsUt s*e. Port «ad Lan1 -rtm***. Htokvlaea. MSt-x

lira. Wb»«t «rtir. tad tdraatw) ;

«¦M« a

«Stead <TÍ947t_ dorio« the «ftoraaoa Ira tt 47| it «Se. Otu deduaed;No » rJoead Ive. Rrt tatier, No. S closed «V. Btrrrr dall: Ne.«priai,«»!- Hi«¡h«i«M Ira at II«, roik »teadr a« 9lt«~«9fl3.(art tad »rllrr Ilrptaahrr. I-rd b»H IA*. Balk Meito-Shoaldertlna»r tt 61-.<4c Orr ¦¦¦ trore tod ira it 94 5«<->»« 75. Cattleeuier tad a« el it %l Haiti 624. EreithU Ira Cora to Bnffilo. kr

lV.i Wheat, U.a. Reralaa>-6.UiO bbb. Floar. 175.0M m.000 bart. (Virn, 13-(Mu hart. Otu, M.fílaj burt. Bra 8-,ia»bart Barlrr rlhlpanU.9,' 0« bM«. PVaar. 14 ID» TWr. Wkrat,111,000 bart. Cor«. 17«.0W bosci. Ulta, Ii .au« both. Bj», IM,-»» bsak.bart Barlrr HhipartU.«,'OS Mila. PVar. \4 it* TV,rT111,000limDwraorr. Pest r -Whee« rtrndri Bxrn, SI 4HJ*\ 99i No. 1

White, »1 46J.Í* I 47: Aabrr Mleblg»«. el 40.Oo*S*o, Sept. 25..Floor atridr tad onebo»»yi nie« 1,000 bbla. it

97 fur Ne. 1 Hprng¡ *7 50 for Auber Winter; f 1 for it bur Wit t>r,S« 90 far Hoodlr rTxtra. Wheat Ira «elre. 1.00U bart. Ne. 1 Red Ohioat 91 50: Bo. 1 Mllanakee club tt ti 47. tom a-_uw«di lelea,1.S90 bart. Tollo» «t »Sr. ; No. 1 Ilrlooi» held et -V. ra rosad lou. 6oe.Ii tar lou. Rtrirr filet ead «aabtigrd : alea. 1,000 bart. Ip-LalteCuida li »I. Hi. h wine« »-te. Ctaal Frelrtt«.Whett. 'H'. CoratadRrr.»«.: Birle;.le. to Ne«r-Terk; Lmaher »4 to the Hodson.«.' tu Nr» York. K«ilra_ Preifhte.Floor to Booton. S3r.. to, »wTer! «dr.. to Albanf. -Se. RrrelpU, t.r lakr-07 I«« bart Wheat.10,00«) bert. Cora, «1.00» bssb. Birler 3:131 <m feet Lumber. Ship-arnu hr Ctaal-711)00 Lath. Wheal, tt.m bart. Biri«;. I .Ki MO feetLanker.


COTTON liU_Eri_St. Lort« Sept. 29..Urtts» aocktnged Miildllng», I'.lr.B.ITIMORS. S.t '-...-I'ot.on Ira; MaMi »ra .¡./I"«. a«t

rompu. 2ii:i^«l«; «roee. 30» bale« ; export« coatisua.. Lil«*,,«A hale«; iroek. I.«!* bait«lacmsiTi, BrpL »..Cotto« a »bade Inner Middini«.. Mir.N«w On »-«a Kept. 25..(otto» qolet: Mlddlllga. 19{TrUV ne«,

receipla. 1,M>« b«J«; grata. 1.852 Ula») «iporu eet.lwiao.:,Jll bair»,Mir». 300 Ule«; »tor-, 19 276 bali.

«»TA»!.»«. Bart. 26.(ottoi «teadf, la fair luand: Mid_B«,17|'318«. aet raeetcu, 827 bola, exp-rts eoottwite.1.«01 Ule., ulet. 75bein; »tort, «i») haïra.CBAS1.MT««, BepL ti..Cotton Ino; Muldllog», lljc- art rr-

.eipti. 1,242 Ule«; exporto co»«»toe.1,423 bale»; «ale», 200 bola

.tort, iJim l-tiea.Nossolk, Kept. »..Telttra qalrt; Middllnn. I"|t »et reoelrto

1.168 Ule«; «jq«)rtt--e-iM«»_«i, «41 bel«; mm. M Ule«, «toe«, 3,001balre.

Wit-nir«rrria Sept tt -Catto« qaiet. MkUrlig«, ll^e. art rreejpU.U-UJat «ipom.cautv-M, 534 baie», ttlet, ITS Uki, itock, 1.4Mhale«.PHU-tDBLra.. Sept. 2«..Cottaalm: Middkngt, _r|cHurni, Sept 25.Cotton Ira; MlddMnp. 18«e.Barron, Mtmmm.C-tto»dall; __WUan.»t«.l KI lerelpt., " «let.

gn.a», 33" Ulre ; «aloa, 150 bola. ; «lort 5.000 !,«>..

Musilx, Hep«. IS.-Cattai Ira I MrtUinji. I»K «el r»«Hpti. «04balta «»porto oo-rltrite, lufi bala; ale«, M Ule», ttoch, «,311

Lncaviu.«. 8rpt M .Catto« Ira; Middliagi, IV0«_.tb*t«<i Sept M,.Oottos qii't hat Ira Oood Ordimrv. If le.,

mt i-awtpu. IJW bair» exports coa-ttrlt«, 714 bti«. ulea, Mfea-aíl.tort I« 96» batet.Ar.rrrt. Baa. Ä-Cetlea qaiet-, M-_iig«, 171c; aet r-oripta, 210

bal«; tatet. 200 balee._

ALBA-NT LUVBEB MAliKRTAr- Mr wert ra-»«ff »rai. 2S

TV satrket It Ira. aad «al.te 4a.rt.uva» «m reolited for alaa» al)qa»R ia »f'oal«r. Trade ha» bee» eetlre darlo« as« »eek. «ad . lirfenaabarof hear» iMiamte wsrsaato. -teal IS-lart baaids har« al-mab» of hetrrvxarrd ic, mon bell« t thort «opplr. Cnortr xr»-te» on irritiag tearre.

0»<Bg to a wirri»» of »«ter «A lb« -ill» »prao» ead hVinluc« «ra gaUii«rtort, toe rrenipU heing Ught. The uaortoieat le «ood. Prrlgbto «re

.¦»tuaiil seiaf 11 Mowt: Te New-York. 91 W: te Norwich «idMiddteto»a, »I 50 ; lo BmWapart aad New-Harm, 92 to Haytfurd tadPr.,Ttd~r<, «3; to Philadilpki«, 91: to -artas. «4 M. mm; 95\hird. Tk» rwwpa el sha «JaUretor'a 09c« liri*-' week «ere:

Via Bite Canal. aÏBI.TE) fee« of Lo_.ber. 1,341 M. «hiigV* S30 0M Tt) ofMax.I Vis C.BB-tla Caae-, »,1-t^ï» feet of Uabar. Tba «oUoviagate «ke ralla« ortoa »1 the pruripal rtnl».Art food..... .T»40 0*99*3W Pl»e. lOiart Boord.Block Walaal «ood. 7« wa 75» 1«feet.»- 00»en00¦tort Wateat. V....MW9 TOM Ptse. IMaeb Board»Birrt.'.. .JO "O9 »O». 10 feat..MIO» »MBeert .M009 »00 Pla«. 12-r»rt Board«B_«,«h*1...Ma/* SIM 13feM.I4M9 MMCkei. «eed.SO «0 0 MOO Ptse. lfineb Sldlog.r W9 MM55» iidaattBaMsH» »M Pisa. -Hart Skitw*.Chattaiu MOO«* «OOD alaeted .36 M9 UMItaaatort Bsarda. art 149 M PU-, -fiart Httisg.Baalart WalfSvina, 1 ea-Sjaos .18 009 DMtaTaart ÜÜT- W» 14 l_a.l-i»«_ Sidio« ..Uiioa UM'

Healert J.1.1, 4i«.a 159 3« Plae. Mart Halag.,Hr«ur*joi»t. 3x«.a is» _Q_aamt**t\......._..Mimm 40D0HlrkTIT.4»M9 4I00.I-S, Mart Htdiag,LaS%i_l»rt. -9 IM1 aatwa..TTTíIM» 21 MLook asr-aaadPtoe 19» I._*_».«¦ Boara», «art.. Ma |]Saste7?T.T.MM» MM'îpraaaPlaak. lr-rtiHá.tooi.Hwf 45M1 «art.. ta» M__,_,,,.-MM9 MM-T-ae« Pteak, 2-iart,Pro»'ttk aaallti.Maa» MM «a*.. JH*«0ftoe ateetTr...«3M9 UM a-aasor». llart.MOO» «OM,RSï_-b.r.«M9, I..3SS09 MonIrWaaaaoaaoi... UM- Bl MBE a*M rtatad 1MB ino

PtwT.apb'rd-etrlp». Ht»* MM «rlagto», extra, a-rad »«» «00

B5RSt 2 m^ÊÎmdTlkt IsPtÄt-t-erea;^ -S 5,_BSr?__^_*-* «»

ABÍLKNB (EAR LIVE aTTOCX MA.KKT-Sarr IA¿£*j STmlro Home Toomo-Jokm ¦>¦«.. 1, l»r««mrarh_f «aute-Thr ^aarat. a ikom Tard, b» Ihaaaa» <__at Mon5_^^^ri_jBX^-¦ Il II aaa*-^»«»j.I ,


WEKK.LY IOU-_SBP*tJÈ* aU6l8TÍl£PM-a«tt. B»ptiala ». ISTL

w*.._,:;. ¦....Bjba asea..9»4J«.a»« M

1.171.0»» »*W**A*Mmmmt*\**mW*.~. UB0.M0t§eokm._.-v »jij-jiü^. TM.lMie

1.^^-^^rfl^^n»o_jr.B^r_«_L^Ma^-a-Mw^aaaaja^^P-rTÍD ÉOKDSTaJBO othtîr

> fsva h»lS£rÍM»k ib« wníSfVVo* Af t_-..ara» » . .-, _....i...._ anl-panl BAH. II

*."...w ».i. «.« v. .anama a« aaa an<*»« *« omtk tim as the aaate air be c.ted.¦ottoo »f toe tala Ht l-txBa-t. atribto .«kawiatttl to -ke |-< »tey

af -eeoaber aait. «ill ka girts to Ike Ms.hilda«, har peeliea«wa I« .

psblUhod ra Cao Orto of Oter«ta_ OVto, tai alao to ..»«.-"mt ra av» Uly »f Hom-tatb, »A Mm« .rty dpya motor» «bo

**!_?j-** r^rsaa« 1«Ttaaaaj" '

¦^Tb^afteMrsaM-«_b»^tod»»»-4«.yWhasmfnlL. _S__B **-» «w-_ 99911» 0»BBB_M «Mb «ay «._ a.* a».

¦f*V ali ligku to aart Kart «kail oat*, aad Iba Mort a. to «_¦

!_.*__*. »««is»« »ad bsaaSt «rev« Caapasy.«»-»T2r__:',._'> '-2-__?-rL_S__toJ!_ '-^-r_I«»" r

"aa.iwn-jka C«apa#.«_roa.Traf lb»

__*'''*»wa* «Ma- _ J_-% J,^,d

xLLINO-8 Waffl»«^^__ p*A_ïï«^__<a®^^It .


JACOB R. SHt_>-lERD A <3o._


»a. 24 P-fR-ST., NEW TORE, u*\ Um. 1H k 1*7 LA BALLR-iT.,OCR -HAND-BOOK OP IUJBQIS aacURTT.»" BEBT PRw«

First Mortgage, Convertible,7 PER CENT GOLD BONDS


PEORÍA and rockisland bailwayOF ILLINOIS.

rir-t BCortfare Bonds . . - «1,500,000Cspitai Stock._,ooo,oooTil» I» i COMJPL -TEII Road 11 ailes la to»|«k. eesssetlag rta la.

poTtaatdttea of Prori» an the Illino!« Birr» tad lock Itltod. Moll»« »ad

-areapert oo toe Miatoalppt. Deeeaport, «a the eppoalti bart of the

Rirer, it ecsiected by t railway bridge. TU _* roll of ton road »roi

laid Jalr 7, 1171. and the lite 1« io» open sad berag trprrttad »1th a

tare»a «reeedlsf til int.paiton». I« ord« to pitee «aaa lb« »tad the

large equipment aeeeaxtry for the boslaea «fired, «ad to eu aM nie«

depots, ear «ad «agtae-lMwes, matMae-ibopa, Re., «rast to asy of the

bett «Id route la tin eo_try, a» li so« rrqoired »f lilt, the (.aptayotTrr. throigh the itder-gaed, 91.S00.0OO eonrertible fast mongos* goldbead« «bick «mr the eirttre property «f the (.ipairy, tad te tea «kin

917.0M per ail«. PRESENT PRICE, 90» AND AC-


iaierett pa.rtl.te in eola it Rewïock or Losdoa, free of taz.

Thit rood, opened for too taaeste local at well u through tr__e,

io» offered, «¡11 prorr one of the aoe< proatibte In the Weat, trsrersisg

a« ii doei « tee.n of con»try laiarpiaed is ftrtility of «t«l tad tgn-

cal toni reaoorre«. already thickly popalited, tad la a Ugh Mata of cal-

trestle«. Thit r» alf-rrldrs«, fra« «he art tket trery taaatea of the

road paates tfaroogh raltirated laid«, «ad asar Ic-ritMag lavwaa aad rll-

läget, «rit- t ltrge city tad t DArtgibl« rlrer «I «trt ead. la

UM W«t h«T« etea heretofore sosttrw-tod tareigh »_M_- «ad _<_-tirtted region» of t. easstry, waattrae-tly hire had bo« little

tocal tnSe to deprad «poa for ter»ral yean tfter eorntrnrtion. Bat the

Peoría »ml Beek Utes* B«ilw«y te s tnt-r last CO.MP-.ET_D roa!


RÜNW THROI'MH ONE OP THE RH'flEMT AGRI¬CULTURAL. MAN I FACTURINti. AND MOST POP-I LOIS DISTRICTS IN THE WEST. Tku It I» sertMsthtt the loeal boslaea It already »ton than eaoagh to »litote the road.

«bite the throagh «a.- te eatlmitrd, ti lu eo_e«o_ei oro «aaeroaa,

«birt eaa be «era by a gltsee at toe nip.TMi road te a gras» erotrel boh. te «birt aaay al the prlaopol Hoot

ern trilla aad diverge to til parts of toe contine««.We tartre tke ttteattea of l.eaten to «ki« leas. Re.{ »a.Bar «rlth

«bo «with aad raaworeee of toe <_a__ry tloag the Ira« of to- rsllwsr,aad A MEMBER OF OCR FIRM HAVING MADE A


PRIME BECtRITY, _.«_»._ axfc to-t7 eer-raJar.ATI aarketabk teemrlttea recetred to axe.aga tt tall role«, tad beads

darrrered to til parto af«be «a.try fra« ofexpress rtargoa.Maas, elm-trt, »«., «rto foil pr-coter» roletiag '« to« rood, raratehad

aa tppDeattoa by the a.derttgaed, Piao.dol Agioto of the Ctapaay.

TÜRNEB, BROTHERB,l__Urt« W$m 14 »>.tatm'it-, Mt W»

H-SODfl, Iota, _. Nebrasta RailwayFIB.TM0fin.0L.E0i.

nf_B_i2WT 7n» cam.Payaale la Nrtr-York City -tecwMkar and Jmom.

WHOLE 1KSIH.$8,000,000This road ran« from Aleioadrl», Mo., »kerr It oeonrct» (rto Kookak)

«ith the «borte»! rente» to the Etat, lad patting tbroogb the «artiest aet-

t ed, «ssRhirst, tnd »»net poptloas tier of casrstt*» is the Bute of Iowa,ronnert« it »bitrtt City «ith tbe Midland Piciüe Railroad to Port

Xetrnry, on the Cnlon Pirile Riilrotd foralng i direct bne froa San

Prtarltre to Few-Tork ABOUT 100 -LI LEH SHORTERTHAN ANT K.\If*TIMi BOLTE OF CONNECTEDLINES. the roito rstrssetloas ire ¦«<> wHk tbe Hortb Ml»-Oari. Miaaan aad Miaialpa, tad ti. Loait aad Oaaha __¦¦_ Theroad «ill be ia operttioo froa Alexindrit to Meaphli. Mo., a dltttaee of

40 aitet, with- a ta» «ort», tad »ill be fully ceapletod aad eqabpaad to

t connection »iib the North Mtuoart Railroad rM Eiltet) by Dec 1,which « ill t ltrge tad ptytng trafic.Toe «boto length if read, tacladisg brsacbes, «rill be MO auIn


tie« »nt «ill ubarrtbe »sfiricnl to grade, bridge, tad tie the reaait-erof toe rood. The ofictel «tttlettr» of «becoaatM. tribatary to tkte lisa«bo* a popalstloa of tüjVA, sod th« toil It «atarptteed io iertilty.Thit cannot ful to tffonJ the road a Urge tod proltibte local betinea

«bile tbe rtraatageana eowaatto»« Eta« tad Witt, artlag It ta lapertost tectioB of tbe trauma.atul lue, taut iasare m It alta a targa

tbroogb batlnetx,We ero tstbaritsd for lb« prestal to tier throe brass »t tbe low pnce

of M »nd tecrnrd int.rr.t, tad «e cul-¡emly rreom.ead tbea to¬

er. «« . mt- tal drartbto Mcarrty.



orna ron i__ tub balahoe op th»

_Q__Q1J_ATEB HQST.ÂGËSinking Fund Bonds


Lake Shoreñau»'mimi

RAlLWAY_COMPANY.COI PON BOMH4--U 4-mm.»«__ al »lu-, «MM.. late

Ragittarad a« aotarity al eaeb ma» ia, 1 par eaat

ter imea. payable ass!-es«ajtly. Jatmtrj sad Jsry.RBGIHTERED BOND9-U Itia»!«iljisi «I 9199X »AM.

tad *1«,M0 ( eoopoas), la tera mmUoi to Cxiad

atatri ttegist.a Basa», lutit-ibte «a toe beak« of toe

Caaiiya»daa_as»» at. -aWee. Isla iM, T per esa»

par ss-aj«. »sjtkte «-rtoily, Jtstmrj, AptU. Jaly,».

Tbe aantt of «bl« «.«.%. «al lb« poaaflar **nmm\Utt paaanaal by toe

Bagkaayi I Rasa» M too pÉe.f ********* of lt-rrea lad »di PRO¬TECTION oraloet LOSM »y PIRE, THEPT, »r Baa «ria.«oie».

********** li fc»e»»bly tomaoWm sad jutamrn larteteis. aaltaaw«wJlrwe._.»9ss»»»»»M<««lMM» rieiitox««I albeaarkj.

mk% soi-sïT andmmm1.1 co. or olio.

First Mortgage 7 Per CentGOLD BONDS.

Tawt BeaJ W »««is asiajiiR»! «Marias, aoaseniac «teh «to Beba.aeras.OU« »t9 li» Ft.wetetaia Cotnl . ilrea. tboafc« gW.egsa arartk««» to« nat C«_l RMtl lraa Mlaes hebafiag to tor t.IOaaaaay. fmala art 09 »a« r._r*.i br

VKÄM1LYE 41 CO..1* atoájñ Naaaaa_aM-, N«w.Ysi_.

84II.\_S Bl VMS.91Ua* bord» or cm or obwkm>. r. t.

Here« per eaat aal _uI utemt, I« N»«-T«rk.

9M.0M COrPOR ROROa aa raamtod Real Etat» la IRRIA*A1»-OUS .-.»-»ato». lb* iastat, beef«« TER PNB CBR t IRTRRRKT par»bl» asstV.¦«._; la Rea-Tar«.**

.. E WOOD. 23 S_H«hit





fkrvea Per Caat Per Aaaaaa.FayaUe Wet! .1a)_-a1y.

-' Tk_ toni uki Iii m lilka «a -to« ita r*t! ttlae ia. iu vtty

pH-S_fSH fat-i* e»Teri»i « li da««, 100 ail« of Ike a«a tater» um

«ble Ha* tarlwa«« Um Creal La*« aad doeji-witer B-tHaHH at* ia»

H«Ana, tad «ftaiat _-taaCi-B.a_f tia*«, Cre«. and l)e_,«-*B it

¦Mai -___-_. mttuy éas*1 «at ft ita«. Fft 7 alba «fa*-

raai lim taxi ia t «atrl tb»r««B> aad «tot*.-, t al a*__*i. mt

KAKJtiHo albbady f. pat rWT or tub whom: aioobttof THB 9'i,at)t),t)tya> or ruare hchtoaob ikimxi um

nUOaf BMbb__L T_s____saa. ita nan auk a» aerertj _at-

(a*., »ia: Ta Has-tim, 13 «__¦ I« WnHliBt. I ____¦ la Wiltaa 1

all«, aW -a-ttBf -rr_4«_i ft_a t-MUCir«- ».»»«, a «_-»r

HHaHl wttt aka» *al HbJ«____b aaatMI-N, la to ft»-», be Ja*» I.

UT». Il .0 ka ass af -ka taat b_)h raasa fal tk* e-tatrr, tra H* a__*

ot Bo-. Bl -afead to fe»,S6S pwafi« af eiatatilil na-, -Tk« Bbb-btr» «Maral By Trata D«*_ t_ _n Ftr-_rf IMS i, - Trat« C«t_«_bt, ...>

timgtrttr Hbm1|iHib af Biasai-i Ha B__*W tad Oawate Co«,««.»

tit tafe .*¦ war _er-_r» |H___H Tto tata« ia letataiiK) »as

Beanad tattiaat. with Ute prtTflafa af »*»¦__. fe* prie« Wmfar

ro* MALM ti

EDWABD HAIGHT & Co.,_Mo. f WfeP-fet.

_franking -tonte» ttnù ßtwkttu.

.10HN MUNROE & Co.,._»a, I WAUe«T., M _W.TOB__.***. aialnUttm itlrt-ttot TriTtVrt aad Draw BlBa aa

MlSlOt k C* , H_ 7 ___ Berlk*. ful*,¦ad

4-ja_jTDMs. cvrumnkc«._

30 L_«bbi4-«_ Ttadn



Ob all Barts st tim C-ikad Stat« aad Oaa-tti BTJ. AID »SIX aa< i»'««i Orrieraaia-4, B_ilw»r, aad «_-n In ai11 L Turn «aw

COLLBCT PiV-P-jtD«. aad aassaet a HH__I IbHIii-tafe-gßAiVKl-VG BOE8E


Geo. Opdyke & Go,>«. .« 'a A».«AI -HT.,

CORNER OF CfiDAR-ST.IOC« PIB CXKT tater*« al-twwd «a ewm--j «er.-, «kjia

«beck M«__t_FB-STB ia VM1 MEUT, for mat *ad «_>er fiada tlwtra «a kaad.INVaSTllINT OBi'FRS «romp*!» «irc-ud f« UvrertoM-tt, «Bald,

B_B_t ead .¦>« rleraritie».(vJtLBCnoB.I WAJIT-D OB CBICAOO. KBOKOK. DBF

MOINK-, IOWA CTTT. ST JOSEPH, aad **a_r jr.!*- ia Uat WatBmStaba.

TURNER BROTHERS,_f5*} »**.. {tf-S-r14 Ñassan-st., N. Y»,

(C«r. Fia^-at, «ppaalu D. « Tntmn.)I ntrraat alloa..*.«- on daily halanre«. «Ptyja-

tl-t<_a_aa of JDapoatt t_au__l, avatilaU-l. at allhartnaas- centre*.*_"o_l_ct_oi__ nude with prompt rrtm ¦_,

_.t_-B__B, Honda. CAold, tX.c.,' Ifotatlbt «maifHold on Ccr_->_n____oi_. __dvance* maile oat

Approve. Seotxritiaa.Ki«ht »rat-iainl Talagraphic Tran*!*

on Nan FVanclaco.Peair-ible Inveati-UBOt 8.euritie's for Bal«.

Vermilye & Co.,BANKERS,

l8 . l8 NASSAU-ST., N. ..

d_a____» ia all uauie of qoviesmist sscibjti«.



lirr___JiT oa o_ro«n_.

u« Ë-_-_-S-J -. Ë-ËSSb_TNTÊKEST ÓN CITY St«_»CI_8.~The IatîrWI «a o» Oie atad* aad Stock» «I tbe Cita aad Coaatr of Kn-TiAtuoHoromirrl. lirTl. will -pul" ttial dar'.»» JOHH J. BKAD-LBY e*q.,C___!>tr_iiBof lot b.*0__a,ia tk* »* (o«rt liaw«.

11.. Ino»*- Bawk* will ne rio««. WiTDH«SDAY ea-a BO. UTI.ArireftrtW H. UMKrl Dent» ( ompUolU».

Dtjiar-aaBt «f Pl»*«ee. (.oaptrolwr't» f«r-, fepi. l8. URI.Ta* 4* aaa Auhbb _____s5 «-Q.1

¦ac-rriii'i Orrie*. «Tbicaoo. lu., An*- T. ltn. f

COTICE TO STOCKHOr_D_.R8.-The Sto»*»X1 bold«««r__t_»a_fo aad Alt,.a a_0fB-d Caasao« tr«kt-*i«_-ti-_d Uni- CASH MVTDBJID of KIV.I Pr.R CBÜT, ri»e «f ti. runaiea« ta», _¦ »aas JH-HJ sa tta PwHiiul «at Ciaaia-Baek «4 fellt-auasT. atrt af isa aaniacB «f t_e Ita at fe-Htfe tar***a al is« tfumtf tiri Ca-jpaiT-a An_a llea-r*. M K. J-_n « Caap-»», W«. B i.l

m»-«., atw-tuH Cm «a lb« 4tk tai «f i4««*«atiii _m t- *_*«_a «

«H iwftaierwd atHH «t fe« ela** »f bart-sa tttn «* lb« lttk __l ..

«_i-ktt-W-M-T*_«fBrBa^Hv_lka trnttt. aad »a-aaad tar a-Bât»'»«n IB.g dat »f S«Bt«ab«i aett. W _L LAB-UBrTB. »eer-t-r

Oin- or ras *___M klor.T*iir Poal Co,. i111 Bboabwat "«pt. a, I87L I

THE Dire4^r»)of THE BPRIN^.VTOrXTAINCOAL CO. bate «bia dar dtelarad aa IXT_A HI» II'KMD af

KIVK Pug C_aT(»-rre«i,iilae_tk Crua Ibe ant earaap of _-

c*««m-j, «.-»_«« w Ik* *»_«kb»loe».«Md «rur lb« MH4- »«CO-»»!.«. neil, ia! kari ila- r-Kilrt. I« It'IWlu Ibe O-ollal Hoci «f »ti«


Coap-ar twaoti per *e»t Í* p-r eeat), awd tntl lana* Ibu it.It-"*-' r«*)rd «o lb« i-ia «f Ocloa«.Tb« ti_n*T>r book* will be doutt froa ia* «U) I« Ik* lftk dai «f O_o-

btr, twtk tay* -»t-a-t*- Ataaat._CHA-XBs aCHTO». *_*a__T "- __asssH¡

tTATB ob San Cit0_nr*, T_«_*r«i Uariai-BiT. i

<J«t_«a_t-. A C. Bep«. 11 l*7L I

THE DiTEREST m_ituring Oct. 1.1871, uponrbe BO-DS of tbe STAT« of SOTTl CABOLIU A «ri« k* Bad

is «old. «a asd aiWr O«*. 1. *l tbe -*aj__t b-bm II. U. r__Bja«a.ri-iBclal At«at «f tbe Kute. Bo. t Bat-**-*-. «-Tart

*I_at Q. PAtSJU, lula Traaaaaa.


1B71, will b« pa_d m tail after tbat dal* oa HHHHHtB «I Iba Baal »

Hoaae of TT-JIB« BBOTBafet, M fiaaS_B B. SMITH. Pr-B-i»


e;»)" exchanoe-place, Sept. __, ufii.-»Je.» Tb*alai«!ta»Oat» 1 ar-aaaaa«aaaa«fUmokumOM ABT»CALIFOaUlA RAILBOAD COblr-AllT «rtB b* «id t« em tmtt «a

aad«i-a_atsata. DUXXJfL, UOaOkM k O*.

5arjir_3» «lariKa

A~Hu_NTÍC »AVliV^_írÍ¥£~CkafeaaaBMii-, aad Baa Baa«»-, Baa-Tork.

Opea daily. DtBsalra froa «1 It ...«OSTveritat.AU tmHill Billi aa tr Stfun Oct. 1 _>_4 ra_». i _ura»i aa /»w*

HH_-*aSU PBB C-aiT ta-BBM iBawad.

BAB-JSOB '.iALL. P-n-taal.r.D liur.Tm-r« ii

_J. P. Cavorma r«_r««-i-

EXCEI-SK>E"8ÀVlN06 BANtC, 87Í 8iïtJ..T-,,«_»-»er«f Twt-ir ikird-at. Osas dairr traa I« a. a. I« 1 a.

tV, «adasHgtIOAT, WtDataOAT. tad «A.taiiAT IT0IK«fra« «ml «vetaek. Utttj _¦ «Hil BOW das«, itaia OCTOBI "»

1. *. a-C-ata« !-«-_. u_-_--___- aftot-ad .* aa. S'

IaÀÂTiA-aaa-rr, aV-aaay. tf. H.flAMMt\fETÏCr«)Lmk_8_^^1-.»A aad 1 tj-avat«.. a. 1., «Bwalt« Oaapaa L_*S"iW.iBTB-uat t_____B_H OfeWBBfH I. aa lia«ra aaaa «a at kaB-W «Baa

-»,*MB tapBaaH* sa -_¡BB-BfeSrzPsaC-_-a-_aad«aailaaattf«taadaswatd. Oa*«*-tar«B-

Ba-aoaaa _ulj traa !«_._.-> 1 r. a., aad «a Maars-raaad Pat»s_va baa lialn.- _

THIRD AVENUE flAVUfOS BAJíí-Coi-arTbita-re *_d Twt«i» _lr.k a. u»« -atara-ala*, a a I « bl.

a_d -a katta. Wt«. «Sa^Bad »____.» rr-BÇtwBJ __JL»Í5_Fbio»»ï Bai-usrraD »ow aiu»_AWi_r1__-»«tTni--i t-_».1 Ml «er r«ai l.»Bi_al «»4 « »J __»__¦«! to »».«al _

wi"~_SP^5Stt!*^National Saviii^-Baili

T»» »»»»»lia»» »ara«» »»» »*..«9**».

3S_i»£EL5^w^-___ss_3SsS_^^Ä"__fÄ_P___^¦"^Ü _*4_t » .»*«-. .-* .»_5_*«*fV.^M BB__fw____-l aa-, .t-tt-VABTHx «ata i-«BaWHBj| 4«S\

aSkWaW^9,9" -I-__WC_Ä«P