new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1919-01-10 [p 9].€¦ · casualty list washington, jan. 9..the...

Casualty List WASHINGTON, Jan. 9..The army casualty list consists of 567 officers and enlisted mon. Of these 111 wore killed in action, 63 died of wounds. 10 diod of accident. J! died of aeroplane accident, 76 died of disease, 224 were wounded severely, 6 were wounded, degree undeter- jnined; 6 were wounded slightly, and 38 were missing in action. The full list for Xew York City, Xew York State, Xew Jersey and Connecticut and the names of the dead for the other statcs follows: Ntm York City nnd Vicinity Killed CAMPBELL, Duncan, lieut., S2 Wall Street, Xew York ('.'..!. MAtfON, John P. lieut., 120 Weat Ninety- Street, New York City. HOLDEN, Ernest II.. lieut., 120 West 124th Street, New York City. ARNONE, John. 7.'4 Withcrs Street. Brooklyn. BAYARSKI, Anthony J., 8757 Bay Six¬ teenth Street, Brooklyn. CAROLLO, Leon, 35 Havemuyer Street, Brooklyn. CHANDLER, Arthur. 2096 Atlantic Ave- jstic, Brooklyn. DK NAURIE, Elmer. East OranRe, N. J. i'.VANS. henry, 321 West Fortieth Stiect, New York City. HARKINS, James, corp., »',;'i Sterling Place, Brooklj n. HASSKNFRATZ. Walter V., 23S West I32tl N w V >i k City. HOPSON, Arthur, Jamaica, N. Y. KACHUK, Mike, 42 Stagg Street, Brook¬ lyn. LANYON. Cecil, Woodhavcn, N. Y. MICHAEL. Oliver, 158 East Ninety-eighth Street. New York City. OSTROM, Eintir, 77 Manhassct Place, Brookl PERRY, James, corp., 5G1 Lenox Avenue, Isr w Vork City. PFISTER, Charles H., 81 Menahan Street, Brooklyn. REILLY, Edward 17, Long Island City, N. Y. SHORTS, William, corp., 7,7.1 West Sixty- ninth Street. New York City. SPENCE, Lawrence, 129 West 117.1 Street, Now Y'ork City. Died of Disease CARLILE, Walter W., 7,77' Mott Street, Now Y'oik City. M'CORMACK. Hugh. 53 West Ninety- eighth Street. New York City. ROBINSON, Edwin. corp., Jamaica. N. Y. Died of Accident and Other Causes KOTTLOWSKY, Fridrick, 122 East Eiftv- fift.h Street. New York City. M'NICHEL, Thomas A., 289 Raltic Street, Brooklyn, SCHOPS, Joseph, corp., 823 Kelly Street, New York City. Died of Wounds CALLAHAN. Daniel J., 81G5 Bay Six¬ teenth Street, Brooklyn. EHLBEHR, August, sgt., 418 Van Brunt Street, Brooklyn. GOLDMAN, Walter E., corp., 531 West 151st Street, New York City. 1S.\ \Cs, Joseph, 210 Hewes Street, Broi klyn. M'CALISTER, Joseph A., corp., 281 Lef- Eerts Avenue, Brooklyn. M'GRADY, John A., Newark, N. J. M'CLOSKEY. John S.. L'7S West Six- teenth Street, Nov.- York City. M'OEE, ['rank .7, Newark. N. J. O'NEIL, Herbert J., 424 Fourth Avenue. Brooklyn. UUF, Leo, corp., 401 East Fifty-fiftli Stn et, New York City. ROTHSTEIN. Solly, 109 West 112th Stn i. New York City. WKSTI'HAL, Robert B., Jersey City, N. J. Wi ounded Severely CLICENTS, George H., 190 Fulton Street, Brooklyn. ELY, Meredith A. West Orange. N. ,1. DI JANO, Pasquale, 222 East lieth Street, Ni York City. 1IAAS. Frederick, 996 Second Avenue, New York City. JOHNSTON. N.. corp., Woodhaven, N. Y. JOELL, Arnold, 133 East HHHh Street. I'.ew York City. LEVINE, Morris H.r 223 South Sceond ,-'! reet. Brooklyn. M'ALEER, Frank L., 609 Lexington Ave¬ nue, Brooklyn. PIERSON, Wm. J., sgt., Elizabeth, N. J. RICE, Arthur t... L416 Second Avenue, New York City. 1777X1 RANK, John, Port Chester, N. Y. >HERRY, John J., corp., Jersey City, N. J. SHAPIRO, Lewis, corp., 91] Prospect Avenue. New Yorl* City. TIENKEN, Mathew, corp., 32 East Tliird Street, Brooklyn. TiQUE, Frank, Hoboken, N. J. Wounded Slighlly JUSTICE, Albert, 110 Meserole Street, Broi klyn. Missing CANTENIS, John, 31 West Twenty-seventh Street, Ni w York City. JACOFF, William N., corp., 1819 Madison Avenue, New York City. SARRO, Joseph, Freeport, N. Y. YANNACO, Dominick, 506 West 185th Street, New York City. Ehrtchere Character of casualties is indicated as follows: (K) killed in action; (W) wounded; < L> A) died of accident or other causes; (D \V) died of wounds; (U D) died of disease; (M) missing: (P) prisoner. ALABAMA: MAY, Victor, lieut.. Anburn (D W). STRANGE, Osmond, Athens (K). ARKANSAS: HENDRIX, Jamc*. Hatchett 1K1. HALL, Frizzell, corp., Olyphant (D D). COLORADO: BISHOP, C. M., lieut., Denver (D T>). BL'SUSKLL, Theodore A'., lieut., Denver (D n >. CONNECTICUT: GINGRAS, Arthur J., Ansonia (K). GEER. Samuel. New London 1K1. KVIETKUS, Peter P., Oakville 1W1. LARKIN, Fred, Glrnbrook (W). M'CANN, John '17, S. Manchester (D D). WALDRON. Raymond. Torrington (W). VORONOWICZ, Alex. Stamford (K). WESTON, C. C, corp., Bridgeport (D D). CALIFORNIA: AKESSON, Bror H.. Rio Vista (D W). GREIFF, Carl L.. sgt., Los Angeles (D W). JACQUEMET, Leon A., San Francis (K). ODELLO, Michele, Shasta County (K). RUSSELL, Samuel. Oakland 1K1. WORDEN, Arthur, Modesta (K). FLOFIDA: JOHNSON, Alvin M., Welaka iD A). GEORGIA SMITH, Robert D., jr., lieut., Atlanta (K). UOOS. James J., lieut., Dover (h). LOQUE, Jesse W., Sparta (D Dr. RAMSEY, M.. sgt., Jackson (D W). TEETLE, Grover, Smithville (D W). ILLINOI3: ALLEN, A. H., corp., Chicago (D D). BRIDEL, William D., Coal City 1K1. CREED. A.. corp.. Chicago (D D). DEI.GIOMO. Antonio, Cl GRIMES, Walter I-.., Chicago .1.1. GIFFHORN, Charles C, Tremont (K). JONES, Iythel T., corp., Chicago (K). LAWRENCE, Matthew, Hudson (K). LANGE, Arnold, Chicago '!) D). NEWCOMB, W. C, sgt., Fr iDD). NELSON. E. E., Bgt., Cl NELSON. Edwin W., Chica o (D D). SMIEJKOWSKI, Frank S., sgt., Chicago (DW). SHAMROCK, John E., Chicago (K). SHARVIN, James. North Chicago (Kj. INDIANA : ENGLERTH, Bannie I... lieut., Jloney C D D). GILLAND, William, 0 good (K). M'CARTHY. J. M -¦.. Bend IDDi. WHITACRE, O. I... Hartford City (D W). IOWA : ROST. Johnnie J., Hartley (K). 80RENSEN, Hans 17, corp., Adair (D D). TURNER, L. J., corp., Oskaloosa 'D V). WEISMAN, Jake, Marble Rock (K). KAKSAS: BES'.HOEEF. Leonard, Crinnell (D W). CANTKELL, Archie L., Protection iD A). Fl'RY. Leroy V.. Miltonvale (D D). HENTON. leonard W., Atehison (D Dl. KJBS3LER, Edw. M., corp., Chaney (D W). KENTUCKY: BOBLirr, Charles R., Bardstown (K). GAY, Daniel, Piqua (D D|. HICKS, Alfred. Louisville iKi. JORDAN, William M.. Morehead <K). KING. John E., Lincoln (Ki. OLDHAM, Wm. M., Madisonville (K). LOUI8IANA: COLLINS, Robert, New Orleans ID D). pURIO, Jerome, Oberlin (D W). BEtTTON, Earl. Dixie (D D). LEWIS, John, Rochclle (D D). MOORE, Frank A., sgt, Geanerette IDDi. MORRis. H. J.. corp., New Orleans 'DD|. STONE, William. New Orleans (D D>. rROXI.ER. Adrian, Taft (D D). MLNNESOTA: AN8EMS, Thoman, Faribault (KL BAUMANN. Walter, i.,. Seuer (K). HAMANN. Herman W., New Ulm (K). gOGAN, Harold .!., Laverne (Ki. HAKOtDSOX, Harry, corp., Albert Lea ¦UND, Clareneo O.. New Brlghton (K). _**££& Axel XV., Duluth (K). ROBIOEAU, Real i., Princeton <D P). MAINE: BI'TLKR. Henry. Watervllle (D D). ¦ANWARING. R. D., Brunswick mjW). XONTANA: .UWACBU8ETT8: r'n/l'Z1'- W' '".. '""'- Medjord (/<). BAKER, I^idore W, Worcester (K). tA,^AVAN, John M.. Dorchester (K). pURKIN, John L., Lowell (D D) _**N8TROM, Carl A., Ka-t Boston 'DDV MLROOi'K, John J., GHbortville (li). KYAN. Jamm, Lawrence (D Wi. gANDERS, Karl J., South Arnherst (K) wLOMAS. Chark-.. p., Ali.ton D Ai. MI8R0ITU- ^ABTBEE, P. B., eorp., Iconium(DW). DBSRINGER, Gny. Ballne (K). fARRiH. Jaekaon H, Eolla iKi. "ARftIs, j,,.,!.,. ],,.x]m,ui:i tU Di. '7tZK'TO-4- rairwr L., Carrollton (Dl),. . KV.Y, R.!ph C, Bt. Joseph (K). WILLIAMS, Floyd, Joplin (D W|. ¦WMrppii HtOWN, Howard E., Jxtord (K). gy_?g?f A. B. sgt,, BellefonUln. (D D), MlCHIfHN; tnSv^Ji w K- .**-< Mtwkegon mwi. HulftW A- <.. Travew. City (l, v/>. liVt'uiKK ThomaJl. Rod/ord (K). m\Wir- K ''¦ W«,J,i.;,t.., ID Dl MA^t'\Morr" w- OotnH (DO) hvyu,- 7, K ;" " ¦.¦ ot**. idORMON, E., Nattottal Min., (K>. *A«y|yASO, *»$»<% ''r"n"!" A . '"ul' tontoao ti?l i """/*'"» .'¦. I Wi, .'""""^"'r Cb«*I*»( <^p. 0«b.a iwi. DECKER, L. B., corp.. Little Falls (DW). DREW, Frank, Buffalo (W). ESSENBURG, John C, sgt., North Tona- v anda (W). (771),.KY, Enrl G., Rochester (W). HUBBARD, H. 1.., Bainbridge iD Wi. Ill RELL. E. corp., Binghamton (D W). 1NYARD, F. II.. corp., Lawrence (W). JACKSON, Oddie J., Buffalo (W). JACOBS, Edward M., Buffalo i\Vi. KENNY, Charlea J., Oneida (1) W). KWIATKOWSKI, Stanley, BufTalo (KL LATORRE, Selorino, Schenectady (Wi. MASTIN. Benj. (>.. Oswego (D Di. MALONEY, Michael M., Cohoes (Mi. PERSCHINSKI, Joe, orp.. Buffalo (W). PADU1 A. Nicola, Green Island (M). PEP.RIN G. N. set., Buffalo (W). SCHULTY, Leo, Buffalo (W). SCANLON, Wm. J. corp., Fulton (I) DL SECOK, .!. H. corp.. Pearl River (DW). TARTAGLIA, Anthonv J., Utica (W). 1 ,'.\\- MKE, Henry. Wilson (D D). VINCENT, Russell .corp., I'helps (WL VERDI, John 17, Silver Creek (D WL WHITE, T. L. sgt., Loon Lake (D Dl. NEBRASKA: MARTIN, R. !¦:., lieut., Bellevue <D D). BliEESE, Winf.eld S., lieut.. Lincoln (D aecitient). BEAVER, Herbert, corp., Wahoo (K). li Vi' K, Frank J., Whitman (K'L TOLINE, Arvid, Osceola (K). NEW JERSEY: EL t.. li, ut.. Atlantic City ( W). EVANS, Edward, Highwood (WL MILLER, Terence M. Camden (D W). NORTH CAROLINA: ii capl.., Charlotte ID I~>). 7i7 VKMAN. ritz A., Palmei-ville iD\v~». 7 G., sgt., Cary (D D). ISAACS, Jan es O, Dobson (K). KINCAIDE, James W., sir;., Lenore (D WL LOVE, John I., Concord (K7 MILLIKAN, Elijah, Rocky Mountain (DDi. SNOW, Charles R., Mount Airy (K). TURNER, Willie M., Wilmington (K). NEV.4DA: ¦.. ('.. lieut Keno (K). NEW HAMPSHIRE: '".. fi* ut., Conrord (K). HOLLAND, Wm. H., corp., Litchfleld (K). OHIO: WO 777. Frank R., lieut., Polk (li). BRAVI RM \N V-r Cleveland (K) BAILOR, 7. B., West Salem tD A A). ij,. c harlie, Lima K i. DIGNAN, James J., Youngstown (K). FISHER, Clinton, corp., North Lima (K). GRUNDEN, R., corp., Ohio City (1) D) HOYLE, VV. 11., Spring Valley (D W). lii NRY, John P., Fremont iD ln. RI1 EY, Hov ard N., Marion ll) DL RUS r, David I,.. Eaton iD D). SMITSON, .James, Higginsport (D W). SHANK, Robert, corp., Arcanum (K). STRI NK. Stanley, Toledo iD W). WALTMAN, George C, Dayton (K) ZINKAND, Oswald, Akron (K). OKLAHOMA: BAUGH, Joe] I... Mayers (KL BEST, Everett M., Hennessey (K). KES1 ER, W. E Oklahoma City (K). M'CARTNEY, Raleigh, Pawhuska K). ROBERTS, Wm. A.. Fletcher (D W). ROGERS, Mart S., Ardmore (D A). OREGON: DAVI 5, Archie E., Albany (K). PENNSYLVANIA: 117. OLSKl, John M., lirut., Imperial (K). STEVENS, William C, lieut., I'hilculclphia iD D). FISHER, John ./., lieut., Punxsutavmey (D ¦:¦ oplane acc itrnt j. ANDERSON, Ernest, sgt,, Warren (KL COHERT, Ralph fi., sgt, Dorranceton (D V r. DOLLMAN, A. W., corp., Pittsburgh (K). RLEY, R. A., I. high County (K). 11*7 ¦''.. E. i'.. corp., Driftwood (D DL HAVENS, ('. K., corp., Glenside (D D). LAW, Malcolm I'., sgt., Kingston (D IJ). LEES, rank, sgt., Monessen 11) Wi. MILLER, Lloyd a.. Springboro (I) WL MELICK, Philip G., sgt., Philadelphia (D Wi. NULL, Clyde R.. Jeannette (I) DL POLLOl K. ;,., corp., Philadelphia (K). RAWL1NGS, William E., sgt, Peckville f!) W) SCOTT, Eugeno F., Coateavillo (D D). SNYDER, Ceorgo 1'., corp., Slippery Kock (I) i". DLOCK, Joseph P., Elkland (K). SACKFJELD, James, Carllslo (I) D). SI'RATLEY, William E., Rochester (KL SKELLY, Frank, k«l, Norristown (I) W). THAL. Morris, Philadelphia (I) WL TURNER, Samuel, Philadelphia <K). RHODE ISLAND: < 7 INO, William 11.. Hamilton (K). PRICE, Harold 17, Pawtucket UO. SCOTT, Robert P., Eaton Park (K). SOUTH CAROLINA i O'CONNELL, James. Plnnkinton (D W). TONKEL, Mlke G., Granvllle (D D). SOUTH CAROLINA t t' Daniel, lieut., Cheraw (l<). ALL1SON, Vance l'., Luurcno <Kj BOWMAN. Lane, Charleston (K). CHABAUS, 1... corp., Kawthorno (D D). EDWARD8, William, Elliolt (K). GEKVAIS, fillHott, Qnflton (D Ai KEARSE, Ruben K.. Chroadt (K). ODOM, T. !¦.., cor,,., lUrUville (D Wi PEPPLES, Pennell, Aik-r, (D D) WILLIAMS, Colon L., Cbeaterflold (K). TEXAS: BRENT, Shnde V... Beaumont (D Ai FKS, John I... Humboldt (Ki. /Kill" ER, Wm.. Ilooey Grovo (Kl CANTAVESPIK, 11, Pltta Bridge (K). CHEANEY, D. W., Aranoas Pnw* (K). HANNAH, 7 B Oateavill* (D D). M17' Iil, Braoch, Calvert (D D). SCOTT, Earl, »gt, DftllU ll) W). (T, i.ii'tier, Bouthmayd (K). TBULEY, W. .!.¦:/. Houttton (Ki. VOGKI 8ANG, Koborl, New Ulin (D DL TKNNEHHKE: BURKE, Thomaa ('., Joatph (Ki. COOPER, HnmpUin, Plnson <Kj. FLOWER8, Earl, Columbia (D D). PKRGU80N, C. M., LobelvllU (K). I LH ei.'., Emest, Columbia <K) HOUSE, Ji'TiKK iv, Grrniville (f) J)(, ii -v".'-. John T. corp., Lntolletta (D W). VllfMMA: liLLCUAK, Him*, tgt, Norfolk (K). ' !SV,' S,Kti7 Central Point <D A>- DIXON, Earl, Johnstown (Kt GIBBS, Bernett, Richmond (K) HATCHER, Harry. Theological Seminary L> Vi I. ODOM, W. F., 8gt. Bennett Croek (D W) TODD. R. B., corp., Wilderness (D D) WALKER, Moses. Boydton (K). VERMONT: BENOIT, Joseph, Sheldon (D D). MAYO, William IL, Burlington (D D). WISCONSIN: /'////././/'¦' Leslie .1.. lien!., Chetik (1) Di' ANDERSON, Oscar, Argule (Ki ANDERSON, Edwin, Bangor (K) BASSLER, Fred, Plainfield (D Di FELDMEN. Peter R., Milwaukee r> Di HAMBLET, Alvin, sgt., E. Barron (D Wi HAMILTON, Geo. W. Fond-du-Lac (Ki LOSSELYONG. Peter, Appleton (K). MILLER. George J., Eau Claire (D Di VERDEGAN, Anton, Green Bay (D W) WIENSCH, Joseph, Corncll (K). WASHINGTON: LEE, Jefferson, Seattle (K). PETERSON, A. IL, corp.. Seattle (D D) WOODS, James E., Wulla Walla (D Wi WEST VIRGINIA: RHODES, Emmett H.. Spencer (K) ROBERTSON, Okie E. Mercer County (K). Foreign Countries CANADA: MAYETTE, Lake J., Nova Scotia (KI GREECE: DERMITZKIS, Emanuel, Eveetea (K) ITALY: V ;" DEMAIO, Dominico, Palermo (Ki LUCARELLI, J., corp., Atiuila (D Wi PIZZUTI, P., Provencia di Roma (Ki. VACCHIERI, Earnesto, Vorino (D Di RUSSIA: LOWILL, Mikodyn, Vilma (K). Revisions Wounded, Degree Undeter- mined BRAY, Joseph A., Paterson, N. J. CARMENT, Henry, East Newark, N. J FENSTER, Joseph, Carmel, N. J. GY1DO, Filippo, 405 West Fifty-sixth Street, New York City. JARDIN, Randolph. Elmhurst, N. Y. O'CONNELL, Walter, Huntington, N Y O'DOHERTY, William II., 1779 Bedford Avenue. Brooklyn. PENN, Allison, Woodhaven, N. Y. PERILLO, Louis, 664 Last 189th Street,1 New York City. ROACII. Jei-emiah F. 634 Fifty-third Si reel. Brooklvn. , RUSSELL, Peter A., 217 Sevcnth Avenue, Brooklyn. STE1NMANN, John J. Woodside, N. Y. WALLACE, Robert W.. Jersey City. N. J. Returned to Duty GRECO, Louis. West New York, N. -T. KROLL, Rudolph, corp., Jersey City, N. J KLEIN, Robert L. Wcst New York, N. J. O'NEIL, Charles, Newark, N. J. PETTERSON. Peter S., corp., 17 State Street, New York City. SCUILLA, Charles. Conev Island, N. Y. NEWMARK, Gabriel, Newark, N. J. Killed in Action DOLAN.-Hugh 17, Jersey City, N. J. Wounded Severely IOELE, Francesco, Newark, N. J. WEISS, Edward F., 432 East 115th Street, New York City. NEW YORK: ' ROGE N C, lirvt., Canandaigua (D). BINGERT, George W., Tonawanda (WL CIAMPRONE, Pancrazio, Depew (sick in hospital i. CARROLL, John I\, corp., Buffalo (re¬ turned to duty l. CLARK. Urrie, Phelps (returned to dutyL CULKOWSKI, John, Buffalo (returned to duty). JOHNSON, Floyd, Medina (WL JAMUSZ, Michael, Frankfort (sick in hos¬ pital). JOHNSON, John II., Glcndale (returned to duty*. I.UT/., Joseph, BufTalo (returned to duty! NEIDERT, Frank IC, Brockport (returned to duty). POODRY, Sherry, Akron (returned to duty i. RAPFAZO, Giuseppe, Albany (sick in hos- pital). RADLOFF, Edward, Niagara Falls (Wl RYAN, Edward T.. Cazenovia iWi. ROACH, David, Chester (sick in hospital) SEAMAN, A. M. Bolton Landing (D Wi flMM, Chas. L., corp., Hamburg (D Wl. CONNECTICUT: ' CLINTON, Harry L. Westville (K). NEW JERSEY: ANNAND, Frank A., Camden (VV) COURTER, Walter, Bloomingdale (re¬ turned to dutvL New Yorkers, Released by Germans, Back in France War Department Announees Another List of Repatriated Prisoners WASHINGTON, Jan. 9. -Tho War Department announced to-dav that tho following enlisted New York men ot' the American Expeditionary Forces, re- leased from German prison camps and hospitals, had returned to France: MARLEY, Daniel, 256 Lewis Avenue B) 'okl; LUNDMARK, August E., Gaylorsville. Conn. HUNT, Charles IL. Antwerp. N Y GREENSPAN. RUBIN, 128 East' Second Stre t, New \ ork City. NAZZARO, Sam, Branchville, Conn. TRAINA, Mauro, 229 Union Street, Brooklyn. VAN LIERE, William, Lodi, N. J WESTON, Edwin, Orange, N. J WHALEN, Arthur W., Is Coenlies Slip, New York City. WILI IAMS, Frank, Hollis, N. Y. KORMAN, George, 56 Barclay Street, New¬ ark, N. J. LAMPERT, John P., 324 East Thirty-third Strei New York City. LAPIDES, Julius, 1907 Dcan Street, I rooklyn. LEIIMAN, John U., Fillmore, N. Y. LEHANE, Jeremiah, 230 Riverside Drive Now York City. LEMIEUX, William P., Middletown, Conn JAMISON. William, West Haven, Conn LOOMIS. Harry T., Tivoli, N. Y LOWENTHAL, Davis, 521% Sixth Ave¬ nue, New York City. LUSH, Adam J., 145 Eighth Street, Jer¬ sey City, N. J. LUTINSKI, Luis, 330 Avenue E, Bay- oi ni N. J. LAPKIN, Samuel, 118 West 112th Street New Vork City. M'CARTHY, Michael F.. Waterbury, Conn M'CAULEY, Edward, 196 Meeker Avenue', Brooklyn. MTJORMACK, Thomas, 230 Ilawthorne Street, Brooklyn. SMITH. Bay, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. TESAURO, Dominick, 779 Newark Ave- nuc, '.¦- ¦¦ City, N. J. ROTH, David, 718 Last Fifth Street, New York Citv. SAKOWICZ, Edward, Hicksville, N. Y. MANDERS, Murray, 252 Madison Avenue Albany, N. Y. SANOMJRSKY, Harry, 132 Pavonia Ave¬ nue, Brooklyn. SCHNITZER, Bennie, 253 Union Street. Newark, N. J. HENNESSEY, William F. 324 East Twenty-first Street, New York Citv. HI! LE,, 237 Last Eighteenth Streel. N.w York Citv. LEEKER, William IL, 307 Berger Ave¬ nue, Jersey City, N. .1. LESLIE, James G., North Tonawanda, N. Y. LISCONDY, Samuel. 130 Broome Street, New York Citv. MYERS. George, Wostport. Conn. NOE. Charles, Flushing, N. Y. NO* AN. Edward J., Waterbury, Conn. ZUGEHOR, Emil, 571 Joseph Avenue, Rnerr .ter, N. V. RICHARDS, Raymond A.. 535 Last Eighty- BCCOnd Street, ,\ew York Citv. RIPS, ilerman P.. 12 Last 129th Street, New York City, ROGERS, Frank, Fast Sevcnth Street, T. Brooklvn. SCHIEFER, Jjcob, 93 Kilburn Street, Buf¬ falo SHAMNSKY, Michael. 59 Troutman Street, Brooklyn. SHEEHAN Daniel J. 005 East Sixteenth Str"ei. New York City. SMITH. Edward. 21 Lytcll Street, Buf¬ falo. N Y. SNYDER, Louis, 445 Baynes Street, Buf¬ falo. N. Y. 7f""U, Henry I\. Jamalca. N. Y. TAFT, Cheater M.. IC34 Broadwav, Buffalo. TEA' John P., Lyong F-*IIh. N. Y. TOR'ASS'W. John, 624 Greenwich Street. New York City. UTKOWITZ, Frank, 84 Ludlow Street. New York Citv. VORACIf. Crutr'es J., E.Kt Islin. N. Y WAGNER, Carl F, 172 East Nincty-third Street New York City. ZH T'SKI, Frank, 224 Winoonn Street, BufTalo. DAVt-Ni'oitT. Charlea. Groton, N. Y. DRF.S'-TR. Krvine A.. BHsto), Conn. OALI.1CAN. Richard, New Brunswlck, N. J. MOORE, John. 248 West 149th Strct-t, New York Citv. HK7SON, George, Rrintol, Conn. WOODS, Henry E. 319 Blxty-elghth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. /I'lt'A Marcun, New Milford, N J. MORIARITY, Biirtholomew, 231 Hnmburg Streel. Buffalo. FACE, Jamee F. Newark. N. J. Service Crosses Are Awarded to 47 Heroic Soldiers General Pershing Issues Ci- tations for Acts of Daring .Ten New York Men Are on the Honor Roll WASHINGTON, Jan. 9..The com¬ mander in chief, in the name of the 1 resident, has awarded the distin- guished .service ctobs to these forty- seven officers and soldiers for acts of extraordinary heroism: Capta.n SAMUEL SHETHAR, 369th In¬ fantry. For extraord.nary heroism in ac¬ tion in tho Champagne sector. France, Sep¬ tember 26 to October 1, 1918. Acting as operations officer, Captain Shethar on sev- i ral occasions voluntanly collected small uniU which had become separated from their or- iramzatiens, organized them, and led them io their positions through intense machine- gun and shell fire. At another time he spent several hour.-; searching for a wounded bat¬ talion commander until he found him and carried him through heavy fire to the rear. Horn address, Mrs. Samuel Shethar, wife, 3u0 Seventh Street, New York City. Firsl Lieutenant HAROLD M. I.ANDON, 369th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Sechault, France, September 29, 1918, Lieutenant Landon, on duty as assistant liaison officer, personally carried an order to the assault battalion in order to insure its delivery, passing through heavy fire. The battalion commander being killed ju;,t ns ho arrived, Lieutenant Landon gave thc order to the next senior and then waited to see its execution. When the assaulting line wavered, under a territic enemy barrage, this officer jumped ahead of the line and led the first wave 1,000 metres to the objec¬ tive, assisting in consolidation the new posi¬ tion before he returned to regimental head¬ quarters. Home address, E. II. Landon, father, 00 Broadway, New York City. Major LORILLARD SPENCER, 369th In¬ fantry. For extraordinary heroism in action in tlie Champagne sector, France, September 26, 1918. Commanding a battalion which was in action for tbe first time, Major Spen- oer inspired his men by his own coolness and courage under intense machine-gun fire. He continually exposed himself without regard for personal safety until he was wounded six times. Home address, Mrs. Lorillard Spencer, wife, 71 Ea;,i Eighty-second Street, New York City. Private ELMER MTOWIN, Company K, 369th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in a.tion at Ripont Swamp, France, Sep¬ tember 7'fi, 1918. While passing through a swamp where most of the platoon was wounded. Private McCowin dressed the wounds of several of his eomvades, and after reaching lhe sheltor of a hill beyond returned repeatedly and assisted many of his com- rades to a place of safety. He also carried messages through shcll and machine-gun fire after being severely gassed. Home address, Mrs. Mattie Johnson, friend, 26S West 131st Street, New York City. Corporal ELMER EARL, Company K, 369th Inoinlry. For extraordinary heroism in action at Ripont Swamp, France, Sep¬ tember 2*!, 191s. While passing through a swamp where most of the platoon was wounded, Corporal Earl dressed the wounds of several of his comrades, and, after reach¬ ing the shelter of a hill beyond. returned re¬ peatedly and assisted many of his comrades to a place of safety. Home address, Mrs Joseph Earl, Goshen, N. Y. Sergeant FRANCIS W. WAGNER, Com¬ pany C 309th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Radonvillers, Frcr.ce, June 21, 191S. Sergeant Wagner .vas found badly wounded in the neck and legs, crowl- ire_- back to bring up support to his position. Home address, Mrs. E. Wagner, mother, 1821 Prospect Avenue, New York City. Corporal 1HOMAS I". MARONEV, Com¬ pany C, 308th Infantry. For extraordinary heroism in action near Radonvillers, Froiice, .lime 7'!, 191S. Although wounded while bringing up ammunition for his automatic life team, Corporal Maroney stayed with bi* men, encouraging and directing them. Home address, fohn Maroney, brother, lloEleventh Street, Brooklyn. Private PATRICK HENRICfIS, Company C, 3flSth Infantry. After being wounded Private Henrichs continued tc work his auto- matic rifie until it was destroyed. He then secured a rifle and continued to fight, and later assisted other wounded before havin- his wound dressed. Home address, Harry Henrichs, father, care B. McClain, 1 Btoad- way, New York City. Corporal CHAR1 ES D. ROUNDS, Com pany M, 60th Infantry. Fpr ext raordit ar- heroism in action near San de Laveline am' Clery Legrande. France, June 79, 191S, an1 October 28, 1918. On Juue 29 Corpoi Rounds was driven out of his post by ba grenades and machine gun lire. After ti grenades had ex] lodcd he re-entcred his i»j. ui di machine gun fire and .h-ove t'ro Gei man gunners away with his automatic rifie. On October 28 he located several machin- gun nosts and a batten of tield artillery, and returned with information .vhich made i" os il ir- tn dpstroy them. Home address, Fred '.. unds, Cather, With irbee, N. Y. Corporal ROBERT F. WARREN (de¬ ceased), Company E, 60th Infantry. For extraordi ry heroism in action near Clery- le-Petit, France, Novernber 1. 1918. Coiporal VYarren voluntarily left a place of compara- tive fety and went ivar ipen and bullet- swepl ground to t'or' asii 'an e of a comrade who had been wounded in ihe odvnnec While administering first aid he was a con- tinual prey for cntm; snlpers, hut he br&vely continued with his mission until killed. Next of kin. Mrs. Rose Warren, mother, 303 Lake- view Avenue. Svrneu-p N. Y. Private FREDERICK A. WOODWARD, Battery E, 4771 Artillery, Coast ArfiTlerv Corps. (A. S. No. 152480.) For extraordi¬ nary heroism in action near Suippes, Marne, France, July 14-15, 1918. Private Wood- ward, acting as runner during an engage- ment, kept up his work throughout the bom- bardment. On the trip he was wounded by a bursting shell, but Bucceeded in carrying a very important message to his battery com¬ mander. Home address, Mrs. William Wood- wa.-d, mother, 1015 Olive Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Sergeant LEE B. M'DANIEL (deceased), 353d Infantry. Columbus, Kan. Private EART, A, HOFMAN, Company C. 311st Machine Gun Battalion. Des Moines, Iowa. Major RTTRTON A. SMEAD. division ad- jutnnt, 80th Division. Denver, Col. Private ROY A. BESS, Company L, 355th Infantry. Glm Alien, Mo. Corporal CHARLES A. LEMASTERS, Company C, 311th Field Signal Battalion. St. Paul, Neb. Corporal THAROLD B. MANSFIELD, Company C. 314th Field Signal Battalion. Bay City, Mich. Sergeant (fir-t class) ROY M. SATTKRS, Company B, 314th Field Signal Battalion! Sergeant (First Class) ELGIN J. MOORE, Company C, 314th Field Signal Battalion.' Oshkosh, Neb. First. Lieutenant EILERT HEIKEN, 356th Infai try, Ottawa, Kan. Sergeant RALPH M. SHIMMEALL, Com¬ panv M, 353d Infantry, Norton, Kan. First Lieutenant FRANCIS M. M JRGAN, 353d Infantry, Ravinswood, Va. First. Lieutenant GEORGE C. M'CELVEY, ¦17th Infantry, Mount Cnrmel, S C Private MALLEY STEWART, Headquar¬ ters Company, 371st Infantry, Fort Mott. S. C. Sergeant WILLIAM BUTLER, Comprnv I, 369th Infantry, Salisbury, Md. Sergeant IRA C. RAYNER, Company G, 2Sth Infantry, Durant. Miss. Corporal WAl TER B. RTRTPLINO, Com¬ pany G, 7'Slh Infantry. Olivor Sorings Tenn Cornoral GEORGE WITMER, Companv G. 29th Infantry, Manchester, Penn., R. F. D No. i Cornoral DEWEY G. ARNOLD, Companv G, 98th Infnntrv. Roclv.-k <s c First Lieutenant JUDSON G. MARTELL (deceased), 60th (nfantry. West Somervllle, Mass. Lieutenant Colonel WOODELL A. PICK- ERING, 369th Infantry. Manchester, Penn.. R. F. D. No. 1. Second Lieutenant GEORGE G. CLARKE, 11th Infantry. Waukon, Iowa. Lieutenant Colonel LOWE A. M'CLURE, 61-t. infantry. Carann Citv, Nev. Flr-t. Lieutenant ROOERS S. MULLEN Gth Infnntry. Chicago. III. Lieutenant Co'onel COIIRTNEY H HODGES, 6th Infantry. Perrv, Ga. Private CUPTTS L. YEAGEK ideceased), Company. lltlth Infnntrv. Athorron Ind Sergeant LT'DWlG J N-\CHTMAN, Ma¬ chine Gun Company, 315th Infantry. Phila- delphia, Penn. Private (TI MILES T. THOMAS. Companv D, 311th Machine Gun Battalion. Dllliburg, Penn. First Lieutenant FR^n D. M^NDrJN- HALL, 7th Engineers. Lakeland, Fln. Major WI1 [AM M. HOGE, 7th En glnrers. lexi""!,).-! ^10 Major JOHN H. MUNCASTER, 11th In fael.ry, Omnlin Neh. Privcta (First Class) JUTIU3 D. LAR SON, Company F, 7th Enginesra, Cnascbtitg WIs. Major WYMAN R. SWAN, 7th Engineers Ro kport, [nd. Flrit Lieutenint JOHN IL MURPHY 856th Infantrv, Detroit, Comoral AUGUST MARTINEZ, Company I. :!.",.;th Infantry, T'irley, N. M. Captain LEE S EADS, 60th Infnntry (de ern i.'rl i, Lexington. Ky. Captain RUSSELL S. FISHER, 61st ln fiirtr.v, Chicago, Cnptaln JABEZ G. GHOLSTON, 6th In¬ fnntry. Woodlund. Mia.i. Casualty Bureau Open The New York County Chapter of the American Red Cross opened a casu- "Hy bu'-e-u yesterd y at 20 Eist Thirty-eighth Street, where, twenty- four houiL- after wounded men have arrived here. their relatives may learn ivborp th°v have h">en ser.t. Inquiries will be answered daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Thc location and v'siting hours ii the various hospitals are: Debarkation No. 1, r His Island, 2 to 5 p. m. Boats from Battery at 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30 daily. Debarkation Xo. 2, Fox Hills, Staten 'sland; 10 tc 11 a. m., 2 to 4 and 6 to 7. daily. Debarkation No. 3, Greenhut Build- :ng, Sixth Avenue and Eighteenth '-'treet; 2 to 4 p. m., dail>. Debarkation No. 5, Grand Central Palace, Lexington Avenue and Forty- fifth Street; 1 to 4:30, daily. Embai..ation No. 1, St. Mary's, Ho- boken: ll 1. m. to 4:30, daily. Embarkation No. 2, Secaucus, N. J. no visitors). Embarkation No. 4, Po'vcli-iic. 345 West Fiff'eth Street; 1 to 8 p. m., daily. Base Hospital No. 1, Gun Hill Road; Wednesdays and Sundays only, 2 to 4 p. m. Camp Upton Base Hospital, 2 to 4, daily. Camp Merritt, at Hostess House; 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., daily. Day Nursery in East 57th Streel Bryan L. Kennelly has sold the four- story basement and ceHar brownstone single liathouse, at 217 East Fifty-sev- enth Street, sixe 29 by 100 feet. to the League of Catholic Women, whose board of directors inc'ude Countess Georgiana Iselin, Mrs. Nicholas Brady, Mrs. Thomas H. Kelly. Countess Lan- gier-Villiers, Mrs. Delancey Kane, Mrs. Henry W. Taft, Mrs. Burrell Hoffman, Mrs. Andrew Dougherty and Miss Tere- sa O'Donohue. The purchasers will re-j model the building for day nursery purposes. Folsom Brothers represented the sellers. I Food Board Lifts Restrictions on Imports of Grain Slump in Corn Prices Fol¬ lows Confirmation of News .Report Denied Many Times by Federal Offieial WASHINGTON, Jan. 9..All restric¬ tions on the importation of corn and rice were removed to-day by the War Trade B:iard. At the same time the board an¬ nounced that it would consider apliea- tions favorabiy for the expoit of rice and for licenses for the shipment of jute and jute products, except yarn-s and nitrate bags. to al! destinations. Argentina is the chief country affee- ted by the romoval of the embargo on importations of corn. Large stores of corn are held in that country for ex¬ poit, it was said, and this corn may now be sent to the United States and also probably to the Allied countries since most of the embargoes p.aced by the War Trade Board were in accord with an inter-Allied agieement. Action by the War Trade Board in removing the embargo on corn followed repeated statements by Edgar Rickard and other food administration officials to-day that no recommendations to re- move the embargo on Argentine corn had been made. J. J. Stream, chief of the coarse grain division of the food administration, had stated at Chicago that such a recommendation had been made, and later reiterated his state- ment when his attention was called to the denial by the food administration. Sharp declines in the price of corn on the Chicago Board of Trade followed, the market closing with prices down from 3 1-2 to 7 3-S cents a bushel, coin- pared with twenty-four hours before. In denying that any recommendation to Hft the embargo had been made, food administration officials said Mr Stream favored immediate removal of the embargo. but th:.t Frank G. Cro¬ well, vice-president and acting mana¬ ger of the food adnvnistration's Grain Corporation at New York, had refused to agree to such act'on without ap- prova' of Herbert C. Hoover, at Patis The War Trade Board in its an¬ nouncement made no comment on its action but food administration offl cials sad to-night that they believed .Mr. Stream's announcement at Chicago had resuHed in "forcing Mr. OroweU's hand." It was reiterated that Mr. Crowell had not originally intended to make any request to-day for removal of the embargo. Foreif»n Paris Bourse.- PARIS. Jan. 9. -Trad¬ ing was nuiet and prices were steady on Ihe Bourse to-day. Three rer cent rentes, 61 francs 55 centimes for cash. Exchange on London, 25 francs 98 cen- t'mes. Five pcr cent loan, 88 francs oO centimes. New York To Pay Russian Bond Interest Due To-day. The Bemi-annual interest due to-day on the $50,000,000 imperial Rus¬ sian government 6V4 per cent bonda will be paid nt the National City Bank to holders of registered bonds. it was learned at that institution yesterday. Telephone Notes Oversubscrihed.. The banking syndicate which to-dav offered at pubiic sale $40,000,000 of American Telephone and Telegraph Company five-year .> per cent notes and $25,000,000 of New York Telephone thirty-year s>inking fund 6 per cent de- benture bonds announced the closing- of the books this afternoon with a heavy ovtrsubscriptioii. New Securities Admitted to Ltstv-* The following securities were admitted to trading by the governing committee; of the Stock Exchange yesterday: $1,- Oinl.OOO additional capital stock of the Ajnx Rubber Company; 60,000 shares of »he Stromberg Carburetor Company; $144,961 additional common stock of the Rush Terminal Company; $1,600,- 000 additional common stock of the To¬ bacco Products Corporation; $10,000,- 000 stock of the Oklahoma Producing and Reiining Company. Stock Exchange Seats Lower^.Two Stock Exchange memberships were sold yesterday for $08,000 each and anotheu for $69,000, compared with thc last previous sale nrieo of $70,000. Th» buyers were John F. MeCann. J. Dud- ley Peterson and Harold \V. Csrhart, Grafton H. Pine and Mauriee A. Kil- martin have been elected members of the exchange. Glass to Speak at Bankers' Conven¬ tion..At the nnr.iril dinner of Group 8 of the New York Stute Bankers' Asso¬ ciation, to be held at the Waldorf Mon¬ day rug'iu, Carter Glass. Secretary of the Treasury; ex-Governor Stokes of Xew Jersey, John Kendrick Bangs, and Baron J. de Nouflize. French commis¬ sioner in this country. will speak. Dividends Kegular Deiiaratiuns S!o'-khclder»*rf Stock. mtc. iH-riod. Payable. record. Clu, P A Co, $1.60 com. Q Keh. 1 Jan 21 Inn Cap Copper, 25c com..Feb. 15 Feb $ Elec H! «, Sh. IM pf. g.Keb. 1 Jan 20 do com. 2, Q.Jan 15 Jan 14 Kcrr Lake Mnu, 25c. Q... Mar. 15 Mar. 1 Paciflc C Co. P4 lst pf, Q.Feb. 1 Jan. 26 1 .lan 26 ere^s tiow The Tribune Can Assist You HELP WANTED. For the unusual salesman.the producer.or the bright-eyed young- ster that you want to train in your organization the stenographer of ability, or bookkeeper who really knows his business, use Tribune Help Wanted ads. They are the best for securing high-class help. Our "Bet¬ ter Job Bureau," which has listed thousands of applicants, will help you locate the man or woman you want. 25c a line of 7 words SITUATIONS WANTED- If you want to reach the big emplover, the procrressive American business man, try a Tribune Situation Wanted Ad. This will put you in touch in one day with more employers than you can see personally in a year, and at a cost of only 10c for every 7 words FURNISHED ROOMS-BOARDERS- The permanent,well-payingguest is easily and economically reached by advertising your vacancies in The New York Tribune. Ads may run without your name or address, but under a box number. We will for¬ ward all replies. 28c a line of 7 words for 1 day 75c a line of 7 words for 3 days $1.61 a line of 7 words for 7 days or jf you insert your ad for Saturday, Sunday and Monday the charge will be 60c a line. Example: A 2 line or 14 word ad for 1 day will cost 5rV: for 3 days $1.50; for 7 days $3.22; for Saturday, Sunday and Monday, $1.20. FOR SALE- Don't give your old furniture, automobile, books, etc, away. Sell them by using a Tribune For Sale Ad. The For Sale Ads of The Tribune are being watched constantly by the better class of buyers, who are willing to pay good cash prices for your articles. 30c per line of 7 words REAL ESTATE- Have you a country home you wish to sell, or an apartment to sub- lease, or money to invest in bonds and mortgages? Tribune Readers are Real Estate buyers. 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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1919-01-10 [p 9].€¦ · Casualty List WASHINGTON, Jan. 9..The army casualty list consists of 567 officers and enlisted mon. Of these 111 wore killed

Casualty ListWASHINGTON, Jan. 9..The army casualty list consists of 567

officers and enlisted mon. Of these 111 wore killed in action, 63 diedof wounds. 10 diod of accident. J! died of aeroplane accident, 76 died ofdisease, 224 were wounded severely, 6 were wounded, degree undeter-jnined; 6 were wounded slightly, and 38 were missing in action.

The full list for Xew York City, Xew York State, Xew Jersey andConnecticut and the names of the dead for the other statcs follows:

Ntm York City nnd VicinityKilled

CAMPBELL, Duncan, lieut., S2 WallStreet, Xew York ('.'..!.MAtfON, John P. lieut., 120 Weat Ninety-

Street, New York City.HOLDEN, Ernest II.. lieut., 120 West

124th Street, New York City.ARNONE, John. 7.'4 Withcrs Street.

Brooklyn.BAYARSKI, Anthony J., 8757 Bay Six¬

teenth Street, Brooklyn.CAROLLO, Leon, 35 Havemuyer Street,

Brooklyn.CHANDLER, Arthur. 2096 Atlantic Ave-

jstic, Brooklyn.DK NAURIE, Elmer. East OranRe, N. J.i'.VANS. henry, 321 West Fortieth Stiect,

New York City.HARKINS, James, corp., »',;'i Sterling

Place, Brooklj n.HASSKNFRATZ. Walter V., 23S West I32tl

N w V >i k City.HOPSON, Arthur, Jamaica, N. Y.KACHUK, Mike, 42 Stagg Street, Brook¬

lyn.LANYON. Cecil, Woodhavcn, N. Y.MICHAEL. Oliver, 158 East Ninety-eighth

Street. New York City.OSTROM, Eintir, 77 Manhassct Place,

BrooklPERRY, James, corp., 5G1 Lenox Avenue,

Isr w Vork City.PFISTER, Charles H., 81 Menahan Street,

Brooklyn.REILLY, Edward 17, Long Island City,

N. Y.SHORTS, William, corp., 7,7.1 West Sixty-

ninth Street. New York City.SPENCE, Lawrence, 129 West 117.1 Street,

Now Y'ork City.Died of Disease

CARLILE, Walter W., 7,77' Mott Street,Now Y'oik City.M'CORMACK. Hugh. 53 West Ninety-

eighth Street. New York City.ROBINSON, Edwin. corp., Jamaica. N. Y.

Died of Accident and OtherCauses

KOTTLOWSKY, Fridrick, 122 East Eiftv-fift.h Street. New York City.M'NICHEL, Thomas A., 289 Raltic Street,Brooklyn,SCHOPS, Joseph, corp., 823 Kelly Street,

New York City.Died of Wounds

CALLAHAN. Daniel J., 81G5 Bay Six¬teenth Street, Brooklyn.

EHLBEHR, August, sgt., 418 Van BruntStreet, Brooklyn.GOLDMAN, Walter E., corp., 531 West

151st Street, New York City.1S.\ \Cs, Joseph, 210 Hewes Street,

Broi klyn.M'CALISTER, Joseph A., corp., 281 Lef-

Eerts Avenue, Brooklyn.M'GRADY, John A., Newark, N. J.M'CLOSKEY. John S.. L'7S West Six-

teenth Street, Nov.- York City.M'OEE, ['rank .7, Newark. N. J.O'NEIL, Herbert J., 424 Fourth Avenue.

Brooklyn.UUF, Leo, corp., 401 East Fifty-fiftli

Stn et, New York City.ROTHSTEIN. Solly, 109 West 112th

Stn i. New York City.WKSTI'HAL, Robert B., Jersey City, N. J.

Wi ounded SeverelyCLICENTS, George H., 190 Fulton Street,

Brooklyn.ELY, Meredith A. West Orange. N. ,1.DI JANO, Pasquale, 222 East lieth Street,

Ni York City.1IAAS. Frederick, 996 Second Avenue,

New York City.JOHNSTON. N.. corp., Woodhaven, N. Y.JOELL, Arnold, 133 East HHHh Street.I'.ew York City.LEVINE, Morris H.r 223 South Sceond

,-'! reet. Brooklyn.M'ALEER, Frank L., 609 Lexington Ave¬

nue, Brooklyn.PIERSON, Wm. J., sgt., Elizabeth, N. J.RICE, Arthur t... L416 Second Avenue,New York City.1777X1 RANK, John, Port Chester, N. Y.>HERRY, John J., corp., Jersey City, N. J.SHAPIRO, Lewis, corp., 91] ProspectAvenue. New Yorl* City.TIENKEN, Mathew, corp., 32 East TliirdStreet, Brooklyn.TiQUE, Frank, Hoboken, N. J.

Wounded SlighllyJUSTICE, Albert, 110 Meserole Street,Broi klyn.

MissingCANTENIS, John, 31 West Twenty-seventh

Street, Ni w York City.JACOFF, William N., corp., 1819 Madison

Avenue, New York City.SARRO, Joseph, Freeport, N. Y.YANNACO, Dominick, 506 West 185th

Street, New York City.

EhrtchereCharacter of casualties is indicated as follows: (K) killed

in action; (W) wounded; < L> A) died of accident or other causes;(D \V) died of wounds; (U D) died of disease; (M) missing:(P) prisoner.

ALABAMA:MAY, Victor, lieut.. Anburn (D W).STRANGE, Osmond, Athens (K).

ARKANSAS:HENDRIX, Jamc*. Hatchett 1K1.HALL, Frizzell, corp., Olyphant (D D).

COLORADO:BISHOP, C. M., lieut., Denver (D T>).BL'SUSKLL, Theodore A'., lieut., Denver

(D n >.CONNECTICUT:GINGRAS, Arthur J., Ansonia (K).GEER. Samuel. New London 1K1.KVIETKUS, Peter P., Oakville 1W1.LARKIN, Fred, Glrnbrook (W).M'CANN, John '17, S. Manchester (D D).WALDRON. Raymond. Torrington (W).VORONOWICZ, Alex. Stamford (K).WESTON, C. C, corp., Bridgeport (D D).

CALIFORNIA:AKESSON, Bror H.. Rio Vista (D W).GREIFF, Carl L.. sgt., Los Angeles (D W).JACQUEMET, Leon A., San Francis (K).ODELLO, Michele, Shasta County (K).RUSSELL, Samuel. Oakland 1K1.WORDEN, Arthur, Modesta (K).

FLOFIDA:JOHNSON, Alvin M., Welaka iD A).

GEORGIASMITH, Robert D., jr., lieut., Atlanta (K).UOOS. James J., lieut., Dover (h).LOQUE, Jesse W., Sparta (D Dr.RAMSEY, M.. sgt., Jackson (D W).TEETLE, Grover, Smithville (D W).

ILLINOI3:ALLEN, A. H., corp., Chicago (D D).BRIDEL, William D., Coal City 1K1.CREED. A.. corp.. Chicago (D D).DEI.GIOMO. Antonio, ClGRIMES, Walter I-.., Chicago .1.1.GIFFHORN, Charles C, Tremont (K).JONES, Iythel T., corp., Chicago (K).LAWRENCE, Matthew, Hudson (K).LANGE, Arnold, Chicago '!) D).NEWCOMB, W. C, sgt., Fr iDD).NELSON. E. E., Bgt., ClNELSON. Edwin W., Chica o (D D).SMIEJKOWSKI, Frank S., sgt., Chicago

(DW).SHAMROCK, John E., Chicago (K).SHARVIN, James. North Chicago (Kj.


ENGLERTH, Bannie I... lieut., JloneyC D D).GILLAND, William, 0 good (K).M'CARTHY. J. M -¦.. Bend IDDi.WHITACRE, O. I... Hartford City (D W).


ROST. Johnnie J., Hartley (K).80RENSEN, Hans 17, corp., Adair (D D).TURNER, L. J., corp., Oskaloosa 'D V).WEISMAN, Jake, Marble Rock (K).

KAKSAS:BES'.HOEEF. Leonard, Crinnell (D W).CANTKELL, Archie L., Protection iD A).Fl'RY. Leroy V.. Miltonvale (D D).HENTON. leonard W., Atehison (D Dl.KJBS3LER, Edw. M., corp., Chaney (D W).

KENTUCKY:BOBLirr, Charles R., Bardstown (K).GAY, Daniel, Piqua (D D|.HICKS, Alfred. Louisville iKi.JORDAN, William M.. Morehead <K).KING. John E., Lincoln (Ki.OLDHAM, Wm. M., Madisonville (K).

LOUI8IANA:COLLINS, Robert, New Orleans ID D).pURIO, Jerome, Oberlin (D W).BEtTTON, Earl. Dixie (D D).LEWIS, John, Rochclle (D D).MOORE, Frank A., sgt, Geanerette IDDi.MORRis. H. J.. corp., New Orleans 'DD|.STONE, William. New Orleans (D D>.rROXI.ER. Adrian, Taft (D D).

MLNNESOTA:AN8EMS, Thoman, Faribault (KLBAUMANN. Walter, i.,. Seuer (K).HAMANN. Herman W., New Ulm (K).gOGAN, Harold .!., Laverne (Ki.HAKOtDSOX, Harry, corp., Albert Lea¦UND, Clareneo O.. New Brlghton (K)._**££& Axel XV., Duluth (K).ROBIOEAU, Real i., Princeton <D P).MAINE:BI'TLKR. Henry. Watervllle (D D).¦ANWARING. R. D., Brunswick mjW).XONTANA:

.UWACBU8ETT8:r'n/l'Z1'- W' '".. '""'- Medjord (/<).BAKER, I^idore W, Worcester (K).tA,^AVAN, John M.. Dorchester (K).pURKIN, John L., Lowell (D D)_**N8TROM, Carl A., Ka-t Boston 'DDVMLROOi'K, John J., GHbortville (li).KYAN. Jamm, Lawrence (D Wi.gANDERS, Karl J., South Arnherst (K)wLOMAS. Chark-.. p., Ali.ton D Ai.

MI8R0ITU-^ABTBEE, P. B., eorp., Iconium(DW).DBSRINGER, Gny. Ballne (K).fARRiH. Jaekaon H, Eolla iKi."ARftIs, j,,.,!.,. ],,.x]m,ui:i tU Di.'7tZK'TO-4- rairwr L., Carrollton (Dl),.. KV.Y, R.!ph C, Bt. Joseph (K).WILLIAMS, Floyd, Joplin (D W|.

¦WMrppiiHtOWN, Howard E., Jxtord (K).gy_?g?f A. B. sgt,, BellefonUln. (D D),MlCHIfHN;tnSv^Ji w K- .**-< Mtwkegon mwi.HulftW A- <.. Travew. City (l, v/>.

liVt'uiKK ThomaJl. Rod/ord (K).m\Wir- K ''¦ W«,J,i.;,t.., ID DlMA^t'\Morr" w- OotnH (DO)

hvyu,- 7, K ;" " ¦.¦ ot**.

idORMON, E., Nattottal Min., (K>.*A«y|yASO,

*»$»<% ''r"n"!" A . '"ul' tontoao

ti?l i """/*'"» .'¦. I Wi,.'""""^"'r Cb«*I*»( <^p. 0«b.a iwi.

DECKER, L. B., corp.. Little Falls (DW).DREW, Frank, Buffalo (W).ESSENBURG, John C, sgt., North Tona-

v anda (W).(771),.KY, Enrl G., Rochester (W).HUBBARD, H. 1.., Bainbridge iD Wi.Ill RELL. E. corp., Binghamton (D W).1NYARD, F. II.. corp., Lawrence (W).JACKSON, Oddie J., Buffalo (W).JACOBS, Edward M., Buffalo i\Vi.KENNY, Charlea J., Oneida (1) W).KWIATKOWSKI, Stanley, BufTalo (KLLATORRE, Selorino, Schenectady (Wi.MASTIN. Benj. (>.. Oswego (D Di.MALONEY, Michael M., Cohoes (Mi.PERSCHINSKI, Joe, orp.. Buffalo (W).PADU1 A. Nicola, Green Island (M).PEP.RIN G. N. set., Buffalo (W).SCHULTY, Leo, Buffalo (W).SCANLON, Wm. J. corp., Fulton (I) DLSECOK, .!. H. corp.. Pearl River (DW).TARTAGLIA, Anthonv J., Utica (W).1 ,'.\\- MKE, Henry. Wilson (D D).VINCENT, Russell .corp., I'helps (WLVERDI, John 17, Silver Creek (D WLWHITE, T. L. sgt., Loon Lake (D Dl.

NEBRASKA:MARTIN, R. !¦:., lieut., Bellevue <D D).BliEESE, Winf.eld S., lieut.. Lincoln (D

aecitient).BEAVER, Herbert, corp., Wahoo (K).li Vi' K, Frank J., Whitman (K'LTOLINE, Arvid, Osceola (K).

NEW JERSEY:EL t.. li, ut.. Atlantic City ( W).EVANS, Edward, Highwood (WL


ii capl.., Charlotte ID I~>).7i7 VKMAN. ritz A., Palmei-ville iD\v~».

7 G., sgt., Cary (D D).ISAACS, Jan es O, Dobson (K).KINCAIDE, James W., sir;., Lenore (D WLLOVE, John I., Concord (K7MILLIKAN, Elijah, Rocky Mountain (DDi.SNOW, Charles R., Mount Airy (K).TURNER, Willie M., Wilmington (K).

NEV.4DA:¦.. ('.. lieut Keno (K).

NEW HAMPSHIRE:'".. fi* ut., Conrord (K).HOLLAND, Wm. H., corp., Litchfleld (K).

OHIO:WO 777. Frank R., lieut., Polk (li).BRAVI RM \N V-r Cleveland (K)BAILOR, 7. B., West Salem tD A A).ij,. c harlie, Lima K i.DIGNAN, James J., Youngstown (K).FISHER, Clinton, corp., North Lima (K).GRUNDEN, R., corp., Ohio City (1) D)HOYLE, VV. 11., Spring Valley (D W).lii NRY, John P., Fremont iD ln.RI1 EY, Hov ard N., Marion ll) DLRUS r, David I,.. Eaton iD D).SMITSON, .James, Higginsport (D W).SHANK, Robert, corp., Arcanum (K).STRI NK. Stanley, Toledo iD W).WALTMAN, George C, Dayton (K)ZINKAND, Oswald, Akron (K).

OKLAHOMA:BAUGH, Joe] I... Mayers (KLBEST, Everett M., Hennessey (K).KES1 ER, W. E Oklahoma City (K).M'CARTNEY, Raleigh, Pawhuska K).ROBERTS, Wm. A.. Fletcher (D W).ROGERS, Mart S., Ardmore (D A).

OREGON:DAVI 5, Archie E., Albany (K).

PENNSYLVANIA:117. OLSKl, John M., lirut., Imperial (K).STEVENS, William C, lieut., I'hilculclphiaiD D).FISHER, John ./., lieut., Punxsutavmey(D ¦:¦ oplane acc itrnt j.ANDERSON, Ernest, sgt,, Warren (KLCOHERT, Ralph fi., sgt, Dorranceton

(D V r.

DOLLMAN, A. W., corp., Pittsburgh (K).RLEY, R. A., I. high County (K).11*7 ¦''.. E. i'.. corp., Driftwood (D DLHAVENS, ('. K., corp., Glenside (D D).LAW, Malcolm I'., sgt., Kingston (D IJ).LEES, rank, sgt., Monessen 11) Wi.MILLER, Lloyd a.. Springboro (I) WLMELICK, Philip G., sgt., Philadelphia(D Wi.NULL, Clyde R.. Jeannette (I) DLPOLLOl K. ;,., corp., Philadelphia (K).RAWL1NGS, William E., sgt, Peckville

f!) W)SCOTT, Eugeno F., Coateavillo (D D).SNYDER, Ceorgo 1'., corp., Slippery Kock

(I) i".DLOCK, Joseph P., Elkland (K).

SACKFJELD, James, Carllslo (I) D).SI'RATLEY, William E., Rochester (KLSKELLY, Frank, k«l, Norristown (I) W).THAL. Morris, Philadelphia (I) WLTURNER, Samuel, Philadelphia <K).

RHODE ISLAND:< 7 INO, William 11.. Hamilton (K).PRICE, Harold 17, Pawtucket UO.SCOTT, Robert P., Eaton Park (K).

SOUTH CAROLINA iO'CONNELL, James. Plnnkinton (D W).TONKEL, Mlke G., Granvllle (D D).

SOUTH CAROLINA tt' Daniel, lieut., Cheraw (l<).

ALL1SON, Vance l'., Luurcno <KjBOWMAN. Lane, Charleston (K).CHABAUS, 1... corp., Kawthorno (D D).EDWARD8, William, Elliolt (K).GEKVAIS, fillHott, Qnflton (D AiKEARSE, Ruben K.. Chroadt (K).ODOM, T. !¦.., cor,,., lUrUville (D WiPEPPLES, Pennell, Aik-r, (D D)WILLIAMS, Colon L., Cbeaterflold (K).

TEXAS:BRENT, Shnde V... Beaumont (D Ai

FKS, John I... Humboldt (Ki./Kill" ER, Wm.. Ilooey Grovo (KlCANTAVESPIK, 11, Pltta Bridge (K).CHEANEY, D. W., Aranoas Pnw* (K).HANNAH, 7 B Oateavill* (D D).M17' Iil, Braoch, Calvert (D D).SCOTT, Earl, »gt, DftllU ll) W).

(T, i.ii'tier, Bouthmayd (K).TBULEY, W. .!.¦:/. Houttton (Ki.VOGKI 8ANG, Koborl, New Ulin (D DL

TKNNEHHKE:BURKE, Thomaa ('., Joatph (Ki.COOPER, HnmpUin, Plnson <Kj.FLOWER8, Earl, Columbia (D D).PKRGU80N, C. M., LobelvllU (K).I LH ei.'., Emest, Columbia <K)HOUSE, Ji'TiKK iv, Grrniville (f) J)(,

ii -v".'-. John T. corp., Lntolletta (D W).VllfMMA:liLLCUAK, Him*, tgt, Norfolk (K). '

!SV,' S,Kti7 Central Point <D A>-DIXON, Earl, Johnstown (KtGIBBS, Bernett, Richmond (K)HATCHER, Harry. Theological SeminaryL> Vi I.ODOM, W. F., 8gt. Bennett Croek (D W)TODD. R. B., corp., Wilderness (D D)WALKER, Moses. Boydton (K).

VERMONT:BENOIT, Joseph, Sheldon (D D).MAYO, William IL, Burlington (D D).

WISCONSIN:/'////././/'¦' Leslie .1.. lien!., Chetik (1) Di'ANDERSON, Oscar, Argule (KiANDERSON, Edwin, Bangor (K)BASSLER, Fred, Plainfield (D DiFELDMEN. Peter R., Milwaukee r> DiHAMBLET, Alvin, sgt., E. Barron (D WiHAMILTON, Geo. W. Fond-du-Lac (KiLOSSELYONG. Peter, Appleton (K).MILLER. George J., Eau Claire (D DiVERDEGAN, Anton, Green Bay (D W)WIENSCH, Joseph, Corncll (K).

WASHINGTON:LEE, Jefferson, Seattle (K).PETERSON, A. IL, corp.. Seattle (D D)WOODS, James E., Wulla Walla (D Wi

WEST VIRGINIA:RHODES, Emmett H.. Spencer (K)ROBERTSON, Okie E. Mercer County (K).

Foreign CountriesCANADA:MAYETTE, Lake J., Nova Scotia (KI

GREECE:DERMITZKIS, Emanuel, Eveetea (K)


DEMAIO, Dominico, Palermo (KiLUCARELLI, J., corp., Atiuila (D WiPIZZUTI, P., Provencia di Roma (Ki.VACCHIERI, Earnesto, Vorino (D Di

RUSSIA:LOWILL, Mikodyn, Vilma (K).

RevisionsWounded, Degree Undeter-

minedBRAY, Joseph A., Paterson, N. J.CARMENT, Henry, East Newark, N. JFENSTER, Joseph, Carmel, N. J.GY1DO, Filippo, 405 West Fifty-sixthStreet, New York City.JARDIN, Randolph. Elmhurst, N. Y.O'CONNELL, Walter, Huntington, N YO'DOHERTY, William II., 1779 BedfordAvenue. Brooklyn.PENN, Allison, Woodhaven, N. Y.PERILLO, Louis, 664 Last 189th Street,1New York City.ROACII. Jei-emiah F. 634 Fifty-thirdSi reel. Brooklvn. ,

RUSSELL, Peter A., 217 Sevcnth Avenue,Brooklyn.STE1NMANN, John J. Woodside, N. Y.WALLACE, Robert W.. Jersey City. N. J.

Returned to DutyGRECO, Louis. West New York, N. -T.KROLL, Rudolph, corp., Jersey City, N. JKLEIN, Robert L. Wcst New York, N. J.O'NEIL, Charles, Newark, N. J.PETTERSON. Peter S., corp., 17 State

Street, New York City.SCUILLA, Charles. Conev Island, N. Y.NEWMARK, Gabriel, Newark, N. J.

Killed in ActionDOLAN.-Hugh 17, Jersey City, N. J.

Wounded SeverelyIOELE, Francesco, Newark, N. J.WEISS, Edward F., 432 East 115th Street,New York City.

NEW YORK: 'ROGE N C, lirvt., Canandaigua (D).BINGERT, George W., Tonawanda (WLCIAMPRONE, Pancrazio, Depew (sick in

hospital i.CARROLL, John I\, corp., Buffalo (re¬

turned to duty l.CLARK. Urrie, Phelps (returned to dutyLCULKOWSKI, John, Buffalo (returned to

duty).JOHNSON, Floyd, Medina (WLJAMUSZ, Michael, Frankfort (sick in hos¬

pital).JOHNSON, John II., Glcndale (returnedto duty*.I.UT/., Joseph, BufTalo (returned to duty!NEIDERT, Frank IC, Brockport (returned

to duty).POODRY, Sherry, Akron (returned toduty i.RAPFAZO, Giuseppe, Albany (sick in hos-

pital).RADLOFF, Edward, Niagara Falls (WlRYAN, Edward T.. Cazenovia iWi.ROACH, David, Chester (sick in hospital)SEAMAN, A. M. Bolton Landing (D WiflMM, Chas. L., corp., Hamburg (D Wl.CONNECTICUT: '

CLINTON, Harry L. Westville (K).NEW JERSEY:ANNAND, Frank A., Camden (VV)COURTER, Walter, Bloomingdale (re¬turned to dutvL

New Yorkers, Released byGermans, Back in FranceWar Department AnnouneesAnother List of Repatriated

PrisonersWASHINGTON, Jan. 9. -Tho War

Department announced to-dav that thofollowing enlisted New York men ot'the American Expeditionary Forces, re-leased from German prison camps andhospitals, had returned to France:MARLEY, Daniel, 256 Lewis AvenueB) 'okl;LUNDMARK, August E., Gaylorsville.Conn.HUNT, Charles IL. Antwerp. N YGREENSPAN. RUBIN, 128 East' SecondStre t, New \ ork City.NAZZARO, Sam, Branchville, Conn.TRAINA, Mauro, 229 Union Street,Brooklyn.VAN LIERE, William, Lodi, N. JWESTON, Edwin, Orange, N. JWHALEN, Arthur W., Is Coenlies Slip,New York City.WILI IAMS, Frank, Hollis, N. Y.KORMAN, George, 56 Barclay Street, New¬

ark, N. J.LAMPERT, John P., 324 East Thirty-thirdStrei New York City.LAPIDES, Julius, 1907 Dcan Street,I rooklyn.LEIIMAN, John U., Fillmore, N. Y.LEHANE, Jeremiah, 230 Riverside DriveNow York City.LEMIEUX, William P., Middletown, ConnJAMISON. William, West Haven, ConnLOOMIS. Harry T., Tivoli, N. YLOWENTHAL, Davis, 521% Sixth Ave¬

nue, New York City.LUSH, Adam J., 145 Eighth Street, Jer¬

sey City, N. J.LUTINSKI, Luis, 330 Avenue E, Bay-

oi ni N. J.LAPKIN, Samuel, 118 West 112th Street

New Vork City.M'CARTHY, Michael F.. Waterbury, ConnM'CAULEY, Edward, 196 Meeker Avenue',Brooklyn.MTJORMACK, Thomas, 230 Ilawthorne

Street, Brooklyn.SMITH. Bay, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.TESAURO, Dominick, 779 Newark Ave-

nuc, '.¦- ¦¦ City, N. J.ROTH, David, 718 Last Fifth Street, New

York Citv.SAKOWICZ, Edward, Hicksville, N. Y.MANDERS, Murray, 252 Madison Avenue

Albany, N. Y.SANOMJRSKY, Harry, 132 Pavonia Ave¬

nue, Brooklyn.SCHNITZER, Bennie, 253 Union Street.

Newark, N. J.HENNESSEY, William F. 324 East

Twenty-first Street, New York Citv.HI! LE,, 237 Last Eighteenth

Streel. N.w York Citv.LEEKER, William IL, 307 Berger Ave¬

nue, Jersey City, N. .1.LESLIE, James G., North Tonawanda,

N. Y.LISCONDY, Samuel. 130 Broome Street,

New York Citv.MYERS. George, Wostport. Conn.NOE. Charles, Flushing, N. Y.NO* AN. Edward J., Waterbury, Conn.ZUGEHOR, Emil, 571 Joseph Avenue,

Rnerr .ter, N. V.RICHARDS, Raymond A.. 535 Last Eighty-

BCCOnd Street, ,\ew York Citv.RIPS, ilerman P.. 12 Last 129th Street,

New York City,ROGERS, Frank, Fast Sevcnth Street, T. Brooklvn.SCHIEFER, Jjcob, 93 Kilburn Street, Buf¬

faloSHAMNSKY, Michael. 59 Troutman

Street, Brooklyn.SHEEHAN Daniel J. 005 East Sixteenth

Str"ei. New York City.SMITH. Edward. 21 Lytcll Street, Buf¬

falo. N Y.SNYDER, Louis, 445 Baynes Street, Buf¬

falo. N. Y.7f""U, Henry I\. Jamalca. N. Y.TAFT, Cheater M.. IC34 Broadwav, Buffalo.TEA' John P., Lyong F-*IIh. N. Y.TOR'ASS'W. John, 624 Greenwich Street.

New York City.UTKOWITZ, Frank, 84 Ludlow Street.

New York Citv.VORACIf. Crutr'es J., E.Kt Islin. N. YWAGNER, Carl F, 172 East Nincty-third

Street New York City.ZH T'SKI, Frank, 224 Winoonn Street,BufTalo.DAVt-Ni'oitT. Charlea. Groton, N. Y.DRF.S'-TR. Krvine A.. BHsto), Conn.OALI.1CAN. Richard, New Brunswlck,N. J.MOORE, John. 248 West 149th Strct-t,New York Citv.HK7SON, George, Rrintol, Conn.WOODS, Henry E. 319 Blxty-elghthStreet, Brooklyn, N. Y./I'lt'A Marcun, New Milford, N J.MORIARITY, Biirtholomew, 231 HnmburgStreel. Buffalo.FACE, Jamee F. Newark. N. J.

Service CrossesAre Awarded to 47

Heroic Soldiers

General Pershing Issues Ci-tations for Acts of Daring.Ten New York MenAre on the Honor RollWASHINGTON, Jan. 9..The com¬

mander in chief, in the name of the1 resident, has awarded the distin-guished .service ctobs to these forty-seven officers and soldiers for acts ofextraordinary heroism:

Capta.n SAMUEL SHETHAR, 369th In¬fantry. For extraord.nary heroism in ac¬tion in tho Champagne sector. France, Sep¬tember 26 to October 1, 1918. Acting asoperations officer, Captain Shethar on sev-i ral occasions voluntanly collected small uniUwhich had become separated from their or-iramzatiens, organized them, and led themio their positions through intense machine-gun and shell fire. At another time he spentseveral hour.-; searching for a wounded bat¬talion commander until he found him andcarried him through heavy fire to the rear.Horn address, Mrs. Samuel Shethar, wife,3u0 Seventh Street, New York City.

Firsl Lieutenant HAROLD M. I.ANDON,369th Infantry. For extraordinary heroismin action near Sechault, France, September29, 1918, Lieutenant Landon, on duty asassistant liaison officer, personally carriedan order to the assault battalion in order toinsure its delivery, passing through heavyfire. The battalion commander being killedju;,t ns ho arrived, Lieutenant Landon gavethc order to the next senior and then waitedto see its execution. When the assaultingline wavered, under a territic enemy barrage,this officer jumped ahead of the line andled the first wave 1,000 metres to the objec¬tive, assisting in consolidation the new posi¬tion before he returned to regimental head¬quarters. Home address, E. II. Landon,father, 00 Broadway, New York City.Major LORILLARD SPENCER, 369th In¬

fantry. For extraordinary heroism in actionin tlie Champagne sector, France, September26, 1918. Commanding a battalion whichwas in action for tbe first time, Major Spen-oer inspired his men by his own coolness andcourage under intense machine-gun fire. Hecontinually exposed himself without regardfor personal safety until he was woundedsix times. Home address, Mrs. LorillardSpencer, wife, 71 Ea;,i Eighty-second Street,New York City.

Private ELMER MTOWIN, Company K,369th Infantry. For extraordinary heroismin a.tion at Ripont Swamp, France, Sep¬tember 7'fi, 1918. While passing through aswamp where most of the platoon waswounded. Private McCowin dressed thewounds of several of his eomvades, and afterreaching lhe sheltor of a hill beyond returnedrepeatedly and assisted many of his com-rades to a place of safety. He also carriedmessages through shcll and machine-gun fireafter being severely gassed. Home address,Mrs. Mattie Johnson, friend, 26S West 131stStreet, New York City.

Corporal ELMER EARL, Company K,369th Inoinlry. For extraordinary heroismin action at Ripont Swamp, France, Sep¬tember 2*!, 191s. While passing through a

swamp where most of the platoon waswounded, Corporal Earl dressed the woundsof several of his comrades, and, after reach¬ing the shelter of a hill beyond. returned re¬peatedly and assisted many of his comradesto a place of safety. Home address, MrsJoseph Earl, Goshen, N. Y.Sergeant FRANCIS W. WAGNER, Com¬

pany C 309th Infantry. For extraordinaryheroism in action near Radonvillers, Frcr.ce,June 21, 191S. Sergeant Wagner .vas foundbadly wounded in the neck and legs, crowl-ire_- back to bring up support to his position.Home address, Mrs. E. Wagner, mother, 1821Prospect Avenue, New York City.Corporal 1HOMAS I". MARONEV, Com¬

pany C, 308th Infantry. For extraordinaryheroism in action near Radonvillers, Froiice,.lime 7'!, 191S. Although wounded whilebringing up ammunition for his automaticlife team, Corporal Maroney stayed with bi*men, encouraging and directing them. Homeaddress, fohn Maroney, brother, lloEleventhStreet, Brooklyn.

Private PATRICK HENRICfIS, CompanyC, 3flSth Infantry. After being woundedPrivate Henrichs continued tc work his auto-matic rifie until it was destroyed. He thensecured a rifle and continued to fight, andlater assisted other wounded before havin-his wound dressed. Home address, HarryHenrichs, father, care B. McClain, 1 Btoad-way, New York City.

Corporal CHAR1 ES D. ROUNDS, Company M, 60th Infantry. Fpr ext raordit ar-heroism in action near San de Laveline am'Clery Legrande. France, June 79, 191S, an1October 28, 1918. On Juue 29 CorpoiRounds was driven out of his post by bagrenades and machine gun lire. After tigrenades had ex] lodcd he re-entcred his i»j.ui di '¦ machine gun fire and .h-ove t'ro Geiman gunners away with his automatic rifie.On October 28 he located several machin-gun nosts and a batten of tield artillery, andreturned with information .vhich made i"os il ir- tn dpstroy them. Home address, Fred

'.. unds, Cather, With irbee, N. Y.Corporal ROBERT F. WARREN (de¬

ceased), Company E, 60th Infantry. Forextraordi ry heroism in action near Clery-le-Petit, France, Novernber 1. 1918. CoiporalVYarren voluntarily left a place of compara-tive fety and went ivar ipen and bullet-swepl ground to t'or' asii 'an e of a comradewho had been wounded in ihe odvnnecWhile administering first aid he was a con-tinual prey for cntm; snlpers, hut he br&velycontinued with his mission until killed. Nextof kin. Mrs. Rose Warren, mother, 303 Lake-view Avenue. Svrneu-p N. Y.

Private FREDERICK A. WOODWARD,Battery E, 4771 Artillery, Coast ArfiTlervCorps. (A. S. No. 152480.) For extraordi¬nary heroism in action near Suippes, Marne,France, July 14-15, 1918. Private Wood-ward, acting as runner during an engage-ment, kept up his work throughout the bom-bardment. On the trip he was wounded by abursting shell, but Bucceeded in carrying avery important message to his battery com¬mander. Home address, Mrs. William Wood-wa.-d, mother, 1015 Olive Street, Elizabeth,N. J.

Sergeant LEE B. M'DANIEL (deceased),353d Infantry. Columbus, Kan.Private EART, A, HOFMAN, Company C.

311st Machine Gun Battalion. Des Moines,Iowa.Major RTTRTON A. SMEAD. division ad-

jutnnt, 80th Division. Denver, Col.Private ROY A. BESS, Company L, 355th

Infantry. Glm Alien, Mo.Corporal CHARLES A. LEMASTERS,Company C, 311th Field Signal Battalion.

St. Paul, Neb.Corporal THAROLD B. MANSFIELD,Company C. 314th Field Signal Battalion.Bay City, Mich.Sergeant (fir-t class) ROY M. SATTKRS,Company B, 314th Field Signal Battalion!Sergeant (First Class) ELGIN J. MOORE,Company C, 314th Field Signal Battalion.'

Oshkosh, Neb.First. Lieutenant EILERT HEIKEN, 356thInfai try, Ottawa, Kan.Sergeant RALPH M. SHIMMEALL, Com¬

panv M, 353d Infantry, Norton, Kan.First Lieutenant FRANCIS M. M JRGAN,353d Infantry, Ravinswood, Va.First. Lieutenant GEORGE C. M'CELVEY,¦17th Infantry, Mount Cnrmel, S CPrivate MALLEY STEWART, Headquar¬

ters Company, 371st Infantry, Fort Mott.S. C.

Sergeant WILLIAM BUTLER, Comprnv I,369th Infantry, Salisbury, Md.

Sergeant IRA C. RAYNER, Company G,2Sth Infantry, Durant. Miss.Corporal WAl TER B. RTRTPLINO, Com¬

pany G, 7'Slh Infantry. Olivor Sorings TennCornoral GEORGE WITMER, Companv G.

29th Infantry, Manchester, Penn., R. F. DNo. i

Cornoral DEWEY G. ARNOLD, CompanvG, 98th Infnntrv. Roclv.-k <s c

First Lieutenant JUDSON G. MARTELL(deceased), 60th (nfantry. West Somervllle,Mass.

Lieutenant Colonel WOODELL A. PICK-ERING, 369th Infantry. Manchester, Penn..R. F. D. No. 1.Second Lieutenant GEORGE G. CLARKE,11th Infantry. Waukon, Iowa.Lieutenant Colonel LOWE A. M'CLURE,61-t. infantry. Carann Citv, Nev.Flr-t. Lieutenant ROOERS S. MULLEN

Gth Infnntry. Chicago. III.Lieutenant Co'onel COIIRTNEY H

HODGES, 6th Infantry. Perrv, Ga.Private CUPTTS L. YEAGEK ideceased),Company. lltlth Infnntrv. Athorron IndSergeant LT'DWlG J N-\CHTMAN, Ma¬

chine Gun Company, 315th Infantry. Phila-delphia, Penn.

Private (TI MILES T. THOMAS. CompanvD, 311th Machine Gun Battalion. Dllliburg,Penn.

First Lieutenant FR^n D. M^NDrJN-HALL, 7th Engineers. Lakeland, Fln.Major WI1 [AM M. HOGE, 7th En

glnrers. lexi""!,).-! ^10Major JOHN H. MUNCASTER, 11th In

fael.ry, Omnlin Neh.Privcta (First Class) JUTIU3 D. LAR

SON, Company F, 7th Enginesra, CnascbtitgWIs.

Major WYMAN R. SWAN, 7th EngineersRo kport, [nd.

Flrit Lieutenint JOHN IL MURPHY856th Infantrv, Detroit,Comoral AUGUST MARTINEZ, Company

I. :!.",.;th Infantry, T'irley, N. M.Captain LEE S EADS, 60th Infnntry (de

ern i.'rl i, Lexington. Ky.Captain RUSSELL S. FISHER, 61st ln

fiirtr.v, Chicago,Cnptaln JABEZ G. GHOLSTON, 6th In¬

fnntry. Woodlund. Mia.i.

Casualty Bureau OpenThe New York County Chapter of

the American Red Cross opened a casu-"Hy bu'-e-u yesterd y at 20 EistThirty-eighth Street, where, twenty-four houiL- after wounded men havearrived here. their relatives may learnivborp th°v have h">en ser.t. Inquirieswill be answered daily from 9 a. m. to9 p. m. Thc location and v'siting hoursii the various hospitals are:Debarkation No. 1, r His Island, 2 to

5 p. m. Boats from Battery at 1:30,2:30 and 3:30 daily.

Debarkation Xo. 2, Fox Hills, Staten'sland; 10 tc 11 a. m., 2 to 4 and 6 to7. daily.Debarkation No. 3, Greenhut Build-

:ng, Sixth Avenue and Eighteenth'-'treet; 2 to 4 p. m., dail>.Debarkation No. 5, Grand Central

Palace, Lexington Avenue and Forty-fifth Street; 1 to 4:30, daily.

Embai..ation No. 1, St. Mary's, Ho-boken: ll 1. m. to 4:30, daily.Embarkation No. 2, Secaucus, N. J.

no visitors).Embarkation No. 4, Po'vcli-iic. 345

West Fiff'eth Street; 1 to 8 p. m.,daily.

Base Hospital No. 1, Gun HillRoad; Wednesdays and Sundays only,2 to 4 p. m.Camp Upton Base Hospital, 2 to 4,

daily.Camp Merritt, at Hostess House; 8

a. m. to 6 p. m., daily.

Day Nursery in East 57th StreelBryan L. Kennelly has sold the four-

story basement and ceHar brownstonesingle liathouse, at 217 East Fifty-sev-enth Street, sixe 29 by 100 feet. to theLeague of Catholic Women, whoseboard of directors inc'ude CountessGeorgiana Iselin, Mrs. Nicholas Brady,Mrs. Thomas H. Kelly. Countess Lan-gier-Villiers, Mrs. Delancey Kane, Mrs.Henry W. Taft, Mrs. Burrell Hoffman,Mrs. Andrew Dougherty and Miss Tere-sa O'Donohue. The purchasers will re-jmodel the building for day nurserypurposes. Folsom Brothers representedthe sellers. I

Food Board LiftsRestrictions on

Imports of Grain

Slump in Corn Prices Fol¬lows Confirmation of News.Report Denied ManyTimes by Federal Offieial

WASHINGTON, Jan. 9..All restric¬tions on the importation of corn andrice were removed to-day by the WarTrade B:iard.

At the same time the board an¬

nounced that it would consider apliea-tions favorabiy for the expoit of riceand for licenses for the shipment ofjute and jute products, except yarn-sand nitrate bags. to al! destinations.Argentina is the chief country affee-

ted by the romoval of the embargo on

importations of corn. Large stores ofcorn are held in that country for ex¬

poit, it was said, and this corn maynow be sent to the United States andalso probably to the Allied countriessince most of the embargoes p.aced bythe War Trade Board were in accordwith an inter-Allied agieement.

Action by the War Trade Board inremoving the embargo on corn followedrepeated statements by Edgar Rickardand other food administration officialsto-day that no recommendations to re-move the embargo on Argentine cornhad been made. J. J. Stream, chief ofthe coarse grain division of the foodadministration, had stated at Chicagothat such a recommendation had beenmade, and later reiterated his state-ment when his attention was called tothe denial by the food administration.

Sharp declines in the price of corn onthe Chicago Board of Trade followed,the market closing with prices downfrom 3 1-2 to 7 3-S cents a bushel, coin-

pared with twenty-four hours before.In denying that any recommendation

to Hft the embargo had been made,food administration officials said MrStream favored immediate removal ofthe embargo. but th:.t Frank G. Cro¬well, vice-president and acting mana¬ger of the food adnvnistration's GrainCorporation at New York, had refusedto agree to such act'on without ap-prova' of Herbert C. Hoover, at PatisThe War Trade Board in its an¬

nouncement made no comment on itsaction but food administration offlcials sad to-night that they believed.Mr. Stream's announcement at Chicagohad resuHed in "forcing Mr. OroweU'shand." It was reiterated that Mr.Crowell had not originally intended tomake any request to-day for removalof the embargo.

Foreif»nParis Bourse.- PARIS. Jan. 9. -Trad¬

ing was nuiet and prices were steadyon Ihe Bourse to-day. Three rer cent

rentes, 61 francs 55 centimes for cash.Exchange on London, 25 francs 98 cen-t'mes. Five pcr cent loan, 88 francsoO centimes.

New YorkTo Pay Russian Bond Interest Due

To-day. The Bemi-annual interest dueto-day on the $50,000,000 imperial Rus¬sian government 6V4 per cent bondawill be paid nt the National City Bankto holders of registered bonds. it waslearned at that institution yesterday.Telephone Notes Oversubscrihed..

The banking syndicate which to-davoffered at pubiic sale $40,000,000 ofAmerican Telephone and TelegraphCompany five-year .> per cent notes

and $25,000,000 of New York Telephonethirty-year s>inking fund 6 per cent de-benture bonds announced the closing-of the books this afternoon with a

heavy ovtrsubscriptioii.

New Securities Admitted to Ltstv-*The following securities were admittedto trading by the governing committee;of the Stock Exchange yesterday: $1,-Oinl.OOO additional capital stock of theAjnx Rubber Company; 60,000 sharesof »he Stromberg Carburetor Company;$144,961 additional common stock ofthe Rush Terminal Company; $1,600,-000 additional common stock of the To¬bacco Products Corporation; $10,000,-000 stock of the Oklahoma Producingand Reiining Company.Stock Exchange Seats Lower^.Two

Stock Exchange memberships were soldyesterday for $08,000 each and anotheufor $69,000, compared with thc lastprevious sale nrieo of $70,000. Th»buyers were John F. MeCann. J. Dud-ley Peterson and Harold \V. Csrhart,Grafton H. Pine and Mauriee A. Kil-martin have been elected members ofthe exchange.Glass to Speak at Bankers' Conven¬

tion..At the nnr.iril dinner of Group 8of the New York Stute Bankers' Asso¬ciation, to be held at the Waldorf Mon¬day rug'iu, Carter Glass. Secretary ofthe Treasury; ex-Governor Stokes ofXew Jersey, John Kendrick Bangs, andBaron J. de Nouflize. French commis¬sioner in this country. will speak.

DividendsKegular Deiiaratiuns

S!o'-khclder»*rfStock. mtc. iH-riod. Payable. record.

Clu, P A Co, $1.60 com. Q Keh. 1 Jan 21Inn Cap Copper, 25c com..Feb. 15 Feb $Elec H! «, Sh. IM pf. g.Keb. 1 Jan 20do com. 2, Q.Jan 15 Jan 14

Kcrr Lake Mnu, 25c. Q... Mar. 15 Mar. 1Paciflc C Co. P4 lst pf, Q.Feb. 1 Jan. 1 .lan 26

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