new zealand is proximately the same size as colorado and is very mountainous. the country is made up...

New Zealand

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New Zealand

Land and Terrain

New Zealand is proximately the same size as Colorado and is very mountainous. The country is made up of a northern island and a southern island. The northern island is the more agriculturally rich area, while the southern island is known for its scenery.

The People of New Zealand…

The people of New Zealand are overall relaxed and leisurely. They are very welcoming and hospitable, and enjoy discussing light topics. Their fashion is highly influenced by those of the Europeans and other Western fashions. They also mainly speak English, although the phrasing is different.

… And Their Lives!

The average family in New Zealand has both parents and two children, even though single parenthood is becoming more popular. The people are huge sports especially rugby, soccer, and cricket. They have a similar diet to Americans, except they eat red meats less often and in smaller portions. Their main food are seafood, vegetables, fruits, and some red meats.

Fans at a Soccer Game

Oyster Harvest


New Zealand is a member of Britain's Commonwealth and is recognized by Queen Elizabeth II as head of state. The leader of the country is referred to as the prime minister who is currently John Key. The government is also helped run by the parliament, whose members are elected every three years.

New Zealand veterans on Anzac day.

Works Cited

ProQuest. (2010). New Zealand. Culture Grams World Edition. Retrieved April 14, 2011 from

ProQuest. (2010). New Zealand. Culture Grams World Edition Gallery. Retrieved April 14, 2011 from Zealand.