newsletter -...

The time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord.” That is what the remnant of Israel replied when asked why they had not rebuilt the temple even though they had been freed from captivity for nearly 20 years and even though the foundation was laid and ready to be built on. They didn’t feel that the time was right. Instead, Haggai 1 tells us that they worked on their own houses and completed their own projects. They were content to let the house of the Lord lie in ruins and they were satisfied to live without His presence and His blessing. That is no way to live. Pastor John Fox’s sermon at the recent Anniversary Service was a great reminder of the rebuilding process that Belmont is currently in. He brought to light the achievements of Belmont over the last century and then with a prophetic voice he reminded us that as wonderful as our past has been, and as grateful as we are for what God has done, “our being here today is simply a reminder that God is not the God of a dead past but the God of a new and exciting future. And as we remember and appreciate our past today, we must recommit ourselves to claiming the new and exciting opportunities that God is opening for us every day.” Here at Belmont we believe that the time has come for us to move forward in rebuilding this congregation to make it an even brighter light for the Gospel of Jesus in our city! For the past eighteen months since the merger happened, we have been laying a good foundation by getting to know and love each other, by teaching through Ephesians, by implementing a new discipleship process, by raising up new leaders, by making repairs to the church building, and by seeing new people baptized and join the church family. But we are not content to just lay the foundation. We are confident that God will continue the work that he started here and will carry it on to completion. What does it look like for us to continue rebuilding in the upcoming year? It means that we will gladly lay down our preferences so that we can see more of His power at work within us! It means that we want to see every member and regular attendee participating in the Believe, Belong, Become discipleship process. It means that we will be proactive in inviting our friends and neighbors to come and be a part of the Belmont family. It means that we will give freely and faithfully of our time and resources so that we can be a church on mission to our community and the world. What happened when the prophet Haggai delivered the word of the Lord to the people? “I am with you declares the Lord. And the Lord stirred up the spirit of the remnant of the people. And they came and worked on the house of the Lord of hosts, their God.” My prayer for Belmont is that we would remember that God is with us and that he would stir our hearts into action and that everyone would join in the work. The time has come! Will you join the work? The Time Has Come! Pastor Jon Laughinghouse Newsletter FALL 2017 Rev. John Fox delivering message at Anniversary Service I am so thankful for what God has seen us through in 2017! This July, a team of folks of all ages from Belmont went to Martinsville for a week to serve Uptown Church, thanks to your prayers and support. Throughout the week, our team did some interior and exterior upkeep at Uptown by painting, cleaning, and some minor redecorating. Kristi Laughinghouse did an amazing job painting a beautiful mural on the walls of the nursery. We were also able to serve the staff at Patrick Henry Elementary and Albert Harris Elementary and enjoyed seeing the smiles on the teachers‘ faces. We Missions Team Update, Anne Morgan spent part of our week canvassing neighborhoods in West End in the afternoons and evenings. Our goal was to reach out to the community by inviting them to a cookout on Saturday hosted by Uptown Church. It was amazing to see the turnout we had! God truly moved throughout the week, and I am still in awe of how He orchestrated our time there! Continue to pray for Uptown Church as they plant seeds and reach out to Martinsville. On another note, Belmont’s Clothing Closet is currently holding their Coat Drive. It is going well, although we could use a few more men’s winter coats. We will collect through the end of November. The Clothes Closet is open every other Wednesday, and we see 20-30 people during those times. We thank all who donate their resources and time! Left: Uptown and Belmont volunteers; Right: Kids getting involved with painting! Mural in children’s area (designed and painted by Kristi Laughinghouse)

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Page 1: Newsletter - so that we can be a church on mission to our community and the world. ... Judy

“The time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord.” That is what the remnant of Israel replied when asked why they had not rebuilt the temple even though they had been freed from captivity for nearly 20 years and even though the foundation was laid and ready to be built on. They didn’t feel that the time was right. Instead, Haggai 1 tells us that they worked on their own houses and completed their own projects. They were content to let the house of the Lord lie in ruins and they were satisfied to live without His presence and His blessing. That is no way to live.

Pastor John Fox’s sermon at the recent Anniversary Service was a great reminder of the rebuilding process that Belmont is currently in. He brought to light the achievements of Belmont over the last century and then with a prophetic voice he reminded us that as wonderful as our past has been, and as grateful as we are for what God has done, “our being here today is simply a reminder that God is not the God of a dead past but the God of a new and exciting future. And as we remember and appreciate our past today, we must recommit ourselves to claiming the new and exciting opportunities that God is opening for us every day.”

Here at Belmont we believe that the time has come for us to move forward in rebuilding this congregation to make it an even brighter light for the Gospel of Jesus in our city! For the past eighteen months since the merger happened, we have been laying a good foundation by getting to know and love each other, by teaching through Ephesians, by implementing a new discipleship process, by raising up new leaders, by making repairs to the church building, and by seeing new people baptized and join the church family.

But we are not content to just lay the foundation. We are confident that God will continue the work that he started here and will carry it on to completion. What does it look like for us to continue rebuilding in the upcoming year? It means that we will gladly lay down our preferences so that we can see more of His power at work within us! It means that we want to see every member and regular attendee participating in the Believe, Belong, Become discipleship process. It means that we will be proactive in inviting our friends and neighbors to come and be a part of the Belmont family. It means that we will give freely and faithfully of our time and resources so that we can be a church on mission to our community and the world.

What happened when the prophet Haggai delivered the word of the Lord to the people? “I am with you declares the Lord. And the Lord stirred up the spirit of the remnant of the people. And they came and worked on the house of the Lord of hosts, their God.” My prayer for Belmont is that we would remember that God is with us and that he would stir our hearts into action and that everyone would join in the work. The time has come! Will you join the work?

The Time Has Come! Pastor Jon Laughinghouse


FALL 2017

Rev. John Fox delivering message at Anniversary Service

I am so thankful for what God has seen us through in 2017! This July, a team of folks of all ages from Belmont went to Martinsville for a week to serve Uptown Church, thanks to your prayers and support. Throughout the week, our team did some interior and exterior upkeep at Uptown by painting, cleaning, and some minor redecorating. Kristi Laughinghouse did an amazing job painting a beautiful mural on the walls of the nursery. We were also able to serve the staff at Patrick Henry Elementary and Albert Harris Elementary and enjoyed seeing the smiles on the teachers‘ faces. We

Missions Team Update, Anne Morgan

spent part of our week canvassing neighborhoods in West End in the afternoons and evenings. Our goal was to reach out to the community by inviting them to a cookout on Saturday hosted by Uptown Church. It was amazing to see the turnout we had! God truly moved throughout the week, and I am still in awe of how He orchestrated our time there! Continue to pray for Uptown Church as they plant seeds and reach out to Martinsville.

On another note, Belmont’s Clothing Closet is currently holding their Coat Drive. It is going well, although we could use a few more men’s winter coats. We will collect through the end of November. The Clothes Closet is open every other Wednesday, and we see 20-30 people during those times. We thank all who donate their resources and time!

Left: Uptown and Belmont volunteers; Right: Kids getting involved with painting!

Mural in children’s area (designed and painted by Kristi Laughinghouse)

Page 2: Newsletter - so that we can be a church on mission to our community and the world. ... Judy


In 2001, when we celebrated our 100th Anniversary, no one knew where God would lead. Over the next 16 years, membership and attendance declined,

with some members moving from the community or passing on to Glory. In the

recent past, there was an opportunity for Belmont to merge with another church, and this was accomplished in January 2016, which is why we came together to celebrate this high point in the life of Belmont on October 15, 2017. It was a beautiful day with many past members returning to worship with present ones.

We were blessed to have past and present leaders participate in the service together: Kimberly Lavinder Gaking and Lois Smith opened with the prelude, Judy Barger Edgell directed the Anniversary Choir who sang “Majesty” and “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.” Judy later sang, “The

Adult Community Team Update, Pam Hamilton

Belmont Baptist Church | (540) 343-5539 |

This fall, we have four Community Groups meeting, and two Sunday School Classes in session with approximately 75 people meeting together between the six groups. Community Groups meet in church members' homes and in the community to study the Bible together, and Sunday Schools meet at the church building on Sunday mornings. People who have never studied the Bible are learning how to, and individuals are growing in their faith and knowledge of God's Word! Along with Bible

Anniversary Celebration, Donna Lavinder

Top: Josh Campbell leading us in song; Bottom: Judy Barger-Edgell and the Anniversary Choir

Belmont’s History Room

King is Coming.” Josh Campbell, our current Worship Leader, sang and led the congregation in “How Great is Our God.” We were blessed to have with us former co-pastors Rev. David Burgess, who read Scripture, and Rev. John Fox, who delivered a stirring message concerning how Belmont has shared and should continue to share the Gospel Light across generations. He re-capped some of our history as well as offered a challenge to our future.

Following the service, everyone was invited to a reception along with the viewing of the new History Room. It was a good time of fellowship with one another and a walk through time as Belmont’s history renewed remembrances of the past. However, we don’t stay in the past but use it as a foundation for the future. Belmont will continue to depend on God as He leads in Sharing the Gospel Light Together Across Generations.

Please note that The History Room is open to visitors Monday through Thursday 9:00am-2:00pm, as well as before Sunday School and after the morning service. Special tours available upon request. Call the church office to inquire.

Over the summer and into the fall, our Property Team has worked together and stayed busy to maintain the building and grounds. Here are a few things we’ve taken care of: Kept the lawn mowed and edged, and trimmed the shrubs. We worked with the

Property Team Update, Jim Howell

Bluefield College women’s softball team to mulch the shrubbery beds and began work to paint the back fence. We repaired water damaged ceilings and painted restrooms on first floor and basement along with installing exhaust fans and new blinds in first floor restrooms. To help prepare for our Anniversary Celebration, we replaced lighting in History Room. We needed a new A/C unit for the Fellowship Hall/History room, so we obtained bids, selected a contractor and oversaw the replacement of the unit. We made sure Guests have a place and feel welcome by stenciling four parking spaces for first time guests. Most recently, we hired a contractor to repair the badly deteriorating brick mortar.

study, these groups also have fun together through potluck meals, group games, and even an occasional trip to Loch Haven Lake!

If you are interested in joining either a Sunday morning group or Community Group, please indicate your interest on your Connection Card on Sunday morning or call the church office. We would love to have you be a part of a group TODAY!

Bluefield College Softball Team helping around the church grounds

Repairing mortar on the outside of the building

Page 3: Newsletter - so that we can be a church on mission to our community and the world. ... Judy


In the Rooted youth ministry we have been growing and welcoming some new faces, both students and volunteers. We are continuing to grow our roots in God's perfect plan for our imperfect lives through studying His Word and

having fun with each other. We have finished our series on Proverbs and had a great time of fellowship at our

Fall Pizza Party. We all watched the Movie "God's Not Dead" together and learned that when we stand for our faith, no lies or loose theories can overcome us!! We are currently in a series of Apologetics--Defending your faith with FACTS. We have enjoyed

Student Ministry Team Update, Joel Kirby

Belmont Baptist Church | (540) 343-5539 |

Contact us by phone (540) 343-5539 or email at [email protected] to let us know if you would like to receive our Newsletter in the regular mail, via email, or if you would like to stop receiving it. Gifts of any size are greatly appreciated and help us to continue this service and our ministry! You can mail a check or give online. Please note that all of our sermons and upcoming events are on our website along with an online giving option. Take time to visit our site and check it out!

Help Us Update Our Mailing List

The Hospitality Team continues to work to make our visitors feel welcome. We have new signage around the building which helps everyone quickly know where to go on Sunday mornings. We even have reserved parking spaces close to the main entrance to give our visitors quick and easy access to the building!

We recently received an email from a first time guest. Here is a snippet of what they

Hospitality Team Update, Wesley Williams

a guest speaker and some crucial questions have been explored and answered for the teens. We have some exciting things in store for the winter and upcoming year. Please pray for us as we desire to grow closer to Jesus and remain "Rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."

If you’re interested in helping with the youth, please contact me at [email protected].

had to say about their experience: "I had been longing for a diverse, Christ-centered church for some time, and was excited to visit. You and your congregation were very welcoming and inspiring, and joyfully exceeded my expectations."

Help us continue to make a difference at Belmont by joining the Hospitality Team! If you have suggestions for ways we can make Belmont an even more inviting place or would like to serve alongside us, please contact me at [email protected] or drop us a note on your Connection Card on Sunday mornings.

I must say that in looking back at this past summer, the weeks appear to be a blur as I think of how quickly they went for us as the Worship Team at Belmont. Nevertheless, my heart is full in consideration of the many great things the Lord did over the summer, and continues to do as we jump into this fall season. Over the summer I saw the Lord bring about exponential growth to the worship team not only in our relationships with one another, but also in our skill of our given instruments or talents as well as in our own hearts for worship….Believe me when I tell you that the growth in our own hearts brought a mixture of smiles, laughter, and even tears for us through this process.

In Psalm 99:5, the psalmist writes, “Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy.” As I come back to this verse over and over again, I am always struck by the required humility of kneeling and worshipping at the footstool of God because He is that holy. In churches today, it is easy to believe the idea that

Worship Team Update, Josh Campbell

Rising youth being prayed over

Having fun during our Thursday night Bible study!

true worshipping takes place with our hands raised, eyes closed, and a light sway from left to right; however, oftentimes God is calling us to humbly kneel before him in adoration and awe and worship Him and His holiness (consider the woman who anointed the feet of Jesus in Luke 7:36-50). When we exercise this posture, we focus our hearts not on what we can do for God’s kingdom, but what he has done in our lives and in the lives of the people around us!

Now as we move into the fall, I am excited to see the many things the Lord has in store for the worship team and Belmont as a whole. As I continue to lead the team, I am regularly reminded of the need for God’s direction and guidance week-to-week. I am forever grateful that He is always faithful to provide it!

New signage inside the building

A recent photo of our diverse Belmont family. We’re thankful that God is bringing all ages, races, and backgrounds to Belmont!

Page 4: Newsletter - so that we can be a church on mission to our community and the world. ... Judy







Belmont Baptist Church 825 Stewart Ave., SE Roanoke, VA 24013

Belmont Baptist Church | (540) 343-5539 |

Our mission is to make disciples by ensuring that every man, woman, and child in Southeast Roanoke has repeated opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the gospel.

Will you consider supporting the work that God is doing here?

Belmont Baptist Church | (540) 343-5539

Belmont Kids is blessed each Sunday with children under a year to 5th grade. This past spring several of our fifth graders were baptized, and then soon after all of our 5th graders moved up this fall to ROOTED, Belmont’s youth ministry. They are continuing to grow in the Lord, and many of them are now serving around the church in our 0-4 year old

class, as ushers, and as greeters each week! Even though our 5th graders moved on we are still seeing lots of children each week. The Lord filled those empty spaces immediately with little ones moving up and new families continually joining us!

This summer a group of our school aged kids had the opportunity to attend Winshape Day Camp at North Roanoke Baptist Church in August thanks to their scholarship program. The kids had a great

week participating in amazing activities and learning about Jesus!

This fall/winter our 3 year olds to 5th graders are practicing singing each week in preparation for a children’s choir

Children’s Ministry Update, Rene Ward

performance on Sunday, December 10th during the 11:00am service. We are thankful for the volunteers the Lord has sent us to serve with our kids in order to make events like this possible.

In 2018, Belmont Kids is hoping to create a large activity room for our children to play group games and

participate in some “messy” projects like playdough and painting. We serve a great Creator, and the opportunity to use the creativity God has given them is a great way to teach them about Him! The space can also be utilized as a break out space for Sunday’s when we have larger numbers of children with us.

Therefore, we are looking for items such as: gift cards (Lowes/Home Depot, Michael’s, Joann’s, Walmart, Amazon), markers, crayons, construction paper, games, glue bottles/sticks, playing cards, bean bag chairs, bible verse/design coloring books, colored pencils, “How to” drawing books, watercolor and acrylic paints, etc.

If you are interested in donating to or serving with Belmont Kids please contact Rene Ward at [email protected].

Elementary age kids during a Sunday morning lesson

Top 2: Kids in our 0-4 year class having fun; Bottom: One of our 5th graders helping out in class on Sunday morning