newspaper groups merge valiev area needs a...

will «»|wreclatc are aska4 at>out Ititiat OM) trout he flshbm trip. Ye f jraaUy injUfliat a lit the (ualn just ifht. vm U the ty wera dejrtdedly Fa woimh editor on And ev^ tf VB did ^gprtna vrappiad up in eoat poofcrt ind gd )UM. in ,pase we urge to chatter. ai/|«port that ^rhymaa to the two trouklas that fge caufM np witii Bd dlsUno&y heard If the folloiMng littl^ / , €W Alm titMt a 1 VOL. 2. NO. 48. MANHASSET, N. Y., FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1936 ttCfflOMB FtvEcmi -.v-a Newspaper Groups Merge Valiev Area Needs A ^PhilanthrbphistSays Health Officer New Company Will Publish , 11 Weeklies Bronson W. Griscom Heads Organization Controlling Largest Chain In U. -S. THE PRESS STAFF ___ IQmUISrJIAKlIEJDL. it him on a jitiblc hhnteaTMll- ^aat him lllDl^.8|»n ' ir or Diafii4l«in *1^ that'«lM*p'.&:^ And 4 ta.vt; Park in# adbing as Id V, too. a Kp CNH#!* <4 d >»si- rip ]|u#«H*-nnd alit^AKiogh villa jual before U|a l^wricane rtp at Great |ersClub staged I th# the boys lest >i^ after for "mcllK,'fp, an- party on May X After the low. Hal bewei^Umd his or-1 a will play. Ho|Mt ane $i a OiarUe.#hniifi. itlMasident club. Is ip charia'and he's g assistance from A. 0- Mato- ohairman o( the -jentertain- committee, Peter Slaney an^ Hauser. , t, find a Deg? «. about the Pla#ouse. Ar- Chltdhbuse gets lots qf re- I for help but on Tuesday he was called upon to go to •cue of lost dogs., Wyndham Hower lost her dogs. A cocker d and a Scottle. 8be told Ar- U1 about It, He said: ^^ave ne." Aixl^ltuesdqy being bank and he ## his usual speech ke, adtyagt'deser^on of the loochesi^i Wednesday motning, and early the renting agent rest Heeb him aid the dogs are he^eOne sm was. The #^ttle, A little the police phoned said; have the cocker spaniel you 1 about last night.they had ker spaniel but it wasn't the 'spanleL At the time of writ- ils. the spaniel wag still mlss- ut Arnold was optimistic that be found soon. •' 'nil I stui the Playbeqse. The ilttee b ctaiurgc ef ttie Satur- haws fee children have decided sttione tiuw BUn faU. What spring wwitlMr ntiMt due to H Is felt that jMlor and SU . be. better outdeers than in loviea. wliicli ! Mae Dennler Will Be Re- tained .As The Editor Township Press, Inc., publishers of jilne established weekly news- papers in Naasau County, and Woodyard Publications of New York. Inc.,^ who own seven week- lies on Nassau Countys No'rtli Shore, eritered into arrangements this week for a consolidation ol their intei'ests In. a new company to be known as Griscom-Woodyarcl Publications. Inc. Tile 16 weeklies, .some will be merged to'avoid duplioation of coverag^' constitute the largest chain of weeklies in Uic United 6,tate.s. Griscom President Bronson W. orlscom, formerly of Locust Valley now' of Syosset. who has been publishar of the TotTOship ^ess since" it was established in iD33. and its president since August 1935, will be president and pub- lisher of the liew organization. EJd- ward D. Woodyard. chairman of the Woodyard Company board, will be cha.irman of the Grlscom-Wood- yard directorate, while FVank M. Dunbaugh, Jr., who formerly pub- lished the Oleii Cove Record ami the Port Washington Post, * will serve as vlce-ju'estdent. ......... .Among those expeosiAnrto jcrvc on the new Board Of Directors are Mr. Orl-scom, Dunbaiigh',D. Woodyard, William M. Chadbourne, William H. Hamilton,, John TuthlM, Karl A. BickeT, and Henry Rogers Wlnthrop. Township Press weeklies to be ■Included in the new set-up are Tlie Enterprise-Pilot, of Oyster Bay; The Parmiovdale Post, nie Hicksvllle Leader, The Roslyn News. Tbfe Port Washington Times. The G.len Cove Advance, The ' Manhasset Press and The Willlston Post. Raps Parking . j Of Autos On ; Street Here W. T. Todfl Askt* 'I'own Coiiiu'il For Aid; De- v«*lo|M*rs Want Lights A protest against the all-day parking of cais on Hlllcrest .\venue. Mauha.ssrt was made on Wednes- 'Sliy higlit' by \V S. SSlti'lftfnnecP' ing of tlie Town Connell. The miattfr was referred to the Towr. Road Commlllee. , - THe -police., won i no Miythhig , about the .situation''! Mr. Todd de- BBONSON W. GRISCOM ----- .TfT.------------ ^ ScJiqoHyrf? Names roiiuiiiUci* Dr. Frederick Redhelfer i^d- dresses Association ; Here Bem<)c ra ti<* €i u b Join A Good Laundry Needed; Arthur Smith Started One *v'« r. » Owner Of Vanity Fair In Great Neck Answered .Wife's Complaint By Building Own Plant; Bus* iness Reeord IVoves SucceMi Of His Theory 'What wc need ----- r nWitl Dr. Charles Steurer Rapa Crltlfs; Defends Staff And Explains Inspe«« lion Work Done SUPERVISOR NAMES PROBE COMMITTEE in this commun-I oration and maintains a-force of , tty IS a gootl laundry." Tlius sjiake 7.5 wnployes. * ' dared. Tliere l.s no ordinance on | Mr.s Arthur H. Smith of Great j Ten year.s ago a laundry to Mr, the street, and CapUiln says Neck to her hu.sband. ,' A11 right, i Einlth was-Just the tJiao* "Where he can't stop parking unless there ! i'll st^n^ one," said he. And he i hl.s .shlrta.:_jilMpp«ac«flv i-i4ha-:tK. is one. People come there day after | did. that is what the owner of the I place from whence collars returned day ami leieve their cars while i Vanity Pair Laundry on East' with frayed edges several deys a(- they go to New 'Voi'k. Sometimes | Shore Road. Great Neck, will tell I ter Uiey were supposed to. He To Make Further Study; Other Matters Before Council you when you ask him how happened to get into the dot he.s-washing business. The above conver.sation took place 10 years ago. Today Vanity Fair Laundry .serves an average of 1,200'omers; ha.s seven reg- ular and one special truck In op- Mrs. C. W. Fuller, pre.sldent of the M.anha.ssei School Community Association, on ."vlouday afternoon annoi'.iced eomniittees appointed 'fh IIII~'^i'cr1r Hof nl'11, I*'® executive committee for tlhe comjitg^ year.. Tlicy aia;—Mj-s j Democratic Club at the Town Hall. Fullel Mrs. John Chrl.sten.sen an<T Ralph CunTiingham took office as they don't eome bark until early in the morning. The ears arc parked without lights and the re.sIdcnUs of the street are wakened by cars starting at all hours. Tlie thing has beeome a public nul.<;unce.'' Ask Street tights i Levitt and Sons, devciopers^ of Et'ralhmore-at-Manhasset. asked for the Installation''oi four street lights at the corner of Onilerilonk Avenue ami Rugby Road,- on - the north .slfUf^ufTTugliy Road at the corner of Stratlmiore and Rugby. Roads and at the corner of Onder- donk and Strathmore Avenue.s. Tlie coneeni offered to payi the charge of maintenance if there were no provision in tlie 1936 budget, provided^ such eharge'T<^ld be in- cluded in the 1937 .budget. .Tiiavrequcst was referred to the light comniUlee. Seeks Change In Law John it. Dalr, Manhasset Park Conimi.ssloner, urged the Council to approve legislation which would enable special district, to acquire -S land ivlthoul a vole of the people. Avenue, Great Neck. The program Elerls .New , tio„s to the voter.s. e.specially m! and group numbers In baJlet. Inter- John T.' Daly OfFitfiate.s hues'', Councilman Humor pretlve. chai'Bcler, natjotial, tap, Installation Ceremonies | of Greal Neck, . advl.sed | musical comedy and soft toe danc- At Town' Hall' to'Have Carnival 'W, children will T. Dal?,-ijoitee ju.stlce of' .............. . had no extravagant theories as to how a laundry should be run. What he did believe was that the North Stiore needed a laundry which would wasli clothes .as they should be washed and give good yrvlco at a fair price. ^ Vanity CCofttlnuetl on Page Dance Pupils Table Tennis To Appear At Winners Get Parish House j Cups, Prizes Glairc SweHlaiid Aii-|MiiiiHcy Park AhhoHu- iioiiiict'H Pro;;raiii For tioii SpoiiAorM Annual Recital Here Miss Claire Sweetland will pre- sent her pupils In a dance recital, at 4 p. m. on April 25 .at St. Paul's Memorial Parish House on Grace tlie Village of Greal Nock officiated at the installation evening of tlie liew Of^ficer.s of the Manhasset I Delaloiir' of areal ! him. I To Have Carnival . AiivappheatUm. Of Uie Manhasset American Legion Post for a carnl- ynl. to be lield from June 20 to July 4 on the properly at the corn- Mrs. Atherton Thomas, legislative | president committee: Mrs. Carl Ullrich and Mrs. Wilbur Torre-it,*representatives ■to the educational committee ot the citizens' association; •- Mrs Thomas representative* 4o ' the the Woodyard Publications are includ- ing the Port IVashlngton Post The Glen Cove Record, Mineola Home News, Town Topics, of \ ^ ' Hicksvllle: the 'Wbstbury News, Tlie, East Wllliston News and The News, j barter store committee. JSTor 0,«. V„- •' H,..- maintain its locai office at the heffei\ formerly of Great Neck, corner of Third Street and Station speak in Adaptation Education Pla^.a in the John C. Sahm real i In Modern Life.^ estate building in Great Neck. Mrs i Tea was served by Mrs.- George Mae Dennler whl remain as editor.] Rapp Jr.. host'e,ss, assisted (Continued on Page 3) s to stage a nice peaceful nf In June or get all bet updid last year, la stUl a matter ere rumor., Although we do fumags. whose expire ii^.fniUB Bryant and nv .#nee1lHft> John Daly's as police Justice also will ex- hls year. - ^ lUpsey Park >vWtecutive Poetry? A. Mai time he's sr of -to write , ras in8piriKL;q Item of the ostalled at THE SUUCl B evening, I sat g at the Jewelled IH$, ny begrt did speed its bcat- a st^thme winked her eye. 4 #4 no mistaking, !d >«e and light, IfS# <>B»ttnc faster st^raM'-dod. sad delight. le knBH|^9MB^n#ng her Club Departments Plan Flower Show Home Economics, Garden Groups To Have Joint Meeting , The Home Economics and the Garden Departments will have a Joint meeting at 2:30 p. m. bn May 19 at Union Chapel. Features /df . the afternoon will be an In- formal flower shovif and a lecture on. artistic arrangements- and flow- er show Judging Mrs. P. Echuy- ler Van Bloem, who recently com- pleted a course in judging. Members of the two dejiarimeiHs arc. aSked to bring "the'' arrange- ment, I like best." They may select the flowers and containers. by t he Mmes. Archibald Duncan, J. Ed- win Wilson. Allan J. Reeves. Eva Kelly and Cllffqrd R. Bissler. Cyril succeeding Lapi). ' Other officers arc: John Blank, first, vice-president, ' Mr.-^. Alice Smith, .second vice-president; Ray- mond J. Watrous, third yiee-presl'^ dent; Norman A. Verrnult. secre- tary. , Also Mrs. Haniiiah Luslgartch, a.sKl.stnnt secretary; Frank X Chester, financial siiceelary; John P. Lyon, trea-surer and Phillip Riig- glerq. sergeant-at'-unns. Janet and Patricia McMahon, Sonny hasse,t Board of EducatliSn and Baker. Hilda Falser. Helen Jack-i Horace R. Thompson, principal o(. son, Leslie Shrage of Kew Gardens, the Valley School. Toiiirnanipnt The Munsey Park table tennis tournament which began In Feb- ruary held Its final* on Tuesday night at the Munsey Park com- munity Center, with Robert H. Horn, chairman of the oommlttoe, in charge. The tournament was sponsored by the Munsey Park As- sociation 'liie single winners re- cel?iW cups and the members of winning teams cigarette humidors. In the women's dlvlslom.-Iaabai;c Etzel defcat«m Marjory Truinarf, last years cliamillon. far„.ihc .sin- gles championship. Bill Oote defeated Paul Etsel, The jjuplls iiFe: Rowetiii "Cfiffl- mliig.s, Sallle ta-nderklng, Jeanlie Christie, LavaUu Harper^^ er of Andrew Street and Plandome ^' Oeogliegan, Lee Clark, olui Uia I j Hoad was approved. Davis. Cynthia PlalZ, Joan Roth- __ ________ ' __ ; well. Marlon Plalg, Betsy Grutz, I mixed doubles went to I ' ^ahBeliando,GimJa Ulrchett, Dorothy Cralle,. Leila Browne, Pa- tricia Holm, Jo'^Single, Lois Flint, i-iakeville (sroiip _ Ft^l.<* Vars, Jane Clark of Great TO SPEAK A'r SCHOOL Arthur Tribby of .the Na.ssau ^ HAS'A PARTY I ^ouhty- Police, Safety Departmenti ' Cynthia, daughter of Dv. anti "'iH speak at a meeimg ol the Mrs. Charles Leigh Mantell of 447 \ Manha.sset Citizens Association »l Ryder Road, celebrated her second ; 1>- m ^iirll 20 In the school birthday on Thursday with il parry,' bbiary. y . Tlie gue.sls were. Sally and Nancy' Other' .speak'er.s will be Dr. Calvin Cook, Barbara and George Mallory, B. Coiilter. president of the Mani-efreshment committee. Music will; Park, Mrs. Lee Megurgee. chair- Willis E. Dodge To Speak At Reception-Meeting On April 21 The * Lakeville Parent-Teacher A.ssociatlon will meet^ at 8.15 p. m on April 1 at the Lakeville .School. The meeting will unusual Interest" according to an- nountement from Mrs. H. C. Lim- ber, chairman of imbljclty. Willis E. Dotige. superintendent of (treat Neck .schools, will speak on "The Child and the Commun- ity" After hi.-j speech there will be, a reception in the cafeteria for the teachers. Mrs. Frt»d W- Young heads the Neck. ^ Also Barbara'-alfd Loretta Burn- ers, Carol and Marilyn. Benel.Avery Tor.sney. Joan and Edltji Veil, Viv- ian Montgomery. Jean O'Neill, Elleerr O'Keele^Ann Miller. Jean Miller, M,v»(i Header, Busanne Schegger. Miiiy Alice Bouthworth, Judith andj Janet Nevlns. Phyllis be ".of Heed. Vada Mae ,gjllrd of Doug- lastoii. . ' / ^ Jacqueline MoClurc oi Bay- side: Ann Goff and Annetle Cousins of Little .Neck ;Laurette Speer and Eleanor Bhfmiey -of Roslyn; Char- lotte Morse, Nancy Ferguson, Bar- bara Kirk, Marcia Manewul and Knapp of Mount Vernon. The Red Cross drive hi Munsey be by the Great* Neck High School I man nelilcd $316.46. Tlie Woman's orchestra directed by Howard^ V Club gave $60 and to the Munsey Pruttlng. . Park Association $10. Great Neck Players Score Hit With Production Of The Frank Craven Comedy,-^^ThaPs Gratitude' singles' title. I*- abelle Etzel and Roger L. Dann, w6m defeated Marjory Biitchor and Roswell t?iiman. The men',4 dou- bles were won by Fred Maguire and liana B. Bcudder. who defeat- ed Arthur lyillson and T. Morgan Prytherch. The men's team dubbed "Horn's Hyenas," composed of Louis J. Weatherall, Robert H. Horn, Fred L. Mag,iilre and Dana B. Scudder/ defeated "Daniis Donkeys" amid much cheejlng 'Dir women's teams settled their final ' .wores pn Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Huber, the winning team con- sisting. Klolse Powell and Muriel Soudder. The outstanding winner 'of the entire series was Mrs. Etgel, who tool three first prizes. I,.ak<SiiccPHM 'IpiiHlpeH Naiiip New l*olic<; Head Captain Fergus E M.ulllns^ _foj^ be cleaned will take a *philanthr() with p1en« ty of money,according to Dr. ChnrIeA Steurer of I^ort Washington, town health officer, t At a meeting on Wedhesday night of the town council, Dr. Steurer replied to criticisms of con- "Jitions in the Valley made last week by a committee of flreat Neck Womens Club members with a defense of His department and a de- tailed explumition of his _ duties and those of his as- sistants. If such a philanthropist" wera found, he probably would sink his money -In uie valley and ..lose It," Dr. Steurer declared. "From an economicstandpoint little can be done. Tlie health department can_ go Just so far." Name* Committee Supervisor Charles Snedeker ap- pointed a oommlttM oonslstlnc of the Rev. H Lincoln McKensle, paa- tor of <k}mmuolty Church, Oraat- Neck; Mrs. FTCd 8. Yale, chairman of the civics department of the Great Neck Woman's Club; Mrs. n<Hl KlelnschJhldt, president of the Manhasset Health AssoclaUon; Oe- car C. Brill, president of the Mah- hasset Citizens' Association, and Dr. steurer to make further study or conditions- In the fUtoy and rt- port to the council. Motion for the appointment of the ooounlttee was mode by "Councilman Hunter L. 'Delatour of Great Neck. Outlines Ehitles Dr” steurer explained that a gen- "efaT mspeetton is nuuj of all garbage dumps In the town and an average of }5. to 30 com- plaints a week, ,are investigated. "A drinking water analysis It taken every three months," h* said. "Bath- ing water tests are taken from the first week In June every two weeks through the bathing season. The water in Hempstea'd Harbor and Manhasset EUty has been found to be absolutely free from pollution and safe for batlhng- "No Pollution Areas In casw of diphtlierla and scar-,, let fever Ut* homes are placarded and the. occupants advised what to do. Dairy plants are Inspected once a month. A survey of the-harbor Is - inadc annually. ITils takes three or four day*. Tliere are no areas with -.pollution from private real- deuces ...'yhlrty to'40 cases of luna- cies are examined yAirly. In sud- den deatlis without medical atten- tion the health officer Is called. Barber slioi^ are Inspected once -( It Is not often tlTat reviewing an amiitour play Is a real pleasure and not a matter to be approached with i There a prize for the out- trepidation. But in Uie Case of the standing arrangement. | Great-Neck-Players' production of. •There will also be a prize for the i Frank Craven's "That s Gratitude . best specimen bloom in the horti- on Monday and Tuesday evening.'! n i heavena tha her fou^ mi love. you'. I^rus. an iiqiaement, woman; can. itain . .advise cultural class. Home Economics department - and . I Auxi Polish-American Ball pany set- condii iary Here Flans at Union Chapel, we are moved Ji* large capital P, from the standpoint ^ Mrs: L; M.-CTark. chaimta'n'riff-ttnr -gf -airmrsn: 'casTTM:acmnf-'aTm Garden department. [stage setting. v. « The play" in our mlHd is ideally i suited for amateur pntducllon.y Clever lines; situatlorjs whl4h might arise In tlie home of cAlr Wends, or our own.'fSr that'matter i'^bellevable TiliJtIkrainoata AuxlUaiv. of.. Come, .ctuuractcis The ..IHead'of the House can be taken without fear, that he will disappear after the f\rst act for Just one clg- aretand fall to reappear until after the last curtain. The main roles were entrusted to Dbn Oatley. Chub Fuller, Gert- rude Perry Keats and Anne Napier, With splendid comedy bit con- tributed by Lolita Flgman, Barbara Black imd T*d ManseU supplying RefreahtnenU will be served, the "love interest" and Gustav WU- ber two of the Manhss- Ue Fire Diriment will a Pollsh-A^rican dance evening of April 3 at thC ehousa ol the company. Tlcketii may be purchased from the committee. Mrs. F. T. Bordinko. chairman, Mrs. W. W. Oonrad, Mis* L. A. Blegel, Miss El^beth Pod- stupka, Mrs. T. E. faideker and Mrs. I*. I. Putkahlaki. IncidChtally, we never have had the pleasure of seeing Herbert Lena before, but we hope we will again: In Hie minor role of a matinee Idol po.seur, he was perfect. The play is concerned with a traveling salesman and his family. Tney live in a small town In Iowa, Tliere 'Is the wife, a grand person is the stage-struck djmghter, who Is LOLITA FIOMAN BABAAKA BLACK engaged to marry the "rlsTnfyoutig man in father's factory. He, how- ever, IS In love with the pretCJl younger daughter, who Is ^111 In school butyls afraid of w^st may happen lf''he breaks his/ engage- ment . There Is Norah, the "dumb" •said. Mrs .John -ABOsUfllui, produced. The plot of the play giia Its start in a prologue In a Apfel bedroom. Tom Maxwell, ^ha-H^esman. U 111. Bob Grant/ the prodneer* hears hla groan* fro^ an adjoining room and renders I^ifst old. Thare is- a boUla irV fliilH tig and Cliff Johnson In lesser roU' Jorlty 01 the aforsmentloned In pre- I of amberV fluid. Another bottle, ani-lah far as we could see. therf vlosi* productions, and without ex- iTliey are friends foreVer. The r#*- could have been no Improvement in eepttan, they added further to their cued and the rescuer, the selection. Jlfart seen the ma- reputations. | (Ooetlnwad on page l> en n T ters company of the 165th Infan-_ try. New York National Guard, this week was appointed the new heed of the Lake Success village police department Captain wMulllns at present Is stopping at 65 Cddar Drive, Great Neck Estates. ' He will succeed Lieutenant Wil- liam Arnsperger. whoee rotignallon followed the election coup which ousted Mayor Otto 6. Young and Trustee William H. Sleteert and elected In thislr stead John N; J. mer commander of the headquar- "month. Bathing establishments al- (OoDtlnued on Page 3i Coming Evmk Club (•oinmittce PInnN Benefit Bridge Party benefit dessert-bridge to te con- ducted by the home economics de- partment of the Woman's Club of Oreat~Neck at 1 p. m. on Mt«y 5-at Union Chapel. There will be door prises. . On the committee are Mi;f. Her- bert ,Walker Taylor, Mr*. Joseph Mr$. W. J. Benson. Mr*. William Psrrell, Mrs. Tliomas Scannell and Mri F. H. Sterns, chairman of the depart- ment. TO HEAK PHYBICIAN ' The Maiinasset HsalUi Asaoela- Uon will hear Dr. 0. Milton of Northarn Boulevard, at lU Ing at 3 p. m. on Apfll SO at Ini^tute, Week er April k* In Great Neck MondayMusic department Wo- man's dub. Electlok.umbh Chapel. 3' p.- ro. Mondayimmunity Men's Club. Community House. 8; 15 p. m. TuesdayHome Economics De- partment. Woman's Club. Union Cffispel. 10 a. m. TuesdayUoiu Club. Wychwood vine school. t:16 p. m. . Wednesday Wom$hs CltD'Brtdgr- tournament. Union ChapaL 9M a. m. Ci-* , WednesdayDrama li|Hi||Mlff Womans Club. Union Chaittl. ^ p. m. ,Thur*dafAlert Are dap card JWoy$|ivi, Hall. . ' ThursdayConcert for League. High SOhool audit 8:16 p. m. Fridajf-JJUternTH- nilao's CfluS! Union ..... . . ' IBJ •ioaday Grace Xbs#$«»x Monday ^ mmoi

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Page 1: Newspaper Groups Merge Valiev Area Needs A ^Philanthrbphist’ «»|wreclatc are aska4 at>out Ititiat OM) trout

will «»|wreclatc are aska4 at>out

Ititiat OM) trout he flshbm trip. Ye

f jraaUy injUfliat a lit the (ualn just ifht. vm U the ty wera dejrtdedly

Fa woimh editor on And ev^ tf VB did

^gprtna vrappiad up in eoat poofcrt ind gd

)UM. in ,pase we urge to chatter.

ai/|«port that ^rhymaa to the two

trouklas that fge caufM np witii Bd dlsUno&y heard

If the folloiMng littl^


, €WAlmtitMt

a 1

VOL. 2. NO. 48. MANHASSET, N. Y., FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1936 ttCfflOMB FtvEcmi-.v-a

Newspaper Groups Merge Valiev Area NeedsA ^Philanthrbphist’

Says Health OfficerNew Company Will Publish ,

11 WeekliesBronson W. Griscom Heads Organization Controlling Largest Chain In U. -S.


it him on a jitiblc hhnteaTMll-

^aat him lllDl^.‘8|»n' ’ir

or Diafii4l«in *1^ that'«lM*p'.&:^ And ■

4 ta.vt;

Parkin# adbing as

Id V, too.a Kp CNH#!* <4 d >»si-

rip ]|u#«H*-nnd alit^AKiogh villa jual before U|a l^wricane

rtpat ‘Great

|ers’Club staged I th# the boys

■ lest >i^ after for "mcllK,'’ fp, an-

party on May X After the low. Hal bewei^Umd his or-1 a will play. Ho|Mt ane $i a

OiarUe.#hniifi. itlMasident club. Is ip charia'and he's

g assistance from A. 0- Mato- ohairman o( the -jentertain- committee, Peter Slaney an^ Hauser. , t,

• find a Deg?«. about the Pla#ouse. Ar- Chltdhbuse gets lots qf re- I for help but on Tuesday he was called upon to go to •cue of lost dogs., Wyndham Hower lost her dogs. A cocker d and a Scottle. 8be told Ar- U1 about It, He said: ^^ave ne." Aixl^ltuesdqy being bank and he ## his usual speech ke, adtyagt'deser^on of the loochesi^i Wednesday motning,

and early the renting agent rest Heeb himaid “the dogs are he^e” One sm was. The #^ttle, A little the police phoned said; have the cocker spaniel you

1 about last night.” they had ker spaniel but it wasn't the 'spanleL At the time of writ- ils. the spaniel wag still mlss- ut Arnold was optimistic that be found soon.

•' 'nilI stui the Playbeqse. The ilttee b ctaiurgc ef ttie Satur- haws fee children have decided sttione tiuw BUn faU. What spring wwitlMr ntiMt due to H Is felt that jMlor and SU . be. better outdeers than in loviea.

wliicli !

Mae Dennler Will Be Re- tained .As The

EditorTownship Press, Inc., publishers

of jilne established weekly news­papers in Naasau County, and Woodyard Publications of New York. Inc.,^ who own seven week­lies on Nassau County’s No'rtli Shore, eritered into arrangements this week for a consolidation ol their intei'ests In. a new company to be known as Griscom-Woodyarcl Publications. Inc.

Tile 16 weeklies, .some will be merged to'avoid duplioation of coverag^' constitute the largest chain of weeklies in Uic United 6,tate.s.

Griscom PresidentBronson W. orlscom, formerly of

Locust Valley now' of Syosset. who has been publishar of the TotTOship ^ess since" it was established in iD33. and its president since August 1935, will be president and pub­lisher of the liew organization. EJd- ward D. Woodyard. chairman of the Woodyard Company board, will be cha.irman of the Grlscom-Wood- yard directorate, while FVank M. Dunbaugh, Jr., who formerly pub­lished the Oleii Cove Record ami the Port ■ Washington Post, * will serve as vlce-ju'estdent. ......... •

.Among those expeosiAnrto jcrvc on the new Board Of Directors are Mr. Orl-scom, Dunbaiigh',D. Woodyard, William M. Chadbourne, William H. Hamilton,, John TuthlM, Karl A. BickeT, and Henry Rogers Wlnthrop.

Township Press weeklies to be ■Included in the new set-up are Tlie Enterprise-Pilot, of Oyster Bay; The Parmiovdale Post, nie Hicksvllle Leader, The Roslyn News. Tbfe Port Washington Times. The G.len Cove Advance, The ' Manhasset Press and The Willlston Post.

Raps Parking . j Of Autos On ; Street Here

W. T. Todfl Askt* 'I'own Coiiiu'il For Aid; De-

v«*lo|M*rs Want LightsA protest against the all-day

parking of cais on Hlllcrest .\venue. Mauha.ssrt was made on Wednes-

'Sliy higlit' by \V S. SSlti'lft’fnnecP' ing of tlie Town Connell. The

miattfr was referred to the Towr. Road Commlllee. ,

- THe -police., won i no Miythhig , about the .situation''! Mr. Todd de-

BBONSON W. GRISCOM----- .TfT.------------ ^

ScJiqoHyrf?Names roiiuiiiUci*Dr. Frederick Redhelfer i^d-

dresses Association; Here

Bem<)c ra ti<* €i u b


A Good Laundry Needed; Arthur Smith Started One

*v'« r. »Owner Of Vanity Fair In Great Neck Answered

.Wife's Complaint By Building Own Plant; Bus* iness Reeord IVoves SucceMi Of His Theory

'What w’c need

----- r nWitlDr. Charles Steurer Rapa

Crltlfs; Defends Staff And Explains Inspe«« lion Work Done


in this commun-I oration and maintains a-force of , tty IS a gootl laundry." Tlius sjiake 7.5 wnployes. * '

dared. Tliere l.s no ordinance on | Mr.s Arthur H. Smith of Great j Ten year.s ago a laundry to Mr, the street, and CapUiln says Neck to her hu.sband. ,' A11 right, i Einlth was-’Just the tJiao* "Where he can't stop parking unless there ! i'll st^n^ one," said he. And he i hl.s .shlrta.:_jilMpp«ac«flv i-i4ha-:tK. is one. People come there day after | did. that is what the owner of the I place from whence collars returned day ami leieve their cars while i Vanity Pair Laundry on East' with frayed edges several deys a(- they go to New 'Voi'k. Sometimes | Shore Road. Great Neck, will tell I ter Uiey were supposed to. He

To Make Further Study; Other Matters Before


you when you ask him how happened to get into the dot he.s-washing business.

The above conver.sation took place 10 years ago. Today Vanity Fair Laundry .serves an average of 1,200'omers; ha.s seven reg­ular and one special truck In op-

Mrs. C. W. Fuller, pre.sldent of the M.anha.ssei School Community Association, on ."vlouday afternoon annoi'.iced eomniittees appointed

'fh IIII~'^i'cr1r Hof nl'1‘1, I*'® executive committee fortlhe comjitg^ year.. Tlicy aia;—Mj-s j Democratic Club at the Town Hall. Fullel Mrs. John Chrl.sten.sen an<T Ralph CunTiingham took office as

they don't eome bark until early in the morning. The ears arc parked without lights and the re.sIdcnUs of the street are wakened by cars starting at all hours. Tlie thing has beeome a public nul.<;unce.''

Ask Street tights iLevitt and Sons, devciopers^ of

Et'ralhmore-at-Manhasset. asked for the Installation''oi four street lights at the corner of Onilerilonk Avenue ami Rugby Road,- on - the north .slfUf^ufTTugliy Road at the corner of Stratlmiore and Rugby.Roads and at the corner of Onder- donk and Strathmore Avenue.s.

Tlie coneeni offered to payi the charge of maintenance if there were no provision in tlie 1936 budget, provided^ such eharge‘'T<^ld be in­cluded in the 1937 .budget..Tiiavrequcst was referred to the

light comniUlee.Seeks Change In Law

John it. Dalr, Manhasset Park Conimi.ssloner, urged the Council to approve legislation which would enable special district, to acquire

-S land ivlthoul a vole of the people. Avenue, Great Neck. The program

Elerls .New, tio„s to the voter.s. e.specially m! and group numbers In baJlet. Inter-

John T.' Daly OfFitfiate.s • hues'', Councilman Humor pretlve. chai'Bcler, natjotial, tap,Installation Ceremonies | of Greal Neck, . advl.sed | musical comedy and soft toe danc-

At Town' Hall' to'Have Carnival ■ 'W, children will

T. Dal?,-ijoitee ju.stlce of' ...............

had no extravagant theories as to how a laundry should be run. What he did believe was that the North Stiore needed a laundry which would wasli clothes .as they should be washed and give good yrvlco at a fair price. ^ Vanity

CCofttlnuetl on Page

Dance Pupils Table Tennis To Appear At Winners Get Parish House j Cups, Prizes

Glairc SweHlaiid Aii-|MiiiiHcy Park AhhoHu- iioiiiict'H Pro;;raiii For tioii SpoiiAorM Annual

Recital HereMiss Claire Sweetland will pre­

sent her pupils In a dance recital, at 4 p. m. on April 25 .at St. Paul's Memorial Parish House on Grace

tlie Village of Greal Nock officiated at the installation evening of tlie liew Of^ficer.s of the Manhasset

I Delaloiir' of areal ! him.I To Have Carnival

. AiivappheatUm. Of Uie Manhasset American Legion Post for a carnl- ynl. to be lield from June 20 to July 4 on the properly at the corn-

Mrs. Atherton Thomas, legislative | president committee: Mrs. Carl Ullrich and Mrs. Wilbur Torre-it,*representatives ■to the educational committee ot the citizens' association; •- Mrs Thomas representative* 4o ' the


Woodyard Publications are includ­ing the Port IVashlngton Post The Glen Cove Record, Mineola Home News, Town Topics, of

\ ^ ' Hicksvllle: the 'Wbstbury News, Tlie,East Wllliston News and The News, j barter store committee.

JSTor 0,«. V„- •' ‘ H,..-maintain its locai office at the heffei\ formerly of Great Neck, corner of Third Street and Station ■ speak in “Adaptation Education Pla^.a in the John C. Sahm real i In Modern Life.” ^estate building in Great Neck. Mrs i Tea was served by Mrs.- George Mae Dennler whl remain as editor.] Rapp Jr.. host'e,ss, assisted

(Continued on Page 3)

s to stage a nice peaceful nf In June or get “all bet up” did last year, la stUl a matter ere rumor., Although we do fumags. whoseexpire ii^.fniUB Bryant and

nv .#nee1lHft> John Daly's as police Justice also will ex- hls year. - ^

lUpsey Park >vWtecutive

Poetry?A. Maitime

—he's sr of-to write , ras in8piriKL;q Item of the ostalled at

THE SUUCl B evening, I sat g at the Jewelled IH$, ny begrt did speed its bcat-

a st^thme winked her eye.4 #4 no mistaking,!d >«e and light,

IfS# <>B»ttnc faster • st^raM'-dod. sad delight.

le knBH|^9MB^n#ngher

Club Departments Plan Flower Show

Home Economics, Garden Groups To Have Joint

Meeting ,

The Home Economics and the Garden Departments will have a Joint meeting at 2:30 p. m. bn May 19 at Union Chapel. Features

/df . the afternoon will be an In­formal flower shovif and a lecture on. artistic arrangements- and flow­er show Judging Mrs. P. Echuy- ler Van Bloem, who recently com­pleted a course in judging.

Members of the two dejiarimeiHs arc. aSked to bring "the'' arrange­ment, I like best." They may select the flowers and containers.

by t heMmes. Archibald Duncan, J. Ed­win Wilson. Allan J. Reeves. Eva Kelly and Cllffqrd R. Bissler.

CyrilsucceedingLapi). '

Other officers arc: John Blank, first, vice-president, ' Mr.-^. Alice Smith, .second vice-president; Ray­mond J. Watrous, third yiee-presl'^ dent; Norman A. Verrnult. secre­tary. ,

Also Mrs. Haniiiah Luslgartch, a.sKl.stnnt secretary; ■ Frank X Chester, financial siiceelary; John P. Lyon, trea-surer and Phillip Riig- glerq. sergeant-at'-unns.

Janet and Patricia McMahon, Sonny hasse,t Board of EducatliSn and Baker. Hilda Falser. Helen Jack-i Horace R. Thompson, principal o(. son, Leslie Shrage of Kew Gardens, the Valley School.

ToiiirnanipntThe Munsey Park table tennis

tournament which began In Feb­ruary held Its final* on Tuesday night at the Munsey Park com­munity Center, with Robert H. Horn, chairman of the oommlttoe, in charge. The tournament was sponsored by the Munsey Park As­sociation 'liie single winners re- cel?iW cups and the members of winning teams cigarette humidors.

In the women's dlvlslom.-Iaabai;c Etzel defcat«m Marjory Truinarf, last year’s cliamillon. far„.ihc .sin­gles championship.

Bill Oote defeated Paul Etsel,The jjuplls iiFe: Rowetiii "Cfiffl-

mliig.s, Sallle ta-nderklng, Jeanlie Christie, LavaUu Harper^^

er of Andrew Street and Plandome ^”’' Oeogliegan, Lee Clark, olui Uia I j Hoad was approved. Davis. Cynthia PlalZ, Joan Roth-__ ________ ' __ ; well. Marlon Plalg, Betsy Grutz, I mixed doubles went to

I ' ^ah—Beliando,—GimJa Ulrchett,Dorothy Cralle,. Leila Browne, Pa­tricia Holm, Jo'^Single, Lois Flint,i-iakeville (sroiip _

Ft^l.<* Vars, Jane Clark of Great

TO SPEAK A'r SCHOOLArthur Tribby of .the Na.ssau

^ HAS'A PARTY I ^ouhty- Police, Safety Departmenti' Cynthia, daughter of Dv. anti "'iH speak at a meeimg ol the Mrs. Charles Leigh Mantell of 447 \ Manha.sset Citizens Association »l Ryder Road, celebrated her second ; 1>- m b» ^iirll 20 In the schoolbirthday on Thursday with il parry,' bbiary. y • .Tlie gue.sls were. Sally and Nancy' Other' .speak'er.s will be Dr. Calvin Cook, Barbara and George Mallory, B. Coiilter. president of the Man—i-efreshment committee. Music will; Park, Mrs. Lee Megurgee. chair-

Willis E. Dodge To Speak At Reception-Meeting

On April 21

The * Lakeville Parent-Teacher A.ssociatlon • will meet^ at 8.15 p. m on April 1 at the Lakeville .School. The meeting will unusual Interest" according to an- nountement from Mrs. H. C. Lim­ber, chairman of imbljclty.

Willis E. Dotige. superintendent of (treat Neck .schools, will speak on "The Child and the Commun­ity" After hi.-j speech there will be, a reception in the cafeteria for the teachers.

Mrs. Frt»d W- Young heads the

Neck. ^Also Barbara'-alfd Loretta Burn­

ers, Carol and Marilyn. Benel.’Avery Tor.sney. Joan and Edltji Veil, Viv­ian Montgomery. Jean O'Neill, Elleerr O'Keele^Ann Miller. Jean Miller, M,v»(i Header, Busanne Schegger. Miiiy Alice Bouthworth, Judith andj Janet Nevlns. Phyllis

be ".of Heed. Vada Mae ,gjllrd of Doug-lastoii. . '/ ^ Jacqueline MoClurc oi Bay- side: Ann Goff and Annetle Cousins of Little .Neck ;Laurette Speer and Eleanor Bhfmiey -of Roslyn; Char­lotte Morse, Nancy Ferguson, Bar­bara Kirk, Marcia Manewul and Knapp of Mount Vernon.

The Red Cross drive hi Munsey

be by the Great* Neck High School I man nelilcd $316.46. Tlie Woman's orchestra directed by Howard^ V Club gave $60 and to the Munsey Pruttlng. . Park Association $10.

Great Neck Players Score Hit With ProductionOf The Frank Craven Comedy,-^^ThaPs Gratitude'

singles' title.I*-

abelle Etzel and Roger L. Dann, w6m defeated Marjory Biitchor and Roswell ’t?iiman. The men',4 dou­bles were won by Fred Maguire and liana B. Bcudder. who defeat­ed Arthur lyillson and T. Morgan Prytherch.

The men's team dubbed "Horn's Hyenas," composed of Louis J. Weatherall, Robert H. Horn, Fred L. Mag,iilre and Dana B. Scudder/ defeated "Danii’s Donkeys" amid much cheejlng'Dir women's teams settled their

final ' .wores pn Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Huber, the winning team con­sisting. Klolse Powell and Muriel Soudder.

The outstanding winner 'of the entire series was Mrs. Etgel, who tool three first prizes.

I,.ak<‘ SiiccPHM 'I’piiHlpeH Naiiip New l*olic<; HeadCaptain Fergus E M.ulllns^ _foj^

be “cleaned up.” it will take a *‘philanthr() with p1en« ty of money,” according to Dr. ChnrIeA Steurer of I^ort Washington, town health officer, t At a meeting on Wedhesday night of the town council, Dr. Steurer replied to criticisms of con-

"Jitions in the Valley made last week by a committee of flreat Neck Women’s Club members with a defense of His department and a de­tailed explumition of his _ duties and those of his as­sistants.

If such a “philanthropist" wera found, he probably would “sink his money -In uie valley and ..lose It,"Dr. Steurer declared. "From an economic” standpoint little can be done. Tlie health department can_ go Just so far."

Name* CommitteeSupervisor Charles Snedeker ap­

pointed a oommlttM oonslstlnc of the Rev. H Lincoln McKensle, paa- tor of „<k}mmuolty Church, Oraat- Neck; Mrs. FTCd 8. Yale, chairman of the civics department of the Great Neck Woman's Club; Mrs. n<Hl KlelnschJhldt, president of the Manhasset Health AssoclaUon; Oe- car C. Brill, president of the Mah- hasset Citizens' Association, and Dr. steurer to make • further study or conditions- In the ‘fUtoy and rt- port to the council. Motion for the appointment of the ooounlttee was mode by "Councilman Hunter L.

'Delatour of Great Neck.Outlines Ehitles

Dr” steurer explained that a gen- "efaT mspeetton is nuuj of all garbage dumps In the town and an average of }5. to 30 com­plaints a week, ,are investigated. "A drinking water analysis It taken every three months," h* said. "Bath­ing water tests are taken from the first week In June every two weeks through the bathing season. The water in Hempstea'd Harbor and Manhasset EUty has been found to be absolutely free from pollution and safe for batlhng-

"No Pollution Areas „“In casw of diphtlierla and scar-,,

let fever Ut* homes are placarded and the. occupants advised what to do. Dairy plants are Inspected once a month. A survey of the-harbor Is - inadc annually. ITils takes three or four day*. Tliere are no areas with -.pollution from private real- deuces ...'yhlrty to'40 cases of luna­cies are examined yAirly. In sud­den deatlis without medical atten­tion the health officer Is called. Barber slioi^ are Inspected once


It Is not often tlTat reviewing an amiitour play Is a real pleasure and not a matter to be approached with i

There a prize for the out- trepidation. But in Uie Case of the standing arrangement. | Great-Neck-Players' production of.

•There will also be a prize for the i Frank Craven's "That s Gratitude . best specimen bloom in the horti- on Monday and Tuesday evening.'!

ni heavenatha herfou^ mi love.

you'.I^rus. an


woman; can.

itain. .advise ‘

cultural class.

Home Economics department - and ■ .

I AuxiPolish-American Ball


iary Here Flans

at Union Chapel, we are moved Ji*

large capital P, from the standpoint^ Mrs: L; ‘M.-CTark. chaimta'n'riff-ttnr -gf -airmrsn: 'casTTM:—acmnf-'aTm

Garden department. [stage setting. v. «The play" in our mlHd is ideally i

suited for amateur pntducllon.y Clever lines; situatlorjs whl4h might arise In tlie home of cAlr Wends, or our own.'fSr that'matter i'^bellevable

TiliJtIkrainoata AuxlUaiv. of.. Come, .ctuuractcis The— ..I—Head'of the House can be taken

without fear, that he will disappear after the f\rst act for “Just one clg- aret” and fall to reappear until after the last curtain.

The main roles were entrusted to Dbn Oatley. Chub Fuller, Gert­rude Perry Keats and Anne Napier, With • splendid comedy bit con­tributed by Lolita Flgman, Barbara

Black imd T*d ManseU supplying RefreahtnenU will be served, the "love interest" and Gustav WU-

ber two of the Manhss- Ue Fire Diriment will

a Pollsh-A^rican dance evening of April 3 at thC

ehousa ol the company.Tlcketii may be purchased from

the committee. Mrs. F. T. Bordinko. chairman, Mrs. W. W. Oonrad, Mis* L. A. Blegel, Miss El^beth Pod- stupka, Mrs. T. E. faideker and Mrs. I*. I. Putkahlaki.

IncidChtally, we never have had the pleasure of seeing Herbert Lena before, but we hope we will again: In Hie minor role of a matinee Idol po.seur, he was perfect.

The play is concerned with a traveling salesman and his family. Tney live in a small town In Iowa, Tliere 'Is the wife, a grand person

is the stage-struck djmghter, who Is


engaged to marry the "rlsTnf’youtig man in father's factory. He, how­ever, IS In love with the pretCJl younger daughter, who Is ^111 In school butyls afraid of w^st may happen lf'”'he breaks his/ engage­ment . There Is Norah, the "dumb"•said. Mrs .John -ABOsUfllui,produced.

The plot of the play giia Its start in a prologue In a Apfel bedroom.Tom Maxwell, ^ha-H^esman. U 111.Bob Grant/ the prodneer* hears hla groan* fro^ an adjoining room and renders I^ifst old. Thare is- a boUla

irV fliilHtig and Cliff Johnson In lesser roU' Jorlty 01 the aforsmentloned In pre- I of amberV fluid. Another bottle, ani-lah far as we could see. therf vlosi* productions, and without ex- iTliey are friends foreVer. The r#*- could have been no Improvement in eepttan, they added further to their cued and the rescuer, the selection. Jlfa’rt seen the ma- reputations. | (Ooetlnwad on page l>

en n


ters company of the 165th Infan-_ try. New York National Guard, this week was appointed the new heed of the Lake Success village police department Captain wMulllns at present Is stopping at 65 Cddar Drive, Great Neck Estates.' He will succeed Lieutenant Wil­liam Arnsperger. whoee rotignallon followed the election coup which ousted Mayor Otto 6. Young and Trustee William H. Sleteert and elected In thislr stead John N; J.

mer commander of the headquar- "month. Bathing establishments al-(OoDtlnued on Page 3i

Coming Evmk

Club (•oinmittce PInnN Benefit Bridge Party

benefit dessert-bridge to te con­ducted by the home economics de­partment of the Woman's Club of Oreat~Neck at 1 p. m. on Mt«y 5-at Union Chapel. There will be door prises.

. On the committee are Mi;f. Her­bert ,Walker Taylor, Mr*. Joseph

Mr$.W. J. Benson. Mr*. William Psrrell, Mrs. Tliomas Scannell and Mri F. H. Sterns, chairman of the depart­ment.

TO HEAK PHYBICIAN ' The Maiinasset HsalUi Asaoela- Uon will hear Dr. 0. Milton of Northarn Boulevard, at lU Ing at 3 p. m. on Apfll SO at


Week er April k*In Great Neck

Monday—Music department Wo­man's dub. Electlok.umbh Chapel. • 3' p.- ro.

Monday—immunity Men's Club. Community House. 8; 15 p. m.

Tuesday—Home Economics De­partment. Woman's Club. Union Cffispel. 10 a. m.

Tuesday—Uoiu Club. Wychwood

vine school. t:16 p. m.. Wednesday Wom$h’s CltD'Brtdgr-

tournament. Union ChapaL 9M a. m. Ci-* ,

Wednesday—Drama li|Hi||MlffWoman’s Club. Union Chaittl. ^ p. m.

,Thur*daf—Alert Are dap card JWoy$|ivi,Hall. . ” '

Thursday—Concert for League. High SOhool audit 8:16 p. m.

Fridajf-JJUternTH- nilao's CfluS! Union

..... . . ' IBJ •ioaday —

Grace Xbs#$«»x Monday ^
