om m awaiting the verdi nbrthheilif^ democratic lawil^ l.w. hall...

AB0VM> I. aiw. >■»»*«■ m Oamt, r-Oraat, OMiMi tmA BvMta ki Om «« Om W«*ii [E TOWN wtUi M.. F. D. M VOL. 2. NO. 25. MANHASSET, N. Y-.'SJfeY. H^WT^iyR 8, ItS Awaiting The Verdi IS MEMORIAM . midst of t'no po»t-electfon llie analyses, ICie quee- nd the answers, Ul*^ pre- and the hopes and fears, to bow our head In me- for our good friend, Anne [ who died one year ago to- jan airplane crash in Vlr- [ Anne ' was the executive of the North Hempstead n committee and was op to visit lier parents in after active work in the eclion campal«fn, when the piloted by Li^tfayet-te Roth- the Nassau County police, Anne was killed and her [ Vivian, seriously injured. truthfully say of herbut not forgotten.] Happen on Saturday burning question at the mo- -WHBN WILL ASSESSOR RAHM WHEEL'ERIC PKT-* 1 ALO.VG MIIIDLE NHCK A WMESL3ARHt3WT=^ John is a staunch Repub- hardly need tell you, U an equally staunch Both were sure that Indidate would win. In fact, [was Assessor John that he bet witli Pro. He lost. '. he must wheel ng Middle Neck Road In a rrow. Were told on good that the great event will e at exactly 11 a. m. on morning. A special de- lassaus finest undoubted- needed to cbritrtfTIS'affic. NONSENSE came and also went, fol^M up her tent, nre hiking lie loam nickel in bacauae th^ are only ! napping days ad Diana will soon dawn. ... j ' ~ Wtr- I Pleased littee members In the 42nd [in Great Neck are proud ■, record in the election, a right to be. Wi*h registered, 982 ballots St. There were 511 votes don and 430 for Roosevelt, fargaret Trotter and Peter are the Democratic corn- members, while Charlie and; I^ahk-, Feuersteln axe under the sdgn of the aret Trotter was on hand knd early on Tuesday morn- [ cast the first vole in the Frank Feuersteln was the baillotand we wont tell said he put the last nail [coffin.-were na jtoterg_ci)6n£.nged er party. emocratlc election workers to a nice lunch by Jugan, Great Neck Demo- Beader; John Daly and Ed» leyer. 1 disteict turned down the it all in all, workers fee! Bey are well entitled to take NbrthHeilif^ Democratic Lawil^ L.W. Hall Is Re-elc®* G.O.P. North Hempstead workers assembled at the Knickerbocker Yacht Club to get election results. Seated, from left to right, they are; Adelaide Gardiner and Mrs, Claire A, Browii of Mineola; Mrs. Herbert L. Fairfield of Great Neck; Mrs. Sophie Hendrickson, Great Neck; Mrs. Genesta Strong,--fMandomfrt-Mrs. Izole M. Dorgan, Great Neck; Mrs. Adelaide Wilson, Williston Park; Mrs. William R. Witherell, Great Neck; Mrs. Davil Holman, Floral Park and Town leader James L. Dowsey, Standing in the rear, Frederick Becker, Port Washington; Harvey-Whyte, Mineofa; Justice of the Peace Egbert E. LeCluse, Great Neck; Thomas Nash, Mineola>. William H. Lyon, Great Neck; J. Edwin RUssell, New Hyde Park; William A. Schneider, Williston Park; Arthur Speedling, Roslyn and Police Justice Jf. Dwight Rogers, Mineola. - \ Second District Assem- blyman Defeats Roland A. Cro'we By A 10,685 Majority j POLLS BIG VOTE | IN AREAS HERE Victorioui School Group . To Hear Talk By Dr. Coulter l5oard Of Educ9ll<UL Ifeiid ^I^LDiseiMeriM^ portant Topic Dr. Calvin B. Coulter, chairman of the Manhasaet Board of Edu- cation, will speak dh "A Health Program -foi* "Klanhasset,at a meeting at . 8:15 p. m. on Novem- ber 9 of the School Community A-sScciatlon. In announcing the tcplc, plIlceTs of tly •Assoejisafin today urged that non-menroers as well as members take advantage of the opportunity to learn albout this Important phase of school activity.Dr. Coulter also has accepted an Invitation to explain"ariarticle appearing in a. Mrmonthly publi- cation. in which it is understood he 'Claims^'that wa»*THllgqHOtedr The study group on "Early Ado- -IcBeeneeiwet ob--Wcdnaaday wn. der the leadership of Vlnal H, Tibbetts, superintendent of schools, and Mlts Rose Oalaida. More than 70 women were present and it was necessary to divide the group into two divisions of 3S each. Mrs. John Christensen was in charge. -a. . -------------- --------- - ! MISCELLANY |lr electloh echoes this week Tic Provost collecting that made with him . . . and in to gloat" . ... but ^eless giving us an intelll- I unbiased analysis of the Hs TSe~Sees It . . . the ned also true of Ed Clancy of our Democratic friends . , and I told, you so- ' we cant. blame them |lur being told that we are than Hearst. . . our loyai »tlc friends telling us that and we are proud to we still have lots of Dem- frlends, and real friends. yet are wearing a sunflqwer in the button- our argument with a who Insisted that he is a m although he is enrolled nocrat and voted a styalght "* heket . . our liiiblUly perstand why so many avow- 'WipfUH'tCTB '''TOtwd- the ■{*--- ' . . we preferring to courage of our oc-rtvic- Mrs. Robert Opdy Is tag laying I voted wrongP date to help Louis (Rhoda pwear) Schneider drink the have to pay him . . . Doc right' there with re- *hat I told you. . . Trotter, top , . [he . ■le evidently so wrought lh»->l»itli (iia».tba uui* ' •••» iEnm.111 to trome hlctely Memwd their ■»t- bllttte- »rding the Ofuea A^e^ue trucks e«^ phrlud raUroed-hHiEg'liiht op- police doittle Wttlc, I' lorence. Rubel Loeb Dies In Great Neck Mrs. Florence Rubel Loeb died on Monday'yat her home In the Wyohwood, Great Neck, after a long lllneas. She was 66 years of Ttge. Surviving are three daughters, Eleanor, Mildred and Claire and ,a son, Paul. Hsr husband, the late Max Loeb, died several years ago. FHmeral services were held at 3 oclock on- Wednesday afternoon at the ^Universal F^ineral Chapef in New York City. Finance Committee Head Lauds Fund Contributors Nassau Can Be PAkiid Of Part In Presidential Bat- tle, Declares John H. Eden; Lists Amounts _In Assembly District * "Contributors to the United R^ublican Efinarice Commftifei*k cam- paign in the 2nd Assembly District have met their partys appeal for funds with the same faith that they showed In their partys candidates ---------------------------------- ^---------------*at the polls on Tuesday,John I He Was Right RICHARD KEHOE DickKehoe of Great Neck, veteran ^Jorth Shore real . estate broker, and a prominent worker in ti>'< Democratic party, said in Sep- tember, when asked his opinion of the Maine election. I think that Mr. ^ofevelt will be elected by a larger- ma lority-^than In -1932.The Young peoples Fellowship of Christ Church will haVe a Thanksgiving dance on November 27 in the Christ CSiurch Parish House auditorium. Miss Imogene Miller Is chairman. Assisting her are Miss Mildred Vlken, Raymond 8wett and Henry Tllden. Roslyn Eleven Defeated.! 194) "TBy Maiihasset Paces AtUick Grrdlfdn' Clash " A fighting, but outclassed Roslyn High School eleven, went down to defeat at Manhasset on Section Day afternoon, to the tune of 16-0. at the hands of the Manhasset High School pigskin toters. ^ The. Roslyn lads put up a stiff battle during the first period, but the superior power and reserve strength of the home team turned the tide in' the s3cond half. After dr.ving to a first down iffte in the second period on Ros- l^-ns 10 yard stripe. King plunged to the four yard line from whe>-e Curtis Cronvwell drove ofl.'ickle fo- the 41rst score of the game. P^ar- (Contlnuec on page 8) ^ CensH Official Ur. Osborne Dies ' I Announe^'H chairmer At ParentsHome H. Ekien, chairman, said today in annouhclng the list of contribu- tions to date. Nassau .can well be proud of its p^t in the presidential battle which now is nlstory,he added. "It led the country In both con. trltmting to and voting for Re- publican principles.Mr. EMen listed the 2nd Assem- Wy Districts county drive total of $.15jB72 as follows: North Hemp- stead, Frederick H. Clarkson, chairman, $7,400. Port Washington with 238 contributors with $1,079; EJast Williston, 143 with $728; Mineola. 89 with $651.50; Great Neck„ 128 with $2,458 ;_^Manhasset. (Continued on 'p^'e 3) Neglected Hi« Own Cam- paign To Serve Other Candidates _____ I Leonard W. Hell of Oya-{ the on Tue.sday, defeatinK hia opponent, Rol- and A. Crowe of Glen Cove by 10,636 vote.s. He carried his home town by a mttjor- ity of 3.646. His plurality in North Hempstead was 7,268. Mr. Hall, however, suffered re- verses in Gleri Cove, where Mr. Crowe llvee, losing the city dla- t«rlct8 by 228 yotes. The total North Hempetead vote was 19,702 . for Hall and 12.484 for Crowe. i Hal's total vote was 33.186 to 22.600 tor Crowe. | Besides losing Glen Cove, Hall | Jost the 28th district in Central | Park by six votes; At\t 13th dis- trict In Sea Cliff by 13 votes and the 24th disixlct In Sea Cliff by 11 votes. HU majorities In the otiksr two dUtrlcts, however, were mm than eufficlent to offset these Formerly Practised As A Dentist In Great Neck Dr. F»aul 0.sborne Jr., well- known dentist who had offices in Great Neck for a number of years, died suddenly on Tuesday at the home of his parents in Brooklyn. Mrs, Prank E. Brown of Min- eola, Red Cross Roll Call chair- man for the Nassau County chap- ter, today announced the names of the ai chairmen of the 20th annual Roll Call. Under their di- rection workers in the various dU- trtets will take part in an Jpten slve drive for members, at the same time competli^ tor the cup offered by Mrs. Henry- P. Davison to the district that shows the He suffered a nervous breakdoa n four years ago, but was believed j ear & the* B^lZorr^delit- to, have improved and his death came as a shock to his family and friends. Surviving are his wife, the former (Margaret Etogelbarts, a daughter, Carol, seven years qttf and a son, Paul, two years old. His parents also survive. tlon. The local chairmen are: Mrs. James 8. Biaden. Great Neck; Mra. Minna F. Newman, Manhas- set; Mrs. Lee Megargee, Munsey Park; Mrs. William Gallon. I>lan- LEONARD W. HALL Womans Chib Meets, Hears Group Reports Strathmore Committees Announce Program For Month «a$ g:veh hand- the same majorities in oyster Bay vil- lage, where he has lived all hit life and where hU ffiencU always turn out In large number to give him support. Because of his work in belialf of other candidates, is Assembly du- ties and necessary business acUvt- Alps. Mr. Hall was unable/to^evote much time to his own campaign. His (mponent, however, waged an unusually vigorous campaign. J,ost year Mr,. Hall defeated hbi opponent. Walter P. McMkmis bi Glen Cove, by more than 14,000 votes. Civic Unit Meet§,.. Di§cu88C8 Parking Andrew Weiw, Others Addreaa Coiti- iiierue Ohaiiiilier Andrew Weiss, commanding of- Mber of the 6th Precinct, Nassau liiounty Police, at a ifieetlng of the Manhasset Chamber of. Com-, merce last evening at Rices Tav- ern on Plandome Road, discus- sed the parkbvg problem. Kcnelemn Eden, Manhasset-Lakevllle Fire district commissioner, and Ed-, ward C. Smith, president of the "FIre~IJepirlmeht, also sjwke on parking and Its relation to effic- ient fire-fighting. The highway committee was In- structed to workwith the com- mittee of the Manhasset Cltlrens Association, to drflft a set of park- ing ordinances which will be ac- cepable and at the same time will regulate parking. New members present' -included Mrs. Dorothy Grant, editor of dome and Mrs. Herman J. Her- Park Patter, and Wllford %. Neler, bert, Roelyn. ' prcmlnent Manha.sset attorney. The first regular monthly meet- ing of the Strathmore Wbmana Club w^ held on Wednesday gt |,^jps!a Townnhip I A Republtoip^' I hold De^lH Omilaught JAMES L.' DO#SEl® PRAISES WORK^ 1 Seen High Vote Percg|||>j age Re«uk Of Actiyii Caihpalgn The Town of HempatGad Htill remaina ''j-Republicah ntrorurhold, pile the Roonevelt Iandg||ige which Hwept the country #n Tuenday. Under the er^hip of Jameg L. Dowg|kir. Reirublican workers turn^ . Lack the New Deal Ofr HiBugkt by getting out a j record vote and giving good margins to all GOP catuk'* dates. With more votgn than ever before gblng fg _ the polls in the maloriuoi 1 the districts _ ^ ^ Neck - Manhasset - Boilyn .1 area, North Hempsteid 1 turned out a larger percent- ll age for the Republican can- didates than any other sin-- gle unit in the county. Pwroantagfi Hlgb * North Hempsiuds ptrsMitege was conslderabiy higher than that recorded In Hempstead. Aithough wu he park Oenter. Mrs H. Klrkby Moore, president, pre- sided. Mrs. Ektward L Mulvehlll. chair- mail of the membership committee, reported at new members, bring- ing the total number of charter members to 1(X). "Mrs, Edgar W. Harris, chairman of the Ways and Means Commit- tee, announced that a bridge tea will be held at the Munsey Park Center on November 17. 'Mrs, Adrian N. Clark reported ns chairman of the program com- mittee that the December meet- ing will be followed by a musical program Mrs. Walter J. Rhodes Jr., who i<; to head the drama group, was Introduced, Mrs. Arthur Nelli, sports com- mittee cha.rman, announced that l,tN|r than In the Town of.Oya^, Ba^ ft is higher Ip . reality when cohdi tiori/T nr "TRe* Twa"tbwnainTpr are compared. Political leadgrs pointed out today, in analyxhig the % vote on a percentags basis, ttiat the population of Oyster Bay hat remained stable and with little change in the past few years, while It has changed In North Hempstead, due in some measure to the proximity to the city line and other factors. Vote By Townships The vote for the Preeldentlal candidates in the three townships follows; Hempstead,' a total of 108,534 votes, giving l-andon a ma- jority of 12,720. or 11,7 per-cent.; North Hempstead, 32,164, with 5.634 tor Landon, or 17.2 per cent, and Oyster Bay. 18.314 votes, with a majority of 3,823 for Landon, or 20.0 per cent. For the gubernatorial candidate shaf tswas;Jlenpetead. a total of rnngements for bowling, ping pong « . . . and other sports and asked all 108.206 votes, giving Breakley a~M,- who are Interested to call her. After the business meeting, Mrs. Clark -<*tntroduced Mrs. Georgina Humble of Douglaston, guest speak- er. whdSe subject was Floral Ar- rangements For the Home.Tea was served by a oointnlttee headed by Mrs. William T, Bender. She was assisted by the Mesdames Henry Ahrenho.Hd Jr,, Leonard R. Benson, Talmadge Beddlngfleld, Thomas B. Bennett, -WaUtce D. Bradford. Robert 8. Blck, Charles E, Benisch, Lesley. H. Browder, W. Carter Betsch, Clark D. Bowen, and William H. Callls. TO KERVE DINNER The women of Christ Church Parish, Manhasset; will serve a turkey dinner In the Parish House arditorlum from 6 to 8 oclock Oil the evening of November 17. Mrs. Herbert' W. Orme is chairman of the conwnltlee. 372 majority, or 16.7 percent; Norlfc Hemp.stead, a total of 31.939, giving Bleakley a 7,616 majority, or 23.6 |)er cent; Oyster Bay, 18,194 votes, a majority of 6.022 tor Bleakley, or 27.6 per cent. For the Congressional candidate, the vote was: .Hempstead, 108,6M total, with a 33,886 majority for Rcbert L. Bacon, or U per cent; North Hempstead. 31,262 total, a 7.160 majority, or 23S per cent, and Oyster Bay, 18,316 total, a ma- jority of 6.080, or 28 per cent. (Continued on page 3) Gmung Events ,Complete Election Returns In This Area By Districts PR£8. GOV. LT. GOV, D. R. ATTY, OEN. CT.,AFPL«. CORESg AT LOE d! ........... ^ SUPREME COURT > ' lUHsaUty D.; ' R STATE HEN. A8HMLY D. R. D. R, 1 .IT I DibL DhT Laeallty- Town Hall 17 Valley .............................. 40 Plandome j.................. .a- 48 Mui»ee3t Park K Dowsey ........... ......... 63 W. of Plandome Road MANHAMOVr district District TtyrALs 179 327 174 326 4fl -Zm-m 276 276 262 176 266 180 163 383 279 178 176 176 783 361 283 171 303' 178 379 124 368 1 ..... 361 336 326 346 332 343 ?S7,^. 340 2$6 toe 332 338 m 331 324 341 333 382 330 341 338 319 831 344 333 341 340 336........ .. .17 131 423 126 426 123 $63 142 464 144 462 121 466 134 134 465 474 132 128 127 474 477 479 115 423 117 466 133 483 ....... .. 40 .....117 464 26 464 ' 102 448 160 407 114 462 117 112 464 446 116 111 111 461 457 466 loe 470 no 466 122 446........ .....48 ......143 386 . 127- aasL 141 373 160 ffe 101 ?M 137 870 132 143 378 366 141 136 136 370 382 37Q 136 174 ' 137 362 160 367.. ,.■....68 360 384 Ml 34:4 261 289 363 286 206 269 2-47 666 S42 344 221 267 Ml 4. 244 MMmWw ' aMM# 968 9M ^wa26 360 :il66 16M RpM tm IM4 ItfT »M7 IMS 2691 -1U4 »J^^3124 1148 1131 1124 2814' ^ 3190 1106 3267 A1112 3331 1172 3176 .■fr- a village ............. ^ 10 Rtatlon ..................... 81 Mdipbts 3,*' north Roelyn .............. ........177 333 ......... 374 431 .......... 307 464 ..t..... Ml 366 466 346 356 .463 MS 370 122 iS! ■"totadb ,.................... .... '..Mo _l*4" ■1£'fOStTN PI8TR1CT ITS 233 m 322 171 214 'tTl 368 412 « 610 356 $36 IM 206 $44 Itt' $N 121 4U in m m m »$ m 12M fit 1I32 1116 6fs illi ini' IIM f66 IfH JK 41«L IN* .... 3 ,10 ■Jl .-S'ik, S' Week of Nevember t la Manhaseet tfbndayBchool community Ai- soctatlon. High school. 8.'16 PJB. TuesdayRectors Guild. Obr^' Church. 8;30 p. m. TuesdayManhasset Usglon (ory Ball. Munsey B$0| Club. FridayGarden deparUnen$i<.kj dome womans club. Ifotof Mrs. Lamb. 11:30 a. m. In orMt Neek MondayCurrent $V$ntl . Union raakpal. 3.16 MondayBusiness Meni tlon. Algrt fire. Kail. | MondayJitotior Woogml Union Ohapel, f:f0 p. TuesdayUons OlUb. Noon. TuesdayDAR iiM2tfn|k Mrs. Albert BenjaninL Tintiilg'ir

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Page 1: Om M Awaiting The Verdi NbrthHeilif^ Democratic Lawil^ L.W. Hall … · 2016-03-23 · Leonard W. Hell of Oya-{the

AB0VM>I. aiw. >■»»*«■

m Oamt,r-Oraat, OMiMitmA BvMta ki Om

«« Om W«*ii

[E TOWNwtUi M.. F. D.

MVOL. 2. NO. 25. MANHASSET, N. Y-.'SJfeY. H^WT^iyR 8, ItS

Awaiting The VerdiIS MEMORIAM .midst of t'no po»t-electfon

llie analyses, ICie quee- nd the answers, Ul*^ pre- and the hopes and fears,

to bow our head In me- for our good friend, Anne

[ who died one year ago to- jan airplane crash in Vlr- [ Anne ' was the executive

of the North Hempstead n committee and was op to visit lier parents in

after active work in the eclion campal«fn, when the piloted by Li^tfayet-te Roth-

the Nassau County police, Anne was killed and her

[ Vivian, seriously injured.truthfully say of her—

but not forgotten.”

] Happen on Saturdayburning question at the mo-



John is a staunch Repub- hardly need tell you,U an equally staunch Both were sure that

Indidate would win. In fact, [was Assessor John that he

bet witli Pro. He lost.'. — he must wheel

ng Middle Neck Road In a rrow. We’re told on good

that the great event will e at exactly 11 a. m. on morning. A special de-

lassau’s finest undoubted- needed to cbritrtfTIS'affic.

NONSENSE came and also went, fol^M up her tent, n’re hiking

lie loam nickel in

bacauae th^ are only

! napping days ad

Diana will soon dawn”. ... j

' ~ Wtr-I Pleasedlittee members In the 42nd [in Great Neck are proud ■, record in the election,

a right to be. Wi*h registered, 982 ballots

St. There were 511 votes don and 430 for Roosevelt,

fargaret Trotter and Peter are the Democratic corn- members, while Charlie and; I^ahk-, Feuersteln axe under the sdgn of the

aret Trotter was on hand knd early on Tuesday morn- [ cast the first vole in the

Frank Feuersteln was the baillot—and we won’t tell said ”he put the last nail

[coffin.”-were na jtoterg_ci)6n£.nged er party.

emocratlc election workers to a nice lunch by

Jugan, Great Neck Demo- Beader; John Daly and Ed» leyer.1 disteict turned down the

it all in all, workers fee! Bey are well entitled to take

NbrthHeilif^ Democratic Lawil^ L.W. Hall Is Re-elc®*

G.O.P. North Hempstead workers assembled at the Knickerbocker Yacht Club to get election results. Seated, from left to right, they are; Adelaide Gardiner and Mrs, Claire A, Browii of Mineola; Mrs. Herbert L. Fairfield of Great Neck; Mrs. Sophie Hendrickson, Great Neck; Mrs. Genesta Strong,--fMandomfrt-Mrs. Izole M. Dorgan, Great Neck; Mrs. Adelaide Wilson, Williston Park; Mrs. William R. Witherell, Great Neck; Mrs. Davil Holman, Floral Park and Town leader James L. Dowsey,

Standing in the rear, Frederick Becker, Port Washington; Harvey-Whyte, Mineofa; Justice of the Peace Egbert E. LeCluse, Great Neck; Thomas Nash, Mineola>. William H. Lyon, Great Neck; J. Edwin RUssell, New Hyde Park; William A. Schneider, Williston Park; Arthur Speedling, Roslyn and Police Justice Jf. Dwight Rogers, Mineola. - \

Second District Assem­blyman Defeats Roland A. Cro'we By A 10,685

♦ Majority jPOLLS BIG VOTE |



School Group . To Hear Talk By Dr. Coulter

l5oard Of Educ9ll<UL Ifeiid ^I^LDiseiMeriM^

portant TopicDr. Calvin B. Coulter, chairman

of the Manhasaet Board of Edu­cation, will speak dh "A Health Program -foi* "Klanhasset,” at a meeting at . 8:15 p. m. on Novem­ber 9 of the School Community A-sScciatlon. In announcing the tcplc, plIlceTs of tly •Assoejisafin today urged that non-menroers as well as members “take advantage of the opportunity to learn albout this ■ Important phase of school activity.”

Dr. Coulter also has accepted an Invitation to explain"ari“ article appearing in a. Mrmonthly publi­cation. in which it is understood he 'Claims^'that wa»*THllgqHOtedr

The study group on "Early Ado- -IcBeenee” iwet ob--Wcdnaaday wn. der the leadership of Vlnal H, Tibbetts, superintendent of schools, and Mlts Rose Oalaida. More than 70 women were present and it was necessary to divide the group into two divisions of 3S each. Mrs. John Christensen was in charge.-a. . ----------------------- - !

MISCELLANY|lr electloh echoes this week

Tic Provost collecting that made with him . . . and in to “gloat" . ... but

^eless giving us an intelll- I unbiased analysis of the

Hs TSe~Sees It . . . the ned also true of Ed Clancy

of our Democratic friends ■ . , and “I told, you so-

' we can’t. blame them |lur being told that we are

than Hearst” . . . our loyai »tlc friends telling us that

and we are proud to we still have lots of Dem-

frlends, and real friends.yet are wearing a

sunflqwer in the button- our argument with a

who Insisted that he is a m although he is enrolled nocrat and voted a styalght "* heket . . our liiiblUly

perstand why so many avow- 'WipfUH'tCTB '''TOtwd- ■ the ■{*---

' . . we preferring tocourage of our oc-rtvic-

Mrs. Robert Opdy Is tag laying “I voted wrong”P date to help Louis (Rhoda pwear) Schneider drink the

have to pay him . . . Doc • right' there with “re- *hat I told you” . . .Trotter, top , . [he .■le evidently so wrought

lh»->l»itli (iia».tba uui*' •••» iEnm.111 to trome hlctely Memwd their ■»t-

bllttte-»rding the Ofuea A^e^ue

trucks e«^ phrlud raUroed-hHiEg'liiht op-

police doittle


I' lorence. Rubel Loeb Dies In Great Neck

Mrs. Florence Rubel Loeb died on Monday'yat her home In the Wyohwood, Great Neck, after a long lllneas. She was 66 years of

Ttge.Surviving are three daughters,

Eleanor, Mildred and Claire and ,a son, Paul. Hsr husband, the late Max Loeb, died several years ago.

FHmeral services were held at 3 o’clock on- Wednesday afternoon at the ^Universal F^ineral Chapef in New York City.

Finance Committee Head Lauds Fund Contributors

Nassau Can Be PAkiid Of Part In Presidential Bat­tle, Declares John H. Eden; Lists Amounts

_In Assembly District *"Contributors to the United R^ublican Efinarice Commftifei*k cam­

paign in the 2nd Assembly District have met their party’s appeal for funds with the same faith that they showed In their party’s candidates ---------------------------------- ^---------------*at the polls on ’Tuesday,” John

I He Was Right

RICHARD KEHOE“Dick” Kehoe of Great Neck,

veteran ^Jorth Shore real . estate broker, and a prominent worker in ti>'< Democratic party, said in Sep­tember, when asked his opinion of the Maine election. “I think that Mr. ^ofevelt will be elected by a larger- ma lority-^than In -1932.”

The Young people’s Fellowship of Christ Church will haVe a Thanksgiving dance on November 27 in the Christ CSiurch Parish House auditorium. Miss Imogene Miller Is chairman. Assisting her are Miss Mildred Vlken, Raymond 8wett and Henry Tllden.

Roslyn Eleven Defeated.! 194)

"TBy MaiihassetPaces AtUick

Grrdlfdn' Clash "

A fighting, but outclassed Roslyn High School eleven, went down to defeat at Manhasset on Section Day afternoon, to the tune of 16-0. at the hands of the Manhasset High School pigskin toters. ^ ’The. Roslyn lads put up a stiff battle during the first period, but the superior power and reserve strength of the home team turned the tide in' the s3cond half.

After dr.ving to a first down iffte in the second period on Ros- l^-n’s 10 yard stripe. King plunged to the four yard line from whe>-e Curtis Cronvwell drove ofl.'ickle fo- the 41rst score of the game. P^ar-

(Contlnuec on page 8)

^ CensH OfficialUr. Osborne Dies ' I Announe^'H chairmerAt Parents’ Home

H. Ekien, chairman, said today in annouhclng the list of contribu­tions to date.

“Nassau .can well be proud of its p^t in the presidential battle which now is nlstory,” he added. "It led the country In both con. trltmting to and voting for Re­publican ■ principles.”

Mr. EMen listed the 2nd Assem- Wy District’s county drive total of $.15jB72 as follows: North Hemp­stead, Frederick H. Clarkson, chairman, $7,400. Port Washington with 238 contributors with $1,079; EJast Williston, 143 with $728; Mineola. 89 with $651.50; Great Neck„ 128 with $2,458 ;_^Manhasset.

(Continued on 'p^'e 3)

Neglected Hi« Own Cam­paign To Serve Other

Candidates_____ I

Leonard W. Hell of Oya-{

the on Tue.sday, defeatinK hia opponent, Rol­and A. Crowe of Glen Cove by 10,636 vote.s. He carried his home town by a mttjor- ity of 3.646. His plurality in North Hempstead was 7,268.

Mr. Hall, however, suffered re­verses in Gleri Cove, where Mr. Crowe llvee, losing the city dla- t«rlct8 by 228 yotes. The total North Hempetead vote was 19,702 . for Hall and 12.484 for Crowe. i Hal's total vote was 33.186 to 22.600 tor Crowe. |

Besides losing Glen Cove, Hall | Jost the 28th district in Central | Park by six votes; At\t 13th dis­trict In Sea Cliff by 13 votes and the 24th disixlct In Sea Cliff by 11 votes. HU majorities In the otiksr two dUtrlcts, however, were mm than eufficlent to offset these

Formerly Practised As A Dentist In Great


Dr. F»aul 0.sborne Jr., well- known dentist who had offices in Great Neck for a number of years, died suddenly on Tuesday at the home of his parents in Brooklyn.

Mrs, Prank E. Brown of Min­eola, Red Cross Roll Call chair­man for the Nassau County chap­ter, today announced the names of the ai chairmen of the 20th annual Roll Call. Under their di­rection workers in the various dU- trtets will take part in an Jpten slve drive for members, at the same time competli^ tor the cup offered by Mrs. Henry- P. Davison to the district that shows the

He suffered a nervous breakdoa nfour years ago, but was believed j ear & the* B^lZorr^delit-to, have improved and his death came as a shock to his family and friends.

Surviving are his wife, the former (Margaret Etogelbarts, a daughter, Carol, seven years qttf and a son, Paul, two years old. His parents also survive.

tlon.The local chairmen are: Mrs.

James 8. Biaden. Great Neck; Mra. Minna F. Newman, Manhas­set; Mrs. Lee Megargee, Munsey Park; Mrs. William Gallon. I>lan-


Woman’s Chib Meets, Hears Group ReportsStrathmore Committees

Announce Program For Month

«a$ g:veh hand- thesame majorities in oyster Bay vil­lage, where he has lived all hit life and where hU ffiencU always turn out In large number to give him support.

Because of his work in belialf of other candidates, is Assembly du­ties and necessary business acUvt-

Alps. Mr. Hall was unable/to^evote much time to his own campaign. His (mponent, however, waged an unusually vigorous campaign.

J,ost year Mr,. Hall defeated hbi opponent. Walter P. McMkmis bi Glen Cove, by more than 14,000 votes.

Civic Unit Meet§,.. Di§cu88C8 Parking

Andrew Weiw, Others Addreaa Coiti-

iiierue OhaiiiilierAndrew Weiss, commanding of-

Mber of the 6th Precinct, Nassau liiounty Police, at a ifieetlng of the Manhasset Chamber of. Com-, merce last evening at Rice’s Tav­ern on Plandome Road, discus­sed the parkbvg problem. Kcnelemn Eden, Manhasset-Lakevllle Fire district commissioner, and Ed-, ward C. Smith, president of the

"FIre~IJepirlmeht, also sjwke on parking and Its relation to effic­ient fire-fighting.

The highway committee was In­structed to work—with the com­mittee of the Manhasset Cltlrens Association, to drflft a set of park­ing ordinances which will be ac- cepable and at the same time will regulate parking.

New members present' -included Mrs. Dorothy Grant, editor of

dome and Mrs. Herman J. Her- Park Patter, and Wllford %. Neler, bert, Roelyn. —' prcmlnent Manha.sset attorney.

The first regular monthly meet­ing of the Strathmore Wbman’a Club w^ held on Wednesday gt


Townnhip I A Republtoip^'I hold De^lH

Omilaught ‘


Seen High Vote Percg|||>j age Re«uk Of Actiyii


The Town of HempatGad Htill remaina

''j-Republicah ntrorurhold, pile the Roonevelt Iandg||ige which Hwept the country #n Tuenday. Under the er^hip of Jameg L. Dowg|kir. Reirublican workers turn^ . Lack the New Deal Ofr HiBugkt by getting out a j record vote and giving good margins to all GOP catuk'* dates. With more votgn than ever before gblng fg _ the polls in the maloriu’ oi 1 the districts _ ^ ^Neck - Manhasset - Boilyn .1 area, North Hempsteid 1 turned out a larger percent- ll age for the Republican can­didates than any other sin-- gle unit in the county.

Pwroantagfi Hlgb* North Hempsiud’s ptrsMitege was conslderabiy higher than that recorded In Hempstead. Aithough

wu hepark Oenter. Mrs

H. Klrkby Moore, president, pre­sided.

Mrs. Ektward L Mulvehlll. chair- mail of the membership committee, reported at new members, bring­ing the total number of charter members to 1(X).

"Mrs, Edgar W. Harris, chairman of the Ways and Means Commit­tee, announced that a bridge tea will be held at the Munsey Park Center on November 17.

'Mrs, Adrian N. Clark reported ns chairman of the program com­mittee that the December meet­ing will be followed by a musical program

Mrs. Walter J. Rhodes Jr., who i<; to head the drama group, was Introduced,

Mrs. Arthur Nelli, sports com­mittee cha.rman, announced ■ that

l,tN|r than In the Town of.Oya^, Ba^ ft is higher Ip . reality when cohdi tiori/T nr "TRe* Twa"‘tbwnainTpr are compared. Political leadgrs pointed out today, in analyxhig the % vote on a percentags basis, ttiat the population of Oyster Bay hat remained stable and with little change in the past few years, while It has changed In North Hempstead, due in some measure to the proximity to the city line and other factors.

Vote By TownshipsThe vote for the Preeldentlal

candidates in the three townships follows; Hempstead,' a total of 108,534 votes, giving l-andon a ma­jority of 12,720. or 11,7 per-cent.; North Hempstead, 32,164, with 5.634 tor Landon, or 17.2 per cent, and Oyster Bay. 18.314 votes, with a majority of 3,823 for Landon, or 20.0 per cent.

For the gubernatorial candidateshaf tswas; Jlenpetead. a total of rnngements for bowling, ping pong — « . . .and other sports and asked all 108.206 votes, giving Breakley a~M,-

who are Interested to call her.After the business meeting, Mrs.

Clark -<*tntroduced Mrs. Georgina Humble of Douglaston, guest speak­er. whdSe subject was “Floral Ar­rangements For the Home.”

Tea was served by a oointnlttee headed by Mrs. William T, Bender. She was assisted by the Mesdames Henry Ahrenho.Hd Jr,, Leonard R. Benson, Talmadge Beddlngfleld, Thomas B. Bennett, -WaUtce D. Bradford. Robert 8. Blck, Charles E, Benisch, Lesley. H. Browder, W. Carter Betsch, Clark D. Bowen, and William H. Callls.

TO KERVE DINNERThe women of Christ Church

Parish, Manhasset; will serve a turkey dinner In the Parish House arditorlum from 6 to 8 o’clock Oil the evening of November 17. Mrs. Herbert' W. Orme is chairman of the conwnltlee.

372 majority, or 16.7 percent; Norlfc Hemp.stead, a total of 31.939, giving Bleakley a 7,616 majority, or 23.6 |)er cent; Oyster Bay, 18,194 votes, a majority of 6.022 tor Bleakley, or 27.6 per cent.

For the Congressional candidate, the vote was: .Hempstead, 108,6M total, with a 33,886 majority for Rcbert L. Bacon, or U per cent; North Hempstead. 31,262 total, a 7.160 majority, or 23S per cent, and Oyster Bay, 18,316 total, a ma­jority of 6.080, or 28 per cent.

(Continued on page 3)

Gmung Events

,Complete Election Returns In This Area By DistrictsPR£8. GOV. LT. GOV,

D. R.


d! ........... ^


> '


D.; ' R


D. R. D. R,

1 .IT IDibL

DhT Laeallty-’ Town Hall

17 Valley ..............................40 Plandome j...................a-48 Mui»ee3t ParkK Dowsey ........... .........63 W. of Plandome Road

MANHAMOVr district District


179 327 174 326 4fl -Zm-m 276 276 262 176 266 180 163 383 279 178 176 176 783 361 283 171 303' 178 379 124 368 1..... 361 336 326 346 332 343 ?S7,^. 340 2$6 toe 332 338 m 331 324 341 333 382 330 341 338 319 831 344 333 341 340 336........ .. .17

131 423 126 426 123 $63 142 464 144 462 121 466 134 134 465 474 132 128 127 474 477 479 115 423 117 466 133 483 ....... .. 40.....117 464 26 464 ' 102 448 160 407 114 462 117 112 464 446 116 111 111 461 457 466 loe 470 no 466 122 446........ .....48......143 ■ 386 . 127- aasL 141 373 160 ffe 101 ?M 137 870 132 143 378 366 141 136 136 370 382 37Q 136 174 ' 137 362 160 367.. ,.■....68

360 384 Ml 34:4 261 289 363 286 206 269 2-47 666 S42 344 221 267 Ml4. 244 MM—mWw ' aMM# 968 9M ^w—a26 360

:il66 16M RpM tm IM4 ItfT »M7 IMS 2691 -1U4 »J^^3124 1148 1131 1124 2814' ^ 3190 1106 3267A——

1112 3331 1172 3176.“■fr-

a village ............. ^10 Rtatlon .....................81 Mdipbts3,*' north Roelyn ..............

........177 333......... 374 431..........307 464..t.....Ml 366

466 346356 .463


iS! ■’■"totadb ,.................... ....'..Mo _l*4" ■1£'’

fOStTN PI8TR1CT ’ITS 233 m 322 171 214 'tTl368 412 ‘ « 610 356 $36 IM206 $44 Itt' $N 121 4U inm m m »$ m

12M fit 1I32 1116 6fs illi ini' IIM f66 IfH JK 41«L IN*

.... 3,10■Jl

.-S'ik, S'

Week of Nevember t la Manhaseet

tfbnday—Bchool community Ai- soctatlon. High school. 8.'16 PJB.

Tuesday—Rector’s Guild. Obr^' Church. 8;30 p. m.

Tuesday—Manhasset Usglon (ory Ball. Munsey B$0|Club.

Friday—Garden deparUnen$i<.kj dome woman’s club. Ifotof Mrs. Lamb. 11:30 a. m.

In orMt Neek Monday—Current $V$ntl

. „ Union raakpal. 3.16 Monday—Business Men’i

tlon. Algrt fire. Kail. |Monday—Jitotior Woogml

Union Ohapel, f:f0 p.Tuesday—Uons OlUb.

Noon.Tuesday—DAR iiM2tfn|k

Mrs. Albert BenjaninL Tintiilg'ir