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Ngākau Aroha Parenting Lessons from our Tūpuna 20 November 2020 Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

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  • Ngākau Aroha Parenting™Lessons from our Tūpuna

    20 November 2020 Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • 2

    “I definitely wasn't thinking of getting married, I was going nursing.”

    Emere Kaa

    Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • Nanny and Grandpa - A Whānau of Love

    ╺ Gentle and respectful parenting ways╺ Same as tūpuna did

    Our whānau isn’t perfectNot all lessons have been remembered

    3Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • 4 Alexander Turnbull Library. Ref: PUBL -0 0 8 6 -0 2 1 .Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • Two Pou - Two PillarsTwo Pillars of Ngākau Aroha Parenting

    5Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • 6

    1. Pēpi Are Born Tapu (Sacred)

    ╺ Can m e an p ro te ct ion , se t t ing p e op le and th ing s ap art , un touchab le , no t to b e d isturb e d

    ╺ Also an inhe rite d q ua lity of a ll p e op le

    Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • Whenua

    ╺ Pē p i a re from the a tua , sp irit world╺ Child b irth and p ē p i a re tap u╺ Whe nua (p lace nta ) and p ito (cord stum p )

    a lso tap u╺ My whānau t ry to re turn the whe nua to

    the land (whe nua) a t hom e╺ Burie d m y kid s’ whe nua a t Te Rawhit i

    7Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • 8

    2. Pēpi Are Born With Mana

    ╺ Sp iritua l p owe r, au thority, and p re st ig e and sta tus

    ╺ For m y whānau, p ote nt ia l p owe r for p ē p i, a p ote nt ia l for g re a tne ss

    Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • 9

  • Nanny’s Respect

    ╺ Nanny showe d love and care for he r tam ariki and m okop una (g rand child re n)

    ╺ Pat ie nt and soft ly sp oke n╺ Ne ve r ra ise d he r voice ╺ Gave us t im e and a t te nt ion ╺ Exp la ine d the world a round us


    Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • 11

    Working with Plunket Whānau Āwhina

    Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • “We will he lp Māori whānau

    who want to raise their pēpi in a te ao Māori way

    b y sharing tūpuna parenting waysand supporting whānau to use those

    ways in day -to -day life .



    Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • 13

    The Power of Stories

    ╺ Can le arn a lo t from our own whānau╺ Not ab st ract , not an e xe rcise╺ Live d e xp e rie nce and le ssons

    Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • Nā ngā ringa aroha, nā te ngākau atawhai, ka ora ai te whānau.

    From loving hands, from a gentle heart, comes life for the whānau.

    14Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • 15

    Remembering Our Ways

    ╺ Gre a t warriors we re ra ise d g e nt ly and re sp e ct fu lly

    ╺ Raise d the ir p ē p i tha t way too╺ Many le ssons we ne e d to re m e m b e r╺ Join us on th is waka

    Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • Tēnā koutou katoa! Thank you!

    16Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020

  • 17

    Find out more

    ╺ ht tp :/ / www.p e p ip e nap e na╺ ht tp :/ / www.face b / p ep ip e nap e nanz╺ Em ail: info@p e p ip e nap e na .co .nz

    Copyright © Pēpi Penapena 2020[email protected]:[email protected]

    Ngākau Aroha Parenting™“I definitely wasn't thinking of getting married, I was going nursing.”Nanny and Grandpa - A Whānau of LoveSlide Number 4Two Pou - Two PillarsPēpi Are Born Tapu (Sacred)Whenua 2. Pēpi Are Born With ManaSlide Number 9Nanny’s Respect Working with Plunket Whānau Āwhina Slide Number 12The Power of StoriesSlide Number 14Remembering Our WaysTēnā koutou katoa! Find out more