niagara university branch spring 2013 portfoilio

2013 Spring Semester Portfolio The Niagara University Branch of the Rochester AMA Niagara University Marketing Association (NUMA) President: Kimberly Vona Vice President: Peter Genovese Secretary: Michael Minton Treasurer: Rebecca Jerva

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Page 1: Niagara University Branch Spring 2013 Portfoilio

2013 Spring Semester Portfolio

The Niagara University Branch

of the Rochester AMA

Niagara University Marketing Association


President: Kimberly Vona

Vice President: Peter Genovese

Secretary: Michael Minton

Treasurer: Rebecca Jerva

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Table of Contents Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................2

Brown & Brown of New York ...................................................................................................................................3

Fullblast Clothing Line ................................................................................................................................................6

Recycle for a Cause (RFAC) .........................................................................................................................................7

Lewiston Police Department ......................................................................................................................................9

Battle of the Artists: Fundraiser for United Way ........................................................................................................ 10

D1 Sports Team Social Media & Marketing ........................................................................................................... 13

Marketing Video ..................................................................................................................................................... 15

TKE St. Jude’s Week at Niagara University ................................................................................................................ 16

Sodexo .................................................................................................................................................................... 17

NULEAD ................................................................................................................................................................... 19

AMA Events Attended: ............................................................................................................................................. 22

Appendix ................................................................................................................................................................. 23

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“The Niagara University Marketing Association (NUMA), a collegiate chapter in affiliation with the

Rochester branch of the American Marketing Association, was formed to enlighten interested students in the

functions and operations of marketing. The association sponsors such outside activities as tours through selected

firms and seminars featuring guest speakers. NUMA believes that learning by doing is the best way for students

to gain real world marketing experience, which is accomplished by offering their skills, as a group, to Niagara

University and the surrounding community. They are working with the Niagara University sports teams, the

United Way of Greater Niagara, Recycle for a Cause, as well as other groups to assist in marketing and

research. Membership is open to any student pursuing a career in the fields of marketing and management.”

As a new branch of the Rochester AMA, the Niagara University Marketing Association (NUMA) started

off the Spring semester full of excitement, motivation, and opportunities. This portfolio showcases all of the

accomplishments that NUMA has achieved in the Spring 2013 semester alone. Meetings were not held every

week, so a Dropbox account was created for members to submit short progress updates during the weeks we

didn’t have meetings. Dropbox allows members to upload and share documents, pictures, and projects, through

a folder created on the website. Dropbox synchronizes this folder so that it appears to be the same folder, with

the same contents, regardless of what computer is being used.

In this portfolio you will find all of the projects that NUMA has been involved with this semester.

Below each of the project title is a series of Dropbox updates taken directly from the NUMA Dropbox folder.

These entries contain the groups’ project descriptions, progress, pictures, and results. The appendix contains

examples of fliers used for various events created by NUMA members.

The goal for NUMA in the upcoming semester and years to come is to increase our membership and

always have projects to work on. As the marketing association, we want to give our members opportunities to

get real world marketing experience before entering the work force. These opportunities and experience will

give all NUMA members a better chance of getting hired somewhere after college because they will be more

valuable to a future employer.

We wanted to compile this portfolio in order to show the Rochester AMA that the Niagara University

branch is taking its membership seriously, and that we are honored to be a part of this prestigious and

professional association. We hope that you enjoy our portfolio, and we consider this to be the preview of bigger

things to come.

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Brown & Brown of New York

Members involved: Jon Anderson, Marc Groth, and Mitchell Piper

Write up about member Jon Anderson and his hockey team’s participating in a Food Drive:

Jason Mull (Executive Vice President of Brown & Brown of New York), Senior Marc Deguilio,

Junior Jon Anderson, and Sophomore PJ Burnham.

During this holiday season Brown & Brown of New York and the Niagara University ACHA hockey

team teamed up to contribute goods to the Food Bank of WNY. The Food Drive of WNY drops off barrels,

which offices and schools can get from the Food Bank, to fill with non-perishable goods for a certain period of

time after which the Food Bank will pick up the barrel and distribute the food to those in need. The Niagara

University Hockey team was able to raise over $150 dollars at 50/50s they held over two games. Using this

money they went out and purchased goods to donate to the WNY Food Bank. Together Brown & Brown of

New York and the Niagara University ACHA Hockey team will be donating over $250 dollars worth of goods

to those less fortunate in the WNY area.

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Another Brown & Brown of New York, Inc. project set up by Jon Anderson:

For this holiday season Brown and Brown of New York will be partnering with the WNY Holiday Partnership

program. We will be able to give back and help those in need by providing gifts to less fortunate children. Here

at the office you will be able to receive an ornament, from our ornament outside of Jon Anderson’s cubicle,

which will inform you on the child’s age and gender that you will be buying a gift for this holiday season.

Presents that are bought do not have to be wrapped and can be returned to the box outside of Jon Anderson’s

cubicle. The last day to bring in your gifts will be Monday December 3rd


Thank you again for your generosity!

February 7, 2013

During the past week the group of NUMA members working on this task has been brainstorming on

where to start. What has been set up is a meeting with the producers at Brown & Brown New York. At this

meeting we hope to discover a deeper understanding of the questions the producers are experiencing in the field

and find what exactly we can research that will give them the best opportunity to sell and succeed in the WNY

and CNY community. On Friday February 15th

group members will be meeting at the Brown & Brown office in

Amherst to have this meeting. This will be a great experience of what it feels like interviewing a professional

client before completing a research project. Before the meeting the group plans on having a meeting to discuss

how we will approach the interview and also develop an understanding of how the company works.

April 16, 2013

The research project with Brown & Brown is finally coming together after becoming more familiar with and with the development of an Email distribution list of companies in the WNY area. The

link for the survey below is still in testing and is still in development however it should be ready for distribution

within the next few weeks.

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April 25, 2013

The NUMA members who were working on the Brown & Brown sales questionnaire have been able to

develop a focused goal to study the how a company can better communicate their service or product to potential

clients. This was done by the completion of an email survey that is going out to companies in the Buffalo,

Rochester and Syracuse regions. Not enough responses have been returned to find significant results, however

the team will continue to analyze the data and stay in touch with Brown & Brown to report their findings. This

project was able to give the group real world marketing research skills and help develop client communication


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Fullblast Clothing Line

Members involved: Deion Zachary and William White

We will be working with Deion’s uncle’s clothing line Fullblast. Fullblast is an MMA clothing line with

several sponsored professional fighters. We have had a meeting to get familiar with the clothing line and what

goals we would like to reach. We would like to expand the exposure of the company by traveling to several

more out of state events. We have been helping organize and create promotional material for upcoming events

and fights both in and out of state. As well as starting to put together a media kit for Fullblast clothing that will

help in promoting the clothing line.

February 22, 2013

We have been working with his uncle on promoting an upcoming event over spring break. We have

been working on promotional material such as flyers and business cards and advertisements to distribute locally.

We also have been planning and organizing the next few months to ensure we are prepared for all the events

over the summer.

NUMA member Deion Zachary selling and promoting Fullblast clothing

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Recycle for a Cause (RFAC)

Members involved: Nina Vosburgh, Stephanie Cilip, Elizabeth Morgan, and Rebecca Jerva (Treasurer)

Recycle for a Cause was founded in March 2012 by Nicolette Sepielli, a marketing student at Niagara


The concept is very simple: Recycling cans and bottles that have a NYS deposit!

Nicolette started Recycle for a Cause to help a relative who is recovering from cancer. With the help of our

community we reached our goal of $5,000 in just 6 months! That is 100,000 recyclables that were collected!


Collected bottles at D1 basketball games

Created a Twitter and Facebook

Held a bottle drive on campus

Held a bottle drive team challenge/competition on campus

Held an event called “Bowling for Bottles”

February 7, 2013

An email was sent to Steve Butler regarding collecting bottles at the basketball game this Sunday. If

we get the okay a couple more people will be needed to help out. Nikki, Stephanie and I (Nina Vosburgh) will

be there.

We are talking about doing a campus wide bottle drive/team challenge to get more people involved

including facility and commuters starting after Spring Break. We will be meeting again on Sunday to start the

planning process.

February 10, 2013

Since last semester I (Rebecca Jerva) have been interested in working with Nikki with her recycling gig.

I was very inspired by her work and motivation to reach her goal. I have been personally collecting bottles and

cans from my house and a couple of my friend’s houses. I intend on heading to some of the local companies to

see if they would donate their cans or bottles.

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March 2, 2013

About two weeks ago I (Elizabeth Morgan) volunteered to be a manager of the Facebook page for

RFAC. Every day I make sure to go on and post something about how important it is to recycle and how

recycling at certain locations can help Camp Good Days. Since I began posting on the page I have been trying

to get more likes for the page, I was not able to go to this past week’s meeting but I have been keeping in

contact with the other group members and after the break intend to meet up with them in order to help with

collection, fundraising and promotion idea.

April 4, 2013

We are still in the middle of the Bottle Drive Challenge. We have had teams contact us about where

they can drop off their bottles. For the "Bowling for Bottles" we are still trying to finalize who is working the

event. We so far have volunteers from the sorority Phi Sigma Sigma that are willing to help. I was also

approached by Dr. Han who is hoping that Accounting Society would be able to assist. I am talking to Campus

Activities trying to have them approve a flyer that is attached so we can hopefully place it among the campus.

We are also trying to figure out if they would be willing to include us in the NU Clue for the week of the event

which is on Sunday, April 14th

, from 10am to 12pm. I am trying to get in touch with Bonnie Rose to see if she

would be willing to do an email blast for us. Shannon is getting in touch with the Lewiston Lanes to see if they

are willing to donate two Bowling Pins for the winners of the tournament.

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Lewiston Police Department

Members involved: Chelsea Christopher, Jamie Demuth, Laruen Baranowski, Lianna Treahy, Samantha

DiNitto, Victoria Switzer

Why did the Lewiston Police Department (LPD) need our help? We quickly found out how badly they

needed our help after a quick glance at their current website. It was created in 2005 and has not been updated

since. The red print on a black background HAD TO GO!! Along with the outdated graphics and information.

What our group did: Our group had weekly meetings with two Lewiston Police Department officers (Matt

Grange and Brandon Hall). Our mission was to re-create the current website. In order to do this we split our

group into three sections. These sections included website design, interviews, and photography.

WEB DESIGN- We are working with one of the officers brother-in-law, who happens to build websites

for a living. He helped us find a website design that both the group and the LPD agreed on. Chelsea and

Lauren are specifically working on the task of putting the final information onto the website. In order to

do this, Mike is teaching Chelsea and Lauren how to use “codes” which allow the information to be

transferred onto the site.

INTERVIEWS- The officers requested statements from different departments. Therefore, Lianna and

Vicky set up appointments to meet with the Chief of Police and the K9 officer (and his dog, Radar). We

asked questions which would later be implemented into the website.

PHOTOGRAPHY- While Lianna and Vicky conducted the interviews, Sam and Jamie took pictures.

The officers also requested specific pictures for the website. For example, pictures of the Chief of

Police, K9 dog, and the officers cars.


Due to a delay in the process of getting the website approved, we are a tad behind. The officers wanted to

launch the website on May 1st. This is being pushed back a couple days in order to make sure it is up to our

standards, aka PERFECT. We are in good shape to be done at the end of the semester! Everyone enjoyed

working on this project and all worked well together!

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Battle of the Artists: Fundraiser for United Way

Members involved: Michael Minton, Michaela Kowlick, Allison Jensen, Antoinina Harlach, James

Lumadue, Lianna Treahy


Planned, organized, and hosted a fundraising event for United Way of Greater Niagara.

February 7, 2013

NUMA is working to help organize and run an event that will donate a portion of all profits made to

United Way. United Way is an organization that works to help better the lives of others. Their main focus points

are health, wealth, and … last year NUMA put on an event for Roswell Park called “Creativity for a Cure.”

Bouncing off of that idea, I came up with an idea to alter that event into a “Battle of the Bands/Artists.” By

focusing more on music, I think that we can develop this into becoming a very successful event. We plan to

reach out to local bands through NU, NCCC, and the Niagara area. These bands may be charged a small fee

(example $10) in order to participate and potentially win the grand prize. The idea is that these bands will rally

together their friends, family, etc. to come and support them with their votes at the event. By charging each

person an entrance fee (example $3-$5) this will help us earn a lot of money. We will hopefully be able to have

pizza donated for us to sell for $1 a slice and make a profit off of also. The Chinese auction that took place at

last years’ event will be brought back again this year due to its popularity and success. Right now, we are

waiting a week to get a few details worked out before any further planning can take place. Mike is meeting with

Carl from United Way tomorrow and will find out from her what she would like from us and get answers for

any questions that we came up with in our meeting today.

With all due respect, I think NUMA would be silly not to follow through and make these fundraisers

happen. If the websites that were found are legitimate, only good things can come to NUMA from these funding

ideas. I am really excited about everything that is in the works right now and hope that everything goes


March 18, 2013

After our last Thursday meeting, we were able to work out little details for the Battle of the Artists

event. As a group we made a Facebook page for the event. Every United Way group member was assigned a job

to work on in order to advertise the event. I am in charge of contacting someone to put an ad on the TV screens

throughout VINI. I am waiting for Jamie to e-mail me with the information I need and who to contact. I have

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messaged her and asked again for this info so I’m sure I will get it today and that I can get started on promoting

the event digitally. Nina and Ally are working on making a flyer to post around the school. Mike is going to be

sending the letters to local businesses for donations. We will meet again this Thursday and be able to check on

each other’s progress. I think everything is coming along great so far and everyone is working really hard!

April 18, 2013

The Battle of the Artists is only a few days away. The date was settled for Wednesday, April 24th at

8:15 p.m. We were asked to push the time back due to other Ridgefest events happening on campus. In today's

meeting we were able to establish that United Way project members will arrive at the MPR at 6:30-6:45 and

other NUMA volunteers should arrive by 7:30. Set-up for the event will begin by 5.

Unfortunately we had to remove the Chinese Auction aspect of the event due to a lack of donations. No

companies that were sent letter requests responded to us, so nothing was collected to auction off. I am

disappointed by this because I felt that the Chinese Auction could have raised a lot of money for United Way

and NUMA. Along with the auction items, there was no response from the pizza places that were sent letters

for pizza donation requests. In order to supply food for the event, Mike Minton contacted Moe's Southwest

Grill, his workplace, and was able to get them to donate 100 burritos along with chips and salsa for the event.

Due to the generosity of Moe's, the Battle of the Artists will hopefully succeed as well as we had hoped before.

I find it hard to believe that absolutely no businesses responded to our requests, even to turn them down.

Niagara University has a relationship with a few of the local pizza places on the list I supplied, so I would have

thought they would at least contact us. Maybe there was a miscommunication and the letters were sent too late

or they got lost in the shuffle. Next year, I think we should get a head start on contacting businesses so that we

can bring back the Chinese auction at least.

There are four acts set to perform for the event. They will be given between 10 and 20 minutes to play.

Students from both Niagara University and other area schools will perform. I think it is great that students

outside of NU contacted us to participate. This is a great way to spread the word and market NUMA and United


We were able to order t-shirts to be sold for $10 each. They are going to be a bright highlighter yellow

color and advertise NUMA, Niagara University, Moe's, and United Way. The volunteers for the event will be

getting a free shirt for helping out. It was also considered to get glow sticks when Alley and Nina go to purchase

drinks and utensils. Someone will also find out if there is a black light available. The aspects of vibrant shirts,

glow sticks and a potential black light will add to the feel of the event. It should be a great time and I'm really

excited. Everyone has worked hard to make it happen despite the set-backs we have encountered

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April 24, 2013

The Battle of the Artists Event was held tonight and we raised $350.00 for United Way! Three bands

played and the winning band won a $200 prize. Below is a picture of the current Vice President of NUMA,

Peter Genovese, and the winning band on stage.

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D1 Sports Team Social Media & Marketing

Members involved: Erin Walsh, Claire Wittenauer, and Shannon Chowaniec

Updated and controlled the Men’s D1 Soccer Team’s Twitter account

Updated and controlled the Women’s D1 Volleyball Team’s Twitter account

Organized , advertised and marketed the “Senior Day” event for the Women’s D1 Basketball Team

Promoted home games for all sports

Men’s D1 Soccer Team (MAAC Champions)

During bi-weekly meetings with coaching staff and athletic personnel, I provided marketing advice and

compiled a list of tasks that needed to be done in order to reach the main goal which was increasing attendance.

I made flyers and posters for all home games, created a radio advertisement for the senior game, and carried out

the social media for the program. By using Facebook events, and Twitter reminders I got the word out there for

all of the games. Attendance was noticeably better, hopefully due to the marketing efforts that were put forth. If

chosen to intern with the team again next season, I hope to come up with even more advertising ideas as well as

involve the community whether it be with surrounding high school soccer teams, or clinics that allow outside

members of the community to come to campus and enhance their soccer skills. The coaching staff was

extremely helpful in providing pictures for the posters and all the information for each game. Working for a D1

sports team was a great experience and opened my eyes to the endless opportunities there are with a marketing


The coach of the soccer team at the time, Chase Brooks, noticed a considerable increase in game

attendance from students on campus after the Twitter account was created. Nothing but praise and excitement

for next season has been communicated from him and the team.

Women’s D1 Volleyball Team:

We met with the coach and assistant coach for NU Volleyball as well as the team and asked what they

wanted for a sort of new marketing approach. They liked the idea of posters and of course they wanted me to

create a twitter for them! I managed the Facebook page and invited NU students to every game by creating

events. I also created their twitter account and tweeted reminders to followers to attend the game. For every

home game I made posters and put them up around campus. I helped some of the girls create signs for our big

rival Canisius game and made signs with my friends to wish the team good luck before MAACs. I was honored

to have worked with the team and definitely look forward to working with them in the future.

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Women’s D1 Basketball Team:

February 6, 2013

This week, we continued work with the NUWBB (NU Women’s Basketball) team. Specifically, there is

an event coming up on February 24th

that we helped plan, and are still working on. It is “Senior Day”, which

recognizes the seniors on the team, as well as their parents. For the actual event, Kendra (the head coach) came

up with an idea to increase the attendance. She wanted us to contact local nursing/residence homes and see if

some of their “senior” citizens would want to come to the game free of charge, and then after the game meet

with the team. Also, after the game, there will be a physical activity for the seniors to get involved in. This

promotes not only the NUWBB team but also helps the senior citizens get on their feet while getting to meet

with a great group of girls. This morning Shannon and I called several nursing homes and got the contact

information (emails) of the Human Resource personnel so we could send out the information. Claire also called

many places and got emails and sent them an email that we drafted with all of the details included. So far, just

within one day, we have a handful of responses wanting to know more information. In the weeks leading up to

the Senior Day game, we hope to increase attendance at the games as well as get outside communities involved

with the program. If anyone has any relatives at nursing homes that would be interested let me know! We

contacted most of the homes around the area. The NUWBB team’s athletic personnel have been nothing but

nice to us and thank us every day for our hard work!

February 24, 2013

This event is organized today in order to honor the seniors on the team. We put up signs around campus

and used word of mouth to encourage students to attend the game. We were also able to get a local high school

basketball team to attend this event. Since the event we have been in contact with Kendra and she has asked us

to meet with her right away next fall to start planning for next season. Meeting sooner will give us more time to

plan events and also increase awareness of the team on campus. We are looking forward to continuing this

project next semester. Our experience so far has taught us that there must be ample amount of time to plan an

event and you must have a specific group that you are targeting in order to increase attendance. This was a great

learning experience for all of us and we believe that our involvement and success with the team will grow each


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Marketing Video

Project leader: Kimberly Vona (NUMA President)

The President of the Niagara University Marketing Association, Kimberly Vona, has planned

and choreographed a public relations marketing video targeted at high school students. With the help of all

NUMA members, the video was started at the beginning of March and completed at the end of April, and

posted on YouTube.

The idea for this video was brought up by a marketing professor who was dissatisfied with the faculty

videos. He suggested that students create a video to draw in students to the university. NUMA members took on

this project and created a video that “markets being a marketing major” at Niagara University.

The link for the video can be found at:

Niagara University Professor and Staff Comments of the video:

Professor Bodan Pikas: “ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! I want the other marketing faculty to see it. May I

send it to them? We won't be having a meeting of the entire faculty until next semester and I really want the 4

other marketing faculty to see it.”

Melissa Heidt (College of Business Secretary): “3 words…I LOVE IT!”

Professor John Overbeck: “I like's raw but has the "student produced" look that will appeal to

prospects. My vote is to put it up.”

Dr. Jay Walker: “Much better than any of us talking about our departments… I think this would have the

opportunity to pull more students than anything we would do. This would also serve as a possible thing for her

to have linked to a “live resume” of sorts when she starts looking for work. It’s good.”

Dr. Jim Kling: “Great concept and lots of positive energy in the video.”

Dr. Shawn Daly (The Dean of the College of Business): “Very Nice. Great job.”

Elaine Morreale (Secretary): “This is super awesome, as the kids would say. Love it!”

Student Focus Group Comments

“I couldn’t take my eyes off it”

“It makes me want to join NUMA”

“I thought it was fantastic”

The Goal: To have the video posted on the Niagara University College of Business Website

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TKE St. Jude’s Week at Niagara University

Members involved: Peter Genovese, Tyler Broderick, Leah Fritz, and Shannon Beebe


Held a week-long fundraiser for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital on campus

Made a Facebook and Twitter page to market the event

Created and distributed over 800 fliers

Throughout the week of April 22

nd to April 26

th, Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE) hosted fundraising events

promoting St Jude’s research.

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Member involved: Kristina Chartrand

February 6, 2013

I am a marketing intern for Sodexo, Inc. in Clet dining hall on campus. The first couple weeks of the

month are always the craziest, because I am busy planning the different events for the upcoming month. Along

with deciding which events to host, and how they will be conducted, I also have to create all marketing

materials, manage the Niagara Dining Facebook and Twitter accounts. This past week, I have been focusing on

$3 Thursday tomorrow, February birthday celebration on Friday, Mardi Gras celebration on 2/19, and

Valentine’s Day on 2/21. We are hosting a “How well do you know your Valentine?” contest for couples in

Clet, and I had to order all of the decorations for the month (Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day). I

also worked on the website, and had to edit new marketing materials to be put up. On top of

everything, we had a huge commuter meal plan deal the past two weeks, where I had to spend the majority of

my days sitting at the front table of Gallagher selling meal plans.

I am really looking forward to getting more involved in NUMA as the semester continues and work

starts to calm down. I was involved in the organization my freshman and part of sophomore year, but got too

involved with other clubs to manage all of my time well. However, I am very excited that I got back involved

this semester and it seems so much more organized and developed since my freshman year. Great work!

April 19, 2013

I am very proud of progress with my Sodexo Marketing internship. Working here has definitely been a

challenge and a change of pace from the typical business structure I am used to working in. While I do like

working here, there are a lot of communication errors that lead to rushed work, late assignments and poor time

management. All of these aspects are out of my control, and that is something I have had to personally adjust to

upon working here.

The majority of what I do is create advertisements, edit pictures and work on marketing designs and

applications through the company. I think that it is a lot of work and responsibility to give to one individual,

especially a student, without any higher marketing knowledge within management. I am excited to finish strong

with my last few weeks of the semester, and am beyond anxious to start work for Target on June 3rd

. Thanks for

everything this semester!

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Pictures from Kristina’s booth at the 2013 Culinary Competition:

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Members involved: Peter Genovese, Marc Groth, and Kristina Chartrand


The implementation of the NULEAD program in Fall 2013

NULEAD Proposal:

Goal: Develop a leadership council on campus to oversee all aspects of a business-like structure, with a

corporate strategy philosophy, within the college of business. NULEAD will be a symbol of unity and

opportunity, creating synergy on campus.

Council Members:

NUMA President

NUMA Vice President

CEO President

CEO Vice President

Accounting Society President

Accounting Society Vice President

BOLD President

BOLD Vice President

Financial Management Association (FMA) President

Financial Management Association (FMA) Vice President

Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) President

Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) Vice President

Appointed Faculty/Staff Representatives

o Marketing

o Accounting

o Public Relations

o Finance

o Human Resources

Dean Daly

Assistant Dean Witkowski

Recognized Campus Figures (ex. NULEAD/Faculty/Staff/Dean appointed student on campus)

Career Services Representative

Business Structure: The Business College will turn to a specific organization when a need arises in a specific

area (ex. Marketing materials need to be made for incoming students: contact NUMA representative; University

Accountant needs assistant: get an intern from the Accounting Society)

Corporate Strategy: NULEAD will promote different services (marketing, public relations, finance assistance,

internal organizational services, and accounting) to local businesses to generate revenue for the college,

NULEAD and individual clubs.

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Execution Timeline:


Meet with Professor Pikas (basic discussion)

Meet with Professor Aquino

Meet with Professor McNab

Meet with Professor Overbeck

Meet with Professor Choong

Meet with Professor Hannon

Collaborate their ideas

Begin developing final proposal


Reach out to other club boards

Meet with Dean Daly

Finalize Presentation

Finalize Proposal

Finalize NULEAD Board Constitution

Present to all of Business Faculty (talk to Dean Daly) prior to March 20th

Meet with Board of the College of Business (March 20th



Begin club presentations

Faculty/Staff recommendations for future NULEAD

Establish roles within NULEAD

Research Fall Conferences

Research Fall Competitions

Start connections with local businesses (offering services: accounting, marketing, public relations, etc.)

Set Fall 2013 & Spring 2014 NULEAD Schedule (meetings, conferences, competitions, fundraisers,



Develop workshops

Approve within College of Business for certification (disc training, leadership training, teamwork

building, finance, etc.

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E-mail announcing the implementation of NULEAD:

Present and Future Officers,

I know I have spoken with a few of you about this before, but I am writing to inform all of you of something

truly amazing, that will change the College of Business forever. Marc Groth, Peter Genovese and I have been

working on a new program called NULEAD (Niagara University Leadership Enrichment And Development).

We are excited to announce the program will be implemented in the Fall of 2013.

This initiative has been formed and sculpted by the three of us, alongside Dean Daly over the past eight months.

Our goal is to completely restructure the business school, giving more opportunities for students to excel on

campus. With all of your help, we can create a culture within the College of Business that has a drive to

succeed, with strong leadership, determination and focus.

We are asking all of you, as current and elected leaders of this school, to please join us in our crusade to build a

better College of Business. In order to do this we will need the Presidents and Vice Presidents of all of the

respective clubs and organizations within the College to meet throughout the semester in order to set and

achieve goals.

To start, we would like to have a meeting with all of you, to further explain the initiative’s goals and to discuss

your personal club goals. We will be hosting a meeting on Wednesday, April 24th at 6pm in this Bisgrove

Boardroom (250). We already have the Advisory Board of the College’s support, after a presentation in

Rochester, as well as the Dean and Faculty. On personal levels, we are each very excited for the future

leadership in this College and are anxious to earn your support.

We are excited to move forward and pave the way for a limitless future. This is the opportunity to create a

legacy that will become the very essence of the College of Business. Thanks, and please feel free to contact any

of us with any questions or comments. Hope to see you on Wednesday!

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AMA Events Attended:

Who blew 3.8 million dollars on the Super Bowl?

Members in attendance: Lauren Baranowski and Victoria Swtizer

This past week, Vicki and I were given the opportunity to attend an AMA meeting in Rochester. The

meeting was titled “Who blew 3.8 million dollars on the Super Bowl?” The meeting took place at Pomodoro in

Pittsford, NY at 4pm. When we arrived, Vicki and I were greeted by Russ McDonald whom is the Vice

President of the RAMA (Rochester American Marketing Association). We were then delegated to help with the

registration of the other members. Once the meeting started we were introduced to the President of the RAMA,

Professor Tom Proietti at St. John Fisher, and members from Jay Advertising and Partners + Napier. The

panelists then went on to discuss which advertisements they liked the most and which they liked the least and

why. It took about a half an hour to get the sound working so we were not able to watch the commercials with

sound right away. However, they did figure it out and we discussed why such commercials were so well done

and others were not. The meeting ended around 6:15 and then some guests stayed and mingled about the Super


I was very glad to have been a part of this meeting considering this is what I want to do in the future.

However, it was not all that I was expecting it to be. I enjoyed meeting Russ and watching and discussing the

commercials, but I do wish that I was able to talk to more people and connect with them and their thoughts.

Also, I did not like that the set-up of the commercials took forever. Vicki and I both believe that they should

have had someone more experienced with computers and technology run the slides, commercials, and the

sound. All in all, I did really enjoy the experience. Thank You!

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By Kristina Chartrand for her Sodexo internship

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By Kristina Chartrand for her Sodexo internship

The United Way group created this promotional flier

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By Kristina Chartrand for her Sodexo internship

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By the Recycle for a Cause group: “Bowling for Bottles” Event

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By the Sports Social Media and Marketing group

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Women’s Basketball

Come Support the Purple Eagles in Gally

Sunday, February 24 @ 2!

By the Sports Social Media and Marketing Group