n.i.j.c. cardinal review, vol 22 no 8 jan 24, 1968

.C•di11I ReYiew Office Is U1iqae 'Jb• Cardinal R ... 1 .. ..- or· n et' In Ille S-2 room to tbe SVB 111&1 bP lbe most unJqa<' .,ornee at accordu>c co Kathie Poln111er, Tb• ha& been " . palnt•d 11 1111 abstnicr deslsn •and pllycb•dellc plclures ha\• bP•n huns on the ..-aus, Ml•. P olnlnor . .aid e "I •ould lbank all who dr•Ol d their lime 10 lblS 11101 .,ci." Min P olntn : .aald "and a !bank > oa : Jane Harrta. cll!Pr rtpo:ttr Bob \'an Klecclt . and t..oui. Ktns ro: tbelr work on maklnJ lh deatgn ... " "I would al&o like to thank Jllll Youns asalsta11t r<!l:o: for bis donaUoa ol p.ctL1es buns 011 lbe walls " lol!ss P olntn•r said "and lhanka to C. V.NHoo Ha:cb. SUB manacer ror his a. sl.5· tanc<" tn ttlP pruJt> t." Miss Dunnigan Is Honored At Party APPlt'Clatlon •a• Ul• inCl!O· ti ve tor tb• aurplla<" partJ 11ven Dec. 14 In Ille Slu•Jtnl Board room, In bonor or Mlas Loll'tta Dunnlpn, Mad of tbe Buslnen O..p:. Mias wu ,,,,.. 11rn1ed a sin In appreciation ot "her arrvlce beyond rbt' c.-all of duty to her In all depanments." 1'.1111 . 5adlo Broou·n. ml'mbl'r "aid. PPrsona In charau or ar· ran1Pmenta WNc Mt·sdam• P<"tl'l'BOn, Dorl Pam:rson, 5)Mll Smother.. Donna Pll'l'r. i;adle Broott n and Wiss Barbara Hc•pkfn .. aulated by Mrs. Bru:r !itcLaJn. The 1ablt!ll "" decorated w1 lh hQllday CC'OtC'l'Jlll'C!!B and 1aprr11. T•entY-rh ... l'('r· on all• ndf'd TECHNICIANS CLUB 11£WRITES ITS RULES Tiit' Tt>clmlclan• Club re· "rltln1 lls cun•lltutlon 11.ncl rP\lftlnc 111 ruh•a , to Kirk Llt1htllt•ld, \'ICt'·PrCS• ld•nt. Offlr•m or the club ¥re. Dirk McKlblx'n, pre11ld.,n1. Kirk Llahltlrld •lce-pr\!sldrnt. Doua De\\alt , 84'Cr• tary an<I Bob M03tr , tr UOIN, Atll\· I committee m••mbt'rs a" Jerk I.< mmon Allen C&r(lt'n· ter and f.rneat Zrillrr 111 T"chnlC'lan& Club me.,ta In conJuncllon •Ith lho !:."n· 111n1·rrs Club, each &l'On5C•r· ln1 dinner mt'ctln1 '''"" olbr.r monlh. Th• dlnn<r moNlna alftf'I a P<'&krr. Llshtrt ... ld ENGINEERS CLUB RECEIVES CHARTER ni... Club ha. rrcehl'd an appro\ed SU1t Charttr from the Stud r.' Chapter ot the S'atlonal Soclctv or Proresalonal En· alnet'ra, The club has •r- pllt"ll tor Ila S'aUonal Cbartcr and II ahould be 11oon, accordlnc to K"lth Mc'Ofnnts, prcald nt. Plana tor nut •emr.a1rr are ttrld trips to coinrtdn "Ith lhe lrcturcs IC> bt' 11 \t•n al dlnnN mre11n1•. or thr club arc Kellh MrOl nnl s, nt Lundy 'tlranUand, sl· dent, R'1n Rius. M•cretaQ, Leo Buchtr treasurer. and "0..1ter Moaer, ad•lsor. «'01..JUE XI I NO Debaters Place In University Tourney Each school ,.._. [Jv tea :.JJC had three Dodson an<l M H p,.ierson. "ho plac d cond St.e•e Arn 11 11.nd Bill l\acllne: who tied t r third and Kt scy Be.to and Claud a Bro•nlce .-fib l'll'o loase and i.-o "las. "Thlll 1oam11mtnt dcmcm- stra: d th ability or all !hr cc In tblll Ibey a: c1poblc or brt'akini; Into champtonshlf• round•." Hyn,.· man .u..ld Card Playing Issue Still Not Resolved Ru · :. J tud• n• attitude cone• min& card pla)lnc •-u dl11cus11cd at the Student Board me"llni:. JAn. ac- cordln& to Sll!U\non Carlson. ASB 11 er !Ar>. The d.111cus· slou •as llllllt!d until a turther dalt>, Sh<' said lhat Drnnls Rll;s ASB 1J"r·J>ro prescnt u Cun•I pr0Jrc1 ot sell lnA can<h. All lnformaUon cuncrmlnc thf proJccl UI br trll up to aampus clubs. \11 111 Curlaon taddt'd thal no Stud nt Bl'ard "I <lni:s · Ill b< ll .d unt .. Jun 30. :. .u I Richard P .. th CONVENTION FOR PTK IS POS TPO NED Th Pt . "P. : Rc- •Jona. C . • : '. •. · ' h b)' :-IJC In ANH b:l11 PQ5tp0nfil until n :t.t !al. aceotdins: 10 Miss Rent Romine a er ta!). The past· roncl!Klnl Is du to n con!!! In dot :\at.onal C"n' ntt• n .. h• Al .. SHEA HEEDS PREXY A n ,. pr. t1· n: ot ,.Ill b• ll :·d at :.:. mcf'llni:; aocond sf'mtstet. Cail Ecklund hns resli;ned as l't aid nt o! S:\l::A smce he no IOnCt"r •Ill be ll rall um tud nt Ill l\lJC. COEUl D At.ENE. IDl<HO Ca rdinal Ma.$ COI R egistration S tarts Jan. 24 In Gym ; Permits Are Needed " CALE.'VDAR M ore Courses Added In Vocational Division nt CARDINAL SPECIAL ADDED TO SUB MENU Paging S ystem Is Inst alled In SUB A p.. Ila been to tne (11.CtUUU nail· abl n •be SUB. This ay&· l:lsialled by tht Student Bean! Is to: the pul'f'Olle o f calllnc stad,.nts IO the tel< pboae .4. collf'£C ex"nslon te. phone bu nlso been In· d on the count" nl'll thf pay telephone. Thl- xtensfon Is ror t-mfrJ:Pncy :aUs on!) that come In on the telephone In lhe SUB tnce. accord1n1 10 C. \\t•· ton Ha:cb SUB mana,er. It lbe pe :sc o bet111 pa sed ls p:esc:n. he 11hould an11.-e: t:ere or It he .a n t present. a 5tudent 11t:ould "' not t :e. 'I'be 111S-wer wUI be tn:d on: th i:oapnc 11Y•ttom io the off.ee and th p;irtJ' c:alllo& will be nstr ct.ed In the prope: tUnn r. lf the call .s oc the collec t le· phone. lb stud Dt .-111 be Instructed to answ r lht' cou.rt ' • ' p1.i HA' h .Jd ------- SWE ETHEART DANCE SCHEDULED FEB. 10 n. s w·· urt:-. I" . Ill be apo• by the S'IJC Chapl r · the • .\!:e d can H Eco11oml A.:>.>:>datlon, accord nc Wnda llnch:. Y!ce· pres.dent. Tbe th e of the se:l·!D."'Clll dance wlll be "SI- t. \Iv ! • '', Mias . :i,a. ). USED BOOK SALE TO BE IN UNION Tit u d·l o 11 sched· •u d durln : , 1 1ru1lon, \\'Ill !>... he Id In th" Student S.?11rd Room la the SUB. accordlnc IO .Ullls Linda Am II, r.· sl· dent or Carthnal Sel'I e C!ab •ho spons t the I F •:t.t m II " Vi1'dnesd3.) and Thurada.y Jan. :?4 :rom !I 00· !:?.00 Lm. and I OO·•.OO p.m. a:id Fnda; Jan. 26, Cro:n 9 00·1:?:00 a.m. 111 the om Misa ltsulto :<lt&hfo. rertstrar all.Id. must pick up their r<'glstn.tion perm Its prtor to Viednesdll,)'. Jan. Orienta· tlon for nt>w s tud•'nts " Ill be Jan. 29 bellinnlns at 9:00 a.rr.. Class will be distributed at 11 a.m. All studt>nts must be present for the distribution ot sc:hed· ules. bowe\er onl.) ne.- stu· dent.s a:e required to attend :.be orl"nlalioo prosram. \lls.s :-> lshlo said. 'Tbe :->ew RecJ,s11an1 Orien- tation Program -. m be as follows. Introduction, wel· c:o:nc and lntroducuon or speakers Student Body President Che" t<'r Reilly. welcome bY NIJC Pr<aldent P. A. ChrlsUanson. wl.'lcome by Preshman Clnss Pres ldent Charles Dodson. short "peeclle:; to I><- ef\en by Dean ot Pacult,y Ra,ymond Stone, Head oC lbe Guidance Dept. Dexter 'loser. Dean ot i.ten Herschell Rtebt' . Dean Of \\omen. \trs. Be tty \lcLaln, dJsttlbutlon ot map and dlrec- 101}' Ch<'StN Reith. and dt .r.rlbutlon of els'' rard Dickerson New On NUC Staff A nc" Instructor 111 NlJC Is Richard Dickerson. II<' I In chuge o! the new dntll pro- cessln& equlpmPnt, worklna on tnventoQ· nnd realstratlon craduated from the NortMm Arizona Uni ver· str.y at Flapta!f. Art:zC>na, wllh a B.S. In Hr. IS work1ni; for his )l;is1er'.s de£:t" in Business at Wuhlni:ion. UtlOn being asked wha1 llfl tboucht of N'IJC, Olck<'r.son said. "XlJC is dlf!eren1 from a rour y,111 Institution to •hlch l am accu:;tomed. The approach IO tenchlnc ls dlf· terent and It serves a dlf(Nent hOWl'VN, l thtnk aner I have orl< nl<'d -elr ID this at.mCi'IPh• "" that ll .I l o t n)oYablr ," ' SONICS' WILL PLAY FO R FEB. 2 DANCE ;--. 'Soni " · band ·w Pacl!lc SC>rth'I> t, will be pertormlnc at SlJC, In lhe CYCI, lrom 9.00·1:?:00 p.111 .. Feb. :?, accorrllnG to Tom Moms. SAC chairman. The "Sonics" ha •c l\\O 11lbums and lour of 1he band Ill Ands Pnoya, who also playfl thn bass cu1tar. Adml.sston IC> lh" dance "Ill bP SI.SO ror SIJC stud< nt& and $2.00 !or othrr colle, a1ud nr.s. Moms

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College


Page 1: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 22 No 8 Jan 24, 1968

.C•di11I ReYiew Office Is U1iqae

'Jb• Cardinal R ... 1 .. ..- or· n et' In Ille S-2 room to tbe SVB 111&1 bP lbe most unJqa<'

.,ornee at ~uc accordu>c co Kathi e Poln111er, ~llo:.

Tb• om~ ha& been " . palnt•d 11 1111 abstnicr deslsn

•and pllycb•dellc plclures ha\• bP•n huns on the ..-aus, Ml•. Polnlnor . .aid

e "I •ould lbank all 11ud~n11o who dr•Ol d their lime 10 lblS 11101.,ci." Min P olntn : .aald "and a !bank > oa : Jane Harrta. cll!Pr rtpo:ttr Bob \'an Klecclt. and t..oui. Ktns ro: tbelr work on maklnJ lh deatgn ... " "I would al&o like to thank

Jllll Youns asalsta11t r<!l:o: for bis donaUoa ol p.ctL1es buns 011 lbe walls " lol!ss Polntn•r said "and s~clal lhanka to C. V.NHoo Ha:cb. SUB manacer ror his a. sl.5· tanc<" tn ttlP pruJt> t."

Miss Dunnigan Is Honored At Party

APPlt'Clatlon •a• Ul• inCl!O· ti ve tor tb• aurplla<" partJ 11ven Dec. 14 In Ille Slu•Jtnl Board room, In bonor or Mlas Loll'tta Dunnlpn, Mad of tbe Buslnen O..p:.

Mias Dunnl~n wu ,,,,.. 11rn1ed a sin In appreciation ot "her arrvlce beyond rbt' c.-all of duty to her siud~nts In all bualn~u depanments." 1'.1111 . 5adlo Broou·n. ml'mbl'r "aid.

PPrsona In charau or ar· ran1Pmenta WNc Mt·sdam• O•·n~vlHr. P<"tl'l'BOn, Dorl Pam:rson, 5)Mll Smother.. Donna Pll'l'r. i;adle Broott n and Wiss Barbara Hc•pkfn .. aulated by Mrs. Bru:r !itcLaJn.

The 1ablt!ll "" decorated w1 lh hQllday CC'OtC'l'Jlll'C!!B and 1aprr11. T•entY-rh ... l'('r·

on all• ndf'd


Tiit' Tt>clmlclan• Club I~ re· "rltln1 lls cun•lltutlon 11.ncl rP\lftlnc 111 ruh•a , o ccordln~ to Kirk Llt1htllt•ld, \'ICt'·PrCS• ld•nt.

Offlr•m or the club ¥re. Dirk Mc Klblx'n , pre11ld.,n1. Kirk Llahltlrld •lce-pr\!sldrnt. Doua De\\alt , 84'Cr• tary an<I Bob M03tr , tr UOIN, Atll\· I ti~• committee m••mbt'rs a" Jerk I.< mmon Allen C&r(lt'n· ter and f.rneat Zrillrr

111 T"chnlC'lan& Club me.,ta In conJuncllon •Ith lho !:."n· 111n1·rrs Club, each &l'On5C•r·

ln1 • dinner mt'ctln1 '''"" olbr.r monlh. Th• dlnn<r moNlna alftf'I l•·uure~ a ~uei;t

P<'&krr. Llshtrt ... ld ~nld.


ni... En&1nt'•·r~ Club ha. rrcehl'd an appro\ed SU1t Charttr from the Stud r.' Chapter ot the S'atlonal Soclctv or Proresalonal En· alnet'ra, The club has •r­pllt"ll tor Ila S'aUonal Cbartcr and II ahould be re~ehed 11oon, accordlnc to K"lth Mc'Ofnnts, prcald nt.

Plana tor nut •emr.a1rr are ttrld trips to coinrtdn "Ith lhe lrcturcs IC> bt' 11 \t•n al dlnnN mre11n1•. Otnc~r• or thr club arc

Kellh MrOlnnls, prc~td nt Lundy 'tlranUand, vlc~pr sl· dent, R'1n Rius. M•cretaQ, Leo Buchtr treasurer. and

"0..1ter Moaer, ad•lsor.

«'01..JUE XI I NO

Debaters Place In University Tourney

Each school ,.._. allow~ [Jv tea • :.JJC had three Dodson an<l M H p,.ierson. "ho plac d • cond St.e•e Arn 11 11.nd Bill l\acllne: who tied t r third and Kt scy Be.to and Claud a Bro•nlce .-fib l'll'o loase and i.-o "las.

"Thlll 1oam11mtnt dcmcm-stra: d th ability or all !hr cc le'am~ In tblll Ibey a: c1poblc or brt'akini; Into champtonshlf• round•." Hyn,.· man .u..ld

Card Playing Issue Still Not Resolved

Ru · :. J tud• n• attitude cone• min& card pla)lnc •-u dl11cus11cd at the Student Board me"llni:. JAn. ~ . ac­cordln& to Sll!U\non Carlson. ASB 11 er !Ar>. The d.111cus· slou •as llllllt!d until a turther dalt>,

Sh<' said lhat Drnnls Rll;s ASB 1J"r·J>ro ld~nl. prescnt ~ u Cun•I rnlstn~ pr0Jrc1 ot sell lnA can<h. All lnformaUon cuncrmlnc thf proJccl • UI br trll up to aampus clubs.

\11 111 Curlaon taddt'd thal no Stud nt Bl'ard "I <lni:s · Ill b< ll .d unt .. Jun 30.

:. .u I

Richard P .. ~.

th =·


Th Pt . "P. : l\.i.h~ Rc-•Jona. C . • : '. •. · ' h lS~ b)' :-IJC In ANH b:l11 bet~

PQ5tp0nfil until n :t.t !al. aceotdins: 10 Miss Rent Romine a er ta!). The past· roncl!Klnl Is du to n con!!! In dot ..-!·~ ·~ :\at.onal C"n' • ntt• n .. h• Al ..

SHEA HEEDS PREXY A n ,. pr. t1· n: ot SNE.~

,.Ill b• ll :·d at :.:. Clr~t mcf'llni:; aocond sf'mtstet. Cail Ecklund hns resli;ned as l't aid nt o! S:\l::A smce he no IOnCt"r •Ill be ll rall um

tud nt Ill l\lJC.


Cardinal Ma.$COI Registration Starts Jan. 24 In Gym; Permits Are Needed


More Courses Added In Vocational Division



Paging System Is Installed In SUB

A p.. • Ila been a!UI~ to tne (11.CtUUU nail· abl n •be SUB. This ay&· ~=> l:lsialled by tht Student Bean! Is to: the pul'f'Olle o f calllnc stad,.nts IO the tel< pboae .4. collf'£C ex"nslon te. phone bu nlso been In· s~I d on the count" nl'll '° thf pay telephone. Thl­

xtensfon Is ror t-mfrJ:Pncy :aUs on!) that come In on the telephone In lhe SUB tnce. accord1n1 10 C. \\t•·

ton Ha:cb SUB mana,er.

It lbe pe :sc o bet111 pa sed ls p:esc:n. he 11hould an11.-e: t:ere or It he .a n t present. a 5tudent 11t:ould "' not t :e. 'I'be 111S-wer wUI be tn:d on: th i:oapnc 11Y•ttom io the off.ee and th p;irtJ' c:alllo& will be nstr ct.ed In the prope: tUnn r. lf the call .s oc the collec t le· phone. lb stud Dt .-111 be Instructed to answ r lht' cou.rt ' • ' p1.i HA' h


n. s w·· urt:-. I" . Ill be apo• so:~ by the S'IJC Chapl r · the • .\!:e d can H Eco11oml A.:>.>:>datlon, accord nc ~u Wnda llnch:. Y!ce· pres.dent. Tbe th e of the se:l·!D."'Clll dance wlll be "SI- t. \Iv ! • '', Mias .;~ . :i,a. ).


Tit u d·l o 11 sched· •u d durln : , 1 1ru1lon, \\'Ill !>... he Id In th" Student S.?11rd Room la the SUB. accordlnc IO .Ullls Linda Am II, r.· sl· dent or Carthnal Sel'I e C!ab •ho spons t the I

F •:t.t m II " Vi1'dnesd3.) and Thurada.y Jan. :?4 L~d ~5. :rom !I 00· !:?.00 Lm. and I OO·•.OO p.m. a:id Fnda; Jan. 26, Cro:n 9 00·1:?:00 a.m. 111 the om Misa ltsulto :<lt&hfo. rertstrar all.Id.

Stad~ts must pick up their r<'glstn.tion perm Its prtor to Viednesdll,)'. Jan. :?~. Orienta· tlon for nt>w s tud•'nts " Ill be \Ion~. Jan. 29 bellinnlns at 9:00 a.rr.. Class ~cbedulcs will be distributed at 11 a.m. All studt>nts must be present for the distribution ot sc:hed· ules. bowe\er onl.) ne.- stu· dent.s a:e required to attend :.be orl"nlalioo prosram. \lls.s :-> lshlo said.

'Tbe :->ew RecJ,s11an1 Orien­tation Program -. m be as follows. Introduction, wel· c:o:nc and lntroducuon or speakers ~ Student Body President Che" t<'r Reilly. welcome bY NIJC Pr<aldent P. A. ChrlsUanson. wl.'lcome by Preshman Clnss Pres ldent Charles Dodson. short "peeclle:; to I><- ef\en by Dean ot Pacult,y Ra,ymond Stone, Head oC lbe Guidance Dept. Dexter 'loser. Dean ot i.ten Herschell Rtebt'. Dean Of \\omen. \trs. Be tty \lcLaln, dJsttlbutlon ot map and dlrec-101}' ~· Ch<'StN Reith. and dt .r.rlbutlon of els'' rard

Dickerson New On NUC Staff

A nc" Instructor 111 NlJC Is Richard Dickerson. II<' I In chuge o! the new dntll pro­cessln& equlpmPnt, worklna on tnventoQ· nnd realstratlon Dlck~r.son craduated from

the NortMm Arizona Uni ver· str.y at Flapta!f. Art:zC>na, wllh a B.S. In Bu~lnrss. Hr. IS work1ni; for his )l;is1er'.s de£:t" in Business at En.~tem Wuhlni:ion.

UtlOn being asked wha1 llfl tboucht of N'IJC, Olck<'r.son said. "XlJC is dlf!eren1 from a rour y,111 Institution to •hlch l am accu:;tomed. The approach IO tenchlnc ls dlf· terent and It serves a dlf(Nent putj)O~, hOWl'VN, l thtnk aner I have orl< nl<'d m~ -elr ID this at.mCi'IPh• "" that ll

.I l o t n)oYablr , "

'SONICS' WILL PLAY FOR FEB. 2 DANCE ;--. 'Soni " · band

· w Pacl!lc SC>rth'I> t, will be pertormlnc at SlJC, In lhe CYCI, lrom 9.00·1:?:00 p.111 .. Feb. :?, accorrllnG to Tom Moms. SAC chairman.

The "Sonics" ha •c mad~ l\\O 11lbums and lour ~s·s.

U-nd~r of 1he band Ill Ands Pnoya, who also playfl thn bass cu1tar.

Adml.sston IC> lh" dance "Ill bP SI.SO ror SIJC stud< nt& and $2.00 !or othrr colle, a1ud nr.s. Moms 6~1d.

Page 2: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 22 No 8 Jan 24, 1968

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW P1.1blf1h•d Si9"\•·'-'""''"'•' D " "t ,.1. C •o Y• •'

f\... 14oie A,,. ' -1c.lo,• d ,.,,,.,..,, f\&d., 01


A• •l•t.nt ltdllH • • • • • • • • • •• • A4fft11Sl''I W.IM~t • • • • ••••••• •

lt.t,.. . htrr!w>l' ....... JlmY~

............ ·- Hwst .. · •. • a • .,.. \0 et"'9a CJtl'W•tk>n ..._.._ ... , 0 • ••••••• 0 •

C'h1t1f M.,•t•" • • • • ~ ..... .,...., ...... . Jua Y'--., J .. H.m.•

Jlao c:w... ·~·" .... H ... 1. ,..,. 0ir ... o ..... ..... PT. .,.,.,.. ... ~ 5• Y-.n.-"" · ..-tthJ D•ftfti• Dwr

Editorial . . FAIR IS FAIR

Tn S

f U"W'C)~ °' f .- l



For persoiu; who llkt 10 ski the llbnary he.a add~d a &ut>­sorlpUon of th" §!!! macal:lnP, There Is also a new book on skllnc. America•, §kl ~ on I.he shelf and a nev. one on order entltled the Sklq' Handbook. accordJnc 10 Rus· sell SOderUn1. head librarian.

The library Is abo an11ou• to purchase books covl'rlnc various hobbles and lndl· vldual SPorts. If students will cl ve us SUCCt'Stlons u to what books they "ould Ilk~ to ha,·e In this area . .,.e 11 Ill try to purchase them Mr. SoderUn1 i;ald.

SOME DO, SOME DOH'T The more sand hL< cap d

from. the bouri;lus of our Ute I.he clearer ,. " hould se lhrou~h u. - JPan Paul




... ,.2 I Ulll TUT

n.. ....._. UtDcmUCTllU: • D&l POC«n IUUQ STAMP' \'\ - I r .

""'' f ..... it (Ip ,,...,.., •tdtt "• avr• .,. '"'"'~ ""°'' l.lti ~ H• .,.."--•• r ._,.,.i1,.c .-kt.rw" A*I ..._I• &a•

,.....,. .w ........ S..tit"""'-0..."" TH• M0 .. 9"' C::O.

, o ... 1m1 i.- s.w.. ,...._. Afl.U'f&. IA lOJH


:.: h • 1 c· ct mcers of lh Dar> .,. Club .ue lit-> :>ancv Howell, p:e,;JdPnt and Mrs. carol Ho ·..m 'IC<'· prtsld• DI

Mesdatn ·~ \lntl• Ber~ and Jo~· O'L al) 11r 10 cllari< of drc1m1Uon~ and ~Jrs. Sed1e Broot~n. publlclcy.

Topics of ~peclal lnterei;: 10 "om •n are 10 be stlectt>d for suest .,peak.,rs, :iccordin& to Sadie Siuoten. publicllv mann~g_e_r·~~~~~~


The annual Ski Club rnp .,, Ul b< b• ld Jan. :?5·28 at the Red Mountain ski ar~ 1n Bn:lsh Columbia. Canada. accordlns to \lanin Pa=er. advisor.

Twenl) students and four facultr mt.mbers wUI at~:ld lllls annual affal:. The poop

111 :.av at cu.bins at thtt '1!1~lc ba.:>c. F'ar::i ·r said.


ROTC r< "' Mtai.'es wU! .lll r· • 'IJC studeJitS, Feb. 21. lnterrtP"A11 will be to dtscaas lhe two year pro­cram tor pe111ons i:raduat1nc trvm a Junior college, accord-1n1 10 John :.tcf"llrland, bend ~t lb la.nJUlllO d~pt

&.,,ppen Y ,.,Ad-rut• "

JEFFRIES' TV S.. us(,,,

bon~,. , ,.... -otd E· \. • ~s

·oe>v '~"'""°" r1.

$fl"'tC!'Q • •o.; O!.

or re:oc .. , °" - t • :e ODO""e

102 It•••' •·•· a.tO •·2000 ( M vr 4• At'"'· 14eho

Trophies Awarded To Top Bowlers

N. C. REVIE'W, Cff\.lt d• AI~• ldo .. o W•d. Ja"~fl 2 .1 l ·•

\'."-' Letters ,aJ 10 THI 101101

al lb T t.ll · r A 1.... '-' na1>P nc<I •o l..hc

welcomlnc ccmrnltte' thn Stud nt A u, ltl Co1:11n1ar """"' i:oinc 10 oronlz. '

Al I understand II. thla c:omcl tle n I gttt'l new stu'3 Dts t>S~cblb thos comlnc from a dlstanCf', and acqu:ilnt th = .,.1UI :-OIJC.

I think this "ould ~ a good ldrA ~USl' It .,.ould not only beolp thr nC'w 111ud'nlS. but ,..oald Dbo allow the tr ndllll<'U or our acbool.

Art Tha.•er

To Tb Edit r I bow th~l the- • lrtue

school spirit d ulst but. In Ill) esll atlon not Ill th :->lJC. Ms proof r 1 thli< stat•·

1 pl•atlonal m nt la lhr' 75 stud nlJI 1n Louie .~~rim•. otr.cnded th bask tbllll ttnn•

J ... i. 13. l attend d th last 1am«i> and

Im· I hu"" 11ec-n mor act11·1t.1 In 11

132 m r111~. I CC•uld h"'" IODll tu a cemtHC'I') anrl ht>ar•I tho 1mme 1J ro of ch~erln1 that "as h Ml 11 lhnt same. It ··•n.~ r"'th II •

SU1>port IB nr• I• d by the NIJC bukelbnll team and It I Ill)' opinion that NIJC 6IU•

r1 nta ar too la.:) to i:et out and ch this much nocdP l IUJ>Polt It CllD be the only r a on whv, out of qoo rei;I • ter~ •tud n11 o m•r• hunr11UI

, can utentl Howard f rlBlO<'

I like to c a m11n prood of tb 1 Iae ln Which he lives. nnd ao lhr tb&t th,. place .,. Ill be proud ot him.

- Jim f'lt.nn r1


Less thnn I 00 yrora rigo very few chlzms of lhl country had • • 11 n I l 11.lonc iast d a tianan11 They , w~r· lntroduc"d at tM P hil•· d l1>hla c nt nnllll f;1~alllon In 1876.

Don~ Peosi Cll!d- the COl<lef ;ne better ~s taste IJ Tas11 tUt was created for Uie cold Th3t speoal Pepsi taste comes = ~ m 10 the cold Orencl11ng. quenching taste that lleYe!' Pepsi gives out be:ote yoor th rsl gl'il?S rn Pepsi pours rt on pomil•! •

" •"·" .. ..., J'•P., I C•t. Det•l'.lll-• c ...... ~ .. , c .. "' d "A t ......

"""'"' •n•""'!flil'"' ,,.,. ~~· · C•·· Inc "'Y •• ~ T -


Page 3: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 22 No 8 Jan 24, 1968

L•h "0 tlJ1't A\.;Jry B.• McO."" O. 1.a<J.r, s.,., K •· Yo • 0,, , JOI':'~ • \f

Y: 1r .la Ed- Jo • ~· , F'c A dri ll r .. aturlng S)ncro· \lb~

al.zed movements nnd colorrul gooo .costumes wns pert orm•'ll ~ - -------the NIJC cardlnnlctt••t1 nt th•• BUNKER HILL MEN NIJC ·Wcnatchcr gnmc Jan. 13 SPEAK TO ENGINEERS accord Inc to ~1 .. ,, Claud la TT o '" • r i• I McDermld, drill leadn Done \Unin C e IO tne tune or .. EllJah Rock". Engineer:< Cl~b 111 a d1nn r lbe drill Incorporated klclui ~etmc. Jan 9 ac r:!Jnc :o and ma~ difficult steps. Ke I lb \\cGlnnl 11· td t Colorful costumes IH'l't! made The first k r :.Ilk!' or c .. llopnan·· sheets, hincl'd 11~,,.~. chi f ch 1st 1>: and gli ttered. The colors Bunker Hill ,..llh a PhD l:i were lavendl'! detop pink, blue ch<'m!Sto. !>Ok oo thl' edu· nnd ~·cllow. catlonnl opponunlues 01

The hlllh caliber or marchtni: chemical ~ni:tne• 11nc. and Its Is bec.aUSE', "Th~ Cir ls 11 Ill po,;Hton tn th future The not 111e up, " \U~s \lcDt'rmld <>E'Cc.nd s~ker Kenneth aald. " They kttp at ii and Kirkpatrick, Bunke: H.ll's often sugg• st hawtn' e11ra chief meuallurdst •ltb a practices." ~ter·s Oet: •• In octallur-

\lrs. Calbrrlne Sct~s. dnll peal enc1neerlnc spoke aboc: tear.i ad»l:>or, slUd, "tbe llll!m· thl' extractlni; of olnera!s ben; work bard, are "llllnc. from lhls rei;lc.n ol tbe Unl:ed and deserv~ a lot '' credit. Stat~" " Ginn wd

MARC SU Beauty Salon & Scllool

E ... .., .... o Of"IO

'" .... our CQ!"'J.;-. •• ce


322-, si.. ...... •••·


1207 N. Founh

Spec1a /i zin9 in Col/e9iat• Heeds lor Heo /rh and Happiness

Ovr P lozo R•stnaro•t

Pltou • Polo•• oad Pen•


Servln9 Your Student Union

MO l-8'123

,ASTIUllZED MILK MEANS I oo•. SAFE MILK Pro•oto G10,.th - Good Hoo lth - E• ••'!r


-SUB version

Ql F5 TIO\ "silo.Cd varr ccna ~ it•11altud •• lht!

!:nil d Slat• , •• JL\I HOOOE H~rne Eco·

I s :\ becaus~ Dor n er 1111 It b bind htr bouae'

l!KF. CASE.\!AX Hoa:e Ec'on Ye&. because De: n i::ro• It be!llnd h r hous ' MICHA~ L ;-;un Lo\'t'

making II ;-;o• I rnd that an o:tlc<r roported .. .,u O\'t•r 90": of all dru i: add1cl!I suu1ed on marijuana "'en :hough it l~n't habit r n::ln;t, and went on to 11<-11er dn:cs - babll ro::iln; d·ucs.

BILL CHiLDERS EduCll· lloa I'm not a med1r.a: es· pen so I: Is d..trlcult to ciake a decision. but the i:eneral opinion 10 11:any articles l',·c read Is that II ls not as barm· !ul as 11lcohol. ;.1;any peopl~ I b•ne known seem 10 ha\e suf!<-red no ob..-!ou.s bam.!ul e!!ect tr ::i 115lng It sa P'!l· ha;is 1: Isn't badu!. I would

aside: a p: craci of COttm· - •Ill. ll'callzallo:i and regula· ~ :i.

KE;.. KOE;-;TOPP. Engr. s > becall5t lhe:e·a no mL-t· Juana behind Dorel'n·s noun. Her technique Is som,,tbtnr el$e'

J.IARGO McCOIUllCK . Edu· cation. Yes, alcobc! tobac· co. dlel ~lb. aulOll:obl!e Lnuw1uUI:-:•"' er.e.. are a lecal - w!IJ not an can.a,

~!A\JR£E.'I; J.ULLHOR:\ ~ ss. Ob sure. so shou. d

nurder ar.1011 and thl'!t. JACK REYSOLDS, Bust

Coeur d 'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners

• 0 /lnd

c .,.

l'F ~ - l!P e .... fC"

·~ ~ ' "6

B lc'•t*, Peg't1'f Ponona. Det••n

ne 11 Yea, and complet11 and d talll'<! 1nrorm11tlon concern 1n11 111 us1• nnd crrocts i;hould be published untl a •ullnbll' to ull who "lsh ll.

DIASA HO.I ELL, Buslnr.11· Ad. \I lly no1• Thero 's enougll or II a111way.

DAN PET ERSOX, En1r •• SWe' If they wanta blow the weed •ho am I to stop thern.

KATHY BROWS, Bualn,.11s Ed. :-Oo. al thou&h It all"'· vlates the drudaeo or cvt,ory day life. It 1~ too haza rdou~ to hell.Ith.

TOM ARRISON Back Seat 'laneuverlnc: It would decay our moral >tanduds more. ao •hat azt' you waltlnc fo r •

DA \'ID PRIA:>O. Psych.: I lblnk that the present rullnp on posse1111lon or thla d ru1 ar much too f>trlct. I think thflt A problflm or this type Ill too ln••olved to slmply I ll,)' It should b>- ••1 .. pUzl!d" . I d;i lcel that somt' lntdllcent rese:arcbsbould be done about tbn QUt'S :Jc.a.

ROOALD HATHA\\AY. Mar· keUng and 'lercbandlslnc. So becal:S(' i t would !•ad to lccllz!nc such drua u heroin. LSD and 1Ul .. and all t>rh-r dru1111.


RENT · SALES · REPAIR o ... h .. , & T>"'•• s..,11e.

hnCJtSTATC Tv•£W• ITU Co 417 SM' ""Y• A••. • ,....... 4J'l l

Woodcock's Drag Store Cond"es - Sund6os

Preser;p tion>

t U N Fovttlo St • C..•• .I AJ ...

Hagadone Building



DEAR FELI:VE Dt"ftr Mrs. F"•lln•

In th•• lll:\l Issue a , oun~ lady In 11 dll .. mmb ubout which aood·looklnG<'andld11t• lo a I her 1 0~· lo:, 11011chl )· ur ad•·tc... You ...... rt!ll"Cll) com et in Ad1t B1nc b•r to refrain rntU<"ly lrilm • olln1. tr th•t " as hor on ly cri teria.

)b objection I& that thl a lad.l 011 1.1111udl' rellec l!I on oth~r " omen .,,ho 1iurtlc!pat•• In t'lecllon &, \1051 ol UR hllH' the lnt l'lll&<'Ot"• to ln11 11 t11ut11 lht• t s~u~s lnvoh ed. p, ... or us would attk ath l e•• In a column <> ff<" rln 1 ad1 Ice !or th., l oHlom.

\\ O:nllll \ OI r Our \Ira. F't> llnr

I hue loa t my ambition to keep aolnc to achoo! I • m 19 yea!":' o ld an•I I want to ~ eltlo• down and p~rhnpA

marry m.1· pr lnco ch"'mlna. Do y ou think I ahouhl c<•n llnue on with my c1luc111ton or try to bi: a v. om•n nov. ln&t~ad o f a s tud .. nt.

Dear Bored II you are t Ir• I o l I\ hool

did y ou 11vN think that ynu m~ 101 ttru<I o r mArrlt11<". I • ucarst you ktt~p eoln1 to •Ch oo! and 1uln mor• knowl · ndai• ond m11turlly. DPllr Mrs. F'ellnr1,

I om 19 and I would lllll' to ht"ar your 11u1i:"allon on a quP.11tl on I have. \\hen a alrl la In vl ted 10 a formal danco Is It all rlaht ror her 10 ,..,..r a aown • l lh a pl unctnc n ck llne, I ha,,. h••ard mam proa and c ons to lhl B, whlil Is your opinion•

L:nr1~e1d• cl Dear UndPc ld~d

'l.Y opinion htr' la unlml'Or tan!. Ask your purcnts and e P• ~1all.J your lain• r


A -.sual dan · b.-11 Ja:. 1,

from 9.00 p.m.·I.: 00 p.m. In tn" SUB wu eponsornd by tile Cardinal Review Stair.

Entt'rtalnln11 band "llS "The P~ach and the Pl UI" . Thfl dance was a 11ucc<"s11 and Ill" *d dld a fin< Job accordtnc to I.tis" Oebb!P Saylor. stvd~nt.

Ski Buffs do it!

English leather~ Fot---IOlle-IN ee11on II. Ve<y -Y l/efJ -cu- AU..•PURPOSI! LOTION a.Ill. SolOO. .... ,,,.. ... _

...... - o1 ENOUIH LIA'""' _ .. _

. __.. ......... - --

Page 4: N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review, Vol 22 No 8 Jan 24, 1968

Cardinals Wallop Wenatchee College

S1 r· • ldat J&.uo..>J' C .. · ... Cllr.llnals domltialod wlh abootlng aod r bollndln1 d l"Ar.lnc Wenatchee \'11le7 Coll""' 98·59 In SIJC Cr:l Jan 13.

!\UC PGC:ed by tr1e 11co1lnc ertorta of cuards Clyd., Smith and Rick Sween'y took an carlr tdrte and easily l•nE!h t'n11d It tor the vlc1ory. Smith and Swecnry contrlbutttd 24 and 23 polnlll rt111pecU>r·ly as thu} one• ac:aln showl'<I lh~ rJ•INtnlnatlon thDI hall mD.d<i them a d!!adly duo.

The- C:ards dleplayf!d good ball control tccbnlquca t r wbkb lhC")' hu.. be n notrd and proved that team t' Hon 111 11ha1 r allr counta as most ot llH'o aquad aav. actlon. Th~ team eltort carried lnlo thP acunnc a11 mt'm~·r~ helped llUJ pon the Smltll. Sw••rn~y

allark. C1rtlln11l 11corln11 "'" u lullnwa • Sm Ith 24, 6\\ tr n" 23. name 11 13, BrodNlck 9, llok7uk 7, Prt••lftun O. 01 ... n I IKhu~tz 1, 1l11CH81 n 3, llnloin 2, nnd S!H ·ht I

Atil • • c and ·· · ·--. 'o 1Df"1'H"I'


)OS $._.,,..,_ A•• M~w\ ... ,71 f


E1r-et .\• ·~ ·:. • L U•I N11.+.t Lum T• Pier o--u

For a Lifetime of


BOWL While You Are Young

lake Oty lanes, Inc. 2t14 N. ,_.. St .• c.,..,, cl'Ale••

CSI Trounces Cardinal Quint

C I 6o11th•:n Idaho Oollko Eaglu iook adTaDta;e or cold band• to dcrn: !\ortb Idaho JunJ 1 Collec~ Cazd· lnals BG 1)3 Jan. 8 Ill Twlo Falla.

CSI 11 I d llJ the nne •ho«lnc and re~ndlnc ablllUes or C 'llt"r Tom Bush. Blah hit 28 palnUI for the f:Oglea as 1nll aa ahow!nc his rtbOun~ln& and defenah·e llllrntB, 1.orry Barnett CUMed In the flr11t 1110 point& for CSJ but th Cardinals bound,.d lr.lck to ti It at t1'o·t110. Bush hit hi• nrat tv;o POlns.s ot lht EA!ll EIYlnc !he £acles an edc•. Cardinal Guard Rick SWel'n 1 quickly UPd th aeon! acn.ln. Plea \"an bll on a "charll1'" dton 10 put the EaElea ahud 10 sta.Y.

The Cardln11l11, with Gu11rds Clrd< Smith and Rick S111?ener dolna m I or the 11cor1n1. lulled to kr1•p up v;lth the •llllant f~slra Smith and 6wucn ) w"" lollowt!d closuly by Tr.am Captain Bill Bro1ICPr1ck u thty con· trlbutl!d l~ 14, and 13 re-· llfl<!Ctl\ t'ly anO bcc11m the only Uu e ~rdlnala to reach lllr cl bl< ni:urr scorini;: t>rack t

Th Cnrdlnals onlJ 111!\'t'll 1Wllnt11 down at hall lime t II 'o a 21 1iolnt d Helt bdo:<! co Inc to Ill In tile 11eeond lull! and mat blni; th Eaclea buk~tl r b11 kl't "N\l unable to ove1 e tbe cuallloned I BI

CIVICS LESSO,. '111< nr h In eh1cs

I& lhal r,1, I DI ,..,, •mment ahoulll begin al ll m~

- Cllarl s •' Hu~b "


EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP ,... o........ .... s.n;..· • wa •• ~ 4-l l •S or 4.6476

lll 5'ienM• A,,,. , • Co..., crAM:ae.


n:e relcn of Kine 100111>:. ba.sco eto DI! end I r aoalber ynr and u tly ao. "'1iY~ l'::i aurr that Ibis p:i.sl a~· aco will be regarded tu- m&ll3' u tbe Jhl or blc Up!lets. unUl nt-11 ;rur takes !ts place and tbla i;eason lall5 alon1 the way orp,.,.t aeasons and Into the annal& or the sa~ ireats. Football la leavloi: and II la IL'nC' 10 tum 111olber1n:NuUn& blClllli;bts.

Butttball and bockey are OCC11:11: Into the tall a•lcc o! UIJno with baalt:ctba.1.1 bavtnc the headsta:t ll:ld rn1.ll7 cce>l.tt1: °" auo:s. Roc:ke,r. •b!cb la atlll :i the .1nf&nt atace o! the uuon Is stan.nc to co::ie to I.re.

Another •late: apc;rt lbat 1a e.'\101lni :ho fullnftaa of t!: preaer.1 cor.d11Jons la that or 111t:.Hn1. The ci11tnln~ or tbe new Jaeka11s SIU &>wl a~ Kellon and the openln' or tile famous Sc:hwe!c.ze.r Siu Arn neaz ~dpa\nt we!' 1tteted br many a locnl sill entbuslut. yoon, and o!a alllte. The MW :.pc:t of !<!l1>•-moblle :actac la one tbat Is e1pec1cd to drsw a larce cr1>Tt! Ulla 7e11: I: c .Vit alao ht' nc.tcd th:U

due to tbe drastic chance In wtatbet with all tbr ano• 1un11nc to Wlll.t!r aod rain, It bas been Pl"PO&ed by ma."1)' awdents tbal :.;!JC lnaurtUTa: th" hr.H annual l!"'L'llP boat race&.

The nubJect or bo111 racin frO\\ ncd on O)' man) smc the aound or thl" bli: thundPr ~I.I has recedt'd fro:n LakP CCX'UI d'AlenC' I st l1 r j

l.:iw..ct by m~ who alt' I to lb~ IPoll a& Sl>Oka Earl V.llam pro'rt'd Jan 6 be raced hon: thl" • l.'lc r n Orani.:c Bowl Reiatta" In• r national Grand Pr11 ll'ha.::i"s '"7 ·Lite:'" apttd5ter •• r.> 8:"> 837 ml It'll p r hou1 Miami '6 Blseaynl! Ba• Per naps tM rhundM ot tbt- n I.Ines .. 111 return to I.at CCX'ur d'Alent' In lhl' not too dl11t11nl futurr.

In all Ullnp It la bett~r w bop!! than to dr.spalr. -Gol'l.'le

11.1.J.C. l!EVIFW c .. "' •'.lien•. Idaho .. , ............... 1!, 1968

Holom Scores

Intramural Play Now Underway

lnUlll:l ...rL I\ ~ Giit' bas. ke:ball .s uode: •"1 •Ith :ll~ nlchts b11.-1c1 been co:i· pl~ted. Rt'lltr Soc:ldr The R<atlers end 6 00 !\e•s •I share the I 11d ln the lracu 'lrltb two wins and no losses.

t.....adln' sco:ers a!tN thl' !I~ 1 t'OIO rounds • ...,. Bob Bro\\ r or lhl' R<-ll~f Society ;s Points. Rand.I' \\lid o! s·oo s"ws ir:?. 36. Jem Brni:­ston of 8 ni;ston's Bumi<. 3~ and Rni:e: Beck""an .,I •he RI' s Ou


Yr;lllla or the Stubbles has tile one p.me hi ah of 29 Point" scored ualnst the 6'00 !\ews :r2.

The Relief Society bas tM hl;:hest point pe: came averai:e or ':3.5 point& per pme.

""r\"" ~cue R~ul1s a:e· \\on l.0$5

Rell 'Soclf':J :? 0 Hust!< is :? 0 6.00 se .. s I :? 0 Stubbll!S I 6:00 :.;, .... ,, :? I Snoopy'i; All

Star.> I Do Good•~ I 2 Rests tors I :? Beni:s1on's Bums I Frlon~ Squad 0 ~





Whatdid ~ yousay

about our little sister?

Just that she's mod about the refreshing taste of Coca-Cola. -It has the toste you never gel tired of. That's why things go better with Coke, ofter Coke, ofter Coke.