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  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    Danielle Nixon

    EDTC 640

    Summer 2014

    District Technology Training Plan

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    The District

    Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) is located in Maryland. Anne Arundel County

    is 414 square miles and has 555,74 residents. (Anne Arundel County !uic" #acts, $%14) AACPS has

    1$5 schools ser&in' a ro imately 77, 4*+ students ith more than 5,-%% teachers. (Anne Arundel

    County Public Schools, $%14) AACPS has a bud'et o /1$,7* er u il er year. Statistics rom AnneArundel County Public Schools sho that 5+.10 o students are hite, $%. 0 o students are A rican

    American, 1%.*0 are is anic, 5.-0 are t o or more races, .-0 are Asian, and . 0 are American

    2ndian and Paci ic 2slander. ($%14)

    3he students in elementary schools can artici ate in Ad&anced earner Pro'rams and the

    Ad&anced ia 2ndi&idual 6etermination ro'ram is a&ailable or more than 5,%%% students in middle

    and hi'h schools. 3here are also schools ith ma'net and si'nature ro'rams ithin the county

    includin' 2nternational accalaureate Pro'rammes, Science, 3echnolo'y, 8n'ineerin', and

    Mathematics (S38M) ro'rams, and er ormin' and &isual arts ro'rams. (Anne Arundel County

    Public Schools, $%14)

    3echnolo'y is a&ailable in all schools across the county. 3here is one com uter er $.7 students

    and all classrooms ha&e internet access. (Anne Arundel County Public Schools, $%14) 3echnolo'y is

    une&enly distributed throu'hout the county. 9e er schools are equi ed ith the latest technolo'y

    such as Smart oards, document cameras, sel res onse clic"ers, com uters, and iPads ithin the

    classroom. :lder schools, may only ha&e a com uter lab and t o com uters er classroom. 3itle :ne

    schools o ten ha&e a 'reater amount o technolo'y in schools as ell because o #ederal undin'.

    The Problems

    6ue to an une&en distribution o technolo'y throu'hout the county all students do not ha&e

    access to learnin' ith an inte'ration o technolo'y. 6i erent schools ha&e di erent ty es o

    technolo'y due to the a'e o the school, ho money is s ent ithin the school, and access to #ederal

    undin'. 3eachers do not ha&e access to a ro riate trainin's based on technolo'y hen enterin' the

    county as a ne teacher. ;hen ne technolo'y comes in to the buildin' there may be a trainin' held,

    but it may not be held a'ain or teachers enterin' the county the ollo in' year. 3he school then laces

    the trainin' o ne teachers on teachers ithin the buildin'. 3he trainin's may be &ery quic" or may

    not ha en at all &aryin' bet een schools.

    A survey through Survey Monkey was sent to multiple teachers at diferent

    elementary schools withing Anne Arundel County. There were 8 teachers that

    responded to the survey with a varying length o teaching experience and
  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    technology usage levels. The survey shows that teachers are not receiving

    training even though they have the technology in their classrooms.

    The Needs

    ased on the survey! the needs are teacher support with training. "ach

    school has diferent types o technology! and the teachers are not given training

    on the speci#c technology. oth new teachers and veteran teachers have varyinglevels o using technology in the classroom. Most teachers surveyed elt that they

    were at a $eginner level! while very ew elt that they were at an expert level o

    integrating technology.

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    The amount o time technology is used within the classroom varied greatly

    rom teacher to teacher. All teachers had access to a num$er o diferent types o

    technology including Smart oards! i%ads! Senteos! student computers! and the

    document camera! $ut the survey showed that the time diferent types o

    technology was used was varied.

    The survey asked or a list o needs in technology rom most important to

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    least important. The results showed these technology needs &in order rom most

    important to least important'( Smart)ote$ook! Senteo clickers! Microso t *ne

    +rive! i%ads! %ixie so tware! Achievement Series! %owerTeacher ,rade$ook! SMS

    Chancery! %ower%oint! Microso t -ord.

    ased on the results rom the sur&ey, the 633P ill address AACPS< trainin' needs in usin' thedi erent ty es o technolo'y a&ailable ithin the classrooms. 3he sur&ey also sho ed that i the

    trainin's ere a&ailable, teachers ould attend them.

    The Au ience

    3he ro'ram is or teachers in all 'rade le&els loo"in' or trainin' on usin' instructional

    technolo'y in daily lessons. 3he trainin's ill be di erentiated by le&els o e erience based on

    technolo'y, not years in the classroom. 3eachers ill identi y themsel&es ith their le&el o technolo'y

    e erience by be'inner, intermediate, or e ert. :nce they ha&e identi ied themsel&es ith a le&el, they

    ill be able to choose courses accordin'ly. 8ach or"sho ill require &aryin' le&els o rerequisite

    "no led'e and each day ill build u on hat as learned the re&ious day.


    ,oal ( Teachers will $e a$le to create a Smart )ote$ook lesson to use across allgrade levels.

    ,oal /( Teachers will $e a$le to set up senteos or their class and create a

    0uestion set.

    ,oal 1( Teachers will learn how to use senteos to analy2e data.

    ,oal 1. Teachers will $e a$le to #nd lessons on SMA3T "xchange.

    ,oal 4( Teachers will $e a$le to enhance note$ooks using Smart Tools and the


    ,oal 5( Teachers will $e a$le to use apps on the i%ad to across su$6ects.

    ,oal 7. Teachers will $e a$le to create lessons using student generated %ixie



  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    -orkshop Title evel o Training +escription

    ,etting Smart oard Saavy eginner This course is or the$eginner Smart oarduser. The course will coverthe $asics o using theSmart oard. This trainingwill show how to #ndlessons using SMA3T"xchange.

    Smart )ote$ook eginner This course is or theteacher ready to createtheir own Smart)ote$ooks. asicunctions o Smart)ote$ook will $e coveredsuch as changing

    $ackground colors!inserting clip art! andadding links.

    Senteo eginner 9 :ntermediate This course will walk the$eginner levelSmart oard user throughthe process o setting upand using Senteoresponses.

    Senteo :ntermediate This class is or the

    educator that alreadyknows how to set up asenteo! $ut is looking ormore; This class will showhow to export senteosdirectly to your grade$ookas well as analy2e data.

    )ote$ook Tools and Tricks :ntermediate This class is or theeducator already usingSmart )ote$ook! $utwanting to learn more;

    This class will walkthrough diferent ways toenhance note$ooks usingSmart Tools and thegallery.

    i%ads Advanced "xperienced teachers willlearn a$out implementingi%ads into every aspect o

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    the classroom. This coursewill cover classroommanagement!mathematics! languagearts! science and socialstudies apps or all grade

    levels.%ixie Advanced "xperienced teachers will

    learn a$out the so tware%ixie. Teachers will learnhow to implement thisdesign program intosu$6ect areas.

    &nstruction Strategies

    3he di erent or"sho s ill be ro&ided or teachers at &arious schools around the county. 3he

    county is lar'e, and teachers ant to 'o to or"sho s that are con&enient in location to here they

    or". 3he or"sho s ill ta"e lace in the com uter labs o schools. 8ach com uter lab ill seat %

    teachers and ha&e a Smart oard. 2 ads and senteos ill be a&ailable or the or"sho s that in&ol&e

    them. 3he teachin' ill be &ery hands on. 3eachers ill be 'i&en a chance to ollo alon' as the

    instructor models ho to do s eci ic thin's and then ill be able to or" on the com uter to do it on

    their o n. 3eachers ill be ta"in' ideas and lessons a ay ith them a ter the trainin's. At eachtrainin', teachers ill be 'i&en or" time to create items a ro riate or their 'rade le&el as ell as

    collaboratin' ith other teachers. 3here ill also be time built in or sharin' ideas and as"in'


    Sam'le (i%e Day )esson Plans

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    +anielle )ixon Smart )ote$ook +ay

    Su$6ect o the +ay(asic ave teachers $rowse throughthe tool $ar and see i they recogni2e any o the icons./. :ntroduce the ont tools. >ave teachers type their names into the note$ook."xplain that the user only needs to type and text will appear.1. ,o over $asic text eatures! ont ace! si2e! color! $old! italic! underlined! andalignment. >ave teachers practice using this eature and creating diferent wordsusing the skills learned.4. >ave teachers insert a new page to learn a$out the next tool. Show teachers

    how to add a page $y using insert drop down menu.5. :ntroduce the shape and line tool. >ave teachers choose a shape to insert tothe page. Show how to change line si2e! style! color and #ll color. >ave teacherspractice using this eature and creating diferent shapes on their note$ook.7. >ave teachers insert a new page.?. >ave teachers type a short paragraph. @se the paragraph to introduce the pentools. Show teachers how to select pens! highlight text! underline text! and usethe special pens with pictures.8. >ave teachers insert new page.

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    . :ntroduce the gallery tool$ar to teachers. Show teachers the entire clip artgallery and how to search or clip art.B. Teachers have now learned the $asic skills in isolation. >ave teachers createa one page note$ook a$out themselves. The note$ook needs to include twodiferent ont styles! a clip art! and a $ackground color.. -hen #nished! show teachers how to save the document and present it to

    the class $y opening it up on the main Smart oard.

    Materials(Computer a$Smart oard

    "valuation(Attached "valuation Sheet%resentation o )ote$ook

    +anielle )ixon Smart )ote$ook +ay /

    Su$6ect o the +ay(,rouping text clipartocking text clipartMultimedia and:nteractive tools

    %rere0uisite =nowledge(

    Teachers will need to know the $asic tool$ar unctionsrom yesterdayDs lesson including how to changeonts and $ackground and how insert clip art andshapes.

    Content( The day two workshop will review and $uild on skills learned in the day oneworkshop. Teachers will $egin $y practicing how to create a one page note$ook.

    The teachers will learn how to group text and or clip art together to allow orhands on note$ooks or students. Then they will learn a$out Smart )ote$ooksmultimedia and interactive tools.

    ist the o$6ective or the lesson(

    Teachers will $e a$le to group text and or clip art. Teachers will $e a$le to lock text and clip art. Teachers will learn how to add a multimedia and interactive tools.

    >ow will you teach the lesson(. egin the lesson with a review rom yesterday. >ave teachers practice creatinga one page presentation a$out animal. The presentation needs to include twodiferent onts! a clip art! and a $ackground color./. >ave students insert page.

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    1. "xplain that there are ways to make note$ooks more hands on or the studentsand allow them to come up to the $oard. >ave students insert a star and theirname. Show how to group them together.4. Model on the $oard how a student could come up the $oard and pull out thestar to reveal the name &or an answer to a 0uestion'.5. >ave teachers practice grouping and hiding part o the text.

    7. "xplain that at times you will want some text to move $ut others to stay whereit is. :ntroduce the locking tool and have teachers insert a clip art and lock it onthe page.?. @sing what they have learned have teachers create a note$ook a$out a topico their choice. :n the middle o the note$ook have them write a 0uestion andlock it in place. Around the outside use the grouping techni0ue to EhideF answersa$out the 0uestion that students would pull out. &ex. -hat is the sunG Answers( astar! gases! center o the solar system'8. >ave a ew volunteers share their presentations.. :ntroduce the interactive and multimedia gallery that is clip art with sounds. :nthe middle o the page have the teachers write animals. >ave teachers select

    diferent animals rom the gallery to put on the page. Show how clicking thespeaker creates sound.B. %oint out other multimedia eatures such as the dice.


    "valuation(Attached "valuation Sheet%resentation o )ote$ook

    +anielle )ixon Smart )ote$ook +ay 1

    Su$6ect o the +ay(Activity Toolkit

    %rere0uisite =nowledge( Teachers will need to know the skills taught in theprevious courses.

    Content( The day three workshop will show how to create diferent activities or note$ookusing the activity toolkit. The ocus will $e on using the diferent examples romthe lesson activity toolkit! editing them! and creating rom scratch. Teachers willcreate an activity on the su$6ect o their choice.

    ist the o$6ective or the lesson(

    Teachers will $e a$le to #nd example lesson activities. Teachers will $e a$le to edit lesson activities.

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    Teachers will $e a$le to create lesson activities using items rom the gallery.

    >ow will you teach the lesson(. Show teachers how to access the esson Activity Toolkit in the gallery. "xplainthat they have mastered how to create a note$ook using the $asic tools andtoday they will learn how to enhance their lessons even more./. >ave teachers go the the examples ta$ and #nd the $alloon pop activity. ,othrough the activity with them and show them how to create their own $alloonpop activity. Allow time or discussion and sharing.1. >ave teachers go to the the examples ta$ and #nd the categories sortexample. ,o through the activity and show them how to create their owncategories sort activity or their grade level. +iscuss and share what was made.4. Show the options or the categories sort including text or images.5. >ave teachers go to the examples ta$ and #nd the click and reveal example.,o through the activity with them and show them how to create their own clickand reveal activity. +iscuss and Share.7. +epending on time repeat the same steps with the vortex sort! image match!traHc light! and yes or no.?. >ave teachers pick their avorite activity rom the toolkit and create an activityor a su$6ect o their choice. %ractice saving the activity and present using theSmart oard.


    "valuation(Attached "valuation Sheet%resentation o )ote$ook

    +anielle )ixon Smart )ote$ook +ay 4

    Su$6ect o the +ay(Smart )ote$ook inanguage Arts

    %rere0uisite =nowledge(-orkshop day 4 will com$ine previously learnedskills. Teachers should have a username andpassword or +iscovery Streaming andrain%op rain%op Ir. Teachers will need to come tothe workshop with a one day language arts lessonidea.

    Content( The day 4 workshop will com$ine all previously learned skills to show how tocreate multi page lessons or the language arts classroom. Teachers will alsolearn how to #nd and insert videos rom discovery streaming and add links.

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    ist the o$6ective or the lesson( Teachers will create multi page lessons. Teachers will add multimedia rom the interactive tool kit. Teachers will insert video clips. Teachers will insert links.

    >ow will you teach the lesson(. "xplain that todayDs ocus will $e on language arts lessons. +iscuss ways inwhich technology can enhance a language arts lesson. Show some examples odiferent Smart oards created or language arts lessons that have $een made $yteachers within the county./. Complete a model lesson using several skills previously learned. >aveteachers open a new document. *n the #rst page teachers may change the$ackground to a color o their choice and type the essential 0uestion! E-hat is anounGF. Teachers may edit the ont si2e! color! ace.1. Teachers will now learn how to em$ed a video rom +iscovery Streaming. >aveteachers log on to +iscovery Streaming and search or videos a$out nouns ortheir grade level. Show how to download the video and save to their drive. Thenusing note$ook em$ed the video to the essential 0uestion. "xplain that the paperclip represents that a clip is attached.4. 3epeat step 1 with $rain pop link.5. >ave teachers add a page and insert a $alloon pop activity. Teachers can editthe activity to make students pop the nouns.7.)ow that teachers have practiced a model lesson! give them time to create aone day lesson $ased on a language arts standard or their grade level.?. -hen complete! teachers will save their note$ooks and present them to theclass. The lessons will $e saved on a shared drive or uture access.



    "valuation(Attached "valuation Sheet%resentation o )ote$ook

    +anielle )ixon Smart )ote$ook +ay 5

    Su$6ect o the +ay(Smart )ote$ook inMathematics

    %rere0uisite =nowledge( Teachers need to know the $asic note$ook unctionsas previously learned. Teachers will need to know howto insert links! em$ed videos! and access +iscoveryStreaming.

    Content( The day 5 workshop will com$ine all previously learned skills to show how tocreate multi page lessons or the math classroom. The diferent math tools will

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    $e shown and teachers will have time to create math note$ooks or their lessons. Teachers will also learn a$out Smart "xchange! a ree sharing we$site or Smarteducators.

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    ist the o$6ective or the lesson(

    Teachers will know how to access Smart "xchange. Teachers will know how to save lessons to their drive.

    >ow will you teach the lesson(. "xplain that todayDs ocus will $e on math lessons. +iscuss ways in whichtechnology can enhance a math. Show some examples o diferent Smart oardscreated or language arts lessons that have $een made $y teachers within thecounty./. Complete a model lesson using several skills previously learned. >aveteachers open a new document. *n the #rst page teachers may change the$ackground to a color o their choice and type the essential 0uestion! E>ow can :skip count $y 5DsF. Teachers may edit the ont si2e! color! ace.1. Teachers will practice how to em$edding a video rom +iscovery Streaming.>ave teachers log on to +iscovery Streaming and search or videos on their own.4. Show teachers the math tools ound in the Smart ,allery. %oint out the num$erlines! hundreds chart! alge$ra! etc.5. "xplain to teachers that creating )ote$ook can $e time consuming! and thereare places to #nd already created )ote$ooks that can $e edited to #t needs.7.>ave teachers sign up or a Smart "xchange Account and show them how tolog in and search or lessons.?. @se the rest o the time or teachers to save lessons to their drive that can $eused or the su$6ect and grade level they teach.



    Attached evaluation sheet


    3hrou'hout the day 4 and day 5 or"sho s, the ebsite 6isco&ery Streamin' ill be used to

    ind &ideos relatin' to the lan'ua'e arts and math curriculum. 3he screen sho belo sho s the search

    results or a "=$ teacher loo"in' or son's and>or &ideos about nouns.

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    rainPo and rainPo ?r. ill also be used as a ay to enhance noteboo"s durin' the trainin'

    sessions. 3eachers ill be 'uided throu'h ho to search on rainPo and add a lin" to the noteboo" to

    brin' u hile teachin'.

    (iel Test

    3he trainer o each or"sho ill ha&e the o ortunity to test it ith a small 'rou o teachers

    ( =5) in small se'ments that it into the schedules o the trainer and testin' 'rou . 3he small 'rou ill

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    ha&e the same le&el o e ertise ith technolo'y as the 'rou ill the day o the or"sho . 3he trainer

    ill resent the lesson lan ro&ided to the 'rou and ollo the ste s as i they ere resentin' it in

    ront o a lar'e 'rou or the or"sho . 3he small 'rou ill be able to 'i&e direct eedbac" to the

    trainer o ositi&e and ne'ati&e as ects. #rom the eedbac", the trainer can ma"e ad@ustments.


    e&isions ill be made based on eedbac" rom the ield test. 3his ill include but is not

    limited to acin', len'th o time or acti&ities, and amount o direct instruction and modelin'. Any

    chan'es made to the class ill also re lect in the ob@ecti&es. Some or"sho s may ind that they need

    to add more ob@ecti&es and some may ha&e to decrease the number o ob@ecti&es due to time



    A ter each day o the or"sho an e&aluation ill be 'i&en to hel 'uide instruction and ma"e

    chan'es or uture or"sho s. 3he e&aluation ill be loo"ed at directly by the trainer as ell as the

    ro essional de&elo ment de artment to ma"e uture trainin' decisions.

    9ame 6ate

    ist s"ills you learned that you ill im lement in your classroom.

    ist one s"ill you ould li"e to learn more about.

    ist one s"ill you still do not understand.

    3he summati&e e&aluation ill be 'i&en to teachers a ter they ha&e com leted all days o the

    or"sho . 3he e&aluation ill be com leted about t o ee"s a ter the or"sho . 3his ill allo

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP


    teachers time to im lement di erent thin's they ha&e learned as ell as come u ith questions that

    can be ans ered in uture or"sho s.

    9ame 6ateist an ne technolo'y you ha&e used a ter ta"in' the or"sho .

    o ha&e you im lemented Smart 9oteboo" in the classroomB

    ;hat as the most bene icial art o the or"sho B

    ;hat questions do you still ha&e surroundin' Smart 9oteboo" and the com onentsB


    hours cost total

    2nstructor - /4%>hour /$4%.%%

    3eacher Sti end ( %teachers)

    - /$5>hour /4,5%%.%%

    rea" ast /15%.%% /15%.%%

    Miscellaneous /$%%.%% /$%%.%%

    ,-.0/0 'er ay

  • 8/12/2019 Nixon Danielle DTTP



    At the end o each or"sho , the daily e&aluations and summati&e e&aluation ill be used to

    'uide urther ro essional de&elo ment ithin the county. 3he summati&e e&aluation data ill sho i

    ma@or chan'es need to be made or or"sho s o ered the ollo in' year. 3he or"sho s ill be

    continued to be ro&ided or &eteran teachers antin' to de&elo a dee er understandin' o technolo'yas ell as ne teachers to the county.

    +e erences

    Anne Arundel County Public Schools ast acts. ($%14). etrie&ed romhtt >> .aac s.or'>aac s>boe> A6M29>P29#:> ast acts. d

    Anne Arundel County quic" acts D#act sheetE. ($%14). etrie&ed rom Fnited States Census ureau

    ebsite htt >>quic" acts.census.'o&>q d>states>$4>$4%% .html

    rain Po ($%14) etri&ed rom httt >> .brain o .com

    6isco&ery 8ducation. ($%14). 6isco&ery streamin'. etrie&ed rom

    htt >>streamin'.disco&>

    Smart 3ech. ($%14). Smart e chan'e. etrie&ed rom htt >>e chan'>

    Sur&ey mon"ey. ($%14). etrie&ed rom htt s >> .sur&eymon">summary>

    qo @6@8t' $18d&nM'M#9#3 A&2 G o d H$#H$#M1-$*H 6