north mundham school prospectus 2015/16

North Mundham School

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Page 1: North Mundham School prospectus  2015/16

North Mundham School

Page 2: North Mundham School prospectus  2015/16

Welcome to North Mundham SchoolNorth Mundham Primary School is welcoming, caring and happy – an exciting place to learn together. We are proud of our school and all that our children achieve. We ensure that everyone feels safe, cared for and supported so that we can be our very best.

The school has a strong team of staff and governors and we work with parents, carers and the local community to provide effective learning for all our children.

You are very welcome to contact the school office to arrange a visit or ask any questions you may have.

We look forward to meeting you and showing you our school.

Welcome to North Mundham School

Julia Carey Headteacher, B Ed (Hons)

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The aims of our school are:• to work together to provide a safe, happy, stimulating

environment where children can enjoy their right to learn.

• to model and promote an environment where everybody respects, values and cares for each other.

• to be a healthy place to grow, learn and play.

• to facilitate and nurture growth, appreciation and understanding in the following areas: aesthetic, creative, cultural, emotional, environmental, intellectual, moral, physical, social and spiritual.

• to prepare and enable our children to be successful contributors in the world beyond school.

The aims

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History of the SchoolThe original school opened in 1875, built on land donated by William Fletcher, a local benefactor. The school grew and during the 1970s, a new building was opened in the village and the school operated from two sites.

In 1989 the original school was completely refurbished and enlarged to bring the school back on to one site and when the double detached mobile was added in 1997 this made the school a one-form entry.

The buildings and grounds now include a secure play area for the Reception Class, an ICT suite, a library and a music /group/community room. The school has a playing field, two play grounds, a small orchard and a woodland and these are all valuable outdoor play and learning environments

Histor y of the School

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The CurriculumThe curriculum at North Mundham is based on:• The school’s aims and policies• The Programmes of Study in the National Curriculum• West Sussex Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education

At North Mundham we enable pupils to develop the basic skills, using and applying these skills meaningfully within a broad and balanced curriculum. We operate a cycle of topics based on the Programmes of Study in Science, Geography and History. Work in other areas of the curriculum is planned in to the topic where it is relevant and appropriate; if not, it is taught separately

All children learn in mixed ability classes. Pupils are taught in a variety of ways – individually, in groups or as a class. All teachers work to make learning active and visual and to give opportunities for discussion and reflection. Learning is embedded through more independent work, enabling pupils to demonstrate the skills they are gaining confidence with.

Group and individual targets are set with pupils on a regular cycle and discussed with parents and carers at consultation evenings.

At each key stage, active learning, educational visits, visiting experts and outdoor work are an important part of learning.

Class OrganizationThe school is organized in seven single year classes.

The Curriculum

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Foundation StageThe Foundation Stage curriculum is followed in the Reception Class and this provides continuity between children’s pre-school provision and school. We value the role of play in developing children’s learning and experiences and use both the outdoor and indoor environments daily. The high quality of our Foundation Stage provision has been recognized by a West Sussex Foundation Stage Quality Mark.

Key Stage 1At KS1 we build on the work of the Foundation Stage in the development of the whole child continuing to ensure that children become confident and independent learners. Throughout Years 1 and 2 the children experience a rich curriculum. Much emphasis is placed on developing talk, reading and writing, number and maths skills.

Foundation Sta ge, Key Sta ges 1 & 2

Key Stage 2KS2 continues from Year 3 to Year 6 and during these years the children are challenged and motivated to become responsive learners, aware of themselves as learners and able to work co-operatively with others. We aim to keep learning fun and stimulating, underpinning the importance of strong literacy and numeracy skills as well as recognizing that children will begin to show strengths and talent across and beyond the curriculum.

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ComputingThe school has an ICT suite, two class sets of laptops and a class set of Nexus tablets. Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard or touch screen and 2 desktop computers. Work in Computing includes teacher led sessions, independent activities, Computing club and the use of Computing across the curriculum. All children have their own space on the school network to enable them to save work and are taught about e-safety, demonstrated by agreeing to the school’s Acceptable Use policy.

Children learn to use computer software, the internet, email, control and digital cameras. .

Design and Technology (D.T.)Design and technology is an inspiring and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values.

Using a broad range of subject knowledge our children will draw on other subjects, such as Mathematics, Science, Computing and Art to achieve their goal. Pupils learn how to take risks, consider safe practice and become entrepreneurs. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop an understanding of the wider world.

Cooking and Nutrition

Our cooking activities in each year group develop the practical skills and background knowledge of healthy eating. We also aim to build a love of cooking as an important life skill.

ICT, Desi gn and Technolog y

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HistoryHistory is taught through topics and uses ‘enquiry’, role play, visits, first-hand experience and artefacts to bring the subject to life. Children (and teachers) dress up for special themed days, such as; being evacuees for a day and experiencing life in a new village school (writing a postcard home to Mother and Father), dressing up as Romans or Victorians and taking part in a Viking raid after writing rousing battle speeches! We hope to equip our children with the ability to ask perceptive questions, think critically and weigh up evidence. We learn about important people in history, such as Florence Nightingale and Neil Armstrong, and learn about the process of change along the way.

Histor y and Geography

GeographyIn Geography we hope to inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. It is taught through topics and visits where possible! We visit the local area (lettuce and flower nurseries and our local village), explore Portsmouth and use interactive programmes to learn about places further afield. The children learn about river systems, local geographical features and use Ordinance Survey maps. We aim to teach children to develop geographical skills, language and knowledge, to be aware of the world around them and the importance of caring for the environment. We compare the geographical aspects of our local area with city life and learn about the mountainous landscape of North America, learning to understand the geographical similarities and differences.

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ArtThe main focus in art lessons is to encourage children to be creative artists and to develop the skills to enable this. Children are taught a range of skills – drawing, painting, using textiles, dyeing, printing and working with clay. They also study the work and techniques of famous artists and art from other cultures. Children work in 3D as well as 2D. You can see our artwork all around the school – you will even see it outside if you look carefully.

Each year the school holds an Arts Week to celebrate the children’s work and the culmination of this is a wonderful exhibition.

MFLFrench is taught in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 to all children. The lessons are active and aim to encourage everyone to speak confidently. There Is a French club available for younger children.

Art and MFL

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MusicThe school is proud of its strong music tradition. In lessons children are taught to sing, to listen to music, to play percussion and be actively involved in composing and performing.

In Year 4 all children learn to play the clarinet in class music lessons with specialist teachers.

In addition to curriculum music children may learn to play an instrument; woodwind, brass, violin, piano, singing, drums and guitar lessons are available.

The school has a choir and a very successful wind band supported by the West Sussex Music Trust.


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Sport ProvisionAt North Mundham we encourage all children to participate in sport through fostering a team spirit and an enjoyment of sport. The PE curriculum includes: athletics, dance, games, gymnastics, outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming.

Approximately 2 hours per week of curriculum time is given to P.E. and in addition there is a wide range of extra curricular sports. The school takes part in a wide variety of competitive and fun-based inter-school tournaments and events.

The school takes advantage of specialist sport coaching including most recently; football, cricket, tennis, canoeing and dance.

LifeskillsAll children follow a programme of Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health Education which in our school we call ‘Lifeskills’. This recognizes the importance of the whole child and develops children’s relationships and social skills. Keeping safe, friendship, anti-bullying, healthy living and making well informed choices are regularly revisited as age appropriate.

In the second half of KS2 Sex and Relationship education is part of our Lifeskills curriculum. Our aims in these lessons are to inform the children, maintain high self esteem and self respect and promote sensitivity and responsibility as children grow.

Sport Provision and Lifeskills

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Forest SchoolsWe are fortunate to have our own enclosed woodland and a member of staff trained to deliver high quality ‘Forest Schools’ lessons. In Forest Schools children develop their appreciation and understanding of the environment, learn practical outdoor skills and work co-operatively together developing communication, trust and problem solving.

AssembliesDuring the week there is a mixture of whole school, key stage and class assemblies. These are broadly Christian based and we consider a range of topics through the year. We hope that all children will attend so that the school can meet together in this way but if parents wish to withdraw their child from R.E. or assemblies they should write to the Headteacher.

R.E. and Assemblies

R.E.Children are taught about the main world religions – Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. They learn about religious festivals, customs and ways of worship. Lessons encourage positive attitudes towards, and respect for, the beliefs of others and in doing so encourage understanding of the similarities and differences between people that are part of our rich culture.

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Special Educational NeedsThe school’s SEND and Equal Opportunities Policies set out our aims and provision to ensure that all children have access to all areas of the curriculum and aspects of school life and how we support children’s learning if they are experiencing difficulty. We are committed to early identification of special needs and a staged response which is fully discussed with parents. Parents can meet with the class teacher, special needs teacher or Headteacher at parents’ evenings or by appointment at any other time.

The school follows the guidelines set out in the Government’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice. The Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) oversees the provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. This may include additional support in or out of class and an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

A wide range of structured programmes may be used and advice sought from outside agencies.

The Governing Body is very aware of its responsibilities towards children with special educational needs and disabilities and a designated governor takes an active interest in provision within the school and meets regularly with the SENCo.

Special Educational Needs

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Parental InvolvementWe work closely in partnership between school and home and have an ‘open door’ for parents to come in to school to discuss any ideas or concerns they may have.

An annual questionnaire to parents informs the School Development Plan and parents are invited via the newsletter to join working parties to discuss school developments and a variety of policy reviews.

Many parents (and grandparents) play an active role in the work of the school, helping in class, accompanying visits etc. Workshops are held in the Autumn Term for parents who volunteer to help with reading. There is a regular newsletter ‘The Heron’ and a parent/teacher consultation evening each term. Coffee mornings and curriculum evenings are held to provide opportunities for parents and carers to learn more about an aspect of the curriculum or school life.

Parental Involvement

The school has a very supportive Parent/Teacher Association. A letter from the Chair of this committee is included with this prospectus.

Able ChildAt North Mundham we try to understand children as individuals and provide opportunities to match their needs.

We are committed to providing an environment where the level of expectation is high and encourages all children to achieve, strive for excellence and flourish.

Opportunities for able pupils are provided through the curriculum, extension group work, individual target setting and extra curricular activities. A termly programme of enrichment activities is planned with the Goodwood Area Schools, of which we are a member.

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Home Activities and HomeworkOur home activities policy has been reviewed in consultation with parents and aims to underpin our working together with parents and carers to support children’s learning.

All children are expected to read regularly at home for a minimum of one hour per week. We encourage parents to read aloud to their child throughout their primary years. Beginning in the Summer Term in Y1, all children will have a list of spellings to learn each week and number bonds and tables. Other planned home activities relevant to the work in class plus mathematics and literacy is given on a regular basis and there is progression from Year 1 to Year 6 in terms of amount and independence.

Class newsletters will set out expectations for the term and from Year 1 children have a Home Activities Diary.

Home Activities and Homework

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Pastoral CareAt North Mundham all staff work closely together to ensure there is a safe, secure and supportive environment where children will be happy and well cared for.

Children are encouraged to talk to their parents or an adult in school if they have any problems or worries and school and home can then liaise together to support the child. The school has a Learning Mentor and families can ask for support with any issues which may impact on a child’s learning. We also employ a Play Therapist and have access to other services.

Our behaviour policy is based on a positive approach and the Code of Conduct, drawn up with the children, sets out the school’s expectations. In September each class negotiates a class ‘Class Charter’ in which rules, rewards and sanctions are established. It is important that home and school work closely together and we will liaise with and consult parents if difficulties arise.

The school has strong policies with regard to bullying and these are revisited each year in lessons, ‘circle time’ and assemblies.

Pastoral Care

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First Aid, Medicines and Medical NeedsThe school has a high level of staff trained in First Aid and a First Aider is always on duty throughout the day, during extra curricular activities and out of school visits. In the case of an accident a note is sent home detailing any first aid given. If a child is injured and /or too unwell to continue at school, we will contact parents or carers.

Parents may request for medicines to be administered in school according to school policy. A form must be obtained from the school office listing the medicine and dosage and giving parental consent for staff to administer the medicine.

Special arrangements are made for children with medical needs eg. diabetes, allergies etc. In these circumstances school staff and parents meet with the school nurse to draw up a care plan detailing provision and procedures in school.

Child ProtectionThe school is strongly committed to safeguarding the well being of all the children and has clear procedures and policies with regard to child protection and safe guarding children in our care. All staff, sport coaches, music teachers and volunteers are appropriately checked prior to working in school. Records are kept of checks made. Training is part of staff induction and regularly updated. Annual reports are made to the governing body. The Headteacher is the designated person for Child Protection.

First Aid, Medicines and Medical Needs

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Extra curricular activitiesThe school offers a very wide range of extra curricular activities. These include art, athletics, choir, cricket, dance, football, forest club, French, judo, netball and science. This is an important part of the school’s provision and we encourage all children to join a club and also to tell us about activities they take part in out of school.

School CouncilTwice each year a school council is elected by the children for a six month term of office. This is an important means of including pupils in decision making and school development. Subject Leaders and Governors also meet with groups of pupils to discuss aspects of the curriculum and school life..

Extra curricular activities

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Visits and Charging PolicyThe school policy on charging is in line with that of West Sussex Local Authority. Parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution to cover the cost of educational visits, visiting speakers or workshops. If there are financial difficulties families are encouraged to contact the headteacher. Requests are dealt with in total confidence.

Complaints procedureParents are encouraged to discuss issues with the Headteacher as soon as possible.

We want to be able to resolve matters to everyone’s satisfaction. However, if a matter is not resolved, then the school has a formal complaints procedure, a copy of which is available from the school office. School Uniform

We are grateful that families strongly support our school uniform policy and proud that the children look so smart. Enclosed with this prospectus is a list of items, some of which are available in school, others are available in local stores.

Visits and Chargin g Policy

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Ofsted quotes

Ofsted quotes Feb 2015

Pupils’ positive attitudes to learning help them to make good progress.

Pupils take good care of one another.

Teachers give pupils detailed feedback, which enables them to know how to improve their work

Pupils quickly learn to read confidently and accurately and with evident enjoyment.

The school provides pupils with a safe, orderly and harmonious environment in which good teaching, as well as good behaviour, is the norm..

The headteacher has high expectations of pupils and of staff, and has united the staff behind her drive for improvement..

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North Mundham SchoolSchool Lane, North Mundham, Chichester,

West Sussex, PO20 1LATelephone: 01243 785502

Fax: 01243 530654Email: [email protected]

North Mundham Primary School