noun adverb

Adverb Noun Adjective Verb Preposition Pronoun

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Page 1: Noun Adverb







Page 2: Noun Adverb

Adjective or Adverb?

He’s a careful driver.

He drives carefully.

He’s a quick worker.

He works quickly.

Adjective + ‘ly’

Page 3: Noun Adverb

My son speaks _____ .

My son is very ____.


He is a ____ driver.

He drives _____. slowly

quiet quietly


slow slow slowly

My son speaks _____ .

My son is very ____.

Adverbs of manner usually come after the verb.

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An adjective tells you about a noun. a slow car.

An adverb tells you about a verb.

He drives slowly.

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Adverbs Adjectives

Adjective + ‘ly’

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If a word ends in ‘y’ change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’

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If an adjective ends in ‘l’ add ‘ly’.





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Oral practice – flashcards whole class activity - choose the

correct word

Oral practice – pairwork mingle activity

Write the adverb Gr. Pr. P57 Ex 38a [Check - slide 11]

Page 10: Noun Adverb

soft calm hard

quick easy sad

angry perfect careful

slow polite good

nice bad fast

quiet beautiful clear



















Page 11: Noun Adverb

1. This music is too loud. We can’t talk. 2. She played badly and she lost the game. 3. We waited patiently for the letter but it never

came. 4. Please don’t be angry with him. 5. She asks intelligent questions. 6. The children are playing together very nicely today.

7. She’s a very warm person and everyone likes her. 8. She surprised me when she opened the door

suddenly. 9. You speak English very well. 10. It’s dangerous to swim in the sea here.

Choose the correct word (adjective or adverb) Ex. 38d Gr Pr p. 58

Page 12: Noun Adverb

Rewrite the sentences using a verb and adverb. Gr.Pr. 38c

1. They’re slow workers.

2. He’s a dangerous driver.

3. She’s a careful writer.

4. I’m a loud singer.

5. She’s a fast swimmer.

6. He’s a bad actor.

7. Jill’s a beautiful painter.

8. You’re a terrible dancer.

9. They’re good teachers.

10. John’s a patient listener.

1. They work slowly.

2. He drives dangerously.

3. She writes carefully.

4. I sing loudly.

5. She swims fast.

6. He acts badly.

7. Jill paints beautifully.

8. You dance terribly.

9. They teach well.

10. John listens patiently.

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In the parts of speech adverb plays an important role. Let us see what is it’s role …………..

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Adverb:- Basically, most adverbs tell you how, where or when some thing is done. In other words, they describe the manner, place or time of an action.

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Commonly adverbs are formedfrom adjectives. Some are below.

Adjectives Adverbs

Kind Kindly

Happy Happily

Wonderful Wonderfully

Loud Loudly

Sad Sadly

Beautiful Beautifully

Sweet Sweetly

Page 17: Noun Adverb

Many adverbs end with ly. You make these adverbs by adding ly to adjectives.

Some words that end in ly are not adverbs. Some adjectives end in ly too. For Example:-

1.Sam was feeling very lonely.2.She was wearing a lovely dress.3.It was a very lively party


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Kinds of AdverbsManner





It describes in which manner an action is done.

It describes where an action is done.

It describes when an action is done.

It shows how many times an action is done.

It describes the purpose or reason for the action.

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Affirmation /Negation

It shows how much or in what degree or to what extent.Which says yes if it is yes and no if it is no

Kinds of Adverbs

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Examples :

The boys are playing upstairs.The dog is in the garden.We’re going to NewYork City on

our school trip.It’s very sunny but cold outside.

Adverbs of Place:Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “where?”.They are called adverbs of place.

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Adverb of places

1. I’ve lived here for about two years.

2. English and German are closelyrelated.

3. Is mark still in bed

4. His children go everywhere with him.

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The girls answered all the questions correctly.He was driving carelessly.The plane landed safely.Ramu plays guitar skillfully.

Adverbs of Manner:

Some adverbs and adverb phrases describe the way people do things.

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Adverb of manner

1. They watched Carefully.

2. The flower was beautifully made up

3. She seemed faintly.

4. The team played wonderfully.

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Adverbs of Frequency

Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “how often an action is done”They are called adverbs of frequency.

Examples :

The children always go to school on the bus.I’ll never make that mistake again .I clean my bedroom every day.Dad polishes his shoes twice a week.

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Examples :

The train has already left.We moved into our new house last week.Our favorite T.V. program starts at 6’o clock.I’m going to my new school tomorrow.

Adverbs of Time:

Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “when?”.They are called adverbs of time.

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Adverbs Of Time

We shall now begin to work.He called here a few minutes ago.I have spoken to him yesterday.He comes here daily.Mr. Guptha formerly lived here.

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Adverbs of quantity or degreeIt shows how much, or in what

degree or to what extent.He was too careless.The sea is very stormy.I am rather busy.I am fully prepared.These mangos are almost ripe.

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Adverbs of reasonThe adverb which tells about a

reason is called adverb of reason.He is hence unable to refute the charge.He therefore left school.

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Adverbs of affirmation and negation:Which says yes if it is yes and no if it is no

Examples: 1. I don’t know.2. Surely you are mistaken.3. He certainly went.

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Examples of Adverbs:-1.She sings sweetly.2.He speaks quite clearly.3.She shouts loudly.4. She smiled cheerfully.5.The traffic was moving slowly.6.She writes neatly.7.We waited patiently to see the doctor.

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Some examples of adverbs of different kinds:1. Tortoise walks slowly (Manner).2. We will have our Semester exams on April 1st

week(Time).3. The accident happened near the

Highway(Place).4. At least twice a week I used to go for

Temple(Frequency).5. We all go for a picnic just for

enjoyment(Purpose).6. The sea is very stormy(Degree /Quantity).7. Surely you are


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1. His face was dirty and he was dressed ----------------------.(manner)

2. Have you---------------- ---------------------- been in a plane? (frequency)

3. She was so ill that she missed school -------------------------. (duration)

4. I did some homework last night and finished it--------------------.(time)5. We went--------------------------------- to play. (place)6. Dad takes the dog for a walk ------------------------------. (frequency)7. Sally left her pencil case--------------------------------- . (place)8. Speak -----------------------------so everyone can hear you. (manner)9. It was a fine day and the children played in the garden ------.(duration)10. “Go and do your homework.” “I’ve------------------------done it.” (time)

(outside this morning ever on the bus clearlyall day in old clothes for a week already every day)

Try this exercise :in old clothes


for a week

this morning


on the busclearly

all day


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©Rafael Moreno Esteban

Adverbs of manner

The –ly ending

CALEOI El Puerto

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©Rafael Moreno Esteban

Adverbs of manner

• Adjective • bad• complete• normal• surprising

• Adverb of Manner• badly• completely• normally• surprisingly

• Adverbs of manner are the largest group of adverbs. Most adverbs of manner are closely related to corresponding adjectives.

• Although some words can be used as either adjectives or adverbs, in most cases, adverbs of manner are formed by adding ly to the corresponding adjectives.

• In most cases, ly is simply added to the positive form of the adjective. For example:

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©Rafael Moreno Esteban

Adjectives ending in ic

However, when the adjective ends in ic, the syllable al is

usually added before the ly ending. For example:

• Adjective• dramatic• scientific• specific• basic

• Adverb of Manner• dramatically• scientifically• specifically• basically

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©Rafael Moreno Esteban

Adjectives ending in le

When the adjective ends in le preceded by a consonant, the final e is usually changed to y, to form the lyending. For example:


Adverb of Mannerfavorablyhumblysimply

When the adjective ends in lepreceded by a vowel, in most cases, ly is simply added to the positive form of the adjective. For example:


Adverb of Manneragilelysolely

However, in the case of the adjective whole, the final e is removed before the ending ly is added: Adjectivewhole

Adverb of Mannerwholly

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©Rafael Moreno Esteban

Adjectives ending in ll

Adjectives ending in ueWhen the adjective ends in ue, the final e is usually omitted before the ending ly is added. For example:


Adverb of Mannerdulytruly

When the adjective ends in ll, only y is added. For example:

Adjective dullfullshrill

Adverb of Mannerdullyfullyshrilly

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©Rafael Moreno Esteban

Adjectives ending in yWhen the adjective ends in ypreceded by a consonant, the yis usually changed to i before the ending ly is added. For example:busyeasyhappy


However, in the case of the adjectives shy and sly, ly is simply added to the positive form of the adjective:shysly


When the adjective ends in ypreceded by a vowel, in most cases, ly is simply added to the positive form of the adjective. For example:coygrey


However, in the case of the adjective gay, y is changed to ibefore the ending ly is added:gay gaily

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©Rafael Moreno Esteban

Adverbs of frequency

• It should be noted that while most adverbs which end in ly are adverbs of manner, other types of adverb may also end in ly. For instance, consequently and subsequently are connecting adverbs. The following are adverbs of frequency which are formed by adding ly to the corresponding adjectives.

Adjective Adverb of Frequencyfrequentrareusual


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©Rafael Moreno Esteban

The following tables give examples of adverbs of manner, location, time and frequency which do not end in -ly.

Adjective Adverb of Manner


wellfasthardlittleloud or loudlymuchstraight

Adjective Adverb of Location



Adjective Adverb of Timeearlyfirstlatelong


Adjective Adverb of Frequency



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©Rafael Moreno Esteban

It should also be noted that there are several adjectives ending in ly which have no corresponding adverbs:• friendly• likely• lively• lonely• silly• ugly

• When it is desired to use one of these words to modify a verb, an adverb phrase of manner may be used.

• In the following examples, the adverb phrases are underlined.

• e.g. He behaved in a friendly manner.They acted in a silly way.

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©Rafael Moreno Esteban

Adverbs With and Without ly EndingsAdverb Meaninghardhighlatenearwide

with effortopposite of lowopposite of earlyopposite of faropposite of narrow

Adverb Meaninghardlyhighlylatelynearlywidely

scarcelyvery; very wellrecentlyalmostcommonly

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Adverbs (副詞)

--- to describe the verb (動詞)


adv.(short form)

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The most common types of adverbs:

1. Adverbs of Time ( 時間)

Tomorrow, now , today , soon …..

2. Adverbs of Place ( 地方)

here , there ……

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3. Adverbs of Manner (態度)

slowly , happily ……

4. Adverbs of Degree (程度)very, too , enough …..

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Formation of Adverbs:

1. Adjective + “ly”e.g.

adjectives bad bright brave

adverbs badly brightly bravely

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Formation of Adverbs:If the Adjective ends with “y”

e.g. adjectives busy easy happy

adverbs busily easily happily

“y” “i” + “ly”

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Formation of Adverbs:If the Adjective ends with “le”


adjectives gentle noble suitable

adverbs gently nobly suitably

“e” “y”

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Formation of Adverbs:Same form as Adjective


adjectives high fast hard

adverbs high fast hard

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Formation of Adverbs:Same form as Adjective (con’t)


adjectives early late deep

adverbs early late deep

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Formation of Adverbs:Same form as Adjective (con’t)


adjectives low right long near

adverbs low right long near

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Formation of Adverbs:

2. Noun + “ly”e.g.

Nouns day hour month year

Adverbs daily hourly monthly yearly

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Adverbs of Manner:

-- tells us how the action goes

-- adverb is usually placed

after the verb

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Adverbs of Manner:

1. How does the dog bark?The dog barks loudly.


2. How does the man walk?The man walks slowly.

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Practice1. They ran ____________

(quick) to the school.

2. They read ____________

(quiet) in the library.



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Practice3. May sings ____________

(beautiful).4. The sun shines _________

(bright) in the sky.



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Practice5. The boys eat their lunch

_________ (hungry).6. They play in the

playground _____. (happy)



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Practice7. The lion roars ________

(fierce).8. We have to work _______.




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9. Amy dances _______. (well)

10. The students work _____.




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Practice11. He gets up ______. (early)

12. Today is New Year Eve so

he will go to bed ________




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Questions, Questions, Questions …

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Part 1:

Questions with the



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Are you dancing in the air? Or are

you mocking me?

What is this? Is this a fly? Is it a bee?

Why are you bugging me?

What are this man’s questions?

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If there is a BE verb in the sentence, start the question with the form of BE :

Am I right?

Are you sure?

Is that true?verbs


Forming Yes/No Questions

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In the present progressive too, we form questions by starting the sentence with the form of BE:

Is this man sitting or standing?

Is he looking for his car?

Are his children playing with his clothes?

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Form three yes/no questions with the BE verbs below.

Is …Is … Are … the baby sleeping?

the little girl smiling at the baby?

they playing?

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Forming WH-Questions with BE


Are you reading?

What are you reading?

In a wh-question with BE, simply place the wh-question word first …

Yes, I am.

A new novel

.… followed by the BE verb …

… and the subject. Easy!

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Form three questions with BE using the question words below.

How …What …

Where …is this stuff in this box?

am I going to put it all together?

is my mail?

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1. What are these two men doing?

2. Are they driving a car?

3. Are they talking to each other?

1. They are riding their horses.

2. No, they are not driving a car.

3. No, they’re not talking to each other.

Now answer these


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1. What is this woman doing?

2. Is she laughing?

3. Is she wearing Native American regalia?

1. This woman is crying or praying.

2. No, she is not laughing.

3. Yes, she is wearing Native American regalia.

This time, form the questions

for the answers given below.

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Part 2:

Questions with

DO Does Did

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simple present

Forming yes/no questions

Do + I/ you/ we/ they + verb ?

Does + he/ she/ it + verb ?

Do you know a lot about California?Does Governor Davis still give many speeches?


Did + I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they + verb?simple past

Did this explanation help you?

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Form questions with do or

does that fit the answers


1. Yes, we do. 2. Yes, we do. 3. No, he doesn’t.

1. Do you see what I see?

2. Do you want to catch him?

3. Does he know we’re watching?

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Forming WH-Questions with Do, Does, or Did


Do you read every day?

What do you read every day?

Word order: wh-question word

do, does, or did, the subject,

the verb/base form, and the rest of the sentence.

Yes, I do.

A new novel




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WH question

worddo doesdid


Verb in base


the apple rule

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The apple rule:

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Exception:who or

what as subjects

Rrrrrgghhh worked in the garden yesterday.



worked in the garden


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Form wh-questions with DO, DOES, or DID.

When …

What …

What …

does class begin?

do I do now?

did you say?

Who …worked on the computer?

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Part 3:

Comparing Wh- Questions

in Simple Present and

Present Progressive

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Here are the rules:

1. Start the question with the question word: what, when, how…2. In the simple present, add do or does.

3. In the present progressive, add a form of be.




4. Add the subject.

5. For the simple present, add the verb in the base form.6. For the present progressive, add the verb + ing. Voila!






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Consider the same thing in a chart:

question word

do/ does ora form of be

subjectverb base formor verb + ing









a helpingword

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IMPORTANT!Be careful with

who and what.

When who and what ask about the subject**, don’t use do or does!

Who works really hard? Anton works really hard.

What is not working? My car is not working.


** subject= the person

or thingwho does the action

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However, when who or what ask about the object**,

use do or does in the simple present -- but never in the

present progressive!!!

Who(m) is he smiling at?He is smiling at a girl.

What do you see?I see four leaves.

subjects: he, you, I



**object= the person or thing affected by the action of the verb

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You are giving advice to someone who wants to lose weight.

What can you say?You should…/ you shouldn’t…

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You should go on a diet

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I know your problem:

You don’t eat healthy food!

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Listen to me!

I’m the best doctor in town!

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Hamburgers are too fatty.

Chips are too greasy.

Sodas are too sweet.

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Now, you’re my students!


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Hamburgers are too fatty.


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Chips are too greasy.


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Sodas are toosweet.


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You will be good doctors

Now, listen again!

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You should take exercise

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You should take exercise

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You should eat fruit

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You should eat fruit

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You should drink water

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You should drink water

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You should eatmore vegetables

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Now, you’re my students!


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take exercise

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You should take exercise

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You should eat fruit

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You should drink water

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You should eatmore vegetables

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You will be good doctors

Now, listen again!

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You shouldn’t eat too many cakes

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You shouldn’t eat too manycakes

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You shouldn’t drink sodas

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You shouldn’t drink too many sodas

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You shouldn’t drink too many sodas

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You shouldn’t eat too many chips

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You shouldn’t eat too manyhamburgers

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You shouldn’t drink too much alcohol

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You shouldn’t eat too much chocolate

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You shouldn’t eat too much bread

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Now, you’re my students!


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You shouldn’t eat too manycakes

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You shouldn’t drink too many sodas

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You shouldn’t eat too many chips

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You shouldn’t eat too manyhamburgers

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You shouldn’t drink too much alcohol

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You shouldn’t eat too much chocolate

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You shouldn’t eat too much bread

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You will be good doctors

Now, try again!

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You should eatmore tomatoes

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You shouldn’t drink too much coke

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You shouldn’t eat too much ketchup

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You shouldn’t eat too many hotdogs

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You should play basketball

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You should ride a bike

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You should swim

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But not too muchif it makes you grumpy

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Are you a good doctor?

Let’s see…

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Well done!

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Your patient has lost weight!

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Now, You should



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For strong advice, should is used to say what is the right thing or a good thing to do.

You should go to bed earlier. I’m always tired!

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Use shouldn’t to say that it’s not a good thing to do or it’s not the right thing.

You shouldn’t play with lighters.

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1. When you play tennis, you ___________ the ball.2. You look tired. You ________ to bed.3. You __________ your teeth after every meal.4. The museum is very interesting. You _________ it.5. When you are driving, you _________ a seat-belt.6. It’s a good book. You _________ it.

should watchshould go

should brushshould visit

should wearshould read


Use should + a verb to complete the sentences.

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You don’t look tired, but you have a test tomorrow!

You _____________ now!

1 point

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I’m so tired. I think I ______ so much!

3 points

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I f you want to save money, you ____________ !

5 points

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You __________ to grow up and be strong!

1 point

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Hey, be careful!You __________ like that!

3 points

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If you want to be safe, you _________ all your doors!

4 points

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I have really bad grades. My teacher said

I _________ hard!

3 points

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I feel depressed!

I think you _______.

5 points

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I am really sleepy! My mom said I ______ earlier!

1 point

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I really need to lose some weight!

I think I ________ fatty food!

3 points

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OMG! You __________ more often!

3 points

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I had a terrible fight with my best friend!

I think I _________.

2 points

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Teens 4 – unit 6 lesson 4Giving Advice

(should / shouldn’t)

By Lilian Marchesoni

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For strong advice, should is used to say what is the right thing or a good thing to do.

You should go to bed earlier. I’m always tired!

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Use shouldn’t to say that it’s not a good thing to do or it’s not the right thing.

You shouldn’t play with lighters.

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1. When you play tennis, you ___________ the ball.2. You look tired. You ________ to bed.3. You __________ your teeth after every meal.4. The museum is very interesting. You _________ it.5. When you are driving, you _________ a seat-belt.6. It’s a good book. You _________ it.

should watchshould go

should brushshould visit

should wearshould read


Use should + a verb to complete the sentences.

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You don’t look tired, but you have a test tomorrow!

You _____________ now!

1 point

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I’m so tired. I think I ______ so much!

3 points

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I f you want to save money, you ____________ !

5 points

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You __________ to grow up and be strong!

1 point

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Hey, be careful!You __________ like that!

3 points

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If you want to be safe, you _________ all your doors!

4 points

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I have really bad grades. My teacher said

I _________ hard!

3 points

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I feel depressed!

I think you _______.

5 points

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I am really sleepy! My mom said I ______ earlier!

1 point

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I really need to lose some weight!

I think I ________ fatty food!

3 points

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OMG! You __________ more often!

3 points

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I had a terrible fight with my best friend!

I think I _________.

2 points

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Cheers! We _______.

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My back hurts. I think, I _____

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I want to pass the exam. I ________

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Teens 4 – unit 6 lesson 4Giving Advice

(should / shouldn’t)

By Lilian Marchesoni

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Page 205: Noun Adverb

Wh Questions:

Questionwords ask about


a thingEx. What is your

favourite pastime?Which is your bag?

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Questionwords ask about

Where a place Ex. Where do you

come from?

Wh Questions:

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Questionwords ask about

Who a personEx. Who is your favourite singer ?

Wh Questions:

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Questionwords ask about

When the time Ex. When do you get up everyday?

Wh Questions:

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Questionwords ask about

How the way you do sthEx. How do you

go to school?

Wh Questions:

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Questionwords ask about

Why the reasonEx. Why are you

late for school ?

Wh Questions:

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*Notes:-“what” many possible answersEx. What’s your favourite

colour ?

- “which” only a few possible answers

Ex. Which do you prefer, black or white ?

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