noxubeecounty,mississippi …...nursery,greenhouse,floriculture,sod 422 3...

Data not available at this geographic level for farms with American Indian or Alaska Native Producers. a This race alone or in combination with other races. Noxubee County, Mississippi Farms with American Indian or Alaska Native Producers a

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  • Data not available at this geographic level for farms with American Indian or Alaska Native Producers.a This race alone or in combination with other races.

    Noxubee County, MississippiFarms with American Indian or AlaskaNative Producersa

  • Data not available at this geographic level for farms with Asian Producers.a This race alone or in combination with other races.

    Noxubee County, MississippiFarms with Asian Producersa

  • Total and Per Farm Overview, 2017

    Farms withBlack/African American



    Number of farms 150 517

    Land in farms (acres) 14,236 203,118

    Average size of farm (acres) 95 393

    Total ($) ($)

    Market value of products sold 940,000 124,723,000

    Government payments 398,000 4,890,000

    Farm-related income 143,000 3,999,000

    Total farm production expenses 1,912,000 92,578,000

    Net cash farm income -431,000 41,034,000

    Per farm average ($) ($)

    Market value of products sold 6,265 241,244

    Government payments

    (average per farm receiving) 6,115 15,824

    Farm-related income 6,238 19,602

    Total farm production expenses 12,744 179,067

    Net cash farm income -2,873 79,369

    Share of Sales by Type (%)

    Crops 23

    Livestock, poultry, and products 77

    Land in Farms by Use (%) b

    Cropland 25

    Pastureland 43

    Woodland 25

    Other 8

    Land Use Practices (% of farms)

    No till 3

    Reduced till 5

    Intensive till 2

    Cover crop 4

    Farms by Value of Sales Farms by Size

    Number Percent b Number Percent b

    Less than $2,500 50 33 1 to 9 acres 6 4

    $2,500 to $4,999 48 32 10 to 49 acres 54 36

    $5,000 to $9,999 22 15 50 to 179 acres 68 45

    $10,000 to $24,999 24 16 180 to 499 acres 18 12

    $25,000 to $49,999 5 3 500 to 999 acres 4 3

    $50,000 to $99,999 1 1 1,000 + acres - -

    $100,000 or more - -

    Total 150 100 Total 150 100

    Noxubee County, MississippiFarms with Black or African AmericanProducersa

  • Page 2 - Farms with

    Black/African American Producers

    Noxubee County

    Mississippi, 2017

    Market Value of Agricultural Products SoldSales($1,000)

    No. ofFarms

    Total 940 150

    Crops 214 38

    Grains, oilseeds, dry beans, dry peas (D) 2

    Tobacco - -

    Cotton and cottonseed - -

    Vegetables, melons, potatoes, sweet potatoes 27 5

    Fruits, tree nuts, berries - -

    Nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, sod - -

    Cultivated Christmas trees, short rotationwoody crops (D) 2

    Other crops and hay 173 31

    Livestock, poultry, and products 726 114

    Poultry and eggs (D) 2

    Cattle and calves 718 114

    Milk from cows - -

    Hogs and pigs 2 6

    Sheep, goats, wool, mohair, milk (D) 2

    Horses, ponies, mules, burros, donkeys (D) 2

    Aquaculture - -

    Other animals and animal products (D) 1

    Top Crops in Acres d

    Forage (hay/haylage), all 2,349Short-rotation woody crops 65Soybeans for beans (D)Vegetables harvested, all 36Peas, southern (cowpeas) 12

    Livestock Inventory (Dec 31, 2017)

    Broilers and othermeat-type chickens -

    Cattle and calves 3,107Goats 80Hogs and pigs 21Horses and ponies 150Layers 120Pullets -Sheep and lambs 48Turkeys -

    Percent of farms that:

    Have internetaccess 41

    Farmorganically -

    Sell directly toconsumers 2

    Hirefarm labor 23

    Are familyfarms 100

    Total Producers c 230

    SexMale 146Female 84


  • Data not available at this geographic level for farms with Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Producers.a This race alone or in combination with other races.

    Noxubee County, MississippiFarms with Native Hawaiian or OtherPacific Islander Producersa

  • Total and Per Farm Overview, 2017

    Farms withWhite



    Number of farms 369 517

    Land in farms (acres) 189,882 203,118

    Average size of farm (acres) 515 393

    Total ($) ($)

    Market value of products sold 123,817,000 124,723,000

    Government payments 4,594,000 4,890,000

    Farm-related income 3,855,000 3,999,000

    Total farm production expenses 90,713,000 92,578,000

    Net cash farm income 41,553,000 41,034,000

    Per farm average ($) ($)

    Market value of products sold 335,548 241,244

    Government payments

    (average per farm receiving) 18,676 15,824

    Farm-related income 21,300 19,602

    Total farm production expenses 245,836 179,067

    Net cash farm income 112,611 79,369

    Share of Sales by Type (%)

    Crops 39

    Livestock, poultry, and products 61

    Land in Farms by Use (%) b

    Cropland 50

    Pastureland 16

    Woodland 27

    Other 8

    Land Use Practices (% of farms)

    No till 6

    Reduced till 16

    Intensive till 15

    Cover crop 11

    Farms by Value of Sales Farms by Size

    Number Percent b Number Percent b

    Less than $2,500 104 28 1 to 9 acres 5 1

    $2,500 to $4,999 18 5 10 to 49 acres 36 10

    $5,000 to $9,999 20 5 50 to 179 acres 102 28

    $10,000 to $24,999 24 7 180 to 499 acres 106 29

    $25,000 to $49,999 36 10 500 to 999 acres 76 21

    $50,000 to $99,999 17 5 1,000 + acres 44 12

    $100,000 or more 150 41

    Total 369 100 Total 369 100

    Noxubee County, MississippiFarms with White Producersa

  • Page 2 - Farms withWhite ProducersNoxubee CountyMississippi, 2017

    Market Value of Agricultural Products SoldSales($1,000)

    No. ofFarms

    Total 123,817 369

    Crops 48,669 148

    Grains, oilseeds, dry beans, dry peas (D) 93

    Tobacco - -

    Cotton and cottonseed 19,744 64

    Vegetables, melons, potatoes, sweet potatoes 31 5

    Fruits, tree nuts, berries (D) 1

    Nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, sod 422 3

    Cultivated Christmas trees, short rotationwoody crops - -

    Other crops and hay 372 40

    Livestock, poultry, and products 75,148 202

    Poultry and eggs (D) 20

    Cattle and calves 7,965 100

    Milk from cows (D) 2

    Hogs and pigs 3,340 4

    Sheep, goats, wool, mohair, milk (D) 7

    Horses, ponies, mules, burros, donkeys (D) 9

    Aquaculture 33,414 92

    Other animals and animal products (D) 1

    Top Crops in Acres d

    Corn for grain 27,946Cotton, all 23,095Soybeans for beans (D)Forage (hay/haylage), all 8,687Short-rotation woody crops (D)

    Livestock Inventory (Dec 31, 2017)

    Broilers and othermeat-type chickens 1,206,800

    Cattle and calves 13,359Goats 47Hogs and pigs 24,200Horses and ponies 177Layers 210,270Pullets -Sheep and lambs 723Turkeys -

    Percent of farms that:

    Have internetaccess 72

    Farmorganically -

    Sell directly toconsumers 3

    Hirefarm labor 38

    Are familyfarms 97

    Total Producers c 564

    SexMale 401Female 163


  • Data not available at this geographic level for farms with Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Producers.

    Noxubee County, MississippiFarms with Hispanic, Latino, or SpanishProducers

  • Total and Per Farm Overview, 2017

    Farms withFemale



    Number of farms 212 517

    Land in farms (acres) 79,774 203,118

    Average size of farm (acres) 376 393

    Total ($) ($)

    Market value of products sold 45,182,000 124,723,000

    Government payments 2,217,000 4,890,000

    Farm-related income 1,171,000 3,999,000

    Total farm production expenses 34,352,000 92,578,000

    Net cash farm income 14,218,000 41,034,000

    Per farm average ($) ($)

    Market value of products sold 213,122 241,244

    Government payments

    (average per farm receiving) 16,062 15,824

    Farm-related income 18,303 19,602

    Total farm production expenses 162,037 179,067

    Net cash farm income 67,065 79,369

    Share of Sales by Type (%)

    Crops 42

    Livestock, poultry, and products 58

    Land in Farms by Use (%) b

    Cropland 47

    Pastureland 23

    Woodland 23

    Other 6

    Land Use Practices (% of farms)

    No till 6

    Reduced till 13

    Intensive till 6

    Cover crop 12

    Farms by Value of Sales Farms by Size

    Number Percent b Number Percent b

    Less than $2,500 75 35 1 to 9 acres 5 2

    $2,500 to $4,999 42 20 10 to 49 acres 42 20

    $5,000 to $9,999 11 5 50 to 179 acres 77 36

    $10,000 to $24,999 12 6 180 to 499 acres 44 21

    $25,000 to $49,999 17 8 500 to 999 acres 25 12

    $50,000 to $99,999 2 1 1,000 + acres 19 9

    $100,000 or more 53 25

    Total 212 100 Total 212 100

    Noxubee County, MississippiFarms with Female Producers

  • Page 2 - Farms withFemale ProducersNoxubee CountyMississippi, 2017

    Market Value of Agricultural Products SoldSales($1,000)

    No. ofFarms

    Total 45,182 212

    Crops 18,878 63

    Grains, oilseeds, dry beans, dry peas 9,356 27

    Tobacco - -

    Cotton and cottonseed 8,936 23

    Vegetables, melons, potatoes, sweet potatoes 32 5

    Fruits, tree nuts, berries - -

    Nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, sod 422 3

    Cultivated Christmas trees, short rotationwoody crops - -

    Other crops and hay 133 24

    Livestock, poultry, and products 26,304 120

    Poultry and eggs 9,501 9

    Cattle and calves 5,886 93

    Milk from cows (D) 2

    Hogs and pigs (D) 7

    Sheep, goats, wool, mohair, milk (D) 3

    Horses, ponies, mules, burros, donkeys 46 6

    Aquaculture 9,848 25

    Other animals and animal products (D) 1

    Top Crops in Acres d

    Cotton, all 9,996Corn for grain 9,473Soybeans for beans 7,234Forage (hay/haylage), all 4,654Corn for silage 114

    Livestock Inventory (Dec 31, 2017)

    Broilers and othermeat-type chickens 468,000

    Cattle and calves 9,441Goats 62Hogs and pigs (D)Horses and ponies 171Layers 58,263Pullets -Sheep and lambs 95Turkeys -

    Percent of farms that:

    Have internetaccess 51

    Farmorganically -

    Sell directly toconsumers 4

    Hirefarm labor 29

    Are familyfarms 99

    Total Producers c 247
