ntse paper 2 sat himachal pradesh

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  • 8/3/2019 NTSE Paper 2 SAT Himachal Pradesh


    Time allowed: 90 minutesInstructions for candidates

    Max. Marks: 90

    Centre CodeII I! ID 1 2 I

    Roll Number


    (Common Test For Class - VIII)October- 2011

    Scholastic Aptitude Test

    L Answers are to be written on separate Answer Sheet.'3ffi: ~ ~ fRl{ 3lWT i3TR-lfi ~- I

    2. There are 90 questions in this test. All are compulsory.~ v-R qfim 1) ' 90 -.;r['l ~ I w1t ~ ~- I

    3. Answer to each question is to be indicated by blackening the serial number of the correctalternative with H.B. pencil. If (3) is the correct alternative then answer the questions asshown below.~cp ~V'l < P I ' \ft'R' ~ -q ~ ~ \ffi ~~ ~ ~ f < r 4 ~ ~T TTx r t f T fitq;-w -; $ < ! > T J ' i < P f j- ~ ~ ~/

  • 8/3/2019 NTSE Paper 2 SAT Himachal Pradesh



    Q.1 A substance which conducts heat 1f.1 %~ \ I l l ~ o n T 3 f f i W I T it ~cHf f ;11easily is called: c n t :~ Good conductor 1 ) ' t : l IWl i(2) Insulator 2) ? t I : q I(1ctl(3) Semconductor 3) 31tf~(4) None of above 4) ~~

    Q.2 Which colour is the best radiator V.2 ~mW~q;r 3lfmfi~qmrrof heat: ~:1 > 1 Black 1) < : f i ' T " R f(2) Green 2 ) ~(3) Red 3 ) ~(4) Yellow 4) 1fu;rr

    0.3 36km/hour is same as: V.3 36 f u ; " .m . fiIUCT"ctlT 31ti % " :(1) 36ms-1 1) 36~~(2) 3.6ms-1 2 ) 3.6~~(3) 10ms-1 3 ) 10~~(4{ O_36ms-1 4 ) 0.36 -.::itcr~

    Q.4 Electric bulb converts electricalenergy into:(1) Sound energy(2) ...Jl&echanicalenergy~ Light energy(4) Heat energy

    VA ~~t~~cnT~t:1) eq.ff~2) q

  • 8/3/2019 NTSE Paper 2 SAT Himachal Pradesh


    0.6 Range of human hearing is: lJ.6 "Q AC f ~ W r i T ~ qfr ~ (fiT -qm :r~ :(1) Less than 20Hz 1 ) 20Hz * Cfi11(2) More than 20 KHz 2 ) 20 KHz"it~j.3{ Between 20Hz-20KHz 3 ) 20Hz-20KHz c t ~ if(4) None of above 4)~m~

    0.7 Sound can travel through: lJ.7 ~ ~ it .w.nffl"1;:(1 ) Only air and gases 1 ) ~CWjc:nW-q(2) Only solids 2 ) ~mmi t(3) Only liquids 3) ~~ii-f4) Solids, liquids and gases. 4 ) o1m / ~ (Mfffi - qf . 1q f c t f { l l ' 1 it ~ C f > T - i m ~ C ii T ~.8 Which of the following is not the "J.8

    ~etofsun: ~t:Sirius 1 ) t i l R j f i. (2) Mercury 2) 9:~(3) Saturn 3) ~(4) Earth. 4 ) ' 9 : v i t

    Q.9 When glass rod and silk cloth are lJ.9 ~ ~ c n l " U9$IW m if;~-f)rubbed together then glass rod: ~%m~:(1) And silk both become 1 ) ~. "~~ . . tl"'lIC i'1 1 . 'I Cfl{positively charged B"a'tl(2) Become positively charged 2 ) ~ " I I 6 1 & 1 1 : ' 1 m ' if fi fr ~ om

  • 8/3/2019 NTSE Paper 2 SAT Himachal Pradesh


    Q.11 Rai bo s colours appear when 11.11 R~ ~ ~ ~ C f I T f u i l " u IT ~ ChITUTsun ra sa e: t;~~rit~:(1) Re ec ed 1) q{lqfJd~%(2) Refrac ed 3iqClfJd m - m ~3 ) Absorbed 2 )r Scatter'ed 3 ) 3iC { ' : ? i l ftl d iffif t

    4) f cHmi) %Q.12 Ugh is a form of: "!l.12 W li1 W ~ 1lCfiTr rit % " :t11 Energy 1) ~~ 2 J Electricity 2) ~(3) Shado' 3) - m m( 4 ) one 0 these 4) ~~~~Q.13 Burning of eaves is a :1) Physical change

    ,.)} Chemcal change3) Oxida 'on4, Reducfon

    Q.14 Rusting of ron is a :J..Y Chemcal change"2} Physical change3) Revers"ble change4} Adiabatic process

    Q.15 The C Iernlcal name of baking sodais:1) Na2 COl~ NaO3) Na aco,4) Na.OH

    Q.16 Formula of sulphurous acid is :1) H2S042) H2502- . J 1 ' H2 S034) H2S207

    "!l.13 t r n T CilT~mmftnmt:1) ~fu: im2) H:iI"~.1 C fi ~3) ~TCf'fj1g:(l"' l4) Ilscwl"'l

    V.14 fflif~

  • 8/3/2019 NTSE Paper 2 SAT Himachal Pradesh


    0.17 Petroleum is called:1) Red Gold2) White Gold3) Blue Gold. .M Black Gold

    0.18 Burning of diesel produces:A) CO2 & S022) CO2 & CI23) CO2 & H204) CO2 & H z

    0.19 Chemcal formula of nitric oxide is:1) NO213)4)

    Q.20 CNG is a better fuel because itproduces:1) High amount of oxides of

    sulphur & nitrogen2) Low amount of oxides of

    sulphur and nitrogen3) No gases like CO2 or S024) Large amount of vapours of

    water and CO2

    0.21 Burning of petrol produces:1 ? Oxides of nitrogen/2) Sulphates of Iron3) Nitrates of Nickel4) Sulphates

    1].17 f I . { l f < " l li l O l c n T CRT I ~ t?1) M " f 'Rn2) ~ m . n -3) -;fu;rr m . n -4)~~

    11 . 18 ~m- r i t~ f . r~mih1GR01% " :1) COz & S022) CO2 & Cil3) CO2 & Hp4) CO2 & Hz

    11.19 1t$f?Ch 3llCfflI$s C f i T H=tlllPICfi~cp;rr% " ?1) NO2) N203) HN024) HN03

    11.20 m . ~ . \ i l T . ~ 3fCm ~U1" % " ~~"ft :1) ~ 3 t I T 1 1 $ ? 1 ' i l 1 it allCfflI$s

    ~ ' l l f 3 I T if f1ChMiit I2 ) ~ 3 t I T 1 1 $ ? I ' J f " 1 it 3i~IR l . . - r r r d 1; " " ' $

    " C f 1 1 1 tmrr if r - f C h Mdt3) CfiI41glt31ICR=t!$s a :f h " ~ -~31TCf4I$g i h T ~ RCfiMctll4) -qr;ft 3 : f t t ChI4..,sl$31Tcrul{s it

    " C l " l" " & f a l f ~ lfrnT if f . l < : f ; & f d tI1 1 .21 ~ it~ itCRTI RCfiMctl t?

    1) 1 1 $ ? 1 Z i 1 1 ifi 3{Tc:t+tI~g2) mit~3) ffiw;r it~4) ~


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    Q.22 LPG is:1) Low percentage of gas2) Low purity of a gas3) Liquid petrol gasA) Liquified petroleum gas

    Q.23 Bitumen is used for:1) Making red carpet2)_/'Making glass_z} Making roads & paints4) Making paper & carpets

    Q.24 Vector of Ma.larialParasite is:~ Female Anopheles Mosquito

    2) Cockroach3) House fly4) Butter Fly

    0.25 Casual organism ofAIDS is:1) Bacteria).)- Virus .

    /3) Protozoan4) Parasitic Worm

    0.26 Nitrogen fixation in legumnousplants takes place by:1) Fungus

    ~ Rhizobium bacteria3) Algae4) Lactobacillus bacteria

    11 .22 ~ . - .: IT . ~ . q:mt?1) fro < E t q:;-q mm2) froq;if~~3) (fffi~ f n : r4) (fffi ~?:l f(1?; jq f n : r

    !1.23 iiHCflI (1 m C f i l c ; r O'T'{ 'cnT~:1) BT R ~ ~ ifd(;jir W i l l t2) W M T ~ ifi fRit i r n r % " I3) ~3ffi~~~fRitm

    ~I4) ~3fR~~-& l f t ;m:

    11.24 ' 1 ! } l f h ' l I Q { ' l 1 I W C fiT ~ t:1) l : r f G J l ! > ' 1 T c W i h 'f ~2) C f)TC fi~ "I'i:{3) ~ l 1 c R S f t4) ftRrc;ft

    11.26 lfiMld\I( t f r W i f '11$?1::: I11~~w u itnrt:1) ~2) , (1$; ->I l fqqt : l~3) ~4) flC R.l< 5\ffk l("l ~


  • 8/3/2019 NTSE Paper 2 SAT Himachal Pradesh


    Q27. Largest organ/gland in humanbody among these is:~ Liver2) Heart3) Lungs4) Kidneys

    Q28. Animal not found in polar regionis:1) Polar bear2) Penguin3) Seal. . M Elephant

    Q29. What is not necessary for theprocess of photosynthesis:1) Carbon dioxideJ( Nitrogen3) Water4) Sunlight

    Q30. The plant that traps insects:1) Salvia2)/ Pitcher PlantJ1 Cuscuta4) Rose

    Q31. Organisms who work together formutual benefit for food and habitat:1) SymbiotiC,2) ParasiticV- } saprophyte4) Autotrophic

    V.27 ~ it l:: fRCJ ~ f.fif ~ ~ 3 F T IW-at:1) ~2) ~3) ~4) ~

    V.28 q c f P : r a ) " j f if "1"QTm ~ enm ~ :1)~~2) ifflcR3) ~4) ~

    11.29 ~$~mmif~ B!tIf14U I Wimifi ~ ~ - = i f t:1 ) ~ ~3t ~ " " ' 1 C f f l . . - r n - = r I $ ~ : S2) 11$?1>il13) ~4) ' f l 7 l C f i T 1Ji:limc-;


  • 8/3/2019 NTSE Paper 2 SAT Himachal Pradesh


    Q.32 Reproductive part of a plant is:1) Root2) Stem3) Flower4) Leaf

    Q.33 Process of changing of a tadpoleinto an adult frog is:1) Fertilization2) Budding~ Metamorphosis4) Cloning

    Q.34 Vitahlin A deficiency in humans leadto:~ 3)


    Night blindnessBeri beriRicketsScurvy

    Q.35 Number of permanent teeth inhumans is:1) 282) 30

    " a f 324) 34

    V.32 ~ i f ~ ~ 3FT~ :1) ~2) (AT3) lfR4) 1:ffiT

    'g.33 'furn~mrr~s41M~~~if fq CflffHi m o t t:1) Plq:iSFI2) 'i'fM13) Cflllqid'(OI, f.') C R '1 1 '" 1 ~ 1

    V.34 fqclflOl1 ~ qft C f i l f t * ~ ~ UfWort :1) lft i t2) tft~3) w m f m4) ~

    'g.35 "lWfq it~ ~ C f f t ~ t:1) 282) 303) 324) 34


  • 8/3/2019 NTSE Paper 2 SAT Himachal Pradesh


    MATHE.MATICS0.36 Which of the following is least

    prime number:1) 12) 23) 34) 4

    0.37 [ (52 + 122 )l12 r is equal to:1) 1692) 29713) 21974) 1792

    a.38 If (x-I)? + (y-2Y + (Z-3)2 + (t-4Y =0.Then the value of x,y,z,t is:1) 102) 243) 254) 23

    10.39 If x ~~ = 5, Find the value ofx) 1x- +._, :x-

    1) 272) 253) 234) 21

    0,40 One number exceeds another by5. Their sum is 29. Then thenumbers are:1) 5,102) 12,173) 17,224) 6,11


    lJ.36 f . ! q fM f @ { 1 ii~~~ ~ti&ut1) 12) 23) 34) 4

    lJ.37 [ ( 52 +122)li2y ~t:1 ) 1692) 29713) 21974) 1792

    lJ.38 ~ ( X _ 1 ) 2 + (y-2)2 + (z-3)l + (t-4)2 =0t"ir x,y,z,t ~ % " :1) 102) 243) 254) 23

    1lJ.39 - . : r f u : x - - = 5 ~ mx~:1) 272) 253) 234) 21

    lJAO ~ ~ ~ ~ " f r 5 3 1 f u c n ta tf fT - 'f C f i T ~ 29 tit~i@l~ % :1) 5,102) 12,173) 17,224) 6,11

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    Q.41 If75% of students in a school are tf.41 P c c);~"'.'~CI?J(M4iboys and the number of girls is ~ 3 t h : "420 M~rcfil!i'[ IrCl?J!M4Qt~'.?ll'420.Then the number of boys are: c6 t~ t1) 1680 1) 16802) 420 2 ) 4203) 1260 3) 12604) 1180 4 ) 1180

    Q.42 The area of rectangular garden is ~ all

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    0.45 Find the value of x and y if lines f !and m are parallel and n & paretransversed such that n is notparallel to p:

    n p

    1) x= 1150, Y= 13002) x= .130, Y = 1153) x= 80 , y = 1004 ) x= S O D , Y = 650

    0.46 In group of goats and hens, thenumber of legs is 24 more thantwice the no. of heads, then thenumber of goats in the group is:1) 182 ,) 163) 144) 12

    0.47 In the given fig. PQRS is a cyclicquadrilateral. Find the each angle:1) x = 50, Sy = 1502) x = iSo, Sy = 503) x = 1S00, 5y = 4So4) x = 4So, Sy = 1500


    YAS x, yCfiTllR~cnt, ~ 'hm if " q mf l t H ' i J O t H ~ q n, p~ twit ~~ In , p fl41'iHH " 1 ' t T % :

    1 ) x= 11So, Y = 1302) x=130, y = 11So3) x= 80 I Y = 10004) x= 500, y = 6So

    V.46 ~ q C f l R ~ j '~ 1 f f iP i i i f i ~ i f iR f C f i T~ f t : R f aft ~ ifi wR it 243 l f u c n m o rW if q e t i R q ' f c t T ~ ~ :1) 182) 163) 144) 12

    YA7 f u : i t T i t fu?r 1l PORS ~ ~n:r~ ~ ~ o r ~ ~ C i ilu r CfiT lfR~:1) x = 500, 5y = 1S0 02) x = 150, Sy = 5003) x = 1S0, 5y = 454) x = 45, 5y = 150

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    Q.48 The mean of marks scored by 100students was found to be40. Lateron it was discovered that a scoreof 53 was msread as 83. Find thecorrei., mean:1) 392) 39.53) 39.74) 39.9

    Q.49 A shopkeeper increase the priceof an article first by 25%and thenby 20%. What is the total percentincrease?1) 50%2) 40%3) 30%4) 60%

    0.50 A sumofmoney double itself in 10,-years at simple interest. In howmany years would it triple itself?1) 30years2) 15years3) 40years4) 20years

    Q.51. In how many years will Rs.7500double at 10%simple interest?1) 4 years2) 6 years3) 8 years4) 10years


    -g".4S ~ 100 ~ '$~ CfiT"tJv:mR40 ar I ~ if ~ lWIT f e n 1 W f f f i it 53crft~ 83 ~Tfm, ~~ll~trrr: "1) 392) 39.53) 39.74) 39.9

    -g".49 ~ 1 }fil"1 ;a:I{ ~ ~ C f f t ~ ~2S % q~ii 20 % ~tlCffilinmq- i f ~~mm:1) 50%2) 40%3) 30%4) 60%

    -g".50 ~-nfum~HOI ~~ 10qtfif~it ~ % " Icrit ufu~ crrl - if f u T f t6T~ :1) 30 C I " t i2) lScrrl3) 40 qt: f4) 20 qtf

    -g".51 ~ ~ if 10% mmrur ~ lR"7500~~m~?1) 4 C f I ' i2) 6qQ-3) s C f I t4) 10qq

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    0.S2. The mean of five numbers is 18. Ifone number is excluded, th-eirmeans is 16.The excluded numberis:1) 202) 223) 244) 26

    10.S3. If x--=3 then the value ofx2 4(4x +-)) is:x-

    1) 222) 443) 664) 11

    0 .S4 . The factors of X3_SX2_X+Sare:1) (x-5) (x+1) (x+2)2) (x-5) (x-i) (x+1)3) (x+S) (x-i) (x-2)4) (x+5) (x+1) (x-2)

    5 210 . 5 5 . If 2 " x + 3 :=2 then the value of 'x 'is:1) 12) 23) 34} 4


    'g.S2. ~ ~3if c n r ltT[lf 18t~~~ c n T H e n IH f a ! ; r r ~ ~ l1TUJ 16~~t I" tC f i I c -1 1 ~ ~t:1) 202) 223) 244) 26

    ~t:1) 222) 443) 664) 11

    11.54.x3-5x2- x+S i i h 1'1&s t:1) (x-5) (x+1) (x+2)2) (x -S ) (x-i) (x+1)3) ( x+5 ) (x-i) (x-2)4) (x+5) (x+1) (x-2)

    5 211].55. ~ - x+3=- o r 'x' C f i T l lT9" t:2 21) 12) 23) 34) 4

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    SOCIAL SCIENCEQ. 56. Fossils are found with which of

    the following group of Rocks?1. Igneous Rocks2. Sedimentary Rocks3. Metamorphic Rocks4. Granite Rocks

    Q.57. Where is situated the world'shighest Angel waterfall?1. Peru2. Venezuela3. Chilee4. Mexico

    Q. 58. Which type ofWeathering ismostactive in desert region?1. Physical Weathering2. Chemcal Weathering'3. Biological Weathering4. Oxidation Weathering

    Q. 59. Stacks, Cliffs, Loops, Caves andarchs landforms are associatedwith which of the followingagents of denudation:1. Underground water2. River3. Winds4. SeaWaves

    Q. 60. The concentration of ozone gasis found in which of theatmospheric layer?1. .Troposphere2. Mesosphere3 'Exosphere4. Stratosphere

    V .S 6. \ 1 ' 1 1 c IHI l" lP i "'1 f C " ! f !Jhl if fun"- ftt-;; ~q:ff ihm1; ~ t?1)~~2) 3 "l C lf ll d l ~3 ) C fil11idRd ~4)~~

    V. 57. fCwq C f i T 00' 1lw \iWf ~ ~%T~t?1) ihci2) ~ ~ '"1Q jU3) fu

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    O. 61. Which of the following is not apermanent wind?1. Westerlies2. Trade winds3. Easterlies4. Monsoon Winds

    Q. 62. Theempire ofChola dynasty wasfound in which part of thecountry?1. Eastern part2. Central part3. Northern part4. Southern part

    0.-63. Which of the following Ruler ofthe Delhi Sultanatwas known forhis policy of 'Blood and Iron':1. IItumsh2. Raziya3. Balban4. Outub DinAibak

    Q. 64. Palghat, Bhorghat and Thalghatgaps are found in which of thefollowing Ranges:1. HimalayanRanges2. Satpura Ranges3. Western Ghat Ranges4. Eastern Ghat Ranges

    Q. 65. Which Sikh Guru had foundedthe holy city ofAmritsar?1. Guru Angad Dev2. Guru RamDass3. Guru Hari Rai4. Guru Arjun Dev

    ' ! 1 . 61. F~C1rM~(1 if 'it ~ tit ~ ~- m ~ ?1) q f i i i 5 1 4 1 ~2) dliqIR ct l l : I ' C f . f3) ~~4) ~w :R

    " Q " . 63. ~ ~ CfiT c n " f ; r m ~ '~~ ~ ' C f f t - : f t f u ~ ~ \ifRT ~% ?1) $~f4~12) ~3)~4) i jl tt~ ~ "1 ~

    -g . 65. ~ mT~ ctr ~ f c h 1 : rf uc re r ~ I D T I c6t.g m ?1) ~~~2) ~ {14i;lA""3)~~4) ~3Nlq~

    S.A. T .---14

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    Q. 66. In which year the foundation ofKhalsa Panth took place:1. 15992. 16993. 1i.o94. 1499

    Q.67. Chauth and Sardesh MukhiRevenue Tax are associated withwhom:1. Mughals2. Maratha's3. Britishers4. Sikhs

    Q.68. According to 2011 population. census, what is the provisionalPopulation figure of India?1. 1211Million2. 1201 Million3. 1210Million4. 1209 Million

    Q.69. How many States and UnionTerritories are in India?1. 25 States and 7 Union Territories2. 26 States and 7 Union Territories3. 28 States and 7 Union Territories4. 28 States and 6 Union Territories

    Q. 70. The Parliament of India consists of:1. lok Sabha only2. Rajya Sabha only3. President only4. All of the above

    11. 66. @('1fll W C f i t ~ ~ ' B ' trt if~m:1) 15992) 16993) 17994) 1499

    11. 67. W ? J ~ ~ ~ ~ f4i1 ' B '~ -m r itl1) 1 f W I T2) m r a T3) mtif4) fucfcif

    11. 68. 2011 e @ " \i11JIOI"'l1if; ~ '4Tf qft~ \i11fi@1 fcnwft ' t?1) 1211 fqft'1111 2) 1201 fqft '1lH3) 1210 P'Ift '111'14) 1209 fqfC141

    11.69. 'l.ffi('f i:i~~~~wft:RT~t ?1) 25 TGRl1J?i 7 ~~~2) 26~am-7~~~3) 28~~7~~~4) 28~~6~~~

    11.70. mm C f it ~ ifiWTiR if ~ itirt:1) i f l c w r ' f i t C F i trm2) i f l cwT~~3) ~ {1~qRt4) '3iIR qfUfu ~m


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    Q. 71. Free Trade is associated with:1. Free movement of goods

    from one country to another2. Movements of goods is Tariff

    free.3. Tariff free trade4. Uncontrolled movement of

    goods and services.

    Q. 72. Which state of India has highestpercentage of poors?1. Chhattisgarh2. Orissa3. Uttar Pradesh4. Bihar

    Q. 73. Who was the first Indian GovernorGeneral of India?1. B.R. Ambedkar2. C. Raja Gopalachari3. Dr. Rajender Prasad4. Dr. S. Radha Krishanan

    Q.74. When did the constitution of Indiacome into force?1. 26th January, 19492. 26th January, 19503. 26th January, 19514. 26 November, 1949

    Q. 75. Who was the Propounder of theIndian Constitution?1. N.Gopalaswamy2. Mohammad Sadulla3. Jawahar Lal Nehru4. B.R. Ambedkar

    11. 71. ~ 0!:I 'TtfT"{ C f i T "BWoU t:1) ~~ir~~cntllffiChT~ +i~(+12) lffi'f C f i T f1? ' iRfI fiC I < 1 ' "l'"3) f1~Jfffi- a : r rm r4) lffi'T T J : C i ~3if qrr 31 f . p ; j R l Ii


    11. 72. mf ifi~ rr~:f l l T f f r . i f q;r t;IRw m~3lf~t?1 ) gi1l fIllif2 ) ~3 ) ~~4) ftaw

    ' 1 J . 73. mm C f i T ~ ~ ~ ~~m?1) m 3m 34kts&l{2) m - m r r ~j)qIMI~ln3) -:sT.~~4) m. ~ 'U~I,&JI""I

    11.74. mf ct ~ ~ c n T ~"M'f l l fuimlTm?1) 26 \ l A ' C f f i , 19492) 26~, 19503) 26~719S14) 26~71949

    11. 75. ~ ~ C f i T f .n : ff i: rr ~ m?1) 1 : f f lnqlHlfatJ112) 41PltG: BISfMI3) ~C1T 'R~4) m.3ffi:3:p~gq;{

    S .A . T .- -- 16

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    Q. 76. Who is the first Women Presidentof India?1. Sarojini Naidu2. Sucheta Kripalani3. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil4. Indira Gandhi

    Q.77. What is the Literacy Rate of Indiaas per 2011 census?1. 73.7%2. 74.04%3. 74.00%4. 74.80%

    Q. 78. Which planet of the Solar Systemis known as unique and watery.1. The Venus2. The Mercury3. The Earth4. The Jupiter

    Q.79. Prairies, Downs and Pampas are:1. Tropical Grasslands2. Subtemperate Grasslands3. Temperate Grasslands4. Alpine Grasslands

    Q.80. Our National Flag-Tiranga wasapproved by the ConstituentAssembly on:1. zz August, 19472. n n d July, 19463. zz July, 19474. 22nd June, 1947

    V. 76. ml

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    Q. 81. The Chief Spokesperson of theUnion Government of India is the:1. Vice President2. Chief Justice3. Prime Minister4. Speaker of Lok Sabha

    Q. 82. The Governors of the states areappointed by the:1. Chief Justice2. Vice President3. President4. Prime Minister

    Q.83. Which is the biggest TribalCommunity of India:1. Bheel2. Gonds3." Gaddis4. Gujjars

    Q.84. Which is the biggest snake of theworld:1. King Cobra2. Anaconda3. Python4. Grass Snake

    Q. 85. Which is the cheapest modes ofTransportation:1. Roads2. Railways3. Waterways4. Airways

    -g . 81. ~ ~ mcflIT C f iT ~ C F . f f i T~t:1) 3QUl1Qfo2)~~3) 11~114';'4) ~ ~ 31ezT8 .i

    "g. 82. ~ifi U\P:OlqlMTCFit Plqf&fl CFit~t:1) ~ ~ m m - m u2) 3QUeQfo IDU3) (1'4Q r n '[m4) l1W14\i) 1nU

    V. 83. ~ q;r ~ ~ 3 u f G 6 1 I f 1 1 . ~~mt:1) ~2) 7 f r . G3) ~4) ~

    V. 84. ~ C f i T ~ ~ W t l~ m t :1) f c F i 7 T ~2) -Q;rr~3) ~2R4) lJm" W t l

    11.85. 3lf.t-~ C f iT ~ lffi'IT m U " l " ~mt:1) ~2) m3) 'ilH411i4) 611 l O l i I i


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    Q. 86. India is a Mixed Economy, itmeansthe presence of :1. Private Sector only2. Public Sector only3. Private and Public Sector4. None of the above

    Q. 87. Which River of India is known asGanga of the South?1. Krishna2. Godawari3. Cauvery4. Mahanandi

    Q.88. Howmany languages are adoptedin Indian Constitution at present:1. 222. 193. 204. 18

    Q.89. Which of the following was notassociated with the Revolt of1857:1 Kunwar Singh2 Rani Luxm Bai3 Maullavi Ahmadulla4 Assafakulla

    Q. 90. Geo-thermal Energy is associatedwith which of the following:1. Hotwater Springs2. Underground water3. Warm ocean currents4. Sun

    ~. 86. ~~fQf~3l~~~CfiT3l~ ~ ~3U f u : i ~ :1) ~~tt~2) fHCflln~tr~3) ~ f.r;ift ~ fI'tCflln ~4) ~#~m- ,m

    ~. 87. mf qft ~ lit - ; : r c f t C f i T ~ a : r u r C f f t"f]in ~ -,mit ~ ~ t?1) ~2) l n e : I C I : f l3)~4) qg l "1< l

    ~. 88. ~~it~~if~mm3i f c n t a : I T W f O f c f i " m 11m t?1) 222) 193) 204) 18

    ~. 89. f4'"4f~P3Bit it ~ 1857 in ~it~~1tft:1)m2) ~B~~3)~~~4) 3WTl: fi f ~

    ~ . 90 . ~ ~\i i f f . :1V1ffl r~( ' f it f c n f r in~~t:1) ~1:fRfit i~2)~~3) l ll :f ~ m u t t4) ~

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