numerical modeling in arterial hemodynamics incorporating

RESEARCH Open Access Numerical modeling in arterial hemodynamics incorporating fluid- structure interaction and microcirculation Fan He 1* , Lu Hua 2* and Tingting Guo 2 Abstract Background: The effects of arterial wall compliance on blood flow have been revealed using fluid-structure interaction in last decades. However, microcirculation is not considered in previous researches. In fact, microcirculation plays a key role in regulating blood flow. Therefore, it is very necessary to involve microcirculation in arterial hemodynamics. Objective: The main purpose of the present study is to investigate how wall compliance affects the flow characteristics and to establish the comparisons of these flow variables with rigid wall when microcirculation is considered. Methods: We present numerical modeling in arterial hemodynamics incorporating fluid-structure interaction and microcirculation. A novel outlet boundary condition is employed to prescribe microcirculation in an idealised model. Results: The novel finding in this work is that wall compliance under the consideration of microcirculation leads to the increase of wall shear stress in contrast to rigid wall, contrary to the traditional result that wall compliance makes wall shear stress decrease when a constant or time dependent pressure is specified at an outlet. Conclusions: This work provides the valuable study of hemodynamics under physiological and realistic boundary conditions and proves that wall compliance may have a positive impact on wall shear stress based on this model. This methodology in this paper could be used in real model simulations. Keywords: Fluid-structure interaction, Microcirculation, Hemodynamics, Outlet boundary condition, Numerical modeling © The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. * Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] 1 Department of Mechanics, School of Science, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China 2 Thrombosis Center, National Clinical Research Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, State Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Disease, Fuwai Hospital, National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100037, China He et al. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling (2021) 18:6

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Page 1: Numerical modeling in arterial hemodynamics incorporating

RESEARCH Open Access

Numerical modeling in arterialhemodynamics incorporating fluid-structure interaction and microcirculationFan He1*, Lu Hua2* and Tingting Guo2


Background: The effects of arterial wall compliance on blood flow have been revealed using fluid-structureinteraction in last decades. However, microcirculation is not considered in previous researches. In fact,microcirculation plays a key role in regulating blood flow. Therefore, it is very necessary to involve microcirculationin arterial hemodynamics.

Objective: The main purpose of the present study is to investigate how wall compliance affects the flowcharacteristics and to establish the comparisons of these flow variables with rigid wall when microcirculation isconsidered.

Methods: We present numerical modeling in arterial hemodynamics incorporating fluid-structure interaction andmicrocirculation. A novel outlet boundary condition is employed to prescribe microcirculation in an idealisedmodel.

Results: The novel finding in this work is that wall compliance under the consideration of microcirculation leads tothe increase of wall shear stress in contrast to rigid wall, contrary to the traditional result that wall compliancemakes wall shear stress decrease when a constant or time dependent pressure is specified at an outlet.

Conclusions: This work provides the valuable study of hemodynamics under physiological and realistic boundaryconditions and proves that wall compliance may have a positive impact on wall shear stress based on this model.This methodology in this paper could be used in real model simulations.

Keywords: Fluid-structure interaction, Microcirculation, Hemodynamics, Outlet boundary condition, Numericalmodeling

© The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you giveappropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate ifchanges were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commonslicence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commonslicence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtainpermission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to thedata made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.

* Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] of Mechanics, School of Science, Beijing University of CivilEngineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China2Thrombosis Center, National Clinical Research Center for CardiovascularDiseases, State Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Disease, Fuwai Hospital,National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Chinese Academy of MedicalSciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100037, China

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IntroductionAs an important portion of circulatory system, microcir-culation plays a key role and it should not be ignored. Itserves to regulate blood flow and tissue perfusionthereby affecting blood pressure and responses to in-flammation. Microcirculation presents the greatest re-sistance to blood flow so that the pressure wavepropagation is impeded and then the reflection is pro-duced. Thus, the fluctuation range of blood pressuresgradually largens and that of flow velocity lessens fromthe aorta to peripheral arteries. Therefore, the pressureproximal to microcirculation is higher and the velocity islower than those distal to microcirculation. Thesemicrovessels in microcirculation complete the change ofpulsatile to steady flow by repelling the pulsations thatenter from the larger arteries. It has been indicated thatthe cardiovascular disease risk depends on the presenceand the severity of microcirculation dysfunction [1, 2].As an important prognostic factor, microcirculationfunction plays a role in regulating blood flow to distalorgans [3]. Without question, a single outlet boundarycondition is not appropriate. However, a specific pres-sure or velocity profile at an outlet is often given by atraditional approach in hemodynamic simulations.Therefore, the traditional approach could not well reflectthe resistance provided by microcirculation. Fortunately,we could deal with microcirculation using a porousmodel, which can capture the essential seepage featuresin microcirculation. It has been proved that a porousmodel could be used to exactly simulate the flow inmicrocirculation [4–6]. Microcirculatory effects could beaddressed as outlet boundary conditions inhemodynamic simulations by a porous model, which isthe likely best approach. Therefore, the function of thedistal microcirculation may be represented by a seepagecondition at an outlet, which can be found in our previ-ous study incorporating microcirculation [7].In addition, as well known, the arterial wall is compli-

ant. The mechanical loading is contributed and a bloodvessel is progressively expanded by arterial compliance[8]. Consequently, we consider arterial compliance andperform the fluid-structure interaction between bloodand arterial wall. It is available for incorporating such ef-fects that fluid-structure interaction is applied to the car-diovascular system [9]. Due to the importance of arterialcompliance on flow patterns, it is significant that fluid-structure interaction in hemodynamic simulations hasbeen pursued [10–12]. Researchers have focused on therole of arterial compliance using fluid-structure inter-action and deduced that wall shear stresses are de-creased by compliant wall in comparison with rigid wall[13–15]. As noted, simple boundary conditions havebeen employed in most previous hemodynamics model-ing, such as the specification of a constant or time

dependent pressure, and no perivascular support. How-ever, physiological and realistic boundary conditions arenecessary for clinical interest.Microcirculation adjusts flow resistance, which is rele-

vant for hemodynamic simulations. The deformation ofcompliant wall affects flow patterns. Given the import-ance of microcirculation and wall compliance on thecharacter of the blood flow, it is remarkable that mostresearch in vascular biomechanics has been pursued sep-arately. The combination of arterial wall compliance andmicrocirculation effects on blood flow are still absent.Arterial diseases can benefit from a numerical ap-

proach combined with fluid-structure interaction andmicrocirculation to determine flow alterations. In thiswork, numerical modeling in arterial hemodynamics ispresented incorporating fluid-structure interaction andmicrocirculation. This manuscript aims to investigate onthe effects of arterial compliance on the flow characteris-tics and to compare these flow variables with rigid wallwhen microcirculation is considered.

The model and methodologyNumerical modeling in arterial hemodynamics incorpor-ating fluid-structure interaction and microcirculation isperformed through constructing a standard frameworkin Fig. 1. The geometry is plotted to elaborate the appli-cation of a seepage condition at an outlet. In Fig. 1, Drepresents the diameter and equals 20 mm. The compu-tational domains contain artery and microcirculationzones. The locations of interest sections are denoted byS1, S2, S3 and S4. Due to the arterial compliance, fluid-structure interaction is considered and the wall thicknessis set to 2 mm in artery zone. However, in microcircula-tion zone, the rigid wall is assumed because of the tinydeformation of the vessel in microcirculation.The Navier-Stokes equations with arbitrary

Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation are used as the govern-ing equations in the frame of artery zone [16].


þ u − umð Þ � ∇ð Þu� �

¼ − ∇pþ ∇ � T ð1Þ

∇•u ¼ 0 ð2ÞWhere u is the fluid velocity vector, um is the mesh

velocity, p is the fluid pressure, ρ is the fluid density andset to 1050 kg/m3.

T ¼ 2η γ̇ÞDð ð3Þ

D ¼ 12

∇uþ ∇uT� � ð4Þ

Where η and γ̇ are the blood viscosity and the shearrate respectively. η is dependent of γ̇ for a non-Newtonian fluid.

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Since blood demonstrates non-Newtonian behavior,we employ the Carreau-Yasuda model in this work [17].

η − η∞η0 − η∞

¼ 1þ λγ̇Það � n − 1ð Þ=ahð5Þ

Where η∞ = 2.2 × 10−3 Pa·s, η0 = 22 × 10−3 Pa·s, λ =0.110 s, a = 0.644, n = 0.392 [18].In this simulation, a porous model is adopted to deal

with microcirculation. The permeability can be com-puted by the following empirical equation.

k ¼ d2ϕ3

180 1 − ϕð Þ2 ð6Þ

Where ϕ represents the porosity and is set to 0.5 [19].d denotes microvessel’s diameter in the microcirculationand equals 8 μm [20].To simplify the simulation, we make hypotheses that

the arterial wall is an isotropic, incompressible andlinear-elastic material. Thus, the governing equations areas follows [21].


∂t2¼ ∂σ ij

∂x jþ Fi ð7Þ

εij ¼ 1þ νE

σ ij −νEσkkδij ð8Þ

Where σij, εij, di and Fi are the components of thestress tensor, strain tensor, displacements and the bodyforce acting on the solid.In this simulation, we set the density of arterial wall ρw

=1120 kg/m3, Young’s modulus E = 5 MPa [22] and Pois-son ratio ν =0.499 [23].The governing equations in the frame of microcircula-

tion zone are as follows.

ρ∂ ϕuð Þ∂t

þ u � ∇ ϕuð Þ� �

¼ − ∇ ϕpð Þ þ ∇

� ϕTð Þ − ϕ2ηk

u ð9Þ

∇• ϕuð Þ ¼ 0 ð10ÞFigure 2 plots the velocity waveform, which is imposed

at the inlet and the period is 0.8 s [22]. Subsequently, wespecify the seepage microcirculation condition at theoutlet. The conservative interface flux is required whenblood runs from artery to microcirculation zones.Boundary conditions at the artery-microcirculationinterface are given to guarantee the continuity of massand pressure and the conservation of mass and momen-tum across the interface. We solve the governing equa-tions plus associated boundary conditions for the fluid-structure interaction numerical modeling.Both vessel ends are constrained to be entirely fixed.

On the fluid-structure interface, there are the assump-tions that the motions of fluid and wall are identical andthere is no slipping [24].

u; v;wð ÞjΩ ¼ ∂χ∂t


Where Ω denotes the wall, χ = (r, θ, z) are the radial,circumferential and axial position components of the de-formed wall.Two sets of commercial codes are employed to

solve the fluid-structure interaction. We use ANSYSto deal with the structural problem, while the transi-ent behavior of the fluid domain is solved by CFX. Ahigh-resolution advection scheme is used to spatiallydiscretize the equations. The second-order backwarddifference is adopted. The equations can be solved bythe arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian algorithm, which se-quentially computes fluid, structural and remeshingproblems using a staggered approach. Fluid forces,solid displacements and velocities are transferred and

Fig. 1 The application of a seepage condition at an outlet

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exchanged across the fluid-structure interface throughthe coupling of the two sets of codes. Each time stepis set to 4 × 10− 3 s. The variable residuals are lessthan 10− 4 and govern the number of iterations. Meshdependency test is conducted to assure the meshquality and simulation accuracy. We calculate the re-sults until they become independent from the mesh.The numerical and accurate results are obtained usingthe proper mesh (104,400 four-node fluid elementsand 13,500 eight-node solid elements). Solutions are

carried out for three cardiac cycles to attain the peri-odic steady state. The third cycle is extracted andused for the proceeding analysis.

ResultsMaximum pressure distributionsThe blood pressure distributions at four characteristicsections (S1, S2, S3, S4 in Fig. 1) in a cardiac cycleare depicted in Figs. 3 and 4. The comparison of thepressures at sections S1 and S2 in Fig. 3 indicates

Fig. 3 The maximum pressure distributions in artery zone

Fig. 2 The velocity at the inlet

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that the peak pressure increases and the bottom pres-sure decreases when the distance away from the inletis increased. Thus, it is shown that the pressure amp-litude progressively rises in artery zone. However atsections S3 and S4 of microcirculation zone, the pres-sure distributions are shown in Fig. 4. The pressuresdecrease gradually along microcirculation zone in Fig.4. Clearly, it may be considered that the pressureamplitude almost maintains constant in microcircula-tion zone.

Maximum velocity distributionsThe maximum velocity distributions in artery zoneare plotted in Fig. 5. The inlet velocity profile deter-mines the distributions of the time dependent vel-ocity. In artery zone, the velocity at section S2 islower than that at section S1. Away from the inlet,the increasing distance induces the velocity changes.The farther away the distance, the lower the velocity.Figure 6 shows the maximum velocity distributions inmicrocirculation zone, which resemble those in artery

Fig. 4 The maximum pressure distributions in microcirculation zone

Fig. 5 The maximum velocity distributions in artery zone

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zone. The peak of velocity at section S1 attains toabout 0.75 m/s while that at section S2 is nearly 0.45m/s. However, the velocity in microcirculation zone isquite lower. As well known, the blood velocity inmicrocirculation is extremely low due to the micronscale of the microvessel’s diameter. It is seen fromFig. 6 that the velocity amplitude is also very tiny.Thus, it is often considered that there is the steadyvelocity in microcirculation.

Maximum wall shear stress distributionsThe maximum wall shear stress distributions areshown in Figs. 7 and 8. The wall shear stress distribu-tions remain unchanged and the trends of their vari-ation stay the same as those of the velocity in Figs. 5and 6. Far from the inlet, the wall shear stress grad-ually decreases. The peak of wall shear stress at sec-tion S1 attains to 2.1 Pa while that at section S2 isnearly 1.0 Pa. Similarly, the wall shear stress is also

Fig. 6 The maximum velocity distributions in microcirculation zone

Fig. 7 The maximum wall shear stress distributions in artery zone

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deemed a constant value because the wall shear stressamplitude is tiny in Fig. 8.We perform a sensitivity analysis to evaluate the effect

of wall compliance on wall shear stress by changingYoung’s modulus. The peaks of wall shear stresses atsections S1 and S2 with Young’s moduli of 4MPa, 2.5MPa and 1MPa are respectively 2.2 Pa, 2.4 Pa and 2.7 Paat section S1 while 1.05 Pa, 1.2 Pa and 1.4 Pa at sectionS2.

DiscussionThese simulated results are validated by comparing theestimated flow distributions in artery zone with Pedley’swork, which agree well with each other [22]. The resultssuggest that there are differences between compliant andrigid walls. The detailed results of rigid wall can befound in our previous work when a seepage condition atan outlet is considered [7]. First, the pressure amplitudeunder compliant wall varies more greatly than thatunder rigid wall. Second, the maximum pressure undercompliant wall is 2200 Pa or so in Fig. 3, however thatunder rigid wall is only approximatively 1200 Pa in Fig. 9.Third, the peaks of velocity and wall shear stress undercompliant wall are higher than those under rigid wall,which can be seen according to the comparisons of Figs.5, 7, 10 and 11.The most novel finding of this work is that the com-

bination of compliant wall and seepage condition mark-edly enhances wall shear stress in comparison with thecombination of rigid wall and seepage condition.Namely, in seepage-outlet-based hemodynamics model-ing, wall shear stress can be increased by wall

compliance. This result is quite different from those re-sults obtained by a traditional approach that a constantor time dependent pressure is specified using fluid-structure interaction. The results based on the trad-itional approach indicate that wall shear stress can bedecreased by wall compliance, which can be found inmany researches [25–27]. However, it has becomewidely accepted that low wall shear stress contributes toatherogenesis [28, 29]. A low level of wall shear stressconnects with aneurysm rupture. As an important andunderlying factor, it may degenerate endothelial cellsand make the aneurismal wall fragility [30, 31]. Hence, itseems that wall compliance does not have a positive im-pact on wall shear stress according to the traditional ap-proach. Therefore, there will be contradiction if thetraditional approach is employed in hemodynamicsmodeling. Fortunately, it is found that the contradictioncan be solved if seepage-outlet-based hemodynamicsmodeling is used. This work shows that wall complianceactually makes wall shear stress increase, provided thatmicrocirculation is prescribed at an outlet as a seepagecondition. High wall shear stress can effectively avoidatherogenesis. Furthermore, it also explains that micro-circulation plays an important role in regulating wallshear stress. The contribution of this finding indicatesthat wall compliance is advantageous to maintain health.As well known, the function of tissues is related to theresult of the life optimization. It means that biologicaltissues adapt themselves to changes in the mechanicalenvironment.Although arteries exhibit viscoelastic characteristics,

the assumption of linear-elasticity is made for

Fig. 8 The maximum wall shear stress distributions in microcirculation zone

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computational convenience and it is sufficient in mostphysiologic and pathophysiologic cases [24]. The mostwell used arterial wall constitutive equation is based onlinear elastic, incompressible and isotropic assumptions,which are widely recognized as an appropriate methodfor wall mechanics in the physiological range of intra-arterial pressures [32]. In fact, these assumptions do notchange the displacement profiles of vascular wall. How-ever, the maximum displacement using the viscoelastic

model is smaller than the one with the linear elasticmodel with finite strain. Thus, the maximum wall shearstress is smaller for the viscoelastic model than for thelinear elastic models [33]. It should be suggested thatthe mechanics of nonlinear and anisotropic wall is con-siderably required for improving the model precision.Therefore, it should be pointed out that this is a meth-odological paper using an idealised geometry. We willintend to apply this to patient-specific vascular

Fig. 9 The maximum pressure distributions in artery zone under rigid wall [7]

Fig. 10 The maximum velocity distributions in artery zone under rigid wall [7]

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geometries and thus provide some comparison withphysiological curves for further validating the accuration.

ConclusionsThis investigation provides the valuable study ofhemodynamics under physiological and realisticboundary conditions. The effects of wall complianceon flow patterns in hemodynamics modeling based ona seepage outlet boundary condition are detailedlydiscussed. Under the seepage outlet condition, wallcompliance leads to the increase of wall shear stressin contrast to rigid wall, which is the novelty of thiswork, contrary to the traditional result that wall com-pliance makes wall shear stress decrease when a con-stant or time dependent pressure is specified at anoutlet. At this point, this work proves that wall com-pliance positively affects wall shear stress. Certainly, itshould be noted that these results are obtained basedon an idealised model. The results of real model sim-ulations should be further verified. This methodologyin this paper could be used in future work.

AcknowledgmentsNot applicable.

Authors’ contributionsFan He made crucial initial contributions to the manuscript, especially formedical modelling. Lu Hua and Tingting Guo collected the remainingliterature for related approaches and data. All authors contributedsubstantially to the manuscript as well as critically read and corrected thefinal version. The authors read and approved the final manuscript.

FundingThis study is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(81401492), the Science and Technology Project of Beijing MunicipalCommission of Education (KM201510016012). It is also supported by theNational Clinical Research Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, Fuwai Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (Grant No. NCRC2020007) and CAMSInnovation Fund for Medical Sciences (2017-I2M-3-003).

Availability of data and materialsThe data used to support the findings of this study are included within thearticle.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Received: 21 July 2020 Accepted: 11 January 2021

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