nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. ·...

I ' ;'if1^1 '■ "S’” -' f. rj-'■■ i T i * / ' 1" ' ! ^ ' JZ"'' ‘.t - ,■» ‘ ■ ' . ■■ ’ ■ -> ■'■ ',■ .' ■.■^‘■■^.' h'?». '■ > •: .^ ■-■ ' ■-1 i<V jUanrlf^Btf r ^vm tag UnraUi ■f nUDAY, SEF^HBER Z, IM^ ^ ..L. ______________ ' i--y .. "} ^l|^«ilitToW ll adtlM w^ch ,mma >niffT**fT Chib( wUl I wtc ta aiM tliv'il't o'plock thii «v«- Biaf. All ntunu must 1>« in by te^lAt.. Hi ordtr to mnko, tb« moot of tho dayllaht, tba Sunday avonbv mmOtig of tba Salvation Anny at - tha Safpola in CanUr Park will coaunanca at S:M aharp, and will ba tha fln»> paitc aarvica thia aaa- MR. The Army is nioat grateful to the Park Department for lU anp> port of theae aervlcea. X daughter waa bom Aug. 11 to Dr. and Mn. lAIand F. Spalding. Dr. Spe«<W"r whovwaa graduated from Manchefter High School la a *naldent in orthopedic surgery at the Vnhreralty of Mich. Hoepital. Ann Arbor. Mrs. Spalding was the . former Mas Theresa Gallagher of Canterbury. -o Ur. and Ifra. J. Herbert Fin- lay of Phelps Rd. are in Rodman, N. T., for the weekend and Labor Day. ■. Uembera of the Manchester Fire Department who wish to partici- pate in the parade at Haaardvitle tomorrow afternoon, should ^ e e t at the Sre house at Main and. HilUard Sts. at 8:90. The marriage ceremony of Miss I^orraind Hays of Burlington. Vf., and Edward H. IPinard of 280 E. Middle Tpke. Will be aolemniaed ^morrow afternoon at 9 p^m. in L I ^ 's Episcopal Church, Bur- lington. ____ The Dorcas Group of the South Methodist W8CS will meet Wed- nesday, Sept. 7!’ at 9:30 a.mwat the church for .Work bn braided ruga Richard C. Kumiiia, 21. Provi- dence, R. I., was arrested yester- day by Patrolman John Turner and charged with speeding. He was released after posting a 932 bond for court appearance Sept. 9. ReV. Eric Rickard At Center Church Have you heard? NewDesign MODESS 1I m < The Rev. Brie M. Rickard Jr., an assistant minister at the Old South Church, Boston, Mass..'will be the guest preacher at Center Church thia Sunday at 9:15. He is a gradu- ate, of the Pacific School of Re- ligion and also studied at Stanford University in California and New College in Edinbunh, Scotland. His work at South Church is prin- cipally working with students and ^oung people. The- Rev. Mr. Rick- ard has chosen for >his topic, "Crederitlals for The Kingdom.” . This will be the last Sunday of the summer schedule. On next Sun- day, Sept. 11, Center Church will resume its full schediile of services at 7:90, 8, 9:1b and 11 a.m. This will be Oommuhion Sunday, At 7:90 a.m. there will be Cbmmunion and Prayers of Intercession. Commun- ion will be served at all services. At 8 a.m. there is a shorter wor- ship'Service without music and at 9'48 and 11 a.m, there Is a full service with music. The Rev. R. RuaaeU Peery, new aksoclate min- ister of GaiUer Church, will preach at 9. 9:1S and 11 o'clock. The Church School wilt reopen Sept, 11 also with two complete aeaalona. Nursery through Junior High at 9:15 and 11 o’clock. Small Sums Taken. In Breaks Here Chief Herman O. Schendel said this monting housM on Walker 8 t and Oak S t were entered Wednes- day and yesterday and smidl sums of money taken while the home owners were near by outside. Early in August ,a house on E. Center St. was ransacked, he add- ed, and said it seems a pattern is being followed. He said police are not sure whether an errant salesman or a passerby is responsible. He issued a warning to householders not to leave money lying around aijd to keep front doors locked when in the back yard'. Court C^ses THE STVOENrS FRIEND E S n m P O K PENS $2.S0Up DIWIY-RICHMAN Tit MAIN ST. WE OiUWT ALL T 2 LBAOINOBRANDS J WE DEUVER % Arlhvr Dnis Sttru j AUTOGLASS TURNITURE TOPS J. A. WHITE GLASS CO. WE WILL CLOSE 8ATDRDAT NOON DDROrO MONTHS OP iOLY asd AVOUST 131 M SSIUST. , - Ml-t-7322| Three Rockville broth^, ar- rested Aug. 21 following bn ac- cident on E. Center St,, by Patrol- man Allan Smith, appearedXin Town Court thia morning. \ Arthur H. Strait, 27, 12 Maple St., waa fined $18 for breach of the peace and $9 for intoxication; William. 25, of 72 Village St., driver of the car, waa fined $15 for speeding and granted a suspended judgment for failure to carry, his operator’s license; Samuel, 19, also of 72 Village St., had a charge of breach of the peace nolled. They were - rep - resented ' by Atty. Robert PN Kahan of Rockville. Prosecutor Philip Bayer said in court today .that all the brothers were sorry ifor the incident and had apologized to the arresting officer before appearing today. In Arthur’s case, he felt the trouble was he had had too much' to drink. Smith reported at the time of the Incident that when he began to question the driver, Willjam, Arthur interfered and had to be arrested by force. Hie accident oc- curred just before 1 a.m., on tha day in question. Bayer said his inV vestlgation showed Samuel ha' little to do with the incident an recommended the charge agalnkt him ba nolled. , A warrant was Issued today by court authorities for the arrest of Thcron C. Hann, 22, Hartford, who failed to make a court Mpearance scheduled for Monday. 'There was some question Monday whether Hann had been properly notified of the court date; this was the reason it was not issued then. . Robert E. tlarnes, 19, of PorUand Maine, was fined $15 for speeding and $3 for bperating a motor vehicle with a\defectlve muffler. He was .arrested Wednesday by State Patrolman Raymond Lilley on Rt. 1,5. \ Another muffler was that of William K. Kauffnian, 17, of 57 { Ellington Ave., Rockvble, fined $9 for operating a motor vehicle with a defective and/or an improper muffler. , Marilyn D. Hallenbeck, 26, of Baker Rd., Rockville, was granted a suspended Judgment on a Charge of violation of rules of the rqad in view of a good driving record.XShe was arrested Aug. 29 by Patrolman | Raymond Peck. \ Only one case was continued in what was one of the shortest ses\ sions since. the new court staffxj took office. It was that of Jerome R. .Nqreh, 32, Hartford, charged with speeding, set down for Sept. 112. ■ Plantland on thie Parkway V ' MANCHESTER, CONN. \ OPEN DAILY End SUNDAY • A.M .4 P.M. ' FALL PLANTING EVERGREENS ReCeht rains have miadn the anil Msal far plant- ing. NOW te the ttme to START your FALL PLANTINa SEASON. UimOHT YEW ......... Zv ..... 92.95 and up SPREADING Y E W .................^ ... 92.98 and up DyrARF SPREADING YEW .. . $2.95 and up CANADIAN HEMLOCK, 9r-2'4 FL 97.4Peaeh 8PRU<3e ......................................... 1^.96audup SPREADlNa JUNIPER .......... $Lf5 ami up GLOBE ARBORVITAE .................... .. $2.95 .each PraAM ip ,^BORV1TAE 92,70 andup MtOAD LEAF EVERGREENS * Hybrid Red Rbododepdrou ; 97.95 ea. Catauba Rhododendron (Orchid Pink), 98.9S< en. Maxima Rhododendron (Roaebay) . . 94'.95 ea. Plerie' Japoalca (Japanese Andromeda) ^ _. . 1 9M 9 and $5.45 en. Boxwood , $4,45eo. PALL PLANTING VALUES Theae ahouM be planted now: MADO^fNA L IL Y .............. 75c eoeb-rb for $2.9« POTTED PEONIES ........ 95c eneb-rS for 92.59 IRIS—Blue Rhythm, ComSewer Blue $1.90 en.—S for 92.75 IRIS—Gudrou White .... 91JW ea.—2 for 92.75 IRIS—China Maid, Soft Pink 91.00 ea.—S for 92.75 DUS—Sable, Deep Bine Black - 21.00 ea<—2 for 92.75 IRIS—Ola Kala, Deep Yellow 91.00 ea.-<-9 for 92.75 POPPY—Perry’s White, SatinWhite 91.00 ea.—2 for 92:75 POPPY—Crimson Pompom, Double Crimson ........ .. $1.00 ea.-«2 for $2.75 POPPY—Helen EUsnbeth. Large Pink POPPY—Henry Cnycaux Improved. j Deep Roue ....... $1.00 en.—3 for $2.75 LAWN CARE TIME IS HERE ’ cNid rw-s««d M tabRslM d lawns— bund im w lawns. Most axport* r and rn-snnd estoblisbed lawms— bul is thn bnst tim a for sM dlof lowns. * SOIL CONDiflG^RS PEAT MOSS—714011 . F t Bale Imported axporfs ogroa Gorman P e a t ........ ........... ,,. MICHIGAN PEAT—Baettvated PMt. 50 LA. .......... ............... . fertilizers _ _ / Sentta n r f Builder, 8d Wa. .. . Z.SSA5 -SCj Siu AS Organlo (Non-Bumkig) 50 lha. SSA5 A vW it^ 100% Orgaale, SO lha. SSAO Agrteo far Lanna—«-104, 50 lbs. S2A5 t—lS0% Organic, SO lha. ...................$2.75 ba. ............... a • SS.05 Roolal oqaipaieat laokas lowai worlc o« ofc. MGGESr selection OPALL GARDEN NB»S AT LAWN SEED— AH Pnm iaaM t Grossos Mle, S ^ S0.05 50% blucgtnaa. P la a tk ^ Mixture, for Sun or .Shade, S ^ e above'mixture eoutalna over Scotta L ain Seed, 71% Kentucky BluegrUis. 5 Ibe. ....... ........... Hi ......... 28-85 brotts Special Purpose, 5 lbs. . .|.......... ..... $8.85 U fa l^rme. Containing Meriea Btoeirnsa, 8 Ibe, ........... . ,. ...................... ... $TM Kentucky Slue| 7iua";. , . -^.i ...... 5 Ibe. 80J0 niahee Fescue (ImporMl-Oreeplug Fescue) 8lbe.S4A8 Ohewtagu Feeeue (For Shady Places) ft Ih*. SSAO ty Syraadtrs. RgEors, Laurw Swgapars. ■v/' ON THE — - — PARKWAY •HM ojR. t« 4:00 |O i. ' ' Pboot MltehoM t.2S0t jbOfy Mpls Mteoft to HogMi End. turn hit m Narth ■W oad uMriOma an stmlghS past OiBlilaaS Schaal to HanHaai /• Ai A fw ntt Dstly Not Pross Rua fbr tho Wo* BMod Aagoit 27. lifts V 11^466 - __ ^ ' er* ' Mamhor or wk AaOt Beraea or OUeuletlen laneka»ter-~'^CUy fN IViUagaCharm Parttr Mgh 7E ’VOL. LXXIV, Nd. 28$ (TWEk^VB PAGES) |MANCHES^TE^ CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 115$ on Pago IS) PRICE nVE CSM1I N' y MADE FOR EACRbTHER - ESPECIALpr FOR YOU! lu n ^J 0 rlon Sweaters by HELEN HARPER Short Sloovo Pullover ... ............ .. $4.98 Your Ever Faithful Cardigan .... $6.98 Sizes 34-40. Colors: Mulberry, Andes Copper, Spicy Olive and Colombia Blue. n » t tree^emb]roidered striped broadcloth sleeves! $98 / "rr Pius A Skirt By Sporteens! Sheath with tabbed coin pocketz. Rich tweeds or solid col- ors to m atch’ sweaters! Sizes 10-20. --------- ^ • .98 / . SPORTSWEAR—SECOND FLOOR Sportswear M akes A H it Sweaters Made of Orion or Nylon in a good aelection of colors, just made for that skirl of your choice. Slip-ons, sixes 7 to 14 $2.98 Cardigans, sizes 7<14 $4.98 Skirts. Made of Orion and Wool. Corduroy and Felts, pleated, circular or straight styles in colors that go in any girl’s wardrobe. . Sizes 7 to 14 $2.98 and $5.98 Pretoens sizes $5.98 and $7.98 GIRLS' DEPT— 2nd FLOOR Ship n Shores tree-planted brosddolh puts other blouses in the shadel^ewert soft-tailored success owns a little rounded collar, trim three-quarter sleeves, costly smoked pearl buttons. Bright woven bold-stripes on white...embroidered trees in blending colon... combed cotton that launden ideally. Sizes SO to 38. See wonderful new colored broadcloths too, at $2.98 V SPORTSWEAR—SECOND FLOOR y « iL BACK TO 5CHOOL IN ALL WEATHER With A Sturdy Raincoat Oirli—cawia in today lor your unart rogulatian Meero Gym Suht. TkSt won- dorhi^'tlurdy Httia Maora wit k Son- fertiad and coiarfoit to ipiya.yott many long yM n af woar. A tUm, Sottoring *'ge ovorywhara** wit, it iM» plaotad ' ^ diartt, action bock, jiffy mop fa ito n ^ at ciodng, and an adjuilobta bait to OMuro 0 trim welitikm. In |5>t aalor) $4.00 .aaaaaaaaes S "S"4 SA4Ah4bh4Ah68 Girls’ Dept.—Second Floor Made with Goodyedr’^Porolated' VinylOlm. lata body heat out. but won’t let wet In. It’s rainproof, tough, cold and tear resistant. O lorsr Red, yellow, blue and aqua. Sixes 7 to 1^." I $■^.98 GIRLS’ DEPARTME.NT—SECOND FLOOR Special Sale of VALUE5 $6.98 to $16.98 This group cohsiats of USetas, cottons, and crepes.* Sizes 9 t6 224 , Not ajl sizes ^ all atylea. All aales final. Sale prices $3.98 2 | 4 9 ®— Looks Twici Its Tiny Prtcot »\ .5 ^ \ I ' X H ^ \ \ “ RODESTIE" $ 2 * 9 ? CHILDREN'5 AND MI55E5' ANKLETS tJSMk ir^ BABY SHOP Just Arrivsd WHITE SPANKY PANTS Swiss dot.' Sisas 2-S. , Priced at . _Othsrs St 59c.and 69e Flna quality , cotton anklats with nylon rainfo^ad heal and toas for axtra wear, j Gordon .Anklets ........ pgir 39c Allure Bobby Socks ............. «:, ...... ''phir 39c' Agluib English Rib Anklets 8'pair for $1.00 DtWne Cotton . ' l^rii Back Cuff AnkletA............ .3 ]^ir for $1.00 Nyl^n. Stretch Anklets aSaaaag* * f pair 79e G o r ^ Snug Cuff Deb Socks . . . 1 . .... ......... pair 79c Trimnt Nylon Ankleta - 1 ....... pair 59c SIXtSi Was t>M. Litda Mss 9>V|*. bady 38-42. LlMaLady h \ \ / 7-V C»MM> COM P “ Medestle** ./ doMure ondexpensive ieeking igilb It* eohreidered Nylee Sheer trier. The slip. Itself, is e biee cut 4-sefe styje. j.TJie febfjc? Berbisen.'s * « " Reyen Crepe ihet weers se welI. Sfhite, Petei, Eieck, Nevy* I > 1 Japanaaa Forelifn Mlnistar Mamoru^AUgemltsu (left)’, wbd tO yaara ago took part in Uia surrandar of ma nation to the United SUtes, shakes hands with Gan. Douglas'MacArthiir, who accept- ed that aurraiider. Shigamltau and MacArthur mat In tha httar’a hotel suite in New York. (NBA Telephoto). MacArthur Blocked Hirohito Execution New York, Sept, 3 (A*)—Gen. Douglas MacArthur says be personally saved Emperor Hirohito of Japan from trial and execution after his name was placed'on the list of accused World War II criminals; The listj was drawn up by “some countries. other than the Unltedf»*^wpp—i«m—i— **?7ila' fM th^e to history of thd iFair Weather Due Labor Day Holiday post-war days waa made by the general yesterday, the 10th anni- versary of Japan's surrender. It came during a friendly meeUng with Japanese Foreign Minister Namoru Shlgemitau, here on a -four-day visit. Hirohito, MacArthur said, wasj willing to assume fuU rasponsi- f bility for hla country's conduct in tha war. Took FoU RaapanalMUty Ha quoted the Emperor as aay- tng at tha tima: *‘I wish to assume full responstbttlty for every event .connected with the prosecution of ^ e war. I assume responaibtllty for the acUons of every mUltary com- mander and every statesman of Japan. Whatever your judgment la as to what my fate may be, go ahead. I assume all reaponsibtlity. MacArthur said, that when Hiro* hito’s name appeared on the list, he violently protested ."and my protests were headed in’Waahlng- ton and finally everywhere.” "One of my arguments waa that as a result ^ the devotion of the Japanese people to their emperor ilia’ trial and execution would have necessitated an addlUonal mlliion troopa .successfully to carry out the occupation of Japan.” Contrlbated Moat > Tha General described Hirohito as "the man who contributed the. most to, the happy result whjeh came after the signing of . the peace treaty.” ' He ,aald, however, that Hiro- hito'a part "has never been ade- Boston, Sept. - 3 W>—Tha Weather Burauu’s Labor Day weekend forecast said today northern ard waatern England can ggpect* weather 'oiday and time row. The southeastern section, including toa Boston area, iviil have- conafMfable high_ cloudiness with a chance of~ intermittent .very llffht rain 'over the Cape Cod section to-, day. * - Fair weather will prevail over all New England to- night a-nd Sunday and 'very likely into Monday With; tem- peratures continuing on tha Choi side, the weather fore- caster said. Israel Hurls Armor into quately or fairly portrayed." One of those present at MacArthur’a Waldorf -'Towers suite recounted the'General’s words after the con- ference with Shigemitsu broke up..Z\ Tenxyears ago yesterday, Mac- Arthur accepted Japanb surren- der on the deck of the battleship Missouri! The surrender waa signed for Japan by ShigemitsU, at that time also foreign minis- ter. . , (Continued en Pnge EMven) Got Him *(tff the Ground* Steimis Says Democrats Washington, sipt. 3 (Jf)— Sen.. Stennla' (D-Miss) tqday the 13emocrats In <>>ngreas got Presl dent Eisenhower "off the ground’’ | toward a .change in foreign pohey | which has brought face-to-face.'dis-1 cuasiOB' w ith, -Ruasia' of interna- j tional problenu. ' | Stennla, a member of the Senate '.Armed Sis^ces Committee, took exception, -to Senate Republican Policy Cbmmittea charges that Democrats had supported Eisen- hower’s foreign policies ’’because they simply did not dare to do otherwise,” . Z'B**-'^■****T*'Cited. *T think it’is clear,” Stennis said In an interview, “that Sen. George (DfGa) and .others got thq Presi- . dent off the ground in th^ ipter- aatldnal~krea.” > /George, chairman of the Seri- nte Foreign Relations Committee.i Was an eaiiy, prominent advocate of n top-ievel big poWS'r meeting' thia year. The chiefa of state subr aequently did meet at .Geneva. Stennla. also took issuei with ~ other points the GOP Policy Com- mittee laid down yesterday in a blueprint for next year's .battle With the Democrata for control of ^^^e^*^S-page ‘“ 'cdBipilation of aufgeaUd apeech-mafcing .rnatcr .' ilhl, aent to,Republican SdnatoraV ■ccuaad Dwhocrata'-in Congreaa. of “Wrecking” Eiaenhower'a pro- poaala on achooV' highway and atomic otaip construction. . ,. It aaenilad what it termed form- n Proaident Truman'a rafuaal to admit Oommunlat Infiltration in gqvonunaat, ,:. Inabad out at "biibary’i ia 'hii admiastratlon find. ealMd WpOy’o high . mq^ort (nrin woEinSn “suicidal”. .WhUalfioOOP. eomrolttoa.ealled tba Eisenbowar “anazeaUant sopL mtlc wradtlag.” BlaM n SM4 So hadn't Man" .nay a ■'-7.7' "real evidence” of adminiatration efforts to work out either high- way or Bchool conattuctlon legla- lation. The Misstssipplan' aaid the ad- ministration hsjd made “no serioua effort to adapt its ptan to the high- way problem at the state level. And, he added, Congreas wasn’t represented on -the commiesion headed by Gen. Lucius Clay which drew up- Eisentaower’a road build- ing plan to be ‘financed thhtugh longterm bonds. The bond financing plan was dc- featad In both Senate 'and House laaf aesaion. House- Democrats also lost a move for a highway pro-, gram with money to be raised through added taxes. StaHnla said that“ lnstead of'Ob- atnictlon. It wds a caae Of Con- grass having to work out a prac- tical bill Without proper, balp and planning by the admintatmtlon.'’ He predicted the Democratic-can- trolled Congress will psM h b i^- way bill next year. . '.In its blueprint, the Republican committee called on party speak- era to refute the contention that Eisenhower "would be -batter oft with a Democratic Congress." And while the document nude aa mention of whether ' Eisenbowar will run again next year, U pro- ceeded on the theory that the bast way.-to sfln b$ck control of grass ia to urga aU-oUt aupitort for hia program'. Cfiiro, Egypt, ^ p t . 8 (/P) —An Isrfieli anfaored force •ttficked aa Eg^ptlfin post in the northern area of the Gazs strip today, an official Egyptian spokesman sai(). He‘claimed 22 Israelis were believed killed and many oth- ers waunded, with no cas- ualties reported among Egyp- S i spokesman aald tha laraali w u lad by four armored half - traqka catrlera having Wpeala in <fri>nt and caterpillar tracks in Two VehMies Destroyed The spokesman aqid two of' the vehicles were deatro))ed. He said the ^ a e li force also attacked the refugee camp pf Al- brelg, near Gau, but retrjMtod under heavy Egyptian, fird. -.The exchange of fire luted 70 min- utea, but no refugees were hurt, the apokesman added. TMe- unofficial cease-fire- which had kept' things calm . Thursday and yuterday no longer prevailed. Firat word that violmce WM again erupting today on G as a fronOer after a two-day lull came from Jertiaalem, where an laraeU spokesman aa|d Egyptian and Is- raeli forces were engaging In a heavy artillery duel. The Israeli apokesman said the duel .began after Egyptian out- posts began shelling areu of Beer! and Tad MordechiU settlements. Both .kettleauhts are near the Egj^Uh-held Gau Strip. Both last night and the night bede^ Israeli sources said, Egyptian filtratora dypaiutcd walls: But that w u the only yjolenca before today’s r^eported attacks. ITie two-day jull hkd followed nine days of violence in. the area In which the estimated cBmialties ranged u high u 61 dead and 91 wounded. Agrea to UN Temw 1. larael announced Thursday It would agree to a U.N.-proposed cease-fire, provided "all atUcka by Egyptians in 'whatever form will nsM .” XWypt-had announced earlier It would dbsarva a caasa-flre. (Oaatfaiiieil oa Faga Five) __ : ..... ....' - ^ Judged Refuses Army Right to Try Turncoat San Francisco,. Sept. 3 (to—The release of a soldier charged with collaboration ^ th the Communists in Korea is setting a pattern for attorneys trying to get three turn- coat ex-soldiers out of 'military Tha Army fielcaaad Fvt. John D. Martin, 24, of Tulelake. Calif., yes- ‘ terday on an order by Federal Judge Louis E. Goodman. The judge ruled the Army lacked juris- diction; he said the charge against Margin could be tried In federal civil court. Martin’a attorney, Robert 'E. Hannon,, aaid the judge’s decision would be "helpful” in the cue of Otho G, Bell, 24, of Hillsboro. M m ., one of three prisoners of war who first chose to stay in Rad China, later decided to re- turii home and waa arrested by the Army last July when they landed here. .' Hearing Sept. 15' Haiuion' filed a petition for a writ, of habeaa corpus in ^ITa case recently and a henring ia set for Sept 15. ' Yesterday, after the . favorable decision, on Martin, attorneys for the other two tumedata filed peti- tions. . The men involved " are Lewie W. Grigga, 22. of Jackaon- ville, Tex.,' and William. C. ^W - (OaattBqaa Faga Btovea) (OMthmaa - Five) No Herald Labor Day The/ Mancheater Evenlnf Herald 7vill.i)ot pubUabACc^ (Ujr, Labor Day. "I* /I . 'S . Flood Areaf Jobless Cut To 65,000 Washington, Sept. 3 (AV- The Labor Department aaya more than halt of some 180,- 000 workers idled by the re- cent northeast floods have found jobs. But it indicated mpre layoffs,may follow com- pletion of oieamip programs. - Secretary of Labor MitchaU said lu t night that the.bulk of fiood- alfected workers have returned to their regular jobs or have been' em- ployed in rehabilitation work. MitchiSlI said states in the fiood area reported that, once mop up. programs are completed, some workers may again be idle pending full resumption o ^ re a burinrsses. See MbiT Idled State Eknployment S e c u r i t y AgencieaPin C^rtecticut, Msms - chusetts, Rhode Island and Penn- sylvania said several thousand workers are likely to be unem- ployed for two months or longer, s. The four states reported r«- ciMng Initial claims for jobless benefit payments from 43,000 'workers. These new claims in the fiood areas brought a net’ Increase of 31,800 in the naUonal total, as most other states reported declines in clainis. Initial claims throughout the nation in the week ended Aug. 27 totalled 200.200. In Hartford, Conn., two Re- publican legislatora suggested that th estate's Unemployment Com- pensation laws be amended p> pro- vide benefiU af at least $27 weekly to workers made jobless by the fiooiU. State Repe. Richard C. Williams of GlSjtonbufljr and Paul M. An- di ew* ^*HMMsaii.uliBirman sad, member respectively 6t the legis- lature's House .Committee on La- bor, made the auggeatlon yester- day In a letter to Sherman Knapp, chairman of the governor’s spe- cial Flood Disaster Riicovery Com- mittee. _i. Said khe pair in' their letter to Knapp: . "The fundamental principle of unemployment compensation la to (OoaUnued on Page Five) 40 Million Cars Expected to Hit Holiday Roads This Is a picture Pwrident Eisenhower rfecSlYed from Russian Marshal Zukov recently, right are: daughter. Era. his wife, Alexandra DieVqa, Zukov, hia granddaughter, "Little daughter, Ella. Standing in rear la Jourin Alcxandtpvich Vasilevsky, husband of Era Zhukov Photojueat Broiling Proves Ike Notj^ W i.e . Victim of Hoaxj a o u t h e r ii C a jiio r m a Denver, Sept. 3 (to — Remember I L08 Aiiffeles. Sept. 3 (/P)—Southern California’s hottest toose wedding gifts P r e s i d e n t wave continues today, in the wake of l6^eaths, more than 100 cases of heat prostrations and mountihg losses in poultry and ssriculture. And the Weather Bureait^redicts more sixxling heat today, imd to-“ --------- “— — = ------------ - Mgh of 104 was fore- (Py the Aseociatod Press) Summer’s last long lured motor millions .to the high- ways today. , . Other ^ millions traveled by train, airplane, bua and excursion steamer- for outings over the three-day Labor Day holiday. The National Safety Council estimated that 40 million cars will be on the move sometime over the holidays. Some will' be* on last trips to summer cottages and oth- ers will be bringing the children home from camps, to start school. Some will be trying to stretch a week’s drive into a few days afnd others wlllebe out for just after- noon jaunts. 1 f 405 Expec'ted to Die This traffic clot, the council es- tlmatoa, will kill off 400 persona between 6 p.m. tonight and mid- night of Labor Day. Other huffi dreds will be injured. Such a toll would be 15 more than were killed in a comparable non-holiday period of 78 hours surveyed by the’Associated Press.-.. The AP counted 385 traffic deaths between 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 19 and midnight Monday. Aug. 22. The council said lU 400 estima,te waa 100 more- deaths than would occurr on a non-holiday weekertd. In Boston trsMic officials have Eisenhower sent to Soviet Marshal Georgi Zhukov’a daughter? Well, the President now has a thank you note from Zhukov and a color photqgraph of the Marshal and his family. And tt)at, aaid the White House in telling about it, ought to bd e ’’pretty good rebuttal" of publiah'. ra reports that the RUMians per- petrated a whopping hoax .on Eipenhower at :the -GenaVa. Big Four conference. The reports were that Zhukov— he and ElaenhoWer got to be good friends after World War II—not only had no just-married daughter but apparently no daughter st all. The 10 by. 12; inch handsomely framed photogra]ih wMch Zhukov, the Soviet defense minister, sent to the President shows two daugh- ters, both appearing to be In their early 20s. And in the accompanying note the Marshal pointa put one of. them, blond Ella, aa the gitl who V as married in July. The picture, received by._the President a few days ago through diplomatic channels, does not show Ella’s new husband. But' Zhukov’a note, the’ White House said, namea the bridegroom aa Kliment Petro- vich VorosMlov. The new apn-in-Iaw’s name la the same as that of the President of the Soviet Union, But James C. weekend I Hagerty. Eisenhower’s ' preM sec- retary, Hid he had no informs^ tion as to .whether they are re- lated. ' ■ In addition to Ella the picture— Fired by Ike TIm Naw York Daily Nawa axM Rapt 2 Prpaidant Sban- haprir firad.Maj. Oaa. Arthur O.; Tnidaau, abova, u Army IntalUganca (G-2> chlaf ^ tha: “paraoaal'raqtiMt” of Al- lan DuU m , band of tha Can- t n l YfitolXfOaea AfaaoF (CIA). (Ooattound on Pms Flva)'V” ------------------ . ,‘sr„ PoHo Threat Stolls Bay sSle Schools Boston, Sept. 3 (to—More than 70. Massachusetts school commit- tce»:-faced with mounting paren tal jsnxlaty over the polio situation -^have postponed school opening dates despite sUte health officials’ advice tb the contrary. School boards, most of then In eastern Massachusetts, continued to hold emergency meetinga, prompted not ao much by fear that opening on time woujd hrip spread the (Uaease but by growing prea- Bure from parents. ^ Parochial schools In gener^.|ol' lowed the decisions of the local boards and Mvaral private achoola' and acadenUes announced later dates for fall rcgistcations. Poatponementa varied fnm one to two weeks. (Conttnued on Pace Eleven) News Tidbits Ctillsd froM ‘^AP Wires of U.8. 18th Ftohter Bomber Whig hoEl" Okinawa to Five crew members and seven passengers are befieved killed Thursday when crippled' Air Force C47 crashee trying to return to emergency airstrip near Anchor- age In Alaska. . . . Evangelist Billy Graham tells capacity auditfice at Ocean Grove. N- J. they are vrit- heasing "the beginning of the Ming of oommunlsm.” Air Force nys F80F Sabre jets F ilte r Bomber Wl Formosa for 30-idayavOf mobility training on Oiinese Natiohaliat Is- land. , , . Cutbaek in neutral na- ti(^ inspection teams operating in Soyth. Korea reportedly will go Into effect Tuesday. . Soviet Communist party news- paper Pravda Mys resumption of normal relations betwCen Ruasia and Japan "could greatly improve international atwioapkera .in Far. East aa A whole." . National Aircraft Show OMns in PMtadel- phla with what 'officials describe as grentent penoettme dlaplay of military aircraft aasembled.' Maasachusetta State Treasurer JOBn' F r’Kehn&y testifies that to open higher paying job,.for his brothermriwoinoted nn “Inoom- potent” to third deputy treaautor, .. Connecticut town clerks and ’ tm Is-' trarg of voters will meet with Sm - retary of SUte ..Mildred P. Allen for aenUnnr • • ehangeo in state's election Is'we. State during past year collected -eoMO $$i,000,.for 541 tenanU who were beihg overcharged by land- lords, either willfully or uninten- tionally . Federal government an- nounces Pfnna to telenae 1.000AOO imimda of copper tb flood-stricken Connecticut laduatrlal pUnU. Prague Newspaper reports 111 tn ■ morrow. A cast here today. Yestorday the mercury boiled up to 108 in Lot Angeles. It hit 110 the day befbre—an all-Ume high, Wednesday tha maximum waa 101. . .Scorching temperatures ha vs Inteiislfled several danjagtng fifes. Ons of thsni ysstorday cost the Uvea of fiva- persona. and injured 11 others at.La Habra, 22 miles southeast of here. The day before a fire at San DImaa. 25 miles east, destroyed 12 homes and 'dSmaged scores of others. Five deaths ware directly at- tributed to the host on Thursday and Ave more yesterday. Several elderly . persons who ' collapsed from heat prostration were in critical or serioua condition. „ $2 'MiHfons Damage Losses in pquKry and rabbiU were so aUggvlng that a Los Angeles.County Farm. Bureau offl. cial appealed, to National Civil Defense Director Vsl Peterson to declare thia a disaster area, per- mitting farmers, to apply for die? aster loans. It was estimated that scorching temperatures had killed, $3 million worth of cMckenS and rabbits. Damage to vegetable and frdit crops .mounted, with serious losses predicted if to* doesn’t break soon. Some lemons And Va- lencla oranges have auffered dam- age. Isolated damage has been re- ported to such tender vegetablM as tomatoes and string beans. Some nursery stock has been burned but the $20 million a yaar cut flower crop has not been hard hit aa yet. . .Los Angeles, with a plentiful supply from the distant Colorado River and toe - High Sierra, continued to use tmprecedented amounts of water. However, sev- eral leM fortunate Itoighboring communiUes reported todicationa of ahortages. Realdenta hear toe base of toe ^ j L .... .. ..y Fire Captain Trying to Save 14 Lahabra, Calif., Sept. S (F) A herole.'firv captain gave hla life yesterday, tfylng to rescue 14 boys who"were fight- ing a raging bniah fire In in- tenae heat. Four of to* boys succumbed. Witnesses said a sudden searing -gust of wind s e n t flames rearing up a ataep hill- side where the teenagers were wetting, down grass. The boys were from a forestry c a m p operated by the County Proba- tion, Department. County Fire.Captain Glenn' Hockey, 45, grabbed a hose line and f o u g h t his way through a wall of flame to'the side of the boys. Apparmtly he and toe other ylcUms tried to outrace the flames to the crest of the hill — and .failed. Eleven others were -Hhjured in the blase, which bisekened - 700 acres and waa Anally con- tained late last night after -sweeping through dry g ran in an uninhabited area. .Mors .than 400 firemen battled Qts flamea Man HidW In Fomosa Hong KonY, Sept.;.8 <^F)— British police have iisueid a< murder conspiracy charge against a v Chinese—^jiow on. Formosa—in connection with the crash of an airiiner that carried eight Chineae officials to their . death last April. Sixteen persons perlabad Whan the Air India liner plunged Into, the South C2>ina Sea April 11 wMle en route to the Aslan-Afrlcan con- ference at Bandung, Indonesia. British police in this Crown Colony announced last night toe warrant had'been issued a ^ said the man sought had fied to tha Chinese Natlonaliet'Island of For- mosa. They said they had asked authorities there to return Mm to Hong Kong. No ether detslU were dlaclosed. The plane’s lest stop before it plunged, into the sea was Hong Kong. Immediately following too crash. Bed CMna charged that "secret agenU” of the United States and Nationalist China had sabetaged the plane In an attempt to assassinate Red Chinese P n- mler Chou En-Ial and other Oom- muMet Chinese delegates to ,ths Asian-African meeting. "" UjS..Dcnlee Ckargs The United States rejected the charge, terming it ’‘ridiculous” end “utter nonsenae.” Britain .ac- cused Rad Ohinr of sMklng |p make poUtlwU propaganda out w the crash without waiting for a propqr inyeatlgation. Pollto identified toe man named Ja' tha wanaat aa CEosf Tss-ming ^ said hs ha(L .worked aa a oooBsXrteaidiig' alrUnsrs stopping in Hong Kong. He left Hofig KbM air for : Formosa MSy 18, offlMrs added. Aboard the.crashed plpas weTe- eigbt memben of Red China’s c*elegatlon to the Bandung con- ference. Three of toe 19 peraopa on the plane—two Indian crev^-, men and an Air India grouiul en'-^ gineer traveling as a passenger— survi'ved. , At 'the time ot the crsidi . tho Red Chinese Radio also charged the "plane disaster” was "tha re- sult of long indulgence by. the Pritish autooritiee in Hoiig Kong of the criminal actlyities of U.8.- CMang Kai-shek agents.” It as - serted that Hoiig Kong offldals had failed to heed warnings that ^(OMIliined eu Page Fhrs)' /■ Hollywodd bills were urged to cur' tail lawn sprinkling so that resi- dents higher up might have suf- ficient water prcHbre to meet their demands. ' ;* . ^ Suburban Monrovia 'declared a state of emergency, curtailing wa- ter use by banning lawn sprlnkUng or Irrigating between 4 and 8 p.m. "•ally. Conservation of w a t^ waa asked in Monterey Park too. BuUetim froRi the AP Wirsfl Arcadia, (OonttniMd im Page Five) Heiress Death Honucide, Medical Exaimner Sfiys ^enoB Alrea’ 3:500,000 per- sons are under “state .of •elge'^ ** Football adiedulaa ia18inO~co^4prcsideht Juan D. Peron — - ' TMw drive to slimiaats opposlUda IRfis I h s w ) ' I to his lu g l^ - ^ ( PMladelpMs, Sspt. S .(*>-—Thfw strange death' of beautiful youag this “Could this have, been done by Doris Jean Silver Oestrlcher haa been ruled “an unsucceMfuI at- tempt abortion." Dr. Melville- T. Aeton,- city medical examiner, haa aaked' the diitrlct ettorney’a office to And “tha perpetrators of this homlcids,’* It asmed unllksly, howsvsr, Utot investigatora woiild find tha miee- ing piacea to7toa puxxling oam until the girl’s L bereaved mother was able to tell what happened the night of Aug. 22 when dia and her daughter went to the North Philadelphia epaitment 'bfi^a bar- tander and his: wlfs. ‘ ,It wsa totre the 22-year-old daughter of thp vice preaident of a muIU-mUlion dollar supermiarket c Im U h ditd. ^ Am L Dlat. Atty. Jacob KalUh. #ho asaUted In questioning wlt- nsaete st an Inquast yesterday, aaid “we will meet the,early part of next w.eek to deteimlne a courae of action.'' Ten witnaases testified at the inquast whan the testimony was fin- ished. Dr. .Ashton stopped forward Csech Communist trade unknt* uuioinMsd; del^ationa has left for Yugea)MllBj^%1ils was sn unsudesaaful at- tempt at gborUini Thera was no abortlqo to the asdM of compte- tton, but thsrs waa an attompt at an abortion hy tha toasrtlon of fosuign young ...wuinan? 1 aay em- pbatlcMlF No. ‘Thia waa done by person or persona imknown” Tho mother, . Mrs.' Gertrude Silver, however, did not appear to testify. She had accompanied her red-haired daughter, who Dr. Aston said waa "six to sevm weeks” pregnant, to the apari- ment of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Schwarts: There the girl, wl— Sloped. last June 24 to Folkston, Ge„ with a handsome .Miami Beach, Fla., ' motorcycle ppllce- man, BKarl Oeetrolcher, died. A few Iweeka ago she came home, aeparated from her husband. Mrs. Silver waa reported by her physicians to be confined to the bedroom of the Silvers’ Melrose Park home in what theyitermed "bereavement shock.” Bernard Bcyman, attorney for toe medical examiner, said ia hla summation that "the essential witneM,. the comerstotw witness, Gertrude Silver, the mother of the girl, ia misring, and I believe that riie can toll .us what happened that night” ; Thera was no todieatkm when to- veoUgators nStght-be able to ques- tion toe bereaved mother. The father, Herman Silver, vice prsaldeKit of Food n d r, Inc., toe- titled late, to tho day. Ha sobMd aa .CftwRauift am jFSfu fltu ). CYPRUS POUCE AtTACKia) Nlcoela, Cyprus, flept S (PV— Abeat 29 heavUy aimed maeked men attacked a^^peitoe statton near > Famaguafo early today, Oed up-S pelloemau and «•* cuped wttk a lead at arms and < anunauitteu. Meanwkile, BriMah autkeriUee trausfenred 8S pectod terrortots from the eea- tral prison la hScmla to tho aa- otent Crusader eaatlo at Ryreala. where enemy alieue wom hrid during the ear. OIRL, 10, DIES o r POLIO Stamford, Sept S W —Angela MarletU Smith. 10. Breokta, N. Y„ who was vlelttig relattven here, died today a f Stomfacd Hospital, a vlcttan . o r todhar polio. The girl wao strickea two days ago at the home ef Mr. And Mre. Louis Sledge ot tUe city, her imcle and auat She waa the daughter of Mre, Aaale R. Smith- ' Her father, Cept Graham StoUh. was _j|iiUed while sarvtog la Korea lour yearn ago. HUNT’FOR BSOAPPE HeiMeto Sept S (P) Statil aad local poUcie today i ierahid through the aortheait eeeMeu ot, Meriden for a m aitwha waa seen prowllag to the neighher hoed last sight They theerifted he eould he Water L. Oeideu. 47- y e a r ^ Bridgeport Nogra «riw eecoped from th<f State nlaaq WethenjOeld yesterday. a— Salvador, Sept S (PVteA treaeer eheeh El ■ day.. The first aheek S:SS adm (7:SS aju BssaaHlie ar daam ported. ALBANIA Atheaa, Oreoes, Prom rtpeito today m U th la lha Oam Bittiah dsetiafaew aad 4S qUAKB rrasL ‘.'I

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Page 1: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Ingredients for Growth

2015 Annual Report

Laporan Tahunan 2015

Nurturing Growth

Page 2: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 3: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Table of Content

Kata Pengantar

Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen

Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Tanggung Jawab Sosial

Ikhtisar Keuangan

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Profil Perusahaan

Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab Manajemen

Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian


Management Discussion and Analysis

Report of the Board of Commisioners and the Board of Directors

Corporate Social Responsibility

Financial Highlights

Corporate Governance

Company Profile

Management Responsibility Statement

Consolidated Financial Statements










Daftar Isi

Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk.

Page 4: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Kata PengantarForeword

Laporan Tahunan 2015 kami dedikasikan untuk

membangun kesadaran masyarakat tentang manfaat

gizi kacang-kacangan. Kami melakukannya sebagai

bagian dari komitmen kami terhadap ketahanan

pangan dan gizi dalam upaya untuk ‘terus melayani


Kacang-kacangan adalah benih dari tanaman di

keluarga kacang-kacangan yang mencakup di

antaranya kacang polong, lentil, dan kacang kedelai.

Mereka telah menjadi bagian penting dari diet manusia

selama berabad-abad dan membentuk bagian dari

jaringan penting keanekaragaman hayati.

Kacang-kacangan mengambil sedikit energi untuk

tumbuh dibandingkan tanaman lainnya, serta

memproduksi lebih sedikit gas rumah kaca. Mereka

juga salah satu sumber protein yang paling ramah

lingkungan, berkontribusi terhadap produksi

pangan yang berkelanjutan dengan melindungi dan

meningkatkan sumber daya tanah dan air.

Our 2015 Annual Report is dedicated towards building

public awareness about the nutritional benefits of

pulses. We do so as part of our committment towards

food security and nutrition in an endeavour to

‘continuously serve the nation’.

Pulses are the edible seeds of plants in the legume

family which includes peas, lentils, and soybeans

to name a few. They have been an essential part of

human diet for centuries and form a part of the vital

web of bio-diversity.

Pulses take less energy to grow than other crops,

producing fewer greenhouse gases. They are also

one of the most environmentally-friendly sources of

protein, contributing to sustainable food production by

protecting and improving soil and water resources.


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Kata PengantarForeword

Page 5: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Kacang-kacangan merupakan sekutu yang baik

terhadap perubahan iklim, menghasilkan karbon yang

lebih kecil yang secara tidak langsung mengurangi

emisi gas rumah kaca. Setiap kali Anda makan produk

yang dibuat dari kacang-kacangan (seperti tahu dan

tempe dari kedelai), Anda akan selalu membuat pilihan

yang baik bagi lingkungan.

Dalam rangka mendorong pertumbuhan dan konsumsi

bahan utama yang merupakan superfood, ‘Food

Agriculture Organisation menyatakan tahun 2016

sebagai tahun kacang-kacangan’. Hal ini membantu

membangkitkan upaya berbagai organisasi untuk

berpartisipasi dalam mempromosikan pentingnya

kacang-kacangan di negara masing-masing selama


PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. berpartisipasi dalam Food

Security Summit yang diselenggarakan di Jakarta pada

bulan Februari 2015. Tujuan Perseroan adalah untuk

mendorong koneksi di seluruh rantai makanan untuk

pemanfaatan yang lebih baik dari protein berbasis

kacang-kacangan, memajukan produksi kacang-

kacangan dalam negeri, pemanfaatan yang lebih baik

dari rotasi tanaman dan mengatasi tantangan yang

berkaitan dengan perdagangan kacang-kacangan.

Gerai Perseroan tersebut diputuskan sebagai peserta

terbaik ke dua dalam acara tersebut.

Sementara ini kami menyambut 2016 sebagai Tahun

kacang-kacangan, dan kami berharap bahwa ekonomi

global terhadap kacang-kacangan ini tetap sehat, serta

memberikan ‘pertumbuhan bahan baku.’

Pulses are a good ally against climate change,

producing a smaller carbon foot print which indirectly

reduces green house gas emissions. Whenever you are

eating products made with pulses (such as tofu and

tempeh from soybeans), you are invariably making a

choice that is good for the environment.

In order to foster growth and consumtion of this key

ingredient which is a superfood in itself, ‘FAO declared

2016 as the year of pulses’. This helped galvanize

efforts of various organizations to participate in

promoting the importance of pulses in their respective

countries during the year.

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk on its part participated in

a Food Security Summit which was held in Jakarta

in February 2015. The Company’s objective was to

encourage connections throughout the food chain for

better utilization of pulse-based proteins, furthering

the cause of domestic production of pulses, better

utilization of crop rotations and address the challenges

associated with the trade of pulses. The Company’s

booth was adjudged as the 2nd best participant in the


While we globally welcome 2016 as the Year of Pulses,

we do hope that the pulse of global economy remains

healthy, providing ‘ingredients for growth’.


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Kata PengantarForeword

Page 6: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 7: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Ikhtisar Keuangan

Financial Highlights

Page 8: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Ikhtisar Keuangan

Laporan Laba Rugi

dan Penghasilan

Komprehensi Lain


(dalam USD, kecuali

dinyatakan lain)


Statement of Profit

or Loss and Other

Comprehensive Income

(in USD, unless

otherwise stated)

Financial Highlights

2015 2014 2013










Laba Usaha

Laba Bruto

Laba tahun berjalan

Jumlah rata-rata tertimbang

saham biasa yang beredar

Laba per saham dasar yang

dapat diatribusikan kepada

pemilik entitas induk

Rugi komprehensif lain

tahun berjalan setelah pajak

Total penghasilan

komprehensif tahun berjalan


Operating Profit

Gross Profit

Profit for the year

Total weighted average of

the outstanding of

common stock

Basic earnings per share

attributable to the equity

holders of the parent

Other comprehensive loss

for the year, net of tax

Total comprehensive

income for the year


















Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Ikhtisar KeuanganFinancial Highlights

Page 9: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment




Laba Bersih terhadap Aset

Laba Kotor terhadap Penjualan Bersih

Laba Usaha terhadap Penjualan


Laba Bersih terhadap Penjualan


Return on Assets

Gross Margin

Operating Margin

Net Profit Margin







Aset Lancar terhadap Liabilitas

Jangka Pendek

Current Ratio1,19x 1,23x


Laba Bersih terhadap Ekuitas Return on Equity12.93%





Liabilitas terhadap Ekuitas Liabilities / Equity2,86x 4,73x


Rasio Pertumbuhan Aset Asset Growth-23.18% 2.69%

36.45%Rasio Pertumbuhan Laba Bersih Net Income Growth-44.51% 9.37%


Liabilitas terhadap Jumlah Aset Liabilities / Assets 0,74x 0,83x


-19.03%Rasio Pertumbuhan Penjualan Bersih Sales Growth-5.72% 0.70%


Penjualan Bersih terhadap Aset Asset Turn Over Ratio6,17x 5,03x

Rasio Penting Key Financial Ratios2015 2014 2013

Laporan Posisi Keuangan


(dalam USD, kecuali

dinyatakan lain)

Consolidated Statement

of Financial Position

(in USD, unless

otherwise stated)












Aset Tidak Lancar

Liabilitas Jangka Panjang

Jumlah Liabilitas & Ekuitas

Aset Lancar

Liabilitas Jangka Pendek


Total Aset

Jumlah Liabilitas

Modal Kerja Bersih



Non-current Assets

Non-Current Liabilities

Total Liabilities & Equity

Current Assets

Current Liabilities


Total Assets

Total Liabilities

Net Working Capital



















2015 2014 2013


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Ikhtisar KeuanganFinancial Highlights

Page 10: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Pendapatan Aset

Revenue Assets

2014 2014










Liabilitas Ekuitas

Liabilities Equity

2014 2014





Laba Bersih Laba Bersih terhadap Ekuitas


m U


/ S




m ju





m ju





m ju





m ju





m ju




Net Income Return on Equity

in U


/ S


in M


n U


in M


n U


in M


n U


in M


n U


in M


n U


2014 2014

7 12.93%



Laba Kotor Laba per Saham

Gross Margin Earning per Share

2014 2014
























Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Ikhtisar KeuanganFinancial Highlights

Page 11: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Ikhtisar Saham

Triwulan 1

Quarter 1

Triwulan 2

Quarter 2

Triwulan 3

Quarter 3

Triwulan 4

Quarter 4

Kurs Akhir

Closing Rate



























Harga Saham (Rp/Saham)Stock Price (IDR/Share)

Peredaran Saham di Pasar Reguler Stock Movement

on Reguler Market

Jumlah Saham Tercatat Total listed shares(NOS)

Volume Perdagangandi Pasar Negosiasi Trading Volume in Negotiation Market (Unit)Tertinggi







Stock Highlights














1,830 1,500

































































































1 3



1 3











Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Ikhtisar KeuanganFinancial Highlights

Page 12: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Kurs Akhir

Closing Rate



Triwulan 1

Quarter 1

Triwulan 2

Quarter 2

Triwulan 3

Quarter 3

Triwulan 4

Quarter 4





































2,030 1,720


























































































1 2











Harga Saham (Rp/Saham)Stock Price (IDR/Share)

Peredaran Saham di Pasar Reguler Stock Movement

on Reguler Market

Jumlah Saham Tercatat Total listed shares(NOS)

Volume Perdagangandi Pasar Negosiasi Trading Volume in Negotiation Market (Unit)Tertinggi


















Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Ikhtisar KeuanganFinancial Highlights

Page 13: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment




(dalam Rupiah / in IDR)


Januari / January

Februari / February

Maret / March

April / April

Mei / May

Juni / June

Juli / July

Agustus / August

September / September

Oktober / October

November / November

Desember / December
































January February March April mei june july august september october november december


m R












in ID



2015 2014













Kapitalisasi PasarMarket Capitalization


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Ikhtisar KeuanganFinancial Highlights

Page 14: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

• Hargapenutupanperdagangansaham

per 31 Desember 2014: Rp1.820

• Hargapenutupanperdagangansaham

per 31 Desember 2015: Rp1.600

• HargaTertinggidanTerendahselama

52 minggu: Rp1.830/ Rp1.500

• Keuntungan/Kerugiandalamsatutahun(12,09%)

• Rata-ratavolumeyangdiperdagangkan:10.245lots

• JumlahSahamBeredar:480.000.000

• KapitalisasiPasar:Rp768.000.000.000,-

• RasioHargaSaham:5,52x

• LabaperSaham:USD0,021/saham

• NilaiBuku:Rp1.813/saham

• Pembayarandividenuntuktahunbuku2014:

Rp10/ saham

• Imbalhasildividenterhadaphargasaham:0,625%

• Selamatahun2015,Perseroantidakmelakukan

aksi korporasi terkait dengan pemecahan saham,

penggabungan saham, dividen saham, saham

bonus, dan penurunan nilai nominal saham.

Perseroan juga tidak mencatatkan efek lainnya

selain saham yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia.

• Tidakadapenghentiansementara(suspensi)

perdagangan saham Perseroan selama tahun

2015, tidak ada penghentian sementara (suspensi)

dari Bursa Efek Indonesia atas perdagangan

saham Perseroan. Perseroan senantiasa mematuhi

prosedur dan ketentuan yang berlaku di Pasar


• ClosingPriceper31December2014:IDR1,820

• ClosingPriceper31Desember2015:IDR1,600

• HighestPriceandlowestPrice52week

range: IDR1,830/ IDR1,500

• Gain/Lossinoneyear(12,09%)

• AverageTradedVolume:10.245lots

• SharesOutstanding:480.000.000

• MarketCapitalization:IDR768,000,000,000,-

• PriceEarningRatio:5,52x

• EarningPerShare:USD0,021/share

• BookValue:IDR1,813/share

• Paymentofdividenforthefinancialyear2014:

IDR10/ share

• Dividendyield:0,625%

• During2015,theCompanydidnottakeany

corporate action related to stock split, stock merger

stock dividend, bonus shares, or lowering par value.

The Company neither listed any other new shares

other than those already listed to Indonesian

Stock Exchange.

• Therehasnotbeenanytemporarycessation

(suspension) in the trading of Company shares

throughout 2015, nor any temporary cessation

(suspension) from the Indonesian Stock Exchange

either on trading of listed shares of the Company.

The Company has always complied with the

relevant procedures and decisions applicable in the

Capital Market.


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Ikhtisar KeuanganFinancial Highlights

Page 15: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 16: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 17: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Report of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 18: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment


Dewan Komisaris melakukan monitoring terhadap

kegiatan usaha Perseroan yang dilaksanakan oleh

anggota Direksi secara reguler. Kami melakukannya

dengan bantuan laporan tertulis, komunikasi informasi

secara verbal dari anggota Direksi dan juga bertindak

dalam kapasitas selaku penasihat. Sebagai tambahan,

Direktur Utama memelihara pertukaran informasi

yang konstan dengan kami. Dengan demikian, Dewan

Komisaris terjaga untuk tetap mendapatkan informasi

secara terus-menerus tentang strategi bisnis yang

diinginkan Perseroan, rencana Perseroan (termasuk

rencana keuangan, penanaman modal dan sumber

daya manusia), kinerja pendapatan, keadaan situasi

bisnis dan industri secara keseluruhan.

Dimanapun keputusan atau tindakan anggota Direksi

memerlukan persetujuan Dewan Komisaris, baik

berdasarkan hukum atau menurut anggaran dasar

atau prosedur peraturan, maka draf keputusan

akan diperiksa oleh anggota Dewan Komisaris pada

rapat-rapat Dewan Komisaris dan disetujui dengan

mensirkulasikan dokumen tersebut ke anggota Dewan

Komisaris. Dewan Komisaris diikutsertakan dalam

keputusan-keputusan yang penting bagi Perseroan.

Kami berdiskusi secara panjang lebar tentang tren

bisnis yang dijelaskan dalam laporan-laporan dari

anggota Direksi serta prospek untuk perkembangan

FKS Group secara keseluruhan, perusahaan secara

sendiri, anak-anak perusahaan serta perusahaan-

perusahaan afiliasi.


The Board of Commissioners monitored the

Company’s business conducted by the Board of

Directors on a regular basis. We did so with the

aid of written reports and verbally communicated

information from the Board of Directors and also

acted in an advisory capacity. In addition, the

President Director maintained a constant exchange

of information with us. In this way, the Board of

Commssioners was kept continuously informed about

the Company’s intended business strategy, corporate

planning (including financial, investment and human

resources planning), earnings performance, the state

of the business and industry situation as a whole.

Wherever Board of Directors decisions or actions

required the approval of the Board of Commissioners,

whether by law or under the articles of incorporation

or the rules of procedure, the draft resolutions were

inspected by the members at the meetings of the

Board of Commissioners and approved on the

basis of documents circulated to the members.

The Board of Commissioners was involved in decisions

of material importance to the Company. We discussed

at length the business trends described in the reports

from the Board of Directors and the prospects for the

development of FKS Group as a whole, the individual

Company, the subsidiaries and the principal

affiliated companies.

Laporan Dewan KomisarisReport of The Board of Commissioners


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 19: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Sepanjang tahun, Dewan Komisaris mengadakan lima

kali rapat. Semua rapat dihadiri oleh seluruh anggota

Dewan Komisaris. Anggota-anggota Direksi juga

diundang untuk menghadiri salah satu rapat yang

diadakan oleh Dewan Komisaris.

During the year Board of Commissioners held five

meetings altogether. All these meetings were attended

by the full Board of Commissioners. Members of

the Board of Directors were also invited to attend

one of the meetings conducted by the Board of


Yus’anKomisaris UtamaPresident Commissioner

Then Surianto Eka PrasetyoKomisarisCommissioner

Fazwar BujangKomisaris IndependenIndependent Commissioner

Farhan Rio GunawanKomisarisCommissioner


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 20: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Topik-topik utama yang dibahas oleh

Dewan Komisaris

Musyawarah-musyawarah yang diadakan oleh Dewan

Komisaris berfokus pada pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang

berkaitan dengan strategi-strategi dan aktivitas bisnis

Perseroan serta anak-anak perusahaannya. Diskusi-

diskusi pada tiap-tiap rapat berpusat pada

berbagai topik.

Pada rapat bulan Maret 2015, Dewan Komisaris

membahas Laporan Tahunan 2014 dan agenda

untuk Rapat Tahunan Pemegang Saham 2015. Rapat

tersebut juga secara panjang lebar membahas

sistem manajemen risiko Perseroan, diskusi akun-

akun yang telah diaudit dan hal-hal yang berkaitan

dengan kompensasi karyawan. Dewan Komisaris

mengkaji proposal anggota Direksi untuk apropriasi

dari keuntungan bersih yang belum ditentukan

penggunaannya untuk pembayaran dividen sebesar

Rp10 per saham dan disetujui dengan melihat posisi

kas Perseroan.

Rapat Dewan Komisaris pada April 2015, meninjau

perkembangan bisnis pada kuartal pertama serta

membahas Rapat Tahunan Pemegang Saham yang

akan berlangsung dalam waktu dekat. Implikasi

dari peraturan Bank Indonesia terbaru juga turut

dibahas. Peraturan terbaru Bank Indonesia yang akan

berlaku efektif sejak 1 Juli 2015 memutuskan bahwa

semua penjualan dalam negeri yang dilakukan oleh

perusahaan-perusahaan yang berdomisili di Indonesia

harus dilakukan dengan menggunakan mata uang

Rupiah. Sebelum berlakunya peraturan ini, hampir 50%

dari penjualan domestik Perseroan dilakukan dengan

menggunakan mata uang USD. Ini dilakukan sebagai

strategi lindung nilai alamiah untuk impor. Dalam

rangka mematuhi perubahan ini, dirasakan perlu untuk

menyerahkan permohonan proposal ke Bank Indonesia

untuk mendapatkan perpanjangan selama satu tahun.

Diskusi pada rapat Dewan Komisaris di bulan Juli

2015 berfokus pada hasil setengah tahun Perseroan.

Akuisisi 99% saham PT Terminal Bangsa Mandiri (TBM)

juga ikut didiskusikan. Selain itu, maksud Kementerian

Pertanian untuk mengatur dan memonitor impor

Jagung ke dalam negeri juga dibahas.

Principal topics discussed by the Board of


The deliberations of the Board of Commissioners

focused on questions relating to the strategies

and business activities of the Company along with

its subsidiaries. The discussions at the respective

meetings centered on various topics.

At the March 2015 meeting, the Board of

Commissioners discussed the 2014 Annual Report

and the agenda for the 2015 Annual Stockholders’

Meeting. It also dealt at length with the Company’s risk

management system, discussion on audited accounts

and matters relating to employee compensation.

The Board of Commissioners examined the Board

of Directors’s proposal for the appropriation of net

unappropriated profits through payment of a dividend

of IDR10 per share and concured with this in view of

the Company’s cash position.

The Board of Commissioners meeting in April 2015,

reviewed the development of the business in the

first -quarter and discussed the imminent Annual

Stockholders’ Meeting. Implications of the new Bank of

Indonesia ruling was also discussed. Bank Indonesia’s

new ruling which came into effect from July 1, 2015

stipulates that all domestic sales conducted by

companies domiciled in Indonesia have to be carried

out in Rupiah terms. Prior to the introduction of this

rule, close to 50% of the Company’s domestic sales

was based on USD terms. This was done as a natural

hedge strategy for imports. In order to comply with

this change, it was felt necessary to submit a

proposal to Bank Indonesia seeking a one year

period of extension.

The discussions at the July 2015 meeting of the Board

of Commissioners focused on half yearly results of

the Company. The acquisition of 99% shares of

PT Terminal Bangsa Mandiri (TBM)was also discussed.

Along side, the Agriculture Ministry’s intent to

regulate and monitor Corn imports into the country

was also discussed.


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 21: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Rapat Dewan Komisaris yang diadakan pada bulan

Oktober 2015 meninjau dan membahas hasil keuangan

untuk tiga kuartal pertama dan mengamati perkiraan

untuk kelengkapan pencapaian satu tahun dari

anggota Direksi. Anggota Direksi memberikan laporan

kepada Dewan Komisaris tentang perpanjangan yang

diberikan oleh Bank Indonesia kepada Perseroan untuk

dapat melakukan transaksi dengan menggunakan

mata uang USD hingga akhir tahun 2015. Meskipun

perpanjangan yang diberikan adalah untuk durasi

waktu yang lebih singkat dari yang dimohonkan,

kemungkinan perpanjangan lebih lanjut tidak


Rapat terakhir untuk tahun ini diadakan pada bulan

Desember untuk membahas akuisisi 99% saham

PT Kharisma Cipta Dunia Sejati. Dewan Komisaris

juga membahas perpanjangan Bank Indonesia dan

kemungkinan Perseroan memperoleh perpanjangan

lebih lanjut untuk menagih pelanggannya dengan

menggunakan mata uang USD. Secara umum, status

proyek PT Nusa Prima Logistik di Teluk Lamong

juga diulas. Setelah evaluasi rinci dari situasi yang

dihadapi karena kondisi tanah yang buruk, Dewan

Komisaris akibatnya menyetujui eskalasi biaya proyek

yang dihasilkan daripadanya. Hal ini dipertimbangkan

bahwa pekerjaan sipil tambahan kemungkinan akan

meningkatkan biaya keseluruhan sekitar 20%.

Peran Komite Audit

Tiga orang komite audit dipimpin oleh seorang Ketua

dan didukung oleh dua orang anggota. Fazwar Bujang,

sebagai ketua komite audit sejak 2014 juga memenuhi

persyaratan hukum mengenai independensi dan

keahlian di bidang akuntansi atau auditing yang mana

diperlukan oleh anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Komite

Audit . Para anggota yang juga sama-sama berkualitas

dan kompeten lainnya yaitu Michael Sutanto dan

Rachmad diangkat sebagai anggota komite audit

pada bulan Juni tahun ini menggantikan Indra Sakti

Kalipurnareis dan Fenny Novelita Halim. Masa jabatan

anggota baru akan berlangsung hingga Mei 2017.

Komite Audit bertemu empat kali dalam setahun.

Tugas mereka termasuk memeriksa laporan keuangan

perusahaan bersamaan juga dengan pernyataan

keuangan konsolidasian dan laporan manajemen.

The Board of Commissioners meeting held in October

2015 reviewed and discussed the financial result for

the first three quarters and sought for a forecast of the

complete year from the Board of Directors. The Board

of Directors updated the Board of Commissioners

about the extension given by BI to the Company to

continue transaction in USD terms until year end 2015.

Although the extension was for a shorter duration than

requested, the possibility of further extension was not

ruled out.

The final meeting for the year was held in December to

discuss the acquisition of 99% shares of PT Kharisma

Cipta Dunia Sejati. Board of Commissioners also

discussed the Bank Indonesia extension and the

likelihood of Company obtaining further extension for

invoicing it’s customers in USD terms. In general, the

status of Nusa Prima Logistik project in Teluk Lamong

was also reviewed. Following a detailed evaluation of

the situation being faced owing to poor soil condition,

the Board of Commissioners consequently approved

escalation in project cost resulting thereof. It is

envisaged that additional civil work will likely increase

overall cost by about 20%.

Role of Audit Committee

The three person audit committee is headed by a

Chairman and supported by two members. Fazwar

Bhujang, as the chairman of audit committee since

2014 well satisfies the statutory requirements

concerning the independence and the expertise in

the field of accounting or ¬auditing that a member of

the Board of Commissioner and the Audit Committee

is required to possess. The other equally qualified

and competent members namely Micheal Soetanto

and Rachmad were inducted as members of the

audit committee in June this year replacing Indra

Sakti Kalipurnareis dan Fenny Novelita Halim. The

tenure of new members will last until May 2017. The

Audit Committee meets four times in a year. It’s tasks

include examining the Company’s financial reporting

along with the consolidated financial statements, the

management report.


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 22: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Atas dasar laporan auditor pada audit laporan

keuangan konsolidasi Perseroan, Komite Audit

mengembangkan proposal mengenai persetujuan

laporan oleh Dewan Komisaris. Komite audit juga

bertanggung jawab untuk hubungan Perseroan dengan

auditor eksternal. Komite audit mengulas usulan

dari Direksi mengenai penunjukan auditor, karena itu

adalah wajib bagi Direksi untuk mendapat persetujuan

dari Komite Audit. Komite Audit selain menyarankan

area fokus untuk dilakukannya audit, juga memonitor

independensi, kualifikasi, rotasi dan efisiensi

auditor. Selain itu, Komite Audit mengawasi sistem

pengendalian internal Perseroan bersama dengan

prosedur yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi,

melacak dan mengelola risiko dan sistem audit internal.

Hal ini juga berkaitan dengan masalah kepatuhan

Perseroan dan membahas perkembangan di area ini

pada setiap pertemuan tersebut.

Direktur Utama dan Direktur Keuangan secara rutin

menghadiri rapat-rapat komite audit. Pertemuan

difokuskan pada sejumlah topik. Komite audit

membahas laporan keuangan konsolidasi. Rapat ini

juga secara seksama mempertimbangkan laporan

risiko, yang mencakup sistem manajemen risiko,

perencanaan dan risiko pasar, risiko hukum, kepatuhan

perusahaan, laporan proses dan risiko organisasi

dan sistem pengendalian internal dan laporan audit

Perseroan. Pertemuan juga membahas laporan

tahunan staf kepatuhan untuk menentukan bidang

utama fokus untuk audit laporan keuangan 2015.

Komite Audit juga membahas reorganisasi yang

sedang berlangsung dari fungsi akuntansi dan

audit internal.

Laporan Keuangan Audit

Laporan keuangan konsolidasi telah disusun sesuai

dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Indonesia,

yang terdiri dari pernyataan dan interpretasi yang

dikeluarkan oleh dewan standar akuntansi keuangan

Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia dan peraturan dan pedoman

penyajian laporan keuangan dan pengungkapan yang

dikeluarkan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Auditor,

Purwantono, Sungkoro dan Surja (Ernst & Young) telah

mengaudit laporan keuangan konsolidasi Perseroan

dan anak perusahaan.

On the basis of the auditor’s report on the audit

of the consolidated financial statements of the

Company, the audit committee develops proposals

concerning the approval of the statements by the

Board of Commissioners. The audit committee is

also responsible for the Company’s relationship with

the external auditor. The audit committee reviews

the proposal from Board of Directors concerning

the auditor’s appointment, as it is mandatory

for the Board of Directors to seek the approval

from audit committee. The audit committee while

suggesting areas of focus for audit also monitors the

independence, qualification, rotation and efficiency of

the auditor. In addition, the audit committee oversees

the Company’s internal control system along with the

procedures used to identify, track and manage risk and

the internal audit system. It also deals with corporate

compliance issues and discusses developments in this

area at each of its meetings.

The President Director and the Chief Financial

Officer regularly attended the meetings of the audit

committee. The meetings focused on a number

of topics. The audit committee discussed the

consolidated financial statements. It also carefully

considered the risk report, which covered the risk

management system, planning and market risks, legal

risks, corporate compliance, the report on process and

organizational risks and the internal control system

and the report by corporate auditing. The meetings

also dealt with the yearly report of the compliance

officer for determining the main areas of focus for

the audit of the 2015 financial statements. The audit

committee also discussed the ongoing reorganization

of the accounting function and internal audit.

Financial Statements and Audit

The consolidated financial statements have been

prepared in accordance with Indonesian Financial

Accounting Standards, which comprise of the

statements and interpretations issued by the board of

financial accounting standards of Indonesian Institute

of Accountants and regulations and guidelines on

financial statement presentation and disclosures

issued by OJK. The auditors, Purwantono, Sungkoro

and Surja (Ernst & Young) have audited the

consolidated financial statements of the Company and

its subsidiaries.


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 23: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Pelaksanaan audit dijelaskan dalam laporan auditor.

Auditor menemukan bahwa Perseroan telah memenuhi

unsur kepatuhan, sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi

Keuangan Indonesia yang dikeluarkan oleh Ikatan

Akuntan Indonesia dan didukung oleh Otoritas Jasa

Keuangan, dan mengeluarkan pendapat wajar tanpa

pengecualian atas laporan keuangan konsolidasi

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk dan anak perusahaan.

Laporan keuangan konsolidasi Perseroan bersama

dengan anak perusahaan dan Laporan Auditor

Independen diserahkan kepada seluruh anggota

Dewan Komisaris. Hal ini dibahas secara rinci oleh

komite audit dan pada rapat yang dihadiri oleh

seluruh Dewan Komisaris. Auditor independen telah

menyerahkan laporan pada kedua kesempatan

tersebut dan hadir selama diskusi.

Kami telah memeriksa laporan keuangan konsolidasi

Perseroan dan anak perusahaan. Kami tidak memiliki

keberatan, sehingga kami setuju dengan hasil audit.

Kami telah menyetujui laporan keuangan konsolidasi

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk dan anak perusahaan yang

disusun oleh Direksi. Laporan keuangan Perseroan

dengan demikian dikonfirmasi dan kami setuju

dengan laporan manajemen gabungan dan

khususnya, dengan penilaian atas pengembangan

Perseroan di masa depan.

Komposisi Dewan Komisaris

Dalam rangka memperkuat komposisi Dewan

Komisaris, dilakukan penambahan anggota Dewan

Komisaris dengan mengangkat Bapak Then Surianto

Eka Prasetyo sebagai Komisaris Perseroan dalam rapat

umum pemegang saham luar biasa yang dilaksanakan

tanggal 29 Juni 2015. Komposisi Dewan Komisaris

sejak ditutupnya rapat umum pemegang saham

luar biasa sampai berakhirnya masa jabatan Dewan

Komisaris yaitu pada tanggal 19 Mei 2017 adalah

sebagai berikut:

Komisaris Utama: Yus’an

Komisaris: Farhan Rio Gunawan

Komisaris: Then Surianto Eka Prasetyo

Komisaris Independen: Fazwar Bujang

The conduct of the audit is explained in the auditor’s

reports. The auditor finds that the Company has

complied, as appropriate with the Indonesian Financial

Accounting Standards issued by the Indonesian

Institute of Accountants and endorsed by OJK, and

issues an unqualified opinion on the consolidated

financial statements of PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk and

its subsidiaries.

The consolidated financial statements of the Company

along with its subsidiaries and the Independent

Auditor’s Report were submitted to all members of

the Board of Commissioners. They were discussed in

detail by the audit committee and at a meeting of the

full Board of Commissioners. The independent auditor

submitted a report on both occasions and was present

during the discussions.

We have examined the consolidated financial

statements of the Company and its subsidiaries. We

have no objections, thus we concur with the result

of the audit. We have approved the consolidated

financial statements of PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk and

its subsidiaries prepared by the Board of Directors.

The financial statements of the Company are thus

confirmed and we are in agreement with the

combined management report and in particular,

with the assessment of the future development

of the Company.

Composition of The Board of Commissioners

In order to strengthen the composition of Board of

Commissioners, an additional member was added

to the board by appointing Mr. Then Surianto Eka

Presetyo during the extraordinary general meeting of

shareholders held on June 29, 2015. The composition

of the Board of Commissioners following this

extraordinary general meeting, whose tenure will last

until May 19, 2017 is as follows:

President Commissioner: Yus’an

Commissioner: Farhan Rio Gunawan

Commissioner: Then Surianto Eka Prasetyo

Independent Commissioner: Fazwar Bujang


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 24: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Then Surianto Eka PrasetyoKomisaris


Yus’anKomisaris Utama

President Commissioner

Farhan Rio GunawanKomisaris


Fazwar BujangKomisaris Independen

Independent Commissioner


Dewan Komisaris ingin mengucapkan terima kasih

kepada semua karyawan untuk ketelitian pekerjaan

mereka sepanjang tahun. Dewan Komisaris juga ingin

mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para pemegang

saham untuk kepentingan mereka di Perseroan dan

untuk kepercayaan dan keyakinan mereka pada

Dewan Komisaris.


The Board of Commissioners would like to thank all

the employees for their conscientious work during

the year. The Board of Commissioners would also

like to thank the shareholders for their interest in the

Company and for the trust and confidence they have

placed in the Board of Commissioners.


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 25: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 26: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Laporan DireksiReport of the Board of Directors

Para Pemegang Saham yang terhormat,

Dengan ini kami sampaikan Laporan Tahunan berikut

dengan Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi Perseroan dan

anak perusahaan bersama dengan Laporan Auditor

Independent untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada

tanggal 31 Desember 2015.


Kami dengan bangga melaporkan bahwa pada tahun

2015, Perseroan dapat menghasilkan pendapatan

sebesar USD 1,01 miliar dan total penghasilan

komprehensif tahun berjalan sebesar USD9,11 juta.

Sebagai perbandingan, pendapatan tahun lalu dan

laba bersih Perseroan adalah sebesar USD1,24 miliar

dan USD6,68 juta. Secara komparatif, meskipun

terjadi penurunan pendapatan pada tahun 2015

sebesar 19%, namun laba bersih Perseroan untuk

tahun ini meningkat sebesar 10% berdasarkan laporan

yang berdiri sendiri dan 36% berdasarkan laporan

konsolidasi dari tahun lalu.

Alasan utama dibalik terjadinya penurunan

pendapatan adalah karena penurunan harga

komoditas. Dalam hal volume penjualan, Perseroan

mencatat pertumbuhan yang cukup baik sebesar

5%. Pertumbuhan itu seiring dengan pertumbuhan

industri dan kondisi perekonomian Indonesia. Volume

penjualan di tahun 2015 meningkat setelah mengalami

turunnya permintaan pada tahun 2014. Penurunan

harga komoditas walaupun berlanjut juga di tahun

2015, namun tidak seperti tahun lalu, penurunan

harga tidak memiliki dampak negatif terhadap

pendapatan Perseroan. Sebaliknya, Perseroan mampu

meningkatkan margin keuntungan dan menghasilan

pendapatan yang lebih tinggi untuk tahun ini. Secara

konsolidasi laba bersih jauh lebih tinggi karena

keuntungan yang dihasilkan dari akuisisi.

Dear Valued Shareholders,

It gives us great pleasure to present the Company’s

annual report together with consolidated financial

statements of the Company and its subsidiaries along

with independent auditor’s report for the year ending

December 31, 2015.


We are pleased to report that in 2015, the Company

generated USD1.01 billion in revenues and total

comprehensive income for the year of USD9.11 million.

In comparison, last year’s revenues and net profit were

USD1.24 billion and USD6.68 million respectively. On a

comparative basis, despite a 19% drop in revenues in

2015, Company’s net earnings for the year increased by

10% on a stand alone basis and 36% on a consolidated

basis over last year.

The main reason behind fall in revenues was drop

in commodity prices. In terms of sales volume, the

Company registered a modest growth of 5%. The

growth was in line with industry growth and state of

Indonesian economy. Sales volume in 2015 picked

up after experiencing sluggish demand in 2014. The

downtrend in commodity prices however continued

in 2015 as well but unlike last year, price drop did not

have any adverse impact on corporate earnings. On

the contrary, Company was able to improve profit

margins and post better earnings for the year. On a

consolidated basis, net profit was much higher due to

gains resulting from acquisition.


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Page 27: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Liauw Sioe LianDirekturDirector

Po Indarto GondoDirektur IndependenIndependent Director

Anand Kishore BapatDirekturDirector

Lim Aun SengDirektur UtamaPresident Director


Bong Kong FuiDirektur IndependenIndependent Director


Investasi terus menjadi tema Perseroan di tahun

2015 dalam rangka memperkuat kemampuan logistik

Perseroan. Tindakan investasi yang telah dimulai

pada tahun lalu meningkatkan nilai buku aset sebesar

128% di tahun 2015 menjadi USD34,83 juta secara

laporan konsolidasi. Secara laporan berdiri sendiri

adalah sekitar dua pertiga dari angka konsolidasi,


Investment continued to be the Company theme in

2015 in order to strengthen the Company’s logistic

capabilities for us to be able to give better service.

Investment action which had commenced last year

increased the book value of assets by 128% in 2015 to

USD34.83 million on a consolidated basis. On a stand

alone basis, it is about two thirds of the consolidated


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PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 28: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

sedangkan sisanya merupakan kepemilikan melalui

anak perusahaan. Pada saat ini Perseroan mempunyai

3 (tiga) anak perusahaan, yaitu PT Nusa Prima

Logistik (NPLog), PT Terminal Bangsa Mandiri (TBM)

dan PT Kharisma Cipta Dunia Sejati (KCDS) dimana

kepemilikan Perseroan pada anak perusahaan tersebut

adalah masing-masing sebesar 65%, 99% dan 99,9%.

Sementara NPLog dan TBM memiliki asset mereka

yang terletak di Teluk Lamong Surabaya, sementara

KCDS berpusat di Cigading, Propinsi Banten. Setelah

akuisis saham NPLog pada bulan September 2014,

dilangsungkan upacara peletakan batu pertama di

Teluk Lamong, Surabaya pada tahun 2015. Saham TBM

diperoleh pada bulan Juli, sedangkan saham KCDS

diperoleh pada bulan Desember 2015.

Kegiatan investasi berpusat pada perolehan area

gudang curah di dalam dan di sekitar fasilitas

pelabuhan yang digunakan oleh Perseroan untuk

pembongkaran kargo. Tujuan utamanya adalah

untuk mencapai efisiensi logistik yang lebih baik,

meningkatkan manajemen gudang dan menurunkan

biaya keseluruhan terkait dengan pemakaian,

penanganan, penyimpanan dan pengiriman kargo.

Kami percaya bahwa dengan memiliki aset-aset

tersebut dibandingkan dengan menyewa memberikan

dasar yang lebih kuat dan aman bagi sistem impor dan

distribusi Perseroan kedepannya.

Akuisisi saham terminal operator biji-bijian KCDS

adalah peristiwa yang menghasilan keuntungan bagi

Perseroan. Saham tersebut, memiliki nilai aset bersih

setara dengan USD9,92 juta yang dapat diperoleh

dibawah nilai wajar, dengan total nilai setara dengan

USD7,24 juta. Diskon nilai pembelian dalam akuisisi ini

diakui sebagai pendapatan lain-lain senilai USD2,68

juta dalam Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi tahun 2015.

Selain itu, apabila konsolidasi dilakukan di awal tahun,

pendapatan konsolidasi akan menjadi lebih tinggi

sebesar 25% sampai dengan 30%.


Akuisisi aset-aset tetap, baik melalui akuisisi langsung

atau melalui akuisisi saham dilakukan dengan

memperhatikan penggunaan aset dan sumber dana

figure, while the balance represents interest in

subsidiaries. The Company currently has three

subsidiaries namely PT Nusa Prima Logistik (NPLog),

PT Terminal Bangsa Mandiri (TBM) and PT Kharisma

Cipta Dunia Sejati (KCDS) and Company’s

ownership in these subsidiaries stands at 65%, 99%

and 99.9% respectively.

While NPLog and TBM have their assets based in

Teluk Lamong, Surabaya, that of KCDS is based in

Cigading, Banten province. Following the acquisition of

NPLog shares in September 2014, the groundbreaking

ceremony took place in Teluk Lamong, Surabaya 2015.

Shares in TBM were acquired in July, whereas those in

KCDS were acquired in December 2015.

Investment activities centred on acquring bulk

warehouse storage space in and around port facilities

used by the Company for discharging its cargo. A

primary objective was to accomplish better logistic

efficiency, improve warehouse management and

lower overall costs related to discharging, handling,

storage and delivery of cargo. We believe that the

ownership of such assets as opposed to renting or

leasing provides a more sound and secure basis for

the Company’s import and distribution system going


The acquisition of shares in the grain terminal operator

KCDS is a case in point of benefits resulting to the

Company. These shares, having a net asset value

equivalent to USD9.92 million could be acquired below

it’s fair value, for a total consideration equivalent to

USD7.24 million. The discount on purchase value of this

acquisition was recognised as other income amounting

to USD 2.68 million in the consolidated financial result

of 2015. Moreover, had the consolidation taken place

from beginning of the year, consolidated earnings

would have been even higher by 25% to 30%.


The acquisition of fixed assets, be it through direct

acquisition or through share acquisitions was done

keeping in mind the Company’s leverage within safe


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PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 29: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

(leverage) Perseroan dalam batas aman. Proyeksi

stabil untuk Perseroan didukung oleh peringkat

BBB + (triple B plus) yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga

Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia, PEFINDO. Mengingat

gejolak yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan komoditas

pada tahun 2015, peringkat nilai investasi Perseroan

dalam tahun yang sama sangat menonjol sebagai

faktor yang meyakinkan atas neraca yang kuat dan

model bisnis Perseroan bila dibandingkan dengan



Di bidang Bursa Valuta Asing, ketika Bank Central FED

mulai menaikkan suku bunga dan terus mengganggu

pasar valuta asing. Indeks USD naik dari tingkat 90

sejak awal tahun menjadi 100 pada satu titik, namun

stabil di atas 93 pada akhir tahun. Rupiah adalah

termasuk di antara mata uang dengan performa

terburuk selama tahun ini, depresiasi terhadap USD

mencapai 11% apabila dihitung secara Year-on Year.

Ketika semuanya tampak pasti bahwa FED akan

menaikkan kurs pada bulan September, Rupiah berada

di puncak terlemah mencapai di atas Rp14.500. Bank

sentral Indonesia memelihara/menjaga transaksi

pertukaran mata uang asing dan mengambil langkah-

langkah untuk membatasi transaksi spekulatif. Bank

Indonesia juga menerapkan kebijakan baru yang

efektif dengan mewajibkan seluruh transaksi lokal

harus menggunakan mata uang lokal sejak Juli 2015.

Hanya transaksi lintas negara, kewajiban berdasarkan

kontrak sebelumnya dan pengecualian untuk

kategori tertentu yang diizinkan untuk melanjutkan

penagihan/penerbitan faktur dalam mata uang asing.

Perpanjangan juga diberikan secara kasus per kasus

agar transisi perubahan transaksi dari berbasis USD

menjadi transaksi berbasis Rupiah berjalan lancar.

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk termasuk salah satu perusahaan

yang meminta dan mendapatkan perpanjangan sampai

dengan akhir tahun. Bagi Perseroan, transaksi berbasis

USD merupakan transaksi lindung nilai alami sehingga

perubahan menjadi transaksi berbasis Rupiah yang

menyebabkan biaya lindung nilai (hedging) yang

lebih tinggi tidak perlu terjadi. Berdasarkan peraturan,

importir berkewajiban untuk memenuhi (rasio) lindung

nilai minimal 20% dari eksposur mata uang asingnya,

limits. The stable outlook for Company was endorsed

by a BBB + (Triple B Plus) rating issued by Indonesia’s

premiere credit rating agency Pefindo. Considering

the kind of turmoil faced by many commodity firms in

2015, the Company’s investment grade rating during

the same year stands out as a reassuring factor about

the Company’s strong balance sheet and business

model with respect to its peers.


On the foreign exchange front, the timing of FED

initiating rate hikes continued to spook the foreign

exchange market. The USD index rose from a level of

90 from the beginning of the year to breach 100 at

one point but finding support above 93 by the end of

the year. Indonesian rupiah was amongst the worst

performing currencies during this time, depreciating

11% to USD on y.o.y basis. When it all seemed certain

for FED to hike rates in September, weakness in rupiah

peaked beyond IDR14,500. Indonesia’s central bank

maintained their vigil on forex transactions and took

steps to curb speculative trading. Bank Indonesia also

introduced a new policy which effectively mandated all

local transactions to be based in local currency from

July 2015 onwards. Only cross border transactions,

prior contractual obligations and exemptions for

certain categories were permitted to continue

invoicing in foreign currency. Extensions were also

awarded on a case by case basis to accomodate

smooth transition from USD based transaction to IDR

based transactions.

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk was amongst those companies

to request and obtain an extension until year end. As

for the Company, USD based transaction serves as a

natural hedge and as such switching to transacting

in IDR involves higher hedging costs, which the

Company’s customer do not have to necessarily incur.

Based on regulation, an importer is obliged to hedge

at least 20% of their foreign currency exposure, while

the same importer purchasing imported commodity


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 30: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

sementara importir yang sama apabila membeli

komoditas yang diimpor dari suatu perusahaan yang

berdomisili di Indonesia akan diminta oleh perusahaan

yang menjual barang untuk melakukan transaksi

lindung nilai 100% ketika membeli dalam Rupiah.

Perseroan telah mengajukan permohonan kepada

Bank Indonesia sampai adanya kesamaan perlakuan

di pasar mata uang asing dan volatilitas terkendali.

Dengan demikian, walaupun Bank Indonesia

memberikan perpanjangan selama 6 (enam) bulan,

namun masih belum diatur karena situasi akhir tahun

tidak menunjukkan peningkatan yang nyata, Perseroan

telah mengajukan proposal untuk perpanjangan

berikutnya di mana telah mendapat persetujuan dari

Bank Indonesia bedasarkan surat per tanggal

15 Januari 2016.


Di tahun 2015 Perseroan telah menjual 2,16 juta ton

bahan pangan dan pakan senilai USD1,01 miliar. Hal ini

tercapai atas penjualan 1,3 juta ton bahan pakan dan

penjualan 867.000 ton bahan pangan, senilai masing-

masing USD575 juta dan USD432 juta. Komposisi

penjualan dari bahan pakan dan bahan pangan

adalah 60:40 berdasarkan volume dan 57:43

berdasarkan nilai.

Industri Pangan

Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang berkelanjutan,

peningkatan populasi dan urbanisasi yang terus

menerus menyebabkan meningkatnya permintaan

pangan di Indonesia. Tidak hanya meningkatnya

keseluruhan konsumsi pangan namun diet menjadi

lebih beragam. Sementara di satu sisi, pertumbuhan

nilai konsumsi agri-food (pangan hasil pertanian)

merupakan suatu pertanda baik bagi Indonesia, namun

disisi lain sektor pangan hasil pertanian menghadapi

tantangan untuk meningkatkan perkembangan

produksi dan produktivitasnya.

Pertumbuhan permintaan yang paling signifikan adalah

untuk daging, produk susu, buah-buahan dan sayuran

di kalangan konsumen perkotaan. Menurut Biro Riset

dan Ilmu Pertanian dan Ekonomi Australia (“ABARES”),

jika produktivitas pertanian Indonesia gagal untuk

meningkat, maka Indonesia akan tetap tergantung

pada impor pangan dan pakan.

from a Company domiciled in Indonesia in IDR

implicity amounts to hedging 100%.

The Company had proposed Bank Indonesia seeking

extension until some semblance was observed in forex

market and volatility was under control. As such, even

though initial 6 (six) months extension was given by

Bank Indonesia, the possibility of further extension

wasn’t ruled out. As the situation by year end did not

show any marked improvement, the Company had

submitted a proposal for further extension which was

consented by Bank Indonesia in their letter dated

15 January 2016.


In 2015, the Company sold 2.16 million tons of food

and feed ingredients valued at USD1.01 billion. This

was achieved on the back of 1.3 million ton sale of

Feed ingredients and 867 thousand ton sale of Food

ingredients, amounting to USD575 million and USD432

million respectively. The composition of feed and food

ingredient sales was 60:40 by volume and 57:43

by value.

Food Industry

Indonesia’s sustained economic growth, population

increase and continued urbanization is increasing

Indonesia’s demand for food. Not only is the total food

consumption increasing but diets are becoming more

diverse. While on one hand, growth in the value of

agri-food consumption augurs well for Indonesia, on

the other, agri-food sector faces challenges to increase

its production and productivity growth.

The most significant demand growth is witnessed

for meat, dairy products, fruit and vegetables among

urban consumers. If agricultural productivity fails to

improve, Indonesia will remain dependent on food

and feed imports, according to the Australian Bureau

of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Science



Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 31: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Laporan tersebut memperkirakan permintaan untuk

produk daging di Indonesia akan bertambah menjadi

USD30 miliar, sementara permintaan untuk produk

susu akan mendekati USD10 miliar di tahun 2050.

Untuk memenuhi permintaan ini, impor pangan

berdasarkan tren yang terjadi saat ini akan menjadi

komponen yang semakin penting dari pasokan pangan

Indonesia selama 35 tahun kedepan. Nilai riil impor

pangan hasil pertanian diperkirakan akan mencapai

angka yang mengejutkan yaitu USD152 miliar pada

tahun 2050.

Industri Pakan

Industri pakan ternak Indonesia sangat bergantung

pada impor bahan pakan. Permintaan akan bungkil

kedelai, biji bunga sawi (rapeseed), tepung daging

dan tulang, pakan aditif benar-benar dipenuhi melalui

impor, sementara permintaan jagung dan produk

turunan dari jagung sebagian dipenuhi melalui

impor. Ketergantungan ini menyebabkan industri

rentan terhadap depresiasi mata uang. Setiap usaha

untuk membatasi impor memiliki dampak negatif

setidaknya dalam jangka pendek dan industri

tersebut memerlukan kebijakan yang mendukung

dari pemerintah Indonesia untuk mempertahankan

pertumbuhan industri yang sehat.

Total kapasitas produksi pakan di Indonesia meningkat

sebesar 1 juta ton menjadi 21 juta ton, disebabkan

adanya 2 (dua) pabrik pakan ternak baru mulai

beroperasi di tahun 2015. Hal ini dilaporkan membawa

total jumlah pabrik pakan ternak yang beroperasi

di Indonesia menjadi 84 berdasarkan catatan GMPT

(Gabungan Pengusaha Makanan Ternak). Masa 3-4

tahun kebelakang ditemui banyak pemain lokal dan

asing yang baru memasuki industri pakan Indonesia.

Namun dengan melambatnya perekonomian,

rendahnya daya beli dan berlebihnya pasokan Bibit

Ayam Sehari (day old chick - DOC) selama tahun

tersebut menyebabkan beberapa pabrik pakan

menghentikan produksinya. Sesuai berita terhadap

industri, 4 (empat) pabrik pakan ternak telah dijual

dan 2 (dua) diantaranya sedang melakukan negosiasi

penjualan saham dengan investor asing strategis.

Kapasitas pemanfaatan pabrik pakan saat ini

diperkirakan lebih dari 75% berdasarkan taksiran

konsumsi pakan mencapai 16 juta ton selama tahun

2015. Industri memperkirakan konsumsi akan tumbuh

The report forecasts demand for meat products in

Indonesia to grow to USD30 billion, while the demand

for dairy products is seen approaching USD10 billion

by 2050. To meet this growing demand, food imports

based on current trends will become an ever more

important component of Indonesia’s food supply over

the next 35 years. The real value of agri-food imports

is forecasted to reach a stagerring USD152 billion

by 2050.

Feed Industry

Indonesia’s animal feed industry relies heavily on

feed ingredient imports. Demand of soybean meal,

rapeseed meal, meat and bone meal, feed additives is

totally met through imports, while demand of corn and

corn by-products is partly met through imports. This

dependence makes the industry vulnerable to currency

depreciation. Any attempt to restrict imports has an

adverse impact atleast in the short term and as such

industry needs supportive policies from the Indonesian

government to sustain healthy growth.

Total feed production capacity in Indonesia increased

by 1 million tonnes to 21 million tonnes, as two new

feedmills became operational in 2015. This reportedly

brings the total tally of feed mills operating in

Indonesia to 84 according to GPMT (Indonesian

feedmill association) records. Past 3-4 years saw many

new local and foreign players entering Indonesian

feed industry. However the economic slowdown,

low purchasing power and over supply of day old

broiler chicks (DOC)during the year caused some

feedmillers to stop production. As per industry news,

four feedmills were for sale and two of those were

negotiating stake sale with strategic foreign investors.

The current capacity utilzation of feed mills is

estimated to be over 75% based on estimated feed

consumption of 16 million tonnes during 2015. Industry

forecasts consumption to grow by a CAGR of 10% over


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PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 32: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

dengan CAGR 10% selama 5 (lima) tahun kedepan,

untuk mencapai 17,5 juta ton pada tahun 2016 dan 26

juta ton pada tahun 2020.

Peternakan Ayam Broiler

Berlebihnya pasokan DOC terus berlanjut di tahun

2015. Sementara permintaan mingguan meningkat

dari 37 juta DOC di tahun 2014 menjadi 40 juta

di tahun 2015, pasokan DOC mingguan terkait

bahkan meningkat dari 42 juta menjadi 50 juta.

Ketidakseimbangan dalam permintaan dan pasokan ini

adalah disebabkan kurangnya data yang akurat yang

akhirnya menyebabkan penilaian yang salah. Skenario

ini semakin membuat dilema para peternak. Di satu sisi

ada kebutuhan mendesak untuk memangkas pasokan

DOC dengan cara pemusnahan indukan ayam induk

broiler (Parent Stock – PS) untuk menstabilkan harga

daging yang telah jatuh dibawah biaya produksi. Di sisi

lain, ada juga kekhawatiran terlalu banyak melakukan

pemusnahan. Selain itu, jika tindakan tersebut tidak

dikoordinasikan secara pro-rata di antara para

peternak, maka manfaat yang tidak semestinya

dinikmati oleh peternak tertentu akan menyebabkan

timbulnya kekecewaan dari peternak yang melakukan

pemusnahan secara sukarela.

Para peternak bersama dengan Direktorat Jenderal

Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan mengadopsi

pendekatan secara hati-hati terhadap pemusnahan PS

dan pada akhir tahun telah berhasil mengurangi sekitar

sepertiga kelebihan populasi PS. Pendekatan hati-

hati seperti itu sangat penting karena PS tidak hanya

mahal tapi juga diimpor, dan apabila terjadi terlalu

banyak pemusnahan akan menyebabkan terganggunya

pasokan yang mengakibatkan lonjakan harga untuk

produk unggas.

Sektor Perawatan Kesehatan Hewan

Meskipun kesehatan peternakan pembibitan, prospek

produk kesehatan hewan dalam negeri masih

menguntungkan, menurut perkiraan yang disajikan

oleh Asosiasi Obat Hewan Indonesia memperkirakan

pertumbuhan hingga 10% untuk sektor perawatan

kesehatan hewan. Asosiasi ini memperkirakan omset

untuk produk kesehatan hewan di Indonesia sebesar

USD276 juta pada tahun 2016.

the next five years, to reach 17.5 million tons in 2016

and 26 million tons by 2020.

Broiler Farms

The over supply of DOC continued unabated in 2015.

While the weekly demand increased from 37 million

DOC’s in 2014 to 40 million in 2015, corrresponding

weekly supply increased from 42 million to 50 million

DOC’s. The precarious imbalance in demand and

supply of DOC’s is attributed to lack of accurate data,

resulting in wrongjudgement. Such a scenario further

exacerbates the breeders dilema. On one hand, there is

a pressing need to trim DOC supply by way of culling

Parent Stock (PS) in order to stabilize meat prices

which had fallen below production costs. On the other,

there is a fear of overkill. Moreover, if the action isn’t

coordinated on a pro-rata basis amongst breeders,

an undue advantage could be enjoyed by certain

breeding farms much to the chagrin of those

culling voluntarily.

The breeders along with the Directorate General of

Livestock and Animal Health adopted a cautious

approach towards culling and by year end had

succeeded in reducing about third of the excess PS

population. Such acautious approach is vital as PS are

not only expensive but are imported and an over kill

would cause supply disruption resulting in a spike for

poultry products.

Animal Health Care Market

Notwithstanding the health of breeding farms, the

prospects for animal health products in the country

remains lucrative. Forecasts presented by Indonesian

Veterinary Drugs Association estimates upto 10%

growth for animal health care sector. The association

expects a turnover of USD276 million for Indonesia’s

animal health products in 2016.


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

Page 33: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Dari jumlah ini, premixes (pelengkap pakan dan

imbuhan pakan) dan unggas biologis dan produk

farmasi diharapkan untuk menghasilkan 94% yaitu

senilai USD131 juta dan USD129 juta masing-masing.

Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 6% atau USD16 juta akan

terdiri dari produk biologis dan farmasi untuk sapi

dan babi. Perkiraan ini dibuat berdasarkan asumsi

pertumbuhan PDB 4,9% hingga 8% di populasi ternak

dan pertumbuhan 7% di konsumsi pakan.

Industri Perikanan

Kegiatan manufaktur Perseroan mengalami

peningkatan besar pada tahun 2015. Tidak seperti

tahun-tahun sebelumnya dimana pasokan ikan mentah

merupakan kendala besar, tahun El Nino mengalihkan

sekelompok besar ikan pelagis dari pantai Peru dan

Chile ke perairan Indonesia. Suhu permukaan yang

relatif lebih dingin dari laut di sisi ini selama El Nino

adalah alasan terjadinya migrasi ikan. Fenomena

seperti ini umumnya terjadi sekali dalam satu dekade.

Dalam sejarah Perseroan, pertama kali terjadi di

tahun ‘97 - 98, setelah itu terjadi pada tahun 2008

dan terbaru terjadi lagi di tahun 2015. Sejalan dengan

itu, penjualan industri perikanan yang terdiri dari

tepung ikan dan minyak ikan selama tahun seperti ini

jauh lebih tinggi dari rata-rata tahunan. Tahun 2015

tidak terkecuali dan meskipun stok ikan laut menipis

di seluruh dunia, pendapatan Perseroan di 2015 dari

perikanan mampu menyamai pendapatan yang dicatat

pada tahun 2008.


Kami tetap optimis untuk masa depan. Kami juga

berharap bahwa perekonomian Indonesia akan tumbuh

lebih cepat pada tahun 2016. Kami percaya bahwa

masa terburuk untuk harga komoditas sudah kami

lewati. Hal ini ni harus memberikan harapan yang lebih

baik untuk negara komoditas ekspor seperti Indonesia.

Selain itu, sebagai pasar berkembang dengan basis

populasi yang besar, pembangunan infrastruktur

memiliki potensi yang luar biasa, yang pada gilirannya

dapat menciptakan efek domino yang positif.

Perseroan berdasarkan posisinya yang berada di sektor

pangan dan agribisnis yang memberikan solusi logistik,

harus dapat menemukan unsur/formula yang tepat

untuk pertumbuhan di tahun mendatang dan dapat

dilewati dengan baik.

Of this, premixes and poultry biological and

pharmaceutical products are expected to account for

94% at USD131 million and USD129 million respectively.

The balance 6% or USD16 million would comprise of

biological and pharmaceutical products for cattle and

pig. These forecasts were made under the assumptions

of 4.9% GDP growth, up to 8% growth in livestock

population and 7 % growth in feed consumption.


The Company’s manufacturing activity received a big

boost in 2015. Unlike previous years wherein raw fish

supply is a big constraint, El Nino year diverted large

skools of pelagic fish from the coasts of Peru and Chile

to Indonesian waters. The relatively cooler surface

temperature of the ocean on this side during El Nino

is the reason for fish migration. Such an occurence

is generally once in a decade phenomenan. In the

Company’s history, it was first witnessed in ‘97-98,

thereafter in 2008 and latest in 2015. Correspondingly,

industrial fishery sales comprising of fish meal and

fish oil during such these years are much higher than

yearly averages. Year 2015 was no exception and

although world wide marine fish stocks are depleting,

the Company’s 2015 revenue from fisheries was able to

match upto revenues recorded in 2008.


We remain optimistic going forward. It is also hoped

that Indonesian economy will grow at a faster pace

in 2016. We believe that the worst for commodity

prices is behind us. This should augur well for a

commodity exporting nation like Indonesia. Moreover,

as an emerging market with large population base,

infrastructure development has tremendous potential,

which in turn could create a positive domino effect.

The Company by virtue of being positioned in food

and agri sector providing logistic solutions, should

be able to find the right ingredients for growth in the

coming year and well beyond.


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PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Laporan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiReport of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors

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Komposisi Direksi

Dalam rangka memperkuat komposisi Direksi,

dilakukan penambahan anggota Direksi dengan

mengangkat Bapak Po Indarto Gondo sebagai Direktur

Independen dalam rapat umum pemegang saham

luar biasa yang dilaksanakan tanggal 29 Juni 2015.

Komposisi Direksi sejak ditutupnya rapat umum

pemegang saham luar biasa sampai berakhirnya masa

jabatan Direksi yaitu pada tanggal 19 Mei 2017 adalah

sebagai berikut:

Direktur Utama: Lim Aun Seng

Direktur: Anand Kishore Bapat

Direktur: Kusnarto

Direktur: Liauw Sioe Lian

Direktur Independen: Bong Kong Fui

Direktur Independen: Po Indarto Gondo

Composition of The Board of Directors

In order to strengthen the composition of Board

of Directors, an additional member was added to

the board by appointing Mr. Po Indarto Gondo as

Independent Director during the extraordinary general

meeting of shareholders held on June 29, 2015. The

composition of the Board of Directors following this

extraordinary general meeting, whose tenure will last

until May 19, 2017 is as follows:

President Director: Lim Aun Seng

Director: Anand Kishore Bapat

Director: Kusnarto

Director: Liauw Sioe Lian

Independent Director: Bong Kong Fui

Independent Director: Po Indarto Gondo

Bong Kong FuiDirektur IndependenIndependent Director

Anand Kishore BapatDirekturDirector

Liauw Sioe LianDirekturDirector

Lim Aun SengDirektur Utama

President Director

Po Indarto GondoDirektur IndependenIndependent Director



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Profil Perusahaan

Company Profile

Page 38: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Nama PerusahaanCompany Name

Tanggal PendirianDate of Establishment

Bidang Usaha Business Fields

Dasar Hukum Pendirian dan perubahannyaLaw of Establishment and its revisions

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk

27 Juni 1992 June 27, 1992


- Akta no. 34 tanggal 27 Juni 1992 Notaris Raden Santoso

Surat Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia No. C2-8706.HT.01.01.Th’92 tanggal 21 Oktober 1992

The deed No. 34 dated June 27, 1992, made before Raden Santoso, Notary in Jakarta, decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia No. C2-8706.HT.01.01 TH.92 dated October 21, 1992

- Akta no. 111 tanggal 17 September 2001 Notaris Sutjipto, S.H.

Surat Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No. C-08794.HT.01.04.Th.2001 tanggal 20 September 2001

The deed No. 111 dated September 27, 2001, made before Sutjipto, S.H., Notary in Jakarta, decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia No. C-08794.HT.01.04.Th.2001 dated September 20, 2001


Identitas PerusahaanCompany Identity


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Dasar Hukum Pendirian dan perubahannyaLaw of Establishment and its revisions

- Akta no. 20 tanggal 28 Juni 2006 Notaris Andalia Farida S.H., M.H.

Surat Keputusan Menteri Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No. C-19266.HT.01.04.Th.2006 tanggal 3 Juli 2006

The deed No. 20 dated June 28, 2006, made before Andalia Farida S.H., M.H., Notary in Jakarta, decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia No. C-19266.HT.01.04.Th.2006 dated July 3, 2006

- Akta no. 22 tanggal 27 Juni 2008 Notaris Andalia Farida S.H., M.H.

Surat Keputusan Menteri Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No. AHU-51428.AH.01.02.Tahun 2008 tanggal 14 Agustus 2008

The deed No. 22 dated June 27, 2008, made before Andalia Farida S.H., M.H., Notary in Jakarta, decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-51428.AH.01.02.Year 2008 dated August 14, 2008.

- Akta no. 24 tanggal 29 Juni 2015 Notaris Andalia Farida S.H., M.H.

Surat Penerimaan Pemberitahuan Perubahan Anggaran Dasar dari Kementerian Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia No. AHU-AH.01.02-0951563 tanggal

24 Juli 2015 The deed No. 24 dated June 29, 2015,

made before Andalia Farida S.H., M.H., Notary in Jakarta, decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-AH.01.02-0951563 dated July 24, 2015.


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Modal DasarAuthorized Capital

Modal Ditempatkan dan DisetorIssued Capital and Fully Paid Capital

Pencatatan di BursaRecorded in Stock Exchange

Kode SahamCode in Stock

Kantor PusatHead Office

Kantor CabangBranch Offices


Rp100.000.000.000 (seratus miliar Rupiah), terbagi atas 480.000.000 (empat ratus delapan puluh juta) saham, masing-masing saham bernilai nominal sebesar Rp100 (seratus Rupiah).IDR100,000,000,000.00 (one hundred billion Rupiah) divided into 480,000,000 (four hundred and eighty million) shares, each share having its nominal value of IDR100 (one hundred Rupiah).

Rp48.000.000.000 (empat ratus delapan puluh miliar Rupiah) terbagi atas 480.000.000 (empat ratus delapan puluh juta) saham.IDR48,000,000,000,- (four hundred and eighty billion Rupiah) divided into 480,000,000 (four hundred and eighty million) shares

18 Januari 2002January 18, 2002


Sampoerna Strategic SquareNorth Tower, Lt. 3Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46Jakarta Selatan 12930, Indonesia Telepon: (62-21) 5795 0889Faksimili: (62-21) 5795 0890Email: [email protected]:

Surabaya, Semarang, Medan, Lampung, dan Makassar

Muncar - Banyuwangi


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Susunan Dewan Komisaris dan DireksiThe Composition of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors

Dewan Komisaris / Board of Commissioners

Komisaris Utama / President CommissionerYus’anKomisaris / CommissionerFarhan Rio Gunawan Komisaris / CommissionerThen Surianto Eka PrasetyoKomisaris Independen / Independent CommissionerFazwar Bujang

Direksi / Board of Directors

Direktur Utama / President DirectorLim Aun SengDirektur / DirectorAnand Kishore Bapat Direktur / DirectorKusnartoDirektur / DirectorLiauw Sioe LianDirektur Independen / Independent DirectorBong Kong FuiDirektur Independen / Independent DirectorPo Indarto Gondo


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Pada tahun 1999, Perseroan memperluas cakupan

kegiatannya dengan memproduksi tepung bulu dan

sejak tahun 2000 Perseroan mulai mendistribusikan

bahan baku pakan ternak lainnya yang mana tidak

diproduksi di dalam negeri. Perseroan telah “go

public” pada tahun 2002 dan tercatat pada PT Bursa

Efek Indonesia. Pada tahun 2006, nama Perseroan

berubah menjadi “PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk.” Perseroan

melakukan diversifikasi berbagai produk termasuk

In 1999, the Company expanded the scope of activities

by producing feather meal, and since 2000 began

distribution of other animal feed raw materials which

are not produced in the country. The Company

went public in 2002 and is listed on PT Indonesia

Stock Exchange. In 2006, the Company’s name

changed to “PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk.” The Company

diversified product range to include food ingredients

by distributing soybeans. The Company is one of the

Sekilas Tentang PerusahaanCompany at a Glance


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bahan baku pangan dengan mendistribusikan kacang

kedelai. Perseroan menjadi pemasok terbesar untuk

bahan baku di sektor pakan dan pangan.

Bahan baku pakan mencakup bungkil biji-bijian

penghasil minyak, hasil penggilingan biji-bijian berikut

turunanya, bahan pakan berprotein, sedangkan bahan

baku pangan mencakup biji-bijian dan biji-bijian

penghasil minyak.

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. (“Perseroan”) telah berdiri pada tahun 1992

dengan nama PT Fishindo Kusuma Sejahtera dan mulai beroperasi

pada tahun 1993 dan menjadi salah satu pelopor dalam memproduksi

tepung ikan dan minyak ikan dari ikan utuh.

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. (“the Company”) was established in 1992 under the name

PT Fishindo Kusuma Sejahtera and commenced operations in 1993 as a pioneer

in producing fish meal and fish oil from whole fish.

largest distributors of raw materials for food and

feed sector.

Feed ingredients include oilseed meals, grain milling

by products, animal protein meals, industrial fisheries

while food ingredients include grain and oilseed.


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Kegiatan Usaha dan ProdukBusiness Activities and Products

Kegiatan Usaha

Sebagaimana tercantum dalam Pasal 3 anggaran dasar

Perseroan, ruang lingkup kegiatan usaha Perseroan


• Kegiatan Usaha Utama


- Perdagangan besar termasuk impor,

ekspor, lokal antar pulau (interinsulair)

baik untuk perhitungan sendiri maupun

atas tanggungan pihak lain baik secara

komisi serta usaha-usaha sebagai

leveransir, grossier, supplier, distributor dan

perwakilan/keagenan Perseroan lain baik

dalam maupun luar negeri untuk barang-

barang hasil produksi sendiri dan hasil

produksi Perseroan lain.

- Ekspor impor perdagangan pakan ternak

meliputi makanan ternak dan unggas serta

kegiatan usaha terkait;

- Ekspor impor dan perdagangan hasil


• KegiatanUsahaPenunjang

a. Perikanan:

Perikanan darat/laut, budidaya

pertambakan, penangkaran dan

pembesaran, pengolahan dan pengawetan

serta kegiatan usaha terkait.

b. Industri:

- Industri makanan ternak dan bahan

bakunya antara lain tepung kerang,

tepung ikan, minyak ikan, tepung bulu

unggas serta kegiatan usaha lainnya.

Company’s Business

As stipulated in Article 3 of the Company’s Articles

of Association, the line of business activities of the

Company are:

• CoreBusiness


- Large scale trading, including import, export,

local inter island (interinsulair) whether for

the own account or others by commision

also other business as purveyor, grossier,

supplier, distributor, and representatives/

agents of other domestic / international

companies of its respective goods and other

related agricultural products.

- Export import trading of feed ingredients,

including livestock and poultry feed and

related business activities;

- Agricultural products export impor and


• SupportingBusiness

a. Fisheries:

Inland fisheries / marine, aquaculture farms,

breeding and rearing, processing and

preservation and related business activities.

b. Industry:

- Animal feed industry and other raw

feed materials, such as, flour shells, fish

meal, fish oil, poultry feather meal and

other business activities.


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- Animal feed, fish and shrimp industry

containing copra, cassava (cassava),

vegetable oil and other raw feed

materials and related business


- Fish processing industry (cold storage)

- Industrial processing of agricultural


c. Services:

- Rental Services

- Freight transport including land, air and

water transport

- Providing services and consultancy

services, managementgovernance,

operational and advice support,

planning, monitoring, evaluation and

business development and investment

strategy, analysis andlogistics feasibility

study and related business activities.

- Running business activity of expedition,

packing and warehousing which covers

the field of warehousing such as goods

receipt, storage, stacking, storage,

sorting, packing, marking, measuring,

weighing, and delivery for the goods

received from the vesselwhether

for further delivery or prepared to

be transferred to the Company for

shipping services and related business





It is a major food and feed grain and has a multitude

of available varieties. The most widely grown variety is

known as the dent corn and is typically used for feed.

Other types such as Flint corn, Sweet corn are mostly

intended for food uses. There are other varieties that

have been created either to improve the industrial

or nutritional value or to improve the digestibility in


- Industri pakan ternak, ikan, udang

antara lain mengandung bahan kopra,

cassava (gaplek), minyak nabati dan

bahan bakulainnya serta kegiatan

usaha terkait.

- Industri pengolahan hasil perikanan

(cold storage).

- Industri pengolahan hasil pertanian

c. Jasa:

- Jasa Sewa Menyewa

- Jasa Pengangkutan yaitu

pengangkutan darat, udara dan air

- Menyediakan jasa dan pelayanan

konsultasi, pengelolaan manajemen,

saran dan bantuan operasional,

perencanaan, pengawasan, evaluasi

dan strategi pengembangan bisnis dan

investasi, analisa dan studi kelayakan

logistik serta kegiatan usaha terkait.

- Menjalankan kegiatan usaha ekspedisi,

pengepakan dan pergudangan

yang meliputi bidang warehousing

yaitu penerimaan, penampungan,

penumpukan, penyimpanan, sortasi,

pengepakan, penandaan, pengukuran,

penimbangan, pengiriman dimana

dikerjakan dan disiapkan untuk barang-

barang yang diterima dari kapal untuk

peredaran selanjutnya atau disiapkan

untuk diserahkan kepada Perseroan

pelayanan untuk dikapalkan serta

bidang usaha terkait.




Jagung merupakan makanan dan pakan biji-bijian

utama dan memiliki banyak varietas. Varietas yang

paling banyak ditanam dikenal sebagai jagung gigi

kuda (dent corn) dan biasanya digunakan untuk bahan

pakan. Jenis lain seperti jagung mutiara (flint corn)

dan jagung manis sebagian besar ditujukan untuk

keperluan makanan. Masih terdapat varietas lain yang

telah dibuat baik untuk meningkatkan nilai industri

atau gizi atau untuk meningkatkan daya cerna ternak.


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Jagung merupakan biji-bijian yang lezat dan juga

sumber energi yang paling berharga di antara sereal.

Oleh sebab itu, jagung menjadi komponen utama

dari setiap pakan ternak. Dalam pakan unggas, yang

merupakan segmen terbesar dalam pakan ternak di

Indonesia, jagung memiliki tingkat penyertaan sekitar

50%. Biji-bijian lain biasanya dibandingkan dengan

jagung untuk memperkirakan nilai gizi mereka.

Pengolahan jagung untuk produk pangan dilakukan

dengan penggilingan bahan baku. Proses penggilingan

bisa melalui penggilingan basah atau penggilingan

kering, tergantung pada jenis produk akhir yang

diinginkan oleh mesin penggilingan. Jika tujuannya

adalah untuk mendapatkan pati atau memproduksi

pemanis seperti glukosa, dekstrosa atau sirup jagung

fruktosa tinggi (HFCS), dilakukan penggilingan

basah. Sedangkan untuk mendapatkan ethanol,

dilakukan penggilingan kering. Penggilingan jagung

menghasilkan sejumlah produk turunan, yang

digunakan sebagai bahan pakan.

Kacang Kedelai

Kacang kedelai merupakan salah satu sumber minyak

dan protein yang paling penting di dunia.Kacang

kedelai adalah tanaman pangan penting yang dapat

diolah untuk menghasilkan protein yang digunakan

sebagai suplemen makanan ataupun menghasilkan

minyak kedelai, yang merupakan minyak goreng

nabati. Berbagai jenis makanan berbahan dasar kacang

kedelai dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam dua kelompok:

fermentasi dan non-fermentasi. Produk utama atas

fermentasi kacang kedelai di Indonesia adalah tempe,

oncom, tauco, dan kecap. Produk non-fermentasi

meliputi tahu, tauge, susu kedelai, kacang goreng

(dimakan sebagai makanan ringan), dan kacang yang

dimasak sebagai sayuran atau sebagai bahan untuk

sup. Produk kedelai ini merupakan sumber protein

yang lebih terjangkau dibanding dengan produk hasil


Kacang kedelai mengandung unsur yang berharga

yaitu rendah lemak, dan bebas kolesterol. Kacang

kedelai juga mengandung asam amino yang pentng

dan senyawa antioksidan yang melindungi sel dari

kerusakan. Kacang kedelai diketahui memiliki banyak

manfaat kesehatan termasuk mengurangi risiko

berbagai jenis kanker, memperlambat atau mencegah


Corn is a palatable grain and also the most valuable

source of energy among cereals. As such it is a major

component of every livestock feed. In poultry feed,

which is the largest segment in Indonesia’s animal

feed, corn has an inclusion rate of about 50%. Other

grains are typically compared to corn to estimate their

nutritional value.

Processing corn for food products is done by milling

the raw material. Milling process can either be wet

milling or dry milling, depending on what sort of

end products are desired by the grain miller. If the

objective is to obtain starch or to produce sweeteners

such as glucose, dextrose or high fructose corn syrup

(HFCS), then wet milling is adopted. Whereas to

obtain ethanol, dry milling process is adopted. Milling

of corn yields a number of co-products, which are

used as feed ingredients.


Soybean is one of the world’s most important sources

of oil and protein. It is an important food crop that can

be processed to yield protein which is used as food

supplement or they can yield oil, which is an edible oil

in food. The large variety of food based on soybean

can be classified into two groups: fermented and non-

fermented. The main fermented soybean products in

Indonesia are tempe, oncom, tauco and soy sauce.

Non-fermented products include tahu, soybean

sprouts, soy milk, fried beans (eaten as snack), and

beans cooked as a vegetable or as an ingredient for

soup. These soybean products are a more affordable

source of protein than livestock products.

Soybean contains valuable constituents, is low in fat,

and is cholesterol-free. It also contains of essential

amino acids and antioxidants-compounds which

protect cells from damage.Soybean is known to

possess many health benefitsincluding reducing risk of

various types of cancers, slowing down or preventing

kidney damage, and to help retain bone mass.


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kerusakan ginjal, dan membantu mempertahankan

massa tulang.


Produk Penggilingan Biji-bijian

Produk biji-bijian hasil penggilingan yang dijual oleh

Perseroan adalah produk turunan yang diperoleh

selama penggilingan jagung basah, penggilingan

jagung kering dan penggilingan gandum.

• TepungJagungGluten(CGM)

Produk turunan hasil penggilingan jagung basah,

yang biasanya memiliki kandungan protein 60%.

Kami memasok produk tersebut dari Amerika

Serikat dan lokal.

• PakanJagungGluten(CGF)

Produk turunan hasil penggilingan jagung basah,

yang biasanya memiliki kandungan protein

berkisar antara 18-22%. CGF dipasok secara lokal.

• Dried Distiller’s Grains (DDGS)

Produk ini merupakan produk turunan atas

hasil penggilingan jagung kering, dimana

jagung digiling sebagai bahan bakar (etanol)

dan bukan untuk makanan. Produk ini biasanya

diperdagangkan dengan dasar lemak protein

lemak 25-30%. DDGS dimpor dari Amerika


• DedakGandum

Produk ini merupakan produk turunan dari tepung

terigu dan merupakan bahan pakan yang berserat

dan juga dapat dijadikan alternatif pengganti atas

produk dedak padi/bekatul. Produk ini diperoleh

secara lokal.

Produk biji-bijian penghasil minyak

“Produk biji-bijian penghasil minyak merupakan

produk biji-bijian yang tersisa setelah minyak yang

terkandung di dalamnya di buang”. Biji-bijian penghasil

minyak kaya akan protein dengan berbagai kandungan

sisa minyak yang tergantung pada proses ekstraksi.

Biji-bijian penghasil minyak yang pada umumnya

digunakan dalam pakan ternak di Asia adalah bungkil

kacang kedelai, bungkil biji sawi, kacang tanah, bungkil

kopra, dan biji sawit. Biji-bijian tersebut, sebagian

besar, merupakanformulasi campuran pakan (25-30%).


Grain Milling Products

The grain milling products that are sold by the

Company are the co-products obtained during corn

wet milling, corn dry milling and wheat milling.

• CornGlutenMeal(CGM)

Co-product of corn wet milling, which typically

has 60% protein content. We source it from USA

and locally.

• CornGlutenFeed(CGF)

Co-product of corn wet milling, which typically

has a protein content ranging from 18-22%. CGF is

sourced locally.

• DriedDistiller’sGrains(DDGS)

This is a co-product of corn dry milling, when

corn is milled for fuel (ethanol) rather than for

food. It is usually traded on a 25-30% protein-fat

basis. DDG’s are imported from USA.

• WheatBranPollard

This is a co-product of wheat milling. It is a

fibrous feed ingredient and alternative to rice

bran. This is locally sourced.

Oilseed Products

“An oil seed product is the residue remaining after

reserved oil is removed from oilseeds” . Oil seed meals

are rich in protein with varying residual oil content

depending on the extraction process. Oil seed meals

that are generally used in animal feed in Asia are

soybean meal, rapeseed meal, groundnut meal, copra

meal and palm kernel meal. Together, they constitute

a substantial proportion (25-30%) in compound feed



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• Bungkilbijikedelai(SBM)

Produk biji-bijian yang diperoleh setelah

mengekstraksi minyak dari kacang kedelai.

Produk ini diimpor dari Argentina, Amerika

Serikat, Brazil, Paraguay, India, Cina.

• Bijibungasawi/bungakanola(RSM)

Produk biji-bijian yang diperoleh setelah

mengekstraksi minyak dari bunga sawi dan bunga

canola. India, Eropa dan Kanada negara penghasil

utama produk tersebut.

• Bungkilkacangtanah(GNM)

Produk biji-bijian yang diperoleh setelah

mengekstraksi minyak dari kacang tanah. Produk

ini bersumber terutama dari India.

Produk-produk industri perikanan

“Produk hasil industri perikanan didefinisikan sebagai

produk yang karena alasan spesies, ukuran, kualitas,

ketersediaan atau kapasitas pengolahan, tidak

cocok untuk dikonsumsi manusia secara langsung”.

Berdasarkan hasil tangkapan ikan dunia secara

tahunan, sekitar sepertiga hasil tangkapan tidak

digunakan untuk konsumsi manusia langsung tetapi

digunakan sebagai bahan baku perikanan untuk

membuat produk turunan hasil perikanan. Produksi

tepung ikan dan minyak ikan sangat digunakan

sebagai jalan keluar dari bahan baku tersebut. Di

seluruh dunia sekitar 33 juta ton ikan hasil tangkapan

digunakan untuk kepentingan industri dan diproses

menjadi tepung ikan dan minyak ikan.

• Tepungikan

Tepung ikan merupakan bahan utama dalam

formulasi pakan budidaya perairan (ikan dan

udang). Hampir semua ikan mengandung 15-20%

protein, tetapi berbeda dalam kandungan lemak

mereka. Beberapa ikan tidak berlemak dan yang

lain memilik lemak ikan yang tinggi, mengandung

jumlah tinggi minyak. Tepung ikan dibeli terutama

karena memiliki protein yang berkualitas tinggi.

Komoditas Ini juga merupakan sumber yang kaya

akan vitamin dan mineral, yang memiliki peran

penting untuk dalam nutrisi hewan.

Kualitas tepung ikan biasanya ditentukan dalam

kontrak dalam hal tingkat minimum protein, dan

tingkat maksimum lemak, kelembaban, garam,

• SoybeanMeal(SBM)

Residue obtained after extracting oil from

soybeans. Imported from Argentina, USA, Brazil,

Paraguay, India, China.

• RapeseedMeal/CanolaMeal(RSM)

Residue obtained after extracting oil from

Rapeseed / Canola. India, Europe and Canada are

the main producers.

• GroundnutMeal(GNM)

Obtained after extracting groundnut oil. Sourced

mainly from India.

Industrial Fishery Products

“Industrial Fishery Products here are defined as those

by-products, which are for reasons of species, size,

quality, availability or processing capacity, found

unsuitable for direct human consumption”. Of the

annual world catch of fish, about one-third is not used

for direct human consumption and as such considered

to be the raw material for Industrail fisheries.

Production of fish meal and fish oil is overwhelmingly

used as an outlet for these raw materials. Worldwide

around 33 million tons of so called industrial fish are

caught and processed into fish meal and fish oil.

• FishMeal

Fish meal is a key ingredient in the formulation of

aquaculture feed (fish and shrimps). Virtually all

fish contain 15 – 20% protein but differ in their fat

content. Some are lean fish while others are fatty

fish, containing high amount of oil. Fish meal is

purchased primarily for the high quality protein.

It is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals,

which have an important role to play in the

nutrition of animal.

The quality of fish meal is normally specified

in the contract in terms of a minimum level of

protein, and maximum levels of fat, moisture,


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dan pasir. Dijabarkan lebih jauh bahwa pakan ikan

harus bebas bakteri salmonella. Harga komoditas

ini secara langsung berdasarkan analisis yang

telah dilakukan. Secara langsung maupun

tidak langsung, sumber berharga ini adalah

pasokan bahan pangan manusia. Komoditas ini

memberikan biaya yang paling efektif dalam

memperoleh asam lemak tak jenuh. Protein

ikan juga memiliki antigenisitas yang jauh lebih

rendah dibanding protein nabati. Tepung ikan

juga mengandung banyak vitamin B12. Akibatnya,

masuknya tepung ikan dalam pakan ternak

memainkan peran penting dalam pencapaian

peningkatan pertumbuhan dan efisiensi

pemakaian pakan. Ahli gizi pada umumnya

menghubungkan keunggulan dari pakan ikan

karena adanya faktor pertumbuhan yang tidak

teridentifikasi (UGF).

• MinyakIkan

Minyak ikan diperoleh dari lapisan jaringan sel

ikan yang berminyak. Minyak Ikan merupakan

komponen yang tersisa setelah kepadatan dan

kelembaban yang terkandung di dalamnya

salt, and sand. It is often further specified that

the fish meal should be salmonella-free. The

price is directly based on this analysis. Directly

or indirectly, this valuable source is a supply of

human food. It provides the most cost effective

source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fish protein

has a much lower antigenicity than vegetable

protein. Fish meal also contains significant

quantities of vitamin B12. As a consequence,

inclusion of fish meal in animal feeds plays a

decisive role in the achievement of improved

growth and feed efficiency. Nutritionists generally

attribute the supremacy of fish meal due to the

presence of Unidentified Growth Factor (UGF).

• FishOil

Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of oily fish.

Fish Oil is the component remaining after the

solids and moisture have been extracted in the

normal rendering process. This finished product


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diekstraksi. Produk jadi ini digunakan sebagai

sumber energi untuk budidaya perikanan dan

pakan ternak. Komoditas ini menjadi salah satu

dari banyak bahan yang digunakan oleh para ahli

gizi untuk membuat bahan pakan yang lengkap.

Produk Hewani

“Produk hewani umumnya diklasifikasikan sebagai

protein hewani yang berlemak. Protein hewani tidak

hanya mengandung protein dan asam amino, tetapi

mereka juga dapat menjadi sumber yang baik atas

energi dan mineral“

Pakan protein unggas (hidrolisa tepung bulu unggas),

tepung daging dan tulang, tepung darah, dan produk

sampingan tepung unggas diproduksi oleh industri

pengolahan. Bahan baku industri pengolahan ini

sebagian besar terdiri dari produk turunan dari industri

pengolahan dan pengepakan daging dan sisa dari

toko-toko ritel, restoran, dan tempat penanganan

daging lainnya. Kegiatan pengolahan memiliki fungsi

yang sangat penting dengan mendaur ulang lapisan

jaringan dari unggas, bahan-bahan ternak, unggas dan

hewan peliharaan lainnya yang tidak dapat dimakan.

Protein dan mineral dalam produk turunan hewani

membantu mengisi kebutuhan nutrisi penting yang

tersedia untuk digunakan sebagai pakan.

Dalam beberapa percobaan nutrisi yang dilakukan

berkali-kali, protein hewani selalu terbukti lebih

unggul dibandingkan protein nabati dalam

meningkatkn pertumbuhan dan produksi hewan.

Keunggulan ini dianggap melekat dalam protein itu

sendiri sehingga protein hewani dirasakan sangat

diperlukan untuk formulasi pakan ternak. Protein

hewani telah secara jelas menjadi bagian penting dari

campuran bahan pakan.

is used as an energy source for aquaculture and

animal feed. It is one of many ingredients that a

nutritionist will use to formulate a complete feed.

Animal Products

“Animal products are generally classified as either

animal protein of fats. Animal proteins not only supply

protein and amino acids, but they can also be a good

source of energy and minerals”

Poultry protein meal (hydrolyzed poultry feathers),

meat and bone meals, blood meals, and poultry

by-product meal: Are produced by the rendering

industry. The raw materials of this industry consist

largely of by-products from the meat packing and

processing industries and trimmings from retail stores,

restaurants, and other establishments handling meats.

The rendering operations perform a very important

function by recycling inedible tissues of poultry and

other ingredients for livestock, poultry and pets. The

proteins and minerals in the animal by-products help

fill the need for essential nutrients available for use

in feeds.

In several nutrition experiments conducted time

and again, animal protein invariably proved to be

superior to vegetable protein in promoting growth in

production of animals. This superiority was considered

to be inherent in the protein itself and as such animal

proteins were considered indispensable for the animal

feed formulation. Animal proteins have justifiably

become an important part of the feed ingredient mix.


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Page 52: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

PT Fishindo Kusuma Sejahtera

didirikan pada tanggal 27 Juni.

Perseroan memulai kegiatan

komersial sebagai pelopor untuk

memproduksi tepung ikan dan

minyak ikan dari ikan. Fasilitas

domestik yang ada hanyalah

proses limbah pengalengan.

Memperluas ruang lingkup pasokan

bahan baku untuk tepung ikan dan

minyak ikan termasuk produk dari

pengalengan ikan tuna.

Menjadi perusahaan publik.

Penawaran Umum Perdana

dengan menawarkan sebanyak

80 juta saham baru, yang mewakili

16,66% dari penambahan modal

disetor. Harga penerbitan adalah

Rp125 / saham yaitu 25% di atas

nilai nominal.

PT Fishindo Kusuma Sejahtera was

established on June 27.

The Company started its

commercial operations as a

pioneer to produce fish meal

and fish oil from whole fish.

Then existing domestic facilties

only processed canning waste.

Broadened the scope of raw

material supply for fish meal and

fish oil by including by-product of

Tuna canning.

Going Public. IPO to issue 80

million new shares, representing

16.66% of the enlarged capital.

Issue price of IDR125 / share was

25% above par value.

Peristiwa PentingMilestones





Memperluas fasilitas manufaktur

untuk memproduksi tepung

bulu unggas hidrolisa dengan

mengolah bulu ayam/unggas.

Expansion of manufacturing

facility to produce hydrolyzed

feather meal by processing

poultry feathers.


Memperluas jangkauan produk

kami melalui distribusi bungkil

kacang kedelai.

Broadened our product range

through the distribution of

soybean meal.



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Membangun gudang dengan

kapasitas penyimpanan 20.000 MT

di Jakarta untuk pengiriman dalam

bentuk kontainer.

Momentum penjualan Perseroan

terus berlanjut dan saat ini

mencatat pendapatan Rp4 triliun.

Company’s sales momentum

continues, this time to register

IDR4 trillion in revenues.

Investasi dalam pemasangan

fasilitas gudang pendingin dengan

kapasitas penyimpanan 300 MT

untuk menjual ikan bernilai tinggi.

Pendapatan Perseroan mencapai

Rp1 Triliun. Perubahan nama

menjadi PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk.

Mencatat pendapatan sebesar

Rp2 triliun. Sementara perlu

waktu 14 tahun untuk mencapai

pendapatan Rp1 triliun, pendapatan

Rp1 triliun lainnya ditambahkan

dalam masa 2 tahun.

Building a warehouse having

storage capacity of 20.000 MT in

Jakarta for container shipments.

Invested in state of the art cold

storage facility having a capacity

of 300 MT to sell high-value fish.

Company’s revenue reached

Rp1 trillion. Change of name

to PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk.

Recorded IDR2 trillion in revenue.

While it took 14 years to achieve

IDR1 trillion in revenue, another

IDR1 trillion was added in 2 years.





2008Diversifikasi produk dengan

memulai distribusi kacang

kedelai. Hal ini ditandai dengan

masuknya kami ke sektor

pangan untuk meningkatkan

pertumbuhan. Penjualan bersih

meningkat menjadi Rp7,6 triliun.

Product diversification by

commencing the distribution

of soybeans. This marked our

entry into food sector to boost

growth. Net sales increased to

IDR7.6 trillion.



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• PerseroanmenjadiPerusahaan

dengan Omset Milyaran

Dolar. Merupakan tahun yang

mengesankan bagi Perseroan,

memberikan Satu milyar alasan

untuk tersenyum. Pada era

Pisces, FISH bergabung dalam

jajaran perusahaan milyar dolar

yang tercatat di Bursa Efek


A Billion Dollar Company.

A very memorable year for the

Company, providing a billion

reasons to smile. In the age of

Pisces, FISH joined the galaxy

of stars, becoming a member

of the elite billion dollar club

of companies listed on the

Indonesian Stock Exchange.

• Perseroandianugerahi

penghargaan bergengsi

‘Indonesia Business Award’

karena menunjukkan kontribusi

yang signifikan dalam

perdagangan domestik, jasa,

dan investasi.

The Company was awarded the

prestigious ‘Indonesia Business

Award’ for demonstrating

significant contribution in

domestic trade, services and


• Investasidalamfasilitas

penyimpanan dengan

mengakuisisi aset tetap

di Makasar, Lampung

dan Semarang.

Invested in storage facilities

by acquiring fixed assets

in Makassar, Lampung and


• AkuisisisahamPTNusaPrima

Logistik untuk membangun

fasilitas penyimpanan transit

di pelabuah Teluk Lamongan,

Surabaya dengan cara join

ventura dengan PT Charoen

Pokphan Indonesia Tbk dan

PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia

Tbk. Saham mayoritas di

PT Nusa Prima Logistik

dipegang oleh PT FKS Multi

Agro. Tbk.

Acquired shares of PT Nusa

Prima Logistics to establish a

transit storage facility at Teluk

Lamong port in Surabaya by

way of a JV with PT Charoen

Pokphan Indonesia Tbk and

PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia

Tbk. Majority stake in Nusa

Prima Logistic is held by PT FKS

Multi Agro Tbk.

2012 2014

• Perusahaanmenerima

penghargaan ‘Agricultural

Business Partner Award’ dari

United States Grain Council

(USGC) karena telah menjadi

importir jagung terbesar di

wilayah Asia Tenggara.

The Company received an

‘Agricultural Business Partner

Award’ from United States Grain

Council (USGC) for recording

largest corn imports in S.E


• Perseroanjugamenerima

penghargaan sebagai importir

terbesar kacang kedelai di Asia

Tenggara, yang dipersembahkan

oleh American Soybean

Asssociation (ASA); United

Soybean Board (USB) and

U.S Soybean Export Council


The Company also received

recognition for being the

largest importer of Soybean in

South East Asia. The award was

co-presented by three parties

namely American Soybean

Association (ASA); United

Soybean Board (USB) and

U.S. Soybean Export Council


• Perseroanmemperolehfasilitas

kredit sindikasi sebesar USD128

Juta dari bank konsorsium yaitu

Rabobank, HSBC, Sumitomo

Mitsui Banking Corporation,

Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ,

Bank of China dan EXIM Bank


The Company obtained a

syndicated revolving credit

facility of USD128 million from

a consortium of Rabobank,

HSBC, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking

Corporation, Bank of Tokyo

Mitsubishi UFJ, Bank of China

and Indonesia’s EXIM Bank.


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• SelanjutnyaPerseroan

berinvestasi untuk fasilitas

penyimpanan dengan

mengakuisis asset tambahan di

Makassar dan Medan.

Further continued to invest in

storage facilities by acquiring

additional assets in Makassar

and Medan.


• AkuisisisahamPTTerminal

Bangsa Mandiri dan PT Kharisma

Cipta Dunia Sejati untuk

lebih memperluas basis aset

Perseroan untuk menunjang

dan memperkuat kemampuan


Acquired shares of PT Terminal

Bangsa Mandiri and PT Kharisma

Cipta Dunia Sejati to further

broaden Company’s asset base

for supporting and strengthening

its logistic capabilities.


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Lim Aun Seng

Direktur Utama / President Director

Anand Kishore Bapat

Direktur / Director


Direktur / Director

Liauw Sioe Lian

Direktur / Director

Bong Kong Fui

Direktur Independen / Independent Director

Po Indarto Gondo

Direktur Independen / Independent Director

Struktur OrganisasiOrganization Structure


Komisaris Utama / President Commissioner

Farhan Rio Gunawan

Komisaris / Commissioner

Then Surianto Eka Prasetyo

Komisaris / Commissioner

Fazwar Bujang

Komisaris Independen / Independent Commissioner

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham

General Meeting of Shareholders

Pembelian / Procurement

Lenny Yohanda Kartadinata

Penjualan Bahan Baku Pakan /

Feed Ingredient Sales


Penjualan Bahan Baku Pangan /

Food Ingredient Sales

Riko Motto

Hukum / Legal

Sofia Ridmarini

Akuntansi / Accounting

Shandra Judistio

Keuangan / Finance

Nico Widjaja

Sumber Daya Manusia /

Human Resources

Irda Farinduany

Fazwar Bujang

Ketua / Chairman

Michael L. Soetanta

Anggota / Member


Anggota / Member

Erwin Simardjo Sofia Ridmarini


Kepala Departemen

Komite Audit

Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners

Board of Directors

Departmental Heads


Ade Krisna Setiawan




Tjong Hendra Setyo


Pontjo Sardjono Tritojo




FX Hery Suyono

Kepala CabangBranch Managers

Audit Committee

Auditor Internal Internal Auditor

Sekretaris PerusahaanCorporate Secretary


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Visi, Misi dan FilosofiVision, Mission and Philosophy


Menyelaraskan dengan visi Indonesia dalam ketahanan


Kami memiliki visi menjadi penyedia jasa yang

dapat diandalkan oleh Negara untuk memastikan

pertumbuhan yang berkesinambungan khususnya di

bidang pangan dan pertanian Indonesia.


Misi kami adalah untuk menerapkan Tripple A (AAA)

strategi yang mendukung Ketersediaan, Aksesibilitas

dan Keterjangkauan di berbagai komoditas pangan

dan pakan yang dibutuhkan oleh Negara Indonesia.


Kami percaya untuk menjalankan usaha dengan

“SIMPLE”. Bagi kami, sesuatu yang sederhana, selain

dari makna kesederhanaan itu sendiri, juga memiliki

singkatan yang terdiri dari:

•S upplai

•I ngredients

•M engelola

•P roduk

•L ogistik secara

•E fisien


Our vision is to align with Indonesia’s vision of food


We envision ourselves to be a service provider of

repute that the country can always count on for

ensuring sustainable growth in Indonesia’s food and

agri sector.


Our mission is to implement a Tripple A strategy

that supports the Availability, Accessibility and

Affordability across a broad range of the food and

feed commodities that are required by Indonesia.


We believe in keeping things “SIMPLE”. For us, being

simple other than meaning simplicity is an acronym

that stands for:

•S upplying

•I ngredients

•M anaging

•P roduct

•L ogistics

•E fficiently


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Profil Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners Profile

Yus’anKomisaris Utama

President Commissioner

Farhan Rio GunawanKomisaris


Bapak Yus’an diangkat sebagai Komisaris Utama

Perseroan pada September 2014. Sebelumnya beliau

menjabat sebagai Komisaris Independen Perseroan sejak

tahun 2011. Beliau seorang Warga Negara Indonesia,

lahir di Bone pada tahun 1948. Beliau meraih gelar

Naval Architecture dari Universitas Hasanuddin pada

tahun 1975. Sebelum bergabung dengan Perseroan,

beliau menjabat sebagai Wakil Kepala Badan Koordinasi

Penanaman Modal di Indonesia, atau BKPM (1986-2010);

Pengatur pengadaan peralatan pemerintah di Sekretariat

Negara (1980-1986); Direktorat Jenderal Logam Dasar di

Departemen Perindustrian (1976 - 1980) dan Kepala Divisi

di PT Inggom Shipyard (1975).

Bapak Farhan Rio Gunawan diangkat sebagai Komisaris

Perseroan pada bulan September 2014. Beliau seorang

Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir di Tanjung Karang

pada tahun 1962. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi

dari Universitas Jayabaya, Jakarta pada tahun 1986.

Sebelumnya beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur di

Perseroan (1992-1998) dan sebagai Komisaris di salah satu

perusahaan holding yaitu PT Catur Kartika Perdana (1994-

2001). Saat ini beliau juga menjabat sebagai Direktur di

PT Sentral Grain Terminal dan PT Gerbang Cahaya Utama,

jabatan yang telah disandangnya sejak tahun 2000 dan

2001. Sebelumnya, beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur di PT

Saudara Era Sejahtera (1985-1992).

Mr. Yus’an was appointed as President Commissioner of

the Company in September 2014. Previously, he served

as an Independent Commissioner of the Company

since 2011. He is an Indonesian citizen, born in Bone in

1948. He received his degree in Naval Architecture from

the University of Hasanuddin in 1975. Prior to joining

the Company, he was the Deputy Head in Indonesia’s

Investment Coordinating Board, commonly referred to as

BKPM (1986-2010); Procurement Controller in the State

Government Secretariat (1980-1986); Directorate General

of Base Metals in Ministry of Industry (1976 - 1980) and

Divisional Head in PT Inggom Shipyard (1975).

Mr. Farhan Rio Gunawan was appointed as a

Commissioner of the Company in September 2014. He is

an Indonesian citizen, born in Tanjung Karang in 1962. He

received his Economics degree from Jayabaya University,

Jakarta in 1986. Earlier he had served as a Director in the

Company (1992-1998) and as a Commissioner in one of

the holding companies namely PT Caturkartika Perdana

(1994-2001). He currently also serves as a Director in

PT Sentral Grain Terminal and PT Gerbang Cahaya Utama,

positions he has held since 2000 and 2001 respectively.

Prior to that, he was a Director in PT Saudara Era

Sejahtera (1985 - 1992).


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Fazwar BujangKomisaris Independen

Independent Commissioner

Then Surianto Eka PrasetyoKomisaris


Bapak Fazwar Bujang diangkat sebagai Komisaris

Independen Perseroan pada bulan September 2014. Beliau

adalah seorang Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir di Bukit

Tinggi pada tahun 1947. Beliau meraih gelar Master of

Business Administration and Chemical Engineering dari

Institut Teknologi Bandung pada tahun 1973. Sebelum

bergabung dengan Perseroan, beliau berkarir di PT

Krakatau Steel Group dalam berbagai jabatan karir selama

tiga dekade. Setelah bergabung dengan PT Krakatau

Steel sebagai Manajer Pabrik pada tahun 1984, beliau naik

jabatan menjadi Direktur Teknologi (1993-1998); Chief

Executive Officer (1998-2003); Direktur Keuangan (2003-

2006); Direktur Keuangan, Marketing dan Operasional

(2006-2007) dan pada akhirnya sebagai Chief Executive

Officer (2007-2012). Beliau juga pernah menjabat sebagai

Komisaris Utama PT Krakatau Posco (2010-2013).

Bapak Then Surianto Eka Prasetyo diangkat sebagai

Komisaris Perseroan pada bulan Juni 2015. Beliau adalah

seorang Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir di Singkawang

pada tahun 1961. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Akuntansi

dari Universitas Jayabaya pada tahun 1986. Saat ini

beliau juga menjabat sebagai Direktur di PT Fajar

Surya Anugerah Agung (sejak Mei 2007); Direktur di

PT Multijaya Sukses Bersama (sejak September 2006);

Direktur di PT Makassar Tene (sejak Agustus 2006).

Sebelum itu, beliau menjabat sebagai General Manager di

PT Propindo Mulia (1996 - 2006); Manajer Keuangan dan

Akuntansi di PT Surya Achilles Indonesia (1992 - 1996);

Manajer Keuangan dan Akuntansi di PT Rangga Gading

Sakti (1989 - 1992), Manajer Keuangan dan Akuntansi di

PT Onward Paper Utama (1985 - 1989); dan Auditor di

kantor akuntan publik Joseph Susilo (1982-1985).

Mr. Fazwar Bujang was appointed as the Company’s

Independent Commissioner in September 2014. He is

an Indonesian citizen, born in Bukit Tinggi in 1947. He

received his Master of Business Administration and

Chemical Engineering degrees from Institute Technology

Bandung in 1973. Prior to joining the Company, he had

served with PT Krakatau Steel Group in various capacities

in a career spanning three decades. Having joined

PT Krakatau Steel as Manufacturing Manager in 1984,

he rose through the ranks to be Director of Technology

(1993-1998); Chief Executive Officer (1998-2003);

Finance Director (2003-2006); Finance, Marketing and

Operation Director (2006-2007) and finally as the Chief

Executive Officer (2007-2012). He was also the President

Commissioner in PT Krakatau Posco (2010 - 2013).

Mr. Then Surianto Eka Prasetyo was appointed as

Commissioner of the Company in June 2015. He is

an Indonesian citizen, born in Singkawang in 1961. He

received his Accounting degree from the University of

Jayabaya in 1986. He is currently a Director in PT Fajar

Surya Anugerah Agung (since Mei 2007); Director in

PT Multyjaya Sukses Bersama (since September 2006);

Director in PT Makassar Tene (since Agustus 2006). Prior

to that, he was General Manager in PT Propindo Mulia

(1996 – 2006); Finance and Accounting Manager in

PT Surya Achilles Indonesia ( 1992 – 1996); Finance and

Accounting Manager in PT Rangga Gading Sakti( 1989

– 1992), Finance and Accounting Manager in PT Onward

Paper Utama ( 1985 – 1989); Auditor in a registered public

accounting firm Joseph Susilo ( 1982 – 1985).


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Profil DireksiBoard of Directors Profile

Lim Aun SengDirektur Utama

President Director

Anand Kishore BapatDirektur


Bapak Lim Aun Seng diangkat sebagai Direktur Utama

Perseroan pada bulan Mei 2014. Beliau adalah seorang

Warga Negara Malaysia, lahir di Penang, Malaysia pada

tahun 1971. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Akuntansi dari

Tunku Abdul Rahman College pada tahun 1994. Sebelum

bergabung dengan Perseroan, beliau menjabat sebagai

Chief Finance Officer di PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk (April

2008-2014); Group Financial Controller di Plenitude

Berhad (April 2008 - Maret 2009); Personal Assistant

(Regional Controller) dari Direktur Eksekutif dan Group

Finance Manager di Leong Hup Holdings Berhad

(Desember 2002 - Maret 2007); Auditor di Kassim Chan &

Co/ Deloitte Touche (Desember 1994 - Desember 1999).

Bapak Anand Kishore Bapat telah menjabat sebagai

Direktur di Perseroan sejak Juni 2006. Ia adalah

seorang Warga Negara India, lahir di Jamshedpur,

India pada tahun 1967. Beliau meraih gelar Master of

Business Administration dari Institute for Management

Development pada tahun 1993 dan gelar Bachelor of

Mechanical Engineering dari Maharashtra Institute of

Technology pada tahun 1989. Beliau bergabung dengan

Perseroan pada tahun 2002 sebagai Penasehat Teknis

(Pengembangan Bisnis). Sebelum bergabung dengan

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk, beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur

di PT Gerbang Cahaya Utama (2000-2002); Manajer

Pengembangan Bisnis (S.E Asia) di US Filter Corporation

(1998); Senior Manajer Keuangan di PT Indonesia Farming

Ciganjur Makmur (1995-1997); Analis Keuangan di

PT Multi Finas Perdana (1994) dan Asisten Teknik Mekanik

di Grasim Industries Ltd (1990-1992).

Mr. Lim Aun Seng was appointed as President Director of

the Company in May 2014. He is a Malaysian citizen, born

in Penang, Malaysia in 1971. He received his Accounting

degree from Tunku Abdul Rahman College in 1994. Prior

to joining the Company, he was Chief Finance Officer in

PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk (April 2008-2014); Group

Financial Controller in Plenitude Berhad (April 2008 -

March 2009); Personal Assistant (Regional Controller)

to the Executive Director and Group Finance Manager in

Leong Hup Holdings Berhad (December 2002 - March

2007); Auditor in Kassim Chan & Co/ Deloitte Touche

(December 1994 - December 1999).

Mr. Anand Kishore Bapat has been serving as a Director

in the Company since June 2006. He is an Indian citizen,

born in Jamshedpur, India in 1967. He received his Master

of Business Administration degree from Institute for

Management Development in 1993 and Bachelor of

Mechanical Engineering degree from Maharashtra Institute

of Technology in 1989. He had joined the Company in

2002 as Technical Advisor (Business Development).

Prior to joining PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk, he was Director

in PT Gerbang Cahaya Utama (2000-2002); Business

Development Manager (S.E Asia) in US Filter Corporation

(1998); Senior Finance Manager in PT Indonesia Farming

Ciganjur Makmur (1995-1997); Financial Analyst in PT Multi

Finas Perdana (1994) and Assistant Mechanical Engineer

in Grasim Industries Ltd (1990-1992).


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Kusnarto Direktur


Liauw Sioe Lian Direktur


Bapak Kusnarto telah menjabat sebagai Direktur di

Perseroan sejak Juni 2011. Beliau adalah seorang Warga

Negara Indonesia, lahir di Teluk Betung, Lampung, pada

tahun 1961. Pertama kali bergabung dengan Perseroan,

beliau menjabat sebagai Manajer Pabrik (1994-1996).

Sebelumnya, beliau menjabat sebagai Wakil Kepala

Cabang pada sebuah perusahaan swasta komoditas

pertanian (1996-2000) dan Kepala Cabang PT Gerbang

Cahaya Utama (2001-2011).

Ibu Liauw Sioe Lian telah menjabat sebagai Direktur di

Perseroan sejak Juni 2011. Beliau adalah Warga Negara

Indonesia, lahir di Jakarta pada tahun 1970. Beliau meraih

gelar Sarjana Akuntansi dari Universitas Persada Indonesia

pada tahun 1994. Beliau bergabung dengan Perseroan

sebagai Manajer Akuntansi (2002-2009); dan Manajer

Impor Eksekusi (2009-2011). Sebelumnya, beliau menjabat

sebagai Kepala Keuangan di PT Alam Makmur Sembada

(2001) dan Kepala Akuntansi di PT Cipta Dimensi Baja

Nusantara (1989-2001).Mr. Kusnarto has been serving as a Director in the

Company since June 2011. He is an Indonesian citizen,

born in Teluk Betung, Lampung in 1961. He had first

joined the Company as a Plant Manager (1994-1996).

He was Deputy Branch Manager in a private, family

owned Company tradingin agricultural commodities

(1996-2000) and Branch Manager of PT Gerbang

Cahaya Utama (2001-2011).

Mrs. Liauw Sioe Lian has been serving as a Director in the

Company since June 2011.She is an Indonesian citizen,

born in Jakarta in 1970. She received her Accounting

degree from the University of Persada Indonesia in 1994.

She had joined the Company as Accounting Manager

(2002-2009); was Manager Import Execution (2009-

2011). Prior to joining the Company, she was Chief of

Finance in PT Alam Makmur Sembada (2001) and Chief

of Accounting in PT Cipta Dimensions Steel Archipelago



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Bong Kong FuiDirektur Independen

Independent Director

Po Indarto GondoDirektur Independen

Independent Director

Mr Bong Kong Fui telah menjabat Direktur Independen

di Perseroan sejak Juni 2011. Beliau adalah Warga

Negara Indonesia, lahir di Teluk Betung, Lampung pada

tahun 1972. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Akuntansi dari

Universitas Tarumanagara pada tahun 1995. Sebelumnya,

beliau berkarir di PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk. (2001-

2010) dan menjabat sebagai Auditor di kantor akuntan

publik Prasetio Utomo & Co (1995 - 2001).

Bapak Po Indarto Gondo diangkat sebagai Direktur

Independen di Perseroan pada bulan Juni 2015. Ia adalah

seorang Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir di Malang pada

tahun 1969. Beliau meraih gelar Master of Business

Administration dari Drake University (USA) pada tahun

1995 dan Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering dari

Iowa State University (USA) pada tahun 1994. Sebelum

bergabung dengan Perseroan, beliau menjabat sebagai

Wakil Direktur (pengadaan bahan baku) di PT Charoen

Pokphand Indonesia Tbk (2008-2014). Beliau memulai

karirnya di Group Charoen Pokphand sebagai anggota

staf pada tahun 1996 dan kemudian naik jabatan pada

departemen pengadaan Group Charoen Pokphand.

Mr. Bong Kong Fui has been serving as a Director in the

Company since June 2011. He is an Indonesian citizen,

born in Teluk Betung, Lampung in 1972. He received his

Accounting degree from the University of Tarumanagara

in 1995. Previously he was in PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk.

(2001-2010) and auditor in registered public accounting

firm Prasetio Utomo & Co (July 1995 - May 2001).

Mr. Po Indarto Gondo was appointed as an Independent

Director in the Company in June 2015. He is an Indonesian

citizen, born in Malang in 1969. He received his Master of

Business Administration from Drake University (USA) in

1995 and Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

from Iowa State University (USA) in 1994. Prior to joining

the Company, he was Vice President (raw material

procurement) in PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia (2008

– 2014). He had started his career in Charoen Pokphand

Group as a staff member in 1996 and subsequently rose

through the ranks within Charoen Pokphand Group’s

procurement department.


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Fazwar BujangKetua




Bapak Rachmad ditunjuk menjadi Komite Audit

Perseroan pada bulan Juni 2015. Beliau adalah Warga

Negara Indonesia, lahir di Magelang pada tahun 1950.

Beliau meraih gelar di bidang Hukum dari Universitas

Diponegoro, Semarang pada tahun 1976. Saat ini

beliau juga menjabat sebagai anggota Komite Audit

di PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk (sejak tahun 2006) dan

PT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk (sejak tahun 2013).

Selain itu, beliau juga menjabat sebagai Komisaris di

PT Herfinta Farm dan Plantation (sejak tahun 2011);

Komisaris Independen di PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk (sejak

tahun 2008) dan Komisaris Utama di PT Minna Padi

Asset Management (sejak tahun 2007). Sebelumnya,

beliau bertugas di Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional,

Kementerian Hukum dan HAM (1977 - 1998) serta di

Pengawas Pasar Modal Badan dan Lembaga Keuangan


Mr. Rachmad was appointed to the Company’s Audit

Committee in June 2015. He is an Indonesian citizen,

born in Magelang in 1950. He received his degree in

Law from the University of Diponegoro, Semarang

in 1976. He is currently also serving as a member of

the Audit Committees in PT Malindo Feedmill Tbk

(since 2006) and PT Dharma Satya Nusantara Tbk

(since 2013). Additionally, he is a Commissioner

in PT Herfinta Farm and Plantation (since 2011); an

Independent Commissioner in PT Inovisi Infracom Tbk

(since 2008) and President Commissioner in PT Minna

Padi Asset Management (since 2007). In the past, he

had served in the Department of Justice’s Agency for

National Legal Development (1977 – 1998) as well as in

Capital Market’s Supervisory a Agency and Financial

Institution in various capacities (1978 – 2006).

Profil Komite AuditAudit Committee Profile

Profil dapat dilihat pada Profil Dewan Komisaris Profile can be seen in the Board of Commissioners



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Bapak Michael L. Soetanta ditunjuk menjadi Komite

Audit Perseroan pada bulan Juni 2015. Beliau adalah

seorang Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir di Tanjung

Karang pada tahun 1953. Beliau meraih gelar Master

of Art (Financial Economics) dari University of San

Francisco, CA. pada tahun 1989; Diploma Programming

dari Computer Learning Center di Houston, Texas

pada tahun 1986 dan Bachelor of Science (Mechanical

Engineering) dari University of Wisconsin pada tahun

1979. Beliau menjabat sebagai Chief Financial Officer

di PT Goku Resources (sejak Mei 2012). Sebelumnya

beliau adalah seorang Konsultan Keuangan Perusahaan

di PT Permata Birama Sakti (2010-2012); Konsultan

Investasi di California, USA (2002 - 2010); Direktur

Sistem dan Operasional di Nuri Holdings, Singapura

(1999 - 2002); Direktur Keuangan di Bank Dagang

Nasional Indonesia (1992 - 1998); Senior Konsultan

Keuangan di Wells Fargo Bank, San Francisco,

California (1986 - 1992); Analis Programer Keuangan di

World Airways, Oakland, California (1986) dan Allied

International Sales Corp, Houston, Texas (1984-1986)

dan sebagai Gas Engineer di Atlantic Richfield, Jakarta


Mr. Michael L. Soetanta was appointed to the

Company’s Audit Committee in June 2015. He is an

Indonesian citizen, born in Tanjung Karang in 1953. He

received his Master of Art (Financial Economics) from

University of San Francisco, CA. in 1989; Programming

Diploma from Computer Learning Center in Houston,

Texas in 1986 and Bachelor of Science (Mechanical

Engineering) from University of Wisconsin, WI in

1979. He is also the Chief Financial Officer in PT Goku

Resources (since May 2012). Previously he was a

Corporate Finance Consultant for PT Permata Birama

Sakti (2010-2012); an Investment Consultant in

California, USA (2002 - 2010); Director of System and

Operations in Nuri Holdings, Singapore (1999 – 2002);

Finance Director in Bank Dagang Nasional Indonesia

(1992 – 1998); Senior Financial Consultant in Wells

Fargo Bank, San Francisco, California (1986 – 1992);

Financial Programmer Analyst in World Airways,

Oakland, California (1986) and Allied International

Sales Corp, Houston, Texas (1984 – 1986) and as a Gas

Engineer in Atlantic Richfield, Jakarta (1979 – 1983).

Michael L. SoetantaAnggota



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Profil Auditor Internal

Profil Sekretaris Perusahaan

Internal Auditor Profile Corporate Secretary Profile

Erwin SimardjoAuditor Internal

Internal Auditor

Sofia RidmariniSekretaris Perusahaan

Corporate Secretary

Bapak Erwin Sumardjo diangkat sebagai Auditor

Internal Perseroan pada bulan Juli 2014. Beliau adalah

seorang Warga Negara Indonesia, lahir di Surabaya

pada tahun 1977. Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi

dan Akuntansi dari Universitas Surabaya pada tahun

1999 dan Master of Finance dari Universitas Airlangga

pada tahun 2012. Beliau mulai bergabung dengan

Perseroan pada tahun 1999 dan menjabat sebagai

pengendali keuangan sebelum menjadi Audit Internal.

Ibu Sofia Ridmarini telah menjabat sebagai Sekretaris

Perusahaan sejak tahun 2001. Beliau adalah Warga

Negara Indonesia, lahir di Pamekasan pada tahun 1971.

Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Hukum dari Universitas

Trisakti pada tahun 1995. Sebelum bergabung dengan

Perseroan, beliau menjabat sebagai Legal Officer di

PT Bakrie Finance Corporation Tbk. (1995-2001).

Mr. Erwin Simardjo was appointed as Internal Auditor

of the Company in July 2014. He is an Indonesian

citizen, born in Surabaya in 1977. He his received

Economics and Accounting degree from the University

of Surabaya in 1999 and Master of Finance from

Airlangga University in 2012. He had joined the

Company in 1999 and was the financial controller prior

to becoming Internal Auditor.

Mrs. Sofia Ridmarini has been the Company’s

Corporate Secretary since 2001.She is an Indonesian

citizen, born in Pamekasan in 1971. She received her

degree in Law from Trisakti University in 1995. Prior to

joining the Company, she was the Legal Officer in

PT Bakrie Finance Corporation Tbk. (1995-2001).


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Kualitas sumber daya manusia merupakan faktor yang

penting untuk mengatur operasional dan menunjang

perkembangan Perseroan.

The quality of human resources is an important factor to manage the

Company’s operations and to sustain growth.

Sumber Daya ManusiaHuman Resources


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Perseroan menghargai karyawan dengan memberikan

penghasilan dan mengambil langkah-langkah untuk

mendukung mereka agar lebih berkembang. Usulan

dari para karyawan untuk kemajuan dilingkungan

pekerjaan mereka dipacu dan dilaksanakan dengan

baik. Direksi akan mencatat penghargaan mereka atas

dedikasi dan dukungan sepenuh hati dan komitmen

seluruh karyawan dari seluruh jajaran dalam

Perseroan ini.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015 Perseroan memliki 312


The Company accords due importance to valuable

human resources, the employees and takes continued

and varied steps for their development. Suggestions

from employees for improvement in their work areas

are encouraged and the same are duly implemented.

The Board of Directors would like to place on record

their appreciation for the dedication and whole

hearted support and commitment of all the employees

across the Company.

As of December 31, 2015 the Company had 312








Jakarta Bachelor DegreeMuncar Junior High School

Lampung DiplomaSemarang Masters Degree

Makassar Elementary SchoolSurabaya Sr. High School & Equiv.


Wanita Pria








Pendidikan/ Education Wilayah/ Region

Jenis Kelamin/ Gender


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Komposisi Pemegang SahamShareholder Composition

Pemegang Saham per 31 Desember 2015

Shareholders as of 31 December 2015

Struktur Pemegang Saham

Shareholding Structure

Smart Capital Investment Pte Ltd


Freddi Sumadi


Yundi Lowana


PT Era Investama Cemerlang


PT Caturkartika Perdana



Masyarakat/ Public


Freddi Sumadi


Yundi Lowana


Kepemilikan Saham Anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

Shares Held by Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in the Company




PT Era Investama Cemerlang (350.000.000 saham/ share)

PT Caturkartika Perdana (50.000.000 saham/ share)

Masyarakat/ Public < 5% (80.000.000 lembar saham/ share)

Per 31 Desember 2015 tidak ada anggota Dewan

Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan yang memiliki

saham Perseroan.

As of 31 December 2015 none of the members of

Board of Commissioners nor the members of Board of

Directors had owned Company shares.


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Pada tanggal 12-14 Februari 2015, Perseroan turut

serta dalam acara Jakarta Food Security Summit-3

yang diselenggarakan oleh Kadin Indonesia. Perseroan

memperoleh penghargaan Juara Kedua Stan Terbaik

dalam acara tersebut.

On 12-14 February 2015, the Company participated

in Jakarta Food Security Summit-3, an event

organized by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce.

The Company stand earned the distinction of being

adjudged as the Best booth runner up.



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Entitas Anak PerusahaanCompany Subsidiaries

Entitas anak yang dimiliki Perseroan secara langsung pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015 adalah:

The subsidiaries which are directly owned by the Company as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:

PT Nusa Prima Logistik

PT Terminal Bangsa Mandiri

PT Kharisma Cipta Dunia Sejati

Bidang Usaha Logistik Pergudangan

Jumlah Saham Perusahaan

Jumlah Saham Perusahaan

Jumlah Saham Perusahaan




Kegiatan Komersial

Kegiatan Komersial

Kegiatan Komersial

Belum ada

Belum ada

Belum ada




Jl. KH. Mas Mansyur No. 129 Jakarta

Graha Bumi lantai 6 Jl. Jend. Basuki Rahmat No. 106 – 108 Surabaya

Menara Standard Chartered lantai 30, Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164, Jakarta Selatan

Line of Business

Bidang Usaha

Bidang Usaha

Perdagangan Besar

Perdagangan Besar

Line of Business

Line of Business

Logistic Warehousing

Company Share

Company Share

Company Share

Commercial Operations

Commercial Operations

Commercial Operations





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Entitas anak yang dimiliki Perseroan secara tidak langsung pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015 adalah:

Anak Perusahaan PT Kharisma Cipta Dunia Sejati

The subsidiaries which are indirectly owned by the Company as of December 31, 2015 are as follows:

Company Subsidiaries PT Kharisma Cipta Dunia Sejati

PT Sentral Grain Terminal

PT Perusahaan Bongkar Muat Wahana Intradermaga Niaga

Bidang Usaha

Bidang Usaha

Logistik Pergudangan

Bongkar Muat

Kegiatan Komersial

Kegiatan Komersial






Cilegon, Makssar

Line of Business

Line of Business

Logistic Warehousing

Loading and unloading

Commercial Operations

Commercial Operations




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Perseroan menunjuk akuntan publik untuk

mengaudit laporan keuangan konsolidasi

yang berakhir berakhir pada tanggal 31

Desember 2015 dengan pembayaran sebesar

Rp685,5juta (belum termasuk PPN).

Notaris memberikan jasa untuk membuat

berita acara hasil rapat dalam Rapat Umum

Pemegang Saham Tahunan dan Rapat Umum

Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa untuk tahun

2015 dengan total biaya sebesar Rp32,5juta.

Biro Administrasi Efek memberikan jasa untuk

mengelola administrasi saham Perseroan

untuk periode 01 Januari 2015 sampai dengan

01 Januari 2016 dengan biaya sebesar

Rp20 juta (belum termasuk PPN).

The Company engaged the service of public

accountants to audit the consolidated

financial statements for the year ending

December 31, 2015 for consideration of

IDR685.5million (excluding VAT).

Notarial services were engaged to

publish results of minutes of meeting

of the General Meeting of Shareholders

and the Extraordinary General Meeting

of Shareholders for 2015 at a cost of


Share Registrar cost for providing to

manage the administration of the Company’s

shares for the period January 1, 2015 until

January 1, 2016 amounted to IDR20 million

(excluding VAT).

Kantor Akuntan Publik

Purwantono, Sungkoro, Surja

Indonesia Stock Exchange Building

Tower 2, 7th floor

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53

Jakarta 12150

Telp: + 62 21 5289 5000

Fax: + 62 21 5289 4100

Public Accountant


Biro Administrasi Efek

Andalia Farida, S.H., M.H

Gedung Jagat Lantai 1

Jl. R. P. Soeroso No. 42 A

Jakarta Pusat 10350

Telp: + 62 21 391 2189

Fax: + 62 21 391 2192

PT BSR Indonesia

Komp. Perkantoran ITC Roxy Mas

Blok E1 No. 10-11

Jl. KH Hasyim Ashari

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PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk.

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Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen

Management Discussion and Analysis

Page 76: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Analisa Keuangan

Pendapatan Perseroan pada tahun 2015 menunjukkan

peningkatan yang ditandai adanya peningkatan laba

lebih dari pada tahun 2014. Secara umum, marjin

profitabilitas lebih baik pada tahun 2015 dibandingkan

dengan tahun lalu, baik itu marjin laba bruto, marjin

laba operasi atau marjin laba bersih.

Sementara marjin laba bruto meningkat dari sebesar

2,1% pada tahun 2014 menjadi sebesar 3,1% pada tahun

2015, marjin laba usaha meningkat dari sebesar 1,1%

pada tahun 2014 menjadi sebesar 1,6% pada tahun

2015 dan margin laba bersih meningkat dari sebesar

0,5% pada tahun 2014 menjadi sebesar 0,9% pada

tahun 2015.

Ditengah beroperasi dalam keadaan global yang

sangat tidak pasti yang terjadi pada tahun 2015

menyusul kemunduran pada tahun 2014, pemulihan

pertumbuhan pendapatan merupakan perkembangan

yang sangat positif.

Laba bersih sebesar USD9,11 juta pada tahun 2015

pastinya merupakan sesuatu yang menggembirakan

karena merupakan peningkatan sebesar 36,5% dari

tahun sebelumnya.


Total Aset meningkat sebesar USD106,64 juta atau

sekitar 53% menjadi USD308,02 juta. Aset lancar

meningkat sebesar USD78,86 juta atau sekitar 45%

menjadi USD253,26 juta sedangkan aset tidak lancar

meningkat sebesar USD27,78 juta atau sekitar 103%

menjadi USD54,76 juta.

Financial Analysis

Corporate earnings in 2015 demonstrated a marked

improvement over 2014 earnings. In general

profitability margins were better in 2015 compared to

last year, be it gross, operating or net profit margin.

While gross margin increased from 2.1% in 2014 to 3.1%

in 2015, operating profit margin increased from 1.09%

in 2014 to 1.6% in 2015 and net profit margin increased

from 0.5% in 2014 to 0.9% in 2015.

Amidst operating in a highly uncertain global

environment prevailing in 2015, the recovery of

earnings growth following a set back in 2014 is a very

positive development.

The net profit of USD9.11 million in 2015 is surely

something to cheer about as it represents an increase

of 36.5% increase over previous year.


Total Assets increased by USD106.64 million or about

53% to USD308.02 million. Current assets increased by

USD78.86 million or about 45% to USD253.26 million

while non-current assets increased by USD27.78 million

or about 103% to USD54.76 million.

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Kenaikan aset lancar disebabkan kenaikan akun

persediaan sebesar 60,2% dari kenaikan itu, akun

piutang usaha sebesar 15,8%, akun uang muka

penjualan sebesar 14,1% dan peningkatan akun pada

saldo kas sebesar 9,8%.

Peningkatan aset tidak lancar terutama disebabkan

adanya peningkatan aset tetap. Peningkatan properti,

pabrik dan peralatan sebesar 70,2% dari peningkatan

ini, uang muka pembelian sebesar 17,1%, peningkatan

tagihan pajak penghasilan sebesar 14,3% sedangkan

aset tidak lancar lainnya menurun.

Rasio aset lancar menurun dari 1,19x kali di tahun

2014 menjadi 1,15 kali pada tahun 2015 tetapi masih

dalam batas aman. Sementara itu, modal kerja bersih

meningkat sebesar USD4,5 juta atau 16,1% menjadi

USD32,2 juta pada tahun 2015.

Posisi Kas

Arus kas bersih dari operasional, kegiatan investasi

dan pembiayaan meningkat sebesar USD5,26 juta

pada tahun 2015 yang kemudian didukung oleh

fasilitas cerukan sebesar USD2,56 juta, sehingga

mengakibatkan peningkatan secara keseluruhan dalam

saldo kas sebesar USD7,71 juta menjadi USD20,25 juta

pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015 .

Terdapat penggunaan kas bersih untuk operasional

sebesar USD1,76 juta selama tahun 2015 dibandingkan

dengan kas bersih yang diperoleh dari operasional

sebesar USD6,64 juta selama tahun 2014. Meskipun

perolehan uang tunai lebih baik pada tahun 2015

dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014, kas bersih yang

dihasilkan dari operasional selama tahun itu lebih

rendah dari tahun sebelumnya karena persediaan

yang lebih tinggi dan piutang dagang. Selain itu,

arus kas operasional pada tahun 2014 didukung oleh

pengembalian pajak yang tidak terjadi di tahun 2015.

Dengan demikian, perbedaan arus kas keluar untuk

pajak saja lebih tinggi sebesar USD6 juta pada tahun

2015 dibandingkan dengan tahun 2014.

Perseroan mengalami arus kas keluar dari sebesar

USD7,19 juta untuk aset tetap yang diperoleh selama

tahun 2015, uang muka sebesar USD6,05 juta untuk

Increase in current assets resulted from Inventories

accounting for 60.2% of that increase, account

receivables accounting for 15.8%, sales advances

accounting for 14.1% and increase in cash balance

accounting for 9.8 %.

Increase in non-current assets predominantly resulted

from increase in fixed assets. Increase in Property,

plant and equipment accounted for 70.2% of the

increase, purchase advances accounted for 17.1 %,

increase in claim for income tax refund for 14.3 % while

other non-current assets declined.

Current asset ratio decreased from 1.19x in 2014 to 1.15

in 2015 but still within safe limit. Meanwhile, the net

working capital increased by USD4.5 million or 16.1% to

USD32.2 million in 2015.

Cash Flows

Net cash flow from operations, investment and

financing activities increased by USD5.26 million in

2015 which was further supported by USD2.56 million

overdraft facility, thus resulting in an overall increase in

cash balance by USD7.71 million to USD20.25 million as

at Dec 31 2015.

There was net cash usage for operations amounting

to USD1.76 million during 2015 in comparison to net

cash provided from operations amounting to USD6.64

million during 2014. Although cash collection was

better in 2015 compared to 2014, net cash generated

from operations during the year was lower than

previous year due to higher inventories and account

receivables. Moreover, operating cash flow in 2014 was

supported by tax refund which was not the case in

2015. As such, the difference in cash outflows for taxes

alone was higher by USD6 million in 2015 compared to


The Company incurred a cash outflow of USD7.19

million for fixed assets that were acquired during

the year, advance payment of USD6.05 million paid


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perolehan aset tetap tambahan dan sebesar USD9,55

juta untuk mengakuisisi saham di anak perusahaan.

Secara keseluruhan sebesar USD22,79 juta digunakan

untuk investasi ini. Di sisi lain, Perseroan meningkatkan

sebesar USD2,65 juta dalam bentuk uang muka saham

di masa mendatang dari kepentingan non-pengendali.

Hasil penjualan aset tetap sebesar USD21.000. Secara

keseluruhan, arus kas keluar bersih dari aktivitas

investasi adalah sebesar USD20,116 juta pada tahun

2015. Hal ini merupakan peningkatan sebesar USD12,48

juta, yang merupakan kenaikan 163,34% dari arus

keluar tahun lalu.

Arus kas bersih dari aktivitas pendanaan sebesar

USD27,14 juta pada tahun tersebut. Sebagai

perbandingan itu hanya sebesar USD2,15 juta tahun

lalu. Peningkatan sebesar USD24.99 juta terutama

berasal dari pinjaman jangka panjang dari sebesar

USD23,25 juta untuk membiayai berbagai investasi

yang dilakukan sepanjang tahun. Kenaikan bersih

pinjaman jangka pendek sebesar USD4,33 juta yang

lebih rendah sebesar USD6,84 juta pada tahun 2015

dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu. Demikian juga

pembayaran dividen dan pembayaran utang ke

pemegang saham juga lebih rendah dibandingkan

dengan sebesar USD8,58 juta untuk periode yang


Piutang Usaha

Piutang usaha meningkat dari sebesar USD44,83 juta

menjadi sebesar USD57,29 juta. Total penerimaan

piutang usaha bertahan di 21 hari dibandingkan

dengan 13 hari di tahun sebelumnya. Piutang usaha

meningkat karena jangka waktu kredit yang lebih

panjang yang diperlukan untuk pabrik pakan ternak.

Meskipun terjadi peningkatan, piutang untuk setiap

pelanggan masih dalam batas kredit yang ditentukan.

Persediaan dan Uang Muka Pembelian

Persediaan meningkat sebesar USD47,45 juta menjadi

USD157,54 juta pada tahun 2015 dari USD110,09

juta di tahun lalu. Peningkatan posisi persediaan ini

disebabkan adanya antisipasi peningkatan volume

penjualan kedepannya dan sejalan dengan melihat

tren pertumbuhan secara triwulanan pada tahun

2015. Persediaan akhir tahun menggambarkan posisi

persediaan yang hampir setara dengan penjualan

towards acquiring additional fixed assets and USD9.55

million for acquiring shares in subsidiaries. In all,

USD22.79 million was utilized for these investments.

On the other hand, Company raised USD2.65 million

in the form of advance payment for future share

subscriptions in non-controlling interests. Proceeds

from sale of fixed assets amounted to USD21,000.

Overall, the net cash outflow from investing activities

was USD20.116 million in 2015. This represented an

increase of USD12.48 million, which was a 163.34 %

increase over last year’s outflow.

Net cash flow from financing activity was USD27.14

million during the year. In comparison it was only

USD2.15 million last year. The increase of USD24.99

million mainly resulted from long term loans of

USD23.25 million to fund the various investments

made during the year. Net increase in short term

loans amounted to USD4.33 million which was lower

by USD6.84 million in 2015 as compared to last

year. Likewise, dividend payment and payment to

shareholder account was also lower in comparison by

USD8.58 million for the period under consideration.

Account Receivables

Trade receivables increased from USD44.83 million

to USD57.29 million. The total outstanding trade

receivables stood at 21 days compared to 13 days in

previous year. A/R increased due to longer credit

terms needed for feed mills. Despite increase, the

outstanding receivables for each customer receiving

credit was within the pre-set credit limits.

Inventory and Purchase Advance

Inventories increased by USD47.45 million to

USD157.54 million in 2015 from USD110.09 million

a year ago. The increase in stock position is due to

anticipated increase in sales volume going forward

and in line with the trending growth witnessed on a

quarterly basis in 2015. Year end Inventory represents

a stock position that is almost equal to 2 month sales

while Inventory a year ago stood at just over 1 month


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2 bulan, sementara persediaan tahun lalu bertahan

di lebih dari 1 bulan penjualan. Perubahan ini

mencerminkan prospek kontras untuk kebutuhan

industri bergerak ke tahun 2016 dibandingkan dengan

awal tahun 2015.

Sejalan dengan persediaan yang lebih tinggi, uang

muka kepada pemasok juga meningkat untuk

pengadaan barang. Uang muka pembelian meningkat

dari sebesar USD4,29 juta pada tahun 2014 menjadi

sebesar USD15,44 juta pada tahun 2015.


Total liabilitas meningkat sebesar USD95,22 juta

menjadi sebesar USD244,94 juta yang mewakili

peningkatan sebesar 64% pada 2015 dibandingkan

dengan tahun sebelumnya. Dari jumlah ini, peningkatan

liabilitas lancar sebesar 78% atau USD74,38 juta

sedangkan liabilitas tidak lancar meningkat sebesar

USD20,84 juta yang mencatat peningkatan sebesar


Peningkatan liabilitas lancar pada dasarnya disebabkan

oleh peningkatan utang usaha hampir sebesar 98%

dari kenaikan itu. Peningkatan utang bank jangka

pendek sebesar USD7,34 juta bersama dengan

peningkatan utang pajak, biaya yang masih harus

dibayar dan utang dividen yang masing-masing adalah

sebesar USD0,44 juta, USD0,35 juta dan USD0,77 juta

sebagian besar diimbangi oleh penurunan pembayaran

dimuka untuk pelanggan sebesar USD10,36 juta.

Peningkatan liabilitas jangka panjang adalah karena

pencairan kredit investasi untuk mendanai akuisisi

yang dilakukan sepanjang tahun.


Sebagai hasil dari pendapatan yang lebih baik untuk

tahun ini, total ekuitas meningkat menjadi sebesar

USD63,08 juta, mewakili keuntungan 22% kekayaan

bersih dari 2014 ke 2015. Laba bersih terhadap ekuitas

pada tahun ini meningkat menjadi sebesar 14,45% dari

12,93% di tahun lalu.

Rasio utang terhadap ekuitas yang berdiri di 0,5 x

pada tahun 2014 meningkat menjadi 0,89 x di tahun

sales. This change reflects the contrasting outlook for

industry demand moving into 2016 compared to the

beginning of 2015.

In line with higher inventory, advances to suppliers

also increased for procurement of goods. Purchase

advance increased from USD4.29 million in 2014 to

USD15.44 million in 2015.


Total Liabilities increased by USD95.22 million to

USD244.94 million representing a 64% increase in 2015

compared to previous year. Of this, increase in current

liabilities accounted for 78% or USD74.38 million

whereas non current liabilities increased by USD20.84

million accounting for the balance 22% increase.

Increase in current liabilities is essentially due to

increase in account payables which captures almost

98% of that increment. Increase in short term bank

loans of USD7.34 million along with increase in taxes

payable, accrued expenses and dividend payables

which were USD0.44 million, USD0.35 million and

USD0.77 million respectively was mostly offset by

USD10.36 million reduction in customer advance.

Increase in long term liabilities was due to drawdown

of investment loan to fund acquisitions made during

the year.


As a result of better earnings for the year, total equity

increased to USD63.08 million, representing a 22%

gain in net worth from 2014 to 2015. Return on equity

in the current year thus improved to 14.45% from

12.93% last year.

Debt to equity ratio which stood at 0.5 x in 2014

increased to 0.89 x in 2015. Despite the increase, the


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Page 80: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

2015. Meskipun meningkat, tingkat utang berada dalam

batas yang cukup yang tercermin dari penilaian BBB

plus yang diterbitkan oleh lembaga pemeringkat kredit

di Indonesia yaitu Pefindo.


Penjualan Bersih

Volume Penjualan selama tahun 2015 menunjukkan

semacam kinerja yang memiliki aspek positif dan

negatif. Volume penjualan produk hasil penggilingan

biji-bijian dan industri perikanan memiliki kinerja

sangat baik mencatat pertumbuhan volume lebih dari

200%. Volume penjualan biji-bijian juga tumbuh luar

biasa, meningkat sebesar 65%, sedangkan volume

penjualan produk protein lemak hewani tumbuh

sebesar 19%. Namun, penjualan bungkil biji-bijian

penghasil minyak hanya bisa tumbuh sebesar 3%

di tengah penyusutan yang mengecewakan dalam

volume biji-bijian sebesar 3%. Karena sebagian besar

penjualan curah Perseroan terdiri dari biji-bijian dan

bungkil biji-bijian penghasil minyak, dampak

bersihnya adalah pertumbuhan sebesar 5%

dalam volume penjualan.

Volume penjualan domestik di Indonesia tercatat

sangat kontras secara regional. Sedangkan volume

keseluruhan penjualan di pulau Jawa tumbuh hampir

sebesar 21%, namun turun sebesar 16% di pulau

Sumatera dan sebesar 33% untuk daerah lainnya

di Indonesia. Hal ini mengakibatkan peningkatan

komposisi penjualan Perseroan di pulau Jawa ke

sebesar 70% pada tahun 2015 dibandingkan dengan

sebesar 61% pada tahun 2014. Penjualan Perseroan

di Sumatera mengalami penurunan dari sebesar 32%

pada tahun 2014 menjadi sebesar 25% pada tahun

2015. Adapun pangsa volume penjualan dari seluruh

Indonesia, jatuh menjadi sebesar 5% pada tahun 2015

dari sekitar sebesar 7% pada tahun sebelumnya.

Tahun 2015 juga terlihat secara menyeluruh, jalan

panjang dari harga komoditas seluruh bahan pangan

dan pakan yang didistribusikan oleh Perseroan.

Harga biji-bijian penghasil minyak dan produk hasil

penggilingan biji-bijian turun sebesar 23% dan dari

bungkil biji-bijian penghasil minyak turun sebesar 21%.

Harga produk protein lemak hewani turun sebesar

debt level is within limits reflected by the BBB

plus rating issued by Indonesian credit rating

agency Pefindo.


Net Sales

Sales Volume during 2015 demonstrated sort of

a mixed bag performance. Sales Volume of grain

milling products and industrial fisheries exhibited a

stellar performance registering over 200% volume

growth. Grain sales volumes also grew extraordinarily,

increasing by 65%, while sales volume of animal

rendering products grew by 19%. However, oilseed meal

sales could only grow by 3% amidst a disappointing

contraction in oilseed volumes of 3%. Since bulk of

Company sales comprise of oilseeds and oil seed

meals, the net impact was a modest 5% growth in

sales volume.

Domestic sales volumes in the country recorded a stark

contrast regionally. While overall sales volume in Java

grew by almost 21%, it dropped by 16% in Sumatra and

33 % for the rest of Indonesia. This resulted in increasing

Company’s sales from Java to 70% in 2015 compared

to 61% in 2014. Composition of Company’s sales from

Sumatra dropped from 32% in 2014 to 25% in 2015.

As for the composition of sales volume from rest of

Indonesia, it dropped to 5 % in 2015 from about 7% in

the previous year.

The year 2015 also witnessed a global, secular rout in

commodity prices that held true across the board for

food and feed ingredients distributed by the Company.

Prices of oilseeds and grain milling products fell 23%

and that of oilseed meals fell by 21%. Animal rendering

product prices fell by 18%, while grain prices fell by 7%.

The most resilient segment was the one pertaining to


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18%, sedangkan harga biji-bijian turun sebesar 7%.

Segmen yang paling tangguh adalah yang berkaitan

dengan industri perikanan, dimana harga turun sekitar

3% saja.

Volume penjualan segmen biji-bijian dan biji-bijian

penghasil minyak adalah tetap sama sebagaimana

kelebihan dalam penjualan biji-bijian diimbangi

oleh volume turunnya biji-bijian penghasil minyak.

Penjualan untuk segmen ini menurun sebesar 24% dan

kontribusinya terhadap total pendapatan menurun

dari sebesarr 47% pada tahun 2014 menjadi sebesar

45% di tahun 2015. Volume penjualan bahan baku

pakan meningkat sebesar 10% tetapi pendapatan tetap

turun sebesar 15% karena turunnya harga komoditas.

Penjualan bahan baku pakan mencatat sebesar

55% terhadap total pendapatan pada tahun 2015

dibandingkan dengan sebesar 53% pada tahun 2014.

Sementara tahun 2015 telah dimulai dengan catatan

penjualan yang agak menurun pada kuartal I yang

jatuh sebesar 23% di bawah rata-rata penjualan

kuartalan 2014, kuartal berikutnya terus menunjukkan

kemajuan tapi tidak bisa mencegah penurunan sebesar

19% dalam penjualan bersih karena harga komoditas

yang lebih rendah.

Meskipun banyaknya rintangan, sangatlah memuaskan

untuk melihat pendapatan Perseroan tercatat di atas

angka miliar dolar untuk tahun ke-4 berturut-turut.

Profil Pembeli dan Pelanggan

Pelanggan Perseroan terdiri dari produsen pakan

ternak, peternakan, produsen produk fermentasi

kedelai yaitu tahu dan tempe, baik yang dilayani oleh

distributor kedelai atau langsung oleh Perseroan

di seluruh Indonesia. Penjualan secara garis besar

diklasifikasikan sebagai hasil dari sektor pangan

dan pakan. Pada tahun 2015, penjualan sektor pakan

mencapai pertumbuhan volume lebih dari sebesar

12% dibanding tahun lalu, namun penjualan sektor

pangan kontras mengalami penurunan sebesar 3%.

Pertumbuhan pendapatan terpengaruh dari kedua

sektor tersebut karena harga yang lebih rendah

menyebabkan penjualan sektor pakan untuk turun

sebesar 13% dan 25% untuk sektor pangan. Dampak

terhadap sektor pangan lebih jelas sebagai efek

Industrial fisheries, wherein the price drop was about

3% only.

Sales volume of Grain and Oilseed segment stayed

flat as gains in Grain sales were offset by lower oilseed

volumes. Sales for this segment fell by 24% and its

contribution to total revenue fell from 47% in 2014 to

45% in 2015. Feed Ingredients sales volume increased

by 10% but revenues nevertheless fell by 15% due to

falling commodity prices. Feed ingredients contributed

55% towards total revenue in 2015 compared to 53%

in 2014.

While the year 2015 had started on a rather subdued

note with quartal I sales falling 23% below quarterly

sales average of 2014, subsequent quarters continued

to demonstrate progress but could not avert the 19%

drop in Net sales due to lower commodity prices.

Despite challenges, it was satisfying to see corporate

Revenue above the billion dollar mark for 4th year

in a row.

Customer and Buyer Profile

Company’s customers comprise of animal feed

producers, livestock breeding farms, producers of

fermented soybean products namely tofu and

tempeh, who are either serviced by soybean

distributors or directly by the Company throughout

Indonesia. Sales can be broadly classified as those

resulting from the food and feed sector. In 2015, feed

sector sales achieved a 12% growth in volume over last

year but Food sector sales in contrast experienced a

3% decline. Revenue growth was adversely affected for

both sectors due to lower prices causing feed sector

sales to drop by 13% and 25% for food sector. Impact

on food sector was more pronounced as “the effect

of lower price” could not be compensated for by

higher volumes.


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PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Analisa dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

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harga yang lebih rendah ditambah dengan penurunan

volume penjualan.

Beban Pokok Penjualan (COGS)

Harga pokok penjualan lebih rendah sebesar

USD241,85 juta pada tahun 2015, yang hampir sebesar

20% di bawah angka tahun 2014. Hal ini disebabkan

untuk menurunkan harga komoditas, serta biaya

angkutan laut yang lebih murah.

Analisis Pembelian

Volume pengadaan selama tahun ini meningkat

sebesar 25,3% menjadi 2,3 juta ton. Namun, dari

segi nilai hal itu menurun sebesar 8,6%. Komposisi

pembelian sektor pakan yang terdiri dari berbagai

bahan baku pakan adalah sebesar 57,5% berdasarkan

volume dan sebesar 54,7% berdasarkan nilai.

Komposisi pembelian sektor pangan dengan kedelai

sebagai komoditas utama adalah sebesar 42,5%

berdasarkan volume dan sebesar 45,3% berdasarkan

nilai. Penting untuk disampaikan bahwa sejak

dimulainya distribusi kacang kedelai pada tahun 2011,

secara signifikan telah meningkatkan pendapatan

Perseroan secara berkelanjutan selama 5 tahun


Semua pembelian pada dasarnya diimpor untuk

memenuhi permintaan domestik. Pada tahun 2015,

impor lebih dari sebesar 86,5% dari total pengadaan

sementara pembelian dalam negeri menyumbang

neraca sebesar 13,5%. Argentina, USA dan Brazil

adalah 3 negara asal teratas untuk sumber komoditas

yang dibeli.

Pemasok Komoditas

Enerfo Pte Ltd dan Quadra Commodities adalah dua

pemasok utama bagi Perseroan dan menyumbang

sekitar 80% dari total pembelian berdasarkan nilai.

Keduanya pemasok yang lebih disukai Perseroan,

di mana, yang pertama adalah untuk bahan baku

pakan sedangkan yang kedua untuk pembelian

sektor pangan. Hal ini disebabkan dari kemampuan

mereka untuk menyediakan barang secara kredit yang

paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan Perseroan. Karena

itu, Perseroan memiliki hubungan yang sangat baik

dengan pemasok tingkat dunia.

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)

Cost of goods sold was lower by USD241.85 million in

2015, which is almost 20% below 2014 figure. This was

due to lower commodity prices, as well as cheaper

ocean freight.

Purchase Analysis

Procurement volume during the year increased by

25 % to 2.3 million tons. However, in terms of value it

decreased by 8.6%. The composition of feed sector

purchases comprising of various feed ingredients was

57.5% by volume and 54.7% by value. The composition

of food sector purchases having soybean as the

dominant commodity was 42.5% by volume and

45.3% by value. It is noteworthy to mention that since

commencement of soybean distribution in 2011, it has

significantly boosted corporate revenue on a sustained

basis for the past 5 years.

All purchases are essentially imported to meet the

domestic demand. In 2015, imports made up 86.5%

of the total procurement while domestic purchases

accounted for the balance 13.5%. Argentina, USA and

Brazil were the top 3 countries of origin to source the

commodities purchased.

Commodity Suppliers

Enerfo Pte Ltd and Quadra Commodities were two

major suppliers for the Company and accounted for

approximately 80% of the total purchase by value.

Both are Company’s preferred suppliers, where, the

former is for feed ingredients while the latter for food

sector purchases. This stems from their capability to

provide goods on credit terms that best suits the

Company’s need. Having said that, the Company has

excellent relations with suppliers world-wide.


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Page 83: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Laba Bruto

Perseroan menghasilkan laba bruto sebesar

USD31,51 juta pada tahun 2015 dibandingkan dengan

USD26,27juta pada tahun 2014. Laba bruto pada tahun

2015 meningkat sebesar USD5,24 juta atau 19,9%

dibandingkan dengan 2014. Pada 2015, marjin laba

bruto meningkat menjadi sebesar 3,13% dari sebesar

2,11% di 2014.


Beban Penjualan

Beban penjualan meningkat sebesar USD2,7 juta dari

sebesar USD4,7 juta pada tahun 2014 menjadi sebesar

USD7,4 juta pada 2015. Pengiriman penjualan dilakukan

baik secara loco gudang (dari gudang perusahaan)

atau franco gudang (ke pabrik pelanggan). Pada

suatu tahun tertentu, beban penjualan terikat untuk

bervariasi tergantung pada komposisi loco dan

franco penjualan. Harga jual secara franco lebih tinggi

dari dasar loco untuk menutupi biaya transportasi.

Meskipun beban penjualan meningkat pada tahun

2015, namun tidak dapat mewakili eskalasi biaya,

melainkan mencerminkan penjualan franco relatif lebih

dibandingkan dengan tahun lalu.

Beban Umum dan Administrasi

Biaya Administrasi dan Umum meningkat sebesar 10%

secara tahunan, cukup sejalan dengan estimasi biaya

tambahan tahunan.

Pendapatan dan Beban Lainnya

Dari jumlah pendapatan dan biaya Lainnya,

pendapatan operasional lainnya sedikit menurun

tapi ada peningkatan yang signifikan dalam biaya

operasional lainnya yang dihasilkan dari sebesar

USD1,2 juta kerugian pertukaran mata uang asing.

Dampak keseluruhan mengakibatkan biaya operasional

membukukan kenaikan sebesar 17,9% dari tahun lalu.

Kalau bukan untuk pendapatan lain yang dihasilkan

dari keuntungan dalam akuisisi, biaya operasi yang

sebesar USD15,06 juta pada tahun 2015, akan

meningkat sebesar USD2,7 juta.

Gross Profit

The Company generated gross profit amounting to

USD31.51 million in 2015 compared to USD26.27 million

in 2014. Gross profit in 2015 increased by USD5.24

million or 19.9% compared to 2014. In 2015, gross profit

margin increased to 3.13 % from 2.11% in 2014.


Selling Expenses

Selling expenses increased by USD2.7 million from

USD4.7 million in 2014 to USD7.4 million in 2015. Sales

delivery is conducted either on loco (from Company’s

warehouse) basis or franco (to customer’s plant)

basis. In any given year, selling expenses are bound

to vary depending on the composition of loco and

franco sales. The selling price on franco basis is higher

than loco basis to cover transportation cost. Although

selling expenses have increased in 2015, it does not

represent a cost escalation, rather reflects relatively

more franco sales in comparison to last year.

General and Administrative Expenses

General and Administrative Expenses increased by

10% y.o.y, quite in line with estimated annual

incremental costs.

Other Income and Expenses

Of these, other operating income marginally decreased

but there was significant increase in other operating

expenses resulting from USD1.2 million foreign

exchange loss.

The overall impact resulted in operating expenses

posting a 17.9 % increase over last year. Had it not been

for other income resulting from gain in acquisitions,

the operating expenses which were USD15.06 million in

2015, would have further increased by USD2.7 million.


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Page 84: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Laba Usaha

Laba usaha memberikan keuntungan sebesar 21,9%

dari tahun lalu. Meskipun biaya operasional yang

tinggi, marjin kotor yang lebih tinggi membantu

meningkatkan marjin operasional selama tahun

2015. Laba operasional sebagai persentase dari

penjualan bersih meningkat menjadi sebesar 1,6% dari

sebelumnya sebesar 1,1%.

Beban dan Pendapatan Keuangan

Pembelian yang dilakukan oleh Perseroan dibiayai

baik oleh pinjaman bank jangka pendek ataupun

melalui kredit pemasok dan beban keuangan tersebut

berfluktuasi tergantung pada model pendanaan yang

diambil oleh Perseroan. Pada tahun 2015, yang diukur

berdasarkan angka-angka neraca pada akhir tahun,

sebesar 16,6% pendanaan merupakan hutang bank

jangka pendek dibandingkan dengan 21,5% pada tahun

2014. Dengan demikian, biaya ini lebih rendah pada

2015 dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya.

Laba Bersih

Laba bersih untuk tahun ini membukukan kenaikan

sebesar 36,5% dari tahun lalu. Secara absolut adalah

sebesar USD9,11 juta, yang merupakan peningkatan

sebesar USD2,43 juta dibandingkan tahun 2014.

Faktor-faktor yang mendukung peningkatan laba

bersih adalah marjin kotor yang lebih tinggi dan

pendapatan lainnya dari akuisisi. Jika saham yang

diakuisisi pada anak perusahaan diadakan dari awal

tahun ini, laba bersih akan berada di posisi yang lebih


Informasi yang Terjadi Setelah Tanggal Laporan Akuntan

1. PT Nusa Prima Logistik telah menandatangani

perjanjian fasilitas sejumlah USD21.000.000

dengan Coöperative Rabobank U.A, Hong Kong

Branch pada tanggal 11 April 2016.

2. Perseroan telah memberikan jaminan perusahaan

(corporate guarantee) kepada Cooperative

Rabobank U.A, Hong Kong Branch pada tanggal

14 April 2016 untuk menjamin kewajiban fasilitas

sejumlah USD21.000.000 yang diperoleh PT. Nusa

Prima Logistik.

Operating Profit

Operating income registered a 21.9% gain over last

year. Although operating expenses were higher, higher

gross margin helped operating margins to improve

during 2015. Operating profit as a percentage of net

sales increased to 1.6% from 1.1% earlier.

Financial Charges

The Company’s purchase are funded either by short

term bank loans or through supplier credit and as

such finance charges fluctuate depending on mode

of funding adopted by the Company. In 2015, and as

measured by the balance sheet figures at year end,

short term bank loans made up 16.6% of the funding as

compared to 21.5 % in 2014. As such, these expenses

were lower in 2015 as compared to previous year.

Net Profit

Net Profit for the year posted a 36.5 % increase over

last year. In absolute terms it amounts to USD9.11

million, which is an increase of USD2.43 million over

2014. The factors favouring improved net earnings

were higher gross margin and other income from

acquisitions. If the acquired shares in subsidiaries were

held from start of the year, net profit would have been

on a higher side.

Disclosure of Information After The Public Accountant’s Report

1. On 11th April 2016, PT Nusa Prima Logistik signed

a credit facility agreement for USD21 Million with

Cooperative Rabobank U.A, Hong Kong Branch.

2. On 14th April 2016, the Company issued corporate

guarantee to Cooperative Rabobank U.A, Hong

Kong Branch for the credit facility obtained by

it’s subsidiary namely PT Nusa prima Logistik

amounting to USD21 million.


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Kebijakan Dividen

Perseroan merencanakan untuk membayarkan dividen

tunai kepada seluruh pemegang saham sekurang-

kurangnya sekali dalam setahun. Pembayaran dividen

untuk tahun berjalan berdasarkan tahun buku untuk

periode sebelumnya.

Pembagian Dividen untuk 2 (dua) Tahun Terakhir

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan yang

dilaksanakan pada tanggal 29 Juni 2015 telah

menyetujui pembagian dividen tunai kepada para

pemegang saham untuk tahun buku 2014 sebesar Rp10

setiap saham seluruhnya sebesar Rp4.800.000.000,-.

Dividen tunai dibayarkan pada tanggal 29 Juli 2015.

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan yang

dilaksanakan pada tanggal 19 Mei 2014 telah

menyetujui pembagian dividen tunai kepada

para pemegang saham untuk tahun buku 2013

sebesar Rp20 per saham atau seluruhnya sebesar

Rp9.600.000.000,- (setara dengan USD813.146).

Dividen tunai dibayarkan pada tanggal 24 Juni 2014.

Informasi Material

Perseroan telah menandatangani Perjanjian Jual Beli

Saham Akta No. 10 tanggal 16 Desember 2015, yang

dibuat di hadapan Kartika, S.H., M.Kn., Notaris di Kota

Bekasi, Jakarta. Perseroan membeli 58.941 lembar

saham milik Mission pada PT Kharisma Cipta Dunia

Sejati (”KCDS”) dengan harga Rp100.000.000.000,-

(seratus juta rupiah) yang merupakan 99,9% dari

seluruh modal yang ditempatkan dan disetor

pada KCDS.

Perubahan Kebijakan Akuntansi

Penerapan PSAK 1 (revisi 2013), PSAK 24 (Revisi

2013) dan PSAK 46 (Revisi 2014) yang berdampak

kepada kenaikan liabilitas imbalan kerja dikarenakan

perubahan dalam metode perhitungan sebagaimana

tercantum dalam laporan keuangan konsolidasian


Dividend Policy

The Company plans to pay cash dividend to its

shareholders at least once in a year. Dividend pay out

for any given year is based on the book closure of the

previous period.

Dividend Payment for 2 (two) Years

The Annual General Shareholder’s Meeting held

on June 27, 2015 passed a resolution agreeing to

distribute a cash dividend of IDR10 per share totaling

IDR4,800,000,000 for the financial year of 2012, which

was paid on July 29, 2015 during that year.

The Annual General Shareholder’s Meeting held on

May 19, 2014 passed a resolution agreeing to distribute

a cash dividend of IDR20,- per share totaling to

IDR9,600,000,000,- (equivalent to USD813,146) for the

financial year of 2013, which was paid on June 24, 2014

during that year.

Material Information

Company signed a share sale purchase agreement

in accordance with Notarial Deed No 10, dated 16th

of December, made by Kartika S.H., M.Kn., a notary

based in Bekasi, Jakarta. The Company purchased

58.941 (fifty eight thousand, nine hundred and forty

one) shares in PT Kharisma Cipta Dunia Sejati (KCDS),

representing 99.9% of shares issued and subscribed

in KCDS from Mission, for a consideration of

IDR100,000,000,- (one hundred million rupiah).

Changes in Accounting Policies

Changes in Indonesian accounting policies PSAK 1

(Revised 2013), PSAK 24 (Revised 2013) and PSAK

46 (Revised 2014) resulted in an increase in liabilities

towards Employee benefits due to changes adopted

in their method of calculation and recognition in

Company books.


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PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Analisa dan Pembahasan ManajemenManagement Discussion and Analysis

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Page 87: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Tata Kelola Perusahaan

Corporate Governance

Page 88: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Guna menjamin terciptanya keseimbangan secara

menyeluruh antara kepentingan internal dan eksternal,

jangka pendek dan jangka panjang, kepentingan

pemegang saham dan pemangku kepentingan,

Perseroan menerapkan Tata Kelola Perusahaan

dengan cara melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip

transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsibilitas,

independensi dan kesetaraan.

Dalam mengembangkan Tata Kelola Perusahaan,

Perseroan senantiasa memperhatikan ketentuan dan

peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku,

antara lain:

a. Undang-Undang No. 40 tahun 2007 tentang

Perseroan Terbatas;

b. Undang-Undang No. 8 tahun 1995 tentang Pasar


c. Peraturan Bapepam-LK dan Peraturan Otoritas

Jasa Keuangan;

d. Peraturan PT Bursa Efek Indonesia;

e. Pedoman Tata Kelola Perusahaan Terbuka

yang dikeluarkan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan

Tahun 2015;

f. Pedoman Umum Good Corporate Governance

Indonesia yang diterbitkan oleh Komite Nasional

Kebijakan Governance;

g. Anggaran Dasar Perusahaan.

Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia

No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas,

organisasi Perseroan terdiri dari Rapat Umum

Pemegang Saham (RUPS), Dewan Komisaris dan

Direksi. Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi masing-masing

memiliki wewenang dan tanggungjawab yang jelas

sesuai dengan fungsinya masing-masing sebagaimana

tercantum dalam Anggaran Dasar dan Peraturan

Perundang-Undangan yang berlaku.

In order to ensure an overall balance between

internal and external issues, short-term and long-

term interests of shareholders and stakeholders, the

Company ensures Good Corporate Governance by

means of implementing the principles of transparency,

accountability, responsibility, independence

and equality.

In developing Good Corporate Governance, the

Company complies with all the relevant rules,

regulations and other requirements such as:

a. Law No. 40 of year 2007, regarding Limited

Liability Companies;

b. Law No. 8 of year 1995, regarding the Capital


c. Those issued by Capital Market Supervisory

Agency and Financial Institution and Indonesian

Financial Services Authority (OJK);

d. The Jakarta Stock Exchange (BEI) regulations;

e. Guidance for Good Corporate Governance issued

by the Indonesian Financial Services Authority

in 2015;

f. General guidelines of Indonesian Good Corporate

Governance issued by the National Committee

on Governance;

g. The Articles of Association of the Company.

According to Law No. 40 of 2007 stipulated

by Republic of Indonesia on Limited Liability

Company, the Company’s organization consists of

the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), the

Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors.

The authority and responsibility of the Board of

Commissioners and the Board of Directors is clearly

and separately defined in accordance with their

respective functions as specified in the Articles of

Association and applicable Regulation.

Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

Page 89: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Struktur Tata Kelola Perseroan terdiri atas:

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) merupakan

organ Perseroan yang memegang kekuasaan dan

wewenang tertinggi. Kewenangan RUPS antara lain

mengangkat dan memberhentikan Dewan Komisaris

dan Direksi, mengevaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris

dan Direksi, menyetujui perubahan Anggaran Dasar,

menyetujui laporan tahunan dan menetapkan jumlah

remunerasi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.

Dalam melaksanakan RUPS, Perseroan berpedoman

kepada ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 40

tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas, Peraturan

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 32/POJK.04/2014

tanggal 8 Desember 2014 tentang Rencana

Penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham

Perusahaan Terbuka, Peraturan Badan Pengawas Pasar

Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan Nomor IX.J.1. Lampiran

Keputusan Ketua Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan

Lembaga Keuangan Nomor KEP-179/BL/2008 tanggal

14 Mei 2008 tentang Pokok-Pokok Anggaran Dasar

Perseroan yang melakukan Penawaran Umum Efek

Bersifat Ekuitas dan Perusahaan Publik, dan Anggaran

Dasar Perseroan.

Sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang

Nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas,

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham terdiri dari:

• RapatUmumPemegangSahamTahunan

(RUPSTahunan) wajib diadakan dalam jangka

waktu paling lambat 6 bulan setelah tahun

buku berakhir.

• RapatUmumPemegangSahamLainnyadapat

diadakan setiap waktu berdasarkan kebutuhan

kepentingan Perseroan.

Selama tahun 2015 Perseroan telah menyelenggarakan

RUPS sebanyak 1 (satu) kali pada tanggal 29 Juni

2015 yaitu RUPS Tahunan yang kemudian dilanjutkan

dengan RUPS Luar Biasa.

The structure of the Corporate Governance of the

Company consists of:

General Meeting of Shareholders

The general meeting of shareholders (GMS) is the

supreme authority in theCompany that holds the

highest power. The authority of GMS, among others,

empowers it to appoint and dismiss the Board of

Commissioners and Board of Directors, evaluate the

performance of the Board of Commissioners and the

Board of Directors, approve the amendment to the

articles of association, approve the annual report

and set the amount of remuneration for the Board of

Commissioners and Board of Directors.

For conducting the GMS, the Company is guided by:

The provisions in Act No. 40 of 2007 regarding the

Limited Liability Company; the Financial Services

Authority Regulation No. 32 / POJK.04 / 2014 dated

December 8, 2014 on the Planning Implementation

of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Public

Companies; Regulation of the Capital Market

Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution No. IX.J.1;

Attachment of the decision of Chairman of Capital

Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution

No. KEP-179 / BL / 2008 dated May 14, 2008 on the

principles of articles of association, public offering

of shares and public company; and the Company’s

articles of association.

In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 40 of

2007 regarding Limited Liability Company, the General

Meeting of Shareholders consists of:

• ConductinganAnnualGeneralMeetingof

Shareholders (AGMS) not later than six months

after the financial book closure.

• ConductingGeneralMeetingofShareholders

at any other time, based on the need of its

importance for the Company.

During 2015, the Company had held the GMS once,

on June 29, 2015 namely the AGMS, which was

followed by the Extraordinary General Meeting of

Shareholders (EGMS).


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Page 90: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Perseroan menyelenggarakan RUPS Tahunan dan

RUPS Luar Biasa bertempat di Sampoerna Strategic

Square, The Function Room, North Tower lantai 3A,

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46, Jakarta. Rencana

penyelenggaraan RUPSTahunan dan RUPS Luar

Biasa tersebut telah disampaikan Perseroan kepada

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan pada tanggal 12 Mei 2015 dan

pemasangan iklan Pemberitahuan pada tanggal 21 Mei

2015 serta iklan Panggilan pada tanggal 5 Juni 2015,

keduanya terbit dalam surat kabar Investor Daily dan

Media Indonesia.

• RUPSTahunantelahdihadiri/diwakilioleh

sejumlah 456.993.500 saham dengan hak suara

yang sah atau mewakili 95,21% dari 480.000.000

saham, yang merupakan seluruh saham Perseroan

yang telah ditempatkan dan dikeluarkan.

• RUPSLuarBiasatelahdihadiri/diwakilioleh

sejumlah 456.993.500 saham dengan hak suara

yang sah atau mewakili 95,21% dari 480.000.000

saham, yang merupakan seluruh saham Perseroan

yang telah ditempatkan dan dikeluarkan.

RUPS Tahunan menghasilkan keputusan-keputusan

sebagai berikut:

1. Menerima dan menyetujui Laporan Tahunan serta

mengesahkan Laporan Keuangan konsolidasian

Perseroan termasuk laporan tugas pengawasan

Dewan komisaris Perseroan untuk tahun buku

yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2014,

dengan demikian memberikan pelunasan dan

pembebasan tanggung jawab sepenuhnya (acquit

et de charge) kepada anggota Direksi dan Dewan

Komisaris Perseroan atas tindakan kepengurusan

dan pengawasan yang dilakukan dalam tahun

buku 2014 sepanjang tindakan-tindakan tersebut

dilaporkan dan tercermin dalam laporan tahunan

dan laporan keuangan Perseroan.

2.a. Menyetujui dan menetapkan penggunaan laba

bersih Perseroan untuk tahun buku 2014 sebesar

USD7.119.808 sebagai berikut:

• Pembagiandividentunaikepadapara

pemegang saham sebesar Rp10,-

setiap saham atau seluruhnya sebesar


• Sisanyasebagailabaditahan.

Both AGMS and EGMS of the Company were held at

Sampoerna Strategic Square, in the function room

located on 3A floor in the North Tower building on

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46, Jakarta. The plan to

hold the AGMS and EGMS had been submitted to

Indonesian Financial Service Authority on May 12, 2015

and the announcement of the same was published

in two newspapers namely Investor Daily and Media

Indonesia on 21st May 2015, followed by a notice of

invitation on 5th June 2015 in those newspapers.

• TheAGMSwasattended/representedbyatotal

of 456,993,500 shares with valid voting rights

or representing 95,21% of 480,000,000 shares,

constituting the total number of issued and

subscribed shares of the Company.

• TheEGMSwasattended/representedbyatotal

of 456,993,500 shares with valid voting rights,

representing 95.21% of 480,000,000 shares,

constituting the total number of issued and

subscribed shares of the Company.

AGMS resulted in the following decisions:

1. The acceptance and approval of the Annual

Report of the Company along with the audited

financial statements of the Company and its

subsidiaries including the supervision report of

the Board of Commissioners for the accounting

year ending December 31, 2014. Giving full

release and discharge (acquit et de charge) to

the members of Board of Directors and Board of

Commissioners of the Company with respect to

the management and supervision duties exercised

during the financial year 2014, to the extent

the action carried out were reported and

reflected in the Company’s Annual Report and

Financial Statements.

2.a. Approval and ratification of the use of Company’s

net profit for the financial year 2014 amounting to

USD7,119,808 as follows:

• DisbursingacashdividendofIDR10/

share to shareholders amounting


• BalanceallocatedtowardsRetained

Earnings in the Company.


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Page 91: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

b. Memberikan kuasa kepada Direksi Perseroan

untuk melakukan segala tindakan dalam

melaksanakan pembayaran dividen tunai tersebut

kepada masing-masing pemegang saham,

termasuk tetapi tidak terbatas untuk:

• memotongsebagiandaridividentunai

yang akan diterima pemegang saham

untuk pembayaran pajak penghasilan yang

akan dikenakan atas dividen tunai yang

merupakan kewajiban pemegang saham,

dengan tarif sesuai dengan ketentuan

perpajakan yang berlaku;

• menetapkandan/ataumerubahjadwaldan

tata cara pembagian dividen tunai tersebut

di atas.

• mengumumkandalamsuratkabartentang

tata cara pembayaran dividen tunai tersebut.

3. Memberi kuasa kepada Direksi, untuk melakukan

penunjukan Kantor Akuntan Publik yang terdaftar

di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan untuk mengaudit

laporan keuangan Perseroan untuk tahun buku

yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015

dan memberikan kuasa kepada Direksi Perseroan

untuk menetapkan jumlah honorarium serta

persyaratan lain penunjukannya.

4.a. Menyetujui untuk menetapkan gaji atau

honorarium dan tunjangan lain dari anggota

Dewan Komisaris untuk tahun 2015 dengan jumlah

maksimum keseluruhan sebesar Rp3.161.000.000

per tahun sebelum dipotong pajak penghasilan.

b. Menyetujui untuk menetapkan gaji, uang jasa

dan tunjangan lainnya dari anggota Direksi

untuk tahun 2015 dengan jumlah maksimum

keseluruhan sebesar Rp8.607.000.000 per tahun

sebelum dipotong pajak penghasilan.

RUPS Luar Biasa menghasilkan keputusan-keputusan

sebagai berikut:

1.a. Menyetujui untuk menjaminkan lebih dari 50%

jumlah kekayaan bersih Perseroan dalam satu

tahun buku, dalam satu transaksi atau lebih, baik

yang berkaitan satu sama lain maupun tidak

kepada pihak bank atau lembaga keuangan

maupun pihak lain, baik atas fasilitas pinjaman

yang telah diberikan dan/atau akan diberikan

kemudian berikut penambahan dan/atau

perubahan dan/atau perpanjangannya dan/atau

pembaharuannya (jika ada), dengan syarat dan

nilai pinjaman yang dianggap baik oleh

Direksi Perseroan.

b. Grant authority to the Board of Directors to set

the schedule and the procedure of cash dividend

payment to each of the shareholders, including

but not limited to:

• Todeductthewithholdingtaxapplicable

towards payment of dividend to

shareholders as per the applicable tax rate in

accordance with tax regulations.

• Todetermineand/oramendtheschedule

and procedure of paying the above

mentioned cash dividend.

• Announceinthenewspaperregardingthe

payment procedure of cash dividend.

3. To grant power of attorney to the Company’s

Board of Directors to appoint Public Accountants

registered with the Indonesian Financial Services

Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) to audit the

Company’s Financial Statements for the financial

year ending on December 31, 2015 and to give

authority to the Board of Directors to determine

honorarium together with any other requirements.

4.a. Approval to determine remuneration or

honorarium and any other allowances for all

members of the Board of Commissioners for the

year of 2015 capped at IDR3,161,000,000 per year

before tax.

b. Approval to determine remuneration, service

allowance and other allowances for the

Board of Directors for year 2015, capped at

IDR8,607,000,000 per year before tax.

EGMS resulted in the following decisions:

1.a. Approval to mortgage more than 50% of the

Company’s net assets for one financial year

period, in one or more transactions, related

or unrelated to the bank or other financial

institutions or other parties, for any loan facilities

that have been provided and/or subsequently

provided together with the additional and/or

amendment and/or extension and/or renewal

(if any), with requirements and loan value that is

considered appropriate by the Board of Directors.


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Page 92: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

b. Menyetujui untuk memberikan jaminan

perusahaan (corporate guarantee) untuk PT Nusa

Prima Logistik selaku anak perusahaan dengan

memperhatikan ketentuan perundang-undangan

yang berlaku.

2. Memberikan kuasa kepada Direksi Perseroan

untuk menandatangani segala surat-surat,

perjanjian-perjanjian, akta-akta dan lain-lain serta

melakukan segala sesuatu yang dianggap perlu

sehubungan dengan penjaminan lebih dari 50%

jumlah kekayaan bersih Perseroan dalam satu

tahun buku dan pemberian jaminan perusahaan

(corporate guarantee).

3.a. Menyetujui perubahan dan penyusunan kembali

seluruh ketentuan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan

sesuai dengan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan

Nomor 32/POJK.04/2014 tentang Rencana Dan

Penyelenggaraan RUPS Perusahaan Terbuka

(“Peraturan OJK No. 32”), dan Peraturan Otoritas

Jasa Keuangan Nomor 33/POJK.04/2014 tentang

Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten atau

Perusahaan Publik (“Peraturan OJK No. 33”) serta

peraturan pasar modal yang berlaku.

b. Menyetujui memberikan kuasa dan wewenang

kepada Direksi Perseroan dengan hak substitusi

untuk menyusun kembali seluruh perubahan

Anggaran Dasar Perseroan sesuai dengan

ketentuan Peraturan OJK No. 32, Peraturan OJK

No. 33 dan peraturan pasar modal yang berlaku

dan melakukan segala tindakan yang diperlukan,

termasuk namun tidak terbatas untuk menghadap

pihak berwenang, mengadakan pembicaraan,

memberi dan/atau meminta keterangan,

mengajukan permohonan persetujuan dari dan/

atau pemberitahuan atas perubahan Anggaran

Dasar Perseroan kepada Menteri Hukum Dan

Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dan untuk

maksud tersebut melakukan perubahan dan/atau

penambahan dalam bentuk bagaimanapun yang

diisyaratkan oleh Menteri Hukum Dan Hak Asasi

Manusia Republik Indonesia dan/atau Peraturan

OJK No. 32, Peraturan OJK No. 33 dan peraturan

pasar modal yang berlaku.

b. Approval to provide corporate guarantee for

PT Nusa Prima Logistik as Company’s subsidiary

based on prevailing regulations.

2. To grant power of attorney to the Company’s

Board of Directors, to sign all letters, agreements,

deeds, and other documents required in relation

to the mortgage of more than 50% of the

Company’s net assets for a financial year and to

provide corporate guarantee.

3.a. Approval of the amendment and restatement

on the Company’s Articles of Association in

compliance with the Authority of Financial

Services/Otoritas Jasa Keuangan No. 32/

POJK.04/2014 concerning the Planning

and Conducting of the General Meeting

of Shareholders of Public Company (“OJK

Regulation No 32”), and the Authority of Financial

Services regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2014

concerning the Directors and the Board of

Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies

(“OJK Regulation No.33”) and other prevailing

capital market laws.

b. Approval to give the authority to the Board

of Directors of the Company to restate the

entire Articles of Association of the Company

in compliance with OJK Regulation No. 32,

OJK Regulation No.33 and in accordance with

capital market laws and to take any actions

required, including but not limited to represent

the authorized party, to discuss, to provide and/

or to ask any information, to submit application

from and/or notification on amendment of

Articles of Association to the Ministry of Law

and Human Right and for such purpose, to make

any amendment and/or additions thereto in

whatsoever form as required by the Minister of

Law and Human Right of Republic of Indonesia

and/or OJK Regulation No.33 and prevailing

capital market laws.


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Page 93: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

4.a. Mengangkat Bapak Po Indarto Gondo sebagai

Direktur Perseroan dan Bapak Then Surianto Eka

Prasetyo sebagai Komisaris Perseroan, keduanya

efektif sejak ditutupnya rapat hari ini tanggal 24

Juni 2015 sampai dengan tanggal 19 Mei 2017.

Selanjutnya susunan anggota Dewan Komisaris

dan Direksi Perseroan efektif sejak ditutupnya

rapat hari ini tanggal 29 Juni 2015 sampai dengan

tanggal 19 Mei 2017 adalah sebagai berikut:

Dewan Komisaris:

Komisaris Utama: Yus’an

Komisaris: Farhan Rio Gunawan

Komisaris: Then Surianto Eka Prasetyo

Komisaris Independen: Fazwar Bujang


Direktur Utama: Lim Aun Seng

Direktur: Anand Kishore Bapat

Direktur: Kusnarto

Direktur: Liauw Sioe Lian

Direktur Independen: Bong Kong Fui

Direktur Independen: Po Indarto Gondo

b. Memberikan kuasa dengan hak substitusi

kepada Direksi Perseroan untuk melakukan

segala tindakan yang diperlukan oleh peraturan

perundang-undangan yang berlaku sehubungan

dengan perubahan susunan Direksi dan Dewan

Komisaris Perseroan tersebut di atas.

Ringkasan risalah RUPS Tahunan dan RUPS Luar Biasa

Perseroan pada tahun 2015 telah dimuat dalam surat

kabar Investor Daily dan Media Indonesia pada tanggal

30 Juni 2015.

Realisasi Hasil Keputusan RUPS tahun 2015:

RUPS Tahunan:

1. Pembayaran dividen tunai kepada para pemegang

saham telah dilaksanakan dengan jadwal:

• PenyampaianhasilRUPSTahunandan

pengumuman di bursa pada tanggal

29 Juni 2015

• Cum Dividen Tunai di Pasar Reguler dan

Negosiasi tanggal 6 Juli 2015

4.a. Appoint Mr. Po Indarto Gondo as Director of the

Company and Mr.Then Surianto Eka Prasetyo as

Commissioner of the Company, both with effect

from the closing date of this Meeting on June 29,

2015 until May 19, 2017.

The following members constitute the Board of

Commissioners and Directors of the Company,

whose term will be in effect from the closing

date of this Meeting on June 29, 2015 until

May 19, 2017:

Board of Commissioners:

President Commissioner: Yus’an

Commissioner: Farhan Rio Gunawan

Commissioner: Then Surianto Eka Prasetyo

Independent Commissioner: Fazwar Bujang

Board of Directors:

President Director: Lim Aun Seng

Director: Anand Kishore Bapat

Director: Kusnarto

Director: Liauw Sioe Lian

Independent Director: Bong Kong Fui

Independent Director: Po Indarto Gondo

b. To grant authority to Board of Directors with the

right of substitution to perform any necessary

action in accordance with prevailing laws in

relation to amendment of the Board of Directors

and Commissioners.

The Summary of the Company’s Resolution of Annual

General Meeting of Shareholders and Extraordinary

General Meeting of Shareholders in 2015 has been

published in the newspapers, namely Investor Daily

and Media Indonesia on June 30, 2015.

Realization of the GMS 2015 Resolutions:


1. The payment of cash dividend to shareholders

had been implemented as per schedule:

• PresentationoftheAGMSresultand

the announcement in the Jakarta stock

exchange on June 29, 2015

• Sharestradedcumdividendinregularand

block trade market dated July 6, 2015


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Page 94: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

• Ex Dividen Tunai di Pasar Reguler dan

Negosiasi tanggal 7 Juli 2015

• Cum Dividen Tunai di Pasar Tunai tanggal

9 Juli 2015

• Ex Dividen Tunai di Pasar Tunai tanggal

10 Juli 2015

• Recording date yang berhak atas Dividen

Tunai (DPS) tanggal 9 Juli 2015

• PembayaranDividenTunaitanggal

29 Juli 2015

2. Menunjuk akuntan publik yang akan mengaudit

laporan Keuangan Perseroan untuk tahun buku

2015 yaitu Purwantono, Sungkoro, Surja.

RUPS Luar Biasa:

1. Perseroan telah menjaminkan aset Perseroan

kepada Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-

Boerenleenbank B.A.(Rabobank International

Cabang Hong Kong), The Hongkong and

Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited,

The Bank Of Tokyo – Mitsubishi UFJ Limited,

Citibank NA dan PT Bank Central Asia Tbk,

yang telah memberikan fasilitas perbankan

kepada Perseroan.

2. Penyesuaian Anggaran Dasar Perseroan telah

dinyatakan dalam Akta Pernyataan Keputusan

Rapat No. 24 tanggal 25 Juni 2015 yang dibuat

oleh Andalia Farida S.H., M.H., Notaris di Jakarta

dan telah diterima dan dicatat oleh Menteri

Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia

dalam Penerimaan Pemberitahuan Perubahan

Anggaran Dasar Nomor: AHU-AH.01.02-0951563

tanggal 24 Juli 2015.

3. Penambahan anggota Dewan Komisaris dan

anggota Direksi telah dinyatakan dalam Akta

Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat No. 25 tanggal

29 Juni 2015 yang dibuat oleh Andalia Farida

S.H., M.H., Notaris di Jakarta dan telah diterima

dan dicatat oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi

Manusia RI dalam Penerimaan Pemberitahuan

Perubahan Data Perseroan No. AHU-

AH.01.03-0951564 tanggal 14 Juli 2015.

• Ex-DividendinRegularMarketandBlock

trade Market dated July 7, 2015

• CumDividendinCashMarketdated

July 9, 2015

• Ex-DividendinCashMarketdated

July 10, 2015

• Recordingdate(thedateofRegistered

Shareholders who were entitled to receive

cash dividend) was July 9, 2015

• CashDividendPaymentdatedJuly29,2015.

2. To appoint a public accountant to audit the

financial statements of the Company for the

financial year of 2015, namely Purwantono,

Sungkoro, Surja.


1. The Company mortgaged its assets to

Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank

BA (Rabobank International, Hong Kong Branch),

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

Limited, The Bank of Tokyo - Mitsubishi UFJ

Limited, Citibank NA and PT Bank Central Asia

Tbk for receiving revolving credit facility.

2. Adjustment to the Articles of Association

appearing in Deed No. 24 dated 25th June

2015, were made by Jakarta based Notary,

Andalia Farida SH, MH, Notary and have been

accepted and registered by the Ministry of Law

and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia

in their acceptance notification wide No. AHU-

AH.01.02-0951563 dated July 24, 2015 informing

the amendment to the Articles of Association.

3. Addition of member(s) to the Board of

Commissioners and Board of Directors has been

stated in the Deed No. 25 dated June 29, 2015

made by Jakarta based Notary, Andalia Farida

SH, M.H. and has been accepted and registered

by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights RI in

their acceptance notification wide No. AHU-

AH.01.03-0951564 dated July 14, 2015 informing

the amendment of Company data.


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Page 95: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Realisasi Hasil Keputusan RUPS tahun 2014:

Perseroan telah merealisasikan keputusan RUPS

Tahunan dan Luar Biasa yang telah diselenggarakan

pada tanggal 19 Mei 2014 sebagai berikut:

RUPS Tahunan:

1. Pembayaran dividen tunai kepada para pemegang

saham telah dilaksanakan dengan jadwal:

• PenyampaianhasilRUPSTahunandan

pengumuman di bursa pada tanggal

20 Mei 2014

• Cum Dividen Tunai di Pasar Reguler dan

Negosiasi tanggal 13 Juni 2014

• Ex Dividen Tunai di Pasar Reguler dan

Negosiasi tanggal 16 Juni 2014

• Cum Dividen Tunai di Pasar Tunai tanggal

18 Juni 2014

• Ex Dividen Tunai di Pasar Tunai tanggal

19 Juni 2014

• Recording date yang berhak atas Dividen

Tunai (DPS) tanggal 18 Juni 2014

• PembayaranDividenTunaitanggal

26 Juni 2014

2. Menunjuk akuntan publik yang akan mengaudit

laporan Keuangan Perseroan untuk tahun buku

2014 yaitu Purwantono, Suherman, Surja.

RUPS Luar Biasa:

1. Perseroan telah menjaminkan aset Perseroan

kepada Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-

Boerenleenbank B.A.(Rabobank International

Cabang Hong Kong), The Hongkong and

Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, dan

The Bank Of Tokyo – Mitsubishi UFJ Limited

yang telah memberikan fasilitas perbankan

kepada Perseroan.

2. Perubahan kedudukan dan anggaran dasar

Perseroan telah dinyatakan dalam Akta

Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat No.15 tanggal 19 Mei

2014 yang dibuat oleh Andalia Farida S.H., M.H.,

Notaris di Jakarta dan mendapat persetujuan

Menteri Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik

Indonesia dalam surat persetujuan Nomor AHU-

03400.40.20.2014 tanggal 2 Juni 2014 dan

surat pemberitahuan perubahan anggaran dasar

Realization of AGM 2014 Resolutions:

The implementation of all resolutions pertaining to

the AGMS and EGMS held by the Company on May 19,

2014 is as follows:


1. Cash Dividend Payment to shareholders has been

implemented on schedule:

• PresentationoftheAGMSresultand

the announcement in the Jakarta stock

exchange on May 20, 2014

• CumDividendinRegularMarketandBlock

trade Market dated June 13, 2014

• Ex-DividendinRegularMarketandBlock

trade Market dated June 16, 2014

• CumDividendinCashMarketdated

June 18, 2014

• Ex-DividendinCashMarketdated

June 19, 2014

• June18,2014astherecordingdateof

Registered Shareholders entitled to receive

cash dividend

• CashDividendPaymentdated

June 26, 2014

2. To appoint a public accountant to audit the

financial statements of the Company for the

financial year of 2014, namely Purwantono,

Sungkoro, Surja.


1. The Company had mortgaged its assets to

Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank

BA (Rabobank International, Hong Kong Branch),

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation

Limited, The Bank of Tokyo - Mitsubishi UFJ

Limited, which have given revolving credit

facilities to the Company.

2. Amendment regarding the domicile and the

articles of association of the Company stated

in Deed 15 dated May 19, 2014 were made by

Jakarta based notary Andalia Farida SH, MH,

Notary and approved by the Minister of Law and

Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in

their approval letter No. AHU 03400.40.20.2014

dated June 2, 2014 and a notice of amendment to

the Articles of Association has been received and


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Page 96: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

telah diterima dan dicatat dalam Penerimaan

Pemberitahuan Perubahan Anggaran Dasar

Nomor: AHU-AH.02566.40.21.2014 tanggal

2 Juni 2014.

3. Pengangkatan anggota Dewan Komisaris dan

anggota Direksi telah dinyatakan dalam Akta

Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat No. 16 tanggal

19 Mei 2014 yang dibuat oleh Andalia Farida

S.H., M.H., Notaris di Jakarta dan telah diterima

dan dicatat oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi

Manusia RI dalam Penerimaan Pemberitahuan

Perubahan Data Perseroan No. AHU-

09890.40.22.2014 tanggal 23 Mei 2014.

Perseroan telah merealisasikan keputusan RUPS Luar

Biasa yang telah diselenggarakan pada tanggal 29

September 2014 sebagai berikut:

1. Perubahan anggota Dewan Komisaris telah

dinyatakan dalam Akta Pernyataan Keputusan

Rapat No. 14 tanggal 29 September 2014 yang

dibuat oleh Andalia Farida S.H., M.H., Notaris

di Jakarta dan telah diterima dan dicatat oleh

Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia RI dalam

Penerimaan Pemberitahuan Perubahan Data

Perseroan No. AHU-34356.40.22.2014 tanggal

8 Oktober 2014.

2. Perubahan anggaran dasar Perseroan telah

dinyatakan dalam Akta Pernyataan Keputusan

Rapat No. 13 tanggal 29 September 2014 yang

dibuat oleh Andalia Farida S.H., M.H., Notaris

di Jakarta dan mendapat persetujuan Menteri

Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik

Indonesia dalam surat persetujuan Nomor AHU-

09202.40.20.2014 tanggal 8 Oktober 2014.


Dewan Komisaris merupakan organ dalam Perseroan

yang bertugas melakukan pengawasan atas

pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggungjawab Direksi. Dewan

Komisaris bertanggungjawab dalam mengawasi

pelaksanaan rencana usaha Perseroan beserta

anggarannya, menilai kinerja direksi, mengawasi

pelaksanaan keputusan manajemen dan mengawasi

efektivitas pelaksanaan tata kelola Perseroan. Sesuai

dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan dalam Undang-

Undang Perseroan Terbatas dan Anggaran Dasar

Perseroan, Direksi wajib meminta persetujuan dari

recorded in the acceptance of amendments to

Articles of Association in notification No. AHU-

AH.02566.40.21.2014 dated June 2, 2014.

3. Appointment of the Board of Commissioners

and The Board of Directors members stated in

the Deed No. 16 dated May 19, 2014 were made

by Jakarta based Notary, Andalia Farida SH, M.H

and subsequently accepted and registered by

the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Republic

of Indoensai, in their acceptance notification

No. AHU-09890.40.22.2014 dated May 23, 2014

regarding the amendment to Company data.

The implementation of all resolutions passed by the

EGMS of the Company held on September 19, 2014 is

as follows:

1. 1. Amendment of the Board of Commissioners

stated in Deed No. 14 dated 29 September

2014 made by Andalia Farida SH, M.H., Notary

in Jakarta was accepted and registered by the

Ministry of Law and Human Rights Republic of

Indonesia in their acceptance of amendment

on Company’s Data notification No. AHU-

34356.40.22.2014 dated October 8, 2014.

2. Amendment of the Company stated in the Deed

No. 13 dated 29 September 2014 made by Andalia

Farida SH, M.H., Notary in Jakarta and approved

by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the

Republic of Indonesia in the approval letter No.

AHU-09202.40.20.2014 dated October 8, 2014.


The Board of Commissioners in the Company is in

charge for supervising the implementation of tasks

and responsibilities of the Board of Directors. The

Board of Commissioners is responsible for monitoring

the implementation of the Company’s business plan

and its budget, assessing the performance of directors,

overseeing the implementation of management

decisions and supervising the effectiveness in

implementation of the good corporate governance. In

accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Law

on Limited Liability Companies and the Articles of


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

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Page 97: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Dewan Komisaris sebelum mengambil tindakan

tertentu atas kegiatan Perseroan.

Komposisi Dewan Komisaris

Dewan Komisaris Perseroan sesuai dengan hasil

keputusan RUPS Luar Biasa pada tanggal 29 Juni

2015 sebagaimana tertuang dalam Akta Pernyataan

Keputusan Rapat Nomor 25 adalah sebagai berikut:

Komisaris Utama: Yus’an

Komisaris: Farhan Rio Gunawan

Komisaris: Then Surianto Eka Prasetyo

Komisaris Independen: Fazwar Bujang

Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab

1. Dewan Komisaris melakukan pengawasan dan

bertanggung jawab atas pengawasan terhadap

kebijakan pengurusan,jalannya pengurusan

pada umumnya, baik mengenai Perseroan

maupun usaha Perseroan, dan memberi nasehat

kepada Direksi.

2. Dewan Komisaris wajib membentuk Komite Audit

dan dapat membentuk komite lainnya.

3. Dewan Komisaris setiap waktu dalam jam kerja

kantor Perseroan berhak memasuki bangunan

dan halaman atau tempat lain yang dipergunakan

atau yang dikuasaioleh Perseroan dan berhak

untuk memeriksa semua pembukuan, surat dan

alat bukti lainnya, memeriksa dan mencocokkan

keadaan uang kas dan lain-lain serta berhak untuk

mengetahui segala tindakan yang telah dijalankan

oleh Direksi.

4. Direksi dan setiap anggota Direksi wajib untuk

memberikan penjelasan tentang segala hal yang

ditanyakan oleh Dewan Komisaris.

5. Apabila seluruh anggota Direksi diberhentikan

sementara dan Perseroan tidak mempunyai

seorangpun anggota Direksi maka untuk

sementara Dewan Komisaris diwajibkan untuk

mengurus Perseroan. Dalam hal demikian Dewan

Komisaris berhak untuk memberikan kekuasaan

sementara kepada seorang atau lebih diantara

anggota Dewan Komisaris atas tanggungan

Dewan Komisaris.

6. Pada setiap waktu Dewan Komisaris berdasarkan

suatu keputusan Rapat Dewan Komisaris

Association, the Board of Directors shall seek approval

from the Board of Commissioners before taking certain

actions on the Company’s activities.

Composition of the Board of Commissioners

Board of Commissioners in accordance with the

decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting on

June 29, 2015 as stated in Notarial Deed No. 25 are

as follows:

President Commissioner: Yus’an

Commissioner: Farhan Rio Gunawan

Commissioner: Then Surianto Eka Prasetyo

Independent Commissioner: Fazwar Bujang

Responsibilities and Duties

1. The Board of Commissioners supervises and

is responsible for the management policy and

management in general, both regarding the

Company or the Company’s businesses, and

providing advice to the Board of Directors.

2. It is mandatory for the Board of Commissioners to

establish an Audit Committee but can optionally

choose to establish other committees.

3. Members of the Board of Commissioners at any

time during business hours of the Company are

entitled to enter the building and yard or any

other place used or controlled by the Company

and are entitled to inspect all books, letters and

other documents, check and match the cash and

other things and entitled to know all the actions

taken by the Board of Directors.

4. Board of Directors and each member of the

Board of Directors are obliged to provide an

explanation of all things asked by the Board

of Commissioners.

5. If the Board of Directors are suspended and if

the Company does not have a single member of

the Board of Directors, then for a while, BOC is

required to manage the Company. In such case,

the Board of Commissioners reserves the right to

provide temporary power to one or more of the

members of the Board of Commissioners under

their responsibility.

6. At any time based on a decision of the Board of

Commissioners board meeting, can temporarily


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Page 98: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

dapat memberhentikan untuk sementara

waktu seorang atau lebih anggota Direksi dari

jabatannya (jabatan mereka) apabila anggota

Direksi tersebut bertindak bertentangan dengan

anggaran dasar dan/atau peraturan perundang-

undangan yang berlaku, pemberhentian tersebut

dengan menyebutkan alasannya.

Komisaris Independen

Perseroan telah memiliki Komisaris Independen

dengan kriteria merujuk kepada Peraturan Otoritas

jasa Keuangan Nomor 33/POJK.04/2014 tentang

Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris Emiten atau Perusahaan

Publik yaitu:

a. Bukan merupakan orang yang bekerja atau

mempunyai wewenang dan tanggung jawab

untuk merencanakan, memimpin, mengendalikan,

atau mengawasi kegiatan Emiten atau Perusahaan

Publik tersebut dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan

terakhir, kecuali untuk pengangkatan kembali

sebagai Komisaris Independen Emiten atau

Perusahaan Publik pada periode berikutnya;

b. Tidak mempunyai saham baik langsung maupun

tidak langsung pada Emiten atau Perusahaan

Publik tersebut;

c. Tidak mempunyai hubungan Afiliasi dengan

Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik, anggota Dewan

Komisaris, anggota Direksi, atau pemegang

saham utama Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik

tersebut; dan

d. Tidak mempunyai hubungan usaha baik langsung

maupun tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan

kegiatan usaha Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik


Pernyataan Independensi Komisaris Independen

Komisaris Independen Perseroan memiliki

independensi dan kemandirian dalam melaksanakan

tugas, tanggung jawab, dan wewenangnya dalam

melakukan pengawasan terhadap kinerja Perseroan.

Komisaris Independen berkomitmen tidak akan

memanfaatkan Perseroan baik secara langsung

maupun tidak langsung untuk kepentingan pribadi.

Kebijakan dan Pelaksanaan Rapat

Sesuai ketentuan dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan,

Rapat Dewan Komisaris Perseroan diselenggarakan

paling kurang 1 (satu) kali dalam 2 (dua) bulan. Dewan

dismiss one or more members of the Board of

Directors from office (their positions) if members

of the Board of Directors are found to act

contrary to the constitution and / or legislation in

force, stating the reason for their dismissal.

Independent Commissioner

The Company’s independent commissioner needs

to fulfill the criteria as stipulated in the Financial

Services Authority Regulation No. 33 / POJK.04 / 2014

regarding the Board of Directors and Commissioners

of public company, namely:

a. Has neither worked nor possessed the authority

and responsibility for planning, directing,

controlling or supervising the activities of the

Company within the last 6 (six) months, except

while seeking re-appointed as the Independent

Commissioner of the issuer or public company for

the another term.

b. Does not directly or indirectly own any shares of

Issuer or Public Company;

c. Is not affiliated with the Board of Commissioners,

Board of Directors, and main Shareholders of the

Issuer or Public Company; and

d. Does not have any direct or indirect business

relation with the Issuer or Public Company.

Statement of Independency of The Independent


Independent Commissioners are entitled to

independency and autonomy in performing their

duties, responsibilities, and authorities to supervise

the Company’s performance. The Independent

Commissioners are committed so as not to take any

direct or indirect advantage of the Company for their

personal interests.

Policies and Implementation Meeting

Pursuant to the Articles of Association, the Board

of Commissioners are expected to hold their board

meeting at least once in 2 (two) months. The Board of


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Page 99: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Komisaris juga mengadakan rapat bersama Direksi

secara berkala paling kurang 1 (satu) kali dalam

4 (empat) bulan.

Frekuensi dan Tingkat Kehadiran Dewan Komisaris

Pada tahun 2015, Dewan Komisaris telah melakukan

rapat sebanyak 5 (lima) kali yaitu: membahas laporan

keuangan tahunan hasil audit, laporan tahunan,

persetujuan pembelian aset dan jaminan, laporan

keuangan triwulanan. Semua anggota Dewan

Komisaris hadir dalam rapat tersebut.

Dewan Komisaris melakukan rapat dengan Direksi

sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali yaitu: membahas laporan

keuangan tahunan hasil audit, laporan tahunan dan

laporan triwulan.

Remunerasi Anggota Dewan Komisaris

Remunerasi bagi anggota Dewan Komisaris Perseroan

ditetapkan melalui rapat umum pemegang saham dan

rapat umum pemegang saham telah menyetujui untuk

menetapkan remunerasi bagi Dewan Komisaris sebesar



Direksi merupakan organ dalam Perseroan yang

berwenang dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas

pengurusan Perseroan untuk kepentingan Perseroan,

sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan Perseroan serta

mewakili Perseroan, baik di dalam maupun di luar

pengadilan sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam anggaran

dasar Perseroan.

Komposisi Direksi

Direksi Perseroan sesuai dengan hasil keputusan RUPS

Luar Biasa pada tanggal 29 Juni 2015 sebagaimana

tertuang dalam Akta Pernyataan Keputusan Rapat

Nomor 25 adalah sebagai berikut:

Direktur Utama: Lim Aun Seng

Direktur: Anand Kishore Bapat

Direktur: Kusnarto

Direktur: Liauw Sioe Lian

Direktur Independen: Bong Kong Fui

Direktur Independen: Po Indarto Gondo

Commissioners are also required to hold meetings with

the Board of Directors at regular intervals, atleast once

in 4 (four) months.

Frequency and Attendance of the Board of


In 2015, the BOC convened 5 (five) board meetings.

The agenda amongst other issues was to discuss the

audited financial statements, annual report, asset

purchase agreement and collateral, quarterly financial

statements. All the meetings were fully attended by

all Commissioners serving on the Board at that

point of time.

The Board of Commissioners conducted a joint

meeting with the Board of Directors on three

occassions during 2015. Together, they discussed a

variety of issues and reviewed the audit result, annual

report and quarterly reports.

Remuneration of Board of Commissioners

Remuneration for the Board of Commissioners is

reviewed and decided by the general meeting of

shareholders every year. In 2015, it was decided to

set their gross remuneration package amounting to

IDR3.161.000.000, -.


The Board of Directors of the Company are enthrusted

with the requisite authority to responsibly govern the

organization, in the best interests of the Company, in

accordance with the purposes and objectives of the

Company. In accordance with the provisions of the

articles of association of the Company, The Board of

Directors are the authorized representatives of the

Company, both in and outside the court.

Composition of the Board of Directors

The composition of the Board of Directors of the

Company as per the decision of the Extraordinary

General Meeting on June 29, 2015 and stated in

Notarial Deed No. 25 is follows:

President Director: Lim Aun Seng

Director: Anand Kishore Bapat

Director: Kusnarto

Director: Liauw Sioe Lian

Independent Director: Bong Kong Fui

Independent Director: Po Indarto Gondo


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Page 100: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab

Lim Aun Seng

Mengawasi operasional Perseroan secara keseluruhan

untuk melaksanakan rencana Perseroan. Secara efektif

mengelola organisasi sumber daya manusia sesuai

dengan kebijakan dan prosedur yang dikeluarkan oleh

petugas yang berwenang. Memastikan bahwa visi

dan misi Perseroan secara konsisten disajikan dalam

cara yang kuat dan positif kepada para pemangku

kepentingan. Bertanggung jawab untuk penggalangan

dana, perencanaan dan pelaksanaan, mengidentifikasi

kebutuhan sumber daya, meneliti sumber-sumber

pendanaan, membangun strategi pendekatan kepada

para pemberi pinjaman, mengirimkan proposal

dan pengadministrasian dana. Melakukan interaksi

antara pemegang saham dan karyawan, memandu

tindakan yang dilakukan karyawan dalam operasional.

Merekomendasikan anggaran tahunan untuk

memperoleh persetujuan pemegang saham dan hati-

hati dalam mengelola sumber daya organisasi dalam

pedoman anggaran terserbut.

Anand Kishore Bapat

Bertanggung jawab untuk urusan Perseroan dan

pengembangan bisnis. Mempertahankan mengawasi

departemen sekretariat Perseroan untuk memastikan

kepatuhan yang ditetapkan oleh Jakarta Stock

Exchange dan Indonesia Financial Services Authority.

Terlibat dalam perumusan pengembangan bisnis

berencana untuk mendukung dan mempertahankan

pertumbuhan bisnis. Mengevaluasi proposal proyek

dan studi perilaku kelayakan. Menganalisis fluktuasi

harga komoditas dan mata uang. Memantau tren

industri untuk mengevaluasi dampaknya terhadap

usaha Perseroan. Terlibat dalam akuisisi bisnis,

penggalangan dana dan peringkat kredit.


Bertanggung jawab untuk pengembangan dan

implementasi strategi rantai pasokan untuk

mendukung tujuan Perseroan. Terlibat dalam

pengembangan kemampuan dan inisiatif untuk

mendukung kinerja rantai pasokan dalam jangka

panjang. Bertanggung jawab untuk infrastruktur

logistik. Mengawasi kinerja rantai pasokan inti

termasuk jadwal kedatangan kapal, penjadwalan

operasi pengeluaran kapal berdasarkan kondisi

Responsibilities and Duties

Lim Aun Seng

Oversees the overall operations of the Company to

implement corporate plans. Effectively manages the

human resources of the organization according to

authorized personnel policies and procedures. Ensures

that Company’s vision and mission are consistently

presented in a strong and positive manner to

stakeholders. Responsible for fundraising, planning and

implementation, identifying resource requirements,

researching funding sources, establishing strategies

to approach lenders, submitting proposals and

administrating fundraising. Interfaces between

shareholders and employees, guides the course of

action in operations by employees. Recommends

yearly budget for shareholder approval and prudently

manages organization’s resources within those

budget guidelines.

Anand Kishore Bapat

In charge for corporate affairs and business

development. Maintains oversight over corporate

secretariat department to ensure compliance as

stipulated by Indonesian Stock Exchange and

Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK).

Involved in the formulation of business development

plans to support and sustain business growth.

Responsible for evaluation of project proposals

and conducting feasibility studies. Conducts

comprehensive financial and economic analysis,

monitors industry and emerging trends to evaluate

their impact on Company’s business. Involved in

business acquisitions, fund raising and credit ratings.


In charge for the development and implementation

of supply chain strategy to support Company goals.

Involved in developing capabilities and initiatives to

support supply chain performance over the long term.

Responsible for logistic infrastructure. Monitors core

supply chain performance which includes vessel arrival

schedules, scheduling discharge operations based on

port conditions, fleet management, transit storage

and or direct deliveries and logistic cost objectives.


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Page 101: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

pelabuhan, manajemen armada, penyimpanan transit

dan atau pengiriman langsung dan tujuan biaya

logistik. Selain itu, juga kepala cabang untuk wilayah

Sumatra Selatan.

Liauw Sioe Lian

Mengelola, dan mengawasi semua aspek arus kas.

Memperkirakan kebutuhan kas untuk keputusan

pembiayaan. Pemodelan keuangan, penyusunan

dan pemantauan perkiraan arus kas perusahaan.

Bertanggung jawab untuk evaluasi, pengembangan

dan implementasi sistem manajemen kas untuk

mengoptimalkan efisiensi. Evaluasi opsi pinjaman

untuk membuat rekomendasi. Terlibat dalam menjaga

hubungan perbankan. Mengelola risiko pertukaran

mata uang.

Bong Kong Fui

Bertanggung jawab untuk akuntansi, perpajakan

dan fungsi treasury/perbendaharaaan. Mengawasi

manajemen dan melakukan koordinasi semua kegiatan

pelaporan fiskal yang termasuk laporan neraca

keuangan, melaporkan ke lembaga pendanaan,

pengembangan dan pemantauan anggaran.

Mempertahankan pengendalian internal systemto

mengamankan aset keuangan dari organisasi.

Mengawasi koordinasi dan kegiatan auditor

independen untuk menjamin semua masalah audit

diselesaikan, semua masalah kepatuhan terpenuhi dan

penyusunan laporan keuangan tahunan sesuai dengan

GAAP Indonesia dan jadwal tambahan lain yang

diperlukan dan informasi.

Po Indarto Gondo

Bertanggung jawab untuk pengadaan dan penjualan

komoditas di seluruh cabang. Bertanggung jawab

untuk mengelola risiko harga komoditas. Perencanaan,

pengembangan dan memberikan strategi komersial

untuk kepala penjualan, pembelian dan manajer

cabang. Memastikan bahwa operasi bisnis tetap efisien

dan efektif, bahwa manajemen yang tepat dari sumber

daya, distribusi barang dan jasa kepada pelanggan

dilakukan. Mempertahankan pengawasan dalam

bentuk papan pedoman instrumen, agar mudah

untuk meninjau indikator kunci dalam memenuhi

kebutuhan organisasi.

In addition, is also the branch head for South

Sumatra region.

Liauw Sioe Lian

Manage, and supervise all aspects of cash flow.

Forecasting cash requirements for financing decisions.

Financial modelling, preparation and monitoring

Company’s cash flow forecasts. Responsible for

the evaluation, development and implementation

of cash management systems to optimize

efficiencies. Evaluation of borrowing options to make

recommendations. Involved in maintaining banking

relationship. Managing forex risks.

Bong Kong Fui

In charge for accounting, taxation and treasury

function. Oversee the management and coordination

of all fiscal reporting activities that includes

balance sheet reports, reports to funding agencies,

development and monitoring of budgets. Maintain

internal control system to safeguard financial assets

of the organization. Oversee the coordination and

activities of independent auditors ensuring all audit

issues are resolved, all compliance issues are met and

the preparation of the annual financial statements is in

accordance with Indonesian GAAP and other required

supplementary schedules and information.

Po Indarto Gondo

In charge for procurement and sale of commodities

across branches. Responsible for managing

commodity price risk. Planning, developing and

cascading commercial strategy to the head of sale,

purchase and branch managers. Ensuring that business

operations remain efficient and effective, that proper

management of resources, distribution of goods

and services to customers is conducted. Maintaining

oversight in the form of dashboards, convenient

for reviewing key indicators to fulfill organizational



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Page 102: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Kebijakan dan Pelaksanaan Rapat

Sesuai ketentuan dalam Anggaran Dasar Perseroan,

Rapat Direksi Perseroan diselenggarakan secara

berkala 1 (satu) kali dalam setiap bulan. Direksi juga

mengadakan rapat bersama Dewan Komisaris

secara berkala paling kurang 1 (satu) kali dalam

4 (empat) bulan.

Frekuensi dan Tingkat Kehadiran Direksi

Pada tahun 2015, Direksi telah melakukan rapat

sebanyak 12 (dua belas) kali yaitu: membahas laporan

keuangan tahunan hasil audit, laporan tahunan,

persetujuan pembelian aset dan jaminan, laporan

kinerja perbulan, laporan keuangan triwulanan. Semua

anggota Direksi hadir dalam rapat tersebut.

Direksi melakukan rapat dengan Dewan Komisaris

sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali yaitu: membahas laporan

keuangan triwulan, laporan keuangan tahunan hasil

audit, dan laporan tahunan.

Remunerasi Anggota Direksi

Remunerasi bagi anggota Direksi Perseroan ditetapkan

melalui rapat umum pemegang saham dan rapat

umum pemegang saham telah menyetujui untuk

memberikan total remunerasi tahun 2015 kepada

Direksi Perseroan sebesar Rp8.607.000.000,-

Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan kompetensi para

anggota Direksi, Perseroan memberikan kesempatan

untuk mengikuti pelatihan-pelatihan dan seminar yang

diselenggarakan oleh pihak luar.


Komite audit Perseroan dibentuk berdasarkan

Peraturan BAPEPAM Nomr IX.1.5 tentang pembentukan

dan pelaksanaan kerja komite audit, yang merupakan

lampiran keputusan Ketua BAPEPAM Nomor : Kep-29/

PM/2004 tanggal 24 September 2004 sebagaimana

telah diubah dan menjadi lampiran keputusan

BAPEPAM-LK Nomor 643/BL/2012 tanggal

7 Desember 2012.

Policies and Implementation of Meeting

In accordance with the Company’s Articles of

Association, the Board of Directors are required

to meet on a regular basis, once every month.

The Board of Directors are also required to conduct

joint meetings with the Board of Commissioners

periodically, at least in four months.

Frequency and Attendance of the Board of Directors

In 2015, the Board of Directors convened monthly

boad meetings, meeting on twelve occasions. The

agenda of their meetings covered multitude of

issues. They discussed and reviewed amongst others,

the audited financial results of the Company and

its subsidiaries, the annual report, asset purchase

agreement and collateral pledged, monthly

performance reports, quarterly financial statements.

All 12 meetings were fully attended by members of the

Board of Directors.

The joint meeting of the Board of Directors with

the Board of Commissioners was convened thrice

to discuss amongst others, the quarterly financials,

audited financials, annual report.

Remuneration of the Board of Directors

Remuneration for the Board of Directors is determined

by the general meeting of shareholders each year.

For 2015, it was agreed to allocate and provide an

annual remuneration package amounting to

IDR8,607,000,000,00 for the Company’s Board

of Directors.

To improve the ability and competence of the

members of the Board of Directors, the Company

provides the opportunity to attend trainings and

seminars organized by various institutions.


The audit committee of the Company has been

established based on BAPEPAM Regulation No. IX.1.5

governing the establishment and implementation of

audit committee’s work and appears as an annexure

to BAPEPAM Chairman circular No. Kep-29 / PM /

2004, dated 24 September 2004 issued by, which was

further amended by BAPEPAM Chairman’s circular No.

643 / BL / 2012 dated December 7, 2012.


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Page 103: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Susunan anggota Komite Audit Perseroan sejak bulan

Juni 2015 adalah sebagai berikut :

Ketua Komite : Fazwar Bujang

Anggota Komite : Michael L. Soetanta

Anggota Komite : Rachmad

Profil Komite Audit dapat dilihat pada halaman 65.

Penunjukkan Komite Audit:

Komite Audit Perseroan diangkat dan diberhentikan

berdasarkan surat keputusan Dewan Komisaris dan

dilaporkan dalam rapat umum pemegang saham.

Masa tugas anggota Komite Audit tidak boleh lebih

lama dari masa jabatan Dewan Komisaris sebagaimana

diatur dalam anggaran dasar dan dapat dipilih kembali

hanya untuk 1 (satu) periode berikutnya.

Independensi Komite Audit

Yang dapat menjadi Anggota Komite Audit adalah:

a. Bukan merupakan orang dalam Kantor Akuntan

Publik, Kantor Konsultan Hukum, Kantor Jasa

Penilai Publik atau pihak lain yang memberi jasa

audit, jasa non audit atau jasa konsultasi lain pada

Perseroan dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan terakhir;

b. Bukan merupakan orang yang mempunyai

wewenang dan tanggung jawab untuk

merencanakan, memimpin, atau mengendalikan

kegiatan Perseroan dalam waktu 6 (enam) bulan

terakhir, Kecuali Komisaris Independen;

c. Tidak memiliki saham baik langsung maupun

tidak langsung dalam Perseroan;

d. Tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan anggota

Dewan Komisaris, Direksi atau Pemegang Saham

Utama Perseroan;

e. Tidak memiliki hubungan usaha baik langsung

maupun tidak langsung yang berkaitan dengan

kegiatan usaha Perseroan.

Composition of the Company’s Audit Committee in

effect from June 2015 is as follows:

Chairman : Fazwar Bujang

Member : Michael L. Soetanta

Member : Rachmad

Profile of the Audit Committee can be found in the

profile section on page 65.

Appointment of Audit Committee:

The appointment and dismissal of Audit Committee

is carried out by virtue of Board of Commissioners’s

decision and reported in the general meeting

of shareholders.

The tenure of Audit Committee members cannot

exceed the service tenure of Board of Commissioners

as set in the Company’s articles of association and can

only be extended for one subsequent period

upon reelection.

Independence of the Audit Committee

Only such members can be included in the Audit

Committee who:

a. Are not a part of public accounting firm, legal

counsel office, or other parties providing either

audit /non-audit services and/or other consulting

services to the Company in the past last six (6)

months prior to being appointed by the Board

of Commissioners.

b. Had neither held the authority nor the

responsibility for planning, directing, or

controlling the activities of the Company in the

past 6 (six) months (unless an Independent


c. Do not own any shares, either directly or

indirectly in the Company;

d. Are neither related to the Board of

Commissioners nor to the Board of Directors

nor to the Company’s Major Shareholders either

by marriage or by descent up to the second

generation, either horizontally and /or vertically;

e. Do not have any sort of business relationship,

that is either directly or indirectly related to the

business activities of the Company.


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Page 104: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Tugas dan Tanggungjawab Komite Audit

Komite Audit bertugas membantu Dewan Komisaris

dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsi pengawasan

terhadap pengurusan Perseroan yang dilakukan

oleh Direksi, menelaah laporan atau hal-hal yang

disampaikan oleh Direksi kepada Dewan Komisaris,

mengidentifikasi hal-hal yang memerlukan perhatian

Dewan Komisaris, dan melaksanakan tugas-tugas lain

yang berkaitan dengan tugas Dewan Komisaris, antara

lain meliputi:

a. Melakukan penelaahan atas informasi keuangan

yang dikeluarkan Perseroan seperti laporan

keuangan, proyeksi, dan informasi keuangan


b. Melakukan penelaahan atas ketaatan Perseroan

terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan di

bidang Pasar Modal dan peraturan perundang-

undangan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan

kegiatan Perseroan;

c. Memberikan pendapat independen dalam hal

terjadi perbedaan pendapat antara manajemen

dan Akuntan atas jasa yang diberikan;

d. Memberikan rekomendasi kepada Dewan

Komisaris mengenai penunjukan Akuntan yang

didasarkan pada independensi, ruang lingkup

penugasan, dan fee;

e. Melakukan penelaahan atas pelaksanaan

pemeriksaan oleh Auditor Internal dan mengawasi

pelaksanaan tindak lanjut oleh Direksi atas

temuan auditor internal;

f. Melakukan penelaahan terhadap aktivitas

pelaksanaan manajemen risiko yang dilakukan

oleh Direksi, jika Perseroan tidak memiliki fungsi

pemantau risiko di bawah Dewan Komisaris;

g. Menelaah pengaduan yang berkaitan

dengan proses akuntansi dan pelaporan

keuangan Perseroan;

h. Menelaah dan memberikan saran kepada Dewan

Komisaris terkait dengan adanya potensi benturan

kepentingan Perseroan;

i. Menjaga kerahasiaan dokumen, data dan

informasi Perseroan;

j. Sebelum tahun buku berjalan, Komite Audit wajib

menyusun dan menyampaikan Rencana Kerja

(Work Plan) tahunan kepada Dewan Komisaris

untuk ditetapkan/finalisasi;

k. Membuat laporan triwulanan dan laporan tahunan

kepada Dewan Komisaris.

Responsibilities and Duties of the Audit Committee

The Audit Committee assists the Board of

Commissioners in performing its duties to oversee the

Company’s management by Board of Directors, review

the report or matters submitted by Board of Directors

to the Board of Commissioners, identify issues that

require the attention of Board of Commissioners, and

carry out other tasks related to the duties of the Board

of Commissioners which amongst others include:

a. Reviewing financial information to be released

by the Company, including financial reports,

projections and other financial information.

b. Reviewing the Company’s compliance with laws

and regulations of the capital markets and other

relevant regulations associated with corporate


c. Providing independent opinion in the event

of disagreements between management and

accounting for services rendered;

d. Providing recommendations to the Board on

the appointment of accountants based on

independence, the scope of the assignment, and

the fee;

e. Reviewing the implementation of audit by the

Internal Auditor and oversee the implementation

of the follow-up by the Board of Directors on the

findings of the internal auditor;

f. Reviewing the implementation of risk

management activities carried out by the Board

of Directors, in case the Company does not

have a risk monitoring function under the

Board of Commissioners;

g. Examining complaints relating to accounting and

financial reporting processes of the Company;

h. Reviewing and providing advice to the Board in

relation to the potential conflict of interest

of the Company;

i. Maintaining confidentiality of documents, data

and information of the Company;

j. Preparation and submission of annual work plan

before the beginning of each financial year to the

Board of Commissioners for finalization;

k. Presenting quarterly and annual reports to the

Board of Commissioners.


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Page 105: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Wewenang Komite Audit:

a. Mengakses dokumen, data, dan informasi

Perseroan tentang karyawan, dana, aset, dan

sumber daya yang diperlukan;

b. Berkomunikasi langsung dengan karyawan ,

termasuk Direksi dan pihak yang menjalankan

fungsi audit internal, manajemen risiko, dan

Akuntan terkait tugas dan tanggung jawab

Komite Audit;

c. Melibatkan pihak independen di luar anggota

Komite Audit yang diperlukan untuk membantu

pelaksanaan tugasnya; dan

d. Melakukan kewenangan lain yang diberikan oleh

Dewan Komisaris

Laporan singkat pelaksanaan Komite Audit pada

tahun 2015:

Pada tahun 2015 Komite Audit telah melaksanakan

tugas dan tanggungjawabnya dengan kegiatan

sebagai berikut:

• Menghadiridanmemberikanmasukanpadarapat

gabungan yang dilaksanakan bersama Dewan

Komisaris, Direksi dan Komite Audit.

• Melaksanakanrapatdenganinternalaudituntuk

membahas report audit.

• Membahaslaporankeuangankonsolidasitriwulan

dan akhir tahun/tahunan.

• Menyempurnakanpiagamkomiteaudityangtelah

ada sesuai dengan perkembangan.

• Menelaahkepatuhanterhadapperaturan

perundangan yang berlaku.

• Memberikanmasukanuntukpenyempurnaan

rencana kerja tahunan internal audit.

• MembahaskinerjaPerseroansecaraumumdan

kecukupan keterbukaan laporan keuangan.

Berdasarkan hasil penelaahan Komite Audit, Komite

Audit melaporkan bahwa dalam tahun buku 2015 tidak

diketemukan adanya pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh

Perseroan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan

yang berlaku dan tidak ditemukan adanya kekeliruan/

kesalahan dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan.

The authority of the Audit Committee:

a. To access documents, data, and information

about the Company’s employees, funds, assets,

and resources required;

b. To communicate directly with employees,

including Directors and those who perform the

function of internal audit, risk management, and

accounting-related duties and responsibilities of

the Audit Committee;

c. If required, to involve independent members

outside of the Audit Committee members to

assist in the implementation of their duties; and

d. To carry out other work based on power of

attorney from the Board of Commissioners

A brief summary of the work carried by the Audit

Committee in 2015:

During 2015, the Audit Committee’s scope of work

involved the following:

• Attendingandprovidinginputtothejoint

meetings conducted between Board of

Commissioners, Board of Directors and

Audit Committee.

• Holdingmeetingswiththeinternalauditorto

discuss the audit report.

• Discussingtheconsolidatedfinancials,quarterly

and annual.

• Enhancingthecharteroftheauditcommitteein

accordance with existing developments.

• Reviewingcompliancetowardsprevailinglaws

and regulations.

• Providinginputfortheimprovementofannual

internal audit work plan.

• DiscussingtheCompany’sperformanceingeneral

and assessing the adequacy of disclosures in the

financial report.

Based on their evaluation, the Audit Committee did

not find any violation of prevailing laws or regulations

in the fiscal/financial year 2015 nor did it find any

factual mistake or error in the financial statements.


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Page 106: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment


Pada saat ini Perseroan belum memiliki Komite

Nominasi dan Remunerasi. Perseroan telah memiliki

Prosedur Standar Operasi dalam penetapan

remunerasi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi

serta prosedur nominasi, dengan melibatkan jasa dari

konsultan Sumber Daya Manusia.


Sekretaris Perusahaan merupakan pejabat

penghubung antara Perseroan dengan Otoritas Jasa

Keuangan, Bursa Efek Indonesia, Kustodian Sentral

Efek Indonesia dan masyarakat.

Tugas Sekretaris Perusahaan adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Mengikuti perkembangan pasar modal khususnya

peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku dibidang

pasar modal;

b. Memberikan informasi yang diperlukan

kepada masyarakat mengenai prospek dan

kondisi Perseroan;

c. Memberikan masukan kepada Direksi untuk

memenuhi ketentuan undang-undang, khususnya

Undang-Undang tentang Pasar Modal, Undang-

Undang Perseroan Terbatas dan peraturan-

peraturan pelaksanaannya;

d. Sebagai penghubung antara Perseroan, Otoritas

Jasa Keuangan, Bursa Efek Indonesia Kustodian

Sentral Efek Indonesia dan masyarakat.

Sekretaris Perusahaan saat ini dijabat oleh Sofia


Profil Sekretaris Perusahaan dapat dilihat pada

halaman 67.

Uraian singkat pelaksanaan tugas Sekretaris

Perusahaan pada tahun 2015, antara lain:

• MemanduPerseroanuntuksenantiasa

patuh terhadap peraturan pasar modal,

dan mengikuti perkembangan peraturan

baru untuk selanjutnya memastikan bahwa

Perusahaan mengimplementasikan peraturan-

peraturan tersebut.


In 2015, the Company did not have a Nomination and

Remuneration Committee. However in determining

the nomination and remuneration for Board of

Commissioners and Board of Directors, the services of

HR consulting was engaged.


The Corporate Secretary functions as a liaison officer

between the Company and the Indonesian Financial

Services Authority (OJK), Stock Exchange (IDX),

Central Securities Depository and the public.

The tasks of Corporate Secretary are as follows:

a. To follow the capital market developments,

particularly the regulations which prevail in the

capital market.

b. Provide necessary information to the public

regarding the corporate condition and outlook.

c. Provide inputs to The Board of Directors for

fulfillment of regulations, particularly capital

market regulations, Company’s act and their

respective implementation guidelines.

d. To act as a contact person between the Company,

Indonesian Financial Services Authority,

Indonesian Stock Exchange, Central Securities

Depository and the public.

The Corporate Secretary position is held by Sofia


Corporate Secretary’s profile can be found in the

profile section appearing on page 67.

A brief summary of the work carried by Corporate

Secretary during 2015 is as follows:

• SteeringtheCompanytoensurecompliance

with capital market regulations, and kept tab of

new regulations to further guarantee that the

Company implemented such regulations;


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Page 107: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

• Menyampaikanketerbukaaninformasi,laporan

berkala kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dan

Bursa Efek Indonesia.

• MengkordinasikanpenyelenggaraanRUPS

Tahunan dan RUPS Luar Biasa pada tanggal

29 Juni 2015.

• Mengkordinasikanpenyelenggaraan

Publik Ekspose Tahunan pada tanggal

27 November 2015.

• Menjadianggotateampenyusunlaporantahunan.

• HadirdalamrapatDewanKomisarisdanDireksi.

• Mengikutiseminar,workshop,danpertemuan

yang diadakan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan,

Bursa Efek Indonesia, dan Asosiasi

Emiten Indonesia.


Sesuai dengan Surat Keputusan Bapepam-LK

Nomor Kep-496/BL/2008 tanggal 28 November

2008 Peraturan No. IX.I.7 tentang Pembentukan dan

Pedoman Penyusunan Piagam Unit Audit Internal,

Perseroan membentuk Unit Audit Internal sebagai

bentuk kepatuhan Perseroan terhadap peraturan

yang berlaku.

Perusahaan telah menyusun Piagam Unit Audit

Internal sebagai pedoman dalam menetapkan fungsi

audit internal. Piagam tersebut mengatur tentang

wewenang dan tanggungjawab serta metode kerja

untuk memastikan proses internal audit yang efektif

di Perseroan.

• Internalauditordiangkatdandiberhentikan

oleh Direktur Utama atas persetujuan

Dewan Komisaris.

• DirekturUtamadapatmemberhentikan

Internal Auditor setelah mendapat persetujuan

Dewan Komisaris, jika Internal Auditor tidak

memenuhi persyaratan sebagai Internal Auditor

sebagaimana diatur dalam peraturan ini atau

gagal atau tidak cakap menjalankan tugasnya

sebagaimana diatur dalam Piagam Unit

Audit Internal.

• InternalAuditormelaporkandan

bertanggungjawab kepada Direktur

Utama Perseroan.

• Maintainingthetransparencyofinformation,

periodically reporting to Indonesian

Financial Services Authority and Indonesian

Stock Exchange;

• CoordinatingtheAnnualGeneralMeetingof

Shareholders and Extraordinary General Meeting

of Shareholders held on June 27, 2013;

• CoordinatingtheimplementationofAnnual

Public Expose on December 4, 2013;

• Contributingtowardsdraftingtheannualreport;

• AttendingmeetingsconductedbyBoardof

Commissioners and Board of Directors;

• Attendingseminars,workshopsandmeetingPIC

from Indonesian Financial Services Authority,

Stock Exchange, Central Securities Depository,

Indonesian Public Listed Companies Association.


In accordance with the decree of Bapepam-LK No.

KEP-496 / BL / 2008 dated 28 November 2008

Regulation No. IX.I.7 regarding framework and

guidelines for Internal Audit Charter, the Company

appoints an Internal Auditor (as Chief of Internal Audit

Unit) exhibiting Company’s compliance with

applicable regulations.

The Company had already drafted an Internal Audit

Charter to serve as a guideline for establishing the

internal audit function. The charter governs the

authority and responsibility along with work methods

for ensuring an effective internal audit process in

the Company.

• TheinternalauditorisappointedbythePresident

Director after seeking consent from the

Board of Commissioners.

• ThePresidentDirectorreservestherightto

dismiss the internal auditor after seeking

necessary approval from Board of Commissioners

if the Internal Auditor is either found incapable of

performing the required tasks or fails in his duty

to perform such tasks as stipulated in the Internal

Audit Charter of the Company.

• Theinternalauditorreportstoandisanswerable

to the President Director of the Company.


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Page 108: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Auditor Internal:

a. Menyusun dan melaksanakan rencana Audit

Internal tahunan.

b. Menguji dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan

pengendalian interen dan sistem

manajemen risiko.

c. Melakukan pemeriksaan dan penilaian atas

efisiensi dan efektivitas di berbagai bidang

fungsi perusahaan.

d. Menyediakan informasi yang obyektif tentang

aktivitas audit pada semua tingkat manajemen.

e. Mempersiapkan laporan hasil audit dan

menyampaikan laporan tersebut kepada

Direktur Utama.

f. Memantau, menganalisa dan melaporkan

pelaksanaan tindak lanjut perbaikan yang

telah disarankan.

g. Bekerja sama dengan komite audit.

h. Menyusun program untuk mengevaluasi mutu

kegiatan audit internal yang dilakukannya.

i. Melakukan pemeriksaan khusus apabila


Kepala Unit Audit Internal saat ini masih dijabat oleh

Erwin Simardjo.

Profil Kepala Unit Audit Internal dapat dilihat pada

halaman 67.

Uraian singkat pelaksanaan tugas Unit Audit Internal

tahun 2015 sebagai berikut:

• MelaksanakanauditdikantorpusatPerseroan,

pabrik dan 5 kantor cabang Perseroan.

• Memantaupelaksanaanrekomendasiaudityang

telah disepakati.

• Menyelenggarakanauditoperasionaldengan

terfokus pada verifikasi aset tetap, mekanisme

pengendalian persediaan dan sistem

manajemen kas.

Hasil pemeriksaan dari audit internal disampaikan

kepada Direksi dan manajemen terkait dalam

meningkatkan efektifitas pengendalian internal.


Risiko dapat timbul dari eksternal maupun internal

Perseroan. Manajemen Risiko meliputi suatu proses

Responsibilities and duties of the Internal Auditor:

a. To formulate and execute the annual internal

audit plan.

b. To examine and evaluate the performance of

internal control and risk management system.

c. To examine and evaluate the efficiency

and effectiveness across various

organizational functions.

d. To provide objective information

regarding investigation activities for every

level of management.

e. To prepare the audit report and submit it to the

President Director.

f. To monitor, analyze and report the realization of

improvement activities.

g. To co-operate with audit committee.

h. To arrange an evaluation program about the

quality of internal audit activities.

i. To conduct special examination if required.

Erwin Simardjo serves as the Internal Auditor of

the Company.

Profile of the internal Auditor can be found in the

profile section on page 67.

A brief summary of the tasks carried out by the

internal auditor in 2015 is as follows:

• PerforminganauditintheHeadofficeand

across branches.

• Reviewingtheimplementationofpreviously

agreed audit recommendations.

• Carryingoutoperationalaudit,focusingon

verification of fixed assets, inventory control

mechanism and cash management system.

The findings of internal auditor were presented to

the Board of Directors and concerned managers for

improving the effectiveness of internal control.


Risk emanantes from both external as well as internal

sources. Risk Management involves a dynamic


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Page 109: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

yang dinamis dan berulang untuk mengidentifikasi dan

menilai risiko terhadap pencapaian tujuan Perseroan.

Risiko terhadap pencapaian tujuan ini dianggap relatif

terhadap toleransi risiko yang ditetapkan. Dengan

demikian, penilaian risiko membentuk dasar dari

bagaimana risiko dapat dikelola. Secara umum, ada

empat jenis risiko yang harus dikelola:

1. Risiko Mitra Pengimbang

Meliputi pengembangan atas pemahaman yang jelas

tentang mitra pengimbang kami/rekanan. Pelaksanaan

usaha dilakukan berdasarkan penilaian kelayakan

kredit serta reputasi. Pemeriksaan/pengecekan latar

belakang dan integritas merupakan fitur utama untuk

melindungi kepentingan Perseroan.

2. Risiko Regulasi

Pasar komoditas sedang melakukan pergeseran besar

dalam persyaratan peraturan melalui pengenalan

peraturan baru. Dengan demikian, menjadi penting

untuk tetap sejajar dengan perubahan peraturan yang

dinamis, menilai kemungkinan dampaknya pada bisnis

kami dan mengembangkan pemahaman tentang

bagaimana untuk bereaksi terhadap perubahan ini.

3. Risiko Korporat

Yang pertama dan terpenting adalah pelaksanaan

prosedur audit internal yang kuat untuk mengurangi

kerugian yang timbul dari proses internal. Selain itu,

harus memiliki akuntabilitas yang jelas dalam proses

pengambilan keputusan. Seperti dalam hal kegiatan

operasi yang semakin bergantung pada penggunaan

teknologi informasi, ketahanan sistem teknologi

informasi sangat penting untuk menjaga terhadap

serangan cyber. Untuk melindungi terhadap dampak

negatif yang mungkin timbul dari gangguan eksternal

untuk kegiatan kami, seperti yang dapat disebabkan

oleh bencana alam, maka asuransi adalah merupakan

kebijakan terbaik.

4. Risiko Keuangan

Harga komoditas dapat senantiasa berubah karena

adanya ketidakseimbangan pasokan dan permintaan

ataupun adanya inefisiensi pasar. Meskipun risiko

tersebut tidak dapat dihilangkan sepenuhnya, hal itu

dapat dikurangi melalui lindung nilai dan atau harga

paralel (back to back). Model bisnis kami adalah

penyedia layanan logistik. Hal ini memungkinkan kami

untuk mengimpor dan mendistribusikan komoditas

and iterative process for identifying and assessing

risks to the achievement of objectives. Risks to the

achievement of these objectives are considered

relative to established risk tolerances. Thus, risk

assessment forms the basis of how risks are managed.

Broadly, there are four types of risks that need to be


1. Counter Party Risk

Involves developing a clear understanding of our

counterparties. Business is conducted based on

assessment of credit worthiness as well as reputation.

Ongoing background and integrity checks are essential

features to safeguard Company’s interests.

2. Regulatory Risk

The commodities market is undertaking a big shift

in regulatory requirements through the introduction

of new regulations. As such, it becomes imperative

to keep upbreast with the dynamically changing

regulatory landscape, assessing their likely impact on

our business and developing an understanding of how

to react to these changes.

3. Enterprise Risk

First and foremost is the implementation of strong

internal auditing procedures to mitigate losses arising

from internal processes. Besides, it involves having

clear accountability in decision making process.

As operations increasingly rely on the use of

information technology, robustness of IT systems is

crucial to safeguard against cyber attacks. To protect

against any adverse impact that may arise from

external disruptions to our operations such as those

that can be caused by natural disasters, insurance is

the best policy.

4. Financial Risk

Commodity prices can go through intense volatility

due to supply and demand imbalances or market

inefficiencies. Although such risks cannot be

eliminated completely, it is mitigated through hedging

and or back to back pricing. Our business model is

that of a logistic service provider. This allows us to

import and distribute commodities without having

significant expose to commodity price fluctuations. In


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Page 110: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

tanpa harus mempunyai dampak signifikan terhadap

fluktuasi harga komoditas. Dalam rangka untuk

mengurangi risiko mata uang, kami mengadopsi

strategi lindung nilai alami terhadap harga komoditas

impor untuk para pelanggan kami dalam USD.


Pengendalian internal merupakan proses yang

dilakukan oleh Direksi bersama dengan manajer dan

karyawan Perseroan untuk memberikan keyakinan

yang memadai tentang pencapaian tujuan yang

berkaitan dengan kegiatan operasi, pelaporan

dan kepatuhan.

Ini merupakan proses yang berkelanjutan dari tugas

dan inisiatif yang merupakan alat untuk mencapai

tujuan, tetapi bukan tujuan itu sendiri. Hal ini tidak

hanya tentang kebijakan, prosedur, sistem dan bentuk,

bukan tentang tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Perseroan

pada setiap tingkat organisasi kami. Ini telah dirancang

untuk menjadi fleksibel secara alami sehingga dapat

dengan mudah diadaptasi di semua divisi, unit

kegiatan operasi dan anak perusahaan.

Kerangka pengendalian internal terdiri dari integritas

dan etika nilai-nilai, parameter yang memungkinkan

Direksi Perseroan untuk melaksanakan tanggung

jawab tata kelola, struktur organisasi, tugas wewenang

dan tanggung jawab, proses untuk menarik,

mengembangkan dan mempertahankan individu

yang kompeten, kecermatan dalam mengukur kinerja,

serta pemberian insentif dan penghargaan untuk

mendorong akuntabilitas kinerja.

Kegiatan pengendalian internal mencakup berbagai

kegiatan manual dan otomatis seperti otorisasi dan

persetujuan, verifikasi, rekonsiliasi dan ulasan kinerja

usaha. Pemisahan tugas biasanya dibangun melalui

pemilihan dan pengembangan kegiatan pengendalian.

Perseroan memperoleh informasi yang relevan dan

berkualitas baik dari sumber eksternal maupun internal

untuk mendukung berfungsinya komponen lain

dalam pengendalian internal. Komunikasi merupakan

proses yang berkesinambungan dalam menyediakan,

berbagi dan memperoleh informasi yang diperlukan.

Komunikasi internal memungkinkan personil Perseroan

order to mitigate currency risks, we adopt a natural

hedge strategy by pricing the commodity imports to

our buyers in USD.


Internal control is a process which is effected by the

Company’s Board of Directors, along with Company’s

managers and employees to provide reasonable

assurance regarding the achievement of objectives

relating to operations, reporting and compliance.

It is an ongoing process of tasks and initiatives which

is a means to an end but not an end in itself. It is

not merely about the policies, procedures, systems

and forms, rather about actions taken by Company

personnel at every level of our organization. It has

been designed to be flexible in nature so that it can be

easily adapted across all divisions, operating units and

subsidiaries of the Company.

The internal control framework comprises of

integrity and ethical values, the parameters enabling

the Company’s Board of Directors to carry out

its governance responsibilities, the organizational

structure, the assignment of authority and

responsibility, the process of attracting, developing

and retaining competent individuals, the rigor around

performance measures, incentives and rewards to drive

accountability for performance.

Internal control activities encompass a range of manual

and automated activities such as authorizations and

approvals, verifications, reconciliations and business

performance reviews. Segregation of duties is

typicallly built into the selection and development of

control activities.

The Company obtains relevant and quality information

from both external amnd internal sources to support

the functioning of other components of internal

control. Communication is a continuous process

of providing, sharing and obtaining necessary

information. Internal communication enables Company

personnel to receive a clear message from senior


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Page 111: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

untuk menerima pesan yang jelas dari manajemen

senior yang mengontrol tanggung jawab haruslah

dianggap serius. Komunikasi eksternal adalah proses

dua arah yang memungkinkan komunikasi informasi

eksternal yang relevan serta penyebaran informasi

kepada pihak eksternal dalam menanggapi kebutuhan

dan harapan Perseroan.

Evaluasi berkelanjutan dan atau terpisah dilakukan

untuk memastikan berfungsinya kontrol internal.

Sementara evaluasi berkelanjutan yang dibangun ke

dalam proses bisnis di berbagai tingkat perusahaan

untuk memberikan informasi yang tepat waktu,

evaluasi terpisah dilakukan secara periodik. Evaluasi

terpisah bervariasi dalam lingkup dan frekuensi,

tergantung pada penilaian risiko, efektivitas evaluasi

berkelanjutan dan pertimbangan manajemen lainnya.

Temuan dari evaluasi terpisah dievaluasi terhadap

kriteria baik yang ditetapkan oleh regulator dan atau

oleh Direksi Perseroan. Kekurangan yang ditemukan

akan dikomunikasikan kepada Direksi Perseroan.


Pada tahun 2015, Perseroan, anggota Dewan

Komisaris dan Direksi tidak menghadapi perkara

hukum yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi kondisi

keuangan Perseroan.


Untuk tahun 2015, tidak ada sanksi administratif

yang dikenakan kepada Perseroan, anggota Dewan

Komisaris dan Direksi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan,

PT Bursa Efek Indonesia maupun lainnya.

management that control responsibilities must be

taken seriuosly. External communication is a two

way process that enables inbound communication of

relevant external information as well as dissemenation

of information to external parties in response to

requirements and expectations.

Ongoing and or separate evaluations are carried

out to ascertain the proper functioning of internal

controls. While ongoing evaluations are bult into

business processes at various levels of the Company

to provide timely information, separate evaluations

are conducted periodically. Separate evaluations vary

in scope and frequency depending on assessment of

risks, effectiveness of ongoing evaluations and other

management considerations. Findings from such

separate evaluatons are evaluated against criteria that

are either established by the regulators and or by the

Board of Directors of the Company. Any observed

deficiencies are communicated to the Company’s

Board of Directors.


In 2015, the Company, the Board of Commissioners

and Board of Directors did not face legal process

that significantly affect the financial condition of

the Company.


For the year 2015, there are no penalty or sanction on

the Company, Board of Commissioner and Directors

from Financial Services Authority, Stock Exchange or

any other authorities.


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. Tata Kelola PerusahaanCorporate Governance

Page 112: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 113: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan

Corporate Social Responsibility

Page 114: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Cara kita melihat Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan

(CSR) tertanam dalam motto kami “Terus Melayani

Bangsa”. Kami percaya pada CSR sebagai bagian

yang tidak terpisahkan dari melakukan bisnis. CSR

bukan filantropi tetapi berfokus pada cara dan sarana

perusahaan dapat memberikan kontribusi kepada

masyarakat sebagai warga perusahaan yang baik.

Pada saat itu, termasuk kontribusi langsung tunai

seperti untuk membantu mereka yang terkena

dampak bencana alam, Perseroan yang telah

dilakukan di masa lalu, lain kali, dapat mengambil

rute yang berbeda.

Bidang usaha Perseroan adalah menjaga/memelihara

ketersediaan pangan. Memastikan ketersediaan,

keterjangkauan, keamanan bahan makanan dan

pakan adalah sektor yang memungkinkan terjadinya

keamanan pangan. Sebuah contoh dari inisiatif

Perseroan terhadap kebersihan digambarkan dengan

mendukung pembentukan outlet produksi tempe.

Karena kami selalu mendistribusikan kedelai kelas 1,

kami juga memikirkan pentingnya mempertahankan

standar yang sesuai sambil menangani dan melakukan

proses produksi sampai dengan produk akhir

dikirimkan ke konsumen. Prinsip operasi di sini adalah

untuk memimpin dengan memberikan contoh dan

mendorong pemakaian di tingkat produsen. Ini adalah

proses yang sedang berlangsung. Namun, itu tidak

berarti bahwa setiap tahunnya perusahaan terus

berinvestasi dalam fasilitas tersebut.

Milton Friedman mengatakan bahwa satu-satunya

tujuan perusahaan adalah untuk membuat keuntungan.

Cara bagaimana mencapai pendapatan perusahaan

adalah sama pentingnya. Memaksimalkan kepentingan

dari para pemangku kepentingan adalah tujuan utama

dari manajemen Perseroan dimana kami setiap saat

The way we view Corporate Social Responsibility is

embedded in our motto “Continuously Serving the

Nation”. We believe in CSR as an inseperable part of

conducting business. CSR isn’t philanthropy, rather

focuses on the ways and means the Company can

contribute to the society as a good corporate citizen.

At times, it includes a direct cash contribution such as

to help those affected by natural disaster, which the

Company had done in the past. Other times, it can

take a different route.

The Company’s line of business achieves maintaining

food security. Ensuring availability, affordability, safety

of food and feed ingredients falls within the purview of

enabling food security. An example of the Company’s

initiative towards hygiene was illustrated by supporting

the establishment of a tempeh production outlet.

Since we always distribute grade # 1 soybeans, we also

think it is imperative that appropriate standards are

maintained while handling and production process of

the end product that is delivered to the consumer. The

operative principle here was to lead by example and

encourage the adoption at producer level. This is an

on-going process. However, it does not mean that each

year the Company continues to invest in such facilities.

Milton Friedman has said that the sole purpose

of the Company is to make profits. The manner in

which the corporate earnings are achieved is equally

important. Maximimizing stakeholder interest is the

primary objective of the Company’s management

which we endeavour to pursue at all times following

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk.

Page 115: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

berusaha mengejar untuk mengikuti praktik bisnis

terbaik. Dalam pandangan kami yang merupakan

elemen penting dari CSR antara lain adalah mengelola

etika bisnis, citra perusahaan, mempertahankan

pertumbuhan perusahaan. Bahwa tidak selalu mungkin

untuk menghitung secara konkrit berapa banyak

yang telah dikeluarkan untuk CSR. Kami tegaskan,

CSR bukan tentang menghabiskan uang. Ini adalah

tentang cara di mana kegiatan usaha dilakukan untuk

mempertahankan kepentingan dari para pemangku

kepentingan, menjaga kepentingan dari para

pemangku kepentingan di setiap waktu, mencapai

pemenuhan tanggung jawab sosial Perseroan.

Beralih pada filosofi umum Perseroan tentang CSR,

kami ingin menyampaikan inisiatif yang telah dilakukan

Perseroan pada tahun 2015. Pembangunan fasilitas

gudang transit di Teluk Lamong telah dimulai. Proyek

ini dilakukan oleh anak usaha Perseroan bersama-

sama dengan dua mitranya. Alasan untuk menyiapkan

fasilitas tersebut adalah untuk mengurangi masalah

kemacetan pelabuhan di Tanjung Perak di Surabaya.

Kemacetan pelabuhan langsung berdampak pada

biaya pengeluaran komoditas. Logistik yang efisien

telah menjadi tujuan yang dinyatakan Pemerintah

dan investasi Perseroan sejalan dengan tujuan

nasional. Sebagai penyedia layanan, kami fokus

pada pengurangan biaya logistik di seluruh rantai

pasokan, membuat investasi di mana pun diperlukan.

Namun, investasi tersebut tidak dapat berdiri secara

sendiri-sendiri. Dengan demikian, Perseroan memilih

untuk bermitra dengan dua pelanggan untuk

berpartisipasi sehingga proyek dapat mencapai yang

diinginkan selama diperlukan untuk membuat lebih

ekonomis. Pembentukan PT Nusa Prima Logistik

dalam pandangan kami adalah contoh yang baik

untuk menunjukkan kasus bagaimana tujuan CSR

berkelanjutan dapat diabadikan dalam suatu

model bisnis.

Terlepas dari investasi, kami juga dapat menyoroti

bagaimana tujuan CSR dilakukan dengan memperluas

portofolio bahan pakan kami. Pada tahun 2015,

beberapa pengiriman jagung ke Indonesia (mengalami

gangguan), entah terdampar di pelabuhan, tertunda

dan bahkan dibatalkan. Jagung merupakan bahan

utama pakan yang digunakan 50 sampai dengan 55%

dalam formulasi pakan. Setiap gangguan pasokan

secara alami akan memiliki dampak negatif pada

best business practices. Maintaing business ethics,

corporate image, sustaining Company’s growth

amongst others in our view are essential elements of

CSR. It is not always possible to tangibly quantify as to

how much was spent on CSR. We reiterate, CSR isn’t

about spending money. It is about the manner in

which business activity is conducted to sustain

stakeholder interest, safeguarding stakeholder

interests at all time, achieves the fulfillment of

Company’s social responsibility.

Moving ahead on the Company’s general philosophy

on CSR, we would like to mention the initiatives

undertaken in 2015. The construction of transit

warehouse facility in teluk lamong commenced. This

project is undertaken by the Company’s subsidiary in

association with two partners. The reason for setting

up such a facility is to alleviate port congestion

problems at Tanjung Perak in Surabaya. Port

congestion directly has an impact on landed cost of

commodities. Efficient logistics has been a stated goal

of the Government and the Company’s investment

aligns with national goal. As a service provider, we

focus on reducing logistic costs throughout the

supply chain, making investments wherever necessary.

However, such an investment is not justifiable on a

stand alone basis. As such, the Company chose to

partner with two of it’s customers to participate so

that the project can achieve the desired throughout

necessary to make it economically viable. The

establishment of PT Nusa Prima Logistik in our view

is a fine example to show case how a sustained CSR

objective can be enshrined in a business model.

Apart from investment, we can also highlight how

CSR objective was performed by expanding the

portfolio of our feed ingredients. In 2015, some corn

shipments into the country were either stranded on

ports, delayed and even cancelled. Corn is main feed

ingredient constituting 50 to 55% in feed formulation.

Any supply disruption will naturally have an adverse

impact on feed production which in turn affects price

of poultry products in the country. We rose to the


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk.

Page 116: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

produksi pakan yang pada akhirnya mempengaruhi

harga produk unggas di dalam negeri. Kami mengatasi

hal tersebut dengan merespon dengan menawarkan

pakan gandum sebagai gantinya, sumber lain dari

karbohidrat. Meskipun bukan pengganti yang tepat,

namun dapat membantu penjatahan pemanfaatan

cadangan jagung yang ada sampai ada pasokan baru.

Contoh lain adalah pemasaran minyak goreng.

Berdasarkan statistik, Indonesia merupakan produsen

terbesar di dunia minyak sawit dan juga eksportir

terbesar. Meskipun ada banyak merek untuk memilih,

jumlah yang cukup besar dijual dalam ukuran besar

yang kedepannya tidak bisa dijual lepasan. Peraturan

keamanan baru tidak hanya mengatur tetapi juga

mewajibkan untuk menjual minyak goreng murni

hanya untuk pasar ritel. Kami sedang menjajaki opsi

penyulingan untuk membantu mendistribusikan

produk yang aman untuk konsumen.

Seperti yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya, contoh di

atas dikutip untuk menggambarkan inisiatif spesifik

yang diambil Perseroan pada tahun 2015. Kegiatan

CSR yang dijalankan oleh Perseroan tidak hanya

terbatas pada contoh ini, tetapi merupakan bagian dari

bisnis kami secara keseluruhan.

occassion and responded by offering feed wheat

instead, another source of carbohydrate. Although not

an exact substitute, it can help rationing the utilization

of existing corn stocks till new stock supply resumes.

Yet another example is marketing cooking oil. Going

by statistics, Indonesia is world’s biggest producer of

palm oil and also the largest exporter. Although there

are plenty of brands to choose from, sizeable quantity

is sold in bulk which going forward cannot be sold

loose. New safety regulation not only stipulates but

also makes it mandatory to sell only refined cooking

oil to the retail market. We are currently exploring the

refining option to help distribute a safe product to


As mentioned earlier, the above examples have been

cited to illustrate the specific initiatives taken in 2015.

The Company’s CSR activities are not just restricted

to these examples but is part and parcel of our overall



Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

Tanggung Jawab Sosial PerusahaanCorporate Social Responsibility

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk.

Page 117: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Bong Kong FuiDirektur IndependenIndependent Director

Anand Kishore BapatDirekturDirector

Then Surianto Eka PrasetyoKomisaris


Yus’anKomisaris Utama

President Commissioner

Dewan KomisarisBoard of Commissioners

Jakarta, 25 April 2016

DireksiBoard of Directors

Liauw Sioe LianDirekturDirector

Lim Aun SengDirektur Utama

President Director

Farhan Rio GunawanKomisaris


Po Indarto GondoDirektur IndependenIndependent Director


Fazwar BujangKomisaris Independen

Independent Commissioner

Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab ManajemenManagement Responsibility Statement

Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini menyatakan

bahwa semua informasi dalam laporan tahunan

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. tahun 2015 telah dimuat secara

lengkap dan bertanggung jawab penuh atas kebenaran

isi laporan tahunan Perseroan.

Demikian pernyataan ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya.










We the undersigned hereby state, that all information

contained in the 2015 Annual Report of

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk. has been fully and completely

disclosed and that, we assume full responsibility

for the accuracy of the content presented in the

Company’s annual report.

This declaration has been rightly made.


Laporan Tahunan 2015Annual Report 2015

PT FKS Multi Agro Tbk.

Page 118: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
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Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian

Consolidated Financial Statements

Page 122: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

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Page 123: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 124: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 125: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 126: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 127: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 128: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 129: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 130: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 131: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 132: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 133: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 134: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 135: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 136: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 137: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 138: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 139: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 140: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 141: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 142: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 143: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 144: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 145: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 146: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 147: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 148: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 149: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 150: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 151: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 152: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 153: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 154: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 155: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 156: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 157: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 158: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 159: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 160: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 161: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 162: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 163: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 164: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 165: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 166: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 167: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 168: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 169: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 170: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 171: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 172: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 173: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 174: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 175: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 176: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 177: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 178: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 179: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 180: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 181: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 182: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 183: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 184: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 185: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 186: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 187: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 188: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 189: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 190: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 191: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 192: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 193: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 194: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 195: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 196: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 197: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 198: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 199: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 200: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 201: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 202: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 203: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 204: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 205: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 206: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 207: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 208: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 209: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 210: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 211: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 212: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 213: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 214: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 215: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 216: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 217: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 218: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 219: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 220: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 221: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 222: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 223: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 224: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 225: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 226: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 227: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 228: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 229: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 230: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 231: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 232: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 233: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 234: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 235: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 236: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment






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Page 237: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 238: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 239: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 240: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment
Page 241: Nurturing · 2017. 3. 17. · public awareness about the nutritional benefits of pulses. We do so as part of our committment

Sampoerna Strategic Square

North Tower, 3rd Floor

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46,

Jakarta 12930

2015 Annual Report

Laporan Tahunan 2015