nwo hollywood whores go to fema camp

Download Nwo Hollywood Whores Go to Fema Camp

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Post on 18-Jan-2016




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https://www.facebook.com/agape.amor.35/posts/386463381503968OTTAWA is UNCEDED INDIAN LAND (Unceded Territory = No treaty Signed = Permission Required from the First Nation Government Involved. = No Pipeline, No Mining, No Fishing, No Farming, Etc...without First Nations Permission) GET me a GUILLOTINE SOULuTION http://kinakwii.org/ , http://8thfire.biz/ , http://7thfire.biz/ , http://serenityglobal.net/ , http://uramerica.ca/ , SEE LIVE STREAM - https://www.facebook.com/dana.horochowski //********************************************JENN DJINN PSAKI whore of BABALON to CUM with JOHN KERRY BABY EATERS to OTTAWA tomorrow to PRAY for SOLIDARITY in CANADA> GO FUCK YOURSELVES ASSHOLES http://7thfire.bizhttps://www.facebook.com/agape.amor.35/posts/386384804845159_________________________________________ROSEMARY BARTON barfed on - that there is a REFERENCE to ALLAH on the POLSON PENIS PEDOPHILE PROPAGANDA - ROSEMARY BARFON BARTON now spewing BAALshit on CTV.. they are CHOKING on their BLACK LIES... LIES moving fast... watch the DRAMA unfold now — TERRORISM in SARNIA SATURNday - 8 killed - NWO NAZis have BOMBS everywhere....PREPARE- youmustbeasnake http://uramerica.ca/youmustbeasnake.htm___________________________________________RED SHIELD UNIVERSITY HOSPITALers- fake NURSE was released from the EBOLIE LIE LIE and will be SUING for fake QUARANTINE... BAAL SHIT - https://www.facebook.com/agape.amor.35/posts/386384804845159ZOMBIES will WALK the STREETS... HIDE your CHILDREN... do not touch the CANDY - http://uramerica.ca/youmustbeasnake.htmI need a SPAMMER on INDIAN LAND to SPAM URGENT NOTE OUT - BORDER EMAIL addresses - July 1 the LIZARD QUEEN put a no spam law on CANADA corpse ,,,, meegwetch FEMA TIME ASSHOLES http://uramerica.ca/10302014.htmTERRORISM in SARNIA SATURNday - 8 killed - NWO NAZis have BOMBS everywhere....PREPARE- http://uramerica.ca/youmustbeasnake.htm**************************************to SORT and SPAM on INDIAN LAND only to avoid FEMA COPShttp://7thfire.biz/border.txthttp://7thfire.biz_______________________________________WOW ... BAD BITCHES in the COMMUNITY CENTRES... gonna have to BURN the SUCCUBUS HOME WRECKERS http://www.easternstar.on.ca/.../district-chapters-2014-2...- it will get CLEANED UP from WITHIN http://www.easternstar.on.ca/https://www.google.ca/search?q=MANGIA+CAKE&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Q45OVJvfEsiPsQT6iIHYDQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1319&bih=629 ***********************************7thfire.biz, CTV, Rosemary Barton, Question Period, John Kerry, Freemason, Fez, Shriners, Pedophiles, Baby Killers