nyts2012 codebook

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  • Page 1 of 54

    CodeBook for NYTS 2012

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    Table of Contents Page

    Summary of Dataset ........................................................................................................................ 3

    List of Variables .............................................................................................................................. 4

    Description of Variables ................................................................................................................. 9

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    Summary of Dataset

    SAS Dataset ........................................................ NYTS12

    Creation Date ...................................................... 24FEB14:16:40:19

    SAS Library Name ............................................. WORK

    SAS Engine......................................................... V9

    Total Observations .............................................. 24,658

    Total Variables ................................................... 195

    Numeric Variables

    Total.................................................................. 191

    Minimum Length .............................................. 3

    Maximum Length ............................................. 8

    Minimum # Levels on Variable Frequency ....... 1

    Maximum # Levels on Variable Frequency ...... 15

    Character Variables

    Total.................................................................. 4

    Minimum Length .............................................. 3

    Maximum Length ............................................. 8

    Minimum # Levels on Variable Frequency ....... n/a

    Maximum # Levels on Variable Frequency ...... n/a

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    List of Variables

    Name Label Page

    year Year survey conducted ............................................................................... 9

    SchoolID Unique school identifier ............................................................................. 9

    StudntID Unique student identifier ............................................................................ 9

    psu Primary Sampling Unit ............................................................................... 9

    psu2 PSU (numeric for SUDAAN) ..................................................................... 9

    stratum Sampling stratum ....................................................................................... 10

    stratum2 Stratum (numeric for SUDAAN) ............................................................... 10

    wt Fully adjusted analysis weight.................................................................... 10

    qn1 Age ............................................................................................................. 10

    qn2 Sex ............................................................................................................. 11

    qn3 Grade .......................................................................................................... 11

    qn4 Hispanic or Latino origin ........................................................................... 11

    qn5a American Indian or Alaska Native ............................................................. 11

    qn5b Asian .......................................................................................................... 12

    qn5c Black or African American ........................................................................ 12

    qn5d Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ................................................. 12

    qn5e White .......................................................................................................... 12

    qn6 Currious about smoking cigarettes ............................................................. 12

    qn7 Tried cigarette smkg, even 1 or 2 puffs ..................................................... 13

    qn8 Think will smoke a cigarette anytime during next year .............................. 13

    qn9 Think will try a cigarette soon .................................................................... 13

    qn10 If 1 of friends offered a cigarette, would smoke it ...................................... 13

    qn11 Age first tried cigt smkng, even a puff or two ............................................ 14

    qn12 # cigarettes smkd entire life ........................................................................ 14

    qn13 P30D: # days smoke cigarettes ................................................................... 15

    qn14 P30D: on the days smkd, # cigarettes smke per day ................................... 15

    qn15 Last time smkd a cigarette, even 1 or 2 puffs ............................................. 15

    qn16 P30D: brand of cigarette you smoke (CHOOSE ONLY 1 ANSWER) ....... 16

    qn17 P30D: cigt smoked was menthol ................................................................ 16

    qn18 Likely to purchase cigarettes in next 30 days ............................................. 16

    qn19a P30D: how get cigt - Did not get cigt ......................................................... 17

    qn19b P30D: how get cigt - Bought myself .......................................................... 17

    qn19c P30D: how get cigt - Someone else buy for me .......................................... 17

    qn19d P30D: how get cigt - Asked someone to give me a cigt ............................. 17

    qn19e P30D: how get cigt - Someone offered me cigt .......................................... 17

    qn19f P30D: how get cigt - Bought them from a person ...................................... 18

    qn19g P30D: how get cigt - Took them from store or another person ................... 18

    qn19h P30D: how get cigt - Got them some other way ......................................... 18

    qn20a P30D: where buy cigt - Did not buy cigt .................................................... 18

    qn20b P30D: where buy cigt - Gas station or convenience store ........................... 18

    qn20c P30D: where buy cigt - Grocery store ........................................................ 18

    qn20d P30D: where buy cigt - Drugstore .............................................................. 19

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    qn20e P30D: where buy cigt - Vending machine .................................................. 19

    qn20f P30D: where buy cigt - Over the Internet ................................................... 19

    qn20g P30D: where buy cigt - Through the mail .................................................. 19

    qn20h P30D: where buy cigt - Bought them some other way ............................... 19

    qn21 P30D: anyone refuse to sell cigarettes because of age ................................ 19

    qn22 Currious about trying cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars ............................... 20

    qn23 Ever tried smkg cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars, even 1 or 2 puffs ........... 20

    qn24 Age when smkd a cigar, cigarillo, or little cigar for 1st time, even 1 or 2 puffs ........................................................................................................... 20

    qn25 P30D: # days smoke cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars ................................ 21

    qn26a P30D: how get cigar - Did not get cigar ..................................................... 21

    qn26b P30D: how get cigar - Bought myself ........................................................ 21

    qn26c P30D: how get cigar - Someone else buy for me ........................................ 21

    qn26d P30D: how get cigar - Asked someone to give me a one ............................ 21

    qn26e P30D: how get cigar - Someone offered it to me ........................................ 22

    qn26f P30D: how get cigar - Bought them from a person .................................... 22

    qn26g P30D: how get cigar - Took them from store or another person ................. 22

    qn26h P30D: how get cigar - Got them some other way ....................................... 22

    qn27a P30D: where buy cigar - Did not buy cigars............................................... 22

    qn27b P30D: where buy cigar - Gas station or convenience store ......................... 22

    qn27c P30D: where buy cigar - Grocery store ...................................................... 23

    qn27d P30D: where buy cigar - Drugstore ............................................................ 23

    qn27e P30D: where buy cigar - Vending machine ................................................ 23

    qn27f P30D: where buy cigar - Over the Internet ................................................. 23

    qn27g P30D: where buy cigar - Through the mail ................................................ 23

    qn27h P30D: where buy cigar - Bought them some other way ............................. 23

    qn28 Currious about trying chew tobacco, snuff, or dip ...................................... 24

    qn29 Ever used chew tobacco, snuff, or dip ........................................................ 24

    qn30 Age when used chew tobacco, snuff, or dip 1st time .................................. 24

    qn31 P30D: # days use chew tobacco, snuff, or dip ............................................ 25

    qn32a P30D: how get slt - Did not get slt ............................................................. 25

    qn32b P30D: how get slt - Bought myself ............................................................ 25

    qn32c P30D: how get slt - Someone else buy for me ............................................ 25

    qn32d P30D: how get slt - Asked someone to give me some ................................ 25

    qn32e P30D: how get slt - Someone offered it to me ............................................ 26

    qn32f P30D: how get slt - Bought it from a person .............................................. 26

    qn32g P30D: how get slt - Took it from store or another person........................... 26

    qn32h P30D: how get slt - Got it some other way ................................................. 26

    qn33a P30D: where buy slt - Did not buy slt ........................................................ 26

    qn33b P30D: where buy slt - Gas station or convenience store ............................. 26

    qn33c P30D: where buy slt - Grocery store .......................................................... 27

    qn33d P30D: where buy slt - Drugstore ................................................................ 27

    qn33e P30D: where buy slt - Vending machine .................................................... 27

    qn33f P30D: where buy slt - Over the Internet ..................................................... 27

    qn33g P30D: where buy slt - Through the mail..................................................... 27

    qn33h P30D: where buy slt - Bought it some other way ....................................... 27

    qn34 Ever tried smkg tobacco in a pipe, even 1 or 2 puffs .................................. 28

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    qn35 P30D: # days smoke tobacco in a pipe ....................................................... 28

    qn36a EVER HEARD: roll-your-own cigt ........................................................... 28

    qn36b EVER HEARD: bidis ................................................................................. 28

    qn36c EVER HEARD: clove cigars (kreteks) ....................................................... 29

    qn36d EVER HEARD: hookah / waterpipe .......................................................... 29

    qn36e EVER HEARD: snus ................................................................................. 29

    qn36f EVER HEARD: dissolvable tob prod (e.g. Ariva) ..................................... 29

    qn36g EVER HEARD: e-cigt (e.g. Ruyan) ........................................................... 29

    qn36h EVER HEARD: some other new tob prod ................................................. 30

    qn36i EVER HEARD: never tried any listed / new tob prod................................ 30

    qn37a EVER TRIED: roll-your-own cigt ............................................................. 30

    qn37b EVER TRIED: bidis ................................................................................... 30

    qn37c EVER TRIED: clove cigars (kreteks)......................................................... 30

    qn37d EVER TRIED: hookah / waterpipe ............................................................ 31

    qn37e EVER TRIED: snus ................................................................................... 31

    qn37f EVER TRIED: dissolvable tob prod (e.g. Ariva) ....................................... 31

    qn37g EVER TRIED: e-cigt (e.g. Ruyan) ............................................................. 31

    qn37h EVER TRIED: some other new tob prod ................................................... 31

    qn37i EVER TRIED: never tried any listed / new tob prod.................................. 32

    qn38a CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: roll-your-own cigt .......... 32

    qn38b CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: bidis ............................... 32

    qn38c CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: clove cigars (kreteks) ..... 32

    qn38d CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: hookah / waterpipe......... 33

    qn38e CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: snus ................................ 33

    qn38f CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: dissolvable tob prod (e.g. Ariva) ................................................................................................. 33

    qn38g CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: e-cigt (e.g. Ruyan) ......... 33

    qn38h CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: some other new tob prod 34

    qn38i CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: never tried any listed / new tob prod............................................................................................... 34

    qn39 Were tob prods used made taste like mint, fruit, chocolate, candy, spice, alcohol, or cloves ....................................................................................... 34

    qn40 P30D: Strong craving for tob prod ............................................................. 34

    qn41 P30D: Want to use tob prod, found difficult to concentrated ..................... 35

    qn42 How soon after waking up do you want to use tob prod ............................. 35

    qn43 How true: restless or irritable when don't use tob prod ............................... 35

    qn44 How easy to buy tob prod in store .............................................................. 35

    qn45 When using Internet, how often see ads for cigts & other tobacco prods ... 36

    qn46 When read newspaper / mags, how often see ads for cigts & other tobacco prods ............................................................................................. 36

    qn47a Receive coupons: the mail .......................................................................... 36

    qn47b Receive coupons: e-mail ............................................................................ 36

    qn47c Receive coupons: the Internet .................................................................... 37

    qn47d Receive coupons: Social Networks ............................................................ 37

    qn47e Receive coupons: a text message................................................................ 37

    qn47f Receive coupons: on a pack of cigts or other tob prod ............................... 37

    qn47g Receive coupons: I did not receive coupons from tob company ................. 37

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    qn48a Receive ads: the mail.................................................................................. 37

    qn48b Receive ads: e-mail .................................................................................... 38

    qn48c Receive ads: a text message ....................................................................... 38

    qn48d Receive ads: some other way ..................................................................... 38

    qn48e Receive ads: i did not receive any info from a tob company ...................... 38

    qn49 When go to store, supermaket, or gas station, how often see ads for cigts & other tobacco products ........................................................................... 38

    qn50 P30D: how often cigt or slt ad was seen on billboard or seen outside store 39

    qn51 When watch TV / go to movies, how often see actors using tobacco ......... 39

    qn52 What is the name of your favorite cigt ad ................................................... 39

    qn53 P30D: how often saw warning label on cigt pack ....................................... 40

    qn54 P30D: what extent did warning label on cigt pack make you think about health risk ................................................................................................... 40

    qn55 P30D: how often saw warning label on slt product .................................... 40

    qn56 P30D: what extent did warning label on a slt prod make you think about health risk ................................................................................................... 41

    qn57 Seriously thinking about quitting cigarettes ............................................... 41

    qn58 If quit cigarettes, how likely to succeed ..................................................... 41

    qn59 P12M: # times stop smk cigt for 1 day or longer b/c trying to quit ............ 42

    qn60 Last quit attempt - how long stay off cigarettes .......................................... 42

    qn61 Seriously thinking about quitting all tobacco ............................................. 42

    qn62 P12M: # times stop using tob prods for 1 day or longer b/c trying to quit all tob prods ................................................................................................ 43

    qn63 Think smkg cigarettes make young people look cool or fit in .................... 43

    qn64 Think young people who smk cigt have more friends ................................ 43

    qn65 How long think person has to smk before it harms them ............................ 43

    qn66 How much person harms themselve when they smk a few cigts every day 44

    qn67 How much person harms themselve when they smk cigts some days ........ 44

    qn68 How much person harms themselve when they smk 10+ cigts every day .. 44

    qn69 How harmful are e-cigts compared to regular cigt...................................... 44

    qn70 How much person harms themselve when they use slt every day .............. 45

    qn71 How much person harms themselve when they use slt some days ............. 45

    qn72 How harmful are dissolvables (e.g. Arival) compared to slt ....................... 45

    qn73 Agreement with 'All tobacco products are dangerous' ................................ 45

    qn74 P30D: thought about harmful chemicals in tob prods ................................. 46

    qn75 Think breathing smok from cigt / other tob products causes... ................... 46

    qn76 Out of 10 students in your grade, how many do you think smk cigts ......... 46

    qn77 Out of 10 students in your grade, how many do you think use other tob prods........................................................................................................... 47

    qn78 P12M: buy or receive anything with tobacco company name / picture on it ................................................................................................................. 47

    qn79 Ever use / wear something with tobacco company name / picture on it ..... 47

    qn80a Anyone who live with you now: smk cigt .................................................. 47

    qn80b Anyone who live with you now: use chew, snuff, dip, or snus ................... 48

    qn80c Anyone who live with you now: smk cigars, cigarillos, little cigars .......... 48

    qn80d Anyone who live with you now: use any other form of tobacco................. 48

    qn80e Anyone who live with you now: no one used any form of tobacco ............ 48

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    qn81 P12M: parents / guardians talk about not using any type of tobacco .......... 48

    race_m RECODE: Race/Eth - mult grp .................................................................. 49

    race_s RECODE: Race/Eth - no mult grp ............................................................. 49

    ecigt_r RECODE: Ever smoked cigarettes ............................................................. 49

    ecigar_r RECODE: Ever smoked cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars .......................... 49

    eslt_r RECODE: Ever used chewing tobacco , snuff, or dip ................................ 50

    epipe_r RECODE: Ever smoked tobacco out of a pipe (not a hookah or waterpipe) .................................................................................................. 50

    ebidis_r RECODE: Ever smoked bidis .................................................................... 50

    ekreteks_r RECODE: Ever smoked kreteks................................................................. 50

    ehookah_r RECODE:Ever smoked tobacco out of a hookah or waterpipe .................. 50

    esnus_r RECODE: Ever used snus, such as Camel or Marlboro Snus ..................... 51

    edissolv_r RECODE: Ever used dissolvable tobacco, such as Ariva, Camel orbs, Camel sticks, Camel strips, or Stonewall ................................................... 51

    eelcigt_r RECODE: Ever used electronic cigarettes, such as Ruyan, NJOY or Blu .. 51

    ccigt_r RECODE: Smoked cigarettes on 1 or more days in the past 30 days ......... 51

    ccigar_r RECODE: Smoked cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars on 1 or more days in the past 30 days .......................................................................................... 51

    cslt_r RECODE: Used chewing tobacco , snuff, or dip on 1 or more days in the past 30 days ................................................................................................ 52

    cpipe_r RECODE: Smoked tobacco out of a pipe (not a hookah or waterpipe) on 1 or more days in the past 30 days.............................................................. 52

    cbidis_r RECODE: Smoked bidis on 1 or more days in the past 30 days ................ 52

    ckreteks_r RECODE: Smoked kreteks on 1 or more days in the past 30 days ............. 52

    chookah_r RECODE: Smoked tobacco out of a hookah or waterpipe on 1 or more days in the past 30 days .............................................................................. 52

    csnus_r RECODE: Used snus, such as Camel or Marlboro Snus, on 1 or more days in the past 30 days .............................................................................. 53

    cdissolv_r RECODE: Used dissolvable tobacco, such as Ariva, Camel orbs, Camel sticks, Camel strips, or Stonewall, on 1 or more days in the past 30 days .. 53

    celcigt_r RECODE: Used electronic cigarettes, such as Ruyan, NJOY or Blu, on 1 or more days in the past 30 days................................................................. 53

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    Description of Variables

    year Year survey conducted Numeric, Length=8

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Freq Percent Percent

    2012 ......................................................................................... 24,658 100.0 100.0

    SchoolID Unique school identifier Character, Length=8

    Minimum ...................... 01463309

    Maximum ...................... 99292010

    Total Missing ................ 0

    Total Nonmissing .......... 24,658

    StudntID Unique student identifier Character, Length=5

    Minimum ...................... 00001

    Maximum ...................... 24658

    Total Missing ................ 0

    Total Nonmissing .......... 24,658

    psu Primary Sampling Unit Character, Length=6

    Minimum ...................... 010010

    Maximum ...................... 560030

    Total Missing ................ 0

    Total Nonmissing .......... 24,658

    psu2 PSU (numeric for SUDAAN) Numeric, Length=8

    Mean ............................. 264611.90

    Weighted Mean ............. 267366.54

    Minimum ...................... 10010

    Maximum ...................... 560030

    Total Missing ................ 0

    Total Nonmissing .......... 24,658

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    stratum Sampling stratum Character, Length=3

    Minimum ...................... BR1

    Maximum ...................... HU4

    Total Missing ................ 0

    Total Nonmissing .......... 24,658

    stratum2 Stratum (numeric for SUDAAN) Numeric, Length=8

    Mean ............................. 170.30

    Weighted Mean ............. 167.91

    Minimum ...................... 111

    Maximum ...................... 224

    Total Missing ................ 0

    Total Nonmissing .......... 24,658

    wt Fully adjusted analysis weight Numeric, Length=8

    Mean ............................. 1104.10

    Weighted Mean ............. 1768.94

    Minimum ...................... 15.20

    Maximum ...................... 14127.76

    Total Missing ................ 0

    Total Nonmissing .......... 24,658

    qn1 Age Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 103 0.4 0.4

    1 9 years old ................................................................... 42 0.2 0.2

    2 10 years old ................................................................. 6 0.0 0.0

    3 11 years old ................................................................. 1,423 5.8 5.4

    4 12 years old ................................................................. 3,566 14.5 14.1

    5 13 years old ................................................................. 3,995 16.2 14.5

    6 14 years old ................................................................. 3,595 14.6 14.1

    7 15 years old ................................................................. 3,185 12.9 14.6

    8 16 years old ................................................................. 3,245 13.2 14.5

    9 17 years old ................................................................. 3,374 13.7 13.8

    10 18 years old ................................................................. 1,948 7.9 7.6

    11 19 years old or older .................................................... 176 0.7 0.7

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    qn2 Sex Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 14 0.1 0.1

    1 Female......................................................................... 12,275 49.8 48.9

    2 Male ............................................................................ 12,369 50.2 51.0

    qn3 Grade Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 68 0.3 0.2

    1 6th ............................................................................... 3,701 15.0 14.7

    2 7th ............................................................................... 4,037 16.4 14.5

    3 8th ............................................................................... 3,929 15.9 14.5

    4 9th ............................................................................... 3,262 13.2 15.3

    5 10th ............................................................................. 3,113 12.6 14.4

    6 11th ............................................................................. 3,344 13.6 13.4

    7 12th ............................................................................. 3,180 12.9 12.9

    8 Ungraded or other grade .............................................. 24 0.1 0.1

    qn4 Hispanic or Latino origin Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 528 2.1 2.0

    1 No ............................................................................... 18,397 74.6 76.9

    2 Yes, I am Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano ... 3,824 15.5 13.2

    3 Yes, I am Puerto Rican................................................ 456 1.8 2.0

    4 Yes, I am Cuban or Cuban American .......................... 165 0.7 0.7

    5 Yes, I am some other Hispanic or Latino not listed

    here ............................................................................. 1,288 5.2 5.1

    qn5a American Indian or Alaska Native Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 22,779 92.4 94.2

    1 Response Checked: American Indian or Alaska

    Native .......................................................................... 1,879 7.6 5.8

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    qn5b Asian Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 22,816 92.5 93.6

    1 Response Checked: Asian ........................................... 1,842 7.5 6.4

    qn5c Black or African American Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 20,165 81.8 81.1

    1 Response Checked: Black or African American ......... 4,493 18.2 18.9

    qn5d Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,872 96.8 97.2

    1 Response Checked: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific

    Islander ....................................................................... 786 3.2 2.8

    qn5e White Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 9,362 38.0 34.5

    1 Response Checked: White ........................................... 15,296 62.0 65.5

    qn6 Currious about smoking cigarettes Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 163 0.7 0.6

    1 Definitely yes .............................................................. 3,363 13.6 13.4

    2 Probably yes ................................................................ 4,293 17.4 17.2

    3 Probably not ................................................................ 3,593 14.6 14.7

    4 Definitely not .............................................................. 13,246 53.7 54.0

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    qn7 Tried cigarette smkg, even 1 or 2 puffs Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 111 0.5 0.5

    I ............................................................. 292 1.2 1.2

    1 Yes .............................................................................. 6,361 25.8 25.9

    2 No ............................................................................... 17,894 72.6 72.5

    qn8 Think will smoke a cigarette anytime during next year Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 108 0.4 0.4

    1 Definitely yes .............................................................. 1,385 5.6 5.8

    2 Probably yes ................................................................ 1,686 6.8 6.8

    3 Probably not ................................................................ 4,386 17.8 17.8

    4 Definitely not .............................................................. 17,093 69.3 69.2

    qn9 Think will try a cigarette soon Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 118 0.5 0.5

    1 Definitely yes .............................................................. 1,310 5.3 5.5

    2 Probably yes ................................................................ 1,551 6.3 6.0

    3 Probably not ................................................................ 4,692 19.0 19.2

    4 Definitely not .............................................................. 16,987 68.9 68.9

    qn10 If 1 of friends offered a cigarette, would smoke it Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 123 0.5 0.4

    1 Definitely yes .............................................................. 1,364 5.5 5.8

    2 Probably yes ................................................................ 2,082 8.4 8.1

    3 Probably not ................................................................ 4,792 19.4 19.6

    4 Definitely not .............................................................. 16,297 66.1 66.1

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    qn11 Age first tried cigt smkng, even a puff or two Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 121 0.5 0.5

    I ............................................................. 246 1.0 1.0

    1 I have never smoked cigarettes, not even one or two

    puffs ............................................................................ 18,041 73.2 73.0

    2 8 years old or younger ................................................. 681 2.8 2.6

    3 9 years old ................................................................... 248 1.0 1.0

    4 10 years old ................................................................. 395 1.6 1.6

    5 11 years old ................................................................. 450 1.8 1.9

    6 12 years old ................................................................. 790 3.2 3.1

    7 13 years old ................................................................. 891 3.6 3.7

    8 14 years old ................................................................. 925 3.8 3.9

    9 15 years old ................................................................. 797 3.2 3.4

    10 16 years old ................................................................. 697 2.8 2.8

    11 17 years old ................................................................. 307 1.2 1.2

    12 18 years old ................................................................. 62 0.3 0.2

    13 19 years old or older .................................................... 7 0.0 0.0

    qn12 # cigarettes smkd entire life Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 148 0.6 0.6

    I ............................................................. 191 0.8 0.8

    1 I have never smoked cigarettes, not even one or two

    puffs ............................................................................ 18,095 73.4 73.3

    2 1 or more puffs but never a whole cigarette ................ 2,039 8.3 8.1

    3 1 cigarette .................................................................... 437 1.8 1.8

    4 2 to 5 cigarettes ........................................................... 1,097 4.4 4.4

    5 6 to 15 cigarettes (about 1/2 a pack total) .................... 615 2.5 2.5

    6 16 to 25 cigarettes (about 1 pack total)........................ 384 1.6 1.5

    7 26 to 99 cigarettes (more than 1 pack, but less than 5

    packs) .......................................................................... 581 2.4 2.4

    8 100 or more cigarettes (5 or more packs) .................... 1,071 4.3 4.5

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    qn13 P30D: # days smoke cigarettes Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 137 0.6 0.5

    I ............................................................. 343 1.4 1.4

    1 0 days .......................................................................... 21,931 88.9 88.8

    2 1 or 2 days ................................................................... 751 3.0 3.1

    3 3 to 5 days ................................................................... 322 1.3 1.3

    4 6 to 9 days ................................................................... 198 0.8 0.8

    5 10 to 19 days ............................................................... 267 1.1 1.1

    6 20 to 29 days ............................................................... 227 0.9 0.9

    7 All 30 days .................................................................. 482 2.0 2.1

    qn14 P30D: on the days smkd, # cigarettes smke per day Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 286 1.2 1.0

    I ............................................................. 349 1.4 1.5

    1 I did not smoke cigarettes during the past 30 days ...... 21,798 88.4 88.3

    2 Less than 1 cigarette per day ....................................... 488 2.0 2.0

    3 1 cigarette per day ....................................................... 436 1.8 1.7

    4 2 to 5 cigarettes per day .............................................. 854 3.5 3.6

    5 6 to 10 cigarettes per day............................................. 220 0.9 0.9

    6 11 to 20 cigarettes per day........................................... 107 0.4 0.5

    7 More than 20 cigarettes per day .................................. 120 0.5 0.5

    qn15 Last time smkd a cigarette, even 1 or 2 puffs Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 160 0.6 0.7

    I ............................................................. 192 0.8 0.8

    1 I have never smoked cigarettes, not even one or two

    puffs ............................................................................ 18,177 73.7 73.5

    2 Earlier today ................................................................ 720 2.9 3.0

    3 Not today but sometime during the past 7 days ........... 876 3.6 3.6

    4 Not during the past 7 days but sometime during the

    past 30 days ................................................................. 594 2.4 2.5

    5 Not during the past 30 days but sometime during the

    past 6 months .............................................................. 1,257 5.1 5.0

    6 Not during the past 6 months but sometime during

    the past year ................................................................ 795 3.2 3.3

    7 1 to 4 years ago ........................................................... 1,357 5.5 5.5

    8 5 or more years ago ..................................................... 530 2.1 2.2

  • Page 16 of 54

    qn16 P30D: brand of cigarette you smoke (CHOOSE ONLY 1

    ANSWER) Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 448 1.8 1.8

    1 I did not smoke cigarettes during the past 30 days ...... 20,336 82.5 82.4

    2 I did not smoke a usual brand ...................................... 198 0.8 0.8

    3 American Spirit ........................................................... 115 0.5 0.6

    4 Camel .......................................................................... 601 2.4 2.4

    5 GPC, Basic, or Doral ................................................... 17 0.1 0.1

    6 Kool ............................................................................ 78 0.3 0.3

    7 Lucky Strike ................................................................ 9 0.0 0.0

    8 Marlboro ..................................................................... 1,293 5.2 5.2

    9 Newport ...................................................................... 688 2.8 2.9

    10 Parliament ................................................................... 24 0.1 0.1

    11 Virginia Slims ............................................................. 32 0.1 0.1

    12 Some other brand not listed here ................................. 237 1.0 1.0

    13 Not sure ....................................................................... 582 2.4 2.3

    qn17 P30D: cigt smoked was menthol Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 306 1.2 1.3

    1 I did not smoke cigarettes during the past 30 days ...... 20,771 84.2 84.2

    2 Yes .............................................................................. 1,244 5.0 5.2

    3 No ............................................................................... 1,864 7.6 7.4

    4 Not sure ....................................................................... 473 1.9 1.9

    qn18 Likely to purchase cigarettes in next 30 days Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 275 1.1 1.1

    1 I do not smoke cigarettes ............................................. 19,305 78.3 78.4

    2 Very likely .................................................................. 848 3.4 3.5

    3 Somewhat likely .......................................................... 663 2.7 2.7

    4 Somewhat unlikely ...................................................... 678 2.7 2.8

    5 Very unlikely .............................................................. 2,889 11.7 11.5

  • Page 17 of 54

    qn19a P30D: how get cigt - Did not get cigt Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 3,027 12.3 12.4

    1 Response Checked: I did not get cigarettes during the

    past 30 days ................................................................. 21,631 87.7 87.6

    qn19b P30D: how get cigt - Bought myself Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,014 97.4 97.3

    1 Response Checked: I bought a pack of cigarettes

    myself ......................................................................... 644 2.6 2.7

    qn19c P30D: how get cigt - Someone else buy for me Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,959 97.2 97.1

    1 Response Checked: I had someone else buy a pack of

    cigarettes for me .......................................................... 699 2.8 2.9

    qn19d P30D: how get cigt - Asked someone to give me a cigt Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,909 97.0 96.9

    1 Response Checked: I asked someone to give me a

    cigarette ....................................................................... 749 3.0 3.1

    qn19e P30D: how get cigt - Someone offered me cigt Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,671 96.0 96.0

    1 Response Checked: Someone offered me a cigarette .. 987 4.0 4.0

  • Page 18 of 54

    qn19f P30D: how get cigt - Bought them from a person Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,458 99.2 99.1

    1 Response Checked: I bought cigarettes from another

    person .......................................................................... 200 0.8 0.9

    qn19g P30D: how get cigt - Took them from store or another person Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,435 99.1 99.0

    1 Response Checked: I took cigarettes from a store or

    another person ............................................................. 223 0.9 1.0

    qn19h P30D: how get cigt - Got them some other way Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,256 98.4 98.4

    1 Response Checked: I got cigarettes some other way ... 402 1.6 1.6

    qn20a P30D: where buy cigt - Did not buy cigt Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 1,988 8.1 8.2

    1 Response Checked: I did not buy cigarettes during

    the past 30 days ........................................................... 22,670 91.9 91.8

    qn20b P30D: where buy cigt - Gas station or convenience store Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,612 95.8 95.6

    1 Response Checked: A gas station or convenience

    store ............................................................................ 1,046 4.2 4.4

    qn20c P30D: where buy cigt - Grocery store Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,484 99.3 99.2

    1 Response Checked: A grocery store ............................ 174 0.7 0.8

  • Page 19 of 54

    qn20d P30D: where buy cigt - Drugstore Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,481 99.3 99.2

    1 Response Checked: A drugstore .................................. 177 0.7 0.8

    qn20e P30D: where buy cigt - Vending machine Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,568 99.6 99.6

    1 Response Checked: A vending machine ..................... 90 0.4 0.4

    qn20f P30D: where buy cigt - Over the Internet Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,607 99.8 99.8

    1 Response Checked: Over the Internet ......................... 51 0.2 0.2

    qn20g P30D: where buy cigt - Through the mail Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,629 99.9 99.9

    1 Response Checked: Through the mail ......................... 29 0.1 0.1

    qn20h P30D: where buy cigt - Bought them some other way Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,168 98.0 98.0

    1 Response Checked: Some other place not listed here .. 490 2.0 2.0

    qn21 P30D: anyone refuse to sell cigarettes because of age Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 391 1.6 1.5

    1 I did not try to buy cigarettes during the past 30 days . 22,162 89.9 90.0

    2 Yes .............................................................................. 418 1.7 1.7

    3 No ............................................................................... 1,687 6.8 6.8

  • Page 20 of 54

    qn22 Currious about trying cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 234 0.9 1.0

    1 Definitely yes .............................................................. 3,251 13.2 13.4

    2 Probably yes ................................................................ 3,499 14.2 14.0

    3 Probably not ................................................................ 2,557 10.4 10.5

    4 Definitely not .............................................................. 15,117 61.3 61.2

    qn23 Ever tried smkg cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars, even 1 or 2

    puffs Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 233 0.9 1.0

    I ............................................................. 296 1.2 1.1

    1 Yes .............................................................................. 4,973 20.2 20.7

    2 No ............................................................................... 19,156 77.7 77.2

    qn24 Age when smkd a cigar, cigarillo, or little cigar for 1st time, even

    1 or 2 puffs Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 287 1.2 1.2

    I ............................................................. 311 1.3 1.2

    1 I have never smoked cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars,

    not even one or two puffs ............................................ 19,351 78.5 77.9

    2 8 years old or younger ................................................. 241 1.0 1.0

    3 9 years old ................................................................... 80 0.3 0.3

    4 10 years old ................................................................. 166 0.7 0.6

    5 11 years old ................................................................. 225 0.9 1.0

    6 12 years old ................................................................. 417 1.7 1.7

    7 13 years old ................................................................. 606 2.5 2.4

    8 14 years old ................................................................. 773 3.1 3.4

    9 15 years old ................................................................. 860 3.5 3.8

    10 16 years old ................................................................. 798 3.2 3.3

    11 17 years old ................................................................. 422 1.7 1.7

    12 18 years old ................................................................. 114 0.5 0.5

    13 19 years old or older .................................................... 7 0.0 0.0

  • Page 21 of 54

    qn25 P30D: # days smoke cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 313 1.3 1.3

    I ............................................................. 101 0.4 0.4

    1 0 days .......................................................................... 22,283 90.4 90.1

    2 1 or 2 days ................................................................... 1,045 4.2 4.4

    3 3 to 5 days ................................................................... 347 1.4 1.5

    4 6 to 9 days ................................................................... 175 0.7 0.7

    5 10 to 19 days ............................................................... 151 0.6 0.7

    6 20 to 29 days ............................................................... 71 0.3 0.3

    7 All 30 days .................................................................. 172 0.7 0.7

    qn26a P30D: how get cigar - Did not get cigar Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 2,721 11.0 11.3

    1 Response Checked: I did not get cigars, cigarillos, or

    little cigars during the past 30 days ............................. 21,937 89.0 88.7

    qn26b P30D: how get cigar - Bought myself Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,922 97.0 96.9

    1 Response Checked: I bought them myself................... 736 3.0 3.1

    qn26c P30D: how get cigar - Someone else buy for me Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,060 97.6 97.4

    1 Response Checked: I had someone else buy them for

    me ............................................................................... 598 2.4 2.6

    qn26d P30D: how get cigar - Asked someone to give me a one Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,306 98.6 98.5

    1 Response Checked: I asked someone to give me one .. 352 1.4 1.5

  • Page 22 of 54

    qn26e P30D: how get cigar - Someone offered it to me Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,927 97.0 97.1

    1 Response Checked: Someone offered it to me ............ 731 3.0 2.9

    qn26f P30D: how get cigar - Bought them from a person Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,534 99.5 99.5

    1 Response Checked: I bought them from another

    person .......................................................................... 124 0.5 0.5

    qn26g P30D: how get cigar - Took them from store or another person Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,538 99.5 99.5

    1 Response Checked: I took them from a store or

    another person ............................................................. 120 0.5 0.5

    qn26h P30D: how get cigar - Got them some other way Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,418 99.0 99.0

    1 Response Checked: I got them some other way .......... 240 1.0 1.0

    qn27a P30D: where buy cigar - Did not buy cigars Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 2,108 8.5 8.8

    1 Response Checked: I did not buy cigars, cigarillos, or

    little cigars during the past 30 days ............................. 22,550 91.5 91.2

    qn27b P30D: where buy cigar - Gas station or convenience store Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,643 95.9 95.7

    1 Response Checked: A gas station or convenience

    store ............................................................................ 1,015 4.1 4.3

  • Page 23 of 54

    qn27c P30D: where buy cigar - Grocery store Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,523 99.5 99.4

    1 Response Checked: A grocery store ............................ 135 0.5 0.6

    qn27d P30D: where buy cigar - Drugstore Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,506 99.4 99.4

    1 Response Checked: A drugstore .................................. 152 0.6 0.6

    qn27e P30D: where buy cigar - Vending machine Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,590 99.7 99.7

    1 Response Checked: A vending machine ..................... 68 0.3 0.3

    qn27f P30D: where buy cigar - Over the Internet Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,611 99.8 99.8

    1 Response Checked: Over the Internet ......................... 47 0.2 0.2

    qn27g P30D: where buy cigar - Through the mail Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,627 99.9 99.9

    1 Response Checked: Through the mail ......................... 31 0.1 0.1

    qn27h P30D: where buy cigar - Bought them some other way Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,227 98.3 98.2

    1 Response Checked: Some other place not listed here .. 431 1.7 1.8

  • Page 24 of 54

    qn28 Currious about trying chew tobacco, snuff, or dip Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 189 0.8 0.8

    1 Definitely yes .............................................................. 1,555 6.3 6.5

    2 Probably yes ................................................................ 1,472 6.0 6.0

    3 Probably not ................................................................ 1,667 6.8 6.5

    4 Definitely not .............................................................. 19,775 80.2 80.2

    qn29 Ever used chew tobacco, snuff, or dip Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 353 1.4 1.5

    I ............................................................. 163 0.7 0.7

    1 Yes .............................................................................. 2,258 9.2 9.4

    2 No ............................................................................... 21,884 88.8 88.5

    qn30 Age when used chew tobacco, snuff, or dip 1st time Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 206 0.8 0.8

    I ............................................................. 160 0.6 0.7

    1 I have never used chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip ........ 22,092 89.6 89.4

    2 8 years old or younger ................................................. 194 0.8 0.7

    3 9 years old ................................................................... 64 0.3 0.3

    4 10 years old ................................................................. 122 0.5 0.5

    5 11 years old ................................................................. 108 0.4 0.5

    6 12 years old ................................................................. 226 0.9 0.9

    7 13 years old ................................................................. 258 1.0 1.1

    8 14 years old ................................................................. 324 1.3 1.4

    9 15 years old ................................................................. 382 1.5 1.7

    10 16 years old ................................................................. 310 1.3 1.3

    11 17 years old ................................................................. 156 0.6 0.7

    12 18 years old ................................................................. 55 0.2 0.2

    13 19 years old or older .................................................... 1 0.0 0.0

  • Page 25 of 54

    qn31 P30D: # days use chew tobacco, snuff, or dip Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 254 1.0 1.0

    I ............................................................. 82 0.3 0.3

    1 0 days .......................................................................... 23,275 94.4 94.3

    2 1 or 2 days ................................................................... 350 1.4 1.5

    3 3 to 5 days ................................................................... 148 0.6 0.6

    4 6 to 9 days ................................................................... 109 0.4 0.4

    5 10 to 19 days ............................................................... 104 0.4 0.5

    6 20 to 29 days ............................................................... 84 0.3 0.3

    7 All 30 days .................................................................. 252 1.0 1.0

    qn32a P30D: how get slt - Did not get slt Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 1,511 6.1 6.3

    1 Response Checked: I did not get chewing tobacco,

    snuff, or dip during the past 30 days ........................... 23,147 93.9 93.7

    qn32b P30D: how get slt - Bought myself Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,312 98.6 98.5

    1 Response Checked: I bought it myself ........................ 346 1.4 1.5

    qn32c P30D: how get slt - Someone else buy for me Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,361 98.8 98.8

    1 Response Checked: I had someone else buy it for me . 297 1.2 1.2

    qn32d P30D: how get slt - Asked someone to give me some Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,398 98.9 98.9

    1 Response Checked: I asked someone to give me

    some ............................................................................ 260 1.1 1.1

  • Page 26 of 54

    qn32e P30D: how get slt - Someone offered it to me Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,333 98.7 98.6

    1 Response Checked: Someone offered it to me ............ 325 1.3 1.4

    qn32f P30D: how get slt - Bought it from a person Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,570 99.6 99.6

    1 Response Checked: I bought it from another person ... 88 0.4 0.4

    qn32g P30D: how get slt - Took it from store or another person Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,579 99.7 99.7

    1 Response Checked: I took it from a store or another

    person .......................................................................... 79 0.3 0.3

    qn32h P30D: how get slt - Got it some other way Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,521 99.4 99.4

    1 Response Checked: I got it some other way ................ 137 0.6 0.6

    qn33a P30D: where buy slt - Did not buy slt Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 1,202 4.9 4.9

    1 Response Checked: I did not buy chewing tobacco,

    snuff, or dip during the past 30 days ........................... 23,456 95.1 95.1

    qn33b P30D: where buy slt - Gas station or convenience store Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,180 98.1 98.0

    1 Response Checked: A gas station or convenience

    store ............................................................................ 478 1.9 2.0

  • Page 27 of 54

    qn33c P30D: where buy slt - Grocery store Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,564 99.6 99.6

    1 Response Checked: A grocery store ............................ 94 0.4 0.4

    qn33d P30D: where buy slt - Drugstore Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,570 99.6 99.6

    1 Response Checked: A drugstore .................................. 88 0.4 0.4

    qn33e P30D: where buy slt - Vending machine Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,591 99.7 99.7

    1 Response Checked: A vending machine ..................... 67 0.3 0.3

    qn33f P30D: where buy slt - Over the Internet Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,615 99.8 99.8

    1 Response Checked: Over the Internet ......................... 43 0.2 0.2

    qn33g P30D: where buy slt - Through the mail Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,620 99.8 99.8

    1 Response Checked: Through the mail ......................... 38 0.2 0.2

    qn33h P30D: where buy slt - Bought it some other way Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,412 99.0 99.0

    1 Response Checked: Some other place not listed here .. 246 1.0 1.0

  • Page 28 of 54

    qn34 Ever tried smkg tobacco in a pipe, even 1 or 2 puffs Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 220 0.9 0.9

    I ............................................................. 81 0.3 0.3

    1 Yes .............................................................................. 1,862 7.6 7.4

    2 No ............................................................................... 22,495 91.2 91.4

    qn35 P30D: # days smoke tobacco in a pipe Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 262 1.1 1.1

    I ............................................................. 81 0.3 0.3

    1 0 days .......................................................................... 23,484 95.2 95.3

    2 1 or 2 days ................................................................... 389 1.6 1.5

    3 3 to 5 days ................................................................... 132 0.5 0.5

    4 6 to 9 days ................................................................... 77 0.3 0.3

    5 10 to 19 days ............................................................... 71 0.3 0.3

    6 20 to 29 days ............................................................... 29 0.1 0.1

    7 All 30 days .................................................................. 133 0.5 0.6

    qn36a EVER HEARD: roll-your-own cigt Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 13,095 53.1 52.2

    I ............................................................. 626 2.5 2.7

    1 Response Checked: Roll-your-own cigarettes ............. 10,937 44.4 45.1

    qn36b EVER HEARD: bidis Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 20,658 83.8 83.3

    I ............................................................. 626 2.5 2.7

    1 Response Checked: Bidis (small brown cigarettes

    wrapped in a leaf) ........................................................ 3,374 13.7 14.1

  • Page 29 of 54

    qn36c EVER HEARD: clove cigars (kreteks) Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 21,447 87.0 86.5

    I ............................................................. 626 2.5 2.7

    1 Response Checked: Clove cigarettes (kreteks) ............ 2,585 10.5 10.9

    qn36d EVER HEARD: hookah / waterpipe Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 14,515 58.9 58.0

    I ............................................................. 626 2.5 2.7

    1 Response Checked: Smoking tobacco from a hookah

    or a waterpipe .............................................................. 9,517 38.6 39.3

    qn36e EVER HEARD: snus Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 16,581 67.2 66.8

    I ............................................................. 626 2.5 2.7

    1 Response Checked: Snus, such as Camel or Marlboro

    Snus ............................................................................ 7,451 30.2 30.6

    qn36f EVER HEARD: dissolvable tob prod (e.g. Ariva) Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 19,562 79.3 79.0

    I ............................................................. 626 2.5 2.7

    1 Response Checked: Dissolvable tobacco products,

    such as Ariva, Stonewall, Camel orbs, Camel sticks,

    Marlboro sticks, or Camel strips ................................. 4,470 18.1 18.4

    qn36g EVER HEARD: e-cigt (e.g. Ruyan) Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 12,468 50.6 49.4

    I ............................................................. 626 2.5 2.7

    1 Response Checked: Electronic Cigarettes or E-

    cigarettes, such as Ruyan or NJOY ............................. 11,564 46.9 48.0

  • Page 30 of 54

    qn36h EVER HEARD: some other new tob prod Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 20,533 83.3 82.6

    I ............................................................. 626 2.5 2.7

    1 Response Checked: Some other new tobacco product

    not listed here .............................................................. 3,499 14.2 14.7

    qn36i EVER HEARD: never tried any listed / new tob prod Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 17,174 69.6 70.2

    I ............................................................. 626 2.5 2.7

    1 Response Checked: I have never heard of any of the

    products listed above or any new tobacco product ...... 6,858 27.8 27.1

    qn37a EVER TRIED: roll-your-own cigt Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 22,465 91.1 91.0

    I ............................................................. 207 0.8 0.8

    1 Response Checked: Roll-your-own cigarettes ............. 1,986 8.1 8.2

    qn37b EVER TRIED: bidis Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,988 97.3 97.3

    I ............................................................. 207 0.8 0.8

    1 Response Checked: Bidis (small brown cigarettes

    wrapped in a leaf) ........................................................ 463 1.9 1.9

    qn37c EVER TRIED: clove cigars (kreteks) Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,935 97.1 97.0

    I ............................................................. 207 0.8 0.8

    1 Response Checked: Clove cigarettes (kreteks) ............ 516 2.1 2.1

  • Page 31 of 54

    qn37d EVER TRIED: hookah / waterpipe Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 22,305 90.5 90.6

    I ............................................................. 207 0.8 0.8

    1 Response Checked: Smoking tobacco from a hookah

    or a waterpipe .............................................................. 2,146 8.7 8.5

    qn37e EVER TRIED: snus Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,146 93.9 94.1

    I ............................................................. 207 0.8 0.8

    1 Response Checked: Snus, such as Camel or Marlboro

    Snus ............................................................................ 1,305 5.3 5.1

    qn37f EVER TRIED: dissolvable tob prod (e.g. Ariva) Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,952 97.1 97.2

    I ............................................................. 207 0.8 0.8

    1 Response Checked: Dissolvable tobacco products,

    such as Ariva, Stonewall, Camel orbs, Camel sticks,

    Marlboro sticks, or Camel strips ................................. 499 2.0 2.0

    qn37g EVER TRIED: e-cigt (e.g. Ruyan) Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 22,862 92.7 92.6

    I ............................................................. 207 0.8 0.8

    1 Response Checked: Electronic Cigarettes or E-

    cigarettes, such as Ruyan or NJOY ............................. 1,589 6.4 6.6

    qn37h EVER TRIED: some other new tob prod Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,627 95.8 95.8

    I ............................................................. 207 0.8 0.8

    1 Response Checked: Some other new tobacco product

    not listed here .............................................................. 824 3.3 3.3

  • Page 32 of 54

    qn37i EVER TRIED: never tried any listed / new tob prod Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 5,241 21.3 21.3

    I ............................................................. 271 1.1 1.1

    1 Response Checked: I have never heard of any of the

    products listed above or any new tobacco product ...... 19,146 77.6 77.6

    qn38a CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: roll-your-own

    cigt Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,694 96.1 96.1

    I ............................................................. 152 0.6 0.7

    1 Response Checked: Roll-your-own cigarettes ............. 812 3.3 3.3

    qn38b CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: bidis Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,342 98.7 98.7

    I ............................................................. 130 0.5 0.6

    1 Response Checked: Bidis (small brown cigarettes

    wrapped in a leaf) ........................................................ 186 0.8 0.8

    qn38c CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: clove cigars

    (kreteks) Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,349 98.7 98.7

    I ............................................................. 127 0.5 0.6

    1 Response Checked: Clove cigarettes (kreteks) ............ 182 0.7 0.7

  • Page 33 of 54

    qn38d CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: hookah /

    waterpipe Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 23,671 96.0 95.9

    I ............................................................. 131 0.5 0.6

    1 Response Checked: Smoking tobacco from a hookah

    or a waterpipe .............................................................. 856 3.5 3.5

    qn38e CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: snus Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,098 97.7 97.8

    I ............................................................. 127 0.5 0.6

    1 Response Checked: Snus, such as Camel or Marlboro

    Snus ............................................................................ 433 1.8 1.7

    qn38f CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: dissolvable tob

    prod (e.g. Ariva) Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,352 98.8 98.7

    I ............................................................. 128 0.5 0.6

    1 Response Checked: Dissolvable tobacco products,

    such as Ariva, Stonewall, Camel orbs, Camel sticks,

    Marlboro sticks, or Camel strips ................................. 178 0.7 0.7

    qn38g CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: e-cigt (e.g.

    Ruyan) Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,029 97.4 97.4

    I ............................................................. 129 0.5 0.6

    1 Response Checked: Electronic Cigarettes or E-

    cigarettes, such as Ruyan or NJOY ............................. 500 2.0 2.0

  • Page 34 of 54

    qn38h CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: some other new

    tob prod Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 24,192 98.1 98.1

    I ............................................................. 143 0.6 0.6

    1 Response Checked: Some other new tobacco product

    not listed here .............................................................. 323 1.3 1.2

    qn38i CURRENT (1 or MORE DAYS in P30D) USE: never tried any

    listed / new tob prod Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 2,905 11.8 11.8

    I ............................................................. 117 0.5 0.5

    1 Response Checked: I have never heard of any of the

    products listed above or any new tobacco product ...... 21,636 87.7 87.7

    qn39 Were tob prods used made taste like mint, fruit, chocolate,

    candy, spice, alcohol, or cloves Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 544 2.2 2.2

    1 I did not use any flavored tobacco products in the

    past 30 days ................................................................. 19,060 77.3 77.1

    2 Yes .............................................................................. 2,258 9.2 9.3

    3 No ............................................................................... 2,796 11.3 11.5

    qn40 P30D: Strong craving for tob prod Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 464 1.9 1.9

    1 Yes .............................................................................. 1,999 8.1 8.0

    2 No ............................................................................... 22,195 90.0 90.1

  • Page 35 of 54

    qn41 P30D: Want to use tob prod, found difficult to concentrated Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 540 2.2 2.2

    1 Yes .............................................................................. 1,097 4.4 4.4

    2 No ............................................................................... 23,021 93.4 93.4

    qn42 How soon after waking up do you want to use tob prod Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 464 1.9 2.0

    1 I do not use tobacco .................................................... 20,374 82.6 82.4

    2 Within 5 minutes ......................................................... 399 1.6 1.7

    3 From 6 to 30 minutes .................................................. 349 1.4 1.5

    4 From more than 30 minutes to 1 hour ......................... 282 1.1 1.1

    5 After more than 1 hour but less than 24 hours ............. 571 2.3 2.3

    6 I rarely want to use tobacco ......................................... 2,219 9.0 9.0

    qn43 How true: restless or irritable when don't use tob prod Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 555 2.3 2.2

    1 I do not use tobacco .................................................... 20,036 81.3 81.2

    2 Not at all true .............................................................. 2,578 10.5 10.5

    3 Sometimes true............................................................ 884 3.6 3.5

    4 Often true .................................................................... 310 1.3 1.3

    5 Always true ................................................................. 295 1.2 1.2

    qn44 How easy to buy tob prod in store Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 808 3.3 3.3

    1 Easy ............................................................................ 4,939 20.0 20.3

    2 Somewhat easy............................................................ 10,515 42.6 44.0

    3 Not easy at all.............................................................. 8,396 34.0 32.4

  • Page 36 of 54

    qn45 When using Internet, how often see ads for cigts & other tobacco

    prods Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 367 1.5 1.6

    1 I do not use the Internet ............................................... 884 3.6 3.6

    2 Never........................................................................... 4,535 18.4 17.5

    3 Rarely .......................................................................... 8,475 34.4 34.9

    4 Sometimes ................................................................... 7,260 29.4 29.8

    5 Most of the time .......................................................... 2,002 8.1 8.1

    6 Always ........................................................................ 1,135 4.6 4.5

    qn46 When read newspaper / mags, how often see ads for cigts &

    other tobacco prods Numeric, Length=3

    Unwtd Unwtd Wtd

    Value Label Freq Percent Percent

    . ................................................................... 396 1.6 1.7

    1 I do not read newspapers or magazines ....................... 4,989 20.2 20.0

    2 Never........................................................................... 3,491 14.2 13.8

    3 Rarely ..............