· ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , but alwafl your broken rapoody...


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Page 1:  · ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , But alwafl your broken rapoody alone• Oh Keav en,dld you think t~o gentle balm or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns 'fould heal the

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Page 2:  · ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , But alwafl your broken rapoody alone• Oh Keav en,dld you think t~o gentle balm or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns 'fould heal the

• When L1lace Laet····

F· D· R• ,Apr1l , J94~

0 Ttre ,brtng not back your Aprtl dayo,

~or huehed , thetr e•enaorgJ

::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta ,

But alwafl your broken rapoody alone•

Oh Keaven,dld you think t~o gentle balm

or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns

'fould heal the lose we knew ,

When you rrom our treasures to ok the moat.

The !~(rent anel noble , loved , rever~d , and hated here

With the deepeet or ou r mortal paoolono spent ?

And did you drea~ t~al we would ooon forget?

Ah !leaven, love hhr well ·

7hv ~ot It ever be that April nighto

Are rtatleaa with rortent u~kno•n ,

Anu dteoorda wrun& fro~ dyln& hour

Of eullen haze , or bl•ck voonbea~ ah1n"

Relentleoe with a clarity

J,ot fl\ven other twilight tires?

Then , a• eTery April , moonl!ght hung

fro~ a lontly broodin~ e~ace ,

Snveloptns fa~Jl1ar hau~t• locc loved ,

Re~rbered landocapee witb Ito oeorot doubt •

7o olept•Wh¥ d!d you ,T!re ,allow

Tho yoaro and laot or lifo ·~

Beyond our l'ihlleoo eyeof

Page 3:  · ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , But alwafl your broken rapoody alone• Oh Keav en,dld you think t~o gentle balm or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns 'fould heal the


Ah , lr eYer,theae laet dark year• were oura ,

~rough l or de!eat,aaony , an4 many tear•·

!he per l l oue etor~ Winter flraly ru led ,

Now l aat reluctant to redtn , reoounced h i a tyrant hold ,

A•d Spring fro~ her long retrea t caee forth•

l t rua t our e l y bo t hat Spring

Brou~ht ue thore to tho ooft and ~l rthtul hour 1.1'here we d realt.eo or eut""'''ne r wn, ano. t. N! l&f'la l

Benel~nly golden,tlo~l"4 at our teet•

~e d rea~ed of a golden era too,

Brou~ht courage t o 4rea~ by tho owltt approach

Of Rui n I n t he Weot--

Of Liberation to the l ong opproooed•

Our brother• atrug§l ed , each with ou r prayere ,

ror thlo , t he long and ounllt o~to::r..ertl• l

Ou~ brothers f ell,and were mourned ,

Bacb 1 n t.he •aye of nn,

And now on a for~lgn at rand are Joi ned

With our eor.roon l oae•


We were l ong but obedient young ,

l:ew to the feel of Spring,

I n l aeo l tude thoee !tro t d~o bound uo faot ,

After the battleo of winterlns•

T1~, 1n our youth, •• ne••r bere

Tho ~tad grieta , r .. ra ,dou~to 0 rebuffo ,

'ilhlcb he , our 1-er "-•

And nenr :felt tho uban ~ doaceM,

, '(

Page 4:  · ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , But alwafl your broken rapoody alone• Oh Keav en,dld you think t~o gentle balm or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns 'fould heal the

I --Not aa he know tbo.-• ror a ll or ut•

Out fro~ our ohoroe wi th ~reedo• '• llcht

He eped to aa~ an arduo~• hour ,

And .. ny a rondea•oue In rliCbtl

Hlo ••• a eourae for Doatlny to chart ,

Wh i le wo , with t ho •acer lip• or children,

iTaloed awbl lo , and turned again

To quiet thoucht·Ineotlon•-

Thon hla bright eword ••• ewiactac to the field

To brl ns our brothoro hoee•

And eoee , ,.ith the oudcln wbire of youth ,

Spoke out in the petulant tonsu•• or you th

Asalnat hle·O reaeaber well ,

For 't waa e•er thue•

~er t he Yal1&nt , d Sd he aco~n

Tho pet ty laohln8 eplto and malice born

or tho•• who gr•at neoe eoo and would deny ·


The c ar e a of a K&t.t on w·ore

Upon hie aa t he eeaa,

X•er churning on the ooaet ,

And elowly etched tbolr way•

He ne the loYer ot the ••••

Who,Jn daJo of raapito, rroo

J'ro• tho land eollC)It p-

In tho ~ur .. t l of water. Joined

i'roe tho current• of tile earth.

On the placid ebl-rlnc IDlaad b&ye adrift,

Briefly the caree or etatohood lulled•

Page 5:  · ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , But alwafl your broken rapoody alone• Oh Keav en,dld you think t~o gentle balm or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns 'fould heal the

• •


Back from the ohl ny 4laze of Tire ,

'le recall the leaae n' "'~ nmoriee

Of laughter there on t ho Wblte- Kouoe lawn,

Tho rur~r beneath tho portlcooo

There by the Hudaor'e ahore,

Wh!le up fro~ the ~&rde n , au.-.r- l oud ,

lllnotle6 t he fr04rance of 111ft< and rooe •

Y• t hen In our childhood rapture hoard

The o!lver tone In ll~ht or eomber deptbo ,

Which had bef ore ree tored our tremulouo faith•

Later we heard the weary and t ho pleading voice reeound

~alnet TJ?anny ,and call ror aid

To otem l te giant tldo ,

r~w !laebing a v ibrant echo back

ot yeara , no lon~er you ns•


Tl ~e. ln our sudden .sturfty,

Let uo stri ve f ortb t or our fa llen dead ,

Achi ev i ng ewall ~~ace for our autu•n dayo•

The rr34rance of lllao and rooo o blend,

While ever t he t !meleoo waveo deoco n4

Over the eea he loved·

He loved rore br!sht l aughter flung

Up at blue unthroa t onod ok!oo,

And with valor woldod tho ohlold

A«al not tho oneo who otrovo to bring tho darkJ

He the one who never ooucht to 7lold

Upon the sround o• L!bort7•

Page 6:  · ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , But alwafl your broken rapoody alone• Oh Keav en,dld you think t~o gentle balm or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns 'fould heal the

Hie i t waa , co~aee1 onate heart,

Which ever beat toward eunli t years

For our posterity,

Ever win~in~ fro~ steel- braced pain,

From ita mort~lity•••

To the eun which even no~ conclude•

Another span of endleae he~ira

Out of the Apr il nl ~ht •

be~:~;u n July , 1945

and dedicated with affect i on to F•D· R· by one

of hie adm!rers ·We do not for~e t •

Page 7:  · ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , But alwafl your broken rapoody alone• Oh Keav en,dld you think t~o gentle balm or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns 'fould heal the

Page 8:  · ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , But alwafl your broken rapoody alone• Oh Keav en,dld you think t~o gentle balm or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns 'fould heal the


Ct • .411K lt01V&Uo l ' ru U.u t ••4 1'11•11Wo1~

Jt. H. raorr1 Vk • l'ffMf~l ••• lb.li••~• .,,,..,., 8 JUVH r. JOIIU, .. ....,... ....,

J.At'IC T',UVI'a, .6-wt C....

Unpleasant Facts. Unsatisfactory Answers

~. Stlectlvt .cn-.Jce rlruru, publk hnhh

: fituru. and our owft CIOI.Inty "~llatia \ e.how that Atknla ltld P\lhoo IW o't tho

.. 'f-. hi&bcat ln.ddtnt ol vroerul ~1Mut in tho. \} Uo~ttd Swu.

111ttt h DO WIY lo tK'I pt' tbe odium Il l that hct; 110 ..,, ,. 1o upldn it t wty.

Thut It lt. 'i 1'- 'nit lac-t tbu the hlahu~ IJtddtnce le ~ amant Nc&rOU ••plains only tha t the · ~ hla:h~•t r•te h • mont Nrarou. h b ftOI, :t u IOJrA Md: to wy, 1 NtJro problem. ~ 'l"bt rt •r• tbow •.ndt of othtn ..

'(- h It 1)0 Jood tryi.nJ l o r:uua it. It

~' b UJWOmfOft.abk, but 11 h HUt.

h U no 1ood. r lthet, u yi111 that It lt not, taridy, tht re.sull of profesdooal pf'OI.. ll tutu . Of cou.rw there ..,,. no llloOt't' "'dlJ..-

~ lrk-l.s. .. Thttt ha ven't bun any for • sood nu.ny yurt. 81.1t It it W«~nf to 10011 upon the modt fll profr..Jont l pro.Ututc u t n ••.~ru~teur.• AU \be boy. wbo htvc been

trimmed by them wlwtbtr the)' are ~a­

tturitb 01 not. 'nit IDCidtm prolealoat l h.u ~ ff'OI..alcma1 It! finci.JA, piKel 11'1 r.dcHntJ•l ~ 1:1 wcwldtlr bot.b, tt-tb!l .. bw at&1ioN.. raiJwar ata.ttoM,. u,, dlu per ullnt and clrln.k.l~ jol$11.1, &Jid ao on. Sbt: It m\lc:h moor. prof .... on.al ibao bu .Ji1tu of three'"' fou:r deudn '10.

Tt.e rut that clmoet no ptofnaSon,• l pl(Nit itYI., were tried lt1 Allanta:t polkt court. UU. mOlllh. npr-nUnC bo.lt • amtll f.uedot1 of lhote 10 tn(1Jed, ls Iii• nJftc:a.n L 7\.e bet lb.y were lou.nd ln. Ito­tel•, ill roomlna houMa, a.nd l.n bl!& •h· tl011 .. raltway .. ta llotl• aftd ao on. tttctlc.t" tht wklc t an;a , 01 thtJr ptOttMf0611 • c:· tlwily,

Atl.lnla courd bmt'flt by • fnnk u .m• ,.11n 5Ueb u Blrmfn.Jbam recently triad -.nd found wcc:'f'tul

Alla.nta., and f 11-llon. county, both. abow· inr the "'·ctnl tftord in. the ution, m~t~t ~ aomethir..1,

So. Mr. Dewey Knew About the Code h "'"' IJ tended. tha i, amon1 othera,

Thomu O.wey, R~pubUntl u ndJdt te lor pr~ttldetlt, lt..new our inttUiJfliC:t hld ~Moo ktft Ole JtjUNM cod~

II NtlM we k.ncw lh•J' wovld aU.te.k a l t \tot.ll tbe tbnt tbty dlll. Thil ki'IO'WI· t dJie wu tb~ttd bt all ""' millta r)' 1-tadert,

'nley o! hf f!OI think J apan would t ll.af'lt It Ua .... atl bectYM of IU crut dbu....,. ftoll'l the Jt pt.Dew homeltnd. '

We i Ueu.ed wron J,

Bul, 111-. Whitb bu a WI '/ of IIIWIJ

l'!t U Of IU. 1t.tP9fd lft. Ha.d We ton• CNI to li)Ht the J•p . u .uk a ll a.&tM tllc ,... N lt would htVI been WOrM tbeJI PHd U.otbot,

'nit Rrpublk:a.n.t ttttl.n at p•tt. ~ bow, Jn. a .orrowfui _, 0 wey, d!o• feel they OUJbt io a•t bt ck at th.•t ltllow R-vtiL So they ma.ke lhtl!UII.,.. ridlcubu.

Mr. !Hwey ltn..fw a.bou t IL Wr, O.wey bpi the .ueL

WIUtomeone ' "'' th4...1f'P'ilbiJune •~ otbt.r Utidt lor a~\&t rick 0t1 th IIUtr)'­p roundt

Don't Give Up About Your New C.r Dttn~h'• Iabar ttoublt ut\ak• ruUy

lo Itt bad.

Dl.tturblnl u H ta. h h" ~• OC 11!. revolutiotu.ry bittttntat. noea OI IIHI tkfft biu ern.cu .,.Mc:h lc<l tn. Jflf·20 ~ ldlltn&,. 10 a borr..b et~lolion Oft Wdl t hut.. 10 two aenenlttl"lk.ta.

The U~ti lt<l Au tOfROtlllt Wot\ett, wl l.h ai'Jiall. flldtrw'll<l""' t.r1'-• .M .. , ,. ,.,,.,.,.

dent G' the UA W, II a Ulld.lcSetc lor JM)'Or

of Dtlrolt and h.u "" uecU..t c:htAOI &o win. Hit tlut~C" wU) II'OW te. U hll o­union dt.MC~Getratu Wtt bUhy 1M IK\ 0C dilclpU.n~


· He That Hateth Walketh in Darlmeu

Page 9:  · ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , But alwafl your broken rapoody alone• Oh Keav en,dld you think t~o gentle balm or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns 'fould heal the


t.a..••• Wqelk 1480

Colored DiviGoD

Democratic National Co~mittee of Maryland

uo .......... ~ .... M ILTON Q . DOM&'I'-'IICC<: ... , .1 • ..... I'AYM~I'Ctn' CMa • ._.ICC H.4.....,_A...,, C ..... ,. ........... ~.

eotn"L.A .. .,. ... --... • •

CITY COMMITTilC .1. oc... ...... .....-<: .... . f..\ 'lila .. WU • .&T-A..,., CMao

NI~TOIII 0 . i ...... W.U ee-~ea ""_,.....,.,...,., Mea. A u_..- A ... I.COC'"'COO :OIM,IoTOa VACOUMftM &~.........c=. ATT, ~. H .. AJIO ~ ............... DYI..,._ llltUTM O.At.........C.Wo.I"Q

·-·· MOrOIItO 0.. "'-"0Y ...... '¥

wn.1.••-• C"-""~• MOWA- CCNIMI&M

w , • · oea-..-o•A L. P'. llU.~& lltoeA ..... ., ... .,. WII.UIIIM T. Mt&a a 8AM MALt. CHt • ....,.,...., ..... - •• Saii"/'MA Ho\1'CtU TT T truLY W.IIITCMC?T W ILLlAM HAT_.

L•Otl4H..,_~ 0111. llltoec.T '-.lAC I(_.,. wooov V.-..c• How•- a . .,,_ " """ P'el:lt "otoe:r"'"'• N....,,,._..cc

~: YOU: HOI'IL, 1200 M..t•- A­

Bolllaoro ll., Wuylud 1001 Eaet Arlington Aftlllle

\fiilson Park, Govan.o, April 14-1945

Dear Mrs. FID! RooseY.Ut , Ayde Park, N, Y,

The passing of Pr<lsident nooenel t ia 011!' loae too, l ll41viduala and 81'011P8 of IUuson Park to whoa he aent greetings laet f.u on our 27th anniversary, join the World 1n a Yain attempt to console you at tbia hour,

It has been a long journ87 since the early courtship days of you and 1/.r, Rooeenlt to tbe r<lsponaibilitiea of the First Lad7 of the United States of America; and fOasibly the mo st difficult part of the trip wu from the campaign days of 19.32 t o t he Thrift Club -ting April l 2th,l9f5.

But you have been a good mother, an underatanding companion, and a fit represent~tive woman and loyal wile to t he finest man of all time e .

_ ~ LI,,'I"A .. llftAMOOU'M -._

..., .~. Joo. L O. ••• --,~~"'~ CMAJUA& H. ·-IM.OM God is llll.nd.t\11 or the hlll'Culean effort ;you have made,

contirnle to suatain you with pllysical and spiritual str<lngth, and will lltVTH ~,..._..,.

8&0HC T"tt.CIII oco-ee WtU.t,t.M&

fWOUHTY COMMinl• 0.. JO. .. H . THOM ... ...-cMa. OO.O'noiCA ........ , .. -•-•· e- . HA••• D•••o• sac·, HA..ouJ ...,..,_ -· .,.,.,_ J , OU"- HIU. oao.a a M'11o1a lt~eM.4ao M lu.ut

llltl41eT1tATIOM . U .. IAU MILTON Q, OOfiiM: ......... . .....-... Hu a......-..c. ...... _,. ....... ~

I'J itiANCC • UJUlAU lo. ... Y.U. !i¥11100<U II OUI. -H c:o.n.,....,. - • • ....... Wt\.UC AOA. .. Dlt.. ~ M, T ..... .r.e

rva.u: INPOIIMATIOM .U' U.U , ........ ........__ ..,_. D. TYI~..eo;;;.;.._,,. __ --~·-eu•uu TIWI.. MAft~ oe..ftiU ..... ..--. A n . ....._ ... ._. ......... r . .-. • .-. An,.J, -......M&L An • .J . .... .,...._ • •

Sincerely and cordially youra

'(Rov. )J eph '&14ene Solo1110n Ra7, Leade r of liard 27th

Organizer-exeeutiYe director, Joaeph'a Chapel Wilsop Park Colllll1l'li ty Churc~enter-<:linio Project,

1001 Eaat ArlJ..nctob !nnue, Wileen Park Govana, Baltimo,.., 12, lid.

Page 10:  · ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , But alwafl your broken rapoody alone• Oh Keav en,dld you think t~o gentle balm or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns 'fould heal the

0 I

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~ I ~

e .... "' rl Cl "' "" = "' .. "' < I ~ .... 0 II: '

. .

.,. . . . .. ,.. .4 •. ~.: .

~~, .,,.,'" .. ltllllnll lt.ru., 11f JtFr•ttttml\J,•Jl ... - .

)PuJttn.-..II.JI ·G!· '

~p~ u., 1945

. .. ' .. '

• • . '

llr• ~ 11r1, ObaQdor llan ~llfttll9 :M · · · ~7 ~iMfl 'bQu~ ~ PQflTil'M~~~ wi~ llrt loq"Ttlt i11 ,m1Dll ll• molied P" .. t lllter••t ~ ·~m• . ~.. . · ihr•• lf&der11 1q portrait, I ~ied ~ work till• au~ while llr. ~ Rfl ~~ fOt!l"•• 'llu~ ~~~ llfPt baok JOI'CS '. tba~ ~· t~ .. , ,0 ~~t ~~ ... RP.'~l~ flO~ ··~ !'~tA Ill", ~~11 pit Mr, lfteUII,

+ • • )

. ~ qui~ acrtl!t ~t ~ill ~~ fhgql~ 'lltt pa1Dte4 and ~oul.cl bt pr .. ,rTtd, Jt •• OM It~ ~ conaant of til", ff~ NJcl IIJ', Ctlw~ttiHlr ,. wW , .. t hat the -~~r 11 financed,

l-' lf~tb Teq lleat wipb,. tQ t~ JllfiCD&Pfr

Page 11:  · ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , But alwafl your broken rapoody alone• Oh Keav en,dld you think t~o gentle balm or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns 'fould heal the


J -- .

' •

ll•l't"llhor n , l !HII

Ottll1 ~r • .1\llyl,urn a

l hovt talk ed >< 1 th ~ ... DOIII!lllft Clhandor ancl w1 til H~t rry Ho..,'cl.utt e.bnu t tlu; n1nt •trn a·ht ot. tl)' huabftnd uaa rtOA~ an"f1ruu• t o M•e Mr, Ohuntln r rm1nt. nt Prt!:.1~r ltAl l n, r , Otmreh111 a nd h1ta:.• "lf, ~!y hlll'lb.ttnd M.\1 ta lked ulth :J r , Chnr.dor ~<rou t lt •nd to\t l t 'l".ould 'be pl.1 ce•l i n tha C;-;.;>1J;o l ,

"'1'"• u,,ulfl n" t h l rfk@ t hn t nn·t 1t '"Oa l d neo•~ a1 t Ht f) n 1 6 t tttr f f'()rv Pr~ts1d"n Ci 't ru1 "" W fr~tt•llor l tal1n lillf\ t<\ !1r, 0hurr.h111 to aet ~"''' ' ho th ~ l!llliu llr , llhmutor t~ t>•lnt th11 p 1o~ui't, . lie ol oo ~h1nko thnt Onnnreu, or ~ t your 1 n• ttc;n tlon 11 POI'Ul~r nub•or1ptlon opononre~ by Cor.11r ou l ahoulcl PRl tor t he pd nUnr1 o1noe 1 t ~<1\ be 8Yponehe rnr Mr, Ohanc.tor 'o l'n o• "r•

l knOll D)' h u•b:uw' ••uulcl M YI tel t tl"' t b lotorloAl\y ~hlA t.e • • Yel')' ln~rt.nt t h l llf'i f or ~ho J:utur" IUic\ tho fMt tlol' t he he4 e lr•uuty ><rH~n , ., llr , .hM•flll H,...,..t , ... n to t r y to a•t Pren1er I \attn I. • oqut •oe llll8 ono•·•~ hlo l nto r u t, • ow """f llo!>l<lno thl nk o t hat Pr....,1er I"'Un 11011 d only be o\<1\y ot\ h1 li r o.quos t troo> Pru14ent 'l'ruman hl••••lt,

Page 12:  · ::o new rerra1 n a hall echo lor.& upon our bearta , But alwafl your broken rapoody alone• Oh Keav en,dld you think t~o gentle balm or epr!n~ ooon ouw~ortns 'fould heal the


~ c; & p .. 5 • 9



' · • ~

• -. 1:.~, -~

It 1o tru& t !.n t !4 r, Marrllian hflo !'"rhapo not be-n ""f7 p~reuul•n "" 1111"1'1 ·Koplllllt •.• u. r •• hn h~s • nu .. br r ' ot aruou. la ' ''""" he I o l n>;• 'l'•otM an:1 probAhl :r toell \ tho t 1f a rw;Jn>. t nr. o r . thh 1<11111 u ero 4 0 1\1 1 '-1 t .!ho1~ltt ;,.,. do:v:. b' on,. or t.111 protftf; f'P ,. ,

l Cc ;,1. , Jtm. uvr.1• , !..t.ttt ,...~ hu~tlli'H'\1\ Anp rftn11\.Ce4 Ll•• p<.rt1culnr 1<1ni ot £1ft ttht~h' l\r0 Ol.nu:.vr 1.& ~ t.oo•\ r .,H he ··ouH .l<> tr.!O bft•ter u .. , n nn, C)nli\ P l s~ . l MDe 10U OllJI f' •J"IUftd • · p,.,.sl'"Jent 1"Pm.An t n ltUU.\ ' h" •~' l~tl tore AM rAn c et CtHoftNt SII to O ... _:lr,.Oltl \.rt t h e hlltorlaal vnl u o rn r thn l':n;')1tol, nnd e1 \ h"r M8ke t h e . &,1,u•n,.lr1A t 1o n, nt' f'p ,.,nenr- A ,,uh l l n ttub­.crl l>t. itJih

i :

1 .