o t co street f stock ofmeq the down s boys cotmrg...

w TIlE EVENING TIMES W BHTNGTOK NOVEMBER 15 1900 Q DAY 8 a r j iiii 1 I 1- t Selniler Co 202 Green Street New i- f retiring from business the choicest assortment f Stock ofMeq S T f- iI and Boys CotMrg l Every Suit and every Overcoat will be sold AT A TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE J T t The Greatest Clothing Chance Ever Offered on E rtfr z i i 4- Mammath PurchaigTrivthp- hWE BOUGHT Fioin M Yoik who are from t1iU 4- 35OOO 3 F 750 Suits and jbver coats Single and j sx double breasted 4 Cheviot and T Cassimere Snits T and trimmed Overcoats in lat 1 est shades of Oxford grey per feet fitting 750 values SIT Suits a T of a handsome assort meat of imported cheviot J and fancy worsted suits X Perfectly tailored Overcoats J consist of the korsoys 4 nieltons coverts and Oxford 5 greys Cut in the correct and latest style 17 values r t I i 98 I T 0f c t 75 and Overcoats Consist unfin- ished fin t 1 r L1rflLf made y Q U + 1100 Suits and Overcoats Meu s suits are made of chev- iots and nnfin- Islied worsteds single and double breasted vests several styles to choose from are to be had in many shades of coverts and Oxfords excellently lined and the latest style shape 11 values Mans Pants SaGrifSeed Comprising all the newest effects from the Schiller purchase Stripes pin checks and fancy worsted trousers being sold at tremendous low prices All 175 ileus Pants 98c All 2 5 Mens Pants i14S All 300 Mans Pants 198 All Mens Pante 225 SOc and 7 c Childrens Knee ants39c3- 9c Childrens Knee Pants 15c I 5 7 5 u 400 Over- coats 416 Seventh Street 416 At the Same Time f FEEE SCHOLARSHIPS in the Correspondence Schools of Scran 1 ton Pa will be given away by The Times to the ten persons receiving themost- vf votes between October 14 and December 16 190O j o The person receiving the largest number cf votes will hate the choice of ot the entire ien ii The person receiving the next largest number of votes the second choice i The person receiving the third largest number of votes the third choice and so on until ihe ien recciving the largest numbers of votes have each selected a Scholarship r lc TEN FREE SCHOLARSHIPS 1 I Samuel Friedlander at t J H T oio t I i r EDUCATIONAL VOTIN4I tI Earn a Salary and iet an Education n ternational I I To one o t 2 I Co i i CONTESL- I i I > + + ± ± + + 1 A Free in 3IcelianItial Engineering will qualify for positions as mechanics draftsmen mi chine designers foremen superintendents and master mechanics ii A Free Scliolnrsliip in Electrical IucInt crIiii schick trill qualify for positions S3 superintendents oi electric light and power plant or of electrical manufactories as electrical engineers or electricians This SdiolareHp Includes a Free Out- fit of Electrical Apparatus with which to da the work or the Course 3 A Scliolnmliip in Architecture which win qualify for positions as architectural draftsmen and destgrcrs architects or architectural engineers or to go into hint nef a builders and contraetorg which will qualify to de gn and superintend the ol cocEtruction- ol bridges to lay out proposed railroads or superintend their con- struction and maintenance to design hydraulic apparatus and plan and Instill waterpovrer plants and irrigation systems and for ScholarshIp J whiSk ± f or Z Free I J fJ 1 J 4 Free Sehoiniuthip In Civil Engineering i j J roiitioca asWITeyore or municipal Or CODqJ1tij civil D rs- J 4 s A a ¬ ¬ ± QUEEN WIXHELSEUTAS WOOING How tlic ller of Holland Met Jtnil- Vpn Her Fiance the London Xexts Some interesting particulars of Quecn WJlhelmlnas courtship and betrothal are supplied by our Paris correspondenL Al the Queen at the Xeth rands made the of the grand ducal family at Cannes the did not it appears see her betrothed until she went last year Berlin Sb had heard a good deal about him trim his sisterinlaw ae Princess Toh nee SaxeWelmar and daughter of th x late Princess Pauline of the Netherlands Duchess or Saxe Weimar The moment the Queen and Prince Henry saw each other they were mutually Im- pressed and so strongly that the Queen would hear of no other suitor She plead ed a cold as excuse for not attending a dinner where she was to pass In ic C AS TO R I A RrMsBfc 233 QSta- iBe Kind You Have Always Bought From acquaintance to j ¬ ¬ = view a number of aspirants The Queens mother seeing this prudently curtailed the visit to Berlin Enquiries were indue course set on foot about Prince Henry AH the reports received about him were favorable and the Queen arranged to have opportunities to become better acquainted witi him Instead of coming to the Ex positionshe planned an excursion to Schwarzburg Rooms were taken at a hotel in a picturesque site for her mother and tile Dowager Duchess who was asked to be their guest Prince Henry was net disinclined to fall in with the little plan He obtained a fur- lough to come to see his mother He got excursions to the show places Prin- cipality and accompanied the two Queens- in their walks rides und drives She was supremely happy In his company and was sorry when it was time for the party to break up As she was leaving she said to the jprincei What a I never spent such a happy time in my lila cud I Bears tlie Signature of I I I r Q en- up- nth I q t hapour t ¬ ¬ 8450 Suits Overcoats I 51 Consist of jut ported Oxfords and Worsted Suits iii several choice shades Elegantly made and trimmed Overcoats j of blue and black kerseys meltons coverts and Oxford 31 with extra heavy double Italian lining Handsome j ly tailored and worth 1450 Childrens Suits Embracing the largest and choicest assortment over displayed All mate rials in single and doublebreasted ef fects 2 Boys Suits 95c All 3 Boys Suits 175 All 350 Boys Suits 198 450 Boys Suits JL- j 6225 Vestee Suits Sf 39 I- 2J5 Chinchilla Reefers 148 I T l- and 2 5 t con- sist len T warp t L- AU u t- All 1 4 298 + + ± ± CJ A Free Scholarship In Sanitary PliiGiliIiisv- Hcatingy anti Tentllnttoii which will qualify to fill the t positions the plumbing heating and ventilation trades or to set as plumbing inspectors G A Free Scholarship in Chemistry which will qualify for posUIons as analytical cfcerntsls 7 A Free Scholarship in Commercial Branches which will qualify for prsWens as stenographers or accountants- S A free Scholarship in Mcclianical Drnwint- vMcli vail qualify for salaried po itoiu as mechanical ilrajtsmcn This Scholarship a Complete Drafting Outfit retail price 1235- Q Scholarship In Architectural DrarvinK- wfi wBl qualify T positions as arehifectyril draftsmen Scfcofership 2 Complete Draftlrsg retail price 1255 10 A Free Scholarship in Ornamental Dct iyiiT thorough instruction frHf d drawing liisory of orna- ment and the elements of applied end coverinE the same ground as simIlar courses in tile resident sort schools This iD 3udcs a Coznpjcte retail pricey SOiX J big in f f I 1 4 Free if This Outfit t in J Ded t i i < ¬ + + + Ncl Books to Buy Included will the teXtbooks or Instruction Papers form the Que3- tiori Papers and Drawing Plates with fj r V vr In addition each Scholarship will Include without extra charge a cqmpiet set of the same Papers and Plates handsomely bound In leather with a hook of Formulas and a Key for the whole work Course use as refer encc books Exhibition nh Bound Volumes ontainins the Instruction and Question Papers di these Courses the Drafting Outfits Electrical Outfit and Designing Outfit to be given with the Courses arc now on exhibition at 629Pehnsylvania Avenue northwest IMPORTANT TO VOTERS and paying 6 in advance will be entitled to cast2t5O votes A similar subscription for months give the subscriber the privilege of casting 25 votes Coupon Blanks for Voting Will Bs Found in The Sunday Times November 18 I i be 1 J t or I I J t t persons subscribing Evening Sunday year f j ix will t H i I f wcth each Leholarsaip in pamphlet ncne8aaryto study of the z S- On 4 S to the Morning ana Times for one 4ii > + ± + + + + + + feel I owe so much to you Correspon dence followed and one fine tim Prime Minister was summoned by the Queen to Loa She lost no time in in forming him that she was engaged und to whom She said she hoped the Council would give its consent to pie marriage she had decided upon Tim Prince of Mecklen burg belongetl to the house in Ger many its international situation washigh- it played no part in European politics Prince Henry could play no part Jo German politics his career had been highly honor- able and he was helOTedia lila family cir- cle When you see added 4he Queen you will sure be ot opfnlon I could not make a better choice whether for myself or my people Earl Li and Late the Detroit Journal The Eniperor Kwany lint was furious 1 degrade you cried Jlis Majesty You sre no the Earl LI Hung Chargl The groveled conventionally Is tint tantamount be made bold to ask to making me the late hung Fortunately the Emperor was sufficiently jErtnied with Western ideas to porceivc tbc delicate wit of thi retort and tbe wrath vanisTi a in gales morn ng u ram that From viceroy of bum enyal merrIment ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NO ARGUMENT NEEDED Ever Sufferer From Cafnrrli LotIouWVo ilie- Svrayttf anti T onclie sij j Cure Powders lotions salves sprays and in- halers cannot really cure Catarrh be- cause this disease is a blood df applications If they a coppljsh at nfl simply give The catarrhal poison is in tho blood and the mucous membrane of the ngse throat and trachea tries to relieve by secreting large quantitierbf mucus tbe discharge sometimes closing up the nostrils dropping into the throat causing deafness by closing the Eustachian tubes aid after a time causing catarrhof or serious throat and lung troubles A remedy to really cure catarrh must internal remedy whIch wilt cleanse the blood from catarrhal poison and remoye the fever awl congestion from the mucous meicferane- Tlt aest and most modern remedies for hilt yurpose are ntisepUcs scIentIfically known as Euealyptol Guaiacol Sanguina- vla and flydrastin and while each ot ie6e been successfully used separ- ately yet It has been difficult to get them all combined in one palatable convenient and efficient form The manufacturers of the new catarrh cure Stuarts Catarrh Tablets have suc- ceeded admirably in accomplishing this result They are large pleasant tasting lozenges to be dissolved in the mouth thnsreachinK every part of the macous membrane of the throat and flnallj the stomach Unlike many catarrh remedies Sluarts Catarrh Tablets contain no cocaine opiate or any Injurious drug whatever and are eQually benefielalfor little chil dren and adults 3Ir C R Rembrandt oiHRoctiester K Y says I know of few people suffered as much as I of the head throat and stomach I used sprays inhalers and powders for months at a time with only slight relief and hail no hope of cure 1 had not the means to make a change ot climate which1 Seemed my only chance of cure Last spring I read an account of some remarkable cures made by Stuarts Catarrh Tablets and promptly bought a fifty cent box from my druggist and obtained such positive benefit from that package that I continued tb daily until I now consider myself entire ly free from the disgusting annoyance of catarrh my head Is clear my diges- tion all I coul Task and my hearing which had begun to fan as a result of the catarrh has greatly improved until I feel- I can hear as well as ever They a household necessity in my Stuarts Catarrh Tablets are sold by druggists at 50 cents for complete treat- ment and for convenience safety and prompt results they are uhdoubtediy the long looked for catarrh cure f TO TAKE LIFE Ih Mletnnx Effort tit Kjelil5jfeuiie- iu Mi tt of Allowed Crime CHICAGO Xov 15 Dr George S Phil- lips arrested on the charge o causing the death of Berths Young 3332 State Street ten ago attempted suicide by cutting his throat with a knife while he was standing before the sergeants desk in the Santon Avenue station yester sdriy One of two women who followed TJira tq the ds6 srhq names are not taicnra to gthe police it JS sW gave him Che kaife I He was J Jo the county iy I boa pltal whera JU is thought he reco Bertha Ypangojed November re suit of a criminal operrf on afel jth liar dyIng breath she accused Dr Phtllfps of the crime A coron rjirirrepC- laril who fiad feen in iffito time the coroners enqalryj Tas pending Policemen Muruane 6f the Stanton Avenue station ibrind hUm In flat at Seventyninth Street and Eggteston Avenue The policemen also found six wo- men In the placet and the arrest of Phillips was vigorously ueslsted The women and the physician attacked the officers and attempted to eject them from the HaL Furniture was overturned mid broken and the fight waged warm ud- tll the police their revolvers and tho women to Dr Phillips was then dragged down the stairs and loaded into a patrol wagon The women followed the prisoner and two of them entered the sta lion with him One was seen to band him something and then both fled from the station A moment later he flashed n butcher knife from under his coat drew the sharp blade across his Policeman Murnanc seized tho knife ami in doing so cut his band seriously Thstpyiicemen say that Dr Phillips confessed hlsguilt before making the attempt upon his life BOOT ON A HUNTING Others HAVANA Nov 15 Secretary his son Governor General Wood and Messrs Greble Baker and Frye left Havana st 0 oclock yesterday morning and proceeded by train to Batabano whence will ceed by steamer to Cienfuegoa and other places along the south coast of the island Mr Horatio Rubens a member of the finance and land commissions and two secretaries accompanied the party to Batabano Mr Root has as yet seen none of the Havana officials The party took shotguns rifles and fishing tackle with them from which It is adduced that they have gone on a sporting trip They made no definite statements as to their plans They will use the Viking and Kanawha during their trip We look in amazement at tIle burdens some women carry Their heads Yet how they are compared with the burdens some women upon their hearts There are childless women whose hearts ache ceaselessly because of the childless home burden of childlessness has been lifted from the Many of the obstacles to arp remov- able Such obstacles re- moved by tt Favorite It contains no alcohol nor narcotic knows That SnIT Sot and- O ll r licsst lIl stom- ach n has whol1ave ODe tI e hem re r ATTEMPTED His days ti n rem s the and r ou fort pUt flight and threat TRIP- Le te1 ntnm BURDENED WOMEN heart of many It woman bvtl1e use of Dr maternity are tircly Pres any- thing be- an from Catarrh biit her the tie n Wiih General Wood acid Root > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ < > narried Six Years and Childless I hare rever written you how grateful I am to you HL I took bottles of Dr Pienxs Rivontc four of the olden Medical Di- sarray and four rials of 33rl Piercee Pleasant Before I had taken four r lec f the Favorite Prescription I was a ncvrTfOrjan I cannot pen my heartfelt plati- tude anvone the value of Dr Pierces Medicines I will be pleased to confirm the trnthof all I say If they enclose stamped enrelopt for reply Dr Piercea Pleasant a ladies laxative Na mearcine equals them for gentleness and thoroughness and of Iibe Strect six ac one the sweetest dearest thirteen pound came Taatine South Gslesburg Pellets ¬ < ¬ Becision in Regard to Weather If oitecasts- Keilerat Tribunal Declares Jh dictions Are Very CiirclUihle Mar liters 3Tot Rei iMM lble for FailinBj OIiserycTIiem Except in Matter tit WeUDcltiicd StoMMK cHARLESToN S C Nov 15 The United States Circuit Court of Appeals has decided that mariners are not respon- sible tor damages sQwing out of failure to observe the Government weather fore- casts with a possible exception In the case of welldeHued storms traveling m a given direction The opinion was given in Richmond Va and copies have been received here by the principals- Mr Porcher a rice dealer of Charles- ton filed proceedings against the St George for damages to 1406 bags of rice which had been here from The rice wasiinloaded on an un- covered vharf and before it was there was a heavy rainfall Judge Braw ley of the District Court heard the case and awarded damages An appeal was taken The precipitation at Charleston on July 23 the day the rice was unloaded was 160 inches Light showers had been predicted by the bureau According to the finding of the District Court the mas ter was negligent in landing the rice in the face of a threatened storm We are not prepared says the Cir- cuit Court of Appeals to give these pre- dictions of the Weather Bureau the char- acter of established facts the failure to observe which shall constitute negligence- In any of the business relations of life The scjence f forecasting the weather has not reached the degree of exactness which will justify the court in saying that men In their everyday vocations whsthar seafaring men or others are bound to take notice of and be guided by its local fore- casts and that it is negligent not to ob serve them TIle case Is different where storms of great violence and extent occur on our Atlantic coast and where Information of their existence course and the probable time at which they will reach designated points is given by telegraphic communica tion and by storm signals If these are brought to the notice of the master or it Is his duty to take cognizance of them he would be hound to observe them It may be questioned if there is any thirrz or which the general public is ex- pected to take cognizance that Is less re liable than are the daily weather forecasts j to which It is accustomed Were we disposed to give the weaker j forecasts the weight allowed them by the District Court there is no evidence that they were brought to the attention oi the master Further if the master bound to take notice of the weather predIctIons be should only be held liable for not pro vOting against the light showsrs predicted which as the record shows the tarpaulins would have afforded sufficient for the rice airJ not be required to provide against such an unexpected and j heavy downpour of rain as that which did the damage and was not by the nitf jc v j the consignee lead equal oppor- tunity at the least with master fo thOstociJi the atj r being an j case was through an In our view the District Court should have dismissed the libel DUCKED TIE PROFESSOR Kenrncy 3IiIltnrj Institute Staiieiit- HlmiifcM Their Dfalike KEARNEY Neb 2 ov 15 lAn situation has developed at tile Kearney Military Institute For a week the place has been in an Half the students are stepping at the hotels of tile city The ofilciais are at the point of fighting Yes- terday Bishop Groves interfered deposed the head of the institute Rev Dr Crit tenden and placed Prof Harry Russell in charge The present sensational Incidents are said to be the culmination of si series of rows between the students and the head of the institute The Kearney Military Institute is an aristocratic place for the training of West youths The rebellious boys became exasperated at Dr Chittenderi The stu- dents state that they ducked the reverend tutor In the horse trough This of dislike occurred Saturday and four young men were excelled The ducking is disputed by the doctor It is vouched for however by several stu- dents who a crt that the occasion was Saturday night A crowd of the rebels were masked and caught the doctor as he was crossing the parade ground Monday when the four ringleaders expelled fifty of the boys quit the school In a body a a protest They were ac- companied by Prof Russell who said the boys had not been treated rightly One of Mnrclie Lesson Mme Marches in Harpers Bazar Now comes your my pretty blonde soprano Your companions name Is Marie what is pray Bertha Now then bloatle Bertha ascend th What do you too shrink front the ordeal No harm befell your predecessor- so quick do not waste precious time I am aware that my amiable American pu- pils prefer private instruction sad this I sometimes impart but quite exception- ally as already noted One learns less when one stands ever in presence of ones- elf Your high soprano vpices are easier to develop than the contraltos and mezaosopranos but you have a less extended chest register In many coun- tries the wrong emphatically wrong opinion prevails that the cultivation of the chest tones not only damages th de- velopment of the high tones but their complete loss A voice without chest tones is like a violin without a G string So now my blonde Bertha bravely bring out your chest tones as far as D or E flat re or mi bemol and then pro ceed to the medium Believe me no in jury will be done your voice Tn the necessary What are you about now Why do you try to go on C tdo from the medium to the headvoice You say you learned to Jo so This is sheer non sense The medium voice from F nat- ural fa to F fa on the fifth line is th foundation of the female voice speak in medium tones How can one sing an andante a cantilena when one proceeds to the head voice on C do What If I understand you rightly you say that on certain occasions you have used the tones This too all wrong The registers must be completely cultivated and united before one sings on words Good very good You have Understood me perfectly You see that the use of the medium presents no difficulties the pas- sage to the headtones too is excellent How now You wish to sing higher and still higher This you must not do must not continually fret the limIts of the voice Prudence is the mother of wisdom Do not forget It When I hear the twittering on the highest tones that people like perhaps in your native coun try but that they admire less fr Eu rope rlam always reminded of a remark ot Rossinis who was wont to call tIcs high tones not headtones but skulK tones We have sung today inz dear Bertha several scales in the next you shall have other exercises MBTHOROLOGY ill COURT tIn te esting p t lre to the Bre- men removed I I f I was i ton dieted I local eat jt 1- gllu j Englith the record showing that his in this interpreter I I i uproar J era manifes- tation tore I I turn yours platf- orm unwieldier I I entals I scale you can change before this it- I We j 1 me- dium is les- son 5 shipped I the cqualneezT with the Ianage Interest- Ing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ YOUR or Diseased Kidneys Poison the Blood Break Down the Entire System and e Bring on Brigfats Disease To ove What Great Kidney Remedy SwampRoot Will YOU AH Our Readers May Have a Sampled S Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mail Laboratory where KHney Remedy is 0 s if i J- St i KIDNEYS WEAK SwampRooI thc WorldFamo1 pre ARE p Weak the Do for Pre < < < > You know what happens to a sewer when It becomes clogged dont you Do you know what happens to the human system when the kidneys clogged They are unable to throw cut the from the blood and become Infected with poisons they decay fall apart and pass out in the urIne the blood unfiltered carries the poison all through the system and If not checked death follows The kidneys are the sewers of the human sys temWhen your kidneys are not doing their work some of the symptoms which prove it to you are pain or dull ache in the back excess of uric acid gravel rheumatic pains sediment In the urine scanty sup ply scalding Irritation in passing It obliged togo often during the and to get up many times during the night to empty the bladder sleeplessness nervous Irritability dizziness irregular heart fareathlessness sallow unhealthy com- plexion puffy or dark circles under the eyes sometimes the feet limbs or body bloat loss of ambition general weakness and aebility When yon are sick or feet badly the Srst thing you should do is to afford aid to your kidneys by using Dr Kilmers SwampRoot the great kidney remedy Jn taking SwampRoot you afford natu- ral help to nature for SwampRoot Is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that Is known to medical science Perhaps you are in doubt about your kidneys and want to find out Heres a sim- ple test Take from your urine passed when you arise in the morning about four ounces place It in a and let it become impuri- ties I f bottle day S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ stand for twentyfour hours If upon examination you find any settlings or sedi- ment if It is milky or cloudy or if parti- cles float about in It disease has gotten a foothold In your kidneys and nature is calling for help If you have the slightest symptoms ot kidney or bladder trouble or If there is a trace of It in your family history you would profit by taking S ampRoot every now and then as a preventive mid thus absolutely forestall kidney and ladder troubles The famous new discovery Swamp Root has been tested In so many ways In hospital work in private practice among the helpless too poor to purchase relief has proved so successful in every that a special arrangement has been made with The Times by which our readers who have not already tried it may have a sample bottle sent absolutely free by mail else a book telling all about kidney and bladder dis- eases and containing some of the thou- sands of testimonial letters from men end women reclaimed to lives of happiness and usefulness by the means of SwampRoot- the great kidney remedy SwampRoot is pleasant take and is so remarkably successful that our read- ers are advised to write for a free sample bottle and to be sure and state that you read this generous offer in The Washing ton Evening Times when sending your ad dress Iti Dr KHmer Co Binghaaaton X Y If you are already convinced that Swamp Root is what you need you can purchase the regular 50cent and 51 size bottles at the drug stores everywhere i I I I land I r tri lk all- ot ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 722 Seventh Street HW 722 Seventh Street O Formerly at 9IQ F Street Big sale just inaugurated at our new place We have about 3000 pairs of odds and ends in mens lsates and shoes Which we will close out at a great sacrifice in the next tin days They consist of 1000 pairs manufacturers finesample shoes 0000 pairs of mens and ladies fine handsewed tan shoes 1000 pairs of misses boys and iildrens fine sample shoes in black and tan Must be closed out regardless of cot This Trill be a great opportunity to lay in a supply for this winter Special Notice These Shoes Piaceion Tables HERRINGS Will Be I Lot h handsewed button or lace shoes in black or tan kid bos calf and calf skin vith or with extension soles Regu ft i lar price 250 and 3 I HT price P Lot 2 JGsses line sewed shoes in button or lace with or without patent leather tip in Kid box calf of taxi kid These shoes are excellent Tor school wear Regular rt Ladies lo- ut Sake l s rr 1 5 rid 1 rid L73 and 2 grades Sale ° Lot3 Mens handsewed lace or Blucher in tan russet calf Willow calf and vicP kid Every pair guaranteed- to ba 5250 and 53 quality AC LOt An Boys fine calf and box calf shoes With good heavy soles for school wear Every pair guaranteed to wear Regular L7 and 2 quality Sale price v u Jl5 1 Ltg SaIeprIce Ask Your 72 7thNW HERRINGS Formerly at F Street NV for Checks NW- S 910 j ATTEMPT TO POISOlir WOMAN 2Irsj Malvina JPrnnlcr Aprniii Ircmi- ncntly Before the PuUlie BURLINGTON VL Nov 15 Tucsaajr forenoon an attempt was made to poison tics ilalvina Pranier of this city Mis Premier Is the young woman who a few months ago damages of 15 alienation of affections brought against Ulllan Ashor Campbell of Pishkill en the Hudson This suit has clustered about it various matrimonial infelicities Tuesday morning Mrs Prosier was not well and called a physician who left medicines Half an hour after he E d left- a young man about eighteen years old and unknown to her came to the house A ob- tained 1100 In a court in t of New York case I ¬ and left a vial of tablets saying the doc- tor wanted her to take one every fifteen minutes She took one and felt a burn- ing sensation In her throat and stomach which was followed by vomiting Sus- picion was aroused and the physician re- called when the suspicion that a crlmir had been attempted was confirmed by its that no medicine had bean by him Antidotes were administered ailir no ill remained except those of nervous excitement Mrs rrunier ins two children f Collaterals Forfeltttl The bummer collaterals were forfeited iff Police Court this morales Hsrry p Frank 31 Simpson Frank Hay n proir fanity and disorderly conduct aSI Edward HeaRac for cruelty to aB5wal aa l- Clwrles Xicliols for riding his wheel os ewr side tile street v i snt effects Tilt ulS- suit tot Riclu Jig of the ¬ ¬ ¬ > Royal 250 not and handsome but they giYe that peculiar footease rarel at- tained in new shoes We fit the ifchardtoplease kind Maybe we can please you Try us No neeel to pay 350 for shoes when Royal Shoes are only afc BBHS H- smio R I Shoesare only o I r r- n j jiI L PalA i i- l E I I l 1 t I 1 The RoyalfihI < < > =

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Post on 19-Apr-2018




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tSelniler Co 202 Green Street New i-

f retiring from business the choicest assortment

f Stock ofMeq ST


iI and Boys CotMrg lEvery Suit and every Overcoat will be sold


t The Greatest Clothing Chance Ever Offered on E rtfr

z i i4-

Mammath PurchaigTrivthp-hWE BOUGHT

Fioin M Yoik who arefrom t1iU 4-



750 Suitsand jbvercoats

Single and j sx

double breasted

4 Cheviot andT

Cassimere SnitsT

and trimmed Overcoats in lat1 est shades of Oxford grey per

feet fitting 750 values

SIT Suits

aT of a handsome assort

meat of imported cheviotJ and fancy worsted suitsX Perfectly tailored OvercoatsJ consist of the korsoys4 nieltons coverts and Oxford5 greys Cut in the correct and

latest style 17 valuesr



9 8



ct 75

and OvercoatsConsist


fin t



L1rflLf made

y QU


1100 Suitsand Overcoats

Meu s suits aremade of chev-

iots and nnfin-

Islied worstedssingle and

double breasted vests severalstyles to choose from

are to be had in manyshades of coverts and Oxfordsexcellently lined and the lateststyle shape 11 values

Mans Pants SaGrifSeedComprising all the newest effects

from the Schiller purchase Stripespin checks and fancy worsted trousersbeing sold at tremendous low pricesAll 175 ileus Pants 98cAll 2 5 Mens Pants i14SAll 300 Mans Pants 198All Mens Pante 225

SOc and 7 c Childrens Knee ants39c3-

9c Childrens Knee Pants 15c


5 7 5



416 Seventh Street 416

At the Same Timef FEEE SCHOLARSHIPS in the Correspondence Schools of Scran

1 ton Pa will be given away by The Times to the ten persons receiving themost-vf votes between October 14 and December 16 190O j oThe person receiving the largest number cf votes will hate the choice of ot the entire ien iiThe person receiving the next largest number of votes the second choice i

The person receiving the third largest number of votes the third choice and so on until ihe ien reccivingthe largest numbers of votes have each selected a Scholarship r lc


I Samuel Friedlander attJ


oio t I i r


Earn a Salary and iet an Educationn




t 2


Coi i





> +






1 A Free in 3IcelianItial Engineeringwill qualify for positions as mechanics draftsmen mi

chine designers foremen superintendents and master mechanics

ii A Free Scliolnrsliip in Electrical IucInt crIiiischick trill qualify for positions S3 superintendents oi electriclight and power plant or of electrical manufactories as electricalengineers or electricians This SdiolareHp Includes a Free Out-

fit of Electrical Apparatus with which to da the work or the Course

3 A Scliolnmliip in Architecturewhich win qualify for positions as architectural draftsmen anddestgrcrs architects or architectural engineers or to go into hintnef a builders and contraetorg

which will qualify to de gn and superintend theol

cocEtruction-ol bridges to lay out proposed railroads or superintend their con-

struction and maintenance to design hydraulic apparatus andplan and Instill waterpovrer plants and irrigation systems and for

ScholarshIpJ whiSk±




1J 4 Free Sehoiniuthip In Civil Engineering



roiitioca asWITeyore or municipal Or CODqJ1tij civil D rs-J









How tlic ller of Holland Met Jtnil-

Vpn Her Fiancethe London Xexts

Some interesting particulars of QuecnWJlhelmlnas courtship and betrothal aresupplied by our Paris correspondenL Al

the Queen at the Xeth rands madethe of the grand ducalfamily at Cannes the did not it appearssee her betrothed until she went last year

Berlin Sb had heard a good dealabout him trim his sisterinlaw aePrincess Toh nee SaxeWelmar anddaughter of th x late Princess Pauline ofthe Netherlands Duchess or Saxe WeimarThe moment the Queen and Prince Henrysaw each other they were mutually Im-

pressed and so strongly that the Queenwould hear of no other suitor She pleaded a cold as excuse for not attendinga dinner where she was to pass In ic

CAS TO R I A RrMsBfc 233 QSta-

iBe Kind You Have Always Bought



to j




view a number of aspirants The Queensmother seeing this prudently curtailedthe visit to Berlin Enquiries were induecourse set on foot about Prince HenryAH the reports received about him werefavorable and the Queen arranged to haveopportunities to become better acquaintedwiti him Instead of coming to the Expositionshe planned an excursion toSchwarzburg Rooms were taken at ahotel in a picturesque site forher mother and tile Dowager Duchesswho was asked to be their guest

Prince Henry was net disinclined to fallin with the little plan He obtained a fur-lough to come to see his mother He gotexcursions to the show places Prin-cipality and accompanied the two Queens-in their walks rides und drives She wassupremely happy In his company and wassorry when it was time for the party tobreak up As she was leaving she said tothe jprincei What a I neverspent such a happy time in my lila cud I

Bears tlieSignature






Q en-










8450 SuitsOvercoats I


Consist of jutported Oxfordsand WorstedSuits iii severalchoice shades

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2 5



len Twarp












CJ A Free Scholarship In Sanitary PliiGiliIiisv-Hcatingy anti Tentllnttoii

which will qualify to fill the t positions the plumbingheating and ventilation trades or to set as plumbing inspectors

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7 A Free Scholarship in Commercial Brancheswhich will qualify for prsWens as stenographers or accountants-

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ment and the elements of applied end coverinE the sameground as simIlar courses in tile resident sort schools This

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Included will the teXtbooks or Instruction Papers form the Que3-tiori Papers and Drawing Plates with fj r V vr

In addition each Scholarship will Include without extra charge a cqmpiet set of the same Papers and Plateshandsomely bound In leather with a hook of Formulas and a Key for the whole work Course use as referencc books

Exhibitionnh Bound Volumes ontainins the Instruction and Question Papers di these Courses the Drafting Outfits

Electrical Outfit and Designing Outfit to be given with the Courses arc now on exhibition at 629Pehnsylvania Avenuenorthwest

IMPORTANT TO VOTERSand paying 6 in advance will be entitled to cast2t5O votes

A similar subscription for months give the subscriber the privilege ofcasting 25 votes

Coupon Blanks for Voting Will Bs Found in The Sunday Times November 18

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tH i I f

wcth each Leholarsaip in pamphletncne8aaryto study

of the zS-


S to the Morning ana Times for one




± +

+ +


feel I owe so much to you Correspondence followed and one fine timPrime Minister was summoned by theQueen to Loa She lost no time in informing him that she was engaged und towhom She said she hoped the Councilwould give its consent to pie marriage shehad decided upon Tim Prince of Mecklenburg belongetl to the house in Germany its international situation washigh-it played no part in European politicsPrince Henry could play no part Jo Germanpolitics his career had been highly honor-able and he was helOTedia lila family cir-cle When you see added 4he Queen

you will sure be ot opfnlon Icould not make a better choice whetherfor myself or my people

Earl Li and Latethe Detroit Journal

The Eniperor Kwany lint was furious1 degrade you cried Jlis Majesty You sre

no the Earl LI Hung CharglThe groveled conventionally

Is tint tantamount be made bold to ask tomaking me the late hung

Fortunately the Emperor was sufficiently jErtniedwith Western ideas to porceivc tbc delicate wit ofthi retort and tbe wrath vanisTi a in gales

morn ng

uram that












Ever Sufferer From CafnrrliLotIouWVo ilie-

Svrayttf anti T onclie sij jCure

Powders lotions salves sprays and in-

halers cannot really cure Catarrh be-cause this disease is a blood df

applications If they a coppljshat nfl simply give

The catarrhal poison is in tho blood andthe mucous membrane of the ngse throatand trachea tries to relieveby secreting large quantitierbf mucustbe discharge sometimes closing up thenostrils dropping into the throat causingdeafness by closing the Eustachian tubesaid after a time causing catarrhof

or serious throat and lung troublesA remedy to really cure catarrh must

internal remedy whIch wilt cleanse theblood from catarrhal poison and remoyethe fever awl congestion from the mucousmeicferane-

Tlt aest and most modern remedies forhilt yurpose are ntisepUcs scIentIficallyknown as Euealyptol Guaiacol Sanguina-vla and flydrastin and while each ot

ie6e been successfully used separ-ately yet It has been difficult to get themall combined in one palatable convenientand efficient form

The manufacturers of the new catarrhcure Stuarts Catarrh Tablets have suc-ceeded admirably in accomplishing thisresult They are large pleasant tastinglozenges to be dissolved in the mouththnsreachinK every part of the macousmembrane of the throat and flnallj thestomach

Unlike many catarrh remedies SluartsCatarrh Tablets contain no cocaineopiate or any Injurious drug whateverand are eQually benefielalfor little children and adults

3Ir C R Rembrandt oiHRoctiester KY says I know of few peoplesuffered as much as I of thehead throat and stomach I used spraysinhalers and powders for months at atime with only slight relief and hail nohope of cure 1 had not the means tomake a change ot climate which1 Seemedmy only chance of cure

Last spring I read an account of someremarkable cures made by StuartsCatarrh Tablets and promptly bought afifty cent box from my druggist andobtained such positive benefit from that

package that I continued tbdaily until I now consider myself entirely free from the disgusting annoyanceof catarrh my head Is clear my diges-tion all I coul Task and my hearing whichhad begun to fan as a result of thecatarrh has greatly improved until I feel-I can hear as well as ever They ahousehold necessity in my

Stuarts Catarrh Tablets are sold bydruggists at 50 cents for complete treat-ment and for convenience safety andprompt results they are uhdoubtediy thelong looked for catarrh cure f


Ih Mletnnx Effort tit Kjelil5jfeuiie-iu Mi tt of Allowed Crime

CHICAGO Xov 15 Dr George S Phil-

lips arrested on the charge o causing thedeath of Berths Young 3332 State Streetten ago attempted suicide by cuttinghis throat with a knife while hewas standing before the sergeants desk inthe Santon Avenue station yestersdriy One of two women who followedTJira tq the ds6 srhq names arenot taicnra to gthe police it JS sW gavehim Che kaife I

He was J Jo the county iy I boapltal whera JU is thought he recoBertha Ypangojed November resuit of a criminal operrf on afel jth liardyIng breath she accused Dr Phtllfps ofthe crime A coron rjirirrepC-

laril who fiad feen in iffitotime the coroners enqalryj Tas pending

Policemen Muruane 6f theStanton Avenue station ibrind hUm Inflat at Seventyninth Street and EggtestonAvenue The policemen also found six wo-

men In the placet and the arrest of Phillipswas vigorously ueslsted

The women and the physician attackedthe officers and attempted to eject themfrom the HaL Furniture was overturnedmid broken and the fight waged warm ud-tll the police their revolvers andtho women to Dr Phillips was thendragged down the stairs and loaded into apatrol wagon The women followed theprisoner and two of them entered the stalion with him One was seen to band himsomething and then both fled from thestation

A moment later he flashed n butcherknife from under his coat drew thesharp blade across his PolicemanMurnanc seized tho knife ami in doing socut his band seriously Thstpyiicemen saythat Dr Phillips confessed hlsguilt beforemaking the attempt upon his life


OthersHAVANA Nov 15 Secretary his

son Governor General Wood and MessrsGreble Baker and Frye left Havana st 0oclock yesterday morning and proceeded bytrain to Batabano whence willceed by steamer to Cienfuegoa and otherplaces along the south coast of the islandMr Horatio Rubens a member of thefinance and land commissions and twosecretaries accompanied the party toBatabano Mr Root has as yet seen noneof the Havana officials The party tookshotguns rifles and fishing tackle withthem from which It is adduced that theyhave gone on a sporting trip They madeno definite statements as to their plansThey will use the Viking and Kanawhaduring their trip

We look in amazement at tIle burdenssome women carry Their headsYet how they are compared withthe burdens some women upontheir hearts There are childless womenwhose hearts ache ceaselessly because ofthe childless home burden ofchildlessness has been lifted from the

Manyof the obstacles to arp remov-able Such obstacles re-moved by tt Favorite Itcontains no alcohol nor narcotic

knowsThat SnIT


and-O ll r

licsst lIl




ODe tI e hem







s the

and r ou

fort pUtflight



Le te1 ntnm


heart of many It woman bvtl1e use ofDr

maternityare tircly





from Catarrh

biit her



Wiih General Woodacid


















narried Six Years and ChildlessI hare rever written you how grateful I am

to you

HL I took bottles of Dr Pienxs Rivontcfour of the olden Medical Di-

sarray and four rials of 33rl Piercee PleasantBefore I had taken four r lec f the

Favorite Prescription I was a ncvrTfOrjan Icannot pen my heartfelt plati-tude anvonethe value of Dr Pierces Medicines I will bepleased to confirm the trnthof all I say If they

enclose stamped enrelopt for replyDr Piercea Pleasant a

ladies laxative Na mearcine equalsthem for gentleness and thoroughness


of Iibe Strectsix


one the sweetest dearest thirteen poundcame

Taatine South Gslesburg





Becision in Regard to

Weather If oitecasts-

Keilerat Tribunal Declares Jhdictions Are Very CiirclUihle Marliters 3Tot Rei iMM lble for FailinBj

OIiserycTIiem Except inMatter tit WeUDcltiicd StoMMK

cHARLESToN S C Nov 15 TheUnited States Circuit Court of Appealshas decided that mariners are not respon-sible tor damages sQwing out of failureto observe the Government weather fore-

casts with a possible exception In thecase of welldeHued storms traveling ma given direction The opinion was givenin Richmond Va and copies have beenreceived here by the principals-

Mr Porcher a rice dealer of Charles-ton filed proceedings against the StGeorge for damages to 1406 bags of ricewhich had been here from

The rice wasiinloaded on an un-

covered vharf and before it wasthere was a heavy rainfall Judge Brawley of the District Court heard the caseand awarded damages An appeal wastaken

The precipitation at Charleston on July23 the day the rice was unloaded was160 inches Light showers had beenpredicted by the bureau According tothe finding of the District Court the master was negligent in landing the rice inthe face of a threatened storm

We are not prepared says the Cir-

cuit Court of Appeals to give these pre-

dictions of the Weather Bureau the char-acter of established facts the failure toobserve which shall constitute negligence-In any of the business relations of lifeThe scjence f forecasting the weatherhas not reached the degree of exactnesswhich will justify the court in saying thatmen In their everyday vocations whstharseafaring men or others are bound to takenotice of and be guided by its local fore-casts and that it is negligent not to observe them

TIle case Is different where storms ofgreat violence and extent occur on ourAtlantic coast and where Information oftheir existence course and the probabletime at which they will reach designatedpoints is given by telegraphic communication and by storm signals If these arebrought to the notice of the master or itIs his duty to take cognizance of them hewould be hound to observe them

It may be questioned if there is anythirrz or which the general public is ex-

pected to take cognizance that Is less reliable than are the daily weather forecasts j

to which It is accustomedWere we disposed to give the weaker j

forecasts the weight allowed them by theDistrict Court there is no evidence thatthey were brought to the attention oi themaster Further if the master boundto take notice of the weather predIctIonsbe should only be held liable for not provOting against the light showsrs predicted

which as the record shows thetarpaulins would have afforded sufficient

for the rice airJ not be requiredto provide against such an unexpected and j

heavy downpour of rain as that which didthe damage and was not by the

nitf jc v jthe consignee lead equal oppor-

tunity at the least with master fothOstociJi the atj r being an j

case was through an Inour view the District Court should havedismissed the libel


Kenrncy 3IiIltnrj Institute Staiieiit-HlmiifcM Their Dfalike

KEARNEY Neb 2 ov 15 lAnsituation has developed at tile Kearney

Military Institute For a week the placehas been in an Half the studentsare stepping at the hotels of tile city Theofilciais are at the point of fighting Yes-terday Bishop Groves interfered deposedthe head of the institute Rev Dr Crittenden and placed Prof Harry Russell incharge The present sensational Incidentsare said to be the culmination of si seriesof rows between the students and the headof the institute

The Kearney Military Institute is anaristocratic place for the training of West

youths The rebellious boys becameexasperated at Dr Chittenderi The stu-dents state that they ducked the reverendtutor In the horse trough This

of dislike occurred Saturday andfour young men were excelled

The ducking is disputed by the doctorIt is vouched for however by several stu-dents who a crt that the occasion wasSaturday night A crowd of the rebelswere masked and caught the doctor as hewas crossing the parade ground

Monday when the four ringleadersexpelled fifty of the boys quit the schoolIn a body a a protest They were ac-companied by Prof Russell who said theboys had not been treated rightly

One of Mnrclie LessonMme Marches in Harpers Bazar

Now comes your my prettyblonde soprano Your companions nameIs Marie what is pray BerthaNow then bloatle Bertha ascend th

What do you too shrink front theordeal No harm befell your predecessor-so quick do not waste precious time Iam aware that my amiable American pu-pils prefer private instruction sad this Isometimes impart but quite exception-ally as already noted One learns lesswhen one stands ever in presence of ones-elf Your high soprano vpices are easier

to develop than the contraltosand mezaosopranos but you have a lessextended chest register In many coun-tries the wrong emphatically wrongopinion prevails that the cultivation ofthe chest tones not only damages th de-

velopment of the high tones buttheir complete loss A voice withoutchest tones is like a violin without a Gstring So now my blonde Bertha bravelybring out your chest tones as far as Dor E flat re or mi bemol and then proceed to the medium Believe me no injury will be done your voice Tn the

necessary What are you about nowWhy do you try to go on C tdo from themedium to the headvoice You say youlearned to Jo so This is sheer nonsense The medium voice from F nat-ural fa to F fa on the fifth line is thfoundation of the female voice speakin medium tones How can one sing anandante a cantilena when one proceedsto the head voice on C do What IfI understand you rightly you say that oncertain occasions you have used the

tones This too all wrong Theregisters must be completely cultivatedand united before one sings on wordsGood very good You have Understoodme perfectly You see that the use of themedium presents no difficulties the pas-

sage to the headtones too is excellentHow now You wish to sing higher andstill higher This you must not domust not continually fret the limIts ofthe voice Prudence is the mother ofwisdom Do not forget It When I hearthe twittering on the highest tones thatpeople like perhaps in your native country but that they admire less fr Europe rlam always reminded of a remarkot Rossinis who was wont to call tIcshigh tones not headtones but skulKtones We have sung today inz dearBertha several scales in the next

you shall have other exercises


tIn te esting

pt lre

to the









dietedIlocal eat jt 1-


Englith therecord showing that his in this

interpreter I

















I scale you can change before this it-


We j


me-dium is






cqualneezT with the Ianage





























or Diseased Kidneys Poison the BloodBreak Down the Entire System and

e Bring on Brigfats Disease

To ove What Great Kidney Remedy SwampRoot WillYOU AH Our Readers May Have a Sampled

S Bottle Sent Absolutely Free by Mail

Laboratory where KHney Remedy is

0s if i J-St



SwampRooI thcWorldFamo1 pre




theDo for





You know what happens to a sewer whenIt becomes clogged dont you

Do you know what happens to the humansystem when the kidneys cloggedThey are unable to throw cut the

from the blood and become Infectedwith poisons they decay fall apart andpass out in the urIne the blood unfilteredcarries the poison all through the systemand If not checked death follows Thekidneys are the sewers of the human systemWhen your kidneys are not doing theirwork some of the symptoms which proveit to you are pain or dull ache in the backexcess of uric acid gravel rheumaticpains sediment In the urine scanty supply scalding Irritation in passing Itobliged togo often during the and toget up many times during the night toempty the bladder sleeplessness nervousIrritability dizziness irregular heartfareathlessness sallow unhealthy com-plexion puffy or dark circles under theeyes sometimes the feet limbs or bodybloat loss of ambition general weaknessand aebility

When yon are sick or feet badly theSrst thing you should do is to afford aidto your kidneys by using Dr KilmersSwampRoot the great kidney remedy

Jn taking SwampRoot you afford natu-ral help to nature for SwampRoot Is themost perfect healer and gentle aid to thekidneys that Is known to medical science

Perhaps you are in doubt about yourkidneys and want to find out Heres a sim-ple test Take from your urine passedwhen you arise in the morning about fourounces place It in a and let it












stand for twentyfour hours If uponexamination you find any settlings or sedi-ment if It is milky or cloudy or if parti-cles float about in It disease has gotten afoothold In your kidneys and nature iscalling for help

If you have the slightest symptoms otkidney or bladder trouble or If there is atrace of It in your family history youwould profit by taking S ampRoot everynow and then as a preventive mid thusabsolutely forestall kidney and laddertroubles

The famous new discovery SwampRoot has been tested In so many ways Inhospital work in private practice amongthe helpless too poor to purchase relief

has proved so successful in everythat a special arrangement has been

made with The Times by whichour readers who have not already

tried it may have a sample bottlesent absolutely free by mail else a booktelling all about kidney and bladder dis-eases and containing some of the thou-sands of testimonial letters from men endwomen reclaimed to lives of happiness andusefulness by the means of SwampRoot-the great kidney remedy

SwampRoot is pleasant take andis so remarkably successful that our read-ers are advised to write for a free samplebottle and to be sure and state that youread this generous offer in The Washington Evening Times when sending your address Iti Dr KHmer Co BinghaaatonX Y

If you are already convinced that SwampRoot is what you need you can purchasethe regular 50cent and 51 size bottles atthe drug stores everywhere















722 Seventh Street HW 722 Seventh Street O

Formerly at 9IQ F StreetBig sale just inaugurated at our new place We have about 3000 pairs of

odds and ends in mens lsates and shoes Which we will close out at agreat sacrifice in the next tin days They consist of 1000 pairs manufacturersfinesample shoes 0000 pairs of mens and ladies fine handsewed tan shoes 1000pairs of misses boys and iildrens fine sample shoes in black and tan Must beclosed out regardless of cot This Trill be a great opportunity to lay in a supplyfor this winter

Special Notice These Shoes Piaceion Tables


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extension soles Regu ft ilar price 250 and 3 I HTprice P

Lot 2JGsses line sewed shoes in button or

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l s


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L73 and 2 grades Sale


Lot3Mens handsewed lace or Blucher in

tan russet calf Willow calf and vicPkid Every pair guaranteed-to ba 5250 and 53 quality AC

LOt AnBoys fine calf and box calf shoes

With good heavy soles for school wearEvery pair guaranteed towear Regular L7 and 2

quality Sale price v

u Jl5

1 Ltg


Ask Your

72 7thNW HERRINGSFormerly at F Street NV

for Checks




2Irsj Malvina JPrnnlcr Aprniii Ircmi-ncntly Before the PuUlie

BURLINGTON VL Nov 15 Tucsaajrforenoon an attempt was made to poisontics ilalvina Pranier of this city MisPremier Is the young woman who

a few months ago damages of 15

alienation of affections brought againstUlllan Ashor Campbell of Pishkill enthe Hudson This suit has clusteredabout it various matrimonial infelicities

Tuesday morning Mrs Prosier wasnot well and called a physician who leftmedicines Half an hour after he E d left-a young man about eighteen years oldand unknown to her came to the house



tained1100 In a court in t ofNew York case



and left a vial of tablets saying the doc-tor wanted her to take one every fifteenminutes She took one and felt a burn-ing sensation In her throat and stomachwhich was followed by vomiting Sus-picion was aroused and the physician re-

called when the suspicion that a crlmirhad been attempted was confirmed by its

that no medicine had beanby him Antidotes were administered ailirno ill remained except those ofnervous excitement Mrs rrunier instwo children f

Collaterals ForfeltttlThe bummer collaterals were forfeited iff

Police Court this morales Hsrry pFrank 31 Simpson Frank Hay n proirfanity and disorderly conduct aSIEdward HeaRac for cruelty to aB5wal aa l-

Clwrles Xicliols for riding his wheel os ewrside tile street v



Tilt ulS-suit tot








Royal 250 notand handsome but they giYe

that peculiar footease rarel at-tained in new shoes We fit theifchardtoplease kind Maybe wecan please you Try us No neeelto pay 350 for shoes when RoyalShoes are only

afc BBHS H-


R IShoesare only

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