
THE EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON WEDNESDAY MAY 23 1900 U T 1 II hELP VANTED FEMALE WAXTRDYounfr lady clerk alto lady nt plaeca 1 H O st nw 2 1 floor awav fer summer bring rrfi 1723 Mas aYe It cm WANTHD Coed cook private family no vAtn ing Apply Ifg 8th nw Item WANTED Wtanan firstclass cook Apply 488- La5avc nw Item WANTEDGood cook also chambermaid 1S02 II st nw boteracnt Item WANTEDCirl for general housework stay nights IMS 5th st ncr rnySStcrn WANTED Woman far general housework willing to way SOT summer Ill B st Be Item 1710 11th st nw 2d flat WANTEI YoiH girl to in haMCWor sta- l orac niehU 1720 II st ne mySSStera WANTED A girl or middlcSRcd woman white to Miit in eire of children and light house- work ano wfoe nn be treated aa a member of the family ceed home Apply at 913 L st nw Item agents na boob good pay pinaanent place lill C st nw second hoer WANTED A fiwtckia skirt and waist lun1 no fcr prwral homework refrrcnces I required 1 Tcmirtse aye ne It I WASTED wfche girls to wait In cafe Apply 4ttt h st nw ray St WANTKI Two RlrU plain cook and chtmber j no laundry private family small girL Enquire 11th at nw It WANTETJ VWte wen to do general housework roast rtay eights St 1 st nw It WANTED White girl about 12 yeara oW for camfttnhm and a Ut with J xiMwork smaU family teed home Address BOX 115 this office It WANTED Woman to cook trash iron and do gencrat housework small family stay at I night MB II st nw iny2S2t WASTED A taHert4 to work on bushelinff Ap I ply at J 31 STEIN 4 CO 113 11th j rny233t WASTED A woman for general housework and assfct in wotMng 23 New Jersey se It WANTED Colored woman hot small family must stay at night 0 L st nw It WAXTHDClrl for Reneral housework in family of three adults Call after 630 p m llifi Park Place ne It WASTED Stenographer and typist young ladies for summer rcrorta houseworkcrs and cooks BUSINESS BUREAU 1200 sew York ave nw It WANTED 2 young colored men fer housework and care for horses 3 dish washers 2 waiters SiHACKLEFOHD 90S E nw It WASTED XSee respectable your white widow for housekeeper stay nights Address BOX this office It WASTED General Iwuwworkw 13 family of 2 leave city 6 other cenet1 houseworkers LADIES EXCHANGE 611 13th It WASTED Five or six swift neat sewers on thin drcssva Call after 6p m 403 1st st nw my223tcm WANTED Servant for light housework call im Anediatrly it rt nw my223t WANTED Wafet and skirt hands call after p m 1536 17tU st nvr rny223t- WANTEDSeveral colored ladles of addres to convaes for a good selling article 2 to S3 a day easily made Apply to MRS LIVINGSTON C14 9th st nw my2 2t- WANTSI A nest colored girl for light house work 5S th st sw myilStem- ANTrD Piretdass vaist hinds sad JwprOY H- t tth et nw niy413t- TTANTSD A respectable settled woman to cook rah and iron Call 2214 X si nw HELP AVAXTien MALE AND WANTED Man and woman experienced oa old ard new tailoring 1981 llth sL nw rnj213t- VAXTED AC EXTS WANTED agents mile and female novelty to sell ladies large proto Call 9 to 12 a JB 3 8 p m 119 10th st nw ny22tero- WASTEDAgeBt ROOM SI Pacific Btiildtii- TVANTKD AREDts to seH De Luc edftton of an HMrican OoBUoa or Life awl These f 1 Parks Address with eels E W STEPHENS PabHsocr CMurabia Mo inySllt SITUATIONS 1VAATED FE3IALE- WAXTEn r yountr lady position in family ran teach music vocal to third grade also nr Iii chiidrea Ifcx 15S this office Item WASTED By a colored woman a plaee to r work out ty the day Iteply 474 WaoMw- ie t Item WASTED Hy a ropectabie colored girt place as tiaras fur scull children Addnw M V liAR KISON AmcoctM P 0 HiHtdale I O It WASTKDloitetaMe colored Idacv s cook or chanbetiMM references 130- 6Kd at nw mrSSS- tItArriEn By white montan pbee as nurse or to attend iBvaKd train June 1 AiMrett BOX Jtt this ayEttW- AXTBD By evlored Riri gtnenl homework in maK family Call 1725 llth i BW- ray22lt CASTRO By nepcctaUe WOHWB poeition as housekeeper widower with sstaH family boot ol reb Addr e Box 127 this ottce- ntfSl9tcm WASTED By respectable neat colored woman place ai cook 1J14 lith tt nw raySl3tem SITUATIONS VVAATED lAIE WASTED By a trustwtrthy man with as collector clerk or satamm Box 157 thH otrtee wANTRD By OUUK colored man paMtkM in tailor Addrets J E B Ml S th st nvr WASTED A boy of 1C ww W like to have wctk- ta bee w proctrj tore Address 1L A II HyaUgrillr It WASTED By w pectabl young colored man Itteoe as porter bellman valet or coachman well experienced in horses and thoroughly ac- quriMcd with city ereeHenttity re Box 1J6- IbfE office WAXTED UOO31S- AN i KD 2 nnfurniihed rooms for light house leeping in northeast not over Addrew UClA 141 this office it WASTED 2 or 3 unfurnished zooms for light housekeeping not over I8 per month BOX 151 this office It weekly U flfl1t 12th- at Iten- WTlI1lrre waltresus per W nurse for children mu go 1lC sL go for general housework Ppi WArn 3 led It others nero 115 20th st A EnGirl mild 1 < snot nee I st 5 good t mUSt Rk land and wash womsa ohlkw for ref tem m tem 1 S cokctor 7 5L nw tws sate1tjIes ltcm- iiiindtc WANTEIClti 1ti assist apy av It- t st- ow O lEA lit r mttfem e waulS best this alp mitzR Ad- dress > > ± > WANTED HOUSES miMteaged alone reHtWc slid trustworthy would take charge of liowe fir poTty leaving city for use of an nn- fmufchV room Address BOX 130 this otBce WASTED A couple without children would care sense of family Irovinp city for use oT three r onu Addren Box 128 this office AVVXTED niCTCUES BEFORE selling bicycle t t my cash otter CACLB EXCHANGE 740 10th st nw CASH paid for bicyclos at list Cth st nw my37t- VAXTED HOUSES AND VEHICLES VASTKDBy drntiit the use of a horse and libaeton cr buggy one or two evenings a is excjiBge for dental work Box IfiO this office lten- FOi SALE roiiy and harness 85 Stable corner 81 t aiyl I ate aw mv233t- WAXrED Horses to pasture terms reasonable JLIdreas JOn TABROXV Eli 17th St- myl 1lmo WASTED Hones to pasture 3 per mouth S 1- 1BYRSE Alexandria Va mylOlra- oVAATEIJCOUXTRY llOAnD WANTED By young married couplp boom and room for the tunimcr in some choice country Ykce with either private fanHy or at hotel not Ur from tho city and very rear street ear line Jsnns multrate Address BOX 112 this office my823tT- V ANTED At or near Chevy Chase board wife and child C years moderate Address DIXOX care B O Baggage Room City m 22St STORAGE STORAGE 75 cents per load TSITKD STATES KTOUACE CO 420 10th st nr xaf23U A RDA lady p my the my3t week for- man 6 rfeetly c i m1Eexn your 5 > HELP MALE ASTKD Lurtehrcem clerk 5 weekly and man for office POST EXCHANGE 515 12th St nw WASTED Active white man to clean windows Room 210 Stewart IICe Cth and D eta ny233tem WASTED Two colored boys to carry signs good pay 1111 G st nw 3d floor Ittrn WASTED First rook white perma nent place firstclass pay 1411 G t nw Zd floor Item WASTED White boy HIRSH WE1LL 912 F st nw Item WASTED A strong boy about IS years of age t r worlt in factory Apply 336 Pa five nw bet 7 sod S a m ltcm WASTED Cake baker OTTEXBER- GWASTEDFirstcloi man cook Apply 480 La ave nw Item VASTEDJIan for cleaning and pnssine 21 7th st sw Item WASTED A man to work on finn married or single Address Box IOC this office mvSStrm Baker for baking bread cake and pin 741 8th C w Item WASTED Solicitors to sell teas and coffee salary or commission Apply Room 17 085 F st nw item WASTEDSecond cook colored to go away fare paid permanent place good wages Call S oclock sharp 1111 G st nw second flutr It- WANTEDCood shoemaker at 2101 llth st- nw It WASTED Boy to clerk age 1C bring reference Apply st nw it WASTED Xia or boy to attend to 2 horses alas man coA Enquire 1036 llth tt nw It WASTED X dieted hoya who can sing and dance 16 years old but small Ap ply to JACK X0 WORTH 5 0 Wednesuay stage door Grand Opera Items It WASTED 25 good men to go to West Virginu to uorlc on miimad good wages and fare paid Call at 1908 4th st nw Wednesday at 2 It WASTED White foutiuan for Car Harbor clerical and domestic pOjiti D secured Chill at ccce HALL 702 ISth It WASTED 2 reliable men to canvass household fpecialtiw firstclass line of goods and good commission 04 3th st nw It WASTED Boy to wort in bicycle repair shop Apply 33 II Et nw It WASTED Vflrite farmer place near city office fee 1 also good woman cook 611 ISth It WANTED 3 bushriraen Apply ready for work at 8 a m JL P KITZSlilMONS fllO F st nw WASTED A LJshelman energetic Call H33 nw M S JOHNSON It WANTED Cood man to work in oyster house SCM M It It WASTED SteaoRrapher and typewriter of all kinds furnished us BUSINESS BUKEU 1200 New Vrk avc It WASTED Energetic Kidman school supplies country work SlX Khirv and extras B O EVANS CO Chicago 11L ap22252S29my25Cel213ial020232G2I- VASTFDA boy with a bicycle Apply room 11 Warder huildinr I th And F fits nw It WASTED 2 buiheTrnen must be practical coat makers Apply J M STEIN k CO 413 llth- ft nvr myt 3t WASTED Sober white barber steady out of town job 12 per week Aj plr 17S Pa ave royS38t J v itcm nan iOOS st IIW JOlt Item wi rFD light once ie It P- ale positions ace ft 4j 1W must ¬ ¬ TV ANTED Carpenter or young men handy with took to make and put up window serwns- WANTEDniohcI an at once Apply ready for weak eoMpy iiiurrz MEBTZ F tt WASTED InthMtriouj boy to learn etectroptatlac 407 ay st nw mySJtem- WASTK A shoemaker at Pa ave nw iay223teJB- WASTHD Manager for aad only experiraccd apply to THK HOTEL AGKXCY 613 7th st rajJ VfAXVRO BtMhriami at oeee W r easily for ready work good MBRTZ hERTZ MS rnj St- TVANTEDI p rieMmi route for arilk boil ness Ad4nsg BOX this office ray213t- VANTEDBarUr at Meady work 11 II st nrSllt WANTED 50 carpenters at Chesapeake Botch X ptr day M bow only Antcla loechinicj- ceed apply mySlSt WASTED MM to barber trade only eight weeks required wages Saturdays while l ar- icc1 steady po Mowb B Wuawck all toots and tnmsportBtJoa before enterioa write for cata- logue and special iaduccraeats for hay MOLEItS BARBER SCHOOL 360 CaRd st New York City raylSBt WASTED Good solicitors for industrial insur- ance tick accident and death benefits a home institution iacorporated LIE a good chance Jor energetic man to make money Ap- ply to the old reliable CAPITAL CITY BESE KIT SOCIETY 45S La ave mbs nio VASTED3IISCELLAEOCSW- VSTEDShirt waists to make 50c wash suIts L75 t guaranteed MRS HICH II K BW HIGHEST price pH los goats dotbinp watches pistole and jewelry J COHEN 1MM 7tfc at a c ray5itftBs- WASTBD Two three rolltop deks ta t bt- ckMp for cash Adss BOX f7 thu ottce ray21Jt- WAXTKDOM hair Address BOX US this office my l3t WANTED Furniture also stocks aw fixtBres FRIES t HOPVVOOD Sib sod K stiinr myai3t HOODS Bakicg Powder Worlds Best 5 10 i lie mv3lf FRESH country milk delivered dally cents quart Box 415 this office ap23lmccm WASTED Highest cash prices paid for and castoff clothing drop postal Ill call B TARSHES 1306 7th et mr in27l3 WANTED Old brass copper lead zinc and other metals also books paper stock and bottles for this material we pay the best prices Address BAUU BUGS 2000 7th at nw apC3tfem OLD STAMPS Highest prices paid for old all kinds used cr unused deportment proofs also foreign no T BARTELS T23 llth sL WASTED 5or highest prices metals Iron rubber paper stock machinery tools etc II BERSHE1MER 926923 C st nw phone 2273 JaJltf a cp Incs fit ow lOG It 11 restaurant need Pat agent 218 nee loire wy4t ur 6 ladIes gents iron rub- ber and common nl mhiitf cash 43 thi hi hotel pay k ores do- nated chance to sorn free board 77 drop postaL mattresses cgsteats of houses bought It > ± ¬ HIGHEST paid for secondhand bicycles alto taken on storage 421 Dth it nw ocStftmL- OST Bteek Eton coot during night parade ef Sbriucri Ia ave bet ISth and 15th sts nw Return to 3011 M fct nw receive reword Item LOST Tu s fay in nefehborbeed 3d ned K sts nw Iwbys lock chain bracelet E N lock liberal reward 300 E st nw LOST Monday evening bet 15th and 19th sta- nv dragon fly enameled pia Reward if to olive of Shorebam item LOSTOn 15th St Va ave childs white bat trimmed with bUck velvet reward 3161 Itth st nw LOST A ftnall wWte lox terrier with black spots oji ears Return to hISS A st and receive reward rey223tcm- f REWARD Lost at River View Sunday Mat 20 solItaire diamond ring and stud Return to til B st nw and receive reword my223t- FOUXD Pocketbook owner can have it by prov- ing property Box JW this office Item FIGHTING THE MiLK TRUST Pure rich AI dernry milk 6 cents per quart served twice daily direct from finn drop postal to sex 26 this office ap23lmocm HOODS flaking Pcwflcr Worlds Beat 5 10 lie my3tf ICE CREAM 70c gallon not made la filthy crUst but above ground for sewer gas abounds in cellars and rreeds typhoid and diph- theria etc moral dont eat that kind LACEYS ia pure and GOT N Y ave Phone 2CS- LipfStfem TABLE BOAKD 213 13TII ST S W Firstclass accommodations for Shriners 1 per cicht with breakfast price LOST my3Ztem near It lie deli clot mJ22t L- en re- turned FOUND ¬ FOR RENT nOOMS FOR REST Furnished rooms C 7 and 3 gen- tlemen C22 K et nw my23Stem FOR REST Nice fur rooms with bath 1 per week filth nw my233tcm FOR RENT Nicelyfur rooms moderate 111 E FURNISHED front room 10 abo front pyrjor- unfur suitable for office 15 705 Sth st nv- rmy233tem FOR RENT Large room fur or unfur with or without board for two 922 Mass ave nw Item FOR REST Newly furnished roams 2d floor 83 I at nw rnv33t FOR BEST 3 rooms and bath 3d floor facing Agricultural Grounds price 10 per month 1360 B st sw It FOR REST A large nicely furnished front room suitable for a married couple fS a month 87 Q st nvr my23 3t FOR REST 0 2 rooms furnished for 049 E st sir my234t FOR BENT Large back parlor furnished or un furnitlicd alto room on 2d floor front rent reasonable 704 nw my2Z3t FUR REST Newly and cleanly Kept rooms 2 and per week Ill 2 J it FOR REST Furnished front room 5 per month via L Et nw my2S3t FOR REST 1511 Corcoran St parlor suite exposure fur or unfur txUh or without I h k rent reasonable refs my223t em FOR RENT Two nicely fur rooms southern ex- posure convenient to Census Office 126 I st- nc myi23tem FOR RKXT Room to gentleman 1 per week lOO O st nw rorH3teni FOR REST Front room fL2G week 313 M nw my223tem loft REST Clean cool furnished ballroom SL23 207 G st nw my J3tem FOR REST JB13 X st nw desirable furnished rooms southern exposure summer rate roy223t FOR IIEST Three unfurnished of handsomely furnished tingle or en suite one large front rosin and two smaller private family house cool and convenient to cars 2COI Uni- versity place Columbia Heights myi23t FOR REST Nicelyfur room reasonable SST- Pa ave nw my213em FOR REST Fur rooms reasonable 815 9th st nw my213tcm FOIt BEST The finest rooms in Washington fur with or without board also large room fcc office terms reasonable HARRIS ROUSE sro E at nw my213tetn FOR REST 1035 N J aye nw for light 3 nicelyfur rooms 16 ref roy213tem FOR BEXT First floor large front room 1133 13th tt nw roytl3tem FURNISHED or unfur rooms M floor 120 E- st DC ray212tem FOR RET Neatlyfur front and ballroom 3d floor gentlemen preferred cheep 3T 3d st ne mySl8tern FOR RENT Four desirable rooms transients ac commodated E et nw my213t FOR RENT Elegant room in a private fUt 730- 7th it nw my21St FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms convenient to Census Office moderate 235 1st st nw rarflct FOR RENT Pleasant fur rooms at reasonable rates myl77tem FOR RENT Parlor and other front rooms nicely furnished newly papered cozy airy bath all gas 51 E st nw myl7 t m stem furnished no- m 2S south- ern s rooms new 221 smaller rooms So WI 0 lit nw Nat stow house- keeping Lit riO house- keeping ¬ ¬ ± ¬ FOR RENT UXFURXISJIED ROOMS lOU unfurnished mats M 2 on 3d floor S10 M It IOll UESTThree wifor Tosses M IGor d one 2ri Seer ajamjcr rates I3SS llth t B- Wray223tem FOR RENT Two airfimA d u rooms SW IMh st BW tnjrttK- POU nENTHatire seeoeM Sa r S nfee ana bath gas somber ral rl vr Capitol 61S N J ave rafttSt TWO enlar rooas Mgbt homke pi g or with board 113 24 st nc rattlSteiaE- LECAST alcove ufw ro Sea bath SS S Y ave nw i rH3t FOR REST Three large KOtwr rccrw porccbiBe beth ISth tt Jtur myl3teca FOit RESTTwo or iiuMr r tiff ow v- Ujt and II nw m1Stem 5fCIIIMI Doc c there 21- 1at fur rso 424 RENTS dose plea show rashes ill ROOMS AND I1OVRD ROOMS sad good bused 16 20 and t 1017 lith st nw jmyO t- EXCEEDINOLV de raMe HMMS ftretdaw board moderate summer riles M lows Curb FOR RENT I itnHihtd or ov onui4Kd MODM with board O M st nw aqraSt FOR REST Funutfced TOOM with or without board hot sod e M bush also tnauekt boarders acronHBodatcd 471 0 st nw mrtlt 713 K ST SW BewjtHuI large rwnw with board also tramlcntJ wy lSt FOR RENT Xfcelyf r treat i lit I st nw 1816 19TH ST X TV sw corner Ms newly and comfortably fur i titj cool rooms with firstclass board parlor traa dents accommodated central location rayM7t FOR Nicelyfur with board COB venient location hot water beat private ilr 411 8th st nw rahUtfin LADIES CAFE second floor meals at alt hours CONRAD GlUED restaurant CSS D st nw bet Cth and 7th Washington D d merchants lunch from It SO to 2 bat grades of beer my7lmoem FOR SALE HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE Good Und horse 6 years old cheap 315 Pa ave nw mySJSteti FOR SALE A good work horse cheap 1 3S ft- st nw mv233t FOR SALE Light express wagon 8 64 O st- w It FOR SALE Horse wagon and harness cheap 101 K st nu my2S3t FOR grocery wagons also one and a half II P electric motor nearly new Ap- ply TIn ALMA GROCERY CO 31S 9th st nvr my223tem FOR SALE Secondhand wagons carriages bug- gies lot old wheels 1210 Ohio are TnyS23t FOR driving mart 723 East Capitol st my223t FOR SALE Victoria coupe and rockaway cheap for cash Apply 1003 lith st mr my233t FOR SALE Pair good farm mules 110 slat wagon S5 buggy cheap 1061 D st my223t FOR SALE One fine driving mare 5 years old also runabout and harness cheap 911 3d nw nySI3tem FOR SALE Delivery wagon newly painted price S3j 113 4 st no FOR SALE OR EXCHANGEAt Murphys stable 4 st and Virginia ave sw 25 young sound horses family and city broke all acclimated some good saddle and drivers delivery wagons two pliaetocjs two traps two surreys sir bag- gies very reasonable prices DAVID MURPHY mylO7t FOR SALE BICYCLES CHEAPEST PLACE to buy bicycles 931 Sth st nw my223t FOR SALE Bargains in secondhand bicycles call and see our stock of wheels prices start at 3 CYCLE EXCHANGE 740 16th- st nw rav223t NOTICE Lack of storeroom compels us to close- out our newly remodeled bicycles at great sac- rifice cash buyers ecc them before buying our regular S2 tires reduced to SL75 LABOFISH BI- CYCLE MACHINIST 717 9th st nw roy2I5tem FOR SALE SC3 Orient Leader racing bicycle for 35 713 5th st sw my ict SAVE MOSEY by calling on us when you want to buy bicycle goods we sell everything that comes for a bike and sell at 10 per cent less thau any stnr in the city And our 20 bikes stand examination better than any 25 wheel In the city they are good ones but if you want one a little better in finish etc we have them at 425 gSO 35 give us a call aol see how wen we can prove these statements A CYCLE CO 1421 Pa ave Washington D C myl6tf FOR SALE PJAXOS FOR SALE A thoroughly good sweet and rich toned upright piano a great bar gain at 222 N J ave for sale or rent ray223t FOR RETlArae Id oc Scout with K 325 Q3ttMr- oRRF lArge pleaat alMW wleh pM tIIWe I MIl wits board 7te91 nET rooms fut SALETwo SALEFIne nee t b se roo boiri1 aw ory233t roo aoitbii- l hour ISI- SLsLnw ave dininrooess F yon e Ilit good thy ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = ½ FOR FOR BEST Sccond J flat three rooms and bath light and tap front and back porch SIS Sit B st FOR RET 1331 1 st se S 13 00 520 llth t se 4 rooms bath 13 00 714 10th st se C rooms and bath 14 00 These are all nice private fiats mylSOt S CARR 1355 Md ave ne roll KENT Flats 3122 llth t nw S rooms i perfect condition only 23 W P UETCALP 1905 F ti nw mh27 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE A very desirable corner lot and building on U st sw lot 00x100 suitable Tee fat apartment house or several residences LOUIS SIIOEJLVKER 920 F st nw my233t FOR SALE Four new houses C st ne twostory and cellar C rooms and both new rent each price 2500 each FRANK HARRISON War der Bldg 9th and F at nw my213tem- EUS1XESS CHANCES PRINTING every kind lowest rates hurried work books newspapers pamphlets pr crammea etc 500 envelopes 175 500 conk L50 500 typewritten letters 2LSD estimates rUBLiaUING HOUSK hilt SOS st rny234t ZEST located and payirg store on F at snaH expense opportunity te get floe wish iuhe business good rfSon DUNLAP 006 CIGAR IToRE for sale on Pa ave nw bit t bargain in the city price JlfiO Addrtes lION IK hii office my2S8tT- V ANTED A young roan with 5 M cask capital take half interMt in paying FOR SALE A soap attatbed 73 4th st se FOR SALELunch room 860 dining room SCO cigar 175 confectionery 229 gr ry- at rM fISO to SWO CAPITAL BUSIXE S iX CHANGE room 17 Atlantic Building rriy 33t POOL room Hce e for two tables cheap NEW YOW BUSINESS BROKERS 1005 F st- mv233t GROCERY doing fine business price 600 ill health NEW YORK BUSINESS BKOKKKS 1006 F 183iSat FOR SALE The Alexandria steam dye do log Iplendid bu in Rood reas tu for sellIng Address 127 South Fairfax st Alex Va FOR SALE Small grocery cigar and candy store 303 llth tt myZt3tera WANTED Partntr with 00 shipping business Address BOX 123 this WASTED Party with 100 for theatrical raise prise AddreSs BOX 194 this office mySSSt FOR SALE Drug stores excellent Joeitioe bar- gains 000 1200 31WX CAPITAL BUSI- NESS EXCHANGE Room 17 Atlantic Building KV 23t FOR SALE Grocery and poof eettonery busined Else cigars and tobacco rent including rooms 0 last location tot rath trade must be sold very cheap as owner gwng to leave city 751 Navy place st ray229t WANTED Party with J400 to invest at paying summer resort inimtdiste and grand opportunity to make money Call on R BAIXES BOO 9th cC nw mr 3tem YOUNG man with 1000 catb like U in- vest in sums paying bteincs Box 125 this office r j21 en3 FOR SLE SnaH dear and lataeeo store Ad drew J CRAIG Ilo D Va mril FOR SALE Barber bcp J K kar aio 2 furnished rooms and kitchen g 6d business J475 I av tee city 17 A YOUNG IAN M oa t wet competent m about saaie e for partner in vimJtvfMt theatrical performance BOX 117 tarlOt 1 hAVE iMttia cl rio t3 weekly worth wilt give MIL J AMrw4 BOX 1M s ySl3t HOODS Baking Powder Worlds Scat 5 U i 15- ray3tf FOR FOR story brick 7 rooms and bath Dl5 Mass live nw myul3tem 1tIE FLATS ne m tem Htb and C se ms 5 00 room 1 lJA I ont office It and wood yard stoic store myt2itcm so about I returns would la w would to tIN of of liberal for loiw U ft dUties this flISTIIOUSE5 REIcTtflud t2O3L13IETLGER ft ala i a- In lPJ331 good business who is willing to travel preferred Adsas- 110X153this ensi m93t work office inyftt inyI1 like Address that ssc as orcurity Istorest Want 1 uerou wide > > ¬ > > < > ¬ > = RETIRING SALE CcalcBts of store 429 9th it cw consisting of wall paper ol more than 46000 rolls sit the rawest latftit t as the style SO year ag from 2 come up apiece a wetl assortment d material for tar nitare covering ap5flrae n I selected apbll tar welt TIlE stack system in existence oared Income sod guaraatecd pnadpiL STUCK BKOKER5 P O BOX 1XH N Y dtStf FOR SALE ailSCELLAXEOCS FOR SALE O traixpareM pool TSt N FOR SALE liire in hoe S sl holds S quart- ers of beer j on tap could ke well tor Meat box Ca be sea at ANAOWHA INN 45 liar AstJcMtia B C MvO9ti FOR Frrwii Irish be a grey ow Waft Md tao nafl male 4 mimu Item PKlSTISf very kwd low MM hurried work books r oitiii pti aJm MO- KrasMMC etc MO c rel M 9L73 500 cards LM S0 typrwriMcsi irttcfs JL5f rttimatrvH- AYWORTH IUBLISHlSa HOUSE Sit 6tk st n FOR SALKSew Enetto cieciric JM coat 26 tell fe r- TOR choice thonaaMntd JenJ- OHBC fresh tcry bind ned ha- P FOR SALE25ft sail boat bu bargain 123 Enquire 1111 S tt BW atftiJ i FOR SALE Antique oak hat rack beveled sole roe holder for umbrellas and seat box abu threebwmer gas range with large oven ttnteiaM I conditioa Address BOX I3 thu office my22 t j FOR SALE Sew Lapland Refrigerator ice ea parity 136 lbs 1731 P st nw ntyilStem I FOR SALE Two ladders 16 and 24 feet 23 s oadhand window sash Salt 1 sand screen o oo t myrl tca FOR SALE Cheap new doors sash Winds XS pta st nw myliStim FOR SALE Large gasoline stove also ice cLost suitable far deity or store FRIES k HOP WOOD Sth and Kss nw FOR SALE Bevel plate mirrors French with oak or gilt frames ISiJO new goodi and clear as crystal FIIIES k 8th and K sts nw mrfist- Fwil SLE Ice boxes Southeast corner fth and K sts nw mv213t FOR SALE Gas range with oven for t to iC and large 2burner gas stove L Wicklus- C51 Pa ave se Phone No 473 FOR SALE One ladies Remington wheel 15 0 Call at once F 1225 Pa ave myl4tfem FOR SALE Good quality opaque shades fitted to windows only 25 the best quality oil opaque shades 50 cents hung free call with simples KLEEBLATrSllth and H ala ne- ayCtl i HOODS Baking rcwderrWorlds 5 10 i lit aey3tf FOR SALE The KxjEtcne bicycle for 1300 or gents equipped with best tires sty gear one year guarantee 23 ACME REPAIi BICYCLE CO 1743 nw p28lmoera CARLOAD of screens the right kind cf flystop- pera from 15c up doors complete with all fixtures 5c fancy pails 115 tcrern sire 2c from 20c yard up KLEEBLATTS llth a H- st ap2J a FOR SALE JS for hair nvattresscs in two parts lounges 275 5 cool and heating stoves 3 parlor and bedroom euitci 1 per week we are after furnishing your house cash or credit RED MONK Ill and 313 7th st nw dc4tfcm COUNTRY DOARD WANTED Summer boarders wanted an the Po- tomac onehalf mile from River View A Miss L a EDELEN New Chits Md my237t FOR a pleasant summer boarding place near Rican burg Shenandoah a esquire 513 M t nw my2 3t 5 MILES from corner 7th t and Fla are near electric and straw cars a private family offers 2dtory front room with firstclass table house modem grounds high with wellshaded lawn vets exchanged P O BOX 11 Linden Mtt my223t MOUNT HQLLY HOUSEEighty miles down Po- tomac oysters fish and crabs mineral springs rail and row boats free YRS J CL DAVIS Mount Holly Va raylB7tem FOR SUMMER BOARD apply to MISS NETTlE WILEY Lcesburg Loudoun Co Va inylfiHt TIll WASHIKOTOlf COLLEGE formerly the Eckington 3d and T Its ne will open to summer boarders June 1 rooms may now be seen and engaged mjlIicoe- mTT finest large as I Cap I r I IlL nase booed C Et I CIIpc stole IiII3 SALEA oitS I Enquire st ow JIC WOOD I Flame Oil Store 50 up D 1LX myl9itcm C Bet ladies PLan equate foot screens to floor ne dross fancy usa nt as73tri risc SAL buS double sue ores old 7 so th3 F at ow- 5323Zt s SIS Fat ow suyVli znyll3t Blue i l1Th AND maie order olhcntia > ¬ FOR SALE OR REXT HOUSES THOS WAGGANIAN Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer F Street N W FOR SALE NORTHWEST BOO 8 r bath and i mI Each3000 U25 Oth fh 6r lot hiPS tt 2 SOl 25th bh 2 rtoriea Cr a m i 2 50 2133 H b h 2 sioric Cr a mI 2 0 417 410 421 Ct fc 3r iH 15 and 16 ilcCtlloush b hs 4r each 700 SOUTHWEST 333 N bb Cr and bath 2800- J13 10th bh 4r and back building 2700 and 3JI M t ha 5r each stable 2500 KORTHEAE7 7S lib st f h cellar Sr both a mi 5J 0- UD bh 2 stories 7r bath a m i X 1127 12th at k k i i i n 3sM- G st bh Cr bath and m I SJ atr DJ dwelling Or 3 J 15th et stOre and dwetlicg 2 50 1130 5th bh 2 stories 2r lot 13x105 ft 1400 fag A b h llr and a m I 3 lEE A b li 12r bath and a m i 218 X J ave b h Itr bath and a m i 7003 3 to 43 2d b hs Or ami Each MOO 233 E bh 6r Uth and a rn i 3 321 and 223 D b hs 6r each Each 30M 413 L fh Cr 1st 25103 ft 180IJ 1112 K f b Sr lot 1 U02 ft I500 list X J b h 4r l K f h 5r lot 14x111 7W FORRENT Ne 1119 si Cr 17- Ne 111 istfc it Sr M- Ne 85 II M fir K 59 Ne 824 3V tt tr S Se 6iS 354 st 4r S3- e 16QS Norris str Sr Norris st 4r Sc 31 S Capitol st Itr 3- Se 129 NV a ave 7r 25 4J- S 135 N C ave r 25 4J- Sc i ioth it lOr 1- Se 200 Sib st Sr 14 Se 410 S Capitol t 6r 12- Se 95 st 5r M 59- Se 780 Sth st 7r 19 50 Se lilt 11th st Or 18 39 Se 305 Uhh it Sr 00 Se 921 Ga 8r 30 Se 023 Ca ave r Se 1122 K St 4r 4 SO Apply at offics f3r Wsjtf Balislh TIllS WILL iatorert you drop postal a4 receive highest price for gents castoff garmeU and firearms S ATLAS S27 D st ray2S9teHi HOTELS lacchrooma grocery stores supplied with Ald rn y milk at IS per gaUen S6 this offiee y2 7t m WANTED 600 people to have photos nude at THE NONPAREIL STUDIO 9S7 F st nw 4 pi tin cabinet orals for SOc for only S day earns early 927 F st mr223t AWNINGS pr window fiist aas work no de- lay C DIMMICK Sth and It I ave my219tem FULL DRESS SUITS for hire L JULIUS CO- HEN 110 7th st cw jny21aem FOR RENT New hoisting engine elevat- ors extra fast OH F t sw zar21 tem Wily NOT have your Soar linens wufcd and frond before y put them down this summer we do theta up equal to 5c a sj yd RAL RICH ELECTRIC LAUNDRY CO 2W7 7th 4 sw rar2lltem BAD BILLS COLLECTED ar IM efeatre IL D GORDON AtUrneyatLaw 1SSS F at GOLD PLATING on 1 sliver plating net eaVn KkSt w royl77t DESIGNS for Interior ee nUoas are much similar t 1eiapertui style ooiy tea etefeerat- e pt mc a ef ny ort of the AacicnU C OLSEN CO 6J 9th st BW TetophoM- 2W3 apl7ls HOODS flaking Powder Worlds 5 19 1 lie ay3tt CAPITAL CLOCK REIAIRING CO USa 7th t cw Any oriiirury dock cleaned 5c watches cleaned 6c up misdeal box rcpabruig aad H other work as low in pcopartien MtHtiction guaranteed teatf postal Till tail for sad sliver tree to any pen e IHttrict inMUD- OOEDINDIXG AND PRINTING BuA one volume sagazue 75 cents other hjuHa I equally u cheap prwtiag 569 cards 75 ceau other printing as cheap WILLIAMS CU 7th tt cw Chance W Dowden Manager fe2tf E 917 to 1tI3 50th lIolJj e 1iOO 312 both Cr a i flfJ > 3 1J t II bath tiTJ Intersection of Ya sac and I st fL ooo ave lU k 15 30 Ilea ave t 9 38 MISCELLANEOUS lisa m L l myti4t J hans Bert I his Is 5574 l lIt 50 30 IS eta 2 double new watches k < I r fly > < > °°° > > < < ¬ ¬ ° ° PROPOSALS UOCSK W JtKPRESEXTATlVJB WASHINGTON n C STATIOXHir UN1TEO STATICS- OFVICB mMSM Or KKPR eKTATtVBS- VXTTKl STATtS VX HtXCTON U C MAY M IMHi Staled mpokslB W rrctivcd at this man TWECVEOrCLCTI M Jti- H namtshea oai ayiMicACwi cleft cirrk reserves the rtffht waive defects sad reject any soul all the Cut cf the MOM tare cWnce X Mc- DOHELL Clerk C- IKKSE Of REMIESBNTATTVES WASHINGTON D C PROPOSALS FOR FUEL CUMBTS OFFICE 1WCSB Or REPRESENTATIVES UNITED STATES WASHINGTON D C MAY St IWft SaW yrojinals win h received at this oOee Mil H OCLOCK X VTCKDAT JlNE 19 for the delmry of two thimiai hue more or tm of the best white tanaee alw eee baadred and Sfty or f the best aiae and hundred a4 flftr UO conk oe or to heat oak wood a way W orated at the ef doriaa the iWal year 1 said wood and to W- deffi rrd aad stored in the multi f the south wine of the Capitol at times a d each t antitie a may lie ordered by the fleck of Hotu of IteB x 224- l e in three S pieces The wood taust ore ifS feet to the cord The right to re- weigh the Gal at the Capitol and the Icat t reject say tad all bids te reserved The bath to If endorsed Propoesb for Wood and Cool sad addressed UX McDowell Clock t tie house of United States X MeDOWELL Clerk House of Representatives Unitwl States ay2399icfilS PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTING ARCH OVER THE MOUTH OF BROAD BRANCH OFFICE OF TilE COMMISSIONERS D C Washington D C May 15 1MB SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 OCLOCK NOON OX SATURDAY JUNE 9 1900 for contracting arch over the mouth of Broad Brandt Alt neces- sary information will be tarnished on application to the Engineer D C together with specifications and btenk forms ol proposal IL B F MACFARLAXD JOHN W ROSS LAX SING IL BEACH Commissioners D C myl7GtexSu LEGAL NOTICES nf THE SUPREME COURT OF TOE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOLDING A SPECIAL TERM FOR ORPHANS COURT BUSINESS In the matter of the estate of JEANXETTE C CAM MACK Deceased No hilL Doc Xo 2CL Upon motion of James IL West cavcatar by his attorneys Douglass Dou Iaa and U florid it is this the 1st day of May 1000 or dered that Lillie Edna West or Taylor is hereby notified that the issues heretofore framed in this case relating to the validity of the paper writing bearing date the 10th day of April 1 00 pur- porting to be the last will and testament of Jeannette C Carmnack deceased will be tried In this court on the ISTH DAY OF JUNE ivCO It is further ordered that a copy of tj order nd a copy of the issues heretofore framed be published in The Evening Times for a period of a for four successive weeks ClIAS a COLE J A DENT Register of Wills IX THE SUPREME COURT OF TIlE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOLDING A SPECIAL TERM FOR ORPILVXS COURT BUSINESS la the matter of the estate of JEANNETTE C CAM MACK Administration o 82S1 Doe No 23 consideration of the rarest flied in the above entitled cause and the answer thereto it is this DAY OF MARCH A D 1800 ordered that the following be and they are here- by certified for trial by jury in this court 1 Was the paper writing bearing dat the 10th thy of April 1S09 liD offered for prbatc and record as the last will and testament of the real estate and personal property of the said Jeannette- C Cammaek by the undue influence of John Miller cr rf any other person cr t Was the said Jeannette Canunaclr at the tiiae of the execution of sid paper writing bear ice date the 10th day of and o3cred for probate and record as the last will and testa- ment of real estate and personal property of Jeannette C Cammaci of sound mind capable of executing a Valid deed or contract CHAS CL COLE J A true copy Tat LOUIS A DENT Register of Wills District ol Columbia May 2 1800 ffly35912lf 192323 IIOlK ot J e S- b nJQIIC Ii H- tathft dosing howl your ending Shank lere of blush OIIda lie to lbs tbt The to bid or of should oe to the It si U of Rstabno- I for Iaa be iS at the States ol Kep- RratiWlf MIa cool ISO sparer tile n coal sock if e The tIMId to the tOIl and tM uk wood oroit cat cubic Con ierer Levi C toe eele Juert LOUIS issues C AItN1AFI1XSCLRKS will 1960 fur furuloldog itatiseery tha the Jsue IS iiM propesak sod 7 iaiertiou parts Idda PropsasIs adikeeiei llouor aed endorsed Statiosery sod spacioreus es ut h4use 30JeS13 IS SIS screened cords wore has one of Representatives idlng Julie IS ties coal weigh 1 wear said SOT persona < > ¬ ¬ = > ¬ STEAMBOATS fforfolk Washington Steamboat Co Every In tie year for Norfolk News and all points South by the superb steel steamers Newport News Norfolk and Wash on the following schedule LT Wa alnrtant30 pm LT Porttmouth500 pm Ar Ft I Lv Ft M nrse w45 pm Ar Norfolk 600 tm I Ar Alexandrlafi am Ar Ponsn outh8a5 am J Ar Washlngton700 aa o ticket office 613 Peon and corner iSIs st and N Y ave O ticket ol 3 513 Penn eoa lath board steam 3For further information apply at eral office 7th st wharf Wash D C Phone 760- tl JOHN CALLAHAX General Manager OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ATVrRRTO A M LINE FAST EXPRESS SERVICE SEAT YORK SOUTHAMPTON LONDON CALLING WESnODNU AT CHERBOURG Sailing Wedcesdays st 10 a m BED STAB LINE NEW YORK ANTWERP PARIS Every at 12 noon INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY Piers 14 and 15 N R Office 73 Broadway N Y PhiladelnUa ORt 3853C7 Walnst St WASHINGTON OFFICE 1S08 F ST W Or W C MOSS at Sanders t Stayrjans 1327 F St nw- POSTOKFICE NOTICE WASHINGTON D C P05TOFFICE NOTICE Should be read daily as may ocear at any tune FOREIGN MAILS are forwarded U the ports of sailing daily the schedule ef clod i5S i ar- ranged en the ti mie r transit FcrI- fiOO the last tbie office as follows TransAtlantic 3IaiIW- EDXESDAY b At 7O5 p nt for EUROPE per s Au VicUrU learn Sew York via Plyraouih and Uambsn Malt let FRANCE SWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN POKTOGAL TURKEY EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA vit- Caerboarjr must be directed Per Victoria- b At 70S p ra for FRANCE SV1TZER LAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TfK KEY EGYPT oath BRITISH INDIA per s s- LA jttitain from New York ala Itan Mall for other parts of EUROPE oast be di- rected Per s a FHUAY c At 11OS p for NETHERLANDS per i Mail must be directed Per e s j be directed c At 1106 p m for NORWAY direct per L s Ilekla Rem Sew York MaH nast be directed Per a Hekla SATURDAY e At 1105 p m far EUROPE per a a Iveraia from New York via BMwa PRINTED MATTER steaawra- eamcg from New York OB Tucaoays taU Printed Matter see for GERMANY and specially Printed Matter etc fur other pasta of ECROpE American and White Star steamers soil lag from New York aa Wednesdays German and French steamers Sew Fork M Thursdays awl On- ard and German steamers New York take Printed Matter ee far all eosa italic for South and Central America tVc t Inilica Etc WEDNESDAY c At II a m hr NCR MUDA per e s Pretoria iron NHr York c At 1146 p for CAMMDCHK CHI APAS TABASCO mod YfCATAN per s- Orizaba front New Y rk via Pwgnja Molt for ether parts at MtiKJO wast ae c6rrted Per x OtttA- c At 11M p a far NASSAU N P sod the PROVINCE SNTlAOw CCBA per c s SuaUya Irma New Yank a At J a M far JAMAICA c At 11 a Sue TUKfCj InLAND aad- lX MIN eAX KEHCBLIC fer a s New York fron New York e At II S a m for CBCXAHA and TKIMBAD per s s Mwaval tram Yatk- FRIUAV c At Tl i jt m inc l O Trr IS- LAND JAMAICA SVANfCLA CARTA- UKXA aa GRK TWrX per a Vrr v JfcmU for OUbfA RICA autcltxl Per a Ataa H At UaaS a au for LA PLATA COCK T8KS atiect per Etoaa hoax Mew for PORTO K1CO via CARTAGENA TM Cara- MancaiBo New Yao Mail far PONCE laaat he abeeted Par c- 3tmtsuaSk c At M a a far WWCE POVFO MOO far otbev ot PtHtTQ JtKXH- iae4 4 PM a s Mar- c At 11 ZIW Mmatd tram New Y du- e At llrfS a m for XAMTIKJQCJE- CUABELOCPK and Bt ars s SUNDAY h Al K at fur ST LttX per fflaaifr from North fpaii MaiM lot ay nfl a Harth at 1141 a BL W k- Maifc Sue MHctELOS ajr sad ta Moataa aad- m 4- CCBA MAILS her via Port Fla- Wcdaeedajr ftUttrs Misji at fca Mfajal Fin TvaavTS Sarar ys at lO aj a m Q Mails for MEXTOO MdHt York aaily J m aarf 10 p m k Mails Joe COSTA RICA BSUZE 1 TCRTO- dMTTEZ at GUATEMALA sail to New Ortnuae thence via ateMaer elo Atiif- a HU Mw eoaaucraic thus tor wafea- beiae Saaaays HId favlm JBTA KHjA aid Maadars far BELIZE PCEKTO CUKTEZ GUATEMA- LVTrnnsPaclflt 3In Mails for CHINA JAPAN HAWAII and PHiL 1PPINK ISLANDS via Saa Pnaric ctwr besv oily at p JR aa t tacrasrvc far s m of PekW f dIr at CO a despatch per s s Australia Mails fer execat Watt Aaslsalia which go via Europe ro via Sari FranciscO HAWAII and PUI ISL- ANDS t Aonnci- Maib Sir CHINA JAPAN HAWAII PHIL IPPIXE ISLANDS via SOB raceitro done hr daily at 6 J6 p a p ta June 1 Ireaaim fc t Mails Jcr the SOCIETY ISLANDS m Saa Fras here daily at S p BL aa t in 4 tver for defaatrh pr Tropic o Mails for AUSTRALIA recipe Wet NEW ZEAL XD HAWAII FIJI and SAMOAN iSLANDS via SaD Francisco close here daily at SS p BL after May 2C and ap to Jane 9 II eltt Jvr far dtapatch per s e Mariama Mails fox COCHIN CHINA aw farw rded to New York lox eoaaoctioa with Fmaataa stoaav PHILIPPINE ISLANDS MOrtarr Mall if snatched to San office t ceaoret- Knn of nbdi are irrecuiar 0 Registered mails dINe at lib a m aaac RrefeUred milk chine at 89 f n tame d Registered ncafls dee t 59 a nt sane daye RfcW r4 raaifc ciose al 19 p ra pi sinus Saturday 0 Registered molts dose at 1 p zn pre- vious day b Registered mail dose at 12 p rn viuos day vious dav JOHN A MERRITT Pasttmtte FOR SALE SUBURB AX FOR SVLE Large lots at Ballstoa n ar den 151 feet by 25 feet wide from foot street ta 12foot alley terras 5 bal- ance 1 per week until paid for DO taxes or in- terest charged 18 per cent off for cash gntwaM 2 miles from Washington on eieitrir line eaa- mutatien ticket lrf enU each way Setrf fox cir colar or call en JAMES E CLEMKSTS M F st nw myilSt FOR SALE Look In Mi M rata utes walk from electric ears new 6room and pantry cottage large front and side porches first floor oil firth 10603 feet beaaUisl home 1 00 easy terms WELLS t WELLS at torney for owner 311 D st nw or HyattevtUe teL A GREAT bargain at Hyattsvitle beautiful home large lot terms easy omit selL ROGERS ft ROGERS Uyattsville rnySlmoea FOR SALE Brentwocd first station in Maryland B i 0 and ratmrean electric railways laday Company offers lotf all sizes at 2 to 6 cents foot time small Enquire IV A BARTLETT 33 F it or at sta thou Md aD271moi FOR nEUVT OFFICES FOR RENT Rooms IB building 83 st ctr cheap rent Apply to W J DANTE Hutch la Bldf 10th and D its p2tt r New- port Lw pm Norfolk543 pm am TJ eta on ale at 817 Peen LYe D and aYe C4 at ave and at Y Y ave and gsa N Agent and r overland the iiay CHP ting closes will e at a a So Aug L In I direct Axusttthaxn freon am c At l1GS p In for SCOTLAND direct per s Aucheria from Sew York Per s a Ane I So ETCGennan trees from trim Lee are advertised 10 carry IlL per a s Schky JRm L Adios t lie So S Yark- e hiSS Po IlL oh CokCAO and poe s II per So s JiIIIe York IlL Ro per II s MatllJle- M via dw hear except Sunday at 1te m uer dour line ZI5 Po elope T I- Yia wmI soiling e It awl e I aA 635 per for It WAIl via Sia Fraocnto dMe IlL to liar foe o net wWdt dose at P- ar op w iidwiw Sec I s- s 0 and per s s Garlic fe chose Bird tql a ers Francisco at aU cisaei that with CntmeDt dee dn pee k mails eieee MS9 II m pN- Ti day 0 walks chose at W Po so tKo low down attsTiUe myU tem cash F nbton Aiexandisl00 Lv 8 A L ticket office lIE on changes those week coding > maSt a New York P list must ad- dressed a Sat- urdays which they nsuIi 5 tit Tilt Adadesi Bases so Non f s At Sn Jo YiffZtJLS- ATANILLA ars a ten from New jj SIaM t be di n ear NOTHfi Taitosua freur New Ya thence eatT dsUy nod on thence dully at d p- as sad and b tsh by Mt ho New chase IS a lay be- at hr deech fly Mails her up Ii oievo Nose ZeeImE4 Vancouver her da hIS hay IS ds denhstek theO lane- S ship 4 Sec transport sue Registered Registered char SI ground lid long < ¬ < < < ¬ < < < < > < < < < > > < ¬ ¬ ¬ = = < < = < UAILKOAD3 Pennsylvania RAILROAD STATION CORNEa OF SLTTH AND B BTS 7 A M WEEK DAYS PITTSBORC EX- PRESS Parlor and Dining Cars Harrisbcrr Pittsbarc- l dO A M PENNSYLVANIA LnOTED PnH man bleeping SBekis and Obsem tion Cars Harrittwr ta Chicago Clodcsati Indianapolis St Louis Cleveland and Toledo BuRst Parlor Car to Harruburs- 1S50 X M FAST LINE Pullman Buffet Patios Car to Harricbars Buffet Parlor Or to PitUbur 3 JO P M CHICAGO AND ST LOUIS EXPRESS Sleeping Car Washington to Louis and SleepiB Ad DinIng Harrisbozz ta Indian apoba St Louis NaabviUe via CSiicfanati sad Loei viU and Chicaso 7 P M WESTERN EXPRESSPuMman Sleep log Car to PitUbnrr sod Chicago Car- te Chicago 7 1 P M SOUTHWESTERN EXPRESS PuBrrm Can Washington to PitUberp sod liar mbBT to St Cleveland and Cincinnati Dining Car 40 P M PACIFIC KTPRESS Pullnua Secp lug Car to PitUborc 7 A M Fer Kane Cuiacdalgua Eocteter and Niagara dally except Sunday 1050 A M For Ebntea and Recovo daily except Sunday Fer Vamamsport daily P M 720 P M For WIHkunsport Rochester Erie Buffalo and Niagara Fat daily except Sat- urday with Sleeping Car Tashingtoa to Bach once P IL Fer Erie Caczadalzsa Kocheater Buffalo and Niacarm FiRs daily PnHaaa- Siceaics Car Washington to Rochester only For Philadelphia Ness York and the Eo t P SL CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED1 daily all Puck Oars with Dime Car from Bald Rezatar at 7 8 Dinins Car 7 0 TrfS 515 106 Dining Cir and 1100 1m Car lines WiuaiEctoa A M 1245 315- SM Dining C r from Baltimore t38 1000 and 1LSO P M Oa Sunday 700 Dining Car 7 815 9CO 1100 Dining Car from VB- ntB tca JL iL 1215 i S SLOB IDinirj Car iron Baltimore tSO ICOt and 1LSJ P M For only Express ILLS P M weekdays 20L and i M daily For Boston change 7j5 JL U week days and 500 P iL daily a49 aia or s r t MW IL and 1L58 P M On Sunday 70T 7 3 815 900 VK i sa iiea A M 1215 us 261 xia- X3 409 Limited 438 600 510 615 50 7 9 18L86 18W std 1L50 K M For Popes Creek A JL and 4J1 P JL week days Sundays 903 A M For Annapolis 768 tad sun A M 12O5 a d 5O P M weekdays Sundays 900 A M and 541 P U Express for Florida and points on Atlantic Coast- Line 4J9 A M 39 P M daily only 1145 A M weekdays Atlanta Special via Richmond Seaboard Air Line 699 P M doily Accommodation for Qaantteo 745 A M and 4 5 M Scxuhore Conxtectlonm For Atlantic City rU Delaware River Bridge aB ran route 124S P M week through Pullman ibId Parlor Car SJ5 Con IH boaBl Limited and 1L50 P M Via Market Street Wharf 1400 and 1L09 A M- 14S r M week days 1L5 P IL dally For May 1LOO A M week days 1UO P M daily Ticket cfftces comer and G and at the statioo Sixth and B Streets where orders can be left tar the ef baszs to destination Irwin hotels and readesce Telephone caH Ii41 for Pennsylvania Bali Tad Cab Srriee- J H IIUTCUlNSdS J B WOOD General Manager Central Passeser Ageab Baltimore Ohio RAILROAD Jaiaey aLl C Street CWr aW Xcrtlxrc4 ViUftnllJ I3 fS- eti itoM a ax S6 p m aaUjr For Cimfciaati 9t I aii and Ijainaiae a Ex ptttf 06 m Tastiba rd LitBita4 Sb i m- ixartM 1M afcat dairy iMsborc and CfcsrtH yH a 8SS3 ta IH m Ccbmbw a m itStf 344 p BL aid J9 a- Far Lamr fctt a m aQC For Eohhaare oak s- x7 8 sria sSi- J2W a xlI IliiliJ k- xS X i J- xK 00 OlM XUJR IB- 5J a m SmOtsf J a 435 a ta Fur lirderirk neck 8 S a itk- 4JB S3 m Ba r ar av U H Haxnvtmra a aaa SfM a For BOT and way poeats eak 4f a m 4dtSJa7Ma das Xt1- 1V 7 6 a at- fW CaitarsiJMrg a tray iihils- S a aa 12 9 315 4Jc ct For Waokiaesaa Jnactica and way S J a 4 5 a BL Saaiajs- M a BL 1US a BL- HCYAL BCTE LINE An tniaa wxtk riatira Ugat Fur tga 5d SaCet l5 a- Qtatr 1M Diaar Z Rat LBBJH- BExclasiwly EBBM ftaa Wata far 4fl0l- S Car and II B a Bk Jif Car aaea at adaeV SaaJftja S a- SfifC car 5pptff Jf Parlor Can ca aU ear Attaatie City VMO a BL 1M a BL dips For May week 1219 Except xExpreas tiaias- Baccate called lee aid raeeSsed froai aMaV sad Kdncw Union Tnaafar Oa aa aaian Sell oAna Piaasjl aaii Aasaa earth BBB ISaa at F D CNDEXwOOD D B MARTIN Mgr Pass TtafDc Southern Ry Schedule in effect May 7 1DOO 891 a BL Daily Local far JHaviOe Charlotte aid way stations Cooorcts at Maaa ii for Stras i burg and Marrisoaacrg daily and StavnUa week 4a a and at Lysehaarg with the Xarfatk and Western dairy and with C O It K daily for Natural Bridge and Lexiagtaa 1116 a as B Ur THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL SleepiBc Cars to JacksonvIlle vU- I Stvaeoih et Salisbury with Sleeper far Asbrvillc and Hot pri ga X C HcoxviBc OUt taaooga and Metapau Term and at Chariatto with Sleeper for Augusta Coeaecte to Cahcnala with Sleeper for Charteton Sleeping Car to I New Orleans uniting at Charlotte with Sleeper fw BinaiaghaaL via Atlanta Solid train Wasb j in toe U Sew Orleans without chasse Dining Car Sixties Coooecu at Lvschaair- j Natural Bridge and Lexington 11 JO a BL DaUy Local for ChaHatt spffle- 441 p ra Local lox Frost Royal SUnsbnrff and Harruonavt week days 4 JO p m Daily Local for OtartettcsrlUe p m Daily XEW YORK AD FLORIDA EXPRESS Sleeping Cars U Port Ta rU- I Savannah and Jacksonville ceooecrJB with Draw I Sleeping Car for St Atfgustiae and MiamL Car ta Augusta via ColombIa coocecties fw AiVra and Charleston Dining Car Ser Tiec- 9X1 I m DsiIy WASHINGTON AND CHAT- TANOOGA LIKITED VIA LYXC1IBURC Sleep leg Cars to Memphis and New Orleans through Brista Parlor and Obervotwa Car between Bad fled Ya and AttalHa Ate Through coach t Memphis Dining Car Service 10it5 p WASHINGTON AND SOUTH WESTERN LIMITED Sleepers to NashvIlle Tenn vfa Asheville Knoxville and ChattaDocjra Memphis via Birmingham New Orleans via At louts and Montgomery ecaaectiap at New Ortoani- 4th taaaKh sleeper for Mexico City OMaaetj at HIgh Point N C leaving Wafhia iM daily except Saturday for Piaeavnt N C Ofc rralion Car to MacoR Ga via AthtBta Vesttbufc Coach to Atlanta Diain Car service S Personally Conducted Tavrut on tafa traia every Morday Wcdacday end Friday ta SaG Franeicca without change TRAINS ON WASHINGTON AND OHIO BITE SIGN leave Waduactaa 810 a Hxdat r 19 p p tn and 5289 p a days 6 S BL- Leeeburc 6 6 p m week days Jar llcradoa arrive at Washington SSi a ra aatl B rn deity 631 x m and 25 am TOO laws Irons Round HiR 74K a ro week dafj- Jltrrtdon 7OC a m Mondays from LOC BI- i Through trains from heath arrive at SPeak jnston 842 a m 7J5 a jn 215 p nu and S J- m and 0 p m Tickets sleeping car and other furnished and bas age csllcd for and cheeked from hotels and residences bjr Union Traccfer Company on orders left at ticket of- fice 705 Fifteenth st nw 511 Pennsylvania ova nn and at Pennsylvania Paeenger Statian Telephone call 1441 for Pennsylvania Railrcad Cab service FRANK S CANNON 54 V Pits Gcs Mgr J M CCLP Traffic Manage- rs B BROWN General Amt 5 t Dialog St ear Din sap Lou It Falk 330 COO were Lg For Baltimore 700 755 815 900 lLOO A Y l15 Us 3U 339 400 Limited C 43t 500 755 Richmond and eMily 1 day LOll daIly F t nth Streets checking ro La ett 1 Wbiagtoa 1nJIa IUJa mnKr it Aft 18 a F a ac- er lei m XIL sa x J1i del 1111- w86 xUS5 P 1ft 110 Slt a Ia p nI 815 a IL d IlL days p a For S5 1M U p II 1J 5 wosk eel lt York the wish JIIt I 1IIiI1iDK Sea 610 a 1IS II- SGI Cat Ult iM- F ttJt 1 and SM west iIS 1- t I by at ticket m Tusk sad tW iDe K 0t- ric td i I j All se sad leave trQIJ Statics I f i daily fur 950 b room I Sleeping I with Through to Jacksonville J I I I I Bon I m- SS p I Sundays far ROIHMI lull p JB lax I I i tile I I lO T A General harris- burg 5 Satur- day SOS Din PhiladelphIa without C30 7311 1530 1550 1143- 2Pi Line weekdays Scble ISIS Leave New Fur kit as- p and Fur Wiashestec and way dad 15 a C S IS a so xIS 4 zeno 133 a41 6- all ad 23IS so I 5555 a330 433 sieSI iiIS iO Fez Aneopsits 710 1543 oil so asc so hIS ti so SuLdta5o 500 so T- 30hpm p days 1tiwe Thlindel Sow East daba 21 7SI 30SI so S log 71 SriS so 3055 aeon LII blulac 03 and p so sup sosu and un asuu- Londays Cape days p day t New Arcane throat D Telephone edie k BIas Asirsochile abi Vice Praridouit and Con Banger taIe runavanls Passenger uniting each uast Steeper week 625 Saturdays Re- turning lisa daily ilarritouboeg UJS a in week days and 940 p ni daily and train Cazlelteavftte S3- a daily in- formation and TtBK Panienger Agrst ¬ ¬ < = ¬ = > > > > > ¬ > > >

Upload: dinhdang

Post on 05-May-2018




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WAXTRDYounfr lady clerk alto lady

nt plaeca 1 H O st nw 2 1 floor

awav fer summer bring rrfi 1723 Mas aYeIt cm

WANTHD Coed cook private family no vAtning Apply Ifg 8th nw Item

WANTED Wtanan firstclass cook Apply 488-

La5avc nw ItemWANTEDGood cook also chambermaid 1S02 II

st nw boteracnt ItemWANTEDCirl for general housework stay

nights IMS 5th st ncr rnySStcrnWANTED Woman far general housework willing

to way SOT summer Ill B st Be Item

1710 11th st nw 2d flatWANTEI YoiH girl to in haMCWor sta-

l orac niehU 1720 II st ne mySSStera

WANTED A girl or middlcSRcd woman whiteto Miit in eire of children and light house-

work ano wfoe nn be treated aa a member of thefamily ceed home Apply at 913 L st nw Item

agents na boob good paypinaanent place lill C st nw second hoer

WANTED A fiwtckia skirt and waist lun1 no

fcr prwral homework refrrcnces I

required 1 Tcmirtse aye ne It I

WASTED wfche girls to wait In cafe Apply4ttt h st nw ray St

WANTKI Two RlrU plain cook and chtmber jno laundry private family small girL

Enquire 11th at nw ItWANTETJ VWte wen to do general housework

roast rtay eights St 1 st nw ItWANTED White girl about 12 yeara oW for

camfttnhm and a Ut with J xiMwork smaUfamily teed home Address BOX 115 this office

ItWANTED Woman to cook trash iron and do

gencrat housework small family stay at I

night MB II st nw iny2S2t

WASTED A taHert4 to work on bushelinff Ap I

ply at J 31 STEIN 4 CO 113 11th j


WASTED A woman for general housework andassfct in wotMng 23 New Jersey se It

WANTED Colored woman hot small family muststay at night 0 L st nw It

WAXTHDClrl for Reneral housework in familyof three adults Call after 630 p m llifi

Park Place ne ItWASTED Stenographer and typist young ladies

for summer rcrorta houseworkcrs and cooksBUSINESS BUREAU 1200 sew York ave nw ItWANTED 2 young colored men fer housework

and care for horses 3 dish washers 2 waitersSiHACKLEFOHD 90S E nw ItWASTED XSee respectable your white widow

for housekeeper stay nights Address BOXthis office It

WASTED General Iwuwworkw 13 family of2 leave city 6 other cenet1 houseworkers

LADIES EXCHANGE 611 13th ItWASTED Five or six swift neat sewers on thin

drcssva Call after 6 p m 403 1st st nwmy223tcm

WANTED Servant for light housework call imAnediatrly it rt nw my223t

WANTED Wafet and skirt hands call afterp m 1536 17tU st nvr rny223t-

WANTEDSeveral colored ladles of addresto convaes for a good selling article 2 to S3

a day easily made Apply to MRS LIVINGSTONC14 9th st nw my2 2t-

WANTSI A nest colored girl for light housework 5S th st sw myilStem-

ANTrD Piretdass vaist hinds sad JwprOY H-t tth et nw niy413t-

TTANTSD A respectable settled woman to cookrah and iron Call 2214 X si nw


WANTED Man and woman experienced oa oldard new tailoring 1981 llth sL nw rnj213t-


WANTED agents mile and female novelty tosell ladies large proto Call 9 to 12 a JB

3 8 p m 119 10th st nw ny22tero-WASTEDAgeBt ROOM SI Pacific Btiildtii-

TVANTKD AREDts to seH De Luc edftton of anHMrican OoBUoa or Life awl These f

1 Parks Address with eels E WSTEPHENS PabHsocr CMurabia Mo inySllt


WAXTEn r yountr lady position in family ranteach music vocal to third grade also

nr Iii chiidrea Ifcx 15S this office ItemWASTED By a colored woman a plaee to

r work out ty the day Iteply 474 WaoMw-ie t ItemWASTED Hy a ropectabie colored girt place as

tiaras fur scull children Addnw M V liARKISON AmcoctM P 0 HiHtdale I O ItWASTKDloitetaMe colored

Idacv s cook or chanbetiMM references 130-6Kd at nw mrSSS-

tItArriEn By white montan pbee as nurse orto attend iBvaKd train June 1 AiMrett BOX

Jtt this ayEttW-

AXTBD By evlored Riri gtnenl homeworkin maK family Call 1725 llth i BW-

ray22ltCASTRO By nepcctaUe WOHWB poeition as

housekeeper widower with sstaH familyboot ol reb Addr e Box 127 this ottce-

ntfSl9tcmWASTED By respectable neat colored woman

place ai cook 1J14 lith tt nw raySl3tem

SITUATIONS VVAATED lAIEWASTED By a trustwtrthy man with

as collector clerk or satamm Box157 thH otrtee

wANTRD By OUUK colored man paMtkM intailor Addrets J E B Ml S th st nvr

WASTED A boy of 1C ww W like to have wctk-ta bee w proctrj tore Address 1L A II

HyaUgrillr ItWASTED By w pectabl young colored man

Itteoe as porter bellman valet or coachmanwell experienced in horses and thoroughly ac-quriMcd with city ereeHenttity re Box 1J6-IbfE office


AN i KD 2 nnfurniihed rooms for light houseleeping in northeast not over Addrew

UClA 141 this office itWASTED 2 or 3 unfurnished zooms for light

housekeeping not over I8 per monthBOX 151 this office It

weekly U flfl1t 12th-

at Iten-

WTlI1lrre waltresus per

W nurse for children mu go




for general housework Ppi

WArn 3 led


others nero 115 20th stA EnGirl









Rk land








m tem



cokctor7 5L

nwtws sate1tjIes


WANTEIClti 1tiassist

apy av It-



















miMteaged alonereHtWc slid trustworthy would take charge of

liowe fir poTty leaving city for use of an nn-fmufchV room Address BOX 130 this otBce

WASTED A couple without children would caresense of family Irovinp city for use

oT three r onu Addren Box 128 this office


BEFORE selling bicycle t t my cash otterCACLB EXCHANGE 740 10th st nw

CASH paid for bicyclos at list Cth st nwmy37t-

VAXTED HOUSES AND VEHICLESVASTKDBy drntiit the use of a horse and

libaeton cr buggy one or two evenings ais excjiBge for dental work Box IfiO this office

lten-FOi SALE roiiy and harness 85 Stable corner

81 t aiyl I ate aw mv233t-

WAXrED Horses to pasture terms reasonableJLIdreas JOn TABROXV Eli 17th St-

myl 1lmoWASTED Hones to pasture 3 per mouth S 1-

1BYRSE Alexandria Va mylOlra-

oVAATEIJCOUXTRY llOAnDWANTED By young married couplp boom and

room for the tunimcr in some choice countryYkce with either private fanHy or at hotel notUr from tho city and very rear street ear lineJsnns multrate Address BOX 112 this office


V ANTED At or near Chevy Chase boardwife and child C years moderate

Address DIXOX care B O Baggage RoomCity m 22St


STORAGE 75 cents per load TSITKD STATESKTOUACE CO 420 10th st nr xaf23U

A RDA lady p















ASTKD Lurtehrcem clerk 5 weekly and manfor office POST EXCHANGE 515 12th St nw

WASTED Active white man to clean windowsRoom 210 Stewart IICe Cth and D eta

ny233temWASTED Two colored boys to carry signs good

pay 1111 G st nw 3d floor IttrnWASTED First rook white perma

nent place firstclass pay 1411 G t nwZd floor ItemWASTED White boy HIRSH WE1LL 912 F

st nw ItemWASTED A strong boy about IS years of age

t r worlt in factory Apply 336 Pa five nwbet 7 sod S a m ltcmWASTED Cake baker


GWASTEDFirstcloi man cook Apply 480 Laave nw Item

VASTEDJIan for cleaning and pnssine 21 7thst sw Item

WASTED A man to work on finn married orsingle Address Box IOC this office

mvSStrmBaker for baking bread cake

and pin 741 8th C w ItemWASTED Solicitors to sell teas and coffee salary

or commission Apply Room 17 085 F st nwitem

WASTEDSecond cook colored to go away farepaid permanent place good wages Call S

oclock sharp 1111 G st nw second flutr It-

WANTEDCood shoemaker at 2101 llth st-

nw ItWASTED Boy to clerk age 1C bring reference

Apply st nw itWASTED Xia or boy to attend to 2 horses alas

man coA Enquire 1036 llth tt nw ItWASTED X dieted hoya who can sing and

dance 16 years old but small Apply to JACK X0 WORTH 5 0 Wednesuay stagedoor Grand Opera Items ItWASTED 25 good men to go to West Virginu to

uorlc on miimad good wages and fare paidCall at 1908 4th st nw Wednesday at 2

ItWASTED White foutiuan for Car Harbor clerical

and domestic pOjiti D secured Chill at ccceHALL 702 ISth ItWASTED 2 reliable men to canvass household

fpecialtiw firstclass line of goods and goodcommission 04 3th st nw ItWASTED Boy to wort in bicycle repair shop

Apply 33 II Et nw ItWASTED Vflrite farmer place near city office

fee 1 also good woman cook 611 ISthIt

WANTED 3 bushriraen Apply ready for work at8 a m JL P KITZSlilMONS fllO F st nw

WASTED A LJshelman energetic Call H33nw M S JOHNSON It

WANTED Cood man to work in oyster houseSCM M It It

WASTED SteaoRrapher and typewriterof all kinds furnished us BUSINESS

BUKEU 1200 New Vrk avc ItWASTED Energetic Kidman school supplies

country work SlX Khirv and extras B OEVANS CO Chicago 11L


VASTFDA boy with a bicycle Apply room 11Warder huildinr I th And F fits nw It

WASTED 2 buiheTrnen must be practical coatmakers Apply J M STEIN k CO 413 llth-

ft nvr myt 3t

WASTED Sober white barber steady out oftown job 12 per week Aj plr 17S Pa ave





iOOS st IIW JOltItem

wi rFD light












TV ANTED Carpenter or young men handy withtook to make and put up window serwns-

WANTEDniohcI an at once Apply ready forweak eoMpy iiiurrz MEBTZ F tt

WASTED InthMtriouj boy to learn etectroptatlac407 ay st nw mySJtem-

WASTK A shoemaker at Pa ave nwiay223teJB-

WASTHD Manager for aadonly experiraccd apply to THK HOTEL

AGKXCY 613 7th st rajJVfAXVRO BtMhriami at oeee W r easily for

ready work good MBRTZ hERTZ MSrnj St-

TVANTEDI p rieMmi route for arilk boilness Ad4nsg BOX this office ray213t-

VANTEDBarUr at Meady work 11 IIst nrSllt

WANTED 50 carpenters at Chesapeake Botch Xptr day M bow only Antcla loechinicj-

ceed apply mySlStWASTED MM to barber trade only eight

weeks required wages Saturdays while l ar-

icc1 steady po Mowb B Wuawck all toots

and tnmsportBtJoa before enterioa write for cata-logue and special iaduccraeats for hay MOLEItSBARBER SCHOOL 360 CaRd st New York City


WASTED Good solicitors for industrial insur-ance tick accident and death benefits a

home institution iacorporated LIE a goodchance Jor energetic man to make money Ap-

ply to the old reliable CAPITAL CITY BESEKIT SOCIETY 45S La ave mbs nio


VSTEDShirt waists to make 50c wash suItsL75 t guaranteed MRS HICH


HIGHEST price pH los goats dotbinp watchespistole and jewelry J COHEN

1MM 7tfc at a c ray5itftBs-

WASTBD Two three rolltop deks ta t bt-ckMp for cash Adss BOX f7 thu ottce


WAXTKDOM hair Address BOX USthis office my l3t

WANTED Furniturealso stocks aw fixtBres FRIES t HOPVVOOD

Sib sod K stiinr myai3tHOODS Bakicg Powder Worlds Best 5 10 i lie

mv3lfFRESH country milk delivered dally cents

quart Box 415 this office ap23lmccm

WASTED Highest cash prices paid forand castoff clothing drop postal Ill

call B TARSHES 1306 7th et mr in27l3WANTED Old brass copper lead zinc and

other metals also books paper stockand bottles for this material we pay the best

prices Address BAUU BUGS 2000 7th at nwapC3tfem

OLD STAMPS Highest prices paid for oldall kinds used cr unused deportment

proofs also foreign no T

BARTELS T23 llth sL

WASTED 5or highest prices metals Ironrubber paper stock machinery tools etc

II BERSHE1MER 926923 C st nw phone 2273JaJltf

a cp Incs fit ow















nl mhiitfcash

43 thi



pay k



nated chance to sorn free board


drop postaL


cgsteats of houses bought





HIGHEST paid for secondhand bicyclesalto taken on storage 421 Dth it nw


OST Bteek Eton coot during night parade efSbriucri Ia ave bet ISth and 15th sts nw

Return to 3011 M fct nw receive rewordItem

LOST Tu s fay in nefehborbeed 3d ned K stsnw Iwbys lock chain bracelet E Nlock liberal reward 300 E st nw

LOST Monday evening bet 15th and 19th sta-nv dragon fly enameled pia Reward if

to olive of Shorebam itemLOSTOn 15th St Va ave childs white

bat trimmed with bUck velvet reward 3161Itth st nw

LOST A ftnall wWte lox terrier with black spotsoji ears Return to hISS A st and receive

reward rey223tcm-

f REWARD Lost at River View Sunday Mat20 solItaire diamond ring and stud Return

to til B st nw and receive reword my223t-

FOUXD Pocketbook owner can have it by prov-ing property Box JW this office Item

FIGHTING THE MiLK TRUST Pure rich AIdernry milk 6 cents per quart served twice

daily direct from finn drop postal to sex 26this office ap23lmocm

HOODS flaking Pcwflcr Worlds Beat 5 10 liemy3tfICE CREAM 70c gallon not made la filthy

crUst but above ground for sewer gasabounds in cellars and rreeds typhoid and diph-theria etc moral dont eat that kind LACEYSia pure and GOT N Y ave Phone 2CS-



213 13TII ST S W Firstclass accommodationsfor Shriners 1 per cicht with breakfast







deli clot









FOR REST Furnished rooms C 7 and 3 gen-tlemen C22 K et nw my23Stem

FOR REST Nice fur rooms with bath 1 perweek filth nw my233tcm

FOR RENT Nicelyfur rooms moderate 111 E

FURNISHED front room 10 abo front pyrjor-unfur suitable for office 15 705 Sth st nv-

rmy233temFOR RENT Large room fur or unfur with or

without board for two 922 Mass ave nwItem

FOR REST Newly furnished roams 2d floor 83I at nw rnv33t

FOR BEST 3 rooms and bath 3d floor facingAgricultural Grounds price 10 per month

1360 B st sw ItFOR REST A large nicely furnished front room

suitable for a married couple fS a month87 Q st nvr my23 3t

FOR REST 0 2 rooms furnished for049 E st sir my234t

FOR BENT Large back parlor furnished or unfurnitlicd alto room on 2d floor front rent

reasonable 704 nw my2Z3t

FUR REST Newly and cleanly Keptrooms 2 and per week Ill 2 J it

FOR REST Furnished front room 5 permonth via L Et nw my2S3t

FOR REST 1511 Corcoran St parlor suiteexposure fur or unfur txUh or without

I h k rent reasonable refs my223t em

FOR RENT Two nicely fur rooms southern ex-

posure convenient to Census Office 126 I st-nc myi23temFOR RKXT Room to gentleman 1 per week

lOO O st nw rorH3teniFOR REST Front room fL2G week 313 M

nw my223temloft REST Clean cool furnished ballroom

SL23 207 G st nw my J3temFOR REST JB13 X st nw desirable furnished

rooms southern exposure summer rateroy223t

FOR IIEST Three unfurnished of handsomelyfurnished tingle or en suite one large

front rosin and two smaller private familyhouse cool and convenient to cars 2COI Uni-versity place Columbia Heights myi23tFOR REST Nicelyfur room reasonable SST-

Pa ave nw my213emFOR REST Fur rooms reasonable 815 9th st

nw my213tcmFOIt BEST The finest rooms in Washington

fur with or without board also large roomfcc office terms reasonable HARRIS ROUSE sroE at nw my213tetnFOR REST 1035 N J aye nw for light

3 nicelyfur rooms 16 refroy213tem

FOR BEXT First floor large front room 113313th tt nw roytl3tem

FURNISHED or unfur rooms M floor 120 E-

st DC ray212temFOR RET Neatlyfur front and ballroom 3d

floor gentlemen preferred cheep 3T 3d stne mySl8ternFOR RENT Four desirable rooms transients ac

commodated E et nw my213t

FOR RENT Elegant room in a private fUt 730-

7th it nw my21St

FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms convenientto Census Office moderate 235 1st st nw

rarflctFOR RENT Pleasant fur rooms at reasonable


FOR RENT Parlor and other front rooms nicelyfurnished newly papered cozy airy bath all

gas 51 E st nw myl7 t

m stem


m 2S





smaller rooms So WI 0 lit nw












lOU unfurnished mats M 2on 3d floor S10 M It

IOll UESTThree wifor Tosses M IGor d one2ri Seer ajamjcr rates I3SS llth t B-


FOR RENT Two airfimA d urooms SW IMh st BW tnjrttK-

POU nENTHatire seeoeM Sa r S nfeeana bath gas somber ral rl vr Capitol

61S N J ave rafttStTWO enlar rooas Mgbt homke pi g or with

board 113 24 st nc rattlSteiaE-

LECAST alcove ufw ro Sea bath SS SY ave nw i rH3t

FOR REST Three large KOtwr rccrw porccbiBebeth ISth tt Jtur myl3teca

FOit RESTTwo or iiuMr r tiffow v-Ujt and II

nw m1Stem



there 21-


fur rso 424

RENTS dose pleashow




ROOMS sad good bused 16 20 and t1017 lith st nw jmyO t-

EXCEEDINOLV de raMe HMMS ftretdaw boardmoderate summer riles M lows Curb

FOR RENT I itnHihtd or ovonui4Kd MODM

with board O M st nw aqraStFOR REST Funutfced TOOM with or without

board hot sod e M bush also tnauektboarders acronHBodatcd 471 0 st nw mrtlt713 K ST SW BewjtHuI large rwnw with

board also tramlcntJ wy lStFOR RENT Xfcelyf r treat i

lit I st nw

1816 19TH ST X TV sw corner Msnewly and comfortably fur i titj cool rooms

with firstclass board parlor traadents accommodated central location rayM7tFOR Nicelyfur with board COB

venient location hot water beat privateilr 411 8th st nw rahUtfinLADIES CAFE second floor meals at alt hours

CONRAD GlUED restaurant CSS D st nwbet Cth and 7th Washington D d merchantslunch from It SO to 2 bat grades of beer


FOR SALE HORSES AND VEHICLESFOR SALE Good Und horse 6 years old cheap

315 Pa ave nw mySJStetiFOR SALE A good work horse cheap 1 3S ft-

st nw mv233t

FOR SALE Light express wagon 8 64 O st-w It

FOR SALE Horse wagon and harness cheap101 K st nu my2S3t

FOR grocery wagons also one and ahalf II P electric motor nearly new Ap-

ply TIn ALMA GROCERY CO 31S 9th st nvrmy223tem

FOR SALE Secondhand wagons carriages bug-gies lot old wheels 1210 Ohio are TnyS23t

FOR driving mart 723 EastCapitol st my223t

FOR SALE Victoria coupe and rockaway cheapfor cash Apply 1003 lith st mr my233t

FOR SALE Pair good farm mules 110 slatwagon S5 buggy cheap 1061 D st


FOR SALE One fine driving mare 5 years oldalso runabout and harness cheap 911 3d

nw nySI3temFOR SALE Delivery wagon newly painted price

S3j 113 4 st noFOR SALE OR EXCHANGEAt Murphys stable

4 st and Virginia ave sw 25 young soundhorses family and city broke all acclimated somegood saddle and drivers delivery wagons twopliaetocjs two traps two surreys sir bag-gies very reasonable prices DAVID MURPHY



CHEAPEST PLACE to buy bicycles 931 Sth stnw my223t

FOR SALE Bargains in secondhand bicyclescall and see our stock of wheels

prices start at 3 CYCLE EXCHANGE 740 16th-st nw rav223t

NOTICE Lack of storeroom compels us to close-out our newly remodeled bicycles at great sac-

rifice cash buyers ecc them before buying ourregular S2 tires reduced to SL75 LABOFISH BI-CYCLE MACHINIST 717 9th st nw roy2I5temFOR SALE SC3 Orient Leader racing bicycle for

35 713 5th st sw my ictSAVE MOSEY by calling on us when you want to

buy bicycle goods we sell everything thatcomes for a bike and sell at 10 per cent less thauany stnr in the city And our 20 bikesstand examination better than any 25 wheel Inthe city they are good ones but if you want onea little better in finish etc we have them at425 gSO 35 give us a call aol see how wen wecan prove these statements A CYCLE CO1421 Pa ave Washington D C myl6tf


FOR SALE A thoroughly good sweet and richtoned upright piano a great bar

gain at 222 N J ave for sale or rentray223t

FOR RETlArae Id oc Scout withK


Q3ttMr-oRRF lArge pleaat

alMW wleh pM tIIWe IMIl

wits board7te91

nET roomsfut








boiri1 aw ory233t

roo aoitbii-l hour ISI-





yon e








= ½

FORFOR BEST Sccond J flat three rooms and

bath light and tap front and back porchSIS Sit B stFOR RET

1331 1 st se S 13 00520 llth t se 4 rooms bath 13 00714 10th st se C rooms and bath 14 00These are all nice private fiatsmylSOt S CARR 1355 Md ave ne

roll KENT Flats 3122 llth t nw S roomsi perfect condition only 23 W P

UETCALP 1905 F ti nw mh27


FOR SALE A very desirable corner lot andbuilding on U st sw lot 00x100 suitable Tee

fat apartment house or several residencesLOUIS SIIOEJLVKER 920 F st nw my233t

FOR SALE Four new houses C st ne twostoryand cellar C rooms and both new rent

each price 2500 each FRANK HARRISON Warder Bldg 9th and F at nw my213tem-


PRINTING every kind lowest rates hurriedwork books newspapers pamphlets pr

crammea etc 500 envelopes 175 500 conkL50 500 typewritten letters 2LSD estimates

rUBLiaUING HOUSK hilt SOS strny234t

ZEST located and payirg store on F atsnaH expense opportunity te get floe wish

iuhe business good rfSon DUNLAP 006

CIGAR IToRE for sale on Pa ave nw bit tbargain in the city price JlfiO Addrtes lION

IK hii office my2S8tT-

V ANTED A young roan with 5 M cask capitaltake half interMt in paying

FOR SALE A soapattatbed 7 3 4th st se

FOR SALELunch room 860 dining room SCO

cigar 175 confectionery 229 gr ry-

at rM fISO to SWO CAPITAL BUSIXE S iXCHANGE room 17 Atlantic Building rriy 33tPOOL room Hce e for two tables cheap NEW


GROCERY doing fine business price 600 illhealth NEW YORK BUSINESS BKOKKKS

1006 F 183iSatFOR SALE The Alexandria steam dye do

log Iplendid bu in Rood reas tu for sellIngAddress 127 South Fairfax st Alex Va

FOR SALE Small grocery cigar and candy store303 llth tt myZt3tera

WANTED Partntr with 00 shippingbusiness Address BOX 123 this

WASTED Party with 100 for theatrical raiseprise AddreSs BOX 194 this office mySSSt

FOR SALE Drug stores excellent Joeitioe bar-gains 000 1200 31WX CAPITAL BUSI-

NESS EXCHANGE Room 17 Atlantic BuildingKV 23t

FOR SALE Grocery and poof eettonery businedElse cigars and tobacco rent including rooms

0 last location tot rath trade must be soldvery cheap as owner gwng to leave city 751Navy place st ray229t

WANTED Party with J400 to invest at payingsummer resort inimtdiste and grand

opportunity to make money Call on R BAIXESBOO 9th cC nw mr 3temYOUNG man with 1000 catb like U in-

vest in sums paying bteincs Box 125 thisoffice r j21 en3

FOR SLE SnaH dear and lataeeo store Addrew J CRAIG Ilo D Va mril

FOR SALE Barber bcp J K kar aio 2 furnishedrooms and kitchen g 6d business J475 I av

tee city 17

A YOUNG IAN M oa twet competent m about saaie e

for partner in vimJtvfMt theatrical performanceBOX 117 tarlOt

1 hAVE iMttia cl rio t3 weekly worthwilt give MIL J

AMrw4 BOX 1M s ySl3tHOODS Baking Powder Worlds Scat 5 U i 15-


FORFOR story brick 7 rooms

and bath Dl5 Masslive nw myul3tem


ne m tem

Htb and C se ms 5 00room




ontoffice It

and wood yard stoic







la wwould to

tINof of

liberal for loiw U ftdUties this




ala i




good businesswho is willing to travel preferred Adsas-






Address that

ssc as orcurityIstorest Want 1 uerou












RETIRING SALE CcalcBts of store 429 9th itcw consisting of wall paper ol more than46000 rolls sit the rawest latftit t as thestyle SO year ag from 2 come up apiece a wetl

assortment d material for tarnitare covering ap5flrae n


selected apbll tarwelt

TIlE stack system in existenceoared Income sod guaraatecd pnadpiL



NFOR SALE liire in hoe S sl holds S quart-

ers of beer j on tap could ke well tor Meatbox Ca be sea at ANAOWHA INN 45 liar

AstJcMtia B C MvO9tiFOR Frrwii

Irish be a grey ow Waft Md taonafl male 4 mimuItem

PKlSTISf very kwd low MM hurriedwork books r oitiii pti aJm MO-

KrasMMC etc MO c rel M 9L73 500 cardsLM S0 typrwriMcsi irttcfs JL5f rttimatrvH-

AYWORTH IUBLISHlSa HOUSE Sit 6tk stnFOR SALKSew Enetto cieciric JM coat 26

tell fe r-

TOR choice thonaaMntd JenJ-OHBC fresh tcry bind ned ha-


FOR SALE25ft sail boat bu bargain 123Enquire 1111 S tt BW atftiJ i

FOR SALE Antique oak hat rack beveled soleroe holder for umbrellas and seat box abu

threebwmer gas range with large oven ttnteiaM I

conditioa Address BOX I3 thu office my22 t j

FOR SALE Sew Lapland Refrigerator ice eaparity 136 lbs 1731 P st nw ntyilStem I

FOR SALE Two ladders 16 and 24 feet 23 soadhand window sash Salt 1 sand screeno oo t myrl tca

FOR SALE Cheap new doors sash Winds XSpta st nw myliStimFOR SALE Large gasoline stove also ice cLost

suitable far deity or store FRIES k HOPWOOD Sth and K s s nw

FOR SALE Bevel plate mirrors French withoak or gilt frames ISiJO new goodi and

clear as crystal FIIIES k 8th and Ksts nw mrfist-Fwil SLE Ice boxes Southeast corner fth and

K sts nw mv213tFOR SALE Gas range with oven for t to iC

and large 2burner gas stove L Wicklus-

C51 Pa ave se Phone No 473

FOR SALE One ladies Remington wheel 15 0Call at once F 1225 Pa ave

myl4tfemFOR SALE Good quality opaque shades fitted to

windows only 25 the best quality oilopaque shades 50 cents hung free call withsimples KLEEBLATrSllth and H ala ne-

ayCtl i

HOODS Baking rcwderrWorlds 5 10 i litaey3tfFOR SALE The KxjEtcne bicycle for 1300

or gents equipped with best tires sty gearone year guarantee 23 ACME REPAIiBICYCLE CO 1743 nw p28lmoeraCARLOAD of screens the right kind cf flystop-

pera from 15c up doors complete with allfixtures 5c fancy pails 115 tcrern sire 2cfrom 20c yard up KLEEBLATTS llth a H-

st ap2J aFOR SALE JS for hair nvattresscs in two parts

lounges 275 5 cool and heating stoves 3parlor and bedroom euitci 1 per week we areafter furnishing your house cash or credit REDMONK Ill and 313 7th st nw dc4tfcm


WANTED Summer boarders wanted an the Po-tomac onehalf mile from River View A

Miss L a EDELEN New Chits Mdmy237t

FOR a pleasant summer boarding place near Ricanburg Shenandoah a esquire 513 Mt nw my2 3t

5 MILES from corner 7th t and Fla arenear electric and straw cars a private family

offers 2dtory front room with firstclass tablehouse modem grounds high with wellshadedlawn vets exchanged P O BOX 11 LindenMtt my223tMOUNT HQLLY HOUSEEighty miles down Po-

tomac oysters fish and crabs mineralsprings rail and row boats free YRS J CL

DAVIS Mount Holly Va raylB7temFOR SUMMER BOARD apply to MISS NETTlE

WILEY Lcesburg Loudoun Co Va inylfiHtTIll WASHIKOTOlf COLLEGE formerly the

Eckington 3d and T Its ne will open tosummer boarders June 1 rooms may now be seenand engaged mjlIicoe-


finest large as I






CIIpc stole IiII3


IEnquire st ow



Flame Oil Store 50 up D 1LXmyl9itcm





equate foot screens to floor



fancy usant as73tri

riscSAL buS double sue

oresold 7 so

th3 F at ow-



SIS Fat ow suyVli


Blue i



maie order olhcntia




THOS WAGGANIANReal Estate Broker and Auctioneer


BOO 8 r bath and i m I Each3000U25 Oth f h 6r lot hiPS tt 2SOl 25th b h 2 rtoriea Cr a m i 2 502133 H b h 2 sioric Cr a m I 2 0417 410 421 Ct fc 3r iH15 and 16 ilcCtlloush b hs 4r each 700

SOUTHWEST333 N b b Cr and bath 2800-J13 10th b h 4r and back building 2700

and 3JI M t ha 5r each stable 2500

KORTHEAE77 S lib st f h cellar Sr both a m i 5J 0-

U D b h 2 stories 7r bath a m i X

1127 12th at k k i i i n 3sM-G st b h Cr bath and m I

SJ atr DJ dwelling Or 3 J15th et stOre and dwetlicg 2 50

1130 5th b h 2 stories 2r lot 13x105 ft 1400

fag A b h llr and a m I 3lEE A b li 12r bath and a m i218 X J ave b h Itr bath and a m i 7003

3 to 43 2d b hs Or a m i Each MOO233 E b h 6r Uth and a rn i 3321 and 223 D b hs 6r each Each 30M413 L f h Cr 1st 25103 ft 180IJ1112 K f b Sr lot 1 U02 ft I500list X J b h 4r l

K f h 5r lot 14x111 7W

FORRENTNe 1119 si Cr 17-

Ne 111 istfc it Sr M-

Ne 85 II M fir K 59Ne 824 3V tt tr SSe 6iS 354 st 4r S3-

e 16QS Norris str SrNorris st 4r

Sc 31 S Capitol st Itr 3-Se 129 NV a ave 7r 25 4J-S 135 N C ave r 25 4J-

Sc i ioth it lOr 1-

Se 200 Sib st Sr 14Se 410 S Capitol t 6r 12-Se 95 st 5r M 59-Se 780 Sth st 7r 19 50Se lilt 11th st Or 18 39Se 305 Uhh it Sr 00Se 921 Ga 8r 30Se 023 Ca ave rSe 1122 K St 4r 4 SO

Apply at offics f3r Wsjtf Balislh

TIllS WILL iatorert you drop postal a4 receivehighest price for gents castoff garmeU and

firearms S ATLAS S27 D st ray2S9teHi

HOTELS lacchrooma grocery stores supplied withAld rn y milk at IS per gaUen S6

this offiee y2 7t mWANTED 600 people to have photos nude at

THE NONPAREIL STUDIO 9S7 F st nw 4pi tin cabinet orals for SOc for only S day earnsearly 927 F st mr223tAWNINGS pr window fiist aas work no de-

lay C DIMMICK Sth and It I avemy219tem


HEN 110 7th st cw jny21aemFOR RENT New hoisting engine elevat-

ors extra fast OH F t sw zar21 temWily NOT have your Soar linens wufcd and

frond before y put them down this summerwe do theta up equal to 5c a s j yd RALRICH ELECTRIC LAUNDRY CO 2W7 7th 4 sw

rar2lltemBAD BILLS COLLECTED ar IM efeatre IL D

GORDON AtUrneyatLaw 1SSS F atGOLD PLATING on 1 sliver plating

net eaVn KkSt w royl77tDESIGNS for Interior ee nUoas are much

similar t 1eiapertui style ooiy tea etefeerat-e pt mc a ef ny ort of the AacicnU

C OLSEN CO 6J 9th st BW TetophoM-2W3 apl7lsHOODS flaking Powder Worlds 5 19 1 lie

ay3ttCAPITAL CLOCK REIAIRING CO USa 7th tcw Any oriiirury dock cleaned 5c watchescleaned 6c up misdeal box rcpabruig aad Hother work as low in pcopartien MtHtictionguaranteed teatf postal Till tail for sad slivertree to any pen e IHttrict inMUD-

OOEDINDIXG AND PRINTING BuA onevolume sagazue 75 cents other hjuHa

I equally u cheap prwtiag 569 cards 75 ceauother printing as cheap WILLIAMS CU7th tt cw Chance W Dowden Manager



917to 1tI3 50th

lIolJj e 1iOO

312 both

Cr a iflfJ > 31J

t II


Intersection of Ya sac and I st fL ooo





ave t9 38












5574 l












I r fly






> <




° °




Staled mpokslB W rrctivcd at thisman TWECVEOrCLCTI M Jti-

H namtshea oai ayiMicACwicleft cirrk reserves the

rtffht waive defects sad reject any soul all

the Cut cf the MOM tare cWnce X Mc-



SaW yrojinals win h received at this oOeeMil H OCLOCK X VTCKDAT JlNE

19 for the delmry of two thimiaihue more or tm of the best white tanaee

alw eee baadred and Sftyor f the best aiae and

hundred a4 flftr UO conk oe or toheat oak wood a way W orated at theef doriaa the iWal year

1 said wood and to W-deffi rrd aad stored in the multi f the southwine of the Capitol at times a d eacht antitie a may lie ordered by the fleck ofHotu of IteB x

224-l e in three S pieces The wood taustore ifS feet to the cord The right to re-

weigh the Gal at the Capitol and the Icat treject say tad all bids te reserved The bath toIf endorsed Propoesb for Wood and Cool sadaddressed U X McDowell Clock t tie house of

United States X MeDOWELLClerk House of Representatives Unitwl States



OF TilE COMMISSIONERS D C Washington DC May 15 1MB SEALED PROPOSALS will bereceived at this office until 12 OCLOCK NOONOX SATURDAY JUNE 9 1900 for contractingarch over the mouth of Broad Brandt Alt neces-sary information will be tarnished on applicationto the Engineer D C togetherwith specifications and btenk forms ol proposalIL B F MACFARLAXD JOHN W ROSS LAXSING IL BEACH Commissioners D C




Upon motion of James IL West cavcatar byhis attorneys Douglass Dou Iaa and Uflorid it is this the 1st day of May 1000 ordered that Lillie Edna West or Taylor is herebynotified that the issues heretofore framed in thiscase relating to the validity of the paper writingbearing date the 10th day of April 1 00 pur-porting to be the last will and testament ofJeannette C Carmnack deceased will be tried Inthis court on the ISTH DAY OF JUNE ivCO

It is further ordered that a copy of tj ordernd a copy of the issues heretofore framed be

published in The Evening Times for a period ofa for four successive weeks

ClIAS a COLE JA DENT Register of Wills


consideration of the rarest flied in theabove entitled cause and the answer thereto it isthis DAY OF MARCH A D 1800 orderedthat the following be and they are here-by certified for trial by jury in this court

1 Was the paper writing bearing dat the 10ththy of April 1S09 liD offered for prbatc andrecord as the last will and testament of the realestate and personal property of the said Jeannette-C Cammaek by the undue influence ofJohn Miller cr rf any other person crt Was the said Jeannette Canunaclr at the

tiiae of the execution of sid paper writing bearice date the 10th day of and o3credfor probate and record as the last will and testa-ment of real estate and personal property ofJeannette C Cammaci of sound mind capable ofexecuting a Valid deed or contract

CHAS CL COLE JA true copy Tat

LOUIS A DENT Register of Wills Districtol Columbia

May 2 1800 ffly35912lf 192323

IIOlK ot JeS-

b nJQIIC Ii H-

tathft dosing howl your endingShank lere of blush OIIda

lieto lbs tbt The

to bidor of should oeto the It si U of Rstabno-I for Iaabe iS at the

States ol Kep-RratiWlf

MIacool ISO




sock if

e ThetIMId to the tOIl and tM uk wood oroit


Con ierer


C toe eele





will1960 fur

furuloldog itatiseery thathe Jsue IS iiM

propesak sod7 iaiertiou

parts Idda PropsasIs adikeeieillouor aed

endorsed Statioserysod spacioreus es ut



screenedcords wore hasoneof

Representativesidlng Julie IS

tiescoal weigh

1 wear












fforfolk WashingtonSteamboat Co

Every In tie year for NorfolkNews and all points South by the

superb steel steamersNewport News Norfolk and Wash

on the following scheduleLT Wa alnrtant30 pm LT Porttmouth500 pm

Ar Ft I Lv Ft M nrse w45 pmAr Norfolk 600 tm I Ar Alexandrlafi amAr Ponsn outh8a5 am J Ar Washlngton700 aa

o ticket office 613 Peon and corneriSIs st and N Y ave O ticket ol

3 513 Penn eoa lathboard steam

3For further information apply ateral office 7th st wharf Wash D CPhone 760-

tl JOHN CALLAHAX General Manager



Sailing Wedcesdays st 10 a mBED STAB LINE


INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANYPiers 14 and 15 N R Office 73 Broadway N Y

PhiladelnUa ORt 3853C7 Walnst StWASHINGTON OFFICE 1S08 F ST W

Or W C MOSS at Sanders t Stayrjans1327 F St nw-


WASHINGTON D C P05TOFFICE NOTICEShould be read daily as may ocear at

any tuneFOREIGN MAILS are forwarded U the ports of

sailing daily the schedule ef clod i5S i ar-ranged en the ti mie r

transit FcrI-fiOO the lasttbie office as follows

TransAtlantic 3IaiIW-

EDXESDAY b At 7O5 p nt for EUROPEper s Au VicUrU learn Sew York viaPlyraouih and Uambsn Malt let FRANCESWITZERLAND ITALY SPAIN POKTOGALTURKEY EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA vit-Caerboarjr must be directed PerVictoria-


LA jttitain from New York ala ItanMall for other parts of EUROPE oast be di-

rected Per s aFHUAY c At 11OS p for NETHERLANDS

per i

Mail must be directed Per e s j

be directedc At 1106 p m for NORWAY direct per

L s Ilekla Rem Sew York MaH nast bedirected Per a Hekla

SATURDAY e At 1105 p m far EUROPE pera a Iveraia from New York via BMwa

PRINTED MATTER steaawra-eamcg from New York OB Tucaoays taU PrintedMatter see for GERMANY and specially

Printed Matter etc fur other pasta ofECROpE

American and White Star steamers soil lag fromNew York aa Wednesdays German and Frenchsteamers Sew Fork M Thursdays awl On-ard and German steamers New York

take Printed Matter ee far all eosa

italic for South and Central AmericatVc t Inilica Etc

WEDNESDAY c At II a m hr NCRMUDA per e s Pretoria iron NHr York

c At 1146 p for CAMMDCHK CHIAPAS TABASCO mod YfCATAN per s-

Orizaba front New Y rk via Pwgnja Moltfor ether parts at MtiKJO wast ae c6rrted

Per x OtttA-c At 11M p a far NASSAU N P

sod the PROVINCE SNTlAOw CCBAper c s SuaUya Irma New Yank

a At J a M far JAMAICA

c At 11 a Sue TUKfCj InLAND aad-lX MIN eAX KEHCBLIC fer a s NewYork fron New York

e At II S a m for CBCXAHA andTKIMBAD per s s Mwaval tramYatk-

FRIUAV c At Tl i jt m inc l O Trr IS-

LAND JAMAICA SVANfCLA CARTA-UKXA aa GRK TWrX per aVrr v JfcmU for OUbfA RICAautcltxl Per a Ataa

H At UaaS a au for LA PLATA COCKT8KS atiect per Etoaa hoax Mew

for PORTO K1CO via

CARTAGENA TM Cara-MancaiBo New Yao

Mail far PONCE laaat he abeeted Par c-

3tmtsuaSkc At M a a far WWCE POVFO

MOOfar otbev ot PtHtTQ JtKXH-iae4 4 PM a s Mar-

c At 11ZIW Mmatd tram New Y du-

e At llrfS a m for XAMTIKJQCJE-CUABELOCPK and Bt ars s

SUNDAY h Al K at fur STLttX per fflaaifr from North fpaii

MaiM lot ay nfl a Harth

at 1141 a BL W k-

Maifc Sue MHctELOS ajr sad ta Moataa aad-

m 4-

CCBA MAILS her via Port Fla-Wcdaeedajr ftUttrs Misji at fca

Mfajal Fin TvaavTS Sarar ys atlO aj a m Q

Mails for MEXTOO MdHt

York aaily J m aarf10 p m k

Mails Joe COSTA RICA BSUZE 1 TCRTO-dMTTEZ at GUATEMALA sail to NewOrtnuae thence via ateMaer elo Atiif-

a HU Mw eoaaucraic thus tor wafea-beiae Saaaays HId favlm JBTA KHjAaid Maadars far BELIZE PCEKTO CUKTEZGUATEMA-

LVTrnnsPaclflt 3InMails for CHINA JAPAN HAWAII and PHiL

1PPINK ISLANDS via Saa Pnaric ctwr besvoily at p JR aa t tacrasrvc far

s m of PekW f

dIr at CO adespatch per s s Australia

Mails fer execat Watt Aaslsaliawhich go via Europero via Sari FranciscO HAWAII and PUI ISL-ANDS t


IPPIXE ISLANDS via SOB raceitro done hrdaily at 6J6 p a p ta June 1 Ireaaim fc t

Mails Jcr the SOCIETY ISLANDS m Saa Frashere daily at S p BL aa t

in 4 tver for defaatrh pr Tropic oMails for AUSTRALIA recipe Wet

NEW ZEAL XD HAWAII FIJI and SAMOANiSLANDS via SaD Francisco close here daily at

SS p BL after May 2C and ap to Jane 9 IIeltt Jvr far dtapatch per s e Mariama

Mails fox COCHIN CHINA aw farw rded toNew York lox eoaaoctioa with Fmaataa stoaav

PHILIPPINE ISLANDS MOrtarr Mall ifsnatched to Sanoffice t ceaoret-

Knn of nbdi are irrecuiar0 Registered mails dINe at lib a m aaac

RrefeUred milk chine at 89 f n tame

d Registered ncafls dee t 59 a nt sanedaye

RfcW r4 raaifc ciose al 19 p ra pisinus Saturday

0 Registered molts dose at 1 p zn pre-vious day

b Registered mail dose at 12 p rnviuos day

vious dav JOHN A MERRITT Pasttmtte


FOR SVLE Large lots at Ballstoa n arden 151 feet by 25 feet wide from

foot street ta 12foot alley terras 5 bal-ance 1 per week until paid for DO taxes or in-

terest charged 18 per cent off for cash gntwaM2 miles from Washington on eieitrir line eaa-mutatien ticket lrf enU each way Setrf fox circolar or call en JAMES E CLEMKSTS M F stnw myilSt

FOR SALE Look In Mi M ratautes walk from electric ears new 6room and

pantry cottage large front and side porches firstfloor oil firth 10603 feet beaaUislhome 1 00 easy terms WELLS t WELLS attorney for owner 311 D st nw or HyattevtUeteL

A GREAT bargain at Hyattsvitle beautiful homelarge lot terms easy omit selL ROGERS ft

ROGERS Uyattsville rnySlmoea

FOR SALE Brentwocd first station in MarylandB i 0 and ratmrean electric railways

laday Company offers lotf all sizes at 2 to 6 centsfoot time small Enquire IV

A BARTLETT 33 F it or at stathou Md aD271moi

FOR nEUVT OFFICESFOR RENT Rooms IB building 83 st ctr

cheap rent Apply to W J DANTE Hutchla Bldf 10th and D its p2tt



Lw pm Norfolk543 pmam

TJ eta on ale at 817 Peen LYe D andaYe

C 4at ave and atY Y ave and



and roverland the iiay

CHP ting closes will e at


a So Aug


direct Axusttthaxn freon amc At l1GS p In for SCOTLAND direct

per s Aucheria from Sew YorkPer s a Ane





trim Lee are advertised 10 carry


per a s Schky JRm

L Adiost lie

So SYark-

e hiSS Po IlLoh CokCAO

andpoe s


per So s JiIIIe York

IlL Roper II s


M via dw hearexcept Sunday at 1te

m uer dour line ZI5 Po

elope T


wmI soilinge It

awl e




for It WAIl via Sia Fraocnto dMeIlL to liar foe


net wWdt

dose at P-ar op w iidwiw Sec I s-

s 0and

per s s Garlic fe


ersFrancisco at aU cisaei thatwith CntmeDt



k mails eieee MS9 II m pN-Ti day

0 walks chose at W Po so tKo



myU tem




Aiexandisl00 Lv

8 A L ticket office lIEon


thoseweek coding >


a New York

P list must


a Sat-urdays

which they nsuIi



TiltAdadesi Bases





AtSn Jo YiffZtJLS-ATANILLAars a ten

from New jjSIaM t be di

n ear NOTHfi

Taitosua freur New Ya

thence eatT dsUynod on

thence dully at

d p-


andb tsh by Mt ho

New chase IS a



hrdeech flyMails her

up Ii oievo

Nose ZeeImE4

Vancouver her da hIShay IS ds


theO lane-S ship


Sectransport sue











< ¬




< >


















PRESS Parlor and Dining Cars HarrisbcrrPittsbarc-

l dO A M PENNSYLVANIA LnOTED PnHman bleeping SBekis and Obsemtion Cars Harrittwr ta Chicago ClodcsatiIndianapolis St Louis Cleveland and ToledoBuRst Parlor Car to Harruburs-

1S50 X M FAST LINE Pullman Buffet PatiosCar to Harricbars Buffet Parlor Or


Sleeping Car Washington to Louis andSleepiB Ad DinIng Harrisbozz ta Indianapoba St Louis NaabviUe via CSiicfanati sadLoei viU and Chicaso

7 P M WESTERN EXPRESSPuMman Sleeplog Car to PitUbnrr sod Chicago Car-te Chicago

7 1 P M SOUTHWESTERN EXPRESS PuBrrmCan Washington to PitUberp sod liar

mbBT to St Cleveland and CincinnatiDining Car

40 P M PACIFIC KTPRESS Pullnua Secplug Car to PitUborc

7 A M Fer Kane Cuiacdalgua Eocteterand Niagara dally except Sunday

1050 A M For Ebntea and Recovo daily exceptSunday Fer Vamamsport daily P M

720 P M For WIHkunsport Rochester ErieBuffalo and Niagara Fat daily except Sat-urday with Sleeping Car Tashingtoa to Bachonce

P IL Fer Erie Caczadalzsa KocheaterBuffalo and Niacarm FiRs daily PnHaaa-Siceaics Car Washington to Rochester

onlyFor Philadelphia Ness York and the


all Puck Oars with Dime Car from BaldRezatar at 7 8 Dinins Car 7 0 TrfS

515 106 Dining Cir and 11001m Car lines WiuaiEctoa A M 1245 315-SM Dining C r from Baltimore t38 1000and 1LSO P M Oa Sunday 700 Dining Car7 815 9CO 1100 Dining Car from VB-

ntB tca JL iL 1215 i S SLOB IDinirj Cariron Baltimore tSO ICOt and 1LSJ P M

For only Express ILLS P Mweekdays 20L and i M daily

For Boston change 7j5 JL U weekdays and 500 P iL daily

a49 aia or s r t MW IL and1L58 P M On Sunday 70T 7 3 815 900VK i sa iiea A M 1215 us 261 xia-X3 409 Limited 438 600 510 615 507 9 18L86 18W std 1L50 K M

For Popes Creek A JL and 4J1 P JLweek days Sundays 903 A M

For Annapolis 768 tad sun A M 12O5 a d 5OP M weekdays Sundays 900 A M and 541P U

Express for Florida and points on Atlantic Coast-

Line 4J9 A M 39 P M dailyonly 1145 A M weekdays Atlanta Specialvia Richmond Seaboard Air Line 699 PM doily Accommodation for Qaantteo 745A M and 4 5 M

Scxuhore ConxtectlonmFor Atlantic City rU Delaware River Bridge aB

ran route 124S P M week throughPullman ibId Parlor Car SJ5 ConIH boaBl Limited and 1L50 P MVia Market Street Wharf 1400 and 1L09 A M-

14S r M week days 1L5 P IL dallyFor May 1LOO A M week days 1UO P M

dailyTicket cfftces comer and G

and at the statioo Sixth and B Streets whereorders can be left tar the ef baszsto destination Irwin hotels and readesce

Telephone caH Ii41 for Pennsylvania BaliTad Cab Srriee-J H IIUTCUlNSdS J B WOOD

General Manager Central Passeser Ageab

Baltimore OhioRAILROAD

Jaiaey aLl C StreetCWr aW Xcrtlxrc4 ViUftnllJ I3 fS-

eti itoM a ax S6 p m aaUjrFor Cimfciaati 9t I aii and Ijainaiae a Ex

ptttf 06 m Tastiba rd LitBita4 Sb i m-ixartM 1M afcat dairy

iMsborc and CfcsrtH yH a 8SS3ta IH m

Ccbmbw a m itStf

344 p BL aid J9 a-

Far Lamr fctt a m aQCFor Eohhaare oak s-

x7 8 sria sSi-J2W a xlI

IliiliJ k-

xS X i J-

xK 00 OlM XUJR IB-

5J a m SmOtsf J a 435 a taFur lirderirk neck 8 S a itk-

4JB S3 m Ba r ar av U HHaxnvtmra a aaa SfM a

For BOT and way poeats eak 4fa m 4dtSJa7Ma das Xt1-1V 7 6 a at-

fW CaitarsiJMrg a tray iihils-S a aa 12 9 315 4Jc ct

For Waokiaesaa Jnactica and wayS J a 4 5 a BL Saaiajs-

M a BL 1US a BL-

HCYAL BCTE LINEAn tniaa wxtk riatira UgatFur

tga5d SaCet l5 a-

Qtatr 1M Diaar Z Rat LBBJH-BExclasiwly EBBM ftaa Wata far 4fl0l-S Car and II B a Bk JifCar aaea at adaeV SaaJftja S a-

SfifC car 5pptff JfParlor Can ca aU ear

Attaatie City VMO a BL1M a BL dips

For May week 1219Except xExpreas tiaias-

Baccate called lee aid raeeSsed froai aMaV sadKdncw Union Tnaafar Oa aa aaian Sell

oAna Piaasjl aaii Aasaa earthBBB ISaa at


Southern RySchedule in effect May 7 1DOO

891 a BL Daily Local far JHaviOe Charlotteaid way stations Cooorcts at Maaa ii for Stras

i burg and Marrisoaacrg daily and StavnUa week4a a and at Lysehaarg with the Xarfatk andWestern dairy and with C O It K daily forNatural Bridge and Lexiagtaa

1116 a as B Ur THE UNITED STATESFAST MAIL SleepiBc Cars to JacksonvIlle vU-

I Stvaeoih et Salisbury with Sleeper farAsbrvillc and Hot pri ga X C HcoxviBc OUttaaooga and Metapau Term and at Chariattowith Sleeper for Augusta Coeaecte to Cahcnalawith Sleeper for Charteton Sleeping Car to

I New Orleans uniting at Charlotte with Sleeperfw BinaiaghaaL via Atlanta Solid train Wasb

j in toe U Sew Orleans without chasse DiningCar Sixties Coooecu at Lvschaair-

j Natural Bridge and Lexington11 JO a BL DaUy Local for ChaHatt spffle-441 p ra Local lox Frost Royal SUnsbnrff

and Harruonavt week days4 JO p m Daily Local for OtartettcsrlUe

p m Daily XEW YORK AD FLORIDAEXPRESS Sleeping Cars U Port Ta rU-

I Savannah and Jacksonville ceooecrJB with DrawI Sleeping Car for St Atfgustiae and

MiamL Car ta Augusta via ColombIacoocecties fw AiVra and Charleston

Dining Car SerTiec-

9X1 I m DsiIy WASHINGTON AND CHAT-TANOOGA LIKITED VIA LYXC1IBURC Sleepleg Cars to Memphis and New Orleans throughBrista Parlor and Obervotwa Car between Badfled Ya and AttalHa Ate Through coacht Memphis Dining Car Service

10it5 p WASHINGTON AND SOUTHWESTERN LIMITED Sleepers to NashvIlleTenn vfa Asheville Knoxville and ChattaDocjraMemphis via Birmingham New Orleans via Atlouts and Montgomery ecaaectiap at New Ortoani-

4th taaaKh sleeper for Mexico City OMaaetjat HIgh Point N C leaving Wafhia iM dailyexcept Saturday for Piaeavnt N C Ofc rralionCar to MacoR Ga via AthtBta VesttbufcCoach to Atlanta Diain Car service SPersonally Conducted Tavrut on tafa traiaevery Morday Wcdacday end Friday ta SaGFraneicca without change

TRAINS ON WASHINGTON AND OHIO BITESIGN leave Waduactaa 810 a Hxdat r 19 p

p tn and 5289 p a days 6 S BL-

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m and 0 p mTickets sleeping car and other

furnished and bas age csllcd for andcheeked from hotels and residences bjr UnionTraccfer Company on orders left at ticket of-

fice 705 Fifteenth st nw 511 Pennsylvania ovann and at Pennsylvania Paeenger Statian

Telephone call 1441 for Pennsylvania RailrcadCab service

FRANK S CANNON 54 V Pits Gcs MgrJ M CCLP Traffic Manage-

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