oakland county board of commissioners finance and ... · b. central services/airport and aviation...

OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE Wednesday, July 29, 2020 @ 9:30 a.m. - Board of Commissioners (Via Videoconference) Helaine Zack, Chairperson [email protected] Vice Chairperson, Gwen Markham Minority Vice Chairperson, Tom Middleton Call Meeting to Order Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Approval of the Minutes* - July 15, 2020 Approval of Agenda Public Comment COMMUNICATIONS* ACTION REQUIRED A. FY 2020 – FY 2022 Contingency Report Receive and File B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General Aviation Operational Grant Program – Oakland County International Airport – Application (Less than or Equal to $250,000) Receive and File C. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General Aviation Operational Grant Program – Oakland County Southwest Airport – Application (Less than or Equal to $250,000) Receive and File D. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General Aviation Operational Grant Program – Oakland County Troy Airport – Application (Less than or Equal to $250,000) Receive and File E. Letter dated July 2, 2020 from Highland Township regarding DDA Annual Report Receive and File CONSENT AGENDA* ACTION REQUIRED PRESENTER(S) 1. MR #20xxx - Board of Commissioners – Tri-Party Road Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation – City of Southfield –– Resurfacing of 12 Mile Road from Telegraph Road to Lahser Road – Project No. 55121 Report to Board Janet Jackson 910-6035 REGULAR AGENDA* ACTION REQUIRED PRESENTER(S) 2. Facilities Planning & Engineering / Health and Human Services - Honor Community Health North Oakland Health Center and South Oakland Health Center Remodeling Project Recommend to Board Art Holdsworth 858-0160 Ed Joss 721-1204 OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT Budget Hearings Information Technology Sheriff’s Office *Previous minutes, all agenda items/communications and in some instances additional backup materials are available for viewing online at https://www.oakgov.com/boc/Committees/Pages/resources.aspx If you require special accommodations because of a disability, please contact the Board of Commissioners at (248) 858-0100 or TDD Hearing- Impaired (248) 858-5511 at least three (3) business days in advance of the meeting. Agenda Summary

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Page 1: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND ... · B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General ... creation of any processes, procedures or forms


Wednesday, July 29, 2020 @ 9:30 a.m. - Board of Commissioners (Via Videoconference) Helaine Zack, Chairperson

[email protected] Vice Chairperson, Gwen Markham Minority Vice Chairperson, Tom Middleton

Call Meeting to Order Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Approval of the Minutes* - July 15, 2020 Approval of Agenda Public Comment


A. FY 2020 – FY 2022 Contingency Report Receive and File B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General

Aviation Operational Grant Program – Oakland County InternationalAirport – Application (Less than or Equal to $250,000)

Receive and File

C. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – GeneralAviation Operational Grant Program – Oakland County SouthwestAirport – Application (Less than or Equal to $250,000)

Receive and File

D. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – GeneralAviation Operational Grant Program – Oakland County Troy Airport –Application (Less than or Equal to $250,000)

Receive and File

E. Letter dated July 2, 2020 from Highland Township regarding DDAAnnual Report

Receive and File


1. MR #20xxx - Board of Commissioners – Tri-Party Road ImprovementProgram Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation – City of Southfield ––Resurfacing of 12 Mile Road from Telegraph Road to Lahser Road –Project No. 55121

Report to Board Janet Jackson 910-6035


2. Facilities Planning & Engineering / Health and Human Services - HonorCommunity Health North Oakland Health Center and South OaklandHealth Center Remodeling Project

Recommend to Board Art Holdsworth 858-0160 Ed Joss 721-1204


Budget HearingsInformation TechnologySheriff’s Office

*Previous minutes, all agenda items/communications and in some instances additional backup materials are available for viewing online athttps://www.oakgov.com/boc/Committees/Pages/resources.aspx

If you require special accommodations because of a disability, please contact the Board of Commissioners at (248) 858-0100 or TDD Hearing-Impaired (248) 858-5511 at least three (3) business days in advance of the meeting.

Agenda Summary

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View Meeting: https://www.oakgov.com/boc/about/Pages/watch.aspx

Public Comment Written Submission Form: https://forms.oakgov.com/143

Public Comment Email: [email protected]

Public Comment Phone Participation* United States: +1 (872) 240-3311

Access Code: 271-151-061

*Public access lines may be muted if necessary when facilitating

Page 3: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND ... · B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General ... creation of any processes, procedures or forms

Oakland County Board of Commissioners FINANCE AND INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE Agenda Summary for Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. The agenda is summarized below. Committee Members can contact Michael Andrews, Senior Analyst at 248.858.5115 (office) or [email protected] (email), or the department contact persons listed for additional information.


Committee Action: REPORT to the Board of Commissioners.

The resolution is requesting approval of the project submitted by the City of Southfield and authorizes the release of the Tri-Party funds in the amount of $201,844 for FY 2020. The funds will be for the resurfacing of 12 Mile Road from Telegraph Road to Lahser Road. A budget amendment is required.

Contact: Commissioner Jackson [email protected] 248.910.6035


Committee Action: RECOMMEND to the Board of Commissioners on the Finance and Infrastructure Committee resolution.

Facilities is requesting approval of the Honor Community Health North Oakland Health Center and South Oakland Health Center Remodeling Project in the amount of $1,483,412 to support Pontiac and Southfield. The cities have been designated as a medically underserved and a health professional shortage area for low income individuals by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

In December 2019 the Board approved MR #19411 assigning $4 million in fund balance for preventative health services of which $1,625,228 is available to use. Health & Human Services (HHS) and Honor Community Health (HCH) have entered into an agreement (M.R. #20078) to implement a comprehensive plan to provide integration of public health, primary care, family planning, and behavioral health services utilizing a unique healthcare and community services model which will offer allowable services as a safety net to the County’s vulnerable population.

Facilities Planning & Engineering (FPE) and Purchasing have requested and received proposals for the remodeling work. The annual competitively bid and selected contractors for this project are:

Frank Rewold & Sons of Rochester Niagara Murano of Birmingham Hooker DeJong of Grand Rapids MK Consultants of Bloomfield Hills Limbach of Pontiac Elevate of Novi Doublejack Electric of Royal Oak Sheer Shop of Rochester JCI Fire Protection of Farmington Hills Thalner Electronic Laboratories of Ann Arbor Thumb Communications of Lapeer Done Right Signs of Pontiac Floor Transformations of Clinton Twp

The project cost of $1,483,412.32 includes $686,706.14 for construction; $692,787.98 for miscellaneous owner costs (e.g., wall systems, window treatments, signage, HVAC, professional engineering, etc.); and $103,918.20 for contingency. The cost breakdown is listed on the project estimate sheet. On approval of the BOC the funds will be transferred in the amount of $1,483,412 from the General Fund (#10100) Assigned Fund Balance for Health Preventative Care (GL #383425) to the Project Work Order Fund (#40400) for the Honor Community Health North Oakland Health Center and South Oakland Health Center Remodeling Project (#100000003236).

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Contact: Art Holdsworth [email protected] 248.858.0160 Ed Joss [email protected] 248.721.1204

Page 5: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND ... · B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General ... creation of any processes, procedures or forms

July 15, 2020

Chairperson Zack called the meeting of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee to order at 9:34 a.m. via Videoconference.


Helaine Zack, Gwen Markham, Tom Middleton, Marcia Gershenson, Gary McGillivray, Nancy Quarles, Angela Powell, Christine Long, Eileen Kowall




Chairperson Zack led the Committee in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.


Gershenson moved approval of the minutes from June 24, 2020, as presented. Seconded by McGillivray.

Motion carried.


Chairperson Zack indicated that the Budget Hearing Schedule would be added as Communications Item D. There were no objections.

McGillivray moved approval of the agenda, as amended. Seconded by Markham.

Motion carried.




A. FY 2020 – FY 2022 Contingency ReportB. Human Resources – Report on Hiring Freeze Exceptions Memo dated July 15, 2020C. 52-3 District Court (Rochester Hills) – FY 2021 Michigan Drug Court Grant Program (MDCGP) –

Grant ApplicationD. Budget Hearing Schedule


Telephone: (248) 858-0100 FAX: (248) 858-1572 FINANCE AND INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE

Helaine Zack, Chairperson Marcia Gershenson

Gary McGillivray Nancy Quarles Angela Powell Christine Long Eileen Kowall

Gwen Markham Vice Chairperson Tom Middleton Minority Vice Chairperson

Return to Agenda

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Finance and Infrastructure Committee Page 2 July 15, 2020

Gershenson moved to receive and file the Communications. Seconded by Quarles. Motion carried. REGULAR AGENDA 1. CENTRAL SERVICES – OAKLAND/TROY AIRPORT – REHABILITATE RUNWAY 9/27 –


Markham moved to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Seconded by Long.

Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 2. MR #20244 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – RECOGNIZING JUNETEENTH (JUNE 19TH) AS


Quarles moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Seconded by Powell.

Middleton moved to report to amend the resolution, as follows: Insert the following language after the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners rescinds its previous action approving Election Day (MR #19349) as a County Holiday and replaces Juneteenth, June 19th, as the official County Holiday for employees. Seconded by Long. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Middleton, Long, Kowall (3) NAYS: Markham, Gershenson, McGillivray, Quarles, Powell, Zack (6) Motion failed for lack of a majority vote. Kowall moved to report to amend the resolution, as follows: 1. Insert the following language after the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners rescinds its previous action approving Election Day (MR #19349) as a County Holiday and replaces a Float Day – August Primary Day, Election Day or Juneteenth as an official County Holiday for employees.

2. Amend the 1st BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, as follows: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the closing of all applicable Oakland County Government facilities and operations, an optional Float Day - August Primary Day, Election Day or Juneteenth, allowing County employees to have the day off with pay, in order to provide Oakland County employees the opportunity to support and celebrate Juneteenth the selected Float Holiday.

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Finance and Infrastructure Committee Page 3 July 15, 2020

3. Insert the following language after the 1st BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED employees shall have the ability to select the August Primary Day, Election Day or Juneteenth as an optional Floating Holiday. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED employees shall be required to volunteer four (4) hours of time during the selected Float Holiday – August Primary Day, Election Day or Juneteenth, to assist in an official capacity to support an election administrator or a registered non-profit organization in Oakland County or substantially servicing Oakland County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED employees shall register in advance of the Float Holiday selected to allow the department to balance employee registrations for the identified Float Holiday to avoid service interruptions to county residents, businesses, etc., and to determine, if required, costs associated with overtime or other costs. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Human Resources Department shall be responsible for the administration and oversight of the utilization, registration and execution, including creation of any processes, procedures or forms necessary. Seconded by Middleton. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Middleton, McGillivray, Long, Kowall (4) NAYS: Markham, Gershenson, Quarles, Powell, Zack (5) Motion failed for lack of a majority vote. Zack moved to report to amend the resolution, as follows: 1. Insert the following language after the 9th WHEREAS: WHEREAS holiday overtime costs for Juneteenth – June 19th is estimated at $310,000 which includes estimated salaries of $228,400 and estimated related fringe benefits of $81,600; and WHEREAS the estimated impact by fund type is $276,300 for General Fund/General Purpose funds, $33,300 for Proprietary funds and $400 for Special Revenue funds; and WHEREAS funding for the General Fund/General Purpose 24 hours, seven (7) days per week operations for the proposed Juneteenth holiday will be budgeted in the non-departmental General Fund Overtime Reserve line item; and

2. Strike out the 10th WHEREAS: WHEREAS the majority of the cost may relate to union classifications which require separate negotiation and separate resolutions for the various bargaining units. 3. Insert the following language before the NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: WHEREAS contracts with seven (7) of Oakland County’s collective bargaining agreements contain language adopting a “me too” for any changes in benefits provided to non-represented employees; and WHEREAS one (1) collective bargaining agreement will be negotiated to adopt the addition of this holiday. 4. Insert the following language after the 2nd BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:

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Finance and Infrastructure Committee Page 4 July 15, 2020

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the estimated Holiday overtime costs for Juneteenth is $310,000 which represent $276,300 for GF/GP Funds and $33,300 for Proprietary funds and $400 for Special Revenue Funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Non-Departmental General Fund Overtime Reserve Line Item will be used for the General Fund/General Purpose 24 hours, seven (7) days per week operations holiday overtime costs for the proposed Juneteenth holiday and with the Overtime Reserve re-allocated to the respective General Fund/General Purpose departments as needed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the various Special Revenue and Proprietary Fund with 24 hours, seven (7) days per week operations will be required to cover costs from their respective operating funds.

5. Amend the 3rd BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, as follows: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a budget amendment will be required for the union represented classifications that require negotiation and separate resolutions for the bargaining units will be brought forth once negotiated. 6. Insert the following language as the last BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2021 - FY 2023 budgets be amended for the General Fund/General Purpose 24 hours, seven (7) days per week operations as follows: GENERAL FUND (#10100) Revenues FY 2021-2023 9010101-196030-665882 Planned Use of Balance $276,300 Total Revenues $276,300 Expenditures 9090101-196030-740114 Overtime Reserve $276,300 Total Expenditures $276,300

Seconded by Quarles. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Markham, Gershenson, McGillivray, Quarles, Powell, Zack (6) NAYS: Middleton, Long, Kowall (3) Motion carried. Main motion, as amended, carried on a roll call vote with Middleton, Long and Kowall voting no. 3. MR #20245 – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – CHANGE TO MERIT SYSTEM RULE 26, LEGAL


Quarles moved to report to recommend approval of the attached suggested resolution. Seconded by Powell.

Motion carried on a roll call vote with Middleton, Long and Kowall voting no.

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Finance and Infrastructure Committee Page 5 July 15, 2020 OTHER BUSINESS/ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Zack indicated that materials on the budget have been received from the County Executive’s office and reminded the Commissioners that she is open to integrating any concerns or questions they may have into the budget process. Markham moved to adjourn the meeting until the call of the Chair. Seconded by Powell. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting adjourned at 10:08 a.m. ______________________________________ _____________________________________ Pamela L. Worthington, Committee Coordinator Chris Ward, Chief of Staff NOTE: The foregoing minutes are subject to Committee approval.

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FY 2020 - FY 2022 CONTINGENCY10100-9090101-196030-730359CURRENT YEARS ACTIVITY

FY 2020 Fiscal Year FY 2021 Fiscal Year FY 2022 Fiscal YearRESOLUTION ADOPTION INCREASE/ 2020 INCREASE/ 2021 INCREASE/ 2022


ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 25, 2019BEGINNING BALANCE -$ 283,788$ -$ 291,088$ -$ 291,088$ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

19338 10/23/2019 Sheriff's Office - Contract Amendment #1 for Law Enforcement Services in the Charter Township of Oxford 2019-2021

(82,864)$ 200,924$ -$ 291,088$ -$ 291,088$

19376 11/20/2019 Sheriff's Office - FY 2020 Technology Enhancement Grant Acceptance

(15,000)$ 185,924$ (20,000)$ 271,088$ (20,000)$ 271,088$

19403 12/12/2019 Sheriff's Office - Contract Amendment #1 for Law Enforcement Services in the Charter Township of Independence 2019-2021

(29,748)$ 156,176$ -$ 271,088$ -$ 271,088$

20020 1/22/2020 Health and Human Services - Homeland Security Division - Outdoor Warning System Expansion - The City of Farmington Hills

(8,500)$ 147,676$ -$ 271,088$ -$ 271,088$

20021 1/22/2020 Sheriff's Office - Contract Amendment #1 for Law EnforcementServices in the Township of Addison 2019-2021

(55,488)$ 92,188$ -$ 271,088$ -$ 271,088$

20024 1/22/2020 Sheriff's Office - Contract Amendment #1 for Law EnforcementServices in the City of Pontiac 2019-2021

(51,988)$ 40,200$ -$ 271,088$ -$ 271,088$

20086 3/31/2020 Department of Management and Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 FirstQuarter Financial Forecast and Budget Amendments

(4,000)$ 36,200$ (4,000)$ 267,088$ (4,000)$ 267,088$

Return to Agenda


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

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FY 2020 Fiscal Year FY 2021 Fiscal Year FY 2022 Fiscal YearRESOLUTION ADOPTION INCREASE/ 2020 INCREASE/ 2021 INCREASE/ 2022


ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 25, 2019BEGINNING BALANCE -$ 3,156,708$ -$ 5,901,078$ -$ 8,646,708$ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

19334 10/23/2019 Board of Commissioners - Human Resources Wages of the Labor Agreement for the Employees Represented by the Oakland County Employees Union Affiliated with IBEW Local 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU)

(59,355)$ 3,097,353$ (59,355)$ 5,841,723$ (59,355)$ 8,587,353$

19335 10/23/2019 Board of Commissioners - Human Resources Wages of the Labor Agreement for the Employees Represented by the Government Employees Labor Council (GELC)

(98,643)$ 2,998,710$ (98,643)$ 5,743,080$ (98,643)$ 8,488,710$

19336 10/23/2019 Board of Commissioners - Human Resources Wages of the Labor Agreement for the Employees Represented by the Michigan Nurses Association (MNA)

(124,741)$ 2,873,969$ (124,741)$ 5,618,339$ (124,741)$ 8,363,969$

19337 10/23/2019 Board of Commissioners - Human Resources Wages of the Labor Agreement for the Employees Represented by Michigan American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employeess, Council 25, Local 2437 (AFSCME)

(125,711)$ 2,748,258$ (125,711)$ 5,492,628$ (125,711)$ 8,238,258$

19379 11/20/2019 Board of Commissioners - Fiscal Years 2019, 2020 and 2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement for Employees Represented by the Oakland County Employees Union Affiliated with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 58, AFL-CIO (OCEU)

(152,234)$ 2,596,024$ (172,123)$ 5,320,505$ (172,123)$ 8,066,135$

19411 12/12/2019 Department of Management and Budget - Fiscal Year 2019 Year-End Report and Budget Amendments

2,400,000$ 4,996,024$ -$ 5,320,505$ -$ 8,066,135$


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

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FY 2020 Fiscal Year FY 2021 Fiscal Year FY 2022 Fiscal YearRESOLUTION ADOPTION INCREASE/ 2020 INCREASE/ 2021 INCREASE/ 2022


ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 25, 2019BEGINNING BALANCE -$ 113,371$ -$ 113,371$ -$ 113,371$ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

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FY 2020 - FY 2022 OVERTIME RESERVE10100-9090101-196030-740114CURRENT YEARS ACTIVITY

FY 2020 Fiscal Year FY 2021 Fiscal Year FY 2022 Fiscal YearRESOLUTION ADOPTION INCREASE/ 2020 INCREASE/ 2021 INCREASE/ 2022


ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 25, 2019BEGINNING BALANCE -$ 300,000$ -$ 300,000$ -$ 300,000$ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

19411 12/12/2019 Department of Management and Budget - Fiscal Year 2019Year-End Report and Budget Amendments

(80,000)$ 220,000$ -$ 300,000$ -$ 300,000$


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

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FY 2020 - FY 2022 FRINGE BENEFIT RESERVE10100-9090101-196030-740065CURRENT YEARS ACTIVITY

FY 2020 Fiscal Year FY 2021 Fiscal Year FY 2022 Fiscal YearRESOLUTION ADOPTION INCREASE/ 2020 INCREASE/ 2021 INCREASE/ 2022


ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 25, 2019BEGINNING BALANCE -$ -$ -$ 424,200$ -$ 3,848,000$ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

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FY 2020 Fiscal Year FY 2021 Fiscal Year FY 2022 Fiscal YearRESOLUTION ADOPTION INCREASE/ 2020 INCREASE/ 2021 INCREASE/ 2022


ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 25, 2019BEGINNING BALANCE -$ 341,170$ -$ 341,170$ -$ 341,170$ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Approved Memo 10/23/2019 Probate Court - Furniture Replacement (39,318)$ 301,852$ -$ 341,170$ -$ 341,170$

Approved Memo 12/8/2019 Sheriff Marine Division - Dive Rescue Boat Purchase (91,170)$ 210,682$ -$ 341,170$ -$ 341,170$

19401 12/12/2019 Human Resources Department - Creation of Community Affairs Manager Position

(1,000)$ 209,682$ (3,136)$ 338,034$ (3,136)$ 338,034$

19411 12/12/2019 Department of Management and Budget - Fiscal Year 2019 Year-End Report and Budget Amendments

431,808$ 641,490$ -$ 338,034$ -$ 338,034$

Approved Memo 1/3/2020 Medical Examiner - Furniture Replacement (13,182)$ 628,308$ -$ 338,034$ -$ 338,034$

Approved Memo 2/18/2020 County Executive Administration- Presentation Equipment (75 inch LG Monitor, moving stand and Vivtek dongles and presentation equipment)

(3,002)$ 625,306$ -$ 338,034$ -$ 338,034$

Approved Memo 2/27/2020 County Executive - Purchase of Dell Laptops (3,207)$ 622,099$ -$ 338,034$ -$ 338,034$

Approved Memo 3/6/2020 County Executive - Purchase of PC and Docking Station (948)$ 621,151$ -$ 338,034$ -$ 338,034$

Approved Memo 3/6/2020 Facilities Planning & Engineering - Furniture Replacement (4,539)$ 616,612$ -$ 338,034$ -$ 338,034$

Approved Memo 3/6/2020 Facilities Management - Software Purchase (6,284)$ 610,328$ -$ 338,034$ -$ 338,034$

Approved Memo 3/9/2020 Facilities Planning and Engineering - Furniture Replacement (16,842)$ 593,486$ -$ 338,034$ -$ 338,034$

Approved Memo 03/27/20 Water Resources Commissioner - Furniture Removal (624)$ 592,862$ -$ 338,034$ -$ 338,034$

Approved Memo 06/12/20 Parks and Recreation - iPads for Operational Efficiency in Collecting Timesheet Data Parks and Recreation Employees

(11,788)$ 581,074$ -$ 338,034$ -$ 338,034$

Approved Memo 06/12/20 County Executive - Purchase Dell Latitude Tablet and Docking Station for Chief Diversity Officer

(1,196)$ 579,878$ -$ 338,034$ -$ 338,034$


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

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FY 2020 - FY 2022 GRANT MATCH10100-9090101-196030-730800CURRENT YEARS ACTIVITY

FY 2020 Fiscal Year FY 2021 Fiscal Year FY 2022 Fiscal YearRESOLUTION ADOPTION INCREASE/ 2020 INCREASE/ 2021 INCREASE/ 2022


ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 25, 2019BEGINNING BALANCE $ - $ 2,741,286 $ - $ 2,868,991 $ - $ 2,868,991 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

19358 11/7/2019 Economic Development and Community Affairs – Community and Home Improvement Division – 2019 Annual Action Plan Acceptance for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Act Program (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Programs

(589,161)$ 2,152,125$ (589,161)$ 2,279,830$ (589,161)$ 2,279,830$

19374 11/20/2019 Sheriff's Office, Prosecuting Attorney - Fiscal Year 2020 Oakland County Narcotics Enforcement Team (NET) Byrne Grant Acceptance

(134,000)$ 2,018,125$ -$ 2,279,830$ -$ 2,279,830$

19411 12/12/2019 Department of Management and Budget - Fiscal Year 2019 Year-End Report and Budget Amendments

94,143$ 2,112,268$ -$ 2,279,830$ -$ 2,279,830$

20009 1/22/2020 Corporation Counsel - FY 2020 Michigan Indigent Defense Commission Grant Program Acceptance

(1,868,991)$ 243,277$ (1,868,991)$ 410,839$ (1,868,991)$ 410,839$

20086 3/31/2020 Department of Management and Budget - Fiscal Year 2020First Quarter Financial Forecast and Budget Amendments

(24,128)$ 219,149$ -$ 410,839$ -$ 410,839$


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

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MR # 19299 MR #19333 MR #19381 MR #19384 MR #19411

BOC BOC BOC BOC Department Management & Budget

General Fund EquityGeneral Fund Balance as of


Sponsorship of 2019 MiCareerQuest Southeast Event - Interlocal Agreement Between Oakland County and Oakland Schools

Technology Hardware Replacement Implementation - Phase One

Tri-Party Road Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriation - Township of Novi - Crack Sealing on Various Local Roads - Project No. 55352

Tri-Party Road Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2019 Appropriation - City of Royal Oak - Traffic Signal Upgrade and Street Lighting on 12 Mile Road - Project No. 54651

Department of Management and Budget - Fiscal Year 2019 Year-End Report and Budget Amendments

Adopted: September 25, 2019 Adopted: October 23, 2019 Adopted: December 12, 2019 Adopted: December 12, 2019 Adopted: December 12, 2019

Non-SpendablePrepaids $120,826.24Inventories 125,960.05

Total Non-Spendable $246,786.29Restricted

Property Tax Forfeiture $9,795,577.19Total Restricted $9,795,577.19

AssignedProperty Tax Forfeiture Activities 34,181,514.14 Committed to FY 2023 and beyond 30,227,547.00Committed to FY 2020 30,606,438.00Committed to FY 2021 30,430,109.00Committed to FY 2022 28,253,397.00Capital Reserve 13,500,000.00Technology Replacement/Hardware 13,025,005.00 (93,369.00)Headlee Rollback-State Tax Exemptions 10,000,000.00Unfunded Mandates 9,300,047.00Carry Forwards 9,224,118.00 (9,224,118.00)Catastrophic Claims 8,454,500.00HR Comp/Workforce Planning 5,000,000.00RCOC Triparty 4,602,324.00 (318.00) (35,056.00)Health Preventative Care 4,000,000.00Local Road Impr Matching Program 2,027,439.00Emergency Salaries 2,000,000.00Revolving Fund - Local Sustainability Efforts 2,000,000.00Youth Talent Development 2,000,000.00Pandemic Response 1,500,000.00Data Privacy and Security 1,175,000.00Business Continuity planning 1,000,000.00Economic Strategy Implementation 1,000,000.00WRC Long-Term Revolving Fund 1,000,000.00MI SCAO Interpreter Costs 750,000.00Board of Commissioners' Project 637,204.00 (5,000.00)Encumbrances 642,380.14 ($642,380.14)High School Apprenticeship Program 500,000.00HR Legal 500,000.00BOC- High School Hydration Stations 300,000.00Community Partnerships 238,654.00Quality of Life Initiatives 200,000.00Buy Local 150,000.00BOC- Targeted Health Services 100,000.00Rx Discount Card Program 39,308.25

Total Assigned 248,564,984.53 (5,000.00) (93,369.00) (318.00) (35,056.00) (9,866,498.14)Total Unassigned 1,212,494.09

Total General Fund Equity 259,819,842.10 (5,000.00) (93,369.00) (318.00) (35,056.00) (9,866,498.14)


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

Page 18: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND ... · B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General ... creation of any processes, procedures or forms

General Fund EquityGeneral Fund Balance as of


Non-SpendablePrepaids $120,826.24Inventories 125,960.05

Total Non-Spendable $246,786.29Restricted

Property Tax Forfeiture $9,795,577.19Total Restricted $9,795,577.19

AssignedProperty Tax Forfeiture Activities 34,181,514.14 Committed to FY 2023 and beyond 30,227,547.00Committed to FY 2020 30,606,438.00Committed to FY 2021 30,430,109.00Committed to FY 2022 28,253,397.00Capital Reserve 13,500,000.00Technology Replacement/Hardware 13,025,005.00Headlee Rollback-State Tax Exemptions 10,000,000.00Unfunded Mandates 9,300,047.00Carry Forwards 9,224,118.00Catastrophic Claims 8,454,500.00HR Comp/Workforce Planning 5,000,000.00RCOC Triparty 4,602,324.00Health Preventative Care 4,000,000.00Local Road Impr Matching Program 2,027,439.00Emergency Salaries 2,000,000.00Revolving Fund - Local Sustainability Efforts 2,000,000.00Youth Talent Development 2,000,000.00Pandemic Response 1,500,000.00Data Privacy and Security 1,175,000.00Business Continuity planning 1,000,000.00Economic Strategy Implementation 1,000,000.00WRC Long-Term Revolving Fund 1,000,000.00MI SCAO Interpreter Costs 750,000.00Board of Commissioners' Project 637,204.00Encumbrances 642,380.14High School Apprenticeship Program 500,000.00HR Legal 500,000.00BOC- High School Hydration Stations 300,000.00Community Partnerships 238,654.00Quality of Life Initiatives 200,000.00Buy Local 150,000.00BOC- Targeted Health Services 100,000.00Rx Discount Card Program 39,308.25

Total Assigned 248,564,984.53Total Unassigned 1,212,494.09

Total General Fund Equity 259,819,842.10

MR #19412 MR #20061 MR #20062 MR #20054 MR #20078

BOC BOC BOC BOC Health and Human Services

Establishment of a Bicentennial Oak Tree Program Policy

Sponsorhip of the 2020 International Bocce Tournament at the Palazzo Di Bocce

Oakland County Supports Local Response to the Cornonavirus Outbreak

Tri-Party Road Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation - City of Huntington Woods - Sidewalk Replacement and ADA Ramp Upgrades on 10 Mile Road - Project No.55611

HHS/Health Division - Agreement Between County of Oakland and Honor Community Health for Integrated Heatlhcare

Adopted: December 12, 2019 Adopted: March 5, 2020 Adopted: March 5, 2020 Adopted: March 18, 2020 Adopted: March 18, 2020



(75,000.00) (15,000.00)

(75,000.00) (15,000.00) (500,000.00) (2,535.00) (2,374,772.00)

(75,000.00) (15,000.00) (500,000.00) (2,535.00) (2,374,772.00)


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

Page 19: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND ... · B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General ... creation of any processes, procedures or forms

General Fund EquityGeneral Fund Balance as of


Non-SpendablePrepaids $120,826.24Inventories 125,960.05

Total Non-Spendable $246,786.29Restricted

Property Tax Forfeiture $9,795,577.19Total Restricted $9,795,577.19

AssignedProperty Tax Forfeiture Activities 34,181,514.14 Committed to FY 2023 and beyond 30,227,547.00Committed to FY 2020 30,606,438.00Committed to FY 2021 30,430,109.00Committed to FY 2022 28,253,397.00Capital Reserve 13,500,000.00Technology Replacement/Hardware 13,025,005.00Headlee Rollback-State Tax Exemptions 10,000,000.00Unfunded Mandates 9,300,047.00Carry Forwards 9,224,118.00Catastrophic Claims 8,454,500.00HR Comp/Workforce Planning 5,000,000.00RCOC Triparty 4,602,324.00Health Preventative Care 4,000,000.00Local Road Impr Matching Program 2,027,439.00Emergency Salaries 2,000,000.00Revolving Fund - Local Sustainability Efforts 2,000,000.00Youth Talent Development 2,000,000.00Pandemic Response 1,500,000.00Data Privacy and Security 1,175,000.00Business Continuity planning 1,000,000.00Economic Strategy Implementation 1,000,000.00WRC Long-Term Revolving Fund 1,000,000.00MI SCAO Interpreter Costs 750,000.00Board of Commissioners' Project 637,204.00Encumbrances 642,380.14High School Apprenticeship Program 500,000.00HR Legal 500,000.00BOC- High School Hydration Stations 300,000.00Community Partnerships 238,654.00Quality of Life Initiatives 200,000.00Buy Local 150,000.00BOC- Targeted Health Services 100,000.00Rx Discount Card Program 39,308.25

Total Assigned 248,564,984.53Total Unassigned 1,212,494.09

Total General Fund Equity 259,819,842.10

MR #20081 MR #20085 MR #20096 MR #20097 MR #20012

BOC BOC Economic Development Community Affairs

County Executive Board of Commissioners

Tri-Party Road Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation -Charter Township of White Lake - Spreading Gravel and Chloride on Various Roads - Project 55652

Emergency Funding for Coronavirus Pandemic Response Measures

Resoltution Approving the Michigan Economic Development Corporation Grant and Creation of Oakland County Small Business Stabilization Fund

Additional Emgerency Funding for Coronavirus Pandemic Measures

Further Emergency Funding for Coronavirus Pandemic Response Measures

Adopted: March 18, 2020 Adopted: March 18, 2020 Adopted: March 31, 2020 Adopted: March 31, 2020 Adopted: April 13, 2020


($5,000,000.00) ($3,454,500.00)




(59,189.00) (1,000,000.00) (1,850,000.00) (5,000,000.00) (10,000,000.00)

(59,189.00) (1,000,000.00) (1,850,000.00) (5,000,000.00) (10,000,000.00)


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

Page 20: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND ... · B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General ... creation of any processes, procedures or forms

General Fund EquityGeneral Fund Balance as of


Non-SpendablePrepaids $120,826.24Inventories 125,960.05

Total Non-Spendable $246,786.29Restricted

Property Tax Forfeiture $9,795,577.19Total Restricted $9,795,577.19

AssignedProperty Tax Forfeiture Activities 34,181,514.14 Committed to FY 2023 and beyond 30,227,547.00Committed to FY 2020 30,606,438.00Committed to FY 2021 30,430,109.00Committed to FY 2022 28,253,397.00Capital Reserve 13,500,000.00Technology Replacement/Hardware 13,025,005.00Headlee Rollback-State Tax Exemptions 10,000,000.00Unfunded Mandates 9,300,047.00Carry Forwards 9,224,118.00Catastrophic Claims 8,454,500.00HR Comp/Workforce Planning 5,000,000.00RCOC Triparty 4,602,324.00Health Preventative Care 4,000,000.00Local Road Impr Matching Program 2,027,439.00Emergency Salaries 2,000,000.00Revolving Fund - Local Sustainability Efforts 2,000,000.00Youth Talent Development 2,000,000.00Pandemic Response 1,500,000.00Data Privacy and Security 1,175,000.00Business Continuity planning 1,000,000.00Economic Strategy Implementation 1,000,000.00WRC Long-Term Revolving Fund 1,000,000.00MI SCAO Interpreter Costs 750,000.00Board of Commissioners' Project 637,204.00Encumbrances 642,380.14High School Apprenticeship Program 500,000.00HR Legal 500,000.00BOC- High School Hydration Stations 300,000.00Community Partnerships 238,654.00Quality of Life Initiatives 200,000.00Buy Local 150,000.00BOC- Targeted Health Services 100,000.00Rx Discount Card Program 39,308.25

Total Assigned 248,564,984.53Total Unassigned 1,212,494.09

Total General Fund Equity 259,819,842.10

MR #20104 MR #20105 MR #20106 MR #20107 MR #20108

Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners

Tri-Party Road Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation - Charter Township of West Bloomfield - Spreading of Gravel on Various Roads - Project No. 55722

Tri-Party Road Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation - Charter Township of Waterford - Resurfacing of Andersonville Road - Project No. 55711

Tri-Party Road Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation - Charter Township of Bloomfield - Resurfacing of Various Roads - Project No. 55662

Tri-Party Road Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation - Charter Township of Highland - Spreading of Gravel and Chloride on Various Roads - Project No. 55682

Tri-Party Road Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation - Township of Addison - Spreading of Gravel and Chloride on Various Roads - Project No. 55692

Adopted: April 29, 2020 Adopted: April 29, 2020 Adopted: April 29, 2020 Adopted: April 29, 2020 Adopted: April 29, 2020

($50,000.00) ($76,667.00) ($118,908.00) ($39,997.00) ($19,121.00)

(50,000.00) (76,667.00) (118,908.00) (39,997.00) (19,121.00)

(50,000.00) (76,667.00) (118,908.00) (39,997.00) (19,121.00)


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

Page 21: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND ... · B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General ... creation of any processes, procedures or forms

General Fund EquityGeneral Fund Balance as of


Non-SpendablePrepaids $120,826.24Inventories 125,960.05

Total Non-Spendable $246,786.29Restricted

Property Tax Forfeiture $9,795,577.19Total Restricted $9,795,577.19

AssignedProperty Tax Forfeiture Activities 34,181,514.14 Committed to FY 2023 and beyond 30,227,547.00Committed to FY 2020 30,606,438.00Committed to FY 2021 30,430,109.00Committed to FY 2022 28,253,397.00Capital Reserve 13,500,000.00Technology Replacement/Hardware 13,025,005.00Headlee Rollback-State Tax Exemptions 10,000,000.00Unfunded Mandates 9,300,047.00Carry Forwards 9,224,118.00Catastrophic Claims 8,454,500.00HR Comp/Workforce Planning 5,000,000.00RCOC Triparty 4,602,324.00Health Preventative Care 4,000,000.00Local Road Impr Matching Program 2,027,439.00Emergency Salaries 2,000,000.00Revolving Fund - Local Sustainability Efforts 2,000,000.00Youth Talent Development 2,000,000.00Pandemic Response 1,500,000.00Data Privacy and Security 1,175,000.00Business Continuity planning 1,000,000.00Economic Strategy Implementation 1,000,000.00WRC Long-Term Revolving Fund 1,000,000.00MI SCAO Interpreter Costs 750,000.00Board of Commissioners' Project 637,204.00Encumbrances 642,380.14High School Apprenticeship Program 500,000.00HR Legal 500,000.00BOC- High School Hydration Stations 300,000.00Community Partnerships 238,654.00Quality of Life Initiatives 200,000.00Buy Local 150,000.00BOC- Targeted Health Services 100,000.00Rx Discount Card Program 39,308.25

Total Assigned 248,564,984.53Total Unassigned 1,212,494.09

Total General Fund Equity 259,819,842.10

MR # 20123 MR # 20124 MR # 20138 MR #20186 MR # 20159

Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioner Board of Commissioners County Executive Board of Commissioners

Additional Appropriation for the Oakland County Small Business Stabilization Fund

Creation of "Oakland County Community Response and Recovery Fund" and Authorize Appropriation of Seed Funding

Tri-Party Road Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation - City of Novi - Preliminary Engineering and Right-of-Way Acquisition for Future Resurfacing and Widening of 10 Mile Road - Project No. 55601

Authorize Appropriation for Oakland County Economic Strategy Implementation

Perform a Shelter Assessment of the Oakland County Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center

Adopted: April 29, 2020 Adopted: April 29, 2020 Adopted: April 29, 2020 Adopted: June 4, 2020 Adopted: June 25, 2020

($12,000,000.00) ($10,000,000.00)




(12,000,000.00) (10,000,000.00) (108,480.00) (1,000,000.00) (50,000.00)

(12,000,000.00) (10,000,000.00) (108,480.00) (1,000,000.00) (50,000.00)


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

Page 22: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND ... · B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General ... creation of any processes, procedures or forms

General Fund EquityGeneral Fund Balance as of


Non-SpendablePrepaids $120,826.24Inventories 125,960.05

Total Non-Spendable $246,786.29Restricted

Property Tax Forfeiture $9,795,577.19Total Restricted $9,795,577.19

AssignedProperty Tax Forfeiture Activities 34,181,514.14 Committed to FY 2023 and beyond 30,227,547.00Committed to FY 2020 30,606,438.00Committed to FY 2021 30,430,109.00Committed to FY 2022 28,253,397.00Capital Reserve 13,500,000.00Technology Replacement/Hardware 13,025,005.00Headlee Rollback-State Tax Exemptions 10,000,000.00Unfunded Mandates 9,300,047.00Carry Forwards 9,224,118.00Catastrophic Claims 8,454,500.00HR Comp/Workforce Planning 5,000,000.00RCOC Triparty 4,602,324.00Health Preventative Care 4,000,000.00Local Road Impr Matching Program 2,027,439.00Emergency Salaries 2,000,000.00Revolving Fund - Local Sustainability Efforts 2,000,000.00Youth Talent Development 2,000,000.00Pandemic Response 1,500,000.00Data Privacy and Security 1,175,000.00Business Continuity planning 1,000,000.00Economic Strategy Implementation 1,000,000.00WRC Long-Term Revolving Fund 1,000,000.00MI SCAO Interpreter Costs 750,000.00Board of Commissioners' Project 637,204.00Encumbrances 642,380.14High School Apprenticeship Program 500,000.00HR Legal 500,000.00BOC- High School Hydration Stations 300,000.00Community Partnerships 238,654.00Quality of Life Initiatives 200,000.00Buy Local 150,000.00BOC- Targeted Health Services 100,000.00Rx Discount Card Program 39,308.25

Total Assigned 248,564,984.53Total Unassigned 1,212,494.09

Total General Fund Equity 259,819,842.10

MR # 20191 MR #20195

Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners

Establishment of the 2020 Oakland County Native Plants Initiative

"Clean, Drain, Dry, Dispose" Pilot Program - Preventing Aquatic Invasive Species in Oakland County

Total Adjustments to General Fund Equity During FY 2020

Adjusted General Fund Equity FY


Adopted: June 25, 2020 Adopted: June 25, 2020

$0.00 120,826.240.00 125,960.05

$0.00 $246,786.29

0.00 9,795,577.19$0.00 $9,795,577.19

$0.00 34,181,514.14($6,545,500.00) 23,682,047.00

($22,000,000.00) 8,606,438.00$0.00 30,430,109.00$0.00 28,253,397.00$0.00 13,500,000.00

($93,369.00) 12,931,636.00$0.00 10,000,000.00$0.00 9,300,047.00

($9,224,118.00) 0.00($8,454,500.00) 0.00

$0.00 5,000,000.00($510,271.00) 4,092,053.00

($2,374,772.00) 1,625,228.00$0.00 2,027,439.00$0.00 2,000,000.00

($1,850,000.00) 150,000.00$0.00 2,000,000.00

($1,500,000.00) 0.00$0.00 1,175,000.00$0.00 1,000,000.00

($1,000,000.00) 0.00$0.00 1,000,000.00$0.00 750,000.00

($32,000.00) ($118,000.00) ($295,000.00) 342,204.00($642,380.14) 0.00

$0.00 500,000.00$0.00 500,000.00$0.00 300,000.00$0.00 238,654.00$0.00 200,000.00$0.00 150,000.00$0.00 100,000.00$0.00 39,308.25

(32,000.00) (118,000.00) ($54,489,910.14) 194,075,074.390.00 1,212,494.09

(32,000.00) (118,000.00) (54,489,910.14) 205,329,931.96


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

Page 23: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND ... · B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General ... creation of any processes, procedures or forms

West Nile Virus Distribution Balances FY 2020

L. StaffordApproved L Stafford L Stafford

Request and Approved Approved Reimb Subm Total $ Voucher Voucher Voucher Balance Proj Descript Resolution Exp Invoices Hlth Acct/Pymt CVTs 75/25 Amount # Date Remaining

Auburn Hills 3,427.13 3,427.1304/14/20 06/22/20 06/24/20 06/30/20 Berkley 1,920.35 1,920.35 V1450279 07/07/20 0.0004/09/20 06/10/20 06/24/20 06/30/20 Birmingham 2,648.39 2,648.39 V1450280 07/07/20 0.00

Bloomfield Hills 726.06 726.0605/26/20 05/26/20 05/26/20 05/28/20 Clawson 1,524.59 1,524.59 V1446987 06/25/20 0.00

Farmington 1,375.97 1,375.9705/28/20 05/28/20 06/25/20 07/07/20 Farmington Hills 11,252.90 11,252.90 V1451134 07/09/20 0.0005/05/20 06/19/20 06/25/20 07/07/20 Ferndale 2,576.41 2,576.41 V1451136 07/09/20 0.0004/22/20 06/08/20 06/24/20 06/30/20 Hazel Park 2,104.55 2,104.55 V1450283 07/07/20 0.00

Huntington Woods 820.08 820.0804/16/20 06/24/20 06/24/20 07/07/20 Keego Harbor 382.63 382.63 V1451137 07/07/20 0.00

Lake Angelus 120.22 120.22Lathrup Village 564.73 564.73

04/15/20 05/15/20 05/15/20 05/19/20 Madison Heights 3,910.84 3,910.84 V1442975 06/05/20 0.00Northville 437.65 437.65

04/13/20 06/16/20 06/24/20 06/30/20 Novi 8,249.42 8,249.42 V1450285 07/07/20 0.0004/15/20 05/21/20 05/21/20 05/28/20 Oak Park 3,765.88 3,765.88 V1446989 06/25/20 0.00

Orchard Lake 495.40 495.4004/27/20 04/27/20 05/12/20 05/19/20 Pleasant Ridge 330.87 330.87 V1442976 06/05/20 0.00

Pontiac 8,158.54 8,158.54Rochester 1,715.55 1,715.55Rochester Hills 10,190.93 10,190.93Royal Oak 7,440.59 7,440.59Southfield 9,941.73 9,941.73South Lyon 1,546.18 1,546.18Sylvan Lake 248.32 248.32Troy 11,418.06 11,418.06Walled Lake 958.15 958.15

06/18/20 06/18/20 06/24/20 06/30/20 Wixom 2,100.62 2,077.82 V1450286 07/07/20 22.80TOTAL CITIES 100,352.74 40,744.65 59,608.09

Addison Twp 2,583.45 2,583.45Bloomfield Twp 6,260.56 6,260.56Brandon Twp 3,477.62 3,477.62Commerce Twp 5,760.05 5,760.05Groveland Twp 2,549.13 2,549.13Highland Twp 4,191.89 4,191.89Holly Twp 2,385.21 2,385.21Independence Twp 6,041.51 6,041.51Lyon Twp 3,404.07 3,404.07Milford Twp 2,857.28 2,857.28

Acct# 20221-1060201-134870-740184


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

Page 24: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND ... · B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General ... creation of any processes, procedures or forms

West Nile Virus Distribution Balances FY 2020

L. StaffordApproved L Stafford L Stafford

Request and Approved Approved Reimb Subm Total $ Voucher Voucher Voucher Balance Proj Descript Resolution Exp Invoices Hlth Acct/Pymt CVTs 75/25 Amount # Date Remaining

Acct# 20221-1060201-134870-740184

Oakland Twp 3,929.72 3,929.72Orion Twp 5,686.58 5,686.58Oxford Twp 3,820.11 3,820.11Rose Twp 2,646.65 2,646.65Royal Oak Twp 317.74 317.74

05/27/20 06/30/20 06/30/20 07/07/20 Springfield Twp 3,589.59 3,589.26 V1451139 07/09/20 0.33Waterford Twp 10,396.04 10,396.04West Bloomfield Twp 9,357.80 9,357.80White Lake Twp 5,526.80 5,526.80TOTAL TOWNSHIPS 84,781.80 3,589.26 81,192.54

05/29/20 06/18/20 06/24/20 06/30/20 Beverly Hills Village 1,434.98 1,415.00 V1450287 07/07/20 19.98Bingham Farms Village 195.27 195.27Clarkston Village 132.01 132.01Franklin Village 515.78 515.78Holly Village 885.41 885.41

05/29/20 05/29/20 06/24/20 06/30/200 Lake Orion Village 422.82 422.82 V1450289 07/07/20 0.00Leonard Village 98.42 98.42Milford Village 868.20 868.20Ortonville Village 223.53 223.53Oxford Village 486.77 486.77Wolverine Lake Village 602.27 602.27TOTAL VILLAGES 5,865.46 1,837.82 4,027.64

TOTAL CITIES 100,352.74 40,744.65 59,608.09TOTAL TOWNSHIPS 84,781.80 3,589.26 81,192.54TOTAL VILLAGES 5,865.46 1,837.82 4,027.64

191,000.00 46,171.73 144,828.27144,828.27


For Board of Commissioner Committees - Reflects BOC Action Through June 25, 2020

Page 25: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND ... · B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General ... creation of any processes, procedures or forms

REPORT TO THE CHAIRPERSON, OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BY: Fiscal Services Division IN RE: CENTRAL SERVICES/AIRPORT AND AVIATION – 2020 CARES ACT - GENERAL AVIATION OPERATIONAL GRANT PROGRAM - OAKLAND COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT -APPLICATION (LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO $250,000) The Fiscal Services Division has reviewed the above referenced reimbursement application and finds: 1. This is a grant application with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Office of

Aeronautics requesting funding in the amount of $157,000.2. The funds are intended to stabilize airports impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic by reimbursing

operational costs for which airport funds can traditionally be used per the General AviationOperational Grant Program FAA CARES Act Grant Number 3-26-SBGP-117-2020 Revenue UsePolicy incurred since January 20, 2020.

3. The funding of $157,000 will be used to reimburse expenditures incurred from February 1, 2020through June 23, 2020.

4. The grant funding period is 18 months from the grant award.5. A grant match is not required.6. Application and acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to grant acceptance nor any

future commitment.

CC: Finance and Infrastructure Committee

Return to Agenda

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REPORT TO: THE CHAIRPERSON, OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BY: Fiscal Services Division IN RE: CENTRAL SERVICES/AIRPORT AND AVIATION – 2020 CARES ACT - GENERAL AVIATION OPERATIONAL GRANT PROGRAM - OAKLAND COUNTY SOUTHWEST AIRPORT - APPLICATION (LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO $250,000) The Fiscal Services Division has reviewed the above referenced reimbursement application and finds: 1. This is a grant application with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Office of

Aeronautics requesting funding in the amount of $30,000.2. The funds are intended to stabilize airports impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic by reimbursing

operational costs for which airport funds can traditionally be used per the General AviationOperational Grant Program FAA CARES Act Grant Number 3-26-SBGP-117-2020 Revenue UsePolicy incurred since January 20, 2020.

3. The funding of $30,000 will be used to reimburse expenditures incurred from February 1, 2020through June 24, 2020.

4. The grant funding period is 18 months from the grant award.5. A grant match is not required.6. Application and acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to grant acceptance nor any

future commitment.

CC: Finance and Infrastructure Committee

Return to Agenda

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REPORT TO: THE CHAIRPERSON, OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BY: Fiscal Services Division IN RE: CENTRAL SERVICES/AIRPORT AND AVIATION – 2020 CARES ACT - GENERAL AVIATION OPERATIONAL GRANT PROGRAM - OAKLAND COUNTY TROY AIRPORT - APPLICATION (LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO $250,000) The Fiscal Services Division has reviewed the above referenced reimbursement application and finds: 1. This is a grant application with the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Office of

Aeronautics requesting funding in the amount of $69,000.2. The funds are intended to stabilize airports impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic by reimbursing

operational costs for which airport funds can traditionally be used per the General AviationOperational Grant Program FAA CARES Act Grant Number 3-26-SBGP-117-2020 Revenue UsePolicy incurred since January 20, 2020.

3. The funding of $69,000 will be used to reimburse expenditures incurred from February 1, 2020through June 24, 2020.

4. The grant funding period is 18 months from the grant award.5. A grant match is not required.6. Application and acceptance of this grant does not obligate the County to grant acceptance nor any

future commitment.

CC: Finance and Infrastructure Committee

Return to Agenda

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Send completed form to:[email protected] TIF Plan #

For Fiscal Years ending in

Issued pursuant to 2018 PA 57, MCL 125.4911Filing is required within 180 days of end of Authority's fiscal year 2018-2019.

-D1-HURV-2001 & 200 2019Year AUTHORITY (not TIF plan) was created: 2000


Current TIF plan scheduled expiration date: 2029

Did TIF plan expire in FY19? NO

Year of first tax increment revenue capture: 2003


If yes, authorization for capturing school tax: Choose from list

Year school tax capture is scheduled to expire:

Revenue: Tax Increment Revenue 173,613$

Property taxes - from DDA levy 0-

Interest 2,576$

State reimbursement for PPT loss (Forms 5176 and 4650) 0

Other income (grants, fees, donations, etc.) 116,619$

Total 292,808$

Tax Increment Revenues Received

From counties 68,649$

From municipalities (city, twp, village) 97,310$

From libraries (if levied separately) 13,730$

From community colleges 23,426$

From regional authorities (type name in next cell) -$

From regional authorities (type name in next cell) -$

From regional authorities (type name in next cell) -$

From local school districts-operating -$

From local school districts-debt -$

From intermediate school districts -$

From State Education Tax (SET) -$

From state share of IFT and other specific taxes (school taxes) -$ Total 203,115$

Expenditures 45,711$




13,712$ 11,792$






Transfers to other municipal fund (list fund name)

Transfers to other municipal fund (list fund name)

Total 158,837$

Outstanding non-bonded Indebtedness Principal 199,171$

Interest 12,473$

Outstanding bonded Indebtedness Principal -$

Interest -$

Total 211,644$

Bond Reserve Fund Balance -$

CAPTURED VALUES Overall Tax rates captured by TIF plan


Ad valorem PRE Real 13.2687000 $55,982.42

Ad valorem non-PRE Real 13.2687000 $151,596.30

Ad valorem industrial personal 13.2687000 ($3,257.33)

Ad valorem commercial personal 13.2687000 ($1,206.39)

Ad valorem utility personal 0.0000000 $0.00

Ad valorem other personal 13.2687000 $0.00

IFT New Facility real property, 0% SET exemption 0.0000000 $0.00

IFT New Facility real property, 50% SET exemption 0.0000000 $0.00

IFT New Facility real property, 100% SET exemption 0.0000000 $0.00

IFT New Facility personal property on industrial class land 0.0000000 $0.00

IFT New Facility personal property on commercial class land 0.0000000 $0.00

IFT New Facility personal property, all other 0.0000000 $0.00

Commercial Facility Tax New Facility 0.0000000 $0.00

IFT Replacement Facility (frozen values) 0.0000000 $0.00

Commercial Facility Tax Restored Facility (frozen values) 0.0000000 $0.00

Commercial Rehabilitation Act 0.0000000 $0.00

Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Act 0.0000000 $0.00

Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Act 0.0000000 $0.00

Eligible Tax Reverted Property (Land Bank Sale) 0.0000000 $0.00

Exempt (from all property tax) Real Property 0.0000000 $0.00

Total Captured Value $203,115.00 Total TIF Revenue31,272,760$

-$ -$




-$ -$


-$ -$




Economic Restructuring Committee

Design Committee

Organization Committee

Interest Expense Sidewalk project

Principal Expense Sidewalk project

Current Taxable Value



Transfers to General Fund








Captured ValueInitial (base year) Assessed Value





-$ -$







-$ -$






Municipality Name

Annual Report on Status of Tax Increment Financing Plan






Year TIF plan was created or last amended to extend its duration:

Does the authority capture taxes from local or intermediate school districts, or capture the state education tax? Yes or no?


Office operations

Professional services

Property purchase

Community activitiesPromotions Committee


-$ -$


-$ -$ -$

-$ -$








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Tax Increment RevenueSpecific Taxes Allowable for Capture by PA 57 AuthoritiesAs of January 1, 2019

DDA TIFA LDFA NSRA CIA WRITIFA NIAFormer Public Act (now repealed) 197 450 281 35 280 94 61

Year 1975 1980 1986 1867 2005 2008 20072018 PA 57 MCL Citation for "specific tax" definition 125.4201.new (aa) 125.4301.new (w) 125.4402.new (hh) 125.4523.new (9)(e) 125.4603.new (e) 125.4703.new (d) 125.4803.new (e)

PA 189 of 1953 Lessees/Tax Exempt Property X X X X1 X X XPA 198 of 1974 IFT X X X X X X XPA 255 of 1978 CFT X X X X X X XPA 385 of 1984 Tech Park X X X X X X XPA 224 of 1985 Enterprise Zone XPA 147 of 1992 NEZ X XPA 146 of 2000 OPRA X XPA 260 of 2003 Eligible Tax Reverted Property (Land Bank 5/50) TaxPA 210 of 2005 Commercial Rehabilitation X X

Blue highlighted cells--properties located in renaissance zones are exempt from these taxes to the degree listed in 1996 PA 376 at MCL 125.2689 (same extent as ad valorem taxes)

Yellow highlighted cells--properties located in renaissance zones are exempt from these taxes to the degree listed in the respective public acts (same as the others, just exempted in the individual acts instead of in the RenZone Act)

S:\LAF\A A\TIF Audits\Audit Tools and Templates-TIF\TIF Auth Specific Taxes as of 12.31.10.xls

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MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #20xxx BY: Commissioner Janet Jackson, District #21 IN RE: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – TRI-PARTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2020 APPROPRIATION – CITY OF SOUTHFIELD – RESURFACING OF 12 MILE ROAD FROM TELEGRAPH ROAD TO LAHSER ROAD – PROJECT NO. 55121 To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners: Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS since the 1970s, the Oakland County Board of Commissioners has authorized the Tri-Party Road Improvement Program to assist Oakland County’s cities, villages and townships (CVTs) with the construction, maintenance and repair of roads under the supervision, direction and control of the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC); and WHEREAS on December 12, 2019, the Board of Commissioners approved Miscellaneous Resolution #19411 which designated $4,602,324 in fund balance for the Tri-Party Road Improvement Program for projects managed by the RCOC; and WHEREAS the City of Southfield, along with the RCOC, has identified a project and said project is ready to be undertaken immediately; and WHEREAS the RCOC has appropriated its one-third (1/3) share of the funding for the project in the City of Southfield and said appropriation has been transferred to a project account; and WHEREAS the City of Southfield has demonstrated that it has authorized its one-third (1/3) share of the funding for the project and has executed a contract for payment with the RCOC; and WHEREAS Oakland County’s one-third (1/3) share of the Fiscal Year 2020 authorized amount of Tri-Party Road Improvement funding for Project No. 55121 in the City of Southfield is $201,844; and WHEREAS funding is available in the General Fund Assigned Fund Balance for Tri-Party 2020 and prior funding (account #383510) for Project No. 55121 in the amount of $201,844; and WHEREAS in the event the FY 2021 Tri-Party Program Funds are not available, the COMMUNITY shall be responsible for their one-third (1/3) share as well as the COUNTY’S one-third (1/3) share. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners hereby approves the project submitted by the City of Southfield and authorizes the release of Tri-Party Road Improvement Program funds from the Oakland County Assigned Fund Balance. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED additional project costs, not greater than 15% from the original agreement, which are consistent with the project as originally approved, will be paid when invoiced and appropriated in the quarterly forecast resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that additional project costs exceeding 15% of the original agreement will require a separate resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oakland County Clerk is requested to forward copies of this resolution to the Road Commission for Oakland County, Oakland County Fiscal Services and the City of Southfield. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the FY 2020 budget will be amended as follows:

GENERAL FUND (#10100) FY 2020 Revenue 9010101-196030-665882 Planned Use of Balance $201,844

Total Revenue $201,844 Expenditures 9010101-153010-740135 Road Commission Tri-Party $201,844

Total Expenditures $201,844

Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing Resolution.

_______________________________ Commissioner Janet Jackson District #21

Return to Agenda

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MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #20xxx BY: Commissioner Helaine Zack, Chairperson, Finance and Infrastructure Committee IN RE: FACILITIES PLANNING & ENGINEERING / HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES – HONOR COMMUNITY HEALTH NORTH OAKLAND HEALTH CENTER AND SOUTH OAKLAND HEALTH CENTER REMODELING PROJECT To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS Pontiac and Southfield have each been designated as a Medically Underserved Area and a Health Professional Shortage Area for low income individuals by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA); and WHEREAS per M.R. #19411 approved by the Board of Commissioners on December 12, 2019, assigned $4,000,000 in fund balance for preventative health services of which $1,625,228 is available to use; and WHEREAS Health & Human Services (HHS) and Honor Community Health (HCH), a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), have entered into an agreement (M.R. #20078) to implement a comprehensive plan to provide integration of public health, primary care, family planning, and behavioral health services utilizing a unique healthcare and community services model which will offer allowable services as a safety net to Oakland County’s most vulnerable population; and WHEREAS the North Oakland Health Center (NOHC) is located in Pontiac and the South Oakland Health Center (SOHC) is located in Southfield; and WHEREAS HHS and Facilities Planning & Engineering (FPE) have worked together to develop remodeling plans to house HCH staff and necessary equipment in NOHC and SOHC; and WHEREAS Purchasing and FPE requested and received proposals for the remodeling work; and WHEREAS the annual competitively bid and selected contractors for this project are Frank Rewold & Sons of Rochester, Michigan, Niagara Murano of Birmingham, Michigan, Hooker DeJong of Grand Rapids, Michigan, JMK Consultants of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Limbach of Pontiac, Michigan, Elevate of Novi Michigan, Doublejack Electric of Royal Oak, Michigan, Sheer Shop of Rochester, Michigan, JCI Fire Protection of Farmington Hills, Michigan, Thalner Electronic Laboratories of Ann Arbor, Michigan, Thumb Communications of Lapeer, Michigan, Done Right Signs of Pontiac, Michigan and Floor Transformations of Clinton Twp., Michigan; and WHEREAS the total cost of the project is $1,483,412.32 including $686,706.14 for construction, $692,787.98 for miscellaneous owner costs (e.g., wall systems, window treatments, signage, HVAC, professional engineering, etc.), and $103,918.20 for contingency (see attached project estimate); and WHEREAS funding in the amount of $1,483,412 is available for transfer from General Fund (#10100) Assigned Fund Balance for Health Preventative Care (GL #383425) to the Project Work Order Fund (#40400) for the Honor Community Health North Oakland Health Center and South Oakland Health Center Remodeling Project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Honor Community Health North Oakland Health Center and South Oakland Health Center Remodeling Project in the amount of $1,483,412; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners authorizes the transfer of funding for the Honor Community Health North Oakland Health Center and South Oakland Health Center Remodeling Project (#100000003236) in the amount of $1,483,412 from the General Fund (#10100) Assigned Fund Balance for Health Preventative Care (GL #383425) to the Project Work Fund (#40400) as detailed below:

FY 2020 General Fund (#10100) Revenues: 9010101-196030-665882 Planned Use of Balance $1,483,412

Revenues $1,483,412

Expenditures: 9010101-196030-788001-40400 Transfers Out — Proj Wrk Order $1,483,412

Total Expenditures $1,483,412

Return to Agenda

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Project Work Order Fund (#40400) Project: 100000003236, Activity; PROJ Revenues: 1040801-148020-695500-10100 Transfer In – General Fund $1,483,412 Total Revenues $1,483,412 Expenditures: 1040801-148020-796500 Budgeted Equity Adj $1,483,412

Total Expenditures $1,483,412

Chairperson, on behalf of the Finance and Infrastructure Committee, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.

___________________________________ Commissioner Helaine Zack, District #18 Chairperson, Finance and Infrastructure Committee

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Attachment 1

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MISCELLANEOUS RESOLUTION #20xxx BY: Commissioner Helaine Zack, Chairperson, Finance and Infrastructure Committee IN RE: BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS – COVID-19 PUBLIC HEALTH MEASURE – BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUDIO/VISUAL IMPROVEMENTS To the Oakland County Board of Commissioners Chairperson, Ladies and Gentlemen: WHEREAS improvements to the Board of Commissioners (BOC) Auditorium, committee rooms and offices are necessary to facilitate the conduct of on-site and in-person meetings while being in compliance with public health recommendations to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus; and WHEREAS public meetings of the Board of Commissioners, Board committees and other public bodies have been conducted remotely following the institution of a state of emergency due to the threat of the COVID-19 virus starting in March; and WHEREAS Governor Whitmer has issued a series of Executive Orders temporarily suspending provisions of the Open Meetings Act and authorizing remote participation in public meetings; and WHEREAS Governor Whitmer’s Executive Orders have been issues on a month-by-month basis during the state of emergency; and WHEREAS absent the adoption of amendments to Michigan Open Meetings Act or ongoing extensions of the Governor’s Order, authorization for remote participation will end and the conduct of public meetings will require the physical attendance of members; and WHEREAS the physical limitations of the Board’s facilities present barriers to the resumption of public meetings in compliance with public health social distancing recommendations; and WHEREAS audio/visual system improvements present the most cost-effective and timely solution for overcoming these barriers; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners staff has developed a plan and requested a proposal from Third Coast Tech, LLC to implement audio/visual system improvements to eliminate the barriers for the resumption of onsite meetings at Board facilities; and WHEREAS the BOC have enlisted the Information Technology and Facilities Management departments for technical assistance and guidance for the development and implementation of the plan and proposal; and WHEREAS Third Coast Tech, LLC will upgrade existing Board of Commissioners broadcast and recording system. Upgrades will consist of upgrades to hardware supporting the Board’s webcasting system and the on-site audio/visual system. These upgrades will facilitate the participation of members of the public, invited guests, staff and others remotely during a meeting of the Board conducted on-site. The implementation of this project will provide a stable communications system that supports the conduct of meetings within the physical space limitations of the room and support the live broadcast of these proceeding to the public; and WHEREAS the total BOC Webcast Upgrade Project cost will be $82,000, including $76,000 for equipment and $6,000 for installation upgrades; and WHEREAS the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act administered by the United States Treasury Department is a relief package by the Federal Government to protect the American people from the public health and economic impacts of COVID-19; and WHEREAS County of Oakland was allocated $219,438,710 under the CARES Act’s Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) to respond directly to the emergency as well as expenditures incurred to respond to second- order effects of the emergency; and WHEREAS the County has retained outside expert counsel in Pierce Monroe & Associates assisted by Guidehouse to ensure compliance with the CARES Act and full utilization of federal funding resources; and WHEREAS these funds may only be used to cover costs that are necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency; were not accounted for in a budget approved as of March 27, 2020; are not government revenue replacements; and are incurred by December 30, 2020; and WHEREAS the guidance provided by the U.S. Treasury in “Coronavirus Relief Fund, Frequently Asked Questions” dated May 28, 2020 indicates that a county may fund payments to address unforeseen financial needs and risks created by the COVID-19, and to promote social distancing measures as a result of the public health emergency. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Oakland County Board of Commissioners approves the additional one-time appropriation of up to $82,000 from the $219,438,710 Coronavirus Relief Fund allocation received by the county to be utilized for the Board of Commissioners Webcast Upgrades Project for mitigation measures related to COVID-19 threats to public safety. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the FY 2020 budget be amended as follows:

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GENERAL FUND (#10100) FY 2020 Project: 100000003241 Bud Ref: 2020 Activity: GLB Analysis: GLB Revenue 9010101-133095-610313 Federal Operating Grants $82,000 Total Revenue $82,000 Expenditures 5010101-133095-760157 Equipment $82,000 Total Expenditures $82,000 Chairperson, I move the adoption of the foregoing resolution.

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Board of Commissioners

Re: Webcast Upgrade Project Date: 07/24/20

Submitted 07/24/20 9:00 a.m.


TCT and IT


Facilities and Maintenance

$5,830.00 _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Total: $82,082.80

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BOC Auditorium Broadcast

Oakland County

Presented By:

Third Coast Tech, LLC.

4514 Pontiac Lake Rd.Waterford, Michigan 48328800-828-9517www.thirdcoasttech.com


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3-Year Warranty

1 $2,446.31


TCT will provide system commissioning and staff to operate the broadcast system for firstthree meetings after system completion.

1 $1,580.00


IT PC Quote

1 $2,076.22

$4,026.31Labor Total:


Equipment Total:


Unassigned $2,076.22

Third Coast Tech, LLC.

Page 2 of 11

* Price Includes Accessories

BOC Auditorium Broadcast

7/6/2020Third Coast Tech, LLC.Presented By:

Project Name: TCT-0399Project No.:

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TCT will upgrade existing Board of Commissioners broadcast and recording system.Upgrades will consist of new cameras, camera control, video switcher as well as newAudio/Video feeds for recording and ability to capture and broadcast virtual meetings.As part of this quote, TCT will provide all equipment, installation, on site and onlinetraining as well as 3 year warranty. IT will provide PC for broadcast system.

Features for new system will include:

* New HD PTZ cameras in auditorium and Committee room* New Broadcast video switcher* new camera controller with presets* control panel for video routing* video recorder with internet streaming capability* system will be capable of being operated remotely through web interface.* (* not all features will be available through web interface) (*remote access will need to be allowed by IT)

Video Production System Uopgrades

Black Magic Design

Blackmagic ATEM 1 M/E Advanced PanelThe World's Most Advanced Live Production switchers!Create stunning multi camera live production with the world’s most advanced productionswitchers! ATEM switches between SD, HD or Ultra HD video standards so you can formexciting live production with a wide range of video sources such as cameras, diskrecorders and slide shows or animation from computers. You get powerful features suchas chroma key, creative transitions, media pool, downstream keyers, audio mixer, multiview and more! The more advanced models include features such as up to 20 SDI inputs,SuperSource multi-layer engine, full motion DVE, stinger transitions, larger media poolwith full motion clips and up to an incredible 6 auxiliary outputs!

1 $3,009.60

Black Magic Design

The World's Most Advanced Live Production SwitcherCreate stunning multi camera live production with the world’s most advanced productionswitchers! ATEM switches between SD, HD or Ultra HD video standards so you canconnect a wide range of video sources such as cameras, disk recorders and computers.You get powerful features such as chroma key, creative transitions, media pool,downstream keyers, audio mixer, multi view and more! The advanced ATEM 1 M/EProduction Studio 4K features extra inputs, full motion DVE, stinger transitions, largermedia pool with full motion clips and 3 auxiliary outputs!

1 $3,905.11

Blackmagic Design

Blackmagic Design Micro Converter - BiDirectional SDI/HDMI with Power Supply

4 $390.00

Third Coast Tech, LLC.

Page 3 of 11

* Price Includes Accessories

BOC Auditorium Broadcast

7/6/2020Third Coast Tech, LLC.Presented By:

Project Name: TCT-0399Project No.:

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The Cisco 300 Series, part of the Cisco Small Business line of network solutions, is aportfolio of affordable managed switches that provides a reliable foundation for yourbusiness network. These switches deliver the features you need to improve theavailability of your critical business applications, protect your sensitive information, andoptimize your network bandwidth to deliver information and applications more effectively.Easy to set up and use, the Cisco 300 Series provides the ideal combination ofaffordability and capabilities for small businesses, and helps you create a more efficient,better-connected workforce. The Cisco 300 Series is broad portfolio of fixed-configurationmanaged Ethernet switches. Models are available with 8 to 48 ports of Fast Ethernet and10 to 52 ports of Gigabit Ethernet connectivity, providing optimal flexibility to createexactly the right network foundation for your business

1 $936.00


10.1” Touch Screen, Black Smooth

1 $1,680.00


Tabletop Kit for TSW-1060, Black Smooth

1 $175.00


Record, stream and switch up to three full HD video inputs from HDMI™, SDI, and USBsources. Epiphan Pearl Mini™ takes your video production to the next level.

1 $3,271.32

Marshall Furniture

32" custom lecternFlat or Angled Work SurfaceGrommets as NeededTop Vent SlotsInternal Adjustable ShelfFloor Panel for Cable PassFloor VentilationCasters or LevelersCustom Logo

1 $5,600.00


1080p Video conferencing camera with SDI support, 12X optical zoom, gray

2 $3,070.08

Third Coast Tech, LLC.

Page 4 of 11

* Price Includes Accessories

BOC Auditorium Broadcast

7/6/2020Third Coast Tech, LLC.Presented By:

Project Name: TCT-0399Project No.:

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This camera has a 4.4 - 88.5mm lens providing a 20x zoom range, allowing for effectiveclose-focus and wide-angle shots to best suit both face-to-face and group meetings. Itdoes well in low-light conditions owing to a fast f/1.8 - f/2.8 lens aperture and minimumillumination requirement of only 0.5 lux at f/1.8. On top of this, built-in wide dynamic rangeand 2D and 3D noise cancellation further enhance the conferencing experience. Thecamera, along with its entire family of 20x and 12x models, is completely open source sodevelopers can customize everything as they prefer using simple HTML commands.

4 $6,524.16


Take control of your PTZ cameras with this low-latency IP connected joystick. This IPjoystick controller now includes advanced PTZ speed controls, access to the on-screendisplay menu, focus lock and much more. Watch our short setup video to see how easy itis to use PoE (Power Over Ethernet) to power this joystick and connect it to your network.Once connected, you can remotely control multiple PTZ cameras using a single ethernetnetwork connection to the PTZ joystick controller.

1 $624.00


Quoted at $49/Hour as per service contract

1 $5,880.00


Cabling & Connectors

1 $1,170.05


Quoted at $95/Hour as per Contract

1 $3,800.00

$9,680.00Labor Total:


Equipment Total:


Video Production System Uopgrades $30,355.32

Third Coast Tech, LLC.

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* Price Includes Accessories

BOC Auditorium Broadcast

7/6/2020Third Coast Tech, LLC.Presented By:

Project Name: TCT-0399Project No.:

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TCT will install wall mounted displays in various locations throughout the BOC facility.These displays will be capable of displaying Auditorium content feeds, meeting inprogress video feed or feeds from Committee room.Users will be capable of routing the video feeds to selected displays from control roomtouch panel.

BOC Displays


Chief upgraded fixed wall mounts based on installer feedback and direct observations ofinstallers in the field. Many new features join Fusion favorites like Centerless shift, Centristilt, ControlZone leveling adjustment and ClickConnect Latching.

1 $250.60


Micro-Adjust Tilt Wall Mount, Medium

5 $778.05


The DMC-4KZ-CO-HD is an output card designed for use with any card-based CrestronDigitalMedia Switcher. It provides two independent DM 8G+ outputs, plus one HDMIoutput. The HDMI output carries the same signal as the first DM 8G+ output. Both DM8G+ outputs are compatible with HDBaseT. Using a single CAT type twisted pair cable,each DM 8G+ output enables connection to a DM 8G+ receiver, the input of another DMswitcher, or an HDBaseT certified display device or receiver.

3 $2,535.00


The DM-RMC-4KZ-100-C provides a simple one-box interface solution for a single displaydevice as part of a complete Crestron DigitalMedia system. It functions as a DM 8G+receiver and control interface, providing a single HDMI output along with Ethernet, RS-232, and IR control ports. In addition to DM 8G+, it is also compatible with HDBaseT,which allows it to be connected directly to an HDBaseT certified source. Its compact, low-profile design allows the DM-RMC-4KZ-100-C to be installed discreetly behind a flat paneldisplay or above a ceiling mounted projector. It connects to the head end or sourcelocation using a single CAT type twisted pair cable.

6 $3,510.00


55" 4K LCD Display

5 $4,728.00

Third Coast Tech, LLC.

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* Price Includes Accessories

BOC Auditorium Broadcast

7/6/2020Third Coast Tech, LLC.Presented By:

Project Name: TCT-0399Project No.:

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65", 350 cd/m²4k ultra HD resolution delivering the highest detail and image quality. Non-4K sources arealso beautifully compensated.Simple signage with built in USB media player. Synchronized playback on multipledisplays via USB and LAN.Extensive connectivity features. 4K/60p video input signals via 2 x HDMI. Supports CECover HDMI® for power on/off.Easy set up and safe operation. Failover and Failback function for any unexpectedtroubles. Monitoring of multi-displays can be done through the free Multi Monitoring &Control software.

1 $1,388.40


Quoted at $49/Hour as per service contract

1 $2,744.00


Cabling & Connectors

1 $650.03


Quoted at $95/Hour as per Contract

1 $760.00

$3,504.00Labor Total:


Equipment Total:


BOC Displays $13,840.08

Third Coast Tech, LLC.

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* Price Includes Accessories

BOC Auditorium Broadcast

7/6/2020Third Coast Tech, LLC.Presented By:

Project Name: TCT-0399Project No.:

Page 80: OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FINANCE AND ... · B. Central Services/Airport and Aviation – 2020 CARES Act – General ... creation of any processes, procedures or forms

TCT will upgrade the committee room AV system with new control system, webconferencing equipment as well as content feed to BOC broadcast control room.Room system will be capable of being controlled from broadcast control room touchpanel. IT to provide PC to be used with new system,


* New room control system with 10" table top control panel* Control of the system from Broadcast control room* Web conferencing Camera* web conferencing audio feeds* Teleconferencing feature

Committee Room Upgrades


The Tesira STC-2 is a modular telephone interface card for use with Tesira SERVER andSERVER-IO devices. The STC-2 allows a Tesira system to connect directly to standardanalog telephone lines. Being more than just a normal "hybrid," each channel includesline-echo cancellation, noise suppression, caller ID decoding, ring detection/validation,DTMF decoding, and call progress tone decoding. When used in conjunction withAutomatic Echo Cancellation processing, Tesira becomes an extraordinarily powerful,flexible and affordable conferencing platform.

1 $382.80

Biamp Systems

The EX-UBT can transport USB digital audio reliably throughout a customers network.Since the Tesira EX-UBT is not limited by the specification-defined maximum USBconnection length of 5 meters, its ideal for installations requiring USB connections notlocated in a rack or near other equipment, as well as for installations requiring multipleUSB audio inputs, or in projects using Tesira SERVER or SERVER-IO as the DSP sincethey have no on-board USB connection. Powered by PoE, the EX-UBT expandersupports up to eight channels of configurable USB audio as well as Bluetooth wirelesstechnology, which is enabled and configured through the Tesira software. With Bluetooth,the EX-UBT is able to provide a cable-free solution for teleconferencing using soft codecs,continuing a mobile phone call into a meeting room, or for supplying background musicsuch as in a hospitality setting

1 $455.00


The DMC-4KZ-C is an input card designed for use with any card-based CrestronDigitalMedia Switcher. It provides one DM 8G+ input, with complementary HDMI pass-through and analog audio outputs. Using a single CAT type twisted pair cable, the DM8G+ input enables the connection of a DM 8G+ transmitter, the output of another DMswitcher, or an HDBaseT certified source.

2 $1,430.00

Third Coast Tech, LLC.

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* Price Includes Accessories

BOC Auditorium Broadcast

7/6/2020Third Coast Tech, LLC.Presented By:

Project Name: TCT-0399Project No.:

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The DM-RMC-4KZ-100-C provides a simple one-box interface solution for a single displaydevice as part of a complete Crestron DigitalMedia system. It functions as a DM 8G+receiver and control interface, providing a single HDMI output along with Ethernet, RS-232, and IR control ports. In addition to DM 8G+, it is also compatible with HDBaseT,which allows it to be connected directly to an HDBaseT certified source. Its compact, low-profile design allows the DM-RMC-4KZ-100-C to be installed discreetly behind a flat paneldisplay or above a ceiling mounted projector. It connects to the head end or sourcelocation using a single CAT type twisted pair cable.

1 $585.00


The DM-TX-4K-100-C-1G provides a simple, cost-effective interface solution for a singleHDMI, DVI, or Dual-Mode DisplayPort source as part of a complete Crestron DigitalMediasystem. It functions as a DM 8G+ transmitter and control interface, providing a singleHDMI input along with RS-232 and IR control ports.[1] In addition to DM 8G+, it is alsocompatible with HDBaseT, allowing it to be connected directly to an HDBaseT certifiedreceiver or display device. Its 1-gang mountable design allows the DM-TX-4K-100-C-1Gto be flush mounted in a wall or presentation lectern. It can also be mounted beneath atable or attached to a suitable flat surface using the mounting bracket provided. Itconnects to the head end or display location using a single CAT type twisted pair cable.[2]Standard gang-box mounting allows for installation adjacent to an Ethernet jack (CrestronMP-WP183 or equivalent) for a total connectivity solution.[3]

2 $980.00


10.1” Touch Screen, Black Smooth

1 $1,680.00


Tabletop Kit for TSW-1060, Black Smooth

1 $175.00


10X Optical Zoom | USB 3.0 | 1920 x 1080p | 61 degree FOV (Gray) US Style Power

1 $863.04


Quoted at $49/Hour as per service contract

1 $3,920.00


Cabling & Connectors

1 $780.03


Quoted at $95/Hour as per Contract

1 $1,520.00

Third Coast Tech, LLC.

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* Price Includes Accessories

BOC Auditorium Broadcast

7/6/2020Third Coast Tech, LLC.Presented By:

Project Name: TCT-0399Project No.:

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$5,440.00Labor Total:


Equipment Total:


Committee Room Upgrades $7,330.87

Third Coast Tech, LLC.


Project Labor Subtotal:

Project Equipment Subtotal: $53,602.49

Project Subtotal:


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* Price Includes Accessories

BOC Auditorium Broadcast

7/6/2020Third Coast Tech, LLC.Presented By:

Project Name: TCT-0399Project No.:

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Third Coast Tech, LLC.



Third Coast Tech, LLC.




Project Summary



Grand Total: $76,252.80

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* Price Includes Accessories

BOC Auditorium Broadcast

7/6/2020Third Coast Tech, LLC.Presented By:

Project Name: TCT-0399Project No.:

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BOC Webcast Upgrade Project

Install electrical outlets for (6) TV monitor locations

**Due to the offices and in the Penick-Aaron Room having wood paneling walls the outlets will have to

be installed in surface mounted wiremold. We will paint the wiremold brown to have it blend in with the

wood walls.

**Due to the employee and public entrances having white / gray marble on the walls the outlets may

have to be installed in surface mounted wiremold. We will paint the wiremold white to have it blend in

with the marble walls. It is possible that we can come down from the ceiling inside the wall for a flush

mounted outlet, but we may have to use surface mounted wiremold coming down from the ceiling to

the outlets. Again we will paint the wiremold white to blend in with the drywall walls.


Labor 2 guys 28 hours each-----$5320.00


Thank you.

Scott Furman-Oakland County Electrical Maintenance Supervisor

[email protected]

Office # 248-858-4929

Cell # 248-343-0840

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Board of Commissioners

Re: Proposed TV Monitor Locations Date: 07/24/20

**Locations subject to Change pending ceiling access**

Submitted 07/24/20 9:00 a.m.

The following is a layout of the proposed locations for the television monitors that are planned to be installed as a part

of the Webcast Upgrade project for the Board of Commissioners through the CARES act.

Location #1 - Employee Entrance

Location #2 – Auditorium Entrance

Location #3 – Pernick-Aaron

Location #4 – Chief’s Office

Location #5 – Woodward’s Office

Location #6 – Joanne’s Office