object-oriented designe

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  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Object-Oriented Design

  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 2

    You know the software is rotting when itstarts to exhibit any of the following odors

    Rigidity The system is hard to change because every changeforces many other changes to other parts of the system

    Fragility !hanges cause the system to break in places thathave no conceptual relationship to the part that was changed

    Immobility "t is hard to disentangle the system intocomponents that can be reused in the other systems

    Viscosity Doing things right is harder than doing things wrong

    Needless Complexity The design contains infrastructure that

    adds no direct benefit Needless Repetition The design contains repeating

    structures that could be unified under a single abstraction

    Opacity "t is hard to read and understand "t does not express

    its intent wellAgile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practicesch# p$$

  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 3

    %imple Design

    &xtreme 'rogramming(s principle of Simple Design) inorder of importance*

    + ,uns all the tests

    !ontains no duplication

    . &xpresses the intent of the programmer/ 0inimi1es the number of classes and methods

    Truly agile teams don(t allow the software to rot 2eeping the design clean and simple at all timesis the only way to

    go fast "t makes the design flexible and easy to change 0aking a mess will always slow you down the next time that you

    need to read or change the same code

    Clean Codech+Extreme Programming Explained (1st Ed.)ch+3 p4#

    http*55xprogrammingcom5xpmag5exp&mergentDesignAgile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practicesch# p63

  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 4

    7rchitecture87rchitecture is about the important stuff 9hatever that is8

    :7rchitecture is the decisions that you wish you could get right early ina project; 9hy do people feel the need to get some things right early inthe project< The answer) of course) is because they perceive thosethings as hard to change %o you might end up defining architecture as:things that people perceive as hard to change;

    =ig Design >p ?ront @=D>?A) ie spinning system designs based onuntested hypotheses for many months) is harmful =D>? inhibitsadapting to change

    Bittle5&nough Design >p ?ront @BD>?5&D>?A is good 9ith a bigproject spending a week or even a month thinking about the importantthings is nothing wrong

    7gile was a response to =D>?) but not D>? ?ar from :designnothing); the C' strategy is :design always;

    9hatever designs have been done up front) they should always beopen for change Bet the tests drive the system architecture


    http*55martinfowlercom5ieee%oftware5whoeeds7rchitectpdfClean Codech++ p+EEhttp*55blogobjectmentorcom5articles533653/545the-scatology-of-agile-architecture


  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 5

    'rinciples of 0odular Design

    Cohesion higher is better

    !ohesion is a measure of how strongly-related or focusedthe responsibilities of a single module are

    Coupling lower is better

    !oupling or dependency is the degree to which eachprogram module relies on each one of the other modules


    Clean Codech+3 p+/3http*55reborgtumblrcom5post5$.E$4+5clean-code-cheat-sheet

  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 6

    'rinciples of Object-Oriented Design

    http*55wwwinfoHcom5presentations5principles-agile-oo-design @.3 minA

  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 7


  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 8

    %OB"D 'rinciples

    %,'* %ingle ,esponsibility 'rinciple

    O!'* Open !losed 'rinciple

    B%'* Biskov %ubstitution 'rinciple

    "%'* "nterface %egregation 'rinciple D"'* Dependency "nversion 'rinciple


  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 10

    %ingle ,esponsibility 'rinciple

    A class so!ld ave onl" one reason to cange.

    &ach responsibility should be separated to its own class)because each responsibility is an axis of change !hangeto one responsibility may break others in the same class

    ?ollowing the %,' leads to small) highly focused) cohesiveclasses) which each do only one thing &ach of them willbe easy understand and change &xample* "n a payroll application) it(s wrong to have an &mployee

    class which @+A calculates pay) @A produces a report) and @.Asaves itself to database &ach of them should be separated intoits own class* &mployee'ay!alculator) &mployee'ayroll,eport)&mployee,epository


    Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practicesch$ p64Clean Codech+3 p+$

  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 11


  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 12

    Open !losed 'rinciple

    Software entities (classes, mod!les, f!nctions, etc.)so!ld #e open for extension, #!t closed for modification.

    0ake classes depend on abstract interfaces instead ofconcrete classes "nject new behaviour into existingclasses by providing a different implementation of theinterface

    9hen the O!' is applied well) new behaviour can beadded by creating a new class) without needing to change

    existing classes =reaking existing code will be avoided ,ealistically will not always be possible) but we can try to

    approximate it by anticipating what will change

    http*55wwwobjectmentorcom5resources5articles5ocppdfAgile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practicesch6 p66

  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 13

    7nticipating ?uture !hanges

    8%ince closure cannot be complete) it must be strategicThat is) the designer must choose the kinds of changesagainst which to close his design Je must guess at themost likely kinds of changes) and then construct

    abstractions to protect him from those changes8 87lso) conforming to the O!' is expensive."t takes

    development time and effortto create the appropriateabstractions Those abstractions also increase thecomplexityof the software design8

    Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practicesch6 p+34

  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 14

    7nticipating ?uture !hanges

    Do notput hooks in for changes that migthappen"nstead) wait !ntil te canges appen$

    %&ool me once, same on "o!. &ool me twice, same on me.%

    "nitially write the code expecting it to not change 9hen achange occurs) implement the abstractions that protectfrom future changes of tat 'ind.

    "t(s better to take the first hit as early as possible 9e wantto know what kind of changes are likely before going too

    far in the development >se TDD and listen to the tests Develop in short cycles

    Develop features before infrastructure Develop the mostimportant features first ,elease early and often

    Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practicesch6 p+34

  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 15


  • 8/13/2019 Object-Oriented Designe


    Copyright 2009 Esko Luontola 16

    Biskov %ubstitution 'rinciple

    S!#t"pes m!st #e s!#stit!ta#le for teir #ase t"pes. &!nctions tat !se references to #ase classes m!st #ea#le to !se o#ects of derived classes wito!t 'nowing it.

    The rule which must be followed when inheriting fromanother class5interface

    7ll assumptions that functions make about the base class)must be valid for all derived classes "f there may existcode which breaks when it is passed a subclass) then the

    B%' has been violated &xample* Kiven a class ,ectangle) should a class %Huare

    inherit from it< 7fter all) sHuare *S+Arectanglencle=ob'rinciplesOfOod@all linked articlesA

