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Post on 14-Mar-2016




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Objekt Magazine Press at VillaKishti


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Villa Kishti is located on the Caribbean island of Anguilla. It is a holiday home

inspired by the style of Bali and created by a sophisticated, design-loving couple

with three sons. The villa comprises a series of separate volumes in which in-

terior, architecture and landscape form a logical ensemble.The unique setting ac-

centuates the villa’s contours and thanks to those contours, the views acquire

an additional dimension.

Although the various ‘compartments’ of the villa form differing entities, the

spaces !ow naturally together thanks to the unifying materials, colours, forms

and textures.The design is by Anna Simone and Elaine Cecconi fromToronto in

Canada who addressed all the different aspects of the interior.

A n g u i l l a u n d e r t h e s p e l l o fA n n a S i m o n e a n dE l a i n e C e c c o n i

TThhee pphhoottooss cclleeaarrllyy rree!!eecctt hhooww VViillllaa KKiisshhttii,, ffeeaattuurriinngg aann aagggglloommeerraattiioonn ooff bbuuiillddiinngg vvoolluummeessaarroouunndd tthhee cceennttrraall hhuubb,, nneessttlleess iinn tthhee llaannddssccaappee ooff tthhee CCaarriibbbbeeaann iissllaanndd ooff AAnngguuiillllaa.. DDee--ssiiggnneerrss AAnnnnee SSiimmoonnee aanndd EEllaaiinnee CCeeccccoonnii ffrroomm tthhee CCaannaaddiiaann cciittyy,, TToorroonnttoo,, iinn cclloossee ccoollllaabboo--rraattiioonn wwiitthh tthheeiirr cclliieennttss,, hhaavvee ccrreeaatteedd aa hhoolliiddaayy rreettrreeaatt tthhaatt ooffffeerrss bbootthh iinnttiimmaaccyy aannddpprriivvaaccyy,, ddeessppiittee iittss ooppeenn cchhaarraacctteerr aanndd ddiirreecctt iinntteerraaccttiioonn wwiitthh iittss iimmppoossiinngg ssuurrrroouunnddiinnggss.. TThhee ddeessiiggnn ooff tthhee eennttrraannccee iiss ssiimmppllee aanndd ffuunnccttiioonnaall:: tthhee ffrroonntt ddoooorrss,, wwhheenn cclloosseedd,, rreevveeaallnnootthhiinngg ooff tthhee ooppuulleennccee tthhaatt lliieess bbeeyyoonndd.. RRiigghhtt:: AAnnnnaa SSiimmoonnee aanndd EEllaaiinnee CCeeccccoonnii..OOvveerrlleeaaffTThhee vvaarriioouuss lliivviinngg aarreeaass aanndd bbeeddrroooommss aallll oovveerrllooookk tthhee sseeaa aanndd,, wwiitthh tthhee ssppaacciioouuss tteerrrraacceess,,ccrreeaattee aa ddiirreecctt ccoonnnneeccttiioonn bbeettwweeeenn iinntteerriioorr aanndd eexxtteerriioorr.. TThhee ccoolloouurrss uusseedd iinn tthhee iinntteerriioorrddeessiiggnn pprroodduuccee aa ssyymmpphhoonnyy ooff wwhhiitteess wwiitthh aacccceennttss iinn ddaarrkk wwoooodd..

production: OBJEKT©Internationalphotos: Joy von Tiedemann

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Villa Kishti's tripartite design is composed of a central hub, master suite and three self-contained vil-las, arranged in a fan-like plan. The central hub contains the principal gathering areas of the resi-dence – the kitchen and living-dining area with extensive outdoor terraces. Spaces are uncluttered,with Corian counters and backsplash and marine ply with wood veneer custom millwork in the kitchenand custom millwork, custom furnishings and carefully-chosen accessories in the living-dining area.The master suite, accessed internally from the living-dining area, contains a master bedroom withlounge area and generous terrace, as well as an adjoining travertine-clad en-suite with indoor and out-door showers. The master bedroom is appointed with custom millwork and custom furnishings andsubtle Balinese accents.

The three self-contained villas, across the central hub from themaster suite, encompass a lounge area with private, outdoor deck,kitchenette, powder room and master bedroom with en-suite bath.Custom furnishings, accessories, finishes and fittings are in har-mony with the quiet, contemporary, Balinese-accented look of therest of the residence.

Villa Kishti incorporates numerous sustainable technologies andfittings that protect its remarkable natural environment. Rooftopsolar panels supplement the power supply. Lighting is on timers.Rainwater is collected in cisterns and grey water is recycled for ir-rigation. Passive cross-ventilation eliminates the need for air-con-ditioning, apart from the master suite. Energy-efficient LED pinlights in corrosion-proof plastic casings create constellations ofartificial starlight after sundown.

Villa Kishti is the result of a remarkable collaboration between de-signer and client. This singular partnership allowed for an expan-sion of the original client brief, whereby the interior designers werecharged with fully realizing the conceptual, architectural vision forthe residence in built form. This would come to involve all aspectsof interior, architectural and landscape design-management. Theclient's exceptional contributions to design development, productsourcing and logistics were invaluable in reducing costs and short-ening timelines.

Villa Kishti is suffused with nature, producing an atmosphere of re-laxation and inspiration. The encircling landscape and seascape,ever-changing, are constant companions in this meditative, privatesanctuary.

AAddjjooiinniinngg:: tthhee eennttrraannccee ooff tthheehhoouussee wwiitthh ppaatthhss tthhaatt ffaann oouuttttoo aacccceessss tthhee vvaarriioouuss rroooommssaanndd sseemmii--ddeettaacchheedd vviillllaass..BBeellooww:: sseevveerraall bbeeddrroooommss aannddeenn--ssuuiittee bbaatthhrroooommss,, aallll ooffwwhhiicchh hhaavvee vviieewwss ooff tthheeCCaarriibbbbeeaann SSeeaa..TThhee kkiittcchheenn iiss iinn tthhee cceennttrraallhhuubb ooff tthhee ccoommpplleexx aanndd iiss ppaarrttooff tthhee lliivviinngg--ddiinniinngg aarreeaa..RRiigghhtt:: tthhee mmaaiinn vviillllaa sseeeenn ffrroommoonnee ooff tthhee ootthheerr vvoolluummeess iinn tthheeccoommpplleexx;; tthhee ssppeeccttaaccuullaarr,, sseemmii--cciirrccuullaarr wwaatteerr ffeeaattuurreess ssaalluutteetthhee mmaajjeessttiicc bblluuee sseeaa..