ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1908-04-27 [p...

le fI J- n t t 1- t 1 I I s t I I r j JJIj oj > 1 c I OCALAEVENING STAR MopAv APfr V19O 4 t t JI c ftnrvl 2i J 1 i OEALAkOOCURRENOSI K or P meet tonight r E cameettomomw evening y Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night I Col Rogers turpentine operator in the Lynne section was a caller today Come in and see the line of new books at the Ocala News Co Try Hiawatha Lake Dairy butter ¬ milk delivered every morning Mr of Wildw od was transacting business J in the city today I Ben Condon has a line of new coast- er ¬ bicycles for rent I Sh Mrs L J t Parr I her daugh- ter ¬ Mrs Overby at Lakeland Cr J W Davis df Surhmerfield was In town today J it j A I Mr A P Stuckey drove in this morning from Oak Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran- teed ¬ Price 25 cents Sold by all drug- gists Harry Palmer Is bookkeeper j foi phosphat cqrnpahy at Inverness spent Sunday q with his mother < Gut glass silverware and brica fcrac at very low prices Ocal > Music Company Miss Bessie Bitting who has been seriously ill with fever for the past 10 days Is convalescenti- ne ine piano player and music at less tIan half regular price Cicala Music Company Mr A T ihomaa who spent Sun ay jn the city with his family re- turned to the mines today fhe best 26c box o paper we have Er put across the counter Danish Cloth at the Postoffice Drugstore- Mr S A Rawls came down from Jacksonville and spent Sunday in the city S I FOR SALEHandmade shadow embroidery waist fronts No 21 Vatula street city r V t Mr LK Edwards of Irvine spent Sunday in the city with Mr and Mrs John L Edwards i TEL C Davis Co of JacksonvilHp- will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired 4 Mir A N Goodwin of Standard was- a > guest of the Ocala House yesterday I is a guest of the Ocala House Mr W D Grahani went to Dunnel it lon this morning in the interest of his candidacy for the office of tax collector Mr J C Simms the cattleman near Sharpes Ferry was in town Saturday to witness the unveiling He is a hero of the lost caus- Morcilla Miss McLean and Master Venice Shaw went to Wildwood Fri ¬ day to visit Miss McLeans father and returned yesterday afternoon Mrs Riley of Rbchelle who has been visiting Mr andl Mr D W Tompkins went on to Leesburg today to visit friends for a short time 7 Mr ME Robinson of Tampa the popular salesman for the Hub shoes Tas in town yesterday and today a guest of the OcalaHouse- Mrs a S C Stone and daughter Miss Fannie Stone left today for Chatta- nooga ¬ Tenny to spend the ummer with Mrs Stones sons Messrs Will and Spence Justice Walter Bishop recommitted at Draker coloredS with k half Zen aliases for stealing packages of teat from the A C L railroad in- S ke c6unty t + + + + kt + t + ++ + 4+ ++ 4 + 4- H + NNOt Bowmuchb- ut how tI is thejquestion 4 that every one should candy The old saying that U mans judged by the candy he gives 1 holds good today same as always f Buy thejbest tdont take the just as go 1 o thg quite equals N TI fad BonBons and Chocolates They are ia a distinctively eaclu- iivfe class themselves p Ordersreceiveprompt and care- ful oji attention Just girt us the name W r and cl41aii4 Uacle Sam does + the rest 0 TW TROXLEH- i SS II12i1t ilJt1J J csT1- M r t I t I rt 2 rj M L tIJ dA I J NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS If you are getting the daily Star by mail and your subscription is more than three months inarrears the pa- per ¬ will be stopped in a few days if not paid up Under the recent rulin- gt the postoffice department we can- not ¬ mail daily papers if more than three months in arrears If you want the paper pay up i I DEMPSEY MAYO SELLING LOTS I Mr Dempsey Mayo sold two of those beautiful residence lots Saturday to parties who will soon bjuild on them The lots are located in front of the Mayo residence in the southeastern part of the city I Mr and Mrs Arthur Hardaker of Martel were in town Saturday night guests of the Ocala House and went on to Tampa yesterday where their ome will be in future Mr and Mrs Hardaker have many friends here who w ill regret their removal to Tampa but hope for frequent visits from them T The famous Cunard liner Mauri- tania ¬ the biggest and fastest steam- ship ¬ in the world will be displayed at the Berlin theater tonight and there will be several other good pictures- It will be morfey put of your pocket If you do not sele the- mt t and Mrs Thomas C Bailey of Clarke are the proud parents of a lit- tle ¬ daughter who arrived at their home yesterday morning The little lady has been named Mary Adalie Bailey Mr Bailey 1s1 a son of Mr and Mrs John S Bailey of this city and was raised in Ocala Mr Len Griggs who occupies the Maj Tom C Hall farm on the Silver Springs hard road is rejoicing over the fine shower as he has 40 acres it canteloupes The farmers have melons on the vines as large asa quart measure and the latter are matted all over I Mr S A Rawls head of the naval stores firm of that name and lessee of the state convicts with headquarter in Jacksonville was in the city Satur- day ¬ r w SS 1 < > Jf r l U t I Mrs Fisher of Tampa after a stay- of several weeks with her mother Mrs L J Parr returned home Sun cay Will J Edwards We turpentine op- erator of Irvine went down to Dun nellon today on business- Messrs t MB m Thos E Pasteur and Judge Jos H Bell went up to Anthony Sun ¬ day afternoon to visit friends MrE C McLeod of Kendrick at ¬ tended the political speaking Satur- day night MrJMcL is a great friend and advocate of the two candidates Broward and Stockton Will Woods one of the faithful and efficient salesmen at the Teapot is on the sick list f 1 Jim Rogers the committeeman from the Berlin precinct was in town to ¬ day in consultation with Judge Bell cii matters pertaining the primary election Mrs S C Stone and daughter Miss Fannie Stone left Saturday for Chat- tanooga Tenn to visit Mrs Stones sons Will and Spencer Miss Sallie Spurlin who was doing so well up to last night rested very badly last night and suffered slight relapse Mr T B Ellis Jr of Gainesville 5s at the Ocala House- Messrs J Lewis S L Burts and R L Barnes of Atlanta are guests of the Ocala House Mr B F Dillon of Jacksonville is at the Ocala House Mr J W Ward Jr of Floral City one of the states leading naval stores operators is at the Ocala Hpuse Miss Florine Morris of Port Inglis arrived In town today to visit Mrs Ben Smith of Oxford he of the J imtndrtar 400 in the Con- federate cause also a member of the Ocala camp was here Saturday to dp tori r td> nisjdeparted fcomrades 1F i JUST RECEIVED Robertsons Pure Grape Juice in pint and quart botties Red Rook Ginger Ale in pint and quart bottles I Pea Nut Brittle Cherries in Maraschino Bishops PURE JELLIES AND JAMS Melon and Cucumber Man- goes ¬ a Elijahs Manna Force and Korn Kinks at- TEAPOTGROCERY Sunny Jim Robinson salesman- for the Hub Shoe Co Savannah was In town this morning He said trade was good and fishing better display- ing ¬ picture hi which he was repre- sented ¬ with a string of fish weighing nearly one hundred pounds which he caught in a hours time in Tampa Bay J BL representing the Toom 6 r Fertilizer Co of Jacksonville was iii town today a guest of the Monte zurna hotel Miss Walker of Danville Va is in the city and the guest of Miss Hattie Dye She came to be present at Miss- es wedding tonight Miss Walker was a former teacher in the Ocala High School and has many friends here who will be pleased to greet her again Captain Tucker the veteran of Ro chelJe took in the political speaking in Ocala Saturday night I Miss Claudia Miller a teacher in the Orlando school spent Saturday with her uncle Col L P Miller Miss Mil- ler ¬ was a former teacher in the Ocala High School and greatly beloved by her class t I j I J TRY A V SSTEIN OF OCK BEER r t 7 1 I lo- 7tf f t I AT l I 11 Kcatinjs f ¬ IVMM ¬ ¬ a CHShawC- hlefJusUce a Miss Lily Goldnamer who for the past three months has been the popu- lar ¬ guest of Mrs Rhelnauer Mrs Mote Mrs Duval and Mrs Hocker loft yesterday for Chattanooga where she will visit friends for several weeks Tomorrow she will be the honoree at a big reception and there t are several other social affairs booked- for her pleasure while in Chattanooga- Mr J M Martin Jr of Jackson- ville ¬ a son of Col John M IVIartin was here Saturday to witness theun ¬ veiling of the Confederate monument Dr Goodbread one of the attending physicians at the hospital for the in ¬ sane Chattahoochee who with his wife has been the guest of Mrs Good breads sister Mrs John L Edwards will return home tomorrow Mrs G will remain longer Mrs C R Sheppard of Oldtown is lena visit to her daughters in this city Mrs John L Edwards and Mrs Goodbread- C J Pillans of Martel the capable bookkeeper for the Martel Lumber Company was in town Saturday to witness the unveiling GET YOUR RAILROAD TICKETS- over the A C L Rj coast lines or any of its connections and inter ¬ changeable mileage books from R T Adams AC L city ticket agent of ficein Ocala House THE FLORIDA TIMESUNION Fifteen cents a week t papers at- C H Shaws Newsstand WHAT SHALL Vie- HAVE FOR DESSERT- Try JeIlo the dainty appetizing economical dessert Can be prepared instantly simply add boiling water and serve when cool Flavored just right sweetenedjust perfect in every way A 10c package makes enough dessert for a large family All grocers sell it Dont accept substi- tutes ¬ JELLO complies with all Pure Food Laws Seven flavors Lemo R Orange Raspberry Strawberry Choc pate Cherry Peach + < Xf K A MOST PLEASANT OCCASIONS The large card party given last Fri- day ¬ evening in the parlors of the Ocala House by the Nine Oclock german Club was one of the most and tnoroughly enjoyable social affairs ev- er ¬ given in this city Messrs O B Plowse and J H Taylor the commit- tee ¬ on arrangements saw that rOth ing was omitted that would add to the pleasure of those present About one hundred invitations were issued and nearly every one was accepted which tact alone bespeaks the popularity of the men who compose this club In the Iiall Mr Howse very gallantly greeted- the guests while a cordial welcome- was extended in the parlor by Mr and Mrs J H Taylor and Mr and Mrs r Charles Lloyd Mr Lloyd is the clubs genial president Vases of beautiful Easter lilies roses and lovely sprays of Southern smilax were tastily ar ¬ ranged in the hall and parlor At one unch bowl Misses Jean Teague and Sara Davis presided Misses Hope Robinson and Elizabeth Newsom serv- ed ¬ punch from another bowl There were twenty tables for whist and this interesting game was greatly enjoyed for several hours Mrs J K Austin won the prize for ladies an exquisite- cut rose jar The gentlemans prize a silver knife was won by Mr E T Helvenston Ice cream and cake were served This club always entertains in the most charming manner and this party was if possible even more de- lightful ¬ than usual St A CHARMING CARD PARTY Saturday morning from 9 to 11 oclock Mr James Knight gave a small but charming card party in hon- or ¬ of Mrs J W McCollum Mrs Sam Dell and Mrs James Dell of Gaines- ville ¬ Those present besides the hon crees were Mesdames Frank Watson- of Jacksonville C V Miller Lee Mil- ler ¬ George McKean Mallory Liddon I Will Knight W D Richey R S Hall Arthur Clark C H Lloyd and Miss May Turnley No prizes were given but at the conclusion of the games all the ladies drew for a beautiful lit- tle ¬ handembroidered apron and the souvenir was carried home by Mrs R b Hall- A dainty luncheon was then served and the ladies went to the unveiling ceremonies the Confederate monu ¬ ment Mrs Knight always makes her guests have a god time- S PUBLIC SPEAKING j The Hon Duncan U Fletcher can ¬ didate for United States senator will speak in Ocala at night on Friday I May 1st He will occupy the band stand and seatS will be provided On the same day at 11 oclock al m he will speak at the Fairfield picnic grounds j 1 J B Malloy the gang plow trucker of the Anthony section was in town Saturday to see the unveiling and also to hear Messrs Stockton and Broward speak- Congratulations v are tendered Dr1 and Mrs E G Lindner of Anthony on the arrival at their hearthstone of a lIttle daughter Joy unspeakable now hovers over that happy home Mrs J M Jackson who with her husband attended the state medica association and has been visiting her mother Mrs J M Barco at Sunny Slcpe Farm spent Sunday in Ocala as the guest of Mrs E Van Hood and left today for home The rummage sale contemplated being held by the ladies of the W C IL U will take place Saturday in the Central National Ba building Those who have promised or have anything to give should get it ready to deliver t to the wagons tHat will call on Tues- day ¬ Rev Barnett preached a splendid sermon Sunday morning from the words of holywrit Simon Peter Idvest4thou me Rev L D Geiger secretary the Florida Baptist Con- vention filled the pulpit of the Baptist church and gave a fine discourse on missions and at night A C Glover occupied the pulpit Frank Booher was put in this morn ¬ ing as a substitute letter carrier Among those who came to Ocala Saturday to witness the unveiling and tarried at the Montezuma were M TV Maples Standard J Maples Pelham Ga Mrs J McCorley and fW E McCorley Boardman Mrs Will Veal York Mrs C R Veal Mrs Will Veal Mrs D M Barco and T W Simpson Cotton Plant Dr R E Lindner An ¬ thony G N Johnson and AD Cro martie Reddick S S Boynton Orange Lake J B Peck Reddick D L Graham the popular express agent at Gainesville is in the city to see his sick sister Mrs W H Carl- ton Mrs Hull of Arcadia sister to Mrs Carlton arrived on tile noon A C L train today 1 J W Coulter former merchant at Blitchton was in town today Dont forget parties having articles for the W C T U rummage sale to have them ready Tuesday morning when they will be called for Mr T J Owenand his sister Mrs t White of Boston who has spent the winter with him will go to the lake Wednesday whet e Mr Owen has pre pared a summer cottage for their oc- cupancy ¬ o Mrs Russell of l jthony was in town this morning shopping l J S i A R- q 5 1 i 1 14 BERLIN > ELECTRICALA THEATER I < ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERYDY k S r IJ Program for this Evening- THE CUNARDTURB1NES STEAMSHIP MAURITANIA HIS FIRST ROW 3 A JAPANESE VAUDEVILLE DISCIPLINE HUMANITY AN AERONAUTS GLORIOUS STARTS it S Open Promptly at 3 3O P M1 10 Cents Children 5 Gents J H N1 WOOD PR- OPS Ja I Buiidirijr Opposite Methodist1 ll- 1 Church r f j < FRED POWELL IMPROVIG 1 t 1 A letter to Mr So L Bltthig from Fred Powell in Atlanta t stateS that he 1- IJ < out of the hospital his one eye igj T nearly well and his vision has been if Improved to the extent that hecaJt 1 get about and is at work but canno see to read He sends many kind I j words to the good people of Ocala Who saved him from total blindnes V tFFTOEUROPE- t < 2f < > J Mr D B Kibler managing is per irtendent for J Buttgeiibach Co iv in the city and will leave tonight for i Brussels where hegoeson business for the company Mr Kibler will be i absent for six of eight weeks and sails from New York fr Airs Rubin nijth of Oxford vib has been visiting her daughter MrkT A P Gilmore during her sickness M with measles returned home today J Mr Harry D Painter bookkeeper for the Bolder e which company is building two modern phos- phate plants at Inverness spent Sat ¬ urday and unday in the city with his mother and returned this afternoon- Mr I and Mrs Chris Nol e lot Char- leston ¬ Sf C are the guests of Mr and Mrs Robert Conner Mrs N is a sis- ter ¬ to Mrs James Pooser st 7S 0 S J I 4 Joe Malever returned today from Savannah where he spent a weeic y ft with his parent i Merchant Rusco of Weirsdale was in town today and said they had a good rain at hris place- S I Mr Walter Enl > who has been ill i with a bilious attack Is back at his posy as mana r of jjie she depart- ment ¬ in the 11 BMasters Company Mr John Chalker and Ether bf Moss Bluff were shoppers in town to- day ¬ Moss Bluff will do the candi- dates proud on the 14th of My- r Judge Atkinson Pooser of Arcadia and brother of the late Capt Frank Pooser spent Sunday in Ocala and went down to Floral City to visit his son today Mr T Bidwell a prominent citizen of Dade City who lost his mind was taken to Chat 1hoocl e Srimday I r J DrD M Smith received an urgent- call to go to the country this after- noon ¬ J t Mr MeGehee and two bright sons were in town today shopping Si Mr and Mrs B L TVartmann 9t Citra who witnessed the t beautiful unveiling ceremonies here Saturday and at which Mr Wartmarin was One of the eloquent speakers returned 1ome Saturday night private con- veyance J Mr Wartmann attended the i speaking at the courthouseb tore departing I Hon Geo G Mathews the able edi- tor ¬ of the Bartow Record spent Sun ¬ day in this city with his family H- is a firm believer in the election of j N C Stockton for governor and W B Lamar for senator- Mr L K Edwards and wife of Ir ¬ vine came down Saturday evening to visit with Mr J < L- and W J Edwards i t The Star is pleased to report that Mrs W D Whetstone who has been so seriously ill is recovering J i Misses Lottie and Flora Mills of the Berlin section spent Saturday and Sunday in Ocala the guests of Mr and Mrs T JfMann also Miss Mabel Peck of the same section was Ute guest of Miss Ethel HaycraftJ I Henry L Snowden a prosperous I farmer and trucker of Oxford was la town today and reports most refresh ing showers in his cection and > thor trucker are very happy V I It was the wish of Pro Borden oC l Oxford a veteran to be prese t at the f unveiling ceremonies t his advanc f i years and the inflrniitie of ar 1 dented him that pl a Jt l2oi < y 1- at 0 r 1 i l- J < S iF w t >

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OCALAEVENING STAR MopAv APfr V19O 4 tt JIc ftnrvl 2i

J 1



K or P meet tonightr

E cameettomomw eveningy

Odd Fellows meet tomorrow nightI

Col Rogers turpentine operator inthe Lynne section was a caller today

Come in and see the line of newbooks at the Ocala News Co

Try Hiawatha Lake Dairy butter¬

milk delivered every morning

Mr of Wildw od wastransacting business


in the city todayI

Ben Condon has a line of new coast-er


bicycles for rentI ShMrs L Jt Parr I her daugh-


Mrs Overby at Lakeland

Cr J W Davis df Surhmerfield wasIn town today J

itj A I

Mr A P Stuckey drove in thismorning from Oak

Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran-teed


Price 25 cents Sold by all drug-gists

Harry Palmer Is bookkeeperj foi phosphat cqrnpahy at Inverness

spent Sunday q with his mother<

Gut glass silverware and bricafcrac at very low prices Ocal > MusicCompany

Miss Bessie Bitting who has beenseriously ill with fever for the past10 days Is convalescenti-

neine piano player and music at lesstIan half regular price Cicala MusicCompany

Mr A T ihomaa who spent Sunay jn the city with his family re-

turned to the mines today

fhe best 26c box o paper we haveEr put across the counter DanishCloth at the Postoffice Drugstore-

Mr S A Rawls came down fromJacksonville and spent Sunday in thecity


IFOR SALEHandmade shadow

embroidery waist fronts No 21Vatula street city r V


Mr LK Edwards of Irvine spentSunday in the city with Mr and MrsJohn L Edwards i

TEL C Davis Co of JacksonvilHp-will sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired

4 Mir A N Goodwin of Standard was-a> guest of the Ocala House yesterday

I is a guest of the Ocala House

Mr W D Grahani went to Dunnelit lon this morning in the interest of

his candidacy for the office of taxcollector

Mr J C Simms the cattleman nearSharpes Ferry was in town Saturdayto witness the unveiling He is a heroof the lost caus-

MorcillaMiss McLean and MasterVenice Shaw went to Wildwood Fri ¬

day to visit Miss McLeans father andreturned yesterday afternoon

Mrs Riley of Rbchelle who has beenvisiting Mr andl Mr D W Tompkinswent on to Leesburg today to visitfriends for a short time

7 Mr ME Robinson of Tampa thepopular salesman for the Hub shoesTas in town yesterday and today aguest of the OcalaHouse-



S C Stone and daughter MissFannie Stone left today for Chatta-nooga


Tenny to spend the ummerwith Mrs Stones sons Messrs Willand Spence

Justice Walter Bishop recommittedat Draker coloredS with k halfZen aliases for stealing packages of

teat from the A C L railroad in-Ske c6unty

t + + + + kt + t + + + + 4 + + + 4 + 4-


NNOtBowmuchb-ut how tI is thejquestion


that every one shouldcandy

The old saying that U mansjudged by the candy he gives

1 holds good today same as alwaysf Buy thejbesttdont take the just

as go1 othg quite equals



fad BonBons and ChocolatesThey are ia a distinctively eaclu-iivfe class themselves

p Ordersreceiveprompt and care-fuloji attention Just girt us the name

W r and cl41aii4 Uacle Sam does+ the rest

0 TW TROXLEH-i SSII12i1tilJt1J

J csT1-M r

tI t

I rt 2 rj ML tIJ dA



If you are getting the daily Star bymail and your subscription is morethan three months inarrears the pa-per


will be stopped in a few days ifnot paid up Under the recent rulin-gt the postoffice department we can-not


mail daily papers if more thanthree months in arrears If you wantthe paper pay up i



Mr Dempsey Mayo sold two of thosebeautiful residence lots Saturday toparties who will soon bjuild on themThe lots are located in front of theMayo residence in the southeasternpart of the city


Mr and Mrs Arthur Hardaker ofMartel were in town Saturday nightguests of the Ocala House and wenton to Tampa yesterday where their

ome will be in future Mr and MrsHardaker have many friends here whow ill regret their removal to Tampabut hope for frequent visits fromthem


The famous Cunard liner Mauri-tania


the biggest and fastest steam-ship


in the world will be displayed atthe Berlin theater tonight and therewill be several other good pictures-It will be morfey put of your pocket Ifyou do not sele the-


and Mrs Thomas C Bailey ofClarke are the proud parents of a lit-tle


daughter who arrived at theirhome yesterday morning The littlelady has been named Mary AdalieBailey Mr Bailey 1s1 a son of Mrand Mrs John S Bailey of this cityand was raised in Ocala

Mr Len Griggs who occupies theMaj Tom C Hall farm on the SilverSprings hard road is rejoicing overthe fine shower as he has 40 acresit canteloupes The farmers havemelons on the vines as large asaquart measure and the latter arematted all over


Mr S A Rawls head of the navalstores firm of that name and lessee ofthe state convicts with headquarterin Jacksonville was in the city Satur-day


rw SS

1 <

> Jfr




IMrs Fisher of Tampa after a stay-

of several weeks with her motherMrs L J Parr returned home Suncay

Will J Edwards We turpentine op-

erator of Irvine went down to Dunnellon today on business-


t MB m

Thos E Pasteur and JudgeJos H Bell went up to Anthony Sun¬

day afternoon to visit friends

MrE C McLeod of Kendrick at¬

tended the political speaking Satur-day night MrJMcL is a great friendand advocate of the two candidatesBroward and Stockton

Will Woods one of the faithful andefficient salesmen at the Teapot is onthe sick list f


Jim Rogers the committeeman fromthe Berlin precinct was in town to ¬

day in consultation with Judge Bellcii matters pertaining the primaryelection

Mrs S C Stone and daughter MissFannie Stone left Saturday for Chat-tanooga Tenn to visit Mrs Stonessons Will and Spencer

Miss Sallie Spurlin who was doingso well up to last night rested verybadly last night and suffered slightrelapse

Mr T B Ellis Jr of Gainesville5s at the Ocala House-

Messrs J Lewis S L Burts andR L Barnes of Atlanta are guestsof the Ocala House

Mr B F Dillon of Jacksonville isat the Ocala House

Mr J W Ward Jr of Floral Cityone of the states leading naval storesoperators is at the Ocala Hpuse

Miss Florine Morris of Port Inglisarrived In town today to visit Mrs

Ben Smith of Oxfordhe of the J imtndrtar 400 in the Con-

federate cause also a member of theOcala camp was here Saturday to dptori r td> nisjdeparted fcomrades




Robertsons Pure Grape Juicein pint and quart botties

Red Rook Ginger Ale in pintand quart bottles

IPea Nut Brittle

Cherries in MaraschinoBishops PURE JELLIES AND


Melon and Cucumber Man-goes


Elijahs Manna Force andKorn Kinks at-


Sunny Jim Robinson salesman-for the Hub Shoe Co Savannah wasIn town this morning He said tradewas good and fishing better display-ing


picture hi which he was repre-sented


with a string of fish weighingnearly one hundred pounds which hecaught in a hours time in Tampa Bay

J BL representing the Toom6 r Fertilizer Co of Jacksonville wasiii town today a guest of the Montezurna hotel

Miss Walker of Danville Va is inthe city and the guest of Miss HattieDye She came to be present at Miss-

es wedding tonight Miss Walkerwas a former teacher in the OcalaHigh School and has many friendshere who will be pleased to greet heragain

Captain Tucker the veteran of RochelJe took in the political speakingin Ocala Saturday night


Miss Claudia Miller a teacher in theOrlando school spent Saturday withher uncle Col L P Miller Miss Mil-ler


was a former teacher in the OcalaHigh School and greatly beloved byher class t


jI J



t 71 I lo-

7tf ft IATl











Miss Lily Goldnamer who for thepast three months has been the popu-lar


guest of Mrs Rhelnauer MrsMote Mrs Duval and Mrs Hockerloft yesterday for Chattanooga whereshe will visit friends for severalweeks Tomorrow she will be thehonoree at a big reception and there

tare several other social affairs booked-for her pleasure while in Chattanooga-

Mr J M Martin Jr of Jackson-ville


a son of Col John M IVIartinwas here Saturday to witness theun¬

veiling of the Confederate monument

Dr Goodbread one of the attendingphysicians at the hospital for the in¬

sane Chattahoochee who with hiswife has been the guest of Mrs Goodbreads sister Mrs John L Edwardswill return home tomorrow Mrs Gwill remain longer

Mrs C R Sheppard of Oldtown islena visit to her daughters in thiscity Mrs John L Edwards and MrsGoodbread-

C J Pillans of Martel the capablebookkeeper for the Martel LumberCompany was in town Saturday towitness the unveiling

GET YOUR RAILROAD TICKETS-over the A C L Rj coast lines orany of its connections and inter¬

changeable mileage books from R TAdams AC L city ticket agent officein Ocala House


Fifteen cents a week t papers at-C H Shaws Newsstand


Try JeIlo the dainty appetizingeconomical dessert Can be preparedinstantly simply add boiling waterand serve when cool Flavored justright sweetenedjust perfect inevery way A 10c package makesenough dessert for a large family Allgrocers sell it Dont accept substi-tutes


JELLO complies with all PureFood Laws Seven flavors Lemo R

Orange Raspberry Strawberry Chocpate Cherry Peach

+ < Xf K


The large card party given last Fri-day


evening in the parlors of the OcalaHouse by the Nine Oclock germanClub was one of the most andtnoroughly enjoyable social affairs ev-er


given in this city Messrs O BPlowse and J H Taylor the commit-tee

¬on arrangements saw that rOth

ing was omitted that would add to thepleasure of those present About onehundred invitations were issued andnearly every one was accepted whichtact alone bespeaks the popularity ofthe men who compose this club In theIiall Mr Howse very gallantly greeted-the guests while a cordial welcome-was extended in the parlor by Mr andMrs J H Taylor and Mr and Mrs

r Charles Lloyd Mr Lloyd is the clubsgenial president Vases of beautifulEaster lilies roses and lovely spraysof Southern smilax were tastily ar¬

ranged in the hall and parlor At oneunch bowl Misses Jean Teague and

Sara Davis presided Misses HopeRobinson and Elizabeth Newsom serv-ed


punch from another bowl Therewere twenty tables for whist and thisinteresting game was greatly enjoyedfor several hours Mrs J K Austinwon the prize for ladies an exquisite-cut rose jar The gentlemans prizea silver knife was won by Mr E THelvenston Ice cream and cake wereserved This club always entertainsin the most charming manner and thisparty was if possible even more de-lightful



Saturday morning from 9 to 11oclock Mr James Knight gave asmall but charming card party in hon-or


of Mrs J W McCollum Mrs SamDell and Mrs James Dell of Gaines-ville


Those present besides the honcrees were Mesdames Frank Watson-of Jacksonville C V Miller Lee Mil-ler


George McKean Mallory LiddonI

Will Knight W D Richey R S HallArthur Clark C H Lloyd and MissMay Turnley No prizes were givenbut at the conclusion of the gamesall the ladies drew for a beautiful lit-tle


handembroidered apron and thesouvenir was carried home by Mrs Rb Hall-

A dainty luncheon was then servedand the ladies went to the unveilingceremonies the Confederate monu ¬

ment Mrs Knight always makes herguests have a god time-



j The Hon Duncan U Fletcher can ¬

didate for United States senator willspeak in Ocala at night on Friday I

May 1st He will occupy the bandstand and seatS will be provided Onthe same day at 11 oclock al m hewill speak at the Fairfield picnicgrounds j


J B Malloy the gang plow truckerof the Anthony section was in townSaturday to see the unveiling andalso to hear Messrs Stockton andBroward speak-



are tendered Dr1and Mrs E G Lindner of Anthony onthe arrival at their hearthstone of alIttle daughter Joy unspeakable nowhovers over that happy home

Mrs J M Jackson who with herhusband attended the state medicaassociation and has been visiting hermother Mrs J M Barco at SunnySlcpe Farm spent Sunday in Ocalaas the guest of Mrs E Van Hood andleft today for home

The rummage sale contemplatedbeing held by the ladies of the W CIL U will take place Saturday in theCentral National Ba building Thosewho have promised or have anythingto give should get it ready to deliver


to the wagons tHat will call on Tues-day


Rev Barnett preached a splendidsermon Sunday morning from the

words of holywrit Simon PeterIdvest4thou me Rev L D Geigersecretary the Florida Baptist Con-

vention filled the pulpit of the Baptistchurch and gave a fine discourse onmissions and at night A C Gloveroccupied the pulpit

Frank Booher was put in this morn ¬

ing as a substitute letter carrier

Among those who came to OcalaSaturday to witness the unveiling andtarried at the Montezuma were M TVMaples Standard J Maples PelhamGa Mrs J McCorley and fW EMcCorley Boardman Mrs Will VealYork Mrs C R Veal Mrs Will VealMrs D M Barco and T W SimpsonCotton Plant Dr R E Lindner An ¬

thony G N Johnson and AD Cromartie Reddick S S Boynton OrangeLake J B Peck Reddick

D L Graham the popular expressagent at Gainesville is in the city tosee his sick sister Mrs W H Carl-ton Mrs Hull of Arcadia sister toMrs Carlton arrived on tile noon AC L train today 1

J W Coulter former merchant atBlitchton was in town today

Dont forget parties having articlesfor the W C T U rummage sale tohave them ready Tuesday morningwhen they will be called for

Mr T J Owenand his sister MrstWhite of Boston who has spent thewinter with him will go to the lakeWednesday whet e Mr Owen has prepared a summer cottage for their oc-cupancy



Mrs Russell of l jthony was intown this morning shopping



S i AR-q 5 1 i

1 14









IJProgram for this Evening-







Open Promptly at 3 3O P M110 Cents

Children 5 Gents J




Buiidirijr Opposite Methodist1 ll-1

Church r fj




A letter to Mr So L Bltthig fromFred Powell in Atlanta t stateS that he 1-

IJ < out of the hospital his one eye igj T

nearly well and his vision has been ifImproved to the extent that hecaJt 1

get about and is at work but cannosee to read He sends many kind I

jwords to the good people of Ocala Whosaved him from total blindnes V


<2f< >

JMr D B Kibler managing is per

irtendent for J Buttgeiibach Co ivin the city and will leave tonight for iBrussels where hegoeson businessfor the company Mr Kibler will be i

absent for six of eight weeks and sailsfrom New York

frAirs Rubin nijth of Oxford vib

has been visiting her daughter MrkTA P Gilmore during her sickness M

with measles returned home todayJ

Mr Harry D Painter bookkeeperfor the Bolder e whichcompany is building two modern phos-phate plants at Inverness spent Sat¬

urday and unday in the city with hismother and returned this afternoon-



and Mrs Chris Nol e lot Char-leston


Sf C are the guests of Mr andMrs Robert Conner Mrs N is a sis-ter


to Mrs James Pooserst

7S 0 S JI 4Joe Malever returned today from

Savannah where he spent a weeic y ftwith his parent i

Merchant Rusco of Weirsdale wasin town today and said they had agood rain at hris place-


Mr Walter Enl>

who has been ill iwith a bilious attack Is back at hisposy as mana r of jjie she depart-ment

¬in the 11 BMasters Company

Mr John Chalker and Ether bfMoss Bluff were shoppers in town to-day


Moss Bluff will do the candi-dates proud on the 14th of My-

rJudge Atkinson Pooser of Arcadia

and brother of the late Capt FrankPooser spent Sunday in Ocala andwent down to Floral City to visit hisson today

Mr T Bidwell a prominent citizenof Dade City who lost his mind wastaken to Chat 1hoocl e Srimday




DrD M Smith received an urgent-call to go to the country this after-noon

¬ Jt

Mr MeGehee and two bright sonswere in town today shopping


Mr and Mrs B L TVartmann 9tCitra who witnessed the t beautifulunveiling ceremonies here Saturdayand at which Mr Wartmarin was Oneof the eloquent speakers returned1ome Saturday night private con-veyance

JMr Wartmann attended the ispeaking at the courthouseb tore

departing I

Hon Geo G Mathews the able edi-tor

¬of the Bartow Record spent Sun¬

day in this city with his family H-is a firm believer in the election ofj N C Stockton for governor and WB Lamar for senator-

Mr L K Edwards and wife of Ir¬

vine came down Saturday evening tovisit with Mr J< L-

and W J Edwards it

The Star is pleased to report thatMrs W D Whetstone who has beenso seriously ill is recovering

J i

Misses Lottie and Flora Mills of theBerlin section spent Saturday andSunday in Ocala the guests of Mr andMrs T JfMann also Miss MabelPeck of the same section was Uteguest of Miss Ethel HaycraftJ


Henry L Snowden a prosperous I

farmer and trucker of Oxford was latown today and reports most refreshing showers in his cection and > thortrucker are very happy


It was the wish of Pro Borden oC lOxford a veteran to be preset at the funveiling ceremonies t his advanc fiyears and the inflrniitie of ar 1dented him that pl a Jt l2oi

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