ocw secondary education may 3, 2006 opencourseware secondary education

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2 What is OCW SE? › Project applying OCW’s model to mathematics, science and engineering resources for grade 7-12 students and educators › Materials would combine existing content from MIT outreach programs and new content from leading educators › General framework of OCW SE is defined - open source publishing – however, we are still evaluating  “Course" content  Marketing and outreach  Dissemination  Relationship to other efforts at MIT and nationally


OCW Secondary Education May 3, 2006 OpenCourseWare Secondary Education OCW Secondary Education 1 I.What is OCW SE? II.Goals III.Proposed Scope IV.What makes OCW SE unique? V.Project Timeline VI.Budget and Funding 1OCW Secondary Education 2 What is OCW SE? Project applying OCWs model to mathematics, science and engineering resources for grade 7-12 students and educators Materials would combine existing content from MIT outreach programs and new content from leading educators General framework of OCW SE is defined - open source publishing however, we are still evaluating Course" content Marketing and outreach Dissemination Relationship to other efforts at MIT and nationally OCW Secondary Education 3 Goals Provide free, open access to high quality educational resources in STEM fields for grade 7-12 educators and students Increase the number of students pursuing higher education in STEM fields Make students more aware of the exciting opportunities in STEM career fields OCW Secondary Education 4 best of math, science and engineering secondary education courses (or units of instruction for courses) Interactive learning communities Video of best of high school educators Innovative multimedia applications Hands-on activities Teachers in residence program with potential funding for teacher sabbaticals Certificate programs in areas of science, math, and engineering Annual recognition event at MIT bringing together top secondary education instructors and MIT faculty Proposed Scope OCW Secondary Education 5 Focus on showing the applications of science and math, especially their integration within engineering Hands on, project based approach that differs from traditional lectures Comprehensive resource, differing from the more fragmented and superficial resources currently available Provides teachers with quality, standards linked materials that carry the MIT brand What makes OCW SE unique? OCW Secondary Education 6 Project Timeline OCW Secondary Education 7 Budget and Funding Phase 1: Discovery and Design ($100K) School of Engineering ($50K) and MIT OCW ($50K). OCWs funding was provided using a $50K award from The Tech Museum of Innovation. Phase 2: Pilot (~$ K) Proposal submitted to the Kabcenell and Lord Foundations Publication of existing materials from one high quality high school level course in a science discipline, which will be structured using the OCW course format Publication of existing materials for one high quality high school level course in mathematics, which will be structured using the OCW course format Development of a new high school level project based, one semester, engineering course Phases 3: Expansion (~$40 - $100M?) Level of corporate funding not yet decided. $1M/year, $500K/year for five years? Level of input/branding determined by level of giving? Individuals, Foundations, Government? Engaging MIT Foundation Relations