of ecse compliance presentation for the 2014 mo-case conference

OF ECSE COMPLIANCE PRESENTATION FOR THE 2014 MO-CASE CONFERENCE Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education September 23, 2014

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of ECSE Compliance Presentation for the 2014 Mo-case conference. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. September 23, 2014. IDEA Early Childhood Structures. 2. Part C. Part B. First Steps in MO Ages birth – 3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Missouri Department of Elementaryand Secondary EducationSeptember 23, 2014

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IDEA Early Childhood Structures

First Steps in MO Ages birth – 3 Services provided

by System Points of Entry (SPOE) and private contractors

DESE is the lead agency

Section 619ECSEAges 3 – 5 (not

kindergarten age eligible)Services provided by LEAs

School agedAges 5k – 21Services provided by LEAs

Part C Part B


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Differences in the Part B Programs

For ages 3-5 (not kindergarten age eligible)

Funded by state and federal $

Using YCDD eligibility category is an option

ECSE is NOT mandatory for the parents, but is for the district

LRE = educational environments

Performance Assessment = ECO

For ages 5 (kindergarten age eligible) to age 21

Funded by local, state and federal $

Referrals from parents and agencies follow the 30-60-30 timeline

YCDD eligibility category may be used until student is first grade eligible

Parent cannot refuse LEA referral but CAN refuse consent for evaluation and/or services

LRE = placement Performance Assessment =


ECSE: School Aged:


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Several Options: Build a program in-district Collaborate with another school district, or Contract with other preschool programs

Locations for Providing Services: Early Childhood setting and/or ECSE setting

District, residential facility, separate school, or through itinerant services

Half-day or full-day sessions, number of days per week is optional

Amount of Services Provided: Half-day or full day sessions Number of days per week is optional Must be based on the individual needs of the



Providing ECSE Services

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Referrals to ECSE

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Types of Referrals6

•From PAT educator or school based preschool program

•Treated as an Agency Referral

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Parent Referrals7

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Agency Referrals8

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Referrals from Part C (First Steps)

Transition from First Steps to Early Childhood Special Education

Considered a “parent” referral

All children eligible for First Steps are potentially eligible for ECSE

Referral occurs the date complete Directory Information is received by the LEA


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What Triggers a Referral from First Steps?


When ECSE receives complete directory information in any manner from First Steps, this is notification, which is a referral to ECSE and it begins the ECSE referral timeline.

In other words…

The date the directory information is received by ECSE is considered date of referral and triggers the evaluation process requirements under IDEA.

In other words…

Directory Information = Notification = Referral to ECSE

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Directory Information11

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ECSE Attendance at the Transition Conference

The required participants for the Transition Conference are:

ECSE (LEA chosen representative) First Steps Service CoordinatorParents

The Service Coordinator will schedule the Transition Conference

ECSE must participate Participation in the Conference means

ECSE attends the meeting in person or participates via conference call/Skype.


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Evaluation and Eligibility

Evaluation process and timelines


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ECSE Evaluation Process

The Evaluation Process is divided into the following components:30 days from referral to determine if disability is suspected and provide the parents with a NOA.60 days from NOA/consent to complete evaluation and determine eligibility30 days from eligibility determination to development of an IEP


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IEP by Third Birthday?

Eligibility for ECSE MUST be determined by 3rd birthday

If eligible, IEP MUST be developed before and implemented on the 3rd birthday

Follow the initial evaluation process and the 30-60-30 timeline

Referred to First Steps 90 days or more prior to 3rd birthday +Found eligible for First Steps

Referred to First Steps less than 90 days prior to 3rd birthday


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IEP by the Third Birthday16

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Summer Clarification for First Steps:District Breaks and Timelines for 30-60-30


ECSE is not required to conduct evaluations during summer break or other school breaks unless they do so for other children in the district.

However, once eligibility has been determined, an IEP must be developed within 30 days despite any scheduled breaks in the school year.

Parents of C to B transition students who turn 3 have options of the provision of FAPE.

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YCDD or Categorical or Both


Young Child with a Developmental Delay or YCDD may be an option in your district as an eligibility category.

Check with your district to see if it allows YCDD only, any of the other 13 Categories of eligibility but not YCDD, or any of the 14 Categorical disabilities including YCDD.

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ECSE to Categorical School Age Eligibility

The YCDD eligibility category can be used until the child is first-grade eligible (age six by August 1) at which time a new eligibility determination must be made.

In other words----Services may continue through kindergarten based on YCDD eligibility if your Local Compliance Plan allows.


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Regular Ed Participation/Placement


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ECSE Placement Options vs. Educational Environments21

These are two separate concepts, but both are important.

Placement isThe IEP Team’s decision about where the services

will be delivered.Recorded on the IEP.A compliance requirement.

Educational Environment isDescription of where the child spends time,

regardless of where special education services are delivered.

Is not recorded on the IEP.Used for MOSIS reporting.

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Placement Options for ECSE


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Separate Class vs. Separate School

Most children would be served in a “separate class” even if in a building that is physically separated from other district programs

“Separate school” would be for the most severe disabilities and ONLY serve students with disabilities

Separate Class Separate School

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ECSE Educational Environments

Attending a Regular Early Childhood Program…

00A4: …10+ hours and receives majority of special education services in regular program

00A5: … 10+ hours and receives majority of special education services in another location

00A6: … less than 10 hours and receives majority of sped services in regular program

00A7: … less than 10 hours and receives majority of sped services in another location

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ECSE Educational Environments

Not Attending a Regular Early Childhood Program

Not attending a regular early childhood program, but attending a special education early childhood program: 00B1: Separate Class

00B2: Separate School

00B3: Residential Facility

Not attending a regular or special education early childhood program: 00B4: Home

00B5: Service Provider Location

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Implications of HB 168927

If a school district maintains a prekindergarten program, a child is eligible for admission to that prekindergarten program only if the child has reached the age of three before the first day of August of the school year. 

THIS provision of HB 1689 goes into effect JULY 1, 2015

Currently researching implications for ECSE and

guidance will be coming soon!

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Additional Questions?29

For Compliance:[email protected]

For First Steps:[email protected]