office procedures. the word office, from the latin word, officium, derived from opus which refers to...


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The word OFFICE, from the Latin word, officium, derived from opus which refers to “work” or “service” and facere meaning to do or to make

OFFICE MANAGEMENTorganizing and administering the activities that normally occur in any day-to-day business office environment.

allbusiness.comadministrative handling, controlling, and maintaining a balanced process of work inside the office of an organization whether big or small company/business, which is necessary to achieve the administrative goal.


1. Improvement. Improved work methods insure better performance with a minimum waste of time, effort, money and materials.

2. Facilitation. This objective could be achieved through the use of office machines and equipments as well as physical facilities and satisfactory working conditions.

3. Control. Control which deals with the regulating and restraining of activities brings about the correlation and coordination of courses of action in accordance with plans.

Trends in Office Management

1. The rapid transfer of skilled human beings to semi-automatic machinery.

2. Increasing production in business and industry has brought about an avalanche of paper work.

3. Recent years has shown a marked emphasis on personnel development. In its broadest meaning, it covers both executives and the rank-and-file employees.

4. Progressive-minded executives are giving much time and attention to the effective and efficient utilization of the human resources at their disposal.

5. The use of computers, electronics data processing and fax machines is now becoming common in many big offices in highly industrialized countries.

6. Many employees on their initiative are going to colleges and universities to sharpen their intellect in preparation for future advancement.



The following are the job skills that are basic to all office jobs. You must perfect these abilities so that you can perform your job effectively.

1. Ability to CommunicateYour effectiveness as a

communicator depends upon your ability to read, write, speak, and listen well.

You must also learn how to listen carefully so that you can grasp instructions the first time, without having to ask that they be repeated. Active listening is an art. It requires that you concentrate on what is being said so that you absorb and retain the message.

2. The Methodical Use of Notes

Jotting down instructions, ideas, and other information will aid recall later on. A reputation for being both right and efficient is bound to increase your chance for advancement.

3.Spelling Proficiency

You need to know how to spell words correctly so that your message will not be misinterpreted.

4. Figure Know-How

Figures furnish the important data from which many letters, reports, and statements are prepared. Figures must be accurate if sound decisions are to be based on them. Your figures can’t be “almost aright.”

5. Legible HandwritingThe days of flowery

penmanship are past, but you still must have good legible handwriting for clerical work. Notations have to be made and read, some figures have to be posted by hand, and forms have to be filled out in longhand.

SPECIFIC JOB SKILLSOffice employees are assigned

to specialized jobs, according to their individual talents and skills. The kind of job you will be assigned will depend upon your interests, the specific skills you acquire in school, and how well you have mastered those skills.

1. Typing


2. Shorthand

3. Office Machine Operation

4. Filing

5. Recordkeeping and Accounting

5 s in Office

The 5S's are:

Phase 1 - Seiri Sorting: Going through all the tools, materials, etc., in the plant and work area and keeping only essential items. Everything else is stored or discarded.

Phase 2 - Seiton Straighten or Set in Order: Focuses on efficiency. When we translate this to "Straighten or Set in Order", it sounds like more sorting or sweeping, but the intent is to arrange the tools, equipment and parts in a manner that promotes work flow.

Phase 3 - Seisō Sweeping or Shining or Cleanliness: Systematic Cleaning or the need to keep the workplace clean as well as neat. At the end of each shift, the work area is cleaned up and everything is restored to its place. This makes it easy to know what goes where and have confidence that everything is where it should be.

Phase 4 - Seiketsu Standardizing: Standardized work practices or operating in a consistent and standardized fashion. Everyone knows exactly what his or her responsibilities are to keep above 3S's.

Phase 5 - Shitsuke Sustaining the discipline: Refers to maintaining and reviewing standards. Once the previous 4S's have been established, they become the new way to operate. Maintain the focus on this new way of operating, and do not allow a gradual decline back to the old ways of operating.

SNAPSHOT• SORT - Determine things not needed, from those that are needed. Identify outdated equipment, junk, or other non-needed items. Then Sort, and dispose.• SET IN ORDER - Put only the things needed to do the job in logical order, in a way that enhances the work process, and reduces the chance of error or confusion.• SHINE - The work area and all equipment is fine tuned to optimal settings, and systems and processes for using them are refined to an optimal state of usability.• STANDARDIZE - With those who must work with the resources in a particular area, decide collaboratively, and with process engineers, how the work is to be completed.• SYSTEMATIZE - Create a system to maintain the set work standardization and maintain it, including monitoring and visual control of the process, including input and upgrading.