ogdeiishtirgh, chicagp, and intor- ®wmw r...

^^^^ism *u irouai thk •, throagh For thy m o t o r s , r^iriv,] She visited to take mil Dettiteaa&wteiTdnjpr; i readvthHre. .X I '" Ttat SdnUy ^ d , ^ ^ ^ d ^ t p s i v * iny parting *MMff tltfa^Starf! l86cttfl&Uic*^iiom BorttttatCercrjUtflite l^#^fe^%#* Mil**raw"^ 6 ? 9t Oh.thinkoT th»tloved dAtirtjter, shefindsno MM WaattreapaeiMr,., to ftwtMnbaflidMu w aBBB5sS8 ,,, » B * ~ja» 4h» " •aii ii- mm "Hsol% loving Bisters, So PMUMC^ p e « M n __ door; ,. •• , i ,-j Rmemberillthe dying WOMB she whispered . ...JB&OOIMBBIV' - -- • tsey's lace no me at the Tread softly, where she breat ie3 her last, how •'•'•• sacred is the place, ' t '- - •Where you saw lies hourly wasting, and' felt her liaferahraceV I Oh, Deaths how' suddenly thoa didst come, To bear our loved inendto.htir! eternal home. Tread softly, friends and neig^borsi who with us now may mourn, -i - WeaniOTeddearBetseyjWhblOTedus in re- tarns " f '.. I trust she's now with Jesnsi with Saints and Angels bright; >i > p Shesweep3the golden harp,land roams over plains of light - ,., A. Gj. D. fr Hf>- UMOI tkeAeatkt or M.U Xajt* mmarn*oa Bind the oak, leaves round hfs head; , He has shown himself a man; Bravely charging he was wounded; R^finj^liri^o^mthejri^., , Cheering with * mighty cheer, On haled the semed band!; NbW he lies upon his bier, •[ •' Gold and stately, still and grand. Galmly gather round him no» AU ye^soldiers, and be annib; C%itonelodfe.uponhisbioTC^ *-'- •"- Ijemnflledr nitjs of Scotch Goods' p|_c?oAtsr I • SolkifiUtcaalitedc" Al»ije8tockotj' |i PANTS AND TESTS TO MAT€U ^^^iirV^iNQn^ES^b «a«kMC. ^aaaSw-aiwefesIr^ JTeraUs, Stripe* n«f iheckerei Skirts Vfc,7 ®WMW •>, ^ # - «t,-.:* r -^.fcj- —MUueatot. •t P $*Wm*f?!*ai-*^cmiefr Or the Latest 1 Style, In .fri^i r ^ "isirai^j'i f -..a --'.'4; ,-/.,,%( .. every thing that to h e e d e d Lo _ DepanawoL We weald can _ ...lb* attention of the Ladlt* to oar Stodt of . Hoop Sidrt^ bootees, Gai- ters, Hosiery, &o., InwhichwodeiyoompeJtUon. WewooW taytoUiepnhBc UutsUoor giom mm new, and w » v i a offer . i PletwcaU and enmloa for Toonetfca. No tnsMe to «kowGoods. STOaaOBFOfilTlilHtFitASa-U^UOTgL W^^ri&y«LlM. ' BABBTJcPBCK* . 0©ja.e*34£ : H. E. KING! Wi|h ^pl^nn,^tand d V J * ggss ^yPig#^ii#S:daa , , With your folded banners* go - » ( "e herb; in the tomb 3s? I VBBryhomrdeep in a southern mould; < -Bury him deep m^gravesd cold; / Burjhim thereby a sonmemriTer, Close by the banks where daffodils quiver. There let;laabcMlyin'qinerad*rest, >jw Bnirburylns name iir the liatitin's breast. Bright o'er his grave shall the sun shine on, >>*;brightetthe,rifln&his deeds have won; i^le|Wd3clFtr^shaUr¥eyUveinstory, ! Brighter becanseitheyarecrimsoned and gory a Children and maidens "and men of our land. xtnm ww Hand, .Shrined hi the heart of * grate- Ever on history's! page' to stariL a^Qil^arrtspld^.proodlyweltcheTisli,'. " Thoughts of thy valor never shall perish^ Sleep then in peace though they by ly him low, Down where the southern steimlets flow. ^re^ pOce.^ The 2i«£9ity«}Ki;r oPthat city says: . " We sawyesterday, going up towards the up- jier ferry, a team of four animals—a horse a |jony^ «_ : male and a bull. The horse,had the iieavea, the pony was Mind, the mule was lame jindthebuUhadnoproviaQn g|rflytime. In JheTPa^a—^hich was an ordinary one-^sata white man, a cripple negroe,and| a tameskunkl The sfeunk wks finnly bound with a wisp of] i«raw. v "The white man heldthe jines, the team' ,MS ^& Awn^amt &!>>^r heldl^e skunk" AMEBIOAH, SWISS iWD EK6LI8H SILVER AND PLATED WAKE Hiae*tQtuUty*m(^ApproT*dP«tt«rw' MORTOM'J CELEMATEO OOLD PENS. PINE COLD AND PLATED -.-,.,«. ^r-E?FELlair. i MMjEl-C TAGIiES! For correcting erajr detect of the eje, (blindneat excepted.) Cl<foks, Fancy Goods,' Sec, For Sate, *m£L PARTICULAR ATTENTION Paid to .-• i —OF—. WATCHES. ClOCKJ, JEWELRY, 4C, —BT— O. L. BALLARD, No 3 Eagle Block, M«lone,N.T F<randrytt Machine Shop! ] 0I«rfl7 fettriottoo, BTtroft « d > )MiJ«»Ae^ !•*!«»« ^Itanterns, ^te^vfte. 5L «JR <D,3E|C ; apins.ista. WILCOX & GIBBS 1 NOISEiESS Sewing Machine! ~ii'T»n]«iciUltiTWii>i,*fWit»>*wltWirtrta«> ifctytor*jw* opened a anr Ti», SaeetrlraB asd Copper-Ware, PkeJ^TeoKhltBdtktbtltMaplta**^ 61, WASE OrtktBMtapprvred rattets*. among wbklPare ttweel- ' * " B O O S W H H U . IBaTOOTE».» Abo aa feapeoTea^ ^W OR BOROI»L WHEHI., For «pi)iJ)t2baRajiraR«it*d to be » copeiier -Wfc a» to power and econoMtcal etc of water. l*Jtftt Tbej have a Urge (applT of the beat Friction if atcbea, at Wholesale or KeUO, The trade aoppBed on reaiena* e tenatv " • • ."••'"'* '" if ' We bare eagafed a good ItaaaBtr aad -wta alteaat to^aO tmUiIathkllMpriai^.aJai^warraMaaUaAealo*. . . » . - < " " . - Soofing and Eave Sponts! tbejgtre parOcalar I ,to atoelng aad wntHnf ap Sap Pais, Coidietors aid Backets I »• •• --1 II We are ready to supply to order, 8ap BeBen, Oeadactera' and Tin Socket*, at moderate prices, for CASH OR READY PAY I """CASH PAH) TOR Purchasers ire reqaested ta call aad ezaathtec stock and prieea before psrcaatb^elseaiMre. D.F.SOPEK. GEO. G. GtJKUT. Halone, Feb. 4, IBM.—*m. PATENT CIRCULAR SAW HILLS ' SwparisrtoaaylBtkJsor any other •ecttoo of coasby. For partlctdars send for circular. , Au.|crans^ojr MILL GEAEING & SHAFTING, Both Wrought and Cast Mads andfittedop to order in Use be»Vmanner. UKSB KATOBET SCEKW8 FOB PKES3IKG TOBACCO. BOP SCEfcWS, BOTH UUIGB AJTD SHALL EITHEE OABT OB WKOUGHTIKON SHDCGLK MACH1N1S. D7BIQBT DKILLS. EiGESE LATHES. •: PLASINS HACBINB& . P«itaHe ui Statiraary SteaB|EBfiacs, BUILT TO OBDEB. PATTKKSS mads to orderandan easfliigs fBrolibed oo short SMUce and the lowest rates. Orders from abroad solicited. iigaciiftbursli to Ihe We ft,. F»r Sale at r*naia1rT Bai * re In olat Factory If OOOnSG 1KD BOX eTOVBS, PLOWS, CDUIVATOBB, BUbliOW WaBK. TBA KKTTLE8, FBICTION BOLL- FJt8AHDCKaNKS.WaG0!FBOXEE.STRIPSA!n> . BOIXKKSFOKGATBaNDrJOOKHASGrXGS, PLOW POINTS, LASD SIDES. CPLTIVA- TORTKBTH,8HOVIO.PtOWa r CLBV. '-0 , IS, COULTERS, BOLTS. BLED SHOES, PUAEKS, PATKNT HAB- JtOW, CATJLDSON KETTLES, OAST SAP PaBB. PATENT MKTAUJO SAP SPOCTS, OSS PLAMKO TONGUE AND eBOOTBalACHTNE, WITH BEADING CYLEiDEB ATTACHED. ALSO OSB SURFACE PLANER BARB- BTTB PATEST STRAW CUTTER, A SUPERIOR ARTICLE. Hatone, March a, ISC*. B.8.0LABKAOO. This Machine took the First Prize at the recent rrhsKUnn i in New York city; also at the World's Fair at Paris, and faf onlrcrsally aeknowtedscd t o b e the most perfect WAMOX SEWING MACHINE retpxodaced. .ThoseIn want ofaSewlox Machine win So well to call and examine it at the Store of NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ATTHE .CHEAP CASH STORE! No. 1, EAGLE BLOCK. We are aww rcceltloa; a endld 8t DECEHJBER, 16, 18S3. ECOLID^.Y GOODS <»rtherM TraBsportatwn C«aipaBj. £2su. The only lhroat4 Bally Lbje between' OgdeiishTirgh, Chicagp, and intor- •*. .-,&**• - r ---inediate i Porits« -OnlyfirDays throttgh.wlthont^ange of Boat. _ThJS;weUkrwwn and BeHable Company, wm daring the resent .Season, ron their line of FhstSCiass UPPER CABIN STEAMERS. D a l l y b e t w e e n O j t ^ e t W B a r g f c , O a W e t o , St. Catn- eriae^;Cl*Te)astat; Toledo, Detroit, .. CMr^o^MllWaBkeej a n d I n- ^ termeaUaite Porta. T teaTinfOgdensba^, on Airi»aJ of Eipresa Train from the East! t PA9BEROBRS and Families EOTine West, can embart wtthtkelr Ijrnage, Teams, Sock, Ac ,and land tojethe. "TlUioat dWorbaBce or Ttanshinment, al. their port of desrj •atioB, Urns aroWIng the great inconi|eaienee of the ma^j changes, delays and expenses of otherirontea, EST" The>. "teamers base large CABOS and Sura BOOMS, amply an •jeatly furnished, tot FIRST CLASS i PASSENGERS, an. ecom.l Cabins with Cook Stores and comfortable accoromc dationsTbrPsssenjiers and'Families, -iho stay wish to tur- ol«h,tte!r own provisions. E S ^ N o efforts will be spared t. malritain the reputation of this, as the CHEAPEST AND BEST BOUTE A thorodeh relinnajDe,refltting. repairing and refnrnishiDi with seTeral new boats added to the line, makes this no» the most comrbrtabU, pleasant, economical and expeditlon- ronte to the GREAT WEST. Ear* BE SURE AND SEE THE AGENT OF THIS LIS I BEFORE TO0 BUY YOUR "TICKETS. E9P* T f e r o a c a Tlclc> to oxer a3 Western Railroa. 'hies can be obtained on application to GEO. W. S»tlTI' office comer Ford « E 3 Patterson, firs., opposite Johcso> HoDse,OgdeDsbargh,XY. u2 tT oiaaxmsiDLss. or BAGGSCK ras% TO CICQ rassssGn Baggage Checlcsd Through to all joints. FOT thronth Tinkers and other Information Apply to * 6. A. XDDY, Office Steamers LaBomg, Ogd'h, K. Y. GEO. W. SMITH, 6en1 Ticket Agent; ^ B. I. SBEBWAS, Agent, MaylS-6m - FratnUIn Boaae JUalone. M A LONE IFMCY uJYEIKB FSTABLISHMENTi c J O W HM A R 8. Practical Dytf,.Shawl Cleaner and liefirist,. T HIS BsrlBusHaBsT HAS BhKs remorea a few*ods to the new baOding on Doar.. n^? ^ppos^Hieresideriee&f AnstemLincoln.andtbt ProS^ inhabitants of Maione Jadr? wooSirespecrJally inform the I cinity tbtihels now ready to CLEAN, COLOR AND FOTSH! in the best possible manner. Ladies* Slrnao. Cobcr^ g(j, and Delaine Dreases, Shawls, Cloaks. Hose, gtraw Boimat I any color that may be desn»i. tered; Canton, Crape, Casfcmf^ rls Cleaned and Hcjshai & ^ Carpets, Yarn, Ac. White Crape Shawls dy Sfls Dresses beamifolly * Brocha and all other Sp e^nal to new. Marseilles and, LarjcasterQaHtsiBleached. CUna. Uts \lcsDn, Damask and Moreen Curtains cleaned, <i> ed and £a. isbed. Table Covers, Bngs, Carpets, 4c, cleaned. Gents Garments cleaned, dyed and pressed, without rip- ping. Merchants' Goods made saleable. 3. M. woold state that his Dye Hoose and Frrfelrisg Eooc are fitted np with all the modern improvements, and a, ^ superintends all Ihe Dyeirig and FinWrmg itimsell, his r„-r tons can depend on getting their goods done in a manctr >, compare with the work of any similar Establishraen^ and ml the least possible delay. Ladies in sending Dressw io tt Colored shonld not rip the skirt to pieces. A l l responsi&Ui:; taken for the safety of goods sect to this estasl&bmest. "We do our Finishing by Steam. Maione, NOT., 1SG2. VOLUME /XXX : nr; GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY] OF CANADA. ' X>»U3r X*lxie> o-T N E W ^STEAMERS —FOR— -OF— Who is the Agentforsaid MacMneln FrankEn Co. Maione, Feb. f.lS*L . Hasicft retarned froB ^laikcl, with a Choice Stock of lacroding tke celebrated £& ?sWmfcxf«% -^^lEC^^i^stlS^fs , theprorierly'ltoaMrhrl . ..Bk^te'^iS%lteloMr r 3tt»vC0IIKT AM DW ... . on Kwa iwu*i«c,atic rostT n taaKunB'i mi: BURT SHOES Ani> BAEXORALS: HewoaMaaWMttryacG«dkaie«taath«]>aai "^aJaTa^Biifc^ta^'taiebra-^ ' LAMOINECAJLT SKINS. WarraMMtobeth«a<tteXta^>arfedIsaUiCTtbrBaework. UkaimiatokeewoalytaekeststacktabekadUaurkrt, aothaJMaaay!^r«tal«aKa^a*ftr^staa-iet^ aaanys*w<««,urjcas!Ue. In the 'fives' «'#s*- - i "• • '.4 •z3SB&$B& --if BASEMENT - - ;>s?i 1 s=f?3>. «vs** *$£&*- •-'T * . •" - a, "Sp***** ."*^ v-% 5 "^ *w*«'. .-».•• --«• ^ icaabcrsndUMbejtStare.lh* I'itea«r^aata^*ek'»«. Siaaudht '' ;tiweei|a«-. Oar stacker - a^a^arewarraB*ed,ara»sa*e. ARGAlSaABESOWOrrEBUJ.-Mr. GODSO '---• |2^2*B«^S*ar«»ar**a*a*«***s»» ,>--.-«---: —— Malone, Nov. 18, '63. NEW G^OODS. •*— ?? Jist Rtc*lrtiiL*rgtk Elegit Sttckcf FALL & WINTER GOODS —AT— fBURKEE cScMEIGS'. PAKTICTJLAES NEXT WEEK. astaantima a General and Cordial Invitation ia •xtaoded to 4ha entire Oommnni- ty to Call and E^AaHpEPBieES «fc QUALITY. I LADIES'FURS AT HO0DS,SUBIAS*8ONTAGS AT COTTOSTABir... BUFFALO B0BE3-. CABPETS ...... .. M DEESS GOODS) —AND—: HEAVY DOMESTICS! . OFALLKDEDS! ' -AHD- . CABSIMBB^i Balmoral Md Hoop Skirts! ^Uvgs, HOSI%X^ —ALSO— ' Sclaool Book Depot. Jaat recetred this day, a large stock of TOYS ADD FANCY GOODS FOB THE Palatograph Album* and Diaries fox 1864 —ALSO— CBOCKEHTANDOLASSWABB! SLATER LETTEB PAPER, ENVELOPE', Gilt aealdlnff, Oral FrwaeB, w JLfci J3Q~w a^oTTv/rT^riiarG-s, GILT CORNEBS AND BANDS, - GJA.T ASD PALSTED SHADES,. PICTUEES AND BIRD CAGES, «<•• « ? . c i- -- ... . . . . . , . AW M a y articles watch are te*aBBerenat«a»e»»on. ' . * ' ' . ' ' • • • j . Asriareofthepal^palrDnareissoBcitied. BVaParttealar attention etwen to FranalngT a l l k l a M l s arKieSMnea, CHICAGO. StlLWAUKEE, SHEBOYGAN, AND ALL LAK) MICHIGAN PORT", CONNBCTn?S WTTH THE RAILWAY LINES FOR ALL POINTS WEST. 8. F. XrSOWt r! .... <.:€apULK GOLDSMITH 4KTEI.OFB Capt F. G BUTLEH ItlOST«OMKBT Capt. A. GILLIE- S.D.CALIIWBU. Capt-D. H»TJ »«7« Capt-B A. JOSH 1 8BSOSHA _Capt.H HJ^WETT OSTONAGOH Capt H. H. TOMPKlNf- GOV. CVSOmAS -Capt. J.CADLWifXL. One of the above steamers win leave; SARNIA daily, im- mediately after the arrival of trains from the East, and hav> snjjertoracconsrnodafions for First and Second Class passen- gers. Returning win leave the dock, foot of Sooth La Salle St.. Chicago, erery erening [Sondaysexcepted] »t 7 o'clock. ':• E^-'-Theonly reliable Bne of steamers between Canada and the Wist, having regular days and boors of sailing. _# Ordy one trans-shipment. No omnibos or carta^r ca theBce. Asaftei^Lt rente tins Une possesses soperio. inducements over any other. ! Bates of insurance lower than by any other route. Passengers detirin- to travel thronghby ail rail can oh tain Qckets via the Grand Trunk Railway cheaper than b; any other rail rootes while the time fa 16 bonr? quicker anc a nmnber has changes than by any other route. a J. BRYDGES. C. 1. BA1J>WIS, Managing Director. Agent, Ogd"h- R. P. BEACH, General Agent. X*. 8BAKA,IH». P. CLARK, Mamne, May S - S s o . ~ f EFEBE.FS SALF. Vermont Central and Sullivan RAILROADS. Summer Arrangement. L*die»', MiEKB' A-CiaareB'BBoot» * tatte* wlnwatk tatkwyBaeta aadSbaea SSper centvirss thaa thcr caabaka^atiaa* ««««r cstsABstaveM wild* wtB b* Canaa4eisa^a^^a^^g|ia^ awyawr^ D.AaTS. ». A M'S: AT atari —AT. D. * Bra. .AT j). A ara. Come One! - - - Come A l l ! 1S*V I Pkcenlx Block. . t ^l7K]a^B-a%: MKIGS.^ O. i f oses; Jr., " ' ' Htajass Kecetred a KtwandlFuH! ~ ASSORTJI£.\T OF CrOOBll! Cft3 0- Wacangrrca BXTBA BAJBGrATTTS —nf— BccIT-tf .- -5LC_ A , BE. COOIVEY. MeMillaii MiUs ! TBATSS GOING SOUTH ASD EAST.> Day Express leaves OgdeDsbcrgh at 5-SO a. =x, Boose'i. - - - -~ -ort m.. Boose's. ( READY-ttADE CLOTBlittr, AswemtendUdroetaattraaVaadclaaa etBtacfc. CaB and 11 >•!•• l^in'r aa^awioea. VeaaBnr ready pay axd TerjraasaB wnt&. HtMaefAprBXt, tSt^-WT %' ^jU.'n.B M S - * OO. New Fall Goods! After the iOt& «JEy of MAyi A l wtttS^LLtrOOlW FOB Tke TJaflfTiigrtdKave pwrchased fnsa Mr. H.S. McMxuoa, - ' . the W o o l i e i i I^iBwe*CFiry-, 1* the viBage «f Mataae, so lone aad swccesafally operated by hhsv aad hare tonaed a. co^partBersKp for caiTyimgaxta«,s«ainess»rsaaaBfactaTing Otlks, CassJ-wrcs, Satiatts, Tweeis. -CCsj'.CCst aJTD ALSO -- i CBUr^usWCW*lCIIOtakIlrrNal^ Point at 10 45 a. as.. Tor Boston, Trot and K<-w T o r t Night Express leaves Qgdensbargb at 11 50a- Polnt at 5.45-p. nL. arriving at Bosaon at $ 40 a. m., connect tog at BeDotrs Palls with Cheshire fiailroart tor Boetoo JM Worcester and with Vermont Valley Railroad f«r Springfield aadNewTork. TBATSS GOESG KORTH AND WEST. Day Express leaves Boston at S.0© a. BL,forOgdeEaKrrgh. West. ' Mail Train leaves Boston at 1-00 a. tawrta LoweB, and ai 7.J0 a. m-, via Laarreaee or Frtcbhargb. Leaves Sprtng- BddatT.50a.aL, BeDowsFailsaa liiO p . r i , forOgdess borgh. i Nirit Express leaves Boston at5-S0p.Eu, New York ai iOOp as., eoaaertingat Shite Kirer, arririns at Ogdens- baTgkatiaaO p.aa. > Seeping cars are attached to both the night express trains running between Bossed Point and Bosson, and Boaoe's Point aad SawhueiTW. St. Albansj M s y l t , Kit G. S UPBTE3IE COUBT-Franklin County.- s*m Freceriek W. Sorthrop, Trosste of the *rm*ri.i+ dffm rectors and Company of the State Fire ln.Brer.ce Compare against James S. Campbell, and rarah, his s .h dmphrlL, ana Almedia B. Back, Execn rls, ic Bock, deceased. > ,. In psrsnaace autd by virtse ef a jodpnent of he for r-n» " rendered in the above ^titlrd ac£-<'n z' a .-; *-cia! thereof, on the 3d tf3j "of Jene, 1^4 the crdf. , referee dory appojoiesl by sa5d p»or. ci: t.'; ai poblic vendue to the bipfcrst hinder, at ik* C«crt H"u>- iri the ViBage of Malone, en the twenry-frmrth <*< .Asrop. l-f4. at foor o'clock in the aftertean. (he rral is'at* ex.-. tci'rt'. gaged premise*, directed by said jtrdgraert M he F. H ZX,$ -tescribed as follows: AH said lands are Fitcj,te< iD i\lt Connty ot FraukBn. and State of Sew Y<ri L<-->u Tea ,]I.I Old AtiStary Tract. Township So. Sine i &. t aorf roD^ms one hundred and eighteen (IIS) eerti. siere or ess Also lot So. Fortyfonr («.) Township aif-rwj id. <v-.t4!r j one hnadred and sixty aWes of lar*a, e^cvpsin^ ^n-Va, The north west o^narter of said, lot : A£s^ MG 5O Fni-tw (46.) Township aforesaid, containing c-ic scn»i-«i «r 1 -lit il6t» acres, more or leas: Also, thesoses fcaif of 1M \ ' , . Uondred andTwenty-foor<a2i) Towiz^%.Xo- Siii.e!i nu Military Tract; containing eighty (a») acres ef UuJ n, or less : Alsa. Lot So. Two Birndred andTwentT sere: ^!T Old Military TracfTTownship Sine (9.) contaii.:or >-I-JI ,701 acref ff land, more or less: Also, Lot Ko Ii=« 1!JL;- rtd and |iHrt£-V!P t 232 ") old SJiStary Tract, T^sii-r. [. s Sioe. con^aimn^ one handred and sist.v acres ' i ,ir: ^-t ftr less : Al#o. Lot No. ^ixty^btrr (64.)" T/>wn&i2?p V V'-- 9.* Old Military Tract, containing one hundred a •* » >• tf res. excepting" therefronj the -*ast half of saw? J. *. Cot So MBetj-three (93.) lovmiiip Xo. Nine iS.m. v ... ury Tract, containing one handred and sixty arres As.' No. One Handred anu Twelve (112.1 contaain^ one hi- "-•*- ind sixty acr^sof land,-eiceptingaierefroin the n^.ri-i-- and socth-vc^t quarters *< 543d lot ; Also. Lot >n. 1' Hnndrcd and Eight (2G?.l Townsrip No Xine (9 > Oi 1 v i. tary Tract, c^otaininfr one honored and sixty acres vf )»" excelling tbf refroin the sooth-east qosrter of said l..t A- j Lot Xo. Two Honored and Twenn-three ti33. \ DM >lj r,- ! Tract. Township So. Sine (9.1 contiicin* one baoaiwi ^ seixty (160> acres of land, excepting ih- M r m , ItoHtTe- north third and socth third of west one honored att<r i* (ISO) acres, and except the north hAlf of »he >ea*; r^ (S01 acres : Also, Lot No. Three Hundred aad FI^T T (553.1 Totrnship So. Xine. containit» ico boij'Tr.! acres «f land; Also, the sooth eaa come r of Lot .\ •> >• t y « i <T6.) Township Xo Eight (>,) costaiiiin? on» ICL and ninety (199) acres of land ; also, ibe c*-t}i Is.' So. Rfsj-thres {SB,} Township So Ten Tf c -•* : eighty (Su) acres of land, more or less ; At?- L : \ Htiodred and Sixteen fTlff) Township N o Mt-e ^ i.> : itary Tract, containing one v handred and sixlt a r r^. cet-^in? therefroat the so^ath east qnaner: AV L One Hundred aad Eighteen (Ui,> Township >,.. Vrt. ilffilarj '.Tract, containlGg one hendred an J ; -. acrrsT excepting therefrom the north west qiiar-rr. ~:.t; in* fortt- i4»)acres : Also, the south vest qo^tt ; - i> One Handred and Nineteen (119.) Township N.. S-' ' >§ containing forty (4**> acres of land, oore or less . ':- "* :g socth-wess pjx&riet of Lot So Two Honored atnl F r 'I'r; *^j (S4-S! Toant-hip So. Sine. Old M&tzry Tract. •.•• t $ forty (40) acres : Aba, Lot So Two Hastsed *•*: T S^B toor(244.) Township SOL Slne(9.10ld MiStary •?;&.:. -• fig™ uining oce handred and sixty (169) acres, except: c :: - %iB from the sonthreast quarter of said Lot, con'aJL'-i : - j i ZCTVS ; AaSff. the sonth-east qnarter of Lot Xo Tw«- li -' .-< '^ »t<d >ixty 1160,) Tosashjp Xo. Xine (9.) Old JIUbarj I n . o|r|, containing furlj ^0) acres ; Also, the vest hall of L- • V ^^ Two Hundred and ^ixty^wo (26i ) Township So. >io^. ^ ' ^ taining ei«hty (SO) seres of lano ; Also. Lot oi>e Bo-.ze.' 'J&M »nd T wenty^hrec i!3S) Towoshtp So. Sine (9.) Old V.-jjjr r«i« Tract, cttaaarmrv* one hundred and sixty &cresv ex..^^ therefrom the north half; Also. Lot So. time Hcnc.-^ ^ thirty-two pS) Township Xo. Sine (9,) cont-su-a «<r ha dred aad sixty (1@U) acres, exceHm^ there'.^ <* «oa:h-esst qcarter ol said Lot ; Also, Lcs So. foe b£-A -.nd Forty-eijfht (14-^,1 containing oae hnn.*red t.- si' (1601 acres, excei'UDp therefroaa tfce s^arrft iEa [ f of ^-^. .* -«.^w *bo. Lot S o . One Ho dred and XiaetT-ssx ,19* ...j-.e ^sj.|| Vo. Nit.e. Old MiEtarr Tract. coLtaimnp <^ne n - . --v^ ^ f^lli .toy (160) acres, txceptin; the east half'.f si-o L-^i--. ^ 3 Lot Se-t>oe Handred and Xiae?y «eTen (1ST.' l,«v<o ^S| >ine (91) OW Military Tr"-ct, containiog oi,e Lu-.&x t J j - ^ 1 sixty (16&> acres, excepting sheretresa ihe sr^nh-eiii'^s.'- '^^ ^ ofsxiaLLot; Atso, the north half of 1^3 Xo. i s o {rasS?- „.._,. and x-ven (3B7J Township So. Xine (S.'O'J M.^ i ; Vl-. . ggl| enotalnin^ e^sthry (S9) acres of land, neore or ^*s . .«- " fe?J^ •' So. Three Hnsdred and Tweaiy, Towuship X" >.-* . |Jpi'-' Old HSitxjy Tract, containing t*o htu*«tre^ l**} »c-~ ^ i^o. Lot. Xo Three Hundred aad Tl^iny (-^&- . / ° * T *-'- BIT J. J. & lite ^iilai ^ablished every j . jr. &> «r. H Office, No^2 Unloi ^ T E village Sttbsoribers, served Mall an I Jpdiee SoDscnbers For Thre« Months For SlxiJIonthi The faollstters expect and paid strictly in advance. BATB8 OF . [Ten Lines orle I square i' week $10 Bach subsequent Ins'n^ 2 1 square 6 months .' 5 Yearly advertisers are e the year. -All changes In exec B05ISB-J3 CARDS not excee<: 'every md>Utionat Une 75 ceat Alt acjouuts for airertUia; insertion of the advertlsecnei marse'i the length of time to be contttiueil till forbid, or a ' and charged accordingly. r^ M- QiIJ€Klp , Wm-m EECORD Tamronsh to"Chlc«g;o in ^S IfoBrs! •Pera«o»c«la«,U«h« Wert can have theW choice of Boat or Raih-oad,froat Ogdensbargh. Trains leave Prescon on UrearriraloltheTraln'freas the East ;; P. CLAEK, AGENT, MALONE, I* always ready to Trait o » a n peisscs , roing West. He •-- •-' - ^ada Tickets to p ave^-MBwaakee, St. Leads, GevelxnA, pnrfasrafi and: all raiars West, Sew Tork vta^Ogdeosbcrgb, Water- tocoaaa atoa»e,andK. T-CeoirilB. I V ^o. Xiae. <Hd MtStary Tract. c^jtadnhjgtSa't. Irt-ii-' *cres, of land, n^ore or less ; Also Lo-t X*» one Han ~^' i.* ; Fifty-seveo irST.J losusl.ip Xo. Xi&e. Oi.i MiBtaJO 7:. . contarning one honored ai^J sixty [1*^'] acres of .a. . -i cepting the aano-ess* QKaner ; Abo, 1^ Xo 0*-e H^ ^n and ctxty-e^gH i^lSS,] Township Xo. Sine. 0>i Mi v TracS, containing »me hnsdre-d at^d sixty [le§] acre* c' JK. excej>t2rig fhes-etroa the aorta-west qoaneT cantAi- -Li -' 149] acres ; AKo the sonth haif cf Los Xo One H&fc ..',-' L.L eauety two{192J To^nsJ^p No. Sine. OM MiL<a.-7 In: containing rtghtt [sd] acres of land, more or less Also the endrrided half part of the Xcrth end of t&e - &*•:- ^m west qcarter of Towns&ip No. Twentt^^res 'tT K S^™ Con3b^& P u r c h a s e , c o n t a i n i n g o^ie thocsan -f ni&e ^ asfiM andsixry £t9<9} acres of land, move or less.' ftw Also, the sontfc east comer of Lo! So. hOne Htr *.~^ £T and XiaeSy J198J Township So. Sine, Old N^nn a»a Tract, contamicgseventy [78] scresof land : Ais" ••' "^ half of Lot So. Two Hasdred and Fi'ty-ifese ;*S*) T» VB- S g£f So. 3fine.Old MiEtary Tract, comatning one hoiHire- J-. m { acres ; Alsc, she west half of Lot Ko. Two H s n ^ r e ^ &r^'s.s ty-oaep6:] Township Xo. Sine, Old MBfearj Tnrt. ct;- ^S taining eighty fSffJ acres of land, acre or less- ,|£jl Also, the sndivided half of Usre sostSb^asS qsa.tef «! ^ggi* . taming seven thoosand. e^^s nssdren ssxi thirty-twe .Ts^. acres of land, mare or less.—Jane 23^ 1*54. ALLEX R DCRAST, Beferrt. a & McCALL, pEftj ASt>, Albany. '! ftiJSnKSS . ^ B u i T ia fi. S. BUW Is agent 1. T. Gilbert & (o.' This is one of the oldest an the country and no firm tnak ORDEItS TAYL,Or\ Slttonterjs anti <S< Xo. 2 Ui^ioa BIOQIC—over M A L 0 N B.J^ TA¥L0li. ' 1 A. B. PA t Attoruen aiii CL MALOS .U5o Offlce No. 1 I M. M. R Attorney am CHA.TBA.C S. PI Physician a Reslieace, first hou^e Gas MALON F. T. Deal Drags, Medicines, Pa . Perfumery, Stationery No. 8 Union Bloc ~ OREN MO WATCHES, Jewelry, Silver aad: s'.tvisrc'sr a-< Watches, Clocks aai No. 4 Union Block NATHAN & J LICENSED Al ', FOB THE OOPST auction Sales attended to and I C h t t e a n a a F , Fra P. vV. T Wholesale and B Bran, lies, vViaas Ale and L*ger Beer, Potet Nats, FraitsandConfi _ on-lw ; West end of the Bridge, a MOBXGAeESAtK.—Wfc-reas. ^f— ^ ^ *** E»*CTifeepay»enis^theaBoffleysecsHed. ti l t r ff^?*?** 1 ^ ^ stS »XJ»I=Pra.5!Se.execGte J 3 ti r^S-rt BVMM|MHK WtfU 1 *. 'VRlBi' .V^K^tiCB^RSwHB^s^B^Vie'^altVat' 4 _ >,: -Jaeat, ^Iteplgfetlgtig^gjbggm 1 .abaTl Mr. A . P . aaaTcaaywao-tartbelaet tra jaaiKto Bad clnnrvas tawaaMJTactary, aw Poreeaaa. baa jwrdcsMa aa tamest Midbtca^M lawiliafi Jbsthtbaainfa.iadwracoat- tlaasetoa^re baJKriaaal ittnriwi aa«l "' JuS TOB FABBFBOMOGDEXSBUEGH IO KEWTOSK. ...JS 53 A^aass toMaetreal, via St. Lawrence : Ja^^MUvj^-lSM.^^ I Btver. S- EggicsSea OE Cre lawn of Boasbay, Cosmjy of i ^ u Sew Tort, to'Josepk Kjeg?j of fort Coviagtaais s>.-.: i-ci- ty, and «hien, jDortgasrs was icaaiBi in lie i l=si = ti£- o-f said Ccmsty cs bnak 14 of Mortgages eei p a s e ST-4 os ' 3d day o-Anra. IS6i : Ar«S whereas. t*e sasd~=»r:rii:-ta heen dnly assigsed to Isaar Seetey of Pert Covfetg-~-r ir a J Ooimry,asdthesassebaowc^r£ed;bvbsa; And.nerr^ tbeaQocBtcixasedM be d>» apoa the tirs^ pchii,-ir^ -; tl&E«la»iia»»asa.^je^^|3s?i!drs^a=»i^i^^ai ajii--« < andfiscrreenceoxs az»ds»stac-cr proceedings ha^rr ^-r-a Essrltsted for the recovery al; tbe same cr any par; t:*.-e* ^ Sow, rbaeSse, ootke SSere^y grres list by vsrtae of power<sf salecoatained iasatd aaortsxeeanddaly ?!S ! !^^_¥?! as »?» l &** «^ ^*aee a a a * c* &A HO FOR THE p?T! M»fS^^^^?^^ : tattfce frost doer cfase CoarlHoesr, in the tctra t lows Sr%a*\:i' ? :-:.*i& t^f%^aaJ«aijiait.ai"af. Tiw;swrtni araaaw-ht •• eraltaa.-aaa-wBIbe. tapt gatagj AeVv'' l^^..»c. CASH PAID FOE WOOL! Jtnrl^C<3aatyorFranaBJ.aJbresia,c= tta?snh ca wrMoxa WISHIXG IO PBOCCBE TJCKETS FOB THE , gnss tssst.a«9oVaeel:iBtbe£sreaocao]tha:day. *""FW - 2 w c w ' i s r i O T n i w r n T H A T T T3«saJdJ>reasg!«»re<aescrBiea JESaid e^rsgapt as :« WEST, ABE 15F0BMED THAT i >-—: ^ U l t a ^ t o e t « parcel ef land sitease in t& t.=i say, CtsBnty ot JraaSBa and Seats of Sea Tori. < - , -^ieie*t-T&fir*asl from taeeoetfc-wesJ cnrit of sale -v= a^. rax3m^tbeticgsiM»lK'M»re*^saegsai«iatriy tau^tjs. s * : «ixceai»=saadrlftjfeist»tbecf2lerof Laili-&-_:!^ ; -'" tlfeoce down alotrgttiCceBfeerc^-saad rrrer to the cen^: i thehij*waypa«EatCTa«dEccix=a3%sa.w tnSl i";n I-i thenceBcrtii. sex^^rees atad ihsty misotes west, :•- center, of xaSal K j i w a y , n c j - t y fotr l i n k s : these* : -"- eirhty-Sve degrees' west,*** chains a»d ferry Eats .it.-' s«cxh three degrees and Uun^ aamotes «es4, eijiy -sxs 'tWCT^fe'^altes mm aaaesif-two fiats so tts. e.»»~ «r ±- •• o!ng.« Malone YasseB^er pepot! .<•••-•;'.• '- -js^uarsiJniK •, 1 ''' > [AltL THEIrlFFEItEIiT BOUTES. - SttMtaMi^, L»ke Shore, i^x, fte. MX mitt ijn crra HIM A GAIT, ASS BE PCPOX ^ ?&T^i&ri**!^'faJ^ -U. StT^»«*-«LS47^»t JLtr.BIr%ET,Prext. tbepteceeffe KF i *a<rJ^*—^—'—---^---.•-- - - taioed&s ibe deed ofsaW Eggleson. from said 3a«ep _ said mortgage-Dated May ^ 138. By HESW A i Paaator^l«4ss iM «^ M * IS •• **•'« ^^falbe^_«r^^J^ l ?g|^ i ^^ g ^ ^ WS^r^pxBsaar.asaaa Martha Fere S" 5 *^for.I^^^S*^* 5 * «=» &rwed > s£SttF eexas, can«4«t Voiie«b«rejL_. cnaeS^^ 1 ^" f ZS25^** a3 K=^red to assw« ia> l»^o2S^aS2P^'* S ^ l ^*aStae .das raSr^^.SLif*? 1 * ^ Bsa s a t e •«*• ««• Yore. « o ! |S^r e t ^^*W«a*^iee,aiai§y^d SlnU ^"J^^JiJ^^eere^resaB^-tawj^feeaf^j a?^J 2aSl^;^. t ^f iai ^^» iS « fe tlTc^a.1, ^TS ^mXr^!^BL\mmT A ' aM rSaSn^Sr.'s A s t e r ^ s ^ SJaSaca. S. I. ±* P. CL, : . AT T1IK JIILI TIalu Street, t A. CO t —wn 3D. S>. 3STI Mannfac Ooors, SasJh NOKTK LAWB Doors and Sash constantly 01 f i. JTATX ' Printers of an' JJA"WV ^3 WiUBASTI 0ESD3, * , QBIT-UtltSt DE8D8, Liso COSTBAOTS, . BCDBMPnOS LBiSBS, . JT aatlee'a Blanks, •! Just printed, In modem si ior'sale, wholesale orretatti * CA1.1 I an*«et; BemeBtbe«|l ./.'..-'."O.^E*^ ! THUR5il> •Y, A^SPLESBll —A daa-asl a^v-i-i^i " /'; '_-»BS-W. r .ji 1st 1»OOP west - aCalaMtr«« ILTISS WetirtHvlf HA : .ew ¥ork With fejarge; ', whreb Will be opened TBYCaWOAV iPbaBtoekcooslsU ot Bonnets 'N«B^4%«Mli '•r^tU'^ifcj

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Page 1: OgdeiishTirgh, Chicagp, and intor- ®WMW r iPorits«nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031566/1864-08-18/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · UMOI tkeAeatkt or M.U Xajt* mmarn*oa Bind the oak, leaves



irouai thk

•, throagh

For thy m o t o r s , r^iriv,]

She visited to take mil Dettiteaa&wteiTdnjpr; i

readvthHre. .X I '"

Ttat SdnUy d , ^ ^ ^ d ^ t p s i v * iny parting

*MMff tltfa^Starf!

l86c t t f l&Uic*^i iom BorttttatCercrjUtflite

l ^ # ^ f e ^ % # * Mi l** raw"^6 ?9t

Oh.thinkoT th»tloved dAtirtjter, she finds no

MM WaattreapaeiMr,., to ftwtMnbaflidMu

waBBB5sS8 , , ,»B*

~ j a » 4 h » • "




"Hsol% loving Bisters,

So P M U M C ^ p e « M n _ _ door; , . •• , i , - j

Rmemberillthe dying WOMB she whispered . ...JB&OOIMBBIV' - -- •

tsey's lace no

me at the

Tread softly, where she breat ie3 her last, how •'•'•• sacred is the place, ' t '- • -•Where you saw lies hourly wasting, and' felt

her liaferahraceV I Oh, Deaths how' suddenly thoa didst come, To bear our loved inendto.htir! eternal home.

Tread softly, friends and neig^borsi who with us now may mourn, -i -

WeaniOTeddearBetseyjWhblOTedus in re-tarns " f • '..

I trust she's now with Jesnsi with Saints and Angels bright; >i > p

Shesweep3the golden harp,land roams over plains of light - ,., A. Gj. D.



U M O I tkeAeatkt or M.U Xajt* mmarn*oa

Bind the oak, leaves round hfs head; , He has shown himself a man; Bravely charging he was wounded;

R^finj^liri^o^mthejri^., ,

Cheering with * mighty cheer, On haled the semed band!;

NbW he lies upon his bier, •[ •' Gold and stately, still and grand.

• Galmly gather round him no» AU ye^soldiers, and be annib;

C%itonelodfe.uponhisbioTC^ *-'- — • " - Ijemnflledr

nitjs of Scotch Goods'

p|_c?oAtsr I • S o l k i f i U t c a a l i t e d c " A l » i j e 8 t o c k o t j ' |i

P A N T S A N D T E S T S T O M A T € U

^^^iirV^iNQn^ES^b «a«kMC. aaaSw-aiwefesIr

JTeraUs, Stripe* n«f iheckerei Skirts

Vfc,7 ®WMW • > , ^

# -«t,-.:*r - ^ . f c j -

—MUueatot. •t P$*Wm*f?!*ai-*^cmiefr

Or the Latest1 Style, In .fri^ir^ "isirai^j'if-..a --'.'4; ,-/.,,%(

. . every thing tha t to h e e d e d Lo _ DepanawoL W e wea ld can

_ . . . lb* attention o f the Ladlt* to o a r Stodt of .

Hoop Sidrt^ bootees, Gai­ters, Hosiery, &o.,

Inwhichwode iyoompeJtUon . W e w o o W t a y t o U i e p n h B c U u t s U o o r giom mm new, a n d w» v i a offer . i

P l e t w c a U and e n m l o a for Toonet fca . No t n s M e t o «kowGoods. S T O a a O B F O f i l T l i l H t F i t A S a - U ^ U O T g L

W^^ri&y«LlM. ' BABBTJcPBCK*

. 0 © j a . e * 3 4 £ :


Wi|h ^pl^nn,^tand d V J * g g s s ^ y P i g # ^ i i # S : d a a ,

, With your folded banners* go - » ( "e herb; in the tomb


I VBBryhomrdeep in a southern mould; < -Bury him deep m ^ g r a v e s d cold; /

Burjhim thereby a sonmemriTer, Close by the banks where daffodils quiver. There let;laabcMlyin'qinerad*rest, >jw Bnirburylns name iir the liatitin's breast.

Bright o'er his grave shall the sun shine on, >>*;brightetthe,rifln&his deeds have won; i^le|Wd3clFtr^shaUr¥eyUveinstory, ! Brighter becanseitheyarecrimsoned and gory a Children and maidens "and men of our land.

xtnm ww Hand, .Shrined hi the heart of * grate-

Ever on history's! page' to stariL a^Qil^arrtspld^.proodlyweltcheTisli,'. " Thoughts of thy valor never shall perish^

Sleep then in peace though they by ly him low, Down where the southern steimlets flow.

^re^ pOce.^ The 2i«£9ity«}Ki;r oPthat city says: . " We sawyesterday, going up towards the up-jier ferry, a team of four animals—a horse a |jony^ «_:male and a bull. The horse,had the iieavea, the pony was Mind, the mule was lame jindthebuUhadnoproviaQn g|r fly time. In JheTPa^a—^hich was an ordinary one-^sata white man, a cripple negroe,and| a tameskunkl The sfeunk wks finnly bound with a wisp of] i«raw.v "The white man heldthe jines, the team'

, M S ^ & Awn^amt & ! > > ^ r heldl^e skunk"





-.-,.,«. ^ r - E ? F E L l a i r . i MMjEl-C T A G I i E S !

For correcting erajr detect of the eje, (blindneat excepted.)

C l < f o k s , F a n c y G o o d s , ' Sec, For Sate, *m£L

P A R T I C U L A R A T T E N T I O N Paid to

• .-• i — O F — .


O. L . B A L L A R D , N o 3 Eagle Block, M « l o n e , N . T

F<randrytt Machine Shop!

] 0I«rfl7 fettriottoo, BTtroft « d > )MiJ«»Ae^ !•*!«»«

• ^Itanterns, ^te^vfte.

5 L «JR <D,3E|C;



N O I S E i E S S

Sewing Machine!

~ii'T»n]«iciUltiTWii>i,*fWit»>*wltWirtrta«> ifcty tor* jw* opened a anr

Ti», SaeetrlraB asd Copper-Ware, P k e J ^ T e o K h l t B d t k t b t l t M a p l t a * * ^

61, WASE

OrtktBMtapprvred rattets*. among wbklPare ttweel-

' * " B O O S W H H U . I B a T O O T E » . »

Abo aa feapeoTea^


For «pi)iJ)t2baRajiraR«it*d to be » copeiier -Wfc a» to power and econoMtcal etc of water.


T b e j h a v e a U r g e (applT of the beat Friction i f atcbea, at Wholesale or KeUO, The trade aoppBed o n r e a i e n a * e tenatv " • • ."••'"'* '"

if ' We bare eagafed a good ItaaaBtr aad -wta alteaat to^aO

tmUiIathkllMpriai^.aJai^warraMaaUaAealo*. • . . » . - < " • • " • . - •

Soofing and Eave Sponts! tbejgtre parOcalar I ,to atoelng aad wntHnf ap

Sap Pais, Coidietors aid Backets I » • •• --1 I I

W e are ready t o supply to order, 8 a p B e B e n , Oeadactera' and Tin Socket*, a t moderate prices, for

C A S H OR R E A D Y P A Y I " " " C A S H PAH) TOR

Purchasers i r e reqaested t a cal l a a d ezaathtec stock and prieea before p s r c a a t b ^ e l s e a i M r e .

D . F . S O P E K . GEO. G. G t J K U T .

Halone, Feb . 4 , IBM.—*m.


' S w p a r i s r t o a a y l B t k J s o r any other •ect too of c o a s b y . For partlctdars send for circular.

, „ Au.|crans^ojr

MILL GEAEING & SHAFTING, Both Wrought and Cast

Mads and fitted op to order in Use be»Vmanner.




P«itaHe u i Statiraary SteaB|EBfiacs,


PATTKKSS m a d s to o r d e r a n d a n easfliigs fBrolibed o o short SMUce a n d the lowes t rates . Orders from abroad solicited.

iigaciiftbursli to Ihe We ft,.

F » r Sale a t r*naia1rT B a i *

re I n olat Factory









Hatone, March a, ISC*.

B . 8 . 0 L A B K A O O .

This Machine took the First Prize at the recent rrhsKUnn i in New York c i t y ; also at the World's Fair at Paris , and faf onlrcrsally aeknowtedscd t o b e the most perfect


retpxodaced. .ThoseIn want ofaSewlox Machine win So well to call and examine it at the Store of



We are aww rcceltloa; a

endld 8t

D E C E H J B E R , 1 6 , 1 8 S 3 .


<»rtherM TraBsportatwn C«aipaBj. £2su. The only lhroat4 Bally Lbje between'

OgdeiishTirgh, Chicagp, and intor-•*. .-,&**• -r---inediateiPorits«

-Only fir D a y s thro t tgh .wl thont^ange of Boat.

_ThJS;weUkrwwn a n d BeHable Company, w m daring the resent .Season, r o n their l i n e o f FhstSCiass

UPPER CABIN STEAMERS. Dally between O j t ^ e t W B a r g f c , O a W e t o , S t . C a t n -

e r i a e ^ ; C l * T e ) a s t a t ; T o l e d o , D e t r o i t , • .. C M r ^ o ^ M l l W a B k e e j a n d I n -

^ t e r m e a U a i t e P o r t a . T

t e a T i n f O g d e n s b a ^ , o n Airi»aJ of Eipresa Train from the E a s t ! t

PA9BEROBRS and Families EOTine West , c a n embart wtthtkelr I j r n a g e , Teams, S o c k , A c ,and land tojethe . "TlUioat dWorbaBce o r Ttanshinment, al. their port of desrj

•atioB, Urns aroWIng the great inconi|eaienee of t h e ma^j changes, delays and expenses o f otherirontea, EST" The>. "teamers b a s e large C A B O S and S u r a BOOMS, amply an •jeatly furnished, tot FIRST CLASS i PASSENGERS, an.

ecom.l Cabins with Cook Stores and comfortable accoromc dationsTbrPsssenjiers and'Famil ies , -iho s t a y wish to tur-ol«h,tte!r own provisions. E S ^ N o efforts will b e spared t. malritain the reputation o f this , as the •

CHEAPEST AND BEST BOUTE A thorodeh relinnajDe,refltting. repairing and refnrnishiDi

with seTeral new boats added to the line, makes this no» the most comrbrtabU, pleasant, economical a n d expeditlon-ronte to the GREAT WEST.


E9P* T f e r o a c a T l c l c > to oxer a 3 Western Railroa. ' h i e s can b e obtained o n application to GEO. W. S»tlTI' office c o m e r Ford « E 3 Patterson, firs., opposite Johcso> HoDse ,OgdeDsbargh ,XY. u2

tT oiaaxmsiDLss. or BAGGSCK ras% TO CICQ rassssGn Baggage Checlcsd Through to all j o i n t s .

FOT thronth Tinkers and other Information Apply to *

6 . A . XDDY, Office Steamers LaBomg, Ogd'h, K. Y.

GEO. W. SMITH, 6 e n 1 Ticket Agent;

B . I . S B E B W A S , A g e n t , M a y l S - 6 m - F r a t n U I n B o a a e J U a l o n e .



Practical Dytf,.Shawl Cleaner and liefirist,.

TH I S B s r l B u s H a B s T HAS BhKs remorea a few*ods t o the new baOding on Doar.. n ^ ?

^ p p o s ^ H i e r e s i d e r i e e & f AnstemLincoln.andtbt P r o S ^ inhabitants of Maione Jadr?

wooSirespecrJally inform the I cinity t b t i h e l s n o w ready to

CLEAN, COLOR AND FOTSH! in the best possible manner. Ladies* Slrnao. Cobcr^ g(j, and Delaine Dreases, Shawls, Cloaks. Hose, gtraw Boimat

I a n y color that may be desn»i. tered; Canton, Crape, Casfcmf^ r l s Cleaned and Hcjshai & ^

Carpets, Yarn, Ac. White Crape Shawls dy

Sfls Dresses beamifolly * Brocha and all other Sp e^nal to new.

Marseilles and, LarjcasterQaHtsiBleached. C U n a . U t s \ lcsDn, Damask and Moreen Curtains cleaned, <i> ed and £a. isbed. Table Covers, Bngs , Carpets, 4 c , c leaned.

Gents Garments c leaned, dyed and pressed, without rip­ping. Merchants' Goods made saleable.

3. M. woold state that his D y e Hoose and Frrfelrisg Eooc are fitted np with al l the modern improvements, and a, superintends all Ihe Dyeirig and FinWrmg itimsell, his r„-r

tons can depend on gett ing their goods done in a manctr >, compare with the work of any similar Establishraen^ and m l the least possible delay. Ladies in sending Dressw io tt

Colored shonld not rip the skirt t o pieces. All responsi&Ui:; taken for the safety of goods s e c t to this estasl&bmest.

"We d o o u r F i n i s h i n g by Steam. Maione, NOT., 1SG2.



GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY] OF CANADA. ' X > » U 3 r X * l x i e > o -T




Who i s t h e Agent for sa id M a c M n e l n FrankEn Co.

Maione, F e b . f . l S * L

. Hasicft retarned froB laikcl, with a Choice Stock of

lacroding tke celebrated

£ & ? s W m f c x f « % -^^lEC^^i^stlS^fs , theprorierly'ltoaMrhrl

. . . B k ^ t e ' ^ i S % l t e l o M r r

3tt»vC0IIKT A M DW

... . o n K w a i w u * i « c , a t i c r o s t T n



B U R T S H O E S A n i > B A E X O R A L S :

HewoaMaaWMttryacG«dkaie«taath«]>aai "^aJaTa^Biifc^ta^'taiebra-^ '

L A M O I N E C A J L T S K I N S . WarraMMtobeth«a<tteXta^>arfedIsaUiCTtbrBaework.

UkaimiatokeewoalytaekeststacktabekadUaurkrt, aothaJMaaay!^r«tal«aKa^a*ftr^staa-iet^ aaanys*w<««,urjcas!Ue. In the

'fives' «'#s*- - i "• • '.4 •z3SB&$B& - - i f

B A S E M E N T - - ;>s?i 1s=f?3>. «vs** *$£&*- • - ' T

* . •" - a, "Sp***** . " * ^ v-% 5"^ *w*«'. .-».•• - - « •

^ icaabcrsndUMbejtStare.lh* I'itea«r aata *ek'»«. Siaaudht ''

;tiweei|a«-. Oar stacker

- a ^ a ^ a r e w a r r a B * e d , a r a » s a * e . A R G A l S a A B E S O W O r r E B U J . - M r . GODSO ' - - - • |2^2*B«^S*ar«»ar**a*a*«***s»» , > - - . - « - - - : ——

Malone, Nov. 18, '63. N E W G^OODS.

• * — ??

Jist Rtc*lrtiiL*rgtk Elegit Sttckcf



astaantima a General and Cordial Invitation ia •xtaoded to 4ha entire Oommnni-

ty to Call and


H O 0 D S , S U B I A S * 8 O N T A G S AT

C O T T O S T A B i r . . .

BUFFALO B 0 B E 3 - .

C A B P E T S . . . . . . . .



HEAVY D O M E S T I C S ! . O F A L L K D E D S ! '

- A H D - .

CABSIMBB^i Balmoral M d Hoop Skirts!

^Uvgs , H O S I % X ^ —ALSO— '

S c l a o o l B o o k D e p o t .

Jaat recetred this day , a large stock of


Palatograph Album* and Diaries fox 1864




G i l t a e a l d l n f f , O r a l F r w a e B ,

w JLfci J3Q~w a^oTTv/rT^riiarG-s,


- GJA.T A S D P A L S T E D S H A D E S , .

PICTUEES A N D BIRD CAGES, • «<•• « ? . c i- -- . . . . . . . . , .

AW May articles watch are te*aBBerenat«a»e»»on. ' . * ' ' . ' ' • • • j .

A s r i a r e o f t h e p a l ^ p a l r D n a r e i s s o B c i t i e d .

B V a P a r t t e a l a r a t t e n t i o n e t w e n t o F r a n a l n g T a l l k l a M l s a r K i e S M n e a ,



8 . F . XrSOWt r ! . . . . < . : € a p U L K GOLDSMITH 4 K T E I . O F B Capt F. G BUTLEH I t l O S T « O M K B T Capt. A. GILLIE-S . D . C A L I I W B U . Capt -D . H » T J » « 7 « C a p t - B A. JOSH1

8 B S O S H A _ C a p t . H HJ^WETT O S T O N A G O H Capt H. H. TOMPKlNf-G O V . CVSOmAS -Capt. J.CADLWifXL.

One of the above steamers win leave; SARNIA daily, im­mediately after the arrival of trains from the East, and hav> snjjertoracconsrnodafions for First and Second Class passen­gers.

Returning win l eave the dock, foot of Sooth La Salle St.. Chicago, erery erening [Sondaysexcepted] »t 7 o'clock. ':• E ^ - ' - T h e o n l y reliable Bne of steamers between Canada and the Wis t , having regular days and boors of sailing.

_ # Ordy one trans-shipment. N o omnibos or carta^r c a t h e B c e . A s a f t e i ^ L t rente tins Une possesses soperio. inducements over any other. !

Bates of insurance lower than by any other route. Passengers det ir in- to travel thronghby ail rail can oh

tain Qckets v ia the Grand Trunk Railway cheaper than b; any other rail rootes while the time fa 16 bonr? quicker anc a nmnber h a s changes than b y any other route.

a J. BRYDGES. C . 1 . B A 1 J > W I S , Managing Director. Agent, Ogd"h-

R. P . BEACH, General Agent. X*. 8 B A K A , I H » . P . C L A R K ,

Mamne, May S - S s o . ~


Vermont Central and Sullivan

RAILROADS. Summer Arrangement.

L*die»', MiEKB' A-CiaareB'BBoot» *

tatte* w l n w a t k tatkwyBaeta a a d S b a e a SSper centvirss thaa t h c r c a a b a k a ^ a t i a a * ««««r cstsABstaveM w i l d * w t B b*

• C a n a a 4 e i s a ^ a ^ ^ a ^ ^ g | i a ^ a w y a w r ^

D . A a T S .

» . A M'S:

AT a t a r i

—AT. D. * Bra.

.AT j) . A ara.

Come One! - - - Come A l l ! 1S*V I P k c e n l x B l o c k .

.t ^ l7K]a^B-a%: MKIGS.^

O. i f oses; Jr., " ' ' Htajass Kecetred a KtwandlFuH! ~


Cft3 0 -Wacangrrca

B X T B A B A J B G r A T T T S —nf—

BccIT-tf .- -5LC_


MeMillaii MiUs !


Day Express leaves OgdeDsbcrgh at 5-SO a. =x, Boose'i. - - - - ~ - o r t

m.. Boose's.


READY-ttADE CLOTBlittr, AswemtendUdroetaattraaVaadclaaa etBtacfc. CaB

and 11 >•!•• l in'r aa^awioea. VeaaBnr ready • pay axd TerjraasaB wnt&.

HtMaefAprBXt, tSt^-WT %' ^jU.'n.B M S - * OO.

New Fall Goods!

A f t e r t h e i O t & « J E y o f M A y i A l

wtttS^LLtrOOlW FOB

Tke TJaflfTiigrtdKave pwrchased fnsa Mr. H.S. McMxuoa, - • ' . the

W o o l i e i i I^iBwe*CFiry-, 1* t h e v iBage « f Mataae, s o l o n e a a d swccesafally operated

b y hhsv a a d h a r e tonaed a. co^partBersKp for caiTyimgaxta«,s«ainess»rsaaaBfactaTing

Otlks, CassJ-wrcs, Satiatts, Tweeis. -CCsj'.CCst

aJTD ALSO -- i

C B U r ^ u s W C W * l C I I O t a k I l r r N a l ^

Point a t 10 4 5 a. as . . Tor Boston, Trot and K<-w T o r t Night Express l eaves Qgdensbargb a t 11 5 0 a -

Polnt at 5.45-p. nL. arriving at Bosaon at $ 40 a. m., connect tog at BeDotrs Palls with Cheshire fiailroart tor Boetoo J M Worcester and with Vermont Valley Railroad f«r Springfield a a d N e w T o r k .


D a y Express leaves Boston a t S.0© a. BL, for OgdeEaKrrgh. West. '

Mail Train leaves Boston a t 1-00 a. tawrta LoweB, and ai 7.J0 a. m-, v i a Laarreaee or Frtcbhargb. Leaves Sprtng-B d d a t T . 5 0 a . a L , BeDowsFai lsaa l i i O p . r i , f o r O g d e s s borgh. i

N i r i t Express l eaves Boston a t 5 - S 0 p . E u , New York ai i O O p as. , e o a a e r t i n g a t S h i t e Kirer, arririns at Ogdens-b a T g k a t i a a O p .aa . >

S e e p i n g cars a r e attached t o both the night express trains running between B o s s e d Point and Bosson, and Boaoe's Point a a d SawhueiTW.

St. Albansj M s y l t , K i t G.

SU P B T E 3 I E C O U B T - F r a n k l i n C o u n t y . - s*m Freceriek W. Sorthrop, Trosste of the * r m * r i . i + dffm

rectors and Company of the State Fire ln.Brer.ce Compare against James S. Campbell, and rarah, his s .h • dmphrlL, ana Almedia B . Back, Execn rls, i c Bock, deceased. > ,.

In psrsnaace autd by virtse e f a jodpnent of he for r-n» " rendered in the above ^titlrd ac£-<'n z' a .-; *-cia!

thereof, on the 3d tf3j "of J e n e , 1^4 the crdf. , referee dory appojoiesl by sa5d p»or . c i : t.'; ai

poblic vendue to the bipfcrst hinder, at ik* C«crt H"u>- iri the ViBage of Malone, en the twenry-frmrth <*< .Asrop. l-f4. at foor o'clock in the af tertean. (he rral is'at* ex.-. tci'rt'. gaged premise*, directed by said jtrdgraert M he F. H ZX,$ -tescribed a s follows: AH said lands are Fitcj,te< iD i\lt

Connty ot FraukBn. and State of S e w Y<ri L<-->u Tea ,]I.I Old AtiStary Tract. Township So. S i n e i &. t aorf roD^ms one hundred and eighteen (IIS) eer t i . siere or ess Also lot So. Fortyfonr ( « . ) Township aif-rwj id. <v-.t4„ !r j one hnadred and s ixty aWes of lar*a, e^cvpsin^ ^ n - V a , The north west o^narter of said, lot : A£s^ MG 5 O F n i - t w (46.) Township aforesaid, containing c-ic scn»i-«i «r 1 - l i t i l6t» acres, more or leas: Also, t h e s o s e s fcaif of 1M \ ' , . Uondred andTwenty- foor<a2 i ) Towiz^%.Xo- Siii .e!i nu Military Tract; containing eighty (a») acres ef UuJ n , or less : Alsa. Lot S o . Two Birndred andTwentT sere: !T Old Military TracfTTownship S i n e (9.) contaii.:or > - I - J I ,701 acref f f land, more or less: Also, Lot Ko Ii=« 1!JL;-rtd and |iHrt£-V!P t2 3 2") o l d SJiStary Tract, T^sii-r. [. s Sioe. con^aimn^ one handred and sist.v acres ' i , i r : ^ - t ftr less : Al#o. Lot No. ^ixty^btrr (64.)" T/>wn&i2?p V V'--9.* Old Military Tract, containing one hundred a •* • » >• tf res. excepting" therefronj the -*ast half of saw? J. • * . Cot S o MBetj-three (93.) lovmiiip Xo. Nine i S . m . v ... u r y Tract, containing one handred and sixty arres As.' No. One Handred anu Twelve (112.1 contaa in^ one hi- "-•*-ind sixty acr^sof land,-eiceptingaierefroin the n^.ri-i--and socth-vc^t quarters *< 543d lot ; Also. Lot >n. 1' Hnndrcd and Eight (2G?.l Townsrip No Xine (9 > Oi 1 vi. tary Tract, c^otaininfr one honored and sixty acres vf )»" exce l l ing tbf refroin the sooth-east qosrter of said l..t A - j Lot Xo. Two Honored and Twenn-three ti33. \ DM >lj r , - ! Tract. Township So. Sine (9.1 contiicin* one baoaiwi ^ seixty (160> acres of land, excepting ih- M r m , ItoHtTe-north third and socth third of west one honored att<r i* (ISO) acres, and except the north hAlf of »he >ea*; r (S01 acres : Also, Lot No. Three Hundred aad FI^T T (553.1 Totrnship So . Xine. containit» i c o boij'Tr.! acres «f l a n d ; Also, the sooth e a a come r of Lot .\ •> >• t y « i <T6.) Township Xo Eight (>,) costaiiiin? on» I C L and ninety (199) acres of land ; also, ibe c*-t}i Is.' S o . Rfsj-thres {SB,} Township S o Ten Tf c -•* : eighty (Su) acres of land, more or less ; At?- L : \ Htiodred and Sixteen fTlff) Township N o Mt-e ^ i.> : itary Tract, containing one v handred and sixlt arr^. cet-^in? therefroat the so^ath east q n a n e r : AV L • One Hundred aad Eighteen (U i ,> Township >,.. V r t . ilffilarj '.Tract, containlGg one hendred an J ; -. acrrsT excepting therefrom the north west qiiar-rr. ~:.t; in* fortt- i4»)acres : Also, the south vest qo^tt ; - • i> • One Handred and Nineteen (119.) Township N . . S-' ' >§ containing forty (4**> acres of land, o o r e or less . ':- "* :g socth-wess pjx&riet of Lot S o Two Honored atnl F r • 'I'r; * j (S4-S! Toant-hip S o . Sine . Old M&tzry Tract. • . • • t $ forty (40) acres : Aba, Lot So Two H a s t s e d *•*: T S ^ B toor(244.) Township SOL S l n e ( 9 . 1 0 l d MiStary •?;&.:. -• fig™ uining o c e handred and s ixty (169) acres, e x c e p t : c :: - %iB from the sonthreast quarter of said Lot, con'aJL'-i : - j i ZCTVS ; AaSff. the sonth-east qnarter of Lot Xo Tw«- li -' .-< ' ^ »t<d >ixty 1160,) Tosashjp Xo. Xine (9.) Old JIUbarj I n . o|r|, containing furlj ^ 0 ) acres ; Also, the vest hall of L- • V ^ ^ Two Hundred and ixty^wo (26i ) Township S o . >io^. ' ^ taining ei«hty (SO) seres of lano ; Also. Lot X« oi>e Bo-.ze.' 'J&M »nd T wenty^hrec i !3S) Towoshtp S o . S i n e (9.) Old V.-jjjr r « i « Tract, cttaaarmrv* one hundred and sixty &cresv e x . . ^ ^ therefrom the north half; Also. Lot S o . time Hcnc.-^ ^ thirty-two p S ) Township Xo. S ine (9,) cont-su-a «<r ha dred aad sixty (1@U) acres, exceHm^ there'.^ <* «oa:h-esst qcarter ol said Lot ; Also, Lcs So. f o e b£-A -.nd Forty-eijfht (14-^,1 containing oae hnn.*red t . - si' (1601 acres, excei'UDp therefroaa tfce s arrft iEa[f of - . .* -«.^w * b o . Lot S o . One Ho dred and XiaetT-ssx ,19* . . . j - .e ^sj. | | Vo. Nit.e. Old MiEtarr Tract. coLtaimnp < ne n- . --v^ ^ f ^ l l i . t o y (160) acres, txcept in; the east half' .f s i-o L - ^ i - - . ^ 3 Lot S e - t > o e Handred and Xiae?y «eTen (1ST.' l ,«v<o ^ S | >ine (91) OW Military Tr"-ct, containiog oi,e Lu-.&x tJ j - ^ 1 sixty (16&> acres, excepting sheretresa ihe sr^nh-eiii'^s.'- '^^ ^ ofsxiaLLot; Atso, the north half of 1^3 Xo. i s o {rasS?- „.._,. and x -ven (3B7J Township S o . Xine (S.'O'J M.^ i ; V l - . . g g l | enotalnin^ e^sthry (S9) acres of land, neore or ^*s . .«- " fe?J^ •' S o . Three Hnsdred and Tweaiy , Towuship X" >.-* . |Jpi'-' Old HSitxjy Tract, containing t * o htu*«tre^ l**} »c-~ ^ i ^ o . Lot. Xo Three Hundred aad Tl^iny (- &- . / ° * T *-'-

BIT J. J. &

lite ^iilai ^ a b l i s h e d e v e r y

j . jr. &> «r . H Office, No^2 Unloi

^ T E village Sttbsoribers, served Mall an I Jpdiee SoDscnbers For Thre« Months For Slx iJIonthi

The faollstters expect and paid strictly in advance.

BATB8 OF t . [Ten Lines o r l e

I square i ' week $ 1 0 Bach subsequent Ins'n^ 2

1 square 6 months .' 5 0 Yearly advertisers are en

the year. -All changes In exec B05ISB-J3 CARDS not excee<:

'every md>Utionat Une 75 ceati Alt acjouuts for airertUia;

insertion of the advertlsecnei marse'i the length of time to be contttiueil till forbid, or at

' and charged accordingly.

r ^



Tamronsh to"Chlc«g;o i n S I f o B r s ! •Pera«o»c« la« ,U«h« Wert c a n have theW choice o f Boat

or Raih-oad,froat Ogdensbargh. Trains l e a v e P r e s c o n o n Urearr ira lo l theTraln ' freas t h e E a s t ;;

P. CLAEK, AGENT, MALONE, I * a lways ready t o Trait o » a n p e i s s c s , ro ing West . H e

•-- • - ' - ^ a d a Tickets t o p

ave^-MBwaakee, S t . Leads, Geve lxnA, pnrfasrafi and: a l l raiars West , S e w Tork vta^Ogdeosbcrgb, Water-

t o c o a a a atoa»e ,andK. T - C e o i r i l B . I V

^o. Xiae. <Hd MtStary Tract. c^jtadnhjgtSa't. Irt-ii-' *cres, of land, n^ore or less ; Also Lo-t X*» o n e Han ~ ' i.* ; Fifty-seveo irST.J l o s u s l . i p Xo. Xi&e. Oi.i MiBtaJO 7:. . contarning one honored ai^J sixty [1*^'] acres of .a . . -i cepting the aano-ess* QKaner ; Abo , 1 ^ Xo 0*-e H^ ^n and ctxty-e^gH i^lSS,] Township Xo . S ine . 0>i Mi v TracS, containing »me hnsdre-d at^d sixty [ l e § ] acre* c' JK. excej>t2rig fhes-etroa the aorta-west qoaneT cantAi- -Li -' 149] acres ; AKo the sonth haif c f Los Xo One H&fc ..',-' L.L eauety two{192J To^nsJ^p No. S i n e . OM MiL<a.-7 I n : containing rtghtt [sd] acres of land, more or less

Also the endrrided half part o f the Xcrth end of t&e - &*•:- m west qcarter of Towns&ip No. Twent t^^res 'tT K S™ Con3b^& Purchase, containing o^ie thocsan -f ni&e ^ asfiM ands ixry £t9<9} acres of land, move or less.' ftw

Also, the sontfc east c o m e r of Lo! S o . hOne Htr *.~^ £T and XiaeSy J198J Township So. S ine , • Old N^nn a»a Tract, contamicgseventy [78] s cre so f land : Ais" ••' "^ half of Lot S o . Two Hasdred and Fi'ty-ifese ;*S*) T» VB- S g£f S o . 3fine.Old MiEtary Tract, comatning one hoiHire- J - . m

{ acres ; Alsc, she west half of Lot Ko. Two Hsn^re^ &r 's.s t y - o a e p 6 : ] Township Xo. S i n e , Old MBfearj Tnrt . ct;- ^ S taining eighty fSffJ acres of land, a c r e or less- , | £ j l

Also , the sndiv ided half of Usre sostSb^asS qsa.tef «! ^ggi*

. taming seven thoosand. e^^s n s s d r e n ssxi thirty-twe .Ts^. acres of land, mare or less.—Jane 23^ 1*54.

ALLEX R DCRAST, Beferrt. a & McCALL, pEftj ASt>, Albany.

'! ftiJSnKSS . ^ B u i T ia

fi. S. BUW Is agent 1.

T. Gilbert & ( o . ' s This is one of the oldest an

t h e country and no firm tnak


TAYL,Or \ Slttonterjs anti <S<

Xo. 2 Ui^ioa BIOQIC—over

M A L 0 N

B.J^ TA¥L0li. ' 1

A. B. PA • t

Attoruen aiii CL M A L O S

.U5o O f f l c e N o . 1 I

M. M. R( Attorney am


S. PI E Phys ic ian a

R e s l i e a c e , first hou^e Gas


F. T . H Deal

Drags, Medicines, Pa . Perfumery, Stationery

No. 8 Union Bloc



Jewelry, Silver aad: s'.tvisrc'sr a-<

Watches, Clocks aai No. 4 Union Block


auction Sales attended to and I

C h t t e a n a a F , F r a

P . vV. T i Wholesale and B

Bran, l ies , vViaas Ale and L*ger Beer, Potet

N a t s , F r a i t s a n d C o n f i _ o n - l w

; West end of the Bridge, a

M O B X G A e E S A t K . — W f c - r e a s . ^f— ^ ^ * * * E»*CTifeepay»enis^theaBoff leysecsHed. t i l t r f f ^ ? * ? * * 1 ^ ^ s t S » X J » I = P r a . 5 ! S e . e x e c G t e J 3 t i r^S-rt

B V M M | M H K WtfU1* . 'VRlBi' .V^K^t iCB^RSwHB^s^B^Vie '^al tVat ' 4

_ >,: -Jaeat, ^ I t e p l g f e t l g t i g ^ g j b g g m 1 . a b a T l

M r . A . P . a a a T c a a y w a o - t a r t b e l a e t t r a j a a i K t o Bad c l n n r v a s tawaaMJTactary, aw Poreeaaa. baa j w r d c s M a a a t a m e s t Midbtca^M lawi l ia f i J b s t h t b a a i n f a . i a d w r a c o a t -t laasetoa^re b a J K r i a a a l i t t n r i w i aa«l "'


A ^ a a s s toMaetrea l , v i a S t . Lawrence

: Ja^^MUvj^-lSM.^^ I Btver.

S- EggicsSea OE Cre l awn of Boasbay, Cosmjy of i ^ u S e w T o r t , to'Josepk Kjeg?j of for t C o v i a g t a a i s s>.-.: i-ci­ty , and «hien, jDortgasrs was icaaiBi i n l i e i l=si = t i £ -o-f said Ccmsty cs bnak 14 o f Mortgages eei p a s e ST-4 os ' 3d day o - A n r a . IS6 i : Ar«S whereas. t * e sasd~=»r:rii:-ta heen dnly assigsed to Isaar Seetey o f Pert Covfetg-~-r ir a J O o i m r y , a s d t h e s a s s e b a o w c ^ r £ e d ; b v b s a ; And.nerr^ t b e a Q o c B t c i x a s e d M b e d>» a p o a the tirs^ pch i i , - i r^ -; t l & E « l a » i i a » » a s a . ^ j e ^ ^ | 3 s ? i ! d r s ^ a = » i ^ i ^ ^ a i ajii--« < andfiscrreenceoxs az»ds»stac-cr proceedings h a ^ r r -r-a Essrltsted for the recovery al; t b e same cr any par; t:*.-e* ^ S o w , r b a e S s e , o o t k e S S e r e ^ y grres l i s t by vsrtae of t» power<sf sa l ecoa ta ined i a s a t d aaortsxeeanddaly

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& A HO FOR THE p?T! M » f S ^ ^ ^ ^ ? ^ ^ : ta t t f ce frost doer c f a s e C o a r l H o e s r , in the tctra t


Sr%a*\:i'?:-:.*i& t^f%^aaJ«aijiait.ai"af.

Tiw;swrtni araaaw-ht •• eraltaa.-aaa-wBIbe. tapt gatagj AeVv'' l ..»c.


J t n r l ^ C < 3 a a t y o r F r a n a B J . a J b r e s i a , c = t ta?snh ca • w r M o x a WISHIXG I O PBOCCBE TJCKETS FOB THE , gnss t s s s t . a « 9 o V a e e l : i B t b e £ s r e a o c a o ] t h a : d a y . *""FW - 2 w c w ' i s r i O T n i w r n T H A T T T3«saJdJ>reasg!«»re<aescrBiea JESaid e^rsgapt as :«

WEST, A B E 1 5 F 0 B M E D THAT i > - — : ^ U l t a ^ t o e t « parcel e f land s i tease in t& t . = i say , CtsBnty o t JraaSBa and Seats of S e a Tori. < -

, -^ieie*t-T&fir*asl from taeeoetfc-wesJ c n r i t of sale -v= a^. rax3m^tbet icgsiM»lK'M»re*^saegsai«iatriy tau^tjs . s * :

« i x c e a i » = s a a d r l f t j f e i s t » t b e c f 2 l e r o f Laili-&-_:!^ ; - ' " tlfeoce down alotrgttiCceBfeerc^-saad rrrer t o the cen^: i t h e h i j * w a y p a « E a t C T a « d E c c i x = a 3 % s a . w tnSl i";n I - i thenceBcrt i i . s e x ^ ^ r e e s atad i h s t y misotes west, :•- • center, o f xaSal K j i w a y , nc j - ty fotr l inks: these* : -"-eirhty-Sve degrees' w e s t , * * * chains a » d ferry Eats . i t . - ' s«cxh three degrees a n d U u n ^ aamotes «es4, e i j i y -sxs

' tWCT^fe '^a l tes mm aaaesif-two fiats s o tts . e.»»~ «r ±- •• o!ng.«

Malone YasseB^er p e p o t ! .<•••-•;'.• '- -js^uarsiJniK •, 1 ''' • >


- SttMtaMi^, L»ke Shore, i^x, fte.

MX mitt i j n crra HIM A GAIT, ASS BE PCPOX


?&T^i&ri**!^'faJ^ -U.

S t T ^ » « * - « L S 4 7 ^ » t JLtr .BIr%ET,Prext .

t b e p t e c e e f f e K F i * a < r J ^ * — ^ — ' — - - - ^ - - - . • - - - -

taioed&s i b e deed o f s a W Egg leson . from said 3a«ep _ said m o r t g a g e - D a t e d May 1 3 8 .

B y H E S W A i P a a a t o r ^ l « 4 s s i M « ^ M * I S •• **•'«

^ ^ f a l b e ^ _ « r ^ ^ J ^ l ? g | ^ i ^ ^

g ^ ^ W S ^ r ^ p x B s a a r . a s a a a Martha Fere

S " 5 * ^ for . I ^ ^ ^ S * ^ * 5 * «=» &rwed > s£St tF eexas, c a n « 4 « t V o i i e « b « r e j L _ .

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l » ^ o 2 S ^ a S 2 P ^ ' * S ^ l ^ * a S t a e . d a s r a S r ^ ^ . S L i f * ? 1 * ^ B s a s a t e •«*• « « • Yore. « o

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rSaSn^Sr.'s A s t e r ^ s ^ SJaSaca. S . I .


P. C L ,


TIalu Street , t

A. CO t — w n

3 D . S>. 3 S T I Mannfac


Doors and Sash constant ly 01

f i. JTATX ' Printers of an'

J J A " W V ^ 3 WiUBASTI 0ESD3, *

, QBIT-UtltSt DE8D8, L i s o COSTBAOTS, .

BCDBMPnOS LBiSBS, . JT a a t l e e ' a B l a n k s ,

•! Jus t printed, In m o d e m si

i o r ' s a l e , wholesale orretatt i *

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1st 1»OOP west - aCalaMtr««

ILTISS WetirtHvlf HA :.ew ¥ o r k With fejarge; ', whreb Will b e o p e n e d

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