old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski ny... · vv iii i j '••&ss™fflf^j#i,5:$ •...

Vv III I J '•• &ss ™fflf^J#i,5:$ , m i! . , ; : ty- £ If I III •S. 811 U 11 1 1 it 11 *f V,?. i * PAGE TWO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY NEWS, SAYVILLi, U 1 # , THURSDAY OCTOBSR 15, )W WANT ADS — PHONE SAYVILLE 4-020C mwmirr-'iliif mi K W I t t IWWi S»S gy MRS. HIRAM DARROW .VyGrt Saturday night the Couples Ctub of the Bayport Methodist ChUrch had the first courses of a progressive dinner at the homes |M?$fo and Mrs. Edward Divis, Mr. ajid;Mrs. Melvin B. Hill, and Mr. ^tjd;Mrs. "William Kellers followed by^HheJmain course and dessert Ss^yed at the church. Other mem- !?§#*$;present were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. ; ^ueritin Beitel, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Ifci.Bernhard, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- " aell.Dovv,' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ed- rrtunds; the Rev. and Mrs. Landon .'.^;;6wen, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour •Fink, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hamb- : ley t - Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Irvine, lyjfi and Mrs. John Jacobsen, Mr. '^'d Mrs. Charles King, Mr. and yifts: Edwprd Mentro, Mr. and Mrs, & 1 Stuart Piatt, Mr. and Mrs. John Sap; Mr. and Mrs. Reuel Rust, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silverman, Mr. and ^fts.'-Robert Warnken and Mr. and ftifs^'Everrett Trochelman and the guests were Dr. and Mrs. Robert tyhitsjtt, Mr. and Mrs; Walter Pul- Ieti/Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith, Mr.Varid Mrs. William Swambach, Mr.i and Mrs. Lyle Thornbloom, ; and> Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Stanie- wicfc all of Bayport and Mr. and Mrs.! Donald Luginbuhl of New Jersey, formerly of Bayport, and Mr.- and Mrs. Robert Smetts also : brY.New Jersey who are house- guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Owens. A short business meeting followed the dinner party. ..The following new staff mem- bers, were selected on Friday at a meeting of the. Daemon committee ofvijayport's high school newspa- per; the Misses Jean Horndrup, Arlene Whelaiv, Claire Brown, Mary-Ann Mazzei, Kathy Spelman, Gloria Calaio, Sandra Stoll, Grace Walsh} Lisa Jackson, Carol Harlin, Josette Mondanare and Christine Engebretsen and Edward Black, Clyd'e :; Culp, Charles Shillito, Law- rence; Garbrey, William Keller and William Oltmann. The editors are e<ljt;or-ih-chief Miss Cynthia Hein- onen; feature chief Miss Toni Gllckman; news editor William Miller; girls' sports editor Miss Pa- tricia Bourguighon; boys' sports editors Leigh Jackson and Gary Sheffield; "exchange editor Walter Lbughran; typing editor Miss April Billard; business manager, Rich- ard Weyhrauch; circulation mana- ger Miss Maria Minardi; and class advisor Nicholas Maletta. . . . Mrs. Edmund Brown entertained at her home on Thir^d Avenue on Wednesday, evening |)f last week. The occasions was a.^tork shwer fo*r Mrs. Paul Panik who is in Ja- pan where her husband is station- ed with the Air Force. The gifts were wrapped during the evening arid the box prepared for shipping. The invited guests were Mrs. Ro- land. Solanek.. Mrs. William Sweez- ey,; Mrs. Winfred Meier, Mrs. Fred- erick Meier, Mrs. Edward Meier, Mrs. Karl Kussmaul, Mrs. Harold Alexandersen, Mrs. Frank Rada, Mrs. Gilbert Pitcher, Mrs. Fred Be'nkenstein and Mrs. Joseph Mei- er;^'-.' Miss Dorothy Schwaegler has been awarded a half tuition schol- arship for undergraduate study at Alfred University in Alfred, N. Y. Miss Schwaegler is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Schwaegler of McConnell Avenue. A graduate of Bayport High School, she is ma- joring in psychology in the Col- lege of Liberal Arts at Alfred Uni- versity. Modern Home Owner combined package insurance policies can Save you money. See Charles P. Dickerson, 31 Main Street, Sayville. 24tf Dr. and Mrs. Frank S. Snell of 22 Division Avenue, Blue Point, have returned home after spend- ing the week end at Colby Junior College, New London, N. H. where their daughter, Miss Brenda, is a member of the junior class. Cyla Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller of Bayview Avenue returned home on Sunday after a four-day stay in Southslde Hospital. She is making a good recovery at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hammond and daughter, Barbara of Third Ave- nue, and a friend, Charlotte Green spent Saturday at the Danbury Fair in Connecticut. Friday night will be "Rally Night" for the Republican Club at the Bayport Fire House at 8:30. All of the town and county can- didates will be at the mooting and refreshments will bo served at the close of the rally. For repairs to your car, go to Tack Houston's Service Center, formerly Mantha's. Middle Road, Bayport. Phone Bayport 8-3377. 28tf Tel. Bayport 8-0699-H Bayport Date Book ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Monday, 8:30 P. m. Congregations! Parish house. THB BAYPORT METHODIST MEN'S CLUB - Every Third Tuesday of the month M 8 p.m. BAYPORT-SAYVILLE UNIT-LADIES' AUX|LIARY-BROOKHAVEN MEMORIAL HOS- PITAL - Second Monday, 8:15. The Community Houso, SpyvlUe. BAYPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL P.T.A. - Second Wednesday, 8 p.m., school au- ditorium. BAYPORT-BLUE POINT HIGH SCHOOL PAR6NT ASJ'N. - Third Tuesday. 8:30 t>,tn., high school, BAYPORT CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC, - iHirsv Thursdays, January, March, May. September and .November. 8:30 p.m., Bayport High School. Annual Mcetlnj ii-.Thlrd Tuesday July, 8:30 p.m., Bayport Tlish School. BAYPORT REPUBLICAN CLUB - Meets In the Bayport Fire House at 8 p.m. on ii\e fourth Friday of the month. '- \ BAYPORT TAXPAYERS ASS'N, Third Wednesday, Bayport Hleh School, 8 p.m.i board of directors, first Wednesday, Bayport High School, 8 p.m. BOARD OF EDUCATION -'. Second Fridays, 8:30 p.m. " , BOY SCCJUTS T- Monday*. 7:30. High School. '. J* ' "'.'..'. COUPLES' CLUB - Second Saturdays, 8:i5 p.m. ': '(;'] :'>]'•' FIRE DEPARTMENT - First Fridays 8 p.m. fiTeho-ne. Ladles' Auxiliary, meets sec- ond Monday afternoon. • . -;: ; ".Ti,\ CUB PACK - MeeUng fourth Wednesday of• every month. •.._.'. GIRL SCOUT TROOP COMMITTEE First.Wednesdays, 8 P.m. QIRL JCOUt BROWNIES - Troop 1, Friday. H\S P.m., High Schools TTOOP 2, TUN- d)iy, 3 P.m. Elementary School: Troop 3. second, and fourth Monday, 7:15 pirfj,' Leaders' homus; Troop *. Tuesday; 3:11 P.m., High School; Troop • • HOME BUREAU - Every Thursday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., in Sayville Community Housed GIRL SCOUTS ~ Troop six, meets threo p.m. Thursdays in elementary school. INTERMEDIATE SCOUTS - 5th Grade - Troop 7 •'Fridays - Elementary School 3:00- - 4:30 P.m.; Bth.Grado - Troop 4 - Thursday i Hi*h School .3:13-4:30 p.m.: Tth Grade - Troop 1 -Tuesdays - High SchoU 3ilM;30 P.m.! 8th Grade - Troop . 8 - Tuesdays - High School - 7.15-8:30 p.m. : /•- s ; SENIOR SCOUTS - High School Student*. Troop 3 - 1st and 3rd Mondays, 7:15-9, Monday, 3 pjn., Elementary Schooli Troop 8. Thursday, Elementary School, . 3 p.m.. Troop 7, Friday, 3 p.m... Elementary School LIONS CLUB Second and fourth Mondays, 7:30 p.m. Land's End. SOUTHSIDE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY - S e c o n d Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. WOMAN'S SOCIETY FOR CHRISTIAN SERVICE - T h i r d Wednesday at 8 p.m. The sophomore class of the Bay- port High School heid a Harvest Moon dance in the cafeteria of the new high school on Friday night. The decorations were a harvest moon, autumn leaves, corn stalks and pumpkins. The following stu- dents were on the various com- mittees: decorations, Justin \ Scott and William Olman; tickets, Betsy Foster and Walter Loughran; re- freshments, Norma Lauritseh and Louis Dusza. About 200 students and their friends enjoyed this an- nual school event, the class ad- visor, Louis Wright, and the fol- lowing teachers and their wives were the chaperons: Dr. and Mrs. Robert Whitsitt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ha'renberg, Steven Mandell, George Cameron, Janies Brown, George Mull er and Thomas Liguado. On Wednesday afternoon of last week 40. juniors- and seniors from Bayport-Blue Point High School with their guidance counselors, Miss Elizabeth Ormsby and Stanley Shaut, attended College Day at Brentwood High School. This col- lege day' program had represehta- tives"from 40 different colleges and universities who were present to answer questions concerning their schools. A social hour with a buffet supper for principals, col- lege representatives and counse- lors was held at the Pilgrim State Hospital community house at the close of the program. On Wednesday night of last week a special quarterly confer- ence was* held at the Methodist Church and Donald Huszagh was elected a trustee. It was reported that a records and history com- mittee was- formed to compose a history of the church which is 86 years old: The committee is com- posed of Mrs. R. Stanley Piatt, Mrs. Hugh Rogerson and Mrs. Maude Smith. Next Sunday will be Lay- men's Sunday and Donald Huszagh will give the message at the morn- ing service. Mr. and Mrs. James McMann of Homestead Road celebrated their daughter Carol's eighth birthday with a party on Saturday after- noon. Games and birthday refresh- ments were enjoyed by Diane and Robert Burke, Terry and Deborah Coombs, Linda Tapasak, Lynne Cavalla and Carol's sister and brother, Cathy and William. A meeting of the Bayport Girls Sports Club was held in the high school on Friday ,after school with their advisor, Miss Alda Garafola. It was voted to buy sweat shirts for the new members. Also the members will make cookies to sell at the soccer games to enlarge their treasury. Tomorrow will be a work day for the senior class to help defray some of the expences when they go to Washington in the spring. Anyone who has jobs of car wash- ing or polishing, leaves raked, win- dows washed, or baby sitting or any other odd jobs may call James Dalv, Bay. 8 4440. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bankston and five children returned homo, to Second Avenue on Tuesday night of last week, after spending throe months in Lancaster, Calif, whore Mr. Bankston was on business for Adult education registrants sign up for classes a^ Sayville High School cafeteria on Monday night., , v - : ^ -. Grumman Aircraft Corporation, of On Tuesday night of last week Farminpdale. •M the Baby Sitter's Club mot at Iho home of Mrs. William Stumper on Second Avenue with 12 members in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. William Wollert of East Road had as their house Ruost last week Mrs. Wollert's aunt, Miss May Weir from Bayslde. PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS MOW LAY-AWAY THAT WATCH AT SALE PRICE JF.WEL6RS f limnmun! STRt?ET SAYVILLE MU 5 r*miiHHiuHi,i,H»uu»nnuHinitu«»HHUuniimuiimH»unnmniuujiHiiimrr i&A The Bayport Girl Scout Troop Committee met on Wednesday night of last week at the home of Mrs. Herbert Archbold on McCon- nell Avenue. Mrs. Hiram Darrow, president conducted the meeting. Mrs-, Edward Maiwald, organiza- tion chairman reported that the leaders have had their program planning meetings and all plans made for the year. All troops are now set with leaders and co-lead- ers. Mrs. Victor Schwaegler, finan- cial chairman, reported that the an- nual Girl Scout drive will be held oh Monday, November second and her committee consists of Mrs. Jo- seph Cernosky, Mrs. Richard J> Van Hine and Mrs..Vincent Flem- ing, Mrs. William Higgins house- hold chairman reported that signs for Utter, safety, and fire are heed-, pd at Camp Edey and Mrs. Frank Conroy will furnish; them. Mrs! Cernosky, Juliet Lowe fund chair- man, reported;, that she will attend all Scout and Brownie meetings on October 30th to collect the pen- riles for this furid. Bayport -now has 15 .troops since some troops were split because they were too large. Other members present werte Mrs. George Newdell, Mrs.. Walter Hoek, Mrs. Edward Maiwald, Mrs. Herman Hegge and Mrs. Raymond Stoenner. The Epsilon Hi-Y Club met on Wednesday night of: last week at the borne of Miss Lisa Jackson on Gillette Avenue. Miss Lynne Smith president was in the chair and plans for the Coming year were discussed. New members who were taken in at this meeting were the Misses Gloria Calaio, Cheryl In- sklp, Catfiy Brunle, Vicky Prall and Cathy Rellly. Others present were the Misses Sandra Stoll, Carol Hat- field, Mary-Jane Sn)Uh, Marlene Gostanzd, Barbara Haman, Deirdre Bluhm, Lynne Le . Bow, Leslie O'Brien, Martha Gregory and Edna Ringersen. .' On Tuesday afternoon of last week the ticket committee of the Bayport-Sayville Unit of the La- dies' Auxiliary of the Brookhav- en Memorial Hospital held a meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Edward Dietz to make final plans for the annual card party on October 21st at St. Lawrence's Church auditor- ium. Those in attendance were Mrs. George Jacob, Mrs. Ivor Conklin, Mrs. Robert Knies, Mrs, William Kennelly, Mrs. Edith Bishop and Mrs, Jacob Helmsteadt. Mr. and Mfs. George F. X. Mc- Inernery of Bayport Avenue en- tertained for the sixth birthday of their daughter Maureen on Sat- urday afternoon. All of the little guests were treated to pony rides at the R and K Ranch in Blue Point after which they returned to the McTnernery home for ice cream and birthday cake. Those at the party wore Nancy Kerr. Ailoon Moore. Mary-Ellon Toye, Barbara Maiwald, Kathy Hester, Karon Pat- terson and Patricia, Terry and George Mclnerncy who are Man reen's sisters and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Picrson Van Or- strand of Eatondalo Avenue enter- tained at their homo on Friday night in celebration of the birth- day 1 of Benjamin Rutkowski of Fairviow Avenue. Other guests wore Mrs. Rutkowski and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rutkowski of East Moriches, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rutkow- ski of Fairview Avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rutkowski of Fast Moriches spent the three-day holiday visiting Fort «yicondcroga, N. Y. and Sturbrldge, Mass. Week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Julia Coupe on Fairview Ave- nue wore her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Waters and their granddaughter, Donna, from Cambridge, Mass. Mrs. Mae Moissnor of Bayport spent Sunday in Now York where she met hex aunt, Mrs. Mary Briok- weiddie. The Executive Board of the Bay- port Elementary School P. T.;A. held a meeting on Wednesday night of last week. A Book Fair- will be held in November with Mrs. Kenneth Poli acting as chair- man. Mrs. George Griswold, room mother chairman, reported; that the class teas will be held as fol- lows: kindergarten October 19th; first grade October 20th; second grade October 21st; third grade October, 22nd; fourth grade Octo- ber 26th; fifth grade October 27th; sixth grade October 28th. All teas will be held in the Elementary School gym and Girl Scouts will be available to baby sit for any mothers who bring young children. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wesche. of Kensington Avenue had their in- fant daughter Janet-Marie chris- tened on Sunday morning at St. John's Lutheran Church in Say- ville by the Rev. Louis H. Martin after the morning worship service. Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. George Schwarz of Massapequa. A dinner party was held at Bronco Charlie's Restaurant in Oakdale for. the godparents and their "children^ Kathy, Karen and Karl, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,L- Overton of Patchogue and the baby's sister and brother, Nora- Lee and Ivan. The Bayport Auxiliary, of the Southside Hospital held the first fall meeting at the Community- House in Sayville on Tuesday af- ternoon with hostesses, Mrs. Mor ten Nelsen and Mrs. Nathaniel Norton. Other members present were Mrs. Charles Norman, Mrs. Charles Bogel, Mrs. John Bauer, Mrs. Harrison Ritchie, Mrs. George Starkey, Mrs. George Maxey, Mrs. Herman Le Bow, Mrs. Adolphus Flowers, Mrs. Frank W. Antos. Mrs. Oscar Glueck, Mrs. Alfred Snyder, Mrs. Walter I. Flocken Mrs. Roger 0. Lafferrandre and Miss Ida Frie'man, Plans were dis- cussed for the card party to be held- on December eighth and the combined auxiliaries luncheon of the Southside Hospital will be held at La Grange Hotel in West Islip on November second. All reserva- tions must be.in by October 28th Anyone who wishes to attend is asked to contact Mrs. Flowers This auxiliary is giving $500 to the linen fund and $1,000 to the building fund for the hospital. Miss Barbara Viafore showed colored slides of the "Story of the South- side Hospital" and told something of its history. Bayport Senior At Conference Of Youth Ci oup Albany Steven Jonas, 10, son of Dr. avid Mrs. John J. Jonas of 185 Bayport Avenue, Bayport, at- tended the New York State Youth Conference hold here recently. Ho is one of the 165 teenage boys and «ir!s who mot to discuss problems of youth in modern society. Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller inau- gurated the conference which ex- plored the issues of youth and the schools, social responsibility, the law, and family life. Steven, a senior at Bayport High School, served on the committee which suggested a family life elective course bo included in school cur- riculums. The youth attending the confer- ence emphasized that the publicity given to teenagers in newspapers is mostly concentrated on the. three percent delinquents and rec- ommended more attention bo given to the accomplishments of Iho re- maining 97 percent responsible young adults. The conference is the forerunner of the White Houso Conference on Children and Youth to be held in Washington, D. C. in the spring of I960. Mr. and Mrs, George Elbert of Howell Court entertained at a par- ty on Saturday night with a buffet supper in honor of the christen- ing of their son, John Edward 3rd on Sunday afternoon at Our Lady of the Snow R. C. Church in Blue Point.! Godparents were the ba- by's uncle and aunt, Raymond El- bert and Miss Joyce Elbert of Blue Point. Guests who attended the party were the godparents and the baby's great grandmother, Mrs. Anna Schwerzel of Brooklyn, great grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Elbert and Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Schneider all from Springfield, and the! grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elbert, Jr. of Blue Point, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crozier of South- ampton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beresheim, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dear- born, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dasch, Mr. and Mrs..Nicholas Harron, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hahn, Mr. and Mrs. William McMullen, Mr. .and Mrs. Michael Smolenski, and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Smolinsjki Jr. all of Patchogue, Stephen McNeil from Syracuse, Mrs. Louise Duc- ey, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ducey, Mr. and Mrs. William Guarino, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gallettl, Mr. and Mrs. John Moscarluso, Mr.,and Mrs. Peter Moscarluso, Mrs. Louis Moscarelli, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moscarluso and Mr. and Mrs. An-' thony Rizzo all of Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. George Garrity of Levit- town, Mr. and Mrs. James Hend- nx and Mr. and Mrs. George Tre- farella of Freeport, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Smolinski of New Hyde Park, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pape of Valley Str.eam and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mitchell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sosinski and daughter, Margery, and Mr. and Mrs. James Butler all of Blue Point. . • . • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mlsch of Gerritsen Avenue entertained on Tuesday afternoon at a birthday party for their daughter Gloria vho was four years old. The;lit- tle guests played games and en- ioyed refreshments and received favors. Those present were Ken- neth Bernhard, Ellen Fechter, Roy Mawhinney, Susan Brunner, Pam- ela Herold and Martha and Peter Hammer. William Brown Jr. of Renee Drive is confined to St. Albans Naval Hospital with a fractured skull and cheekbone, suffered in •\ fall. On October second he took Mrs. Brown to the hospital for a :heck-up and while he was wait- ing for her he had an insulin re- iction and was put to bed. The following Monday he was feeling well and sitting on the edge of his bed when he suffered a stroke and fell to the floor, suffering the in- juries. He is soon to undergo sur- gery and further medical treat- ment. Mrs. Joseph A. Tritsch of Gerrit ^cn Avenue entered the Southside Hospital yesterday for surgery. Scouts Capture Honors at Camp Wading River -- Eighteen Scouts of Troop 130, Bayport. under the leadership of Scoutmaster Benja- min Kcnney assisted by Howard Kallman, spent the week end at Camp Baiting Hollow participating in the Central District Camp-O-Ree which was directed this year by Explorer advisor William Lynch. In competitive camping activi- ties, three of Troop ISO's patrols were awarded rod ribbons for good camping. Attending wore the following boys: Benjamin Konnoy, Jr., assist- ant junior Scoutmaster; Eldon Ronth. senior patrol leader; Ed- ward Rogers, assistant senior pa- trol loader; Tom Higgins, Tom Kallman. Joseph Garra. Edward Samalionos. Tom Burke, George Batalias, Paul Boll, Arthur Irvine, Wayne Kovarik, David Silverman', Peter Foster, Mark Murphy, Wavne Haman and Ted Lap, Thfe Dorcas Circle of the Bap- tist Church of Blue Point met on Wednesday night of last week. Af- ter a devotional period the ladles worked on fancy articles for the children's home. A social hour fol- lowed. The Bayport members pres- ent were Mrs. Francis Schrage, Mrs. Benjamin Rutkowski and a new member, Mrs, Alex McLain. On Sunday night the Senior MYF of the Methodist Church held a'box supper at the church follow- ed by bowling at the Oakdale Al- leys with their youth leader, Rob- ert Harm as chaperon. The Inter- mediate MYF held its meeting at the Wesley House. Next Saturday an. all-day fall work day will be held to do all of the odd jobs that need doing at the Wesley House and the church. Mrs.. ? Everett Dunkerley of Ken- sington Avenue returned home on Friday . from Southside Hospital after undergoing surgery the week before". She Is convalescing at her home and making a good recovery. msame-i BHWHI \4M,. ; .Jllittv til t?* 'fa Vill%.i\} mmm * ••-.'-•jSffifflffli Miss Carol Ann Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vin cent Smith of 27 Smith Street, Bayport, who has won the Archdlocesan scholarship to the Catholic University of America. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of competitive examination and carries with it full tuition. A graduate of Seton Hall High School in Patchogue, Miss Smith is enrolled in the university's School of En- gineering and Architecture; She is one of 23 beginning freshmen studying architec- ture under a five year pro- gram at the school. (Continued from Page 1) that Merle Josnson, formerly of Bayport, and a member of the community group during the production of "Stalag 17" a ffjw years back, has been signed to. a Holly- wood contract. His stage name Is Troy Donohue and.he has a starring role In "A Summer Place." .Then Saturday after- noon saw an informal pa- rade of Sayville teenagers advertising "Wonderful Town" along Main Street. Ex- citement mounted on Sunday afternoon when Islip Town p& . Hqe suddenly descended on. the hard-working thespians. Responding to reports that \M Junior High School was being blown up, the ppUce "discover-' ed that explosions were sound effects. \V-tv'?'-'; ' •,. '•[•/•, The usual Search to com- plete and fit npce;S8?ry costum-. es and supply props continued right up to dress'rehearsal. Perhaps .the most .difficult of the off-stage jobs Vin ama- teur' theTatricals ia'.^he solv- ing of' this problem, Sines the group is necessarily limited in the amount that can be expended, irm provisation Is the only al- terative. Many attics and storerooms have been ransack- ed for such Items as berets, night-sticks, easels, outfits suit- ab'e for the 1930's and a score of others. But by last evening, in full costume and make-up, the final dress rehearsal was held with students of local high schools as guests. With th?t. the last correc tlon was made, and last notes given, and director Tom Turn er handed oyer the show t( Cast, crew and orchestra t< present tomorrow evening. STARGAZING SESSION Jones Beach — The second lecture for stargazers at Jc Beach State Park Is scheduled Sunday at eight p.m. at pari flqld No. 1, Telescopes will be 'up at 7:45 p.m. '.New York State is the lat producer of cabbages and or in the nation. FOR ONLY $30 ADDED TO DAD'S LIFE POLICY PREMIUM YOU GET iOO WIFE LIFE INS. (AT AGg 30) ? J00 »NS* EACH CHILD -JUST CALL ©mpsoti Agency, "ONE STOP" S3 MAIN STREET INSURANCE SERVICE SAVyULE, W. Y„ SAY. 4-53 HARPER METALSTAND FULL SUSPENSION FILE ^n^&detf BUSINESS MACHINES & OFFICE EQUIPMENT 951 MONT AUK HWY. BAYPORT, ! TEL. EMERSON 3-4550 — OR NIGHTS: BAYPORT 8- READY TO COOK Turkeys 8-20LB. AVG. KELLY'5 SWEET POTATOES |g. can 21c MY-TFINE PUDDING instant or reg 7e pkg. NFSTLE'S QUIK C060A 1 lb, can 39* HUNT'S TOIWTO SAUCE HUNT'S BARTtlTT PEARS BUMBLE BEE WHITE MEAT TUIIA FISH 3 ear 1^1 can MORTONS DANISH PECAN TWIST COFFEE Utl reg, G9c snoc^ou bunch MIDDLE ROAD SHAMD'S, BAYPORT'S HOMETOWN MARKET SINCE 1912 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY... · Vv III I J '••&ss™fflf^J#i,5:$ • , m i! .,; • : ty-£ If I III 81•S1 . U 11 1 1 it 11 *f V,?. i * • PAGE TWO THE SUFFOLK


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•S. 811


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.VyGrt Saturday night the Couples Ctub of the Bayport Methodist ChUrch had the first courses of a progressive dinner at the homes

|M?$fo and Mrs. Edward Divis, Mr. ajid;Mrs. Melvin B. Hill, and Mr. ^tjd;Mrs. "William Kellers followed by^HheJmain course and dessert

Ss^yed at the church. Other mem-!?§#*$;present were Mr. and Mrs.

Richard Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. ; ^ueritin Beitel, Mr. and Mrs. Rich-Ifci.Bernhard, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-

" aell.Dovv,' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ed-rrtunds; the Rev. and Mrs. Landon

. ' .^;;6wen, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour •Fink,1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hamb-:leyt- Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Irvine, lyjfi and Mrs. John Jacobsen, Mr.

' ^ ' d Mrs. Charles King, Mr. and yifts: Edwprd Mentro, Mr. and Mrs,

& 1 Stuart Piatt, Mr. and Mrs. John Sap; Mr. and Mrs. Reuel Rust, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Silverman, Mr. and ^fts.'-Robert Warnken and Mr. and ftifs^'Everrett Trochelman and the guests were Dr. and Mrs. Robert tyhitsjtt, Mr. and Mrs; Walter Pul-Ieti/Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith, Mr.Varid Mrs. William Swambach, Mr.i and Mrs. Lyle Thornbloom,

; and> Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Stanie-wicfc all of Bayport and Mr. and Mrs.! Donald Luginbuhl of New Jersey, formerly of Bayport, and Mr.- and Mrs. Robert Smetts also

: brY.New Jersey who are house-guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Owens. A short business meeting followed the dinner party. ..The following new staff mem­

bers, were selected on Friday at a meeting of the. Daemon committee ofvijayport's high school newspa­per; the Misses Jean Horndrup, Arlene Whelaiv, Claire Brown, Mary-Ann Mazzei, Kathy Spelman, Gloria Calaio, Sandra Stoll, Grace Walsh} Lisa Jackson, Carol Harlin, Josette Mondanare and Christine Engebretsen and Edward Black, Clyd'e:;Culp, Charles Shillito, Law­rence; Garbrey, William Keller and William Oltmann. The editors are e<ljt;or-ih-chief Miss Cynthia Hein-onen; feature chief Miss Toni Gllckman; news editor William Miller; girls' sports editor Miss Pa­tricia Bourguighon; boys' sports editors Leigh Jackson and Gary Sheffield; "exchange editor Walter Lbughran; typing editor Miss April Billard; business manager, Rich­ard Weyhrauch; circulation mana­ger Miss Maria Minardi; and class advisor Nicholas Maletta. . . . Mrs. Edmund Brown entertained at her home on Thir d Avenue on Wednesday, evening |)f last week. The occasions was a.^tork shwer fo*r Mrs. Paul Panik who is in Ja­pan where her husband is station­ed with the Air Force. The gifts

were wrapped during the evening arid the box prepared for shipping. The invited guests were Mrs. Ro­land. Solanek.. Mrs. William Sweez-ey,; Mrs. Winfred Meier, Mrs. Fred­erick Meier, Mrs. Edward Meier, Mrs. Karl Kussmaul, Mrs. Harold Alexandersen, Mrs. Frank Rada, Mrs. Gilbert Pitcher, Mrs. Fred Be'nkenstein and Mrs. Joseph Mei­er;^'-.'

Miss Dorothy Schwaegler has been awarded a half tuition schol­arship for undergraduate study at Alfred University in Alfred, N. Y. Miss Schwaegler is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Schwaegler of McConnell Avenue. A graduate of Bayport High School, she is ma­joring in psychology in the Col­lege of Liberal Arts at Alfred Uni­versity.

Modern Home Owner combined package insurance policies can Save you money. See Charles P. Dickerson, 31 Main Street, Sayville.

24tf Dr. and Mrs. Frank S. Snell of

22 Division Avenue, Blue Point, have returned home after spend­ing the week end at Colby Junior College, New London, N. H. where their daughter, Miss Brenda, is a member of the junior class.

Cyla Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller of Bayview Avenue returned home on Sunday after a four-day stay in Southslde Hospital. She is making a good recovery at her home.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hammond and daughter, Barbara of Third Ave­nue, and a friend, Charlotte Green spent Saturday at the Danbury Fair in Connecticut.

Friday night will be "Rally Night" for the Republican Club at the Bayport Fire House at 8:30. All of the town and county can­didates will be at the mooting and refreshments will bo served at the close of the rally.

For repairs to your car, go to Tack Houston's Service Center, formerly Mantha's. Middle Road, Bayport. Phone Bayport 8-3377.


Tel. Bayport 8-0699-H

Bayport Date Book ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - Monday, 8:30 P. m. Congregations! Parish house. THB BAYPORT METHODIST MEN'S CLUB - Every Third Tuesday of the month M


PITAL - Second Monday, 8:15. The Community Houso, SpyvlUe. BAYPORT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL P.T.A. - Second Wednesday, 8 p.m., school au­

ditorium. BAYPORT-BLUE POINT HIGH SCHOOL PAR6NT ASJ'N. - Third Tuesday. 8:30

t>,tn., high school, BAYPORT CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC, - iHirsv Thursdays, January, March, May.

September and .November. 8:30 p.m., Bayport High School. Annual Mcetlnj ii-.Thlrd Tuesday July, 8:30 p.m., Bayport Tlish School.

BAYPORT REPUBLICAN CLUB - Meets In the Bayport Fire House at 8 p.m. on ii\e fourth Friday of the month. '- \

BAYPORT TAXPAYERS ASS'N, — Third Wednesday, Bayport Hleh School, 8 p.m.i board of directors, first Wednesday, Bayport High School, 8 p.m.

BOARD OF EDUCATION -'. Second Fridays, 8:30 p.m. " , BOY SCCJUTS T- Monday*. 7:30. High School. '. J* ' "'.'..'. COUPLES' CLUB - Second Saturdays, 8:i5 p.m. ' : ' ( ; ' ] :'>]'•' FIRE DEPARTMENT - First Fridays 8 p.m. fiTeho-ne. Ladles' Auxiliary, meets sec­

ond Monday afternoon. • . -;:;".Ti,\ CUB PACK - MeeUng fourth Wednesday of• every month. • •.._.'. GIRL SCOUT TROOP COMMITTEE — First.Wednesdays, 8 P.m. QIRL JCOUt BROWNIES - Troop 1, Friday. H\S P.m., High Schools TTOOP 2, TUN-

d)iy, 3 P.m. Elementary School: Troop 3. second, and fourth Monday, 7:15 • pirfj,' Leaders' homus; Troop *. Tuesday; 3:11 P.m., High School; Troop • •

HOME BUREAU - Every Thursday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., in Sayville Community Housed GIRL SCOUTS ~ Troop six, meets threo p.m. Thursdays in elementary school. INTERMEDIATE SCOUTS - 5th Grade - Troop 7 •'Fridays - Elementary School 3:00-

- 4:30 P.m.; Bth.Grado - Troop 4 - Thursday i Hi*h School .3:13-4:30 p.m.: Tth Grade - Troop 1 -Tuesdays - High SchoU • 3ilM;30 P.m.! 8th Grade - Troop

. 8 - Tuesdays - High School - 7.15-8:30 p.m. :/•- s; SENIOR SCOUTS - High School Student*. Troop 3 - 1st and 3rd Mondays, 7:15-9,

Monday, 3 pjn., Elementary Schooli Troop 8. Thursday, Elementary School, . 3 p.m.. Troop 7, Friday, 3 p.m... Elementary School

LIONS CLUB — Second and fourth Mondays, 7:30 p.m. Land's End. SOUTHSIDE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY - S e c o n d Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. WOMAN'S SOCIETY FOR CHRISTIAN SERVICE - T h i r d Wednesday at 8 p.m.

The sophomore class of the Bay-port High School heid a Harvest Moon dance in the cafeteria of the new high school on Friday night. The decorations were a harvest moon, autumn leaves, corn stalks and pumpkins. The following stu­dents were on the various com­mittees: decorations, Justin \ Scott and William Olman; tickets, Betsy Foster and Walter Loughran; re­freshments, Norma Lauritseh and Louis Dusza. About 200 students and their friends enjoyed this an­nual school event, t h e class ad­visor, Louis Wright, and the fol­lowing teachers and their wives were the chaperons: Dr. and Mrs. Robert Whitsitt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ha'renberg, Steven Mandell, George Cameron, Janies Brown, George Mull er and Thomas Liguado.

On Wednesday afternoon of last week 40. juniors- and seniors from Bayport-Blue Point High School with their guidance counselors, Miss Elizabeth Ormsby and Stanley Shaut, attended College Day at Brentwood High School. This col­lege day' program had represehta-tives"from 40 different colleges and universities who were present to answer questions concerning their schools. A social hour with a buffet supper for principals, col­lege representatives and counse­lors was held at the Pilgrim State Hospital community house at the close of the program.

On Wednesday night of last week a special quarterly confer­ence was* held at the Methodist Church and Donald Huszagh was elected a trustee. It was reported that a records and history com­mittee was- formed to compose a history of the church which is 86 years old: The committee is com­posed of Mrs. R. Stanley Piatt, Mrs. Hugh Rogerson and Mrs. Maude Smith. Next Sunday will be Lay­men's Sunday and Donald Huszagh will give the message at the morn­ing service.

Mr. and Mrs. James McMann of Homestead Road celebrated their daughter Carol's eighth birthday with a party on Saturday after­noon. Games and birthday refresh­ments were enjoyed by Diane and Robert Burke, Terry and Deborah Coombs, Linda Tapasak, Lynne Cavalla and Carol's sister and brother, Cathy and William.

A meeting of the Bayport Girls Sports Club was held in the high school on Friday ,after school with their advisor, Miss Alda Garafola. It was voted to buy sweat shirts for the new members. Also the members will make cookies to sell at the soccer games to enlarge their treasury.

Tomorrow will be a work day for the senior class to help defray some of the expences when they go to Washington in the spring. Anyone who has jobs of car wash­ing or polishing, leaves raked, win­dows washed, or baby sitting or any other odd jobs may call James Dalv, Bay. 8 4440.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bankston and five children returned homo, to Second Avenue on Tuesday night of last week, after spending throe months in Lancaster, Calif, whore Mr. Bankston was on business for

Adult education registrants sign up for classes a Sayville High School cafeteria on Monday night., , v- : ^ -.

Grumman Aircraft Corporation, of On Tuesday night of last week Farminpdale.


the Baby Sitter's Club mot at Iho home of Mrs. William Stumper on Second Avenue with 12 members in attendance.

Mr. and Mrs. William Wollert of East Road had as their house Ruost last week Mrs. Wollert's aunt, Miss May Weir from Bayslde.


L A Y - A W A Y T H A T W A T C H


JF.WEL6RS f l i m n m u n ! S T R t ? E T SAYVILLE MU 5 r*miiHHiuHi,i,H»uu»nnuHinitu«»HHUuniimuiimH»unnmniuujiHiiimrr i&A

The Bayport Girl Scout Troop Committee met on Wednesday night of last week at the home of Mrs. Herbert Archbold on McCon­nell Avenue. Mrs. Hiram Darrow, president conducted the meeting. Mrs-, Edward Maiwald, organiza­tion chairman reported that the leaders have had their program planning meetings and all plans made for the year. All troops are now set with leaders and co-lead­ers. Mrs. Victor Schwaegler, finan­cial chairman, reported that the an­nual Girl Scout drive will be held oh Monday, November second and her committee consists of Mrs. Jo­seph Cernosky, Mrs. Richard J> Van Hine and Mrs..Vincent Flem­ing, Mrs. William Higgins house­hold chairman reported that signs for Utter, safety, and fire are heed-, pd at Camp Edey and Mrs. Frank Conroy will furnish; them. Mrs! Cernosky, Juliet Lowe fund chair­man, reported;, that she will attend all Scout and Brownie meetings on October 30th to collect the pen-riles for this furid. Bayport -now has 15 .troops since some troops were split because they were too large. Other members present werte Mrs. George Newdell, Mrs.. Walter Hoek, Mrs. Edward Maiwald, Mrs. Herman Hegge and Mrs. Raymond Stoenner.

The Epsilon Hi-Y Club met on Wednesday night of: last week at the borne of Miss Lisa Jackson on Gillette Avenue. Miss Lynne Smith president was in the chair and plans for the Coming year were discussed. New members who were taken in at this meeting were the Misses Gloria Calaio, Cheryl In-sklp, Catfiy Brunle, Vicky Prall and Cathy Rellly. Others present were the Misses Sandra Stoll, Carol Hat­field, Mary-Jane Sn)Uh, Marlene Gostanzd, Barbara Haman, Deirdre Bluhm, Lynne Le . Bow, Leslie O'Brien, Martha Gregory and Edna Ringersen. .'

On Tuesday afternoon of last week the ticket committee of the Bayport-Sayville Unit of the La­dies' Auxiliary of the Brookhav-en Memorial Hospital held a meet­ing at the home of Mrs. Edward Dietz to make final plans for the annual card party on October 21st at St. Lawrence's Church auditor­ium. Those in attendance were Mrs. George Jacob, Mrs. Ivor Conklin, Mrs. Robert Knies, Mrs, William Kennelly, Mrs. Edith Bishop and Mrs, Jacob Helmsteadt.

Mr. and Mfs. George F. X. Mc-Inernery of Bayport Avenue en­tertained for the sixth birthday of their daughter Maureen on Sat­urday afternoon. All of the little guests were treated to pony rides at the R and K Ranch in Blue Point after which they returned to the McTnernery home for ice cream and birthday cake. Those at the party wore Nancy Kerr. Ailoon Moore. Mary-Ellon Toye, Barbara Maiwald, Kathy Hester, Karon Pat­terson and Patricia, Terry and George Mclnerncy who are Man reen's sisters and brother.

Mr. and Mrs. Picrson Van Or-strand of Eatondalo Avenue enter­tained at their homo on Friday night in celebration of the birth­day1 of Benjamin Rutkowski of Fairviow Avenue. Other guests wore Mrs. Rutkowski and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rutkowski of East Moriches,

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rutkow­ski of Fairview Avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rutkowski of Fast Moriches spent the three-day holiday visiting Fort «yicondcroga, N. Y. and Sturbrldge, Mass.

Week-end guests at the home of Mrs. Julia Coupe on Fairview Ave­nue wore her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Waters and their granddaughter, Donna, from Cambridge, Mass.

Mrs. Mae Moissnor of Bayport spent Sunday in Now York where she met hex aunt, Mrs. Mary Briok-weiddie.

The Executive Board of the Bay-port Elementary School P. T.;A. held a meeting on Wednesday night of last week. A Book Fair-will be held in November with Mrs. Kenneth Poli acting as chair­man. Mrs. George Griswold, room mother chairman, reported; that the class teas will be held as fol­lows: kindergarten October 19th; first grade October 20th; second grade October 21st; third grade October, 22nd; fourth grade Octo­ber 26th; fifth grade October 27th; sixth grade October 28th. All teas will be held in the Elementary School gym and Girl Scouts will be available to baby sit for any mothers who bring young children.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wesche. of Kensington Avenue had their in­fant daughter Janet-Marie chris­tened on Sunday morning at St. John's Lutheran Church in Say­ville by the Rev. Louis H. Martin after the morning worship service. Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. George Schwarz of Massapequa. A dinner party was held at Bronco Charlie's Restaurant in Oakdale for. the godparents and their "children^ Kathy, Karen and Karl, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,L- Overton of Patchogue and the baby's sister and brother, Nora-Lee and Ivan.

The Bayport Auxiliary, of the Southside Hospital held the first fall meeting at the Community-House in Sayville on Tuesday af­ternoon with hostesses, Mrs. Mor ten Nelsen and Mrs. Nathaniel Norton. Other members present were Mrs. Charles Norman, Mrs. Charles Bogel, Mrs. John Bauer, Mrs. Harrison Ritchie, Mrs. George Starkey, Mrs. George Maxey, Mrs. Herman Le Bow, Mrs. Adolphus Flowers, Mrs. Frank W. Antos. Mrs. Oscar Glueck, Mrs. Alfred Snyder, Mrs. Walter I. Flocken Mrs. Roger 0. Lafferrandre and Miss Ida Frie'man, Plans were dis­cussed for the card party to be held- on December eighth and the combined auxiliaries luncheon of the Southside Hospital will be held at La Grange Hotel in West Islip on November second. All reserva­tions must be.in by October 28th Anyone who wishes to attend is asked to contact Mrs. Flowers This auxiliary is giving $500 to the linen fund and $1,000 to the building fund for the hospital. Miss Barbara Viafore showed colored slides of the "Story of the South-side Hospital" and told something of its history.

Bayport Senior

At Conference

Of Youth Ci oup Albany — Steven Jonas, 10, son

of Dr. avid Mrs. John J. Jonas of 185 Bayport Avenue, Bayport, at­tended the New York State Youth Conference hold here recently. Ho is one of the 165 teenage boys and «ir!s who mot to discuss problems of youth in modern society.

Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller inau­gurated the conference which ex­plored the issues of youth and the schools, social responsibility, the law, and family life. Steven, a senior at Bayport High School, served on the committee which suggested a family life elective course bo included in school cur-riculums.

The youth attending the confer­ence emphasized that the publicity given to teenagers in newspapers is mostly concentrated on the. three percent delinquents and rec­ommended more attention bo given to the accomplishments of Iho re­maining 97 percent responsible young adults. The conference is the forerunner of the White Houso Conference on Children and Youth to be held in Washington, D. C. in the spring of I960.

Mr. and Mrs, George Elbert of Howell Court entertained at a par­ty on Saturday night with a buffet supper in honor of the christen­ing of their son, John Edward 3rd on Sunday afternoon at Our Lady of the Snow R. C. Church in Blue Point.! Godparents were the ba­by's uncle and aunt, Raymond El­bert and Miss Joyce Elbert of Blue Point. Guests who attended the party were the godparents and the baby's great grandmother, Mrs. Anna Schwerzel of Brooklyn, great grandparents Mr. • and Mrs. John Elbert and Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Schneider all from Springfield, and the! grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elbert, Jr. of Blue Point, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Crozier of South­ampton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beresheim, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dear­born, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dasch, Mr. and Mrs..Nicholas Harron, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hahn, Mr. and Mrs. William McMullen, Mr. .and Mrs. Michael Smolenski, and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Smolinsjki Jr. all of Patchogue, Stephen McNeil from Syracuse, Mrs. Louise Duc-ey, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ducey, Mr. and Mrs. William Guarino, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gallettl, Mr. and Mrs. John Moscarluso, Mr. ,and Mrs. Peter Moscarluso, Mrs. Louis Moscarelli, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moscarluso and Mr. and Mrs. An-' thony Rizzo all of Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. George Garrity of Levit-town, Mr. and Mrs. James Hend-nx and Mr. and Mrs. George Tre-farella of Freeport, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Smolinski of New Hyde Park, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pape of Valley Str.eam and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mitchell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sosinski and daughter, Margery, and Mr. and Mrs. James Butler all of Blue Point. . • . •

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mlsch of Gerritsen Avenue entertained on Tuesday afternoon at a birthday party for their daughter Gloria vho was four years old. The;lit­tle guests played games and en-ioyed refreshments and received favors. Those present were Ken­neth Bernhard, Ellen Fechter, Roy Mawhinney, Susan Brunner, Pam­ela Herold and Martha and Peter Hammer.

William Brown Jr. of Renee Drive is confined to St. Albans Naval Hospital with a fractured skull and cheekbone, suffered in •\ fall. On October second he took Mrs. Brown to the hospital for a :heck-up and while he was wait­ing for her he had an insulin re-iction and was put to bed. The following Monday he was feeling well and sitting on the edge of his bed when he suffered a stroke and fell to the floor, suffering the in­juries. He is soon to undergo sur­gery and further medical treat­ment.

Mrs. Joseph A. Tritsch of Gerrit ^cn Avenue entered the Southside Hospital yesterday for surgery.

Scouts Capture Honors at Camp

Wading River - - Eighteen Scouts of Troop 130, Bayport. under the leadership of Scoutmaster Benja­min Kcnney assisted by Howard Kallman, spent the week end at Camp Baiting Hollow participating in the Central District Camp-O-Ree which was directed this year by Explorer advisor William Lynch.

In competitive camping activi­ties, three of Troop ISO's patrols were awarded rod ribbons for good camping.

Attending wore the following boys: Benjamin Konnoy, Jr., assist­ant junior Scoutmaster; Eldon Ronth. senior patrol leader; Ed­ward Rogers, assistant senior pa­trol loader; Tom Higgins, Tom Kallman. Joseph Garra. Edward Samalionos. Tom Burke, George Batalias, Paul Boll, Arthur Irvine, Wayne Kovarik, David Silverman', Peter Foster, Mark Murphy, Wavne Haman and Ted Lap,

Thfe Dorcas Circle of the Bap­tist Church of Blue Point met on Wednesday night of last week. Af­ter a devotional period the ladles worked on fancy articles for the children's home. A social hour fol­lowed. The Bayport members pres­ent were Mrs. Francis Schrage, Mrs. Benjamin Rutkowski and a new member, Mrs, Alex McLain.

On Sunday night the Senior MYF of the Methodist Church held a'box supper at the church follow­ed by bowling at the Oakdale Al­leys with their youth leader, Rob­ert Harm as chaperon. The Inter­mediate MYF held its meeting at the Wesley House. Next Saturday an. all-day fall work day will be held to do all of the odd jobs that need doing at the Wesley House and the church.

Mrs..?Everett Dunkerley of Ken­sington Avenue returned home on Friday . from Southside Hospital after undergoing surgery the week before". She Is convalescing at her home and making a good recovery.

msame-i BHWHI

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Miss Carol Ann Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vin cent Smith of 27 Smith Street, Bayport, who has won the Archdlocesan scholarship to the Catholic University of America. The scholarship is awarded on the basis of competitive examination and carries with it full tuition.

A graduate of Seton Hall High School in Patchogue, Miss Smith is enrolled in the

university's School of En­gineering and Architecture; She is one of 23 beginning freshmen studying architec­ture under a five year pro­gram at the school.

(Continued from Page 1)

that Merle Josnson, formerly of Bayport, and a member of the community group during the production of "Stalag 17" a ffjw years back, has been signed to. a Holly­wood contract. His stage name Is Troy Donohue and.he has a starring role In "A Summer Place." .Then Saturday after­noon saw an informal pa­rade of Sayville teenagers advertising "Wonderful Town" along Main Street. Ex­

citement mounted on Sunday afternoon when Islip Town p& . Hqe suddenly descended on. the hard-working thespians. Responding to reports that \M Junior High School was being blown up, the ppUce "discover-' ed that explosions were sound effects. \V-tv'?'-'; ' •,. '•[•/•,

The usual Search to com­plete and fit npce;S8?ry costum-. es and supply props continued right up to dress'rehearsal. Perhaps .the most .difficult of the off-stage jobs Vin ama­teur ' theTatricals ia'.^he solv­ing of' this problem, Sines

the group is necessarily limited in the amount that can be expended, irm provisation Is the only al­tera t ive . Many attics and storerooms have been ransack­ed for such Items as berets, night-sticks, easels, outfits suit-ab'e for the 1930's and a score of others. But by last evening, in full costume and make-up, the final dress rehearsal was held with students of local high schools as guests.

With th?t. the last correc tlon was made, and last notes given, and director Tom Turn er handed oyer the show t( Cast, crew and orchestra t< present tomorrow evening.


Jones Beach — The second lecture for stargazers at Jc Beach State Park Is scheduled Sunday at eight p.m. at pari flqld No. 1, Telescopes will be 'up at 7:45 p.m.

' . N e w York State is the lat producer of cabbages and or in the nation.




(AT AGg 30)



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