old texas navy hoodoo to fight - library of...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES SATURDAY JULY 14 1906 b F Invested 600 by Acc- ident and Made Fortune- in Six Years CASH ALL CAME HIS WA Remarkable Testimony of W F Lyons Who Controls Kansas City Output KANSAS CITY July 14 W F Lyons of the Central Ice Company tnld at the investigation here of methods of the alleged lee combine how he started in the business six years ago with a capital of JIM made a profit of HxOOO In first year and now is head of a 400000 corporation doing more bust new than any two other ice concerns in the city combined His story of the enormous profits in the business created aatnoishment until ho told of the coat of making foe and the prices charged for It Then the in- vestigators readily saw that his tale o how fortune smiled on him w s no The coat of manufacturing loa he said was from 176 to L8B a ton It cats the mall consumer a ton and Mr Lyons felt aggrieved that the ice dealers pert too timid to force the big in the business district to pay mewhere near the same figure Two Advances in Price Mr Lyons told of making two advances this season In the price of fee sold to the peddlers on April 1 and on May 1 How did you come to raise the on the let of April was asked- I heard that the Peoples lee Com piry was going to raise the price on tiat date so I raised it Why Well I am not it the lee philanthropist I wanted to get all could for my ice The first advance was of 1 a ton Later he made an additional Increase whin he heard that the other com intended doing so Mr Lyons said he knew of no in the ice meatiness But it i necessary this he added In reply to further Questioning Mr Lyons said If I had the making of the price o- Ke it would be higher on the business sales than It is now The downtown trade today ought to be paying 7 a ton It la due to the timidity of the ice men that the price is not higher I say I wont say cowardice but it is business timidity and moral timidity Iceman by Accident Many careers have turned upon trifles If his friend Tom Bear of Higginsville had not borrowed a couple of hundred dollars from him Lyons might never have gone into the toe business at all If there had not been a providentially warm winter preceding the summer o 1901 and if Mr Lyons had not been shrewd enough to corner all the natural ice crop of the season he would have become the ice magnate of community- Mr Lyons born fortyfour years ago on a farm In Lafayette county Mo and on the farm he stayed until he was eighteen years of age He was sent to Emery and Henry College- in Washington county Va and after graduating at that institution he at- tended successively Chicago and St Louis law schools He came to Kansas Iity in 1886 after his graduation from the Pt Louis school He was supplied with modest means and while he a fair reputation as- a lawyer he made little money at it Turns to Politics He was something of a mixer and naturally gravitated toward politics He early took a prominent part in local Democratic and ten years after hs arrival h was nominated for State senator and elected He his full term of four years as State senator and then resumed the practice of law He went to the senate poor and he came back with the reputation of being no richer In 1900 Boar an old friend borrowed 530 from Mr Lyons to buy out a modest little coal business which he carried on during the winter When spring came and coal was a drug on the market Mr f Bear proposed to Mr Lyons that they into the Ice business to keep the horses bpsy until the coal season rolled around Nothing was further from Mr Lyons mind than to go into the ice business He knew little or nothing about it He had taken no part in the coal business and had small funds to engage in any business at all He raked together Just JMO and on the modest capital the firs years business was done From the Packing Company ice was bought for some time abruptly refused to sell more and Mr Lyons applleC to James Yates an Icemaker for Ice to supply his limited clientele If Bear had had the courage to go ahead with the business- at this Juncture Mr Lyons might not have engaged in It but Bear was timid and insisted on working for a In this way Mr literally was forced to become an ice man himself In order to save that M9 f Corners the Crop The winter of l l 1901 was very mild and there was little natural ice har- vested in this This was the tide in the affairs cf Mr Lyons which x he took at the flood He went North on a still hunt after lee and cornered the available aupply of about 50000 tons Following the mild winter there was an unprecedented hot summer For weeks the thermometer registered 10 degrees and the artificial ice made here could not half nil the demand There was no natural ice to l e had for love or money except from Lyons Train after train came Minneapolis and St Paul laden with nothing Lyons Ice Men stopped him In the and begged to sell them Ice per hundred He from 85 cents to fl25 per ton in North paid from 5150 to freight it here for all the way from J350- to 4 at rtrst to and as as JL2 per ton as the season advanced That was the beginning of his for tune He up something like 0000 on the summers then he had a bad year when he lost J2 ooo Hut the next two years were good and he cleaned up about halt as each year as he had made during the banner year In the winter of he was in a po jmion to build an Ice plant of his own lp to this time he had been all his natural and manufactured ice and TO GET RICH IN ICE BUSINESS SAYS THIS DEALER President the ex- aggeration 1 I ear not affairs nit l v Inlty from bu s eat t 1 I and- s ld S much Itt 4 lEAn ids con- sumers price business as- a I antes combi- nation not y tim- idity this was i acquired served L the i6 ado 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ Old Texas Navy Hoodoo to Fight No More THE BATTLESHIP TEXAS She Will Shortly Go to Charleston as a Training Ship I Was First American Battleship and Herself Through Gallant Performance- at Santiago Under Captain Philip Redeem- ed With her days of usefulness in the work for which she was designed passed the Texas the first battleship and hoodoo of the American navy will spend the remainder of her time quietly- in harbors as a reserve ship Old time worn totally outofdate in plan and manner of construction it has been de cided by the Navy Department officials that the warship named in honor of the Lone Star State will never again take her place in line with other battleships or with any warships in fleet or squadron formation unless she should be pressed into we by the advent of war and this is not probable Cant Make Her a Fighter- A few weeks ago the Texas was docked in the Norfolk navy yard for repairs when an examination con vinced the officials that it would be use- less to overhaul the ship Consequently- It was decided to hold her in reserve and now Secretary Bonaparte has concluded that she shall be sent to the new navy yard at Charleston S C to serve indefinitely as a receiving and training ship The six ilneh guns of the Texas have been removed at the Norfolk yard but it la likely that the two SInch turret guns will remain on the ship for prac- tically some time yet In her earlier days the Texas acquired ¬ ¬ ¬ was in a position to deal in large The plant at Twentieth and Campbell streets at first had a capacity of 1 tons per days but has just been enlarged to a capacity of 0 tons In this enterprise he invested JSCOOOO 1000 times as much as he had loaned to his friend four years before He worked early and late spending eighteen hours a day for weeks and months building up his business making himself thoroughly familiar with all its details and organised the Central Ice Company in which he owns all the stock From J M he ha built up a plant larger than any Icemaking plant in the United States outside of New York and Brooklyn The combined output of the three other largest factories here lust about equals that of his Communication Now Between the Several Government Departments- The recommendation of the sub committee of the Keep Commission relative to the establishment of the In terdepartment telephone system went into effect on the first of July when the system was installed in all of the departments When the lines direct from one department to another as they are with the White House wnlch has a tloline yet with the special switchboard in the Telephone Exchange one department- can connect with another almost imme diately so that in point of time hardly s second is lost The new system works to perfection The departments and their branches are- as heretofore swith board going direct to all branches He BUL vou dont know how I love you I would like to die kissing She Well if you call this evening when is at home he may be will- ing to oblige you Floh lust NEW PHONE SYSTEM PUT IN OPERATION- Quick are not ou I quan- tities ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = the reputation of being the hoodoo ship of the American Navy owing to the number of seemingly unaccountable accidents that overtook her from time to time and this name stuck to her till the SpanishAmerican war when under the new command of Capt Jack Philip she redeemed herself and did fully her amount of valiant service at Guantanamo and Santiago Regard Her Kindly Since Jack Philip brought her through safely made her show her speed the strength and reliability of her guns and her ability to keep her feet the old vessel has been looked upon Kindly and tenderly by the older naval officials more particularly since the hero that commanded her in the only real action she ever experienced away two years almost to a day after her work before Santiago after having been raised to the rank of rear admiral In the early days she was the butt of every joke ridiculing the navy both at home and abroad till the Texas be came known the world over as a clumsy imitation battleship that would sink herself the moment she saw an enemys gun pointed toward her It was near the close of Clevelands Administration that construction of the passed ¬ Anxious Wife Took Poison Then Three Letters Come JACKSON Mich July 14Because three letters from her husband William Hyzer of Pittsburg did not reach her when they should Flora Bycrtf Hyzer committed suicide The first malt de- livered after the girl wifes death brought the three letters from the hus band marked with a rubber stamp De- layed and Missent Hyzer and Miss Bycraft were secret- ly married six months ago In Yypsl lantl in spite of opposition of the girls father Shortly after returned to his parents home in Pittsburg When his letters stopped his girl bride he had repented and deserted her Sh waited two weeks and then swallowed strychnine ELD FOR ASSAULT- NEW YORK July 14 Does kissing constitute sault and battery That Is a question the New Jersey courts are called upon to decide Mrs William C MacoDnald of Tenafly holds the affirmative William Perry of the same place the m satlve According to Mrs MacDonald she and and Perry returned from New York on the train and knowing each other they chatted While he was ac- companying her home she says he sud- denly embraced and kissed her She caused his arrest and he has for trial MAIL DELAYED CAUSES SUICIDE Ii zer KISSED COMPANION same held fears 3 been ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Your money back If it tails to Bed Bugs Water Bugs etc It is sure death to Rats and Mice driving them out of doors to die Small Size 25 Cents Hotel Size eight times the quantity 100 Sold everywhere or sent express prepaid on receipt of price 2 STEARNS ELECTRIC PASTE CO Chicago III USA I p tl1ffD 10 R 611 Rl i I I Stearns Electric Rat and Roach Paste y XII N i Sweep Up Dead You Can e1i Cockroaches hY the Panful any Morning If the Night Before You Use 4 ant- e Cockroaches ship was begun The work was done at the Government yard at Norfolk and under the supervision of Naval Bowl now at the head of a big shipbuilding company in After nearly four years work U ship WM finally completed and launch ed at the Norfolk navy yard In the spring of 1892 It was a great official and social event the launching of Americas first great battleship so the cream of Washington official circles and society was present Even foreign diplomats were invited In describing launching it is usually said that the gallant ship glided gracefully down the ways into the waves but in describing the launch- ing of the Texas a writer might hav disposed of it briefly by saying that the cumbersome warship awk- wardly down into the and turn ed turtle Bora Unlucky That was the beginning of the bad luck of the Tex the skip was bora unlucky everyone said The first time the Ttras was ever taken into New York t arbor for the people of the metropolis to view the nations battle- ship she ran her nose into the mud and it vaa several days before she could be pulled out When the vessel was sent out to sea she would roll sad tumble in a storm like a frail craft it was even that if there was a rock in the bottom of the sea she was sure to scrape it she seldom entered a harbor that she did not get stuck or bump into some other craft and some were mean to declare that she could run as it was declared that her guns swiftly backward or broadside u for Then Con- structor Massachu- setts said wurd ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Because of its Delicate Medicinal Emollient Sanative and Antiseptic Properties combined with the purest of Cleansing Ingredients and most re- freshing of Flower Odors Sold throughout tie world Cotfetira Soap Me MnU- Filli ISc per TJ l of w A tingle set oft cum I if null London 2T S Corp Sole Prop Skin H li mail Hand at and Children HE and brilliancy of electric light makes home life more pleasant and the selecting- of a very easy task Potomac Electric Power Co Contract Department 3t N W IVSES WANT ADS BRING RESULTS MOTHERS fAVORITE For Babys Skin arSeDd for to Preere Purity ButttU the Scalp IT pur las 21314th t a nentlec in fora of Ckoeolae ed Pads Rae de Ir Fat HotenI3 Colutbus Ara Drags Cher How asd cheerfulness were defective They wouldnt carry straight the eaetnlss declared and It was a demonstrated fact that every time one of the guns was tired the ship would strgger around- In the water and it WHjId be found that the Siring had loosened ecrew ana done other dama Her War Service Captain Philip was placed in of the Texas in the fall of and it was said at the time that he wondered what grudge Navy De- partment had against him When war was on the Texas under the capable command of Philip did her share of blockading duty both at Havana Santiago She silenced the guns or Guantanamo forts in a most remark able manner When Philip was ordered- to hit task he feared he would never be able to bring the cumbersome craft rarely out of the harbor channel But he did and every one marveled and him In the battle of San- tiago Texas was right in the fore and her activity and reliable was clearly demonstrated when her captain suddenly saw through the smoke that Admiral 8chleys ship the Brooklyn was bearing down upon her in the famous made by the Brook lyn Both engines were re- versed and the big ship managed to get herself out of the way of the sharp cruiser Captain Philip story of the battle said the Texas was not built for ramming and her ability- to get out of the way quickly no doubt saved one or both of the vessels But now the Texas is old and obsolete She can s l but not fast she can boot but nut often For a number of years she has been kept close to shore as of the coast squadron under command of Rear Admiral Francis W Dteklns Her last com mander was Cipt George A Bicknell I the and loop hlp I Sate com- mand 97 con- gratulated re- sponse swift ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ AMUSEMENTS TODAYBAKERS UHIOHTODAY- HKE HWV HE HAW HEE HAWI FREE ATTRATIOX THE ORIGINAL MAID TilE MULE THAT CANT BE RIDDEN With AZRABS CIRCUS TWICE DAILY ALL XKXT WEEK RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF ROYAL ITALIAN BAND LORENZO VOLA Conductor IX MrSiAI SHELL FIREWORKS FIREWORKS SANTIAGO DAY JULY 17 Ore huni1w actual veteran of that famous action will take part in a reproduction of the BATTLE OF SAN JUAN GRAND FREE SPECTACLE SPEECHES BY EMINENT STATESMEN CAMERA CONTEST FOR AMATEURS CLOSES TOMORROW ThrM for Park submitted to Publicity D LTtmPiU It Columbia 35 Guy StandingSu- pported y JOHN MASON AND THE Columbia Theater Co Present for the First Time at Popular Prices The Tyranny of TearsN- ext Veek COXFtSIOK Grand Concert HEVY- HASE By a Large section of U S MARINE BAND Every Evening eluding Sunday Dancing Every Evening Except Sunday ADMISSION FREE LEAGUE PASS games for one admission First game at 2 oclock Nationals vs Cleveland- Gates open at 1 p m JULY 16 CLEVELAND Dentistry Assured- By the new method known as Pressure we can till teeth extract teeth or extract nerves absolutely without pain Not a a fact An entirely new method Just introduced U S DENTAL ASSN Cor D and 7th Sts CHRISTIAN XANDERS VIRGINIA are excellent Ingredients for sum mer punches diluted with Ice water Send or call for price list 909 7th St Times Want Ads Bring Results LUNA PARK tFre trk Ingrs r FIREWORKS Prizes but Luna Views Tonight at a- tC LAKE BASEBALLAMER- ICAN 2TODAY2T- wo Painless Anael th lIla pretensionbut PORTS CLARETS Phone M 27c rector Quality > ° EXCURSIONS EXCURSIONS Commencing Tomorrow INCREASED TRAIN SERVICE TO AND FROM Beautiful Salt Water Bathing Resort One Hour From Washington Lined With 50ATTRftCTIQNS50 Magnificent Scenic Railway 15000 CflRROUSEL Bowling Alleys Pool and Billiards Pot ladles and Gentlemen DANCING PAVILION OPEN TO ALL Every Day and Evening With Music by HALEYS SELECTED ORCHESTRA Fine Fishing Crabbing Sailing Rowing Rustic Pagodas Shady Picnic Grounds Entire city with water front of 4 miles beautifully at night by myriads of varicolored electric lights Excellent Hotels and Cafes Saturdays 25c Via Chesapeake Other Days 50c j 1 Beach Railway O F EXCURSION TRAINSW- EEK trains leave District Line Station- at 9 2S and 1 1 00 a m 2 30 5 40 and 7 45 p m RETURNING leave the Beach at 635 a m 240 600 800 and 1000 SUNDAYS AND at 925 1030 1 1 30 a m 2 30 3 00 4 00 7 45 9 45 p m RETURNING at 7a m 1230 115 215 6 8 9 10 FREIGHT TRAIN WEEK DAYS Chesa peake Junction at a m Leaves Chesapeake Beach at 1130 a m Note leaving Chesapeake Beach at 1 1 30 a m will have regular passenger coach attached for accommodation of Beach to Washington and between local points I i CHESAPEAKE BEACH 2 MILES OF BOARDWALK ROUnD TRIP SCHEDULE DAYSGOING p m HOLIDAYSGOING m ONLYLeaves 900 rain from Chesapeake A i e J lea 1 illumi- nated 1 t p r pas- senger ¬ ¬ EXCURSIONS NORFOLK WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT CO 40 Miles Down Potomac Daily and Sunday at 7p m re turning at 11 p m Tickets Soc Children half fare Every Sunday leaving at 9 a m returning 6 p m Round trip 1 Children half fart VIA New Fireproof Steamer The largest fastest and safest ex cursion steamer in the world Handsomely appointed cafe ser vice a la carte Good Orchestra Dancing on board Strict order maintained Pier Foot of 7th Street Ferry Wharf The Jamestown can bo enraged for excursions on week from 9 a m te 5 p m Apply W H CallAhan Q P A NORFOLK WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT CO Lawn Swings The lawn swings we handle you can trust to be sturdily constructed and built on lines that assure the safety of the children Were selling 1C gle lawn swings at SP5 W B MOSES 6 SONS- F St Cor 11th 8 DELIGHt UL EXCURSIONS AUilay Excursions ff Jamestown dais J J JfJ tf- V 4 sin e see i 1- ¬ ¬ ¬ < EXCURSIONS INDIAN HEAD I RIVER VIEW TRIPS NEW AND STEAMER STEAMER Wcek days 10 a 645 and Friday p 645 p j Sunday 11 am and Sunday i 280 and 680 630 p m 1 p m Thoee going to River Vlw on morning or Afternoon trips Wednesday and Sunday can take steamer there Indian Head trl J when she arrives in the evening Queen of Excursion Plenty to aroue no dull time Personal conducted trips every Sunday Wednesday and Saturday Music and aanclng week days Band concerts Sunday Fare round trip adults 3c children jfic JyTtf Washingtons Atlantic EXCURSION TRIP DAILY EXCEPT Past TUESDAY 845 A M WEDNESDAY 845 A M THUBSDAY 845 A M FRIDAY 845 A M SOME AGAIN 1030 P M Special Trips Steamer St Johns SATTTBDAY 545 P M SUNDAY 845 A BL Tickets good day of issue Soc Saturda night trips 10day tickets 1109 Season ticket good until September 1153 Ten day tickets and season tickets sold on all trips Children half fare All amusements In full operation Stops at Alexandria on ai trips Colonial Beach Hotel and Bath Houses Now Open Meals served on steamer and at hotel HEAD TRIPS STEAMER CHARLES MACALESTER Friday and Saturday of This Week 630 oclock P 2O DAILY 10 A M 2 JO and 690 P M SUNDAYS 11 A M 2 AXD MP M Appointments First Class AH AnutMnKnts- COXCBHT AND DANCE MUSIC FARE round trip 2f CENTS SUNDAY OX THE Green Lawns of Firstclass dining and lunch rooms and cafe meala a la carte on steamer and ground Band Concert all day Steamer Charles Macalester leaves at 11 am 30 and 6 3J pm Returning leaves the Hall at 1 E and 9 FARE ROUND TRIP S CENTS FAST QUEEN QUE N ANNE ANNE Every Wednesday rn 2 30 and I m or RIVER VIEWT- he Resorts Colonial Beach MONDAY- s JOHNS t INDIAN MARSHALL HALL SPEND MARSHALL HAll Full pm ly132t t TRIPS L Large and < also >

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Invested 600 by Acc-

ident and Made Fortune-

in Six Years


Remarkable Testimony of WF Lyons Who Controls

Kansas City Output

KANSAS CITY July 14 W F Lyonsof the Central Ice Company

tnld at the investigation here ofmethods of the alleged lee combine howhe started in the business six years agowith a capital of JIM made a profit ofHxOOO In first year and now is head of a

400000 corporation doing more bust newthan any two other ice concerns in thecity combined

His story of the enormous profits inthe business created aatnoishment untilho told of the coat of making foe andthe prices charged for It Then the in-

vestigators readily saw that his tale ohow fortune smiled on him w s no

The coat of manufacturing loa he saidwas from 176 to L8B a ton It catsthe mall consumer a ton and MrLyons felt aggrieved that the ice dealerspert too timid to force the big

in the business district to paymewhere near the same figure

Two Advances in PriceMr Lyons told of making two advances

this season In the price of fee sold tothe peddlers on April 1 and on May 1

How did you come to raise theon the let of April was asked-

I heard that the Peoples lee Compiry was going to raise the price ontiat date so I raised it

WhyWell I am not it the lee

philanthropist I wanted to get allcould for my ice

The first advance was of 1 a tonLater he made an additional Increasewhin he heard that the other com

intended doing soMr Lyons said he knew of no

in the ice meatiness But it inecessary this he added

In reply to further Questioning MrLyons said

If I had the making of the price o-

Ke it would be higher on the businesssales than It is now The downtowntrade today ought to be paying 7 a tonIt la due to the timidity of the ice menthat the price is not higher I say

I wont say cowardice but it isbusiness timidity and moral timidity

Iceman by AccidentMany careers have turned upon trifles

If his friend Tom Bear of Higginsvillehad not borrowed a couple of hundreddollars from him Lyons might neverhave gone into the toe business at allIf there had not been a providentiallywarm winter preceding the summer o1901 and if Mr Lyons had not beenshrewd enough to corner all the naturalice crop of the season he wouldhave become the ice magnate ofcommunity-

Mr Lyons born fortyfour yearsago on a farm In Lafayette countyMo and on the farm he stayeduntil he was eighteen years of age Hewas sent to Emery and Henry College-in Washington county Va and aftergraduating at that institution he at-tended successively Chicago and StLouis law schools He came to KansasIity in 1886 after his graduation fromthe Pt Louis school He was suppliedwith modest means andwhile he a fair reputation as-a lawyer he made little money at it

Turns to PoliticsHe was something of a mixer and

naturally gravitated toward politics Heearly took a prominent part in localDemocratic and ten years afterhs arrival h was nominated for Statesenator and elected He his fullterm of four years as State senator andthen resumed the practice of law Hewent to the senate poor and he cameback with the reputation of being noricher

In 1900 Boar an old friend borrowed530 from Mr Lyons to buy out a modestlittle coal business which he carried onduring the winter When spring cameand coal was a drug on the market Mr

f Bear proposed to Mr Lyons that theyinto the Ice business to keep the

horses bpsy until the coal season rolledaround Nothing was further from MrLyons mind than to go into the icebusiness He knew little or nothingabout it He had taken no part in thecoal business and had small funds toengage in any business at all He rakedtogether Just JMO and on the modestcapital the firs years business wasdone

From the Packing Company icewas bought for some timeabruptly refused to sell more andMr Lyons applleC to James Yates anIcemaker for Ice to supply hislimited clientele If Bear had had thecourage to go ahead with the business-at this Juncture Mr Lyons might nothave engaged in It but Bear was timidand insisted on working for aIn this way Mr literally wasforced to become an ice man himselfIn order to save that M9

f Corners the CropThe winter of l l 1901 was very mild

and there was little natural ice har-vested in this This was thetide in the affairs cf Mr Lyons which

x he took at the flood He went Northon a still hunt after lee and corneredthe available aupply of about 50000tons Following the mild winter therewas an unprecedented hot summer Forweeks the thermometer registered 10degrees and the artificial ice made herecould not half nil the demand

There was no natural ice to l e hadfor love or money except fromLyons Train after train cameMinneapolis and St Paul laden withnothing Lyons Ice Men stoppedhim In the and begged to sellthem Ice per hundred Hefrom 85 cents to fl25 per ton inNorth paid from 5150 to freight

it here for all the way from J350-to 4 at rtrst to and as asJL2 per ton as the season advanced

That was the beginning of his fortune He up something like0000 on the summers thenhe had a bad year when he lost J2 oooHut the next two years were goodand he cleaned up about halt aseach year as he had made during thebanner year

In the winter of he was in a pojmion to build an Ice plant of his ownlp to this time he had been allhis natural and manufactured ice and














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I antescombi-

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Old Texas Navy Hoodoo to Fight No More

THE BATTLESHIP TEXASShe Will Shortly Go to Charleston as a Training Ship


Was First American Battleship andHerself Through Gallant Performance-at Santiago Under Captain Philip


With her days of usefulness in thework for which she was designedpassed the Texas the first battleshipand hoodoo of the American navy willspend the remainder of her time quietly-in harbors as a reserve ship Old timeworn totally outofdate in plan andmanner of construction it has been decided by the Navy Department officialsthat the warship named in honor of theLone Star State will never again takeher place in line with other battleshipsor with any warships in fleet orsquadron formation unless she shouldbe pressed into we by the advent ofwar and this is not probable

Cant Make Her a Fighter-

A few weeks ago the Texas wasdocked in the Norfolk navy yard forrepairs when an examination convinced the officials that it would be use-

less to overhaul the ship Consequently-It was decided to hold her in reserveand now Secretary Bonaparte has

concluded that she shall be sentto the new navy yard at Charleston S

C to serve indefinitely as a receivingand training ship

The six ilneh guns of the Texashave been removed at the Norfolk yardbut it la likely that the two SInchturret guns will remain on the ship for



some time yetIn her earlier days the Texas acquired




was in a position to deal in largeThe plant at Twentieth and

Campbell streets at first had a capacityof 1 tons per days but has just beenenlarged to a capacity of 0 tons Inthis enterprise he invested JSCOOOO

1000 times as much as he had loaned tohis friend four years before

He worked early and late spendingeighteen hours a day for weeks andmonths building up his business makinghimself thoroughly familiar with all itsdetails and organised the Central IceCompany in which he owns all thestock

From J M he ha built up a plantlarger than any Icemaking plant in theUnited States outside of New York andBrooklyn The combined output of thethree other largest factories here lustabout equals that of his

Communication Now Between theSeveral Government


The recommendation of the subcommittee of the Keep Commissionrelative to the establishment of the Interdepartment telephone system wentinto effect on the first of July whenthe system was installed in all of thedepartments

When the lines direct from onedepartment to another as they are withthe White House wnlch has a tlolineyet with the special switchboard in theTelephone Exchange one department-can connect with another almost immediately so that in point of time hardlys second is lost

The new system works to perfectionThe departments and their branches are-as heretofore swithboard going direct to all branches

He BUL vou dont know how I loveyou I would like to die kissing

She Well if you call this eveningwhen is at home he may be will-ing to oblige you Floh





are not











the reputation of being the hoodooship of the American Navy owing tothe number of seemingly unaccountableaccidents that overtook her from timeto time and this name stuck to her tillthe SpanishAmerican war when underthe new command of Capt JackPhilip she redeemed herself and didfully her amount of valiant service atGuantanamo and Santiago

Regard Her KindlySince Jack Philip brought her

through safely made her show herspeed the strength and reliability of herguns and her ability to keep her feetthe old vessel has been looked uponKindly and tenderly by the older navalofficials more particularly since thehero that commanded her in the onlyreal action she ever experiencedaway two years almost to a dayafter her work before Santiago afterhaving been raised to the rank of rearadmiral

In the early days she was the buttof every joke ridiculing the navy bothat home and abroad till the Texas became known the world over as aclumsy imitation battleship that wouldsink herself the moment she saw anenemys gun pointed toward herIt was near the close of Clevelands

Administration that construction of the



Anxious Wife Took PoisonThen Three Letters


JACKSON Mich July 14Becausethree letters from her husband WilliamHyzer of Pittsburg did not reach herwhen they should Flora Bycrtf Hyzercommitted suicide The first malt de-livered after the girl wifes deathbrought the three letters from the husband marked with a rubber stamp De-layed and Missent

Hyzer and Miss Bycraft were secret-ly married six months ago In Yypsllantl in spite of opposition of the girlsfather Shortly after returned tohis parents home in Pittsburg Whenhis letters stopped his girl bridehe had repented and deserted her Shwaited two weeks and then swallowedstrychnine


NEW YORK July 14 Does kissingconstitute sault and battery That Isa question the New Jersey courts arecalled upon to decide Mrs William CMacoDnald of Tenafly holds theaffirmative William Perry of the sameplace the m satlve

According to Mrs MacDonald sheand and Perry returned from New Yorkon the train and knowing eachother they chatted While he was ac-companying her home she says he sud-denly embraced and kissed her Shecaused his arrest and he hasfor trial



Ii zer




fears 3








Your money back If it tails to Bed Bugs Water Bugs etcIt is sure death to Rats and Mice driving them out of doors to die

Small Size 25 Cents Hotel Size eight times the quantity 100Sold everywhere or sent express prepaid on receipt of price 2


I p tl1ffD 10 R611 Rl




Stearns Electric Rat and Roach Paste



iSweep Up DeadYou Cane1i

Cockroaches hY the Panfulany Morning If the Night

Before You Use



ship was begun The work was doneat the Government yard at Norfolk andunder the supervision of Naval

Bowl now at the head of abig shipbuilding company in

After nearly four years work U

ship WM finally completed and launched at the Norfolk navy yard In thespring of 1892 It was a great officialand social event the launching ofAmericas first great battleship so thecream of Washington official circlesand society was present Even foreigndiplomats were invited

In describing launching it is usuallysaid that the gallant ship glidedgracefully down the ways into thewaves but in describing the launch-ing of the Texas a writer might havdisposed of it briefly by saying thatthe cumbersome warship awk-

wardly down into the and turned turtle

Bora UnluckyThat was the beginning of the bad

luck of the Tex the skip was boraunlucky everyone said The first timethe Ttras was ever taken into NewYork t arbor for the people of themetropolis to view the nations battle-ship she ran her nose into the mudand it vaa several days before shecould be pulled out

When the vessel was sent out tosea she would roll sad tumble in astorm like a frail craft it was even

that if there was a rock in thebottom of the sea she was sure toscrape it she seldom entered a harborthat she did not get stuck or bump intosome other craft and some were mean

to declare that she could run as

it was declared that her gunsswiftly backward or broadside u for











Because of its DelicateMedicinal EmollientSanative and AntisepticProperties combined withthe purest of CleansingIngredients and most re-

freshing of Flower OdorsSold throughout tie world Cotfetira Soap Me MnU-

Filli ISc per TJ l of w A tingle set oft cumI ifnull London 2T S

Corp Sole Prop

Skin H li mail Hand at and Children

HE andbrilliancy of electriclight makes home life

more pleasant and the selecting-

of a very easy task

Potomac Electric Power Co

Contract Department 3t N W





For BabysSkin

arSeDd for to Preere Purity ButttU theScalp

ITpur las




nentlec in fora of Ckoeolae edPads Rae de Ir

Fat HotenI3 Colutbus Ara Drags CherHow asd


were defective They wouldnt carrystraight the eaetnlss declaredand It was a demonstrated fact thatevery time one of the gunswas tired the ship would strgger around-In the water and it WHjId be foundthat the Siring had loosened ecrew anadone other dama

Her War ServiceCaptain Philip was placed in

of the Texas in the fall ofand it was said at the time that hewondered what grudge Navy De-

partment had against him When warwas on the Texas under the capablecommand of Philip did her share ofblockading duty both at HavanaSantiago She silenced the guns orGuantanamo forts in a most remarkable manner When Philip was ordered-to hit task he feared he would neverbe able to bring the cumbersome craftrarely out of the harbor channel Buthe did and every one marveled and

him In the battle of San-tiago Texas was right in the foreand her activity and reliable

was clearly demonstrated whenher captain suddenly saw through thesmoke that Admiral 8chleys ship theBrooklyn was bearing down upon herin the famous made by the Brooklyn Both engines were re-

versed and the big ship managed to getherself out of the way of thesharp cruiser Captain Philipstory of the battle said the Texas wasnot built for ramming and her ability-to get out of the way quickly no doubtsaved one or both of the vessels

But now the Texas is old and obsoleteShe can s l but not fast she canboot but nut often For a number ofyears she has been kept close to shoreas of the coast squadronunder command of Rear AdmiralFrancis W Dteklns Her last commander was Cipt George A Bicknell









mand 97



















Ore huni1w actual veteran of that famousaction will take part in a reproduction of the




Park submitted to Publicity DLTtmPiU It

Columbia 35Guy StandingSu-pported y JOHN MASON


Columbia Theater CoPresent for the First Time at Popular Prices

The Tyranny of TearsN-ext Veek COXFtSIOK

Grand ConcertHEVY-HASE

By a Large section ofU S MARINE BANDEvery Evening eluding Sunday

Dancing Every Evening Except SundayADMISSION FREE


games for one admissionFirst game at 2 oclock

Nationals vs Cleveland-Gates open at 1 p m



By the new method known as Pressurewe can till teeth extract teeth

or extract nerves absolutely without painNot a a fact An entirelynew method Just introduced

U S DENTAL ASSNCor D and 7th Sts



are excellent Ingredients for summer punches diluted with Icewater Send or call for price list

909 7th St

Times Want Ads Bring Results

LUNA PARKtFre trk Ingrs r


Prizes butLuna Views

Tonight at





PainlessAnael th lIla



PhoneM 27c








Beautiful Salt Water Bathing ResortOne Hour From Washington

Lined With

50ATTRftCTIQNS50Magnificent Scenic Railway

15000 CflRROUSEL

Bowling Alleys Pool and BilliardsPot ladles and Gentlemen


Every Day and Evening With Music by


Fine Fishing CrabbingSailing Rowing

Rustic Pagodas Shady Picnic Grounds

Entire city with water front of 4 miles beautifullyat night by myriads of varicolored electric lights

Excellent Hotels and Cafes

Saturdays 25c Via ChesapeakeOther Days 50c j 1 Beach Railway


EXCURSION TRAINSW-EEK trains leave District Line Station-

at 9 2S and 1 1 00 a m 2 30 5 40 and 7 45 p m

RETURNING leave the Beach at 635 a m 240 600800 and 1000

SUNDAYS AND at 925 10301 1 30 a m 2 30 3 00 4 00 7 45 9 45 p m

RETURNING at 7 a m 1230 115 215 6 8 9 10

FREIGHT TRAIN WEEK DAYS Chesapeake Junction at a m Leaves Chesapeake Beach at1130 a m

Note leaving Chesapeake Beach at 1 1 30 a m willhave regular passenger coach attached for accommodation of

Beach to Washington and between localpoints








p m





from Chesapeake







1 t

p r







40 Miles Down PotomacDaily and Sunday at 7 p m re

turning at 11 p m Tickets SocChildren half fare

Every Sundayleaving at 9 a m returning 6 pm Round trip 1 Children halffart


New Fireproof Steamer

The largest fastest and safest excursion steamer in the world

Handsomely appointed cafe service a la carte

Good Orchestra Dancing onboard Strict order maintained

Pier Foot of 7th Street Ferry Wharf

The Jamestown can bo enraged forexcursions on week from 9 a m te 5p m Apply W H CallAhan Q P A


Lawn Swings

The lawn swings we handleyou can trust to be sturdilyconstructed and built on linesthat assure the safety of thechildren

Were selling 1Cgle lawn swings at SP5


F St Cor 11th



AUilay Excursions



J J JfJ tf-V 4














Wcek days 10 a645

and Friday p

645 p j Sunday 11 amand Sunday i 280 and 680630 p m 1 p m

Thoee going to River Vlw on morning orAfternoon trips Wednesday and Sunday cantake steamer there Indian Head trl Jwhen she arrives in the evening

Queen of ExcursionPlenty to aroue no dull time Personal

conducted trips every Sunday Wednesdayand Saturday Music and aanclng week daysBand concerts Sunday Fare round tripadults 3c children jfic JyTtf

Washingtons AtlanticEXCURSION TRIP





Special Trips Steamer St JohnsSATTTBDAY 545 P M

SUNDAY 845 A BLTickets good day of issue Soc Saturda

night trips 10day tickets 1109 Seasonticket good until September 1153 Tenday tickets and season tickets sold on alltrips Children half fare All amusementsIn full operation Stops at Alexandria on aitripsColonial Beach Hotel and Bath Houses

Now OpenMeals served on steamer and at hotel


Friday and Saturday of This Week630 oclock P 2O

DAILY 10 A M 2 JO and 690 P MSUNDAYS 11 A M 2 AXD M P M

Appointments First Class AH AnutMnKnts-COXCBHT AND DANCE MUSIC

FARE round trip 2f CENTS


Green Lawns of

Firstclass dining and lunch rooms and cafemeala a la carte on steamer and groundBand Concert all day Steamer Charles

Macalester leaves at 11 am 30 and 6 3Jpm Returning leaves the Hall at 1 E




rn 2 30 andI



RIVER VIEWT-he Resorts

Colonial Beach








pmly132t t



Large and


