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THE WASHINGTON TIMES WEDNESDAY MAHCH 29 1905 r Ff 3 t I JL M I elusive evidence that the Administration lias practical assurance that Belgium an d France agree to the sition as submitted by Santo Domingo and Indorsed by us News of Mote Unrest In Santo Domingo Today The morning cables bring news that a revolutionary party hat already lan d ed at Monti Christi and that the in habitants have risen in sympathy against Morales That this sort of thing was anticipated evdn if it did not exist several days ago is clear from Min ister Dawsons dispatch of last week and again in that quoted In the Pres i dents order of yesterday here Mr Dawson writeS ft Under pressure of forelsn creditdrs and domestic ierii the Dominican sov ernmcnt makes its offer Mr Adee in his statement said that the Dominican government is being threatened by dangers vithin and later he emphasized the possibility of th United StaVes indors ins the Morales in nis last sentence in the meantime the present proposal of Santo Domingo has for us object to maintain the status quo so that If the treaty ratified it can be is by some officials not to fcncve been justified by the word ing of the Presidents and that possibly acting Secretary Adee over stated the case Order of the President Establishing Receivership Pres ident Roosevelts order establish ing the receivership was Issued from the White House In this statement he outlines the reasons for his course as follows Vhite House Washington March isS 1903 To the Acting Secretary of State I have carefully the fol lowing cablegram from Minister ir on Secretary of State Washington Under loreign creditors and domestic peril Dominican government otters nominate a citizen of the United States recelver southern pending ratification protocol four northern ports to be administered under the award Fortyfive per cent total shall go Domin ican government 55 to be deposited Xew york for distribution after ratification Creditors to agree take no further steps m the meantime and receiver to have full authority to suspend Impor ters preferential contracts Italian Spanish German and American creditors except the improvement unconditional Belgian French representatives will rec ommend aceptance Some modus Viven di absolutely necessary I am ready if desired stat D C 2Sth to explain details and modifications to plan obtainable whole matter can be held open during my absence Directions to Minister I direct that the minister express ac quiescence in the proposal of the gov ernment of Santo Domingo for the col lection and conservation of its reve flues pending the action of the United States Senate upon the treaty to the end that In the meantime no change shall tale place In the situation which would render useless its consummation Or bring complications Into its enforce ment The Secretar y pfT 5lj the tjlflfed States will present for nomination by the President of the Dominican repub lic men to act in the positions re ferred to in both the northern and southern ports The utmost care will of Course be taken to choose men of capacity and integrity who if possible shall have some knowledge of Spanish Al the from the northern and southern ports not turned over to the Dominican government will be in New York bank to be designated the Secretary ot Action of Senate If tIle action is adverse the money will then be turned over to the Domin can government If it is favorable will be distributed the creditors in proportion to their just claims under the treaty JVIearwhile Mr Hollander will thor oughly investigate claims Includ ing the claim of the Amer ican Improve ment Company and will report in detail all the Information he is able to gather as to the actually received Santo Domingo amount of indebt oaness nominally Incurred the circum stances so far as are known under which the various debts were Incurred so forth The Case Urgent Ibis action is rendered necessary by the jecUliar circumstances of the case The treaty now before the Senate was concluded with Santo Santo Domingos earnest request repeatedly presse d upon us and was submitted to the Senate because In my judgment it was our duty to our less fortunate neigh I or to respond to her call for aid inas much as we were the only power who could give this aid and Inasmuch as her reed for It was very great OJhtj treaty Is nOw before the Senate and has been reported by the Committee on Foreign Relations It is and final action will undoubtedly be taken when convenes next fall Meanwhile Santo Domingo has requested that the action outlined be taken that is she desires in this way to main tain the status qyo so that If the treaty is ratified It can be executed With this In view I direct that the proposed arrangement be ap proved It will terminate as soon as the senate has acted one or the other THEODORE ROOSEVELT Mr Adees Statement Acting Secretary Adee made a state ment also iri which he went a little fur tlier than the President In explaining the circumstances that brought about the acceptance by Government of the Dominican republics proposal of a receivership Mr Adee maintained that the arrange ment with Santo Domingo constituted a modus vivendl to be executed bv that government and not the United States He held In addition that the new fcCheme was merely an extension of the rbitral under which the United States Government is collecting revenues at two Dominican ports and them to liquidating the the Santo Improvement It was also by Mr Adee that the pending is not our treaty but Santo Domingos and ship plan was merely intended to serve the quo so that if treaty be ratified it can be executed DEATH RECORD Appleby William M 39 1511 33d st nw Champlin Egbert Jr 3 months 1719 iin coin ave ne Richard F 31 Twining City Elchelberger Francis T 63 042 nw Virginia 7C 4C7 Pa ave nw Hawkins Infant of Mary and John II G days 822 2d st ee Hefner Anna 3 days GOt D st se Bindle Pauline 20 1215 G st se Johnson Bessie 7 months 1233 Oak nl nw Lewis Richard 35 J rpvJfn McDaniel MarUjft 3 hospital McGee A insane McKenm MJtrg M HIS itli st nw OConnel v n j it ne Poole VC ti4 ri v nw Queen 13 iS aI Insane RanUIn Unknown the full na V Orcve Call for of E pro o b execute This lea th Da U Fit absoute and will there be the has acted i anions th 1 and Domingo at ir lg u applying tteat r pre the C D pst UOII ltnt J st 1 i Oh l 1 1 Arsen1t XtcJiE 1J 1 wide CoM and Ie if iftCf I I I oxtier S DAWSON both Wiir Senate mad his tIn ne TO SLIP Laxative tI ttF Grip r ie t Ira ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > > TREATY OF PEACE MAY BE ARRANGED HERE Continued From First Page Ambassador McCorm ick and leaving to his discretion the manner In which he might bring it to the attention of the foreign office at St Petersburg The defeats of the Russian army at Mukden and Tieling it is believed caused the Russians to receive the suggestions in a more kindly spirit than they would have Otherwise displayed Russia Outlines Conditions LONDON Ych news agen dispatch from St Petersburg says that Russia has outlined the condi ions under which she is prepared to negotiate for peace it is stated with every semblance of authority that thanks to the good of fices of the United btates ami France the question of peace has assumed shape The foregoing Is ihe latest addition to the peace talk Diplomats in Conference ST PETERSBURG March 29 No offi cial confirmation of the rumors of pence negotiations can be obtained at the for eign oitice or the embassies but the fre quent interviews between Count Lams uorflr the Russian foreign m inister and the Frerch ambassador are evoking comment Belief in the approaching cessation of hostilities remains deep seated The Novoe Vremya however resents h counsels to conclude peace at this stage while the Bourse Gazette tempts to urove that there is no con nection between the failure of the French loan and the war Martial Law Proclaimed In Government of Livonia ST PETERSBURG March 29 A minor state of has been proclaimed in the Baltic government of Livonia A lire broke out yesterday in the grain warehouses of Nijni Novgorod and did enormous damnse Recalcitrant Soldiers Shot or Imprisoned ST PETERSBURG March 29 The government Is taking a firm stand against recalcitrant soldiers who have refused to go to the war At Platogorsk forty soldiers who had refused to proceed to Manchuria were tried bv All were found guilty The two ringleaders were shot The r 29A c Fren at J p y ractical siege ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ other thirtyeight were sentenced to penal servitude in the chains LONDON Marc h 29 A dispatch to the Exchange Company from St Petersburg says there is the best for the statement that three army corps one consisting of grenadiers are to be mobilized War Correspondent Capture by Japs RUSSIAN PRISONERS QUARTERS S1IIOZVOKA Japan via TienTain March 29 Francis McCullagh war cor respondent was captured with a Russian detachment abou5OCO strong at Talen puse near Tieling on March 11 by the Japanese Imperial Guard Ve marched through all of one terri hie night he says and at daybreak found we were surrounded A heavy lire poured into us from all sides and as we were in a wide bare valley there was absolutely no shelter We wore fiercely shelled with slirap nel nod our was killed Many officers were wounded j Escape is absolutely impossible 20000 Prisoners Arrive in Japan TOKYO March 29 Twenty thousand Russian prisoners of taknn In the fighting about Mukden have already ar rived in Japan Unofficial revised estimates of the Japanese casualties at Mukden and TIe lirg place the number at 57 X The flags which were captured at Mukden have been presented to the Mikado General Mayedat who was rounded at Mukden is dead Japanese Loan Is Oversubscribed LONDON March 29 The entire issue ot 15000000 pounds sterling of the Jap anese loan was oversubscribed by noon today Great crow Is besieged the three banks through which the loon was Issued The greatest anxiety was manifested to se cure a part of the loan Similar scenes were witnessed yester day afternoon when the prospectus for the loan was issued Long of people struggled for admission to the banks and special forces of police vfcri needed to control ihe people I car8 i j I t I co I I war I I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SENATOR MORGAN HOLDS PACT TO BE ILLEGAL Continued From First Page statements made u Santo Domingo that that government Is In sudden and great distress for money to pay its honest debts and that there is pressure from foreign governments of a severe and dangerous character to compel a prompt payment of these debts Amendments to the treaty ndw be fore the Senate are said by these gentle men to be pending and to have been recommended by the Committee on For eign Relations The treaty as so amend ed has not been published and 1 am not allowed to speak of the amendments If any exist If there are any amend ments it is quite obvious that they would not have been recommended by the Committed on Foreign Relations except by the votes of the majority which is Republican The Senate Amendments It Is fair to suppose that these imohdmentsif adopted would destroy time effect of the treaty In some impor tant matters extending even to tho abrogation of all the preceding proto cols and leaving the President without the support of law or any pretense of such support for putting Into execu tion those nrotocols before they had been subm itted to the Senate for rati fication and before they had found their into the newspapers Why the Senate did not vote upon the treaty as amended or upon any amend ment thereto Is only a conjecture but It seems to be a safe one that the as amended would not be ratified This action left the President In possession of two or thr e custom houses in Santo Domingo with officers of the United In charge of them collecting the revenues there And it left the award In favor of the Santo Domingo Improve ment Company suspended In the air if not revoked and created for the President an exasperating situation Agreement a Makeshift Now It appears that a modus vivendl has been Invented to tide over these troubles and It leaves the President In I U i wa ates I u treaty ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < the military occupation of Santo Domin go to enforce Illegal contracts with that government until It shall be determined what shall be fate of the Dilllngham protocol and the first protocol of Jan uary 31 3XW f A modus Vivendi Is known to pub Heists as a means of over dUn culties between two governments that have real with teach other I have never heard of its be ing applied to the agreements of two governments that were in perfect ac cord as to the they were try ing to accomplish Called a Euphemism This seems to be a euphemism to ease the President into time exe cution of his Illegal purposes until the Senate can djecide whether they will ratify all that he has done or rat ify time treaty that Is now before that body which If ratified will revoke all that he has done It Is a queer situation and rendered still more pe culiar by the effort to get out of It by the use of a modus Vivendi be twegn two nations which have no dis pute whatever I think the absurdity of this situation will be seen by the public and I will not enlarge upon it This new device seems to be the suggestion of our minister Dawson at Domingo who Is greatly alarmed at alleged pressure of the creditors of and at time possible overthrow of Morales the who Is now held ni his office by the presence our ships of war around Santo Domingo The evidence or the laclc of evidence sustain Mr Dawsons apprehensions as to the violent purposes the cred itors of Santo is wanting and I do not believe that any of that body believes that these state ments are true Scared by Bondholders The present holders tho obliga tions of Santo Domingo are the men who arc conducting this extraordinary pressure Their investments were made upon the predicate that the United i th corittov rsi poUc I to of s soft ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A Dollars Worth Free to Any Rheumatic Sufferer nothing to risk nothing to promise nothing to pay v either now or later Any Rheumatic sufferer who does not know my remedy may have a full dollars worth tree to try I wllhagly make this liberal offer because I know teat Dr Shoona Rheumatic Remedy may be relied upon ALVAYS to bring the utmost relief that medicine Years be tore I discovered this remedy I studied the nature of Rheumatism For Rheumatism really Crysta llize d Poison Your blood is always full of poison you eat and drink and breathe into your system It Is the purpose of the blood to absorb and carry off this poison And the kidneys which are the blood fitters are expected to cleanse the blood and send It back through the system clean to gather moro poison which they in turn will elfin mate But sometimes the kidneys fall And some times from some other cause the blood gets so full of poison that cannot absorb it all This is the start of Rheumatism The poison accumulates and crystallizes The crystals look like little grains of sugar or of fine white sand The blood carries them and they increase in size Then when It can carry thrm no longer It deposits them In a Joint on a bone anywhere The twinge In your kg the dull fiche in your arm on a ra day these are time out ward signs of the unseen crystals And the twisted limbs and unspeakable anguish of the sufferer who has allowed his symptoms to go unheeded and unattended for years these are the evidences of what Rheumatism neglected do Rheumatism Includes lumbago sciatica neuralgia gout for nil these are the results of rheumatic In the blood Plainly the first thing to do Is to remove the poison But this is not enough The FORMATION of the poison must be stopped eo that nature may have a Chance to dissolve and eliminate the crystals which have al ready formed Unless this is dome there can oo no permanent relief I searched the whole earth for a specific for Rheumatism something that I or physician could feel safe In prescribing something that we could count on not only occasionally but ALWAYS For the rav ages of Rheumatism are everywhere and genuine relIef Is rare Wild cases ar sometimes cured by a sing le I no l1eposltno reterenceno security There Is poIsonthe very the can cureno esI cant I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I spent twenty years in experlmiritlng bc fore I felt satisfied that I had a certain remedy for this dread disease a remedy which would not only clean out the poison but one which would stop its formation Certain Re lie f The secret Jay in a wonderful chemical J found In Germany When I found this chem teal I knew that I could make a Rheumatic cure that would be practically certain But even then before I made an announcement before I was willing to put my name on It I made more than 2000 tests And my fail ures were but 2 per cent This German chemical Is not the only in gredient 1 use in Dr Shoops Rheumatic Cure but it made the remedyvposslble made pot Bible an achievement which I doubt not could have been mode in no other way This chemical was very expensive The duty too was high In all it cost me IJDO per pound But what is 49t per pound for a REAL remedy for the worlds most painful disease for a REAI relief from the greatest torture human beings know I dont mean that Dr Shbops Rheumatic can turn bony joints Into flesh again that is Impossible But It will drive from tho blood the poison that causes pain and swell lug and then that Is the end of the pain and swelling the end of the the end of Rheumatism That Is why I can afford to make this liberal offer that Is I can afford to spend the FIRST dollar that Rheumatic tufterers the world over learn of my remedy Simply Write Me The offer Is open to everyone everywhere who has rot tried my remedy But you must write ME for the free dollar package order I will send you an order on your druggist which he will accept as gladly as he would accept a dollar He will land you from his shelves a standard sized package and he will send the bill to me There are no conditions no reaulreinenw All that I ask to do Is to today I will send my book on Rheumatism beside It is It will help you to understand your case Address Dr Sloop Box C760 Racine Cur ma writewrite tree III thousand you Vim laee On sale ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ r Shoops RheufflaticRemedy L j p States would become the assignee in bankruptcy of Santo Domingo and Work out the payment of these bonds to their great profit If the United States ives up these ports the of their Cains be very much interrupted and they in a relate of decided ncss I not believe that nny gorprnment in the world has v purpose of Santo Domingo to pay her debts under of her I do not believe that these speculators can induce their to become aggressive toward Santo Domingo Not Our Bus iness If I am mistaken in this the plain It would be for Santo Domingo to agree with those govern ments untier a modus yiveridl to delay notion until tile Senate has passed tipo h the treaty and it has been ascertained whether or not the United States would assume to collect the revenues aIll pay the debts of Santo Domingo at her re quest Instead of that the modus Vii vendi ft aopears is made between United Stntcs and Santo Domingo whereby the United States instead of assuming to pay the debts of Santo Domingo Is to collect her revenues put them in bank In New Yore and i ay them back to Santo Domingo utter al lowing her 15 per cent for tIme current expenses of her government in tho event that the treaty is not ratified What is to be done with the money If the treaty Is ratified is not expressly prnvk d for in this modus Vivendi I sunoose it is intended that it ahull KC the way that Is prescribed in the treaty Burden on United States In the meantime the Government of the United Statesy without authority of law is made the responsible collector arid custodian of all the customs tiues of Santo Domingo under time con stitution of Santo Domingo and a dis position of tile revenues of that govern meat could not possibly be ex cept by an act of their congress Under the Constitution of the United States no such obligations could be made legal or binding upon the United States as are contained in the modus Vivendi without an act of our Congress The whole transaction Is simply ti pro tectorate of the United States Go Vern r merit over the government in respect to the management of her revenues and is entirely outside pale of the diplomatic powers of the Government of the United States This is an effort to cover a transaction with the supposed diplomatic powers of the States that can only be iriade valid through its legislative powers CALLAHAN On Tuesday March 25 1903 at 1230 p mi at his late residence C12 Elev enth street northeast RICHARD A CALLA HAJv beloved husband of Margaret A Calla han nee McCarthy at Wednesday March 29 1003 at 8H5 tx m at Wence 717 Third FAXXIE widow of the late Notice of funeral hereafter mh2D2t MILLER Suddenly on Tuesday March 2S 1905 at 143 p m at his residence 19 Fifth street northeast AZIAS SMITH MILLER in hlaflftyeishth year It MILLER Suddenly on Tuesday March 28 1503 p in ROBERT J MILLER tile beloved son At J I Miller Jr and Mary Miller it OLEARY On Tuesday March 28 1203 JAMES aged thirtyfour years Funeral will take place from the residence of his brotherinlaw James Conlon 3512 0 street northwest on Fr iday the Slat instant at 845 ocloclc a m High mass of requiem at Holy Trinity Church at 9 a ih Relatives and Wends are Invited to attend Intermcst at MU Olivet Cemettrj mh2d2t SMITHOn Tuesday March 28 1905 at 210 a m A XIJ E beloved wife of Charles B Smith in th fortythird year of her age Funeral from her late residence 328 Twelfth street southeast on Thursday March 30 at 830 a m thence Comforter Church where mast be said Friends and rela tives invited tc attend Philadelphia papers please copy It THORNr On Wednesday March 23 1905 at 6450 his residence 1S21 Baltimore street Washington Heigfits CHARLES G THORX in his sixtieth year March 31 at 2 p m Interment private FUNERAL DESIGNS Of every description moderately GUDE 12 F Street Northwest Phone M 9S3 J WILLIAM LEE UNDERTAKER AND LIVERY S32 Penn Ave N W Washington p C Telephone Main 32S3 la the price we are asking for a Custom made i Suit generally considered fair value at 29 to 25 The collar of the coat is hand padded and the front is Interlined with our canvas and hair cloth fIont sc cut Im possible to sag or lose its shape Call or write for samples Open Saturday evenings Newcorn Green Merchant Tailors 1002 F St to Loan On Real Estate and Col lateral at lowest current rates of interest HnKrfcan Security and Crust Company Capital and Surplus 4500000 1405 G STREET WE CAN HAUL IT LllTLEFiELD ALVORD 1227 PA AVE N W unha pl compe overiuumteuitS to prevent the DIED KIlLI G ANOn her re Street nortlrrrert lUUgal1 to Holy will mal Funeral Iron Isle res idence unii2i2L J I Dont ReadyMade 15 I I Money C J 1 II will are tiO why tIme rove made 1 ailed Tilmuijih atm i45 late priced 4 Ii Be6 t 44 k y i n ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ < < MR HAYS HEALTH IS CONSTANTLY IMPROVING I Time State Department is in receipt of the cablegram Gibraltar Mardi 23 Improving daily HAY The dispatch is from Secretary of j States Joint Hay wjio hat gone on a trip to the Mediterranean in search of j beaithT it haws which the depart merit has received from Mr Hay dircctly s ince his departure Officials arc very much encouraged over its eon tents as if indicates that Mr Hay is in a pliuerful frame of mind over his condition and fully intends to resume hisduties as of State should the improvement continue CITIZENS OF BRAZIL HONOR THEIR PRESIDENT RIO DFJ JANEIRO March 29 Politic ians bankers and merchants have made a great demons tration In honor of Pres Went Rodriguez Alves Their spo was Dr Xavier Sil vera who congratulated the president on the failure of tho attempt to over throw time government made last No vember The government has appointed several officers to Germany to study the organization the army t i I n rst visit f tim ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DELICIOUS TEA IN THE WIDE WORLD Ceylon and India Tea Black Mixed or Green Trial Packets for Oc To be had at all Grocers HIGHEST AWARD ST LOUIS 1904 g tHEM I I IS I SALADA The famous HOOMAKER PENN RYE Ten years old 125 Order by phone Wye Shoemaker Co Established 1S53 1331 E St N W Phone Main 115SM S I l fln Store 810816 7th St Branch Store 715MarKet Space Present This Coupon In Dry Goods Section Everyone who presents one of these coupons tomorrow i in the Dr section will receive absolutely free of cost I buy anything or not a handsomely illustrated f Childrens Story Book Another Sale of Lea ders Tomorrow The remarkable success of these sales tempts us to keep them up And why shouldnt they be successful for in each sale we assemble under four prices quoted the very greatest values those prices have Overpaid for Another sale tomorrow make the most of it Specia ls for Tomorrow at Striped and Figured French Percales worth 12 c Fine White India Linon worth 14c Special Plain Ducks for Suits etc worth I5c Nube Voile worth 15c Special Childrens Muslin Drawers worth 12can d 15c Corset Covers Pure Lace Lisle Hose seconds of 25c hose Swiss Ribbed Vests worth I2 c Special Brown Accordion plaited collar worth 19c 1 len gth Silk and Crepe worth l5c 1 yd Red Mesh worth 19c Special 3 Hemstitched Handkerchiefs worth each 3 for 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c 9c Specials for Tomorrow at v Checks in 5 different colors worth 3Qc Good Bleached Table Damask worth 35c yard Fine Imported Madras worth 25c Fine Voiles in Brussels design all shades Worsted Sacques all colors worth 25c 50c Lisle Thread and Silk Vests slightly soiled Muslin Drawers trimmed with lace worth 25c Special Childrens India Linon Dresses trimmed with lace 12 yds Val Lace Inser tin g andBeading worth 35c 2 yds Shirtwaist Insertin widths worth 30c 2 lengths Accordion Plaited Buster Brown Collars worth 25c Maline Bows in all the new shades worth 25c Specia ls for Tomorrow at Allwool English Suiting worth 50c 84 size Turkey red Table Cover worth 59c Fine quality Brilliantine 48 inches wide worth 50c Tea Napkins regularly 65c doz Soiled Cambric and Nainsook Underwear worth 75c Batiste and Coutil Corsets lull boned worth 75c Childrens India Linen up to 6 years Slightly damaged colored Sateen Skirts worth 150 Madras Waists in colors in small dots worth 75c 3 yds Long Auto Veils all colors worth 75c 1 yds Oriental Lace for sleeves worth 49c Crushed and Bodice Silk Girdles worth 59c Special Kid Gloves slightly f 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c 39c Specia ls for Tomorrow at 36inch Taffeta spring shades worth 85c Special 49c Satin Foulards all the latest designs worth 69c 49c Best Muslin 81x90 Special 49c Fine quality Lace Curtains worth 65c pair Special 49c Cambric Gowns trimmed with Swiss embroider and ruitle around neck worth 75c Special 49c Childrens Swiss Hats with pleated brim trimmed with lace and embroidery worth 100 Special 49c Black Mercerized flounce trimmed with two 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dent to a lady who was knocked down by a man carrying a long ladder in at tempting to board a car at 14th and streets the afternoon of March Sth please send their names and addresses to CONDUCTOR BOX 539 this office mh2931ap2 A CABD WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE that we formed a for the general practice of law under the firm name oS LANCASTER Attorneys at Law 1419 G St Charles C Lancaster Herbert JEk Smith mh267t LEAVE Times Want Adz at Kann Sons Co Regular office rates charged ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS The Washington Times advertis ing representative in Atlantic City is John C Benson of the Resort Advertising Sa Bart lett building North and Atlantic avenues All will be accepted at the same rates as at the home of The Washing ton Times SPENCER HALL Maryland ave and Beach near Steel Pier SPECIAL Atlantic Citys Best Moderate Priced HoteL New and elegant Offers special spring rate 1250 per week 2 J250 3 per day Ev erything first class Elevator steam heat baths sun parlor Coach meets all trains Booklet 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elusive evidence that the Administrationlias practical assurance thatBelgium and France agree to thesition as submitted by Santo Domingoand Indorsed by us

News of Mote UnrestIn Santo Domingo Today

The morning cables bring news thata revolutionary party hat already landed at Monti Christi and that the inhabitants have risen in sympathyagainst Morales That this sort of thingwas anticipated evdn if it did not existseveral days ago is clear from Minister Dawsons dispatch of last weekand again in that quoted In the Pres i

dents order of yesterday here MrDawson writeS ft

Under pressure of forelsn creditdrsand domestic ierii the Dominican sovernmcnt makes its offer

Mr Adee in his statement said thatthe Dominican government is beingthreatened by dangersvithin and later he emphasized thepossibility of th United StaVes indorsins the Morales in nis lastsentence in the meantime the presentproposal of Santo Domingo has for usobject to maintain the status quo sothat If the treaty ratified it can be

is by some officialsnot to fcncve been justified by the wording of the Presidents and thatpossibly acting Secretary Adee overstated the case

Order of the PresidentEstablishing Receivership

Pres ident Roosevelts order establishing the receivership was Issued fromthe White House In this statement heoutlines the reasons for his course asfollows

Vhite HouseWashington March isS 1903

To the Acting Secretary of StateI have carefully the fol

lowing cablegram from Ministeriron

Secretary of State WashingtonUnder loreign creditors and

domestic peril Dominican governmentotters nominate a citizen of the UnitedStates recelver southern pendingratification protocol four northern portsto be administered under the awardFortyfive per cent total shall go Dominican government 55 to be deposited Xewyork for distribution after ratificationCreditors to agree take no further stepsm the meantime and receiver to havefull authority to suspend Impor terspreferential contracts Italian SpanishGerman and American creditors exceptthe improvement unconditionalBelgian French representatives will recommend aceptance Some modus Vivendi absolutely necessary I am ready ifdesired stat D C 2Sth toexplain details and modifications to planobtainable whole matter can be heldopen during my absence

Directions to MinisterI direct that the minister express ac

quiescence in the proposal of the government of Santo Domingo for the collection and conservation of its reveflues pending the action of the UnitedStates Senate upon the treaty to theend that In the meantime no changeshall tale place In the situation whichwould render useless its consummationOr bring complications Into its enforcement

The Secretary pfT 5lj the tjlflfedStates will present for nomination bythe President of the Dominican republic men to act in the positions re ferredto in both the northern and southernports The utmost care will of Coursebe taken to choose men of capacity andintegrity who if possible shallhave some knowledge of Spanish Althe from thenorthern and southern ports not turnedover to the Dominican government willbe in New York bankto be designated the Secretary ot

Action of SenateIf tIle action is adverse the money

will then be turned over to the Domincan government If it is favorablewill be distributed the creditorsin proportion to their just claims underthe treatyJVIearwhile Mr Hollander will thoroughly investigate claims Including the claim of the Amer ican Improvement Company and will report in detailall the Information he is able to gatheras to the actually receivedSanto Domingo amount of indebtoaness nominally Incurred the circumstances so far as are known underwhich the various debts were Incurredso forth

The Case UrgentIbis action is rendered necessary bythe jecUliar circumstances of the case

The treaty now before the Senate wasconcluded with Santo SantoDomingos earnest request repeatedlypressed upon us and was submitted tothe Senate because In my judgment itwas our duty to our less fortunate neighI or to respond to her call for aid inasmuch as we were the only power whocould give this aid and Inasmuch as herreed for It was very great OJhtj treatyIs nOw before the Senate and has been

reported by the Committee onForeign Relations It is andfinal action will undoubtedly be takenwhen convenes next fallMeanwhile Santo Domingo has requestedthat the action outlined be takenthat is she desires in this way to maintain the status qyo so that If thetreaty is ratified It can be executedWith this In view I directthat the proposed arrangement be approved It will terminate as soon as thesenate has acted one or the otherTHEODORE ROOSEVELT

Mr Adees StatementActing Secretary Adee made a state

ment also iri which he went a little furtlier than the President In explaining thecircumstances that brought aboutthe acceptance by Government ofthe Dominican republics proposal of areceivership

Mr Adee maintained that the arrangement with Santo Domingo constituted amodus vivendl to be executed bv thatgovernment and not the UnitedStates He held In addition that the newfcCheme was merely an extension of therbitral under which the UnitedStates Government is collecting revenuesat two Dominican ports andthem to liquidating the theSanto Improvement

It was also by Mr Adee thatthe pending is not our treatybut Santo Domingos andship plan was merely intended toserve the quo so that iftreaty be ratified it can be executed

DEATH RECORDAppleby William M 39 1511 33d st nwChamplin Egbert Jr 3 months 1719 iincoin ave ne

Richard F 31 Twining CityElchelberger Francis T 63 042 nwVirginia 7C 4C7 Pa ave nwHawkins Infant of Mary and John II Gdays 822 2d st eeHefner Anna 3 days GOt D st seBindle Pauline 20 1215 G st seJohnson Bessie 7 months 1233 Oak nl nwLewis Richard 35 J rpvJfnMcDaniel MarUjft 3 hospitalMcGee A insaneMcKenm MJtrg M HIS itli st nwOConnel v n j it nePoole VC ti4 ri v nwQueen 13 iS aI InsaneRanUInUnknown

the full naV Orcve

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Continued From First Page

Ambassador McCorm ick and leaving tohis discretion the manner In which hemight bring it to the attention of theforeign office at St Petersburg

The defeats of theRussian army at Mukden and Tielingit is believed caused the Russians toreceive the suggestions in a morekindly spirit than they would haveOtherwise displayed

Russia Outlines ConditionsLONDON Ych news agen

dispatch from St Petersburg saysthat Russia has outlined the condiions under which she is prepared tonegotiate for peace

it is stated with every semblance ofauthority that thanks to the good offices of the United btates ami Francethe question of peace has assumed

shapeThe foregoing Is ihe latest addition to

the peace talkDiplomats in Conference

ST PETERSBURG March 29 No official confirmation of the rumors of pencenegotiations can be obtained at the foreign oitice or the embassies but the frequent interviews between Count Lamsuorflr the Russian foreign m inister andthe Frerch ambassador are evokingcomment

Belief in the approaching cessation ofhostilities remains deep seated

The Novoe Vremya however resentsh counsels to conclude peace at

this stage while the Bourse Gazettetempts to urove that there is no connection between the failure of theFrench loan and the war

Martial Law ProclaimedIn Government of Livonia

ST PETERSBURG March 29 Aminor state of has been proclaimedin the Baltic government of Livonia

A lire broke out yesterday in the grainwarehouses of Nijni Novgorod and didenormous damnse

Recalcitrant SoldiersShot or Imprisoned

ST PETERSBURG March 29 Thegovernment Is taking a firm standagainst recalcitrant soldiers who haverefused to go to the war

At Platogorsk forty soldiers who hadrefused to proceed to Manchuria weretried bv All were foundguilty

The two ringleaders were shot The

r 29Ac














other thirtyeight were sentenced topenal servitude in the

chainsLONDON Marc h 29 A dispatch to

the Exchange Company fromSt Petersburg says there is the best

for the statement that threearmy corps one consisting of grenadiersare to be mobilized

War CorrespondentCapture by Japs

RUSSIAN PRISONERS QUARTERSS1IIOZVOKA Japan via TienTainMarch 29 Francis McCullagh war correspondent was captured with a Russiandetachment abou5OCO strong at Talenpuse near Tieling on March 11 by theJapanese Imperial Guard

Ve marched through all of one terrihie night he says and at daybreakfound we were surrounded A heavy lirepoured into us from all sides and aswe were in a wide bare valley there wasabsolutely no shelter

We wore fiercely shelled with slirapnel nod our waskilled Many officers were wounded j

Escape is absolutely impossible

20000 PrisonersArrive in Japan

TOKYO March 29 Twenty thousandRussian prisoners of taknn In thefighting about Mukden have already arrived in Japan

Unofficial revised estimates of theJapanese casualties at Mukden and TIelirg place the number at 57 X

The flags which were captured atMukden have been presented to theMikado

General Mayedat who was rounded atMukden is dead

Japanese LoanIs Oversubscribed

LONDON March 29 The entire issueot 15000000 pounds sterling of the Japanese loan was oversubscribed by noontoday

Great crow Is besieged the three banksthrough which the loon was Issued Thegreatest anxiety was manifested to secure a part of the loan

Similar scenes were witnessed yesterday afternoon when the prospectus forthe loan was issued Long ofpeople struggled for admission to thebanks and special forces of police vfcrineeded to control ihe people




















Continued From First Page

statements made u Santo Domingo thatthat government Is In sudden and greatdistress for money to pay its honestdebts and that there is pressure fromforeign governments of a severe anddangerous character to compel aprompt payment of these debts

Amendments to the treaty ndw before the Senate are said by these gentlemen to be pending and to have beenrecommended by the Committee on Foreign Relations The treaty as so amended has not been published and 1 amnot allowed to speak of the amendmentsIf any exist If there are any amendments it is quite obvious that theywould not have been recommended bythe Committed on Foreign Relationsexcept by the votes of the majoritywhich is Republican

The Senate AmendmentsIt Is fair to suppose that these

imohdmentsif adopted would destroytime effect of the treaty In some important matters extending even to tho

abrogation of all the preceding protocols and leaving the President withoutthe support of law or any pretenseof such support for putting Into execution those nrotocols before they hadbeen subm itted to the Senate for ratification and before they had found their

into the newspapersWhy the Senate did not vote upon the

treaty as amended or upon any amendment thereto Is only a conjecture but Itseems to be a safe one that theas amended would not be ratified Thisaction left the President In possessionof two or thr e custom houses in SantoDomingo with officers of the United

In charge of them collecting therevenues there And it left the awardIn favor of the Santo Domingo Improvement Company suspended In the airif not revoked and created for thePresident an exasperating situation

Agreement a MakeshiftNow It appears that a modus vivendl

has been Invented to tide over thesetroubles and It leaves the President In


U i
















the military occupation of Santo Domingo to enforce Illegal contracts with thatgovernment until It shall be determinedwhat shall be fate of the Dilllnghamprotocol and the first protocol of January 31 3XW

fA modus Vivendi Is known to pubHeists as a means of over dUnculties between two governments thathave real with teachother I have never heard of its being applied to the agreements of twogovernments that were in perfect accord as to the they were trying to accomplish

Called a EuphemismThis seems to be a euphemism

to ease the President into time execution of his Illegal purposes untilthe Senate can djecide whether theywill ratify all that he has done or ratify time treaty that Is now before thatbody which If ratified will revokeall that he has done It Is a queersituation and rendered still more peculiar by the effort to get out of Itby the use of a modus Vivendi betwegn two nations which have no dispute whatever I think the absurdityof this situation will be seenby the public and I will not enlargeupon it

This new device seems to be thesuggestion of our minister Dawsonat Domingo who Is greatlyalarmed at alleged pressure ofthe creditors of andat time possible overthrow of Moralesthe who Is now heldni his office by the presence ourships of war around Santo DomingoThe evidence or the laclc of evidence

sustain Mr Dawsons apprehensionsas to the violent purposes the creditors of Santo is wantingand I do not believe that anyof that body believes that these statements are true

Scared by BondholdersThe present holders tho obliga

tions of Santo Domingo are the menwho arc conducting this extraordinarypressure Their investments were madeupon the predicate that the United



corittov rsi
















A Dollars Worth Free toAny Rheumatic Sufferer

nothing to risk nothing to promisenothing to pay v either now or laterAny Rheumatic sufferer who does not knowmy remedy may have a full dollars worthtree to tryI wllhagly make this liberal offer because

I know teat Dr Shoona Rheumatic Remedymay be relied upon ALVAYS to bring theutmost relief that medicine Years betore I discovered this remedy I studied thenature of Rheumatism For Rheumatismreally

Crysta llize d PoisonYour blood is always full of

poison you eat and drink and breathe intoyour system It Is the purpose of the bloodto absorb and carry off this poisonAnd the kidneys which are the blood fittersare expected to cleanse the blood and sendIt back through the system clean to gathermoro poison which they in turn will elfinmate

But sometimes the kidneys fall And sometimes from some other cause the blood getsso full of poison that cannot absorb itall This is the start of Rheumatism Thepoison accumulates and crystallizes Thecrystals look like little grains of sugar orof fine white sand The blood carries themand they increase in size Then when Itcan carry thrm no longer It deposits themIn a Joint on a bone anywhere

The twinge In your kg the dull fiche inyour arm on a ra day these are time outward signs of the unseen crystals And thetwisted limbs and unspeakable anguish of thesufferer who has allowed his symptoms togo unheeded and unattended for years theseare the evidences of what Rheumatismneglected do

Rheumatism Includes lumbago sciaticaneuralgia gout for nil these are the resultsof rheumatic In the blood

Plainly the first thing to do Is to removethe poison But this is not enough TheFORMATION of the poison must be stoppedeo that nature may have a Chance to dissolveand eliminate the crystals which have already formed Unless this is dome there canoo no permanent relief

I searched the whole earth for a specificfor Rheumatism something that I orphysician could feel safe In prescribingsomething that we could count on not onlyoccasionally but ALWAYS For the ravages of Rheumatism are everywhere andgenuine relIef Is rareWild cases ar sometimes cured by a sing le

I no l1eposltno reterenceno securityThere Is















I spent twenty years in experlmiritlng bcfore I felt satisfied that I had a certainremedy for this dread disease a remedywhich would not only clean out the poisonbut one which would stop its formation

Certain Relie fThe secret Jay in a wonderful chemical J

found In Germany When I found this chemteal I knew that I could make a Rheumaticcure that would be practically certain Buteven then before I made an announcementbefore I was willing to put my name on ItI made more than 2000 tests And my failures were but 2 per cent

This German chemical Is not the only ingredient 1 use in Dr Shoops Rheumatic Cure

but it made the remedyvposslble made potBible an achievement which I doubt notcould have been mode in no other way

This chemical was very expensive Theduty too was high In all it cost me IJDOper pound But what is 49t per pound for aREAL remedy for the worlds most painfuldisease for a REAI relief from the greatesttorture human beings know

I dont mean that Dr Shbops Rheumaticcan turn bony joints Into flesh again

that is Impossible But It will drive from thoblood the poison that causes pain and swelllug and then that Is the end of the painand swelling the end of the theend of Rheumatism That Is why I can affordto make this liberal offer that Is Ican afford to spend the FIRST dollar thatRheumatic tufterers the world overlearn of my remedy

Simply Write MeThe offer Is open to everyone everywhere

who has rot tried my remedy But you mustwrite ME for the free dollar package orderI will send you an order on your druggistwhich he will accept as gladly as he wouldaccept a dollar He will land you from hisshelves a standard sized package and he willsend the bill to me There are no conditionsno reaulreinenw All that I ask to doIs to today I will sendmy book on Rheumatism beside It isIt will help you to understand your caseAddress Dr Sloop Box C760 Racine




III thousand



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r Shoops RheufflaticRemedy

L jp

States would become the assignee inbankruptcy of Santo Domingo and Workout the payment of these bonds to theirgreat profit If the United States ivesup these ports the of theirCains be very much interrupted andthey in a relate of decidedncss

I not believe that nny gorprnmentin the world has v purpose ofSanto Domingo to pay her debts under

of her Ido not believe that these speculatorscan induce their to becomeaggressive toward Santo Domingo

Not Our BusinessIf I am mistaken in this the plain

It would be for SantoDomingo to agree with those governments untier a modus yiveridl to delaynotion until tile Senate has passed tipo hthe treaty and it has been ascertainedwhether or not the United States wouldassume to collect the revenues aIll paythe debts of Santo Domingo at her request Instead of that the modus Viivendi ft aopears is made betweenUnited Stntcs and Santo Domingowhereby the United States instead ofassuming to pay the debts of SantoDomingo Is to collect her revenues putthem in bank In New Yore and iaythem back to Santo Domingo utter allowing her 15 per cent for tIme currentexpenses of her government in thoevent that the treaty is not ratifiedWhat is to be done with the money Ifthe treaty Is ratified is not expresslyprnvk d for in this modus Vivendi Isunoose it is intended that it ahull KCthe way that Is prescribed in the treaty

Burden on United StatesIn the meantime the Government of

the United Statesy without authority oflaw is made the responsible collectorarid custodian of all the customstiues of Santo Domingo under time constitution of Santo Domingo and a disposition of tile revenues of that governmeat could not possibly be except by an act of their congress

Under the Constitution of the UnitedStates no such obligations could bemade legal or binding upon the UnitedStates as are contained in the modusVivendi without an act of our CongressThe whole transaction Is simply ti protectorate of the United States Go Vern

r merit over the governmentin respect to the management of herrevenues and is entirely outsidepale of the diplomatic powers of theGovernment of the United States Thisis an effort to cover a transaction withthe supposed diplomatic powers of the

States that can only be iriadevalid through its legislative powers

CALLAHAN On Tuesday March 25 1903at 1230 p mi at his late residence C12 Eleventh street northeast RICHARD A CALLAHAJv beloved husband of Margaret A Callahan nee McCarthy at

Wednesday March 291003 at 8H5 tx m at Wence 717 Third

FAXXIE widow of the lateNotice of funeral hereafter mh2D2tMILLER Suddenly on Tuesday March 2S

1905 at 143 p m at his residence 19 Fifthstreet northeast AZIAS SMITH MILLERin hlaflftyeishth year It

MILLER Suddenly on Tuesday March 281503 p in ROBERT J MILLER tilebeloved son At J I Miller Jr and MaryMiller it

OLEARY On Tuesday March 28 1203JAMES aged thirtyfour years

Funeral will take place from the residenceof his brotherinlaw James Conlon 3512 0street northwest on Fr iday the Slat instantat 845 ocloclc a m High mass of requiemat Holy Trinity Church at 9 a ih Relativesand Wends are Invited to attend Intermcstat MU Olivet Cemettrj mh2d2t

SMITHOn Tuesday March 28 1905 at 210a m A XIJ E beloved wife of Charles BSmith in th fortythird year of her age

Funeral from her late residence 328 Twelfthstreet southeast on Thursday March 30 at830 a m thence Comforter Churchwhere mast be said Friends and relatives invited tc attend

Philadelphia papers please copy ItTHORNr On Wednesday March 23 1905 at

6450 his residence 1S21 Baltimorestreet Washington Heigfits CHARLES G

THORX in his sixtieth year

March 31 at 2 p m Interment private

FUNERAL DESIGNSOf every description moderately

GUDE12 F Street Northwest Phone M 9S3


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I Time State Department is in receipt ofthe cablegram

Gibraltar Mardi 23 Improving dailyHAY

The dispatch is from Secretary ofj States Joint Hay wjio hat gone on a tripto the Mediterranean in search of

j beaithT it haws which thedepart merit has received from Mr Haydircctly s ince his departure Officialsarc very much encouraged over its eontents as if indicates that Mr Hay isin a pliuerful frame of mind over hiscondition and fully intends to resumehisduties as of State shouldthe improvement continue


RIO DFJ JANEIRO March 29 Politicians bankers and merchants have madea great demons tration In honor of PresWent Rodriguez Alves

Their spo was Dr Xavier Silvera who congratulated the presidenton the failure of tho attempt to overthrow time government made last November

The government has appointed severalofficers to Germany to study theorganization the army




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THE COMMISSIONERS OF PHALlIMACY will hold an examination for registration MONDAY APRIL 10 196 9a m at National College of PharmacyCandidates must have their applicationstogether with the fee filed with theretary before April 3 1S05 HENRX JUJOHNSTON D Secretary 1221New Jersey ave nw mh293tWILL THOSE who witnessed an accident to a lady who was knocked downby a man carrying a long ladder in attempting to board a car at 14th andstreets the afternoon ofMarch Sth please send their names andaddresses to CONDUCTOR BOX 539this office mh2931ap2

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