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THE WASHINGTON TillES THURSDA Y JUNE 13 907 3 E iiii P TO BE APOSTLES s Bishop Satterlee Express- es Himself as Pleased With Plans Will Be Among Largest Houses of Prayer in World The Washington Cathedral of SS Peter and Ivul will be an apostles In stont said the Right Rev Henry Yatos Satterlee bishop of Wash ington today It will preach Its beautiful sermon of the Gospel or Christ to the people of Washington and the nation It will define what is most beautiful and true in Gothic architecture or Its most period that or the fourteenth century with necessary adaptations to modern requirements and be a living witness to the vital force of Christian- ity In the Capital of the Nation a ful- fillment of that ideal of the Washing ton cathedral builders namely a great of Prayer all people In this heart of the republic Palaces of the Poor Already that superparochlal work which clusters around a cathedral foundation of the true type has begun Jn the olden days a favorite tjtle for the great cathedrals wits that of pal aces of the poor but the Washington cathedral te to mean even more than that for it is to bt a house of prayer lor all kinds and conditions of men women and children all who are under the flower ef its ministrations The lo rfold function of the cathedral is developed her in all its noble giandeur- Tber will the central Idea and thought worship of Almighty God as- set forth in this central towor rising filet from the ground and glorified by th difference in size from the two end towers This middle tower named the Gloria in Excels a tower with Its basrelief of angels around its height shows that the great cathedral odinco Is dedicated and consecrated to th of God Architects Splendid Work The Mehop expressed himself ae deep ly gratified with the splendid results of labor of the two architects George r Bodler R A ef Xngland and Hen- ry v Iian of Boston us forth in the cathedral plans which wtre unanl accepted by the cat itUral coun- cil yesterday in concumme with the action of the cathedral chap Contrary to original expectations the of the cathedral is considerably north of the little lran ept Is to the baptistry which according to ancient usage will be out the it will stand 400 loet buck avenue and partly shielded by a beautiful ave nue of shade tree It will face the tast after primitive custom at a wiiere the sun rises on tha traditional Ascension which has been taken as cathedral and will be observed UK guqh hereafter Among Largest in World The cathedral will be among the larg- est In the world and will closely rank in size with that of St John the Divine New York city but will be less ornate The height to the ridge root will be 130 feet while to the internal apex of the vaulting Is to be ninetythree feet An suggested Exeter Cathe dral will lighting of the great nave by light the upper cleres tory windows alone the lower ones be dark Thus the light is thrown in alternating mist and down on nave giving beautiful effect High on the rood screen will shine the rood or cross lighted from two windows back of the altar Transepts and Nave Hold 5000 NEW CATHEDRAL CREED IN STONE reed ar- tistic r be U lira set mOdal tel peas sld lit la t be the rlgh t cathedral ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ in transepts nave will be able to gather while 2700 8 n be within sound of the speakers Voice The choir which will be built first In all probability is large A symbolical feature is brought out in the side chapels one on each side of the crow are to be named lor the two faithful ones who watched chapel or St Marys where services for women will be hold and the Chapel of St John the Divine where the minor choir of fices will be sung Porches Like Those at Amiens The size of the cathedral is only three feet less through the nave than the great Cologne Cathedral The treat- ment of the porches at the west en somewhat that of the cathedral at Amiens The two front doorways are seventy feet across while Inner porticos measures nearly fifty fet and statues of celebrated in Old Testament will enrich these porticos exterior dimensions measure 416 feet In length and width 332 feet Tho cntral tower will rise 220 toot from tin while the front towers are much smaller The cathedral Includes five aisles across In the nave and three In the choir It Is expected that the work of con structlnc the foundation or at least the choir will commence in the very near future The cost exclusive of fur nishings and decorations Is estimated at about five millions ATLANTA BRIDE ROBBED OF 10000 IN GEMS NEW YORK June has just been learned that the steam yacht Adroit for several years the property of Alfred Vanderbilt and by him sold a few weeks ago to Russell Hopkins of Atlanta and New York has been robbett of jewels worth S10000 liff to Mrs Hopkins Coincident with the of the loss it was found that the chief steward an Englishman- was likewise missing The Plnkertons began a search for the steward and learned that he had taken under an name for England last Wednesday aboard the Oceanic MAN WHO WAS SHOT LEFT SMALL ESTATE William R MacAboy has applied to the Probate Court for letters of admin istration upon the estate of his son j rank B MacAboy who was hot at he Arlington Hotel May IS The peti- tion that the only heir is Frank B MacAboy a son the dead man eleven years of age The estate Is said to be worth encumbered by debts amounting to J175 the and 5000 The crossLAdys I th his- tory c j nIt nea I per- sons person- ages J I belong- S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Presidents Arrival Sets Wheels Moving and Con- stable Makes Arrest i Secretary Loeb Takes Ride in New Government Automobile OYSTER BAY N Y Juno 13 Tho residents home tpwn is now under- going its annual awakening With the coming of the hood of the Administration and his clerical force the little village always opens Its eyes sits up and begins to take notice The postoffice gets busy and throws Its doors open for an hour on Sunday as well as remaining open an hour looser on week days the price of board pos- tal oards bathing suits etc Increases BO per cent Opera House Burns Since the President loft Oyster Bay last fall the town has suffered a terrible blow The opera house burned down during the winter and now nothing of the village pride and joy but a few charred walls and a quarter of an acre of ashes Townsends hotel the Sagamore which has been in process of construc- tion for the last live yours Is still un- finished Dr Snoudor has begun to build a store on Audrey avenue Constable Townsend arrested a man in Sylvester Holmes cellar last night and he is now locked up in the squires office tho baseball team will play a game Satur- day on the field opposite the Octagon Hotel the water is pretty cold for bath- ing yet but a few summer visitors have gone in the Long Island railroad may put on an extra train during the morn- ing rush hour you can find the rest of the village In the Pilot and Guar- dian which both come out tomorrow Automobile for Secretary Loeb and his clerical force got down to business today at the Ex ecutive offices over Moores grocery store and the Secretary made his first trip out to Sagamore Hill in the new red automobile which the Government has bought for his use f YORK June I Vorys Secretary Tafts political man- ager has completed his labors in New York city and left this morning to visit a friend in Connecticut or course if I go to the Nutmeg Stats said Mr Vory all of you newspaper nnn will say that I am going after Connecticut for Taft Of course we want Connecticut Of course if I go there will be politics talked and yet that is not the primary cause of my proposed visit Mr Vorys nad a long talk with Henry W Taft Secretary Tafts broth er and they went over the Republican situation in New York State Ropub Means who talked with Mr after- ward got the idea that eventually the New York delegation to the National Convention next may be between Governor Hughes and Secretary Taft quite a collection of Repub W Murray Crane of Massachusetts and former Senator Johr C Spooner of Wisconsin and within the last few days Senator ut Ohio Senator Forakers colleague had met and talkfd with Philander C Knox of Pennsylvania Senator than of Vest Virginia and Elmer Dover secretary of the Repub Hcan National Committee Moreover Speaker Cannon has been here again quite recently unheralded OYSTER BAY WAKES AND TAKES NOTICE I news L eb TAFT BOOMER IN CONNECTICUTN- EW 13Arthur tt llt licans or national prominence Dick Net r I re- mains town ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HOF F McDANIEL Prof W F McDanlel formerly Superintendent of Public Montezuma Ohio writes from the Census Office Building at Wash ington D C as follows I can cheerfully recommend your Peruna as an excellent remedy for all catarrhal troubles and also as an tonic Constipation Liver Trouble- Mr W O Clement Assistant Mana- ger Rome Georgian Rome Georgia writes It affords me pleasure to voluntarily testify to the true merits of your won derful Peihina I have for several years beon suftcr oring from disordered liver and chronic constipation for which I had tried a great many remedies but none did mt any good My wholo system was so thoroughly overcome that I was easy catch cold and tho consequence was that a chronic case of catarrh was fast developing been taking for six weeks and am to say that it had tile desired effect liver Is tii good condition constipation disap peered and I no longer feel any of the symptoms of catatTh In truth I am now in bettor health and fool stronger than I have for sev- eral years and it is all due to tn wonderful effects of Peruna N 5 V f Pruna 1 has ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Blind in ono eye and the other crossed so that sight was impossible an attenu- ated mule long of oar furnished fun and excitement on G street near Thir- teenth street northwest this morning when in spite of tho coaxing blows and entreaties of a dusky driver the animal refused to move until ready Jinny for such is the mules name was moving slowly when suddenly she stopped Ger long you anlmlle said tho driver What am der mattah wit you Ah Is eettln wet But Jinny refused to budge So the driver sUtcd to belabor her Ah guess dls will make yer mobe yer weakmind- ed fool to stan here in dor rain The mule might nave been weak minded but she quickly showed she was not weaklegged by cracking the dashboard of the cart Finally satisfied by her rest Jinny started away When asked what was the matter with the mule the driver Deed Ah don know but Ah reckln she were out las night INDEED IT Its a mighty good thing too for a favrlte son oven a campaign year to hi vo some other and more xcjllablo means of livelihood Indianapolis News RACKS DASHBOARD BEFORE MOVING ON dart said IS 1 In ¬ ¬ ¬ < Glove Oddments 150 pairs of white Silk Gloves 12button length Regular price 100 pair J C7 pairs or 10button length Lisle Gloves in black and white Regular price tOe CC pair 4 26 pairs of 2clasp white Little Gloves reduced from 39c tf C pair to 6 c 1 Remnants of Mercerized Simla Silk Checks in a big aaortment of stylish color combinations Ex act copies of the handsomest cheek silks Lengths from S to r yards Regular 2 c I a yard Remnant price ituz S 1 g ¬ > By the terms of the will of Wlnflold S Olive filed for probate and dated September 19 1905 Bunyan Olive a brother Is given 5 his wife Elizabeth Ann Olive is bequeathed her life a house and lot situated at 609 Eighth street southwest which at her death Is to be turned over to the testators friend Miss Nlnna Webster The testator says that tho reason for making the will In the way I Is that Justice may be done the lady Miss Webster who has been my con stant and true friend when it seemed everybody else had forsaken me WESTERN UNION DIRECTORS DECLARE USUAL DIVIDEND NEW YORK June board of directors or the Western Union Tele- graph Company met and declared the regular quarterly dividend of per conj Secretary Brewer announced that except for the declaration of the divi- dend only routine business was trans- acted No authoritative statement was mndo as to whether the demands pre- sented recently by the Commercial Tele- graphers Union of America had been considered by the board WINFIELD OLIVE WilL OLD FRIEND during have 13The 1 EMEM8ER8 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Remnante of White Cannon Cloth including the Irish ftnlth quality as well UK the natural grades An accumulation from recent selling Lengths from 2 to 10 yards Worth 13 to 25c U L yard s bronk n R tt 4 linen SLAYER ESCAPES SECURES PARDON AFTER 35 YEARS AUSTIN Juno 13 Jolm K Aiken when eighteen years old fired Into a passenger train near Gauze Tex J R Scobee He was convicted and sentenced to a ute term in thu State penitentiary He escaped after serving eighteen months went to the home of relatives noar Hot Springs Ark where he lana lived unmolested for thirtyfive years Alken married raised K family and became prominent in community but nil this time he says his conscience troubled him and he concluded recently that the only way he could obtain of mind was to come to Austin and sur- render to Governor Campbell This h did a week Friends to WH aid and petition for his pardon was was acted upon his surrender here a week Alken was taken to State penitentiary at HuntsviUe where he was when he re- ceived news of his pardon He left to night for MA Irelan Enters Patent Business- W W Mortimer at present chief of the issue and gazette division of the Patent Office has been named to suc ceed as chief clerk of the Patent Office Charles M Irelan who has resigned the chief clerkship to take effect on L enter the patent business in this city kIll- Ing till I K r submitted to T petI- tion After home peaCe governor July ¬ ¬ ¬ Uurloiiiuul NEW YORK June liIt Is under stood in Wall Street that the Ryan In- terests are back of the Savannah Au and Northern Railroad Company which has just let a contract to W J Oliver of Kncxville Teem to build a line acrofes the State of Georgia from Savannah to Chattanooga Teen The construction work will cost 12 K4 09 This railroad was chartered some time ago by J R Miller of Statesbore Ga land others who were supposed to j dummies The award of the contract Mr Oliver who was one of the re bidders for the building of UM I Panama color to the belle that Ryan interests are behind CHILDREN GOING BLIND IN NEW YORK SCHOOLS NEW YORK June ia eye- glasses and better lighting imme- diately provided 1090M school children New York city will have to be sent to the city asylums for the blind This affrighting statement made offi- cially to the board of education by Its medical examiner Dr D J McDonald scared the board into passing a resolu lion calling for an expert examination of eyes of ery seheol child in the greater city RYAN TO RAILROAD IN GEORGIA gusto I t bit lent anal scene are n the ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < << Silk Remnants 70r Reduced to ss Qualities sold as high as 75c Remnants of Silks which hare sold down to short lengths comprising the following desirable kinds Check Taffetas Colored Peas de Sole Check Loulsenes Colored Louiaene Satin Liberty Foulards Colored peau da Cygnet Taffetas Plaid TaffotM Rough Pongee Silks White Japanese Silk In lengths up to 12 yards Regular prices up to a yard Remnant price a yard Sec 7 Wash Goods 840 yd Remnants of White and Colored Fabrics Sold up to 25c a Yard Tomorrows offering of white and colored wash goods remnants provides the most remarkable bargains of the season included in this one big tot a great variety of choice styles and materials including the following1 White Persian Lawn White India Upon White Dotted swfcw White Cheek Lawns White Dimities White Nainsook White Mercerized Madras White Welt Pique Novelty White Lacestripe Lawns Printed French Organdy A Shadow Ctek iBHtortad BatfeU Mercerized Cotton Colored Printed Lawn many ether pretty wash ma terials for summer Waist dresses In desirable lengths from 3 to 12 yards Qualities sold all the way from 12ic to a yard tomorrow at 8fc a yard I T Mail n SW1 oelty and C Villas and ¬ Babies CapsO- DDS AND ENDS of Little Chil drens Cape of mull silk and lace In French styles Soiled and mussed irom handling Ub Worth up to J200 Childrens Hats ODDS AND ENDS of Little Chil drens Hats of pique and corded materials mull 1 fC and embroidered styles Worth up to 250 Friday TJ7 Corsets wellknown makes as P N and R of batiste and coutil Broken sizes o4 Sold at Reduced to Small lot of Corsets including the Nemo and American Lady Made cj of coutll and batiste Sold U up to 300 for X A Womens Wearables Lot of 20 silk Klmbnos in handsome Japanese designs and col Shirred across the c rh s 21 Fine Quality Silk Petticoats in black and shades including brown green navy car t fr dlnal pink and lavender sDi Sold up to 79S 7U Odd lot of Black Mercerized Sateen and Moreen Petticoats with fr ruffles and plaitlngs Sold f up to 125 Undermuslins 69cVa- lues worth up to 1 39 Fridays regular clear of small and few of a kfhd pieces of rndergarments results In of the most unusual character Choice is offered of and short Skirts long Chemise Um brella Drawers and Corset t Covers trimmed In various styles with good laces and em Materials are nnlnsook eel others are only mussed Choice at Value worth up to 133 Odd lot of Womens Underwear In cluding muslin made with ruffle hem and tucks also Icvt neck corset covers lace arid ribbon trimmed short skirts and white I 51 aprons Choice at Lot of low neck Muslin Corset Covers finished ready to trim nr value for 2 Odd lot or Corsets Includln such Gmade 100 ng 8 shoulders SOld for to cambric and Some are soU 6e C full bloused Regular lic 50- 0Redusd nuslln ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ fS DEPENDABLE STORE SEVENTH AND K STREETS TilE Remnants of DomesticsM- ill Ends of yardwide soft finish f 3 Remnants of Amoskeag Apron Ginghams in lengths from 5 to 12 yards Blue Brown and green checks Warranted fast colors Regular orlce l c yard Remnants of yardwide Standard Percales in a assortment of including checks broken and rv Q Remnants of 32inch proof Bed Ticking In lengths from 3 to 10 Neat blue and t fj p white stripes Regular I 25c yard Remnant price Remnants of 3 et Seer- sucker Dress Ginghams in stripes checks and broken plaids also plain colors Light Uue pink tan ob blood etc Lengths S to yards Worth Iftfcc a U L yard Remnants of yardwide Unbleached Cotton good nrm dosewoven grade Lengths from i to 15 yards i r Remnants of 15inch Stair Oil cloth in garnet blue tan and other staple styles Lengths from to 30 yards Regular r price THc yard Remnant VW price Laces and EmbroideriesRe- mnant Lots at Nominal Prices Cambrica quality free from starch or dressing Lengths from 5 to 15 4 C yards Regular 1i 1 C 3 2 4 7 C Sold regularly at lOc a Yd 2 tiota Regular price 4 yard gra price v J M styles I4c price p > ¬ + Nainsook Embroidery Yokes for corset covers night gowns t and chemise Regular price U- 29e Nahisook allover Embroider 22 Inches wide for childrens n f ular 69c quality for Remnant lot of Swiss and Nainsook Flouncing 18 inches wide t AT mussed from ular 69c and Remnants of Cambric Embroideries edges and insertions in a good assort- ment of patterns Worth Sc n Sc and lOc a yard Fri c day at 4 Remnants of Venice allover Lace In cream only Regular price Tic yard Those remnants are In n F yoke lengths and will be sold each for W C silor collars and yokes Beg Beg oe grades for J c handling ¬ Regular 2Sc and 39c Cor- set Cover Embroidery IS Inches wide ribbon I XL beading top Friday Remnants of regular 5c Torchon and Insertions n 1 Lace Medallions in various shapes sold at Sc and eachj Friday for Remnants of light blue and black chiffon 45 ins wide Regular tic qnalitif at Remnants of Venice Lace Banding In white and butter color patterns cut any length de sired Worth lie and lie a if L yard for Dress Nets In white and button color 45 inches wide Sold regularly at SSC a yard f Lacesedges C patterns 2 C 1 iJ 25 C ra C pretty Friday ¬ Remnants of Mattings I2 c Reduced from 20c and25cayardW- eve included all the remnants short pieces cut rolls and odd rolls of Mattings left from recent selling in this lot for Fridays clear- ance Close woven seamless Mattings in lengths from 5 to 18 yards and in full 40yard rolls Regular 20c and 25c qualities tomorrow at A remnant lot of nine rolls of heavy weight China Mattings Joint grade smooth palmed straw with firm corded edge In plaid and stripe designs pat terns Regular price fj rr for 10yard rolls Re 2 duced to SJ 14 rolls of extra fine Jap anese Matting in handsome carpet of blue red and green Long rush straw with special ma edge one roll of a pat tern Regular price fj r 1400 roll of 40 yards vt U Friday Chin a yard 12 I I 12c ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + LOCAL MENTION Wm Cannons Highgrade Purissiaia Rye has for many years enjoyed favor as the best of whiskies for use in the home It excels both as a tonic and as a Phone N KS Win Can non 1S6 7th at nw German Style Rye Bread Thats what Berens Rye Bread Is Ordi- nary ryes approach it neither in ueliei- ousnass nor nourishing value Made with specially rye A perfect food for young Your grocer It It Hungarian Gypsy Orchestra at Park Hotel Summer Garden Rathskeller Easy Money Loans The Mr antlle Savings Seoleto 1006 F t oilers lowest rates Investigate Riding and Driving Horses for Hire West Bad SCaMtt M1 HUt sC Phone M M- PtMfc wktte pfafe kntaetie 8aMn 1tia- pewtfer muie t tow datety tints Sic Kodaks Supplies and Kodak Films KROUSES 717 Sib st nw C A Muddiman Co Jewel Gas Ranges and Water Heaters 616 lith st 12W O st Elks Club Straight Rye Whisky xWc quart Special delivery Phone N D Doody Cap NY and nth st F ndrea Prop Lamps Ave is ¬ Remnant lot of Chiffon Ruching and Bandings ia neck lengths pries lie Reduced itB- mfcroMered Linen Collars all elsie R r 19 1C Jar Sfc sort ter Ascot Ties of plain and figured madras Re ICC duced from 36c to J 2 to p I Handkerchiefs Womens regular 5c plain white hemstitched Hand OLC kerchiefs Regular sc and Me plaid Hand reduced 4c Womens 13C Swiss or 2 Embroidered Handker 8lC chiefs rndced to kerchiefs to > Neckwear Remnants Linen Coat Sets slightly museed Regular price Sic Reduced toe Pique Collars with bow attached Regular lee CC value Lot of Swiss Embroidered Mull Ties at 2c each Reduced for I nc clearance to Mid U 7 for S u Untrimmed Hats and FlowersM- akers Surplus Stocks at Fractional Prices stock of Untrimmed Hats and the other of an importers stock of beautiful Flowers con tinue to be the center of buying interest The offerings are so important from t saving standpoint that no woman who has the slightest a new summer hat can to ignore the sale With one of the hats at 69c and a few of the lovely blossoms offered at 15c and 29c for choice you may posses the handsomest hat at a cost smalL two purchases made by our millinery chiefone of a makers entire surpus HE sur- prisingly == ¬ Untrimmed Hats Worth 200 to 500 Finest every and effect fash ion approves of for summer wear Chip hats In black natural and colors real halt in l taeic white pink blue and brown Tuscan haw in natural color Tuscan hats in natural color combined with Mack and white Leghorn hats in burnt and natural fancy braid hats Panama lists and Java hats burnt straw and many others Included are large hats mushroom and varsity shapes and large black flats for plumes 69c madeIn qualities ¬ Worth 1 to 250 This purchase represents x leading importers entire stock on hand of beautiful Flowers including the sam- ples They are the finest qualities produced at any price such MS are usually found in the most exciueire millinery at exorbitant prices They consist of Hydrangeas large silk vT ot Daisies of the finest flowers Hk Poppy wreaths and mor one hundred styles of Two tots lie and 2Sc Values worth to 159 Imported Flowers ll LIi k1CAkYC hos tau ¬ Childrens Dept Small lot of childrens the quality trimmed with laos and embroidery Broken p f f up to IM j Qy Girls Dreeeee of gingham and white linen sizes up to 14 Air years Reduced from lie to v Remnant lot of CbJUIrens Gingham Rompers button the r front style years Reduced from The to Remnant lot of Percale Dresses with also Skirts Drawers Drawer Waists and Flannelette Skirts Fri- day at Go Carts 598 Reduced from 59 and 10 Five sample GoCarts which show signs of handled but which are otherwise unhurt Adjustable Folding GoCarts with rattan sides foot dash and back Enameled steel running gear with strong springs and foot brake 10 wheels Reduced from St09 and 106 to 5SSS Mens FurnishingsL- ot of Mens Underwear in plain nd fancy colors Shirts with or short sleeves f r t Small lot of Mens Fancy and Plain Black Half Hose o 1 r double heel and toe Reg ulr lie grades for Small lot of Mens Suspenders made with strong t fr Mens and Boys Bow Ties in plain black and fancy de r signs Regular value 7 5L Remnant lot of Mens Unlaundered White Dress Shirts with plain and plaited bosoms Open J to one dollar Friday for Mens Otis Balbriggan Underwear In plain and ecru Shirts with long and short sleeves drawers with double r fC seat Regular price 0c everywhere S Odd lot of Mens Neglige Shirts in plain white and pat- terns Some with cuffs at rtfr tached others In coat style Worth up to 100 JS Small Jot of Mens Neckwear con sisting of and band tecks Regular SOc qualities for Mens Lisle Garters with Brighton clasp Regular bi7 lie value Dresses forS c mines up to C Ok 1 C Drawers seat Regular 3tc ale for 2 blng Leather and patent castoffs h C back worth up 17 C C white down j WIth bicycle and < ¬ = > ¬ ¬ > Upholstery Goods Remnants or yardwide plate and figured Sflkotines Denims Cre tonnes Fish Net and Sateen Drap Cries In desirable lengths n i About 3M yards of 40inch white dotted and figured Swiss in lengths from 2 to S yards Regular r i p Remnant lot of Opaque Window size 3fcc72 Incnec Mounted- on strong spring rotten cloth is slight r 1 r ly imperfect Regular 1 2tc each 96 pairs of summer Curtains light rounds with colored cross stripes ltghtly mussed 57 t from 200 pair U Remnant lot of Nottingham Lace Curtains one to four pairs of pat tern r 90 inches wide three yards long Sold at LO and nU n3 pair Remnant price Housewares Odd lot of Walnut Finished Window Screens with steel center Regular ISc value III for Five 3burner Gas Stoves frame slightly rusted Reg- ular 125 value Three sbcsll n Water Coolers galvanized iron lined cj dented Re 1 fU duced from 7 0 to Odd of Sponges sold up to Be each Reduced to Four Decorated Tolot Sots of nine With QJ r e Reduced from te leUx basins J2S Odd lot of Decorated Wo f ter Pitchers worth up to 35c U each for 1 s lot of largesize Moat s f Sold up to 1 6 Janet Steal Enamel Dou t Stone China Decorated Cuspi 7qt White Enamellined 60c each Reduced to Odd lot of White Enamel lined Chicken Roasting Pans sold at duced to One Imperial Excelsior 4burner Gas Range with oven and broiler Regular J2SOS C1 O Regular 1e and lie quail 2 ties price lsc yard Reduced 2 to to a C C h 75 c Slightly lot 5 c J C Odd C Platters decorated 8 C ble Pans worth 135 to f Lot ot Brilllont Blue 3 9 c 9 c dora ask at ISe each Reduced to C Kettles sold at JJ 2 9C 9 AU complete Re duced to f r for Re- duced for Pisces Roasting Dish Pazs Rodueed from iSo to ¬ ¬ ° ¬ ¬ ¬

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Page 1: petI- M- BO I fS - Library of · of the Gospel or Christ to the people of Washington and the nation It





Bishop Satterlee Express-es Himself as Pleased

With Plans

Will Be Among LargestHouses of Prayer in


The Washington Cathedral of SSPeter and Ivul will be an apostles

In stont said the Right RevHenry Yatos Satterlee bishop of Washington today

It will preach Its beautiful sermonof the Gospel or Christ to the peopleof Washington and the nation It willdefine what is most beautiful and truein Gothic architecture or Its most

period that or the fourteenthcentury with necessary adaptations tomodern requirements and be a livingwitness to the vital force of Christian-ity In the Capital of the Nation a ful-fillment of that ideal of the Washington cathedral builders namely a great

of Prayer all people In thisheart of the republic

Palaces of the PoorAlready that superparochlal work

which clusters around a cathedralfoundation of the true type has begunJn the olden days a favorite tjtle forthe great cathedrals wits that of palaces of the poor but the Washingtoncathedral te to mean even more thanthat for it is to bt a house of prayerlor all kinds and conditions of menwomen and children all who are underthe flower ef its ministrations Thelo rfold function of the cathedral is

developed her in all its noblegiandeur-

Tber will the central Idea andthought worship of Almighty God as-set forth in this central towor rising

filet from the ground and glorifiedby th difference in size from the twoend towers This middle tower namedthe Gloria in Excels a tower with Itsbasrelief of angels around its heightshows that the great cathedral odincoIs dedicated and consecrated to th

of God

Architects Splendid WorkThe Mehop expressed himself ae deeply gratified with the splendid results oflabor of the two architects Georger Bodler R A ef Xngland and Hen-ry v Iian of Boston us forth in

the cathedral plans which wtre unanlaccepted by the cat itUral coun-

cil yesterday in concumme with theaction of the cathedral chapContrary to original expectations theof the cathedral is considerablynorth of the little

lran ept Is to the baptistry whichaccording to ancient usage will be outthe it will stand 400loet buck avenue andpartly shielded by a beautiful avenue of shade tree It will face thetast after primitive custom at awiiere the sun rises on tha traditionalAscension which has been takenas cathedral and will be observedUK guqh hereafter

Among Largest in WorldThe cathedral will be among the larg-

est In the world and will closely rank insize with that of St John the DivineNew York city but will be less ornateThe height to the ridge root will be130 feet while to the internal apex ofthe vaulting Is to be ninetythree feetAn suggested Exeter Cathedral will lighting of the greatnave by light the upper clerestory windows alone the lower ones bedark Thus the light is thrown inalternating mist and downon nave giving beautiful effectHigh on the rood screen will shinethe rood or cross lighted from twowindows back of the altar

Transepts and Nave Hold 5000

















rlgh t


















in transepts navewill be able to gather while 2700

8 n be within sound of the speakersVoice The choir which will be builtfirst In all probability islarge A symbolical feature is broughtout in the side chapels one on eachside of the crow are to be namedlor the two faithful ones who watched

chapel or StMarys where services for women willbe hold and the Chapel of St Johnthe Divine where the minor choir offices will be sung

Porches Like Those at AmiensThe size of the cathedral is only three

feet less through the nave than thegreat Cologne Cathedral The treat-ment of the porches at the west en

somewhat that of thecathedral at Amiens The two frontdoorways are seventy feet across while

Inner porticos measures nearly fiftyfet and statues of

celebrated in Old Testamentwill enrich these porticos

exterior dimensions measure 416feet In length and width 332 feet Thocntral tower will rise 220 toot from tin

while the front towers are muchsmaller The cathedral Includes fiveaisles across In the nave and three Inthe choir

It Is expected that the work of constructlnc the foundation or at leastthe choir will commence in the verynear future The cost exclusive of furnishings and decorations Is estimatedat about five millions


OF 10000 IN GEMS

NEW YORK June has justbeen learned that the steam yachtAdroit for several years the propertyof Alfred Vanderbilt and by him solda few weeks ago to Russell Hopkins ofAtlanta and New York has been robbettof jewels worth S10000liff to Mrs Hopkins Coincident withthe of the loss it was foundthat the chief steward an Englishman-was likewise missing

The Plnkertons began a search for thesteward and learned that he had taken

under an name forEngland last Wednesday aboard theOceanic


William R MacAboy has applied tothe Probate Court for letters of administration upon the estate of his sonj rank B MacAboy who was hot athe Arlington Hotel May IS The peti-

tion that the only heir is FrankB MacAboy a son the dead maneleven years of age The estate Is saidto be worth encumbered by debtsamounting to J175

the and 5000























Presidents Arrival SetsWheels Moving and Con-

stable Makes Arresti

Secretary Loeb Takes Ridein New Government


OYSTER BAY N Y Juno 13 Thoresidents home tpwn is now under-going its annual awakening

With the coming of the hood of theAdministration and his clerical forcethe little village always opens Its eyessits up and begins to take notice Thepostoffice gets busy and throws Itsdoors open for an hour on Sunday aswell as remaining open an hour looseron week days the price of board pos-tal oards bathing suits etc IncreasesBO per cent

Opera House BurnsSince the President loft Oyster Bay

last fall the town has suffered a terribleblow The opera house burned downduring the winter and now nothing

of the village pride and joy buta few charred walls and a quarter ofan acre of ashes

Townsends hotel the Sagamorewhich has been in process of construc-tion for the last live yours Is still un-finished Dr Snoudor has begun to builda store on Audrey avenue ConstableTownsend arrested a man in SylvesterHolmes cellar last night and he is nowlocked up in the squires office thobaseball team will play a game Satur-day on the field opposite the OctagonHotel the water is pretty cold for bath-ing yet but a few summer visitors havegone in the Long Island railroad mayput on an extra train during the morn-ing rush hour you can find the rest ofthe village In the Pilot and Guar-dian which both come out tomorrow

Automobile forSecretary Loeb and his clerical force

got down to business today at the Executive offices over Moores grocerystore and the Secretary made his firsttrip out to Sagamore Hill in the new redautomobile which the Government hasbought for his use f

YORK June IVorys Secretary Tafts political man-ager has completed his labors in NewYork city and left this morning to visita friend in Connecticut

or course if I go to the NutmegStats said Mr Vory all of younewspaper nnn will say that I amgoing after Connecticut for Taft Ofcourse we want Connecticut Of courseif I go there will be politics talked andyet that is not the primary cause of myproposed visit

Mr Vorys nad a long talk withHenry W Taft Secretary Tafts brother and they went over the Republicansituation in New York State RopubMeans who talked with Mr after-ward got the idea that eventually theNew York delegation to the National

Convention next maybe between Governor Hughesand Secretary Taft

quite a collection of Repub

W Murray Crane ofMassachusetts and former Senator JohrC Spooner of Wisconsin and withinthe last few days Senator utOhio Senator Forakers colleague hadmet and talkfd with PhilanderC Knox of Pennsylvania Senatorthan of Vest Virginia andElmer Dover secretary of the RepubHcan National Committee

Moreover Speaker Cannon has beenhere again quite recently unheralded





L eb



EW 13Arthur

tt llt

licans or national prominence



r I

















Prof W F McDanlel formerlySuperintendent of PublicMontezuma Ohio writes from theCensus Office Building at Washington D C as followsI can cheerfully recommend yourPeruna as an excellent remedy forall catarrhal troubles and also asan tonic

Constipation Liver Trouble-Mr W O Clement Assistant Mana-ger Rome Georgian Rome Georgia

writesIt affords me pleasure to voluntarily

testify to the true merits of your wonderful Peihina

I have for several years beon suftcroring from disordered liver and chronicconstipation for which I had tried agreat many remedies but none did mtany good My wholo system was sothoroughly overcome that I was easy

catch cold and tho consequence wasthat a chronic case of catarrh was fastdevelopingbeen taking for sixweeks and am to say that ithad tile desired effect liver Is tiigood condition constipation disappeered and I no longer feel any of thesymptoms of catatTh

In truth I am now in bettor healthand fool stronger than I have for sev-eral years and it is all due to tnwonderful effects of Peruna


5 V












Blind in ono eye and the other crossedso that sight was impossible an attenu-ated mule long of oar furnished funand excitement on G street near Thir-teenth street northwest this morningwhen in spite of tho coaxing blows andentreaties of a dusky driver the animalrefused to move until ready

Jinny for such is the mules namewas moving slowly when suddenly shestopped Ger long you anlmllesaid tho driver What am der mattahwit you Ah Is eettln wet

But Jinny refused to budge So thedriver sUtcd to belabor her Ah guessdls will make yer mobe yer weakmind-ed fool to stan here in dor rain

The mule might nave been weakminded but she quickly showed shewas not weaklegged by cracking thedashboard of the cart

Finally satisfied by her rest Jinnystarted away

When asked what was the matterwith the mule the driver DeedAh don know but Ah reckln she wereout las night

INDEED ITIts a mighty good thing too for a

favrlte son oven a campaign year tohi vo some other and more xcjllablomeans of livelihood Indianapolis News





IS 1






Glove Oddments150 pairs of white Silk Gloves

12button length Regularprice 100 pair J

C7 pairs or 10button lengthLisle Gloves in black andwhite Regular price tOe CCpair 4

26 pairs of 2clasp white LittleGloves reduced from 39c t f Cpair to

6 c


Remnants of Mercerized SimlaSilk Checks in a big aaortmentof stylish color combinations Exact copies of the handsomest cheeksilks Lengths from S to ryards Regular 2 c Ia yard Remnant price ituz

S 1g



By the terms of the will of WlnfloldS Olive filed for probate and datedSeptember 19 1905 Bunyan Olive abrother Is given 5 his wife ElizabethAnn Olive is bequeathed her lifea house and lot situated at 609 Eighthstreet southwest which at her deathIs to be turned over to the testatorsfriend Miss Nlnna Webster

The testator says that tho reasonfor making the will In the way IIs that Justice may be done the ladyMiss Webster who has been my constant and true friend when it seemedeverybody else had forsaken me


NEW YORK June board ofdirectors or the Western Union Tele-graph Company met and declared theregular quarterly dividend of perconj Secretary Brewer announced thatexcept for the declaration of the divi-dend only routine business was trans-acted No authoritative statement wasmndo as to whether the demands pre-sented recently by the Commercial Tele-graphers Union of America had beenconsidered by the board













Remnante of White Cannon Clothincluding the Irish ftnlthquality as well UKthe natural grades Anaccumulation from recentselling Lengths from 2 to

10 yards Worth 13 to 25c U Lyard s

bronkn R tt






AUSTIN Juno 13 Jolm K Aikenwhen eighteen years old fired Into apassenger train near Gauze Tex

J R Scobee He was convictedand sentenced to a ute term in thuState penitentiary He escaped afterserving eighteen months went to thehome of relatives noar Hot SpringsArk where he lana lived unmolestedfor thirtyfive years

Alken married raised K family andbecame prominent in communitybut nil this time he says his consciencetroubled him and he concluded recentlythat the only way he could obtainof mind was to come to Austin and sur-render to Governor Campbell This hdid a week Friends to WHaid and petition for his pardon was

was acted uponhis surrender here a week Alkenwas taken to State penitentiary atHuntsviUe where he was when he re-ceived news of his pardon He left tonight for MA

Irelan Enters Patent Business-W W Mortimer at present chief of

the issue and gazette division of thePatent Office has been named to succeed as chief clerk of the Patent OfficeCharles M Irelan who has resignedthe chief clerkship to take effect on

L enter the patentbusiness in this city





rsubmitted to T petI-tion After









NEW YORK June liIt Is understood in Wall Street that the Ryan In-terests are back of the Savannah Au

and Northern Railroad Companywhich has just let a contract to W JOliver of Kncxville Teem to build aline acrofes the State of Georgia fromSavannah to Chattanooga Teen Theconstruction work will cost 12 K4 09

This railroad was chartered some timeago by J R Miller of Statesbore Ga

land others who were supposed toj dummies The award of the contract

Mr Oliver who was one of the rebidders for the building of UM

I Panama color to the bellethat Ryan interests are behind


NEW YORK June ia eye-glasses and better lighting imme-diately provided 1090M school children

New York city will have to be sentto the city asylums for the blind

This affrighting statement made offi-cially to the board of education by Itsmedical examiner Dr D J McDonaldscared the board into passing a resolulion calling for an expert examinationof eyes of ery seheol child in thegreater city





















< <<

Silk Remnants 70rReduced to ss

Qualities sold as high as 75cRemnants of Silks which hare sold down to shortlengths comprising the following desirable kinds

Check Taffetas Colored Peas de SoleCheck Loulsenes Colored LouiaeneSatin Liberty Foulards Colored peau da Cygnet

Taffetas Plaid TaffotMRough Pongee Silks White Japanese Silk

In lengths up to 12 yardsRegular prices up to a yardRemnant price a yardSec


Wash Goods 840 ydRemnants of White and Colored Fabrics

Sold up to 25c a YardTomorrows offering of white and colored wash goods remnants

provides the most remarkable bargains of the season includedin this one big tot a great variety of choice styles and materialsincluding the following1

White Persian LawnWhite India UponWhite Dotted swfcwWhite Cheek LawnsWhite DimitiesWhite NainsookWhite Mercerized MadrasWhite Welt PiqueNoveltyWhite Lacestripe Lawns

Printed French OrgandyA

Shadow CtekiBHtortad BatfeUMercerizedCottonColored Printed Lawnmany ether pretty wash materials for summer Waistdresses

In desirable lengths from 3 to 12 yards Qualities sold all theway from 12ic to a yard tomorrow at 8fc a yard



Mailn SW1oelty




and ¬

Babies CapsO-DDS AND ENDS of Little Chil

drens Cape of mull silk and laceIn French styles Soiledand mussed irom handling UbWorth up to J200

Childrens HatsODDS AND ENDS of Little Chil

drens Hats of pique andcorded materials mull 1 fCand embroidered stylesWorth up to 250 Friday TJ7

Corsetswellknown makes as P N andR of batisteand coutil Broken sizes o4Sold at Reduced to

Small lot of Corsets including theNemo and

American Lady Made cjof coutll and batiste Sold Uup to 300 for X A

Womens WearablesLot of 20 silk Klmbnos in

handsome Japanese designs and colShirred across the c rh s

21 Fine Quality Silk Petticoats inblack and shades includingbrown green navy car t frdlnal pink and lavender sDiSold up to 79S 7U

Odd lot of Black Mercerized Sateenand Moreen Petticoats with frruffles and plaitlngs Sold fup to 125


lues worth up to 1 39Fridays regular clear of small

and few of a kfhd pieces ofrndergarments results Inof the most unusual characterChoice is offered of

and short Skirts long Chemise Umbrella Drawers and Corsett Covers trimmed In various styleswith good laces and em

Materials are nnlnsookeel others are only mussed Choiceat Value worth up to 133

Odd lot of Womens Underwear Including muslin made withruffle hem and tucks alsoIcvt neck corset covers lacearid ribbon trimmed shortskirts and white I 51aprons Choice at

Lot of low neck Muslin CorsetCovers finished ready to trim nrvalue for


Odd lot or Corsets Includln such



8shoulders SOld forto

cambric and Some are soU6e


full bloused Regular lic















Remnants of DomesticsM-ill Ends of yardwide soft finish f 3

Remnants of Amoskeag ApronGinghams in lengths from 5 to 12yards Blue Brown and greenchecks Warranted fastcolors Regular orlce l cyard

Remnants of yardwide StandardPercales in a assortment ofincluding checksbroken and rv Q

Remnants of 32inchproof Bed Ticking In lengths from 3to 10 Neat blue and t fj pwhite stripes Regular I25c yard Remnant price

Remnants of 3 et Seer-sucker Dress Ginghams in stripeschecks and broken plaids also plaincolors Light Uue pink tan obblood etc Lengths Sto yards Worth Iftfcc a U Lyard

Remnants of yardwide UnbleachedCotton good nrm dosewoven gradeLengths from i to 15 yards i r

Remnants of 15inch Stair Oilcloth in garnet blue tan andother staple styles Lengthsfrom to 30 yards Regular rprice THc yard Remnant VWprice

Laces and EmbroideriesRe-mnant Lots at Nominal Prices

Cambricaquality free from starch or dressing Lengths from 5 to 15 4 Cyards Regular 1i

1 C 32 4

7C Sold regularly at lOc a Yd 2tiota Regular price 4yard






I4c price





Nainsook Embroidery Yokes forcorset covers night gowns tand chemise Regular price U-29e

Nahisook allover Embroider 22Inches wide for childrens n fular 69c quality for

Remnant lot of Swiss and NainsookFlouncing 18 inches wide t ATmussed fromular 69c and

Remnants of Cambric Embroideriesedges and insertions in a good assort-ment of patterns Worth Sc nSc and lOc a yard Fri cday at 4

Remnants of Venice allover LaceIn cream only Regular price Ticyard Those remnants are In n Fyoke lengths and will be soldeach for W

Csilor collars and yokes Beg

Begoe grades for





Regular 2Sc and 39c Cor-set Cover Embroidery ISInches wide ribbon I XLbeading top Friday

Remnants of regular 5c Torchonand Insertions n 1

Lace Medallions in variousshapes sold at Sc and eachjFriday for

Remnants of light blue andblack chiffon 45 ins wideRegular tic qnalitif at

Remnants of Venice Lace BandingIn white and butter colorpatterns cut any length desired Worth lie and lie a i f Lyard for

Dress Nets In white and buttoncolor 45 inches wide Soldregularly at SSC a yard f

Lacesedges Cpatterns 2C

1 iJ

2 5 C

ra C

pretty Friday


Remnants of Mattings I2 cReduced from 20c and25cayardW-

eve included all the remnants short pieces cut rolls and oddrolls of Mattings left from recent selling in this lot for Fridays clear-ance Close woven seamless Mattings inlengths from 5 to 18 yards and in full 40yard rolls Regular 20cand 25c qualities tomorrow at

A remnant lot of nine rolls ofheavy weight China Mattings Jointgrade smooth palmed strawwith firm corded edge In plaid andstripe designs patterns Regular price fj r rfor 10yard rolls Re 2duced to SJ

14 rolls of extra fine Japanese Matting in handsome carpetof blue red and green

Long rush straw with special maedge one roll of a pattern Regular price fj r

1400 roll of 40 yards vt UFriday


a yard










Wm Cannons Highgrade PurissiaiaRye has for many years enjoyed favoras the best of whiskies for use in thehome It excels both as a tonic and asa Phone N KS Win Cannon 1S6 7th at nw

German Style Rye BreadThats what Berens Rye Bread Is Ordi-nary ryes approach it neither in ueliei-ousnass nor nourishing value Made withspecially rye A perfect food for

young Your grocer It ItHungarian Gypsy Orchestra at

Park Hotel Summer Garden Rathskeller

Easy Money LoansThe Mr antlle Savings Seoleto 1006 Ft oilers lowest rates Investigate

Riding and Driving Horses for HireWest Bad SCaMtt M1 HUt sC PhoneM M-

PtMfc wktte pfafe kntaetie 8aMn 1tia-pewtfer muie t tow datety tints Sic

Kodaks Supplies and Kodak FilmsKROUSES 717 Sib st nw

C A Muddiman Co

Jewel Gas Ranges and Water Heaters616 lith st 12W O st

Elks Club Straight Rye WhiskyxWc quart Special delivery

Phone N D Doody Cap

N Y and nth st F ndrea Prop





Remnant lot of ChiffonRuching and Bandings ianeck lengthspries lie Reduced itB-

mfcroMered Linen Collarsall elsie R r 19 1CJar Sfc sort ter

Ascot Ties of plain andfigured madras Re ICCduced from 36c to J


to p


HandkerchiefsWomens regular 5c plain

white hemstitched Hand OLCkerchiefsRegular sc and Me plaid Hand

reduced 4cWomens 13C Swiss

or 2

Embroidered Handker 8lCchiefs rndced to



Neckwear RemnantsLinen Coat Sets slightly

museed Regular priceSic Reduced toe

Pique Collars with bowattached Regular lee CCvalue

Lot of Swiss EmbroideredMull Ties at 2ceach Reduced for I ncclearance to


U 7


S u

Untrimmed Hats and FlowersM-akers Surplus Stocks at Fractional Prices

stock of Untrimmed Hats and the other of an importers stock of beautiful Flowers continue to be the center of buying interest The offerings are so important from t savingstandpoint that no woman who has the slightest a new summer hat can toignore the sale With one of the hats at 69c and a few of the lovely blossoms offeredat 15c and 29c for choice you may posses the handsomest hat at a cost


two purchases made by our millinery chiefone of a makers entire surpusHE




Untrimmed HatsWorth 200

to 500Finest every and effect fashion approves of for summer wear Chip hats In black

natural and colors real halt in l taeic whitepink blue and brown Tuscan haw in natural colorTuscan hats in natural color combined with Mack andwhite Leghorn hats in burnt and natural fancy braidhats Panama lists and Java hats burnt straw andmany others

Included are large hats mushroom and varsity shapesand large black flats for plumes

69cmadeInqualities ¬

Worth 1

to 250This purchase represents x leading importers entire

stock on hand of beautiful Flowers including the sam-ples They are the finest qualities produced at any pricesuch MS are usually found in the most exciueire millineryat exorbitant prices

They consist of Hydrangeas large silk vT ot Daisiesof the finest flowers Hk Poppywreaths and mor one hundred styles ofTwo tots lie and 2Sc Values worth to 159

Imported Flowers







Childrens DeptSmall lot of childrens the quality

trimmed with laosand embroidery Broken p f fup to IM j Qy

Girls Dreeeee of gingham andwhite linen sizes up to 14 Airyears Reduced from lieto v

Remnant lot of CbJUIrens GinghamRompers button the rfront styleyears Reduced from The to

Remnant lot of Percale Dresseswith also SkirtsDrawers Drawer Waistsand Flannelette Skirts Fri-day at

Go Carts 598Reduced from 59 and 10Five sample GoCarts which

show signs of handled butwhich are otherwise unhurtAdjustable Folding GoCarts withrattan sides foot dash and backEnameled steel running gear withstrong springs and foot brake 10

wheelsReduced from St09 and 106 to


Mens FurnishingsL-ot of Mens Underwear in plainnd fancy colors Shirtswith or short sleeves f r t

Small lot of Mens Fancy andPlain Black Half Hose o 1 rdouble heel and toe Regulr lie grades forSmall lot of Mens Suspenders

made with strong t frMens and Boys Bow Ties inplain black and fancy de rsigns Regular value 7 5L

Remnant lot of Mens UnlaunderedWhite Dress Shirts with plain andplaited bosoms Open Jto one dollar Friday for

Mens Otis Balbriggan UnderwearIn plain and ecruShirts with long and shortsleeves drawers with double r fCseat Regular price 0ceverywhere S

Odd lot of Mens Neglige Shirts inplain white and pat-terns Some with cuffs at rtfrtached others In coat styleWorth up to 100 JS

Small Jot of Mens Neckwear consisting of andband tecks Regular SOcqualities for

Mens Lisle Garters withBrighton clasp Regular bi7lie value



cmines up to C


1 C

Drawers seatRegular 3tc ale for


blng Leather andpatent castoffs


Cback worth up

17 C



down j

WIth bicycle









Upholstery GoodsRemnants or yardwide plate andfigured Sflkotines Denims Cretonnes Fish Net and Sateen Drap

Cries In desirable lengths n i

About 3M yards of 40inch whitedotted and figured Swiss in lengthsfrom 2 to S yards Regular r i p

Remnant lot of Opaque Windowsize 3fcc72 Incnec Mounted-

on strong spring rottencloth is slight r 1 rly imperfect Regular 1

2tc each96 pairs of summer Curtains light

rounds with colored cross stripesltghtly mussed 57 tfrom 200 pair U

Remnant lot of Nottingham LaceCurtains one to four pairs of pattern r 90 inches wide threeyards long Sold at LO and nUn3 pair Remnant price

HousewaresOdd lot of Walnut Finished

Window Screens with steelcenter Regular ISc value IIIfor

Five 3burner Gas Stovesframe slightly rusted Reg-ular 125 value

Three sbcsll n Water Coolersgalvanized iron lined cjdented Re 1 fUduced from 7 0 to

Odd of Sponges sold upto Be each Reduced to

Four Decorated Tolot Sots of nineWith QJ r eReduced from

te leUxbasinsJ2S

Odd lot of Decorated Wo fter Pitchers worth up to 35c Ueach for 1 s

lot of largesize Moat s fSold up to 1

6 Janet Steal Enamel Dou t

Stone China Decorated Cuspi

7qt White Enamellined60c each Reduced to

Odd lot of White Enamellined Chicken RoastingPans sold atduced to

One Imperial Excelsior 4burnerGas Range with oven and broilerRegular J2SOS C1 O

Regular 1e and lie quail 2ties

price lsc yard Reduced 2to





7 5 c


lot 5 c



Odd CPlatters decorated

8 Cble Pans worth135 to fLot ot Brilllont Blue

3 9 c

9 cdora ask at ISe each Reducedto

CKettles sold at JJ2 9C

9AU complete Reduced to

f r






Dish Pazs Rodueedfrom iSo to




